November 2008 - Brooke Point High School
November 2008 - Brooke Point High School
Post Secret Turkey Trivia Shhh... It’s a secret. Test your Thanksgiving knowledge. Feature » Student Life » theHawkeye Brooke Point High School • Stafford, VA • Volume XVI • Issue 2 • November 13, 2008 BP students help make history Photo provided by By Sydney Ballesteros On November 4, 2008, Illinois Senator Barak Obama made history when he was elected the first African American President of the United States. Obama secured 364 electoral votes compared to Republican candidate Senator John McCain’s 163. The Wall Street Journal reported that this election may have been the biggest voter turnout since the 1968 Nixon-Humphrey election. People previously strangers to voting registered and cast their votes to make their voices heard especially young voters. Brooke Point had a large young adult voter turnout. Colleen McGlade not only voted but also volunteered for Barack Obama. She called people to remind them to vote. Many other Brooke Point students contributed their time to the campaigns. Seniors Karen Kappert, Kristin Plunkett volunteered to help the Obama campaign. On election day seniors Katelyn Smith and Isabel Portwine worked the polls for John McCain. James Bensinger, a first time voter, did not find the election results as pleasing as others did. “I felt that the people that vote did not pay attention to the political and governmental stuff. They just voted either Democrat or Republican because that’s how they were raised.” When asked if he would vote again in less monumental elections he replied with a strong “yes.” “Overall, students were more aware and excited about this election. It’s probably because of Barack Obama that so many more youth were involved,” Global Issues teacher Pete Ortiz commented. This election holds an importance for young voters, despite the fact that they have never ex- perienced a segregated America. “Whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, segregation was not that long ago. If you under- stand that you can understand how significant this election was,” government teacher John O’Brien said. The victory was also sweet for many older Americans, especially those who could remember the days of segregation. “When I first found out he had won I was so happy and felt like it was a new day in America,” senior Brittany Hill said. African Americans felt a great sense of pride in seeing Barack Obama elected. “When I heard he won I was still in shock, even though I watched the whole election race. When he first ran for the democratic nomination, I was skeptical. It won’t feel real until January 20th,” senior Kendra Buggs commented. The events from September 11th to today will be as monu- mental to future generations as Pearl Harbor was to previous generations. O’Brien urged his class to remember every detail of this time, because someday students might want to share their story with their grandchildren. Put simply by senior Chase Barnett, “It [Obama’s victory] felt good. America needs a change.” “It will be interesting to see where he [Barack Obama] is going,” O’Brien added. Both political parties were encouraged by the direction in which the country is headed with this unprecedented level of youth involvement. Presidentelect Barack Obama will need the energy brought by America’s youth into his efforts to bring about the changes he promised during the campaign season. bearable. As if all of this isn’t bad enough by itself, some students have their parents breathing down their neck the whole time. “There probably is more of an increase in pressure today because it is becoming more and more competitive to get into college,” says counselor Kristen Baumbach. “Also, schools offer more AP and honors classes at an earlier age, so parents want their kids to do as much as they can.” Junior Nicole Vojnovich agrees, “The standards to get into college are definitely much higher now.” Parents always have their son or daughter’s best interests in mind, but they often may not realize that their consistent hounding can be extremely unproductive. Parents play a very important role in their child’s achievement and development, but how much is too much? When does motivation become force? A large majority of adults and teenagers alike are in agreement that parents push their kids to unrealistically high levels when it comes to school. Also, college applications no longer request grade point averages and accomplishments alone. Now they want to hear about activities and volunteer work that students have done within their communities throughout their high school years as well. For that reason many teens are involved in countless after-school activities which only make things more difficult. Plus, teens still have their social and family lives to keep in order. “Sometimes what they [your parents] think is best for you, isn’t really what you think is best for yourself,” said sophomore Valeria Giberti. Emotional struggles and stress are not the only repercussions of constant pressure. In some cases, if the student is unable to cope, their grades can drop severely. A report from the Institute for Public Policy Research supported the notion that sometimes, pushing a child too hard can indeed backfire. Even though parents are trying to help their children, they can unknowingly be responsible for the decline in their child’s performance in school. Many students do not want their parents to be eliminated from their school life completely, they would just like to them to back off a little bit. Still, there are some that believe that parents do not pressure their children enough and, in fact, are lacking in involvement when it comes to their child’s education. English and Creative Writing teacher Aaron Spicer agrees with this notion. “No, I don’t think that they [parents] pressure their kids enough because a large percentage of college freshman are entering college unprepared,” he said. According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, 56% of adults believe that parents are not pushing kids hard enough and only 15% think that parents are getting out of hand with the pressure. The remaining 24% think that parents get involved just the right amount. So who is right here? Do high school students need to just suck it up, or do they have legitimate complaints about this extreme pressure? This issue does not only affect American students and parents, it is a subject that is debated in countries all around the world. It seems to be apparent that wherever there are diligent students, there will always be or won’t be a “I felt like it was a new day in America.” - Brittany Hill Senior Students struggle with pressure from parents By Caitlyn Cortese Parents today are famous for pressuring their children when it comes to education. They push their children to succeed by forcing them to enroll in honors and AP classes, buying them stacks of SAT preparation books and cracking down on their homework and studying habits. All of this can be very distressing to a high school teenager. Junior and senior years can be some of the most stressful times of a high school student’s life. Keeping up with projects and assignments and maintaining a stable grade point average can be difficult in itself, but juniors and seniors have college applications and the SAT to worry about as well. With the dark cloud of college deadlines hanging over their heads and the struggle to keep up with high school work a constant factor, the stress can become un- 48 Kiddie Hawks at BPHS Kiddie Hawk student teachers 3 47 hours in a Kiddie Hawk school day Breaking Brooke Point Down in Numbers average age of a Kiddie Hawk 2 or 3 3.5 days attended a week snack served each day 1 Index News .................. 