„My Son the Fanatic” – Probleme von multikulturellen Gesellschaften
„My Son the Fanatic” – Probleme von multikulturellen Gesellschaften
My Son the Fanatic (S II) Reihe 5 S1 Verlauf Material LEK Kontext Mediothek Hanif Kureishi: „My Son the Fanatic” – Probleme von multikulturellen Gesellschaften am Beispiel einer Kurzgeschichte untersuchen (S II) Frauke Vieregge, Hamburg II/B1 picture-alliance / dpa T H C I S N A R O V Die Titelseite des Evening Standard nach den Anschlägen vom 7. Juli 2005 Am 7. Juli 2005 erschütterten die Anschläge auf die Londoner U-Bahn die ganze Welt. Die Attentäter waren britische Staatsangehörige muslimischen Glaubens und in der Gesellschaft angesehen. Was trieb diese jungen Männer, die einen westlichen Lebensstil pflegten, zu den Anschlägen? Klassenstufe: G 9 12/13 bzw. G 8: 11/12 Dauer: Circa 8 Doppelstunden Bereich: Literatur (Kurzgeschichte), second generation immigrants in Great Britain Hanif Kureishis Kurzgeschichte „My Son the Fanatic“ befasst sich exemplarisch mit den Problemen von second generation immigrants in Großbritannien: ein junger Pakistani legt seinen westlichen Lebensstil ab und wendet sich dem radikal-muslimischen Glauben zu. Sein beunruhigter Vater kann diese Entwicklung nicht verstehen … Authentische Fotos, aktuelle Zeitungsartikel und ein Cartoon helfen den Schülern dabei, die Ereignisse der Geschichte zu verstehen und einzuordnen. 62 RAAbits Englisch April 2010 My Son the Fanatic (S II) Reihe 5 Verlauf Material S1 LEK Kontext Mediothek Materialübersicht 1. Doppelstunde: Terror and terror threats in the UK M M M M The London bombings Method sheet: Four-step analysis of pictures Timeline: Terror threats to the UK from 2001–2007 Information sheet: The background of Asian immigration to Britain 1 2 3 4 (Bd) (Ab) (Tx) (Ab) 2. Doppelstunde: Getting started with My Son the Fanatic M5 Method sheet: How to write a characterization (Ab) 3. Doppelstunde: My Son the Fanatic – Parvez’s relationships outside the family M6 Relationship analysis: Parvez and Bettina – Parvez and his friends (Im) T H C 4. Doppelstunde: My Son the Fanatic – Islam: Stereotypes and prejudices M7 Fishbowl discussion: Islam – Stereotypes and prejudices (Im) I S N 5. Doppelstunde: My Son the Fanatic – The relationship between father and son M8 M9 Acting out a scene: Parvez and Ali at the restaurant Interior monologue: Parvez’s and Ali’s thoughts after the appointment (Im) (Im) A R O 6. Doppelstunde: V M 10 M 11 M 12 (Im) (Gr/Im) (Im) My Son the Fanatic – Parvez and Ali: Philosophies of life and feelings towards each other Ali’s and Parvez’s philosophies of life Flowchart: Parvez’s and Ali’s feelings towards each other Discussion carousel: Parvez and Ali – a conversation at the kitchen table 7. Doppelstunde: Second generation immigrants in GB: How “British“ do they feel? M 13 M 14 M 15 Interpreting a graph: How British do Asians feel? Newspaper article: Many Asians ‘do not feel British’ Readers’ comments on Many Asians ‘do not feel British’ (Gr/Ab) (Tx/Ab) (Tx/Ab) 8. Doppelstunde Second generation immigrants in GB: The London bombers M 16 M 17 Group puzzle: Profiles of the London bombers Cartoon analysis (Tx/Ab) (Bd/Ab) II/B1 62 RAAbits Englisch April 2010 My Son the Fanatic (S II) Reihe 5 M1 Verlauf Material S3 LEK Kontext Mediothek The London bombings picture-alliance / dpa /dpa-web II/B1 T H C I S N A R O picture-alliance / dpa V 62 RAAbits Englisch April 2010 My Son the Fanatic (S II) Reihe 5 Verlauf Material S6 LEK Kontext Mediothek Hinweise (M 1–M 4; 1. Doppelstunde) II/B1 Die schockierenden Fotos (M 1) von einem zerstörten Bus und einer verletzten Frau auf der ersten Seite einer großen englischen Tageszeitung dienen als Hinführung zum Thema. Zunächst wird nur das obere Bild präsentiert und die Möglichkeit für spontane Schüleräußerungen gegeben. Diese werden an der Tafel in Schlagworten gesammelt. Erst dann wird das zweite Foto mit der Titelseite des Evening Standard gezeigt. Hier bleibt die Schrift zunächst abgedeckt, um die Schülerinnen und Schüler nicht zu beeinflussen. Die