A Sweet New Year: - Charlotte Jewish Day School


A Sweet New Year: - Charlotte Jewish Day School
The Scroll
Fall 2013
A Sweet New Year:
Increased enrollment,
outperforming in academic achievement tests and
nationwide recognition by The AVI CHAI Foundation
As the doors open for the 2013-2014 school year, Charlotte
Jewish Day School has a lot to celebrate. Our student
numbers are growing, and across the nation, our school
is recognized as an exceptional school among Jewish day
schools and among independent schools.
The first bell rang with a 12% increase in enrollment from
the previous year. As more families continue to see the
benefits of a Jewish day school education and as the
economy grows stronger, over 30 new families in two years
have joined our day school community in grades K-5. Our
new generation of families have embraced our school and
are thrilled to be part of CJDS.
The last school year ended with two noteworthy
achievements highlighting CJDS’s commitments
to our mission of delivering a strong academic
curriculum and an enduring connection to Jewish
identity. First, in the spring of 2013, The AVI CHAI
Foundation recognized CJDS as one of a few schools
nationally that have demonstrated success in Jewish
Literacy, Religious Purposefulness and Jewish
A representative of AVI CHAI spent two days in
Charlotte during the spring, meeting with the CJDS
Board of directors and speaking with community
representatives, past parents, and our students. AVI CHAI
wanted to identify what it is that has enabled our school
to achieve this success. The findings will be included as a
chapter in a forthcoming book so that other schools across
the world can learn and benefit from our proven strategies,
programs and curriculum. We are very proud that our
“little” school has such a stellar reputation and that we
will be able to be an example for others. Our stakeholders
highlighted our commitment to excellence and innovation
and were especially proud of our academic performance
and the success of our alumni as they follow their many
paths and passions. (continued on page 2)
“Plus, we just like to
argue.” This was the
last line of Ruth Bader
Ginsburg’s response to
my question on how
her Jewish upbringing
influenced her legal
views. Here I was, sitting
in a small meeting room
somewhere inside the
Supreme Court...
(continued on page 3)
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A Sweet New Year...
(continued from page 1)
Second, we continue to find ways to enhance, elevate
and measure our students’ academic success. While
we have seen our graduates matriculate into all of the
independent schools and honors programs of their choice
and reveled in their achievements, we looked to statistical
data to further back us up. Over the last few years we
have modified our curriculum and testing procedures,
moving to the nationally recognized Educational Records
Bureau (ERB) test, a standardized examination more
commonly used by independent schools across the
country. We are proud to say that our 2012-2013
ERB test results often outperformed those of other
independent schools across the nation. This high level
of performance provided hard data to support our belief
that our academic formula, which interweaves general
studies and Judaica, builds critical thinking and twenty
first century skills.
As we celebrate the New Year Holidays, we are
commanded to look backward and forward. These
accomplishments are setting the tone for a year filled
with continued innovation, passion and learning.
9:30 - 11am
11:30 am - 1pm
Oct. 23
Nov. 7
+ Preschoolers’ Visit
Friday, Nov. 8, 1:15 - 2 pm
The Scroll
Fall 2013
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Jordan Ransenberg
(continued from page 1)
asking Ruth Bader Ginsburg, one of three current Jewish
Supreme Court justices, a question about her Jewish
upbringing. This unique circumstance led me to reflect
on my own Jewish educational upbringing, and how it led
me to where I am today.
On August 15, I started my second year of law school at
George Mason University School of Law in Arlington, VA.
One of the phrases that is a favorite in legal education is
the “but for” rule when trying to determine the causation
of a certain event. The “but for” rule essentially says
that one party’s conduct can be considered the cause of
an event occurring if the event would not have occurred
without it. For example, but for the stick lying in the
road, Jimmy would not have flown off of his bike and
skinned his knee. Similarly, but for my attending CJDS, I
would not be writing this article about how I am entering
my second year of law school, and I would have never
dreamed of finding myself in that room that day standing
next to a Supreme Court Justice. It is truly amazing what
an impact one decision my parents made when I was five
years old has had on my life.
Hearing Justice Ginsburg’s response to my question also
made me think about how my own Jewish upbringing has
influenced the way I think and act. One of the principal
lessons I learned through CJDS was tzedakah.