2 Sports .................. 3 Student Life ......... 4 Entertainment ... 5 Feature ...............6 Opinion ............... 7 X-Page ................. 8 News 2 November 13, 2008 News 700 Billion Dollars Bails Out Wall Street Briefs National Honor Society Blood Drive The Brooke Point Chapter of the National Honor Society held its fall blood drive Wednesday, November 12, 2008. The American Red Cross allows any individual who is sixteen years or older to donate blood with parental consent. Members of the National Honor Society signed up potential donors during all lunch shifts approximately two weeks before the event. Another blood drive is being planned for the spring. “Hit A Jew Day” at Missouri Middle School By Sydney Ballesteros On October 20, Students at Parkway West Middle School shocked the United States by designating a “Hit a Jew” Spirit Day. The middle school located in Chesterfield, Missouri made national headlines for this upsetting display of bullying. Sixth grade students decided to hold unofficial spirit weeklike activities. The festivities began with “Hug a Friend” day. The next day was named “High Five” day followed by “Hit a Tall Person” day and finally, “Hit a Jew” day. School administration did not hear about the self proclaimed spirit day until that night. Ten of the school’s 35 Jewish attendees were reportedly hit in some fashion. Most of the hitting consisted of light taps but one Jewish student was slapped across the face. The majority of the six grade class knew about the planned “Hit a Tall Person” day and “Hit a Jew” day. “I don’t believe the motivation was racial or anti-Semitic,” Administrator, Hagle said. “It was just immature behavior and poor choices on the part of a small group of sixth graders” (Jewish Light Online). The school district has demanded a further investigation of the bullying incident. After the incident, five students were suspended. Brooke Point Puts On “The Odd Couple” By Caitlyn Cortese The Brooke Point Players fall production was Neil Simon’s popular comedy “The Odd Couple” on November 6, 7, and 8. The group did a special twist on the original by performing the female version of the play. “The Odd Couple” is a Broadway piece about two friends who decide to live together in an apartment. The new roommates soon find that they are both very different in their lifestyles and housekeeping habits. While one is slovenly and disorganized, the other is very uptight and tidy. The cast of “The Odd Couple” included Jessie Croke as Olive Madison, Elizabeth Gass as Florance Unger, Chelsea Connell as Renee, Emily Mansfield as Mickey, Jessica Carrington as Vera, Connie Winiesdorffer as Sylvie, Patrick Marlett as Manolo Costazuela, and Jonathan Litalien as Jesus Costazuela. The names of the characters had to be changed to conform to the cast’s female version. The original names of the male characters of “The Odd Couple” are Oscar Madison and Felix Unger. Before the play was presented, senior cast member Elizabeth Gass said, “The play is really funny. I’m really excited for everyone to see it.” Look for a review of the Brooke Point Player’s performance of “The Odd Couple” in the December issue of “The Hawkeye”. By Megan Helwig America’s current economic crisis is well known knowledge; it began with a trend of foreclosed homes, and then began to seep loans and credit as well as the stock market. Loans and credit cards being the only means of receiving money for further education that college bound American students have. Without the bailout, or at least a reversal in the current state of the United State’s economy, students aspiring for a college education might have to forget this prevalent privilege. However, the debate over the bailout remains: though this could save America’s economy, is it worth excusing shady businesses with hard-earned tax-dollars? The Bush administration passed a bill the first week of October transferring 700 billion taxpayer dollars to bailout businesses failing due to bad mortgages. This was in an effort to stop stock market and economic crash or what seems to be the makings of the next great depression. Section Eight of this bailout contains further controversy. It states the bailout “may not be revised by any court of law” or that America’s constitutional policy of judicial review has been made irrelevant. However, this has caused dissention and outrage in the American public. This bailout is being spent on malpracticing financial companies, such as banks that have gone into debt by engagement in shady practices. This rewards these companies for their dishonesty with no stipulations for the money being spent on them, and according to, will cost each American man, woman and child an average of $2,300. This bill is intended to give financial institutions confidence in the concept of credit which has become near worthless. Two million homes have gone into foreclosure because homeowners are unable to pay them off without taking out credit cards or loans. As a result of this, loans have become obsolete because of the unreliability of credit. This unreliability also bleeds into the stock market, which is the main cause of economic crash. American taxpayers are outraged that their tax dollars are going to undeserving companies, while these companies reap the benefits of the gains, but only public citizens can possibly suffer any losses. Despite its flaws, the bailout exists with good intentions. If credit continues to have less worth, more homes will go into foreclosure, affecting Americans higher up, including the middle class. No citizen, especially those with no credit or bad credit, will be able to take out a loan. This directly affects every student across the Untied States who plans on going to college; most do not have the funds to do so without the help of a loan. Holder Hopes To Stifle Cheating With Code Requirement By Shannon Boyle “I have neither given nor received any answers on this assignment without direct permission.” At the beginning of this year, students were told they would be required to write this statement on all papers they turn into their teachers. Against popular belief, this is not a new policy. “As long as I can remember, [the honor code] has been in various stages of enforcement,” Principal Cynthia Holder commented about the policy. Until this school year, students were not required to write out the code on their papers, but the honor code has always existed. Students have always been expected to respect the ideas of their peers, and only submit their own. Holder explained why she finds it necessary for students to write out the honor code, “I wanted to bring it to the students’ attention. I wanted to make sure everyone knew what it meant because it’s not just important at the high school level.” Colleges throughout the nation are adamant about honest work. The University of Virginia, which boasts the oldest studentrun honor system in the nation, expels students after a single infraction involving the honor code. The same goes for schools across America. Holder explained that cheating frequents Brooke Point, not only universities. “Cheating is common in all institutions. Many students set very high standards for themselves, and I don’t worry about those students. There are