We Cultivate Science, Wisdom and Love.
We Cultivate Science, Wisdom and Love.
We Cultivate Science, Wisdom and Love. RESOLUTION Luis Enrique Pérez Ojeda, Pbro. Principal Oswaldo Martínez Mendoza, Pbro. Academic vice-rector María del Carmen Rodríguez Mesa Administrative vice-rector EDITORIAL COMMITEE Coordinator: Milton Gerardo Hernández García Project Manager Yomaira Ángelica Herreño Contreras Executive coordinators Magda Paola Jiménez Vega Lucimaver González Robayo Collaborators: Carlos Arturo Valdiri Rojas Derli Liliana Cachope Tejedor Gina Carolina Brijaldo Olarte. Luis Fernando Vega García Nelson Naranjo Mayorga Designer: Mario Jiménez Molina CONTENTS: •Language Department’s Mission and Vision •Leading article •What is AGORA about •Language teachers’ perspectives •Language learners’ perspectives •Beyond words •Across Boyacá •Knowledge showcase •Pandora’s Box •Did you know … LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT’S MISSION AND VISION MISIÓN MISSION El Departamento de Lenguas de la Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos ha sido creado con el propósito de contribuir a la consolidación de competencias comunicativas en lenguas extranjeras (inglés, francés, italiano, portugués) y, además, acompañar procesos de enseñanza en áreas específicas del español como redacción, ortografía y creación literaria. The Language Department of FundaciónUniversitaria Juan de Castellanos aims at strengthening the communicative skills in foreign languages –English, French, Italian and Portuguese-. Besides, it gives support in specific Spanish areas such as writing, orthography and literary creation. De este modo, se pretende intervenir activamente en la proposición y desarrollo de programas académicos enfocados hacia el conocimiento y uso competente de las lenguas extranjeras y del español, como elementos indispensables para afrontar las necesidades y demandas inherentes a la actividad académica, laboral e investigativa de los profesionales del siglo XXI. Nowadays, languages are determining to cope with academic labor and research demands and needs. Accordingly, the Language Department intends propounding and developing academic programs and strategies to enhance learning, achieve the right competence level in foreign and mother tongues and contribute to educate better professionals. VISIÓN VISION El Departamento de Lenguas de la Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos será una comunidad académica, investigativa y administrativa, altamente calificada en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de lenguas. Asimismo, desde su saber específico cooperará en la formación de competencias comunicativas en lenguas, y desarrollará experiencias investigativas en torno a su enseñanza-aprendizaje, con el propósito de fortalecer la construcción de saberes en esta área del conocimiento y vincularse activamente con las entidades nacionales e internacionales, garantes en esta materia. The Language Department of Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos will be an academic, research and administrative community highly qualified to deal with language learning and teaching concerns. Likewise, it will contribute to the development of communicative competences, and carry out research processes on language teaching and learning in order to provide knowledge on this issue and join leading national and international academic groups in this area. LEADING ARTICLE Betting on Peace There is no path to peace, peace is the path. Mahatma Gandhi America is considered a continent of hope, and Colombia as one of the countries of Latin America, must tune in with this epithet. It implies that this is a region blessed by harmony, progress and justice. However, we cannot ignore that our country urgently needs to bet on peace. This implies to move toward reconciliation. Even when they are valid all the expressions and intentions to reach a yearning peace, that is the case of the rallies that took place on April 9th on the main streets of Tunja and other cities. There is no doubt that forgiveness, social justice and better conditions of life for all become pillars upon which we can turn our dreams into a reality. Seeking peace means to follow a social process of harmonization, upon which converge values, principles and social norms. Peace is possible by the alliances among the different groups of society, because it is a good deed living within diverse human and social entities. In addition, peace is not a state of being, but rather a perfectible process that builds permanently with the contribution of all the actors involved in it. But peace requires four vital conditions: truth, justice, love and freedom. According to Pope Juan Pablo II, if the American continent would like to reach a peace process, they must seek out for justice. And if we want to preserve and honor life, this continent must embrace the truth revealed by God. Our country needs room for dialogue, one that would make it possible to continue this journey. In dilated and deteriorated armed conflicts, such as in Colombia, we can intend to put out this conflict not only with armed groups mobilization or either guerrilla or self-defense groups. If these processes are not accompanied by the State’s resolute and real commitment to human rights and social policy, as well as a process of reconciliation and resignification of humanitarian awareness of Colombians, any negotiation will be doomed to failure. In order to make this not to happen, it is politically and socially correct to assert that to continue and broaden our successful options of our initiatives for peace, it is imperative to create scenarios of citizen participation and deliberation, so that our voices are heard. P. OSWALDO MARTÍNEZ MENDOZA, Ph. D. Academic Vice-rector WHAT IS AGORA ABOUT The Language Department of Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos is working on enhancing the language skills of our students. As a result of the teaching labor and the students’ enthusiasm, it is really gratifying to launch