We`ve got it all!
We`ve got it all!
swwxc June 27 August 5 2016 I G C R E M M SU ! l l a t i t o g e v ’ e W www.c gi plan o.org 972-59 6-8270 M I H S A R O H S 3 years oollddat start of camp) ars (must be 3 ye oor door and outd in th o b n o d is place ren will this age group tting. The child se l o o h sc Emphasis for re p ned ning onsite specially desig es while remai ti vi ti activities in a ac p m ca ent Judaic some of the ses on a differ cu fo k participate in ee w n. ew e day. Each n , games and fu th es t ri u o o st h g t, u ar ro h th throug h a low brought to life ol teachers wit o h sc re p theme that is g n vi erienced and lo Staffed by exp ratio. teacher to child ENTERTAINERS TYPICAL F MAGICIAN SCIENCE SHOW CARNIVAL MUSICIAN STORYTELLER A RT S A N UN - FILLED DAY D CRAFT S • FREE P LAY C I RC L E T IME – JEWISH S TORIES A ND THEM ES WATER/S P L AS H P LAY DAILY SN ACKS OUTDOO R ADVEN TURES REST TIM E • SCIEN CE FUN COOKING & MORE Awesome Games NETAYIM Entering Pre K throu gh first gr (must be ade 4 years old at sta rt of cam p) S NATAYIM BASIC SWIMMING T AMAZING AR E JEWISH PRID KS DAILY SNAC S P O RT S EXTRA TRIPS AND ENTERTAINERS BOWLING ROLLER SKATING BOUNCE HOUSE CARNIVAL LASER TAG SCIENCE SHOW TRIP DAYS SHARKAR O SA KID MANIA PEROT CEN TER AMAZING JAKE’S L EG O L A N D Speci a Surpr l ise Trips h is We Build Jew Pride New Am azin Actvitie g s M I F A N A EITZIM tering n E s r e p m a C All grade h t 5 – e d a r g 2nd - 7th grade h t 6 g in r e t G ir ls e n th grade 6 h t 5 g in B oy s e n t e r EXTRA TRIPS FOR EITZIM WK1 - TOP GOLF WK2 - IFLY LL WK3 - WHIRLYBA RE WK4 - ADVENTU LANDING WK5 - CANVAS PAINTING PARY ATING WK6- ROLLER SK Special Surprise Trips Anafim & Eitzim Basics iS H O P S -C A M PE R S C H O O SE FR O M A N A R R AY O F iS H O PS TH AT W IL L C H A N G E W EE K LY ! SW IM M IN G • SP O R TS G YM TI M E • A R TS A N D C R A FT S TH EM E D AYS A N D A C TI V IT IE S JE W IS H P R ID E EN TE R TA IN ER S HIGHLIGHTS WEEK ONE TRIPS Sharkarosa Ice Skating iShops Jewelry Making Yoga Basketball Mad Science Tye Dye HI GH LI GH TS W EE K FO UR TRIPS Perot Center Bowling iShops Fimo Clay Painting Duct Tape Magic and Juggling Basketball HTS H I G H L I GW O WEEK T TRIPS Strikz how Science S iShops Painting y Fimo Cla ar oking W o C li e a r Is ll Basketba Legos HIGHLIGHTS WEEK FIVE TRIPS Dave and Buster s Roller Skating iShops Candle Making Tye Dying Mad Science Yoga Basketball HI GH LI GH TS W EE K TH RE E TRIPS AT&T Stadium Laser Tag iShops Candle Making Mosaic Art Wood working Basketball Chanukah Wars HI GH LI GH TS W EE K SI X TRIPS Hawaiian Falls Carnival iShops Jewelry Making Pottery Maritial Arts Basketball Cupcake Wars Duct Tape s zim camper it E d n a m h Anafi ond-Sevent c e S o t in g goin hoose one grade will c week. iShop per time for Instruction 2 hours e is each electiv over a per week d. 2-day perio iSHOPS BASKETBALL — Campers will learn some basic basketball skills and techniques that include passing, shooting, dribbling and other fundamentals of the game. This iShop will also include some scrimmages. CANDLE MAKING — Using beeswax campers will create beautiful Shabbat candles as well CUPCAKE WARS — Kids will bake and decorate yummy cupcakes that will be judged on as regular candles. taste, style and creativity. CHANUKAH