and DEUTZ-FAHR Erntesysteme GmbH
and DEUTZ-FAHR Erntesysteme GmbH
History - A Survey ~' 1004: Foundalion of enfine \l'(J/i^ MoUuvnfalìrik N.A. Otto A Cic F{nindali()n nf Klòcknor-HumholdtDeutz AG (KUni legeréary retiabìHty. Jntton moie in Cohgnt. l')4^): Scrics produc- 4 1 tion ofihc first trador Un Tractor Experfs. DEUTZ-FAHR's long history has been influenced wilh air-coolcd by key persons: in 1864, Nicolaus August Otto founded the engine DEUTZ-FAHR Diesel Works Motorenfahrik engine Humboldt-Deutz N.A. Otto & Cie, later named Klòckner- AC (KHD). Soon after, he invented first four-stroke combustion engine. The most the exceptional examples have been the introduction of tractors wìth Diesel engines (1927), the series production ofsmall-scale (1936), the use of air-cooied partofFAIIR-thc onginr \vnrks ihaf tractors inwntcd Diesel engines (1949), the first supervìsion tractor (1990) and ACROTRON definition l')hlÌ:KHnacquiresa tcchnology (1995) - a ncw of the term »tractor«. Due to thìs ìnnovation, rolary wSm the ofKodvl S. lìòlvì: tractor experts achìeved both great International success and record figures: the 1,000,000th tractor was manufactured hy KHD and in 1992. Today, more than 450,000 DEUTZ-FAHR tractors are WtHt dtwB in history Ì927S mW. used ali over the world. comjìletv acquisiUnnofFAHR 1981: Start of Full Line- rrodiit tion The Harvesfer Experts. wilh iho conmion In the year of their foundation 1870, Kòdel & Bóhm started as brand name a smaìì mechanical workshop in Lauìngen, a town located on r • DEUTZ-FAHR DEUn-fAHR: TECHNOLOGICAL LEADERS IN AGRKULTURE fOR OVER A CENWRY. the Danube in Bavaria, Germany. In 1890, however, the 1995: DEUTZ- company pioneer. had already become The first self-propelled constructed a thresher construction combine-harvesters 50 years later. The first large-size were 1f4f: The first tratfer wllh miZi airtooM Ditstt tagln». FAHR now ispart oftheSAME combineDEUTZ-FAHR harvester TOPLINER was introduced in 1991. In 1993, Gròiip DEUTZ-FAHR Milestones for Progress. influenced agricuhural company's excellent reputation. speciaUzation, and engineering, inventions markirtg the The Full Liner Spedalists. Due to their high degree of DEUTZ-FAHR Agrartechnik DEUTZ-FAHR the POWERPRESS 120 H - the world's first self-propelled large-size baler. For over a century, DEUTZ-FAHR's revolutionary have introduced Erntesysteme GmbH GmbH DEUTZ-FAHR's (tractors) target - the principle of specialisation - applies to the overall product range, allowing them to offer a (self-propelled complete range ofagricultural harvesters) offer a complete and high quality produci range. machines: tractors, harvesters and forage harvesters designed to meet any requirement and any application. for mony gefìeratlottSf a sytionym for high qitaUfy, Kódel i Bohm: Q pionBer in th9 fhfd of combinB-harvestBr ftthttology^ The DEUTZ'FAHR Brand rusionolCKUrZFAiìR.mdSAME ^roup: pcrl'cd syncrfiy Sinrc i^ì^U, numlxr 2 in the liwitor nì.ìikci Nunìbci 4 in llìe comlìinc-harvester market Continucd prodiic tion and salc<i tìf('\rlusive producls ''Mach in Germany», slandini^ l'or rcliability ami (juaiily asconfirnu'il in l')04 A STRONG TEAM C0NQUER5 THE EUROPEAN MARm. by the quality certificatinn ISO ')l)01 Incroascd drvelopmont of ncw products and ostendedprodu( t ran^e. Synergy for New Markets, Being one of Europe's leading manufacturers of machines, DEUJZ-FAHR joined agricultural the Italian SAME group in 1995: a fusion of two strong partners - DEUTZ-EAHR in Northern and Central Europe, SAME in Southern Europe. Thanks to this fusion, the total group became Europe's number 2 in the tractor market and number 4 in the combine-harvester market. Top Quality and Relìabilìfy »!ilìade iti Germany«. Within this strategie alliance, identity with its completely DEUTZ-EAHR keeps