District`53`Call`To` Meeting`Package`
District`53`Call`To` Meeting`Package`
District'53'Call'To' Meeting'Package' ' Spring'Conference'2015'District'Council'Meeting TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL District 53 District Council Credentials Package May 9, 2015 PLEASE REVIEW TO PREPARE FOR THE DISTRICT COUNCIL MEETING The District Council is comprised of the President and Vice President Education from each club in the district plus the district Executive Committee. Each member of the Council will receive a copy of this Credentials Package upon signing in at the Credentials Desk. A club member other than the President or Vice President Education can represent his/her club and receive a copy of this Credentials Package by presenting a signed proxy form from the President or Vice President Education at the Credentials Desk. The following materials are included in your Call to Meeting package: Meeting Agenda – draft Call to Meeting Notice D53 Senior Team Welcome Letter Proxy / How to do an Email Proxy Make Your Vote Count! Special Rules of Order Minutes of the previous District Council Meeting (November 22, 2014) Nominating Committee Report 2015 – 2016 Proposed District Club Realignment Spring 2014 Conference Flyer PLEASE NOTE: This Call to Meeting kit is your only invitation to participate. You must pick up your Credentials Package at the Credentials table (near the Registration area). The Credentials table is open most of the day, but will close 1 hour prior to the start of the business meeting. Don’t miss out – pick up your credentials early! -- Lisa Miller, District Secretary ! ! ! ! ! TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL District 53 Council Meeting Agenda (draft) When: Where: May 9, 2015 @ 3:00PM Desmond Hotel, Albany, NY Call to Order Reading of the District Mission Welcoming Remarks: Bette McIntire, District Governor Dianne Johanson, Host Division G Governor Bette McIntire Credentials Committee Report: Approval of Special Rules of Order: Agenda Review and Approval Approval of Minutes D53 Council Meeting Nov 22, 2014 Adoption of Mid-Year Audit Report Treasurer's Report Robert Bradshaw Sam Young Bette McIntire District Realignment 2015 – 2016 Hawley Walden Election of District Officers 2015 – 2016 Nominations Report Val Albert, Nominations Chair Lisa Miller Paul Young Ray Johnson (In contested races, each candidate will have 2 minutes to address the Council.) District Director; Program Quality Director; Club Growth Director; Division Directors A - G Sr. Team Reports (5-6 Minutes Each) Lt. Gov. Marketing Lt. Gov. Education & Training District Governor Richard Frantz, Jr. Sharon Mercado Bette McIntire New Business Fall Conference 2015 Update Spring Conference 2016 International Director Candidates Revitalization Education Program update FC2015 Chair Dianne Johanson (TBD) Steven Chen, Jeff Sobel Bette McIntire Next Meeting: D53 Council Meeting November 21, 2015 Ramada Hotel & Convention Center, 542 Route 9, Fishkill, NY 12524 Host Division A Adjournment District 53 Council meets twice a year at the Fall and Spring District Conferences. Council consists of the D53 Executive Committee and two representatives, the President and VP Education, of each Club in District 53. District 53 Executive Committee consists of all Area Governors, Division Governors, District Governor, Lt. Governors, Public Relations Officer, Secretary, IPDG, and Treasurer. Note: This agenda is to be considered a draft until the District Council meeting. The agenda may be modified by majority vote of delegates present and voting. ! ! ! ! ! Official Meeting Call THIS IS A CALL TO HOLD THE DISTRICT 53 COUNCIL SPRING BUSINESS MEETING SATURDAY MAY 9, 2015 STARTING AT 3:00PM* ▪ DESMOND HOTEL 660 ALBANY SHAKER ROAD ALBANY, NY ALL VOTING MEMBERS MUST OBTAIN THEIR MEETING PACKET AT THE CREDENTIALS DESK. THE CREDENTIALS TABLE WILL BE OPEN AT THE START OF THE CONFERENCE (NEAR REGISTRATION) AND CLOSE PRIOR TO THE START OF THE COUNCIL MEETING. THE CREDENTIALS TABLE MAY BE CLOSED DURING SOME OF THE CONFERENCE EVENTS – SEE POSTED SCHEDULE OR CONFERENCE PROGRAM. *AT THE TIME OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF THIS CALL-TO-MEETING NOTICE, THE BUSINESS MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR 3:00PM BUT IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE (PLUS OR MINUS 1 HOUR) AS THE SPRING CONFERENCE TEAM FINALIZES THE SCHEDULE FOR THE DAY. IF YOU ARE COMING ONLY FOR THE BUSINESS MEETING, CONSULT THE SPRING CONFERENCE PAGE ON THE DISTRICT WEBSITE 1 – 2 WEEKS PRIOR TO THE EVENT FOR THE FINALIZED START TIME. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! April 9, 2015 Dear District Council Member: In accordance with the District Bylaws, I have enclosed a call for the next District Council meeting to be held at the 2015 Spring District Conference at 3:00PM* on Saturday, May 9, 2015. Included in the call is a copy of the Agenda for the District Council Meeting, a copy of the District Nominating Committee, the report of the 2015 District Realignment Committee, and a two sided proxy if you are the President or Vice President Education of a club. If it is not possible for you to attend this meeting, it is important that you sign this proxy and have a member in good standing (dues paid) of your club bring the proxy and vote on your behalf. Such a club member may carry up to two proxies. The credentials package containing your voting card may be picked up at the Credentials Table upon registration. You must pick up your credentials kit to vote. The Credentials table closes 1 hour prior to the Council Meeting which is scheduled to begin at 3:00PM. The District Council is comprised of the President and Vice President Education of each club, plus all voting District Officers. The 39 voting District officers are: 26 Area Governors, 7 Division Governors, Immediate Past District Governor, District Governor, Lt. Governor Education & Training, Lt. Governor Marketing, District Secretary, and the District Treasurer. These District officers may vote only in person, not by proxy. However, these District Officers may also carry up to two (2) proxies from a club in which they are a member in good standing. A full third of the total club officer votes must be present in person or by proxy for a quorum to be achieved. Please study the enclosed 2015 – 2016 District Club Realignment proposal and feel free to ask me or our Lt. Gov. Education & Training, Sharon Mercado, any questions that you may have about it prior to the meeting to help save time during the actual business meeting. You may go to the District 53 website (d53.toastmastersdistricts.org) for conference information and registration. District Conferences provide both wonderful educational experiences and unique networking opportunities. Please promote the District 53 Spring Conference within your club and encourage attendance. I am looking forward to seeing each of you at the Spring Conference. Bette McIntire District 53 Governor Email: [email protected] Cell: 860-573-0009 *At the time of the distribution of this Call-To-Meeting notice, the business meeting is scheduled for 3:00PM but is subject to change (plus or minus 1 hour) as the Spring Conference team finalizes the schedule for the day. If you are coming for only the business meeting, consult the Spring Conference page on the district website 1 – 2 weeks prior to the event for the finalized start time ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Welcome from the District 53 Senior Team ! ! ! ! ! ! Fellow Toastmasters, Welcome to the District 53 Spring 2015 Conference hosted by Division G! District 53 Conferences are outstanding opportunities for members to: • • • • • Be inspired by our International Director, Richard Peck, DTM Celebrate our C&L Award recipient, Erin L. Musto Learn and grow from outstanding educational sessions Network with existing friends and meet new ones Watch the District’s best compete in the Evaluation and International Speech Contests • and much, much more The Conference Committee volunteers have worked countless hours to develop a conference that provides you with opportunities for growth in both leadership and communication. Take this time to invest in your personal development, interact with as many people as possible, and experience all that the Conference has to offer. Jump on the bus and head “Back to School 101” at SC2015! We wish you every success throughout your Toastmaster year. Bette McIntire, DTM District Governor Sharon Mercado, DTM Lt. Gov. Education & Training ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Richard Frantz, Jr., DTM Lt. Gov. Marketing District 53 Toastmasters – Serving Connecticut, Eastern New York, and Western Massachusetts PROXY District 53 Council PROXY I, ____________________________________, as __ President or __ VP Education of __________________________________ club (club number ________ ) do hereby assign to __________________________________, a member in good standing of the above Toastmaster Club, the right to represent me and vote in my stead at the District 53 Council Meeting to be held on May 9, 2015. Signed __________________________________ Date ____________________ PROXY District 53 Council PROXY !- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ABOUT YOUR PROXY • The District 53 Council, which meets twice a year at the Fall and Spring District Conferences, consists of the D53 Executive Committee and two representatives, the President and VP Education, of each Club in District 53. • D53 Executive Committee consists of all Area Governors, Division Governors, District Governor, Lt. Governors, PR Officer, Secretary, Immediate Past District Governor, and Treasurer. • Only Presidents and Vice Presidents Education of District 53 Toastmasters Clubs and District 53 District Officers (Executive Committee) are eligible to vote at District 53 Council Meetings. • Club Presidents and Vice Presidents can have their voting privileges exercised by proxy. A District Officer can only exercise district Officer voting privileges by being present. • Any member of your Club in good standing (having paid dues) can hold a signed proxy from the Club President or Vice President Education and exercise voting privileges. • Any Club member in good standing can hold a maximum of two signed proxies from any/all Club(s) they are a member of. • A Club President can exercise his/her voting privileges and those of their Club’s Vice President Education or a Club Vice President Education can exercise his/her voting privileges and those of their Club’s President in the event that only one of these officers is present and the officer not in attendance has not given their proxy to another active member in their Club. The officer present does not need the signed proxy of the other officer. A Club member with a signed proxy from the Club President or VPE can obtain both sets of Club Credentials acting in the place of the officer that gave them the proxy. • The maximum number of voting privileges that a Toastmaster can exercise is three: One if he/she is a District Officer and two for the President and VP Education of his/her Club(s). District 53 Toastmasters – Serving Connecticut, Eastern New York, and Western Massachusetts • TO DO within 30 days prior to the Conference and Council Meeting: o Review Council Meeting Agenda and its attachments (e.g. budget, audit, or Treasurer's reports; proposed resolutions) ! ! ! ! ! o Discuss items with your Club members. Seek consensus. o The District Governor or District Secretary will mail a copy of the agenda and attachments to all members of the District Council (Club President and VP Education of record) 30 days prior to the meeting for your review. • TO DO on the day of the Conference and prior to Council Meeting: o Members of the District Council, or their designated proxy, must Register at the Credentials Table/Desk located adjacent to (or near) the Conference Registration Table. Be prepared to identify your name, office, and Club number to receive your Credentials Packet. o Proxies present (surrender) their signed Proxy Certificate at the Credentials Table/Desk and receive their Credentials Packet. o The Credentials Table/Desk will be open at the start of the conference (registration) and close 60 minutes prior to the start of the council meeting. The Credentials Table/Desk may be closed during some conference events - see posted schedule or conference program. O Once Credentials have been issued for a Proxy, they cannot be reissued. Issued Credentials are negotiable like cash. If you lose them, you lose them, and if found by someone else, they can be voted by the finder. As the receiver of Credentials, you are responsible for them. Do not lose them! ! ! ! ! ! Requirements for Emailed Proxies In lieu of a signed proxy, the authorizing Club Officer can send an email proxy to the Credentials Chairman, Bob Bradshaw. This email authorizes the person carrying the proxy to vote on their behalf. However, a