Congratulations Fr. Pawel Barwikowski


Congratulations Fr. Pawel Barwikowski
Saint Francis Borgia Church
8033 W. Addison St. Chicago,IL 60634
The Most Holy Trinity
May 22, 2016
Fr. Pawel Barwikowski
Saturday, May 21, 2016
8:00  Salvatore Notaro
 Maria Bednarczyk
 Rolf Williamsen
Birthday Blessings for Fr. Rich & Health &
Blessings on his 33rd Ann. of Ordination
Birthday Blessings for Alma Pini
Health & Blessings for Matt
 Padraig McDonagh
 Helen L. Trifilio
Sunday, May 22, 2016 - The Most Holy Trinity
Birthday Blessings for Fr. Rich & Health &
Blessings on his 33rd Ann. of Ordination
Birthday Blessings for Margaret Mary Cursio
 Felix Aquino
 Janina Santos
Dziekczynna za otrzymane laski dla corki Patrycji
O Dary Ducha Sw., opieke Matki Bozej i potrzebne
laski dla rodziny Jurek
 Jan Witkowski
 Kazimierz Lisowicz
 Czeslaw Sepko
 Maria Bednarczyk
 Zofia Dobosz
 Mitchell Staniec
 Edward Kaczmarczyk
 Janina Chmielowska w rocz. smierci
 Zofia i Jan Markiewicz
 Ludwika i Ludwik Guszkiewicz i zmarlych z rodziny
 Jerzy Gubarewicz
Birthday Blessings for Fr. Rich & Health &
Blessings on his 33rd Ann. of Ordination
Birthday Blessings for Arlene Jagiello
 Angela Russell
 Roger & Eduardo Cabrera
 Giuseppe & Onelia Settefrati
 In Memory of Fred Kuttritz on his Birthday
Birthday Blessings for Fr. Rich & Health &
Blessings on his 33rd Ann. of Ordination
Birthday Blessings for Ann Stockwell
Health & Blessings for Sr. Mary Bridget Murphy S.N.D.
O zdrowie i Boze Blog. dla Henrego Surmanski
z okazji Chrztu Sw.
Dziekczynna do Ojca Sw. Jana Pawla II za Ks. Pawla
Barwikowskiego, prosi Janina i Grazyna
O Boze Blog. w intencji dzieci i wnukow, czlonkow
zyjacych i zmarlych z rodzin Zietek i Orlof, prosi
Janina Zietek
O Blog. i opieke Matki Bozej dla dzieci i wnukow, prosi
Grazyna Kaminski
 Leokadia Oles
 Kazimiera Steliga w 1 rocz. smierci
 Helena Wojcik
 Jerzy Gubarewicz
6:00  Stanislaw Walas
 Jerzy Gubarewicz
New Parishioners Are Invited to Register
Last name of registrants / Nazwisko
Name of spouse / Imię małżonka
Names of children / Dzieci
City, State, Zip / Miasto, Stan, Kod pocztowy
Home phone number / Numer telefonu
Dates of Birth
Address / Adres
Forma Rejestracyjna
First name / Imię
Date of Birth
Date of Birth
I am:
Monday, May 23, 2016
7:15  Msgr. Charles Mulcrone
Health & Birthday Blessings for Joseph B. Martino
Birthday Blessings for Fr. Rich & Health &
Blessings on His 33rd Ann. of Ordination
7:00  Maria Bednarczyk
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
For All Our Sick & Homebound
Health & Blessings for Shaun & Matthew Donahue
 Maria Bednarczyk
 Mary Reid
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Health & Blessings for Fr. Joe on His 45th Anniversary
of Ordination
Blessings for Fr. Paul on His Ordination to the
 Carruba Domenica
 DiPietro Giuseppina
 Salvatore Gueli
7:00  Maria Bednarczyk
 Genowefa Nowotarska w 12 rocz. smierci
 Tadeusz i Stanislaw Nowotarski
Thursday, May 26, 2016 - St. Philip Neri
7:15  Michael Kennedy
 Minerva Valle
8:30  Maria Bednarczyk
Friday, May 27, 2016
7:15  Donald Arendt
8:30  Ken Grenier
7:00  Maria Bednarczyk
 Izabela Litwin
Saturday, May 28, 2016
Birthday Blessings for Richard Kurtyka
 Maria Bednarczyk
Health & Blessings for Matt
 Ken Grenier
 Anna Novatny
Sunday, May 29, 2016 - The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ
7:30  Grace Carsello
 Lucy Mantuano
O opieke Matki Bozej dla mamy Cecylii z okazji
Dnia Matki
 Jan Witkowski
 Kazimierz Lisowicz
 Jozefa i Franciszek Rypel
 Janina Duda
 Maria Bednarczyk
 Zofia Dobosz
 Mitchell Staniec
 Edward Kaczmarczyk
 Lukasz Garbacz
10:30  Angela Russell
 Roger & Eduardo Cabrera
 Ken Grenier
 George Paris
 Lucy Mantuano
12:00  Stephen Chorba
 Lucy Mantuano
 Joseph O’Keefe
1:30  Leokadia Oles
Za wszystkich parafian i gosci
naszej parafii
Alternate phone number / Numer telefonu
St. Francis Borgia Mission Statement
“St. Francis Borgia nurtures the Roman Catholic Faith and fosters the gifts of the Holy Spirit in all by: Welcoming everyone into
our faith community; Celebrating the sacraments together; Providing faith education; Providing an environment for prayerful
meditation; Utilizing our time, talents and treasures. We resolve to develop, support, empower, and encourage individuals to reach
their spiritual potential for the greater glory of God and the good of His people.”
