Weekly Bulletin - St. Denis Church
Weekly Bulletin - St. Denis Church
HIS WORD TODAY by Rev. William J. Reilly Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 9, 2016 “They stood at a distance from him and raised their voices, saying, ‘JESUS, MASTER! Have pity on us!’ And when he saw them he said, ‘Go show yourselves to the priests.’… ‘Has none returned but this foreigner returned to give thanks to God?’ Then he said to him, ‘Stand up and go, your faith has saved you.’” A familiar gospel passage, usually attached to our celebration of Thanksgiving. Nine did what they were told to do, don’t chastise them for that. One had a deeper insight to what happened, and he was praised and came back to Jesus. As we soon will bring the Jubilee Year of Mercy to a close we, like the ten, call out ‘have pity on us.’ Why not take the seven works of mercy and put a name or face on them, as we find leprosy and hurt in those around us. ‘Jesus Master’, help me feed the hungry, support a shelter. Help me ease the thirst of someone. Assist me in giving some good clothing to a needy person. May we cry for the refugees and welcome the immigrant in our community. Allow me the privilege of praying for an incarcerated person, or lift this or another family’s burden. A phone call to an elderly shut in, or a card to a person in rehab makes Jesus’ compassion present. He didn’t even touch the leper, but spiritually reached out to him. © 2013 Bon Venture Services, LLC Simple things, but expressions of compassion, mercy, making Christ present to those whom Pope Francis calls the marginalized. CHURCH OF ST. DENIS MANASQUAN, NEW JERSEY STAFF Reverend William J. P. Lago, Pastor Rev. Michael J. Lynch, Parochial Vicar Rev. Joseph Miele, Weekend Assistant Mr. George R. Kelder. Jr., Deacon Mr. Gary J. Pstrak, Deacon Ms. Barbara Evans, Director of Rel. Ed. Miss. Jill Ramme, Director of Music Ministry Mr. Denis Campbell, Trustee Mr. Gregory W. Boyle, Trustee Sr. Mary Guyer, SSJ Sr. Anne Lyons, SSJ Sr. Josephine Wade, SSJ BEACH CHAPEL ................................................. 554 East Main Street RECTORY ........................ 90 Union Avenue ......... 732-223-0287 ...... FAX ...................... 732-528-1901 CONVENT ..............................................................117 Virginia Avenue ................................ 732-292-0772 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE ..............119 Virginia Avenue ................................ 732-223-1161 ST. DENIS CONFERENCE OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY .......................... 732-223-1383 CHURCH E-MAIL ADDRESS .......................................................... [email protected] PASTOR’S E-MAIL ADDRESS ................................................... [email protected] WEB PAGE ADDRESS ..........................................................http://www.churchofstdenis.org MASS SCHEDULE: Weekday Masses: 7:30 AM– St. Denis Church Saturday: 8:30 AM – St. Denis Church Saturday Evening: 4:30 PM (fulfills Sunday obligation)- St. Denis Church Sunday: 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM & 11:00 AM- St. Denis Church Sunday: 10:00 AM - Our Lady Star of the Sea Chapel Holy Days: Evening before: 7:00 PM & day of: 7:30 AM & 7:00 PM-St. Denis Church SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Every Saturday from 3:30 until 4:15 PM - St. Denis Church. Also by appointment. MIRACULOUS MEDAL DEVOTIONS: Tuesday morning after the 7:30 AM Mass-St. Denis Church BAPTISM: The sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at 12:15 pm at St. Denis Church. Parents must complete the required preparation with the priest or deacon and obtain godparent eligibility letters before a date for Baptism will be given. Please call the rectory for further details. MARRIAGE: Please contact the rectory office for more information about weddings. All couples contemplating marriage are asked to give the priests one year prior notice in order that all the requirements for marriage can be satisfied. Do not reserve the reception hall