its own independent management, ex- elusive sales system, own construction and production. Quality Made in Germany«, the concept ofboth Agrartcchnik »Top DEUTZ-EAHR CmbH and DEUTZ-EAHR Erntesysteme GmbH, earned them the reputation of being one of the wodd's best manufacturers of agricultural machines. On the occasion of its 1994 audit, the company received the highest European quality certification: DIN ISO 9001 - the officiai certification for overall top quality, from management, development and production to customer service. \ ; DEUTZ-FAHR's Top Feafures: High machine quality and reliability Customer-oriented innovative design Modem sales and service system Wide range of products and agricultural systems DlUTZ-fAHR - ih» first manufecturer of ccml>ino-harvtsters lo athie*» Itigh 150 artìfitatìon. r^' *ii DEUn-fAHR: ALWAYS NEARBY - ALL OVER THE WORiD A Company of Success, In Europe alone, over 1,000 DEUTZ-FAHR employees ensure maximum quallty and qualified, steady service. 67 % of the employees are working in the production department, 23 % in the sales department and W % in the planning and development department. Efficient workflow and qualified support for farmers are the basis of DEUTZ-FAHR's success. Always Oa Site. DEUTZ-FAHR Netv\^ork - The dedicated service network ensures immediate satisfaction A Survey ofthe farmers' farge requirements and is important for DEUTZ- * FAHR's success. In Germany alone, 172 distributors, Over 1,000 intorconìpany cmployeeìi 650 service stations and 3 DEUTZ-FAHR centres guarantee highly Dedicated service qualified support and extremely reliable service. The dose- network iti Europe meshed sales network with its 400 distributors and intporters in Subsidiarivs with Denmark, 400 distributors in Norway, Sweden, Franca, liaìy, Spain, Tunisia, Marocco and South Africa, ali in al! over 1,310 bases, is unique Scanilinavia, Fi ance, for this produci range. Italy and Spain ~ Distributors in Europe, South Effìcieitt Service, Africa, Far Fast + Another important factor is the high-levei service, including and Àusli.ìlia customer service. Almost ali DEUTZ-FAHR distributors are Licvnscd produc- connected online with the stocks of spare parts: 45,000 spare tion in Argentina parts are stored in the electronic catalogue PARTRONIC and and Algeria can he ordered within few seconds. The spare parts couid thus 24 howf setviu. be available at the individuai distributor within 24 hours. Immediate spare parfs delivery due lo electronic Qualilìed Professionais, spare parts At DEUTZ-FAHR, great importance is attached to continuous catalogue, training ofthe staff Both DEUTZ-FAHR Agrartecbnik PARTRONIC and DEUTZ-FAHR Erntesysteme GmbH use the GmbH latest Maximum iom- multimedia training centres offering courses of any level. Each pelencc due to year, 5,000 intercompany and distributors'empfoyees intense tr.ìining of trainings in the fieids of production, attend service and sales. These Ktanlmum tompeìeme tliroogh tMthvous Iroinlag. centres are provided with most modem equipment that allows them to keep pace with the latest market development. PAflTftOMC: 45,000 spari pnrH ai/ailabh 24 hùur$ a , * 'iS! ali employees Development and Production - A Survey DEUrZ-fAHh Agrartechnik (tractnrs) Manufactuivrs DEUTZ-FAHR: focus ON PROGRESS ofthe first Iraiiors with .