the first JDC issue in foreign languages. Here, you can come across with a great variety of texts written by our students. They comment on daily facts related to their academic programs, share experiences and knowledge. Also, play while learning a foreign language. AGORA, as the meeting place of the Ancient Greek is now the meeting place of languages, but not dead words structuring a language. It’s the meeting place where people- the language carriers- come together to get to know one another, to build up communities, to keep on and enrich our growing process not only as language learners, but as human beings, as well. That’s what really matters. Languages are able to show who we are, even our hidden corners. They go beyond any frontier and take us everywhere we want. So, dear reader: don’t miss the chance of walking across the bridges of languages and have the world on hand. LANGUAGE TEACHERS’ PERSPECTIVES Teaching and learning a foreign language is becoming a worldwide issue that is raising awareness in different fields of knowledge, why? The globalization brings new challenges every day and that is one enough reason to become competent and proficient in a new language. As an English teacher, I strongly believe in social interaction as the key factor in any learning process, and as the key to help the learner to be prepared for the new challenges in his/her professional context through the development of problem-solving and critical-thinking skills; skills that must encourage learners to be independent, life-long learners and be proactive in society. Lucimaver González Robayo English professor “Teaching languages is the best way for approaching to the human being, because you teach not only a cold code but the joy of a different culture” Carlos Arturo Valdiri Rojas English professor “Ensinar o obriga a enfrentar os problemas de frente. Quando você tem um problema com um aluno, você não tem a opção de fechar a porta. Você precisa gerenciar esse aluno como você gerencia a sua classe. Você também aprende a sorrir aos seus alunos após discussões com a administração e outros assuntos fora da classe”. Luis Fernando Vega García English and Portuguese professor The language teaching – learning process is an act which enriches both participants: teacher and students. Teacher because he / she is a tool to facilitate the knowledge of another language, culture, customs and other aspects. The student because he / she can express and interact in a new way (language) that will let him / her have a better vision of this world. So Languages teachers don´t stop sharing the world and students don’t miss this opportunity to know it from a different perspective. Milton Gerardo Hernández García English professor Through time it has said that theory and practicing are methodologically linked and if those things are carried out in a very good way, these can give answers to the technique problems and fortify that rational approach of our practical social problems, which are considered basic conditions for solving problems. So for learning a second language is important to use suitable activities, one of them group activities, take into account the theory in order to develop an efficient application in all English levels, where is necessary to take into account the environment and the objective in interaction, to foreknow if the group activities contribute to the improvement in the second language. Derli Liliana Cachope Tejedor English professor Comme professeur des langues je dois dire que l’apprentissage d’une autre langue nous apprend à nous ouvrir sur le monde et interagir avec les cultures, rencontrer l’homme à partir d’une perspective plus large et connaître la notion que chacun a sur le monde. Pour cette raison, je vous invite ouvrir votre esprit et votre cœur pour être en mesure de nous communiquer dans un monde plus petit et qu’on peut comprendre. Magda Paola Jiménez Vega English and French professor Teaching a new language is a passion and learning it must be a desire that comes from the heart. When you teach or learn a second language, your mind flies, and you feel that you can know other worlds, cultures, people just with the movement of your foreign tongue and your multilingual thoughts. Gina Carolina Brijaldo Olarte English professor Learning a language is a wonderful adventure full of great challenges and rewardings. So, if you want to join the adventure, you should be like a treasure searcher: determined, persistent, dreamer and daring because what you’re looking for lies deep inside yourself. Teachers, tools and resources are clues on the way to the treasure. Taking advantage of them and even find out their role in your own search, depend just on how far you want to go and how much you want to achieve!!! DARE YOU DO IT??? Yomaira AngélicaHerreño Contreras English professor LANGUAGE LEARNERS’ PERSPECTIVES IMPORTANCE OF LEARNING A SECOND LANGUAGE According to what we learned during the student´s life, we think it is important to learn English in our career, because we as social workers must know vocabulary related to it in order to communicate knowledge in our target topic, but the true is we need to improve English, we are beginners now and the only good thing is we have long way to do it for being better in a closer future. We have to be sincere, it is hard to learn English for us, because at the beginning, we never worried to learn it. Now it is a necessity, so at the moment we need to take part on it to improve English day per day. We are sure we are going to grasp it. The learning process is tough, but at the same time is great to learn new things in English to share in our workplace where English is considered as a necessity. So we can say about learning English process since we began to study Social Work is good. I have had the possibility of understanding it, and it is because we have had the tools and the teacher´s patience; it has been amazing and we really enjoyed English, we could understand at least a percent and it has created the necessity to ask