students that, if given the op- School Board explores 10 point grading scale By Chris Baire Stafford County School Board held a public hearing at the Alvin York Bandy Administrative Complex on Tuesday, October 28, 2008. The School Board discussed the possibility of changing to a tenpoint grading scale. “The board is currently into this,” Principal Cynthia Holder said. “We are also the only school district in the region that does an A+ or 4.5 system.” Under the present system, a score of 100-94 is an A. With the ten-point grading system, a score of 100-90 is an A. Starting this grading scale in high school would prepare students for college where the ten-point scale is used. “I doubt grades will change much,” said Stafford County School Board member John Ledoux. “First, there is a problem with trying to find out if that B received from a teacher who left two years ago was an 89 or a 90. Thus, I don’t think previous grades will change. Second, I think you will find that since all grading is subjective, a paper that was almost an A and was given a grade of 92 will now be given an 89.” “I think for the most part that would work out better because there would be better GPAs across the board and it would give a better incentive for kids to try harder to get better grades,” junior Ben Printzenhoff said. “I agree that a ten-point scale is the best,” Learn and Serve teacher Laura Lacey stated. “First, because I think that is the standard of most colleges and I think as far as helping our students with transcripts it works better.” Within the next year or two, Stafford County may switch its grading system for the ten-point scale. Ledoux stated that the chances of changing scales is “probably pretty good if the parents really want it.” According to School Board member Dana Reinboldt, the issue will be voted on at either their November or December meeting. Those wishing to comment on the subject can do so via e-mail. The address is PublicInformation Photo provided by Cheating: Brooke Point has taken a stricter stance on cheating this year, requiring all students to write out the Honor Code on every piece of school work. portunity, will take advantage of other students’ hard work and effort.” The consequences for violating the honor code at Brooke Point are not as severe. If a student is caught cheating, the student may receive an F on the assignment or could be sentenced to out-ofschool-suspension. However, the most common punishment for breaking the honor code is inschool-suspension. Holder stands by her mandate that the honor code must be written on all assignments, in order to solidify Brooke Point’s stance against cheating. Holder said, “If you write it, then you think twice about it.” American Education Week November 17 - 21 Thank an educator! Thank you, Mrs. Green, for your help with distribution of The HawkEye! Love from The HawkEye Staff BPHS Apple Federal Credit Union November: Apple will pay your $5 deposit Benefits: * Competitive Interest * Convenience of a bank right at school * Keep your account when you out are of school Taylor Nelson November 13, 2008 Ultimate Frisbee: A School Sport? By Chris Baire Brooke Point High School has four major sports: football, baseball, basketball and soccer. There are still many students who do not participate in school sports because they are not their “style.” There is a need for an exciting, non-contact sport that does not require the use of your feet, but is fast paced so that everyone can play. One popular sport that contains all of these is Ultimate Frisbee. Ultimate Frisbee is as fast paced as soccer and as intense as hockey. The team consists of seven players on a rectangular field and has end zones just like football. There are a few rules by which the players abide but there are no referees. This is a system that the players themselves call the “Spirit of the Game.” There is no time limit in Ultimate Frisbee. The game goes on as long as it takes to score thirteen points. There are many rules to the game, but they are easy to follow. When a player catches the Frisbee, he or she is allowed three to five steps to slow to a complete stop and has ten seconds to throw it to another player, the defender counts down from ten. The disc can be thrown in any direction that the offensive player throws it. If the disc is dropped, intercepted, blocked or is thrown out of bounds, the defense automatically gains control and becomes the offense. Ultimate Frisbee is a non-contact sport. Physical contact between players is prohibited, including picks and screens. When contact occurs, a foul is committed. Substitutions are allowed when a player on the field is injured or after a scoring drive. There are a few students in school who participate in a “backyard” version of this sport every Tuesday at the Old Stafford Middle School. Senior Dallas Pattie is one of them. Ultimate Frisbee would be an affordable and fun sport for school, but there are still several requirements that the student body would have to go through to have this as a high school sport. Finding a teacher or faculty member to sponsor is one of them. Weird Sport: Arm Wrestling By Josh Herron Although some people are not familiar with arm wrestling, it is a world wide sport. Arm Wresting has become very competitive with competitions held around the globe. “I have been all around the U.S. I go to competitions in Massachusetts, Connecticut, Illinois, North Carolina, South Carolina, New York, Arizona and West Virginia,” says Brooke Point junior and professional arm wrestler, Jeremy Kessler, who has trained with forty two time world champion, David Patton. “I’ve won over 20 competitions. First place usually gets 400 bucks. I have about 8,000 dollars in the bank.” The sport is played by two participants. Each participant places either the left or right arm on a surface with their elbows bent. Touching the competition surface, they grip each other’s hand. The goal is to pin the other person’s arm onto the surface and have the winner’s arm over the loser’s. Arm strength and technique are the greatest contributing factors to winning a match. “It takes a lot technique, dedication and strength to win,” Kessler said. Other factors such as the length of a competitor’s arm, hand grip size, wrist flexibility and endurance, muscle and arm mass/density, as well as other traits, can add to advantages in a wresting match. Arm wrestling puts enormous stress and twist on the humerus bone, the injury that often occurs due to the twisting is the humerus fracture, an injury to the bone in the upper arm that connects the shoulder to the elbow. Other injuries can occur easily due to the amount of stress an arm wrestler puts on his arm. “I’ve seen a lot people break bones,” Kessler says. Sports 3 Athlete of the Month Volleyball Compiled by Josh Herron At first glance, senior Kristina Hellengurst is a carefree girl who likes to have fun. But when it comes to playing for Brooke Point’s volleyball team, she will spike it in your face. Hellengurst is a seventeen year old who helped this year’s volleyball team serve it up. Q A Q A Q A How did you become interested in volleyball? Both of my parents have been playing since they were kids and my dad is a coach. How long have you been playing the sport? I’ve been playing since I was five. I played for an indoor Olympic volleyball team when I was 11. What do you do when you are not on the volleyball court? I play video games with my little brother, photography, tennis and watch movies with friends. college