rochester - The Greater Rochester Track Club
rochester - The Greater Rochester Track Club
rochester ~~~~ track club -.:§ ---NEWSLETTER_ October, 1992 Rochester, New York - Photo by Bill Henry COUPLES RUN gets started with women running first. Wendy Bensley (second from left in front row) finished first in this section. Full results inside. Running shoes Biomechanicai view How to survive RATS news section The Marathon Time to tune training Board of Directors Lisa Bower Wait Check Ed Claos Mimi Decker Bob DiGiacco Bob Dyjak Rick Guido Mark Harrison Jane Iaculli Rick Iovine Juliann Nelson Paul Richards Ross Rider George Tillson Hall of fame Trent Jackson Ed Duncan Dick Ashley Dick Boddie John Coons Len Bagley Gene Osborne Norm Frank Executive Committee President I st Vice President 2nd Vice President Treasurer Secretary Mimi Decker Bob DiGiacco Ross Rider Jane laculli Lisa Bower • Committee Chairpersons Budget Constitution Freezeroo Series Membership Newsletter Road Race Coordinator Summer Meets Timer TAC Numbers 1970 1970 1971 1972 1973 1981 1981 1981 Don McWilliams Pete Todd Don McNelly Paul Gesell Shirley Gesell Elroy Turner Paul Sadler Beryl Skelton 1981 1982 1982 1982 1982 1983 1984 1985 Mimi Decker, Dennis Moriarty Bob DiGiacco (328-5894) Ed Cloos (244-1149) Lisa Bower (872-66 14) Lisa Bower Paul Richards (38 1-7978) lim Skelton (223-4927) Kare Cossaboon-Holm Ioe George Bill Quinlisk Dave Winn Dave Coyne Craig Holm Tim McA vinney Nedra Osborne 1987 1987 1987 1987 1988 1988 1988 1988 Deadline for each month's newsletter is the 15th. Race calendar information must be submitted to the Road Race Coordinator by the 15th of the month to be included in the next month's Newsletter. There is no charge for listing a race in the calendar. Send an entry form including contact person and phone number to GRTC Road Race Coordinator, 1645 Harris Road, Penfield. NY 14526-1815. Late information, changes or updates may be called in to Lisa Bower at 872-6614. To have a race entry form included in the Newsletter, send one copy of the entry form with a check or money order for $50 (no cash, please) to Ihe Road Race Coordinator at the above address by the 15th of the month. Entry forms received without payment will not be included in the Newsletter. The $50 charge does NOT include printing of the inserts. Arrangements may be made 10 have them printed by our printer or they may be printed elsewhere and 1, 100 copies delivered to East Ridge Quick Print, 1258 E. Ridge Road , Irondequoit, by the 21 st of the month. Entries to be inserted must be no larger than 8V2 by 14 and must not be folded. Entries may also be published as a page in the Newsletter. Copy should be 8Y2 by 11 dnd will be reduced to fit our page at no cost. Race entries to be included in the Newsletter must meet GRTC guidelines and be approved by the Road Race Coordinator. There are two main qualifications: 1. Conditions covering awards must be clearly staled (minimum of top 10 percent in each age group is recommended). 2. There must be no reference to a drawing for prizes or other drawing that might conflict with Postal Service regulations. Advertising from commercial sources will be accepted as d service 10 members at the rate of $50 per page; $25 per half-page. Business-card size ads will be accepted at the rate of $10 or $25 for three consecutive insertions. Copy must be camera-ready, but it may be up to 8V2 by 11 original size and will be reduced to fit wilhout charge. Submit to Ed Cloos, 364 Mulberry St.. Rochester NY 14620. Payment must accompany order. Race results , results of out-oi-town events and all editorial material to: Ed or Carol Cloos, 364 Mulberry St., Rochester, NY 14620, 244 -1149. There is no charge for publication of results and they are actively solicited. Contributions of stories, race experiences or simply notes are always welcome, as well as story ideas and volunteer help. President's Column By Mimi Decker Come to the ANNUAL GRTC BANQUET on Saturday, October 17 at 5:00 P~. This is a great opportunity to load up on pasta and talk with your friends about the PR you expect to make the next day at the 1992 illLTON/GRTCMARATHON. Walt Check, the Knights of Columbus and the Hilton boys have done a great job making arrangements for the dinner. Guest speakers will be Norm Frank and Nancy Oshier. Hall of Fame and special recognition awards will be handed out. The price of $6.00 includes all the pasta you can eat, salad and bread. Join us at the Old Church Hall, North Avenue in Hilton. You ' ll have a couple weeks to recover from the marathon before the BRUEGGER'S BAGEL 5K on Sunday, November 1 at 9:00 AM, at the Jewish Community Center. Bob DiGiacco could use some help on that race, so give him a call if you're available - 328-5894. Word on the street, and the track, is that Bob Dyjak's RACE WITH GRACE 10K is one of the better races in the area. Let's all support Bob and take a break from our holiday cooking on Thanksgiving Day, November 26 at 9:00 AM. The Club is looking for volunteers to help out with several key programs including the Winter Youth Track series, and our Freezeroos. Interested? Please give me a call at 461-3122. Orienteering for runners On November 14 the Rochester Orienteering Club will hold an orienteering meet for runners at Durand Eastman Park. Orienteers use a map to navigate as quick! y as possible between flagged checkpoints. The runner's course, designed with newcomers in mind , will feature flags aiong roads and trails. The orienteering won't be too difficult but there ' ll be plenty of running . Anyone who enjoys trail running, crass country or hashi ng - or just Ii kes an occasional run in a park - wil l feel right at home. Have a good fartlek workout in a forest setting and experience a new sport at the same time. GRTe Phone: 271-8733 Registration opens at 12:00 and staggered starts run from i2:30 to 2:00 from the Golf Clubhouse on Kings Highway . The $4 entry fee includes a color map of Durand Eastman Park. Instruction will be available. For information on the meet, or the orienteering club call Rick Worner 1865-21611 or Eric Mayer 15449989) • Race Hotline: 872-6652 GRTC oHers recorded information on times, locations, late changes and anything else you need to know about the weekend's races. Other Hotlines: RATs: 987-7397 Hash House Harriers: 482-6481 Cats A.C.: 272-9100 TAC Hotline: 1-866-3853 1992 Hilton-GRTC Marathon, Marathon Relay and 8 Mile Races By Walt Check Time flies by and another marathon season is upon us. Itls time to start thinking about increasing your weekly mileage in hopes of successfully reaching your goals, whatever they may be. If you're an experienced marathoner or a novice, we hope you consider participating in the Hilton/ GRTC version this year. The race also features a four-person relay and an individual eight-mile run (new this year) . The course if TAC certified and can be used as a qualifier for Boston 1993 (tNY910042AM) • The race committee has been hard at work to improve thi s event and hopefully we will have a marathon everyone can enjoy. Members of the committee are Dave Tresoh lavy, Tom Ganley, Jim Merkel, Paul 'Lombard, Tom Lavery, Mike Mangan, Brian Sears, Bruce Quimby, and Walt Check. The other "KEY PLAYERS" are Steve Fowler, recreation director for the Village of Hilton, and Larry Gursslin, mayor of the village. As in the past, this race has no paid positions ; we are all volunteers and all entry ~ees are used to support the race itself. I hope Ito see many of you at this year's event, as a marathoner, relay runner, a-mile runner or race-day volunteer. IF YOU ARE NOT RUNNING WE WOULD LIKE TO PUT YOU TO WORK!!! EVEN IF YOU'VE NEVER HELPED BEFORE YOU CAN BE TRAINEDlll WE'LL EVEN CONTRIBUTE A LONG SLEEVE SHIRT TO YOUR COLLECTION. FOR INFORMATION ON VOLUNTEERING CONTACT EITHER: PAUL LOMBARD, 2880842, OR TOM LAVERY, 637-2809. PASTA DINNER. GRTC BANQUET