Members of our church community are serving our country in the various branches of the military. Please pray for all of
them and their families and especially for those listed below.
Matthew J. Albanese
James Allision
Paul Raymond Barthel
Rev. Marcin Bulinski
Christopher R. Burdulinski
Joseph Vito Burdulinski
Dominic J. Cammuca
Luciano Cammuca Sr.
James D. Campis
Jasper Catalano
Kevin Chesney
Robert Curtis
Tamara DeCaro
Shawn Gaffney
Gerald Giovannelli
Slawomir Glownia
Michael Granadon
Daniel Jarosz
Joseph Patrick Kinney
Frank Joseph Klimas
James Labbe
Tom Lewandowski
Michael Labek
Matt Manzano
Tim McManus
Darrell Mills
SUNDAY, May 22
Deaf Ministry ..................................... Chapel/SC2
Fr. Pawel’s 1st Mass (Bilingual) .............. Church
MONDAY, May 23
Crafters ........................................................... SC3
Italian Catholic Federation............................ SC2
Marian Movement ..................................... Chapel
Knights of Columbus ..................................... SC2
Girl Scouts ...................................................... SC2
Borgia Café (RE) ........................................ School
Deaf Ministry .................................................. SC2
8th Grade Dinner Dance Set-Up ..................... SC2
Sacred Heart Service & Healing Mass .... Chapel
Padre Pio Mass (Polish) ........................... Church
FRIDAY, May 27
Divine Mercy Prayer Group ..................... Chapel
8th Grade Dinner Dance ................................. SC2
Italian Catholic Federation Mass ............ Church
SUNDAY, May 29
Deaf Ministry ..................................... Chapel/SC2
Please pray for those who have died and
their families
Felice Sangirardi
III Maria Gruszka and Giuseppe Ventrella
Michael A. Morelli
Artur Niedbelka
Roman Ortega
Nicholas Ranch
James H. Schreiner
Robert Schreiner
Gerald Tuman
Michael Tuman
Richard A. Wagner
Steven A. Walker
Please pray for all the sick, homebound, and the convalescents
of the parish, our relatives and friends, and especially:
Felicia Accolti
Carmella Aguilar
Venecia Alanis
Diana Albarran
Tim Betzolt
June Billingham
Mary Burke
Marcella Buttkus
Dominick Cantore
Dolores Cantore
Rita Caruk
Steve Chorba
Elisabeth Corkran
Elaine Czarnowski
Michelle Deering
Charles Dobrovolny
Margaret Ebler & Family
Patricia Fleming
Anne Fritz
David Gardner
Walter Garland
Pauline Garrett
Immacolata Geronazzo
Jared Godla
James Gorski
Marion Grenier
Rose Marie Hakes
Timothy Heider
Katherina Hoffmann
Kelly Irvin
Lottie Jankowiak
Robert Johnston
Genowefa Karwowska
Dagmar Tony Kilian
Catherine Klostermann
John Allen Klostermann
Anne Kuhter
Bronislawa Lakomski
Umberto Landini
Deacon William Lehman
Jozef Lenart
Dons Ludmann
John Martinelli
Aria McCarthy
Bernice Mae McKay
Joanne Melone
Grace Miceli
Sheryl Morabito
Theresa G. Napoletano
Jennifer Ochinnio
Michael O’Neill, Jr.
