the entire X-Files Game Rulebook as a PDF


the entire X-Files Game Rulebook as a PDF
The existence of the X-Files teeters on the brink of
oblivion, and along with it the world as we know it.
Through the schemer known as the Cigarette Smoking
Man, the nefarious Syndicate moves to shut down this
unique FBI division, which poses the biggest threat
to exposing its global conspiracy.
As a special agent, you are
tasked with crisscrossing
the United States in a race
against the clock,
investigating cases of
unexplained phenomenon. To
save the X-Files, collect
enough evidence to close
these cases and uncover the
Syndicate’s secrets along
the way. But beware, our
enemies will present us with
numerous obstacles and seek
to destroy important
evidence at every turn.
In X-Files: the Board Game, 1 player takes on the role of one
of the Syndicate’s key agents, the Cigarette Smoking Man, and
tries to conceal evidence of extraterrestrial visits to Earth,
while 1-4 other players become Mulder, Scully, and the rest of
the X-Files team trying to uncover evidence before the
Syndicate can bury it forever.
Agent Credentials(4)
Syndicate Screen(1)
"Fact is we've got a cannibalized body
in New Jersey. Someone or something
out there is hungry."
Each Agent that investigates
this X-File suffers 1 wound
"Sometimes they come in real low, and
they just put on the skidders right...…"
"A lie, Mr. Mulder, is most convincingly
hidden between two truths."
Investigate 2, +1 for every other
Agent in this region.
When revealed, this card has no
Tokens(20) Tokens(40)
Jigsaw Puzzle
Piece Tokens(9)
Tokens(20) Tokens(40)
1. Choose Sides: Choose one player (usually the most experienced player) to
be the Syndicate player. All other players are Agent players. The Agent
players are working together against the Syndicate player and either win
or lose as a group.
2. Set Up Board and Decks: Place the board in the center of the table.
Separate the Agent, Syndicate, and X-Files cards into their respective
decks and shuffle them. Place the three decks facedown on the spaces
indicated on the board.
3. Prepare Evidence Bag: Place the Evidence tokens (but not the Cigarette
tokens) in the Evidence Bag and shake it up.
4. Prepare Token Banks: Separate the Influence tokens, Progress tokens,
Jigsaw Puzzle Piece tokens, and Wound tokens into piles, and place them
where all players can reach them.
5. Place both the Agent and Syndicate token on their appropriate trackers
on the board.
6. Open Initial X-Files: Draw a number of X-Files cards equal to the number
of Agents and place them in their respective region on the map. The
Northeast, West, and Midwest regions can contain at most one X-Files
card each, while the South can contain two X-Files. If a region is full
and you draw another X-File belonging to that region, simply discard
that card (placing it face down on the bottom of the X-Files deck) and
draw again until you get enough X-Files on the board.
7. Individual Setup: The Syndicate player now performs the steps listed
under “Syndicate Player Setup” below, while each Agent player performs
the steps listed under “Agent Player Setup” below.
8. Time to Get Started: After the individual setup is done, play begins
with the Agent player seated to the Syndicate player’s left. After each
player completes their turn, play passes to the left.
Note: Mulder is most useful to the Agents early in the turn, while Scully is
better later in the turn, so you may wish to arrange the seating accordingly.
1. Sit so that you can easily reach
all parts of the board, since you
will be interacting with it the
2. Take the Syndicate Screen and
the Cigarette tokens. Place the
screen in front of you and put the
Cigarette tokens behind it.
3. Draw 5 Syndicate cards, then collect
Influence tokens equal to the
number of Agents. You may place
any or all of your cards facedown
onto the board in the Syndicate
spaces connected to the X-Files
cards in play. If this is your
first game, then just try to make
sure that each X-Files card has at
least one facedown Syndicate card
attached to it for now – as you
play the game you’ll start to
better understand how to decide
where to place your Syndicate cards.
1. Choose an Agent and take that
Agent’s credentials and the
corresponding Agent pawn. Place
your Agent credentials in front
of yourself and your Agent pawn in
the Northeast region space of the
2. Draw a hand of 5 Agent cards and
collect 3 Influence tokens.