The Knights of Columbus will put on a pasta dinner on Saturday Oct. 17, starting at 5 p.m. (see facing page) Advance signup is appreciated, but tickets may also be purchased at packet pickup or at the door. Packet pickup is at Hilton Sporting Goods, Canning Street Mall, from noon to 5 p.m. The dinner will also be the annual GRTC banquet, and awards and elections will take p la ce. Guest speakers are Norm Frank (465 marathons and counting) and Nancy Oshier, one of the top female masters runners in the work. For more information call Walt Check at 865-8723. PACKET PICK -up AT HILTON SPORTING GOODS CANNING STREET MALL, HILTON, NY 10/17 FROM 12:00pm Thru 5:00pm TED CURTIS FIVE MILER AI GIn"., Sepl. 13 "" Over.lI: 1. Paul Dodd 26;37. Age group.: 18-under, To dd Lush 32:52; 19-24, Aaron Thomas 30: 19; 25-29, Dan Rohnke 27:07; 3034, Allen Tan 27:40; 35-39, Daryl Xavier 3 1:14; 40-44, Dale Ladd 29:43; 45-49, David Jones 33:34; SO-59, JIm Poole 31:07; 60-64, Cal Barcomb 34:34; 65-69, George TIllson 41:54. Wom.n Ov.rall: 1. Jenniler Shaver 31:38. AgI group.: IS-under, Myrna Goodrich 35:37; 1924, Mellisa Brown 35:02; 25-29, Nancy Bailey 33:27; 35-39, Marly Roberts 35:49; 40-44, Mary Beth Hasenauer 34:06; 45-49, Linda Hacker 44:52; 50-59, Mary Shaver 34:09; 70-over, Marsha Tillson 45:25. CLARKSON 5K CLASSIC Slpl. 12 "ooOver,II: 1. Charlie McMullen 15: 12 (course record). Age group.: 10-14, Richie Merriam; 15-19, Ricky Ellis; 20-29, Jim Bathgate; 30-39, Mike Sayers; 40-49, Tom Serafin; 50-59, AI Smith; SO-over, Prisco D'Angelo. Womln OVlrllI: 1. TIna Ratulowskl 20:55. A~e groupe: 10-14, Laura Vandenberg; 20-29, C~rnne Dilcher; 30-39, Lynn Maxim: 40-49, Carolyn Krlesen: 50-59, Pat Schieber: 60-over, Gloria Altavian o UNITED WAY KICKOFF CLASSIC At S,nlC. F.II., SIPt. 26 5K "ooOVe"lI: Mark Cook 16:33; Age group winnlr.: 3039: Sieve Lucchesi 23: 10; 40·49: Dave Gross 18:20; 50·59: Pele Rath 20:14; 60+: Prisco D'Angelo 24:12. Women 0'11,,11: Jackie Wellolt 19:58; 14-undlr: Amy Cronin 22:17; 15-29: Carol Blscholl 20:31 ; 40·49: Toni Coilela 28:13; 50-59: Mary Shaver 21:17. J.P. Bullll llher./ Nickel City Aid to Athletl' 5K Bull. lo, Sept. 4 Area runners were prominent in one 01 the biggest races in Western New York (2,088 finishers) with Heather Wh alen of Churchville leading the women in 17:53, four seconds ahead of masters star Naflcy Mieszczak 01 Bullalo. Christine Cote 01 Hamilton, Onl., was third In 18:16. Ulac 10K winner Dan Garrett 01 Williamsville was overall winner In 14:36 (4:34 pace), live seconds ahead of Pat Cauley of Tonawanda. David O'Keefe of Orchard Park was a close third . Area orize winners: "0" 25-29: 1. Jim Bathgate, Rochester (19th), 15:39; 2. Carl Johnston, Ontario (24th) 16:06; 4. Jim Oberst, Irondequoit (28th) 16:22: Erik Grimm. Rcoehster (37th) 16:38. 10K ","Overlll: John Thorpe 34:43; 15·29: Mike Dunhem 44:18: 30-39: Lynn Buchholtz 37:37; 40·.9: Chris Keller 48:40; 50·59: Dick Schopinsky 41:51; 60+: Wall Connolly 50:48. Women Over.l1: Martha Roberts 46: 17: 40-49: Ellen NiCholson 52:55; 60+: Marsha Tillson 59:23. 30·34: 1. Peter Gla~l n, Rochester (5th) 14:57. 35-39: 4. Mark Harrison, Rochester (48th) 16:50. 40-44: 5. Paul Persia, Easl Pembroke (40th) 16:41 50-54: 2. Jim Ferris, Holley (47th) 16:50. Women 14, under: 4. Tina Ratuiowskl, Bergen (615 th), 21:58. 20-24: 2. Jennifer Shaver, Rochester (219th) 19:05; Nancy Neenan, Rochester, (679) 22:23. 30-34: 1. Yvonne Adair, Webster (161) 18:31; 4. Beth Dwyer, Fairport (230) 19:13. 40-44: 1. Peggy Wlltberger, Buffalo/Rochester (154) 18:28: 2. Kathy Brown, Fairport (228) 19:12. SO-54: 1. Mary Sha~er, Rochester (433) 20:48. 1. Laurie Rappl, Rochester (455) 20:56. PASTA DINNER- GRTe BANQUET OCTOBER 17, 1992 PLACE: OLD CHURCH HALL (ST. LEO'S) 167 NORTH AVENUE HILTON, NEW YORK 14468 TIME : 5:00pm Thru 7:00pm MENU : ZITI & SAUCE (MEATBALLS ON THE SIDE) ALL YOU CAN EAT GUEST SPEAKERS: NORM FRANK NANCY OSHIER PRICE : $8.00 • PERSON RESERVATION FORM FOR GRTe 1992 BILTON MARATBON BANQUET/PASTA DINNER WUBN: WHERE: Saturday, October 17th, 1992 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm Old Church Ball, 167 North Avenue, Hilton BOW MUCH: $6.00 per person WHAT: GRTC Awards Banquet, Carbo ~oading Pasta Dinner, Marathon Psych Up with Guest Speakers Norm Frank and Nancy Oshier Any questions, call Walt Check @86 5-8723 H or 722-9847 W. Detach here and mail to: GRTC Banquet /Pasta Dinner lOB Cambridge Road Hilton, New York 14468 MAKE CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO GRTC Banquet. PLEASE READ AND SIGN BELOW I know that participating in a Pasta Loading Dinner is a potentially hazardous activ ity. I fully understand that I may be subjected to Wonderfully Seasoned Pasta, Slippery Eating utensils, and other Hazardous Conditions. I certify that I am suitably trained and capable of eating Mega-Carbohydrates. Therefore, I release the Greater Roc hester Tra ck Club, Village of Hilton, and any other people involved with th ese events, from any liability which may be incurred by me as a r esult of eating Lots of Pasta. SIGN HERE: ________________________ Date_______ NAME STREET__________________________CITY____________________ STATE,_________ ZIP________ TELEPHONE NOo ________________ Amount enclosed (cbeck or money order only): '$ ------- Results of GRTC Couples Run at Mendon Ponds Tom Serafin and Joanne Wight- 8..O..:U. 1. Tom Serafin I Joanne Wightman 37: 24 2. Bill Hearne I Belinda Connor 38 :12 GRTC Couples Run Sept. 5 at 3. Larry Zygo I Susan Zygo 39 :51 Mendon Ponds Park, finishing the 4. John Coons I Rosemary Commisso 40:44 5. Ronald Burke I Unda Burke 42:15 dual 5Ks in 37:24. R. Allen Mead 6. EarlClitlel 1 Peggy Bowen 43 :12 dnd Jennifer Bradford were the 7. John Baldwinl Teny T esl 44 :43 first married couple in 38:59. 8. Dave Ke"l> J Jane laculli -44:56 Full results: 9. Joe Luppino J Deb Luppino 48:44 10. Jack McCabeJ Lydia McCabe 48 :53 COUPLES 2lr:5K RelAY RUN - Sept 5,1992 11 . Alan ColleHaJ Maureen Colletta 52 :14 12. John Rice' Kathleen Stage 59 :30 Mendon Ponds Park man were the top team in the Combined Age Categorln under 30 1. Brandon Whites I Tricla Miles 50:51 = 1. Colill Mahood I Emme Mahood 40:41 2. Matthew Doykl l Shannon Fuller 46:36 !.Q.,.4J. 1. Shawn Crowley I Carolyn Sm~h 43:17 2. Philip VanPeursem I Angela Fuller 43:23 3. Gabor Bethlandy I Rebecca Rauscher 50:49 4. Christopher DIshaw I Heather Gogolsky 55:40 ~ 1. R. Allen Mead I Jenniter Bradford 38:59 2. Russ Webster I Usa Gardner 39:55 3. Roger Messenger I Ann Messenler 40:51 4. Tom RutalislTracy Romano 43:19 5. Bob DiGiacco I April Messenger 44:18 6. Robert WaDs I Christine Panariles 48:50 7. Rardy Stewart ' Renee Stewart 51:32 §JCll 1. AI Bensley' Wendy Benstey 40:56 2. Bob Sauers I Joanne Sauers 41 :09 3. Mark Shimelonis I Jennifer Brant 42:10 4. Jeff Linn I linda Lopata 42:47 5. Pablo Sanliago l Janet BiOi\( 44:31 6. Frank Jergler I Debbie Howell 46:13 7. Mark Cook I Shelley Danko 46:19 8. Mike DeMay / Michelle DeMay 46:52 9. Barry Brown I Jennifer Pentamonte 48:56 10. Keith Skellon I Cindy Doane 49:20 11. Jeff Chiarenzelill Valerie Chlarenzelll 49:25 12. Paul Contestable I Susan Contestable 53:21 13. Peter Haggerty' Beth Andruschak 56:21 = ~ 1. Bill Kehoe I Kathy Brown 39 :49 2. Robert Hunter I Susan Kreplin-MlctJaels 43:10 3. Bud Miller! Joan Miller 45;04 4. Dick Detwiller I Donna Hamill 45:24 5. Michael Worden' Healher Worden 52 :13 6. Irwin Solomon ' Jennifer McCall 52:56 7. Ed Bullard / Sarah Bullard 53:04 parent I Child 1. Roger Messenger I Ann Messenger 40;51 2. AI Bensley I Wendy Bensley 40:56 3. Mark Shlmelonls I Jennifer Brant 42: 10 4. Earl Cliffel' Peggy Bowen 43:12 5. Christopher DIShaw I Heather Gogoisky 55:40 8[Qlbftr I SISler 1_ Colin Mahood I Emilie Mahood 40:41 2. John Gaveoda ' Laune Gavenda 41 :00 SENECA PARK ZOO 5K Aug. 30 Moo Over.lI: 1. Dave Boutillier 15:31; 2. Paul Cornelison 15:56: 3. Jim Bathgate 16:02; 4. Steve Stellwagen 16:13: 5. Mark Cook 16:20: 6. Dan Rohnke 16:24: 7. Alan Willmes 16:34; 8. Derrk;k Jonl!3 16:35: 9. Tom Peters 16:36: 10. Tim O'NalD 17:18; Ag. group win· nera: lS-1t: John POlvino 18:27; 20-24: 8ootUJler: 2529: Comet~on i "'-34: Peters; 35-31: O'Neill; 40-44: Tom Serafin 17:27; .5..0 : Dave Gross 18:53; 50-5.: Jim Ferris 17;32; 55-59: Harold Upp 19:32; SO-<lver: Bill Brothers 22: 14. Worn.n 1lli. 1. Peter Roth I Mary Shaver 42:18 2. AI Smith J Jean Bartholomew 47 :56 3. George Tillson I Marsha Till son 57:04 1. Renee Rombaut 17:59; 2. Audra Naufokas 18:57: 3. Kathleen Saeger 19:28; 4. Jenny Krolak 19:3t: 5. Joanne Wightman 19:38; 6. ViCki Saber 20:35: 7. Carolyn COUrlright 20:39; e. Kathleen Hay· den 20:44: 9. Ann Dannhauer 20:54; 10. Therese Christo 21 : 16: Ag. group winn.,,: 15·19: Courtright: 20-24: Rombaut; 25·21: Krolak: 30-34: Saeger: 3539: Christo: 40.... 