signed proxy is better, if it can be provided, and then carried to the Conference by the person being authorized by the proxy, or FAXed to the Credentials Chair in advance of the Conference. The FAX # is: (860) 354 - 9893 If a proxy is to be sent by email, the preferred way is to edit one of the sample proxies (WORD .doc or pdf) that have been sent to the Club electronically, and then send it as an attachment to an email explaining what is being done. Email proxies can be sent to the Credentials Chair in advance of the Conference at: [email protected] If a proxy generated by the Authorizing Officer is used, it must contain all of the information required for a valid signed proxy (See enclosed blank proxy form) which is: • Name of the Authorizing Officer • Office the Authorizing Officer holds • Club Name & Number • Name of the Club Member being authorized • A statement authorizing the Club Member to vote on behalf of the Club, as the representative of the Officer granting the proxy, at the District Council (Business Meeting) to be held on the date specified • The name of the Authorizing Officer must also appear where the proxy is to be signed. The name in the same font as the above information will suffice as an electronic signature. Editing one of the sample proxies that have been sent to the Club is the best way to make sure all required information has been included. Emailed Proxies must be sent from the email address on file @ WHQ for the Authorizing Officer. That will be checked before the proxy is accepted. Club Officer Lists @ WHQ must be kept current including any changes that occur just before the Conference for both electronic & paper proxies. If changes are submitted to WHQ near the Conference date, call WHQ prior to the Conference, and verify that they have been recorded. The person who is being authorized voting privileges by the proxy must be an active member in good standing of the Club they will be voting for. To be able to vote at the District Council, the person being authorized to carry the proxy will still have to pick up their Credentials at the Credentials Desk before Credentials closes, usually around 1 hour before the Business Meeting starts. Please follow these procedures to assure your club’s votes and to establish a quorum at our business meeting. ' Bob Bradshaw Bob Bradshaw, DTM, PID Credentials Chair ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Make your VOTE Count · Only Presidents & Vice Presidents Education of District 53 Toastmasters Clubs and District 53 District Officers (Executive Committee) are members of the District 53 Council and are thereby eligible to vote at a Council Business Meeting. · Club Presidents & Vice Presidents Education can have their voting privileges exercised by giving a signed proxy to another active member of their Club. A District Officer can only exercise his/her voting privileges by being present. · A Club President can exercise his/her voting privileges and those of their Club’s Vice President Education or a Club Vice President Education can exercise his/her voting privileges and those of their Club’s President in the event that only one of these officers is present and the officer not in attendance has not given their proxy to another active member in their Club. The officer present does not need the signed proxy of the other officer. A Club member with a signed proxy from the Club President or VPE can obtain both sets of Club Credentials acting in the place of the officer that gave them the proxy. YOU MUST GET YOUR CREDENTIALS FROM THE CREDENTIALS TABLE TO BE ELIGIBLE TO VOTE AT THE COUNCIL MEETING CREDENTIALS IS OPEN FROM 8:00 AM to 11:30 AM AND FROM 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM · Members of the District Council, or their designated proxy, must obtain Credentials from the Credentials Table/Desk located adjacent to (or near) the Conference Registration Table. Be prepared to identify your name, office, and Club number to receive your Set of Credentials. · Proxy carriers must present (surrender) their signed Proxy Certificate at the Credentials Table/Desk to receive their Credentials. · The Credentials Table/Desk will be open at the start of the conference (registration) and close 60 minutes prior to the start of the council meeting. The Credentials Table/Desk may be closed during some conference events - see posted schedule or conference program. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! District'53'District'Council'Meeting' May'9,'2015' Special'Rules'of'Order' ! 1. Debate!or!discussion!on!all!matters!of!business!coming!before!the!District!Council! shall! be! limited! to! ten! (10)! minutes! per! agenda! item,! except! by! permission! of! District!Council!granted!by!a!2/3!majority!vote!without!debate.! ! 2. No! member! shall! speak! in! debate! more! than! once! on! the! same! question,! nor! longer!than!one!(1)!minute,!except!by!permission!of!the!District!Council!granted! by!a!2/3!majority!vote!without!debate.! ! 3. Announcements!from!the!floor!shall!be!limited!to!one!(1)!minute.! ! 4. The!Presiding!Officer!of!the!District!Council!Meeting!shall!appoint!an!official!timer! to!indicate!when!the!allotted!time!for!a!given!speaker!has!expired.! ! 5. These!Special!Rules!of!Order!and!any!amendments!thereto!shall!be!adopted!by!a! 2/3!majority!vote!of!the!District!Council.! ! 6. The!general!procedures!of!the!District!Council!shall!be!in!harmony!with!Robert’s! “Rules'of'Order,'Newly'Revised,”!except!where!superseded!above!by!the!Bylaws! of!District!53.! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! • • ! ! • ' District'Council'Minutes'by'District'Secretary'Lisa'Miller,'CC,'CL' Date:!November!22,!2014! ! Call!to!Order:!3:10!pm! ! Occasionally during this meeting, the Chair will use a procedure called ‘unanimous consent’. This will be done to expedite business where there appears to be no questions or concerns. You will hear the phrase ‘without objection’ or ‘If there is no objection’ used in each case. If you want an issue to be debated and voted on, in a more formal manner, simply call out ‘objection’ or ‘I object’, and we will do so. Reminder who the voting members are and what they are allowed to do The members of the District Council are: Club Presidents, Vice Presidents of Education, or their proxies, and the members of the District 53 Executive Committee. Only members of the District Council may speak in debate, make, second or vote on motions. To address this Council Meeting, after being recognized, please stand, show the ballot strip you received from Credentials, and clearly state your name and the Club you are representing so that Lisa Miller can keep accurate records for today’s meeting. Quorum:!YesUsee!report!from!Bob!Bradshaw,!DTM,!Credentials!Chair! ! ' Reading'of'the'Mission'of'District'53:!Division!E!Governor,!Michael!Duffy,!ACB,!ALB! ! ' Credentials'Committee'Report'–'Bob'Bradshaw,'DTM,'Credentials'Chair' ' Quorum!Achieved!–!see!report! ! Motion!to!Accept!Credential!Report!–!Michael!Duffy,!ACB,!ALB! ! Seconded:!!Peter!McCowan! ! Accepted!by!unanimous!consent! ! ! ! ! ! ! Special Rules of Order read by: Sam Young Motion!to!Accept!Special!Rules!of!Order!–!John!Bate,!ACB,!ALB! ! Seconded:!Eva!Menon,!DTM! ! Accepted!by!unanimous!consent! Agenda Review and Approval Adopted! ! Approval of Spring Conference Minutes Motion!to!Accept!Spring!Conference!Minutes!–!Michael!Lavery,!CC,!ALB! ! Seconded:!Richard!Couture,!DTM! ! Accepted!by!unanimous!consent! Adoption'of'YearKEnd'Audit'Report' Motion!to!Accept!YearUEnd!Audit!Report!–!Val!Albert,!DTM,!IPDG,!PID! ! Seconded:!Sreeram!Koneru! ! Accepted!by!unanimous!consent! Adoption of the 2014-2015 Budget Motion!to!Accept!2014U2015!Budget!–!Crystal!Storo,!CC,!ALB! ! Seconded:!Doug!Cloutier,!ACS,!ALB! Accepted by unanimous consent Treasurer’s Report - Ray Johnson DTM, PDG Division Governor Reports - filed (Division A Governor – Open, Division B Governor – Paul McNamara, Division C Governor – Dave Pelland, Division D Governor – Darrell Fox, Division E Governor - Tom Lore, Division F Governor - Michael Lavery, Division G Governor – Val Albert, Division H Governor - Dianne Johanson) Senior Team Reports – on file Bette McIntire District Governor, Richard Frantz, Lt. Governor of Marketing, David Freedman, Lt Governor Education and Training) ! ! ! ! ! • Spring Conference 2015 – Dianne Johanson, Site Selection Committee Chair Motion to Accept Spring Conference Site – Val Albert, DTM, IPDG, PID Seconded: Eva Menon, DTM Accepted by unanimous consent Upcoming Events Mentoring!Webinar! ! January!Jam! ! Spring!Conference! ! Motion!to!Adjourn!Meeting!