Note on 2-Player Games: In a 2-player
game, the Agent player should play 2
Agents instead of 1, keeping their
Influence and hands of cards separate
from each other. A number of cards
and mechanics depend on teamwork
between the X-Files Agents, so
playing with only one X-Files Agent
will result in a less enjoyable game
experience overall.
During the game, the X-Files Agents will move around the map, playing their
Agent cards to investigate the X-Files and uncovering evidence when they
solve X-Files. They will then spend this evidence to assemble pieces of
Mulder’s poster, representing their progress in uncovering the Syndicate.
The Syndicate player, on the other hand, will place Syndicate cards facedown
on the map, attached to the X-Files, in order to make it more difficult for
the Agents to solve them. In addition, as the Syndicate player conceals
evidence, Cigarette tokens are added to the Evidence Bag that can slow the
Agents’ investigation. While the Agents must work quickly to solve X-Files
in order to win the game, all the Syndicate player must ultimately do in
order to win is delay the Agents long enough. After all, “The only thing
necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.”
The X-Files Agents uncover evidence by solving X-Files as they appear on
the map. They spend this evidence in order to assemble pieces of Mulder’s
“I want to believe.” poster. If they assemble all 9 pieces of the poster,
the X-Files Agents win the game as a group.
The Syndicate player, on the other hand, conceals evidence at the start of
each of his turns for every unsolved X-File still on the map. Concealed
evidence is placed behind the Syndicate Screen. If the Syndicate player ever
conceals 25 total evidence, the concealed evidence is revealed, and the
Syndicate player immediately wins, shutting down the X-Files for good.
As an Agent, take the following steps on your turn. They are described in
more detail after the summary below:
1. Move or Consult Another Agent: Either move your Agent pawn to an
adjacent region of your choice or trade 1 card with another Agent in
your current region.
2. Plan or Act: Next, either collect 3 Influence tokens or play 1 card
from your hand.
3. Replenish: Finally, draw 1 Agent card and add it to your hand. You
may have any number of Agent cards in your hand.
Step 1: Move or Consult Another Agent
At the start of your turn, you may either:
A) Move your Agent pawn to an adjacent region, or
B) Trade 1 card with another Agent in your current region. If you do not
wish to either move or consult another Agent, you don’t have to do either.
1A. Moving
In order to investigate an X-File, your Agent pawn must be in the same
region as that X-File, so you’re going to have to move around a fair
amount during the game. To move, simply pick up your Agent pawn and place
it in a region that is touching the region it is currently in. In general,
this means that you may move from any region to any other region except
from West to Northeast, and vice versa.
1B. Consulting Another Agent
In order to consult with another Agent, choose another Agent player
whose Agent pawn is in the same region as your Agent pawn. Then, you
give that player 1 card from your hand and that player must give you 1
card from their hand. Agents may show each other their hand of cards at
any time, though they may want to be careful about what they allow the
Syndicate player to see and/or overhear. You cannot force another Agent
player to trade with you – they must agree to do so.
Step 2: Plan or Act
After moving or consulting another Agent, you may either:
A) Plan, collecting 3 Influence tokens, or
B) Act, playing a card from your hand.
2A. Planning
When you choose to plan, simply collect 3 Influence tokens from the pile
of Influence tokens. If there are fewer Influence tokens than that
available, then simply take all remaining Influence tokens from the
pile. If there are no Influence tokens left in the pile, then you cannot
collect any more until a player spends some. Influence is used to play
Agent cards from your hand, and if you find that you don’t have enough
to pay for the cards you want to play, you should plan in order to gain
more Influence.
Note: If your Agent is injured, you may heal wounds instead of
collecting Influence, as described on page 14.