before contacting the church; your requested date may not be available. CARE OF THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND: We will gladly bring Holy Communion to anyone who is ill or otherwise unable to get to Mass. Please call the rectory to make arrangements. The priests and deacon make regular visits to the local hospitals. Please call the rectory if any loved one is hospitalized. RITE OF CHRISTIAN BURIAL: At such times of deep pain and loss, we seek to offer our bereaved families comfort and hope as they commend their loved ones to God. Please note that, in accordance with Church regulations, eulogies are not permitted during Funeral Masses. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM. There are no office hours on Saturday & Sunday. Evenings are by appointment only. NEW PARISHIONERS: Welcome! We encourage new families moving into the area to stop in or call the rectory to arrange for registration. CELIAC SPRUE PARISHIONERS – Saint Denis provides a low gluten (<0.01% gluten content) host. Parishioners who are gluten-intolerant should see a deacon or priest prior to the start of Mass in order to be included in the reception of the Eucharist. VISIT US ON FACEBOOK- Saint Denis Parish Facebook page: www.facebook.com/churchofstdenis. You don't need to have a Facebook account to read parish news and updates, but would need one to leave comments and feedback. St. Denis Church 732-223-0287 Saturday, October 8, 2016 8:30 am Stephen Benedetti by Theresa Driscoll & Family 8:30 am Emily & Howard J. Shroder by the Furlong Family 4:30 pm Bart Frasco by Sue Meehan 4:30 pm Catherine Murphy Donohue by Kay Kolon Sunday, October 9, 2016 Feast of Saint Denis 8:00 am For the People of the Parish 9:30 am William Zielenbach by His Wife 9:30 am Msgr. Joseph O’Connor (10th Anniversary) by a Parishioner 10:00 am Paul Benevento by Matt & Betsy Sheprow 10:00 am Elise Bastardo by Sandra Nash 11:00 am Hazel & Harold McClain by Family 11:00 am John P. Byrne by His Family Monday, October 10, 2016 Columbus Day 7:30 am Dorothy Nielsen by Her Daughter 7:30 am George Sara by His Wife Tuesday, October 11, 2016 7:30 am Frank & Alphie Greene by Vincent & Noreen Greene 7:30 am James Geiger by Ann Zito and Luann & John Quigley Wednesday, October 12, 2016 7:30 am Nada Justinic by Ruth Connolly 7:30 am Regina Lofreda Henderson by Dave & Vicky Zappulla Thursday, October 13, 2016 7:30 am Arlyne Rehak by Barbara Strout 7:30 am George R. Kelder, Sr. by Joan & Mark Clarkin Friday, October 14, 2016 7:30 am Nada Justinic by the Brkal Family 7:30 am Virginia Brown by Lorraine & George Stanley Saturday, October 15, 2016 8:30 am Paul John Benevento by Linda & Alan Baratz 8:30 am Ronald Witczak by the Wilczewski Family 4:30 pm Fred Cole (Anniversary) by the Cole Family 4:30 pm Bart Frasco by Arlene & Steven Levenson Sunday, October 16, 2016 8:00 am Barbara Leahy by JoAnn Korb 8:00 am Theresa Lamo LaPoint by the Wilczewski Family 9:30 am For the People of the Parish 10:00 am Michael Burke by John & Dawn Burke & Family 10:00 am Keia Easley by the DeGenova Family 11:00 am Catherine D. Pyne by Eileen Moscatiello 11:00 am Carrie Forsythe by Cindy & Scott Ernst October 9, 2016 especially Mary Moran, Steve Ford, Elizabeth Ann Linden, Peggy Andriach, Mary Damico, Eileen Byrne, Amanda Castro, Dolores Palmisano, Holly Boyd, Mary Conlon, Jillian Zito, Jennifer Zito, Albert Wood, Josephine Triggiano, Maiya Andrews, Velma Andrews, Marie Gallagher, Stella Thompson, Katie Holbrook, Claire Meachum, Mike Pierce, Thomas Hayes, Jr., Baby Kevin Farmer, Jr., Thomas Evans, Catherine O’Connor, Edith Bean, Phyllis Van Salders, Joanne Panzarella, Taryn Rotondi, Joseph Sipley, Kathy Wicks, Michael McNulty, Brendan Malley, Colleen Grady, Richard Koch, Mary Jane Schaaf, Edna Moore, Lisa Pirrello, Fred Gearing, Joseph Bick, Mary Collins, Ken Kleinlein, Robert Kelleher, Lisa Olivera, Stephen Byrne, Denise Frank, Lucy Falco, Marie Tashjian, Mary Knox, Allaire Papac, Angeline Hart, Joan Tumbas, Cathleen Brenner, Mary Cramer, Florence McManus, Daniel Mount, Nick