rrg flilipirrrr SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD NG MARIKINA $rptLlita GSO - MABII(INA CIIY Uofl msnl IrackinI Systo ill ililil/ililt]ililuil1tililIt11il til 06 _ 0000275 ORDINANCENO. Ol Series of 2006 ORDINANCE GRANTING HONORARIUM TO THE OFFICERS OF THE POLICE ADVISORY COI]NCIL IN THE CITY OF MARIKINA Introduced by: Councilor DONN CARLO B. FAVIS Councilor EVA AGUIRRE PAZ WHEREAS, pursuant to Memorandum dated December 11, 2002 issued by former PDIR Ricardo F. De Leon, all police stations thoughout the country were directed to organize a Community Council of Elders to act as a consultative body for the anti-crime and to improve the peace and order program of the Philippine National Police-Marikina (PNPMarikina); WHEREAS, the City of Marikina has created its own Community Council of Elders which was later changed to Police Advisory Council, retaining the functions for which the former was created and emphasizing, as well, its function as an advisory body of the PNP-Marikina, including the improvement of its intemal affairs; WHEREAS, the Police Advisory Council aims to increase the participation of the citizewy in fighting crime and protecting the community, provide a direct channel of cooperation and communication for our citizenry to take a proactive part and be a strong pillar in our common frght against crime and terrorism; WHEREAS, in view of the responsibility entrusted to the Council in its formulation of more effective strategies and recommendations to the PNP-Marikina to ensure peace and order in the City, the City Govemment of Marikina deems it appropriate to $ant honorarium to its officers; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, AS IT IS HEREBY ORDAINED by SANGGUNIANG PANLUNGSOD of MARIKINA in session duly assembled, that: $ the SECTION 1. The City Govemment of Marikina hereby grants an honorarium to the officers ofthe Police Advisory Council, as follows: a) Chairperson : One Thousand Pesos (P1,000.00) b) Vice Chairman : Five Hundred Pesos (P 500.00) c) Members : Five Hundred Pesos (P 500.00) each SECTION 2. The honorarium shall be granted once every other month. SECTION 3. The honorarium shall be taken from any available funds of the City Govemment. SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall take effect upon approval.6 I ORDINANCENO. 01 Series of 2006 Page 2 of 2 APPROVED by the SANGGLJNIANG PANLLJNGSOD of MARIKINA this 4th day January 2006. I of hereby certify to the passage of the foregoing Ordinance, which was duly approved by the 4fr City Council of Marikina during its t it Regular Session for C.Y. 2006 held on January 4, 2006. LITA E. DE LEON CERTIFIED & ATTESTED TO BE DULY APPROVED: S..ANDRES, M.D. Approved on I3 JAN 2006 frlrrrlu h"'rr"^l^ MA. \-OURDES C. FERNANDo City Mayor f:\ Ity ;o" &r". il fun Cart, B tn,;rf a-o(r RePublic of the PhiliPPines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSiON PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION POLICE OFFICE EASTERN POLICE DISTRICT Marikina CitY Police Station Mc Donald St., Marikina CitY HCN EVA AGLII R.rE-PAZ City Councilor ri kina JitY IUa Dncuments afFCLl']E AD\[ SO RY JOUVflL iii Pert:.nent Dea r ir'lad am , the FCL]-JE AD\ISOdY CUU'iJIL bf the This pertains to the request ^f cilv'J^"nlit aes^Iuti^n/ Mar!kina Jity Fetice s;l;i^-; t^ have wherein the " oi the saiit :nuncil crdinance regarding t[t-"*iiti"g pertient nffice gaod t^ y'\ur uirderslgned was tasxef,-t;--;;fili matters a^""rt"E" regarding the fr^'r virtue ^f liem^randum The P^11ce-Advis^ry C^uncil was Pt'Il then bv-the 2OO2 the Direct..rEte f^r iC'i-Ait"O Deceober ll-" tn ^rsanized. a .r^u'rci1 iiitii" pettcp :,JJA._,Dc F DE LEUN oi'"!tti.J-i-r-iorice Aovrs'ty cou{cf,L' nf Elders wrricn :_ater-Iri-rEpi"". trre nane "i GEN EBDANE' .lhlef' FNP Attached also l-s the speebh af the then,Pe DIi ,^f J^rnmunitv Elders ii 1t i;r:ncir rtr.:rlns the l_st ,{.at^nIi"iI"rL"",iir. reference' ;;'iHE rrr"iiJ-H"tii "n-'rarctr 3, 2oo!' far lour F LI'E ADYI 9dY COUI'ICIL on "f-the Attached is the utinutes nf rireetilg g' iooB' also r^r v^ur rersrence' tlli"6l"r'oil'lia*3ieii'uti Thank and m^re Pnwer T rul- y rrruMt 4/ SFO Se SALA}NAT PNP cretariat V, AGENDA/DISCUSSION I. Request that a Resolution be passed by the City Council before certain roads are utilized for parking. 