Kumbi Saleh [capital] ruled by a king controlled the gold


Kumbi Saleh [capital] ruled by a king controlled the gold
Kumbi Saleh [capital]
ruled by a king
controlled the gold-salt trade
Timbuktu (center of trade and learning)
Sundiata (founder), Mansa Musa (made
famous pilgrimage to Mecca)
wealth based on gold trade
Gao (capital), Timbuktu
Sunni Ali, Askia Muhammad
spread of Islam
King Ezana
trading center, Christianity, stone pillars
Kilwa, Mombasa
blending of Bantu and Arab cultures (Swahili)
traded goods from Asia and Middle East
Great Zimbabwe
trade-based empire
stone buildings
trade in gold and ivory
The trans-Sahara Gold-Salt trade- the kings
taxed all goods passing through kingdom
A famous king of Mali who took a pilgrimage
to Mecca
It was a center of Islamic learning and trade
In the 1500s
Slaves were taken by strong African tribes
and brought to the West African coast. They
were packed onto ships so the Europeans
could make a large profit.
To the Americas
Over 300 years
Population in Africa went down
Villages were destroyed
Loss of culture
Families separated
Tribal warfare
Needed raw materials (natural resources) and
markets to sell goods
Wanted power
Wanted to spread Christianity
Better weapons and technology
Tribal loyalty- many different tribes
Great Britain and France
The political and economic control of one
country or area by another
Spreading Christianity to non-Christians
By the European countries at the Berlin
The Africans were not invited
Type of colonial rule under which the
European nations controlled all levels of
government. [France and Belgium]
Type of colonial rule under which European
nations allowed Africans some control over
local affairs. [Great Britain]
Crops grown to be sold
Improved health care
Improved transportation and communication
Education for some
Loss of cultural traditions
Exploitation of workers
Tribal warfare