–!Lori!Smith,!CL! ! Seconded:!Scott!Davis,!ACS,!ALB! ! ! ! ! ! Hawley Walden (chair) 2015-2016 District 53 Club Alignment Proposal Alignment Committee: Paul McNamara Dave Pelland Darrell Fox Tom Lore Michael Lavery Dianne Johanson Val Albert District Alignment Summary The committee had 1 formal meeting with the majority of participants on a conference call. Others were done via email and adjustments and corrections were made as suggestions were proposed and analyzed. With the exception of Hawley, Committee Chair, all others are currently Division Governors who worked with their Area Governors to ensure the final proposal was agreed to by all parties and the personal experiences each had throughout the year was considered in order to make next year even better. The proposed 2015-2016 Alignment is as follows 7 Divisions 7 Division Governors (A through G) 31 Areas (4 and 5 Areas per Division) 31 Area Governors District Alignment Requirements Districts must review and amend, if necessary, their alignment of the clubs, areas, and divisions once each year. The alignment is subject to the approval of the district council at its annual business meeting in April/May. Changes cannot be made after the approval by the council, so it’s important to ensure that the alignment is correct and will be effective throughout the year. Timelines and Expectations It will be important for the district leadership team to define expectations and the challenge of the alignment committee to ensure their efforts are appropriately executed. District leaders should take necessary time to discuss strategy with the committee. Here’s a proposed schedule for your district’s use: • December: Form an Alignment Committee. Orient the committee and ensure that they have the background, resources and information necessary to prepare an effective alignment • January-February: The committee does its work. They should contact clubs and area and division governors for input, especially where changes are being considered. • February/March: Working with the district leaders, the committee prepares the alignment proposal and provides it to the district executive committee for review and change, if necessary. If questions arise during the process, feel free to contact District Services at WHQ. The district needs to send out appropriate notice to clubs. • April/May: Final alignment is approved by the district council. • June/July: Report alignment to WHQ and provide clubs, areas and divisions with the final alignment. ! ! ! ! ! Important Considerations Align newly-chartered clubs to the area that makes geographic sense and will maximize service to the club. Beware of aligning a club based on who helped charter it or who the sponsors and mentors are. Establish alignment based on providing the best service to the club and not on recognition in the distinguished programs. Advanced clubs or other clubs that have members sharing a special interest cannot be segregated into separate areas or divisions and should be integrated with other clubs in the district. Clubs that charter after the alignment is approved by the district council and prior to June 30 as well as after July 1 must be placed into existing areas. Remember, once the district council approves the alignment no changes can be made, so it is important that the committee put together a strong alignment plan. Things to Consider While Aligning: • • • • • • • • • • Remain within TI policy Each division must have a minimum of 3 areas Each area must have a minimum of 4 clubs and no more than 6 clubs Geographic aspects Plan for possible growth and possible loss Discuss potential changes with current district leaders and area and division governors Strategically align the clubs within areas and divisions with focus on the benefits for all Communicate the alignment with clubs, areas and divisions. Once the alignment has been approved by the district council, there can be no changes made, so make sure the alignment is correct. Provide the information to WHQ as soon as possible but no later than July 15. Please note: Alignments that do not meet TI policy requirements cannot be accepted. The alignment committee will need to ensure that the alignment is within TI policy prior to bringing it forward to vote and submission to WHQ. Clubs that have not yet chartered cannot count in total number of clubs per area. Special thanks to District 53’s previous alignment committee, district and club leaders for their input! ! ! ! ! ! Nominations Committee Report District 53 Toastmasters 2015-2016 April 6, 2015 NOMINATIONS REPORT Submitted by: Val Albert, DTM, PID Committee Chair Attn: Bette McIntire, DTM, District 53 Governor: The following candidates have been interviewed and approved for nomination and election to the following offices for 2015-2016 (*In Alphabetical Order by Division) District 53 Director………………………............... Sharon Mercado Program Quality Director……………………..........Richard Frantz, Jr Club Growth Director …............................