2B. Acting
When you act, you select one of the cards in your hand and play it. The
cost to play a card is normally 1 Influence. However, each Agent card is
keyed to one of five “skills” (shown by the icon in the middle of the
card), and if you examine your Agent credentials, you will notice that
your Agent is “Strong” in two skills (one of which is always the
“General” skill) and “Weak” in one skill. When you play a card keyed to
a skill your Agent is strong in, it costs you 0 Influence. On the other
hand, when you play a card keyed to a skill your Agent is weak in, it
costs you 2 Influence. The list of skills is as follows:
Flavor TextOnce
Card Name
in real low, and
"Sometimes they come
skidders right...…"
they just put on the
for every other
Investigate 2, +1
Agent in this regio
Card Effect
Ally Cards
you have paid for your card, simply read it
aloud and carry out its effects. Afterwards,
discard it face up in a pile next to the Agent
deck. Examples of some types of Agent cards
Investigation Cards
Most Agent cards allow you to investigate an
X-File in your region, and will say something
like “Investigate 3”. Investigations put Progress
tokens on X-Files and are how Agents solve
X-Files. Investigations are described in further
detail on page 10.
A couple of cards are labeled as Ally cards. These cards
are played face up into the “Ally” space on the map. An
Ally card’s effects last as long as it remains in play,
and it remains in play until another Ally card is played
or revealed. Once another Ally card is played or
revealed, the previous Ally card is discarded, and the
new Ally card’s effect comes into play.
"Well, let's just
say that I'm in
position to know
quite a lot of thing
er, things about
our government."
Example: An Agent plays “Deep Throat”. Deep Throat is
placed in the Ally space on the map, and while he is in
ALLY — Cigarett
e tokens are not
play, Cigarette tokens are not added to the Evidence Bag.
added to the Evid
ence Bag.
A few turns later, during an investigation, the Syndicate
player reveals “Well-Manicured Man”. Deep Throat is
immediately discarded, and the Well-Manicured Man is placed in the Ally space
on the map instead. Now, not only are Cigarette tokens once again added to
the Evidence Bag, but each time the Syndicate player does so, they add 1
extra Cigarette token to the Evidence Bag.
Wound-Related Cards
A few cards either cause or heal wounds to an Agent. Wounds interfere with
investigations and are described in more detail on page 13.
Step 3: Replenish
Finally, to end your turn, draw 1 Agent card from the Agent deck and add
it to your hand. Most often, this means that your hand will have the same
number of cards in it as it had at the start of your turn. However, your
hand size can grow or shrink over the course of the game when you don’t
play a card or play more than one card during your turn, which can happen
when you plan or play certain cards that allow you to play another card.
You may have any number of cards in your hand at once – there is no limit.
If the Agent deck runs out of cards, simply turn over the discard pile and
shuffle it to form a new Agent deck.
As the Syndicate player, take the following steps on your turn. They are
described in more detail after the summary below:
1. Conceal Evidence: Draw 1 Evidence token from the Evidence Bag for each
X-File still unsolved on the map. Then, add 1 Cigarette token to the
Evidence Bag if you drew at least 1 Evidence token from the Evidence Bag.
2. Replenish X-Files: Draw X-Files cards from the X-Files deck and put
them into play until the number of X-Files in play is equal to the
number of Agents.
3. Refill Hand: Draw cards from the Syndicate deck until you have 5 cards
in your hand.
4. Collect Influence: Collect Influence tokens equal to the number of Agents.
5. Play Syndicate Cards: Play any number of Syndicate cards from your hand.
You may swap out Syndicate cards you’ve previously played on the map,
returning the old card to your hand, but you must pay 1 Influence per swap.
Step 1: Conceal Evidence
Draw 1 Evidence token from the Evidence Bag for each unsolved X-File still
on the map. For instance, if there are 3 unsolved X-Files on the map, draw
3 Evidence tokens from the Evidence Bag and conceal them face up behind
your screen. Throughout the game, as you conceal Evidence tokens, you must
update the Agents of your progress by using the tracker on the board. If
you have 25 points of evidence concealed behind your screen at any time,
you immediately win the game. Move your screen aside to show the Agent
players your concealed evidence to prove that you’ve won. The X-Files are
shut down for good and the Agents reassigned – good work!