partners to compare progress. We hope to improve our English and to do everything all right in our job as future social workers, because we have to take place from English, we need to be excellent speakers in the place we are going to work Alejandra Soriano Social Work English II DOES LEARNING ANOTHER LANGUAGE DEVELOP YOUR INTELLIGENCE? The wonderful and unexplored world of the brain allows us to understand the greatness of the human, animal intelligence and of the nature. It is surprising that just we use 10% of the brain in metabolic and intellectual functions, but when we realize the exercise of learning a language physiologically is observed that there is needed the work of many parts of the brain, for example the left cerebral cortex (center of the speech), low frontal bark and frontal subcortical regions. The above mentioned cerebral activity increases the gray matter (directing of the reasoning), which is directly proportional to the intelligence of an individual. It improves the cognitive function, the capacity of the language, the intelligence, the attention, the memory and the perception. According to scientific studies, it is said that learning a second language balance the aging and the decrease the nervous system re-planning Alzheimer disease. A study developed in the University of Chicago demonstrated that “The bilingual persons tend to take decisions far more reasoned if they think about language different from the mother language.”1 It is important to highlight the world of possibilities that provide us the learning of a foreign language, but especially the value to cultivate the intelligence which includes different articles in the knowledge, for example it wakes the perception up. If learning a language helps us to wake the intelligence up by means of suitable methods of learning, why don´t we discipline our brain in order that “it thinks in big” and of this form take advantage of our infinite intellectual capacities? To learn a foreign language has to turn as an obligation or as imposition in education, and not as an option. It is necessary to posse the suitable disposition and especially intellectual discipline. Not uselessly learning a foreign language has been implemented in the classrooms of higher education in order to prepare us adequately as a competent professional in the different careers and favor of establishing the development of the pedagogy “multiple intelligences”. This allows us as Veterinary doctors to re-discover the importance of disciplining our thought toward the brave task of cultivating the different intelligences and to apply them to the care of the animals, the nature and the human being. Lawyer, Paola Andrea Aponte Sandoval Veterinary Medicine English IV HOW IS ENGLISH INVOLVED IN MY CAREER? I think English is implicated in many aspects for my career because most of the thematic is available in this language. For example: applications from the pure physics to the implementation of networks, databases, software and others. 1 Phychological SCIENCE. The forening-language Effect. In: pss.sagepud.com/content/early/2012/04/08/0956797611432178.abstact Besides, many important investigations are in their original English format. A specific example of this is the work of Framework for the Application of Systems Engineering in the Commercial Aircraft Domain. These Guidelines define the scope, requirements, and interfaces needed to implement systems engineering at the aircraft level for a Commercial Aircraft. The Guidelines define what the aircraft does at the aircraft level, and provide a high level view of the essential end products that perform these tasks. These same views are provided for the primary subsystems at the aircraft level. Finally, Systems engineering is an interdisciplinary field of engineering focusing on how complex engineering projects should be designed and managed over their life cycles. Issues such as logistics, the coordination of different teams, and automatic control of machinery become more difficult when dealing with large, complex projects. Systems engineer uses his/her genius to create ideas that generate useful solutions. Alonso Dueñas Systems Engineering English IV THE WORLD OF GLOBALIZATION Today we live in a world far more advanced; the Globalization is a process that began to experience the world of the XXI century where different events take place, for instance: economic liberalization, technological, social and cultural processes leading to increase communication among countries around the world through the unification of markets, companies and especially culture; through a series of social and economic policies that give a global nature to these aspects. That’s why today speaking a second language is very necessary; we live in a world where we are in permanent communication all the time, whether for business or through the use of technologies that help us know the other side of the world. If we want to be prepared to face those challenges, then the learning of a second language must be ideal and a necessity for today’s human beings. Learning and speaking a second language, in the middle of a business and globalized world should be seen as an opportunity and useful tool to get a better job and alliances, to interact with others and improve our knowledge and cultural background. English language has become essential for everybody, since the little one till the adult people. Those who want to encourage themselves to take risks and at the same time, take advantage of all the resources in English to open doors and be successful in life. Diana Carolina Camargo International Law English IV BEYOND WORDS MY PROFESSION… It is never thought about other one and it is normal in the human, but they are not left of side these dreams that we long. He is not a good selfish being with the things that are learned, it is necessary to be able to share the knowledge everywhere. It is normal that since children we go back to play with our dreams, though now of major we will have to know since counting and expiring