………..Tom Lore Division A Director..................………………………Sugan Kumar Division B Director...................……………………...Crystal Storo Division C Director...................……………………...Scott Davis Division D Director....................……………………..Rich Derksen Division E Director…...............................................Beth Anne Langdon Division F Director......................……………………Wanda Siemiatkoski Division G Director..................………………………Dianne Johanson Submitted April 7, 2015: Val Albert- Committee Chair Frank Kane Donna Sobel Joe Zafian Division A Area A11 4507 Henry Hudson Club Montgomery, NY 17 S 9542 Catskill Toastmasters Club Monticello, NY 11 W 790849 The Bureaucrats Toastmasters Club Poughkeepsie, NY 30 3392702 Vassar Rotaract Toastmasters Poughkeepsie, NY 13 S W Area A12 2623 Kingston-Rhinebeck Toastmasters Club Kingston, NY 22 S 4396 5614 DCRCOC Toastmasters Arlington Rotary Toast Club Poughkeepsie, NY Poughkeepsie, NY 17 14 S M 9107 Marist Toastmasters Club Poughkeepsie, NY 13 M/W Area A13 315 IBM Poughkeepsie Toastmasters Poughkeepsie, NY 21 S 4839 9977 Putnam Speaks Club IBM East Fishkill Speakers Club Carmel, NY Hopewell Junction, NY 16 14 S W 1436813 Southern Duchess Toastmasters Wappingers Falls, NY 19 S Area A14 599 7386 West-Conn Toastmasters Club BI Toastmasters Danbury, CT Ridgefield, CT 23 34 S S 9685 Wooster Heights Toastmasters Club Danbury, CT 23 M 875053 1422030 Cartus Magnus Club Praxair Toastmasters Danbury, CT Danbury, CT 35 12 S W Division B Area B21 1701 Barnum Square Club Bethel, CT 21 S 3401 Emerging Speech Masters Advanced TM Club Ridgefield, CT 8 1330928 Vodaphone. Sandy Hook, CT 22 M 1849658 2504728 Ridgefield Toastmasters Bethel Toastmasters Ridgefield, CT Bethel, CT 10 22 M S W Area B22 1628 Brass City Toastmasters Waterbury, CT 16 S 7723 8762 Chamber Toastmasters Club Cheshire Club Waterbury, CT Cheshire, CT 18 14 S M 8270 Torrington Club Torrington, CT 19 S Area B23 3523 West Hartford Toastmasters Club West Hartford, CT 27 S 8443 898774 Farmington Club SBD Power Speakers Farmington, CT New Britain, CT 10 13 W W United Technologies Farmington, CT Area B24 3176 5520 Energy Club Cedar Hill Toastmasters Club Berlin, CT Newington, CT 20 10 M M 48340 Middlesex County Toastmasters Middleton, CT 13 M 3003765 3161 3M Innovators Eagle Club Meriden, CT Wallingford, CT 11 25 W S Division C Area C31 1344654 High Ridge Toasters Stamford, CT 13 W 1372822 3030851 Greenwich Toastmasters XL Stamford Toastmasters Greenwich, CT Stamford, CT 23 9 S W 1033217 Deloitte Wilton Toastmasters Stamford, CT 11 W 865 Greater Stamford Toastmasters Stamford, CT 36 S Area C32 1065 842294 Park City Toastmasters of Greater Bpt. SkyTawkers Stratford, CT Stratford, CT 30 9 S W 988118 Greater Bridgeport Toastmasters Bridgeport, CT 16 M UL Speaks Orange, CT 22 03692921 M Area C33 2785 Norwalk Toastmasters Club Norwalk, CT 19 S 861300 GEC Norwalk Toastmasters Norwalk, CT 8 W 99371 3422580 Toast RX FactSet Toastmasters Norwalk Norwalk, CT Norwalk, CT 18 22 S M 1361833 Gartner Stamford Toastmasters Stamford, CT 61 S Monroe-Trumbull Club Toastmasters at the Towers Club Monroe, CT Shelton, CT 12 15 M M 1409411 Prudential Annuities Shelton, CT 22 S 3173599 Hubbell Shelton Toastmasters Shelton, CT 22 M Area C34 606146 608696 Division D Area D41 764 Nutmeg Club Woodbridge, CT 15 S 820 3940 Yale Toastmasters Club Valley-Shore Club New Haven, CT Madison, CT 47 19 S S 5436 Greater New Haven Toastmasters New Haven, CT 21 S Area D42 4430 Pfizer Pfearless Toastmasters Club Groton, CT 22 S 4474 7135 Pflying Toasters Toastmasters Club Thames River Club Groton, CT New London, CT 46 34 S S 03756118 Mystic Aquarium Mystic, CT 24 S S Possible advanced club