ìli Always ahead of fheir tinte. round visibUìly The experts of DEUTZ-FAHR Agrartechnik DCUTZ-FAHR EnUc- pìoneers oftractors with ali round vision wìndshields. DEUTZ- systeme Gnibl ì (self- FAHR Erntesysteme GmbH launchcd the first propcilcd Ihìrvcstors): bdler onto the market - only two examples of progressive Maniifacturcrs developments that are preceded by long periods ofresearch. ofihe GmbH were the self-propelled fìn^t scff-proprlhd largc-scalc halcr Practìcal Needs are Major Coasiderafion, Uii;hQu<ìlity One question is alv^ays askcd al the beginning of a project: ClìL'cksand » Whal do our customers want« ? To guarantee flexiblc tcanis development, ensurc nìaxi- employees from ali over Europe: a permanent customer councii miuv (luality of 50 farmers assists the development of new products and practice-oriented DEUTZ-FAHR directly speaks to farmers and ensures productivity, ergonomics, user friendiiness and econoIxtelhnt workmanship ttisures maximam qaaltiy. mics for the user Quality from the Very Beginaing, Quality starts with product development. From the very beginning, ali DEUTZ-FAHR departments, like marketing, sales, production and purchase, adhere to the principte of »SÌmultaneous Engineering^'. The overall production is subject to the 6-step »High Quality Check« that constantfy supervises the quality slandards of delivery, ìncoming mcrchandise, Modern prùéuctìoti tèdinehgy far maximum elfiaeaty. production, performance and final control. components, QuoUty ionUoì - ham proèmi àevtlopmeat to finai attmbtf. Project Teams for Higher Production Quality. Teams of ÌO to 15 employees are the basis of the production process. The individuai members are interchangeabie within the group whìch increases its flexibìlity. In addition, every individuai assumes responsibility for the produci. Thus, the farmer gets a machine whìch meets the highest standards. 4 DEUTZ-fAHR: THE BEST PRODUa FOR EVERYONE. Perfect For Aay Requirement. An important DEUTZ-FAHR factor that dlstìnguishes Agrartechnik GmbH the produci and of range of DEUTZ-FAHR Frntesysteme GmbH is the wide range oftractors and harvesters to meet ali requirements and applications. The Full Line range of DEUTZ-FAHR is unrìvalled. The appropriate lombine-barvesler hr ali neeés: TOPUHER, STARLINER, POWERUNER. 4 New Era in Tractor Construction. Products - The ACROTRON series, the latest produci of DEUTZ-FAHR A Survey Agrartechnik GmbH has started a new era. The model range for the matches many different requirements, nc\t ccniiiry. combining compact construction with modem design - in Cermany, it was awarded DÈUTZ-FAIIR's the first prize for industry design. Ali round visihility is only one ACROTRON of ACROTRON's many outstanding features. sLìiIed a nvw era, DlUn-fAHIl tnttùrs toàtitate iht foians' 9¥$iyday aeeàs. frchnical Harvesfers that hold tbeh own. pcrfcction, hiit DEUTZ-FAHR Erntesysteme GmbH - the harvester expcrts - also vconomy, have been at the world's top for many years. Each harvester is ergonomics, ^ meant to offer maximum comfort and productivity. DEUTZ- qUiìlily and FAHR s harvester series ranges from the economie FARMLINER durability to the large-scale combine-harvester TOPLINER - the flagship of the powerful offcrini^ not only fleet. In 1993, DEUTZ-FAHR launched a special highiight onto the market: POWERPRESS 120 H, the Foratic harveslers: TOFUNER CUmat: hr »xtrtmt applkatÌQBt evtn oa tiopes. world's first self-propolled large-scale baler - a machine that l he per feci comhination of tractors and outperforms any traiied baler. The new GICANT, an innovative mounlcd self-propelled forage harvester offers great performance. The impivments for produci range is completed by CRASLINER, the first self-pro- nìastmuni pelled grass cut machine. productivity / larve.^lers: A produci phitosophy that goes far beyond the product. Due to DEUTZ'FAHR's servìce-orìentedphìiosophy, FOWERPmS120H we do not only supplios only offer products, bui complete agricultural soiutions and systems. In many a case, this creates revolulionary methods that increase functionability fJEUTZ-FAHR noi comhine- working harvcslors, halers and productivity. and and forai^o harvvstcrs, Imi also complete systems: the modem Full Line CI6AHJ m programnie GRASUNifl 2.40 Coli. DEU-GB-F-1996-1