AIR Summer 2016 Press
AIR Summer 2016 Press
AIR Programs Summer Project 2016 Theme: Preserving our Environment and World Exploring our regions’ native natural resources Starting June 29th through July 27th San Diego State University Ethnobotany is the study of how people of a particular culture and region make use of indigenous (native) plants. Since their earliest origins, humans have depended on plants for their primary needs and existence. Plants provide food, medicine, shelter, soaps and more. Native people have held that our regional indigenous plants had such impact on our lives that ceremonies, calendars, and more were based upon plant life cycles. Our program will be dedicated in the exploration of plant life from the ocean to the desert. All Meetings with be held on Mon. (10-1:30 pm) and Weds. (10-3pm approx) Mondays will be held at SDSU and Weds. to be held at various field sites Dates: June 27 and 29 - July 6/11/13/18/20/25/27 This summer our cultural topic with be the study of Ethnobotany within the Southern California region. We will strive to understand the connections between culture and our environment and how our Tribal ancestors navigated throughout the region with great environmental understanding. Students will understand how Tribal Governance will play a great role in protecting our Native Lands. Students will have the opportunity to learn about cultural understanding of land preservation and why this environmental stewardship is important. They will also learn about laws protecting our tribal lands and how Tribal governance plays a key role in protecting our Native lands. For Additional Information email our staff at: Cass Payne: [email protected] Kristie Orosco at: [email protected] AIR Summer Applications can be found at our website as well as additional information, please visit our website: