Graph Dynamical Systems - Network Dynamics and Simulation
Graph Dynamical Systems - Network Dynamics and Simulation
MATHEMATICAL & COMPUTATIONAL THEORY OF GRAPH DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS Points of contact: Henning S. Mortveit, V. S. Anil Kumar Graph Dynamical Systems as a Framework for Analysis and Simulation of Complex Systems: Complex Systems and their models typically share the following common structure: • A collection of entities with states and local decision rules interact with each other in some manner. • The interaction is generally local. • The global system dynamics result through composition of local dynamics. Examples: socio-technical systems with epidemics on social contact networks, markets, power networks, communication networks, biological systems, and in computational paradigms such as numerical analysis and functional annotation inference methods. Graph Dynamical Systems (GDS) These represent a mathematical abstraction of complex systems and are constructed from: • A graph X with vertices representing entities and edges representing the possibility of interaction between entities. • An vertex state and vertex functions for each vertex representing the configurations and decision mechanisms. • An update scheme, such as a word w update order, specifying the order in which entities act. The GDS map is the map obtained through composition of the vertex functions as specified by the update scheme. 5 2 • Allows for precise system specifications and designs. • Directly supports HPC-based implementations of scaleable simulation systems that map well to hardware and software and that are amenable to verification. • Supports analysis and derivation of general (as opposed to system specific) results, properties and engineering and design principles. • Makes it easier to use of existing theory from e.g. mathematics, statistics, computer science, and physics. • Ensures that models and their implementations become amenable to rigorous analysis. ase Dise l idua Indiv Composed Map: m Syste ation iz l Rea ion ract Inte DistributedComputing • How does the graph, vertex functions and/or update scheme affect the global dynamics? • Is the system robust with respect to perturbations such as edge alterations or changes to vertex states? • For a given level of resolution (i.e. equivalence measure), how can the neutral networks be characterized? Since most system properties are only known locally, the approach typically follows the local-to-global paradigm. Example: • Circle graph on 4 vertices, X = Circle4. • Local Boolean functions nor3(x1, x2, x3) = ¬ (x1 ∨ x2 ∨ x3). • F1(x1,x2,x3,x4) = (nor3(x4, x1, x2), x2, x3, x4). • Update sequence π = (1,2,3,4). State transition for the SDS map: Fπ(0,0,1,0) = (1,0,0,0). Base graph 1 F1 1000 (1234) F4 2 4 F2 F3 Update sequence (1234) 0011 0010 0111 0100 0000 1011 1101 1111 3 1010 0110 0011 0110 0001 0100 1001 1110 0101 0111 0010 1011 1000 1101 1111 yoffs l pa idua Indiv er Play tra on/S Acti e Gam ome Outc tegy e Stat ge han eC Stat y Entit Asymptotic behavior of complex systems: • Fixed points of permutation SDS are independent of the update schedule. • SDS induced by the Boolean function Nor never have fixed points. • SDS induced by threshold functions only have fixed points as attractors. Clasification of limit cycle structure in asynchronous systems: The structural diversity of long-term behavior in asynchronous systems is governed by k-equivalence. We have constructed a bound for the number of long term behaviors that is possible for a fixed graph and fixed functions when the permutation composition sequence is varied. Example: For the circle graph on n vertices, there are only n-1 possible long-term behaviors. (3214) (2143) (1432) (1243) (1423) (3241) (3421) (2134) (2314) (4132) (4312) (1324) (3124) (2413) (4213) (1342) (3142) (2431) (4231) • Barrett C., Hunt III H.B., Marathe M., Ravi S., Rosenkrantz D. and Stearns R. (2003) On some special classes of sequential dynamical systems. Annals of Combinatorics, 7(4): 381-408. m Syste ation iz l Rea ction a Inter ge han C m Syste ation iz l a Re • Barrett C., Hunt III H.B., Marathe M., Ravi S., Rosenkrantz D., Stearns R. and Thakur M. (2007) Predecessor existence problems for finite discrete dynamical systems. Theoretical Computer Science, 386(1-2): 3-37. on riteri C brium li n ositio ns p m Co ctio tera n I f o • Barrett C., Hunt III H.B., Marathe M., Ravi R., Rosenkrantz D. and Stearns R. (2003) Reachability problems for sequential dynamical systems with threshold functions. Theoretical Computer Science, 295(1-3): 41-64. Markets Algorithmic and Computational Aspects and Theory Research theme: to form a bridge between a mathematical theory of simulation (using GDS) and HPC algorithm design and implementation and provide a natural formal framework for formally specifying simulations of large complex systems in terms of GDS consisting of composed local interactions. Our goal is to develop general computational methods for abstract GDS, which can lead to a better understanding and efficient implementation of socio-technical simulations. Reachability: Starting from a configuration P can S reach T in less than r steps? Starting from a given configuration, will the SDS S ever reach a fixed point? What sort of fixed points? Application - Viral Marketing: choose a small subset initially to introduce a product, so that the maximum number of people adopt it, assuming the popularity spreads by a diffusion process. Expressive and Computational power of GDS: GDS provide a universal computing model, i.e., they are powerful enough to encompass a number of other natural formal systems such as cellular automata, Hopfield networks and communicating finite state machines. Computational Complexity Results: Results: Fundamental and common dynamical systems problems on GDS: Reachability, Predecessor existence, characteristics of Fixed Points. • Efficient algorithms often possible if the underlying graph has a tree-like structure. Generalizations of standard threshold systems • Computing dynamical properties of general GDS not known in polynomial time. The InterSim Framework Applications: a large range of phenomena can be captured and described as threshold systems (epidemics, belief propagation, rumors, fads). 