4: WIghtman: 45-41: Carolyn Krlesen 22:34: 50-54: Susan Daniels 23:57; 55·5t: Pat Scheiber 23:5 1: 8O-<lVIf: Marsha Tit ~n 29:55. HYSband / Wlfe 1. R. Allen Mead I Jennifer Bradlol'd 38:59 2. Larry & Susan Zygo 39:51 3. Bob & Joanne Sauers 41 :09 4. Ronald & linda Burke 42:15 KOOAK FALL CLASSIC 5. Sam & Carmen Reyes 43:34 (5 kIlOllMt".) S.p!. 11 6. Scott & Elizabeth Reinhart 43:49 Moo 7. Bud & Joan Miller 45:04 O"r.lI: James Bathgate (Rochester) 15:21 8. Edward & Sharon Feder 45:55 Ag. group.: 18-24. Thor Kirlels (Happage) 17:32: 9. Mike & Michelle DeMay 46:52 25-29, Horla Neamtu (Rochester) 15:40: 30-34, David Peters (ROChester) 16:05: 35·39, Michael Hornak 10. Rick & Eileen Smith 47:18 (Rochester) 16:45: 40·44, lewis White (South Bristol) 1" Joe & Deb Luppino 48:44 16:06; 45-49, Greg Brooks (IrondeqlJOit) 16:56; 50·54. 12, Jack & lydia McCabe 48 :53 Earl Cliffe) (Rochester) 19:46; 55-59, Rod Sheets 13. KeHh SkeltonJ Cindy Doane 49:20 (Aochesler) 20:20; 6O-cver, Bill 8rotilers (Rochester) 14. Jell & Valerie Chlarenzeltl 49:25 21: 19. 15. Jay & linda Folk 50:28 W...... 16. Gabor Belhlendy I Rebecca Rauscher 50:49 OVlrlll: 1. Beth DeClantis (Rochester) 17;19; A~ grouP'! 18-24, Lori Overturl (R0che9ter) 17. Randy & Renee Stewart 51 :32 19:16: 25-29, Renee Smoyer (Rochester) 18:01; $0. 1a. Stevan & Catherine Ramirez 51 :51 34, Yvonne Adair (Webster) 18:06; 35-39, Christi ne 19. John Penamonte' MaryAnne McQueeney 52:06 Srick (Rochesler) 19:19; 40-44, Nancy Oshler (Rush) 20. Michael & Heather Worden 52;13 17:51; 45-49. Lori Popen (Rochester) 24: 19; SO-54, 21 . Maureen & Alan Colletta 52:14 Lou Asmuth (Holley) 30:20. 22. Ed & Sarah Bullard 53:04 23. Patrick & Sandy Tydings 53 :14 1992 ROCHESTER GENERAL FAU FITNESS RUN 12 24. Paul & Susan Contestable 53:21 At VanHoov., Pt.e. in W.b.t" 25. Clyde & Susan North 53 :56 Mo, 26. Philip & Juliann NelSon 56:50 5-miM-: 1. Gary Robeson 30:0 1; 2. Jim Doland 27. George & Marsha TIllson 57:04 30:30; 3. Tom Gaybruk 30:56; 28. John Rice I Kathleen Stage 59:20 5K: 1. Don Curran 23: 15; 2. 8raln Smallwood 28;18: 3. Matt Powers 29:31 Corporale Worn.n 1. Larry Zygo I Susan Zygo 39:51 5-mile: 1. Nancy Shedd 46:25; 2. Rachel Kurchln Kodak 46:26: 5K: 1. Rose Ann Harris 33:34; 2. Becky Grossman 2, John Coons' Rosemary Commisso 40:44 36:17: 3. Susan Grossman 42:17 Finger Lakes Community College 1. John Gavenda I Laurie Gavenda 41 :00 2. Sam Reyes I Carmen Reyes 43:34 3. Scott Reinharll Elizabelh Reinhart 43:49 4. EdYiard Feder f Sharon Feder 45:55 5. Bob Dyiakl Nancy Waterslraw 45:57 6. Mike Reifsteck / Laurie Petrix 46:23 7. Rick Smith I Eileen Smith 47:18 a. Rick Francis I Karen Suitor 49;07 9. Paul Schick I Donna Martenmuccl 49:54 10. Jay Folkl linda Folk 50:28 3. Pablo Santiago I Janet Bllilk 44 :31 11. Steven Ramirez I Catherine Ramirez 51 :51 Kodak 12. Joh~ pena-:nonte I Maryann~ McQueeney 52;06 4. I.1ke Reifsleck I Laura Pelrix 46:23 13. Patnck Tydings I Sandy T ydings 53:14 KPMG Peal Marwick 14. Clyde North' Susan North 53:56 5. Rick Francis / Karen Suitor 49:07 15. Betsy Wil6ams I Bernie Gardner 56:15 Kodak 16. PhUip Nelson I JuDann Nelson 56:50 BISMARCK MARATHON AI SI.marek, N.D., s..,1. 12 Men: O"r.11: Robert MCNaught (Mass.) 2:57.03; A/W. lini,.,....: 38. Norm Frank 4:33..48: 42. Don McNelly (Irondequoit) . :56.57 Picking up numbers In the Dakotas ... a running odyssey on the way to every state By Don McNelly Several years ago I became aware of a small group of runners, 12 to 15 at the time who were setting out to run a marathon in every State and the Di str ict of Columbia . What an ideal You had to have a minimum of 20 states to join their group as an aspiring member---in other words, on trial. I quickly picked up Indiana and stood at 16 at the end of 1989 . I 've been working on the project since then and had a total of 34 at the end of 1991. My new states come slow. I have too many favorite runs that I just can't miss each year. Early this year, Norm Frank joined me to do the states. He has the same problem, too many old-time favorites. However, since then, running together we have added Missouri, Montana, Wisconsin, and Delaware. We made plans tor the two Dakotas, with runs there only 6 days apart. I arranged to fly into Rapid City SD and out ot Bismarck NO, doing runs in ea c h and driving between runs to see the sights. Norm, being an entrepreneur, had to fly home between the two races to watch his landscaping business. The runs went great. The Dakotas are beautiful, seas ot prairie grass, wheat fields, cool forests, gorgeous scenery, with both runs along rivers The Black Hills Mar.athon was tough at the start with hills, but soon became more interesting with a 2000 foot drop after 6 or 7 miles. It is a course made for negative splits. Bismarck was along the Missouri Rive r , through the town and into flat plains. At the end , Norm and I, along with o ur friend Bob Poppe of Aurora CO , (326 marathons , age 70), were awarded rings made of Black Hills Gold . We don't quite understand why. We guess its for being 60+ and having run over 300 marathons. Walt Bo lleck, who is ahead of both of us in states, having all except Hawaii, ran with us but being only a kid of 40 something was not old enough to get a ring. My wife and I spen t the fi ve days between the runs seeing the sights: Ht Rushmore, Cr az y Horse Monument (which will probably take 100 years to finish), the Black Hills, Homestake Mine, ( lar gest gold mine 1n the Americas), a nd 1f we had been a bit earlier, .what could have been a high point of sorts, Sturgis SO, home of the Black Hills Motorcycle Classic. We had a beer in the Road Kill Cafe with a few leftover bikers. We drove tow a rd Bismarck, passing through Spearfish, sto pping at the Fish Hatchery Hal l o f Fame whi c h h onors the Father of Fish Culture, Seth Green of nearby Caladon1a (bet you didn't know that). In ND we passed through the homet o wn of Lawrence Welk, and past fields ot blooming sunflowers. We l ucke d o ut in Bismarck, arriving t he re during the 23rd Uni te d Tribes Po w-Wow I We attended th e ir Gra nd March, where 300 or more Indians in full, and r mean full , b ead ed and feathered regalia marched into a circular stadium, dancing and cha nting t o the beat of 10 man dr um teams. r felt right at h om e s ince th e y wore numbers f or the competition to foll ow and were divi ded into 10 ye a r age groups, (missing 70+ o f course like many Rochester races). They danced traditional, and to the disp l easure of the old-timers modern make-it-up as-you-go-along dancing. We left for home a fter pi c king up the 40 th state for me, and 24rd for No rm, with both o f us well behind Wa lt Bo llech. It was my 336th marathon, Norm's 464th . And best of al l we had our Black Hills Gold Rings. Untying tile running slloe mystery By Leslie W. Lange, D.C. Deep in the recesses of every runner's mind is a lingering uneasiness about purchasing a pair of running shoes. Whether you're a hard-core runner or a novice, you know it's essential to