each of them. I dreamed of being an artist I played at being a writer in this stage of my life I debate myself for being an excellent doctor, a doctor who cares. Already it is not enough with the pencil that paper is not the same, a serious and firm criterion it was causing his great pleasure as well. Every second in my life, my profession makes me happier because it is important to help no matter to who and where. Before giving a concept I will have in all my prayer requesting the master of the skies not to damage my profession. Jasmine E. Sepúlveda Cordón Veterinary Medicine English IV ENTITLED POEM Tonight drink a wine reserved once more begins the rite of the festivity but there is deep silence after every laugh and we know that in the middle the absence are to bud answers, answers that we have never asked and we get questions, questions have not answers, and the old caress open new wounds and the seal in each drop a piece of life. Play, play is the remembrance And the prize, the prize is the forgetfulness. And the after the hours We look from the forehead And we watch with amazement That even survives. Angélica Pérez Calderón Veterinary Medicine English III SURREALISM TASTES LIKE SUBVERSIVE WAVES TRANSLATION POEM By: Gina Brijaldo English professor Michael Deragon is the damnedest, precious and vigorous surrealist American poet I have ever read, the artificer of my water poetry. Michael´s ferocious language is the hint to break away from our rationality, to peel the husk of knowledge and to plunge us into the ocean of automatic writing, desire and dreams. The following texts are a glance at Michael´s Deragon world. The first one is a short theoretical reflection about the risk of translating and discovering the corners of the author´s space. In the second one, I take surfboard and I slide on the tongue-sea of the poet with the purpose of constructing a Spanish version of a fragment of his poem: “YOU ARE WHAT I WAS WANTING” HE WANTS TO BE INFINITE To the trapeze artist of the language. We do not have a net… You have broken my language, and I like your magic hands that demolish everything. You are digging in the quick sands of my consciousness. You could fall there and find gold and slag, and cloudy wells as well. Your writing is the path, and I feel your surrealist cry expanding reality, you drill it, you pound the phantoms inside the bedroom. Two people so far and so different between themselves. Hi, I am Gina, your spy, the girl that follows your waterpasses. I am translating you, but you do not stop moving, surfing on the paper, did you know? We live in the zone of contradictions and your images are crashing against my seashore. Would you like to take my body as a surfboard and cross the ocean? This is the risk of translating you. “YOU ARE WHAT I WAS WANTING” DESIRE You came into the kitchen wearing only your dream skin, Your sleep shine, Your dirty eyes, You are what I was wanting. My face in burnt pieces of toast. Jelly is a quiet soft skin. “You are so wonderful right now.” Her shoulder frost enters the kitchen. All the flowers became icicles. Her cold fingered eyelashes stopped moving a body without light. I touched something warm last night. Your soft green eye? A cat pretending to be a person. Spooning my arm She keeps knocking like a school of sharks. A child is making a spaceship out of strange bones and I can´t figure out what animals they came from. My hands are hands. I should not confess so much to you. I should not taste your lightning eyes, your hanging words, your sleeping spine, but I have to. *Through language barriers I heard all your dreams at once. I think they altered your grasshopper eyes and praying mantis sex. “You´re so stupid” “She is just chocolate” Your nape, your eyes, your breath, full of hidden faces. I hear kissing in the other room. I´m swollen like a favorite day in memory. Your ripe breast. Your vespine tooth. I´m wondering about your big bad love. You say the damnedest things when I´m kissing you. *The liquid in your eyes is green tea with honey. “ERES LO QUE HE ESTADO BUSCANDO” DESEO Llegaste a la cocina vistiendo sólo tu piel de sueños, Tu brillo dormido, Tus ojos sucios, Eres lo que he estado buscando. Mi rostro en rebanadas de pan quemado. La mermelada, una silenciosa piel suave. “Eres tan maravillosa, ahora mismo.” Su hombro helado entra a la cocina. Todas las flores se convierten en carámbanos. Sus dedos fríos, sus pestañas tocadas por dedos fríos. Un cuerpo sin luz. Anoche toqué algo caliente, ¿tu blando ojo verde? Un gato fingiendo ser una persona. Cuchareando mi brazo. Ella no deja de golpear como un cardumen de tiburones. Un niño está construyendo una nave espacial a punta de huesos raros, y no puedo entender de qué animales provienen. Mis manos son manos. No debería confesarte tanto. No debería saborear tus ojos relámpago, tus palabras colgantes, tu adormecida columna vertebral, pero debo hacerlo. *A través de las paredes del lenguaje escuché todos tus sueños a la vez; creo que trastornaron tus ojos saltamontes y tu sexo de mantis religiosa. “Eres tan estúpido” “Ella es sólo chocolate” Tu nuca, tus ojos, tu aliento lleno de rostros ocultos. Escucho besuqueos en la otra habitación. Estoy hinchado como un día memorable. Tu pecho maduro, tu aguijón. Me pregunto por tu gran amor desastroso. Dices las cosas más hijuemadres cuando te estoy besando. *El líquido en tus ojos es té verde con miel. POEM If I get lost in the morning, If I get lost each afternoon, If I arrive the next day, and if the sun refuses me seeing you. Today I beg the stars to hide me at night, To tell me what you feel, To tell me where you are To give away past memories. To tell me when you come Because I die today for seeing you That the rain in the morning is stronger than at night, That your eyes’ shine is stronger than the sun that bends my sight, That control all the phrases that I’ve said because of you. That life today gives me the wish to meet you, and today my world is so small that I don’t accept it. And though many people judge