2. 3. Request that traffic lights be synchronized Request Ciry Administrator to remove traffic sigrrwhich are no longer applicable such as those in Brgy. Barangka. 4. Unauthorized structure (Labor-|,!ark{) along East Drive near Saint Scholastica Academy; Refer the problem to Engirieering Office. Confusion in the reinforcement of traffic rules in Bgy. Marikina Heights whereby one street was made one-way and changes to the opposite direction the following day Strict €nforcement by MMDA personnel along Bayan Bayanan Avenue corner (lnfront 7-l l) where FX,jeepney and laxis wail for passenger (illegal terminal) Odofles Gen. 5. 6. VI BRIEFINC ON CRIME SITUATION PSUPT NESTOR H TENoSO, DCoPA briefed the members of the PAC on the crime situation in Marikina City. The Chjef of Police further elaborated and explained the crime situation particularly on the counterme3sure conducted by the Marikina City Police. \{I MATTERS DISCUSSED AFTER THE BRIEFING l. Dr. Capco reminded the checking of the motorcycle in tandem which the Chie[of informed them thst the police is already conducting, 2. Dr. Capco also suggested that the police should have a separate legal counsel; the members were tasked to scout and recommend a lawyer in Marikina Cily to act as legal counsel of the police in pro & bono. VIII DISCUSSED ON OTHER MATTERS 1. The Secrelari#was tasked to give copies ofthe pertinent document regarding the cre€tion of thc Police Advisory Council to Councilor EVA Aguiree-Paz for the possible passing of Cify Ordinance creating the Council. 2. The members were invited to attend the Police Memorial Day on September 2005 and fibute to Cen. Generoso Senga, CS AFP on October 8, 2005 IX NEXT MEETING The next meeting was scheduled on November I X 1, 2005 at 9:00 ADJOURMENT The meeting adjourned at l0:45 September 9,2005 FROILA JALAMAT PNP Recorder / PCR AM ll, Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COIVIVlISSION PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION POLICE OFFICE EASTERN POLICE DISTRICT Marikina City Police Station Mc Donalct St., Marikina City POLICE ADVISORY COfINCIL MINUTES OF MEETING September 9, 2005 9:00 AM I. ATTENDANCE Present: Justice Salome A. Montoya Chairperson PDDG CSAR T AQUINO (Ret.) Dr. Jaime P. Capco Former Vice Mayor Jose S. And-res Former Councilor Alfredo R Aguirre PSSUPT RICARDO S. MENDOZA JR. (Ret.) PINSP LEOGARDO P MANOSCA (Ret.) PSSUPT MANUEL R GAERLAN PSUPT NESTOR H TENOSO PINSP EFREN S JOTA SPO4 Froilan R. Salamat Member Member Member Member Member Member COP/Ex-office Member DCOPA C, PCR Recorder /PCR Absent: Dr. Cesar A. Santos - wirh apology Engr. Demetrio C. Paz II CAI-L TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at exactly 9: I 5 AM September 9, 2005 with an Invocation led by SPO4 Salamat. III READINC AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING correction of para v Nr. l6 stated therein: "lhe members agreed ro meet quarterly,,, which was corrected to: "the members agreed to meet every other m6nth unless the'cnuirrun calls for special meering." The minutes was then approved as corrected by the members. IV. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING l. With reference to para V, Nr 6 regarding the Information Drive, the Chief of Police stated lhat the station is conducting "Ugaayan" with various sectors like the }{omeowners Associations, NGo's, etc. It also had close coordinarion with the print media like the philippines Star and the local news, such as; the Cenacle Newsletter. 2. The members tasked SPO4 Salamat to coordinate with lhe public lnformation Officc to have an articldcolumn in the Marikina Digest. 