choose a good shoe. First, know the five basic running shoe components: last, upper, outsole, midsole, and heel counter. The following provides a brief description of each: - Last: The three-dimensional model on which the shoe is built, lasts are average shapes made from surveys of many feet. - Upper: The main portion of the shoe that surrounds your foot, uppers used to be they're made made of of leather, but synthetic that breathe, are lighter, today fabrics washable and require little or no breaking in. - Outsole: The treaded layer glued to the bottom of the midsole, it resists wear, provides traction and absorbs shock. Midsole: Located between the outsole and the upper, it controls excessive foot motion and provides , cushioning and shock absorption. Heel Counter: The inflexible material surrounding the heel, it must be rigid and durable to support and stabilize the heel. Next, decide what type of foot you have. By now, you've probably heard a lot about pronation and supination and you may be confused. Basically, a pronator' 9 foot rolls ' inwards when running. I f you bend halfway at your knees and your kneecaps move toward the inside of the feet, the n your feet probably over-pronate. Pronators tend to have flexible feet, which can lead to injuries such as runner's knee, iliotibial band syndrome and tendinitis. A pronator should get a shoe that is board-lasted. The last and the upper come together via three techniques, one of which is board lasting. In boardlasting, the upper materials are pulled over the last and the ends are glued or stitched to the bottom. A board-lasted shoe is very supportive, which is ideal for the pronator. A supinator's foot rolls outward when running. If you bend halfway at your knees and your kneecaps move toward the outside of your feet, your feet probably oversupinate. Supinators tend to have rigid feet and cannot absorb shock as well as pronators, so the supinator is more prone to ankle sprains, stress fractures and pain on the outside of the shin and knee. Supinators should look for a sliplasted shoe or a combination-lasted shoe. In slip-lasting, the upper material circles the last, with the edges stitched together on the bottom. Slip-lasting is light and flexible. Combination-lasting uses two methods, with the board process in the heel and the slip process in the forefoot. This construction provides stiffness, but flexibility in the toe area. Now what if you bend halfway at the knees and your kneecaps point in the same direction as your feet? Then your feet probably don't supinate or pronate, and you don' t have to worry about purchasing a shoe with special features. Regardless of whether you're a supinator or pronator, there are some basic things you should check for in shoe construction: 1. Determine whether you need a straight, semi-curved or curved last. The shape of the last determines if you have enough room for your longest toe to push forward naturally during each step. To determine the shape of your foot, stand on a sheet of paper and trace the outline of each foot. Superimpose your drawings on the soles of the shoes to see if the size and curvature are a good match. 2. Make sure your shoe has a padded tongue to cushion against lace pressure and a padded ankle collar to cushion the ankle and help prevent Achilles tendinitis. 3. If you run on dirt or grass, get a stud or waffle outaole because they improve traction and stability. 4. If you run on asphalt or cement, go for a ripple sale. 5. Know what type of midsole cushioning you're buying so you can predict how long your shoes will la~t. EVA (ethylene vinyl acetate) is a light foam ' with good cushioning, Untying slaoe l'fIysteries but it breaks down fairly quickly. Compression-molded EVA is harder but more durable. PU (polyurethane) also but a foam, it is is denser, heavier and more durable than EVA. Many shoes are now cushioned with gel, air bags, silicone and foam that are encapsulated in the midsole of EVA or PU. This cushioning lasts longer than previous methods. 6. Make sure the shoe has a heel lift of about one-half to one inch. It enhances the shoe's ability to absorb shock and reduces strains. 7. Check the quality control of the shoes. Put them on a flat surface near eye level. The midline of the heel counter should be perpendicular to the surface. Check the quality of stitching, eyelets and laces. Make sure the sale layers are evenly and completely glued to each other and to the upper. Look and feel for lumps and bumps inside the shoe. 8. Be sure the sole flexes easily where your foot flexes. Buy shoes wi th removable insoles 50 you can modify or replace them with orthotics. For a print-out of running shoes which match your needs, call the American Running and Fitness Association at 1-800-776-ARFA, 9310 Old Georgetown Rd, Bethesda, ~ MD 20814. AR&FA is a nonprofit association of athletes and sportsmedicine professionals dedicated to encouraging Americans to exercise. For more information about your fitness needs, contact AR&FA Professional Member Leslie W. Lange, D.C. at (716)292-0310. (Editor's note: Be sure to buy your shoes from a reputable, established and knowledgeable retailer who will stand behind his/her recommendation and be able to answer any questions you may have about running shoes. Also be sure that your shoe choice is comfortable from the start - never assume that a shoe will "break in". And wear your new shoes on several training runs before you race in them to assure their comfort and suitability for your needs.) DR DAVID H. CONWAY,D.P.M.,F.A.C.S.M. 368 SOUTH GOODMAN STREET PRACTICE LIMITED TO ATHLETIC FOOT AND LEG PROBLEMS NON-SURGICAL APPROACH ORTHOTICS AND ATHLETIC FOOTWEAR ADJUSTMENTS ON PREMISES FELLOW AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SPORTS MEDICINE FELLOW, FOUNDER, AMERICAN COLLEGE OF PODIATRIC SPORTS MEDICINE FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 244-1420 1992-93 GRTC CALENDAR OF EVENTS Oct 3(Sat)10 :00 am Hilton AppLe Oerby 5 MiLe Run, HiLton High SchooL. Contact: Steve FowLer Hilton Recreation, 59 Henry St, Hilton, NY 14468 (716)392-9030. *Oet 3eSst) 9:00 am Eleventh LiLac City SDK (see beLow). toct 4(Sun) 9:00 am Sixth Irondequoit 6OK. Double ULtramarathon, held on cinder 440 yd track at West Irondequoit HS, 360 Cooper Rd. Bring your own lap counter; entry fee $10 each run. No T-shirt or plaque. Medals if awarded Niagara TAe District SDK Championship. Enter one run or both. Contact : Don McNelly, 615 PineGrove, Rochester, NY 14617 (716)342-1533. *Oet 3eSst) 4:30 pm Upstate New York Cross country Series, 3 mi ., Genesee Valley Park, Rochester. Contact: Peter Glavin (716)385-2679. Oct 10(Sat) 9:00 am Henrietta 5 Miler Breakfast Run, Winslow Elem School. Certified course. Contact: Jane Iaculli @ Henrietta Re c Dept (716)359-2540. *Oct 10(Sat)11:00 am Upstate New York Cross Country Series,SK, Fayetteville, Manlius H.S.,Syracuse. Contact: Peter Glavin (716)385-2679. Oct 11(Sun)10:00 am Vietnam Vets 10K, Beikirch Park, 647 Long Pond Rd., Greece. $8 Pre, $10 Post. Contact: Pat Pudetti (716)427-1536, (716)473-7983 . tOct 11(Sun)10:00 am Everybuddy's Ualkin ' 10K Fundrai se r , Al Sigl Ctr, 1000 Elmwood Ave, Rochester . Contact: Easter Seal Society (716)264-9550 or Al Sigl Ctr . (716)442-4100 . tOct 13(Tue) 7:00 pm GRTC Board of Directors Meeting, Mid-Town Tennis, 55 Gould St, Rochester. Oct 17(Sat) 9:00 am Geneseo Kiwanis 5 Mile Run , Village Park. Contact: Brad Hill (716)243-2802. tOct 17(Sat) 5:00 pm GRTC Hilton Marathon Pasta Banquet, Old Church Hall , 167 North Ave, Hilton. $6/person. Contact Walt Check (see below). Oct 18(Sun) 8:00 am Third Annual GRTC Hilton Marathon, 8 Mile, and Marathon Team Relay, Hilton High Schoo l . Contact: Walt Check, 74 Dunsmere Dr, Rochester, NY 14615. (716)865-8723 H (716)722-9847 W. *Oct 24(Sat)11:00 am Upstate New York Cross Country Series, 5K, Seneca Park, Rochester. Contact: Peter Glavin (716)385-2679. Oct 31(Sat) 8:15 am Canandaigua Elks 5K (8:15) &15K (8 :30), Elks Club, Canandaigua. $9 Pre, $12 Post; TAC Certified course, long sleeved T-shirts for all entrants. Contact: Richard Erb, P.O. Box 870, Canandaigua, NY 14424 (716)554-6245. Nov 1(Sun) 9:00 am Bruegger's Bagel SK, Jewish Community Center, Brighton . Contact: 271-8733 . *Nov 7(Sat)11 :00 am Upstate New York Cross Country Series, 5K, Oatka Park, Scottsvi lle. Contact: Peter Glavi n (716)385-2679. *Nov 14(Sat)12:00 pm Rochester Orienteering Club Event, Orienteering for runners and hikers . Golf Clubhouse on Kings Hwy. Contact: Rick Worner (716)865-2161. *Nov 21(Sat)11 :00 a~ Upstate New York Cross country Series, 5K &8K, Mendon Ponds Park West , Mendon . Championship Day-Open /Women /Hen . Contact: Peter Glavin (716)385-2679. Nov 22(Sun) 9:00 am SE YMCA Turkey Trot 5 Miler, YMCA, 111 E. Jefferson Rd, Pittsford. Contact : Holly Schuber (716)385-4665. Nov 26(Thu)10:00 am Newark Turkey Day 5 Miler, Eligh Community Ctr, Newark. Contact: Joe Contario 909 Peirson Ave, Newark, NY 1451 3 (315)331-2449. Nov 26(Thu) 9:00 am Race with Grace 10K, First Bible Baptist Church, N. Greece Rd, Greece . Contact: Bob Dyjak, 188 Kim Lane, Rochester 14626 (716)225-6560 . Nov 28(Sat)? ? GRTC Turkey Trot, Hendon Ponds . Dec 26(Sat) 8:45 aN Post Christmas Blues SK Run, Methodist Church, Canandaigua. Contact: Vern Hecker, 3452 Gehan Rd, Canandaigua 14424 (716)394-4075. 1993: Apr 10(Sat) 9:00 am CATS Classic Half Marathon at Mendon. Niagara District TAC Championship, Certified course. Contact: Bill Kehoe (716)654-8991 . OUT OF TOWN REGIONAL CALENDAR Oct 4(Sun)10:30 am Finger Lakes Marathon/Relays, 1600' cl imb. Contact: Henry Thiesen, 107 Warwick Pl, Ithaca, NY 14850 (607)257-0736. Oct 4(Sun) 9:00 am Freihofer 's Run for Women &Open Races, Manley Field House, Syracuse. 8K Open Race Q 9: 00 am, 3K Non-competitive fun & fitnes s run, 10:10 am, Women's 5K 11:00 am. $8 by 9/10, $12 by 9/24 , No Day of Race Entries . Contact: David Oja, 213 Scott Ave, Syracuse, NY 13224. Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct 4(Sun) 9:00 4(Sun)10:00 10(Sat) 9:30 10(Sat) 9:00 10(Sat) 8:30 11(Sun) 8:45 11(Sun)10:00 11(Sun) 1:00 17(Sat)10:00 am am am am am am am am am Oct 17(Sat)12:00 pm Oct 18(Sun)10:00 am Oct 24(Sat) 9:00 am Oct Oct 24(Sat)11:OD am 25(Sun)11:00 am Toronto Marathon, 10K, 22K Relay. Contact: (416)495-4311. Linda Yalem Memorial 5K, UB , Amherst. Contact: (716)636-3170. Ellicottville FaLL Festival 5 Miles , ELLicottville. (716)834-9028. Hospice Run for Buffalo 10K, Buffalo State College. (716)881-6872. Taylor WinegLass Corporate Comm . ChalLenge 5K, Corning. (607)962-8938 . TayLor Wineglass 10K male/female Fun Run, Corning. (607)962-8938. Taylor Wineglass Marathon &Team Relay, Painted Post. (607)936-9971. Oneida City Hospital SK &10K Runs. Kimberly 8K Race &3K WaLk, Onondaga Lake Pk , Liverpool. Contact: Dave OJ a, 213 Scott Ave, Syracuse, NY 13224. Cazenovia Casino Classic SK, Cazenovia Pk, S. Buffalo . (716)851-4087. Kenmore Mercy HospitaL 5K Run, Buffalo. Contact: (716)875-4301. YMCA Bud Light North Country Classic SK &5 Mile, Van Buren Park, Syracuse. $8 by 10/23, $10 Post. Contact: North Area YMCA, att: Dennis Rider, 4775 Wetzel Rd, Liverpool, NY 13090. West Seneca Chamber of Comm. Octoberfest 5K, W. Seneca. (716)674-4900. Bishop Timon ALumni 5 Mile Run, S. BuffaLo. (716)851-4087. Nov 1(Sun)10:50 am New York City Marathon. Contact: (212)860-4455. Nov Nov B(Sun) 9:00 am Operating Room Nurses SK Run , BuffaLo. Contact: (716)875-8427. B(Sun) Grunt Run 5K &10K, Lakeland Park, Syracuse. Contact: Cindy Maggiore (315)487-8238. Nov 14(Sat) 9:00 am Kensington-Bailey 5K, Buffalo. Contact: (716)836-3600. *Nov 15(Sun)12:oo pm FLRC Cross Country Meet, 5K, Moakley House, Warren Rd. Contact: Shawn McDonald, 109 S. Quarry St, Ithaca, NY 14850 (607)273-6722 . Nov 21(Sat)10:30 am YMCA Fall Classic 5K, YMCA, Niagara Falls. Nov 26(Thu) 9:00 am 97th J.Y. Cameron Memorial Thanksgiving Day 8K Run, Delaware Ave YMCA, Dec Buffa lo. Contact: (716)875-1283. 5(Sat)11:30 am Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis 5K, Medaille Coll., Buff. (716)837-8600. *An asterisk before an event indicates that it is not a road race but an event which may be of interest to GRTC members. . . - - - - - -. , - . " .. -. ' - . -- . --------------------------------------------, GREATER ROCHESTER TRACK CLUB Merchandise Order Form Name ___________________________________ Address _____________________________ ITEM Mail To: GRTC P.O Box 92608 Rochester, NY 14692 Ouantit Size'sl Cost GRTC T Shirt Lona Sleeve S12.00 GRTC T Shirt Short Sleeve S 8.00 GRTC Tvvek "iacket (Lilac lOKI Q5.00 Total Plus Postage/Handllng $ Total Enclosed 1.50 $, ________ Make che c k/money order payable to Greater Rochester Tr ack Club. County Coaches Call1p: fun, run, rain For 47 runners and 11 coaches, the annual Monroe county Coaches Training Camp a t SUNY College at Alfred's Lake Lodge Aug . 16-22 was a week of fun, run • • • and rain. The days started at 7 with wakeup call for the 7:30 a.m. run, a fivemi l er. The serious training, later in the day, was up to 10 miles for a total of an average 74 for each runner's week. Besides the running, athletes were organized into groups of five or six and a coach in mentaring groups. education," Val Nixon, SUNY College admissions o fficer. Athletes wrote about the camp, t oo, such as Colin Davis ' verse: We came to camp to run, But it wasn't always fun. It seemed to rain a lot, And i n o ur tent it smelled like rot. Speakers and coaches talked so much, But we didn't always l isten enough 15 miles a day was pretty rough, But in cross-country we'll be tough. Although ca mp seemed like a pain , I als o know how much I gained . Athletes also helped prepare meals and clean up as part of the to getherness spirit the camp fostered. The two-a-day clinics included: I 'Deve loping a season, yearly training plan--how to maximize your talent,' I Rick Guido; • 'Nutrition and running, " Prof. Roland Halej 'IPre-race , postrace planning," Dave Yendrzeski; I 'Increasing speed ," Mike VanAuker~ , I Developing peak performance, " Phil Tsch orke ~ I' Sports psychology," Steve Pulos; I ' Biomechanics" (V ideotaping athletes' running form, Mike Reif; " Dealing with setbacks, " Dick Aslin; and the practical ' 'Financing college WllLOWPUS T-SHIRTS/SPORTS PAGE CROSS COUNTRY SERIES AI Cobbl Hille Park, Sept. 12 (3.4 mil.l) - D'llfln: 1. Jerry Lawson (Syracuse Track Club) 16:56.3 (course record); 2. Scol! Jones (High Nooll A.C.) 17:23.6: 3. Marly Froellck (H;gh Noon A.C.) 17:28.1; 4. Larry Wood (Syracusa T.C.)' 1:38.8; 5. Jell Morganti (Syracuse lC.) 17:41.1 : 6. Charlie McMullen (Rochesler) 17:46.0; 7. Roger Hawks (PalruM Electric R.C.) 17:51.1; 8. Gerald Scholder (Syracuse T.C.) 18:03.4; 9. AnlONO EppoNto (Palruno Eleclric) 18:05.5: 10. Jim Balhgate (Gats A.C.) 18:07.3. MIII.fl (40-oYff): 1. McMullen; 2. Rick Hoebelle (High Noon A.C.) 18:33.9; 3. Derck Frechelle (eals A.C.) 19:13.9: 4. Jim Boyle (Cals A.C.) 19.18.7: 5. Tom Lamme (Cats A.C.) 19:43.7. Vet.rln. (50·oVtr): t. Charlie Kellogg (Cats A.C.) 20:05.9; 2. Don Solarek (Easl Rochester) 22:05.0; 3. Bitl Kehoe (Cats A.C.) 22:26.4. W,.", Ovltall: 1. HOlly Hollister (Syracuse T.C.)2t05.5; 2. Palli Ford (Syracuse Chargers) 21:27.7; 3. Gait Jones (Syracuse l e.) 22:03.9: 4. Kalhy Brown (eals A.C.) 22: 19.6; 5. Marilyn Brilndl (Syracuse Chargers) 22:49.1; 6. Jennifer Jeflsefl (Team Sprlle) 23:25.6; 7. Ann Danflhauer (Rochesler) 23:27.4; B. Keille Brlefl (Appleton) 23:31.8: 9. Laurie Cuomo (Lady RATS) 23:46.3; 10. Sue Sandslrom (Syracuse T.C.) 23:48.0. Mlilerl: 1. Brown: 2. Sue l ygo (Lady RATS) 24:51.6: 3. Jane lacultl (Greater Rochester T.C.) 29:02.0. Tllm Elil. M.n: 1. Syracuse Track Club, 27 points: 2. High Noon A.C. (I thaca) 46: 3. Patruno Electric 48. In the seve n years of the camp, 206 athletes