Hot Mix Asphalt Plants p Past, Present, and Future


Hot Mix Asphalt Plants p Past, Present, and Future
Hot Mix Asphalt
Past, Present, and Future
Presentation Committee
Bill Garrett – Meeker Equipment
Dennis Hunt – Gencor Industries
Joe Musil – TEREX
Roger Sandberg – MAXAM Equipment
Malcolm Swanson – ASTEC, Inc.
Current HMA Plants
The Future of HMA Plants
What will the HMA Plant of the Future be like?
The plant
l t will
ill b
be a well-planned
ll l
d and
d llandscaped
industrial type facility.
It will be barely audible, if at all, to neighbors.
It will have stack emissions lower than California levels
of today.
The plant
l t will
ill b
be much
h more ffuell efficient
ffi i t and
d produce
much less greenhouse gas emissions than current
With respect to energy, it will no longer be just a user
but will also be an energy producer
Many plants will be completely enclosed in clean
ti b
i park-like
k lik settings.
Others may have enclose components or groups of components
associated by function and proximity.
Completely enclosed plants will be of very compact design
with all space efficiently utilized
Indoor storage will minimize aggregate and recycle moisture content to
save fuel and enhance productivity
Water will be drained from the materials
away from reclaimers that drag the driest
materials into the feeder bins..
The plant’s installed material storage and
handling facilities will eliminate the need
for on-site loaders.
Loaders may also be eliminated by storing virgin and recycled
materials in silos.
The total replacement of hot mix by warm
mix or other alternatives will contribute to
reduced fuel usage.
Primarily renewable fuels, such as
biomass, will be used as dryer fuel.
Insulation will cover all hot equipment
and building surfaces.
Low quality heat in stack gases will be
recovered and the resulting condensed
water will be purified and used on and off
site for dust suppression fog and other
Low quality heat in stack gases will be
recovered and the resulting condensed
water will be purified and used on and off
site for dust suppression fog and other
The plant of the future will emit no odors or visible vapors or dust.
Warm mix asphalt and alternate materials will eliminate fugitive
hydrocarbon emissions.
Truck emissions will be contained in a load out tunnel and disposed.
Plants will be capable of producing mixes of up to 100% recycled materials.
Because of increase use in recycled materials and renewables, consumption of
resources will be greatly reduced.
Renewable and recycled binders will replace most virgin
liquid asphalt.
Plants will be able to produce all mixes without baghouse
contamination or loss of efficiency
Renewable energy sources such as WIND
will provide heat and electricity to the plant
Electricity producing solar photovoltaic panels will be roof mounted.
The plant of the future will be part of the distributed
energy source concept in that it will generate more
heat and electricityy from renewable sources than it
will use.
Excess heat will be sold
to neighboring
Excess electricity
Will be sold into
The grid.
Development and refinement of plant technology to
take full advantage of warm mix, recycled and
renewable materials will result in better quality
paving materials.
Are you ready for this?
All of the Technology
You Have Just Seen
Exists Now.