do you plan on atQ What tending and will you play college volleyball? Kristina Hellengurst A Mary Washington or George Mason. I’ll try to focus more on education, but I want to get on the volleyball team as a walk on. you ever had a game winning Q Have spike? A Yes, it was the semifinals of the Junior Olympics. I was 13. The game was close we were coming back from a really long rally. Things were getting frantic and I just called for the ball and I just put the game away! Brooke Point Without Barnett By Meredith Cavalier Senior tailback Chase Barnett suffered a season ending injury in Brooke Point’s win over Massaponax on Friday, October 17, 2008. Late in the third quarter, Barnett was escorted off the field in an ambulance with a severely broken right leg. The coach and team were taken back at the sight of their star player being taken away and not to return for another game. [www.fredericksburg. com]. “Losing Chase is obviously something that will hurt our team,” varsity football coach Jeff Berry stated. “But since we were put in this situation, we will use it as a rallying point and everyone will step up.” The district, regional and state football games will be played in upcoming weeks. Without Barnett to run the football, senior Gershom Reed will replace him on the field. “It sucks that he’s injured, but we just have to move on and prove to everyone that we can still win, even though he’s a big part of our team,” he said. Reed had over one hundred yards rushing in the Blackhawk’s win against Albemarle High School. Barnett rushed for 143 yards on twenty carries in his last high school football game. Although Barnett suffered from a fractured fibula and dislocated ankle, his injuries are not career-threatening. “It was a little setback. That’s all it is, but it won’t keep me back from my dreams and ambitions,” said Barnett. “I’m a fighter. Fighters get knocked down and they get back up.” Barnett will be playing football at Liberty University next fall. He made the verbal commitment over the phone while lying in a Mary Washington Hospital bed before surgery for his fractured leg. Chase Barnett running the football in a game against Osbourne High School. On the College Track: Sinkler and Copeland By Melody Barry April Sinkler is a freshman at Clemson University. Brooke Point graduates Brittany Copeland and April Sinkler attend Division I Universities on athletic scholarships. According to their track and field coach Tresa Jones, they exemplify what the Brooke Point athlete can become. “I am beyond proud of Brittany and April. They have gone above and beyond and continue to be amazing athletes and people.” Brittany Copeland runs cross country and track at East Carolina University. She runs the mile, 1000m, 3000m, and 800m. As a freshman, she was a top finisher in every meet, coming within one second of breaking three of the school’s records and finishing seventeenth at the Conference USA Cross Country Champion- ship. Copeland’s 2008 track and field season was impressive, too. She finished seventh in the Conference USA Indoor Championship and twelfth in the 3000m. April Sinkler attends Clemson University where she is continuing a successful career in track and field. She long jumps, triple jumps, and high jumps. Sinkler has competed at national events including the Praision National meet and the Junior National Track and Field Championships meet, where she earned two All-American honors. Sinkler long jumped her personal best 20’0.5” and 5’8.75” in high jump in the 2007-2008 track seasons. She has tied for second in Clemson’s record books. Brittany Copeland is a freshman at East Carolina University. Student Life 4 We Are BP Each individual in this school makes up the student body. We are all equal, but unique. We are teenagers full of passion and goals. These passions that drive us are plagued by stereotypes that keep our minds and other minds closed to possibility. The Hawkeye presents a column giving the students of Brooke Point a challenge. Anonymous students will write, without judgment, about their passions or lifestyles. In doing so they will become free to speak their minds and have a chance to break the stereotype. The challenge? To listen with an open mind. Individuals are the student body, but together we are Brooke Point. I Am a Scooter Kid “Only three year olds ride scooters.” That’s most likely what you would hear if you told someone you ride a scooter. But this stereotype isn’t necessarily true. I’m a senior and I ride scooters, so I’m here to break this stereotype. Don’t know what a scooter is? It’s the kind of scooter you rode five years ago when you didn’t have a car. It has two wheels and about a three inch wide base that’s two feet long. My handlebars are black with rubber grips. I use grip tape so my feet don’t slide off. This isn’t a kid’s sport; you have to be careful. I’ve broken my right pinky toe and gotten uncountable bruises on my shins. I’ve had sprained ankles and cuts up and down my legs. Right now I have one on my knee. But it’s all worth it. Riding my scooter isn’t easy. It takes a lot of dedication and hard work. It’s just as hard if not harder then any other extreme sport so those who say riding a scooter is easy are the type of people I would love to see try riding one. It’s not just riding; it’s about tricks too. Double tails are definitely my favorite and were the easiest for me to learn. Superman was the hardest trick I learned. It’s where you extend the deck of the scooter in the front of you and your body is doing a “superman.” It looks like you’re flying in the air! Then you place the deck back under your feet and land. My friends and I usually hit up parks at least once a week. During the summer we do it basically every day. We started because my best friend had a scooter in the back seat of his car and started jumping off stairs. I tried it and I’ve been hooked ever since. Razor scooters sponsor people to ride scooters. I’m not there yet but I’m working on it. I need to learn more tricks and master the ones I know to ride on that level. Usually people send in videos to sponsors. I have yet to do that. I’ll take my scooter to college for sure. I’ve been riding scooters since I was a sophomore with three of my best friends and it’s definitely one of my favorite things to do. I’m good at it too. In the past I used to care what people thought of me but now I realize that people are going think and say what they want, so it doesn’t bother me anymore. I don’t even pay them any mind now. I just ride my scooter. Signed, The Scooter Kid Senior Cheat Sheet By Melody Barry College is approaching quickly and seniors should prepare themselves for the challenges ahead! Senior Pacing Guide For November Those planning to attend 4-year colleges should: • Narrow college choices • Take the SAT or ACT, if not already taken • Start working on applications • Get teacher recommendations and allow teachers enough notice • Remember to keep grades up, acceptance letters can be taken away If planning to attend 2-year college: o Explore the different schools o Look at your options in majors and programs o Take the ACT or SAT o Enroll into the college of your choice o Consider the colleges you would like to transfer to and plan to apply early spring Students planning to go straight to the workforce should: o Explore job fields o Acquire job experience o Compose a resume o Research how to do an interview o Consider career schools o Look into getting an internship or job in your intended field