Two summers ago, I participated in an event called the
Journey of Hope. This is a 68-day, 3800-mile cycling trip
from San Francisco to Washington, D.C. that benefits
people with physical and mental disabilities.
Each team member has to raise at least $5000, and with
three routes and about 90 total team members, we
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Jordan Ransenberg is pictured in the front row,
next to Chief Justice Ginsberg.
raised over $650,000 that summer. Additionally, on the
way to D.C. we made “friendship visits” to organizations
that benefit people with mental and physical disabilities.
During such visits, we personally presented each
organization with a check coming from the money we
raised. But for CJDS teaching me the concept of tzedakah
– that we have an obligation to help our fellow man – I
would not have partaken in this amazing journey that
changed my life.
I can confidently say that CJDS is the reason I am where
I am and I have done what I have done. But for having
CJDS as my launching pad into my life’s journey, but for
the values that were ingrained in me at a young age,
and but for the education, support, and friendships I
developed because of CJDS, I would not be the man
I am today.
The Scroll
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A Message from Risa Miller
This year, after seeing
my 6th grade son
thrive in middle
school, I have come
to understand – even
more clearly – why
the foundation we are
giving our children is
second to none.
Steve Jobs was a
genius. As the cofounder, chairman
and CEO of Apple
he is known as
one of the most
famous American
entrepreneurs and
as a pioneer of the
Risa Miller,
personal computer
CJDS Board President
revolution. But more
than developing
life altering products like the iPod, iTunes, the iPhone and
the iPad, Steve Jobs successfully convinced the world that
we NEED these products. And not only that we need A
VERSION, we need the LATEST version.
He made two things happen…First, he began the trend of
constant technological change through product development
BUT at the same time, he made consumers feel a step behind
if they couldn’t keep up with the pace of technological
change. Creative marketing as well as supply & demand
economics made this happen.
Do we REALLY need higher resolution screens, larger screens,
skinnier phones, smaller iPads, lightning speed internet
access and a wireless world? I’m not so sure, but we’ve
become convinced that we do, and because of that – the
world is changing so fast that it’s hard to keep up with the
pace. This brings me to our children and generations to
come…what will the world look like for them, and how can
we prepare them for success?
What I AM convinced of is that the dual secular and Judaic
curriculum at CJDS is the perfect formula for success in this
ever changing world. With information at their fingertips, I
can say with confidence that rote memorization of facts, neat
handwriting and mastering the Dewy Decimal System will
not be an indicator of success for our kids! What skills will
allow them to navigate the 21st century and how can these
elementary school years best prepare them for success?
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This is my list, in order of importance:
1. A strong moral compass. Doing the right thing. Being a
2. Believing in yourself. Having a strong identity.
3. Critical thinking skills. The ability to apply reasoning
and logic to unfamiliar ideas and situations.
4. Multilingual skills – children who speak more than one
language have better problem-solving skills and creative
As strong as our secular curriculum is, there is no doubt
that everything on this list is strengthened by our Judaica
Using an ancient text to keep our kids grounded in this
modern world is a learning tool like no other. The Torah gives
us a blueprint for living to our highest potential. Judaism
focuses on relationships – the relationship between us and
G-d, between G-d and the Jewish people, between the
Jewish people and the land of Israel, and between human
beings. Between their belief in G-d and their connection
to their Jewish soul, our kids develop a stronger sense of
“self” than most kids their age. They learn from the Torah
stories that time and time again, the Jews stand strong and
persevere through the best and worst of times. And that
standing up to “do the right thing” is just WHAT WE DO.
Their strong moral compass and high self-esteem blossom
from their Torah study.
In the 4th and 5th grade, when our Judaica teachers
introduce Rashi commentary and teach the kids to dissect
Jewish text, their critical thinking skills are challenged in a
way that they don’t even realize. They are taught to think
until their little brains “hurt”…exercising the brain in a way
that is not typical of elementary school.
And of course the Hebrew immersion that our kids are
exposed to at such a young age has been proven to
dramatically impact mental agility and creative problem
solving. Evidence shows that time spent on another
language strongly reinforces the core subject areas of
reading, language literacy, social studies and math.