Area D43 3007 Colonel Ledyard Toastmasters Ledyard, CT 15 8145 Millstone Club-potentially new?? Waterford, CT 0 2157010 No SUBstitute Toastmasters New London, CT 18 S 3608578 Lowesquacious 1421 Toastmasters Plainfield, CT 15 M 9213 Niantic Toastmasters Club Niantic, CT 16 M Area D44 1484 Nathan Hale Club Manchester, CT 22 S 6976 Airline Trail Club Colchester, CT 15 S 4425 5908 Vernon Club Cromwell Community Toastmasters Vernon, CT Cromwell, CT 12 22 M/W S Norwich new club? Division E Area E51 6601 Talcott View Club Simsbury, CT 12 S 7139 8225 Bloomfield Club Central CT Advanced Club Bloomfield, CT mobile 10 16 W M 9617 CIGNA Lunchtime Club Bloomfield, CT 11 W 3093314 Talcott Toastmaster of Chubb Weatogue, CT 20 M Area E52 1389 4745 UnitedHealth Group Club Windsor Club Hartford, CT Windsor, CT 22 13 S M 6613 One State Street Toastmasters Hartford, CT 18 S 6662 Toast of the Town Windsor, CT 10 W Area E53 919 Greater Hartford Club Hartford, CT 11 M 2908 Stag Toastmasters Club Hartford, CT 24 S 3610 8330 Aetna Speaks Up! Capitol Avenue State Employees Club Hartford, CT Hartford, CT 20 8 S W Aetna Noontime Area E54 2532 Travelers Noontime Toastmasters Hartford, CT 37 S 949212 1539132 Prudent Speakers Lincoln-Hartford Hartford, CT Hartford, CT 31 15 S M 3257621 XL Hartford Toastmasters Hartford, CT 17 M Area E55 931 1301 Charter Oak Toastmasters Club Golden Eagles Club Glastonbury, CT East Hartford, CT 17 12 M M 6090 BAC Talkers East Hartford, CT 21 S 9085 Screaming Eagles Club East Hartford, CT 17 S Division F Area F61 5340 Speakeasy Toastmasters Club Hadley, MA 35 S 1029995 2344723 PROSPEAKERS Mohawk Trail Toastmasters Springfield, MA Shelburne Falls, MA 13 9 W M 03977588 ISO New England Holyoke, MA 18 M Area F62 426 MassMutual Speakers Club Springfield, MA 21 M 5716 Springfield, MA 12 Springfield, MA 14 M M 634603 Mass Mutual Club Toastmasters of Downtown Springfield, MA Babson Tower Masters Club Springfield, MA 7 W 3663653 Baystate Medical Center Springfield, MA 13 M East Longmeadow, MA Enfield, CT 9 17 W 14 6081 Western New England Area F63 3902 5177 Pioneer Valley Club Blue Chip Toasters Club 1347492 Speech Weavers Enfield, CT 403938 IToast Agawam, MA M Area F64 8045 Talk It Up Toastmasters Windsor, CT 17 651271 @Lifespeed Toastmasters Windsor, CT 17 1171775 3037 Windsor Speaks Prop Speakers Windsor, CT Windsor Locks, CT 14 8 Area F65 3853 Last Word Club Pittsfield, MA 20 S 8792 Southern Berkshire Toastmasters Great Barrington, MA 25 S 1435289 Taconic Toastmasters Hudson, NY 13 W Division G Area G71 542 Bethlehem Club Delmar, NY 29 S 6518 1363516 Capital Toastmasters Club Toastmasters UAlbany Albany, NY Albany, NY 21 22 S M 1931 Mohawk Toastmasters Club Schenectady, NY 13 M 1360121 Capital Advanced Toastmasters Clifton Park Speakers Toastmasters Club Latham, NY 17 Clifton Park, NY 21 M M 7877 Area G72 3528 3863 CHA Toastmasters (CHAT) Club Patroon Toastmasters Club Albany, NY Loudonville, NY 22 24 M S 6560 Lunchtime Club Albany, NY 26 M 1891146 6111 Speak Easy Stratton VA Toastmasters Albany, NY Albany, NY 20 10 S M Troy, NY 23 S Area G73 1138 Uncle Sam Toastmasters 8332 ToasTRS Club Albany, NY 20 M 764383 899819 NYISO Club Capital View Toastmasters Rensselaer, NY East Greenbush, NY 35 13 S M Area G74 6295 North Country Club Glens Falls, NY 10 W 7379 9988 Thorobred Club Washington County Club Saratoga Springs, NY Hudson Falls, NY 13 9 W W 9748 Saratoga Turf Talkers Saratoga Springs, NY 18 S 2907619 2379 Global Toasters Adirondack Club Malta, NY Ballston Spa, NY 33 10 M W Area G75 450804 1331435 The Breakfast Club KAPL Toastmasters Club Schenectady,NY Schenectady, NY 27 M S 877627 GE Schenectady Speakers Club Schenectady, NY 19 S 1854826 942287 Electric Toasters GE Niskayuna Toastmasters Club Schenectady, NY Niskayuna, NY 18 18 M M Fighting Board-ums (NYS Workman's Comp) Schenectady, NY Legend:' Green%indicates%potential%new%club% Red%indicates%risk%of%closing% club membership numbers are as of February 8, 2015 % 7RDVWPDVWHUV)'LVWULFW)-.)) 6SULQJ)345-)&RQIHUHQFH) ) 6DWXUGD\;)0D\)=;)345-)DW)WKH)) 7KH)'HVPRQG)+RWHO)A)&RQIHUHQFH)&HQWHU) BB4)$OEDQ\)6KDNHU)5RDG)$OEDQ\;)1HZ)<RUN)53355)) ) ' +,*+/,*+76')25'635,1*'-./0'&21)(5(1&(' 7KH'(GXFDWLRQ'VHVVLRQ'KDYH'EHHQ'FKRVHQ@' 3OHDVH'YLVLW'WKH''LVWULFW'ZHEESDJH'IRU'DOO'WKH'GHWDLOV' ! 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