Ljuljana, Beth Vanderhoot, Jim Hodgkiss, Patricia Blumenstock, William Struyf, John Lewis, Sue O’Connor, Baby Cayden Joseph, Thomas Fahey, Walter Bronikowski, Philip Valese, Baby Kelly Grace, Donna Gaham, Nair Messias, Linda Spildiner, Randy Wermir, Jennifer Noble, Laurie Opdyke, Scarlet Slotnick, Belle & Ashton, John Najar, Patrick Lewis, Tina Pilot, Karen Brown, Elizabeth Morgan, Patricia Herrmann, Frank Lopez, Dan Kehoe, Christina Roundtree, Eugene Karpinski, Charlotte Pentek, Jeanne Dorian, Joan Samperi, Mary Twasutyn, Phillip Graceffa, Christian Russo, Margaret Mary Nielsen, Matthew Wernoch, Rose DiMarco, Dee Vulgaris, Michael McGonigle, Baby Evelyn Mizer, Patricia O’Leary, Herbert “Butch” Wolfe, Leanna Rawson, Karen Kelling, Nannette Forkan, Nicole Giambrone, Lisa Dunfee, Kathryn Abel, Albert J. Cifelli, Linda Smith, Allen Bessemer, Brian Alberse, Bob Peterson, Maryann Ierley, the Pilots, the Nesbitts and the Campbells. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED especially Zachary Herman and Patricia Terry. SAINT DENIS PRAYER GROUP - The Prayer Group meets at 12:00 noon each Monday in St. Denis Church. There are no meetings on holidays. All are welcome. MOVING? Please infor m the rector y office if you have a change of address. Thank you. especially Navy Ensign Rachael M. Honrath, Marine Sargeant Matthew Ward Simpson, Army First Lt. Christopher Cauda, Army Captain Matthew Cauda, Navy LL. Edward P. Windas, Marine Lance Corporal Laura Licata, Contractor Benjamin Ostrow, Air Force Captain David Smith, Senior Airman John J. Kosequat, Navy HM3 Kevin John Kircher, Army Captain Sean Fessenden, Navy Captain Colin S. Walsh, Army Captain Dr. Justin Eisenman, Cadet Brian Quinn at West Point, Navy E4 Patrick Moynihan, Private David J. Dunfee, Captain Michael Potoczniak, United States Army, Lt. Col. Ivan Ingraham, USMC, Cadet Dominic Celiano at the U.S. Air Force Academy, Cadet Slade Kelling, U.S. Air Force Academy, FN Joseph Beattie, U.S. Coast Guard, and Taylor Nesbitt, E3 U.S. Navy. Message from Fr. Bill WEEK OF OCTOBER 9, 2016 IN LOVING MEMORY OF VERONICA PFEIFER REQUESTED BY FRAN & PAUL WEEKS THE GIFT GIVEN: “Fr om Conflict to Communion” is a study document created by a joint commission of Lutherans and Roman Catholics, in preparation for the commemoration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation (Oct. 31, 2017). You are invited to 3 evenings of discussion/prayer/fellowship with our brothers and sisters of St. Mark RC Church in Sea Girt and Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Manasquan. We’ll discuss the events that led to division in the Church 500 years ago, the differences that still exist between our denominations, but mostly the common things we celebrate: our unity in Christ, the similarities in our theology, liturgy and practice of faith-active-inlove. Mark your calendar for 7-8:30 p.m. the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tuesdays in Oct.: 10/11 – St. Mark Church, 215 Crescent Pkwy, Sea Girt 10/18 – Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 6 Osborn Ave., Manasquan 10/25 – St. Denis Church Let’s learn about our faith and grow in respect of others’ faith! In a secular world our Christian witness is needed! Lutherans and Roman Catholics gather with the “Gospel of Jesus at the Center." Curiosity – learn more about the history of “From Conflict to Communion.” Tour the churches. Community – come together to give witness to our Christian faith, hope and love. Christ – pray together in song and word as One in the Body of Christ. NY GIANTS vs DALLAS COWBOYS December 11, 2016 2 Club Tickets and Parking – Value $880 St. Vincent de Paul Society $5.00 Raffle Tickets to Help Our Local Needy Will be Sold A er Masses on the Weekends of: 10/8 & 10/9- 10/15 & 10/16 - 11/12 & 11/13 and also at the Rectory Office During Regular Business Hours. Happy Feast of St. Denis! We recall the sacrifice of St. Denis and his two companions, Sts. Rusticus and Eleutherius, as they brought the Good News of Jesus Christ to the people of France, and Paris in