CJDS graduates leave our school and thrive wherever they
go – whether it be a large public school, a charter school
or another private school. Transition? What transition?!?
There is no doubt that our strong secular curriculum
prepares them for the road ahead, but it is the gift of a
Jewish Day School that is giving them so much more than
that. And I truly believe it is the combination of the dual
curriculum that will make them successful in this everchanging world.
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Zachary Shporer Award
The Zachary Shporer Jewish Pride Award is announced
each year at the CJDS Graduation ceremony.
Printed below is an excerpt of Director Mariashi Groner’s
speech presenting the Zachary Shporer Jewish Pride
Award to alumni Rebecca Lumelsky.
Zachary is still fresh in our minds. Each time I walk by
the plaque in his honor, or the picture of him of so many
years past, it is as if he is in school today running up and
down the stairs. We continue to carry on his memory by
continuing his good deeds.
Since exhibiting Jewish pride was what Zachary taught
us, we at CJDS want to carry on the lesson most dear to
him. Each year we will celebrate and recognize students
and alumni who demonstrate actions that are “uniquely”
I have a file on my computer called Zachary Shporer
Nominations and I’ve collected and will be collecting
stories, anecdotes and nominations . The committee
chose one that I referenced last year.
This is the nomination I received:
As you know, Rebecca is an accomplished dancer
She’s been in ballet training since age 3, and has been
dancing with Charlotte Youth Ballet (CYB) in several full
scale productions for 3 years now. Although we are not
necessarily observant, we went to great lengths to make
sure her rehearsals are not Friday nights or Saturday
mornings, though it sometimes meant she had to take a
smaller part.
This spring, Rebecca was offered an opportunity to
become a Company Dancer! Basically, that would mean
she’d perform much more, have much better parts, and
have her name/bio included in printed programs. All
of her ballet friends that she’s been dancing with have
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Rebecca rejected
the opportunity,
because Company
Dancers rehearse
on Saturday
mornings. It was
completely her
decision. We
decided that if we
tell her to turn it
down, she may
resent that, resent
us, or her religious
Rebecca is very
ambitious, and
Rebecca Lumelsky
getting a good part,
as well as being recognized, is very important to her. She
took a long time to think it over, came to us and said “I
want to go to Shul on Shabbos mornings, not to dance. I
am turning it down.” She understood that her Judaism is
much more important to her than ballet.
Rebecca Lumelsky, a graduate of the Charlotte Jewish
Day School, currently is in sixth grade at Providence
Day School. Rebecca, I also am proud of the stand that
you have taken for Judaism. It’s not easy to give up
something you love, but you were able to differentiate
between the importance of your connection with G-d
and your individual hopes and dreams. Please come
up to receive your award. In addition to the certificate
that you are receiving, we are also giving you the newly
published and illustrated book of Psalms that brings to
life the words of King David. The Tehillim. We know
that for over 3,000 years, Jewish people have turned to
the Tehillim in times of joy, achievement, sadness and
challenge. May this Tehillim give you the strength to
continue to demonstrate Jewish Pride, as you did when
choosing Shabbat over ballet.
The Scroll
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CJDS has allowed Elise and me to provide our children
with the tools they need to establish their Jewish identity,
rather than having it forced upon them. We participate
in the Create a Jewish Legacy program with the hope
that the Jewish Community of Charlotte will always have
a place for the children to be exposed to our religion,
culture, and heritage in such a way that they will choose
the path of maintaining their identity.
Charlotte Jewish Day School
Legacy Circle
Why We Created a
Jewish Legacy Gift
By Jaime Kosofsky
Unlike many people who have children that attend CJDS,
I come from a different background, the small town
Midwestern Jewish background. As a child growing up
in Terre Haute, Indiana I did not have much of a Jewish
community and it always took a giant effort for my family
to provide me the opportunity to embrace my Jewish
Soon after meeting Elise, I realized our roots were similar,
however our level of observance, comfort as a Jew and
beliefs are very different. This has always been a challenge
in our lives. By enrolling our children in CJDS, we are able
to ensure that our children will receive ample opportunity
to embrace their heritage while receiving an incredible
secular and developmental education.
