Chapter 4 Core Training


Chapter 4 Core Training
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
In Functional Training for Sports I was able to acknowledge all of
the people who have been so influential in my development as a
coach. As I finish my second book I realize that some people are
responsible for your development as a person. My family and I
journeyed across the country to have what I have come to describe
as “The Wizard of Oz’ experience. At the end of the movie Dorothy
realizes that everything she wanted was right in her own backyard.
My family and I now know the same thing. I want to thank all those
who make it possible for me to think and write and speak. It is a joy
to do something you love every day.
I would also like to thank Laura Hambly, an intelligent and
wonderful editor.
Last, Cindy, Michaela and Mark who make me realize that it’s not
about money or fame but about being with the ones you love.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Chapter 1- Designing and Equipping Your Facility
Chapter 2- Building a Strong Foundation
Chapter 3- Designing the Perfect Program
Chapter 4- Core Training
Chapter 5- Explosive Training
Chapter 6- Knee-Dominant Exercises
Chapter 7- Hip-Dominant Exercises
Chapter 8- Upper-Body Pulling and Pressing Exercises
Chapter 9- Choosing a System of Training
Chapter 10- Creating Effective Workouts
Chapter 11- Conditioning
Chapter 12- Computerizing Your Program
Chapter 13- Designing Programs for Teams or Groups
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Remember, you
can’t believe
everything you
read, and you
shouldn’t read
only what you
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
This is the book I always wanted to write: A serious strength
training manual for coaches who want to get the most out of their
athletes. My previous book, Functional Training for Sports, was
meant to be a more mainstream piece intended for athletes,
coaches and trainers. Although I believe that I succeeded with
Functional Training for Sports I wanted to write a book for those
serious strength and conditioning professionals that I consider my
peers. I will intentionally not go into great detail about areas that I
feel I covered well in the first book. I do, however, update areas
that I feel differently about now than I did 2 years ago when the
majority of my first book was written. Instead the focus of this book
is on how to put a program together. I hope that this book will be
the type of book I coveted in my early years. The Charlie Francis
Training System (now Training for Speed) and Bill Starr’s The
Strong Shall Survive hold those places in my mind. I believe that
those works formed the foundation of my thought process for 20
plus years. I hope you enjoy.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities is a “how to”
book. The book moves from the task of equipping a weight room,
through a discussion of programming concepts, and eventually into
actual workouts with detailed explanation. I hope that this book will
be what every aspiring, strength and conditioning coach is looking
for. A basic primer on how to get things done and why. The
concepts are meant to be simple and utilitarian. What equipment do
I need? How many plates do I need? How much space do I need?
How many sets and reps should I have my athletes do? What
exercises work best? All of these questions will be answered in one
The information in this book is one mans opinion. However, it is
opinion based on over twenty years of working in rooms that were
not perfect, with budgets that were small or nonexistent. I’m not
trying to say this is the only way to do things, only to say that the
advice in this book might be most efficient and effective way to do
things. This book is perfect for the high school coach or small
college coach who has to deal with the realities of time, space and
money. When reading this book it is very important that you put
aside any preconceived notions about the process of strength and
conditioning. Think about practicing the art of common sense.
While you read keep your mind open. Often good ideas seem so
simple that we discount them based only on their simplicity. As
coaches and as personal trainers we continue to jump on and off
the latest bandwagons. Try to stay with ideas that work and, be
wary of anything that seems too good to be true; it probably is.
This book is based on the belief that athletes are not limited by
genetics. Speed, movement ability, strength and power are all
qualities that can and should be improved. Good strength and
conditioning coaches are constantly scrutinizing their programs.
Every day I learn something that makes me change the program.
These are not knee jerk reactions but rather the acceptance that
there are many coaches and therapists pushing the envelope and
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
developing better techniques. Although my previous book,
Functional Training for Sports has been in print for less than two
years, this book contains numerous updates. If an exercise appears
in both books it is to provide new information or updates since
Functional Training for Sports was written. The attempt is not to
replace my previous book but, to update and expand on the ideas.
No attempts are made to copy the programs of successful teams or
athletes. Instead I evaluate each technique or concept for inclusion.
Many coaches simply attempt to duplicate the program of the most
successful team. Remember that much of that success may be due
to recruiting, coaching or genetics. Instead of copying successful
teams or individuals, seek out the techniques of those who
consistently produce great results in less than great situations.
Another warning. Don’t copy the muscle magazine routines. Often
coaches make the mistake of trying to use workouts designed by
people using performance-enhancing drugs for people using
performance enhancing drugs. Usually this is based on the “Soand-so does this exact same routine” Athletes using performance
enhancing drugs can tolerate higher loads, higher volumes, and
more frequent training. MORE IS NOT BETTER. Most young
athletes and many young coaches feel that if two sets are good
then four sets are obviously better. In truth you may be overtaxing
the body and disrupting the recuperative process. When you think
of a strength program try to remind yourself that strength training is
a simple game of stimulus-response. The actual workout is a
stimulus. The response occurs after the workout. The response is
affected by the quality of the workout and by the quality of the
recovery. Rest and nutrition have as much to do with your success
as does the program.
The real key to a successful strength program is injury reduction. I
used to use the term “injury prevention” but, in reality only divine
intervention can prevent injury. “Injury reduction” is a better
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
representation of the goal. Semantics aside, statistics don’t lie. If
your injuries decrease and your wins increase you’re being
successful. Wins can obviously be affected by talent and coaching
but in general injury trends will not be as affected by these factors.
Just remember your number one goal is injury reduction, and your
number two goal is performance enhancement.
During my 15 years of college coaching I noticed an interesting
trend. As we evolved from a traditional power/ Olympic lifting based
program to a more functionally-based program, our strength
numbers stayed consistent but our injury incidence decreased
drastically. Think about this fact as you read.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Chapter 1- Designing and
Equipping Your Facility
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
The first chapter is about
equipping a facility because
mistakes at this point will
determine how well you will be
able to design a program. Great
ideas are simply great ideas if the
logistics of the facility prevent them
from being turned into great
programs. Mistakes in choosing
equipment are expensive to undo.
In order to properly equip a facility
a coach or athletic trainer needs to
Figure 1.1- Adjustable Flat to
Incline Bench
consider usage and subsequent
traffic flow. It is clear that the selfcontained power area approach yields the greatest weight room
usage per square foot. I don’t know any coach who thinks that he or
she has enough space. With the emphasis on functional training,
space has become more important than equipment. This means
that equipment must in our current computer dominated
language “multitask”. In simplest
Figure 1.2- Power Rack
terms the self contained power
area (SCPA) is a power rack
(Figure 1.2), an adjustable flat to
incline bench (Figure 1.1), and a
set of Olympic lifting blocks
(Figure 1.3). This combination
when used properly can allow
athletes to perform almost any
exercise desired in a small
area and, with proper planning
makes for great use per square
foot. Each SCPA takes up
approximately 50 sq ft but,
projections should be for 100 sq. ft
per station (more on this later).
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
One important suggestion, don’t
buy the currently popular half- racks
(Figure 1.4). Half-racks have
become increasingly popular over
the past five years but, the truth is a
half-rack is actually a half of a
power rack that doesn’t cost half as
much but is in fact half as useful.
Figure 1.3- Pulling blocks for
performing Olympic lifts from
Hang Positions
racks are designed with pullbars but, the reality is that you
can’t simultaneously use the
rack for squats and pull-ups
because the squat bar is in
the way. With a full power
rack athletes can pair (more
this concept when we get to
the actual workouts) a
squatting movement with a
chinning movement and
actually use the front and
back of the rack. Half racks
look good but function poorly.
Pay a few extra bucks and
get full power racks. Figure
1.5 clearly shows how
utilitarian a weight room can
when properly designed. A
room designed around the
self-contained power area
concept is literally made for
team or group usage. This is in contrast to the weight rooms of the
‘80s and ‘90s that were often designed in what I would call “Noah’s
Figure1.4- Half Rack- Same
price, half as useful
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Ark” style. In the Noah’s Ark weight room, the coach simply ordered
two of everything. The rooms often resembled Gold’s Gym more
than a strength and conditioning facility. These types of facilities
were not at all conducive to team or group training. In fact a facility
designed with too much machinery actually causes bottlenecks as
athletes wait for a particular piece of equipment that is in short
supply. With a self contained power area and a large supply of
dumbbells athletes will never wait for equipment.
Figure 1.5- The picture of efficiency with 10
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
The next illustration ( figure 1.6) is potentially the most space
efficient. The rack depicted can be combined with 2 adjustable
benches and 2 sets of clean blocks to provide maximum usage per
square foot.
Figure 1.6 – Custom designed two-sided rack from Pro
Star Sports
The down side to this type of setup is that athletes will need
to share a mirror. On the plus side, 6-8 athletes can perform
their entire workout in this small space. The athletes working
on the side closest to the mirror would Olympic lift from clean
blocks while the athletes farthest from the mirror would
Olympic lift from technique scoops. ( see Figure 1.7)
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Figure 1.7- Technique Scoops
Think about equipping each side of the rack as a separate area.
Two bars, a bench, a full set of dumbbells, and all of the little tools
like balance pads and mini-slideboards should be purchased for
each rack.
Essential Equipment List
The following is a sample equipment list. I have included what I
feel are the necessary items for a moderate budget facility. I have
also included things like bands and medicine balls. These items
should be included when you do your budget for one simple
reason. You may not get a second chance. Purchasing is a funny
thing. You seem to get one large shot. In university settings you
don’t score any extra points for coming in under budget. The only
thing coming in under budget ever gets you is a smaller budget.
Spend every cent. In fact go over. Be a little extravagant. It will give
you room if they ask you to cut the proposed budget.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Power Racks
Adjustable Benches
Olympic Sets
Plate Trees
Dumbbells 5-120(2.5 incr.)
Adjustable Cable Columns
Clean Blocks
Double Dumbbell Racks
20 K Bumpers
10 K Bumpers
Airex Pads
Airex Mats
Lateral Resistors
Medicine Balls
DynaMax Medicine Balls
Med Ball Racks
Stability Balls
Foam Rollers
ABC Ladders
Flat Rings
Cat Overspeed
Functional Training Grids
Pro BodyBlade
Calf Roller
30" Hurdles
12" Hurdles
6" Hurdles
Hurdle Extenders
Dip Belts
Extreme Balance Boards
Weight Vests
Back Extension Benches
Set Plyo Boxes
Precor Elliptical
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Facility Design Guidelines
Bill Kroll wrote an excellent series of articles for the NSCA journal in
the 80’s on facility design that is still unmatched in my mind. The
concepts Kroll advocated have dictated how I designed and
redesigned weight rooms for the last 10 years. ( see recommended
In simple terms Kroll advocated the self contained power areas
discussed previously and gave very specific guidelines for design of
the room.
100 square feet of space per person- This means if you have a
team of 25 players that you would like to train at the same time, you
would need a minimum of 2500 sq. ft. This is a minimum for a
facility using the self-contained power area concept and minimal
machines or cardiovascular pieces. This is the number one mistake
that strength coaches, or anyone else planning a facility makes.
One hundred square feet accounts for people plus essential
equipment. Architects will often feel that the room size allotted is
too large, but they are not thinking about the combination of people
and equipment. This is a common mistake made in many arena
weight rooms when architects become involved. Use 100 sq. ft per
team member as a bare minimum. Use a larger number like 150 if
you plan on having a large amount of single station equipment. If
you would like a large open space for warm-up or post workout
stretching, budget this in also. You will never get a second chance
to add more space unless you move to a new facility. Get as much
space as possible and don’t worry about equipping it. The old
weight room philosophy was to set up a health club like
environment. I previously referred to this as the Noah’s Ark weight
room. In reality having one or two of any piece of equipment only
creates problems and bottlenecks. My feeling is that you need to
have at least four of something to use it in a team program,
otherwise you create funnels. This is what makes the self-contained
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
power area so attractive. I would advocate having as many of these
set-ups as you can fit and having little else.
As Much Ceiling Height as Possible- Specify at least 12 feet. 10
feet is the bare minimum for six foot tall athletes to perform
overhead lifts. Remember that you have to factor in athlete height,
athlete arm length, platform height and the diameter of a 20
kilogram or 45 pound plate. Architects will not think about these
factors. In addition a room with a lot of ceiling height is more
aesthetically pleasing.
Mirrors 24 inches off the floor- This means that no one will ever
lean a plate and break a mirror. I know that athletes aren’t
supposed to lean plates against the wall but, they always do and
low mirrors get broken.
Don’t let your architect fir out your walls- What does this mean?
For aesthetic reasons architects will often want to cover a block
wall with sheetrock. Don’t let them. With current trends in Medicine
Ball training you can never have enough walls to throw against.
Throwing a medicine ball with a partner does not compare to
throwing against a wall.
Equipment Guidelines
10 ft per Olympic Bar- People will always counter with statements
like “An Olympic bar is only 7 feet long” but again they are not
thinking about having space between bars to load and unload
plates. Allotting 10 feet per bar means that each bar will have a
three foot space between the ends. This means that there will be
no accidents loading and unloading bars. To make it simple you
would need 40 feet of uninterrupted wall space for four self
contained power areas. The only exception here is that you can
have one-and-a half feet at the beginning or end of any row of
racks and still have a safe environment.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
7ft 3ft 7ft
1.5 ft
__ _______ ___ _______ ___ _______ ___ _______ __
This diagram shows how a four-rack layout would work on forty foot
wall. One-and-a half feet is fine at either end of a run, but three feet
is essential between bars.
No 35 pound plates- This is a simple money saver. 35’s take up
rack space, make your racks unorganized and provide no benefit.
You just need 25’s and 10’s. Save your money, don’t buy 35’s.
Twice as many 10 pound plates as 25’s, 5’s and 2.5’s- Why you
ask? Simple. Many weight combinations will require two ten pound
plates on each end of the bar. This is never the case with twenty
five pound plates, five pound plates or 2.5 pound plates. Two 10s
make a 20, not a 25. As result you always need twice as many 10s
as 25’s,5’s or 2.5’s.
Compressed and welded dumbbells in 2.5 lb increments
or PowerBlock dumbbells- Dumbbells are normally sold in
five pound increments. This seems standard. However, a few
companies notably Samson Equipment and Sorinex,
manufacture their own dumbbells in 2.5 - pound increments.
Why is this such a big deal you ask? Custom-manufactured
dumbbells in 2.5-pound increments are ideal. Five-pound
increments do not allow younger or less-trained athletes to
progress at reasonable rates. For example when lessexperienced athletes advance from two 15-pound dumbbells
to two 20-pound dumbbells, they are progressing from 30
pounds to 40 pounds, an increase of 33 percent. Would you
ask a stronger athlete to go from 60-pound dumbbells to 80pound dumbbells in one week? My experience with Athletes’
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Performance has made me a fan of the PowerBlock and
SportBlock systems.
Although potentially more expensive
than conventional dumbbells PowerBlocks and SportBlocks
save space and eliminate the problem of “who’s using the
tens?”. With the adjustable dumbbell system every set has
the capacity to provide an interchangeable weight. For
anyone contemplating outfitting a home gym this is clearly the
route to go.
15-, 25-, and 35-pound Olympic Bars—Many young and or
female athletes have little or no strength training background
and may need lighter bars to begin with. Buy Olympic bars
that take Olympic plates. Many companies now stock these
new bars. Don’t use conventional bars and one-inch-hole
plates. Younger athletes should look like everyone else in the
weight room. Why is this important? In the psychology of a
strength training facility younger or weaker athletes are often
intimidated just by being in the facility. Providing them with
equipment that allows them to “fit in” drastically increase
enjoyment and compliance.
1.25-pound PlateMates®—If you have only five-poundincrement dumbbells, Plate-Mates are the solution.
PlateMates are simply 1.25-pound magnets that allow you to
increase a dumbbell’s weight by 2.5 pounds (one PlateMate
on each side). Make sure to purchase the proper PlateMates
for your style of dumbbell, hexagonal or round. Round
PlateMates do not work well on hexagonal dumbbells and
could pose a safety hazard
1.25-pound Olympic plates—1.25-pound Olympic plates are
not common but can be purchased. The same logic described
earlier applies. Moving from 45 pounds to 50 pounds is only a
5-pound jump, but it is also a 10 percent jump. Many female
athletes will not be able to make this type of progression. The
male example again illustrates this point. Ask a male athlete
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
to jump from 300 to 330 on the bench press in one week. This
is only a 10 percent jump, but would be impossible for any
The key to designing and equipping a facility is to think about who
you are going to train. How many people will use the facility and at
what times? You need to look at age, gender and level of
experience. You need to design the facility with success in mind.
When designing think about multi-purpose, user-friendly equipment
and lots of space. Those are the keys. Success is not about fancy
equipment but, about facility function. Think of your facility as a
factory to produce strength, speed, and power.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Chapter 2 – Building a Strong Foundation
A strong foundation is not only the key to building a home, but a
successful strength and conditioning program as well. The old
adage about not building a house on sand could not be truer. A
good program, like a good house needs a strong foundation.
However, the converse can also be true. The foundation should be
the underpinnings on which the program is based, but the
foundation should not completely determine the function of the
house. In our modern world we still want modern kitchens and
baths and wiring for the internet to go with our strong foundation.
What does all this have to do with strength and conditioning? I
believe that too many coaches never build past the foundation.
Olympic lifting, and powerlifting are excellent systems that teach a
strong technical background and emphasize multi-joint lifts.
However, much like the invention of modern plumbing and the
internet, strength and conditioning is constantly advancing. To be
successful we need to advance with it.
Functional training, core training and the proper use of unstable
surfaces are only a few of the examples of advances that should be
embraced and incorporated into a sound program. We have far too
many ostriches in our profession, content to coach with their head
in the sand (or possibly someplace else).
I trace my foundation back through Al Vermeil ( 8 World
Championships) and Mike Woicek (Four Super Bowl wins) to Ken
Leistner ( The Steel Tip) and Bill Starr ( The Strong Shall Survive). I
have listened to and read the works of all these men and, have
never moved away from the basic concepts they taught. However, I
have also incorporated the work of great minds in rehab like Mike
Clark, Gray Cook and Kevin Wilk. Remember the most frightening
person in the world is the one who believes he has all the answers.
I spend countless hours reading and listening to people in the field
of strength and conditioning, rehab, psychology and business. The
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
more research and reading you do, the more you realize how little
you really know.
When starting a strength and conditioning program coaches
frequently try to do too much too soon. The real key to developing a
successful program is to decide what you want your athletes to
learn and focus on one lift per day. At clinics I often speak with
coaches who are interested in starting or improving the strength
and conditioning program at their schools. Most often they are
looking for guidance in setting up the program and, almost always
want to talk sets and reps. Coaches ask “Should I do BFS?”
“Should I use the Husker Program?” etc. Much to their dismay, I
generally want to discuss organization and administrative concepts
because, in my experience, these are the real keys to a successful
program. Setup and execution make the program run not sets and
If you get one thing out of this book remember this quote.
“A bad program done well is better than a good program done
A bad program done with consistency and effort will be more
beneficial than a great program done inconsistently and with little
Keep it simple, and adhere strictly to the following guidelines:
1) Make sure all your athletes are on board. If you are
starting a high school program or taking over a collegiate
program forget uncooperative seniors. The major source of
frustration in starting a high school or college program is
dealing with seniors who already “know how to lift”. Separate
these guys out right away. If they don’t cooperate, get rid of
them. They’ll be gone soon anyway.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
2) Perform one coaching- intensive lift per day. What do I
mean by a coaching-intensive lift? Exercises like front squats
or any Olympic movement are coaching-intensive. Coaches
must watch every possible set to help ingrain into their
athletes the correct motor pattern. If athletes are doing front
squats and hang cleans the same day, which do you watchthe platforms or the squats racks? Don’t force yourself to
make this decision. For example do split squats instead of
front squats on the day that you clean and do push-ups
instead of bench press on the day you front squat. On front
squat day, don’t do an Olympic movement, do box jumps as
your explosive exercise. This process of doing one coaching
intensive lift per day may only last a year, but it insures that
your athletes won’t be practicing poor patterns with no
3) Get all your administrative work done prior to the start
of sessions. The biggest failure in strength and conditioning
is coaches sitting at computers instead of coaching. If you
need workouts done on computer, do them during nontraining time. The job is strength and conditioning coach.
Don’t get caught up, as many coaches do, in having great
programs on paper and, lousy lifters. Let the paperwork
suffer and do the coaching.
4) Coach. This is what it is all about. Coach like this is your
sport. So many coaches ask, “Can you give me a program? I
always give the same answer. “I could but it wouldn’t work”.
Our programs are not appropriate for beginners. Beginners
need teaching, not programs. The program begins and ends
with technical proficiency. Coaches must realize that their
athletes are the window through which others see them. If
another college coach came into your weight room would
you be proud or ashamed? Would you make excuses for the
poor technique or, accept the pats on the back for what great
lifters your athletes are? The other factor, even more
important than your athletes being the window through which
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
others see you, is that your athletes are the mirror in which
you see yourself. Your lifters are a direct reflection of you.
When you watch your athletes are you happy with yourself
as a teacher and coach.
5) Technique, Technique, Technique. Never compromise.
Perform parallel squats all the time. Our athletes do nothing
but front squats to a top of the thigh parallel position. In fact
we will use 12” plyo boxes to guarantee depth. We ask
athletes to squat to a box that places the femur parallel to
the floor. Although we may need different size boxes for
different size athletes we will arrive at a point for each
athlete that defines parallel for that athlete. Keep in mind that
these are not West Side Barbell box squats. The athlete
touches the box to insure depth.
If you bench press, no bounce, no arch. Never compromise.
As soon as you allow one athlete to cheat or to not adhere to
the program others will follow immediately. Remember why
athletes cheat. They cheat to lift more weight. Lifting more
weight feeds their ego. If you allow it to happen, cheating is
very difficult to stop. To make your point use exercises like
pause bench and pause front squats. These exercises can
be very humbling. Canadian Strength Coach Charles
Poliquin has a principle he calls Technical Failure that I love.
Technical failure means that you never count a rep that was
completed after technique broke down. This principle will
encourage your athletes to lift properly. I consistently tell my
athletes that I don’t care how many reps they do, I care you
many good reps they do.
6) Use bodyweight when possible and practical. Always
teach body-weight squats first. If athletes can’t bodyweight
squat, they can’t squat. Period. They must be able to get
through the range of motion. It is normal to be able to squat
to a parallel position. Athletes who cannot may need work on
hip mobility, ankle mobility or lateral hamstring stretching. In
addition do lots of push-ups, feet-elevated push-ups, one-leg
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
squats, chin-ups and dips. Body-weight exercise is humbling.
Use it early and often with beginners. Not only will athletes
learn to respect their body weight, but they will see the value
of these “simple” exercises.
7) If you test, test super strict. Testing is when things really
deteriorate. In a testing situation the coach should see every
lift, and the coach should select every weight. Don’t reward
strength, reward improvement. Rewarding strength is a huge
mistake that I believe encourages drug use. Reward
improvement, make athletes compete with themselves, not
others. Don’t use t-shirts or record boards for rewards unless
they reward improvement over personal bests. If you feel
you must test strength, also test performance indicators like
Vertical Jump and 10-yard dash. If athletes are improving
strength without changing performance factors the program
is only marginally effective
8) Have appropriate equipment. This was covered in the
previous chapter but, bears repeating. Many companies now
sell 15 and 25 lb Olympic bars. These are critical to a good
program. Platemates allow athletes to make reasonable
jumps with dumbbells. Spend money to encourage success.
Success is what sells the program.
Strength and conditioning coaching may seem easy in principle,
but difficult in practice. The key to a successful program is to try
to see every set and, coach every athlete. This is difficult, time
consuming, and repetitive. In fact it is impossible. At the end of
a good day in the weight room you should be hoarse and tired.
A good strength coach will have sore legs and knees from
squatting down to see squat depth all day.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Chapter 3-Designing the Perfect Program
Program design and exercise selection are simple concepts that we
make much more complex than necessary. You don’t need to be
trendy or cute in your exercise selection. In fact in my thirty years of
training and coaching the basics have not changed much. What
has changed is that we now have a better understanding of why
exercises have stood the test of time. Concepts like closed kinetic
chain exercise and functional training only serve to validate what
some of the early geniuses of strength and conditioning like Bill
Starr, Fred Hatfield and Ken Leistner, already knew.
One of the funniest things I encounter as I travel and write are
people who assume things about the way I coach (we know what
they say about assuming). Because of the success of Functional
Training for Sports many people expect to find my athletes doing all
sorts of outlandish exercises. Most coaches who actually take the
time to visit are shocked to see our athletes performing front
squats, hang cleans, and bench presses. The reality is that our
athletes don’t stray far from the basics and usually when they do it
is for good reason. We will always make changes that we think will
result in improvement. Our job as strength and conditioning
coaches is to reduce the incidence of injury and to enhance
performance. Without some element of change, you simply accept
the status quo. Remember the old cliché, “ If you do what you
always did, you will get what you always got”.
In the simplest terms, utilize the lifts that teach (or force) your
athletes or clients to do what you want them to do. Personal
trainers and coaches need to look at what they feel are the
common errors of his clients or athletes and then design a program
that includes exercises that will correct those errors. Much of this
has been alluded to previously but bears repeating.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
For example, consider this list of exercises:
1) Bodyweight lower body exercises
2) Front squats
3) “Box” front squats- not the “sit down” variety
4) Pause or slow eccentric bench
Why are these exercises important? Because they all represent an
exercise variation that corrects a critical flaw.
• Body-weight lower-body exercises get people on their feet.
That’s where life is.
• Front squats virtually eliminate the back stress and
technique flaws of squatting.
• Box squats force depth and create hip mobility and actually
reduce the load on the spine in terms of compression and
torque ( forward lean).
• Pause bench presses or eccentric emphasis bench presses
eliminates bouncing and arching.
Good exercise selection is purposeful and is designed to eliminate
mistakes and correct errors. Obviously there are other criteria for
exercise selection. I like Coach Mike Burgener’s ( Rancho Buena
Vista HS, CA) Yes to the 4th Power idea:
• Is it done standing?
• Is it multi-joint?
• Is it done with free weights?
• Is it characteristic of explosive sports
You can’t always adhere to Coach Burgener’s philosophy but,
it’s a great place to start.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Program Design Basics
It is amazing how often coaches and trainers violate what I consider
to be the most basic rules of program design. The information that
follows is not just my opinion: it represents a consensus of most
successful strength coaches. In program design, certain rules must
be followed to achieve success.
Explosive Movements First. If you are using Olympic lifts they
should always be done first in the program. I will discuss Olympic
lifting in greater detail in chapter 5, but I must emphasize here that
exercises with high technical and neural demand must be done at
the beginning of a strength training session. I generally judge
programs initially based on this one point. If an athlete asks me to
look at a program and I see that the program calls for them to
perform an Olympic lift after they bench or squat I automatically
disregard the rest of the program and usually the writer. This may
be an overreaction on my part, but I feel strongly about the basics.
Exercises that stress the nervous system, like the Olympic lifts,
must be done when both the muscular and nervous systems are
fresh. This not only insures the effectiveness of the lifts but makes
them much safer. The Olympic lifts require a high degree of skill
and coordination and athletes must be as fresh as possible prior to
performing these types of exercises.
Multi-joint exercises second. This concept has been stated over
and over and will be stated one more time for emphasis. Most
coaches get this part right. Very rarely will you see a program that
prioritizes single joint exercise over multi-joint exercise.
Forget single-joint exercise. Most single-joint exercise is a waste
of time! I am shocked when I see programs that are still performing
single joint exercise. There are some exceptions, like hip abduction
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
and adduction and scapulo-thoracic work. However, exercises like
leg extensions, leg curls and tricep pressdowns have little value to
athletes. The time spent, or wasted, on these exercises can be
utilized to add exercises that have the same goal but, far greater
Single joint exercise for hinge joints like the knee and the elbow are
a waste of time. Don’t let anyone sell you on the “injury prevention”
angle. A good single leg progression and some bridging will prevent
or reduce injury incidence far better than single joint machines.
Limit machine use. This is another statement that I didn’t think I
would have to make. Sometimes you can overestimate how far the
field has come. The only machines that are necessary in an athletic
strength and conditioning program are adjustable cable columns or
the new functional trainers. Adjustable cable columns allow rotary
training ( chopping and lifting actions) as well as standing row
movements. Every other exercise can be done better with a weight
than with a machine. The silliest trend in machines is machines that
now mimic conventional free weight exercises. There is a reason
that most machine companies have begun to manufacture benches
and squat racks in addition to their machines. The machine
companies see the handwriting on the wall. The best thing to have
for a great program is space. Machines rob you of space.
Whenever I look at a machine I ask myself how much use I could
get out of that square footage.
Never more than 10 reps unless you want endurance. Eight
reps may even be better. One mistake I have made over my career
is probably spending too much time on foundational, hypertrophy
type exercise. I think, in reality, athletes need to lift heavy weights
and have great variety in programming. However if the objective is
strength they need to lift heavy. My proposed solution is to do
hypertrophy type work, but in a 5-10-20 type format to get some low
rep emphasis (This is a variation of Charles Poliquin’s 6-12-24
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
program). This means that even in the high rep phases the athlete
is still doing a heavy set of five reps.
