2012/2013 AnnuAl RepoRt - Concord


2012/2013 AnnuAl RepoRt - Concord
2012/2013 Annual Report
Strengthening our Community by
M a r s h a l i n g Re s o u r c e s t o H e l p T h o s e i n N e e d .
Dear Neighbors and Friends,
This year was one of great activity and accomplishment at the Community Chest.
We supported local non-profits and programs with over $540,000 in funding; we
completed a five-year Strategic Plan; and we launched a Planned Giving program
(the Red Feather Society) designed to help sustain the Chest far into the future.
Thanks to you, our donors, the Chest was able to help fund 28 local non-profits and
programs. In doing this, we enabled our agencies to provide essential services to
our towns, cultivate new offerings, and help our neighbors in need. Our allocations
team, comprised of 32 community volunteers, met with and evaluated each grant applicant and made thoughtful funding recommendations to the Board.
Also this year, a dedicated team made up of staff, board members, and overseers
developed a comprehensive Strategic Plan that will guide the Chest for the next five
Penny Austen, President 2012 - 2013
years. This process was one of introspection. It inspired us to look back on our 66year history, to examine our traditions and our strengths. It was a process of questioning where we need to go and of feeling grateful for where we live. It highlighted
the depth of caring in the community that makes Concord and Carlisle such incredible towns.
The Strategic Plan clearly articulates our mission: To strengthen our community;
marshaling resources to help those in need. We are committed to placing value
on that which sets us apart: our local knowledge, our capacity for seeing and meeting emergent needs, our effective community-driven allocations process, and our
incredibly loyal support base of constituents. Going forward, we will continue the
hard work of leveraging these strengths to foster collaboration and learning among
our local non-profits, help match needs with resources, and increase the effectiveness of internal processes to ensure that we are supporting the most critical local
Amanda Hickman, President 2013 - 2014
human service needs.
We thank all of you who have supported us year after year. The Chest, originally
raising money for Boston charities as part of the United Way, became an independent organization in 1947 to promote accountability for charitable giving. Giving
locally enabled townspeople to see where their donations were going. Young people
tacked up posters and community members went door to door asking for support.
Neighbors gave what they could and then saw the impact of their contribution in the
community. In the coming year, we will return to a focus on participation.
Much has changed with the Chest since its founding, but our need for community
participation and support remains the same. Please help us to help those in need in
On the cover:
Gaining Ground
Food for Families,
a CCCC sponsored
A n n u a l R e p o r t , 2 012 / 2 013
Concord and Carlisle by giving in whatever way you can.
Penny Austen Amanda Hickman
Outgoing President, 2012-2013
Incoming President, 2013-2014
w w w. c c c o m m u n i t yc h e s t . o r g
Member Agencies & Organizations
Food, Health & Safety
Carlisle Council on Aging
Assistance to senior citizens with aging issues and their
families and friends.
Communities for Restorative Justice
An alternative to the traditional judicial system that
involves youthful victims, offenders, and members of
the community.
Concord-Carlisle Adult
& Community Education
Courses dedicated to life-long learning for all.
Scholarships available.
Community Outreach Coordinator
Referral and related services for families and
individuals in need throughout Concord and Carlisle.
Concord Family and Youth Services
Prevention and intervention programs through First
Connections and Healthy Families.
Domestic Violence Services Network
Works with local police departments to ensure effective
and compassionate response to incidents
of domestic violence.
Concord Public Schools
Programs supported by Community Chest include Teen
Buddy and CCHS Scholarship Fund.
Concord Council on Aging
Services for older citizens supported by Chest-funded
volunteer coordinator, mental health clinician and
outreach worker.
Concord Housing Authority
Activities coordinator for residents of Peter Bulkeley
Cooperative Elder Services
Adult day health and social day care for frail elders
and disabled adults, nursing care, therapeutic recreation,
and counseling services.
Friends in Service Helping (FISH)
Volunteer transportation for the elderly and others
in need.
Minuteman Senior Services
Information and referral, care management, nursing
home screening, Alzheimer’s services, respite care,
Mental Health
& Physical Disabilities
Eliot Community Human Services
Comprehensive outpatient mental health clinic and
counseling services.
Minute Man Arc for Human Services
Community residences, recreation, employment,
vocational training for people with developmental
disabilities. Early intervention services for 0-3 year olds.
Emerson Hospital Pediatric Intervention
Provides for the emotional well being of children
encountering the hospital environment.
Gaining Ground
Organically raised produce distributed to local food
pantries and shelters. Educational programs and
volunteer opportunities available..
Household Goods Recycling of Mass.
Recycled household goods distributed to needy
individuals and families in local communities.
Mass211, Inc.
State-wide initiative to provide universal 2-1-1 telephone
number for locating social services and volunteer
Open Table
Addressing issues of hunger and isolation through
weekly family-style meals and food pantry.
Education & Programs
for Children & Adults
Center for Parents and Teachers
Educational programs for parents and teachers focused
on early childhood through high school.
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Youth Coordinator
Works closely with schools, residents, town organizations
and local mental health agencies to provide resources and
increase positive youth involvement in the community.
Legal Aid & Scholarships
Boston Minuteman Council, BSA
Troop and individual activities for character development
and citizenship training.
(designated gifts only)
Concord Area Preschool Association
Scholarship assistance for at risk children to attend local
Concord Children’s Center
Year-round early childhood care and education for infants
through after-school kindergarten programs.
Concord Recreation Summer Camp
Scholarship assistance for children to attend summer
day camp.
Middlesex Legal Services
Free, civil legal assistance to the poor, elderly,
disabled and others traditionally denied access to
the justice system.
w w w. c c c o m m u n i t yc h e s t . o r g
Financial Summary
Who We Are
Officers 2012 – 2013
Penny Austen, President
Amanda Hickman, Vice President
Ann Sgarzi, Vice President
Martha Gilpatrick Wolf, Clerk
Amy Capofreddi, Treasurer
Funding by Primary Need
Elder Services
Food and Health
Board of Directors
Alyssa Bigay
Gigi Cowan-Bondick
Johanna Boynton
Laura Davidian
Kate Galusza
Lindsay Kafka
Paul Mahoney
Mark Bamford
Elizabeth Berk
Peter Blum
Elaine Bonoma
Ellen Campbell
Luanne Cordeau
Jane Coutre
Laurie Diercks
Linda Escobedo
Janet R. Friedman
John R. Hickling
Elizabeth Holmes
Barbara Howland
Mary Hult
Mary Johnson
Nicole Kelly
Barrie King
Beth Knauss
Wayne Patenaude
Wade Rubinstein
Bridget Saltonstall
Trish Siefer
Henry Vaillant
Betsy Veidenheimer
Paul Kugler
Fred Lovejoy
Andy Mahoney
Amy Jane Newell
Sarah Newton
Maura Perkins
Ned Perry
Patty Popov
Ed Prewitt
Mark Russell Prior
Dale Ryder
Patti Satterthwaite
Sharon Spaulding
Lee Storrs
Valerie Thayer
Dyan Urban
Adam Winstanley
Allocations Committee
Phil Adams
Bonnie Baker
Karen Belinky
Walter Birge
Greg Bondick
Aura Bruce
Kara Buckley
Debbie Canally
Liza Carey
Jay Copeland
John Drew
Jean Easterday
Pam Goar
Nan Harbison
Liz Harvey
Ben James
Cary Keller
Nancy White Lippe
Keith Miller
Candace Nelson
Judy Perkins
Seema Peterson
Ann Sharpe
Lora Venesy
Amy Versaggi
Ellen Whitney
Legal Aid &
Mental & Physical
Education for Children
& Adults
Funding by Life Stage
Senior 60+
Middle to High School
Birth to Preschool
Elementary School
Family / All Ages
Household Contributions
Business Contributions
Workplace Giving
(United Way/Combined Federal Appeal)
Total Campaign Revenue $644,060
Special Event Revenue (net)
Total Revenue
Allocations to Agencies
Field of Interest Allocations
Special Cornerstone Allocations
Program Management
Total Allocations $541,442
Astrid Williams, Executive Director
Christine Kielar, Associate Director
Libby Kurten, Bookkeeper
Cynthia Wood - until 4/13
Design & Production
Harley Freedman
Harley Freedman
Astrid Williams, page 15
A n n u a l R e p o r t , 2 012 / 2 013
Gifts to Field of Interest Funds
Community Chest Expenses
Total Expense $109,873
Note: These figures are unaudited. For a copy of our audited financial
statement, please contact the Community Chest office.
w w w. c c c o m m u n i t yc h e s t . o r g
A Commitment
to Support and
Investment in
local human service agencies
for 66 years.