have attended. In those previous six years , 74 of 159 went t o the state mee t; 66 earned All County or All Leag ue honors; 42 placed in the top 10 of the sectionals; 25 made the All Section 5 team; 25 made the All State team; 17 state medalists; 6 Federation meet medalists, 6 North east hono r s; 3 individual sta te champions; 2 All Americans; 9 sectional champions; and 8 tea m sectional champions . Open Men: 1. Cats A.C. 16; 2. Team Xerox 18; 3. High Noon A.C. 24; 4. Mud Llle 33; 5. Family Velues 52: 6. Blade Runners 52; 7. Once A Week R.C. 93: B. Team Spil 97; g. Team O.T.I. 98; 10. Screaming Gibbons T.C. 101 ; 11. Team Swallows 115. MIlIIfI M.n: 1 Cats A.C. I 6; 2. Cats A.C. 11 19: 3. Cals A.C. Itt 31. Open Wom.n: 1. Syracuse T.C. 8: 2. Team SprUe 19; 3. Cats A.C. 19; 4. Llghlning Slugs 32. S.nior Women (30-over): 1. Lady RATS 6. - WllLOPUS/SPORTS PAGE CROSS·COUNTRY SERIES AI SI",r' Park, New.II, Sepl. 26 OverlH: 1. Jerry lawsoo 15:37: 2. Dave Hawes 16:56: 3. SCOIt Jones 17:08; 4. Paler Glavin 17: 13; 5. Marty Froollck 17:14: 6. Jim Balhoala (CATS) 17:21 : 7. Chad Whealon 17:22; 8. Karl SIa~en 17:23; 9. Larry Woods 17:29: 10. SCOII Murdoch 11:32. Millet. (40-49): 1. Jerry SmIth 18:59; 2. Jim 8o)ole (CATS) 19:03; 3. Derek Frechelle (CATS) 19:22; 4. Tom Lamme (CATS) 19:39: 5. Mike Hoeschele {MUO LITE) 19:50. V.ter.... (SO-over): 1. Bill Kehoe (CATS) 21:57; 2. Don SOIarek (Easl Rochesler) 22:29; 3. DIck Telarico (Henrietta) 22:52. Team R,lull. Open: Team Xerox (Rochester) 19, CATS A. C. (RocheSler) 25, Mud Ute (Rochesler) 27, Blade Runners (Balavia)35, Syracuse Track Club 40, High Noon A.C. (Uhaca) 50, Team O.T.I. (ROCheSter) 89, Family Values(Rochester) 91, Once!. Week R.C.(Rochester) 92, Team Spit (Rochester) 101, Saeamlng Gibbons (Brockporl) 107, Team Swallow (Rochestllf) 107, Mllter. t. CATS A.C. (Rochesler) 9, 2. Syracuse Track Club t2. . Women Over.lI: 1. PaUl Ford 21 :15; 2. Gall Jones (Rochester) 21:46; 3. Marilyn Brandl 22:07; 4. Kalhy Brown (CATS)22:08; 5. Jenniler Jensen (Team Sprile) 22:40; 6. Jane O'Donnell (lady RATS) 22:51; 7. Karen Soehner (Lady RATS) 23:33; 8. Slephanie Hllfdic 23:41; 9. l aurie Cuomo (Lady RATS) 23:57: 10. Sue Zygo (Lady RATS) 24:05. Mllte" (40-ov.r): 1. Kathy Brown (CATS) 22:08: 2. Sue lygo (Lady RATS) 24:05; 3. Jane lacuJlI (G reater Rochester T.C.) 30: 16. rllm Retulll Open: Syracuse Chargers 8, CATS A.C. /Rochester) 18. Team Sprite (AoclMlster) 19, lightning SIU{js (Rochester) 35. Senior (30·over): 1. Lady RATS (Aocheslerj VICTOR RUN FOR HEALTH (4 mllel) Sept. 12 Moo Ov.rlll: 1. Michael Knapp 22:26; 2. Riclc Schopinsky 23:16: 3. Chris Lausler 23:50; 4. Randy McGarvey 24:55: 5. Daniel Sacke11 25:02: 6. AUen Presby 25:06: 7. Dave Gross 25:19: 8. Richard Meehan 25:28: 9. Jell Downs 25:34; 10. John Ryan 25:57. Age groupl: lO·under, Richie Merriam 29:58; 1118, Daniel Slanton 26:53: 19·35, McGarvey: 3&-55, Presby; 56-0ver, Barry Bro wn 29:1 3. Wom.n Ov.rlll: 1. Angela Fuller 29:04; 2. Karen Le~ in 29:3 I: 3. Jen Zuege 30:03; 4. Kalhy Kanada 31;()5; 5. Amy Stenner 31: 15. Ai. groupI: 11-18. Levin; 19-35. Nancy Callo 31:25; 36-55, Fuller; 5fi-over, Marsha Tillson 39:38. LAKE CUNNINGHAM CLASSIC II Sen JON, Calil., 21 Women'. 5.0 kllomlter. Ar.a retunl: 9. Anne Myers (Brighton) 18:38, Rochester Area TriathleteS Rochester's ONLY Multi-Sport Association The First Annual Century Challenge Rats Picnic On October 10th, the RATS will sponsor the 1st annual RATS century challenge bike ride dedicated to the memory of Mark Page and Andrew Spiller. Mark Page and Andrew Spiller were both members of RATS and tragically killed while riding their bikes. The century ride is a 100 mile NON-competitive bike ride for cyclists of all abilities. The ride will be held on Saturday October 10th, starting at B:OO AM. The ride begins and ends at Mendon Ponds Park, Pond view shelter, in the beach parking lot. The ride The season ending gala of the year is nearly here. Block off the date on your calendar now! The annual end of year RATS party is scheduled for Saturday October 24th. It will be at the Calvary House, Douglas Rd. Mendon Ponds Park. This year the picnic will be a PIG ROAST! The picnic will be free to all RATS and kids under 12, $5 for all guests, All Rats are asked to bring a dish to pass or some hours d'oeuvres, plus your own beverages. Plates etc. will be provided. You won't want to mi ss this! features a three loop course. The ftrst loop is approximately 40 miles long and the second and third loops are approximately 30 miles each. Riders have the option of stopping after completing each loop. Refreshments will be available at the shelter after each loop and after the ride is completed. • • • • • il:OOam Bike Ride - Alan Brick 1:00pm Five Mile Fun Run ~ Karen Soehner 2:00pm Picnic Starts 2:30pm Garnes for everyone - Laurie Cuomo This is not a race. There will be no times and no 4:00pm Pig Roast! awards! Participants must wear helmets and obey the rules of the road at all times. Sign-up is from 7:00 AM to B:OO AM on the day of the ride. The cost is $5 for For more information, cal] Chris Brick RATS and $10 for nOD-RATS. So, bring a friend and (254-436\), Nancy Caffo (4B2-0693), or Karen enjoy the fresh air and fall colors. Any proceeds wiU Soohner (342-4278). be donated to the Andrew Spiller Memorial Fund. If Also at this years season ending RATS picnic we you have any questions or would like to volunteer will be presenting the nrst annual Mark Page Award your services, please call AI Brick at 254-4361. to one of our local rodents. This award will be bestowed upon the person (male or female) who Rats Membership Benefits displays enthusiasm that is contagious and is dedicated to be the best they can be in the sport of triathlon. We The RATS now bave a hard wheel case that holds believe these traits are those which Mark consistently 3 wheels. in addition to the hard bike case. Members exhibited. can rent either of these for $20 per week. See Karen if The voting for this award will be done by you you are interested. RATS. You can either vote in person at the picnic, or The Towpath Bike Shop at 45 North Main Street call in your vote to Karen before Oct. 20th. You can in Brockport has extended a 20% discount to all place your vote on the hotline if you wish. (might be a RATS. Simply show your RATS membership card. good excuse to call the hotline => 987-9397). Please For information please call John Riefenroth at take the time to vote. MONTREAL ESPRY IROHMAN TRIATHLON 637-9901. Please support your local merchants. COORS LIGHT BOSTON DUATHLON (5k run, 35k Bike, 5k run). Moo 1. JeH Devlin 1:20:11. Arll finilhers: 15. David Boutillier (Rochesler) 1:26:46 (21ld In 25-29 age group): 85. Peler Young (LeRoy) 1:36:34 (10th In 35-39.) Sept. 13 (2.4 mile Swim; 112 mile bike; 26.2 mile run) Area finisherl: 31. O. Shamu (Victor) 11 :03:22 (8th in 30-34 age group); 69. Geo!f Huppe (Rochester) 12:16:19. SURVIVAL OF THE SHAWANGUNKS At New Pallz, Sept. 13 Over.lI: 1. Erik Grimm 4:22:30 (Course record); 15. Larry Krieger 4:57:35; 16. John McSarland 4:58:30; 2'. Mike Wilcox 5:02:49. Page 21 Rochester Area TriathleteS IPage 2 Patches Mark Page Trophy You may have seen many of the RATS wearing patches in memory of our members who have been The RATS have recently established the Mark Page Memorial trophy to be given to an nually to the winner of the Hamlin Beach Triathlon. This trophy will be engraved with the male and female winners of the annual "World Championship" of Rochester and placed in the trophy case of Hilton High Schoo l (where Mark graduated). killed in bike accidents with vehicles this summer (Mark Page and Andrew Spiller). There is still time to get a few for yourself if you are interested. The patches can be sewn onto your favorite jersey, shorts, or national uniform. They are 2x4 oval, and yellow with purple stitching. The cost is $4 per patch. They are being sold on a A look at some of the past winners of this event is an eye opener as this is the 14th year of this event. first come-flfSt serve basis until they're gone. There are about 20 left (out of 144). If you would like some patches several people are selling them (Karen Soehner, Dennis Moriarty, Buzz Schild). If you want one send $4 along with a SASE to Dennis Moriarty, 791 Somerset Drive, Webster, NY, 14580. Rats Meet Bills Dave Michelsen has put the fmishing touches on a RATS road-trip to Orchard Park to see the Bills play the Jets on December 6th. He has arranged for 20 tickets on a "bus excursion to Rich Stadium for the Sunday 1PM game in conjunction with the Garage Door Resturant. PRICE: $58.00 per person INCLUDES: All you can eat breakfast buffet at the Garage Door, transportation to and from the game by bus, beer, and ticket. WHERFlWHEN: Meet at Garage Restaraunt, 149 E. Ridge Rd. by 8:00am. Door Tickets are on a first -come flrst -served basis by Dec 1S1. Sounds like a good time to me! If you're interested, call Dave at 425-7983 for more details. 