We generally do:
5 reps at 82 percent
10 reps at 70 percent
20 reps at 58 percent.
These sets are done in descending order. This means that the
heavy set is done first. Do I break my own rule in this phase? Yes.
The twenty rep set is for endurance and targets a different type of
muscle fiber. The important part of this sequence is that it hits all
ends of the spectrum. Strength is maintained with the five rep set
and endurance and hypertrophy addressed with the ten and twenty.
Do this for one multi-joint exercise per day or you will overtrain your
clients or athletes. How can you select the weights? Simply
subtract 12% from the five set for the ten and again for the 20.
Ex Bench 200 x5 (- 24) = 175x10 ( -21 lbs) = 155x20
( weights rounded to the lower number)
Perform low reps with heavier weights if you do not want to
develop size. This is not a misprint. The idea of light weights and
lots of reps for athletes that don’t want to build size is one of the
biggest lies in the training and coaching world. Just do less weight
and more reps so you won’t get big? Bodybuilders have been doing
the exact opposite for years with great success. Volume builds
hypertrophy. Remember volume not weight builds size.
Know how long the workout takes! Be realistic. I can’t tell you
the number of programs that I have read that don’t add up. Look at
the time that each set will take and look at the rest time allotted. Do
the math. I’ve seen programs that if done as indicated would have
taken three hours. 20 sets is a good guideline for an hour workout.
When you design a program, take the time to do the math and then
to try out the program to make sure that your estimates are
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
accurate. Allot 1 minute for each set and at least one minute
between sets. Even this is fast. At this pace you could get in 20
sets in forty minutes.
Understand and use tempo. Tempo is often talked about but,
rarely used. Jay Schroeder has begun to re-popularize isometric
exercise with his “holds” and the excellent work of Canadian
strength coach Christian Thibedeau has really made eccentric
training much easier to implement. Both of these systems rely
heavily on tempo. Tempo is simply a measure of the time that a
repetition takes. Tempo is usually described with three numbers,
the first indicating the eccentric portion of the lift, the second
indicating the time to pause at the midpoint (zero indicates a touch
and go rep) and the last number is the concentric phase. In other
words, if I did a normal rep I would exhibit a 1-0-1 tempo. I have a
few opinions on tempo:
• Normal tempo is 1-0-1. I have watched and timed lots of
lifters recently and was surprised that even a normal
controlled rep was clearly 1-0-1.
• I don’t love pauses because most athletes have difficulty
holding a tight position during the pause.
• I don’t like slow concentric movements.
• I guess this means that for me tempo variation would mean
lengthening the eccentric contraction
Christian Thibedeau has come up with some excellent guidelines
for eccentric training. I will confess that I tried eccentric training in
the past with little success and the primary reason was that I
believed what I read. Research tells us that a lifter should be able
to handle more weight eccentrically, than concentrically. Some
estimates have run up to 120% of concentric max. If you believe
this, you are doomed to failure. If you can bench 300 pounds try
lowering 360 pounds under control. I don’t believe that most
athletes could do an actual controlled eccentric with even 100
percent of their max. What you would actually see is a yielding
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
isometric where the athlete just attempts to control the descent. An
athlete may eventually be able to lower more weight than they can
raise but, the athletes that I coach are not even close. I don’t know
where the studies were done that imply that athletes can lower
more weight than they can raise but, it doesn’t appear to be true.
Most athletes are not used to lowering the bar with control and
actually lift via elasticity. As a result, they are not able to lower the
bar with control. To develop eccentric strength ( which will enhance
concentric strength), Thibedeau recommends the following:
75% 8 sec lowering 2 reps per set
80% 6 sec lowering 1 rep per set
85% 4 sec lowering 1 rep per set (2004,p40)
One way to look at eccentric training is to think that the number of
seconds of controlled eccentric contraction should be roughly equal
to the number of concentric reps you can do. In other words if you
bench press 225 for 5 reps, you should be able to lower 225 for 5
seconds. Interestingly enough, Charles Poliquin another Canadian
Strength coach recommends 30-70 seconds of time under tension
for hypertrophy so the concept of tempo follows closely into the
concept of time under tension.
Time under tension. Time under tension is simply the total amount
of time that a set takes from start to finish. In other words 10 reps at
a 1-0-1 tempo would yield 20 seconds of time under tension. The
interesting thing about this is that most hypertrophy workouts don’t
include enough time under tension to truly stimulate hypertrophy.
For hypertrophy, sets need to last at least 30 seconds so a ten rep
set would need to be done at a 2-0-1 tempo at the bare minimum to
produce significant hypertrophy. An 8 rep set would need to be
done at 3-0-1.
The Essential Components of a Sound Program
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
In my mind, a sound strength program must contain all of the
qualities that follow. Omission of any one component sets the
athlete up for imbalances and may eventually lead to injury or to
increased risk of injury.
• Pillar Strength. You can call it core strength or anything
else you want but, understand it and do it.
Power Exercises- this means Olympic lifts (Figure 3.1) if
you are comfortable with them, but pieces like the
Vertimax, exercises like jump squats or medicine balls can
also develop total body power
Figure 3.1 Two time Olympian Tricia Dunn
performing a close grip snatch
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Knee Dominant Exercise- basically single and double-leg
squats (Figure 3.2). These can also be classified as lowerbody pushing exercises
Figure 3.2 Chris Drury of the Buffalo Sabres
performing a front squat. This is the classic knee
dominant exercise
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Hip Dominant Exercise- Straight leg deadlifts and single
leg variations(Figure 3.3). Hip dominant also includes
bridging type movements. The difference between hip
dominant and knee dominant is best illustrated by the
difference between the front squat and straight leg deadlift.
Darryl Eto and Craig Freidman of Athletes’ Performance
would prefer to call these types of exercises lower body
pulling exercises. Whatever we call them, we need to do
Figure 3.3 Olympic Gold and Si1ver Medalist Tricia Dunn performing a 1 leg
straight leg deadlift.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Horizontal Pressing Movements – bench press and
Variations ( figure 3.4)
Figure 3.4 Richard Park of the Minnesota Wild performing alternating
dumbbell bench presses
Vertical Pressing Movements- overhead presses
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Horizontal Pulling Movements- rowing motions (figure 3.5)
Figure 3.5 Reebok Master Trainer Rico Wesley performing a dumbbell row
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Vertical Pulling Movements- chin-ups (figure 3.6)
Figure 3.6 Chin-up ( pronated grip)
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Ignoring the above information is one of the great failings of
strength and conditioning coaches across the country.
To evaluate whether your current program is hitting all of these
critical areas:
1) Take your first phase of training and write next to each exercise
what category it would fall into.
2) See if you have covered all of the categories at least once
during the week and preferably twice.
3) Look at the ratio of horizontal presses to vertical or horizontal
pulls and the ratio of knee dominant exercises to hip dominant
exercises. If these are not in a one to one ratio you have an
unbalanced program that can potentially set your athletes up for
injury. An imbalance of horizontal presses to horizontal/ vertical
pulls will almost always lead to rotator cuff problems. An
imbalance of knee dominant exercises to hip dominant
exercises will lead to hamstring problems. Try this evaluation
and then compare it to your injury stats.
At the conclusion of every season I would do just what I am asking
you to do. I would look at the number and type of injuries and ask
myself if I did everything possible to reduce the incidence of injury.
This is how I came to many of the above conclusions. I can still
remember a year in the early ‘90s when we had 20 football players
with some level of rotator cuff tendonitis. When I looked at our
program, I saw a typical strength program, lots of pushing, very little
pulling. Most of my linemen could easily bench press their bodyweight,
but few could do even one chin-up. It wasn’t hard to come to the
obvious conclusion. After forcing our athletes to perform chin-ups and
assisted chin-ups, our upper back strength increased and our rotator
cuff problems disappeared.
Program design is simple if you follow the rules. Coaches get into
trouble when they program to their own likes or bias. Remember the
purpose of the program is to reduce injuries and improve
performance. As coaches we are not trying to create powerlifters,
Olympic lifters, bodybuilders or strongmen. We are trying to create
athletes. Strength training is simply a means to an end.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Chapter 4 Core Training
Simply defined, core stability is “the ability to create extremity
movement without compensatory movement of the spine or pelvis”
and in the broadest sense is “the ability to produce and transmit
force from the ground without energy leaks at the hips, spine or
scapulo-thoracic joints”. Energy leaks are defined as points at
which energy is lost during the transfer of force from the ground.
Energy leaks are a result of the bodies’ inability to stabilize a
particular joint. Torso strength encompasses core stability, hip
stability and shoulder stability and most importantly the ability to
move force from the ground to the extremities while maintaining
stability in the aforementioned areas.
Setting the Stage for Stability: Training the Deep Abdominal
As the study of the interrelationship of low back pain and the
training of the abdominal muscles continues it is obvious that the
paradigms will continue to shift. One such shift is occurring
currently. Previously I have written and spoken extensively about
the Australian methods of training the deep abdominal muscles.
The work of Richardson, Hodges, and Jull, through their landmark
work Therapeutic Exercise for Spinal Segmental Stabilization in
Low Back Pain, has significantly advanced our knowledge of core
anatomy and muscle function. In actuality, that book and the
research that preceded it have forever changed the way that
training is performed. Interestingly enough, some practitioners in
the field have rejected the Australian concepts for a broad range of
reasons. The most notable and credible among these critics is
Canadian Dr. Stuart McGill. McGill provides a sound biomechanical
rationale for why “hollowing” as he refers to the “draw-in” maneuver
will actually decrease stability. McGill advocates a technique he
refers to as “bracing” in place of “hollowing” or “drawing-in”.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Although I understand Dr. McGill’s premise, I still believe that
learning to hollow or draw-in still is a necessary skill for our athletes
to achieve.
Drawing in – the action of bringing the rectus abdominus toward the
spinal column. Ideally this is done by contracting the transverse
abdominus and internal oblique muscles
Hollowing- Another description of a drawing-in action that assumes
that the action results in a decrease of waist diameter.
Bracing- The technique taught and favored by McGill that involves
a simultaneous co-activation of both the transverse abdominus,
internal oblique, external oblique and rectus abdominus. In bracing
there is no attempt to decrease the diameter at the waist only to
activate the muscles.
Although I am clearly not qualified to dispute Dr. McGill’s research,
I have a point of theoretical disagreement. McGill’s research clearly
shows that drawing-in or hollowing can decrease base of support
and stability of the spine. However, we are teaching drawing-in as a
neuromuscular awareness exercise, not as the primary vehicle for
stability. McGill himself states that “hollowing may act as a motor
re-education exercise”. In addition, most of our athletes are the
classic “Janda lower crossed body” with an almost protruding
abdominal wall and a significant lumbar lordosis. (Vladimir Janda,
was one of the pioneers of manual medicine in Europe. He
introduced many of the concepts of muscle imbalance on which
many of the concepts of core training and functional training are
now based.) In these athletes I believe that teaching drawing-in
simply brings the rectus into normal alignment from a position of
concavity. In reality the athlete is not hollowing but simply bringing
the abdominal wall back to its intended position of stability. In other
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
words, the goal is to simply to bring the abdomen back to its normal
anatomical position. The key here is that drawing in for a lordotic
athlete would not in fact decrease the base of support as McGill
In my opinion performing “draw-in” exercises literally sets the table
for all other stability exercises. We are teaching athletes to contract
a muscle that they may not be capable of contracting voluntarily.
Athletes or clients unable to “draw-in” will not be able to properly
stabilize in any other movement pattern. In fact, I don’t believe that
an athlete who cannot “draw-in” would be able to “brace” as
effectively. The purpose of the “draw-in” exercises is not really to be
exercises in themselves but to allow clients to learn to properly set
the core musculature in all activities. Initially the draw-in concept is
applied in quadruped or bridging exercises. The draw-in is in my
opinion the foundation on which all other stability exercise is built.
Whether you choose to draw-in or brace, the execution of
quadruped or bridging exercises remain the same. The difference is
not in how you do the exercises, but in how you choose to set the
table. The end result remains the same.
The Science Behind Core Training
Torso strength could be a book in and of itself. The training of the
torso, core, or pillar, depending on your descriptive term of choice
is filled with controversy and confusion. Advocates of powerlifting or
Olympic lifting seem to feel that most of the scientific advances
made in the areas of medicine and physical therapy do not apply to
strength sports. As with many points made by those who
consistently lift weights with two feet on the ground I respectfully
disagree. I think that our influences in the area of injury prevention
should be the physical therapists who deal with injured athletes not
people from the sports of powerlifting or Olympic lifting.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
It is very easy for those who never have to worry about athletes
running or jumping to tell us how to train those who do.
Unfortunately when powerlifting or Olympic lifting coaches begin to
move from strength and power development into performance
enhancement problems arise. I believe that you cannot deny
science. Science tells us that the deep abdominal muscles (internal
oblique, transverse abdominus, and multifidus) play a key role in
the stability of the lumbar spine. Many in the strength community
disagree. I believe that disagreement is healthy, but I have seen far
too many strength athletes with problems in the lumbo-pelvic hip
complex (hip and low back) to think that exercises like squats
provide enough stability training.
Athletes and clients must learn to move from the hips, not
from the lumbar spine.
I believe that most athletes with lower back pain or hamstring
strains have poor hip and/or lumbo-pelvic mechanics and as a
result must extend or flex the lumbar spine to make up for
movement unavailable through the hip.
I believe that learning to stabilize either via a bracing maneuver as
described by McGill (simultaneous use of the rectus abdominus,
and the deep abdominal musculature) or by executing a “drawingin” maneuver is key to being able to strength train and remain
healthy. Many who have read my previous work might consider this
a departure from my previous thoughts. In fact it is only the
continuation of my education. Six years ago I did not even
understand the anatomy of the deep abdominal musculature. Now I
am well-versed, but continue to study and learn. McGill’s work has
continued to advance our knowledge of the workings of the
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
abdominal musculature, and I must admit that his evidence is
compelling. Dr. McGill’s Low Back Disorders is the latest landmark
work for any strength and conditioning professional. I think that the
disagreements as to how to stabilize between people like McGill
and Paul Hodges are primarily disagreements of semantics as they
relate to strength training and not really of science. I believe that
the Australian research in the area of drawing-in is still applicable to
athletes because as I stated previously, most athletic bodies are
As I have continued to read the work of physical therapist Shirley
Sahrmann, I have also changed my ideas on the ideas of training
“local muscles” versus “global muscles”. Sahrmann makes some
interesting comments relative to core training as it relates to the
larger muscles, like the external oblique and internal oblique.
Sahrmann has isolated the essence of any exercise but, most
importantly core exercise.
Sahrmann states: “Motion is restricted to the segment that is
supposed to move”. (2002, p )
Sahrmann, like McGill relies heavily on EMG data to prescribe
exercise but, her prescriptions run away from the norm. Sahrmann
recommends a “curl up” (figure 4.1 ), as a segmental movement
not directed primarily at the rectus but, directed at the internal
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Figure 4.1 Curl Up
In fact Sahrmann states “the primary disadvantage of improving the
rectus abdominus is that the rectus cannot produce or prevent
rotation, and shortness or stiffness contributes to thoracic
kyphosis”(2002, p 69). However, the data Sahrmann cites shows
that the highest internal oblique activity is actually when a curl-up or
segmental crunch is progressed into a full sit-up. Sahrmann makes
clear distinctions as to how this should be performed and makes a
wonderful case for including an “old school” exercise in the torso
strength program. Sahrmann also cites the reverse crunch (figure
4.2) as a key external oblique exercise. This is a hips-to-shoulders
flexion exercise that elicits high external oblique activity. (2002, p
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Figure 4.2 Stabilized Reverse Crunch- a key exercise
Glute Activation and Injury Prevention
To really understand core training we need to look at the key
compensation patterns that occur when someone attempts to train
the core. As I stated previously, substituting lumbar extension for
hip extension is the major culprit in many of the problems that we
see. This is one of the primary problems in lower back pain and
may be one of the key areas we attempt to improve over the next
few years. McGill uses the term “gluteal amnesia”. Mike Clark might
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
call it a problem of reciprocal inhibition or synergistic dominance.
Both are “Jandaists” if I can be so bold as to make up a word. Both
McGill and Clark identify the same problem. The problem is: Are
the glutes weak because the psoas is tight or, is the psoas tight
because the glutes are weak? It may be a classic interdependent,
chicken and egg, scenario. Either way, proper strengthening of the
glutes will be the best cure. In fact we may not even be
strengthening but just reeducating the neuromuscular system. In
reality most early strength gains are in more neural than contractile.
In order to do this the athlete needs to be able to set the core and
fire the glutes. Initially this is best done in quadruped to eliminate
hamstring contribution. Sahrmannn presents another series of
thoughts in her book. Sahrmann believes that anterior hip pain can
be the result of poor glute function and the resultant synergistic
dominance of the hamstrings. (2002, p. 15). Sahrmann discusses
the simple biomechanical explanation by citing the lower insertion
point of the hamstrings on the femur. If the hamstrings are
consistently called upon to be the primary hip extensor, the result
will be anterior hip pain in addition to hamstring strains. The
anterior hip pain is a result of the poor angle of pull of the
hamstrings when used as a hip extensor.
The key to the future of torso or core training will be in combining all
of the movements necessary without overemphasizing or
underemphasizing a particular muscle or movement. If I look at my
failings over the last five years, I would say that it would be in not
training the larger global muscles. So much emphasis was placed
on draw-in exercises and on stability that many of athletes could
not perform sit-up or curl-up type exercises.
If I can make one clear statement of what I believe now about
training, particularly as it applies to the core:
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Glute activation or more importantly, lack of glute activation,
may be the root of many of our evils.
As we look at more and more athletes, both injured and healthy, the
inability to activate the gluteus maximus and gluteus medius stands
out as the root cause of at least four major injury syndromes:
1) Low back pain relates strongly to poor glute max activation
(Poor glute function will cause excessive lumbar
2) Hamstring strains relate strongly to poor glute max activation
(Think about synergistic dominance)
3) Anterior hip pain relates strongly to poor glute max
activation. (This relates to the poor biomechanics of
hamstrings a hip extensors)
4) Anterior knee pain relates strongly to poor glute medius
strength or activation.
Sahrmann makes one of her many lucid points “when assessing
the factors that contribute to an overuse syndrome, one of the rules
is to determine whether one or more of the synergists of the
strained muscle are also weak. When the synergist is weak, the
muscle strain is probably the result of excessive demands” (2002,
I call this looking on the roof. If you see water leaking into your
house, you don’t simply try to plug the hole or paint over the water
stain. You look for the source of the water. You look on the roof for
the problem. The same applies to injuries. Don’t focus on pain site;
focus on the pain source. In our case, the source keeps coming
back to the glutes. In the bigger picture, coaches should look at
every non-traumatic (non-contact) injury as having a root cause in
either poor program design or, weakness of synergists.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
We will perform glute
activation at the beginning of
every workout to attempt to
develop better conscious
awareness of the function of
the glutes and to hopefully
“wake them up” so that they
will be greater contributors to
the workout. This whole
“glute activation” thing can
become a problem as you
will be asking your athletes
or clients to continually touch
their rear ends. In addition,
you will be continually
touching people’s rear ends.
A word to the wise, in our
litigious society sexual
harassment is a problem, be
careful we are treading in
dangerous but necessary
One small problem. When
does glute activation become
resistance training versus
core training? I must confess
to being unsure at this point.
There is a thin line between
hip dominant exercise and
core training. The solution
may be to do your core work
(quadruped and bridging) on
the days you are doing your
Figure 4.3- X Superband for Glute
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
hip dominant lower body exercises or perhaps to perform some
type of hip dominant exercise every day.
Glute Activation Keys
• Perform glute activation as the first thing in your warm-up
• Straight leg mini-band or Super Band X walks ( Figure 4.3)is
great for glute medius ( posterior fibers)
• For glute max use either quadruped hip extension or Cook
hip lift
Let me be clear. Perform glute activation prior to every workout.
Core Stability Exercises
Bridging and quadruped exercises are designed to promote glute
function and stability. Gray Cook classifies these exercises as “core
stability” because there is no movement of the spine. Exercises like
crunches and reverse crunches are better classified as “core
strength” because the spine is moving. Cook states the concept
simply. In order to be doing core stability exercise there must be no
movement of the core. Exercises that incorporate core movement
are core strength exercises.
Quadruped Progression
Although I discussed Quadruped exercise in detail in Functional
Training for Sports, this information clearly needs to be revisited.
McGill’s research has validated my thoughts relative to quadruped
exercise and, it is essential that all athletes work through this
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
rehabilitation exercises and have largely been ignored by
strength and conditioning coaches and athletic trainers. I think
many coaches view quadruped exercise as simple and a
waste of time. The quadruped exercises may not make sense
at first glance, but only because these exercises are often
performed incorrectly. In many cases the results of these
exercises become the opposite of what was intended.
Quadruped exercises should teach athletes how to recruit the
glutes while maintaining a stable torso. Instead, athletes often
learn that they can mimic hip extension by extending (or
hyper-extending) the lumbar spine. The purpose of this
quadruped progression is to teach the athlete to stabilize the
torso with the deep abdominals and multifidus muscles and to
simultaneously use the hip extensors to extend the hip. A
great deal of low back pain is related to poor range of motion
and function of the hip that must be compensated for by
lumbar extension or rotation.
Obviously the multifidus component is not present until the hip
or arm is extended. The multifidus is incorporated when the
athlete or client has to stabilize against a rotational
component produced by a three-point stance. Quadruped
actually refers to the starting position. Most of the exercises
are actually done from a three-point stance.
Pelvic Floor- the pelvic floor component is another component that
was not addressed in Functional Training for Sports. Pelvic floor is
a sensitive issue because coaches are dealing with discussions of
body areas and body functions with athletes who may not be
mature enough to understand the essential nature of engaging the
muscles of the pelvic floor. When dealing with adult athletes or
clients, core training will be drastically improved by asking the
athlete or client to engage the pelvic floor while performing any
stabilization exercise in quadruped or in a bridge position. It is
simple enough to tell athletes or client’s to mimic the action they
would employ if they realized that they had to use a bathroom, but
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
the line was very long. This usually is enough to get the message
Quadruped Draw-In
Level 1 This has become the position of choice for teaching
athletes and clients how to fire the deep abdominal musculature.
Although in the past I have recommended a supine position with
visual feedback, the weight of the internal organs makes working in
quadruped very neuromuscularly efficient. Athletes and clients tend
to feel this exercise more than any of the other positions previously
advocated. Start on all fours (figure 4.4) and relax, allowing the
weight of the internal organs to distend the abdominal wall.
Kneeling next to the client, place one hand on the client’s back and
the other hand on the now relaxed and distended abdomen. Ask
the client to lift the abdominal wall off of your hand without moving
the spine. Have the client hold this position for five seconds and
then allow the abdominal wall to again drop into your hand. The key
is to be able to lift the abdominal wall without moving the spine.
Repeat for five contractions lasting five seconds each.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Figure 4.4 Quadruped Draw-In
After the athlete or client has developed this skill ask them to
exhale as they draw in the abdomen. It is not necessary to actually
“hollow”, but athletes or clients must learn to feel this “draw-in” or
more appropriately “draw-up” action. This exercise teaches the
athlete the stable position that will be necessary to perform any of
the exercises that follow.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Quadruped Hip Extension Over Bench
Figure 4.5 Quadruped hip extension over bench
Level 1 This exercise is done to attempt to eliminate any lumbar
movement by blocking pelvic movement with a bench. This is not
the least bit “real world” but will force the athlete to begin to
understand glute isolation and therefore glute firing. Do not use a
stability ball for this exercise, as the ball will deflect. The surface
needs to be rigid. To perform the exercise, begin with the hip bones
in contact with the bench. Draw-in as in the quadruped draw-in
described previously and then extend the hip with a bent leg.
(figure 4.5) The bent leg eliminates the contribution of the
hamstring and forces more glute activation. The bending of the leg
shortens the hamstring making it a less effective hip extensor and
placing more emphasis on the glute.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Use the same sequence as above with 5 reps held at the top for 5
It is critical that the athlete consciously concentrates on squeezing
with the glutes for the entire 5 seconds. The coach or trainer should
see no pelvic movement whatsoever. Movement should be limited
to the hip. Any lumbar extension is compensation for poor glute
Quadruped Hip Extension: Bent Leg, Dowel Parallel
The quadruped hip extension progression is simple. We have
made one significant change to improve the effectiveness of
this movement. The non-working leg is placed on an Airex or
Theraband pad. (figure 4.6)This allows the hip to be extended
without having to produce the small amount of rotation
necessary to actually get the knee off the ground while in a
quadruped position. Extend the hip and hold the position for
five seconds before alternating sides.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Figure 4.6 Quadruped w/ knee on Airex pad
Level 1- this is done while balancing a dowel or stick along
the spine. The objective sounds simple, but it is actually
difficult to accomplish. Extend the hip without disturbing the
dowel or allowing the lumbar spine to move away from the
dowel. Any change in lumbar curve can easily be seen as an
increase in the space between the dowel and the lumbar
spine. With proper control of the lumbar spine via the deep
abdominals and multifidus muscles, the hip should extend
without extension of the lumbar spine.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Progress from 5 to 8 and then to 10 five-second holds. Again
the leg is bent to deliberately shorten the hamstring and make
the glute the primary hip extensor.
Level 2- add 2.5 pound ankle weights
Quadruped Hip Extension: Bent Leg, Dowel Perpendicular
Level 2 After you master the bent leg version of the
quadruped hip extension with the dowel parallel to the spine,
the dowel is shifted to a position perpendicular to the spine,
over the hip bones. The same hip extension is performed, but
now the objective is to eliminate any rotational compensation
in the lumbar spine.
Level 3 add 2.5 lb ankle weights.
Quadruped Alternating Arm and Leg
Level 4- The last and most difficult step in the progression is an
alternate arm and leg action from the quadruped hip position. This
is an advanced exercise that is often used far too often and far too
early with beginners. All the preceding exercises are held for five
seconds and progress using a 5-8-10 rep progression.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Supine Progression
The supine progression may be the most important part of the
overall torso training program. The supine or bridging
progression teaches athletes or clients to fire both the glutes
and the hamstrings while maintaining core position with the
deep abdominal muscles. In addition the progression now
moves to a position with the feet in contact with the ground, a
more real-life motor pattern than quadruped. The supine
progression also targets the back from the multifidus.
The supine exercises train or retrain the multifidus while
improving glute function. The multifidus, along with the
transversus abdominis, has received much attention recently
due to research being conducted in Australia. This research
has shown that the multifidus and transverse abdominis
experience rapid atrophy after back injury and must be
retrained by any athlete who has experienced back pain.
(Richardson, Jull and Hodges 1999 P94) The multifidus
muscles are the deepest of the spinal erector group and act to
resist flexion and anterior shear during forward bending
(Sahrmann 2002 p 67). In addition the multifidi are also
responsible for rotational stability between individual
vertebrae. One possible way to exercise the multifidus
muscles may be to apply a rotational stress to the spine. By
simply resisting this rotary force, the multifidus may be
stimulated. Training or retraining the multifidus muscles is
often neglected in many torso and low-back rehabilitation
programs. Although great attention has been lavished on the
deep abdominal musculature, the ability to stabilize the spinal
column itself is potentially more important. The supine
progression teaches the movement patterns necessary to
safely and correctly perform supine exercises, facilitates the
glutes and targets the multifidus. In addition the supine
progression begins to transfer the improved glute function
achieved through the quadruped exercises into the slightly
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
more specific bridge position.
Cook Hip Lift
Level 1- This is an invaluable exercise that provides a triple
emphasis on the glutes, hamstrings and on the torso. The
Cook hip lift (figure 4.7) develops glute and hamstring
strength and function and also teaches the critical difference
between hip range of motion and lumbar spine range of
motion. The ability to distinguish between hip motion and
lumbar spine motion is one of the most important goals of the
supine exercise progression. In many exercises that target
the hamstrings and glutes, it is easy to mistakenly use more
range of motion at the lumbar spine than at the hip. In
addition it is easy to extend the hips with the hamstrings
versus the glutes. The Cook hip lift is both an exercise, and a
test. If an athlete performs the Cook hip lift and experiences
cramping in the hamstring then the athlete has weak glutes or
inhibited glute function. Athletes that cramp in the hamstrings
with the Cook hip lift must place additional emphasis on
learning to fire the glutes. This is probably best done in
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Figure 4.7 Cook hip lift
Why the hamstring cramp? In hip extension with the knee bent, the
hamstring should be a weak synergist. Due to its shortened nature
the hamstring should provide a small measure of assistance to the
glutes in hip extension. However, in the absence of good glute
function (McGill’s “gluteal amnesia”) the hamstrings are forced to
become the prime mover. Attempting to be the prime mover while
shortened causes the muscle to overwork and cramp.