Astrid Williams, Christine Kielar, Libby Kurten
From the office…
he Concord-Carlisle Community Chest has demonstrated a commitment to support and investment in local human service agencies
for its 66 year history. This year, the Chest followed the same philosophy of careful stewardship of community donations and multifaceted support of our agencies. We had a full calendar of exciting events and
programs in 2012-13, a few of which we have highlighted here.
In October, the Chest sponsored the 1st annual Pumpkin Roll and
Family Fest. The event featured pumpkin related games and activities,
a Halloween costume parade, food, music and fun!
The Chest participated in the December parade celebrating the Lighting of the Town Tree. At the event, Chest volunteers collected toys and
other children’s gifts, which were gratefully accepted by our member
agencies and distributed to local families. The Chest was proud to have
the opportunity to help make the holidays a little brighter for these
families in need.
The Chest launched the Red Feather Circle, the vehicle for legacy giving which recognizes our supporters who have invested in the future
of Concord and Carlisle by providing for the Community Chest in their
estate plans.
In January, the Chest was proud to sponsor an excellent presentation
by Dr. Edward Hallowell. Dr. Hallowell spoke to over 250 audience
members about being “CRAZYBUSY” and how to promote learning and
lifelong joy in this over-scheduled world in which we live.
The Chest celebrated Women in Philanthropy month in March with
its 2nd annual luncheon entitled “Women Making a Difference”. Over
115 women gathered at Nashawtuc Country Club to hear featured
speaker, Sara Campbell, founder and creative director of Sara Campbell Ltd., discuss her business philosophy and how giving back to the
community plays an important role.
In April, the Chest organized and facilitated a seminar for all of our
agencies on the topic of planned giving. Chest Board member and
Associate Director of Gift Planning at Boston College Lindsay Kafka
educated attendees on the benefits of a planned giving program and the
process for establishing a successful program.
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The Chest participated in the 3rd Annual
West Concord Giveback Day. Businesses in
West Concord partnered with local non-profits to increase awareness of these important
organizations. In addition, a percentage of
sales proceeds were donated to the participating non-profits.
We wrapped up our fiscal year in June with
our “Day of Giving”. Community Chest
grants were awarded to 28 local agencies. The
ceremony and gratitude of the recipients were
clear reminders of the important place the
work of the Chest holds in our community.
We sadly said good-bye to our long-time bookkeeper, Cynthia Wood who retired after 14 years
of impeccable work at the Chest. We wish her the
best as she looks forward to spending more time in
Maine and in her new garden!
Libby Kurten , has energetically and capably
taken on the bookkeeping role for the Chest. Libby
lives in Concord with her husband and two daughters and brings years of bookkeeping experience.
Welcome Libby!
The Chest staff and board work tirelessly to
add value to our community. We invite you to
check out our web and Facebook pages or to
read about us in the Concord Journal, Concord
Patch and Carlisle Mosquito. There are many
ways to become involved; we look forward to the
opportunity to work together as we enter the
Chest’s 67th year.
Astrid Williams, Christine Kielar & Libby Kurten
w w w. c c c o m m u n i t yc h e s t . o r g
Community Services Coordinator
everal years ago, the Community
Chest welcomed the opportunity
to provide funding for the
newly established position of
Community Services Coordinator. The
Community Services Coordinator acts as
a source of information and support to
at-risk families and individuals in Concord
and Carlisle. The Community Services
Coordinator (CSC) aids residents who
need help in obtaining fuel assistance, food
assistance, mental health services and/or
financial assistance. In addition, the CSC
provides important guidance to residents
in accessing supplemental community
During the past year, over 250 residents of
Concord and Carlisle have contacted the
Community Services Coordinator for help.
18 households were guided by the CSC in
applying for fuel assistance. In addition,
the CSC coordinated the delivery of 600
gallons of oil to local households through
the Concord Cares program. In response
to families’ need for access to healthy
food, the CSC connected over 45 families
to Gaining Ground’s Food for Families
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program. This program provides qualified
families receipt of free, fresh vegetables on
a weekly basis during the growing season
from the Gaining Ground garden.
Additionally, the CSC has successfully
partnered with the Community Chest
was his first time ever going
“ This
to camp and I am so glad that you
helped him have that wonderful
experience…and making my son’s
summer a most memorable one!
Community Chest Scholarship recipient
to provide critical, short-term assistance
to residents in who have little to no
external support systems. The CSC acted
as a “bridge” for these residents until
appropriate agency and community
resources could be accessed and utilized.
By applying to the Community Chest’s
When In Need (WIN) Fund for such
emergency funding, the CSC acted as an
agent for these residents. This dedicated
w w w. c c c o m m u n i t yc h e s t . o r g
fund was established to provide shortterm, emergency assistance to residents in
need. The CSC also awarded scholarships
for educational and enrichment purposes
to lower-income families through a grant
from the Community Chest Scholarship
Fund. A parent of a camp scholarship
recipient reflects, ” I …thank you for
granting my son a camp scholarship so that
he could attend a week of summer camp.
He enjoyed every minute of the activities!
This was his first time ever going to camp
and I am so glad that you helped him have
that wonderful experience…and making
my son’s summer a most memorable one!”
Aileen Buford holds the position of
Community Services Coordinator.
Aileen earned a Master’s degree
in Social Work from University
of South Carolina and has
worked extensively in a
broad range of human
services fields including long
term care, rehabilitation,
in-patient and out-patient
facilities. She can be reached
at [email protected].
or by phone at 978-318-3034. All
inquiries are held strictly confidential.
Since its inception, the CSC has seen more
and more residents utilizing its services.
The demand for assistance has grown to
the point where funding for the CSC has
been increased to allow for additional
hours to meet the growing need. The
Community Chest feels fortunate to
be able to provide additional financial
support to such a valuable town
Gaining Ground volunteers Jeff & Nancy help with food distribution.
A n n u a l R e p o r t , 2 012 / 2 013
w w w. c c c o m m u n i t yc h e s t . o r g
would like to add
historic photos
to this page
A Wonderful Gift
John Florio
was a life-long Concord resident. Born
on March 23, 1927, he attended Concord
Public Schools and graduated from the
Concord High School in 19??. John served
his country bravely during World War
II and the Korean Conflict as a Seaman
First Class in the U.S. Navy, aboard the
USS George McKenna Destroyer and the
USS Constitution. Upon his return to
the States after each of those conflicts,
John re-settled in Concord and worked
as a custodian at the Sentry Insurance
Company. He never married and led a
modest, happy and quiet life. Above all,
John fully appreciated the town which
was so important to him, and later in his
life, he was active in the Concord Council
on Aging, utilizing the services and
programs provided to older residents of
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n August of 2011, John died at age 84.
Shortly thereafter, the Community
Chest learned that it would receive
a generous bequest from his estate,
a gift which was wholly unexpected.
“We are honored by this gift from Mr.
Florio,” says Executive Director Astrid
Williams. “It is gratifying to know that
Mr. Florio thought strongly enough about
the benefits of our work to include the
Community Chest in his estate plan.
This gift will definitely make an impact
on the programming and grants that
we are able to provide. I only wish we
could have thanked Mr. Florio for his
generosity while he was still alive.”
w w w. c c c o m m u n i t yc h e s t . o r g
he Concord-Carlisle Community Chest gratefully
acknowledges the following donors and sponsors whose
generosity enables us to support and financially empower
more than 30 human service organizations and programs.