me today, and that few people believe me today … In middle of the shipwreck for hurricanes and storms the truth ever it knew, and this day I won`t need to search for you. Magaly Rodríguez Rodríguez Agricultural Engeneering English V DELIRIO AL SON DEL AMOR Deseo, placer, sentimientos, sensaciones que hacen despertar en mí, eleva mi dopamina hasta hacerla explotar para sentir cuerpos, mente y pensamientos enlazados entre sí; mirando los labios iban al compás de la danza, pensaba en morderlos con gran ansia hasta desgarrarlos y tenerlo solo para mí. Miraba los ojos miel que hacían derramar mi corazón dejando rastros de amor sobre el alma marcando mi nombre en ti. Desearía tanto sembrar semillas de amor y regarlas con gotas de esperanza para que floreciera la rosa de amor. El tiempo ha pasado y la rosa se está marchitando, la boca pierde el sentido que marcaba el deseo, y los ojos se oscurecen perdiendo el brillante color, queda la ilusión del tango apasionado que algún día bailaremos fijando luceros para sellarlos, y así concluir el delirio de este gran amor acompasado. SÁLVAME DE MIS INSTINTOS Sálvame de este arrebato de amor que mi cabeza tiene por ti, sálvame porque si no voy a desvanecer entre tus sabanas de deseo que acobijan mi anhelo de tenerte cerca de mí y saborear cada parte de tu cuerpo con aroma a miel canela que embrujan mis instintos y no me dejan despertar de esta adicción por ti. Jeimy Andrea Cuy Guevara Social Work English II ACROSS BOYACÁ : TOURISTIC GUIDES: SORACÁ: soracá, a small town with very happy and friendly people, welcomes you! REACHING SORACÁ Soracá is located at seven kilometers from Tunja with altitude of 2949 m.s.n.m and a temperature of 12º to 18º. It has 5764 km2 of extension. Soracá is bounded by Boyacá Boyacá to the south; Puente de Boyacá to the north; by Chivatá and Oicatá on the East with Siachoque and Viracachá and Tunja on the West. Before the indigenous soracaes of muiscas family they were the first settlers of this town who fought for the conservation of their traditions and bond ancients. They wore long clothes and sandals. Nowadays the town has modern buildings in relation to our ancestors. It is a little town, but people are hard-working and with character. There are beautiful landscapes and plants as Acanthus mollis and Bursera simaruba. In some years Soracá will be a nicer town with more touristic places, hotels, schools, universities and we hope to have more people who want to come to enjoy Soracá. TOURISTIC PLACES THE YEWS OF THE DEVIL These are two bigger rocks in form of yew located in Quebrada Grande. CAVE OF THE SINGLES In this cave, indigenous celebrated their marriages. The most important festivities are: •HOLIDAY OF THE CORPUS CHRISTI It is a religious holiday celebrated each year where people showed thanks to the Lord for receiving many blessings. •AGRICULTURAL FESTIVAL OF SORACÁ It is held on October. There are carrages in the town, parades and many activities from the farmers. •CHRISTMAS OR NEW YEAR´S GIFT SORAQUENSE It is held from December 12th to 24th. People show folk dances and floats with God child and they dressed dolls for burning as symbol of light; people attend parades of girls from the same town. Eliana Paola Fuquen Urian Agricultural Engineering English VI VENTAQUEMADA GOLDEN GATE OF BOYACÁ JEIMY CAROLINA ALDANA RUIZ AGRICULTURAL ENGENEERING English V PHOTOS: JEIMY CAROLINA ALDANA RUIZ HISTORY Ventaquemada was founded in December 17 of 1777 by the viceroy MANUEL ANTONIO FLOREZ. Ventaquemada`s name comes of a business unit call THE SALE that was burned by rivalries among the people. In the past, houses were made of adobe. There were dirty roads and few schools. People wore sandals and rode horses. Today, the houses are made of cement and block; we have interveredal transportation, paved roads, It has five public schools and four private schools and it is very commercial. In the future, it might have universities, the most advanced commercial sector and modern transportation. LIMITS OF THE MUNICIPALITY NORTH: Tunja and Samacá. SOUTH: Turmequé and Villapinzón. EAST: Boyacá, Jenesano and Nuevo Colón. WEST: Guachetá, Lenguazaque and Villapinzón. TEMPERATURE: 8ºC and 14ºC. TOTAL LENGTH: 159.329 Km2. FESTIVITIES VENTAQUEMENSE CHRISTMAS BOX This ten day-event has as purpose to show one of the popular manifestations of boyacense people. There are colorful parades of floats, comparsas, costumes, orchestras, presentation, municipal reign of potato and exaltation of floklore of this part of the Department. DAY OF PEASANT Within the activities developed as part of the celebration are the contest and parade of the queen sheep, spinners contest, tutadora women contest, competition muleteers, enjoying the music of popular groups, and finally the rural community integrates at a luncheon. It also delivered, tools for agricultural field and surprise gifts to those attending the event. LANGUAGE DAY Within the activities carried out during this day of the language are: endless reading of one of the Works of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, linking to the community, couplets contest on the work to read, exhibition of books for admiring the expression of the writer and induce the reader to an useful and practical reading. CHILD DAY The celebration plan of activities includes projects through as “developing myself”, where Ventaquemense children promote healthy lifestyles, “educating myself”, and “deporteando” where children of these spaces for recreation, enjoy and learn, “listening to me”, the space where we apply different forms of peaceful coexistence and “protecting me” where children have options that favor playful protection. VENTAQUEMADA GIRL ELECTION During this election are involved between 15 and 20 children. They represent to the different sectors of the municipality. They want to get the title of Ventaquemada queen. The girl who is chosen as t queen becomes the image of Ventaquemense childhood in the different regional events. This event has as objetive to promote cultural and