Michael O’Neill, Sr.
Patricia O’Neill
Tommy O’Neill
Michael Palumbo
Rosemary Palumbo
Samantha Parry
Bernadette Petty
Victoria Pietroczynski
Alma Pini
John Pini
Kathryn Richko
Megan Richko
Michelle Richko
Peter Rocco
Sandra Romeo
Michael Rowan
Virginia Rylko
Emily Schultz
Rosemary Schultz
John Smigla
Frank Somogyi
Jeff Stachula
Christopher Staunton
Frances Swiatek
Christine M. Szeszol
Maria Szymczek
Jason Townsend
Nicholas Vitellaro
Helena Walaszek
Sharon Zdun
From the Pastor’s Desk...
I want to thank all the sponsors and volunteers for their hard work and all who attended and made our Carnival
beautiful and successful. The entire profit will go to the renovation of our Church. We will have a full financial report
published in the next Bulletin.
Last weekend, we celebrated the Feast of Pentecost and according to the liturgical calendar of the church, the
Easter season has ended. The liturgical period in Ordinary Time has begun, which will last until Advent.
Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Trinity, which calls us to the love, holiness and unity, which unites
the Three Persons of the Holy Trinity. Let us pray to the Holy Spirit for unity and peace in every family and the
world. To better understand the mystery of the Holy Trinity and its unification, we have to receive the Eucharist, which
is the highest form of unity between man and God.
On the 29th of May, we will mark Corpus Christi. In St. Francis Borgia parish, following the 1:30 pm
multilingual Mass, we will hold a Eucharistic procession to four altars. I kindly request that our parishioners and friends
prepare the altars. Let us pray that the feast day be another manifestation of our faith in the True Presence of Christ in
the Eucharist.
Rev. Richard Milek
Fr. Paul’s childhood home
Fr. Paul’s hometown
Fr. Paul’s home Parish
Fr. Paul’s i st communion
Fr. Paul’s BaPtism
Fr. Paul’s deacon
School News
This Week At St. Francis Borgia School ...
Week of May 23, 2016
 Sr. Marie Paul's music students will perform their
 Open registration for St. Francis Borgia School
for the 2016-2017 school year is ongoing.
 We offer:
- 3 Year Old Pre-School - Five Days - MondayFriday
Half Day - 7:45 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Full Day - 7:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- 4 Year Old Pre-Kindergarten - Five Days Monday through Friday
Half Day - 7:45 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Full Day - 7:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Full Day Kindergarten
Monday through Friday - 7:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Grades 1 through 8
7:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
- Extended Day Program (EDP) (offered on all
days school is in session; this program is tax
deductible) 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
final recital on Monday, May 23, at 7:30 p.m. in
Mayall Hall. All are welcome to attend.
On Tuesday, May 24, the three-year-old PreSchool, four-year-old Pre-Kindergarten, and
Kindergarten classes will go on a field trip to
Brookfield Zoo. This will complete part of their
animal study units.
On Tuesday, May 24, grades five and six will go
on a field trip to the Museum of Science and
On Wednesday, May 25, grades one, two, three
and four will go to the Shedd Aquarium. They
will explore, observe and research animal  Please stop by the school office (3535 North
habitats, needs and behavior. They will also see
Panama) on any regular school day to register
the Beluga whale aquatic show.
your child/ren. Please bring an original birth
Thursday, May 26, is Spirit Wear day. Spirit
certificate (including birth number) and
Wear includes school and gym uniforms, SFB
baptismal certificate. Copies of your documents
pajama pants, shirts and/or sweatshirts with our
will be made in the school office. A nonschool name, and school athletic jerseys.
refundable $100.00 registration fee and nonThursday, May 26, is Pizza Lunch
refundable $100.00 tuition deposit are due at the
Day! Yay!
time of registration. If you have any questions,
There will be an all-school Mass in church
please call the school at 773-589-1000.
at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, May 27. All are welcome
to attend.
The eighth graders will dress in their finest and
enjoy their dinner-dance in the Gym on
Friday evening, May 27.