detaillierte Analyse der Fotos erfolgt in kleinen Gruppen mithilfe des Methodenblattes (M 2). Je nach Kenntnisstand der Lerngruppe kann die Lehrkraft anschließend kurze Informationen zu den Anschlägen vom 7. Juli 2005 geben. Diese können anhand der Übersicht (M 3) über (geplante) Terroranschläge in Großbritannien vertieft werden. Es ist auch möglich, das Blatt erst zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt der Reihe einzusetzen, wenn die Schülerinnen und Schüler mehr über die Motive der meist jungen, männlichen Terroristen erfahren haben (vgl. 8. Doppelstunde). Der Text (M 4) informiert die Lernenden über die Lebensumstände und Hintergründe der ersten Einwanderergeneration. Er hilft ihnen dabei, das Verhalten der Charaktere der Kurzgeschichte und der Attentäter vom 7. Juli einzuordnen. T H C I S N Erwartungshorizont (M 1) Step 1: 1st impression: The first photo shows a wrecked double-decker bus. It was taken on July 7th, 2005, when four bombs exploded on the London public transport system, three on tube trains and one on a bus. It was probably taken by a professional photographer. The second photo looks like a snapshot and shows a badly injured victim of the bombing and someone who is helping them. The viewer must be shocked by the pictures, the brutality and danger can almost be felt. A R O Step 2: Description V Destroyed bus Front page “Evening Standard” – In the middle is a ruined double-decker bus with the top completely ripped off and the side of the top story bent. – Front page of popular English newspaper. – In front of and next to the bus lie parts of the top, all the windows of the bus are missing. – On the left there are parked cars, no pedestrians. – Dominant colours: red and green. – Badly (burnt) injured woman being led across the street by young man. – Focus on the two people, dramatic effect through mask the woman is wearing, woman barefoot, remains of underwear hanging from her legs, man seems to be comforting and protecting her. – Dominant colours: white and dark blue. Step 3: Interpretation: The photographer of the first photo put the focus on the ruined bus. He decided to use the long shot field size so that the whole bus is visible. By doing this he focuses on the brutality of the attack: the top of the bus was ripped off, the side of the upper story bent to the side, all the windows are missing. 62 RAAbits Englisch April 2010 My Son the Fanatic (S II) Reihe 5 Verlauf Material S7 LEK Kontext Mediothek The explosion must have been massive and the viewer can well imagine how badly injured the passengers must have been, if they survived. The picture is quite simple, only the bus in the centre, no injured passengers, no blood. But through this simplicity the imagination of the viewer is stimulated and he or she has to work out for themselves how terrible the effects of the explosion on the passengers were. The photographer of the second photo aimed to shock the viewer. The snapshot of a badly hurt woman being helped by a young man shows the terrible effects of the explosion in a drastic way. II/B1 The bombings happened during the rush hour when commuters went to work and didn’t expect anything dangerous to happen. In the photo this unexpected danger is still visible, not only through the injuries of the woman but the body language of the two people; they are ducking and try to escape from something unknown. The field size of the medium shot is well chosen to put the focus on the physical and psychological suffering of the people. Step 4: Evaluation: The first photo could be interpreted as a documentary photo, simply showing the effects of a bomb explosion on a bus. It is kept rather simple and factual. But this simplicity and the clear structure of the photo as well as only two dominant colours (red and green) enable the viewer to even seem to hear the silence after the explosion and the shock of the people. T H C The second photo is no less shocking. The viewer is confronted with the physical and psychological suffering of the victims of the attacks. The snapshot of the injured woman and the man helping her make clear to the viewer that anyone could have been a victim; nobody could have escaped or protected themselves. I S N A R O Erwartungshorizont (M 4) Task 2: Think of possible problems second generation immigrants in Great Britain have to deal with. Make a list. V Problems of second generation immigrants in Great Britain – Racism/discrimination because of different ethnic background – Isolation in certain housing areas, no integration due to lack of contact – Differences/difficulties between parents and children due to conflict between traditional and Western lifestyle – ”Identity crisis” because they cannot decide between family values that might be influenced by Islam and urge to live a modern (Western) life 62 RAAbits Englisch April 2010 My Son the Fanatic (S II) Reihe 5 M8 Verlauf Material S 15 LEK Kontext Mediothek Acting out a scene: Parvez and Ali at the restaurant Ali finally agrees to meet his father at a restaurant in town the following night. You are about to perform the scene between Parvez and Ali in the restaurant to the class. You have 5 minutes for your performance. II/B1 Tasks – Get together in groups of 4. – Choose who will be the actors; the others will be the vocabulary expert working with the dictionary to look up unknown vocabulary and a note-taker. – First collect ideas about the atmosphere of the conversation: Will it be friendly or hostile? Will father and son find a solution to their differences? – Write a short screenplay, taking not only the dialogue into consideration, but also giving stage directions supporting the atmosphere. If possible, use props (Requisiten)! T H C – Look up unknown words and make sure you pronounce them correctly. – Practise the scene to make sure not to expand the time limit. – When you act the scene: speak SLOWLY, CLEARLY, and LOUDLY ENOUGH! M9 I S N Interior monologue: Parvez’s and Ali’s thoughts after the appointment A R O Find out what really happenened during the appointment between father and son … V Tasks 1. Read on until “for all he had already given” (p. 197, l. 9). Compare Parvez’s and Ali’s reaction to your performances. 2. Choose whether you want to be either Parvez or Ali. You have just come home from the appointment and thoughts are running through your head. To be able to cope with your feelings you write them down. How to write an interior monologue: – When you write an interior monologue you slip into a character’s mind and put into words what goes on in the character’s head. – You write in the first-person and use the present tense only! – You can make use of exclamations, incomplete sentences, short forms and questions to yourself. – You don’t have to follow a chronological order, but may jump quickly from one thought to the next without necessary logic – that is what happens when you think! 62 RAAbits Englisch April 2010 My Son the Fanatic (S II) Reihe 5 Verlauf Material S 16 LEK Kontext Mediothek Hinweise (M 8 und M 9; 5. Doppelstunde) Im Zentrum der Stunde steht das schwierige und konfliktgeladene Verhältnis zwischen Vater und Sohn. II/B1 Rollenspiel: Die Schüler sind zunächst aufgefordert, die Szene im Restaurant, in der die Situation eskaliert, in einem Rollenspiel (M 8) vorwegzunehmen. Die Textstelle kennen sie zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht. Es sollten nach Möglichkeit alle Gruppen vorspielen, um die Vielzahl der Interpretationsmöglichkeiten nicht zu schmälern. Im Anschluss erfolgt eine kurze Feedbackphase, in welcher die Vor- und Nachteile der Darstellung besprochen werden. Anschließend lesen die Schülerinnen und Schüler den Text bis Seite 197, Zeile 9 („… for all he had already given“) und vergleichen ihre Darstellungen mit dem Original. Kreatives Schreiben: Die Schülerinnen und Schüler entscheiden sich für eine der beiden Figuren und schreiben einen interior monologue (M 9) unter Anwendung ihres bisherigen Wissens über die Charaktere aus dem Text. Wenn die Zeit reicht, können einige Ergebnisse am Ende der Stunde präsentiert werden, ansonsten