zur Vollversion - Netzwerk Lernen
zur Vollversion - Netzwerk Lernen
Who is Welcome? – Das Thema Immigration am Beispiel von Kanada debattiern (S II) Einzelmaterial 170 S1 Who is Welcome? – Das Thema Immigration am Beispiel von Kanada debattieren (S II) V Lena Rüther (Bremen/Québec) M1 Warm-up: A–B talk zur Vollversion 67 RAAbits Englisch Juli 2011 Who is Welcome? – Das Thema Immigration am Beispiel von Kanada debattiern (S II) Einzelmaterial 170 S1 V M1 Warm-up: A–B talk zur Vollversion 67 RAAbits Englisch Juli 2011 Who is Welcome? – Das Thema Immigration am Beispiel von Kanada debattiern (S II) Einzelmaterial 170 S8 M5 V Worksheet for the preparation of the debate As you know Canada welcomes about 220,000 immigrants from all over the world each year. Imagine that this year the government of Canada has decided to give out two additional permanent residencies for applicants from the same immigration class. May the most convincing immigration class win! Task Get together in your groups corresponding to your role cards. You need: Information cards on the Canadian immigration system; Important rules for debating; Role cards; Success stories; Tools for the group work; Important phrases for debating; Personal index cards; Speech fan. Application for Permanent Residency in Canada Step 1 Assign two roles within your group: A timekeeper: He/she will make sure you finish your work on time; A language guard: He/she will remind everybody to speak English ONLY. Step 2 Read the success story individually, then proceed to a group activity: 1) Describe the success presented in the story. 2) Express how the individuals involved feel towards Canada. 3) Explain how Canada will profit from the immigrants. Step 3 Immigration Classes Work together as a team! Take the success stories as an example and construct a background story for your own group: Who are you, where do you come from and why do you want to immigrate to Canada? How would Canada benefit from you immigrating there? Think about moral, religious, economic and political relevance. Spokesperson: Prepare a one-minute opening speech in which you present the two applicants and their case. Also, prepare a final statement in which you sum up the most important facts. Don’t forget the formalities. Applicants: Define your roles. Keep in mind the background story you have just invented with your group. Think of at least three arguments in favour of your own case and at least three counter-arguments against each of the opposing groups. Also, be prepared to defend yourself from possible attacks. Audience: Define your roles. How can you support your group? Come up with arguments in favour of your group and with ideas for possible attacks against the other groups. Remember: You participate by asking “points of information”. CIC-Members Work together as a team! As members of the CIC tribunal you will listen to all four immigration classes and their cases they present in front of you. At the end of the debate, you will have to make your decision. Host/ess: Think about how to introduce the topic and to open the debate. How can you motivate the different immigration classes to participate? Remember, everybody must get involved! Establish a speaking order if debating gets too chaotic. Judges: Work with the grading chart. Use the “point chart” and develop it if need be. After the debate, compare your results and decide which applicants will receive the permanent residencies. Explain your decision! 67 RAAbits Englisch Juli 2011 zur Vollversion Who is Welcome? – Das Thema Immigration am Beispiel von Kanada debattiern (S II) Einzelmaterial 170 S9 M6 The story of Asa – a success story V The following extract from a Canadian success story might give you some inspiration for a background story you have to invent, as well as some ideas for how to argue your case for your immigration class. Read the text carefully and proceed to the group activity. 5 $VDZDVERUQLQ.DEXO$IJKDQLVWDQ+HDQGKLVIDPLO\ZHUHIRUFHGWRIOHHIURPWKH7DOLEDQ RQVHYHUDORFFDVLRQVEHIRUHWKH\ZHUHILQDOO\DEOHWRHPLJUDWHWR3DNLVWDQ7KHUHWKH\VWD\HG ZLWK$VD¶V EURWKHU ZKR ZDV KRSLQJ WR PRYH WR &DQDGD 7KH UHVW RI WKH IDPLO\ GHFLGHG WR MRLQKLPDQGVRWKH\DOODSSOLHGWKURXJKDSURJUDPPHZLWKWKH&DQDGLDQ(PEDVV\WREHFRPH &DQDGLDQUHVLGHQWV 10 $IWHUEHLQJDFFHSWHGWKH\PRYHGWR7RURQWRDQG VRRQ VHWWOHG LQWR D FRPPXQLW\ MXVW RXWVLGH WKH ELJFLW\7KHZKROHFRPPXQLW\DVZHOODVWKHLU QHZ IULHQGV KHOSHG WKHP WR VXFFHVVIXOO\ LQWH JUDWHLQWR&DQDGLDQOLIH 15 20 25 30 35 'XULQJWKHWLPHZKHQKHZDVIOHHLQJWKH7DOLEDQ DQG OLYLQJ ³EHWZHHQ´ FRXQWULHV$VD PLVVHG RXW D ORW RQ KLV VFKRRO HGXFDWLRQ ,Q RUGHU WR KHOS KLP PDNH XS IRU WKHVH ORVW \HDUV KH GHFLGHG WR HQURO KLPVHOI LQ GLIIHUHQW HGXFDWLRQDO SUR JUDPPHV +H ZDV DEOH WR ILQDQFH WKHVH VWXGLHV WKURXJK ZRUNLQJ DV D WD[L GULYHU +H SODQV WR EHFRPHDSK\VLFLDQ¶VDVVLVWDQWLQWKHIXWXUH%\ KHOSLQJVLFNSHRSOHLQQHHGKHZDQWVWRUHWXUQ VRPH RI WKH KHOS DQG VXSSRUW WKDW KH DQG KLV IDPLO\UHFHLYHGGXULQJWKHKDUGWLPHV $VD¶VEURWKHU¶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roemme / pixelio.de 1HZ2SSRUWXQLWLHV 7KH IUHHGRP WKH RSSRUWXQLWLHV DQG WKH SHDFH WKH\ KDYH H[SHULHQFHG LQ WKHLU QHZ KRPH RI &DQDGD KDYH RYHUZKHOPHG$VD DQG KLV ZKROH IDPLO\ +HUH WKH\ DUH ORRNLQJ IRUZDUG WR D EULJKWIXWXUHDQGDOLIHIXOORIQHZRSSRUWXQLWLHV Source: www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/stories/index.asp, adapted 29 forklift (truck): a small vehicle which has two strong bars of metal fixed to the front used for lifting piles of wood or pallets – 29 lumber: wood that has been prepared for building zur Vollversion 67 RAAbits Englisch Juli 2011 Tools for the group work V 67 RAAbits Englisch Juli 2011 TIMEKEEPER LANGUAGE GUARD Bernd Sterzl / pixelio.de Cut the page in half and assign two responsible group members: one as timekeeper (finish your tasks on time!) and one as language guard (speak English only!). M7 Who is Welcome? – Das Thema Immigration am Beispiel von Kanada debattiern (S II) Einzelmaterial 170 S 10 zur Vollversion Who is Welcome? – Das Thema Immigration am Beispiel von Kanada debattiern (S II) Einzelmaterial 170 S 18 M 14 V Didactic alternatives, homework and further reading You have just been involved in a debate on immigration to Canada. Take some time to reflect on the debate and write at least one page on either topic: a) Internal monologue Change of role: Imagine that you were one of the applicants who won the additional permanent residency ten years ago. Write an internal monologue about what has happened in your life since you became a permanent resident. Think about possible challenges, failures and successes. Who are you today and are you happy with your life? Was it worth emigrating to Canada? b) Comment You witnessed the debate on “Application for Permanent Residency in Canada” as a neutral spectator. Write a comment on the debate in which you reflect on the diverse contributions from the different groups and on the judges’ decision. Do you agree? Explain! Further reading If you have access to the Internet, look up the following link and read the German article “Oh, wie schön ist Kanada”: http://www.stern.de/wirtschaft/job/einwanderung-undintegration-oh-wie-schoen-ist-kanada-1613722.html. Tasks 1. Write in English a comparison between the German and the Canadian immigration processes based on the information given in the article and what you have learnt in class so far. 2. Write about a page on either topic: a) Add a personal comment about someone you know in your family or among your friends who has moved to Germany or emigrated to another country. What did they experience? What seems to have been fairly easy and what extremely difficult in their immigration process? How well have they integrated into their “new” countries and what could be done to support them? b) Imagine that you are leaving Germany in order to start a new life in a different country. Think about what would be the biggest challenge of moving, adapting and integrating into the new country. Also, what would you miss the most about Germany? 67 RAAbits Englisch Juli 2011 zur Vollversion Who is Welcome? – Das Thema Immigration am Beispiel von Kanada debattiern (S II) Einzelmaterial 170 S 21 Ziele Erweiterung der kommunikativen Kompetenz: zielsprachlich fundiert argumentieren V Stärkung der interkulturellen Kompetenz durch Auseinandersetzung mit Einwanderungspolitik in Kanada Förderung von Teamarbeit und kooperativen Lernformen Dauer Ca. 4–6 Unterrichtsstunden Niveau S II Einbettung Die lehrwerksunabhängige Unterrichtseinheit lässt sich hervorragend im Anschluss an eine Reihe zu Kanada, zur vergleichenden Immigrationspolitik anglophoner Länder oder mit dem Thema „Living in a multicultural society“ verknüpfen. Vorkenntnisse im Debattieren sind nicht zwingend notwendig. Hinweise Das Thema der Einwanderung und Integration ist hochaktuell und derzeit Bestandteil vieler kontroverser Diskussionen in Deutschland. Während diese Diskussionen hierzulande oftmals eher negativ- und problembehaftet sind, scheinen andere Länder besser mit diesem Thema umzugehen. So gehört zum Beispiel Kanada zu den Ländern, die speziell um Einwanderer werben und im Vergleich deutlich geringere Integrationsprobleme haben. Möglicherweise könnte ein Blick nach Kanada neue Perspektiven eröffnen? Nähern Sie sich mit Ihrer Klasse der Einwanderungspolitik Kanadas und diskutieren Sie zusammen dieses hochaktuelle und spannende Thema! Einwanderungsland Kanada – Aushängeschild für eine multikulturelle Gesellschaft Kanada proklamierte 1971 unter Premierminister Pierre Trudeau als erstes Land der Welt den Multikulturalismus als Staatskonzept und ist bekannt als Mosaik der Kulturen und Sprachen. Kanada stellt, mit einem im internationalen Vergleich außergewöhnlich guten Lebensstandard und einer außerordentlich hohen Lebensqualität für Einwanderer, ein sehr attraktives Zielland dar. Im Umkehrschluss profitiert jedoch auch die kanadische Gesellschaft von ihren ausgewählten Immigranten, denn sie benötigt diese für den Erhalt und die Ausprägung ihres multikulturalistischen Konzepts. So wird die Einwanderung nach Kanada über klar definierte Ziele gesteuert und spiegelt sich in den folgenden Hauptkategorien wider: die Family Class, die Skilled Workers Class, die Business Class und die Refugee Class. Darüber hinaus existieren weitere Immigrationsklassen, wie die Quebec-selected Skilled Workers Class, die Provincial Nominee Class und die Canadian Experience Class, die aber im Sinne der didaktischen Reduktion in dieser Einheit keine Berücksichtigung finden. zur Vollversion 67 RAAbits Englisch Juli 2011