Borgia Café-The Biblical Roots of Mercy
St. Francis Borgia Parish will be hosting the Borgia
C.A.F.E.-Catholic Adult Faith Education
series-Wednesdays, May 25 & June 1 at 7:00 p.m.
in the Religious Education Center located in Schoolroom
101. We will study The Biblical Roots of Mercy, a video
presentation by Fr. James McIlhone. Fr. McIlhone, Director
for Biblical Formation, Archdiocese of Chicago,
offers Old & New Testament insights of God’s mercy in
this excellent series. Admission and refreshments are free.
Please join us! For more information, please contact the St.
Francis Borgia Religious Education Office
at (773) 625-1705.
The office will be
closed on
May 30th
Respect Life
Praise the Holy Trinity
Some truths, like the very existence of God,
can be known by human reason alone. Other truths,
like the fact that God is One in Three Persons –
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – can only be known if
God reveals them to us. We could never conclude
on our own that God is a Trinity. Today’s Feast is
not only an opportunity for thanking God for telling
us more about himself. It is an occasion to take
courage as we strive for deeper unity within the
human family. God reveals himself to us in order to
make us more like himself – not just as individuals,
but as families, nations, and an international
community. We grow in unity as we give ourselves
away to one another, just as the Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit give themselves to each other
St. Anthony Mass
A St. Anthony Mass will be
held at St. Francis Borgia
in the Church
on June 11, 2016
at 7:00 pm.
The Mass will be
celebrated in Italian
and will include
Blessing of the Bread.
Italian Catholic
Invites New Members
To Join
For any questions
regarding the ICF
at St. Francis Borgia,
contact Teresa Helfand
at 773-763-0507.
Through the Sacrament of Baptism,
we have welcomed into our church
Sofia Olivia Martinez
Kacper Purcha
Henry Surmanski
SUNDAY, MAY 29, 2016
PILGRIMAGE to MEXICO 6-13 December 2016
World, Inc - Chaplian Fr. MAREK SMOLKA
Day 1: 12.06.2016 (Tuesday) - Depart for Mexico City Arrival in
MEXICO CITY at the time according to the flight schedule. Upon
arrival, you will be greeted by your guide. On this day, we will
start our visit by greeting the Virgin of Guadalupe. Mass at the
Shrine Our Lady of Guadalupe. We will continue to the
city center and visit the Main Square (Zocalo), the Cathedral and
National Palace with Diego Riviera’s Murals. Lunch in the
city center. Transfer to your hotel. Dinner at your hotel and
overnight. (Breakfast included)
Day 2: 12.07.2016 (Wednesday): MEXICO CITY – PUEBLA (1.5
hrs drive – km 131) Breakfast at your hotel. Extensive visit of the
Museum of Anthropology and departure to Puebla. Full day tour
of Blessed John Paul II’s favorite town of Puebla, where he
stayed during his first visit to Mexico in 1979. A walking tour
of Puebla, which includes: a Cathedral from the 17th century, St.
Dominic’s Church with a gold-covered chapel of Our Lady of
Holy Rosary with Holy Mass at the church. Next, we take a walk
down the ‘Sweet Street’ to the El Parian market, where we can
buy plenty of tasty treats and crafts from the region. Transfer to
Mexico City, dinner at your hotel and overnight (Breakfast,
Lunch, Dinner)
Day 3: 12.08.2016 (Thursday): CHOLULA - Tonanzintla –
Acatepec – TAXCO (3hr.27min (233.9 km) Breakfast at your
hotel. We will go to the Great Pyramid of Cholula located just
outside of Puebla. The Great Pyramid of Cholula is the largest
pyramid in the world and also features 365 churches, including
visit the church of Our Lady of the Remedies, you will have to
climb stairs or a ramp for about 30 mins approx, but you will be
able to view the majestic building from the base of the
pyramid. We will stop at two magnificent churches: Santa Maria
Tonanzintla and San rancisco Acatepec, who
provide beautiful examples of local craftsmanship and the
region´s blended Spanish-indigenous influence. Lunch and
departure to Taxco. American architect and writer, William
Spratling, established the first silver workshop in Taxco in the
1930’s and revitalized the slumbering economy. Dinner and
overnight in Taxco.