WARS —Kids will create a Chanukah Display, Menorah and dessert, using a variety of random items. This will be a fun competition amongst the group. CHESS — Can you beat your opponent in just four moves? In this iShop campers will really learn how to play the great game of chess. ISRAELI COOKING — Campers will create different dishes in our kitchen that they can then go home and prepare for the family. Recipes will be provided to campers to recreate when they get home. DUCT TAPE — Using a wide range of colors and patterns, campers will create a wallet, purse or something of their own creation. FIMO CLAY — Use Fimo Clay to make their own Mezuzah and Sculpture. LEGOS — Using special kits, campers will build lego engineering creations. JEWELRY MAKING — Kids will use their imagination to create original pieces of jewelry! MAD SCIENCE — Do you love to watch things explode? Want to learn how to cook things using the sun? In this iShop you will get to explore science in a fun and hands-on way. MAGIC AND JUGGLING — Want to trick your friends and family? Can you juggle balls or scarves? In this iShop, you will learn to amaze your friends and family! MARTIAL ARTS environment. — Campers will learn basic skills and moves in a safe and fun MOSAICS — Campers will create a one of a kind mosaic piece. PAINTING — Campers will create a piece of art while learning different techniques that the masters used to create your own masterpiece! POTTERY — Create a piece of pottery from start to finish. Use hand building skills and special techniques to form the clay. Your masterpiece will be kiln-dried and returned to camp. TYE DYE — Campers will learn techniques in tye dye and make a one of a kind shirt to take home. WOODWORKING — Campers will create a project out of wood using different techniques. N O I T A M R I N FO Summer 2016/5776 DATES: Monday, June 27 - Friday, August 5 AGES: Girls and Boys: 3 yrs. old-12 yrs. old Monday, June 27 thFriday, August 5t h (Children must be 3 yrs. old by start of camp) TIMES: Monday-Friday, 9:00am-3:45pm Early drop-off is from 8:00am; Late stay is until 6:00pm Fridays until 5:00pm LOCATION: Lang Chabad Center, 3904 West Park Blvd., Plano (just east of Coit) REGISTER: See the enclosed form, or visit us online at www.cgiplano.org CONTACT: [email protected] Phone: (972) 596-8270 Staff CAMP DIRECTOR: Tia Sukenik CAMP STAFF COORDINATORS: Rabbi Yehuda and Esther Horowitz OFFICE ADMINISTRATORS: Gloria Stayman and Mushkie Kesselman • CAMP GAN ISRAEL IS A PROJECT OF: Chabad of Dallas/The Shul Rabbi Mendel Dubrawsky, Director 6710 Leveland Rd., Dallas 75252 (972) 818-0770 Chabad of Plano/Collin County Rabbi Menachem Block, Director 3904 W. Park Blvd., Plano 75075 (972) 596-8270 xas An a f Te o ffiliate h c of Chabad-Lubavit se u o H n Ope n Day 6 & Fu th, 201 rch 27 0 pm a M , y Sunda :00 pm – 5:0 from 3 Check us out at www.cgiplano.org Non-Profit Org. U.S.Postage PAID Addison, TX Permit #6 Chabad of Plano/Collin County CAMP GAN ISRAEL 3904 W. Park Blvd. Plano, TX 75075 Return Service Requested se Camp Open Hou a n d Fu n D ay 27th Sunday, Marchenter at The Chabad C 016 2 R E M M SU D A T E S : st 5th June 27th – Augu AGES www.cgiplano.org EARLY BIRD ENDING MARCH 27TH ugh 3 years old thro ys and 6th grade for bo ls 7th grade for gir www.cgiplano.org i 972-596-8270