particular. Their mission made the heathen priests angry and they incited the Roman Governor to put a stop to St. Denis teaching about Jesus; St. Denis and his companions were beheaded about the year 275. St. Denis is one of the 14 Holy Helpers, early saints asked to intercede for a person in an old but good, private devotion. We pray for the intercession of the “Holy Helper” for all of us. On the occasion of our patronal feast, I hope that you have taken part in the Ministry Fair. For the strength of our parish, and honestly, to continue the mission of St. Denis to make the Gospel known, in word and deed, to a world that needs it, we all must do our part. We all must take part in the work of our parish in some way and we must all be part of the events that we have in order to grow as a faith community. At one time, you feel a call to participate in a ministry, and at another time you feel called to be served by a certain ministry/event. We need to feed and be fed for spiritual growth and well-being. Please be aware that there will not be a new priest assigned to the parish. Fr. Villanova has graciously accepted my invitation to assist us on the weekends, along with the amazing Fr. Joe Miele. I am thankful for the ministry of these two priests and also Deacons Gary and George. Hopefully, you see the need to pray for vocations and invite men to think about the priesthood and deaconate as ways to serve God and his people. Please invite them to speak to us to learn more about it. FATHER MICHAEL LYNCH may be reached at: Villa Vianney 2301 Lawrenceville Road Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Phone: 609-219-0177 Email address: [email protected] PIANO FOR SALE– Fr. Michael has a piano for sale. It is a Yamaha Model T116 upright piano. If anyone is interested please contact Betsy or Fr. Bill and they will be happy to let you “kick the tires” and “take it for a ride”. Price negotiable! Christmas is coming. Make someone happy! BLOOD DRIVE– The Fr. John F. Welsh Council 3231 Knights of Columbus, in conjunction with Central Jersey Blood Center, will sponsor a Blood Drive on Sunday, October 16, 2016, 9:00 am-2:00 pm in the St. Denis school building cafeteria. Donors should eat and drink plenty of fluids before donating. To donate you must be healthy, at least 17 years of age, and weigh at least 120 lbs. All donors must present a signature or photo ID. For questions or to schedule an appointment call Joe Tully at 732-223-6656. Thanks for giving the gift of life! JUST 1 MORE… Thank you so much to the 43 Catechists who have graciously come forward to teach our Catholic Faith to our young. Only 1 more is needed to meet the needs of our Religious Program. If you’ve been hesitant with coming forward, “Be bold & be not afraid!” JPII YOU are the missing piece We’re here to help if you can help! Please call our Religious Education Office @732-223-1161. We supply training, materials & support! MOVED BY MERCY - RESPECT LIFE MONTH 2016 “Moved by Mercy” is the theme this year, during the Jubilee Year of Mercy, for Respect Life Month. The inspirational quote comes from Pope Francis: We are called to show mercy because mercy has first been shown to us. This year we are called to Respect Life through the lens of Mercy. We respect life as an aspect of mercy. First, we realize that God has shown us mercy by giving us our life. We were given being by the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of Life. We were made in the image and likeness of God and not aborted. God has shown us mercy indeed. Therefore, we should be moved by mercy and act – through the spiritual and corporal works of mercy – on behalf of the right to life of each person. No one should be made to feel that it would be better if they did not exist. (In 2015, 48% of those who died under Oregon’s assisted suicide law cited being a “burden” on family, friends, or caregivers as a reason for their suicide. If only they were shown mercy to not feel that way.) As we reflect on the theme, Moved by Mercy, may God inspire us to be agents of mercy. As an old