0000 1010 Classical, networked threshold models use binary states and a common threshold k for the transitions from 0 to 1, and from 1 to 0. Although these models are well-understood mathematically, they do always suffice for modeling. We have generalized the class of threshold systems in several Scheduling matters for complex systems: Nonequivalent Nor-SDS important ways. Examples include all of the following: for two different schedules: • Bi-threshold systems are extension of classical threshold Results: systems where the two transitions 0 to 1 and 1 to 0 have • Functional scheduling neutrality of complex systems: separate thresholds thresholds k" (up threshold) and k# (down The number of different SDS that can be obtained through threshold). rescheduling alone is at most equal to the number of acyclic • Dynamic threshold systems have thresholds that change with orientations of the base graph Y. the dynamics and can capture phenomena with increased/ • Dynamical scheduling neutrality of complex system: Update decreased susceptibility, tolerance or immunity. schedules connected by graph automorphisms give rise to dynamically equivalent sequential dynamical systems. • Multi-state bi-threshold systems combines the first extension above with a generalized state set K={0,1,2,...,r-1 }. • Connections to Coxeter groups determine the possible long term behaviors of sequential dynamical systems. Theorem: Synchronous bi-threshold systems only have fixed • General framework for neutrality and equivalence. The points and 2-cycles as limit cycles regardless of the choice of k" SDS neutrality theory based on the notion of update graph and k#. generalizes the neutrality theory of for example neutral networks Theorem: Asynchronous threshold systems undergo a which describes the folding of sequences into RNA secondary bifurcation at ¢ := k# ¡ k" = 2 . For ¢ ¸ 2 these systems structures. U(Circ4 ) may have long limit cycles. When ¢ < 2, only fixed points are possible. (1234) (2341) (3412) (4123) (4321) • Bisset K., Chen J., Feng X., Kumar A. and Marathe M. (2009) EpiFast: A fast algorithm for large scale realistic epidemic simulations on distributed memory systems In Proceedings of 23rd ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS'09), Austin, Texas. Any GDS can be modeled with InterSim. Any GDS can be modeled with InterSim. 1001 0001 Update sequence (1324) (1324) 1100 1110 1100 0101 • Mortveit H. and Reidys C. (2007) An Introduction to Sequential Dynamical Systems, Springer Verlag (Universitext) . n Mathematical Aspects and Theory Research theme: Derive qualitative and quantitative information about a complex system/model based on known properties (e.g. graph, functions, update scheme) without exhaustive, brute-force computations. Examples: • Macauley M. and Mortveit H. (2008) On Enumeration of Conjugacy Classes of Coxeter Elements. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 136: 4157-4165. tion posi ions m o C ct tera n I f o Equi Epidemiology 7 Stat atio n ositio ns p m io Co ract e t n I of Graph and influence domain: • Macauley M. and Mortveit H. (2009) Cycle equivalence of graph dynamical systems. Nonlinearity, 22: 421-436. ge an e Ch y Entit n State • Macauley, M. and Mortveit, H.S. (2011) Posets from Admissible Coxeter Sequences. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 18(P197). d e an rleaving g a s Mes ute inte p com m Infor emic Epid e Curv State y g State lutio vo se e isea Entit Me Selected Publications: ram Prog t l Resu assin ep ssag on Con n tatio pu l com Loca pute Com e Nod gati a prop s tact D nd es a e u l a stat ory v Mem program l loca te h Sta lt Hea Int 8 6 Benefits of a mathematically based framework for complex dynamical systems: tion erac 3 n[4]=(3,4,5,8) 4 f4(x3, x4, x5, x8) 1 About the research: The general research includes mathematical as well as computational and algorithmic work. Members of the NDSSL and their collaborators have developed extensive results during the fifteen years of this program. Update graph Consequence: Theory gives insight into system behavior, parameter interdependencies, scheduling sensitivity, and offers support for system validation of corresponding interactionist models. InterSim is distributed, configurable, and extensible, with pluggable InterSim is distributed, con,igurable, and extensible, with interaction models that represent vertex functions. pluggable interaction models that represent vertex functions. domain-‐speci,ic simulator = con,igurable InterSim unaffected affected 0 1 unaffected 0 + unaffected affected affected’ negative neutral positive 0 1 2 -‐1 0 1 negative -‐1 (f) mul1-‐back-‐and-‐forth neutral positive 0 1 Degrees of conviction -‐1 neutral 0 Compute Node InterSim Compute Node Compute Node Compute Node InterSim InterSim InterSim Partitioned nNetwork Partitioned etwork Graph etween Graphedges edgesbbetween partitions epresent partitionsrrepresent interactions ommunicated interactionsccommunicated through essages iin n the throughmmessages distributed InterSim the distributed InterSim framework. framework. -‐1 0 … 1 q (g) arbitrary cyclic positive 0 1 1 (d) Compe1ng contagions Cluster … -‐q (c) mul1-‐progressive compe1ng negative InterSimscales scales million nodes 2.8 billion InterSim to 1to 00 100 million nodes and 2and .8 billion edges. edges. 1 (e) bi-‐threshold (back-‐and-‐forth) (a) progressive (b) mul1-‐progressive Interaction Model Interaction Model Interaction Model Interaction Model affected … 2 4 6 3 5 7 (h) mul1-‐level cyclic Deterministic diffusion. Deterministic versus versus sstochastic tochastic diffusion. 0 Deterministic bi-‐threshold system: long-‐term dynamics of 77000-‐ node Slashdot network is a 2-‐cycle, as predicted by theory. 1 Stochastic bi-‐threshold system: long-‐term dynamics of Slashdot network reaches a quasi-‐steady state; 20% of nodes are transitioning at each time.