Drawing Cigarette tokens from the Evidence Bag
If you draw a Cigarette token from the bag, set it aside for a moment and
draw again – Cigarette tokens do not count against your Evidence token
draws and are returned to the Evidence Bag once you’ve finished drawing
evidence for the turn.
Adding Cigarette tokens to the Evidence Bag
If you draw 1 or more Evidence tokens from the Evidence Bag on your turn,
then afterwards add 1 Cigarette token from behind your screen to the
Evidence Bag, unless all of the Cigarette tokens are already in the bag.
Cigarette tokens slow down the Agents’ progress, and represent that you
have gotten to the evidence before they could. Only add 1 Cigarette token
to the Evidence Bag per turn, even if you drew more than 1 Evidence token
from the Evidence Bag.
Step 2: Replenish X-Files
If there are fewer unsolved X-Files cards on the map than there are
Agents, draw new X-Files from the X-Files deck until there are X-Files in
play equal to the number of Agents. When you draw a new X-File, place it
in its respective region on the map. The Northeast, West, and Midwest
regions can contain at most one X-File card each, while the South can
contain two X-Files. If a region is full and you draw another X-File
belonging to that region, simply discard that card (placing it facedown
on the bottom of the X-Files deck) and draw again until you get enough
X-Files on the board.
Step 3: Refill Hand
If you have fewer than 5 Syndicate cards in your hand, draw Syndicate
cards from the Syndicate deck until you have 5 cards in hand. If you
already have 5 or more Syndicate cards in your hand, then skip this step.
If the Syndicate deck runs out of cards, simply turn the discard pile
facedown and shuffle it to create a new Syndicate deck.
Step 4: Collect Influence
Collect Influence tokens equal to the number of Agents. So, if there are 4
Agents playing, you would collect 4 Influence tokens from the pile of
Influence tokens. If there are fewer Influence tokens than that available,
then simply take all remaining Influence tokens from the pile. If there
are no Influence tokens left in the pile, then you cannot collect any more
until a player spends some.
Influence is used to pay for Syndicate cards when you reveal them, as well
as to swap out old Syndicate cards on the map in exchange for new ones
from your hand.
Step 5: Play Syndicate Cards
Flavor Text
Card Name
"A lie, Mr. Mulder, is most
hidden between two truths.
has no
When revealed, this card
Influence Cost
Card Effect
You may play any of the Syndicate cards from your
hand facedown on the map into the Syndicate
spaces that are connected to the X-Files. You may
only play one Syndicate card into each space.
Thus, you may only have 1 Syndicate card attached
to an X-File in the Northeast, 2 attached to an
X-File in the Midwest or South, and 3 attached to
an X-File in the West.
You may only play Syndicate cards into spaces
attached to X-File spaces that currently contain an
X-File card. You may not play Syndicate cards where
there are no open X-Files. Thus, if there are only
X-Files in the Northeast, West, and Midwest, then
you cannot play Syndicate cards into any of the
Syndicate card spaces in the South.
Playing Syndicate cards from your hand is free – you do not pay the
Influence cost of a Syndicate card until you reveal it when an Agent
investigates the X-File it is attached to. However, you may peek at
Syndicate cards you’ve already played at any time, to remind yourself of
what they are.
You may not discard any Syndicate cards from your hand, you may only play
them onto the map. However, you may swap out a Syndicate card already on
the map for one in your hand by paying 1 Influence. Simply pay the
Influence, then pick up the Syndicate card on the map and add it to your
hand, then take a card from your hand (even the same card that you just
added to your hand, if you wish to bluff) and play it facedown on the map
in the space you picked up the Syndicate card from. You may do this as
often as you like.
As an Agent, when you play an Agent card that says “Investigate” followed
by a number, you investigate an X-File in your current region. You simply
choose an X-File in the same region as your Agent pawn (which really only
matters in the South), and place the indicated number of Progress tokens
on the X-Files card. Thus, if you play a card that says “Investigate 5”,
you would place 5 Progress tokens on the X-Files card in your current
region (choosing one of the two X-Files if your Agent pawn is in the South
and there are two X-Files currently open there).