3. II Regarding para V, Nr. in connection with the traffic problems, the Chief of Police informed the members that the City Council conducted a Summit on Traffic, peace & Order Code of Marikina in Cardona, Rizal which was also attended by Col Mendoza, Chief OPSS, members of the City Council, and representative of various sectors. All issues and concerns sbout traffic were tackled in the said summit. V. AGENDA / DISCUSSION 1. Request that a Resolution be passed by the city council before certain roads are utilized for parking. 2. i. Request lhat traffic lights be synchronizedRequest City Adminis'irator to iemove traffic sigrrwhich are no longer applicable such as those in BrgY. Barangka. l. Un-authorized structure (Labor Markg) atong East Drive near Saint ScholasticE Academy; Refer the problem to Engiieering Office -Confrrsion in the re-'inforcement of tramc rules in Bgy. Marikina Heights whereby following day. one street was made one-way and changes to the opposite direction the Sfict enforiement Uy ttAUOe personnel along Bayan Bayanan Avenu-e corner (illegal terminal) Gen. Odofles (lnftont 7-l l) where F*, jeepney and taxis wait for passenger i. 6. VI BRIEFING ON CRIME SITUATION PSUPTNESTORHTENoSo,DCoPAbriefedthemembersofthePAConthecrime the crime situation in Marikina City. The Chief of Police further elaborated and explained Police' iituation particularty on the countermeasure conducted by the Marikina City VII MATTERS DISCUSSED AFTER THE BRIEFING l.Dr'CapcoremindedthecheckingofthemotorcycleintandemwhichtheChiefof Police informed lhem that the police is already conducting' 2. Dr. Capco also suggested that lhe police should have a seParale legal counsel; as legal the members were tasied to scout-;nd recommend a lawyer in Marikina City to act in counsel ofthe police Pro & bono. VIII DISCUSSED ON OTHER MATIERS l. The Secretari#was tasked to give copies ofthe pertinent document regarding the crestion of the Police Advisory Council to Councilor EVA Aguiree-Paz for the possible passing of Ciry Ordinance creating the Council. 2. The members were invited to attend the Police Memorial Day on September 2005 and tribute to Gen. Generoso Senga, CS AFP on October 8, 2005 NEXT MEETING The next meeting was scheduled on November I 1,2005 at 9:00 AM ADJOURMENT The meeting adjourned at l0:45 September 9, 2005 FROILA ALAMAT PNP Recorder / PCR , CSEE (DSC) Chief of Police ll, Bepublic of the PhiliPPines Department of the lnterior and Local Government National Police Commission EADQUARTERS, P H I LI PPI N E NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE FOR POLICE COMMUNITY REI-ATIONS CamP Crame, Quezon CitY NATIONAL H AII RDS PROS 1.13, CALABARZON, IqIN'IAROPA, ARMM, CAR & NCRPO FROM : SUBJECT : TDPCR Organization of Community Council of Elders oEC 1 r 2ii2 DATE 1. References: a. ONE PNP Program '[hrust b. New PCR Master Plan c. coPS 2. Upon assumption of office, the C,PNP launch the O.N'E. PNP Program emphasis on Neighborhood Patnership for Community-Based Anti Crime Program forging a united front against criminalitjes. . He solicited the support of the community through the Organization of Communiv i.Council of Elders. The New PCR Plan is designed tc heighten citizen awareness about the effort of I.the govemment to serve the people, organize and mobilize the community towards forging a united , front for the promotion of peace and ordei-. 3, The following guidelines set forth the organization of the council ofelders: a. It shall be organized as an advisory council of the Police Station Commanders/ City Directors/ Provincial Directors/Regional Directors; D, The Council of Elders shall be apolitical and composed of respected leaCers of the community who can sway public opinion (religiousf socio, civic, retired military & police, academe, etc); c. Membership to the council shall not be less than seven (7) but not more that ten (10); d. It shall be a consultative body which will provide advise for the anti-crim inality and the law and o:-der program of the PNP units/offices peculiar to obtaining .eperational condiiions; e. Activiues of the council shall inclr.rde but not limited to regular.meetitrgs, joint '-crime prevention activities. Crimlnal Justice System and other related seminars; C.ouncil of Elders shall be organized in the