zu Beginn der nächsten Stunde. T H C Erwartungshorizont (M 8) It should be interesting to see how the students handle Ali’s character. They don’t know about the complete rejection of Parvez that Ali shows during the dinner. Some scenes will turn out to be a peaceful conversation between father and son, who find a way back to one another; other scenes could show the deep conflict between the two different philosophies of life. Erwartungshorizont (M 9) I S N A R O In the texts it should become clear that Parvez is very sad about the change of his son and that he feels weak and inferior. He wants to please Ali to return to the good relationship they once had – or he claims they had. His thoughts will reflect desperation and sadness. Ali’s feelings on the contrary should show anger towards the Western lifestyle of his father and Parvez’s neglect of the Muslim way of life (eating pork, drinking alcohol). It should become clear that the two men have drifted apart even more instead of having grown closer. V Erwartungshorizont (Homework; 5. Doppelstunde) Parvez is shocked by Ali’s attacks about his Western and anti-Muslim lifestyle. It seems to him that Ali speaks in a learned way that has been hammered into his head. Ali is preaching (p. 195, l. 7 f.: “He addressed his father fluently, as if Parvez were a rowdy crowd which had to be quelled or convinced.”) radical Muslim ideas (p. 195, ll. 9–12). Furthermore, Ali describes Western society in the conventional terms of religious fundamentalists. He emphasizes that ‘Western materialists’ hate Muslims and maltreat them. He uses the term ‘my people’ meaning the worldwide brotherhood of Muslims and thus expresses loyalty to the idea of an Islamic state to be achieved by ‘jihad’ (p. 195, l. 16). Ali is willing to become a martyr for the reward of paradise. Here Ali refers to a Jihadist ideal of a new Caliphate of united Muslim countries. This vision is romanticizing the fact that this involves not only the sacrifice of one’s own life, but also the lives of others. His son seems to come from another universe, (p. 195, l. 27: “Ali sounded as if he’d swallowed someone else’s voice.”) that’s what it seems like for Parvez. His son doesn’t seem to understand that Parvez lives in 20 th century Britain, has tried to integrate and instead of fighting British society wants to live his life peacefully. Ali interprets his father’s tears as remorse and wants him to pray with him. By the end of the conversation they have become total strangers. 62 RAAbits Englisch April 2010 My Son the Fanatic (S II) Reihe 5 M 10 Verlauf Material S 17 LEK Kontext Mediothek Ali’s and Parvez’s philosophies of life Father and son – What makes them so different? Tasks 1. Draw a table with two columns and contrast Ali’s and Parvez’s different philosophies of life. II/B1 2. Discuss your findings with a partner and write ONE aspect you both agree on on a flash card that will be put on the board. M 11 Flowchart: Parvez’s and Ali’s feelings towards each other Several events in Parvez’s/Ali’s life led to the fight and destruction of their former good relationship. T H C Tasks – Work with a partner and show the deterioration of their relationship by making a flow chart with events from the story. The example shows you how to start. I S N Parvez 1. works hard for Ali’s education/ wants Ali to have a better life or future than he had A R O Ali ... ... V 2. is suspicious about Ali’s strange behaviour/getting rid of his belongings (p. 188, ll. 7–9; l. 26) 1. breaks off contact with “old” life (p. 188, ll. 8–13) ... ... 2. doesn’t want to spend time with his father because he doesn’t live according to the Koran (p. 193, ll. 22–31; p. 194, l. 18) – The time flow is from top to bottom (earlier events are higher than later events); boxes on the same level indicate events happening at the same time. An arrow indicates that one event has caused another. – You have 15 minutes and you should fill in at least 10 boxes. Come to a conclusion in your flowchart, summing up the situation of Parvez/Ali at the end of the story in one sentence. 