Many cards that you use to investigate have ways that you can boost their
effectiveness. In these cases,
simply follow the directions
on the card to determine how
many Progress tokens to add
to the X-File. For instance,
the “Lab Analysis” card says
“Investigate 3, +1 for every
other card you discard.” So,
if you discard 2 other cards
from your hand after playing
“Lab Analysis”, it would
become an investigation of 5
(3+2), meaning that you would
add 5 Progress tokens to the
X-File in your region.
Syndicate Cards and Investigations
Each time you investigate an X-File that has one or more facedown
Syndicate cards attached to it, the Syndicate player has the option to
reveal any or all of those attached cards. To do so, the Syndicate player
pays Influence equal to the number in the center of the Syndicate card,
turns the card face up, and resolves the effects of the card. After the
Syndicate card’s effect has been resolved, the card is discarded facedown
into a discard pile next to the Syndicate deck.
Syndicate cards can have a wide variety of effects, from inflicting wounds
on the Agents to forcing the Agents to discard cards. A few of the more
common effects are described in more detail below.
No Effect
The “Hiding the Truth” card has no effect and costs nothing
to reveal. It is simply a bluff card to scare the Agents
with, and to cause Mulder to waste his special ability on.
Sometimes the Syndicate player may want to reveal a “Hiding
the Truth” card in order to gloat at the Agents, but most
times they’ll want to leave it unrevealed, to be discarded
facedown when the X-File it’s attached to is solved, leaving
the Agents wondering what it was.
Cancel an Investigation
The Syndicate player’s most common cards cancel an
investigation of a particular type. If the current
investigation was caused by an Agent card of that type (the
symbols will match, if so), then the Syndicate player may
reveal the card to prevent the Agent from adding any Progress
tokens to the attached X-File. For instance, if the Agent plays
an “Incredible Discovery” (normally a Science card that starts
an investigation of 5) and the Syndicate player has a “Grave
Robbing” card attached to the X-File that is being
investigated, the Syndicate player may pay 3 Influence to
reveal the “Grave Robbing” card and prevent the Agent from
adding any Progress tokens to the X-File.
"A lie, Mr. Mulder, is most
hidden between two truths.
has no
When revealed, this card
"They're both empty
"What's going on
When revealed,
any ongoing
science investig
ation is
Cancelling an investigation does not cancel any other effects of the
played Agent card, only the adding of Progress tokens to the X-File.
Inflict Wounds
Many Syndicate cards inflict wounds to the Agents. Wounds slow down an
Agent’s investigations and are explained in more detail on page 13.
Ally Cards
"Well, let's just say that I'm in a
position to know quite a lot of things,
"We predict the future. And the best way to
er, things about our government."
predict it, is to invent it."
notthe Syndicate
ALLY — Cigarette tokens
ALLY —are
added to the Evidence
adds Bag.
Cigarette tokens to the
Evidence Bag, they add 1 extra.
A couple of Syndicate cards are labeled as
Ally cards. These cards are played face up
into the “Ally” space on the map once
revealed. An Ally card’s effects last as
long as it remains in play, and it remains
in play until another Ally card is played or
revealed. Once another Ally card is played
or revealed, the previous Ally card is
discarded, and the new Ally card’s effect
comes into play.
Example: An Agent plays “Deep Throat.” Deep Throat is placed in the Ally
space on the map, and while he is in play, Cigarette tokens are not
added to the Evidence Bag. A few turns later, during an investigation,
the Syndicate player reveals “Well-Manicured Man.” Deep Throat is
immediately discarded, and the Well-Manicured Man is placed in the Ally
space on the map instead. Now, not only are Cigarette tokens once again
added to the Evidence Bag, but each time the Syndicate player does so,
they add 1 extra Cigarette token to the Evidence Bag.
Solving an X-File
Evidence Reward
alized body
"Fact is we've got a cannib
or something
in New Jersey. Someone
out there is hungry."