Thank you for your ongoing generosity!
2012 / 2013 Individual Donors
Mrs. Alice H. Moulton
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Newell
Jeff and Sarah Newton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rosenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Sears
Elizabeth H. Wilson
$20,000 ~ $29,999
Roland E. Hoch and Sarah Garland-Hoch
$30,000 +
Phillip and Elizabeth Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Ruettgers
Heritage Society
$10,000 ~ $19,999
Reinier and Nancy Beeuwkes
Estate of Mr. John F. Florio
Mr. Granville C. Garth
George and Constance Noble
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Winstanley
Leaders Circle
$5,000 ~ $9,999
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Blum
John and Johanna Boynton
Mr. and Mrs. Pliny Jewell, III
Mr. John F. Magee
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Magee
Mr. John M. Muresianu and
Ms. Patricia Satterthwaite
Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Pastuszenski
William and Maura Perkins
Ned Perry and Cynthia Wood
Jon and Dawn Rennert
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sharpe
Mr. and Mrs. Adam D. Winstanley
Mr. Michael J. Zak and
Ms. Roxanne K. Eigenbrod
Special Giver
$2,500 ~ $4,999
Fred H. Abbott and Linda Ziffrin
Russell S. Beede
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Doyle
Wade and Aliza Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Engerman
Mr. Jay W. Forrester
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Winston R. Hindle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Hurley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Kargula
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Keyes
Mr. Charles C. Ladd
Deborah and Alexander Lamont
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Langan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Lohrer
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Miller
$1,000 ~ $2,499
Anonymous (3)
Mr. Robert W. Abraham
Mr. and Mrs. Harl P. Aldrich, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Anderson
Christopher and Penny Austen
Pamela and Robert Baldwin
Mark and Dolores Bamford
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Barron
Mark Bilodeau and Katherine Early
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy B. Blancke
Timothy and Rebecca Blodgett
Steven B. Bloomfield and
Melissa Apperson
Elaine Bonoma
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce B. Browne
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Bruning
Bernard and Kathleen Cammarata
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Campbell
Jim and Kristin Canty
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Churchill, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Clymer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Connolly, Jr.
Mr. Warren L. Covert and
Ms. Mary M. Fenoglio
Mr. and Mrs. S. Paul Crabtree
James A. Cuoco and Lisa Sellers
Mr. Lawrence E. Curtiss and
Ms. Jennifer M. Masters
Mr. and Mrs. James Davidian
Bill and Laurie Diercks
Mr. David C. Douglas and
Ms. Pamela M. Gannon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Freeman, Jr.
Robert and Eleanor Galusza
Mrs. Sarah Garth
Mary Ann Gore
Kevin and Gunilla Gorman
Mr. John Graham and Ms. Kerry Munro
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Granahan
Dr. and Mrs. Terry P. Hadley
Susan M. Halby
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Holmes
Margaret M. Houlahan
Mr. and Mrs. William I. Huyett
Erik and Susanne Jarnryd
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Althea and J. David Kaemmer
Edward J. Kane and Martha J. Wallace
Family Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kane
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kellogg
Kevin and Nicole Kelly
The Rylin Charitable Foundation
Mr. Clyde A. Kessel and
Ms. Francoise Bourdon
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel C. Kimerling
Barrie and David King
David and Diana Kolstad
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander R. Krapf
Mr. and Mrs. John D. LaMothe, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. LaRocca
Adam and Amy Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Small
Edward H. Sonn
Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. Stephens
Jeffrey and Maryann Street
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Swindell
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Takvorian
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Taubes
Dr. Kathryn Oh and
Mr. Alexander Tedeschi
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Terry, Jr.
Mr. Robert D. Treitman and
Ms. Leslie Fisher
Roger and Dyan Urban
Dr. and Mrs. Henry W. Vaillant
Mr. and Mrs. Philip vanderWilden
Ralph and Laurine Verrilli
Mr. and Mrs. D. Alexander Wieland, Jr.
Nathan Wilson and Megan Gadd
Anne G. Winslow
Carter and Lissa Winstanley
Charles and Margaret Ziering
Robert and Nancy Zuffante
Ann and George Colony
M. Alex Colvin
Anthony and Nancy Confrey
Geoffrey and Allison Cottrill
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Coutre
Maxine and Harry Crowther
Dr. and Mrs. Richard S. D’Agostino
Dr. and Mrs. Peter K. Dempsey
Byron and Cynthia Deysher
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Dillon
Remy and Michele Evard
Mr. Robert Fano
Churchill and Janet Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Galford
Tom and Pam Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gernon
Mr. and Mrs. David Gibson
Louise and Chuck Haldeman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hall
Prescott and Nancy Hartshorne
Walter and Amanda Hickman
Mr. and Mrs. A. Sherman Hill
Ms. Margaret Hixon
Mr. David J. Holdorf and
Ms. Kathleen A. Dwyer
“ With the support of the Concord-Carlisle
Community Chest, we now serve over 300
guests at our weekly dinner and pantry
services and continue to see an increase
in the number of people turning to Open
Table for food, friendship and related
Ben and Lizzie Lewis
Philip and Nancy Lotane
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Lovejoy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David H. M. Matheson
Arthur Milliken
Judith R. Neilson
Mr. and Mrs. L. Bouke Noordzij
David and Melissa Norton
Leila and Kevin Parke
Wayne and Kimberly Patenaude
Susan Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Rodday
Wade Rubinstein and Jill Block
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ryan
Mark and June Rzepczynski
Mr. William K. Sabine and
Ms. Melita M. Teichert
Jim and Bridget Saltonstall
Mr. and Mrs. Lee H. Sandwen
Dr. Sally S. Seaver
Annabelle Shepherd
Mr. James P. Sherblom and
Ms. Loretta Ho Sherblom
Peter Hilton, President, Open Table
$500 ~ $999
Anonymous (3)
Esther D. Almgren
Mr. George S. Ames
Kenneth and Lynda Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Bagnaschi
Sibylle J. Barlow
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Barrett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Battle
Mrs. Jean G. Bell
Gordon H. and Sarah Brandon Bemis
Dennis and Elizabeth Berk
Mr. and Mrs. Bret H. Bero
Mr. and Mrs. Warner Berthoff
Gregory and Gigi Bondick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Briggs, Jr.
James Bryant and Christine Cournoyer
Anne T. Buttrick
Ms. Patricia A. Carr
Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Clough, Jr.
Mrs. Francis A. Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hull
Newton and Kerry Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kemp
Jared and Song-Mei Keyes
Daniel and Christine Kielar
Nora and Aaron Kinne
Steven Kirincich and Susan Mahan
Kerry and Janice Kissinger
Mr. Robert M. Kramer and
Dr. Rachel Kramer
Dr. and Mrs. Merrill G. Liteplo
Mr. Gregory Maguire and
Mr. Andrew Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome E. Manning
Dr. C. Gregory Martin and
Ms. Astrid F. Williams
John McCarthy and Andrea Brox
Mr. and Mrs. James M. McCloy
John and Wendy McNally
Peng-Siu and Elaine Mei
Seth D. Model & Amy R. Etherington
Bob Moran
w w w. c c c o m m u n i t yc h e s t . o r g
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Nichols
William and Mary Jane Nichols
Mr. Charles W. Niessen
Whit and Linda Painter
Dick and Andrea Patton
Judith S. Perkins
Ruth and Tom Piper
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher N. Popov
Dr. and Mrs. Elmer M. Purcell
Dick and Judy Quanrud
Mr. Lance A. Ramshaw and
Ms. Abigail G. Wine
Mr. Charles D. Roberts
Terry W. Rothermel and
Kathryn Rothermel
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Rubin
l to r: Mimi Deck Rutledge,
HGRM; Johanna Boynton,
CCCC Board Member
Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Salemy
Samuel and Laura Schaevitz
Bill and Sherry Seaver
Chris and Ann Sgarzi
Benson and Norma Shapiro
Mr. Scott Simpson and
Ms. Nancy E. Kuziemski
Ms. Elizabeth C. Sluder
Joseph LeConte Smith, Jr.