If planning to go into the military students should: o Talk to recruiters o Take the ASVATS, register with your recruiter or in the guidance office o Enlist Below are important deadline dates for common college applications and tests with the regular acceptance deadlines respectively. Christopher Newport University George Mason University James Madison University Old Dominion University Radford University University of Mary Washington University of Virginia N/A Virginia Commonwealth University Virginia Tech ASVATS March 1, 2009 January 15, 2009 January 15, 2009 March 15, 2009 February 1, 2008 February 1, 2009 January 2, 2009 February 1, 2009 January 15, 2009 November 19,2008 Date compiled by Lauren Troyer Hawk in the Nest Riana Wilhelm By Yvonne Eber Biggest pet peeve? “Spelling errors and when people use abbreviations like lol and btw, I hate that!” What’s one strange fact about you? “I like eating ice cream cones, without the ice cream.” Most unusual place you’ve been to? “Does a laundry basket count? I got stuck in one before.” If you could marry one movie or book character who would it be and why? “Steve Urkel from Family Matters, so I could dance with him.” Favorite season? Why? “Winter cause then I can wear neon colored spandex.” If you had to live off one type of smoothie from tropical smoothie for the rest of your life what would it be? “Mocha madness…that’s all I ever get anyway” One thing you’ve always wanted to do but never have? “ Ha perform a tribal dance in a public place like New York.” Favorite possession? “My pig hat!!” If you had exactly three weeks to live and money wasn’t and issue what are the top five things you would do? “Shave my head, it’d be a cool look to rock but I wouldn’t want to rock it for life. Run in every country in the world and jump of Niagra Falls.” November 13, 2008 Hawkin-a-lot of Turkey By Kate Smith and Princess Massey For the past four years, Learn and Serve has collected turkeys to help the Region 16 Fredericksburg Area Food Bank. The students will be collecting turkeys on November 21, from 6:457:30 am in front of the school. The College Forge and Mountain View Learn and Serve students are holding turkey drives on the same day. The turkeys will go to the less fortunate in the City of Fredericksburg and the counties of Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania and Stafford. The Fredericksburg Area Food Bank distributes more than 2.5 million pounds of food and grocery products every year to more than 90 food pantries and other food assistance organizations in the Fredericksburg area. Last year Learn and Serve collected over 1100 pounds of turkey. The students hope to top last year’s total with 1200 pounds of turkey. “It does not have to be a whole turkey. It can be even a turkey breast,” says Learn and Serve teacher Laura Lacey. Non perishable items can be donated as well. Learn and Serve will advertise their project through posters and morning announcements. During the week of November 18-20, the Learn and Serve turkey will be making the rounds at all lunch shifts. “I want to do everything in my power to make sure we collect as many turkeys as we can,” senior Cecil Boswer said. Violin Artistry By Rebecca Brannan The Rappahannock Youth Symphony featured a painted violin display on Monday, October 27, at Battlefield Middle School. The violins were presented during the Italian dinner, one of the organization’s biggest fundraisers. The purpose of the display is to support the Youth Symphony and help local artists showcase their creativity. In order to be a part of this display, artists have to submit an application to the managers of the symphony. The applications contain information about how the violin will be decorated. The managers will then judge the applications based on how well the violins will sell. Stafford Music donates violins that are no longer playable to the program and then the artists are commissioned to create pieces of art. Teachers, such as Brooke Point’s Lisa Cover, have contributed to this display. “I felt inclined to contribute because my niece is in the symphony and I wanted to help.” Cover has painted two violins so far and plans to contribute more soon. “The first violin I painted was ‘Playing Koi’ and was based on Japanese Koi fish. They seem to have a musical flow when they swim. The most recent violin was ‘The Lullaby of Broadway’ I am very inspired by all the shows that have appeared on Broadway.” The violins which were presented at the dinner will be auctioned off on December 7 at the symphony’s Winter Concert. The auction will be held at James Monroe High School before the 2:00 pm concert. Turkey Trivia Test your Thanksgiving knowledge with these true or false questions. Look for the answers below. 1. Thanksgiving is celebrated only in the United States. 2. The voyage from England to the New World was a mere 66 days. 3. Only 102 Pilgrims believed to be on board the Mayflower. 4. Out of the pilgrims that survived the voyage to the New World, only 50% partook of the feast. 5. The first thanks giving feast lasted about three days. 6. Utensils were not available for the first Thanksgiving. 7. Quakers were the original names for the pilgrims. 8. During the first Thanksgiving in 1621, only five women lived to celebrate the feast. 9. The Pilgrim “image” of belt buckles and big hats is quite similar to what the pilgrims actually wore. 10. Thanksgiving is a religious holiday. 11. The state of Texas did not celebrate Thanksgiving from 1879 to 1883. 12. Prayer became a priority for thanksgiving by 1690. 13. The wishbone is the part of the turkey that is saved and snapped as an act of good luck. 14. Turkeys can drown if they look up at the rain. Answers 14. 13. 12. 11. 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. True True False True False False True False False True True True True False Entertainment 5 November 13,2008 Fashion! Fashion! Fashion! Twilight The Movie By Melody Barry Fashoin forwardness of Brooke Point Students Fashion is the external fingerprint. It’s how people represent themselves and the first thing some one sees. Fashion is a defining factor. Around Brooke Point there are extreme and subtle fashion expressions. These students epitomize fashion forwardness in some way and have a personal fashion statement unlike their peers. Brooke Point Welcomes British Actor! By Sydney Ballesteros On October, 29th, British actor, Derek Brown, the founder of Actorshop Limited, made a visit to Brooke Point to help students learn through “forum thaer.” During Brown’s time at Brooke Point he worked with Mary Southall’s English 9 class and Lisa Cover’s Advanced Drama class. “Most teachers give you things you have to do. He really gave a reason why he was telling you to do something,” senior Jessica Carrington explained. Carrington took part in Brown’s acting workshop for the Advanced Drama class. Brown worked with students, using forum theater, “a more sophisticated, accessible and powerful type of roleplay” (Actorshop Ltd.). Students were assigned a character with a background to act out. From there, they improvised. “He helped me improve my improv skills- so if I mess up [on stage] I’ll know what to do,” senior Elizabeth Gass said. “We also called him Gildroy Lockheart behind his back.” The British actor captivated the class with his extensive knowledge of theater. “They were all attentive. It could have been his accent, but he was a very interesting character,” senior Patrick Marlett described. Brown put on a different type