Each Agent that investigates
this X-File suffers 1 wound
Card Name
Flavor Text
Card Effect
If you add Progress tokens to an X-File and the
total number of Progress tokens on that X-File is
greater than or equal to its difficulty (the
large number on the bottom of the X-File card),
the X-File is solved.
First, you immediately draw Evidence tokens from
the Evidence Bag equal to the number in the upper
right corner of the X-Files card. Any Evidence
tokens you draw are turned face up and kept by
the map in a pool to be spent on puzzle pieces
(see pg. 13). Each Cigarette token you draw from
the bag, on the other hand, is returned to the
Syndicate player, who returns the Cigarette token
behind the Syndicate player screen. This
represents that the Smoking Man got to that
evidence first, and basically means that you lose
out on one of your Evidence tokens.
After you’ve drawn your evidence for solving the X-File, the X-Files card
is turned facedown in its space. Although that X-File has been solved, it
has now been added to the case archives in that region and certain cards
may refer to the number of cases that have already been solved in the
region. As a result, only discard an X-File from a region (placing the
card facedown on the bottom of the X-Files deck) if a card specifically
says to do so.
Once you’ve turned the X-File facedown, do not immediately replace it with
a new X-Files card from the X-Files deck. Instead, solved X-Files are
replaced during the Syndicate player’s turn, after the Syndicate player
has received evidence for the turn. This means that every X-File you solve
effectively reduces the amount of evidence the Syndicate player gets to
conceal for the turn.
Evidence that the Agents have
drawn from the Evidence Bag is
placed face up near the map. At
the end of any Agent player’s
turn, the Agent may choose to
spend some of this evidence in
order to assemble a piece of
Mulder’s “I want to believe”
poster. Each piece of the puzzle
costs 1 point of evidence per
Agent. Thus, if 2 Agents are
playing, it costs 2 points of
evidence to assemble a piece of
the puzzle. On the other hand, if
there are 4 Agents playing, it
costs 4 points of evidence to
assemble a piece of the puzzle.
Simply return the spent Evidence
tokens to the Evidence Bag (if you
overpay, you do not receive any
“change” from the bag), take a
piece of the puzzle, and assemble
it next to the map. If all
9 pieces of the puzzle are
assembled, the Agent players
completely uncover the evidence
they were looking for and immediately win the game as a group.
Congratulations! The board also features an Agent tracker that should be
updated to reflect how many pieces of the puzzle the Agents have
assembled, so that all players have an easy visual reference at all times.
The Agents do not have to immediately spend evidence that they’ve drawn
from the Evidence Bag, and may instead save it for later. This can have
some advantages, but if many Cigarette tokens are in the Evidence Bag,
it’s best to spend evidence quickly in order to “pad out” the number of
tokens in the Evidence Bag.
As the Agents investigate deranged killers and freakish creatures,
sometimes they’ll find themselves in harm’s way. When this happens, the
Agents will often suffer wounds. When your Agent suffers a wound, take a
Wound token and place it on your Agent credentials. Wounds make an Agent
less effective – for each wound on an Agent, that Agent adds 1 less
Progress token to X-Files when investigating. Thus, if an Agent has
suffered 3 wounds and plays a card that allows the Agent to “Investigate
5,” that will only result in 2 Progress tokens getting added to an X-File
instead of 5.
Wound Limit
Agents live something of a charmed life and cannot be killed by wounds.
Instead, an Agent may have – at most – 5 wounds on their Agent credentials
at once. After that, the Agent cannot voluntarily or involuntarily suffer
any more wounds until they’ve healed some of their previous wounds.
Healing Wounds
Some Agent cards will explicitly heal an Agent of 1 or more wounds. For
each wound an Agent is healed of, remove 1 Wound token from their Agent
credentials. In addition, each time an Agent would receive Influence
tokens, either from an Agent card or from planning, the Agent player may
choose not to receive some or all of that Influence in order to rest and
heal. For each Influence the player chooses not to receive, the Agent is
healed of 1 wound. Note that Agents cannot spend Influence they already
have in order to heal – they must give up Influence that they are about to
receive in order to heal. This represents the Agent taking time to rest
and recuperate.