Margaret B. Soleau
Richard and Judy Spann
Mark Stein and Rosa Hallowell
The Steinberg-Lalli Charitable Foundation
Eleanor Browne Stengel
Steven and Jennifer Stone
Lee and Mary Storrs
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Supnik
Erik Synnestvedt and Carren Panico
Mr. J. Arthur Taylor and
Ms. Jeannette S. Hargroves
Hilary Taylor
Harvey H. Thayer and
Valerie Kolligian Thayer
Mr. and Mrs. Glen L. Urban
Rob and Betsy Veidenheimer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Wheeler
Mr. Andrew R. Wilmot and
Ms. Kathryn L. McKinley
Raymond Wong and Elizabeth Knauss
Mr. and Mrs. Byron E. Woodman, Jr.
Manny and Laurie Yousefi
$250 – $499
Anonymous (3)
David and Sara Abend
Jeffrey and Andrea Adams
Corey Atkins
Mr. and Ms. John J. Bakewell
Anita Barker
The Reverend and Mrs. David M. Barney
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Barton
Dorrie Bean
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Beede
Ms. Eleanor Bemis
Mr. Stanly E. Black
Matthew and Lindsey Boger
Mr. and Mrs. Alain G. Bojarski
Breht and Leslie Feigh
Mr. and Mrs. Gregor N. Ferguson
James and Jennifer Ferris
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Fischl, Jr.
Edward and Deborah Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fraser
Dan and Janet Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Demian M. Gage
Ms. Ashley R. Galvin
Michael Giniger and Suzanne Revy
Dr. and Mrs. Warren E. Goorno
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gower
Mr. Eric D. Green and Ms. Carmin C. Reiss
Mr. Denis E. Grehan and
Sheila K. Partridge, M.D.
Ms. Margaret C. Harding
We are very grateful for
the Chest’s support and
feel fortunate to be able
to bring people who need
help together with those
who are able to give it.
Barbara and Ira Smith, Founders HGRM
Robert Brack and Janet Bailey
Eric and Timm Brandhorst
Mr. Ivan Burns and Ms. Anne Hayden
Katherine Burrowes
Steven Buschman and Terri Stuler
Matthew and Michelle Caggiano
Mrs. Louis B. Carr
James and Donna Carter
Mr. and Mrs. R. Stephen Cheheyl, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Chick
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Clarke
Beau and Jennifer Coash
Tom and Emily Collins
Mr. Jay Copeland and Ms. Susan Beede
Dan and Luanne Cordeau
Gregory M. Creamer
Mr. and Mrs. J. Todd Crocker
Mr. and Mrs. Heyward Cutting
George M. Dallas
David and Belinda Dapice
Thomas and Joan D’Arcy
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Dawson
Danner and Joy J. DeStephano
Holly Rothermel and Michael Dettelbach
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Dibble
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dixon
Mr. Philip G. Drew
Alexander and Jean Easterday
Mitch and Susan Eckel
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Edson
Mr. Richard Fahlander and
Ms. Kathleen E. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Farrow
A n n u a l R e p o r t , 2 012 / 2 013
Mr. Robert Harper
Christopher and Jennifer Hart
Dr. Lynn D. Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Hesler
Kinan and Marina Hreib
Peter and Elizabeth Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Pliny Jewell, IV
Leonard and Marjorie Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Duane L. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Jones
Robert and Lee Ellen Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Julier, II
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Kafka
Bill and Mary Kaiser
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kessler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. King
Margot Kittredge and Bonnie MacDowell
Ms. Marilyn B. Kloss
Katharine Kolowich
Judy and Tom Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lauderdale
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Lawrence, II
Mr. James E. Lewis and
Ms. Lisa P. Davis-Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Litle
Jay and Carolynn Luby
Col. and Mrs. Roy H. Lynn, Jr.
Brian Maloney & Maia Heymann
Michael and Robin Malouf
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Marriner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. McCauley
Mr. and Mrs. John E. McCullough
Nicholas Miller and Patricia McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Morrison
F. Robert Naka
Mr. and Mrs. Everett H. Parker
Charles and Hilda Parrott
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Payne
Mr. John A. Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Phillips
Drs. Michael H. Picard and Mary E Russell
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Pierson
The Pike Family
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Pollack
Jonathan and Alison Poole
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Porter
Mr. Thomas Porter
Ms. Elizabeth W. Pounders
Mr. and Mrs. Ridgeway Powell
Todd and Brenda Pulis
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rand
Dr. and Mrs. Philip R. Reilly
Martin Rindlisbacher and
Constance Johnson
Alma and Elliot Ring
Mr. Ross R. Roberts
Robert Rodriguez and Hendrika Waltman
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Rolley
Nina and Tim Rose
Ethan and Francine Royce
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Ryder
Mr. Frank E. A. Sander
Ernest and Carol Sarason
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schnitzer
Mr. Daniel L. Schrager and
Ms. Ellen Gaies
Ms. Cynthia S. D. Schweppe
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Seifert
Marc and Robin Shapiro
Gordon and Joy Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Shane W. Siefer
Andrew Silverman and Molly Paul
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Slocum
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Smith
Mr. Stephen Smith and
Ms. Marilyn J. Cugini
Edith Springer and Lavinia Chase
Wade and Mary Staniar
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Stein
John Stevens and Virginia McIntyre
Mr. William G. Stone and
Ms. Casey L. Carlson
Cathie and Dick Sur
Elizabeth N. Suter
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Swift
Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Thompson, Jr.
Mrs. Marion Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Thut
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Tilney, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Edward G. Toomey
Mr. Steven Torres and Ms. Erika C. Toomey
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Trudeau
Richard Tyson
Mr. and Mrs. Willard L. Umphrey
Mr. James A. Vahey and Dr. Joan Eagan
Mr. Viktor Vejins and Ms. Libby Kurten
Gary Videlock and Holly Prentice
Mr. and Mrs. Philippe Villers
Richard and Susan Walters
Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Wang
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Warner
James M. Weiss
Carol W. White
Timothy and Ellen Whitney
Mr. Jeffrey S. Wieand and Ms. Janet Silver
Hon. and Mrs. Herbert P. Wilkins
John D. Williams and
Mary A. Brosnan-Williams
Russ Wolf and Marty Gilpatrick
Ms. Elizabeth S. Wood
Chandler and George Woodland
Dr. and Mrs. Alan C. Woodward
Mr. Peter R. Yensen and
Ms. Theresa E. Stokes
$100 – $249
Anonymous (14)
Mr. Philip V. Adams and Ms. Anne Westcott
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Adams
Mrs. Richard Adler
Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. Aldrich
Mary Ann Allen
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Andonian
Rodney and Judith Andrews
Shirley H. Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Anthony
Nina and Arthur Anton
David and Carol Antos
Jill E Appel
Jacquelin Apsler
Ruth E. Armknecht
Christine B. Arneson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ayres
William and Faith C. Bade
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Bailey
James Bailey and Alexandra Callen
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Bakal
Bee Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Barbarisi Jr.