Irish proverb says, “It is in the shelter of each other that people live.” Indeed, we are created to depend on one another and walk together in the joys and sorrows of life, with faith, hope and love. BECOME A HOSPICE VOLUNTEER– Training will be provided by members of the VNAHG Hospice Team on 3 consecutive Thursdays: 10/13, 10/20, & 10/27, 9:30 am-3:30 pm at the VNA Health Group, 176 Riverside Ave. in Red Bank. Volunteers must attend all three sessions. To register, please call Pauline DePalma, BSW 732-224-6933. For more information about VNAHG volunteer services visit www.vnhg.org/ volunteering SAINT DENIS FOOD PANTRY Msgr. O’Connor Hall (lower level of church) HOURS: EVERY TUESDAY: 1:00 – 3:30 PM and EVERY 3RD & 4TH SATURDAY: 10:00 AM-12:00 NOON Items needed at this time: canned fruit, canned vegetables, juice, cereal, pancake mix, and syrup. Parishioners are asked to place their non-perishable donations into the shopping cart that is located in the gathering space near the stairwell to Msgr. O'Connor Hall. Please do not leave food at the Chapel. Please check the expiration dates of your donations, as we cannot use expired items. Thank you! Recovery Corner St. Denis offers a Recovery Ministry dedicated to anyone recovering from any of life's challenges. You may be recovering from addiction to alcohol or a co-dependent relationship, fighting a gambling obsession, be a child-abuse survivor, your parents may have been alcoholics, you may have a child addicted to heroin, or anything in between. The point is that we are all affected by the struggles of life and may try to find solace in our favorite escape/addiction, or be close to someone spiraling out of control in their own escape/addiction. Join the St. Denis Recovery Ministry on Thursday at 10:00 am or 7:00 pm in the St Denis church basement as we support one another while learning about recovery from life's difficulties using the Life Recovery Bible. This is a Christcentered recovery through scripture support group and class. All are welcome. Call Laura C. @ 848-333-7085 or email [email protected]. Find us on FaceBook at St Denis Recovery Ministry. BIBLE BINGO-AN ACT OF CHARITY is a comedy from the creators of Late Night Catechism. This presentation will take place on Saturday, October 15, 2016 at 8:00 pm at Manalapan High School, 20 Church Lane in Manalapan. It will be a great night of bible trivia, audience interaction, and the funniest quiz about the Holy Family you’ve ever seen. Add to that a box of wacky prizes, fun bingo cards, and a lot of Catholic humor! Proceeds from this event will benefit the St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Thomas More/Our Lady Of Mercy Parish in Manalapan. To purchase tickets ($30) call 732-972-4181 or email [email protected]. ST. DENIS CHURCH SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL In today’s Gospel we hear that only one of those healed returned to glorify God and to give thanks to God. It is true, that when we have a grateful heart we know that everything is a gift from God. To give thanks for all that God has given to you, have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? The St. Denis Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul serves everyone living in the parish neighborhood, whether they are parishioners or not, since all are joined together through the realities of creation and redemption. Our Conference recognizes our responsibility toward all our neighbors as brothers and sisters in Christ. If you need assistance or know of someone, or a family that may need assistance please call our hotline: 732-223-1383. Electronic donations are now accepted on the St. Denis Church website by clicking the St. Vincent de Paul Society button link. Donation envelopes are also available on the shopping cart in the church gathering space. SVdP Fundraiser – NY Giants Game Raffle – Check church bulletin. Our next general meeting will be Tuesday, October 18, 2016 at 7:00 pm in Msgr. O'Connor Hall. The St. Denis Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul has its general meetings at 7:00 pm, the first and third Tuesdays of every month. All are welcome to attend. St. Denis Rectory Office will be closed Monday, 10/10/16. The office will reopen on Tuesday, 10/11/16 at 8:30 am. We wish all our parishioners and friends a very Happy Holiday. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION- Fridays 12:00-1:00pm Come join us in adoring Jesus in the Holy Eucharist in Saint Denis Church on Fridays. All are welcome to spend a few minutes praising, thanking and just being with Jesus. Take some time to be with Him! CHILDREN’S LITURGY- All children (ages 4-7) are invited to participate in the Children's Liturgy of the Word during the 11:00 Mass on the 2nd Sunday of the month. Children will proceed to the church basement (Monsignor O'Connor Hall) before the first reading and return during the offertory. ST. DENIS SENIORS– On Wednesday, October 12th at noon, St. Denis Seniors will meet to begin the new season. The meeting will be held in Msgr. O’Connor Hall beginning with prayer. All are invited to gather for lunch and to bring a dessert to share with others. Come and invite a friend or two to enjoy lunch and conversation with each other. For more information call Sister Josephine at 732-292-0772. CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS, COURT ST. DENIS will hold its next on Thursday, October 13, 2016. We will be going to St. Pio Parish in Lavallette for the meeting. Members are asked to gather in the parking lot at St. Denis at 6:00 pm if they would like to carpool. CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS SHOE COLLECTION-Thank you to all our parishioners and friends. Because of your kind donations we had a successful shoe drive - over 1,000 pairs. Please note that our shoe drive is now finished. We are very appreciative to everyone who was kind enough to drop off shoes. SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL COLLECTION– Next weekend we will have a special second collection. Proceeds from the collection will go to our St. Vincent de Paul Society to help the less fortunate in our area.. Your generosity will be greatly appreciated. THE FEAST OF ST. DENIS We celebrate our Parish Feast Day today at all the Sunday Masses. Afterwards, all are invited to spend time in the gathering space for our parish ministry fair. We will have refreshments and a chance to celebrate all that is going on here at St. Denis, and ask for St. Denis' intercession for new initiatives that will begin this year. In honor of our Feast Day, I ask that each parishioner pray the novena to St. Denis. Please take the time after the Masses this weekend to see how you can serve at your parish and let us pray for one another and for Fr. Michael in his time of transition, and for all who live within the boundary of our parish. Prayer in Honor of Saint Denis O God, who did confer your saving faith on the people of France through the holy Bishop and Martyr Denis, and did glorify him before and after his death by many miracles; grant us, through his intercession, that the Faith practiced and preached by him be our light on the way of life, so that we may be preserved from all anxieties of conscience, and if by human frailty we have sinned, we may return to You speedily by true Confession and penance. Through Christ our Lord. Amen Novena Glorious servant of God, St. Denis, with intense love you devoted yourself to Christ after learning to know Him through the Apostle St. Paul, and did preach His saving Name to the nations and did not shrink from Martyrdom; implore for us God's Blessings for these our intentions (mention intentions). Through your help, St. Denis, may we have continual growth in the knowledge and love of Jesus, so that we may experience that peace which He alone can give. Help our parish, by your powerful intercession, to serve God with willing hearts, and show God's Love and Mercy to all we meet, so to give God glory and attain the eternal bliss of Heaven. Amen. A RETREAT FOR THE SERIOUSLY ILL- Gennesaret, a retreat designed to provide a spiritual and temporal