62 RAAbits Englisch April 2010 My Son the Fanatic (S II) Reihe 5 Verlauf Material S 28 LEK Kontext Mediothek Profile: Germaine Lindsay He was born in Jamaica but moved to the UK with his mother in 1986. As a child Lindsay was successful at school and at sport. He and his mother converted1 to Islam in 2000 and after that he wanted to be called Jamal. He began to meet with small-time criminals and handed out leaflets supporting al-Qaeda at school. His mother moved to the USA with her new husband in 2002. This was a hard blow for him but he remained in England and stopped going to school. He lived off social benefit and also earned money by selling mobile phones and Islamic books and also married a white British convert to Islam. He probably met Kahn in Islamic circles in the north of England and they became friends. On 7 July, 2005 Lindsay got on a Piccadilly Line train at King’s Cross and shortly afterwards he detonated a bomb. He and 26 others died and more than 340 were injured. II/B1 Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news 1 converted: changed, here: change of religion Tasks 1. Read the text. T H C 2. According to the method of the group puzzle inform your classmates about your findings. " 3. Compare the suicide bombers’ biographies to Ali’s. I S N Profile: Hasib Mir Hussain Hussain was a second generation British citizen of Pakistani origin. He had a few friends who said that he was a quiet student and never got into trouble. A R O Hussain appeared to be a normal, average person who left school in 2003 with seven GCSEs1. He then went on to study business, finishing his course a month before the bombings. After going to Mecca for the Hajj pilgrimage2 in 2002 Hussain visited some relatives in Pakistan. On his return to Britain he appeared to have changed. He had become very religiously observant 3, having grown a beard and wearing robes. He hoped to attend an Islamic school and become a cleric4. Hussain openly supported al-Qaeda and called the September 11 terrorists martyrs. V He probably got to know Tanweer and Kahn at a youth club in Leeds. In July 2005 his parents reported Hussain missing to the Leeds’ police. He had told them he was visiting some friends in London. His parents later found out – as the whole world did – that he had got on a bus in London with enough explosives to rip the double-decker apart. 13 people died in the blast. Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news 1 GCSE: General Certificate of Secondary Education – 2 Hajj pilgrimage: Pilgerreise nach Mekka, die jeder Moslem mindestens einmal im Leben gemacht haben sollte – 3 to be observant: to be alert, to be attentive – 4 cleric: priest Tasks 1. Read the text. 2. According to the method of the group puzzle inform your classmates about your findings. 3. Compare the suicide bombers’ biographies to Ali’s. 62 RAAbits Englisch April 2010 My Son the Fanatic (S II) Reihe 5 M 17 Verlauf Material S 30 LEK Kontext Mediothek Cartoon analysis Cartoons are used to present a strong visual message or point of view on a topic of current interest. © Ronaldo Dias. ww.CartoonStock.com II/B1 T H C I S N Level 1 A R O – List the objects or people you see in the cartoon describing the cartoon as detailed as possible. Level 2 – Which of the objects on your list are symbols? V – What do you think each symbol means? – Does the way the characters are drawn cast them in a positive or a negative light? Level 3 – Describe the action taking place in the cartoon. – Explain how the words in the cartoon clarify the symbols. – What special interest groups would agree/disagree with the cartoon‘s message? Why? Level 4 – Find a title for the cartoon. – Explain the message of the cartoon and how the method chosen by the cartoonist effectively conveys this message. – Comment on the cartoon’s message. Tasks 1. Analyse the cartoon with the help of the worksheet. 2. Do you think cartoons are a good way to convey socio-critical messages? Explain why or why not. 62 RAAbits Englisch April 2010