Warming Up For Retro August 7 and 8
Warming Up For Retro August 7 and 8
May 2010 www.RoscoeVillage.org Warming Up For Retro August 7 and 8 Spring Welcoming Reception May 17th Have you moved into Roscoe Village in the last 12 months? All new neighbors are invited to a complementary reception hosted by RVN at Johns Place, at 2132 West Roscoe, on Monday, May 17th from 6:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Summer is just around the corner and that means Retro on Roscoe is coming! This year, the citys ultimate neighborhood festival will be in full swing from noon to 10 p.m. on August 7 and 8. The festival will be held on Roscoe Street from Damen to Oakley. Please save the dates and plan to volunteer for this annual fundraising event. To run successfully, Retro needs 400+ volunteers. Funds raised from Retro on Roscoe allow RVN to support our local schools (see Page 2 for the latest on school support news), sponsor popular events like Spring Brunch, the Garden Walk, Community Garage Sale, Halloween Parade, Winterfest, Welcoming Receptions and more. Its easy and fun to volunteer. Watch for volunteer information on the RVN website at www.roscoevillage.org and sign up for a 2-hour block or more. Its easy and lots of fun. Enjoy drinks, delicious hors doeuvres and mingle with other new neighbors, members of the RVN Welcoming Committee and our friends at Johns Place. Guests will receive a Welcome Kit/Gift Bag brimming with information about RVN, local schools and businesses plus coupons and goodies from local merchants. A raffle will feature prizes from local businesses, too. RSVP by clicking on the EVENTS tab at www.roscoevillage.org. We look forward to meeting you at Johns Place. What’s News ... in the Community 2010 Street Sweeping Schedule Announced Streets and Sanitation have announced the 2010 street sweeping schedule. The schedule for Roscoe Village is as follows: l West of DamenMay 19 & 20, July 12 & 13, August 31 & September 1, October 22 & 25. l East of DamenMay 17 & 18, July 8 & 9, August 27 & 30, October 20 & 21. A complete City Schedule and Area Street Cleaning Map can be downloaded from Alderman Scott Waguespacks website at www.ward32.org or at Alderman Eugene Schulters website at www.ward47.org. Please be aware of the street cleaning dates in your area and make every effort to move vehicles so that the street may be cleaned of leaves and debris. RVN encourages all Roscoe Village residents to be vigilant about storm drains on our streets and at street corners. During spring and summer storms, debris moves toward the drains and can clog them. Please use a rake or shovel to clear your storm drains of debris so that streets do not become flooded. RVN Donates $40,000 to Audubon School At the April 14 Roscoe Village Board meeting, Board members voted to donate $40,000 to support Audubons Reading Support Program. The Reading Support Program (ARS) was started in the 2009/10 school year to increase student achievement in reading. Audubon School Principal John Price presented the request to the Board, citing assessments that show positive ARS results school-wide. Of the 90 autonomous schools in the Chicago Public School system, Audubon ranks #5 in fastest improving schools. The goal is to discontinue the program as students graduate from it. The funding cost breakdown for ARS is $5000 per grade. After discussions, the Board voted to fund the program at the full $40,000, with the caveat that any additional funds that Audubon receives for ARS be used for the reading program and the remainder of RVNs donation be diverted to funding the continuing Redmoon Theater Program. RVN has supported Audubons Redmoon program for several years. Roscoe Village Kiosks Get a Facelift You may have noticed the freshly repaired and painted kiosks along Roscoe Street. The RVN Board unanimously approved hiring a professional painter to do the work, which was completed around April 23. Whats News in Roscoe Village is published by Roscoe Village Neighbors, a 501(c)(3) non-profit community organization, as a service to our members. It contains information, news, and other items of general interest to those who live and work in Roscoe Village. Please direct submissions and comments to Editor, Whats News, at the address below. ROSCOE VILLAGE NEIGHBORS BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2009-2010 OFFICERS Don Tomei ................................ President Lisa Wilkins ...................... Vice President Amy Antoniolli ........................ Secretary Steve Miller ............................... Treasurer AT-LARGE DIRECTORS Colleen Flood Andrea Helms Jonathan Perman Sarah Warren Nancy Fullerton Brian OConnell Matthew Ruder Chris Woods ROSCOE VILLAGE NEIGHBORS 2248 WEST BELMONT, SUITE 117 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60618 (773) 329-5036 [email protected] WWW.ROSCOEVILLAGE.ORG Since 1977. Celebrating 30 years of representing Roscoe Village: Addison to Belmont Ravenswood to the Chicago River. 