oasis for men and women suffering with a life changing illness, will be held the weekend of October 14-16, 2016 at the Archdiocesan Retreat Center located in Kearny, NJ. There is no cost to you for the retreat. For further information contact Hilare Reinhold at 732-5667237 or Peggy Walsh at 908-499-7667. "Blessed are those who mourn, they shall be comforted." October 2, 2016 Regular Weekend Collection $14,243.00 Average Envelope Donation $24.34 2nd Collection-Parish Debt Reduction Average Envelope Donation Electronic Giving $5,286.00 $14.21 $1,307.00 THANK YOU ! Bereavement Support Group If you have experienced a loss of someone in your life we welcome you to join with others who are bereaved to share in your loss. Through mutual sharing with guidance this 10 session series will offer support, prayer and work on answering questions about loss, grief, coping and potential for renewal of self and hope. Join us on: Wednesdays , 11:00 am-12:00 pm at the St Denis Parish Office Contact Eileen Ziesmer at (732) 223-0287 / [email protected] to let us know you plan to attend or with any questions! 26th Annual “Champion for Life” Award Dinner and Sponsorship Reservation Form Sunday, October 23rd Adult Dinner: $50 Student/CYO Dinner: $35 Children’s Dinner: $20 Doolan’s Shore Club 700 Hwy 71, Spring Lake Heights Cash bar reception at 5 PM. Buffet dinner at 6 PM. Mary’s Child Pro-Life Ministry, which represents the local Catholic parishes of St. Catharine-St. Margaret, St. Denis, St. Elizabeth, Holy Innocents, St. Mark, and St. Rose, invites you to attend or help sponsor this event to honor these remarkable champions! RESERVE BY OCT. 16 T H Whether or not you attend the dinner, please consider sponsoring one or more of the CYO youth group teens at $35 each. 2016 Champion for Life Reverend Evarist Kabagambe Lifetime Achievement Award Beatrice Murday Menard Name Tables of 10 Number of people attending Phone number Email I wish to sponsor _________________ CYO members. Please make check payable to Mary’s Child Pro-Life Ministry and drop off or mail to St. Catharine Parish, 215 Essex Ave., Spring Lake, NJ 07762. For details, contact your parish representative: Rachel Hendricks 732-223-1658 SPONSORSHIPS All our sponsors enable us to donate to organizations that help women and children in desperate need. All levels receive recognition in a program given to the attendees of the dinner. We expect a great turnout too! Full page ad (7” by 8.5”) for a donation of $500 Half page ad (5.75” x 3.25”) for a donation of $250 Quarter page ad (2.75” x 1.5”) for a donation of $125 Email ad graphics and content or congratulatory message to [email protected] or submit hard copy to your parish representative. Platinum sponsor for a donation of $100 Gold sponsor for a donation of $50 Silver sponsor for a donation of $25 NEARY-QUINN FUNERAL HOME ~ Serving Saint Denis Parish ~ 732-223-0003 John H. Hassler Manager, NJ Lic. No. 3813 BROGAN LAW GROUP Robert Brogan, Esq. Wills & Trusts Estate Planning Asset Protection Special Needs Planning Medicaid Planning 3728 River Road, Pt. Pleasant, NJ 08742 732-701-9999 Our Goal is to serve our Valued Customers the highest quality products at family prices in a clean, casual atmosphere. OPEN 7 DAYS 11AM-10PM • FREE DELIVERY Catering & Private Party Room ~ 20-50 • BYOB 732-528-5566 www.jimmyspizzasubs.com 301 Union Ave., Rt. 71, Brielle, NJ 39 SOUTH STREET MANASQUAN TRIPS & TOURS TRAVEL DIETRICH OPTICIANS 732-223-5565 Peter A. Goetz TD1852 Air • Cruise • Caribbean • Exotics •Europe Disney Authorized Specialist 134-136 Main St., Manasquan Eye Exams By Independent Doctor of Optometry Eyeglasses - Eye Exams - Accessories 304 Union Ave. · Brielle Voted Best Travel Agency 2008-2015 Family Eyecare 732-223-2020 Flowers & Gifts Wedding & Sympathy Flowers Mariposa • Peggy Karr Jim Shore 123 Main Street 732-528-0300 www.bouquetstoremember.com Family Owned Now Hiring RNs, LPNs, CNAs All Shifts Providing Quality HomeCare & Assistance for Seniors Senior Home Care • Affordable Hourly Rates Temporary or Long Term Meal Preparation • Light Housekeeping NURSING, REHABILITATION Errands & Shopping • Joyful Companionship & ASSISTED LIVING Assistance in Hygiene 175 Bartley Road • Jackson, New Jersey 08527 America's Choice for HomeCare 732-722-7747 Dawn Gural 732-370-4700 x1315 1913 Atlantic Avenue • Suite 117 [email protected] Manasquan, NJ 08736 GOD BLESS AMERICA Over 20 Years Serving The Community HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING $150.00 DONATION TO ST. DENIS FOR EVERY NEW HEATING OR A/C UNIT PURCHASED. JUST SHOW THIS AD AT TIME OR PURCHASE. 