Chase and Firefight Agent Cards
Two Agent cards interact with wounds in unusual ways. The
initiates an investigation of 2, but the Agent adds 1 for
the Agent’s credentials instead of subtracting 1 for each
Agent with 4 wounds who plays a “Chase” card initiates an
“Chase” card
each wound on
wound. Thus, an
investigation of
The “Firefight” card, on the other hand, initiates an investigation of 3,
plus 1 for each wound the Agent voluntarily suffers after the
investigation is over. These voluntary wounds are subject to the normal
wound limit of 5 wounds – an Agent may not suffer wounds that would bring
them past this limit. So, if an Agent has suffered 2 wounds previous to
playing the “Firefight” card, they could, at most, suffer 3 more wounds
voluntarily, bringing the investigation to a total of 4 (3, minus 2 for
the wounds they already had, plus 3 for the wounds voluntarily suffered
after the investigation).
Each Agent has a special
ability listed on their
Agent credentials that
they may use as they see
fit. Each ability is
described in more detail
Fox Mulder’s
Believer Ability
At the start of his turn,
Mulder’s player may pay 1
Influence to look at a facedown Syndicate card on the map of his choice.
The player cannot use this ability if they have no Influence to spend or
if there are no facedown Syndicate cards on the map. Mulder’s player may
tell the other Agent players what the Syndicate card that he peeked at
was. Mulder’s player may only use this ability once per turn.
Dana Scully’s Skeptic Ability
Whenever Scully’s player draws 1 or more Evidence tokens from the Evidence
Bag, they draw 1 extra token. After drawing all of the Evidence tokens
from the bag that they are entitled to, Scully’s player looks at the
tokens and chooses 1 of them to return to the Evidence Bag. This allows
Scully’s player to avoid Cigarette tokens more easily than the other
Walter Skinner’s Well-Connected Ability
When Skinner’s player starts their turn, they immediately collect 1
Influence token. As usual, Skinner’s player may choose not to receive this
Influence in order to heal 1 wound.
Alex Krycek’s Double-Agent Ability
When Krycek’s player is investigating an X-File, they may choose another
Agent to suffer 1 wound in order to boost the investigation by +2
(therefore adding 2 extra Progress tokens to the investigated X-File). The
chosen Agent cannot refuse to be wounded, and Krycek cannot choose an
Agent that already has 5 wounds on their Agent credentials. Krycek may
only use this ability once per turn.
d sig
of cr
ng we
've se
le XFile?
Game Design: Kevin Wilson
Game Development: Nathan McNair and Molly Wardlaw
Product Development: Jerry Bennington and Nate Murray
Editing: Jerry Bennington, David Hedgecock, Denton Tipton,
Nathan McNair, Nate Murray, and Chris Ryall
Art Direction: Robbie Robbins
Graphic Design: Robbie Robbins and Sam Barlin
Photography: Delaney Mamer and Robbie Robbins
Cover Illustration: menton3
Card Artwork: Greg Scott, Elena Casgrande, Silvia Califano,
Michael Walsh, Joe Corroney, Cat Staggs, John Stanisci,
Andrew Currie, menton3, Tony Moy, Matthew Dow Smith,
Francesco Francavilla, Vic Malhotra, and Mark McHaley
Playtesting: Richard Benson, Matt Cary, Matt Holland, Rachel
C. Kirin, Erik McCarthy, Perry Nichols, Dan Schilling, Patrick
Schilling, BreeAnn Skogerboe, John Skogerboe, Mike Spartz,
Billie Jean Van Knight, Bennett Wadekamper, Chris Wilcoxon,
Dustin Everhart, and Carrie Miller
Production Management: Kathy Cheong and Thomas Cho
Special Thanks to: Ted Adams, Greg Goldstein, Chris Ryall,
and Robbie Robbins.
The X-Files ™ & © 2014 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All Rights Reserved.