Bill and Amy Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. S. Devlin Barron
Tom and Susan Bates
Paul Battista and Christine Johnson-Battista
Mr. James & Carmen Beaton
Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Becton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Beer
Dr. Theodore I. Benzer and
Dr. Barbara T. Peters
Harry and Janet Beyer
John and Alyssa Bigay
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Blue
Donald Bolinger and Susan Norman
Nancy B. Bond
Basil Bourque and Mary Fleming
Dan and Sally Bowen
Carol W Bowen
Andrew and Jane Boynton
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Boynton, III
Mr. and Mrs. Everett K. Bramhall
Mary Allen Bramhall
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Braunegg
Agnes C. Brengle
w w w. c c c o m m u n i t yc h e s t . o r g
Douglas and Aviva Brooks
Drs. Irwin and Linda Y. Buchwald
Sarah G. Bull
Jim and Sue Bumpus
Carlo Buonomo & Suzanne J. Koven
Tony and Luanne Buquor
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Burtis
John and Laurie Cadigan
Alan Cameron
Winifred J. Campbell
John and Debbie Canally
Matthew and Amy Capofreddi
Jon M. Cappetta
Warren Carberg and Adele Rustino
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew T. Carey
A. Douglas Carmichael
Robert and Nancy Carr
Jim and Jean Carter
Sal Caruso and Stefanie Cloutier
Mr. and Mrs. Cash
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cashman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Chappell
Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Chappell
Dr. Ronald M. Chaput
Karen Belinky and Les Charm
Dale Chayes and Kim Kastens
Ms. Virginia M. Cheney
Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Chin
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Clark
Deborah P. Clark
Mr. and Jeffrey D. Clements
Greg and Kathy Clute
Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Clutter
Mr. and Mrs. Michael N. Colgan
Richard and Gayle Colman
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Coloian
Ms. Deborah Colony
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Comer
Bernd and Rebecca Comjean
Mr. Bruce Comjean
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Connelly
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Conrad
Ms. Bouzha S. Cookman and
Mr. William Lehr
William and Linda Cotter
Robert J. Coughlin
Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. Courant
Michael Craft and Kimberly Kossmann
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Cragan
Elinor DeF. Crane
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Cratsley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Cross, III
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Curtin
Mr. and Mrs. Hong Dai
James Darr and Nancy Jaysane
Brian and Alice Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Davies
Claiborne W. Dawes
Steven and Debbie Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo P. DeBenedictis
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Decker
Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Dee
Kenneth and JoAnne Deitch
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dewing, Jr.
Ms. Elaine DiCicco
Mr. Tripoli J. DiCicco
Marshall and Betsy Dorr
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Drachman
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Durning
Mrs. Gerald R. Dyer
Mr. and Mrs. Chester W. Dymsza
James Eastman and Sally Montgomery
Jeffrey and Marguerite Eberle
Murray and Kay Edelberg
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ellis
Eric and Veronica Erston
James and Anne Fannin
Mr. O. Mario Favorito
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ferguson
Mr. Robert Ferstenberg and Ms. Amal A.
Robert and Sheila Flory
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Forsberg
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Franco
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Franko
Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Fredkin
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart T. Freeland
Kenneth and Maryellen Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Fritz
Mr. and Mrs. Everett H. Frost
Elmer Funkhouser and Katharine Stout
Richard and Eileen Furth
Mr. Louis P. Gallerani
Anthony Gallo and Melissa Perdue Gallo
Andrew Gerber and Li-Jen Lin
Mr. and Mrs. Ira H. Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Daren K. Gill
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Gillies
Len and Johanna Glazer
Kurt Louis and Maralee Meskinis
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Gordon
John Gorecki & Catherine Herrin Gorecki
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Goslovich
Lloyd and June Grace
Charlene and Carl Gray
Mrs. Betty J. Green
Matthew and Shelley Growney
The Guth Family
Mr. Leonard M. Haley and Ms. Deidre
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce P. Hall
Ms. Carol Ann Hannan
David Harkrider and Sara Brydges
Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Harring
Christopher and Susan Harris
Dorothy Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Scott P. Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Hawks, III
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hawley
Dr. William L. Healy and Dr. Angela C.
Mr. John Hedley-Whyte and Dr. Elizabeth
T. Hedley-Whyte
Dr. Nancy W. Hendrie
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Herman
Mr. Philip W. Herman and Ms. Jane E.
Richard and Fay Higgins
Jean H. Hill
Shannon Hill and Ann Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hilton
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Holland
A n n u a l R e p o r t , 2 012 / 2 013
Annie F. Holt
Charles and Mary Horvath
Ellie and Paul Horwitz
Ernest and Ellen Huber
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Hudner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Huggins
Joel and Sally Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy F. Hult
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hunt, Jr.
John and Eleanor Hutchins
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hutchinson
Mr. and Mrs. Michio Ihara
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Jeffers
Mr. Robert J. Joachim
Doug and Jennifer Johnson
Joel Johnson and Peggy Greenough
Walter D. Littell and Leli Sudler
Sten Lofgren and Sarah Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Lohrer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Loughlin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Loverud
Mr. Paul Geoffrey Lowney
Elinor P. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Austin F. Lyne
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Lyne
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. MacDonnell
Geraldine J. Madigan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Malcom
Muzammil Mansuri and Diana Stork
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin B. Marmer
Louisa Mattson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. McAndrew
Mrs. Debra M. Wauhkonen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Najarian
Mrs. Gordon R. Neisser
Paul and Gretchen Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Nessen
Lynn and Gary Newman
Pete and Ginnie Nicholas
Nick and Ann Noyes
Daniel and Diane O’Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. O’Connor
Frank A. Okurowski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. O’Neil, Jr.
Edward and Ellen O’Rourke
Jeannette O’Rourke
Dr. John M. Osepchuk
Dr. and Mrs. Frank N. Paparello
Gene and Harriet Parish
The FISH service is just wonderful! I called yesterday and they
were able to help my brother to
his medical appointment today!
Lauri, FISH service recipient
l to r: Louise Haldeman, FISH;
Alyssa Bigay, CCCC Board member
Rick and Louise Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Johnstone
Christopher Jones and Jenny Fenton-Jones
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Jones, III
Susan Jospe
David and Enid Karr
Gail K. Keane
David and Estelle Keast
Jim and Michi Keefe
Walter L. Kehoe
Mr. W. Carl Kester and
Ms. Jane E. Manilych
Henry Keutmann and Ilene Gipson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Killian
Philip and Sue Kingman
Cheryl L. Kirkman
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kirkpatrick
Paul Kirshen and Bettina Burbank
Peter and Bonnie E. Krims
Ivan and Ursula Kristoffy
Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Kussin
Gregory and Barrett Ladd
Joseph Laflamme
Mr. and Mrs. David Lamensdorf
Mr. David A. Lax and Ms. Ilana R. Manolson
Charles and Teresa Leahy
Curt Lefebvre and Anna Vouros
Mr. Herman B. Leonard and
Ms. Kathryn A. Angell
Stephanie C. Leone
George and Patricia Levan
Ms. Frances I. Lewitter and
Mr. Jonathon D. Sutton
Louis and Pamela Licht
Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Liebich
Mary McClintock
Terence McCourt and
Mary Zavolas-McCourt
Mr. James O. McDonough
Mr. and Mrs. David T. McKay
Mr. Thomas McKean and
Dr. Sylvia C. McKean
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. McKeown
Mr. John J. McWalter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Meenan
William and Hilary Midon
Rhoda E. Miller
Donald and Claire Moir
Dorrit Molony
Robert Monroe and Diane Lauer
Gary Monserud and Ann Jones
Mr. Charles R. Moore and
Ms. Penelope Staples
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Moore
Mr. James M. Moran and
Ms. Barbara P. Smith-Moran
Mr. Rex Morrill and
Ms. Betty Lynn Salinger
Mr. Freelon Morris, Jr.
Erica Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Morss
Gregory and Amy Mueller
John K. Mullaney
Frederic and Victoria Mulligan
Taragh and Barbara Mulvany
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel V. Murphy
David and Ellen J. Mushlitz
John Myers and Rachel Wheeler
Ms. Sarah L. Myers
Mr. Samuel Nagler and
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Parker, III
Patricia S. Pease
Duraes Pereira and Anita Opitz
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Pettengill
Dr. and Mrs. Lincoln N. Pinsky
Simon and Susan Pitts
Tana L. Plauger
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Pohlig
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Potter
Charles D. Poutasse & Christine Healey
Jo and Doug Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Roddy J. Powers
Abigail and Mark Russell Prior
Mr. Santo J. Pullara
Louis Putterman and Vivian Tseng
Mr. Warren H. Pyle and Ms. Frances Urban
Ginger Quarles
Christopher and Lynn Randall
Kim and Tom Ratcliffe
Mrs. Charles R. Read
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Rearwin
Jim and Julia Reichheld
Mr. and Mrs. John Reichheld
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Repucci, Jr.