732-223-8221 • WWW.TOMROSTRON.COM TM FITNESS IN THERAPY Free Transportation Tim McElduff, PT POOL THERAPY 2164 Hwy. 35, Bldg. C · Sea Girt 732.974.1313 www.fitnessintherapy.com H84846 (JR) - St. Denis, Manasquan, NJ William Skillender Wealth Management Tax Advisory 101 Union Avenue · Brielle, NJ 08730 732-722-7888 Securities Offered Through Broker Dealer Financial Services Corp. Member FINRA, SIPC. FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Inside ORENDER FAMILY HOME F O R F U N E R A L S Family Owned & Operated · We Care for Every Family as Our Own 100% Handicapped Accessible · Parking for 90 Cars Home-Like Atmosphere · Children's Activities Room Parishioner of St. Denis Church "As owner, I personally involve myself with every family" (732) 528-5500 Kevin P. Orender, Mgr. NJ Lic.# 4390 www.OrenderFamilyHome.com • 2643 Old Bridge Road, Manasquan JOHN R. KUKUCKA, D.M.D. Michelle Schneider Periodontics including Dental Implants and Periodontal Plastic Surgery Parishioner/Realtor® (N.J. Specialty Lic. #3253) 2605 Hwy. 35 · Manasquan 732-223-6000 1101 THIRD AVE., SPRING LAKE O: 732-449-3200 C: 732-673-6120 Dr. Adam Glantzman "From Our Yard To Yours" FAMILY CHIROPRACTOR MULCH · TOPSOIL · STONE · PAVERS 732-449-4818 Come to us for your pain Stay with us for your health 28 Union Ave., Manasquan Next To Kempton Flags and Sheds · Wall WE DELIVER 223-0677 Kerrigan Electric (732) 615-0005 FREE ESTIMATES! Specials on Generators License & Permit No. 10837 www.kerriganelectric.com EMERALD EYES THE OPTICAL BOUTIQUE Dr. Sean Patrick Phibbs, O.D. Rt. 71 & Sea Girt Ave. · Sea Girt 974-EYES Physical Therapy Inlet Counseling ONE OF THE MONMOUTH & OCEAN COUNTIES READERS CHOICE CONTEST 2014 75 MAIN STREET · MANASQUAN HARDIE WINDOWS & SIDING Insulated Siding & Replacement Windows Serving The Shore Area Since 1970 A Family Business A Complete Client List Furnished With Estimates INSULATING No Subcontracting Will Vouch For Our Integrity & Reliabilty WINDOWS No Salesman 813 MAIN STREET · AVON · 732-988-2522 FULLY INSURED All Work Owner Supervised From Start To Finish Dr. John P. Little Dr. John L. Little Dr. Mary Russo Dr. Timothy Moriarty 973-714-9484 208 EAST MAIN STREET · MANASQUAN MUELLER'S GARAGE 1915 ATLANTIC AVENUE Family Dentistry ~ Children and Adults Open Three Nights until 9:00 PM Insurance Plans Welcome Sea Girt 732-449-6564 johnlittledds.com Denis Campbell Pharmacist 2175 Hwy. 35 Sea Girt, NJ 08750 phone 732-974-2929 KEITH P. WALSH Plumbing & Heating Residential ~ Commercial 24 Hour Emergency 732-223-5490 Lic #. 6916 "Serving All of Your Lighting Needs" Specializing in Repairs Brass Polishing • Refurbishing 126 MAIN ST. · MANASQUAN 732-223-6114 2028 Hwy. 35 Wall, NJ 07719 Director - NJ Lic. No. 4443 H84846 (JR) - St. Denis, Manasquan, NJ Available For Confirmations, Communions, Baptisms, Repasts & Special Occasions 142 Main St. • Manasquan (732) 292-1300 Visit Us At RemingtonsNJ.com 505 Burnt Tavern Rd. Brick, NJ 08724 732-449-6900 Lauren O'Brien O'Neill Acupuncture AJ Adamczyk, L.Ac 2123 Highway 35, Sea Girt • 732-449-2001 • www.soarpt.com Individual · Family · Couples 732-223-3750 908-489-3061 908-489-3063 Nicolas Froio, PT. • Nicole Russo, PT. Casey L. Terzis MS, LPC, LCADC A Full Service Collision & Mechanical Repair Shop ~Nick & Nancy~ Physical Therapy 732-899-8600 "SERVING THE PARISH FOR 50 YEARS" John R. O'Brien, Founder - NJ Lic. No. 2771 www.OBrienFuneralHome.com Kevin C. O'Brien Manager - NJ Lic. No. 4805 FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Outside