To perform the Cook hip lift, lie on the back in the hook-lying
position, then pull one knee tightly to the chest to limit
movement at the lumbar spine. To ensure that the knee stays
tight against the chest, place a tennis ball near the bottom of
the rib cage and pull the thigh up to hold the ball in place. The
ball must not fall out during the set. The opposite knee is bent
90 degrees, and the foot is placed with the heel down and toe
up. The action of pushing through the heel stimulates the hip
extensors. We have found that pushing through a flat foot will
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
often result in athletes with poor glute firing using the
quadriceps to substitute for the hip extensors.. Draw-in the
abdominals to stabilize and then extend the hip by pushing
the heel down into the floor. Don’t be surprised if the range of
motion is limited initially to a few degrees. This exercise has
two purposes:
1. It teaches the difference between range of motion
of the hip and range of motion of the lumbar spine.
2. You can get some additional flexibility in the psoas
due to the reciprocal nature of the exercise. You
can’t contract the glute and hamstring without
relaxing the psoas.
Follow the body-weight progression, 3 • 10, 12, 14 reps
on each leg.
Remember the key point is that the tennis ball must not fall out. If
the athlete or client extends from the lumbar spine instead of the
hips, the ball will fall out. What this means is that the athlete or
client is inadvertently substituting lumbar spine motion for hip
Noted physical therapist Gray Cook popularized this exercise to
teach athletes how to separate the function of the hip extensors
from the lumbar extensors. Most athletes are unaware of how little
range of motion they possess in the hip joint when the range of
motion in the lumbar spine is intentionally limited. You will realize
quickly that the range of motion in this exercise is only two to three
inches. The range of motion can be increased significantly by
relaxing the grip on the opposite knee, but this defeats the purpose.
By relaxing the hold on the leg, you simply substitute lumbar spine
extension for hip extension.
Hands-Free Cook Hip Lift
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Level 2 In the hands free version of the Cook hip Iift (figure 4.8) the
exercise is performed exactly the same except that the ball must
now be held by the contraction of the hip flexors. In this situation
the glutes must contract while the opposite side psoas maintains an
isometric contraction.
Figure 4.8 Hands Free Cook Hip Lift
Isometric Supine Bridge – see p 103Functional Training for
Level 1- This level 1 exercise requires that the athlete
transfer the knowledge gained about hip range of motion from
the Cook hip lift and from the quadruped exercises to a bridge
position. Begin in a hook-lying position, and raise the hips to
create a straight line from the knee through the hip to the
shoulder. You must create and maintain this posture by using
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
the glutes and hamstrings, not by extending the lumbar spine.
Any drop in the hips drastically reduces the effectiveness of
the exercise. At the top point, draw in the abdominals and
simply maintain this position. Before attempting this exercise,
it is important to learn the difference between hip movement
and lumbar spine movement through an exercise such as the
Cook hip lift. Most athletes who do not understand this
distinction arch the back to attempt to extend the hip.
Do three 30-second holds.
Isometric Single-Leg Supine Bridge- p 103 Functional
Training for Sports
Level 2- The single leg supine bridge takes the concepts
learned through the quadruped draw-In, double leg bridge,
and Cook hip lift and begins to progress to a higher level of
function. At this point the exercise moves from a four-point
stability base to a three-point stability base. As we discussed
in the section on Quadruped exercises this change in base of
support and stability will now begin to target the multifidus as
a rotary stabilizer of the spine to a greater degree.
To do the isometric single-leg supine bridge, begin in a hooklying position, draw-in the abdominals to stabilize, perform a
double-leg bridge and then extend one leg. This should create
a straight line from the knee through the hip to the shoulder.
Maintain this single-leg position by pushing the heel down and
squeezing the glute. Squeeze the glutes as if you were trying
to make a hard fist.
Do three 15-second holds on each side.
Bridge With Alternate March
Level 3- The next step in the progression is to add a small
alternate march action to the isometric bridge. You simply
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
alternate lifting one foot then the other off the ground. This is
a march, not a leg extension. A yardstick across the crests of
the hip bones acts as a level to remind you not to let the
opposite hip drop when the foot is lifted. With this exercise the
progression may better target the multifidus, due to the
rotational stress applied to the spinal column as a result of
moving from four support points (shoulders and feet) to three
support points (shoulders and one foot). This is a transitional
stability exercise that will greatly increase the level of
difficulty. Push down through the heel and activate the glute
on the same side as the supporting foot.
Do one set of 5 five-second holds (5 on each leg). Progress to
8 and then 10 holds.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Core Strength ExercisesAs I stated previously, over the past five to seven years I have
spent a great deal of time on the deep abdominal muscles and on
core stability and have neglected the larger global muscles and
resultantly, core strength. The combination of reading the work of
Shirley Sahrmann and looking at my athletes led me to understand
that I needed greater emphasis on the global muscles. In simple
terms, we had to go back to variations of crunches and reverse
crunches. Initially we had moved away from these exercises
because we felt that our athletes had become rectus dominant.
This was probably true at the time. Like many other programs in the
‘80s and early ‘90s, our abdominal work consisted primarily of
exercises that moved the shoulders toward the hips like crunches
and sit-ups. As information continued to come to light about the
functions of the transverse abdominus and internal oblique, we
moved to a program of deep abdominal training focused primarily
on the draw-in and stability exercises. The effect was interesting.
Over time our athletes did little to no flexion and I believe that our
posture actually became worse as a result.
Currently I believe that each beginner core session should contain:
1) Quadruped exercise
2) Bridging
3) Shoulder to hip flexion- crunches or curl-ups
4) Hip to shoulder flexion- reverse crunch
5) Lateral stabilization- side bridge
In numbers one through four, progression should be one of
difficulty. Conversely, lateral stability should progress from
isometrics to motion. This is necessary to insure proper mobility of
the lumbar spine and has a hidden benefit. Side bending (lateral
flexion) produces opposite side vertebral rotation so a progression
of lateral flexion exercises done after lateral stability is developed
target both lateral flexors and rotational stabilizers.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Sahrmann’s work strongly supports this thought process. Shoulderto-hip trunk flexion targets the internal oblique while hips-toshoulder-flexion targets the external oblique. This explains the
“upper ab/ lower ab” idea that many espoused in the past. The
division is not as much upper versus lower as internal versus
external oblique. The origin of the external oblique from the rib cage
allows it to work to tilt the pelvis posteriorly.
The reverse crunch is probably more important to include as the
external oblique does not have thoraco-lumbar insertion and as a
result will be the more neglected muscle in a stabilization-oriented
program. The interesting thing about the external oblique is that it
creates posterior tilt of the pelvis (the reverse crunch is in fact a
posterior tilt). Sahrmann then states that if the muscle causes
posterior tilt it must also correct anterior tilt. (2002 p 70-71) If we
think about the posture of an athletic body or de-conditioned client
we often see excessive anterior tilt. Follow the logic. Weak external
obliques allow anterior tilt, anterior tilt allows the psoas to shorten,
the short psoas inhibits the glutes, the weak glutes and tight psoas
prevent hip extension. The result is lumbar extension substituted for
hip extension and back and or anterior hip pain.
Stick Crunch Series
The Stick Crunch series allows the coach to prescribe flexionextension exercise that is more “curl-up” oriented due to the path of
the stick. The athlete or client is asked to push the stick up the
knees or to pull the toes under the stick. In order to perform the
following exercises the athlete or client must be able to produce
flexion correctly. The beauty of any of the variations of the stick
crunch is that it is simple to see if the execution is correct.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Stick Crunch
Level 1 The stick crunch (figure 4.9) is a difficult but necessary
flexion-extension exercise. The stick crunch is actually a sequential
curl-up. The movement is begun with the stick over the knees with
the hips at ninety degrees to the trunk. The first action is to tuck the
chin and then to attempt to perform a crunch one vertebrae at a
time. Many coaches or trainers would initially look at the stick
crunch and find it to be no different than a conventional sit up. This
would be a drastic underestimation. In crunch-type movements
there are two key errors.
1) The athlete or client is often asked to push the face or head
toward the ceiling. This is not a sequential flexion movement
and will not target the internal oblique as directly as a
sequential curl-up type action.
2) Range of motion is not dictated or controlled. Athletes simply
crunch. The end point is “go as high as possible” or some
other open-ended directive.
With any of the stick crunch variations the end point is set. In the
stick crunch the directive is to attempt to sequentially push the stick
to touch the toes while simultaneously drawing-in the abdominals.
No momentum is allowed. This is extremely difficult and it is very
easy to see if the athlete or client is weak in this area. If they cannot
get the stick to the feet they are deficient in internal oblique
strength. The instruction is to try to bring the stick to the feet while
bringing the shoulders to the knees. We ask our athletes to
visualize getting in the smallest ball possible. Advanced athletes will
be able to get the stick over the feet as pictured
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Figure 4.9 Stick crunch
Perform three sets of 8-10-12
Progress from a stick to a BodyBar for increased resistance.
Stabilized Reverse Crunch
Level 1 The stabilized reverse crunch ( figure 4.10) is the
basic hips-to-shoulders flexion exercise and is a precursor to
the Stick Reverse Crunch. This movement targets the
external oblique and is again a sequential movement aimed at
teaching the athlete or client to posteriorly tilt the pelvis. This
is an extremely difficult exercise for most trainees. Most
athletes or clients who perform this type of movement actually
use a combination of momentum and hip flexor strength to
mimic a similar action.
To perform the movement place an exercise bench
approximately one foot away from the wall. Lie on the back,
holding the edge of the bench with the hips and knees flexed
to ninety degrees. Placing the bench near the wall will
minimize momentum from hip flexion. Attempt to pull the
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
knees up toward the face, keeping the knees together. The
key is to think posterior tilt of the pelvis, not hip flexion. In
order to do this the client will have to pull on the bench to get
assistance from the upper body. The external oblique has its
origin mixed with both the serratus and the lat. Greater activity
in the external oblique is seen with lat or serratus contractions
(O. Iwasaki pers. comm.). This movement must be a triple
flexion movement. The knees must be pulled towards the
face, the heels toward the butt, and the toes to the shin. This
will activate the external oblique, hamstrings and anterior
tibialis muscles. The key is to try to roll up into the tightest,
smallest ball possible. Slowly (2 seconds) lower the rear end
back to the bench. As always the key is the details:
- Knees together, triple flexion
- No momentum
- Slow exaggerated eccentric phase
Stabilized reverse crunches can also be done by holding onto a
partner’s legs, or holding on to any stationary piece of equipment.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Figure 4.10 Stabilized reverse crunch
Follow the body-weight progression 3 • 10, 12, 14.
Progression can come through increased reps or increased loads.
We have experimented with ankle weights and with holding a
medicine ball between the knees to increase load. Another
possibility is to hold onto a bar attached to a low pulley and
gradually decreasing the weight on the stack.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Stick Reverse CrunchLevel 2- The stick reverse crunch simply takes the action from the
stabilized reverse crunch and eliminates the opportunity to use the
hands and upper body. This is actually a significant increase in
difficulty. Without the assistance of the upper body, the action must
be performed by the external obliques and rectus abdominus. Most
athletes will again attempt to use momentum. Placing athletes with
their feet against the wall will eliminate this. Again the stick is used
to consistently establish range of motion. Athletes must work to
touch their feet to the stick and eventually work to get the feet
under the stick. (figure 4.11)
Figure 4.11 Stick reverse crunch
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Ball Reverse Crunch
Level 3 p 108 Functional Training for Sports
Hanging Knee-Up
Level 4- the hanging knee-up (figure 4.12) is an excellent external
oblique exercise, but is not appropriate for most trainees. In most
cases this exercise is a hip flexion movement with minimal flexion
of the lumbar spine. Many athletes will attempt this exercise and
cheat with the hip flexors. This results in a swinging action. If an
athlete cannot perform this exercise in a slow and controlled
manner that is in keeping with the concepts taught throughout the
progression than the exercise is not appropriate. Conversely, the
hanging knee up can be an excellent advanced progression for
athletes or clients looking for additional challenge for the
abdominals, particularly the external obliques.
Figure 4.12 Hanging knee up
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
The key to developing a torso program is to properly combine the
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
movements described into a program. A sample progressive
program is provided.
Level 1
2 -leg Bridge and Hold- increase time
BL Quadruped Hip Ext ( dowel parallel)- increase reps 2-5-2 tempo
or Quadruped Hip Ext ( hips on bench)
Bent-leg Side Bridge
Sahrmann BL/SL abd
Stabilized Reverse Crunch
Stick curl up
Level 2
1 leg Bridge and hold- increase time
Or 2-leg bridge and hold
BL Quadruped Hip Ext ( dowel perpendicular)- increase wt 2-5-2 tempo
Side Bridge
Sahrmann SL w/ wt BL abd
Stick reverse crunch
Stick Crunch
Level 3
2-leg bridge w/ march. w/ 5 sec holds- increase time
Quadruped Opposites ( dowel perpendicular)- increase reps 2-5-2 tempo
Side Bridge- Straddle
Sahrmann SL w/ wt BL Abd
PB Reverse Crunch 2-1-2
Stick sit-up
Level 4
PB 2 Leg Bridge w/ March. w/ 5 sec holds- increase time
Quadruped Opposites ( dowel perpendicular)- increase reps 2-5-2 tempo ( add 2.5
Transitional Bridge
Sahrmann SL w/ wt BL Abd
Hanging knee-up 2-1-2 tempo
Stick sit-up
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Developing Single-Leg Stability
The development of single leg stability is potentially the cureall for many of the chronic lower extremity problems seen in
athletes today. Numerous athletes suffer from knee problems
such as chondromalacia patellae, patellar tendinitis, or other
patella-femoral syndromes. Most often these problems are
attributed to problems with the knee joint itself or with the
patella. Frequently trainers and therapists will describe these
problems as patella tracking issues and recommend limited
range strengthening for the quadriceps. Although this is an
outdated concept many trainers and therapists still cling to
these outdated ideas and concepts. My experience has
taught me that most athletes suffering from chronic knee pain
generally share a common difficulty in stabilizing the lower
extremity while performing a single leg squat. This inability to
stabilize is actually a hip dysfunction related to an inability to
properly fire the glute medius (a neuromuscular control issue)
or an actual weakness in the glute medius. Until recently
many viewed my thoughts on this subject to be opinion
however recent research has validated what was once a
hypothesis. A study by Ireland et. al. and research by Powers
has validated the hypothesis in an academic setting. Ireland
states “ In the absence of sufficient proximal strength, the
femur may adduct or internally rotate, further increasing
lateral patellar contact pressure. Repetitive activities with this
malalignment may eventually lead to retropatellar articular
cartilage damage generally associated with this syndrome.”
(2003 p.672). Ireland concluded that healthy subjects had
normal strength while the subjects with patella-femoral pain
had significant weakness. Although all subjects in Ireland’s
study where female, I believe that the same results would be
seen in males with patella-femoral pain.
Noted physical therapist Gary Gray has advocated attacking
knee pain from “the hip down” since the early ‘90s, but many
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
in the field are slow to change. In many athletes the muscles
that control the hip are either too weak to perform their
function or are not “turned on” neurologically. As a result, the
support structures of the knee are forced to provide stability
instead of the gluteus medius. This may mean pain in the iliotibial band (IT), in the patellar tendon, or under the kneecap.
In order to better “turn on” the glute medius bands below the
knee joint can be used in double leg squatting ( figure 4.13 )
Figure 4.13 Bodyweight squat w/ Theratube
and in some single-leg variations. (figure 4.14)
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Figure 4.14 1 leg squat w/ Theratube
The gluteus medius is an often-neglected muscle of the hip
whose primary function is to stabilize the lower extremity in
single-leg movements such as running, jumping, or squatting.
As stated previously these problems were frequently blamed
on poor quadriceps strength, and doctors and therapists
prescribed simple, nonfunctional exercise like leg extensions
to solve the problem. Recently therapists and athletic trainers
have begun to recognize the role of the gluteus medius in
these knee problems. Correction involves facilitation of the
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
glute medius as mentioned previously as well as single-joint
isolation exercises to teach athletes how to use the gluteus
medius and to promote simple strengthening. Two simple
exercises, the bent-leg hip abduction and straight-leg hip
abduction, are used for this purpose. These exercises have
been proposed by physical therapist Shirley Sahrmann in
Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Impairment
Syndromes. (2002, p 425)
Bent-Leg Hip Abduction
To perform bent-leg hip abduction, lie on the side with the
knees bent 90 degrees and the hips flexed to 45 degrees.
The soles of the feet should be in line with the spine. This
position is like the hook-lying position (lying on the back with
the feet flat on the floor and both the hips and knees flexed),
only on the side. (figure 4.15) The top shoulder and hip
should be positioned slightly ahead of or in front of the bottom
hip and shoulder. Abduct (raise) the leg, keeping the feet
together without rotating at the lumbar spine. The hips and
shoulders should remain in line one over the other, and all the
motion should come from the hip. Generally, sets of 10 reps
are done in week 1, and 2 reps per week are added. Most
athletes with hip weakness will erroneously make this a trunk
rotation exercise. Athletes must abduct the thigh with no
rotation at the lumbar spine. In order to facilitate this action
the athlete or client can be placed against the wall or the
trainer or therapist can stand behind the client with the lateral
shin placed against the glute max. Whether the therapist uses
his own leg or the wall, the instruction must be to abduct
without pressing into the wall or the leg. I prefer to use my leg
initially as both the client and I can feel when the client is. The
key is to make the motion one of abduction and external
rotation, not lumbar rotation. In order to do that the cue must
be “lift your knee as high as possible without pressing against
my leg.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Figure 4.15 Bent-leg hip abduction.
Straight-Leg Hip Abduction – Straight leg hip abduction is
another exercise to facilitate and strengthen the glute medius.
(figure 4.16) This is another attempt to isolate the muscle so that it
will function better in its role as a hip stabilizer. Mark Verstegen of
Athletes’ Performance likes to call this process “isolation for
innervation”. This concept goes back to the debate of single joint
exercise versus multi-joint exercise. Many of the gurus of functional
training may feel that only multi-joint exercise is appropriate but, my
theory is that isolation is fine for joints with high degrees of freedom
( like the hip or shoulder) or for joints that need high degrees of
stability ( like the hip , shoulder or spine). Stay away from singlejoint exercises for the hinge joints (elbow and knee) and you’ll be
enhancing function.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
To perform straight-leg hip abduction:
• lie on the side with both legs extended and the body in a
straight line. Place a half foam roller just above the iliac
crest. (figure 4.17)This will prevent the athlete from using
the quadratus lumborum muscles to “fake” abduction via
lateral flexion.
• Place a five foot long piece of Theraband over the heel and
grasp it behind the leg. This serves as a stimulus for
extension of the leg and prevents the athlete or client from
using the hip flexors.
• Fire the glute max on the top leg to slightly extend at the
hip, and keep the femur in slight internal rotation. From this
position, lift the leg to the side.
These exercises are valuable in helping athletes learn to isolate
and activate the gluteus medius but, attention to detail is critical. It
never ceases to amaze me that athletes and clients can find ways
to cheat on even the simplest exercises. Another benefit to the
straight leg hip abduction exercise is that it also recruits the lateral
fibers of the external oblique muscle. ( Sahrmann 2002, p 70)
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Figure 4.16 Straight leg hip abduction
Figure 4.17 Zoom into foam roller above iliac crest
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Straight Leg Mini-Band Walks
Straight leg mini-band walks may be one of the most underrated
exercises in the functional training world. This is a classic
“innervation” exercise. Many of the functional purists might dismiss
this exercise because “you never walk with the legs straight”. I can
only ask that you try the exercise before you dismiss it. As I have
said previously, isolation exercises for joints with significant mobility
or for joints that need additional stability are not only acceptable
but, desirable. The hip joint meets both of the above mentioned
criteria. When performed correctly the glute medius is directly
affected like no other exercise.
To correctly perform straight leg mini-band walks:
• Begin with the abdominal muscles drawn-in. The cue is tall
and thin. The knees are slightly bent (five degrees).
• Steps should be only about six inches
• If possible watch in a mirror. Avoid any motion except
abduction at the hips. The appearance of the athlete or client
should be one of gliding across the floor. The shoulders
should stay over the hips. Avoid a see-saw type action from
the ground.
Straight leg mini-band walks should be viewed as a strength
exercise. Work your way up to the new Perform Better gray bands
and you will develop significantly greater function in the hip
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Super Band X Walks- The
new SuperBands from Perform
Better can provide an even
greater stress to the hip
abductors while also activating
the retractors and depressors
of the scapula. ( Figure 4.18)
This exercise borrows a
concept from noted Physical
Therapist Alex McKechnie.
McKechnie utilizes Theraband
to activate the diagonal “slings”
of the body. The concept,
which Meyers also alludes to in
Anatomy Trains, is that the
body functions in diagonal
connections. The cross point of
this connection is the lower
back where tissue, known as
the thoraco-lumbar fascia, acts
as a connector from the lower
body to the opposite side of the
upper body. If this seems
confusing, just imagine trying to
shoot a right-handed lay-up off
your right foot.
To perform the X Walks stand
on the Superband and grasp
the right side of the band with
the left hand and the left side
with the right hand. This
Figure 4.18 SuperBand X Walk
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
creates an X. The client or athlete is instructed to pull the shoulder
blades down and back and to proceed as in the mini-band walk.
The X creates an adduction force that must be worked against
while also activating the scapula retractors and depressors.
Reformer Straight-Leg Abduction
If you have access to a Pilates Reformer, standing straight leg
abduction is another excellent exercise to innervate and strengthen
the glute medius. I actually like this exercise better than the miniband walks but do not always have access to a Reformer. Simply
stand on the Reformer with one foot on the base and the other on
the pad and attempt to abduct. This exercise is especially difficult
because momentum can be minimized and the spring resistance is
increased in the end range.
Eccentric Single-Leg SquatThe eccentric single-leg squat begins to bridge the gap from
isolated exercise to multi-joint exercise and will actually be cited
again when single leg progressions are discussed. Eccentric single
leg squats are excellent for any patella femoral pain patient.
Patients suffering from patella femoral pain often experience
difficulty during the transition from the eccentric contraction to the
concentric contraction. Initially the eccentric single leg squat is
done through a limited range of motion with no concentric
contraction. How can this happen? Simple. The patient lowers for
the prescribed time (see tempo) and then stands up with two legs.
This is the pure eccentric only version. Eccentric single leg squats
should be begin with a small, pain free, range of motion and along
eccentric contraction ( five to six seconds). This exercise literally
teaches the glute medius and glute max how to re-establish control
of the femur. Remember, knees don’t usually go bad. Instead, hips
fail to properly and adequately control knees.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
To further aid in controlling the femur, a band can be placed below
the knees ( see figure 4.14) to provide a stimulus to the glute
medius by creating an adduction force. The adduction force of the
band at the knee will again “turn on” the glute medius through its
role in abduction.
Rotary Training
Rotary training is probably the newest and most interesting area of
core training. Rotary training is really the blending of core training
and strength training and is in fact an essential part of both core
training and proper strength development.
Rotary training probably traces its roots to Knott and Voss and the
diagonal patterns of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation
(PNF). Although most of us now recognize PNF more as a
neuromuscular stretching technique in fact, the idea was far more
extensive. Knott and Voss advocated diagonal patterns of exercise
that would involve both sagittal plane prime movers and the
muscles responsible for transverse and frontal plane motion.
Physical Therapists began to realize that these diagonal patterns of
extension and rotation were a vital part of movement and began to
use them to provide a more “real world “ aspect to rehab. The
specialists in rehab began to understand that movement was multiplanar and that the highest form of rehab would involve diagonal
patterns of flexion and extension combined with rotation. More and
more information points to the diagonal nature of the human body.
Meyers in the wonderful book “Anatomy Trains” discusses what he
calls the spiral lines and functional lines of the body while Janda
made us aware of the integrated workings of the musculature
across the critical junction from the glutes to the opposite side lat.
This area, know as the thoraco-lumbar fascia, along with the hip
joints allow us to move force from the ground out to the extremities.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Most frequently these diagonal patterns were simply termed
chopping patterns and lifting patterns. Chopping is a pattern of
flexion and rotation, probably best illustrated by the actions of
chopping wood or, from an athletic standpoint throwing a baseball.
Lifting is the pattern of extension and rotation, best illustrated as a
multi-plane pushing action. Verstegen has described lifting patterns
as “rotational push press”.
The chop and the lift as exercises were introduced to the
athletic world by nationally recognized physical therapist Gray
Cook . Cook advocated diagonal patterns of trunk flexion with
rotation (chop) and trunk extension with rotation (lift). Cook’s
Functional Training for the Torso (1997) was a quantum leap
in training thought process as he advocated combining the
concepts of conventional strength training with the concepts
of rehab to produce a new category of strength exercise,
rotary exercise. Cook originally described sequences of
chopping and lifting moving from a kneeling (figure 4.19 ) or
half kneeling (one knee down) (figure 4.20) position to a
standing position. Cook has since modified his original
versions so that the chop and lift exercises initially are
exercises in which the arms transfer force in a diagonal
pattern through a stable torso. In Cook’s eyes the initial
concept of rotary training involves stabilizing against a
rotational force rather than simply rotating.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Figure 4.19 Tall kneeling
Figure 4.20 Half kneeling
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Sahrmann’s thoughts support Cook. Sahrmann states “during
most daily activities, the primary role of the abdominal
muscles is to provide isometric support and limit the degree
rotation of the trunk…A large percentage of low back
problems occur because the abdominal muscles are not
maintaining tight control over the rotation between the pelvis
and the spine at the L5- S1 level. “ (2002 p.71) In effect the
initial chopping and lifting patterns involve movements
primarily in the frontal plane that force the client or athlete to
isometrically resist rotation with the muscles of the core.
Clients or athletes must be able to prevent rotation before we
should allow them to produce it.
The action of moving through a chopping or lifting pattern prior to
actually introducing the rotary component is a necessary precursor
to the actual patterns of chopping and lifting. It is necessary to be
able to isometrically resist the forces of rotation before those forces
can be used in a propulsive manner.
Performance enhancement expert Mark Verstegen probably
deserves the credit for taking Cook’s concepts into the field
through his work at Athletes’ Performance. In the Athletes
Performance philosophy rotary training is viewed as a
program component much like squatting or pressing. The
chop and lift exercises presented here have been modified
from Cook’s original ideas. The initial exercises challenge
trunk stability through the use of a cable column. To properly
perform these exercises, a special handle, a 20-inch-long bar
fitted with an eyehook, is needed for the cable column. These
handles can be obtained from Samson Equipment (8004SAMSON).
In Functional Training for Sports these
exercises were done standing. The influence of my work at
Athletes’ Performance has led me to alter my view and begin
with a half kneel.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Half-Kneeling Stability Chop
Level 1- To do the half- kneeling chop, kneel at the cable column
on the inside knee with the outside knee up. Grasp the handle with
hands approximately 14 inches apart, pull to the waist with the
outside hand, and then press down with the inside hand. This
should be a distinct push/pull action and should be performed
without altering the position of the torso. Watch for hips shifting
right or left or for inability to stabilize the scapula. A big key in the
half- kneeling exercises is to get the athlete or client to concentrate
on firing the glute on the inside leg. Firing the glute and drawing in
the abs will create a stable “tall” kneel.
As this is a cable-column exercise, three sets of 10 can be
done and the weight increased in week 2, or you can use a
set weight and an 8-10-12 progression.
Half- Kneeling Stability Lift
Level 1- The lift is the opposite of the chop. To do the lift, the cable
column is placed in its lowest position. The 1/2 kneel is again with
the inside knee down. Grasp the handle with the hands 14 inches
apart. The action is again pull-push, but you pull one hand to the
shoulder and then press the opposite hand overhead while keeping
the pulling hand at shoulder height. Press to a position directly over
the head. Watch for shifting of the hips. Both of these lifts should be
done with no more than 20 to 30 pounds at first.
Three sets of 10 can be done and the weight increased in week 2,
or you can use a set weight and an 8-10-12 progression
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Half- Kneeling Sequential Chop
Level 2- - the next exercise in the rotary progression is a halfkneeling sequential chop. In the sequential chop trunk rotation is
now introduced in a pull-turn-push sequence. The thought process
is a simple logical progression from the stable chop. Posture is still
maintained through drawing in the abdominals and firing the glute
but, rotation is introduced. The handle is replaced by a tricep rope
to allow for rotation.
• The athlete or client grasps the handles and rotates the
shoulders to face the cable column.
• A two handed pulling action is used to bring the hands to the
chest. ( figure 4.21)
• After pulling to the chest turn the head and shoulders away
from the cable column and execute what looks like a
diagonal tricep pressdown. (figure 4.22)
• This is the pull-turn-push action we alluded to above.
The obvious question is why sequential. A three-part sequence
allows the coach or trainer to teach the motion without fear of
compensation. Rotation is introduced but, in a very controlled
Three sets of 10 can be done and the weight increased in week 2,
or you can use a set weight and an 8-10-12 progression.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Figure 4.21 Sequential chop- pull to chest
Figure 4.22 Sequential chop - rotate and press
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Half- Kneeling Sequential Lift
Level 2- In the half-kneeling sequential lift the action is now a pullturn-press action. This is the beginning of Mark Verstegens’
rotational push press concept. The tricep rope handle is again
substituted for the handle. The ropes are gripped with the thumbs
up and the initial action takes on the appearance of a close grip
upright row. (figure 4.23)
• As above the athlete grasps the rope with the head and
shoulders turned toward the cable column. Abdominals are
drawn in the glute is fired.