1980 Randy Drake Linda Kohn 1981 Steve Ketchum Joan AJ1ey 1982 Bill Ruth Lori Adams 1983 Mac Martin Margaret Adams 1984 John Carson Denise Hannon 1985 Davis Barnett Hillary Manle 1986 Dennis Moriarty Maria Kramer 1987 Scon Murdoch Erika Schwarz 1988 Dennis Moriarty Maria Krwner 1989 Dennis Moriarty Kri sta Leale 1990 Dennis Moriarty Erika Schwarz 1991 Dennis Moriarty Michell e Hansmire 1992 Dennis MoriartylEric Grimm Chris Agresta TIMOTHY BELL BIATHLON At Olklilld, Sept. 20 (3 mile run, 12 mil. bik., 2 milt run) Moo 1. Erik Grimm 1:03:12. Arlilinllh,ra: 20-29, Dave Ehrhard 1:04:30,2. Mike GrOOa 1:05:50, 4. Seoll Page 1:08:30: Ron Breed (Hilton) 1:23: 13. 40-49: 1. Ivan Lennon 1:08:04. SO-59: 1. Carl Grimm 1:19:37. 60-69: 1. John Burke. Team: 1. Paul Dodd·Don Vescio :57:49, 4. Joe Merrill-Mike Rockow. Women " Chrlsllne Agresla 1: 14:30. Ar,.lin(lherl: 30-39, 1. Karen Soehner 1: 17:30, Nancy CaUo 1:26:29. Team, Nancy Salatino-Heather Boolh 1:17:30, '. CHUCK'S EAST COAST TI\IATHLON At Danbury, Conn., SIPt. 20 (1-mUa .wlm, 22-mile bih, 10·k run ) Moo 0.,.,,11: 1. Brooks Clark (Pennsylvania), 1:48.58. Locillinllh..-: 20, Mike Wilcox (Rochesler) 2:07.16 (5th In 25-29 age group). RATS OFFICERS President: Mike Baxter - 235-7565 Vi ce President: Karen Soehner - 342-4278 Page 31 Rochester Area TriathleteS Ipage 3 Share The Road Volunteers Of The Month Three cheers to the RATS founder Dennis Moriarty who is going the extra mile to make a difference.. He is attempting to put together a comprehensive program to make drivers more aware of cyclists and runners who may be sharing the road with them. The cornerstone of this program is the development of an inexpensive bright yenow biking jersey with a "share the road" logo prominently displayed to make cyclists more visible to motorists. The idea is presently in the inception phase. but he is currently defining the logo for the jersey and is searching for a clothing manufacturer to assist with this venture. Three cheers this month for the crew of the Hamlin Beach Triathlon. In just a few short months, these people got together and saved the last local race (and the World Championships of Rochester .... ). Three cheeers to the many volunteers who helped set-up, orchestrate, and then tear-down for this race. Race director Lew Asmuth did a masterful job despite the traditional weather chaos which turned the SBR into a RBR at the last minute. Its good to see that many of the club members are putting something back into the local tri-scene. Thanks again Lew and all the Hamlin Cast!!! Dennis wrote an editorial entitled "RATS in Mourning" in the August issue of Triathlon Today. In it he mentioned the idea of the cycling jersey and logo. As a result of this publicity, Lew Kidder (publisher of Triathlon Today) and others have shown a real interest in the project. Lew may be willing to promote this idea nationally through his magazine. He has also contacted some of the triathlon clubs across the nation (Tri-Maryland and others) to see if he can drum up interest in this idea and maybe make this a national phenomenon. In the September issue there was a follow-up editorial from Frank Schroeder (a triathlete from Mo.). In it he also expressed some interest in the project. This idea is on the verge of taking off! The Department of Motor Vehicles has their own "share the road" program in place (though not too visible). Dennis is trying to incorporate their program into this also. He has a few other ideas about this program (pamphlets, etc), but he is looking for input from others. If you have any thoughts on the subject, or would like to help Dennis out with this effort, please give him a call. (671-4498) KUEKA LAKE TRIATHLON At Keuh, Aug. 30 (.S-mile .wim, 18·mlle bike, S'mlle run) Moo Overlll: 1. Kurt Eggers (Buffalo) 1:30. 11 ; 2. Dave Earhard (Rochester) 1:33. 19; Other Irel linilhlr: 40·49: 4. Mike Riley (Churchville) Women OVlrlll: 1. Rhonda Nichol (Rochester) 1:46.20 Tllm: Area lint.her: 2. Mark's Friends (Gillian Burrlack/Heather Booth) 2:06.35 Next Newsletter Just to whet your appetite, the next issue of the RATS newsletter will contain two great race reports: I. World Championships - Dennis Moriarty 2. Survival of the ?%#$gunks - Eric Grimm Always nice to hear about races from a club members perspective. In fact, if Buzz would ever finish his Ironman article from last year, we would have three primo race reports ..... If you like to read flrsthanJrace reports, make sure your membership is all paid up! Appearing in your mailbox November 1sl. Be watching for it. TORONTO INTERNATIONAL TRIATHLON At Toronto, Aug. 29 Arel Ilnt.her. .. " 25·29: 5. Erik Grimm (Terbo Trl-Sports) 2:05.59; 30-34: 15. AI Brick (Terbo Tri· Sports) 2:1 2.15; Scott Daley (Holley) 2:34.35; 35-3i: 1. Dennis Moriarty (Terbo Tri-Sports) 2:05.21; 7. Mike Baxter (Pedallers Team JV) 2:17.28; 45-49: 1. Bob Oalolla (Rochester) 2:23.48; 65·(19: 1. John Benzonl (penfield) 2:54.39; Allo: Ed Bunce (Rochester) 2:24.03; Ian Woods (Webster) 2:26.52 Womln 35·39: 5. Chris Brick (Rochester) 2:46.08; 25·29: IS. Beth Dwyer (Rochester) 2:47.25 Page 4 Page 4 Rochester Area TriathleteS Primer: How To Survive Attrition: The Great Equalizer What to do? How is one to become better. faster and more competitive? Should one simply gear up Hed Disk on the read, ex on the front? Is Boone Lennon passe to be replaced by more efficient and aerodynamic handlebars? Is titanium the answer? What about those new lighter pedals with the lateral rotation to protect the knees? Subtract all those seconds to be gained by replacing heavier antiquaied equipment, and voila, your 10 mile IT will see an improvement of 2.25 minutes. • Never train harder than you compete . For elites it is quality over quantity. Age groupers should stress the later over the former. • Avoid fatty foods . • • Avoid beef. Early to bed and early to rise .... • Drink copious quantities of Uquids. • Be your own physician and take personal responsibility for your physical weU being. • Don't waste your money on yearly physicals. Have a blood resl every two years cholesterol, uric acid , etc. I don't believe itl There is only one way to become a successful age grouper: outlast your competitors by getting older!! Wbere are those playground hotshots and All-Scholastic athletes of yesteryear? For the most part. they have moved on to suburban venues where, astride their riding mowers, they intermingle with other endomorphs and cast wistful glances upon an athletic past only to be relieved in memory and throught the accomplishments of their offspring. Rejoice! You are getting older and through the seemingly simple act of survival you have vanquished all but the most able of your peers. So what if you don't get faster? You don't have to. To be successful all you have to do is maintain what you have. Attrition will defeat your foes and you will be tbe winner. • Ivan Lennon • Worry about your body fat. nOl weight. • Don't count calories and never go on popular diets. • Crosstrain, but never overtrain. • Choose a physician with the same care you select a car. • Take at least one day off per week. • Cultivate friendships with those younger than you. • Count your blessings and try to maintain a positive attitude. • Avoid .r•• llnl,II.,.: Women's I S· 19 age group, 1. Carrie Gilroy (Webster) I: to:24; Men's 40·44, 9. Joe GHroy (Webstsr) 1:07:07. physicians who Avoid, except as a last resort, invasive medica] procedures. • Wear out, don't rust out. • When all else fails, choose good parents. AI Hunt"illI. OnL HYANNIS SPRINT TRIATHLON At Hyennl., M..., and • WORlD TRiATHLON CHAMPIONSHIPS (1.5-kllomet.r .wim. 41O-k bill. and 10-11. run) Men: I, Simon l essing, Britain, one hour, 49 minutes, 4 seconds. 