The one thing I have learned is that religion is very
personal. CJDS does not train our children to be
“Orthodox”, “Conservative”, or ”Reform” ; they are
exposed to being Jewish and each one of them is able to
choose the level of observance they are comfortable with.
It also teaches them the most important religious lesson
of all: Religion is very personal in nature, and you should
not be judged by how much or how little you observe or
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Susan and Benjamin Aizenman
Meredith and Michael Baumstein
Janice and Dave Cantor
Andrea and George Cronson
Aleen and David Epstein
Lorrie and Barry Klemons
Elise and Jaime Kosofsky
Nancy and Bob Kipnis
Alison and Mark Lerner
Donna and Gary Lerner
Eric Lerner
Barbara and Jerry Levin
Julie Lerner Levine
Risa and David Miller
Gale Osborne
Richard Osborne
Chantal and Ilya Rubin
Carol and Bob Speizman
Lauren and Philip Stark
Debra and David Van Glish
Amy and Mark Vitner
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Annual Fund Donors, 2012-2013
CJDS expresses its deepest gratitude to everyone who participated in this past year’s Annual Fund,
and a special thank you to Amy and Mark Vitner, last year’s Annual Fund Chair.
$30,000 and above
Madrich (Trailblazer)
The Leon Levine Foundation,
Sandra & Leon Levine*
Chozen (Visionary)
Patty & Bill Gorelick*
Rose & Abe Luski
Mispacha (Family)
Meredith & Michael Baumstein
Aleen & David Epstein*
Stacy & Todd Gorelick*
Nancy & Bob Kipnis*
Julie & Howard Levine*
Richard Osborne*
Larry Schwartz
Stacey & Bobby Selkin
Amy & Mark Vitner
Chai (Life)
Lisa & Barry Blau
Dana & Jeffrey Ditesheim*
Nancy & Alec Felder
Emily Hoody
Elise & Jaime Kosofsky
Donna & Gary Lerner*
Alison & Mark Lerner*
Barbara & Jerry Levin*
Risa & David Miller*
Debby & Kenny Miller*
Heather & Scott Salam
Nadvan Yakir (Precious Donor)
Tracy & Larry Brown*
Jessica & Ron Cohen
Lynn & Paul Edelstein*
Brodie & Daniel Gold
Carol & Shelton Gorelick*
Julia & Russ Greenfield*
Stella & Youriy Koudinov
Elissa & Joshua Levine
Lisa Davidson & Zeev Neuwirth
Chantal & Ilya Rubin
Mattye & Marc Silverman
Marilyn & Harry Swimmer
Yedid (Friend)
Madeline & Alan Aron
Bobbi & Don Bernstein*
Laurie & Kevin Berzack*
Sandy & Alan Bogner
Bonnie & David Bornstein
Ellen & Steven Engelhardt
Cynthia & Richard Fischel
Jonathan Goldberg
Jane & Matt Herson
Marcie & Kurt Jacobs
Pat & Myer Leonard
Gloria & Harry Lerner
Betty & Arthur Levy
Mercedes Merritt
Amy & Don Mullen
Gale Osborne*
Seth Rabinowitz
Nayla Bitar & Carlos Rish
Leslie & Ed Rusgo
Karen & Milton Silver*
Betty & James Stanley
Joyce & Robert Stoll
Paula Caron & Dan Teper
Torem (Contributor)
Ann & Bob Abel*
Felicity & Harry Berzack*
Lillian & Irving Bienstock*
Evelyn Blau
Sherrill & Robert Blenner
Jennifer & Stephen Bloomfield
Lee & Alan Blumenthal*
Gabrielle & Joshua Braverman
Elena & Michael Bravver
Rebecca & David Burack
Janice & Dave Cantor
Sharon & Jack Carson
Jodi & Stuart Cohen
Yiska & Shlomo Cohen*
Randy & Gary Defilipp
Donna & David DeGroot
Elaine & Michael Denenberg*
Gavrey Eshet
Gloria Fischel
Mary & Robert Gamlin
Burt Gellman
Sheryl & David Gerrard
Ruth & Alan Goldberg*
Sandra & Yaron Goldman
Marcy & Ari Goldstein
Michelle & Barry Goodman
Devorah Leah & Avrohom Gordon*
Penina Gorelick
Mariashi & Yossi Groner*
Deidre & Clay Grubb
Debby & Drew Hall
Jason Hoody
Florence Jaffa
Arlene & Edward Karp
Erica & Peter Katz
Lauri & Glenn Kaufman
*Indicates supporters of 10 or more consecutive years
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The Scroll
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Fund Donors, 2012-2013
Judy & Stephen Kaufman
Paula & Richard Klein
Randi & Justin Lan
Meg Goldstein & Matthew Luftglass
Inna & Albert Manoim
Judy & Leonard Marco
Ilana & Curtis Martin
Andrea & Adrian Mesoznik*
Lisa & Stuart Meyerson*
Alla & Mikhail Mogilevsky
Jennifer & Michael Newman
Jill & Ed Newman
Evelyn & Victor Osborne
Natalie & Arthur Osman
Marcelle & Allan Oxman
Jody & Chris Para
Audrey & Guy Pearlman
Beth and Bobby Pesakoff
Diggie & Lee Pesakoff
Dena & Michael Raffler*
Karen & David Ransenberg*
Stephanie Rauch
Irena & Lee Rimler
Linda & Elias Roochvarg
Mara & Marty Rosenberg*
Michelle & John Ross
Michelle & Alex Rusgo
Barbara & Gerald Schapiro
Walter Schechter
Melissa & Craig Schulman
Anita & Marvin Shapiro
Batsheva & Berel Shemtov
Kim & Vali Sorell
Carol & Bobby Speizman
Linda & Morris Spil
Robert Stein
Abbe & Stephen Steinberg
Renee & Joe Steiner
Sam Strause
Debra & David Van Glish*
Judie & Mike Van Glish
Rochel & Menachem Vorst
Ellen & Sam Waldman
Beth & Phil Warshauer
Lauren & Josh Weiser
Channie & Binyomin Weiss*
CJDS 2nd gra
ders say,
“Thank you
for supportin
g our
*Indicates supporters of 10 or more consecutive years
The Scroll
Fall 2013
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10/1/13 11:54 AM
Thank You to Our Bar Mitzvah Donors
In 5773, the Charlotte Jewish Day School completed its 13th year in education as your community Jewish day
school. CJDS celebrated with a virtual Bar Mitzvah! Through the online fundraising vehicle, Crowdrise, we were
able to connect with so many alumni families. We had so much fun exchanging pictures and catching up with our
talented and accomplished alumni.
In honor of our Bar Mitzvah and thanks to your help, we raised $20,000 for scholarships and educational materials,
$10,000 on Crowdrise.com through donations like yours and a $10,000 match from The AVI CHAI Foundation.
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Anonymous (2)
The Sandra & Yaron Goldman Family
Audrey & Guy Pearlman Family
The Jill & Craig Balick Family
The Howard & Mindy Goldstein Family
The Carrie & Brad Rabinowitz Family
The Meredith & Michael Baumstein Family
Michelle & Barry Goodman
The Cheryl & Michael Rabinowitz Family
Sara Berendt
The Devorah Leah & Avrohom Gordon Family
The Dena & Michael Raffler Family
Sophie Bergmann
The Stacy & Todd Gorelick Family
The Karen & David Ransenberg Family
The Monica & Peter Rose Family
The Laurie & Kevin Berzack Family
The Russ & Julia Greenfield Family
The Andrea & David Birnbaum Family
The Jodi & Josh Greenwald Family
Mara & Marty Rosenberg
The Lisa & Barry Blau Family
Chaya Groner
The Ilyssa & Brian Rubenstein Family
The Bonnie & David Bornstein Family
Deidre Grubb
The Chantal & Ilya Rubin Family
The Geneva & Evan Boxer Family
The Debby & Drew Hall Family
Dianne Salam
The Larry & Tracy Brown Family
The Yelena & Elan Hertzberg Family
The Heather & Scott Salam Family
The Janice & Dave Cantor Family
The Camielle & Robert Kanofsky Family
The Evie & Steve Schwartz Family
The Marsha & Jeffrey Cohen Family
Kelly Reed Keeling
The Kelly & Barry Schwartz Family
The Stacey & Bobby Selkin Family
The Shlomo & Yiska Cohen Family
The Nancy & Bob Kipnis Family
The Mollie & Michael Cohen Family
The Karen & Dovey Klarberg Family
The Lisa & Fred Shporer Family
Stephanie Cohen
Lorrie & Barry Klemons
The Lauren & Philip Stark Family
The Jessica & Ron Cohen Family
The Jamie & Elise Kosofsky Family
Meryl Stark
The Andrea & George Cronson Family
The Judy & Eric Laxer Family
Elisa Sumner
The Donna & David de Groot Family
Eric Lerner
The Ellen & Ellis Tavin Family
The Randy & Gary Defillip Family
The Donna & Gary Lerner Family
The Beth & Marcelle van Amerongen Family
The Elaine & Michael Denenberg Family
The Alison & Mark Lerner Family