2 RVN Board Elections in June One of the most important elements in the success and popularity of Roscoe Village is the involvement and contribution of its residents. Many people have had a part in making this community one of the best in the City of Chicago. From the Welcoming committee that makes new residents feel comfortable in their new community, to Retro on Roscoe, the festival that enables RVN to support all the wonderful activities year round, to the various charity pub crawls to benefit our neighbors in need, one thing is needed above all, people. The volunteers that make up the Board of directors and committees are the ones that help make Roscoe Village a great place to live. Roscoe Village Neighbors is looking for enthusiastic people to join the RVN board of Directors as an At-large Director. Every year, 4 of the boards 12 positions are up for re-election, This year, we are looking for people who have a commitment to this community, schools, and have a desire to help continue to make Roscoe Village the best neighborhood in the City of Chicago. Download the RVN Candidate Questionnaire and return by May 4th. New RVN Director-At-Large Appointed The RVN Board appointed Nancy Fullerton to complete the term of Director-At-Large Sara Fisher, who stepped down recently. Congratulations and welcome aboard, Nancy! RVN Budgets $1400 for Roscoe Street Garbage Pickup At the April 14 membership meeting, the RVN Board voted to hire someone at $50 per week to pick up garbage along Roscoe Street. As you know, the Streets Parks and Environment Committee of RVN has been working with the City for years to try and get Continued on page 6 What’s News ... in Member Programs Charity Pub Crawl Yields Donations and Fun The April 17th Pub Crawl was another success. The weather was beautiful and 66 people enjoyed the crawl. Following a delicious lunch at Black Rock, crawlers enjoyed special drinks at each pub. Crawlers donated four large boxes of canned goods and over $1000 to the Common Pantry. Thanks to Black Rock Tavern, Mulligans Public House, Village Tap, Riverview Tavern, Four Moons Tavern and Four Treys for hosting. Thanks to volunteers Ryan Van Voohis, Mike Headd, Chris Woods and Brian OConnell for their hard work. And a special thanks to RVN Board members Colleen Flood and Chris Woods for their continuing leadership in planning and organizing these bi-annual crawls. Community-wide Garage Sale May 15 RVNs 6th Annual Community-wide Garage Sale will take place on Saturday, May 15, from 9:00 a.m.3:00 p.m. On this date, dozens of RVN households will host garage sales at their own homes on the same date making it possible for bargain hunters to make one trip to Roscoe Village and visit many sales within walking distance of each other. In order to participate, members are asked to mail a check for $25 payable to Roscoe Village Neighbors to 2248 W. Belmont Street, Suite 117, Chicago, IL 60618. In exchange for the $25 fee, RVN will post signs, place advertisements in the Tribune and Reader and print maps showing the locations of the participating households. The maps will be distributed to paying members in advance of the sale. Any fees collected in excess of the expenses incurred will be donated to the Roscoe Village Education Coalition. In order to make sure all locations are included on the map, we are setting a registration deadline of Saturday, May 7. For more information, email [email protected] or call (773) 329-5036. You can also register and pay online at our Garage Sale page. Important reminder: Since those hosting the sales will be collecting their own proceeds from the sales, all participating households are required to secure their own permits from their Aldermans office. The permits are free of charge, but the fine should you host a sale without one is $100! Roscoe Village Burger Fest Save the date: July 10 and 11th 12noon10 p.m. Belmont between Damen and Leavitt Pub Crawl volunteers Ryan Van Voorhis, Mike Headd, Colleen Flood and Chris Woods enjoy the fun. Belmont Avenue is guaranteed to be rockin' July 10th and July 11th as Roscoe Village hosts the first Chicago food and music festival that celebrates the burger! Join us as we present the Roscoe Village Burger Fest (formally BAM, Belmont Arts and Music fest) in our very own hip neighborhood of Roscoe Village. In addition to live music on two stages, kids area, a NEW element in 2010 will be a focus on the regions best burger establishments in Chicago. Hope you can join us. 3 High fivin with the Bunny I got an egg! SCAMPINI PHOTO COURTESY OF REBECCA SCAMPINI Villagers Pitch in for Clean and Green Members of the RVN Board, Audubon families, staffers from Representative Fritcheys office and others turned out on April 17 at Felger Park for neighborhood clean and green efforts. Though small in size, the group was able to accomplish greening efforts at the park. All members of the community are urged to set aside time to participate in next years Clean and Green Day. Our neighborhood is only as beautiful as we make it! PHOTO COURTESY OF REBECCA Spring Brunch Another Sold Out Success The Annual Spring Brunch was held on March 27 at Riverview Tavern. As always, both seatings sold out completely. Families enjoyed a fantastic brunch and the annual visit of the Easter Bunny to Roscoe Village. Becca Scampini of Rebecca Scampini Photography generously donated her time and talent and took many festive (and heartwarming) photos at the event. To view or purchase photos, please visit the RVN website, Spring Brunch page to find the link. The Easter Bunny makes her rounds PHOTO COURTESY OF REBECCA SCAMPINI 4 What’s News ... in Education RVN Donates $40,000 to Audubon School At the April meeting of the Roscoe Village Neighbors