artistic values of children. QUEEN OF QUEENS MEETING During the event the Queens have a performance and among them, a queen is chosen based on her qualities. She carries out a touristic and cultural Project of the Boyacá region. With this event, the ventquemense people want to promote tourism, identity as boyacense, being an example of fellowship and appreciation for our roots, history and in general the tradition and popular wisdom. FAIRS AND FESTIVALS Ventaquemada celebrates the festivities, these festivals are characterized by their invaluable religious sense, tourism and folklore. The main celebrations are made to the Divine Child, the Virgin of Perpetuo Socorro,, Saint Anthony of Padua, bovine exhibition fair, traditional parade of stick peter, ride, firewoks, cultural popular events, sports. FESTIVAL OF DANCE, SONG AND MUSIC GROUPS. This festival is held to meet the characteristics of the rhythm of torbellino. It promotes children, young and adults the value for the traditions and customs of the Boyacense region. FLOWER FESTIVAL Girls from different villages involved whose costumes pay tribute to flowers and finally choose the flower girl among the participants. There is also a participation of silleteros giving a demonstration with different flowers. FESTIVAL AND REIGN OF THE ELDERLY Created with the aim of strengthening plans and programs of elderly people. It has significant importance and it is where human values are promoted for living. MUNICIPAL BEAUTY CONTEST OF POTATO Event that integrates the different villages of town and where the women show their beauty and knowledge of this important product . It is carried out during 10 nights of Christmas box. Among the participants a candidate is elected city queen of the potato. EASTER WEEK The Easter week begins on palm Sunday with a ceremony and procession; Holy Thursday in the afternoon is held the lord´s supper. Good Friday is interpreted the passion and death of our Lord. TUNJA Cradle of Liberty Alejandra Vanessa Zuluaga Reyes International Law One of the oldest cities in Colombia, Tunja was formerly the seat of the Chibcha Indian Kings. It was founded in 1539 by Captain Gonzalo Suarez Rendon. In 1818, Simon Bolivar defeated Spanish Royalists near Tunja. Some of the industries here include mining and agriculture. Tunja was also the center for many events and characters in the Colombian history. It has a population of around 120,000 inhabitants. Colombia Country: Boyacá Department: Temperature: 14°C Foundation: August 6, 1539 Population: 178.082 Demonym: Tunjano Tunja is one of the oldest cities in America. It has a Spanish style and historical places like colonial churches, some convents, libraries and beautiful houses full of history. Tunja does not stay in the past, for that reason, now it is considerated as an Universitarian City. Most of of each five people in Tunja are students, so you can expect to enjoy museums and galleries, as well as a great cafe scene and, of course, a great night life. Landmark The main square also called “Plaza de Bolivar” is the main focal point with the cathedral and the “Casa del Fundador” a colonial mansion built by the city’s founder, a large, impressive colonial mansion dating back to the 16th Century. The “Donato Well” o “Pozo de Hunzahua” is one of the most beautiful sights of the city. It encloses fantastic stories of our ancestors. In Tunja, we celebrate some festivities as “Cultural Week” when artist from all over the world come and share their talent with people. In Holy week people remind passion and dead of Jesus making parades and religious acts. MY PROFILE I’m a Social Work student. I’m from Colombia. I speak Spanish and a bit of English. I’m interested in music, football, dancing, movies and meeting people. I’d like to go to Mexico and Panama. I want to get a good friend and learn French. My home town is Tunja. It’s beautiful and it has lots of things to see and to do. It has beautiful museums and the food is delicious. Tunja is a great place and it has lots of nice churches and restaurants. It’s very cold but the people are friendly, of course, there are nearby places where the weather is spectacular and I´d like to share my culture.I live in a big house with my family. They are very friendly. We have a spare room with a spare bed, so friends often stay with me. We live near downtown. My sister lives in the same street. My mother has a cafeteria and likes dancing carranga and salsa music, too. My father works in Bogotá. My brother cooks dinner for us at the weekend and my husband often travels for working. By: Diana Hernández Social Work English III MY PROFILE I am a social work student I am from Colombia I speak Spanish and a bit of English I am interested in movies, music and table tennis. I’d like to go to Cartagena and Miami I am married and have a child, his name is Juan Angel. My husband is so cute and friendly. My home town is Bogotá, but I’m living in Tunja city, the capital of Boyacá. It´s a beautiful department and has lots of things to see and do. Tunja is a gastronomic land in which you can find delicious typical dishes of the region. It also has great landscapes. I´ll wait for you soon…… By: Katherin Vargas Social Work English III KNOWLEGDE SHOWCASE FIVE SECRETS TO SUCCEED IN BUSINESS THE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY COMPANIES For being a good investor and have success in business it is important following the next tips: Nowadays, the companies are in continue updating; one example of this, it is the complement of the social responsibility in your company. Then we said “welcome to the path of business based on ethical principles and law principles”. You can find the social responsibility in many ways: Step one: be a person who understands very well himself/herself, with personality, values and creativity in the marketing. Step two: create good ideas and sell them to investors, sell the vision of your company or business to customers, the selling must be precise and exact for you to succeed. Step three: be a