of workshop for Southall’s English 9 class who were just beginning George Orwell’s “Animal Farm.” He urged students to think through different perspectives: a nice introduction to the novel’s plot. Southall has known Derek Brown for “many years” and has also dealt with Actorshop Ltd. “I experienced their program as a young student and a teacher. They come up with such creative ideas.” Although Brown did not use Forum Theater in her class, he did have students think through the perspective of animals to help them understand the personification Orwell used. Brown teaching this period of world history also gave students a European perspective. Brown’s trip was organized by Frederick Franklin. Franklin, former Stafford County drama teacher, met Brown in London and was able to persuade Brown to visit schools in Fredericksburg and Stafford schools. “I’ve really enjoyed my time here. .Brooke Point is a fabulous school and I enjoy Stafford County,” the enthused Brown said. His BP visit was short because of plans to visit other Stafford County schools. Actorshop Ltd. also helps businesses motivate faculty to develop and work as a team.. Brown helps develop workshops and retreats for forum theater. “He was very passionate about theater. I’d love to have him back again,” Lisa Cover said. By Lauren Troyer Jordan Foy Donald Mickel Quote to summariz your style. “I’m fresh to death. I like to look clean and put together because people expect all big girls to look sloppy so I put extra effort into it.” Quote to summarize your style. “I was born in the wrong decade.” Where do you shop and what specific pieces do you look for while shopping? “I shop at Gap, H&M, and Urban Outfitters. I look for retro and European styled pieces.” Where do you shop and what specifc pieces do you look for while shopping? “I shop at Torrid. I look for accessories, nice dark washed jeans and everything has to fit nicely. I always take my proportions into consideration.” Who would you consider a fashion icon? “Tupac and Run-DMC because Who would you consider a fashion icon? “Today I consider Rhianna, because she thinks outside of the box and her style inspires others and 40s’ pin-up girls like Marylin Monroe.” they took risks and didn’t care what people thought, and I think that’s really cool.” If someone took your style what would you say to them? “They’ve learned from the best.” If someone took your style what would you say to them? “I see you jockin’ JFo jockin JFo! like the Jay-Z song.” Cecilia Bergeria Quote to summarize your style. “Grandma” Where do you shop and what specific pieces do you look for while shopping? “ I shop at Gap and look for basic pieces like skirts and blazers. But for funkier stuff I go to H&M and the Goodwill and look for out of the box stuff.” Who would you consider a fashion icon? “I really like the singer Rosemary Clooney. She’s from the classical period. She was very classy and dressed to suit her body shape. She was very curvy. She didn’t follow the norms of fashion to be fashionable.” If someone took your style what would you say to them? The Boovies Are Coming By Megan Helwig The new craze in the entertainment industry is the Boovie; a movie based on a popular book. Boovies have been out there since the movie industry began. “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “Gone With the Wind” are some of the most well known. Boovies really began to gain steam with the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy, the still ongoing “Harry Potter” saga, “The Chronicles of Narnia” series, etc. Several newly created Boovies will soon make an appearance at the box office over the winter season, pleasing both avid readers and movie fans. And for you book-worms, try not to nit pick on added or unenclosed details and enjoy the movie. Based on Stephenie Meyer’s New York Times Best Selling Novel, “Twilight” premiers with a midnight showing on Thursday November 20 at the AMC theater in Woodbridge. A love story with a twist, “Twilight” begins with the main character, Bella played by Kristen Stewart, traveling to the small town of Forks, Washington, where she finds that more than just rain waits her. After starting school Bella realizes that Edward , her lab partner played by Robert Pattinson, is trying to avoid her at all costs. Later, after Bella discovers the truth behind the dislike, she is not hurt but intrigued that Edward can’t stand her because he is a vampire. After the discovery, Bella and Edward become infatuated with one another. Edward eventually wants Bella to meet his family, a pack of seven blood thirsty vampires. While Bella is at the Cullen’s home Edward plays a lullaby he wrote that was inspired by her. She then discovers that Edward might be just as interested in her as she is in him. Before the movie begins to be too romantic, an ever changing direction of adventure and mystery ensues, as the audience begins to discover the inner secrets of the Cullen family and vampires who haven’t chosen the Cullen’s path of life. James, a human wanting vampire, decides that Bella will be his greatest challenge and will not stop tracking her until she is dead. When Edward realizes James’ plan he sends Bella to Phoenix with Alice and Jasper, Edwards siblings played by Ashlee Greene and Jackson Rathbone, not realizing that James’ is already awaiting her there. In Phoenix, Bella is tricked into giving herself to James and Edward must try to save Bella from his awful fate. The eight years of anticipation is over as “Twilight” hits theaters on Friday November 21, 2008. November Word of the Month The Wife Time Travelers Plot Synopsis: The original book by Audrey Niffenegger “The Time Travelers Wife” is the story of the tumultuous love between Clare Abshire, a normal girl throughout the course of her life, and Henry DeTamble, a man afflicted with Chrono Displacement Disorder or involuntary time travel. This movie follows their troubles with dealing with and trying to cure Henry’s involuntary time travel, and their interactions throughout the course of their lives from each of their perspectives. ReleaseDate: December 25, 200 Leading Roles: Rachel McAdams as Clare Abshire and Eric Bana as Henry DeTamble Director:RobertSchwentke The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Plot Synopsis: An adaptation of the short story of the same title by Scott F. Fitzgerald “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” tells the tale of a man born under “unusual circumstances.” Benjamin Button is born as an old man and ages backwards into infancy; the movie tells the tumultuous experiences of Benjamin as he finds love, experiences death, and discovers what he can make out of life, however different his may seem. Release Date: December 25, 2008 Leading Roles: Brad Pitt as Benjamin Button, Cate Blanchet as Daisy Director: David Fincher Uglies Plot Synopsis: An adaptation of a book of the same title by Scott Westerfield, Uglies tells the story of Tally, a teenager is a semi-utopian futuristic world, who only dreams of becoming a “Pretty”. The “Pretties” are made when each child turn sixteen; they are helped out of their “Ugly”, average lives and made, with the help of plastic surgery into flawless, beautiful, thoughtless and carefree people. Tally is threatened to not be given the surgery when a friend, Shay, runs away with her own doubts about the surgery. Tally must then make the decision to either betray her friend or be denied her childhood dream of being “Pretty” and stay “Ugly” forever. Release Date: Sometime in 2011 Distinctive Individual Versatile Ecletic Rare Significant Independent Tenacious Youthful Feature 6 Post Secret was created by Frank Warren on January 1, 2007 as an art experiment. In December of that year he began passing out postcards on the streets of Washington, D.C. asking people to send their secrets anonymously in to his address. With those secrets, he created a small art exhibit. Surprisingly the exhibit began to grow. November 13, 2008 People Frank hadn’t even passed postcards to began sending in secrets from all over the country. Frank has now received over 30,000 postcards, created a traveling art exhibit, hosted hundreds of speeches, created a website with weekly posts of secrets and published four books consisting of compilations of the secrets he has received. In order to send in your own secrets, create a postcard and send it to 13345 Copper Ridge Rd Germantown, Maryland 20874. This issue of “The Hawkeye,” Brooke Point students have created their own version of Post Secret asking students to send secrets in anonymously. Here are a few of them: The Best secret i’ve kept ... when I was a kid I got mad at my dad and cut a whole in his pool table I never realize how much I miss my sister until I go and visit her and then have to leave. to her when she was still here. I wish I wouldnt have been so mean have been my best friend’s Everyone still blames my cousin because I am still too scared to confess. I love my cats more than my own family Blackle: The environmentaly friendly version of Google By Amanda Krick In January 2007, the owner of the ecoIron blog suggested that a large amount of energy could be saved if Google switched their home page from white to black.With the economy in a downward spiral, has therefore created an alternative website that saves 750 Megawatt-hours a year. The idea of creating came from the debate over different colors consuming different amount of energy on computer monitors. Blackle uses light grey text on a black background; this is different than the customary Google layout of blue, black, and green text on a white background. This shift to a black background will save 15 watts of energy. Blackle uses a search engine and works the same way as, yet it is more economically friendly. Blackle is not owned by Google Inc., however, and does not have all the same links as Google, such as the ‘cached’ and ‘similar pages’. In July 2007, users spent 2,557,000,000 minutes on, 746 minutes on, 7,535 minutes on Myspace. com, and 2,117 minutes on a year. With the number of people online increasing every year, choosing economic friendly ways to use the Internet will make an impact. Another alternative that can help the environment is to use the script or browser option to alter the color scheme for some or all the pages in view. For Firefox users, a GreaseMonkey script called Google Dark can be in- stalled that automatically reverses the color scheme when you visit For Firefox users, go to ‘Tools > Options > Content > Fonts & Colours > Colours’ and adjust the color scheme there. For Internet Explorer users, go to ‘Tools > Internet Options > General > Appearance > Colors’ to alter the color scheme. Changing computer color schemes when visiting websites or using Blackle as the search engine can save 750 Megawatt-hours a year. Proponents contend that it is another easy way to go green. Then maybe I wouldnt be so sad and people wouldnt think I dont love to be around her New Faculty and Staff at BPHS By Bailey Sergent There are twenty-two new faculty and staff at BPHS this 2008-2009 school year. We shine the spotlight on a few of them. Julie Brahler, a math teacher, taught at Calvary Christian School before coming to BPHS. Kristina DeWitt and Aaron Spicer are English teachers who came from Colonial Forge. Foreign Language teacher Ariel Enoch taught at Twin Lakes High School in Indiana. Imara Marti another Foreign Language teacher worked as a substitute teacher in Europe. Michael Kuchinski is a mathematician who previously worked for the Department of the Navy. Autism teacher Jamie Stehm taught at Stafford Middle. Lauren Turpin was the nurse’s assistant at Stafford Middle. She is now in charge of ISS. Mark Zacharda is a first year science teacher from Michigan. John Daubert previously taught at Stafford High School as a long term sub. Advertisement Magnolia Boutique Plus Size Fashions and Accesories Patricia Endicott Owner 2777 Jefferson Davis Hwy. unit 109 Stafford VA 22554 [email protected] “If your Clothes aren’t becoming to you you should be coming to me!” Opinion 7 November 13, 2008 Assigned parking spaces Question of the m o n t h If you had run for president what would your slogan have been? “Don’t have a Turkey vote for Lauren Kirtley. Hot Spices!” Lauren Kirtley Senior “I itch for Vojnovich” Nicole Vojnovich Junior “Do it the right way, vote for Renee” Pro By Lauren Troyer ____Many Brooke Point High School students were outraged this summer when they discovered that they would have assigned parking spaces. A rumor that the parking spaces would be handed out in alphabetical order starting with A’s at the front of the lot and Z’s to the back. This rumor along with many other false assumptions tainted the parking policy before the true facts were even given. If students had taken the time to research the policy before becoming so angry over it they would have realized that the parking policy is for the students’ benefit. Students were given fair option, on a first come - first serve basis, if they would like to park in the front of the back of the lot. The parking arrangements were made as fair as possible. Students who wanted to park next to their friends only had to stand next to them in line when getting their parking passes. Students who wanted the front Con By Kate Smith or back of the lot had to be on time with money and parking form. With assigned spaces, students no longer need to worry whether their parking space is occupied by someone else. Underclassmen should not have the privilege to park in the senior lot. With the assigned spaces they will not be allowed. The policy guarantees everyone’s space in the lot and that their class is the only one in it. It is aimed at making parking easier and more convenient for students, so far, it has. Assigned spaces also guarantee that there will be no underclassmen taking privileges that they have not earned. Unlike last year, juniors parking in the senior parking lot will be easily noticed and identified. Students no longer have to rush to school before we really need to be is gone since the policy assures that no matter what time we get to school, the spaces will always be there for us. We have all changed throughout our high school years. We have become more independent, more sociable and more willing to open up to new things. We take comfort in the things that have remained the same; seeing familiar faces in the hall, knowing where our teacher’s rooms are, knowing the floors by heart. Until this year, we had the freedom of choosing our parking spaces. Last year’s policy was not as strict as the policy this year. In the past, the administrators and teachers did not care where we parked, as long as we stayed out of each other’s parking lots. On any given day, students could change their parking spaces. With the new policy, for a group of friends to park together, each student must have the form, money, license, and papers on hand and buy the passes at the same time. Each student is expected to stay there for the