Board, RVN board members agreed to donate $40,000 to Audubon to support our successful after school reading program. RVNs extraordinarily generous gift to the children at Audubon fills a huge budget gap for next school year. The $40,000 grant will completely fund the after school reading program for the entire 20102011 school year. The Audubon Reading Support program, or ARS, provides extra instructional time to support students who have not yet achieved grade level standards. For one hour after school, four days a week, students in grades K8 stay with their classroom teachers to receive focused reading instruction. The ARS program has shown tremendous success this year. Students participating in the program are catching up to grade level standards. This rapid progress increases student confidence and student motivation. Furthermore, decreasing the range of reading levels in the classroom assists teachers in meeting the needs of all students during the school day. Audubon School and RVN have a long-standing partnership serving the Roscoe Village Community. RVNs commitment to our school is obvious with this gift. We are extremely lucky to have such generous support from our community. On behalf of Audubons students, parents, and teacher, I would like to publicly thank RVN for their support of student learning at Audubon School. John P. Price Principal, Audubon School A Commitment to Learning Audubon Spring Gala Saturday April 24th was the 4th annual Audubon School Spring Gala, FEATHERS and FEDORAS. The event was held in downtown Chicago at the beautiful Pazzos Restaurant on South Wacker Drive and was the largest fundraiser to date in the history of the school with more than 220 attendees! Parents, teachers and staff, friends, family, neighbors and associates of the school gathered together in celebration to support the wonderfully unique neighborhood school that is Audubon. Kathy Argentar, President, Friends of Audubon and 2010 Volunteer of the Year award recipient, Sarah Levens, FEATHERS and FEDORAS Event Chair, and Susan Gust, Gala Committee member. As a Gala event, FEATHERS and FEDORAS was a resounding success! Attendees gathered for a fun 1920s themed party featuring era inspired cocktails, buffet style dinner, amusements, a surprise performance element entitled Audubon Momentary Opera performed by middle school students directed by Redmoon Theatre. Two of many highlights of the evening were the exciting Live Audubon Giving Tree and Live Auction led by Ms. Roseanne Tellez of CBS midday news. Guests enjoyed a festive evening and fully participated in raising funds that are critical for the school. Ms. Kathy Argentar, President of Friends of Audubon was recognized for her service to the school and named 2010 Volunteer of the Year by Mr. John Price, Principal. For more information about Audubon School, Friends of Audubon, the Audubon Giving Tree or ways you can be involved go to our website! www.friendsofaudubonschool.org Audubon parent Sherri Tonozzi and Audubon parent and Chicago fire fighter, Meg Ahlheim with her fellow fire fighters stopping by to say hello at the Gala! 5 What’s News ... in Zoning SD-10 Special District Overlay Zoning on Roscoe Street Alderman Waguespack, at RVN urging, was successful in amending the City of Chicago Zoning Ordinance to clarify the current boundaries of the SD-10 Special District Overlay Zoning on Roscoe Street between Damen and Western. One key provision of the overlay zoning limits building heights on Roscoe Street to 36' and another requires primary entrances to orient to Roscoe Street to help protect the existing scale and character of the pedestrian friendly street. Without the overlay zoning, many of the older vintage buildings on Roscoe Street could be at greater risk for tear down and redevelopment with taller buildings. The clarification will greatly eliminate any confusion by property owners and developers about the current extent of the overlay boundaries. In the past, confusion over the language of the ordinance led to unnecessary disputes. Alderman Waguespack has also taken the opportunity to work with individual property owners along the Ravenswood rail lines to revise the zoning from an odd assortment of manufacturing and higher density residential to RS3 single family residential. Most of the former manufacturing buildings being rezoned are already residential use and the changes will bring the area into further compliance with the long-term master plan goals of Roscoe Village Neighbors for single family residential on the side streets. We applaud the success of Alderman Waguespack and the work of his staff. Lathrop Homes Redevelopment Plans are underway for the redevelopment of the Lathrop Homes parcel at Diversey and Roscoe Village Social ClubFor Neighbors Over 40: Upcoming Events The Roscoe Village Social Club has two fun events scheduled for June. They are: l Odyssey Brunch Cruise on Sunday, June 6 l Outdoor BBQ at the home of Nancy Babiarz on Saturday, June 26 To join the group and receive event info, please contact co-chairs: Patty Jones, [email protected] or 773-687-9921 or Joyce Schaumann, [email protected] or 773/348-6221 4th Annual Summer Sidewalk Sale Saturday, July 10 and Sunday, July 11 12 Noon6pm Roscoe Village (Damen and Roscoe) Shop local and support your favorite Roscoe Village Retailers Fabulous summer sales and promotions Savor the great food and drinks at neighborhood bars, coffee shops and restaurants. Roscoe Village: a perfect neighborhood for the summer! 