Day 4: 12.09.2016 (Friday): TAXCO – ACAPULCO (3hr. 52 min
(308.1 km). Breakfast at your hotel .Taxco is one of the major
tourist destinations in Mexico, and silver jewelry and goods are its
chief export. As a well-preserved colonial town, Taxco is a
treasure trove of valuable historical architecture. In the town
center, you will find many examples of sixteenth
through nineteenth-century architecture. The pride of Taxco, El
Templo Santa Prisca, was a gift from Taxco’s great silver-mining
baron, Don Jose de la Borda, who nearly went broke financing the
construction. This Eighteenth-century baroque style cathedral
marks the heart of town; its unmistakable rose-colored twin
towers dominate the main plaza, Plaza Borda, and beguile
onlookers with its elaborate beauty. Mass in Santa Prisca,
lunch, and departure to Acapulco. Overnight and dinner in your
All Inclusive Hotel. A City Tour at night by bus. (B, L, D)
Day 5: 12.10.2016 (Saturday) ACAPULCO
Breakfast at your hotel. Acapulco is known
as the Pearl of the Pacific and is one of the
most visited vacation spots in Mexico. It is
famous worldwide, and although the jet set
of the 1970’s and 1980’s have moved further
down the coast to the new Diamante area of
town, Acapulco still retains its original
character, charm and atmosphere that has
made it a world-famous resort destination
for decades. Time to enjoy the beach and lunch. A sunset cruise
around the bay of Acapulco and enjoy the outstanding of
Acapulco Bay with a drink. Lunch, dinner, and overnight in your all
inclusive hotel.
Day 6: 12.11.2016 (Sunday) ACAPULCO- CUERNAVACA- (3hr.28
min (290.8 km) MEXICO CITY (1hr.22 min (86.4 km). Breakfast at
your hotel. Mass either in the hotel, on the beach, or in a church.
A City bus tour by day before leaving to Cuernavaca. Dinner and
overnight (B, L, D). On the way to Mexico City, you will see
hundreds of pilgrims walking, biking, driving to the
hundreds of pilgrims walking, biking, driving to the Basilica.
Day 7: 12.12.2016 (Monday) THE BIG DAY - CELEBRATION OF
THE VIRGIN OF GUADALUPE Breakfast at your hotel.
The Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe (Día de la Virgen de
Guadalupe) is a famous Catholic feast that celebrates the belief
that a man encountered the Virgin Mary, Mexico’s patron saint, in
Mexico City on December 9 and 12, 1531. Public celebrations,
or fiestas, are held in honor of Mary, the Virgin of Guadalupe, on
December 12. A Farewell Dinner with Mariachis and overnight.(B,
D ** free lunch)
Day 8: 12.13.2016 (Tuesday)- TEOTIHUACAN – AIRPORT DEPARTURE Breakfast at your hotel. Departure to Teotihuacan
which means ¨ Place where gods are born¨. This place is the
most important of the classical age (from the IInd century to
the IXth century) and marks the beginning of a new kind of
PRICE : Land portion $1285 per person (minimum 25 People)
The price includes Accommodations in 4* (local standard) DBL
rooms. Single room an additional $340 per person.
Meals as indicated, All meals except one lunch, a private ground
transportation in a modern a/c full-size motor coach.
1st class for all programs mentioned. A private tour guide for all
of the programs mentioned. Transfers, excursions and visits
except Sunset cruise in Acapulco. Entrances according to the
The price does NOT include: Flight Ticket - expected cost an
additional $600 - $650 per person & amp; baggage cost.
Drinks during meals, except at the ALL inclusive hotel in Acapulco
- where drinks are included. One lunch mentioned, personal
expenses like phone calls, hotel extras, souvenirs, tips, the sunset
cruise in Acapulco. Travel protection insurance - available to
purchase at Lotus Travel World Agency. PLEASE CALL FOR
RESERVATIONS INFORMATION to Lotus Travel World: 773-5820885 or send an email: [email protected].
Deposit required with reservations - $800 per person. In the
case of cancellation: refundable 90 days before the date of the
trip, under 90 days penalty and refunds according to airlines and
tour operator rules.
Ks. Marek Smółka – Opiekun Duchowny
Miasto Wiecznej Wiosny –
Cuernavaca. Obejrzymy tu Fort Korteza I
przykłady architektury kolonialnej oraz
Katedrę. Obiad i Nocleg w Mexico City.
( B.L.D)
Dzień 7. Grudzień 12-Poniedziałek DZIEŃ
w Mexico City
Po śniadaniu cały dzień spędzimy na
uroczystościach oddając cześć i honor “ The
Virgin Mary of Guadelupe” której objawienie miało miejsce w
1531 r.