• The athlete pulls with both hands to the chest, rotates the
trunk, and presses diagonally out past the opposite shoulder
(figure 4.24)
Figure 4.23- Half- kneeling sequential lift- start
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Figure 4.24 Half -kneeling sequential lift- finish
Level 3- Lunge position chop and lift done as above
Dynamic Chop and Lift
Level 4- Both the dynamic chop and lift now move to a standing
position and truly become multi-joint extension-rotation or flexionrotation exercises The emphasis is now on teaching an athlete or
client to transfer force from the ground, through the trunk and into
the hands in the diagonal chop and lift patterns. I am not as big a
fan of standing chops as I am of standing lifts. I think that the
dynamic standing lift is one of the most “sport specific” actions that
can be performed in the weight room. To perform the dynamic
standing lift
• Continue to grasp the handles with the thumbs up
• Position yourself perpendicular to the cable column with feet
slightly wider than shoulder width
• The lifter begins in a squat position with the hands outside
of the leg closest to the cable.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
The action from here is now squat-rotate-press down in a
rapid, fluid motion.
This chapter hopefully makes you think about core training in a very
different light. I think that we will continue to make advances in this
area through research and writings from people like Stuart McGill,
Paul Hodges and Shirley Sahrmann. Core training is, in my mind, at
the center of the functional versus non-functional and isolation
versus integration arguments. I can honestly say that I have been
on both sides of this argument and that my work over the past two
years has totally changed my opinion. As I stated previously, I
believe that many athletes cannot properly use the glutes or the
abdominals properly. These inabilities are at the heart of many
dysfunctions from low back pain to hamstring injury. I also believe
that isolative core work is essential to “rewire” these neural patterns
and correct these dysfunctions. I am clearly not advocating a return
to single joint exercise but I do feel that isolative work in the core is
a necessity. It is also obvious that the definition of core continues to
move outward and truly does encompass the hips and in reality the
scapulo-thoracic joints. However, the scapulo-thoracic joint will be
dealt with in conjunction with upper body pulling.
From core stability, to core strength, to hip stability and into rotary
training it is clear that our approach to training is changing rapidly.
The days of uni-planar, rectus dominant abdominal work is clearly
gone and is being replaced by an ever-evolving series of exercises
emanating primarily from the world of physical therapy.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Chapter 5- Explosive Training
If you can’t teach a lift, don’t use it in your programs. This is a
common sense statement that I wish I didn’t have to make and,
should apply to all areas of a program. It applies to all areas of the
program, particularly to Olympic lifting. If you can’t teach the
Olympic lifts, don’t use them. Period. You don’t necessarily need to
be able to perform the Olympic lifts, but you have to be able to
teach them.
Using lifts that you are not able to successfully teach is a classic
coaching mistake. The reason many sports medicine professionals
and many sport coaches feel that the Olympic lifts are unsafe is
because coaches frequently place these exercises in the program
without proper instruction and without constant supervision. Get
your high-velocity hip extension training from medicine balls and
plyometrics if you cannot teach and supervise your athletes in the
Olympic lifts. Learn to balance theoretical benefit with practicality
and safety. Before adding any explosive movements to your
program, learn to teach the movements. Don't worry about weight,
worry about technique.
Many coaches encourage athletes to Olympic lift or squat in an
unsupervised environment and some athletes become injured. The
squat or the clean is no more responsible for the injury than the car
is for the car crash. Cars are safe when driven as directed; squats,
cleans, and snatches are safe when done as directed. The problem
always lies in the instructions, not the exercises.
Olympic lifting requires constant supervision. Even if you are
capable of teaching the Olympic lifts ask yourself how much time
you can spend in the weight room actually teaching. If you are
prepared and have the time to teach, then by all means add
Olympic movements to the program. Your athletes will see great
gains in power and will probably learn to enjoy the athleticism of
Olympic lifting more than they enjoy conventional strength work.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Teaching the Olympic Lifts
The easiest way to learn and teach the Olympic lifts is from a hang
position with the bar above the knees. (see figure 5.1 )
Figure 5.1 Hang clean- start position
To those coaches in love with the sport of Olympic lifting, this is a
heretical statement. Just remember, you are trying to improve an
athletes’ performance at his or her sport, not trying to produce
weightlifters for the Olympics.
The hang position with the bar above the knee eliminates a great
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
deal of the lower back stress often associated with the
performance of the Olympic lifts. Any size athlete can become a
great technician from the hang position. However many athletes
due to height or inflexibility will have difficulty learning the lifts from
the floor. Remember the physiological characteristics that make
great Olympic weightlifters (good lever system, mesomorphic body
type, great hip flexibility) are not present in many of our athletes. I
often tell our basketball players and rowers that the exact qualities
that make you a good basketball player or rower make you a poor
candidate for competitive weightlifting. Remember the objective is
to become a better athlete, not to be an Olympic weightlifter. The
purpose of the Olympic lifts is to train the nervous system in
addition to developing the muscular system.
My opinion on teaching the Olympic lifts has changed significantly
over the past five years. Although I am a big proponent of the hang
clean, we see more and more athletes at the college and pro level
that do not have enough upper-body flexibility to properly rack the
bar in the clean position. This results in very sloppy attempts to
perform the hang clean and clean variations.
One solution proposed by some strength and conditioning coaches
is to utilize dumbbell cleans for athletes that do not possess the
flexibility to properly rack (or catch if you prefer the term) the clean.
However I have not found that dumbbell cleans allow an athlete to
handle appropriate amounts of weight. In addition a dumbbell clean
teaches a “reverse curl” type bar path that is not desirable in quality
Olympic lifting. As a result I have begun to use the dumbbell snatch
and snatch with greater and greater frequency for athletes who are
inflexible through the wrists and shoulders. Most coaches are
afraid of the snatch (figure 5.2) because they have
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Figure 5.2 Close grip snatch- finish
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
never performed it and have only seen it performed by Olympic
weightlifters. I will be the first to admit that the snatch looks a little
bit scary when performed by Olympic lifters. In fact when performed
with a wide grip the snatch can place the athletes shoulder joint in
an abducted and externally rotated position that could be
compromising. I am an advocate of a modification of the classical
snatch. Our athletes initially learn a one-arm dumbbell snatch
(figure 5.3 )
Figure 5.3 Two-time Olympian Ted Drury performing a 1 Arm dumbbell
and then a close grip snatch and, we have never experienced
shoulder problems. In fact I believe that the one- arm dumbbell
snatch is actually a great exercise to prevent shoulder injury. The
one- arm dumbbell snatch develops great unilateral shoulder
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
stability as well as great trunk stability. In addition it is probably the
easiest of the Olympic lifts to teach and learn.
It is easier to teach athletes to snatch than to clean.
I fully believe that most coaches will strongly disagree with this
statement. I also believe that all those coaches who will disagree
have never tried to teach their athletes to snatch and, don’t use
snatches in their program. Those who disagree have simply not
tested my hypothesis. The reasoning is simple. The greatest
obstacle to overcome in learning to clean is upper-body flexibility.
Many athletes, particularly those who have been on a “mirror
oriented” program, will have decreased flexibility in the shoulder,
elbow and wrist. To perform the snatch you do not need to be as
flexible in the shoulders, elbows, or wrists. You simply need to be
able to get your arms over your head.
If I encounter an athlete who cannot get into the proper “catch”
position for the clean I simply go right to teaching the snatch and
forget about the clean. Often if I have athletes who have
experienced low back pain I will only use snatches for power work.
Snatches will generally use loads of 50 to 60 percent of the
athlete/s hang clean and as a result will place much less stress on
the athlete. In addition for many athletes the finish position of the
snatch places less stress on the low back than a tight athlete trying
to raise the elbows into the proper position to catch the clean.
Learning the One- Arm DB Snatch
Step 1 Learn the start position for the dumbbell snatch. This is still
the basic pulling position. Stand with the feet slightly wider than
shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. The dumbbell is between
the knees, chest over the dumbbell. Wrist is curled under, arm
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
straight, and elbow turned out.
Step 2:. Perform the one-arm dumbbell snatch. From the start
position with the dumbbell between the knees, jump, shrug, and
catch the dumbbell in the overhead support position (figure 5.3). I
have found it helpful to cue the athlete with the instruction that "you
should try to hit the ceiling with the dumbbell" and to "pull it as if you
were going to let go".
Learning the Close-Grip Snatch.
The close-grip snatch uses a grip identical to that of the hang clean.
The wide grip generally taught for the snatch is discouraged, as it’s
only true purpose is to allow the athlete to lift more weight. Review
the overhead support position with a shoulder-width grip. Keep the
bar over the back of the head, knees bent, and back arched (see
figure 5.2). While executing the snatch, visualize trying to pull the
bar up to hit the ceiling.
Teaching Cues
1. Cues for the start position
• Eyes are straight ahead.
• Chest is up.
• Back is arched.
• Arms are long and loose at the elbows.
• Wrists are curled under. This is key to keeping
the bar close to the body.
• Lean out over the bar. Remember that your
shoulders should be in front in the start
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
2. Cues for the pull or jump
• Jump and shrug.
• Jump and sit.
• Jump and get the elbow or elbows up (for the
Table 2 - Hang Clean to Bodyweight Relationship
1.5 x’s BW
1.3-1.4 x’s
x’s BW
Hang Clean
@200 lbs
Table 3 - Hang Snatch to Bodyweight Relationship
.9 x’s BW
.8 x’s BW
.7x’s BW
@200 lbs
These numbers may be less accurate for larger athletes like
football linemen. Football linemen generally do not have great
strength to bodyweight ratios or power to bodyweight ratios.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Another area to consider is the strength to power ratio. Many
athletes will have a large strength focus and a poor strength
to power ratio.
Table 4- Strength to Power Ratio ( Hang Clean to Front Squat)
Olympic lifting is fun, safe, and challenging when done
correctly and supervised aggressively. Work with your athletes on
developing great technique and great bar speed, and put less
emphasis on the amount of weight lifted. The key to quality Olympic
lifting is that it should look good. I like to use what I call the “crap”
test. You can substitute any word you like. Simply put, if it looks like
crap it probably is crap. I can walk into any weight room in the
country and tell how good the coach is simply by watching his or
her athletes. If they can’t lift he or she can’t teach or won’t teach.
Either one is a problem.
The proper use of Olympic lifts and their variations will lead to
improvements in power and athleticism that you might not have
thought possible. Try to begin by teaching the one-arm dumbell
snatch and proceed to the close-grip snatch with the bar, and you
may be amazed at how proficient your athletes will become at a lift
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
that you may have initially felt was too difficult.
Alternatives to Olympic Lifting
This information was also included in Functional Training for
Sports but bears repeating. Many coaches will still not feel
comfortable with teaching their athletes to Olympic lift but will
desire increases in hip and leg power. For these coaches
jump squats (figure 5.4) may be an answer. Jump squats
have been popular for years with European track-and-field
athletes. Jumps squats provide a great deal of the hip power
that many athletes seek from Olympic lifting and are perfect
for athletes who may have reservations about technique or
athletes with shoulder or back problems that prevent them
from Olympic lifting.
To perform the jump squat, simply jump from a position
slightly above full squat depth.
Figure 5.4 Jump Squat
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Beginners can land and stabilize between jumps, and moreadvanced athletes can utilize a plyometric response off the
The most important issue for jump squats is load selection. In
the past authors and researchers have recommended using a
percentage (most often 25 per-cent) of the back squat 1RM
as a load. However, this method of loading is extremely
flawed and potentially dangerous, as it does not take into
account the athlete’s body weight. The following example
illustrates this point.
If athlete A has a 1RM in the back squat of 500 pounds and
athlete B also has a 1RM of 500 pounds, then both athletes
would use 125 pounds for jumps squats using the guideline of
25 percent of back squat 1RM. Now assume that athlete A
weighs 200 pounds and athlete B weighs 350 pounds.
Obviously, athlete A has a strength–to–body weight ratio far
superior to that of athlete B. Loading athlete A with 125
pounds may be reasonable, but athlete B, who weighs 350
pounds, would probably have difficulty executing a technically
sound jump squat with an additional load of 125 pounds. In
fact athlete B may have difficulty performing jump squats with
just body weight due to his strength–to–body weight ratio.
Instead of a 1RM percentage, the following formula is
[(Squat + body weight) • .4] – body weight = Jump squat weight
Athlete A: [(500 + 200) • .4 ] – 200 = 80
Athlete B: [(500 + 350) • .4] – 350 = –10
The example shows that the 350-pound athlete B gets
sufficient loading from performing jump squats with body
weight but would be overloaded by at least 125 pounds by
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
following the simplistic 1RM percentage guideline. For athlete
A, a load of 80 pounds is sufficient.
Consider the total weight that an athlete can squat as the
combination of his or her body weight plus the weight on the
bar, and use this number to calculate the load for jump
squats. This guideline can be used by both weaker athletes
looking to develop power or by larger athletes who will have
strength-to-bodyweight issues.
Whether you choose to develop your leg power through
Olympic lifting or by performing jump squats, the use of
external loads to train the legs and hips can be the fastest
way to achieve gains in speed or jumping ability. The beauty
of Olympic lifts and jump squats is that the athlete can
develop power without necessarily developing large amounts
of muscle. The emphasis is on the nervous system, not the
muscular system, making this an excellent training method for
athletes such as figure skaters, wrestlers, and gymnasts.
Many athletes and coaches have the mistaken impression
that explosive lifting is for football players only. This could not
be further from the truth. Olympic lifting and its variations are
suitable for athletes in all sports and of all sizes and should be
of particular interest to athletes looking for total-body strength
without increases in size.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Chapter 6- Knee Dominant Exercises
In the world of strength and conditioning change comes slowly or,
in some cases not at all. For decades we as strength and
conditioning coaches have blindly done what coaches before have
done, adhering to the “party” line. As with many areas of sport,
change was viewed as a bad idea. Approximately eight years ago I
came to a conclusion. Athletes that I trained would no longer
perform the back squat. As a former powerlifter I realized that this
was heresy but, I was tired of constantly asking our athletes to
“keep their heads up”, “use their legs, not their backs” etc. The
emphasis of the back squat was always on increasing weight.
Unfortunately this was often done by altering technique to improve
leverage, not actually by increasing the strength of muscles so
necessary to run or jump.
The decision to discontinue back squats was based on simple logic
that was unfortunately a long time overdue. Front squats are safer
than back squats. This is an opinion based on watching hundreds
of thousands of squats. Whenever one of our athletes sustained a
back injury he or she would be reintroduced to squatting via the
front squat prior to the back squat for a number of reasons:
• The front squat keeps the torso upright and, decreases the
torque that causes problems with the SI joint.
• The nature of the front squat forces the athlete to use a
lighter weight than the back squat. This is particularly true
with beginners although our athletes now can front squat 90
to 100 percent of their previous best back squat.
• The front squat places greater stress on the knee extensors
and less on the hip extensors. (This might seem like a
negative but it actually allows us to perform hip dominant
movements the day after squatting with less overlap)
The reintroduction to squatting via the front squat was always a
huge success. Athletes would begin front squatting but would
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
always be itching to back squat like everyone else. At this point as
coaches we would cave in to the pressure and, allow the athlete to
perform the back squat again. This process began the vicious circle
of back painÆ front squatÆ back squatÆ back pain.
Many coaches have overreacted to back problems caused by
squatting and have resorted to leg presses, safety squat bars,
TruSquat or any number of single leg activities. The real key is not
to overreact in this manner and in effect “throw out the baby with
the bathwater”. Often we hear coaches disparage a form of training
or a particular lift as injury producing. Our experience has shown
that the solution may not be eliminating lifts entirely but, changing
to variations that avoid positions of higher stress. This is why the
front squat makes sense. The front squat produces a better body
position by the nature of the exercise. An athlete has a very difficult
time front squatting poorly. The athlete either front squats well or,
drops the bar. There is very little middle ground. Conversely in the
back squat athletes can squat poorly for weeks, months or years
before sustaining an injury.
Another advantage to performing front squats already alluded to is
that exercises like straight-leg deadlifts and other hip extension
dominant movements can be done on the day following Front
squats with little fear of overtraining the posterior chain. Front
squats are in our language much more ‘knee dominant”. This
allows our athletes to in effect train their lower body every workout
in a four-day program. Athletes can do knee extension dominant
movements (like front squats) on one day and, follow up with hip
dominant movements like straight-leg deadlifts on the next day.
One thing to think about: If the only reason you won’t switch to front
squats is because the athletes will lift less weight, you really should
One of the chief complaints about switching to front squats is that
athletes have trouble with upper body flexibility. The use of lifting
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
straps in the front squat alleviates what is often the primary
complaint with most athletes. (figure 6.1, 6.2 ) . More often than not
athletes use upper body flexibility more as an excuse. That’s why I
love the straps.
Figure 6.1 Olympic bar with straps set up for front squats
Figure 5 Front squat performed with lifting straps
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Assessing Strength, Flexibility and Mobility
Before even worrying about Front Squats every athlete must
first learn to bodyweight squat. Coaches should always begin
lower-body strength training by teaching an athlete to perform
body-weight squats. Athletes must be able to bodyweight
squat before being allowed to use any type of external load.
This is the strength and conditioning equivalent of walking
before you run. Simply teaching an athlete to body-weight
squat reveals important information about strength, flexibility,
and injury potential. Body-weight squats can be used to
assess flexibility or mobility in the hips, ankles, and
hamstrings and the general strength of the lower body.
Is There a Difference Between Flexibility and Mobility?
Absolutely. Flexibility is the range of motion around a joint.
Mobility is how well the joint moves. Range of motion can be
limited by both inflexibility and by poor mobility. This becomes
an issue particularly at the ankle. The simplest way to assess
ankle mobility versus ankle flexibility is to look at the range of
the athlete’s active and passive dorsi-flexion. In order to fully
understand how this works we need to briefly enter the world
of assessment. As a bare minimum assessment, an athlete
should have to perform an overhead squat. If the athlete can
overhead squat to a parallel position with the toes pointed
forward then you can safely proceed to any squat variation.
Athletes who cannot overhead squat to a position with the
thighs parallel to the floor are deficient in either ankle, hip, or
hamstring flexibility.
Most athletes can overhead squat to the proper depth by
raising the heels on a one-by-four board or a specially made
wedge. If elevating the heels solves the problem, then you
can safely assume that the issue is In the ankle. At this point
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
there are two possibilities, ankle flexibility or ankle mobility. I
mention both because we see more and more athletes whose
problem is not flexibility but mobility. Determining the
difference Is simple. Place the athlete in a long sitting position
on a table. Passively dorsi-flex the athletes’ ankle. If the ankle
range of motion is limited but the athlete does not report a
stretch-type feel in the gastroc then the issue is mobility, not
flexibility. This athlete will respond to ankle self-mobilization,
rather than stretching.
Omi Iwasaki, Director of Physical Therapy at Athletes'
Performance Los Angeles was nice enough to supply this
simple technique.
Ankle self-mobilization - Have the athlete stand with the toes
six inches away from the wall and dorsi-flex the ankle so that
the heel stays in contact with the floor and the knee touches
the wall. Repeat ten times on each side gradually moving the
toes further from the wall.
On another note, elevating the heels will not harm the knees
in any way. The idea that elevating the heels increases the
stress on the knees is not supported by any scientific
research. In fact athletes in the sports of powerlifting and
Olympic lifting have been wearing shoes with a built up heel
for decades. Lifting shoes were specifically designed to
slightly elevate the heel.
Athletes who have difficulty keeping the knees from moving
past the toes are deficient in either flexibility or strength. An
explanation of the importance of knee-dominant squatting
versus ankle-dominant squatting is necessary. When most
athletes hear the directive “squat,” their minds tell their bodies
to lower their hips the easiest way possible. For weaker
athletes the easiest way is often one that does not stress the
weak muscles (usually the quadriceps). Weaker athletes or
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
athletes returning from injury often attempt to lower the
Figure 6.3 Ankle dominant squatting
center of gravity by initially driving the knees forward out over
the toes until the limit of the ankle range of motion is reached
(figure 6.3). Then and only then does the movement begin to
center on the knee joint. This type of ankle-dominant
squatting leads to excessive knee flexion in order to reach a
position with the thighs parallel to the ground. This is the
squatter’s paradox. Most therapists and athletic trainers
describe squatting based on knee angle. Patients are directed
to squat to a 90-degree knee angle. A knee angle of 90
degrees can be reached far before a parallel squat is
reached. Strength coaches do not define squat depth by knee
angle but rather by a parallel relationship of the femur to the
floor, which often results in a knee angle greater than 135
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
degrees if the athlete is an ankle-dominant squatter. This type
of ankle-dominant squatting is frequently seen in athletes with
knee pain or patellar tendonitis.
The key to a good squat is to combine the therapist’s desire
to limit the athlete’s knee range of motion with the coach’s
Effect of Ankle Position on Knee Flexion Angles
Limiting Ankle
Movement Limits
Knee Angle
Exhausting Ankle
Range Causes
Increased Knee
to get the athlete’s thigh parallel to the floor. Coaches,
trainers, and therapists need to speak the same language.
The athlete must be given instructions that address both the
coach’s and the trainer or therapist’s concerns. The athlete
must be taught to body-weight squat in a manner that
minimizes range of motion at the ankle and maximizes range
of motion at the knee. Once the athlete has mastered the
technique of bodyweight squatting then the athlete can
progress to the hands-free front squat.
As previously stated the front squat is the foundation of the
strength program. Full front squats are always used in our
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
program. The full squat is defined as one in which the top of
the thigh is parallel to the floor. Half squats or quarter squats
should never be used. No one does half or quarter curls to
save the elbows; the knees are no different. Partial squats
cannot fully develop the glutes, hamstrings, and lower back.
In addition, half squats and quarter squats present a larger
risk of back injury due to the heavier weights used in partial
movements. Athletes with normal flexibility can squat to a
position with the thighs parallel to the floor with no heel
elevation. Less flexible or less mobile athletes can use heel
elevation. Increased strength in squatting movements is the
first step in developing speed and increasing vertical jump.
Developing a Safe Squatting Style The following steps are critical
for developing a technically correct and safe squatting style.
Step 1: Learning the Hands-Free Body-Weight Squat
The key to learning to squat is learning to recruit the
glutes. When teaching the squat place a 20” band or
piece of Theratube just below the knee (figure 6.4). For
the hands-free body-weight squat, start with the arms
extended out in front of the body with the hands at
shoulder height.
Figure 6.4 Using bands to facilitate a correct squatting style
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
This will teach athletes to eventually carry the bar on the
shoulders, not on the wrists. Do not skip this step; it is critical.
The chest should be up, and the upper and lower back should
be arched and tight. Feet should be approximately shoulderwidth apart and slightly turned out, approximately 10 to 15
degrees. The stance may be widened to obtain proper depth
if flexibility is a problem. A one-by-four board, a 10-pound
plate, or a specially made wedge may be placed under the
heels if the athlete tends to lean forward during the descent, if
the heels lose contact with the ground, or if the pelvis rotates
posteriorly in the descent. Although many authorities caution
against an object under the heels, athletes at our training
facility have experienced great success and no knee pain with
this method.
Why Does the Pelvis Rotate Posteriorly in Some
Many coaches would describe this as “the butt tucking
under”. I think that we see it frequently but often have
difficulty explaining this phenomenon. To understand, an
anatomical explanation is necessary. When an athlete
squats and maintains a slight anterior pelvic tilt, the
hamstring is actually lengthening during the descent.
Athletes with tight lateral hamstrings will reach the end
of their hamstring range of motion before they reach full
squat depth. As the descent continues and the athlete
attempts to get the femur parallel to the floor the short
lateral hamstring will begin to force the pelvis to rotate
posteriorly. Athletes who “tuck under” should not be
loaded until they have developed enough flexibility to
prevent the posterior rotation. Loading a spine that is
moving into flexion is a prescription for disaster. The
spine is meant to be loaded in a slightly lordotic position
(anterior tilt). Loading in a posterior tilt can be
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Hands-Free Body-Weight Squat Technique
1. Prior to descending into any squat, inhale deeply to
fully inflate the lungs. The fully inflated lungs brace
the upper and lower back.
2. When descending into the squat, concentrate on
sitting back and placing the body weight on the
heels. Placing the body weight on the midfoot or
toes can cause an undesirable forward lean. Do
not let the breath out. Keep the hands level with
the shoulders.
3. Descend slowly until the tops of the thighs are parallel to the floor. Partial squats build the ego but
not the legs. Squat to the proper depth with light
weights for better results.
4. In the descent, the knees should be pushed out
against the band in a conscious abduction action.
This abduction push recruits the glutes and will
quickly turn bad squatters into good squatters.
Push the knees laterally over the toes. This is the
key to teaching squatting. An abduction force
turns on the muscles that control the femur. Very
often athletes who have experienced knee pain
with squatting will no longer experience knee pain
with this technique. In reality teaching squatting
with a band to facilitate abduction turns on the
femoral control mechanism. I believe that many
athletes squat using primariliy the wrong muscles.
This ties in with our discussion of glute activation
from the core section.
5. In the ascent concentrate on driving upward with
the chest out, bringing the hips up and forward.
6. Drive the heels into the floor. Maintain the
abduction pressure on the band.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
7. Exhale slowly. Let the air slowly hiss out of the
lungs as if you had punctured a tire.
Please remember that the squat is a safe movement
when done properly. Start with body weight to develop
proper technique and progress to higher weights only if
technique is perfect. Injuries occur only when athletes
fail to adhere to proper technique.
Step 2: Learning the Hands-Free Front Squat
Begin with the arms extended out in front of the body
with the hands at shoulder height. A bar is placed
across the front deltoids. The bar should be in contact
with the throat. The bar should be making the squatter
uncomfortable but, obviously not unable to breath. The
hands deliberately do not touch the bar. This teaches
athletes to carry the bar on the shoulders, not on the
wrists, as shown in figure 6.5. Learning to carry the bar
with the shoulders will make better squatters and better
Olympic lifters. Do not neglect this critical point. Follow
the descent and ascent instructions for the hands-free
body-weight squat
Figure 6.5 Hands free front squat
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Step 3: Learning the Clean-Grip Front Squat
Do not use a crossover grip in the clean-grip front squat.
Athletes must be able to execute a proper front squat to
be able to clean properly. The front squat start position
is used for the clean catch, the push jerk, and the push
Even if you elect to use the back squat as your primary
lower-body exercise, the front squat is actually an
excellent way to teach the squat. Why?
• Front squats require perfect body position.
• Front squats develop shoulder flexibility, a big plus
in the bench press–dominated world of strength
training. Flexibility is enhanced only if a clean grip
is used, which I recommend.
Front squats require less weight and put less pressure on the ego.
No one seems to beg for more weight in the front squat.
It is important to note that if you are having trouble developing
proper squat technique with your athletes, you are attempting to
use too much weight too soon or your athletes have inadequate
flexibility or mobility in the hips and ankles. The optimal way to
stretch for the squat is to sit in the full squat position, place the
elbows on the inner sides of the knees, and push the knees out
over the toes while arching the back. Master the technique over the
first month if necessary, and work hard on the single-leg exercises
after your squat workout.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Why Do Squats Cause Unusual Inner Thigh Soreness?
Until recently I often asked myself the above question. Why do
athletes often report unusual levels of soreness in an area that
appears to be the adductors or the medial hamstrings and, why
does it seem even worse with lunges? I can’t tell you the number of
athletes that I have encountered who have described a sensation of
“pulling their groin” after being introduced to squatting or lunges for
the first time. My answer came from a book called Anatomy Trains,
written by a Rolfer named Meyers. Meyers describes the adductor
magnus as the “fourth hamstring”. Not only do some people refer to
the adductor magnus as the fourth hamstring but, the adductor
magnus is in fact the third most powerful hip extensor. Many
athletes will never use the adductor magnus as a hip extensor until
they begin to squat low or perform walking lunges. When they do
either of these exercises they “wake up” the adductor magnus. The
response is usually a painful one.
Klaus Wiemann wrote an article entitled “Relative Activity of Hip
and Knee Extensors in Sprinting- Implications for Training”
(Weimann 1995, p32) In his article, he describes how the adductor
group, primarily the adductor magnus, plays a critical role in
sprinting. It acts as both a powerful hip extensor and a
counterbalance to the powerful external rotating capability of the
glute max. Many in the performance world have not even explored
this fact. When we discuss single leg strength, this fact will be even
more critical.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Adding Instability to the Front Squat
Over the past few years, my training philosophy has changed
in regard to the number of times per week to perform a lift.
The old philosophy was a heavy–light system in which a
specific lift, such as the front squat, was done twice per week,
once with a heavy load and once with light load. Light days
were difficult to enforce and regulate. Instead of light days, I
often opt for unstable days or unilateral days. Unstable days
serve two purposes. Unstable-surface work forces the athlete
to lift lighter while also developing balance and proprioception.
The unstable surface also requires the athlete to concentrate
on technique and weight distribution to be successful.
Unstable surface training has become controversial over the
past few years with the explosion of stability ball training and
the use of other unstable environments. Opponents of
unstable surface training tend to be old school powerlifters or
Olympic lifters who feel that the old ways are the best ways.
The advocates of unstable surface training feel that unstable
surface training adds additional proprioceptive demand to the
exercise, a position that rehab specialists have taken for
years. In my mind the science here is undeniable. Physical
therapists have designed exercises to increase proprioceptive
demand in a rehab setting for years and would never think of
discontinuing this practice. The application of this concept to
healthy athletes as a preventative measure is sensible.