leader, have confidence and be able of leading business or companies. Step four: create goals before beginning a firm; chase objectives looking an economic stable future for having happiness and don’t worry about anything. Step five: every entrepreneur has strengths and weaknesses; a good entrepreneur builds a business utilizing the strengths to set against the weaknesses and diminish them. People who think on investing must take risks and set against the future business. Jonh Sebastián Amaya Vargas Public Accounting English V •The human resources •The commitment with the environment •The commitment with your customers. •The commitment with suppliers. One form to develop the social responsibility is through the commitment with the environment like recycling all our garbage, for example in Colombia in the department of Boyacá, more exactly in the Villa de Leyva town you find the Duruelo Hotel, one of the companies with more number of workers there. This company has a wonderful project of recycling; they pick up all the garbage and select it in three parts: 1. Cardboard and plastic; more exactly bottles of water and soda, and screw tops are separated from the bottles. With this good action with the planet, the Duruelo Hotel also helps children with cancer, because they are associated with a foundation that sponsors the therapy for these children. 2. The organic waste is sold for the pigs. 3. And then this money is used to do activities for the employees. This is a little example of the social responsibility, with this, you can also start... Enjoy the social responsibility. Ana Carolina Saenz Public Accounting Fifth semester GENERATING PUBLICITY What can we do to generate publicity? If you want to generate or create good publicity in a company, it’s important to have expert professionals in advertising we also must keep in mind the type of company you want to show. For your company or business in only five steps: Step one: Set your target Step two: Have a base of data. Step three: Make a brainstorming for assuring that the idea is good and not only promotion. Step four: Write a press release. Step five: Send the release to your contact list. Magda Carolina Roseero Public Accounting English V HOW TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL ACCOUNTING ADVISOR I am going to give you seven tips and I hope they help you to become a successful accounting advisor. If you pratice these tips I am sure that you will help to increase the economy of the people you offer your service. The tips are: The first that you have to do is to know a lot about the law accounting. 1. The accounting law change in every time, so you must update constantly. 2. Try to keep in your mind the knowledge that you get. 3. Have human values and also good behavior. 4. Don’t lie, give the best advice to the client. 5. Know the changes of the economical signs. 6. Know the taxes your client has to pay for the taxing. When you end to read it, please try to practice it, and you will be a successful advisor. That’s all ....... Dear friend.. Alexis FinitoAsprilla Public Accounting English V A WORLD TO DISCOVER AND CARE Soil is the earth material that contains most of the micro fauna existing on the planet, besides it is made by physical, chemical and biological natural processes. Among the most important features, the soil is the support and stability to the plants, being the habitat of microorganisms and a source of raw materials. There are two classifications of soil types; one related to their functionality and the other to their physical characteristics and those include sandy, limestone, muck, clay, rocky and mixed. The complex formation process requires deep soil under natural conditions, long periods of time and minimizing disruption. Nowadays, alarming figures make us be aware that the ground is being lost due to the mismanagement during edafon farming where the powder is completely preventing from returning to rebuild their structure. Besides, the excessive use of chemicals products, cutting trees and erosion worsen the situation. It is assumed that in the future this issue now a fertile land could turn into deserts. The soil conservation will be achieved by providing ongoing awareness to farmers: stopping the destruction of this resource, starting the tree planting and protection of native forests. Farmers in our region have to crop rotation and plant windbreaks to prevent erosion caused by wind, as the use of agrochemicals should be made consciously and in rational way to retrieve the micro fauna of our soils. In my opinion, we can take care of our planet together. Going back tothe whole issue, I can conclude that all of us must change the way we exploit the natural resources that are either made directly or indirectly, and so. The correction of those short comings in the future enables new generations to enjoy a clean and decent planet where they can breathe a pure air and live in good conditions. Elizabeth Sanchez Agricultural Engineering English VI CONSTITUTIONALISM OF BOYACA IN EARLY NINETEENTH CENTURY In Colombia, constitutionalism is not just an idea that we bring from 1991. Boyacá is the Cradle of Independence, but it is also the department where the legal and constitutional processes take place. To clarify, Tunja issued a constitution full of great ideas and especially the clear and pure legislative capacity. That ability was influenced by two important historical processes. The Tunja’s Constitution was issued on December 9th, 1811. Last year was the bicentennial of this magnificent establishment, for that reason, people of this beautiful city should be proud because this constitution served as a reference to many of the Latin American constitutions and even the Colombian of 1991. The ideas and political systems, through the years, have been modified by a series of events - not only ideological, but cultural, economic, in its embodiment, among others - but its soul always has followed a very signed structural and conceptual ideology (ATHENS - ROME); it is also clear that