regional, provincial, city, municipal and all police districts in urban areas; and every Police Community Precincts as deemed appropriate. f. 4. To give more meaning and importance, the nationwide simultaneous Oath taking of the of Elders shall be underlaken on January 13, 2003 in a Flag Raising Ceremony as part of the activiues. All RDs shall submit a report to NHQ PNP (Attn: ODPCR). For compliance. Y/ \, PARTNERSHIPS FOR PEAGE & ORDER Clrief, PNP Potlce Director Generat HERIIOGENES E EBDANE JR rt" NAiibfuAt coNFERENcE oF rHE couNcll oF coilr,tt NlrY Et-DERs Itarch 31, 2004. l anita Hotet !ra. Good 66r,.ing aod u,elcome to this hisroric gath€io& E F^:.N.d:$ Coafereocc of the C<irmcil of C.ourrlurury bJdcrs, rhet has been made possible mainly bcceuse you havc bcer: activc pattners against crirnc, for peacc aod order' ec fust g&thcdoS oo a r:ational scale, thete are marry sew faces as wdl as txnliru tzca i6 the sowd. Most imporunrly, all of you syobolue oot only whet is Bciog possiblc but also the reality that we can aclievc so much whea we work togrther. !o colne face-tc>face with th. o""y pcople who havc givcn lifc to ufiet '*es only a drcam io 20C2. Allow me to sberc witb you how r.his coocept started, way brck wheo \fle werc preparing de program thet would deftne dre work that wss to be done uoder my watch as Chief of the Philippirc Natir.rnal PoLice. It ir indccd art hooor Bascd on the coasultations ald the results of our suwey on vhgt pcace aod order matteo needed ugeot en€nuor\ one of the mosr promineot needs was for incrcased participation of thc cidzarry ftghriqg crime aod protecting the community. in Fton: oonh to soud there uzs a coruisreot zulgcstioo: involve the otizens a TWO-VAY RECIPROCAL REI.ATIONSI{IP. morc and opcn up All indicatoc poioted to the need to enable the participatios of more citizens eod rhe cornmunity-ar-largc in tbe roti-cnme campaigo- Thc rcrsoo for this damor was simple; the citizcns lrnow bcst what conccrns are mole ugent aod what issucs nced to be addressed, why aot tap tleir eoctgry and raa&e them a part of the tcasr? Ttar sras how the idea ofthe CoLrncil of Communiw elders was born- Cormcil Of Community Flldcrs . js thc 0esh aod blood of NEIGHBORIIOOD PAXTNB&SHIPS, one of rhe ancbors of the O,N,E, PNP. Prog:am of Aedon that I laid down whcn I becamc Chicf onJr:Iy 4, 2002, Twenty Ponths ard twerrty-seeen davs lrtcr, I o". mote thao happy to scc tle fmits of ou latjor, ac!o66 out laad. i .l,s of rhis tioc, vc hevc 1,691 Councils of Couuouniry Elders. The numbers 'fhc ars sigai5caor but thc wod( that bas bcen done is lvtat mattcrs mosL The iotrzrtion of rhe COUNCIL OF COMMLINITY ELDERS is to provide a direct chaooel of cooperation asd coronrr:nicarion br our cidzeor,v to rakc a proactivc gart aod to bc a stroog pillar in our comrnon fuht against crime and terrorism. The rncrhbers of *lc COUNCIJ. must have ihree &.ings: comrnirmeoq cedibiJity ald coovict^oo to work for sa,tc arrd sccure ndghborhoods. Aod as I havc rcqucstcd timc and ai5lio, let us keep poliucians out COIINCIIL so we can focus oo rhc work of peace and order. I ol2 of thc li- I 4 i I rcfer ar is as ADVISOR aod as I,INI( Ftrsq thc Council is qee.dcd to {DVISF. vour policc force oo maters ranging The urork thet from local pcrce urd order issucs to improving the aoti-ctirne panaerships. .rd Sccord, thc Counol is our main LINK.AGE to t}e biggcr commuaity, thc chaoocl &Du8h which we can disscminatc info"",rtioo strd mustef mcrre coopelzdort" It must bc cqrhasizcd dso that we need your NP[.I[S eod IDEAS. Tbc Council of Coarmuoity Elders musr evotve into thc rnost far-rcaching and indeptb networl of citizeo-pa:tocts for improving our peace arld oldet prog1am, eod not bc an ir:forrnauoo collecdon channel Thls PARTNERSHIP wc must encoruaqe and nurnrre esen more. With yora the COUNCIL of COMIv{UNIry EI-DERS taking thc lead, we wiil be able ro :nzrimizc rhc power of cinzeo vigilance for the good of the many, and the funrre o[ our 6hil.l1s1" Your role in the COUNCIL OF COlvIMLrI.iITl( ELDEILS is iorcgral to strengtheoiag thc NEIGFIBORH()OD PAR-fNERSHIPS