The opponents of unstable surface training frequently cite
studies indicating that unstable surface training does not
cause additional activation of the prime movers and, they may
be right. However, those of us who advocate unstable surface
training are not doing it to add additional stress to the prime
movers but rather to add additional stress to stabilizers and
neutralizers. The next time someone tells you that unstable
surface training is a waste of time, see if they haul out these
same examples. In my opinion, unstable surface training is
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
actually used in my opinion to decrease the stress on a prime
mover while increasing the stress on that prime mover’s
synergists. Many of the opponents of unstable surface
training are in fact opposing the concept without actually
understanding its purpose.
Balance-Board Squats
Balance-board squats are an excellent way to provide
additional proprioceptive stress to the lower body while
continuing to develop technique in the front squat. This drill is
done exactly the same as the front squat except that athlete
or client stands on a balance board such as the Reebok Core
Board. For heavy balance-board squats, our boards are
constructed of three-quarter-inch plywood measuring 18
inches by 36 inches, attached to a base made from a four-byfour. These boards must be sturdy. The four-by-four is
trimmed with a router to provide a surface of slightly less than
three inches in contact with the floor. The base is attached to
the four-by-four with both construction adhesive and screws.
Please realize that if you construct your own balance boards,
you assume responsibility for the construction quality and for
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Developing Single-Leg Strength
Single-leg strength is the most important quality in
performance training.
I occasionally flirt with the idea of not even performing conventional
two-legged exercises like Front Squats and simply concentrating on
single leg strength. Single-leg strength is a quality that is frequently
ignored in strength programs but is essential to the improvement of
speed and the prevention of injury. Single-leg strength is the
essence of lower-body strength. In fact a case could be made that
all double-leg strength exercises, such as squats, are nonfunctional
for most sports. Although considering eliminating double-leg
squatting may be extreme to some, it emphasizes the importance
of single-leg exercise in any strength program. Unfortunately, most
strength programs focus solely on conventional double-leg
exercises such as squats, leg presses, or unequivocally
nonfunctional leg exercises such as leg extensions or leg curls. Ask
yourself a simple question. How many sports are played with both
feet in contact with the ground at the same time? The answer is not
many. Almost all sport skills are performed on one leg. For this
simple reason, it is critical that single-leg strength be the focal point
of the strength program.
It is extremely important to understand that single-leg strength
is specific and cannot be developed through double-leg
exercises. The actions of the pelvic stabilizers are different in
a single-leg stance than in a double-leg stance. Single-leg
exercises force the gluteus medius,quadratus lumborum and
as we mentioned in the section on squats, the adductor group
to operate as stabilizers and or neutralizers, which are critical
in sport skills. The benefit of single leg strength development
is again reinforced by Weimann’s thoughts about the
importance of the adductor magnus as both a synergist and
stabilizer for the glute max in hip extension. Unilateral
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
exercise will obviously force the adductors to act to balance
the abduction/ external rotation component of the glute max.
The study by Ireland and Powers mentioned previously in the
section on single leg stability is obviously applicable to single
leg strength as well. New evidence like the work of Ireland
and Powers gives additional credence to under-read and
undervalued work like Weimann’s. Many of our current lowerextremity syndromes could be prevented or alleviated with
single leg training. As has been stated prior, single-leg
training is simply the logical process of applying what we now
understand about functional anatomy and applying it to
training. The diagram in figure 6.6 illustrates the muscular
differences from double leg training to single leg training. The
key stabilizers of the pelvis, so necessary in any running or
jumping activity receive little–to-no stress in conventional
double leg exercise.
Single-leg strength is slowly beginning to be recognized as a
key in injury reduction, and is becoming a staple of most
reconditioning programs and knee injury prevention
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Figure 6.6 - Interrelationship of the pelvic stabilzers. Courtesy of NASM
As in Functional Training for Sports, the single leg strength
exercises are classified as level 1, 2, or 3. All athletes,
regardless of training stage, should begin with a level 1
exercise for the first three weeks of training. Almost all level 2
exercises can be done with external load by more advanced
athletes, but remember that athletes should progress only
when they have mastered an exercise. After athletes have
mastered a level 1 single-leg strength exercise, they can
progress to a level 2 single-leg strength exercise or to the
addition of an unstable surface to a le
be as follows:
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
1. Half foam roller, round side up
2. Half foam roller, round side down
3. Airex pad
4. Half foam roller, placed on an exercise bench
(unstable on top of unstable)
Most of the single-leg exercises can initially use what we have
come to call the body-weight progression. This simply means
that the athlete uses body weight only (no external load) for
the first three weeks but increases reps each week from 8 to
10 to 12 per leg. This is a simple progressive resistance
concept. More advanced athletes can begin with external
loads (bar, dumbbells, or weight vest), but this should be
discouraged initially if the athletes do not have experience
with single-leg training or are larger or weaker. It is important
to note that larger (heavier), taller, or younger athletes will
frequently struggle with single-leg exercise in the initial
stages. Resist the temptation to rush into more difficult single
leg exercises if your population includes football lineman, tall
basket players or any athletes with poor leverage or poor
strength to bodyweight ratio. Almost all young athletes will fall
into one of the above categories. As athletes become more
advanced, any single-leg exercise can be added into the
program as long as no fewer than five reps are used.
Level 1- Split Squat
The split squat is a great simple exercise for developing
single-leg strength and is covered in Functional training for
Sports on page 60. This exercise is always step 1 in our
single-leg progression.
• Dumbbells or a bar can be added in the front-squat or backsquat position. (figure 6.7). In fact front Split Squats have
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Figure 6.7 Front split squat
become an excellent alternative strength exercise for any
of our athletes with a history of back pain. Think about
contracting the glute of the back leg to properly stabilize.
Level 2 - One-Leg Bench Squat
The one-leg bench squat (figure 6.8) goes by numerous
names. Bulgarian Angel Spassov referred to the exercise as a
Spassov squat in the ‘80s and questionably attributed many
Eastern European successes to its performance. Others
simply refer to it as a rear foot elevated split squat.
Terminology is less important but execution is key. To
perform the one-leg bench squat, get into a position similar to
that for the split squat, except with the back foot on a bench.
At this point there is one stable point of support on the floor
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
and one slightly less stable point on the bench. This is a slight
decrease in stability from the split squat and an increase in
difficulty because the back leg can provide less assistance. At
this point the exercise is more difficult for two reasons.
1) More of the bodyweight is being placed on the front
2) Stability is decreased by the back foot position
From this position, descend until the front thigh is parallel to
the floor and the back knee is nearly touching the floor. Like
the split squat, this exercise is done with no foot movement
and can improve the dynamic flexibility of the hip flexor
muscles if performed correctly. The athlete or client must
continue to think about firing the glutes and keeping the
abdominals tight or the additional motion will come from
lumbar compensation rather than hip motion.
This exercise can be done as a body-weight exercise,
following the 8-10-12 body-weight progression described
earlier, or as a strength exercise with dumbbells or a bar for
as few as five reps (e.g., three sets of five reps per leg).
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Figure 6.8 One leg bench squat or rear foot elevated squat
Level 2- SlideBoard Back Lunge The slideboard back lunge
(figure 6.9) is rapidly becoming one of my favorite single leg
exercises. It is an excellent exercise that combines single leg
strength, dynamic flexibility, and moderate instability. My affinity for
this exercise led me to convince Ultraslide to develop and market a
five foot version that is not appropriate for conditioning but, is
specifically for exercises like slideboard lunges and leg curls.
One of the unique benefits of the slideboard back lunge is that It
can be considered both a knee-dominant and a hip-dominant
exercise. In fact Craig Freidman, one of my collegues at Athletes'
Performance, has argued that the movement pattern of the front leg
is more of a pulling action of as the sliding foot moves forward. This
pulling action may in fact stress the hip extensors to a greater
degree than the knee extensors In Functional Training for Sports
we classified these exercises as hybrids.
Begin by using a body-weight progression with this exercise
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
because of the additional stretch and instability component.
Figure 6.9 Slideboard lunge
Level 3- One-Leg Box Squat ( Balance Squat)
The one-leg box squat (figure 6.10) is the king of single-leg
exercises. Some coaches will refer to these as balance
squats because the support of the back leg is now eliminated.
It is the most difficult and also most beneficial of all the singleleg exercises. Be sure to follow the progression from split
squat to one-leg bench squat before attempting the one-leg
box squat. The one-leg box squat requires the use of a single
leg without any contribution to balance or stability from the
opposite leg. The pelvic muscles must function as stabilizers
without the benefit of the opposite leg touching the ground or
a bench. The importance of this point cannot be overstated,
as pelvic muscle stabilization is needed in all sprinting
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
actions. The stance leg must produce force without any
assistance from the swing leg. Do not become discouraged if
you are initially unable to perform this exercise immediately.
Most athletes feel unsteady or clumsy the first few times. One
of the major benefits of single-leg squats is the balance and
proprioception that they develop. Athletes might require a few
sessions to even begin to become comfortable with the oneleg box squat.
Technique Points for the 1 Leg Squat can be found
on page 62-63 of Functional Training for Sports
• This may be the only case of an exercise being
easier with weight than without. The counterbalance
will allow an athlete or client to keep the bodyweight
back toward the heel. Strangely enough five
pounds in each hand helps but, ten lbs will increase
the difficulty.
• Another method to increase resistance for stronger
athletes is to combine a weight vest with dumbbells.
Some stronger athletes find that they are limited by
their ability to lift the dumbbells to shoulder height
as they increase weight. To counter this, simply add
a 10-pound vest for additional weight instead of
increasing the weight of the dumbbells. We have
athletes use up to 35 -pound dumbbells but
shoulder fatigue becomes an issue. If the formula
calls for 70 pounds, a 20-pound vest can be
combined with 25-pound dumbbells.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Figure 6.10 One-leg squat
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Facilitating the Glute Medius
If an athlete seems to have the leg strength to perform a one leg
squat but struggles with the stability, the coach can use a technique
that Physical therapist Gray Cook refers to as “reactive
neuromuscular training”. Athletes in this category will easily perform
the one-leg squat but will be unable to keep the knee from moving
into an adducted position. Although we would describe this as the
knee falling in, the reality is that this is a hip issue, particularly a
glute medius issue. In many cases simply facilitating the glute
medius will solve the problem. The question is how. Frequently in
the past we have found ourselves trying to verbally instruct the
athlete to “not let the knee fall in”. Very often this appeared to be a
waste of time as the athlete was unable to make the connection
between the instruction and the action. Shad Forsythe,
Performance Specialist at Athletes Performance in Los Angeles,
came up with the following simple solution.
Take a twenty-inch piece of Theratube or a similar material
and place it around both legs just below the knees. (see
figure 6.11)The tube should be light and easy to stretch.
Have the athlete perform the One Leg Squat exactly as
indicated above except that the legs are now connected. The
action of the Theratube, due to the pull into adduction, gives
a small neural stimulus to the abductors, particularly the
gluteus medius. This is Cook’s Reactive Neuromuscular
Training concept. A low-level stress is applied to the muscle
(in this case the glute medius) to cause that muscle to
contract and contribute the proper level of stability. We
really like this concept and are using it in a number of areas.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Figure 6. 11 Facilitating the glute medius
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Determining Weight for One-Leg Squats with Experienced
True single leg exercise must take into account both the athlete’s
body weight and, external load (dumbbells weight vests, etc) The
reality is that in single leg exercise bodyweight functions as the
majority of the load. Because of this many coaches find it difficult to
determine loads for one-leg squats. We have found it useful to
follow the same process we use for jump squats for many of our
single leg exercises. In order to determine an athlete’s load we
calculate total system weight. This is the same system we use for
jumps squat, however the percentages change.
Total System Weight = Bodyweight + front squat max
Ex ample: A 200 lb athlete capable of a 400 lb. front squat would
have a total system weight of 600 lbs. We generally begin at 40
percent of total system weight them subtract bodyweight and divide
by two to get a dumbbell weight.
In others words 40 percent of 600 is 240. (240-200)/2= 20
This athlete would use 20-pound dumbbells for sets of five reps.
The reason this matters is again illustrated by the example of a
300-pound athlete capable of front squatting 300 lbs. This athlete
has the same total system weight but would struggle with single leg
squats. In fact the formula produces a negative number.
BW + FS = (TSWx.4) – BW=
300+ 300= 600x.4= 240 – 300= -60
Any athlete with a negative number will struggle to do single leg
squats without load. In general we will still use five-pound
dumbbells as they provided an effective counterbalance and
actually make the movement easier. This is another paradox.
Single-leg squats are easier with five pounds in each hand but,
harder with ten.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
As previously described, large loads for athletes with great
strength- to- bodyweight ratios (generally above two times their
bodyweight in the front squat) are generally best achieved by
combining weight vests and dumbbells.
Lunge – see page 64 of Functional Training for Sports
Lunges are an interesting single leg exercise. It is my belief that
they are not used by more coaches due to space issues than for
any other reason. The need for a bar and room to walk make
walking lunges less than practical. The advent of the portable minislide board allows coaches and athletes to gain the benefits of
walking lunges in a limited space through slideboard lunges. ( See
page 64 of Functional Training for Sports for a more in-depth
description of the lunge.)
Level 1-3 Single Leg Pause Squats (figure 6.12 )- the single leg
pause squat is an exercise that works wonders for athletes with
patella tendonitis or any patella-femoral syndrome. The exercise is
listed as a level 1-3 exercise because it has so many potential
applications. The exercise may in fact become a level 1 exercise
due to its’ strong effect on femoral control. The single leg pause
squat can be used as a variation of the one leg squat with a pause
on the box or bench or as an eccentric-only exercise. In either case
the single leg pause squat is an excellent way to develop femoral
The eccentric version is a great way to begin pain-free training for
athletes suffering from patella tendonitis. In the eccentric version
range of motion is limited to a range that is pain free and can be
controlled. If the athlete “free falls” to the bench or box raise the
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
height of the box. Athletes with patella-femoral issues may only be
able to control a quarter squat or less initially. To raise the height of
the box, Airex pads can be stacked or stackable steps can be used.
In this case, as a rehab exercise, partial squatting movements are
acceptable. In order to facilitate better control of the femur by the
glute medius a mini-band or Theratube can be placed around the
knees. The non-squatting leg acts as an anchor and allows the
glute medius of the squatting leg to exert an abduction force. (See
figure 6.11)
Figure 7.12 Single leg pause squat
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
The purpose of this chapter is to continue to reinforce the essential
nature of single-leg exercise. The fact that almost all of sport is
played on one leg cannot be overlooked. The practical and
functional anatomical evidence is too overwhelming to ignore, yet
still is by many coaches. The question now should not be a
question of free weights versus machines but single leg strength
versus double leg strength. In addition the reader should begin to
see the purpose of apparently non-functional single leg exercises
for the hip joint and, their eventual role in enhancing strength and
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Chapter 7- Hip Dominant Exercises
A chapter on hip-dominant exercise could actually be an extension
of the core chapter, or it could follow the chapter on knee-dominant
exercise as it does here. I have often asked myself when bridging
ceases to be an exercise for core stability and glute activation and
becomes a strengthening exercise for the hip extensors. In reality
the line between core strength exercise and hip-dominant exercise
is impossible to draw. Many of our core stabilization exercises are
actually foundational movements that morph into our hip extension
exercises. The concept of glute activation learned from the bridging
exercises carries over directly into all of the bent-leg hip extension
exercises. In fact the bent-leg hip extension exercises are simply
progressions from bridging done in a concentric-eccentric manner.
The training of the entire posterior chain, as the glute and
hamstring group are often referred, becomes more critical as we
begin to further our knowledge of functional anatomy. The posterior
chain works in conjunction with the quadriceps to control all
locomotor movement from walking to running. Janda referred to the
systems of the posterior chain as the “deep longitudinal subsystem” and the “posterior oblique sub-system” (figure 7.1) and
demonstrated how critical these muscles are in transferring force
from the ground to the upper body.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Figure 7.1 – The deep longitudinal sub-system and posterior oblique sub system
When the foot is placed on the ground the ankle is stabilized by the
anterior tibialis and peroneals. This allows force to be transmitted
through the hamstring into the glute max. If we do not perform
single leg hip extension exercises we will again miss a critical part
of force transmission and of ankle stability. The exercises must
begin at the ground with the peroneal group and anterior tibialis and
then proceed literally up the chain through the lateral hamstring and
into the glutes. The use of the thoracolumbar fascia as the
crossing point of movement through the lumbar spine reinforces our
core training concepts as both the transverse abdominus and
internal oblique act on the same thoracolumbar fascia. Movement is
literally linked from the feet to the shoulders by the core muscles
and fascia.
In spite of the above information, the muscles that extend the hip,
primarily the gluteus maximus and hamstring group, are often
neglected in many training programs. When we view the systems
from a functional anatomical perspective, it is obvious that hipdominant exercise is as important or potentially more important
than knee-dominant exercise. Many coaches mistakenly believe
that squatting is enough exercise for the entire lower body. These
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
types of programs are characterized by a “leg” day that consists
primarily of squat type movements with a token single-joint
hamstring exercise like a leg curl. This places excessive emphasis
on the knee extensors and neglects the hip extensors. As was
discussed in chapter 4, this can be a major problem particularly if
glute function is inhibited. Athletes with inhibited glute function will
present with large quadricep muscles in relation to the glutes but
still may be able to squat large amounts of weight. Most often these
quad-dominant, glute deficient athletes will prefer a narrow, kneedominant, squatting style.
In recent years, the Olympic lifting community has advocated doing
variations of the straight-leg deadlift. This exercise has been called
the Romanian deadlift and is a hip-dominant deadlift done with a
limited knee bend. I prefer to use the term “modified straight-leg
deadlifts.” Many U.S. powerlifters used this lift for years prior to the
introduction of the term “Romanian deadlift”. Whether you choose
to use the term Romanian deadlift or straight-leg deadlift, this type
of exercise at least addresses the need for hip dominant exercise.
What this exercise does not address is the need for unilateral hip
dominant exercise. If you study the subsystems carefully it
becomes obvious that unilateral exercise is critical to proper
function of the posterior chain.
To make matters worse, the hamstring group, a secondary hip
extensor, is still often mistakenly trained as a knee flexor. Although
some anatomy texts describe the hamstring group as knee flexors,
science now tells us that the hamstrings is actually the second most
powerful hip extensor as well as a stabilizer of the knee.
Hamstrings are only knee flexors in nonfunctional settings. In any
locomotor activity the function of the hamstrings group is not to flex
the knee but to extend the hip. As a result, lying or standing leg
curls are a waste of time for athletes. Exercises like leg curls train
the muscles in a pattern that is never used in sport or in life. The
training and retraining of the hamstring muscles in nonfunctional
patterns may explain the frequent recurrence of hamstring strains in
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
athletes who rehabilitate with exercises such as leg curls or through
the use of isokinetic machines such as the Cybex. More
importantly, strengthening the hamstrings in the absence of proper
glute function is simply attempting to train a synergist to do the job
of a prime mover. I believe that most hamstring injuries are actually
the result of poor glute function. If the glutes function poorly, then
the hamstring becomes what Janda calls “synergistically dominant”.
In other words, we have a synergist attempting to perform the task
of a weak prime mover. Over time the hamstrings will tire and
eventually strain. If the solution to the hamstring strain is more
hamstring strengthening, as is often the case, the cycle will
continue. Any time as a coach or therapist you see a hamstring
strain, look for a weak glute. Sahrmann’s quote from the pillar
strength section bears repeating in this context:
“ When assessing the factors that contribute to an overuse
syndrome, one of the rules is too determine whether one or more of
the synergists of the strained muscle is also weak. When the
synergist is weak, the muscle strain is probably the result of
excessive demands” (2002,p37).
It has now become our habit to look for a weakness that is causing
the strain and, to strengthen the weak muscle instead of the
strained muscle. This may explain the frequent complaint by
athletic trainers and therapists that “ I can’t believe he pulled his
hamstring again, he had great strength”. The reality is that
hamstring weakness was never the problem. The problem was a
weak prime mover.
Exercises like slideboard leg curls or stability-ball leg curls are an
exception to the “no single joint exercise” rule are. They are an
exception because these particular types of leg curls use a closedchain movement (foot in contact with a supporting surface) and
require that the glutes are active to maintain hip extension.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Hip Extension Exercises
This section breaks down hip extension exercises into two
distinct movement patterns: straight-leg hip extension and
bent-leg hip extension. It is essential that movements from
both categories are used to properly train the posterior chain
muscles (glutes and hamstrings). Although some experts
claim that bent-leg hip extension isolates the glutes, I have
not found this to be true for closed-chain movements. When
the foot is in contact with a surface (stability ball, ground,
slideboard top), both the glutes and hamstrings work to some
degree. Depending on the starting length of the hamstring
group, the hamstring will emerge as either the prime mover or
the synergist.
Both straight-leg hip extension and bent-leg hip extension
target the glute and the hamstrings. The difference lies in the
concept of length-tension relationships. Length-tension
basically dictates that muscles will work best at normal length.
If they are shortened or overstretched, they will not develop
optimal tension. It is not possible to truly eliminate one muscle
group’s contribution, only to lessen it. Straight-leg hip
extension unquestionably targets the hamstrings to a greater
degree due to the fact that the hamstring begins at normal
length, but I have found that all of the bent-leg hip extension
exercises also involve the hamstrings as a synergist. The
difference with bent-leg hamstring exercise is that the
hamstring is deliberately shortened to decrease its
contribution and increase the contribution of the glute. With
the knee bent, the length-tension relationship of the hamstring
is now poor and the glute will be literally forced to do more
Hamstring cramps with bent-leg hamstring exercises clearly
demonstrate that the athlete or client has poor glute firing or
activation. Why? Because in spite of the poor length-tension
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
relationship the hamstring is attemtpting to compensate for
the weak glute. Due to the shortened state of the hamstring,
the need to shorten an already deliberately shortened muscle
causes that muscle to cramp.
The key to any of the hip extension movements is to instruct
the client or athlete to think glutes first. Improvement of glute
firing must be a conscious effort.
As I mentioned previously, many coaches feel that squatting
is enough lower-body exercise. In reality, exercises such as
squats and squat variations affect the glutes and hamstrings
only as they relate to knee and hip extension involved in
achieving a neutral standing position. In squatting the hip
never moves into full extension. Quad-dominant athletes can
become effective squatters with minimal glute involvement
particularly if they are allowed to squat to positions above
To properly work the glutes and the hamstrings, the
movement must be centered on the hip and not on the knee.
To understand this concept, envision a front squat. The hip
moves through an approximately 90-degree range of motion
in concert with the knee movement. Generally there is one
degree of hip movement for each degree of knee movement.
The focus of the exercise is shared equally by the knee
extensors and the hip extensors. In an exercise such as the
modified straight-leg deadlift, the hip moves through a 90degree range of motion, but the glutes are assisted by the
hamstrings. A properly designed program must include both
straight-leg, hip-dominant exercises and bent-leg hipdominant exercises to properly balance the lower-body
Most of the exercises in this chapter will initially use
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
the 8-10-12 body-weight progression, meaning that
body weight is used for the first three weeks but the
number of repetitions increases each week, from 8 to 10
to 12 reps. External resistance may be used when
appropriate or obstacles of greater difficulty can be
Cook Hip LiftThe Cook Hip Lift was covered in the core chapter 4, but it is
important to again remind coaches or trainers that it is important to
begin by distinguishing between hip range and movement of the
lumbar spine. Don't skip this step.
What About Reverse Hypers?
It is amazing how quickly we can buy into an exercise without fully
evaluating the movement, its’ cost and its’ space requirements.
Louie Simmons and his West Side Barbell philosophy have made
many into reverse hyper believers. I will admit to jumping on the
Louie bandwagon myself 8 years ago. I now have two reverse
hyper machines taking up space and getting very little use. I have a
number of issues with reverse hypers.
• I dislike buying equipment that only allows the performance
of one exercise. At the end of the day, the reverse hyper
machine is still a single-station, single-joint machine.
• Reverse hypers work a non-functional pattern. I want my foot
on the ground or at least pushing against something when I
perform hip extension exercises.
• Reverse hypers will really feed synergistic dominance
particularly if not taught and watched. Ideally the reverse
hyper is performed by extending the hip with the glutes and
hamstrings. In many cases, reverse hypers may in fact feed
the dysfunction by allowing lumbar extension to substitute for
hip extension.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Reverse hypers are not a particularly comfortable lift,
particularly with heavy loads. The force on the stomach can
be very uncomfortable.
Again, it is important to remind yourself that the objective of
powerlifting is to lift as much weight as possible. The reverse hyper
is seen as a primary assistance exercise for deadlifts, and deadlifts
only require that the load moves from A to B. It doesn’t matter
which muscle does the work. One reason I dislike conventional
deadlifts is that when done heavy, they are rarely done well. It is
simply a fact of competitive powerlifting. As a former competitive
lifter, I have watched thousands of deadlifts and when the load gets
heavy, it gets shifted to the spinal erectors. This makes the lumbar
extension component of the reverse hyper very attractive as an
assistance exercise for powerlifting, but not for athletes.
Foot-Elevated Hip Lift
The foot-elevated hip lift is an excellent progression from the
Cook hip lift and has become a staple of our program. In
actuality the foot elevated hip lift is simply a single leg bridge.
This is a great example of the blurry line between core
stabilization and posterior chain strength. An exercise that
began as a core movement becomes a strength exercise for
the posterior chain.
The foot can be elevated on an aerobic step, a balance
board, a foam roller, or a medicine ball to increase the
difficulty of the exercise. Aerobic steps in four-inch and sixinch heights allow a proper progression. For level 2 exercise,
a four-inch step is used. For level 3, a six-inch step or balance
board is used.
For level 4, a foam roller can be used. A two-dimensionally
unstable surface such as a foam roller causes the hamstrings
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
to be used in two separate but important functions. The
hamstrings assist in hip extension while also working
eccentrically to prevent knee extension.
To progress to level 5, a medicine ball can be used. The
medicine ball is the most difficult due to the three-dimensional
instability it introduces at the hip. The hamstrings must work
at two joints, while the hip stabilizers work to prevent hip
adduction and abduction. The key is that the athlete or client
must be instructed to think about raising the hips by
squeezing the glute while keeping the abdominals drawn in.
For all these hip-lift exercises, use the 8-10-12 body-weight
Modified Straight-Leg Deadlift ( p78 Functional Training for
The modified straight-leg deadlift (SLDL) is the predecessor
of the popular Romanian Deadlift and ranks with the squat
among frequently maligned, misunderstood, and poorly
executed lifts. Squats and deadlifts and their variations are
often called unsafe and dangerous. In truth, these lifts may be
safe and beneficial when performed correctly with an
appropriate load. However, the squat and the SLDL can be
dangerous when performed improperly or with too heavy a
weight. The unfortunate reality is that most athletes perform
both of these exercises with too much weight and with
questionable technique.
I must admit to not being a fan of the double-leg versions of
the SLDL or the Romanian Deadlift at this point as they are
difficult to teach and difficult to learn. I honestly believe that
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
flexing from the hips with the spine stable (what PT’s like to
call a waiters bow) is one of the most difficult exercises to
teach in strength and conditioning. The good thing is that,
unlike squatting, very few athletes seem to miss deadlifts if
they are taken out of the program.
As a result, I now use only single-leg versions of these
exercises. I feel that the single-leg versions impact the back
significantly less and, impact the glutes and hamstrings
significantly more. In addition, the muscular systems that
were discussed earlier are trained far more effectively in the
single-leg versions. If I can obtain better muscular specificity
and less lumbar load, I think that is an improvement. Again
the old school purists will look and say “What, no deadlifts?” I
will always go back to the same point. If we can improve
performance and have less chance of injury, I like the idea.
One-Leg Straight-Leg Deadlift
The one-leg SLDL is a variation that develops the entire
posterior chain (glutes and hamstrings), enhances balance,
and decreases both load and stress on the back. Beginning
loads will be less than fifty percent of the comparable load in
the two-legged version.
This exercise is far safer version and is also more
challenging. One of the obvious benefits is the tremendous
proprioceptive work at the ankle. The deep longituidinal subsystem is engaged in this exercise so the peroneals and
anterior tibialis both must work extremely hard to provide
stability to the ankle and consequently to the hip. This
exercise is preferred in our programs over the double-leg
version. Single-leg hamstring work is obviously more
functional than double-leg hamstring work, and single-leg
hamstring work that challenges balance and proprioception is
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
the most beneficial. This is another exercise that can be used
as a part of the warm-up or as a loaded strength exercise.
Technique Points- the one-leg SLDL is covered on
page 79 of Functional Training for Sports
One-Leg, Two Arm Straight-Leg Deadlift
The one -leg, two-arm SLDL is another excellent single leg
alternative to the double leg versions of the Romanian or straightleg deadlift. Charles Poliquin has frequently used the phrase
“varying the exercise without changing it”. The one-leg, two-arm
SLDL is an excellent example of allowing some variability without
having to teach entirely new movement patterns. As Poliquin has
often recommended the essence of the exercise remains the same,
but the exercise is different enough to allow different loads and
slightly different neurological patterns.