6 Damen. Although not within the boundaries of Roscoe Village, the area significantly affects our community. A development team will be selected under the supervision of the Chicago Housing Authority and Habitat. Qualification Proposals were submitted to the CHA/Habitat working group on March 8th by approximately 6 development teams. CHA/Habitat representatives attended the March RVN Board meeting and presented an overview of the selection process and development parameters. RVN will participate along with Logan Square Neighbors and others in the development review meetings with the development team selected by CHA/Habitat. At this time, we have not been notified of the selection of the winning team. Community Continued from page 2 permanent garbage cans installed on Roscoe Street. RVN hopes that hiring private garbage pickup will help keep Roscoe Village clean. Cubs Night Game Parking Ban in Effect on 1800 Block of Eddy For the second year, an LV-2 Cubs night game parking restriction continues on the 1800 block of Eddy Street. So please be aware that you may not park without a permit on the 1800 block of Eddy during Cubs night games for this baseball season. To obtain a permit, for more information or to express any concerns, please contact Alderman Schulters office at 773-348-8400. RVN has expressed its opposition to this parking restriction and to any other permit parking in Roscoe Village. We will keep you informed of further developments on this issue, and encourage you to email RVN at [email protected] or call us (773) 329-5036 to share your opinion on this important issue. What’s News ... at the Lincoln-Belmont Library Here are some of the Summer Programming Highlights at the Lincoln Belmont Branch Library (check the website for dates and times). We will see you all at the library this summer! l Summer Reading Program/SRP: Artrageous! June 14August 7: For children ages 314. FREE TShirt for completing Book Reports! Our community partner this year is the Art Institute of Chicago. Special programs: Saturday, June 12: Sat-Art-Day SRP Kick-Off Program, with special guest Steve Musgrave. l More childrens programming this Summer: childrens story times, book discussion groups for boys and for girls, arts n crafts, musicians, artists, authors, special guests, and more! l Summer Reads for Adults/SRFA June 1August 31: For adults ages 14 and up. FREE PRIZE for completing book reports! Special programs: Tuesday, July 20: The Potential of Froebels Giftsa 90-minute workshop that includes a discussion of the history and importance of the Froebel Gifts and a hands-on workshop using the geometric blocks. l More adult programming this Summer: adult book discussion groups, CyberNavigator Services (computer workshops and oneon-ones), Master Gardener Classes, Money Smart, Armchair Chair Travel Lecture Series, CAPs Meetings, bicycle safety, and more! 7 Please come on in, or check us out online, to visit and browse our collections, services and our programs. For more detailed and updated information on whats happening at the Lincoln Belmont Branch Library this Summer, please view the Lincoln Belmont Branch Event Calendar, on our Chicago Public Library website: chicagopubliclibrary.org by searching for: Lincoln Belmont under Library Locator and then once on the branch library site click: View This Librarys Events or just go directly to our branch library Event Calendar site: www.chipublib.org/branch/details/ library/lincoln-belmont. Upcoming Events May 12 May 15 May 17 June 6 June 9 June 16 July 11 July 14 August 7/8 Membership Meeting Community-wide Garage Sale Spring Welcoming Reception Social Club Odyssey Brunch Annual Membership Meeting with Board Elections Social Club BBQ Annual Garden Walk Membership Meeting Retro on Roscoe Roscoe Village Annual Garden Walk Sunday July 11th Join us for our 10th annual Garden Walk on Sunday, July 12, from noon until 6 p.m. This self-guided walk is sponsored by Roscoe Village Neighbors and is free! The walk is a friendly opportunity to meet neighbors and fellow gardening enthusiasts and obtain ideas and inspiration from one another. You wont find all perfect gardens, but many works in progress, as exhibitors adapt to the often fortuitous, if sometimes challenging, constraints of gardening in our urban environment. More broadly, we hope the Garden Walk, by example, highlights how vital it is to maintain green space in our Village Within the City. Pick up guides to participating gardens in front of Victorys Banner restaurant at 2100 W. Roscoe (at Hoyne), at participating gardens or online at the RVN website. The map on the back of this guide offers a suggested route. Along the streets of Roscoe Village, the entrance to each garden is indicated with a numbered sign and balloons. Plans for the Garden Walk this year include a possible Green Center for distribution of rain barrels, gardening demonstrations and more. Watch for information on the RVN website. 8
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retro on roscoe august 2 and 3
· Amy Antoniolli, Secretary
What’s News in Roscoe Village is published
by Roscoe Village Neighbors, a 501(c)(3)
non-profit community organization, as
a service to our members. It contains