Brent and Andrea Rice
James and Ellen Rice
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Richardson
Drs. Stephen & Diane Richter
Joseph Rigali and Tracy Winn
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Robb
Richard and Hilary Robinson
Timothy Rodgers and Sally Long
William R. D. Rogers
w w w. c c c o m m u n i t yc h e s t . o r g
Ms. Joan A. Rosazza
David and Margaret Rost
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Rudd
David Ruediger and Jane Rapalus
Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Ruhlmann
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel P. Ryan
Dr. and Mrs. Edward C. Saef
Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh D. Sahl
Mr. and Mrs. Roham Saleh
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Saltus, II
Brian and Alison Sandford
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Saphier
William and Sarah Satterthwaite
Nicholas and Beverly Schmid
Brian K. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Valentine
Mr. Thomas F. Valle and
Ms. Margaret A. Hoag
Dr. and Mrs. Francis X. Van Houten
Eric and Laurie Van Loon
Mr. and Mrs. Montagnie Van Norden, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vouros
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Waggett
Philip and Bridget Walker
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Walker, Jr.
Jack and Judith Walklet
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Wallis
Mr. and Mrs. James N. Walpole
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Waters
Mr. and Mrs. Frederic W. Watriss, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Baldridge
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Banay
Mr. and Mrs. William W. Barber, III
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Barron
Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Bartlett
Mrs. Jeanne Bartolomeo
Mrs. Donald F. Beardsley
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey K. Bentley
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Berg
Paul Bergeron and Cynthia Jaquith
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Berlin
Ms. Louise Berliner
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bernard
Mr. and Mrs. William Burke Bero, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Besthoff, Jr.
The support services that we
provide to clients in controlling
relationships and domestic
violence situations depend on and
are strengthened because of your
consistent support to DVSN.
Jacquelin Apsler, Exec. Director,
Domestic Violence Services Network Inc.
Mr. Alan L. Schneyer and
Ms. Elissa J. Brown
Kurt and Susan Schwartz
Art and Martha Schwope
Ted and Esther Scott
Dyan Goodwin and Rob Serio
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. T. Andrew Sheehan, III
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Shohet
Drs. Rick Shoup and Jeanne DeTemple
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Siegrist, Jr.
Ms. Sylvia Sillers
Dalton and Stephanie Sim
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Simonds
Anne T. Smith
Mr. Benjamin R. Smith and
Ms. Karen Redmon-Smith
Jun U. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Solomon
Anthony J. Sorrenti, Jr.
Elizabeth D. Spaulding
Warren and Darlene Damour Spence
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Spring
Adrienne St. John
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. R. Ashley Stephenson
Rosemary Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Stickles
Robert and Lorraine Stone
Elizabeth W. Sweet
Mr. and Mrs. Parker Symmes
Ronald and Moira Ten-Hove
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Thorpe
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Tritsch
Mr. Arthur S. Turner and
Ms. Sally J. Naumann
Ms. Joan P. Turner
Sylvia Udris
David Watson and Barbara Howland
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wayland
Mr. Frederick S. Wersan and
Ms. Paula E. Posnick
Mr. and Mrs. Russell T. Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Paul White
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Whitfield
Mrs. Samuel Wilensky
Mary Wilinsky
Mr. and Mrs. Berton C. Willard
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce K. L. Willard
Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Williams
Charles and Mary Sue Willie
David Wilson and Nancy Rea
Mr. and Mrs. John P. L. Woodward
Mr. Gilbert P. Wozney
Bernhardt and Mary Jane Wuensch
Hon and Barbara Yee
Dr. and Mrs. Edmond Yunis
Karl Zachar and Kara Buckley
Up to $99
Anonymous (16)
John E. Ahern
Farida Ahmed
Jonathan B. Aibel and Julie Rohwein
Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Alderman
David Allen and Barbara Powell
Grant and Betsy Anderson
Lillian Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Anderson
Dr. Joseph L. Andrews, Jr.
Robert S. Andrews
Al Armenti
Mr. James A. Atwood and
Ms. Kathryn P. Untermeyer
A n n u a l R e p o r t , 2 012 / 2 013
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Bilodeau
Ms. Kettee J. Boling
Courtland and Reyne Booth
Dr. and Mrs. Dana A. Booth
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard H. Boyle
Eric and Sally Bradford
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brooker
Mr. Thomas F. Brosnahan and
Ms. Jane A. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Brownell
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond I. Bruttomesso, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Bucher
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Burns
Marshal and Sheryl Cabot
Frank and Sue Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Carroll
Christopher Cavanagh and Susan Rieder
Ms. Megan Christopher
Bob and Beth Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Clover
Ms. Judith M. Cole
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Collis
Jill A. Colpak
Laurence and Molly Constable
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Copp
Rosita Corey
Mrs. Joanne Cormier
Mr. Daniel A. Coughlin
Gloria O’Brien
Flore L Craig
Nancy R. Cronin
Mrs. Nancy M. Crowley
Ms. Barbara Culkins
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Dale
Nancy Powell-Daley
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Damalas
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony K. Dancel
Mr. and Mrs. David J. D’Arrigo
Ron and Holly Darzen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Davis, Jr.
Elizabeth C. Davis
Wendy Davis
Jeff and Jane Dawson
Todd De Binder
Ms. Grethe C. de Suze
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Dee, Jr.
Darrol DeLong
Sophie DiCicco
Dr. Mark Wade Dickinson
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Dill, III
Mrs. Irmingard G. Doane
Mr. and Mrs. David Dolins
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Donadio
Ms. Joan K. Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Silvestro F. Durbano
The Easton Family
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Eck, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Ellenberger
Arthur Ellis and Janet Anderson
Doris Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Elton
Dr. and Mrs. Hikmet Emmanuel
Claire Enright
Scott and Susan Evans
Ms. H. Kay Fairweather
Kevin and Claudia Feeney
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Fine
Angela E. Finneran
Mrs. Jeanne D. Fitzgibbons
Mr. David R. Flannery
Patricia Fleischauer
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson R. Flight
Carolyn C. Flood
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy Fohl
Ms. Anna P. Foote
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fortier
John and Ann Fossett
Phillippe A. Frangules
David and Donna Frank
Community Friend
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Fry
Art and Diane Fulman
Mr. William H. Gaasch and
Ms. Elizabeth E. Mott
Mike and Elaine Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Garvey
Barbara Gifford
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Gifford
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Goff
Edward Goggin and Laurie Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Goldsmith
Robert A. and Barbara Kelly Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gordon, Jr.
Marlene E. Gosling
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Goss
David and Kristen Gould
George and Carolyn Gould
Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Gudmand
Alexis and Danielle Guinbertiere
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Haines
Frederic Halbritter
Mr. and Mrs. Thruston H. Hammer
Mr. and Mrs. H. Thurston Handley, Jr.
Diane H. Hannon
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hardy
Ms. Shirley Hatch Sorrenti
Ruth A. Hayward
Barbara J Henry
Bette Hess
Edward and Gretchen Hibben
Bill and Lee Hoffman
Richard and Joanne Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Hollis R. Holden
Mr. J. Edwin Hollingworth, Jr.
Ross and Melissa Homer
Mr. and Mrs. K. Steven Horlitz
Mrs. Barbara Bernard Howe
Ms. Faith Howland
Mrs. John W. Humphrey
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hunt
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Japp
Dianne Y. Jiao
Mr. Edward W. Jones, Sr.
Joyce L. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Laurie R. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kam
David and Donna Kaplan
Ms. Cynthia Katz
Gail Kearns
Mrs. Mary Alice Kelly
Bertha K. Kelner
Roberta Keydel
Julie Kingman
Joseph and Pamela Koontz
Chad and Lisa Koski
Mr. George J. Koslosky and
Ms. Nancy A. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Eric B. Kula
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lambert
David Lawlor
Mary C Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawson
Kristina Leclaire
John and Diana Lee
The Hon. Barbara A. Lenk
Dr. Christopher T. Lenk and
Ms. Veronica Kenney
Lisa Leopold
Paul Levine and Carolyn Gold
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Levinger
Bernice Levinson
Jane A. Lifton
Charles and Judi Lincicum
Steve and Sherry Litwack
Mr. Peter Ljutich and
Ms. Carolyn L. Bottum
Reverend and Mrs. John C. Lombard
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Loutrel
Lois Luberti
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lucas, Jr.