The one-leg, two-arm SLDL moves from a dumbbell exercise to a
straight bar or two dumbbell exercise and alters the loads at both
the scapulo-thoracic joint and the thoracolumbar fascia. It allows
greater loads than the single arm version and will provide greater
Figure 8.2 One-leg, two-arm SLDL
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
stress to all of the trunk extensors and scapula retractors. This
makes the exercise an excellent progression from the singledumbbell version. From a functional standpoint, however, the two
dumbbells or straight bar may actually make the exercise less
functional. I do not find this to be of great concern as the greater
loads on the hip extensors offset the loss of the linkage from glute
max to lat across the thoracolumbar fascia. The important point is
that the athlete or client is able to move to a level 2 exercise with an
increased load from the level 1 exercise.
1 Leg Good Morning
The single-leg good (figure 7.3) is another example of a single leg
version of an exercise that is better than its double leg counterpart.
Although clearly not a beginner exercise, the one-leg good morning
is another excellent progression from the previous two exercises.
From a periodization standpoint, it fits in nicely. The one-arm, one-
Figure 7.3 One-leg good morning
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
leg SLDL is an excellent exercise for an accumulation or
hypertrophy phase while the two-arm, one-leg SLDL lends itself to
the slightly higher loads of an intensification or strength phase. The
1 Leg Good Morning is more suited to the lighter loads of
accumulation phases.
The conventional Good morning is a waiters’ bow with the bar
across the shoulders in a back squat position. It is an exercise that I
have never used or recommended. However, the single leg version
draws on all of the skills developed through the previous two
exercises and is another excellent variation of a straight-leg hip
extension exercise. Athletes or clients can begin with a Bodybar or
similar weighted bar but will rapidly progress to an Olympic bar.
Repetitions should remain in the 8-10 range to keep the loads on
the spine low.
Slideboard Leg Curl
The slideboard leg curl is an exercise that stronger athletes can use
as a level 1 exercise or an eccentric-only exercise for beginners.
The slideboard leg curl has quickly become a favorite exercise even
though it seems to violate the “no single-joint exercise” rule. In fact
the slideboard leg curl is not a single-joint exercise even though
there is only one joint moving. The slideboard leg curl works in a
similar manner to the hip lift exercises. In the hip lift exercises, the
glute is the prime mover while the hamstring assists in hip
extension. In the slideboard leg curl, although only the knee joint is
moving, the glute must act to keep the hip in extension while the
hamstring works to both eccentrically resist leg extension ( a
primary hamstring function) and concentrically produce knee
flexion. The reality is that this is a complex and, in fact, functional
exercise when performed correctly.
There is one major problem with the slideboard leg curl. Previous
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
authors who have described this exercise with the stability ball have
made the exercise a simultaneous hip flexion and knee flexion
exercise where the hips are allowed to drop. This method of
performance takes what could be a great exercise and reduces it to
an average exercise. The key to the slideboard leg curl is that the
exercise forces the glutes and hamstrings to maintain hip extension
while also using the hamstrings as both eccentric resistors of leg
extension and then finally concentric knee flexors.
Figure 7.4 Slideboard leg curl
Eccentric Only Version- many athletes or clients, particularly
those that have glute firing issues will not be able to switch from
the eccentric portion of the exercise to the concentric portion of the
exercise while maintaining the glute contraction. In this case the
hips will drop and flex during the concentric portion of the exercise.
If this is the case perform eccentric-only reps to improve both
strength and function.
Start with the toes up and the heels on the board as in a double-leg
bridge. Draw-in the abdominals and then place both hands on the
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
glutes to feel the contraction. With both hands on the glutes and the
stomach drawn in, attempt to slide out taking five seconds to go
from the hip flexed bridge position to a position with the legs
straight. From that point, relax and return to the bridge position and
repeat for 3-5 reps.
Concentric Version- perform as above but, maintain the glute
contraction and leg curl back to the start position. It is critical that
there is no bend at the hips.
Stability-Ball Leg Curl
The stability-ball leg curl is a level 3 exercise because it
requires using the glutes and spinal erectors to stabilize the
torso and the hamstrings to per-form a closed-chain leg curl.
This exercise develops torso stability while also
strengthening the hamstrings. The stability-ball leg curl is the
only leg curl movement I recommend.
Technique Points
• Heels are placed on the ball, and the body is held
with the hips off the ground.
• The ball is curled under the body with the heels
while the body is kept straight.
( see pg. 82 Functional Training for Sports)
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Chapter 8- Upper-Body Pulling and Pressing
Upper-body pulling movements were covered in great detail in
my previous book, Functional Training for Sports. The
intention of this book is to provide new and updated
information since the publication of my last book. In the case
of upper-body pulling actions very little has changed. In most
strength training programs, pulling movements such as chinups and rows are still given little, if any, emphasis. Instead
most coaches and trainers have their athletes and clients
perform lat pull-downs for the muscles of the upper back
under the mistaken assumption that this is all that is
necessary. In addition, many programs completely ignore
rowing movements. This type of program design leads to
overdevelopment of the pressing muscles, postural problems,
and eventually to shoulder injury.
A well designed upper-body program should include a
proportional ratio of sets of horizontal pulling (rowing) and
vertical pulling (chin-up) to overhead pressing, and supine
pressing exercises. There should be a set of a pulling
exercise for every set of pushing exercise.
A poor ratio of pulling to pressing leads to overdevelopment
of the pectorals and underdevelopment of the scapula
retractors and predisposes athletes to overuse shoulder
injuries, especially rotator cuff tendinitis. The incidence of
rotator cuff tendinitis among athletes who perform a great
deal of bench press and bench press variations is extremely
high. In truth many Powerlifters seem to accept shoulder pain
as a part of the sport in much the same way that swimmers or
tennis players do. The reality is that with a balanced program
very few athletes should experience anterior shoulder pain.
In my opinion, the anterior shoulder pain is not due to the
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
bench press itself but rather to the lack an appropriate ratio of
pulling movements. The real key is for athlete to possess an
appropriate ratio of pulling strength to pushing strength. This
is best estimated by comparing an athlete’s maximum number
of pull-ups to his or her maximum bench press weight.
Consideration must be given to body weight, but athletes
capable of bench-pressing well over their body weight should
also be capable of pulling their body weight, regardless of
For example:
a 200-pound male athlete who can bench-press 300 pounds
should be able to perform 12 to 15 chin-ups.
A 300-pound male athlete who can bench-press 400 pounds
should be able to do 5 to 8 chin-ups.
Females may actually perform better in the ratio of chin-up to
bench press. We have found that female athletes capable of
bench pressing their bodyweight can perform anywhere from
5-10 chin-ups.
Vertical Pulling Movements
A properly designed strength program should include at least three
sets each of two chin-up variations per week as well as a minimum
of three sets of two rowing movements per week. As cited
previously, the Charles Poliquin concept of varying the exercise
without changing it applies particularly to the upper back. Either the
specific type of vertical and horizontal pull should change every
three weeks, or the number of repetitions should change every
three weeks; in some cases, both should change. The most
important point is not to get caught in the trap of adding chin-ups to
your program and then not training them as a strength exercise.
Vertical pulling movements (chin-ups and variations) should be
cycled in conjunction with horizontal pressing movements like the
bench press. If you are performing sets of three in the bench press
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
then perform sets of three in your vertical pulling movements. If you
are performing pyramids, do the same with vertical pulls.
Our male athletes will very rapidly gain upper-back strength with
this type of program. It is not unusual for our male athletes to
perform five chin-ups with a 45- pound plate attached to a dip belt.
Years ago I called a belt manufacturer to inquire about dip belts in
size 24 for small waists. When asked the purpose, I replied that
these were for our female athletes to perform weighted chin-ups
and pull-ups. Our female athletes frequently complained that the
dip belts slid down due to the fact that the smallest belt was made
for a thirty inch waist. The supplier stated that in all the years of belt
manufacturing, he had never been asked to make dip belts that
size. Just think of the name. We don’t call them chin-up belts, we
call them dip belts. The belts were designed to allow athletes to add
weight for dips, not chin-ups. It is not unusual to walk into one of
our facilities and see a female athlete or client performing sets of
three chin-ups with anywhere from 5 to 25 pounds. In fact one of
our female athletes, two-time ice hockey Olympian Tricia Dunn has
performed three reps with a 45-pound plate on the dip belt. In
addition, Tricia has done 15 chin-ups when tested.
Treat vertical pulling as a strength exercise and you will see large
increases in strength and decreases in shoulder pain.
Horizontal Pulling Movements
Horizontal pulling movements, or rowing movements, are
critical for two reasons:
1. The addition of rowing motions to the program will
help prevent injury.
2. Rowing exercises are a true antagonistic movement
to the bench press. Although chin-ups and their
variations are important, rowing movements
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
specifically target both the muscles and the
movement patterns that directly oppose those
trained with the bench press.
Despite their importance, rows are even more frequently
omitted from strength programs than vertical pulling exercises
like chin-ups. Rowing motions are an area of functional
training that is undergoing great change. Recent advances in
athletic training and physical therapy have shown that the
body is linked both anteriorly and posteriorly in a diagonal
pattern. The posterior was discussed in great detail in the
chapter 7, but the information must be repeated in relation to
rowing motions. As was previously stated force is transmitted
from the ground through the leg to the hip via the biceps
femoris and the glute max. The force is then transferred
across the sacro-iliac joint into the opposite latissimus dorsi or
lat as it is commonly referred. The keys in this system of
cross-linkage lies not only in stabilizing the hip but in
engaging the muscles used in the proper motor pattern. For
this reason all rowing motions, except the inverted row and
rotational row, are performed with one foot in contact with the
ground. With one foot on the ground and the load in the hand
opposite that foot the athlete or client must now engage the
biceps femoris and glute, to transfer force from the ground,
the pelvic stabilizers ( glute med, quadratus, and adductors)
and the hip rotators. The hip rotator group and pelvic
stabilizers are of particular importance because all force
transferred from the ground must move through a stable hip
to properly transfer to the upper body.
Until very recently, the hip rotator group has been effectively
ignored. The hip rotators are the “rotator cuff” of the lower
body but do not get the respect and attention that the
shoulder rotator cuff muscles of the upper body get. All force
originating at the ground, whether a golf swing or a home run,
must transfer through a strong, flexible, and stable hip rotator
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
group. The hip rotators must be given particular attention in
program design. Rowing exercises are covered in detail on pages
130-138 of Functional Training for Sports. The exercises that follow
are exercises that were not covered in Functional Training for
Sports or, exercises that are being updated.
One-Arm, One-Leg Dumbbell Row
The dumbbell row done with two feet on the ground is the
simplest of rowing movements and can help beginners learn
proper back position. This would be a beginner, level 1
rowing exercise. For higher level athletes a one arm, one leg
dumbbell row (figure 8.1) should be used.
There is some debate over which foot should remain on the
floor during a one arm one leg dumbbell row. I believe that
both have a place in the program but, both have distinctly
different thought processes. With the dumbbell in the right
hand and, the left foot on the ground, the sub-systems are
engaged from the ground up, but the neurological link
between the lat and glute as hip extensor is not being
facilitated. Although we are still getting glute activation, we
are not activating the glute in conjunction with the opposite
side lat. In this case the interaction with the ground is better
due to the transfer from the ground on the left to the right
side Lat. When the dumbbell is held in the right hand and the
right foot is on the ground, the neurological line between the
lat and glute is emphasized, but the relationship of the foot on
the ground to the working lat is not. I believe that both
exercises can be beneficial. Athletes with poor glute firing will
do better with the dumbbell in the right hand and the left foot
on the ground. This setup allows concentration on both
rowing and glute activation. This variation is also better for
athlktes that are tighter in the lateral hamstring. The version
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
with the dumbbell in the right hand and the right foot on the
ground is a slightly more difficult version. In either version we
have had success with having the athlete push the leg into a
wall or object. This action of pushing will teach glute
activation in away unlike any verbal cue.
Figure 9.1 One-arm, one leg dumbbell row
To perform the one-arm, one-leg dumbbell row lean forward
and place one hand on a bench to stabilize your torso and
take stress off the low back. The back is slightly arched, and
the abdominals are drawn in. Lift the leg into position by firing
the glute before attempting to row. It is important to teach
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
body position prior to pulling. This is a difficult position to
hold. Concentrate first on moving the scapula and then the
elbow to bring the dumbbell back to the hip.
Do three sets of 5 to 10 reps, depending on the training
Pressing Exercises: Much Can You Bench?
The above title is a little deceptive. The truth is that it really doesn’t
matter how much you can bench. However many athletes and,
many coaches have been fooled into believing that the bench press
is the measure of success and failure of an athlete’s off-season
workouts. Frequently I see players who are making tremendous
progress in conditioning and in lower-body strength but, are fixated
on the bench press because “ Coach wants me up to 200 on the
bench”. The logic that increases in bench press ability correlate
with improvement of sport skill is flawed at best. The bench press is
an indicator of one type of upper-body strength, a type that matters
little in most sports. However, this is a book on designing strength
programs and if we didn’t give the bench press some attention
many coaches would not read the book. Just remember, there are
many exercises and many movement patterns to develop strength
in, don’t judge a player’s success or failure based on the bench
press results.
So, why do coaches place such emphasis on the bench press?
• The bench press is an easy exercise to do and an easy exercise
to test, much easier in both categories than the front squat or
the hang clean. Bench press testing can be done rapidly, and
with very little teaching. However, increases in the front squat or
hang clean will have a far greater bearing on performance
• Most athletes like the bench press and are willing to work at it.
However, athletes or clients generally like the bench press for
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
all the wrong reasons. Athletes like the bench press because
they see rapid improvements in muscles that are really a
leftover from our quadruped days. The pectoral muscles really
are a muscle from when we walked on our hands. The reason
we see such rapid change in the pecs from bench pressing is
that we literally “wake up” muscles that don’t get used a whole
lot. We go from atrophy to pecs in a few weeks. Coaches like
this instant gratification. They like it when players look better.
Most coaches have a limited knowledge of strength and
conditioning and, like most people, assume that you measure
strength by how much can you bench. Start a conversation with
any layman about your workouts and the “how much” question
will invariably come up.
Is there a better way? Yes. Unfortunately the truly beneficial
exercises in strength training , like the previously mentioned front
squat and hang clean, are not as easy to learn and take time,
patience and coaching. Testing is difficult and, potentially
dangerous but, not impossible. So, what is the solution?
Coaches should at least test performance-related factors like
10 yd dash and vertical jump, which are readily improved by
proper lower body training. Remember, athletes will train for
tests. Make the bench press the big test and, you will have
athletes with big upper bodies and, potentially no
improvement in the ability to play their sport. One thing that I
can state clearly: improvements in 10-yard dash and vertical
jump will correlate strongly with improvements in
Coaches should start their teams on strength programs that
emphasize lower body and abdominal strength and, forget
the bench. Put your emphasis and your influence in the
correct place.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
In spite of the above points, clients and coaches will still want to
know about upper body strength, and about bench pressing in
Horizontal pressing exercises like the bench press and variations
present a few interesting dilemmas. Many young athletes initially
experience a rapid strength gain initially from a bench press
program that is often done three times a week. Due to the lack of
relative use that the muscle gets, progress is rapid and some
hypertrophy occurs quickly. This creates a fundamental problem.
The athlete or client associates the success with the frequency and
intensity of workouts, not with the concept of awakening a long
dormant muscle. As a result, the trainee assumes a cause-effect
relationship between training frequency and strength gain. This
unfortunately leads to a long term plateau and frustration on the
part of the trainee when they are unable to continue to produce the
rapid results.
As a former powerlifter, I must admit that I tried every program
possible to improve my bench press. It was not until I realized that
there was no relationship between training volume and strength
gain that I began to make progress. In fact, the only relationship I
found between volume and strength gain was negative. Most
average trainees will gain better on a reduced volume program. My
search for strength led me initially to the same sort of “written by
guys on drugs, for other guys on drugs” type of programming. This
is the standard muscle magazine junk. After realizing that this type
of training wasn’t working for me I began to read the writings of
guys like Dr. Ken Leistner and later Stuart McRobert. Both of these
authors advocate a hybrid philosophy. Both espouse very
abbreviated workouts along the line of the high-intensity/ 1 set to
failure school of thought. However, both are also proponents of
basic, multi-joint , free weight exercises. McRobert particularly has
written extensively about strength and size development for what
he refers to as hardgainers and even publishes a Hardgainer
magazine. Reading the work of guys like McRobert and Leistner
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
and combining it with what we know about exercise physiology and
human nature led me to the following:
Keys to Bench Pressing
• Bench press only once per week. Heresy you say? Not
really. If you analyze the workout of most great bench
pressers, most will perform the actual lift only once per
• Perform only two upper-body pressing workouts per week.
More heresy? Again, talk to most strength athletes. You will
rarely see any that still perform three upper-body pressing
workouts per week.
• If you bench press less than 200 lbs buy a set of Olympic 1
¼ plates. As you progress the five-pound jumps
necessitated by 2 ½ pound plates will be too large. If you
bench press over 200 pounds you can still get away with
five-pound jumps but 2.5 will be better.
• Work hard on your assistance exercises. Very often plateaus
in the bench press can be broken by increasing the strength
in the incline bench press or close grip bench press.
Most often the reason athletes fail to improve their bench press
after year one is that they don’t follow the above rules. It is very
difficult to get an athlete or client to stop doing what has given them
success but, in strength training less is clearly more as the trainee
becomes more experienced.
The following chart is provided to help you choose appropriate
weight for your athletes or clients on the assistance exercises for
the bench press. It has been my experience that most athletes do
not push themselves in assistance exercises like they do in the
bench press. We developed these charts so that we could
accurately predict what our athletes should be capable of in major
dumbbell exercises. If I have an athlete who can bench press 275
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
pounds I expect that that same athlete will be able to perform
dumbbell bench presses with 85-pound dumbbells for 10 reps.
Some readers might find this unusual but if you look at the ratios it
is very feasible.
1 RM 10 RM DB Bench 10RM
Bench Press 275
In order to determine dumbbell loads, we take 50 percent of the
corresponding RM load. In the above case this would be 107.5 lbs.
We then work off the assumption that an experienced athlete can
handle 80 percent of a comparable barbell load with dumbbells so
we multiply 107.5 x .8 and get 86.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Prediction Formula for Selected Horizontal Pressing Exercises
Bench Bench Bench Bench DB Bench ALT DB Bench DB Incline ALT DB Inc
1 RM 3 RM 5 RM
10 RM 10 RM
10 RM
10 RM
10 RM
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Generally we will only perform one horizontal pressing exercise per
day. Most often some type of pure horizontal pressing exercise will
be done on the first day, like a bench press or a dumbbell bench
press. On the second day we will use an incline variation. One of
my goals is to have balanced upper-body strength. I don’t want an
athlete or client who is great at the press but, can’t incline bench
press with a bar or handle heavy dumbbells. I think often we see
athletes or clients who become extremely proficient at one exercise
but do not have proportional multi-angle strength. One of my upper
body goals is to have this balance between presses and between
pressing and pulling.
I have read nearly everything there is to read in the field of strength
and conditioning and everyone from Doug Hepburn to Fred Hatfield
make similar recommendations. The key to bench press success is
not in doing more exercises. The key is well thought out
progressions and volume control. Stuart McRobert likes to say, “If
you are not getting stronger, your strength program isn’t working”.
Simple but powerful logic. The next conclusion that McRobert and
many authors like him have come to is that very few athletes or
trainees who are serious are not doing enough. The reality is that
some of the strongest guys in every gym seem to be the laziest.
They come in, do one lift and leave. In reality, they understand how
to get strong. Getting stronger is about progression. It has nothing
to do with getting bigger or getting a pump.
Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press and Alternating Dumbbell
Incline Press
From a functional training standpoint there are two somewhat
unconventional exercises that I want to cover. I believe that
alternating dumbbell bench press and alternating dumbbell incline
press are significant improvements over the conventional variations
due to the unilateral support and diagonal core load that these
exercises provide. In both movements the dumbbells are supported
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
at the top and alternated from the top. By performing these
exercises in this manner, you develop considerable shoulder
stability. The arm that is not pressing is working isometrically to
maintain position while the working arm performs the pressing
action. In addition, the core is forced to create great diagonal
stability to counter the diagonal force created by lowering one
dumbbell. In symmetrical lifting there is very little core loading.
These two exercises take a routine upper body pressing action and
add two important dimensions.
Pages 138-141 of Functional Training for Sports cover additional
bodyweight horizontal pressing exercises. Again the intent of this
book is to add to the concepts in Functional Training for Sports, not
repeat information. The key in horizontal pressing exercises is not
to focus solely on how much an athlete can bench press but, rather
to develop well-rounded upper-body strength in the bench press,
incline press and dumbbell variations. As strength and conditioning
coaches we need to work to decrease the fascination with
performing and evaluating one lift as if it is the only indicator of
upper-body strength. You will be amazed how few athletes can do
25 strict pushups or even 10 good dips. Don’t lose site of the ability
to handle bodyweight.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Chapter 9- Choosing a System of Training
Most coaches do not choose a system of training; it seems to
choose them. Coaches tend to either follow the crowd or, follow
their own training preference. I am going to advocate that you do
neither. Instead I will discuss the evolution of training systems and
provide some insights into the pros and cons of each. The key is to
take pieces where applicable to form a workable system.
Set and Rep Schemes
For beginners, much too much has been said about sets and reps.
Programming is not nearly as important as execution. My
experience is that many high school and college coaches have
excellent sets and rep schemes that are then implemented with
poor attention to technique. This is a mistake. KISS. Keep it simple
S_ _ _ _ _. We should be strength and conditioning coaches, not
computer geeks. I love Excel spreadsheets as much as anyone but,
the continuing trend of good programming done poorly is disturbing.
You are only as good as the technical proficiency of your athletes.
The Simplest Method: Progressive Resistance Exercise (PRE)The simplest method of progression for beginners is to simply add
five pounds per week to the bar as long as the athlete can perform
the exercises with perfect technique. For more experienced lifters
add 2 1/2 pounds per week to the heaviest set. This is a simple
system advocated by the Hardgainer crowd. Stuart McRobert is
the publisher of Hardgainer Magazine and has written an excellent
book called Brawn that is wonderful in its simultaneously innovative
yet, simple methods. I’m a huge fan. Many so-called big time
strength coaches would reject this type of program as too simple
but, I will confess that the PRE program formed the basis of almost
all of the training for our college freshmen athletes. Periodization
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
was minimal and we employed PRE almost exclusively. The
advantages of a simple progressive exercise program are evident:
• the system works extremely well with beginners, and may
be all many of you need
• PRE can be combined with other methods for a simple
periodized program
Generally we would perform 2-3 sets per exercise after warm-up
sets. The sequence is as follows - warm-up set first, heavy set
second, heavy set plus or minus 5 to 10 pounds third. With the third
set the coach would decide whether the athlete would go up, go
down or stay at the same weight.
By simply following a simple program of progressive resistance
exercise you could improve 260 pounds per year with this method. I
realize that no athlete will make five pound increases for an entire
year but, most athletes would be happy with much smaller gains
than 260 pounds in any lift. In theory an athlete who was able to
Front Squat an unloaded 45-pound bar for 10 reps would be
squatting 95 lbs for 10 reps by week 10. By week 20 they would be
squatting 145 for ten reps. Some of our female athletes have
become incredibly strong by using just this system this system.
Obviously after the first training year this system must be replaced
by a periodized system but, because of the rapid gains in strength
in year one, we found that a percentage based system actually
resulted in us holding back some of our athletes
20 Rep Tests
One method we often use after the first three weeks of training to
determine whether we are using appropriate loads is what we call a
20 rept. In week three of the program we would take the set two
weight ( the heaviest set) and tell the athlete to do twenty reps in as
few sets as possible. This weight should correspond to a 10 RM
load but we want to know the actual numbers. Ideally the athlete
should take this set to technical failure (the point at which they can
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
not complete reps with proper technique). Loads for the next week
would then be recalculated based on the number of reps done. The
following chart illustrates how this is done.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Weight Adjustments for 20 Rep Scheme - Percentage Based
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Use 200 pounds in the far left column as the example weight. If our
athlete does 200 pounds for 14 reps instead of the expected 10, the
weight for the next week would be adjusted to 225 for 10 reps
instead of the expected 205 pounds. This system allows us to
insure that no athlete is drastically underachieving in a situation
where we are not prepared for actual max testing. This is in fact a
repetition max test that is then used to adjust weight
Linear Periodization
Linear periodization takes our PRE scheme and simply adds linear
repetition variation over a series of weeks. Periodization is a
European concept that has been practiced in the US for most of the
‘80s and ‘90s. At the time it was introduced, it represented a
significant improvement over methods used previously. What linear
periodization does is build a system of gradually decreasing volume
( usually measured by total number of reps done on the major lifts)
and gradually increasing intensity (measured by the weight on the
bar) over the length of the training cycle. Linear periodization was
made widely popular in the strength and conditioning community
through Mike Stone’s NSCA Journal article “The Theoretical Model
of Strength Training”. Mike Stone and John Garhammer were
instrumental in the ‘80s in bringing advanced concepts to strength
and conditioning through their work with the NSCA. This system
was once considered advanced but, may in fact be too simple for
the advanced athlete. Phases in linear periodization were generally
four weeks long and consisted of three heavy weeks followed by an
unload week. A basic periodization diagram appears on the next
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Not generally dictated in American systems
One of the drawbacks of any form of periodization with beginners
was that the percentages used were basically guesswork. The
athletes generally had not been tested yet and even if tested the
athlete would generally progress so rapidly in the early weeks that
percentage projections quickly became inaccurate. For this reason
we simply use PRE for all of our beginner programs with a 20 rep
test at the end of week three. This lets us see if the prescribed
loads have been too light and to make adjustments.
Bodybuilding Method
Luckily for us the bodybuilding method has rapidly fallen out of
favor over the last decade as education in the field of strength and
conditioning has progressed. Generally coaches using a
bodybuilding method to train their athletes were ex-bodybuilders
who were simply using what they had learned in their own training
to train athletes. This is an extremely inefficient method for athletes
since bodybuilding, like powerlifting and Olympic lifting, is in fact a
sport more than an actual training system. Bodybuilding is
characterized by high volume workouts generally broken down by
body part. (i.e chest and back, legs and shoulders etc.)
Bodybuilding has very little athletic application and is often time
consuming due to a multi-angular approach. Bodybuilding
frequently results in misplaced emphasis as the aim of a
competitive bodybuilder is improved appearance, not improved
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
performance. Bodybuilding can also be extremely
counterproductive in those looking to lose weight as the high
volume workouts will result in muscle hypertrophy. However,
bodybuilding may be helpful to athletes who need to gain additional
Undulating Periodization
Undulating periodization was popularized in the US by Canadian
strength coach Charles Poliquin. Poliquin published two very similar
articles in the early eighties describing Undulating Periodization.
One article was titled, ”Five Steps to Improving Your Football
Strength Program” and was published in the NSCA Journal.
Poliquin also published a similar article under the name “Variety in
Strength Training” in a newsletter. The article content was nearly
identical and quickly established Poliquin as an expert in the area of
periodization of training.
The program described by Poliquin took the Stone model one step
further. In the Stone model of linear periodization volume
decreased in a linear fashion while intensity increased in a linear
manner. In the method Poliquin advocated, volume and intensity
undulates over the course of the training cycle. Poliquin simply
described the phases as either an Accumulation Phase ( i.e an
accumulation of volume or time under tension) or an Intensification
Phase ( increase in load). The Intensification Phase generally
consisted of more sets, less exercises and reps in the 1 to 3 range.
The accumulation phase generally had more emphasis on variety
and tempo. As a general rule of thumb, athletes would perform no
more than six exercises per day done in three pairs. Workouts were
designed to be done in one hour or less to limit cortisol build up.
Undulating periodization was characterized by three week phases
with no unload weeks.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Poliquin was also the first strength coach in the US to popularize
the concept of exercise tempo. Poliquin brought this concept from
Australia according to some observers and wrote extensively about
the concepts of tempo and time under tension as they related
particularly to the Accumulation phase. Put simply, Poliquin stated
that a ten rep set could be done in 20 seconds using a one second
eccentric contraction and a one second concentric contraction. This
would mean that the set generated 20 seconds of time under
tension for the muscle. Time under tension is simply a measure of
how long the set lasts. This would be described as10 reps at a 1-01 tempo. One second down, one second up with no pause. Poliquin
also correctly stated that any set could be made to generate
hypertrophic responses simply by increasing the time under
tension. In other words 5 reps done at a 2-0-2 tempo would
produce the same result as 10 reps done at 1-0-1. These articles
were the first time that concepts like Undulating Periodization ,
tempo, and time under tension were introduced to the American
strength and conditioning coach. The work of Stone and Poliquin
caused quantum leaps forward in the world of strength and
Four Phase Undulating Periodization
Phase 1
Phase 2
Tempo varied, Eccentric/ Pause/ Concentric Ex. 3/1/1
Phase 3
Phase 4
Tempo varied, Eccentric/ Pause / Concentric Ex 3/1/1
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Poliquin’s work in the ‘90s caused me to rewrite all of my workouts.
After contemplating the concept of paired exercises, the conclusion
was obvious. Paired exercise sequences make better use of time.