FOR PEAC,E ANI) ORDER , Thc tirne we heve .o&y will ser rhc tonc for the days enrr 11.scl* to come, aod if wc coodnuc to focus oo builrting stronger lir,J*ager I know we wiII eosute thar TOGETIIER IN 2004, !7E'WILL DO l.HE JOB EVAN np::,an. MabLtay er trfareming Salz-=u r po! 1, Z "tZ '\-J Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMI\,4ISSION PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE NATIONAL CAPIIAL REGION POLICE OFFICE EASTERN POLICE DISTRICT Marikina City Police Station Mc Donald St., Marikina CitY POLICE ADVISORY COUNCIL MINUTES OF MEETING Julv B, 2005 9:00 AM I. ATTENDANCE Present: Justice Salome A Montoya Dr Cesar A Santos PDDG OSCAR T AQUINo (Ret) Dr Jaime P Capco Former vice Mayor Jose S Andres Former Councilor Alfredo R Aguirre PSSUPT RICARDO S MENDOZA JR (Ret) PINSP LEOGARDO P MANOSCA (Ret) PSUPT MANUEL R GAERLAN PSUPT ROMEO E ABARING PINSP EFREN S JOTA SPO4 Froilan R Salamat - Chairperson Vice Chairman Member Member Membcr Member Member Member COP/ Ex-oflicial Member DCOPA C, PCR Recorder/PCR Absen t: Engr Demetri o Q Paz u. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at exactly 9:00 AM July 8, 2005. III, READI?{G AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING No minutes of previous meeting. tV, MATTERS ARISINC FROM THE MINUTES NIL. V. AGENDA / DISCUSSION I . The new Chief of Police was introduced to the members of the Council. PSUPT MANUEL R GAERLAN informed the Council that his priinary concern is the improvement of the administration and management of the police and reformation at the systems and procedures in the enforcement of laws. 2, Justice Montoya asked clarilication on the guidelines from higher Headquarters regalding ttre creation of the Police Advisory Council. 3. She suggested that the minutes of the meeting should be taken, The ChiefofPolice designated the PCR Officer as Head, Secretariat. .E 'sJ 4. The Ch.J of Police to!.C, the. members of i..e council that he will discuss their concerns with the Peace and Order Council and that he 'arill report to the POC the matters discussed by the'Folice Advisory Council. 5. Justice Montoya asked whether the members are still provided ID Cards. Dr Capco presented the old ID card of'the Police Advisory Council of Marikina City as sample. 6. Dr Santos rcquested that an inlormation drive be conducted to i^rform the public regarding activities of the police. The Chief of Police said that it might be self serving & less effective if it will be the PNP which will be boasting of their accomplishment. lt would be better if some organizations or individuals such as the PAC will be the one vrho will recognize the accomplishmertts of the PNP. 7 . 8. A suggestion was made that a space/column in the MARIKINA DIGEST be a.llotted for information on articles regarding the PNP. g. A suggestion was rnade that a. briefing on peace and order be conducted every meeting to update the council on the situation in Marikina City. 10. Dr Saltos raised that the police offices shall have a gallery where tourisis and visitors will view photographs of policemen in action. Avenue and roads. 11. Dr Capco voiced-o'rt the traffic problem along Bonifacio J Rizal Street, sta. Elena ar-rd the presence cf tricycles in national 12. The chief of Police informed the council that he will initiate the conduct of a Traffic Summit in coordination with the Traffic Enforcement Unit, MMDA. 13. notebook. PDDG Aquino reminded that should have a 14. Insp Ma-frosca reported l-iis obsen.ation that police officers . going on patrol are no longer given briefings before they are deployed. - , 15. PDDG Aquino suggested that the police should be on the look out fcr clandestine drug laboratories and terrorist cells in their AoR,s. 16. VI. \ opx NEXT MEETING Tl-..e VII. The members agreed to meet quarterlf. -F next meeting will be on September g, 2OOS at 9:00 am. ADJOURMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:40 AM July g, 2OOS. Prepared by: Noted by: ,^z W FROILA't R SALRUAT SPO4 Secretariat PNP AERLAN, CSEE Sube/intendent (DSC) Chief of Police -olice 1^-"d -