Barbara W. Lynch
John and Florence Lynch
Ms. Nancy J. Lyons
Lois Ann Macy
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Magazu
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Maley
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Manson
Lawrence Masland and Pamela Talbot
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Matthews
Ms. Mary Agnes McCarthy
Mrs. Joan McDade
Edith E. McEvoy
w w w. c c c o m m u n i t yc h e s t . o r g
Mr. and Mrs. Paul O. McGinn
Mrs. Thomas A. McKenna
Mr. and Mrs. C. Kenneth Miller
Lucy V. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. N. Carlile Miller
Helen S. Minton
Mr. Robert J. Morris and
Ms. Kathleen T. Hughes-Morris
Mr. Henry H. Moss and
Mrs. Emily H. Moss
Julia B. Munn
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon B. Munson
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Murphy
Edward and Catherine Murphy
Ms. Janet R. Murphy
Gerald and Ruth Nardone
William Neill and Barbara Morse
Marshall and Elizabeth Neilson
Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Austin C. Newman
Natalie K. Niles
Mr. Robert P. Nix and Ms. June Castle
Hope Noe
Mr. and Mrs. John Nunes
Mr. and Mrs. John J. O’Connor, Jr.
Andrea and Seeley Okie
Mrs. Bernard Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Olsen
Joellen O’Neil
Mr. Stanley J. Orpik
Mr. and Mrs. Neil E. Padden
Mrs. Robert A. Palumbo
Mrs. Valerie Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Parson
Mr. and Mrs. Jayesh K. Patel
David H. Patterson
Christine Paulson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Paushter
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. Pavlik
Paul and Ruth Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Petersen
Mrs. Helen J. Pierce
Ms. Marion H. Pohl
Douglas and Mallory Price
Mr. and Mrs. John X. Probolus
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Putnam
Mr. Paul Pylypetz
Susan St. Croix and David Quimby
John and Shirley Quinn
Elliot Quint and Janice Hayden
Mrs. Lawrence F. Rea
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Reid
Margaret and Bill Ritchie
Mrs. Rocco Robertello
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Robitaille, Jr.
Mr. Arthur W. Rogers and
Ms. Laura A. Johnson
Margaret Rollins
D. Morgan and Sarah Rood
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Roop, III
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Root, III
Brian and Lucy Rosborough
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Ruggles
Mrs. John Ruze
Fredda and Burt Sage
Dr. Purnima R. Sangal
Hrand and Lucy Saxenian
John and Ann Schummers
Dr. and Mrs. Richard P. Schwartz
Frederick and Mary Serr
Jill A. Sgro
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Shanley
John and Marcy Shipe
Mr. and Mrs. Imants K. Skaubitis
Dana and Angela Smith
Mr. Lowell S. Smith and
Ms. Sally A. Sanford
Raymond J. Snay
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Snook
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Soberg
Jonathan D. Solins & Mary S. Peterson
Steve and Roberta Spang
Elizabeth Sprague
Mr. George H. Stalker and
Ms. Jean M. Keskulla
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Staniar
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Stark
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin A. Stephens
Mr. Ernest Stern
George Stewart and Alexandra Turner
Jim and Deborah Stoessel
Anita G. Stubblebine
Mr. and Mrs. Philip C. Swain
Wendell G. Sykes and
Betsy Jo Constantine
Jon and Suzy Symons
Mr. and Mrs. William Tao
Ms. Cynthia A. Tapply
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Taverner
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Hagos Tekle
William and Debra Thornburg
Ms. Grace T. Tilton
John G. Troast & Regina Walsh Troast
Frona Vicksell
Mrs. Anne Victor
Edna Wagner
Avis J. Waite
Edith Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis E. Walker, Jr.
Adelaide Walton
Kathleen S. Walton
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Ward, Jr.
Kenneth and Sally Watson
Margaret Watts
Mary Tupper D. Webster
Mark Weltner and Sandra Crawford
June M. Whalen
Mrs. Marian H. Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Wheeler
Mrs. Helen Wilayto
Mr. and Mrs. D. Elliott Wilbur, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harald Wilhelmsen
Mr. R. Wade Williams and
Ms. Penny Schindler
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Wood
Byron and Monica Woodman, III
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Zadow
Mary Zarroli
Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Zippin
A n n u a l R e p o r t , 2 012 / 2 013
A t W ork G ifts
2013 M atching
G ift C ompanies
G ifts in K ind
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Attonito
John Moss and Ellen Boyce
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Cragan
Thomas Furlong
Paula Gifford
Ms. Kathleen A. Kelly
Joseph and Jennifer Kidder
Marc and Ginny Lamere
Catherine Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Murray
John and Joan Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Powell
Susan St. Croix and David Quimby
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Spillert
Patricia E. St. John
Mr. William Stone and Ms. Casey Carlson
Patrick Tambor
Stephen Tobin and Nancy Hartle
Mr. James Vahey and Dr. Joan Eagan
Alejandro and Veronica Voysest
Pamela Walsh
Camille Williams
Adobe Matching Gift Program
Bank of America Matching Gift Program
Breckinridge Capital Advisors, Inc.
Citizens Bank Charitable Foundation
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
GE Foundation
Goodrich - Partners in Giving Plan
McDonalds Corp. Matching Gift Program
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts
SPX Matching Gift Program
Sun Life Financial
Matching Community Relations
Baker Photography
Holly Caldwell
Sara Campbell
Patricia Carney
Dunkin’ Donuts
Adam Japko
Marshall Farms
Sally Ann Food Shop
Carol Spach
2013 B usiness D onors Presenting Sponsor - $5,000.00 +
Cambridge Savings
Charitable Foundation
Concord Hillside Medical Associates
Middlesex Savings Bank
Sustaining Sponsor - $3,000.00 +
Cambridge Trust Company
Contributing Sponsor - $1,000.00 +
Fritz & Gigi Children’s Shop
Spaulding Management Corporation
Verrill Farm
Friend - $1.00 +
Abode Builders of New England
Adviser Investment Management
Baker Photography
Barrow Bookstore
Concord Car Wash
Crosby’s Markets
Design-Science International
Frame-Ables, Inc.
Harley Freedman Visuals
Hartwright Company
Helen’s Restaurant
Joan Trumbull Leighton, CPA
Lore Kantrowitz, EdD.
Mahoney Architects
Melvin M. Barron,Esquire
& Randall S. Barron, Esquire
N.P. James Insurance Agency
Nashawtuc Architects
Planned Giving Group of New
Raffaele’s Barber Shop
Sally Ann Food Shop
Sara Campbell Ltd.
Vanderhoof Hardware Company
Partner - $500.00 +
Adult And Pediatric Dermatology
Concord Bookshop
Concord Oil Company
Concord Vine
H. Ivan Orup, Jr. D.M.D, M.M.Sc.
McWalter Volunteer Insurance Agency
North Bridge Insurance Agency
Sorrento’s Restaurant
l to r: Paul Mahoney, CCCC Board
member; Mike Kuza, Middlesex Savings
Bank accepting award for business sponsor
w w w. c c c o m m u n i t yc h e s t . o r g
Please consider telling us if you have included a bequest to the Concord-Carlisle Community
Chest in your estate planning. We would like to thank you for your legacy gift by welcoming
you into our Red Feather Circle, which recognizes our supporters who have invested in the
future of Concord and Carlisle by providing for the Community Chest in their estate plan.
for investing
I have been a long-time donor to the
Chest and fully believe that giving
to the Chest is the single best way to
in the future of
Concord and
support the well-being of the resi-
dents of Concord and Carlisle.
Introducing the Red Feather Circle
he Community Chest is excited to
introduce the Red Feather Circle,
which recognizes supporters
who have invested in the future of
Concord and Carlisle by providing for the
Community Chest in their estate plan.