In the Poliquin Method, practicality becomes an issue due to
equipment availability. Care must be taken to make sure that
athletes are pairing the correct exercises. More on that later.
The West Side System
In the current strength and conditioning world the favored system of
the masses seems to be a Louie Simmons, West Side Barbell,
approach centered around powerlifting style training. Although Mr.
Simmons has made some wonderful contributions to the field I
cannot for a varied number of reasons advocate most of the
methods. The reasons are simple:
• Although Mr. Simmons presents his training as evidence
based and results based it may in fact be neither. There is
no independent research I have seen which validates the
training concepts advocated by Mr. Simmons.
• In fact most of the evidence that Mr. Simmons repeatedly
points to is tainted by the use of performance enhancing
• The WestSide system is designed to produce powerlifters,
not athletes. Powerlifting is a sport consisting of three lifts:
the squat, bench press and deadlift. The essence of the
WestSide system revolves around improving these three
lifts. The not-so-logical conclusion is that improvement in the
three powerlifts leads to improved sports performance.
Although in a simplistic sense the improvement of force
production will lead to some changes, our knowledge of
functional anatomy leads us to conclude that training for
sport must be more specific and improve strength quantities
unique to the single leg nature of most sports.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
On the other hand Simmons, like Stone and Poliquin, must be
recognized for pushing the envelope and redefining the sport of
powerlifting. Simmons’ ideas about speed of movement and
variable resistance were the first advances in training for strength in
a long time. My objection to the variable resistance methods
proposed by Simmons does not lie in my belief that the methods
don’t work but in practical concerns. Simmons’ two most significant
contributions are in the use of bands and chains for variable
resistance. The chains are a great concept but are expensive and
somewhat time-consuming. In simple terms, heavy chains are
attached to the bar so that as the bar is lowered the chain gathers
on the floor. In other words as the bar is lowered, the weight is
being reduced by the amount of chain accumulating on the floor. As
the bar is raised the weight increases as the chain comes off the
floor. This is an ingenious concept of applying variable resistance to
a free weight environment. This allows the load to more closely
match the strength curve and allows the lifter to accelerate the bar.
However, for groups this can be impractical and somewhat
The other Simmons innovation is the use of heavy elastic bands to
provide resistance that is again similar to the chain idea. Bands are
anchored to the Power Rack and then placed around the bar ends.
As the load is lowered, the band decreases in elastic energy and
the load becomes lighter. As the lifter raises the bar the load again
increases due to the tension placed on the band. Again a free
weight is used in a variable resistance environment. This is also a
stroke of genius but requires a coach to not only purchase bands
but more importantly to monitor the condition of the bands. A
broken band in this situation could be disastrous. Simmons’
methods are brilliant but besides being empirical in nature they can
be costly, time consuming and in the case of bands potentially
dangerous. This does not discount the brilliance of the man but
does make these methods somewhat questionable from a
practicality standpoint.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
The idea of using one sport like powerlifting or Olympic Lifting to
train for any other sport is a well intentioned idea but, probably not
a totally sound concept. Coaches may take some concepts from
the WestSide Barbell school of thought to help an athlete improve
in the bench press and may utilize concepts from the training of
Olympic lifters to help an athlete improve in the hang clean, but all
of these concepts must eventually meet to help the athlete to better
produce and reduce force on one leg. A program of Olympic
weightlifting or powerlifting will not provide the proper musculoskeletal stresses necessary to truly improve sport performance.
The critics will say that this is not true but I would rather say that it
is half true. Athletes need to work in single leg environments unlike
those contested in sports like Olympic lifting or powerlifting to most
efficiently and effectively improve sport performance. Lifts like the
squat, bench press and hang clean are part of the solution but,
must be complemented with specific exercises to develop the single
leg extension patterns of the hip and knee.
Olympic Lifting
Much like the West Side system, some coaches have adopted a
philosophy based on the sport of Olympic weightlifting. Athletes are
again taken and trained for another sport to hopefully improve their
ability in their sport. This is no different than the West Side
approach. Olympic lifting is a sport and attempting to train athletes
like Olympic weightlifters is often like putting a square per in a
round hole. As I have often said, what makes a good Olympic
weightlifter from a lever system standpoint may not make a great
lineman or power forward.
High Intensity TrainingI’ve included some information about high intensity training because
at other points in the book I have referred to it by name. High
intensity training or HIT, as it has come to be called, is the
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
brainchild of Nautilus inventor Arthur Jones and is an extremely
interesting phenomenon in the world of strength and conditioning.
Although the system appears to have a limited basis in exercise
physiology as I understand it, high intensity training has an
extremely long history and a very loyal and dedicated following.
There are a few varieties of high intensity. Proponents range from
professional strength and conditioning coaches who believe
strongly in the original Nautilus philosophy of one set to momentary
muscular failure done on a circuit of 12 to 15 machines to guys like
Ken Leistner and Stuart McRobert who advocate a similar
philosophy based around basic free weight movements. What all of
the proponents of HIT share is a belief that less is more. I probably
have more in common with these folks and have been more heavily
influenced by them, than I would like to admit. The proponents of
HIT believe in very hard, very brief work. The problem with this type
of system is that there is a zeal that borders on fanaticism. HIT is in
my mind a small but interesting splinter group in the world of
strength and conditioning that should be investigated before it is
totally discounted. There is clearly a mental benefit to asking
athletes to work to complete failure. I believe that the HIT system
will work well in team sports settings where intrinsic motivation is an
issue. My major point of disagreement with the proponents of HIT
lies in their stance on power development. In HIT no power work is
performed. Proponents believe that moving a load with speed is
inherently dangerous. As a result neither plyometrics or Olympic
lifts are used in HIT. My feeling is that the work of exercise
physiologists in the area of stretch-shortening cycle and the force
velocity curve make this stance difficult to defend. Proponents of
HIT believe that you lift for strength and then simply practice sport
skills and that there is no neurological midground. Some
proponents of HIT, particularly in the college world, are beginning to
utilize plyometrics to develop the stretch shortening cycle, although
many of the early proponents saw no need for stretch-shortening
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
The reality is that no one system provides all the answers. I believe
that a sound training program will take strength ideas from
powerlifting, power ideas from Olympic lifting, speed ideas from
track, and injury prevention concepts from physical therapy. The
integration of all these disciplines may lead to the ultimate program.
In any case the most important point in program design is to
choose a system that you understand and choose exercises that
you are comfortable teaching.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Chapter 10 Creating Efficient and Effective Workouts
Having knowledge is one thing. Being able to take that knowledge
and use it to design a program is another thing entirely. The key to
being able to design great programs is being able to filter
information. You can’t make a change every time a new idea
comes across your desk. You need to look at information and filter
out the hype. I firmly believe that the more time you can spend with
your athletes, the better the results will be. For this reason I am a
proponent of four day per week training programs. Some coaches
may prefer three sessions per week, but I believe that program
design is easiest and most efficient in a four day program.
Four-Day Training ProgramsTraining four times a week is the gold standard in training programs
and, in a perfect world. The following chart takes the components
discussed in the chapter 3 and demonstrates how these quantities
fit into a four day workout.
This table is the key to the entire book. Once you understand the
concept, the table is like a “fill in the blank” template for workouts.
As you can see, torso or core work is done every day. Two days
focus on the core strength and stability exercises described in the
core strength chapter, and two days are power days with the
Medicine Ball.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Movement Skills and Conditioning 1 hr
MultiDirectional Linear
Lateral Speed
Linear Speed
Conditioning Conditioning
TorsoTorsoTorso- Power
( Med Ball)
( Med Ball)
Power and Strength Development – 1 hr
Stretch- Quad/ Psoas
Pair 1
Pair 1
Pair 1
(2 leg)
( Supine)
( 2 leg)
Stretch - Lat Stretch- Chest Stretch- Lat
Lateral Speed
Vertical Pull
Pair 1
( Incline)
Vertical Pull
Tri Set 1
( 1 leg)
Hip Dominant
Straight Leg
Tri Set 1
Vertical Press
or Rehab/
Hip Dominant
Bent Leg
Tri Set 1
( 1 leg)
Hip Dominant
Straight Leg
Tri Set 1
Vertical Press
or Rehab/
Hip Dominant
Bent Leg
Rotary or
Rotary or
Rotary or
Rotary or
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
In the next portion of the workout, the focus is again on power
development through Olympic lifting. On days one and three
snatches and dumbbell snatches are used. This allows power
development work with lighter loads. This will have less effect on
the knee dominant exercises to follow. In simple terms, we snatch
on days that we front squat. If we performed hang cleans prior to
front squats the work in the hang clean might affect the quality of
the front squat workout. On days two and four power development
work is through the hang clean or variation. (Please note that this is
the basic template for a healthy athlete but, not for every athlete.
For athletes with injury problems who are unable to Olympic lift we
may substitute jump squats, jumps on the Vertimax, or jumps on
the MVP Shuttle. The important thing is to get some explosive
resisted hip extension, not to force everyone to Olympic lift. )
It is also important to note that Olympic movements are not paired
with other exercises. Exercises with a high neural and technical
demand should not be paired with another exercise. The explosive,
total body nature of these exercises is not conducive to paired
An active-isolated stretch for the quadriceps/ hip flexor area is done
during the rest period between sets. It is important to note that all
stretches done during the workout are active-isolated stretches and
are not static stretches. In active-isolated stretching the stretch is
held for one to two seconds and there is a conscious effort to
contract the antagonist muscle. This type of stretching can be done
during the workout without compromising the neurological efficiency
of the muscle. Aaron Mattes is the leader in the area of activeisolated stretching ( Using active-isolated
stretching has two significant benefits.
1) The rest period is utilized for something other than
conversation. This allows us to increase the total training
effect of the sessions as flexibility has now been addressed
during the strength/ power session.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
2) Stretching the muscles used seems to relate to a
decrease in soreness from the workout. This is not a
research based concept but, empirically our athletes have
drawn this conclusion on their own.
Some people might criticize the next section of the workout format
as leg work is done every day. The emphasis switches from kneedominant exercises on days one and three to hip-dominant
exercises on days two and four. Our observation has been that this
is not a problem. The key is in alternating the dominant joint from
day to day. Although the glutes and hamstrings are obviously used
in squatting exercises on days one and three, there does not seem
to be a detrimental effect in focusing on the glutes and hamstrings
on day two and four. We have successfully used this system for
close to ten years and have done so without difficulty. In our
summer training programs we actually train on a Monday through
Thursday schedule and still have not had issues with overtraining or
injury even when training for four consecutive days.
The second portion of the strength/power program consists of a
pair of major multi-joint exercises again complimented by a stretch
for one of the two muscles or muscle groups being worked. On day
one and three front squats are paired with a vertical pulling
movement. A stretch for the lat muscles is done between sets of
front squats and whatever variety of chin-up movement is being
done. On days two and four the bench press, incline bench press,
or some variation is paired with a straight-leg hip extension exercise
like a single-leg straight leg deadlift. A stretch for the chest muscles
is done between sets in this sequence.
The third portion of the strength/power workout is a tri set. Now
three exercises are done again in conjunction with a stretch. This is
a departure from my previous writings but, was necessitated by the
inclusion of the rotary training category into our programs. Without
using a tri-set, it is difficult to address all of the categories that must
be addressed in the program. I believe that this is a compromise
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
but, keeps the workout to approximately one hour. Research
indicates that strength workouts longer than 1 hour can result in
significant cortisol build up. Adding a third pair of exercises would
add ten to fifteen minutes to the workout whereas making the
second pair into a tri-set results in very little additional time.
The third portion of the program will vary depending on the specific
phase of the program but generally will include an overhead or
vertical press, a rotary exercise, and some type of rehabilitative or
specialty work for the hips or shoulders. On days one and three
some type of rotary stretch for the low back is included. On days
two and four a stretch for the hamstrings is performed. Please keep
in mind that the stretches are always active-isolated stretches.
I’ve provided worksheets for each variation of the program so that
they can be photocopied and workouts can simply be written in.
Hopefully this will facilitate the thought process.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Four Day Program Design WorksheetSimply Fill in the Blanks with exercises from the proper category
(To design a 4 day program use 2 sheets.)
Day 1
Day 2
Snatch ex.
Stretch- Quad/ Psoas
Pair 1
Pair 1
(2 leg)
Stretch - Lat
Vertical Pull
Tri Set 1
( 1 leg)
( Supine)
Stretch- Chest
Hip Dominant
Straight Leg
Tri Set 1
Vertical Press
or Rehab/
Hip Dominant
Bent Leg
Rotary or
Rotary or
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Three Day Workout Programs
Day 2
Movement Skill and Conditioning – 1 hr
For warm-up, speed development , plyometrics conditioning
and core work. The days are alternated linear-lateral- linear in
the first week and lateral- linear- lateral in the second week.
This allows 3 linear workouts every 2 weeks and 3 multidirectional workouts every 2 weeks.
Explosive/ Olympic Explosive/ Olympic Explosive/ Olympic
Stretch Quad/ Psoas
Pair 1
Pair 1
Knee Dominant/
Double Leg
Stretch- Lat
Horizontal Press
Stretch- Chest
Knee Dominant /
Double Leg
Stretch- Lat
Vertical Pull
Knee Dominant/
Single Leg
Tri-set 2
Vertical Pull
Tri-set 2
Knee Dominant /
Single Leg
Horizontal Press
( Incline)
Stretch- Hams
Vertical Press
Horizontal Press
Horizontal Pull
Horizontal Pull
Stretch- Rotary
Stretch- Hams
Hip Dominant
Straight Leg
Hip Dominant
Bent Leg
Rotary or Rehab
Tri-set 2
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Three Day Program Design WorksheetSimply Fill in the Blanks with exercises from the proper category
Stretch Quad/ Psoas
Pair 1
Pair 1
Double Leg
Stretch- Lat
Single Leg
Tri-set 2
Dominant /
Double Leg
Stretch- Lat
Hip Dominant
Bent Leg
Rotary or
Vertical Pull
Tri-set 2
Knee Dominant
/ Single Leg
( Incline)
Stretch- Hams
Hip Dominant
Straight Leg
Tri-set 2
Three day workouts may follow a few different patterns depending
on the situation. If the workout is a Mon-Wed-Fri pattern, then the
workout is a total-body workout each day. This is the pattern that is
illustrated above in the sample program and worksheet. In a school
setting, three day programs can also be done M-T-Th or T-Th-F to
increase time utilization in the weight room. The difference here is
that you would have two consecutive days and one nonconsecutive day. The two consecutive days would be performed
like the four day split ( use the four day worksheet)with the non-
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
consecutive day being a total body workout. In other words for a MT-Th program you would use day 1 and day 2 from the four day
program and on Thursday a total-body workout would be done.
Three-day programs include numerous compromises. It is no
longer possible to work each specific area two times during the
week. Vertical pressing and hip dominant exercises might only be
done once per week while double leg knee dominant exercises and
horizontal pressing may be done twice per week. If you fill in the
blanks with the exercises of your choosing for a three-day program
you have 25 percent less blanks to fill in than in a four-day
program. As a result, compromises must be made and, I believe
that the overall effectiveness of the workout is decreased potentially
by the same 25 percent. Are three day workouts inherently bad?
No, but you have to realize that it is more difficult to put the pieces
together in a three day program
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Two-Day Workout Programs
Sample Two- Day Workout Breakdown
Warm- up – combine linear and lateral concepts
Linear Plyo
Lateral Plyo
Core – use a combination of conventional core and med ball
Day 2
Explosive/ Olympic / Combo
Explosive/ Olympic/ Combo
Stretch Psoas
Stretch Psoas
Pair 1
Pair 1
Knee Dominant Double Leg
Knee Dominant Single Leg
Stretch Chest or Quad
Stretch Chest or Quad
Horizontal Supine Press
Incline Press
Tri Set 2
Pair 2
Vertical Pull
Horizontal Pull
Stretch Lat or Hamstring
Stretch Lat or Hamstring
Hip Dominant Bent Leg
Hip Dominant Straight Leg
Rotary/ Rehab
Rotary/ Rehab
-Two day workouts really force you to modify some of the initial
recommendations. All of the necessary exercise categories are
clearly more difficult to address in a two day program. In reality
each category is addressed once per week. Each day will feature a
knee-dominant exercise, a hip-dominant exercise, a pushing
exercise and a pulling exercise. Another good solution for two-day
workouts is to use combination explosive movements like clean,
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
front squat, push press or snatch, back squat, push press. Still
another possibility is to use exercises like high incline press (
combination of vertical and horizontal press), dumbbell curl + press(
vertical press plus elbow flexion) , dips, V -handle pull-ups w/ nose
to bar ( combination of chinup and row functions) or chinups to the
sternum ( combination of chinup and row). These exercises fall in
the in-between category and as a result are more useful in two day
programs. Two day programs should be reserved for in-season
lifting or for endurance athletes who do not have the time to
strength train three to four times per week.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Chapter 11- Conditioning
It is significantly easier to get an explosive athlete “in shape”
than it is to make an “in shape” athlete explosive.
The first will take weeks, the second may take years.
Think about this statement every time you design a conditioning
My good friend Mark Verstegen of Athletes’ Performance
( likes to refer to conditioning as
energy system development or ESD. Despite the long title, I think it
is both applicable and descriptive. In energy system development
we see the beginning of sport- specific training. As many of you
already know, I hate the term “sport specific training” and try to use
it as little as possible. However when it comes to conditioning,
training truly should truly be as sport specific as possible. At a bare
minimum, conditioning should at least be specific to groups of
sports. When developing sport specific conditioning programs the
key is to look at the field, the substitution patterns and, the
energetics of the game. The key is not how far athletes run in a
game, but at what pace and over what time period.
Over the last two decade, the process of strength training and
conditioning for many sports has progressed from a Stone Age
approach of utilizing training camp to get in shape to a more
modern approach based on the utilization of in-season and offseason training programs. While this chapter is not intended to
provide a physiology lesson, it will hopefully prompt some coaches
to consider the application of more specific concepts to their sport.
Evaluating Fitness: Physiological Versus Performance Testing
The presently accepted theory of conditioning is rooted in the
physiologists’ notion that all athletes need to develop an aerobic
base. I’m not exactly sure why we feel so compelled to develop an
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
aerobic base and, more importantly, why we feel compelled to
develop this base through long, slow training. I don’t believe that we
have ever really adequately explained this need for aerobic base. I
think it is simply an assumption that things will work better if we
have one. The unfortunate consensus in much of the sports world
is that the overall fitness of an athlete is based on his maximum
oxygen consumption (Max. V02.) MVO2 is a standard measure of
aerobic capacity originally intended to evaluate the condition of
athletes involved in endurance sports. In the areas of conditioning
and fitness testing the influence of exercise physiologists is heavily
felt, and this information tends to trickle down to all levels of sport.
Unfortunately asking physiologists to evaluate fitness or
conditioning may be a case of the old “when the only tool you have
is a hammer, everything begins to look like a nail”. Exercise
physiologists don’t necessarily have a ton of tools in the tool box,
so they go to the tools they have. One problem is that we don’t
have a standard test for each sport that can be mutually agreed
upon by both exercise scientists and members of the coaching
community. Thankfully, soccer has progressed from the old
Cooper Test/ 12 min run, philosophy to the use of the Yo-Yo
Intermittent Recovery test. Although I believe this to be an advance,
I think it is at best a half step in the right direction.
Based on my experience, I believe there is at least one fatal flaw in
using physiological data to evaluate performance of athletes.
Physiological data like MVO2 or lactate threshold are measures of
physiological variables, not performance variables. I believe that
physiological testing tells us something about the inner workings of
the athlete but, not nearly enough. Energy systems authority Paul
Robbins of Athletes’ Performance likes to refer to MVO2 as a
measure of what someone “might do”. Why “might do”? Because in
sports conditioning and, in the testing of conditioning success is as
much mental as it is physical. Our most aerobically fit athletes,
when measured by either Peak VO2 (slightly less accurate than
MVO2) or by lactate threshold, don’t get the highest scores on
performance tests. This means that whether we use the Yo-Yo test,
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
the 300 Yard Shuttle Run, or a 2 mile run we do not see any
correlation to the physiological variables. I believe that all testing
should be performance-based for athletes because we want to see
what they are capable of in head to head competition. I don’t care if
one athlete can use more oxygen or accumulate less lactate than
another athlete. I want to see who will come in first when I line them
up on a line and test them. Athletes find physiological testing both
frustrating and confusing because it rewards physiology over
performance. I believe that all evaluative testing should be
performance-based. If you are going to evaluate athletes, then give
them a chance to do what they do best, compete. In the
physiological testing for our 2004 Boston University hockey players,
the athlete who lasted the longest in the treadmill VO2 test only
scored a 52. There were athletes who literally ran half as long and
scored in the 60’s. How do I tell the first athlete that he is in poor
shape when he watched the test and realizes that he ran twice as
long as the guy who is “in better shape”. The athlete who scored 52
ran 6.5 MPH at 14 percent incline and might have finished a stage
at 15.
You may now think I believe physiological testing to be a complete
waste of time. On the contrary, this year I hope to purchase my own
oxygen analyzer to perform VO2 testing on all my athletes. If I don’t
feel it has value, why would I do it? The reality is that I do feel that
physiological testing has value, just not to evaluate fitness. I will
leave that evaluation to competitive testing in which the success or
failure is obvious. The person who comes in first is in the best
shape. What I will use physiological test data for is to learn more
about the physiology of my athletes. The following case study is an
excellent illustration of my point.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Hockey Conditioning Case Study- June 2004
Player 1
27 years old
5 Year NHL Vet
5’10” 202 lbs.
Peak VO2
Peak HR
% Efficiency 93%
1 min recovery 50 BPM
Player 2
28 years. Old
8 Year NHL vet
5’10’ 190 Lbs.
Peak VO2
Peak HR
% Efficiency 77%
1 min recovery 25 BPM
This is a classic illustration of why VO2 stats can be misleading.
Player 1 is obviously significantly more fit than player 2 even
though Player 2 has a higher Peak VO2. If we simply looked at the
peak VO2 number we would conclude that player 1 was less fit
than player 2. However, player 1 is 93% efficient while player 2 is
only 77% efficient. Player 1 recovered 50 beats per minute in the
first minute following the conclusion of the test while player 2
recovered only 25 beats per minute.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
This physiological data prompts a lot of questions. When
questioned, player 2 admitted to performing a great deal of long
steady state training to “raise his VO2 and lower his bodyfat”.
Player 1 existed almost exclusively on interval training. The result in
terms of lactate threshold and recovery speak for themselves.
I believe that physiological testing, provided it is actual gas
analysis, yields excellent data that can be used to help the athlete
to understand the cause effect of training and to help design better
training programs. It just should not be used as the measure of how
fit or prepared the athlete is to play the sport. The test will yield
excellent data about the type of training performed as above. In
addition, physiological testing will provide heart rate ranges for
Another physiological assumption that is flawed is the whole “target
heart rate” concept. For my 18- 22 year old collegians the
theoretical target heart rate would be a max of 198-202. Our range
when tested in reality was 180-211. When we do heart rate oriented
training, this assumption of 220 minus age would result in
overtraining for some and undertraining for others. The reality is
that 220 minus age is valid to within one standard deviation for 70
percent of the population. The other 30 percent of the population
can be as much as two standard deviations from the theoretical
norm. This could be a variance of up to 22 beats per minute.
Are Most Sports Aerobic Sports?
This is the million dollar question. And of course the answer is no. If
most sports are not aerobic sports, why are so many teams emphasizing aerobic capacity? The reason most teams emphasize
aerobic capacity for their players is because of the previously
stated belief that an efficient aerobic system promotes faster
recovery. Here obviously the goal is to create slower athletes that
can rapidly recover to attempt to regain all the ground that they lost
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
to the faster athletes? Another reason many teams emphasize
aerobic training is that it is easy to perform and implement,
particularly when compared to training for speed and power. It is
much easier to demand volume and effort than for coaches to learn
the finer points of speed and power development. However, the
questions really begin at this point. An efficient aerobic system will
facilitate faster recovery. But, are we enhancing the recovery ability
of an athlete we have made slower? At what cost are we
developing the aerobic system and how are we going to do it?
Physiological principles tell us that muscle fiber responds to
training. Are we taking explosive anaerobic athletes and in our zeal
to enhance their recovery ability making them in fact “slower”? In
truth most team sports have a highly anaerobic component that
puts a tremendous stress on the Adenosine TriPhosphate,,
Phosphate Creatine (ATP-PC) and Lactic Acid (LA) systems.
During most games, players are actually performing a series of
three- to five-second sprints. Very rarely is a player actually running
at a steady state pace for any length of time. It would appear that
the aerobic demand of the previously described sequence would be
fairly low. However, the demands on the athletes speed, speed
endurance, and acceleration would be fairly high.
My theory proposes that for many players, particularly young
developing players, any emphasis on aerobic conditioning through
steady state exercise is in fact counterproductive.
Are Aerobic Adaptation Desirable?
One of the major drawbacks of aerobic training is that aerobic training may compromise speed at the cellular level. The adaptation of
the muscle to aerobic training is in direct opposition to the primary
needs of most athletes. Charlie Francis, in his book Training for
Speed (, makes a number of thought
provoking points regarding the training of the sprinter. (Aren’t all
team sport athletes really sprinters?)
“Enough power-related work must be done during the early
years (ages 13 to 17) to:
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Maintain genetically determined levels of white or power
related muscle fiber.
Promote the shift of transitional or intermediate fiber to
white, power related muscle fiber.’
Francis (2000) further states “endurance work must be carefully
limited to light - light/medium volumes to prevent the conversion of
transitional or intermediate muscle fiber to red, endurance muscle
This may be one of the most important statements about the
training of an athlete that you will ever read. I can state with
conviction that these concepts have formed the essence of my
thought process for the last fifteen years and are key to the long
term development of athletes both young and old. I always joke that
I know the key to making your kid lousy at sports: early endurance
training. If you want your child to be slow, start endurance training
as soon as you finish reading this. In effect, some older players
may be training themselves out of their league or sport by adhering
to the aerobically oriented off-season programs of many teams.
A highly skilled player may not be as adversely affected as a
marginal one. Marginal players at most levels generally have lower
vertical jumps and anaerobic power than their more highly skilled
counterparts. This indicates that these players are already at a
disadvantage that will only be magnified by an aerobically oriented
training program. It is important to understand that muscles are
made up basically of three types of fibers; fast twitch (anaerobic),
slow twitch (aerobic) and intermediate. The ratio of fast twitch fibers
to slow twitch fibers is one of the primary determinants of success
in team sports. The best way to estimate fast twitch capability is
through vertical jump testing (no step) and 10 yard dash testing.
Francis (2000) notes that ‘”Young athletes who do not achieve high
levels of oxygen uptake during a treadmill test but who perform well
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
over 10 to 40 meter sprints probably have inherited a high
proportion of white power related muscle fiber.”
Current theory leads coaches to assume that athletes with low
MAX V02 values are out of shape. In fact, these athletes probably
possess the exact quantity that coaches are looking for. At Boston
University, many of our talented hockey players who went on to
long NHL careers were the worst performers in tests used to
evaluate aerobic capacity. An athlete with a high vertical jump and
poor aerobic capacity will be a better prospect for team sports than
one with great aerobic capacity and poor explosive power. Athletes
with predominantly fast twitch fiber will excel in sprint-oriented
sports such as soccer or hockey, but will struggle in aerobic activities. Those with predominantly slow twitch fiber will excel at endurance oriented sports. Most educated readers would not be
amazed at this information. However, what happens to the
intermediate fibers is a result of the training program followed. A
program emphasizing long aerobic workouts will cause the intermediate fibers to adapt the characteristics of slow twitch. One
emphasizing interval sprints from five to 60 seconds, with longer
recovery, will promote the movement of intermediate fibers toward
the anaerobic, fast twitch fiber.
Anaerobics to Develop the Aerobic System?
Conventional aerobic training (long slow distance) should be
done only as frequently as is absolutely necessary. Instead, the
aerobic system should be developed as a byproduct of anaerobic
training. Interval training, (anaerobic intervals) will generally keep
the recovery heart rate in the aerobic range (over 120 BPM) if the
intervals are done intensely enough.
This type of training will develop aerobic capacity but as a byproduct of the anaerobic work. This is obviously a more sport
specific method of training the aerobic capabilities of an anaerobic
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Sport-Specific Testing
A player’s conditioning level should be determined by a battery of
tests that relate to the sport, not by a MAX V02 test. MVO2 tells a
coach that a player has an efficient aerobic system. So what? A
player’s conditioning level should be based on a number of tests.
Another trendy idea is to do blood lactate values. Again this is a
physiological measurement and not a performance measurement.
Athletes become frustrated when they perform well on performance
testing and are then told they are “out of shape” based on a
physiologist’s analysis of data. Specific conditioning tests need to
be developed to test conditioning relative to the sport demand.
Soccer- For soccer as mentioned, the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery
Test (commonly referred to as the Beep Test) has great value. This
test is also applicable to sports like field hockey, lacrosse, and to a
lesser degree basketball. It is a beautifully simple test of fitness and
willpower. Athletes compete until failure. I have seen soccer
coaches praise an athlete in one breath for a strong Beep Test
performance and then a day later declare them unfit based on
physiological data. This is foolish. Believe what you see, believe in
performance. I cannot overstate the fact that physiological testing
does not transfer into performance. Performance is as much about
heart and will as physiology .