Wieczorem czas wolny na odpoczynek. Obiad
pożegnalny przy dzwiekach muzyki Mariachis.Nocleg w Mexico
City. ( B.D) lunch indywidualny
Po śniadaniu wykorzystamy ostani dzień przed odlotem do
Chicago na zwiedzenie archeologicznego miasta założonego
przez Tolteków a później zamieszkałego przez Azteków. W
Teotihuacan znajdują się okazałe piramidy-światynie Słońca i
Księżyca . Po zwiedzeniu tych imponujacych historycznych
można będzie dokonać ostanich zakupów
pamiątek.Po lunchu udamy się na lotnisko. Powrót do Chicago.
Dzień 1. Grudzień 6– wtorek 2016 CHICAGO -MEXICO CITY
Wylot z Chicago do Mexico City. Zwiedzanie miasta , wizyta w
Sanktuarium Matki Bożej z Guadalupe, Msza Święta w Bazylice,
zwiedzanie Zocalo,Katedra, Pałac Prezydencki Obiad w hotelu.
Nocleg w Mexico City. (B/śniadanie - w zależności od godz.
Przylotu, Lunch, Obiad)
Dzień 2.
Grudzień 7-środa
Antropologiczne-PUEBLA-Miasto Aniołów
Po śniadaniu dalszy ciąg zwiedzania Mexico City, Muzeum
Antropologiczne. Przejazd do Puebla, zwiedzanie miastaulobionego miasta przez Papierza Jana Pawła II w czasie jego
pobytu w Mexyku w 1979 r.W Puebla zwiedzimy Katedrę. Mszę
Świetą będziemy mieli w kosciele Św. Dominika , zwiedzimy
Kaplicę Różańcową ze złotą kopulą. Przejdziemy po “ Słodkiej
ulicy” –El Parian –markiet gdzie można bedzie zakupić lokalne
smakołyki jak również wyroby ludowe. Powrót na nocleg do
Mexico City, Obiad i Nocleg. (B.L. D)
Możliwe są zmiany w programie pielgrzymki lub kosztach.
Dzień 3.
Grudzień 8-czwartek CHOLULA –TonanzitlaAcatepac-TAXCO
Koszt pielgrzymki - $ 1285 per od osoby
Po śniadaniu w drodze do Taxco zatrzymamy się aby zobaczyć
minimum 25 uczestników
Ciolula,najwiekszą piramidę na świecie przykrywającą budowlę
na szczycie której znajduje sie majestatyczne
Sanktuarium Matki Bożej : Our Lady of the Remedies”
Przewidywany koszt biletu lotniczego
zbudowane przez konkwistadorów. W okolicy znajduje sie 365
około $ 600-650 Pokój pojedyńczy –dopłata $ 340
kościołów. Zwiedzimy : Santa Maria w Tonantzintla oraz San
Francisco Acatepac.
Po więcej informacji prosimy dzwonić - 773.582.0885
Po południu udamy sie do Taxco - miasto srebra, które
położone jest na wysokości 1800 m n.p.m . Tutaj znajdowały się
Cena obejmuje: 7 noclegów hotelowych, pokoje 2kopalnie srebra , obecnie w tym urokliwym o kolonialnej
opieka duchownego, przewodnik w Meksyku,
architekturze mieście można nabyć atrakcyjne wyroby ze srebra.
opieka organizatora z Chicago,transport luksusowym
Noc spędzimy w Taxco(B.L.D)
autokarem, codzienne wyżywienie, All Inclusive w
Dzień 4. Grudzień 9-piatek TAXCO-ACAPULCO
Po śniadaniu dalszy ciąg zwiedzania Taxco , w siedemnasto Acapulco, bilety wstępów według programu
wiecznej Katedrze- El Tempo Santa Prisca będziemy mieli Mszę
Świetą a po lunchu udamy sie do Acapulco. Tutaj po południe Cena nie obejmuje : bilet lotniczy w obie strony Chicago
spędzimy w ALL –inclusive hotelu , czas wolny na wypoczynek, – Mexico City, 1 lunch, napojów , rejs statkiem po Zatoce
plaże i pływanie.Po kolacji udamy się na pokazy skoków do
Acapulco, napiwki ubezpieczenie turystyczne.