The Debra & David Van Glish Family
The Dana & Jeff Ditesheim Family
Wendi Loraine
Joan Vitner
Rebecca & Jason Dranove
The Jane Marcus Family
The Amy & Mark Vitner Family
The Rochele & Menachem Vorst Family
David & Aleen Epstein
The Ilana & Curtis Martin Family
The Nancy & Alec Felder Family
Susan McRae
Cecile C. Waronker
The Amy & Maor Waizman Family
The Mindy & Chris McShane Family
The Brenda & Dale Waxman Family
The Andrea & David Gamlin Family
The Andrea & Adrian Mesoznik Family
Brandon Weil
Wendy Garbus
The Risa & David Miller Family
The Lauren & Josh Weiser Family
Devorah Weiss
The Karen Garfein Family
The Amy & Don Mullen Family
The Sheryl & David Gerrard Family
Jill & Ed Newman
Bracha Weiss
Dayle & Chuck Glick
The Victoria & Michael Newman Family
The Channie & Binyomin Weiss Family
The Allison & Stephen Schlussel Family
The Gale Osborne Family
The Tracie & Jonathan Wilk Family
The Leslie & Dana Goldfarb Family
Rich Osborne
The Suzanne & Jeff Zinn Family
The Scroll
10/1/13 11:54 AM
News from Our Graduates
Jeremy Denenberg
Jeremy graduated #2 of 500 in his class from South
Mecklenburg High. He served as a Junior Marshall, played
Varsity Tennis for 4 years and served as captain during his
sophomore year, was a Sabre Leadership Ambassador,
and was active in BBYO. During his Sophomore and Junior
years he received The President’s Volunteer Service Award
which encourages US Citizens to live a life of service.
Jeremy is a North Carolina Scholar, a CMS Scholar, a
Charlotte Observer All Star Scholar and was also named
an AP Scholar with Distinction. Jeremy will be attending
UNC-Chapel Hill and will be majoring in Biology/ Pre-Med.
Josh Goldstein
Josh will be graduating from Providence High School where
he has been in many plays and musicals including the lead
role as Mr. Mushnick in Little Shop of Horrors. He served as
Secretary of The International Thespian Society, Treasurer
of The Chamber Choir, and has been involved in BBYO
throughout his high school years. Josh will be attending
Brevard College where he received theatre, leadership and
merit scholarships valued at $60,000.
Henry Gorelick
Henry graduated from Charlotte Country Day School where
he was a member of The National Honor Society and The
International Thespian Society. He served on The Honor
Council and The Upper School Advisory Board. He was the
lead in this year’s upper school musical and he also served
as Student Body President during his senior year. Henry
will be attending The University of Michigan.
Abby Greenfield
Abby graduated from Providence Day School where she
was a member of The National Honor Society. She served
as co-president of the Environmental Club, was an active
member of SOS, Students for Service and she volunteered
for Mitey Riders once a week. Abby will be attending The
University of Vermont where she was awarded a $40,000
merit scholarship. Abby will be majoring in Animal
Science/ Pre- Vet.
Sara Hader
Sara graduated from Providence Day School where she
was 1 of 14 students who received the Global Studies
diploma. Sara was on the Varsity Golf team for 4 years
and volunteered at the Alexander Children’s Home every
month for the last 2 years through the Students of Service
Club. Sara will be attending The College of Charleston.
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Rachael Hall
Rachael graduated from Providence Day School where she
was an active member of Students of Service Club. She
tutored children in English whose first language is Spanish,
volunteered for Mitey Riders, played coed soccer for the
JCC and has been an avid equestrian for 8 years. Rachael
will be attending The College of Charleston.