Ice Hockey- Ice Hockey players will benefit more from a test like
the 300 Yard Shuttle Run. The 300 Yard Shuttle Run consists to
two 300 yard runs done on either a 25 yard course (12x25) or a 50
yard course ( 6x50) done with five minutes rest between runs. Due
to the truly intermittent nature of ice hockey a test of repeated
efforts with a recovery period in between will be a better indicator of
actual fitness for hockey than any of the other available test.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Football- Football players will benefit more from a series of sevensecond sprints followed by a longer recovery. Eight years ago we
modified the 16 110-yard sprint test first popularized by Miami Heat
strength coach Bill Foran into a 24 x 55 yard test that is more
specific to the energy demands of football. The original 16 110-yard
sprint test was developed in the eighties and consisted of 110-yard
sprints followed by an approximately 45 second recovery period.
Players were required to make times based on position group.
Linemen ran somewhere in the 18-second range while skill position
players were required to run in 15- to 16-second range. In the
modified version I developed eight years ago the original thought
was to cut the distance in half and double the number repetitions. I
found that that was ambitious and settled on 24 55-yard sprints, run
at a slightly faster pace. Linemen were given 9 seconds;
linebackers, tight ends and fullbacks were given 8 seconds; and
skill position players were given 7.5 seconds. This is a difficult test
due to all of the acceleration and deceleration.
The key is to look at the demands of the sport and not to simply do
what everyone else is doing. Try to envision what would be the best
test for your athletes at your level. If you are working with young
athletes be even more careful
One problem with testing of any type. ATHLETES WILL TRAIN
FOR THE TEST. If you want your athletes to train for speed and
power but, test for aerobic capacity, you can rest assured that your
athletes will be training for aerobic capacity.
What Makes a Successful Player?
If you doubt what I am saying, ask yourself what you feel makes a
successful player in your sport. Success in most sports is highly
dependent on skill. However, if the quality of skill is assumed, the
next most valuable quality in team sports would have to be speed.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
However, the training of a team sport athlete most frequently
resembles the training of an endurance athlete. In reality the
training program should probably resemble that of a sprinter. The
emphasis should be on developing the power of the legs and hips
through lower body weight training, plyometrics, and sprinting. I am
consistently amazed at how coaches cannot see the cause and
effect nature of training.
For most sports the majority of conditioning should be interval
training done on a field, a slideboard or, for athletes with injury
problems, a bike. Conditioning program effectiveness is drastically
increased if a heart rate monitor is used. Don’t bother with the
expensive models. For our hockey players we have gone to a
system of self paced interval training based on individual heartrate
response. The athletes are told:
1. How many intervals to perform
2. Whether or not they are attempting to train above their
anaerobic threshold ( as determined during their VO2 test)
3. How many beats of recovery heart rate they are to use
For an athlete with a lactate threshold in the 160 to 170 beat per
minute range we recommend a 40 beat per minute recovery. For
athletes with lactate thresholds above 170, we recommend a 50
beat per minute recovery period. Simply put, each athlete recovers
at his or her own ability based on the reaction of his heart to
training. This means that some athletes may perform the majority of
the workout at a 1-1 rest-to-work ratio, while others will be 2-1 or
even 3-1. The reality is that each athlete performs a self-paced
workout but, cannot cheat due to the presence of the heart rate
monitor. This insures that we will not overtrain unfit athletes or
undertrain fit athletes. I believe that with the price of heart rate
monitors so low, this type of training will become much more
common. A simple monitor like the new Polar Beat will do a great
job. Think about an old fashion interval workout. Everyone would be
told the distance to run, the time to run the distance, and the rest
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
time. This is incredibly arbitrary. The assumption is that the time of
the work interval was all that matters. In reality, the more fit athletes
may be having an easy day, while the less fit athlete is actually
working too hard. Basing the workout on actual recovery versus an
arbitrary ratio of rest to work is logical.
Interval Training and Knee Pain
Many athletes avoid running due to knee problems. However, most
knee pain is caused by distance running, not interval training. Interval is usually tougher on the muscles and mind than the joints. I
have not seen athletes who could not interval train due to knee
pain. However, the repeated foot strikes of jogging were
problematic. If for some reason the program called for a steady state run (which it rarely should), athletes with patella-femoral pain
would be allowed to ride a stationary bike or use an elliptical trainer.
Time Expectations for Change of Direction Conditioning
Very few programs address changes of direction as a vital
component of sport conditioning. The areas of conditioning
that now need to be emphasized are muscular specificity and
movement specificity. Most of the programs detailed in this
chapter address change of direction as a key component of
conditioning. The ability to tolerate the muscular forces
generated by accelerating and decelerating and the ability to
adapt to the additional metabolic stress caused by
acceleration and deceleration are the real keys to
conditioning. Deficiencies in these components are often why
athletes describe them-selves as not being in “game shape.”
Most athletes train by running, or worse, riding a set distance
in a set amount of time with no thought to the additional
stresses provided by having to speed up and slow down.
These are old fashion conditioning programs that operate on
the oversimplified assumption that 30 seconds of exercise is
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
always the same. Ask an athlete to perform linear interval like
a 220-yard run and then ask them to run a 150-yard shuttle
run on a 25-yard course. Then ask them to compare the
feeling. Most athletes will describe the shuttle run as being
much more difficult. Athletes frequently are injured in training
camp settings in spite of following a prescribed conditioning
program to the letter. This is usually due to following a
conditioning program that ignores the three vital components
of the conditioning process:
1) Acceleration
2) Deceleration
3) Change of direction
Programs that force athletes to increase speed, decrease
speed, and change direction drastically reduce the incidence
of early-season groin and hamstring injuries and better
prepare the athletes for the demands of an actual game or
The following time expectations are provided for information and
comparison purposes. Please note that these times are estimates
for Division 1 college athletes, professionals or Olympians. Please
use them only as guidelines.
Shuttle Runs- 50 or 25 yd course
• 300 Yard Shuttle Runs – 55 seconds for a 50 yard course and 5758 seconds for a 25 yard course (males) to 60 for a 50 yard
course and 62 seconds for a 25 yard course (females) followed
by a 2-3 minute rest or a 40-50 beat recovery
• 150 Yard Shuttle Runs- at 25-26 seconds for males and 28-30
seconds for females followed by a 90 second rest;
Conditioning Using Dual Action Bikes
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Although I am generally opposed to training on a stationary bike in
the off-season my opinion changes 180 degrees in the preseason
period. This may seem like a bit of a flip-flop but in actuality the
thought process is very logical. In preseason, particularly for
basketball and ice hockey, the concern shifts to avoidance of
muscle strains and overuse injury. At this point, additional work
may best be done on a stationary bike if the athletes are also
training on the ice or on the court. The rationale for not using a
bike, or any incomplete hip extension apparatus, is that the hip
extensors and flexors are not properly prepared for the rigors of
running or skating. Very often athletes who train on a bike,
stairmaster, or elliptical trainer will have the energy system ability to
finish a session but, not the muscular ability. Athletes who do not
run do not properly develop the hip flexors or the hip extensors.
Most exercise apparatus does not require or even allow hip
extension past neutral. On the opposite side most of the recovery of
the swing leg is of a passive nature. The result of offseason training
centered around a piece of exercise equipment instead of running
is often groin or hamstring strain. The muscle is simply not properly
prepared for the stresses placed on it. The same concept holds true
with patella tendon issues in basketball. Most basketball players flirt
with patella tendon or patella –femoral pain throughout the year.
Additional running will also aggravate these conditions.
The conclusion. When levels of stress are high for either muscles
or joints, as in preseason, additional conditioning may be done best
on an alternative piece of apparatus. When training in the offseason, the opposite is true. Training should center around
running.For additional inseason conditioning work I like the dual
action bikes from Schwinn or Ross for the following reasons:
• Dual action bikes are excellent as they tend to mimic the
combined arm and leg action of running or skating.
• In addition the combination of arm and leg action produces
a higher heart rate than by pedaling alone. This effect on the
cardiovascular system is far more comparable to running or
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Dual action bikes provide directly accommodating
resistance. This is another often overlooked aspect of the
dual action bike. The fan system delivers an equal and
opposite reaction to the effort of the rider. There is no need
to tighten a screw or to adjust the workload of the bike. The
bike simply responds to the effort of the rider with greater air
Time and distance. The dual action bikes tell the rider not
only how long they have ridden but, how far. This allows for
lots of competitive opportunity.
Below is a chart illustrating some of the interval possibilities of the
Schwinn AirDyne.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Bike Expectations by Age / Sex
Male Elite
Female Elite
HS Male
HS Female
Bike level or time expectation
7 to 9
5 to 7
.5 mi
> 1:15
> 1:25
> 1:25
> 1:35
1 mi
> 2:30
> 2:45
> 2:45
> 2:50
> 3:00
5 mi
> 13:00
> 14:00
> 14:00
> 15:00
7 mi
> 18:45
> 19:45
> 19:45
> 22:00
10 mi
> 27:00
> 29:00
> 29:00
> 31:30
Level 5 = 3 min mile
:15/45 is a 15 second sprint done with 45 secs rest. For elite males
these would be done at Level 15. Level corresponds with RPM and
can be found by pressing the top button on the bike computer.
:30/1:30 is a 30 second sprint followed by a 1:30 sec rest.
.5 mi is a ½ mile ride done at about level 9-10. These are done in a
1-1, 2-1 or heart rate recovery fashion. We have done as many as
six half miles in an interval workout.
1 mi rides are done in the same fashion as the ½ miles. Our
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
athletes have performed three one mile intervals in a 1-1 work to
rest pattern.
The 5 mile, 7 mile and 10 mile times are provided for comparison.
Although we do not do this frequently, we occasionally like to do
longer rides at or above the lactate threshold. Competitive timed
rides are excellent for this.
It should be noted that these times and work levels are for the older
model Schwinn with the larger fan. The newer Airdynes have a
smaller fan and are slightly different. Times on the newer, small fan
model, will be 2-3 seconds faster per mile. In addition the newer
models spin at a higher RPM rate due to the smaller fan. Level 5 on
the older model corresponds to level 4 on the newer model.
Conventional aerobic training (long slow distance) may be done
once or twice per week as an easy alternative to the more
strenuous interval work. Time should not exceed 40 minutes on
these days. This is an excellent time for athletes with joint problems
to substitute the bike for a run. Remember, do not spend extensive
time periods developing the aerobic base. Time is short in the offseason, and team sports are interval sports.
Coaches must look at the demands of the sport and the fitness of
their players when implementing any conditioning programs. Don’t
make blanket recommendations. Training should be adjusted to
prepare the players for the demands of the game.
One final thought when developing conditioning programs. Do not
increase the total time or total distance run by more than 20 percent
from week to week. A twenty percent increase will keep your
athletes continuing to improve conditioning without an increased
risk of injury. In order to monitor this it is important to calculate both
total distance and total time.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Ex- 5 x150 yard Shuttle Run = 750 yards
Total time is approximately 2:30 of actual work time based on an
estimate of thirty seconds per 150-yard shuttle.
In order to stay within the 20 percent rule, the distance cannot
increase by more than 150 yards and the time by 30 seconds. This
means that you could either add an additional 150-yard shuttle or
perform 1x300 yard and 4x150. This would give you a total time of
3 minutes and a total distance of 900 yards. I believe that this is the
key to injury prevention when designing conditioning programs.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Chapter 12 Computerizing Your Program
Some readers may feel that I am being contradictory by including a
section on using the computer to improve your program design.
Earlier I advocated spending time coaching and not getting caught
up with office work. However, as the strength and conditioning
program grows, the computerization of programs will become a
necessary evil. For this reason, a basic primer on spreadsheets
seems appropriate for a book like this.
Using Microsoft Excel or a comparable spreadsheet type program
to develop training programs will in fact allow more time to coach.
Athletes who have been max tested can simply be given a preprepared spreadsheet containing most of the sets and reps they will
need for the entire workout. This will free you up to do what you do
best, coach.
In order to design spreadsheet programs, you simply need to learn
how to enter formulas in cells.
To create a formula simply take the cell reference (in this case B2
which is the athletes bench 1 RM) and multiply it by the
percentage of 1 RM desired for that set ( in the example we used .6
or 60%). The spreadsheet will then calculate the weight for the set
and will automatically adjust the sets if you change the max
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
4 min
Day 1 Warm-up and Day 1 Abs
DB Snatch
QHF Stretch
Front Box
Wtd Pullup
Lat Stretch
1 Arm/ 2 Leg
Rotational Row
1:30 WU
1:30 BW
20 x3
20 x3
20 x3
BW x
Y's T's W's
Weighted 2.5
Day 2 Warm-Up and Tuesday Abs
20 x3
25 x3
23 x3
7 BW x
8 BW x
In the example above the front squat max is cell E3. To determine
the weight for set 1 of the front squat simply go to cell F14 and type
the formula in cell F14 as follows:
All formulas in Excel must begin with an equals sign. This formula
simply tells the spreadsheet that in cell F14 you would like to place
a number that corresponds to 75 percent of the 1 RM placed in cell
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
E3. The asterisk is the symbol that Excel recognizes as a times
sign. Do not use an x.
If you can master this you can easily develop computerized
programs. The key to using spreadsheets is to develop a
relationship between exercises that will allow the prediction of loads
for a large number of exercises by knowing a few maxes.
A few tips. You can obtain dumbbell weights for upper body
pressing exercises by using a conversion of 80 percent from a
barbell exercise to a dumbbell exercise.
Ex- If an athlete can bench press 300 pounds than he can do five
reps at approximately 87.5 percent. This would work out to 265 lbs
for 5 reps. If you wanted to calculate dumbbell bench press you
would take 80 percent of 265 and divide it by two to get dumbbell
This would be approximately 210 lbs which would work out to 105
lb dumbbells for five reps for a 300 lb bench presser.
The formula would look like this
=.7* D3/2
You probably wondering where .7 came from. 87.5 times 80
percent for our dumbbell conversion gives us 70 percent. D3 is
obviously the cell reference for the bench press max. The chart
below is contained in its entirety in the appendix of the book but, is
provided to give some additional relationships between the various
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning Exercise Menu
For dumbbell exercises use 80% of comparable bar weight.
To computerize simply divide by 2
Please remember that these are guidelines, not absolutes, athletes will obviously vary
Hang Clean( C)
DB Snatch(DBS)
Double DB Snatch
High Hang Clean
Squat Clean(SC)
DB Clean –Inj
High Pull
Jump Squat
1 Rep Max
5 Rep Max
Use 1RM or est.
Use 55% Clean /2
87.5 % Clean
48% Clean /2 (.55 X .875)
Use 70% Clean
Use 80% Clean
56% Clean ( .7 x .8)
8 Rep Beginner
Use 70 % Clean
((Squat Max + BW) X .45)-BW
70% of lower of Bench or
44 % Bench/2
Push Jerk (PJ)
60-70% of lower of
40% clean ( .5x.8)
Horizontal Press
Bench Press
Incline Bench
DB Bench max
Alt DB Bench
Incline DB
Close Grip
Feet Elevated Push
Use 1 RM or est
75% Bench
80% Bench/2
87.5% Bench
66 % Bench ( .75 X .875)
64% Bench/2
8 rep start= .56
64% Bench/2
80% -90% Bench
48% Bench /2
8 rep start= .56
10-20 % Bench
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Chapter 13- Designing Programs for Teams or Groups
Until now we have discussed things in an “ideal model” scenario.
However, in a team or group setting ideal is often not possible.
Decisions are often made based on how many pieces of equipment
are available and what the equipment will be used for on that
particular day. For example if as a coach you decide that you will
perform front squats on Mondays and you have groups scheduled
on the half hour than your power rack can only be utilized for front
squats on Monday. If you also placed bench presses in Monday’s
workout, you don’t have a scientific problem, you have a logistical
problem. Athletes would be competing for use of the same piece of
equipment for two different exercises. The logical answer is to use
the power rack for front squats and the adjustable benches for
some type of upper body pressing like a dumbbell bench press or a
dumbbell incline bench press. In this way maximum use of space
and equipment is afforded. This would be an example of equipment
utilization in a three day or two day workout program. In other
words a total body workout might have:
Group 1 ( 3:00 PM Start time )– Olympic lift from clean blocks
Group 1 @ 3:20 – Front squat / chin-up in power rack
Group 2 ( 3:20 PM Start )- Olympic lift from clean blocks
Group 1 @ 3:40 – DB bench press / 1 leg SLDL
Group 2 @ 3:40- Front squat/ chin-up in power rack
Group 3 (3:40 start) – Olympic lift from clean blocks
4 PM – Group 1 concludes lifting
Group 2 moves to DB bench/ 1 leg SLDL
Group 3 moves to Front squat/ chin-up
Group 4 – begins w/ Olympic lifts
This process could continue with any start or finish time with groups
moving from station to station in an orderly fashion. In this way all
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
equipment is utilized and athletes are not required to wait for
equipment. This is a logistical plan that can work for two-, three- or
four-day workout plans. It is interesting to note that strength and
conditioning at the high school and college level is as much about
logistics as it is about science. Very often the program is not
dictated by what you want to do as much as by what you have the
equipment to do. In the section on program design we discussed
the merits of four-day or three-day workouts in the off season. As
was mentioned the three-day program has twenty five percent less
work in it than the four-day program. However in a high school or
small college setting this might mean that two more teams can be
on an organized strength and conditioning program if four-day
programs are used. The issue is always how many athletes can we
process a day based on the time and equipment available.
Coaches must make a decision based not on what the ideal
workout format is, but on what workout format will impact the
greatest number of athletes. It is strange when the best workout
system does not benefit the largest number of participants but, this
is often the case.
Even with three-day workouts versus four day workouts, there can
still be logistical issues. My solution is as follows. Place some
teams on conventional M-W-F programs. This leaves the weight
room unutilized on T-Th. For most in-season teams Thursday is not
a desirable lifting day as many teams compete on Friday. If that is
the case, I would have some teams lift M-T-Th on a Day 1- Day 2
program followed by a total-body day on Thursday. Other teams
would be placed on a T-Th-F program that would begin on Tuesday
with a total body program, followed by a Day 1- Day 2 sequence
from our four-day programs. This would result in overcrowding only
on Tuesday, but would keep the room in use five days per week. In
–season teams would be scheduled early or late while off-season
teams would be scheduled during practice times for the in-season
teams. This type of format allowed us to run an extremely efficient
program at Boston University with nearly twenty teams as active
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
participants in the strength and conditioning program on a year
round basis.
Coaching Teams or Individuals
We are strength and conditioning coaches. I don’t know if I really
like some of the fancy terms like “performance enhancement
specialist” or some of the other names that have been developed to
describe our profession. I understand that the intent is to give us a
more professional appearance. I say this only because the key is
coaching. I like the term coach. My father was a coach. Jack
Parker, the longtime Boston University hockey coach is always
referred to as “coach” by our current and former players. Although I
have known him for twenty years I have never called him Jack. It is
in my mind one of the greatest signs of respect to be referred to as
“coach”. There are many intelligent people in our profession who
can write a good program or give a good presentation. However,
there are only a few great coaches. The great coaches produce
great results. They produce great technical lifters and great
performers on the field or court. I have often been asked what I
think has made me more successful than the average person in our
field. I don’t think that I am smarter or work harder than some of my
peers. My answer to the question is that I can get people to do what
I want them to do. I make them understand the importance of being
attentive to all the details. The information that follows is
information we give to all of our coaches prior to the start of our
sessions. I believe that anyone who coaches or personal trains will
find it valuable.
Key Points
1) Attention to Detail- OK is not OK. Good enough is not good
enough. You should be striving to perfect the techniques and
movement patterns of every athlete. If the athlete cannot
perform a movement or exercise, you must consistently work
with him or her until they can. Staff members must be
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
consistent in what they are saying and teaching. Athletes
should never get the idea that the staff is not on the same
page. Any gray areas should be brought up immediately so
that they can be cleared up.
2) Remember the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would
have them do unto you”. This means treat your athletes or
clients the way you would want to be treated.
3) Get to know your athletes or your clients. You must know
injury history, training background, and a little bit about them
personally. You will be amazed at what some true
interpersonal interaction will do.
4) If you are talking about an athlete or fellow staff member,
you should be talking to them. This means, no gossip, no
complaining. You must have the nerve to talk directly to the
person that you have a problem with.
5) Be verbal. Effective communication skills are key. Athletes
will arrive with a diverse range of backgrounds. Some may
have extensive experience in what you would consider
proper technique. Some will have none. Provide a steady
stream of verbal reinforcement. Be positive as well as
6) Be hands on. Don’t be afraid to put athletes in the correct
position. You won’t break any of your athletes. Manual
coaching will ingrain motor patterns more rapidly. Often you
must create the motor pattern by putting the athlete in the
correct position. Both you and the athlete will get frustrated if
you talk and they are unable to learn from your verbal cues.
Remember, there are various types of learning styles. The
best athletes seem to be visual learners. I love for our
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
coaches to be great technicians because many athletes will
simply be able to duplicate what they see. If you are not a
great technician you will see that all of your athletes will
duplicate your mistakes. Perfect demos make perfect lifters.
I can’t tell you how many college athletes I see that squat or
clean exactly the way their coach does. This is why it is often
helpful to take a USWF course. Even if you never plan on
Olympic lifting from the floor, you will learn a great deal on
the technical side.
7) Always remember, the easiest correction in the weight room
is less weight. This applies particularly to the Olympic lifts
and squats. If an athlete goes from being able to perform a
lift well to struggling with technique, the problem is almost
always too much weight.
8) Be careful with humor. What you say can have a strong
effect on your athletes. Never make fun of an athlete. Some
insecure athletes will not want to train if they are teased.
Some aggressive athletes may take offense to your sense of
humor and this may lead to altercations. If an athlete
becomes verbally defensive as a result of your attempt at
humor, that is the coach’s fault as much as the athlete’s.
9) Remember, you are in charge, both in the weight room and
on the field. You must teach all aspects of the program.
Don’t just tell them what to do, teach them what to do. You
were not brought in to be a bystander. If an athlete is doing
something incorrectly and you don’t correct it, that is no
longer the athlete’s fault it is yours.
10) Report all injuries. Report all complaints. Even if you think
it’s unimportant, that is not your decision. You will drastically
improve your relationship with both your athletes and your
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
athletic trainer or physical therapist if you take an interest in
the health of an athlete. If it is obvious that a particular
exercise is uncomfortable or painful for the athlete
encourage them to get the proper treatment and find an
acceptable alternative exercise.
11) When in doubt, ask. You know what they say about
assuming. If you don’t know the answer, find it out. Never BS
an athlete, they will see through you like glass.
12) Don’t take any abuse or backtalk from an athlete. You don’t
get paid enough to be verbally abused. Deal with problem
athletes calmly and politely, but bring the behavior to the
attention of the head coach immediately.
Technique Points
1) Technique always comes first. When in doubt, reduce the
weight, move a step back in your progression or select a
simpler exercise.
2) Remember, if the back is flat nothing bad can happen. Too
much arch can also be a problem! Remember you are in
charge; you select weights, you terminate sets when
exercises are done poorly. Charles Poliquin has a term he
uses called technical failure. This is not the point at which
another rep cannot be done but, rather the point at which
another perfect rep cannot be done. Always stop at
technical failure.
3) Be picky. Require perfect form. An athlete lifting the proper
amount of weight should have perfect form.
4) If you are unfamiliar with an athlete, start with a weight they
can do easily and with perfect form. It’s easy to get athletes
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
to go up, hard to get them to reduce weight. If you are
going to make a mistake, make a conservative one.
5) For athletes that lack good postural muscles worry about
technical development. Watch for failure of stabilizers.
Stabilizers will frequently fail before prime movers.
Common mistakes are loss of back position in squatting
and inability to return a cleaned weight to the hang
position. For athletes with long levers single-leg exercises
may be better for strength gain than double-leg exercises.
6) There is a thin line between conservative coaching and
holding athletes back. Some athletes, mostly males, will
dislike being told to terminate a set at technical failure.
Ingrain this concept early. Hold back in areas like squats
and hang cleans that have large potential negative
7) Understand the difference between acts of omission versus
commission. An act of omission is something that you don’t
do. An act of commission is something that you do. In
exercises like squats and hang cleans we don’t want to
commit errors. There is limited opportunity to correct a
back injured by poor technique or poor weight selection.
Coaching Points
These are actual logistical points that will improve your ability to
coach on the floor.
1) Always coach from behind the athlete when coaching Olympic
lifts. If you are behind the athlete, you can reposition the athlete
with your hands and not be in danger of getting hit by the bar. I
like our coaches to be behind the lifter on the right hand side
and to use their hands to draw the shoulders back, to reinforce
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
lower back arch or to push the athlete forward and get the
shoulders over the bar.
2) Coach squats from the side. I like coaches to be at the side of
the athlete. This will allow you to see depth and back position,
the two major keys in squatting.
3) Correct small errors. Be attentive to the details. Watch how the
athlete picks up the bar or returns the bar to the blocks or the
rack. Often a good set is spoiled by the athlete loosing back
position when returning the bar.
4) Reinforce constantly.
5) For explosive exercises, athletes should start and land in the
same position. Inability to land in the start position indicates that
the exercise is too difficult or that the athlete lacks eccentric
strength or both.
Administrative Concerns.
1) When you are busy, make sure your athletes know who is up
next and at what weight. Don’t socialize with the athletes and,
don’t let them socialize with each other. If you have a group of
3-4 they should all be working as spotters and loaders.
2) Make your athletes put weights back correctly. Interns are not
here to compensate for your laziness or lack of attention to
3) Interns are here for an educational experience. They did not
sign on to be janitors or cooks. Respect should be earned by
asking interns nicely to perform a less-than-desirable task and
helping when possible. Never think that you are too good for
any job. The lowest form of leadership is leadership by
appointment. Lead by example not by appointment.
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Parting Words- The Mirror and the Window
The job of strength and conditioning coach is surprisingly easy. You
can copy as much as you want. You have access to the same
books and seminars that everyone else in the profession has. The
bottom line is that some people just care more than other people. I
am a big believer in the bell curve. Ten percent of the people are
beyond help, ten percent don’t need help. Eighty percent will fall in
the middle. The bottom ten percent will never read this book. Many
in the top ten percent have probably already placed their order. Not
because of the writing but, because they realize that the price you
pay for any book almost always comes back to you.
If it really matters to you, than your athletes or your clients will be
the mirror that you view yourself in. You will consistently push and
teach because you realize that their success is a direct reflection of
your ability. In the same light your athletes and your clients are the
window through which others view you. I often ask coaches or
trainers to visualize a prospective athlete or client simply watching
a workout through a window. No sound, just the visual. Are they
impressed? This is the mirror and the window. Coach like people
are always watching and like it’s a direct reflection of your skills. I
have had the pleasure of coaching some of the worlds’ greatest
athletes. One common denominator has been an inner drive. Great
coaches must possess the same inner drive that pushes the great
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Recommended Readings
Kroll, William The Development of a Football Strength Complex
NSCA Journal Vol. 9, Number 5, 1987
Kroll, William Structural and Functional Considerations in Designing
the Facility, Part 1 NSCA Vol. 13, Number 1, 1991
Kroll, William Structural and Functional Considerations in Designing
the Facility, Part 2 NSCA Vol. 13, Number 3, 1991
McRobert, Stuart, Brawn
Verstegen, Mark, Core Performance
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
Cook, G 1997. Functional training for the torso. NSCA
Journal(April): 14-19.
Francis, C. 2000. Training for speed. Canberra, Australia:
Faccioni Speed and Conditioning Consultant.
Ireland,M et. al. 2003. Hip strength in females with and without
patello-femoral pain. JOSPT (33,11, 671-675)
McGill, S. 2002. Low back disorders. Champaign, IL: Human
Richardson, C., G. Jull, P. Hodges, and J. Hides. 1999.
Therapeutic exercise for spinal segmental stabilization in
low back pain. London: Churchill Livingston.
Sahrmann, S. Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Impairment
Syndromes, St Louis, MO, Mosby Inc.
Thibedeau, C. Theory and Application of Modern Strength and
Power Methods , [ Online] available
Weiman, K Tidow, G 1995. Relative activity of hip and knee
extensors in sprinting- implications for training. New Studies in
Athletics ( 10,1, 29-49)
Designing Strength Training Programs and Facilities
About the Author
Michael Boyle has a talent
for making complex topics
simple. In Designing
Strength Training
Programs and Facilities
Boyle simplifies the job of
strength and conditioning
coach, personal trainer or
facility owner. From
equipment selection
through program design
Boyle breaks down
complex topics in simple
easy to understand and
implement pieces. Boyle’s
first book Functional
Training for Sports has
been called “the best book
written on the topic” and
Designing Strength
Training Programs and
Facilities takes the concepts a step further.
Boyle has over twenty years experience in the field of elite athlete
preparation with both male and female athletes from every
professional league. Boyle is a featured speaker at conferences
across the country in the area of strength and conditioning, athlete
rehabilitation and personal training. In addition he has produced
fourteen instructional videos available through Perform Better at
Michael is available for a limited number of speaking engagements
each year and can be contacted at [email protected].