morza ze skał z wysokości 130 f. słynna atrakcja dla turystów- La
Quebrada. Objazd nocą po Acapulco. Nocleg. ( B.L. Dinner –all
Z rezerwacją obowiązuje depozyt $ 800 od osoby ,
you can eat & drink)
zwrotny do 90 dni przed terminem pielgrzymki
Dzień 5. Grudzień 10- sobota Dzień w Acapulco
Poniżej 90 dni potrącenia według przepisów lini
Dzień wypoczynkowy w hotelu All Inclusive położonym na
oraz Meksykanskiego Tour Operatora
brzegiem Oceanu Spokojnego, zobaczymy w dzień AcapulcoPerłę Pacyficu z lat 1970-tych i 80-tych. O zachodzie słonca
Prosimy dzwonić po informacje i zgłaszać
popłyniemy statkiem po zatoce Acapulco B,L. D-all inclusive)
uczestnictwo w Biurze- Lotus Travel World.
Dzień 6 , Grudzień 11- niedziela ACAPULCO- CUERNAVACAInformacje również na parafii Św. Franciszka Borgia u
Ks.Marka Smółka
Po śniadaniu przed opuszczeniem hotelu będziemy mieli Mszę
Tel: 773 582 0885 [email protected]
Świętą nad brzegiem Oceanu. Po drodze do Mexico City
zatrzymamy się w pięknej Hacienda Vistahermosa na lunch,
Z Biurka Księdza Proboszcza...
Dziękujemy wszystkim sponsorom, ochotnikom i uczestnikom naszego Karnawału Parafialnego. Jak
zapowiadaliśmy cały dochód z Karnawału jest przeznaczony na renowację naszego Kościoła. Dokładny raport
finansowy z Karnawału będzie podany w następnym biuletynie.
Świętem Zesłania Ducha Świętego, które obchodziliśmy w ubiegłą niedzielę, zakończyliśmy uroczyście
i oficjalnie Okres Wielkanocy. Rozpoczął się nowy okres liturgiczny zwany Okresem Zwykłym, który będzie trwał aż
do Adwentu.
Dzisiaj przeżywamy Uroczystość Trójcy Przenajświętszej, która wzywa nas do takiej miłości, świętości
i jedności, jaka łączy Trzy Osoby Trójcy Przenajświętszej. Módlmy się dziś do Boga w Trójcy Jedynego o jedność
i pokój w każdej rodzinie i na całym świecie.
29 maja, przypada Święto Bożego Ciała. W parafii Świętego Franciszka Borgia, po Mszy Świętej dwujęzycznej
o 1:30 odbędzie się uroczysta procesja Eucharystyczna do czterech ołtarzy. Bardzo proszę naszych drogich parafian
i sąsiadów o przygotowanie ołtarzy. Niech Święto Bożego Ciała będzie kolejną manifestacją naszej wiary w prawdziwą
obecność Chrystusa w Eucharystii.
Ks. Ryszard Miłek
Gratulujemy Ks. Pawłowi i Jego całej Rodzinie z okazji przyjęcia Święceń Kapłańskich.
Dziękujemy Mu za odprawienie Mszy Św. Prymicyjnej w naszej Parafii
i za Prymicyjne Błogosławieństwo. Zapewniamy Go o pamięci w modlitwie
i życzymy Mu obfitości łask Bożych.
Nabożeństwo i
Msza Św. do Ojca
Pio w czwartek,
26 maja
o godz.
7:00 pm
Nabożeństwa Majowe
W poniedziałki, środy i piątki
o godz. 7:00 pm w Kościele
oraz we wtorki, czwartki
i soboty przed figurą Matki
Bożej przed Kościołem.
Our Sacrificial Gifts of
Time, Talent, & Treasure
May 14 and 15, 2016 Collection:
Weekly Collection: $ 10, 863 Mail: $ 125
Total: $ 10, 998
Weekly Goal: $ 10, 644
Over Goal: $ 344
Thank You !
1 Pt 1:3-9; Ps 111:1-2, 5-6, 9-10c;
Mk 10:17-27
1 Pt 1:10-16; Ps 98:1-4; Mk 10:28-31
Wednesday: 1 Pt 1:18-25; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20;
Mk 10:32-45
Thursday: 1 Pt 2:2-5, 9-12; Ps 100:2-5;
Mk 10:46-52
1 Pt 4:7-13; Ps 96:10-13; Mk 11:11-26
Saturday: Jude 17, 20b-25; Ps 63:2-6;
Mk 11:27-33
Gn 14:18-20;
Ps 110:1-4;
1 Cor 11:23-26;
Lk 9:11b-17
See our
website using
Eucharistic Ministers
Altar Servers
Sat. May 28
Fr. Marek Smolka J. Thompson
G. Cannataro, M. D'Alessandro, T. Fulton,
M. Heider, *F. Puleo, T. Renk, M. Rosso
A. Amato, S. Amato,
F. Cannone, P. Morrone
Sun. May 29
Fr. Joe Mulcrone
E. de la Torre, *J. Guida, R. Schoewe
P. Aguilar, A. Carcamo,
N. Ferraris, J. Wakabayashi
Sun. May 29
Fr. Marek Smolka M. Latko,
9:00am, Polish
E. Krason
M. Szuba, E. Krason
A. Podraza, A. Zabawa
Sun. May 29
Fr. Michael Class L. Evangelista
J. Ash, L. Ash, *J. Fanning, T. Helfand,
A. Jagiello, R. Kostencki, C. Mocarski
L. Corbett, V. Covaleda,
D. Foley, G. Stenson
Sun. May 29
Fr. Michael Class K. Mihlfried
B. Brieske, *C. Brieske, S. D'souza
F. Borders, M. Borders,
M. Borders, L. Cano
Sun. May 29
Fr. Marek Smolka M. Piekos,
1:30pm, Polish Fr. Richard Milek E. Szwajnos
C. Cudzich
As Scheduled
Sun. May 29
Fr. Richard Milek I. Mocarski,
6:00pm, Polish
E. Lenart
I. Mocarski, K. Krzepisz
M. Symkow, R. Wilk
B. Cherwin
Sacred Heart Side
Blessed Virgin Side
Anthony Aguilar,
Marsha Ptasnik, James Thompson,
Frank Cannataro (co-lead usher), Dr. John Przywara,
Terry Renk, Stanley Szarmach, John Przywara Sr.
Ernesto Cabias, Robert Lugo,
J. Blair Raftree (co-lead usher), Stanley Starzec
Timothy Costa, Thomas Melkovitz,
Jackie Miller, Ed Szawica
Mary McGeean(co-lead usher), Stella Mendelowska, Bob Fitzpatrick Giacomo Santoro (co-lead usher), Tyler Testa,
Teresa Pina-Rodriguez, Bernie Schmidt, Fernando Lego
Ken Johnson, Amadeo Gallo
Claudia Marure (co-lead usher),
Casey Kucmierz, Philippe Couloute
Sun. (Polish) Waldemar Farbisz (lead usher), Cezary Kozikowski,
Jan Majka, Zygmunt Papciak, Julian Pyjor,
1:30.6:00pm Frank Wierzbicki, Marek Zabawa.
Anthony Siciliano, Jerry Piwinski, Toni DeCaro
Stanislaw Kochanek, Ireneusz Kura, Karol Latko,
Kazimierz Mucha, Piotr Mysha, Bogdan Wszelaki,
Jerry Kopczewski
St. Francis Borgia Church
8033 W. Addison St. Chicago, IL 60634
773-625-1110 (FAX)
773-589-0781 (FAX)
Mass Intentions
Fr. Richard Milek, Pastor
Fr. Marek Smolka, Associate Pastor
Mr. William Lehman, Deacon
Miss Ruthanne Swiatkowski, Religious Ed. Director
Miss Anna Zawisza, Polish Rel. Ed. Coordinator
Mr. Stanley Bajan, Church Technical Maintenance
Telephone the rectory or stop by in person,
Monday through Friday between the hours of
8:30am and 12:00pm and 1:00 and 4:00pm.
Religious Education
773-625-1774 (FAX)
Rectory Office Hours
Fr. Joseph Mulcrone, Director, Office of the Deaf
Fr. Michael Class, SJ, Weekend Celebrant
Mrs. Susan Betzolt, Principal
Mr. Martin Wojtulewicz, Business Manager
Mr. Anthony J. Woldeit, Music Director
Mrs. Grazyna Bajan, Polish Mass Organist
Weekdays: 8:30am -12:00noon; 1:00 - 8:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 1:00pm
Sunday: CLOSED
Saint Francis Borgia
8033 W. Addison Street
Chicago, IL 60634
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Thursday 4:30 PM