remainder of the year, no exceptions. The new policy is more effective in catching students whom have broken parking rules while providing a harsher punishment to those violators. If a student has not purchased a parking pass and parks in an assigned spot, the car will be ticketed and booted. To avoid a booting, students must purchase a parking pass for $75. If a car is booted, the student will have to wait for administrators to come and take it off at their convenience. There are many different after school activities that require students to stay after school. Students who only participate in specific after school activities should not have to buy a parking pass only to be used a few times. It should be enough for each class to be assigned a specific colored pass. Juniors have been assigned purple passes and seniors with black. With two different colors, administrators should be able to spot cars on the wrong lot. Sadly, I feel as if the administrators’ intentions are not pure. I am starting to believe the only reason we now have assigned parking passes is so they can keep track of us. Renee Damchik Sophomore “Black and Proud” Akim Evans Freshman The Hawkeye Staff Brooke Point High School 1700 Courthouse Rd. Stafford, VA 22554 Kevin McAleese Editor-In-Chief Terence Edelman Asst. Editor-In-Chief Shannon Boyle News Editor Lauren Troyer Feature Editor Sydney Ballesteros Student Life Editor Melody Barry Entertainment Editor Meredith Cavalier Sports Editors James Shaw Opinion Editor Doug Kay Rebecca Brannon Photography Editors Hillary Sabetta Xtreme Editor Yvonne Eber Copy Editor Princess Massey Cartoonist Brittany Webster Business Manager Staff Writers Chris Baire Frankie Coulson Megan Helwig Josh Herron Amanda Krick Ryann Ridgeway Bailey Sergent Kate Smith Aiden Stewart Walter Stickles Caitlyn Cortese Mary Catherine Hornung Adviser Letters to the Editor Dear Editor, Dear Editor, “Nerd Day” was not an inappropriate choice for spirit week. It was not a way to make fun of individuals at our school but rather a parody of the stereotypical “nerd” portrayed in the media. Intellectuals in real life aren’t nerdy or awkward, just like cheerleaders aren’t mean and athletes aren’t stupid. The nerds we portrayed weren’t real people, they were simply caricatures from television. If we’re going to say that dressing up as a nerd is offensive to smart people, why don’t we say that no one should go to college because it offends those whose grades were not high enough to get in, or that no one should walk because it offends people in wheelchairs? Nerd Day was a completely acceptable choice, and as far as I could tell the whole school enjoyed it. Genevieve Bee Sophomore The Hawkeye is a cross-section of the news and opinions of the student body of Brooke Point High School. It is a forum of student expression published seven times a year by the Free Lance-Star. Editorials represent the views of the writers and are not necessarily the opinions of Brooke Point High School, its administration, or staff. Unsigned editorials represent the majority of the Editorial Board. Letters to the Editor Got an opinion about something? Submit a Letter to the Editor to rooms 220 or 213. The proposition of changing the Stafford County grading scale from the current six point scale to the more widely used 10 point scale is the most important issue on the floor for our school board. Unlike the decisions regarding whether or not to close Stafford Middle School and Drew, which is attracting more attention, the outcome of this decision could potentially affect the futures of Stafford County students. The 10 point scale would lower the minimum percentage required to receive an A from 94% to 90%; a B would become 80% - 89%, a C would be 70% - 79%, and so on. Because curriculum is just as different in counties under the six point scale, students graded under the 10 point scale are at an advantage when applying for college. As a child in a military family, I have been to ten schools and have experienced both scales as well as a seven point scale. The 10 point scale is the most beneficial to students, not because of lowered standards, but because it equals the playing field for students around the country. Stafford County is known for excellence in education and is rated among the top ten counties in the country. Changing the scale is necessary to make Stafford County as competitive as other counties. Meg Robinson Sophomore Dear Editor, Krysten Marshall’s article on senior spirit was very well written. She expressed her opinion strongly and I completely agree with her. Seniors at Brooke Point have earned their right to be named the “Elite.” The senior class of 2009 worked their way up the high school food chain to become what they are today. As the sophomore class of 2011 stood next to the senior class of 2009, we stood in awe Dear Editor, I would like to commend Sydney Ballesteros on her article “Remembering Robert Stutzman.” I unfortunately did not have the chance to meet Mr. Stutzman, but after reading this article I feel very deprived. Sydney did a beautiful job of highlighting Mr. Stutzman’s career and his personal life. It is articles like these, and thought about when it will be our day. As Krysten stated, although we will not admit it, when it comes our day to shine on homecoming Friday, we will want the underclassmen to stand and respect our class. Let the senior class of 2009 stand. They have worked the way to the top. They are the “Elite.” Let’s stand in awe. The seniors have earned their right to stand at the top. Ashley Poggi Sophomore displaying admiration and compassion that make reading the HawkEye uplifting and substantial. I would also like to praise the Brooke Point student body for their respect and honor for Mr. Stutzman, I have only heard good things about him. Krysten Marshall Sophomore X-Page 8 November 13, 2008 X-Posed: Miracle Fruit By Hillary Sabetta A new trend involving a single red berry is on the rise and cultivating a cultlike following. The Miracle Fruit has the ability to “rewire” the way the palate distinguishes between certain flavors, making lemons taste seemingly sweet and vinegar taste similar to apple juice. The transformation occurs when the miraculin protein attaches to taste buds and induces sweetness when acids hit. To activate the pro tein, the fruit must be chewed and swirled around in the mouth for a min- ute. If the tongue is completely coated, the effects last for about an hour. Native to West Africa, Miracle Fruit has been utilized by Westerners since the 1800’s. During the 1970’s, there were hopes that miraculin extract could be used as a sugar substitute but the Food and Drug Administration shot down that dream. Now it is becoming a widespread fad to host “flavor trip” parties where the fruit is handed out to participants and tables are set up with a wide spread of food to test. However wondrous Mir- acle Fruit may be, it is a costly expense. Each berry is sold for two dollars or more. Buying them in bulk could empty a bank account – a web site,, sells a pack of thirty berries with overnight shipping for $90. There are no known dangers associated with the Miracle Fruit according to Dr. Linda Bartoshuk, who works at University of Florida’s Center for Smell and Taste. Can you identify these BP landmarks? 2. 1. 3. 4. If you think you know what all four pictures are, come to room 213 to claim your prize. Only the first five people will be awarded prizes!
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