2. Rainer Mueller, Germany, 1:49:28, 3, Rob Barel. Netllerlands, 1:49:42, 4. S1ephen Foster, Aus1raJla, 1:50:03. 5, Brad Kearns, U.S. , 1:50:14. 6, ThOrnu Hetlrl&gel, Germany, 1:50:20. 7, Mark Bales, Canada, 1:50:27. B, Wesley Hobson, U.S., 1:50:34. 9, Tomas Kocar, Cze<:hoslovakla, 1:50:30. 10, Andrew MacMartin, Canada, 1:50:36; Art. rlnilhlrs: 35·31: 3. Dennis Moriarty 2:03.41 : 45·41; Bob DattCla 2:22.35; 50·54: 21 . Mike Carnahan 2:30.2: 10·15: 2. John Benzonl Wom.n: 1, Micheille Jones, Australia, 2:02:07. 2, Joanne RitchIe, Canada, 2:03:23.3, Melissa Mantak, U.S., 2:04:26. 4, Donna Peters, U.S., 2:04:39. 5, Joy Hansen, U.S., 2:05: I S. 6, Karen Smyers, U.S., 2:05:53. 7, Fiona Cribb, Canada, 2:06:0B. B, Sue Schlal1sr, Canada, 2:06: lB. 9, Isabella Mouth on, France, 2:06:37, 10, Jenny Rose, New Zealand, 2:06:44. medications them . p~scribe ~ I van Lennon Newsletter Articles? Got any good information for the next newslener? Any articles received from RATS members WILL be published. Send them to: Jack Birecree (594-4483) 23 Denshire Dr. Rochester, NY, 14624 GRTC Meeting Minutes. Tuesday. Sept ember 8, 1992, 7:00 pm Minutes* of the 'GRTC Board of Di rectors Meeting, Mi dtown Tennis Club (*not yet 'p resented to or approved by board). Executive Committee present: Mimi Decker, Ross Rider, Jane raculli, Lisa Bower. Directors present: Bob Dyjak, George Tillson, Walt Check, Rick Iovine. Others: Joe Kubek, Tracy Fox. Directors Absent: Ed Cloos, Rick . Guido, Mark Harris o n, Paul Richards. AGENDA: Minutes from July Meeting; Treasurer's Report; Office of- the President - Responsibilities; GRTC Hilton Ma rathon & Pasta Dinner Update; Bruegger's Bagel SKi Couple's Run; SUmmer Track Summary; Turkey Trot. The meeting minutes from the July 1992 meeting were approved and accepted as submitted. A Treasurer's report f o r July-August was presented by Jane Iaculli; who has assumed the position O'f interim treasurer. (Juli Nelson resigned from the GRTC Board and Treasurer's position.) The account balance was not available at this time. The responsibilities and activities of the GRTC President were detailed by Mimi Decker. She will be unable to fulfill many of these responsibilities due to other commitments in the next six months. GRTC is in need of other people (members) to come forward and volunteer for the programs and acti vi ties or they will not happen. Some of the areas in need of volunteers are the GRTC Information Phone, the Pasta Dinner /Banquet (Hilton), the 8 .Mile Run concurrent with the GRTC/Hilton Marathon, the GRTC Youth Program and Winter Track Series, the Freezeroo Series, The Turkey Trot, TAC activities, New Races/Proposals (WXXI, Lilac 10K) 1 Monthly Board Meetings, ~ewsletter Column, and other miscellaneous items. Mimi reviewed her list of responsibilities with the board members in attendance; ideas on who could do what were discussed. Mimi also discussed the purchase of Gatorade cups from Enduro Sports. There was a price discrepancy and Enduro wants more than GRTC thought they would have to pay. The board asked Mimi to make Enduro a reasonable offer on the cups. Walt Check reported on the Marathon plans. About 25 applicatio ns have already been received. walt needs to get race numbers and an upgrade for softwar e for results. The pasta dinner will be held ~he night before the _ race - more volunteers are needed for the dinner and the races. Mimi reported for Bo b DiGiacco on the Bruegger's Bagel race on November 1. Volunteers are still needed; he plans to ask the same people who helped out last year. New developments for this year's event a:t'e an optional team entry for teams of 3-5 people and cash awards. The Couple's Run had about 160 runners, acco r ding to Minli who reported for race director Juli Nelson. The GRTC picnic followed, with the Dyjak's help, and all who participated had a good time . .Lisa Bower: submitted a financial summary of the Summer Track program. There were anywhere from 50-105 athletes at each meet. Expenses were kept to a minimum this year; the net profit was $328.16, which will go toward the GRTC Collegiate Scholarship Fund. The Turkey Trot race proposal was discussed by Joe Kubek for Bill Quinlisk. The race would be held on Saturday, November 28th at 11: 00 am at. .Y.endon Ponds Park. The next BOiird of Directors meeting is planned for Tuesday, October 13th. As ever, all GRTC members are invited to attend. Minutes submitted by Lisa Bower, 9/92. Ask about our special membership offer at... mid-town tennis/nautilus available to Greater Rochester Track Club members. • • • • • • • • • Free weights Nautilus Universal Star Trac 2000 Treadmills Schwinn Airdynes Hydra-Fitness Lifecycles Cybex Fitrons Concept II Rowing Ergometers • Nordic-Track cross country ski conditioners • Stair Masters • Cybex computerized leg strength test • Complete fitness & nutritional profiling • Personalized program development • Squash privileges • Aerobics classes • One-on-One Personal Trainers available • Massage services • Tennis memberships available Call today! 461-2300 55 Gould St. • Rochester, NY 14610 (Off Highland Ave. between Winton & Clover) mid-town tennis club - mid-town nautilus plus 'If you run, you should belong. • • • Supporting GRTC supports road racing in Greater Rochester. Membership is your chance to be part of the running community, to have a. voice in the conduct of racing and to show sponsors that interest justifies their support. • This Newsletter. Our monthly magazine of articles on training, injury prevention and nutrition; extensive reporting on races; entry forms for more than 50 races a year; the complete calendar of racing events. • Discounts. You'll save on entries for all GRTC-managed races (many of the major ones). Discoun ts at Dalberth's and other shops. • Track meets. Summer meets open only to GRTC members. Four winter track meets at the U of R. • Social events and runs, annual banquet, the chance to meet new friends ,and join training groups. Greater Rochester Track Club Membership Application The Greater Rochester Track Club, Member of Niagara Association of TAC #031 Name ________________________________________ New ____ Renewal - Address _____________________________________ Home Phone _______ City_____________________________________ State' ____ ZilP.P_ __ Male ____ Female____ Birthdate ___________ TAC # _____-:::-----:____,--_______ (II you have one) Occupation or School (if student) _______________________________________ For members under 18: Parent/Guardian Name ______________________________ Address _________________________________________ Phone'__________ I'd like to he lp with: Newsletter _ _ _" RacE'S'--_--'- Youth Programss-____ Anything _ _ Suggestions to club officers: ___________________________________________ Mem bership Category: ____ Individual $ 15/ year _ --", $40/3 years - - - Studen t $1 O/year ____$25/3 years ____ Family $25/ year ____ $60/3 years (List names and blrthdales) ____-"'Sponsor $25 GRTC P.O. Box 92608 Rochester, NY 14692