Noah Kipnis
Noah graduated from Charlotte Country Day School. He
played basketball for CCDS and participated in The Maccabi
Games in Israel on The US Continental Basketball Team.
Noah served as President of Mickey Barak Aberman AZA
during his senior year. Noah will be attending Elon College.
Brianna Shporer
Brianna graduated from American Hebrew Academy where
she was a board member of Four Corners Tzedakah Fund,
served as silent auction chair where she raised over $7500,
served as a Resident Assistant, was student representative
to the Honor Council, yearbook staff member, Special
Olympics Ambassador and was President of Student
Government. Brianna will be attending Emory University.
Hayley Spitz
Hayley will be graduating a year early from Myers Park
High School. She was a member of BBYO and USY where
she served as Historian. She is a regular volunteer for The
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation and this summer she will
volunteer her time filming and photographing for The
Freedom School. She will be attending UNC- School of the
Arts majoring in Cinematography.
Sheina Groner
Sheina will be attending Bait Chanah in Tzfat Israel. Sheina
was President of the Student Youth Group at her high school
in Chicago, volunteered at the local Religious Schools, and
tutored students who needed additional support.
We are still in the process of collecting information about
the accomplishments and achievements of the following
five students, however, we do know which school they will
be attending.
Aidan Babich
Attending UNC-Chapel Hill
Mendel Cohen
Attending Rabbinical Yeshiva in Brooklyn, New York
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from Our Graduates
Ana Silverstein
Attending Appalachian University
Rachel Slane
Attending University of Alabama
Mendel Weiss
Attending Rabbinical Yeshiva in Kiryat Gat Israel
We were also able to collect some information of recent
college graduates and can’t help but share our continued
Sharon Eshet
Sharon graduated from North Carolina State University
with honors, majored in psychology and minoring in
biology. She is currently working at UNC Internal Medicine
Clinic and will be attending graduate school next year.
Alexander Shporer
Alexander graduated from Tulane University in a special 5
year program that enabled him to receive a BA in
Business and a BA in Architecture as well as a Masters in
Architecture and a minor in Law. He recently began his
career as an Architectural Designer in Charlotte.
Andrew Tavin
Andrew recently graduated with a BFA in Television Writing
with a minor in Producing from the Tisch School of the
Arts of New York University. He has written and performed
stand up comedy regularly for the last four years and will
be performing in a comedy festival in July. Andrew has
also written videos and recently finished interning at The
Daily Show. Currently, he is writing part time for a political
humor site and is looking to secure a position as a writer
or in production.
Brandon Weil
Brandon recently graduated with a BA in Global Supply
Chain and Operations Management cum laude from the
Honors College of University of South Carolina. After
interning with Boeing last summer, he was offered a
position in their Business Career Foundation Program,
Boeing’s rotational leadership development program for
finance. In a few weeks, Brandon will be moving to St.
Louis to begin his career.
The Barbara and Jerry Levin Visionary Award
The following introduction was given by Director Mariashi Groner at our 5773 Graduation Ceremony.
For the past two years we have presented the Barbara and
Jerry Levin Jewish Visionary Award on Grandparents’ Day to
people who have supported Jewish Day School Education and
made CJDS even possible. We have broadened the scope of this
award to include those who may not be grandparents yet, but
who have demonstrated outstanding vision and committed and
devoted their time and/or finances to CJDS.
Since this is the 13th year (our bar mitzvah year) of becoming a
community day school, we have chosen to present the Barbara
and Jerry Levin Visionary Award to two people who have made
it possible for CJDS to become a community day school and be the school it is today. Some of you are too young to
remember the negotiations, compromises and tenacity that took place in 1998. But, let me assure you, that we are only
here because of Nancy Kipnis and Gale Osborne. And, it gives me great pleasure to present this award to these two women
with thanks for not giving up, and for persevering until our dream was fulfilled.
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The Scroll
10/1/13 11:54 AM
CharlOtte, NC
PerMIt NO. 30
5007 Providence Road, Building E
Suite 110
Charlotte, NC 28226
704-366-4558 • www.cjdschool.org
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