Legacy gifts support the future work of
the Community Chest and strengthen
its endowment. When bequests are
realized, they help stabilize the Chest’s
finances and provide an important source
of consistent funding that minimizes
disruption to our work because of
market volatility. A bequest can be
indicated in a will, a revocable trust or
on the beneficiary form associated with
a retirement account (such as an IRA)
or a life insurance policy. There is no
minimum gift size for a bequest and such
gifts often have estate tax benefits.
One Red Feather Circle donor explains,
“I have been a long-time donor to the
Chest and fully believe that giving to the
Chest is the single best way to support
the well-being of the residents of Concord
and Carlisle. In making a legacy gift, I can
be certain that my commitment to the
Community Chest will continue, even after
I am gone.”
Please contact the Community Chest
office for more information about
legacy giving and the Red Feather
Circle at [email protected]
or (978)369-5250. All conversations are
strictly confidential and non-obligatory.
A gift by bequest does not diminish
your current income or cash flow and is
typically fully revocable.
A n n u a l R e p o r t , 2 012 / 2 013
w w w. c c c o m m u n i t yc h e s t . o r g
1st Annual Pumpkin Roll and Family Fest
n October, the Community Chest
the prize. Beautiful jack-o-lanterns carved by the children were on
hosted its 1st Annual Pumpkin Roll
display and decorated the area. Finally, several agencies that the
and Family Fest. Unfortunately,
Community Chest works with were present at the event, working
Mother Nature did not cooperate and the
at game booths, and available to provide information and answers
festival occurred during the rain on the
about their work. The Chest enjoyed the opportunity to provide a
eve of Hurricane Sandy. The weather did
festive community event and looks forward to another successful
not dampen spirits however; the event
festival next fall.
began with a Halloween costume parade,
where astronauts, pirates, princesses, ninjas and more proudly marched and waved
to the crowd.
Following the parade, the children and
their parents enjoyed a variety of games
and activities, including the pumpkin
roll. The children proved able to roll their
pumpkins through the finish line faster
than their adult counterparts! The sack
race, bowling, shot put (aka pumpkin
smash!) face paint and tattoos were also
busy areas. Donuts and hot chocolate
from Dunkin Donuts and pumpkin ice
We would like to thank the following
individuals for volunteering their time
at the Pumpkin Roll and Family Fest:
Penny Austen
Alyssa Bigay
Carly Blue
Ellie Blue
Marty Blue
Sam Blue
Gigi Bondick
Johanna Boynton
Amy Capofreddi
Laura Davidian
Emily Downing
Gigi diManio
Maggie Dorr
Kelly Driscoll
Shannon Driscoll
Richard Fahlander
Amanda Hickman
Lucas Hickman
Wyatt Hickman
Charlotte Olney
Kate Olney
Taylor Perkins
Dale Ryder
Lindsay Ryder
Maria Scichilone
Sophia Scichilone
Ann Sgarzi
Lia Sgarzi
Maddie Rush
Wade Rubinstein
Anna Shulman
Trish Siefer
Olivia Thayer
Valerie Thayer
Annie Wilson
Kara Wilson
Meg Wilson
Marty Gilpatrick Wolf
We would like to
thank the following
organizations for
their gifts in support of the Pumpkin
Roll and Family Fest:
Brines Sporting Goods
Concord Bookshop
Concord Hand Designs
Concord Outfitters
Concord Teacakes
Concord Toy Shop
Discovery Museum
Reasons to be Cheerful
West Concord 5 & 10
cream from Reasons to be Cheerful were
available as treats for guests.
It was difficult to decide upon a winner
for the pie-baking contest, but the apple
pie baked by Joe Jones of Concord earned
A n n u a l R e p o r t , 2 012 / 2 013
w w w. c c c o m m u n i t yc h e s t . o r g
Concord/Carlisle Community Chest
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 154
Concord, MA
Community Agencies Building
111 Old Road to Nine Acre Corner
Concord, Massachusetts 01742
O u r A n n ua l A p p e a l b e g i n s i n O c t o b e r
Please Add Your Name to our List
Marc and Sheila Boyle
Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Clutter
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Dudley
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Gordon
Andrew and Jane Boynton
Richard and Gayle Colman
Mrs. Gerald R. Dyer
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Goslovich
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Boynton, III
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Comer
Mr. and Mrs. Chester W. Dymsza
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Goss
Mr. and Mrs. Everett K. Bramhall
Mr. Bruce Comjean
James Eastman and Sally Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. Brian B. Gourlie
Eric and Timm Brandhorst
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Connelly
Murray and Kay Edelberg
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gower
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Braunegg
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Conrad
Mr. Keith Ehrlich and Ms. Maureen Molloy
Lloyd and June Grace
ble to unity ChCharlene
Agnes C. Brengle
Ms. Bouzha S. Cookman and
Mr. and Mrs. DavidpJ.ayEllenberger
and Carl Gray
che John R.
le Co rd
ke Mrs.
Douglas and Aviva Brooks
Mr. William Lehr
Mrs. Betty J. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond I. Bruttomesso, Jr.
Dan and Luanne Cordeau
Mr. Eric D. Green and Ms. Carmin C. Reiss
 M
Drs. Irwin and Linda Y. Buchwald
William and Linda Cotter
Mr.O. MariobFavorito
Mr. Denis E.stGrehan
.org and
Num tionFeeney
Sarah G. Bull
Robert J. Coughlin
Kevin andxpClaudia
munitSheila K. Partridge, M.D.
w w.cc
rs Shelley Growney
Jim and Sue Bumpus
Dr. and Mrs. Paul R. Courant
Frank Feist and Sarah nCrozier
e at w
o Adv 04-21570
Onli utions :
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Carlo Buonomo & Suzanne J. Koven
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Cragan
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Elinor DeF. Crane
Henry and Elizabeth
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 Matthew
Dan and Janet
Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Harring
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 H ders’ Cir
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Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Davies
Todd and Susan Fulshaw
Mr. and Mrs.
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 Le ciCarmichael
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y Age
SpMrs. John E. Carroll
2 Hawks,
mun James
Lorie C. Davis
Elmer Funkhouser and
 and
, MA
from rd-Carlisity Chest
Jim and Jean Carter
Wayne Davis and Louise Hara
Richard and Eileen Furth
Concrdo-Carlisle ComemAucrne Corner Dr. William L. Healy and
Mr. Robert L. Carter
Claiborne W. Dawes
Mr. and Mrs. Demian
M.ld Gage
Angela C. Healy
111 O
Sal Caruso and Stefanie Cloutier
Steven and Debbie Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Galford
Mr. John Hedley-Whyte and
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cashman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo P. DeBenedictis
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gallerani
Dr. Elizabeth T. Hedley-Whyte
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Chappell
Charles and Dari Dee, Jr.
Anthony Gallo and Melissa Perdue Gallo
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Herman
Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Chappell
Kenneth and JoAnne Deitch
Mr. and Mrs. John Garbayo
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Herrup
Dr. Ronald M. Chaput
John and Linda Della Volpe
Andrew Gerber and Li-Jen Lin
Karl and Lori Hick
Karen Belinky and Les Charm
Dwight Demay and Janne Corneil
Mr. and Mrs. Ira H. Gilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. Huawei Chen
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Dewing, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daren K. Gill
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hilton
Ms. Virginia M. Cheney
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Dibble
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Gillies
Roy and Christine Hirshland
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Clark
Ms. Elaine DiCicco
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Giniger
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Holland
Deborah P. Clark
Mr. Tripoli J. DiCicco
Len and Johanna Glazer
Mr. and Mrs. K. Steven Horlitz
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dixon
Kurt Louis and
Charles and Mary Horvath
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Clarke
Marshall and Betsy Dorr
Maralee Meskinis Glitzenstein
Ellie and Paul Horwitz
Greg and Kathy Clute
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Drachman
Dr. and Mrs. Warren E. Goorno
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hrabchak
Se u
You h