the period that marked the revolution and the creation of democratic political systems in Europe and America was the Enlightenment; the question is: What was the cause of the revolutionary processes? Through the illustration - or better yet –what is exactly Enlightenment? Tunja gave the world (in making the thoughts and ideologies of that period)- and more specifically the people of Colombia and Latin America - the greatest sign of legislative, political, social and organizational capacity (talking about the latent revolutionary period in Colombia in 1811), no doubt. It’s a Constitution based on ancient Rome and the Enlightenment -in which the main exponents: Voltaire, Montesquieu, Rousseau, and others; who took into account the human being as the cornerstone of social and economic interaction. The respect and enforcement of rules achieve the perfect Tunja’s community development which is the beginning, or better yet: legacy that this historic land gives to the state organization seen today2. Camilo Andrés Ibarra Sánchez3 International Law English IV 2 IBARRA, Camilo. Constitucionalismo Boyacense de Principios de Siglo XIX. Búhos Editores. Tunja – Colombia. Page 12. 3 LawStudent.School of Law and International Policy.Fundación Universitaria Juan de Castellanos, Tunja – Boyacá (Colombia). ORGANIC AGRICULTURE In recent times organic agriculture has been getting relevant. But many people wonder about its meaning. Well, organic farming can be defined as a system in which they utilize the resources that are into a property such as soil biological activity and the most important is that it reduces the use of agrochemical. Thus, protecting the environment and human health. Nowadays, it has become an interesting production as it is highly profitable, which benefits both the producer and the consumer. By eating an organic product is benefiting your health long- range what it means a saving as for medical expenses and it will be healthier. The main organic products in Colombia tend to be mostly agricultural, such as coffee, sugar, and so on. But, it also has applications in the livestock field as the case of organic cattle in which your product is meat, for instance, the cross of cattle and buffalo. A clear example in Boyacá is the production of organic livestock by Corpochivor in the municipality of Chivor. In this way, Colombia is increasing day by day its organic production with a very promising future in the global market. Juan Carlos Manchego Agricultural Engineering English III WORKERS CHILDREN IN TUNJA Boyacá presents one of the highest rate of children’s workers around the country due to different factors. Such as: culture, poverty, educational level, family traditions and so on. Tunja is the capital of the department and it is the city where people can find many children at the street working to get money for solving their family’s needs and they are working everywhere: “plaza de Mercado, parking car, restaurants and other places. So they don’t have the opportunity to study and to share their free time with others as normal persons do because they have to obtain money to their families. So what can we do for them in order to help this kind of people? Let´s think what the Boyacá’s department has done for helping them. María Clara Poveda Franco Luis Fagua Social Work English second. IT IS TIME TO CHANGE THE MISCONCEPTION ABOUT P.E CLASSES In the society we have seen that people look at the physical education as a physical development process, but people unknown that the physical education recreation and sports can provide an opportunity to develop a better mental ability, and thus get “healthy mind, body mind”. One of the issues that are affecting the image of physical education is in relation to the misconception people have about this career. Its aim is considered to be providing a space for fun and games for students at colleges and schools. In addition, P.E teachers are not working at the institutional level because for many people we just teach students to drive a ball without taking into account the benefits that exercises give to the body. Another problem is that some schools don´t register the P.E class in their regular academic schedule, so it has to be as an extracurricular class and when there are other activities, those are cancelled and the time is used to do rehearsals about other subjects. Finally, as a P.E student and future professor I want to invite my colleagues to work in strategies from rural to urban areas with recreational activities and good use of free time for young, children and adults. Activities that promote the practice of any sport in a competitive field, and in this way to achieve our career´s goal: to be agents of social, dynamic and interactive chances through the implementation of research, pedagogy, science and knowledge, in an axiological context. Let´s act now and make the difference so we can be a pride for our institution. Leonel Armando Salamanca Barrera Physical Education and Sports THE UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION’S ROLE AND THE POVERTY IN AFRICA Taking into account that poverty is one of the largest events of concern for the States at present, and they still do not succeed in establishing optimal policies that allow finishing this event, which affects millions of people worldwide. And especially children who lack of covering the basic needs to live because they don’t have the guarantees for a decent life and can’t enjoy the freedom and have respect for themselves. Currently a person is considered poor if he or she lives with less than one dollar a day. But poverty is not only no money. It is also no access to non-material conditions and environmental factors that allow the physical and mental growth and development in optimal environment conditions for human beings. It is not to have a place to live, not to have a meal, recreational areas for children and so forth. And these aspects are a situation which should concern to the international society. Given the gravity of the facts and considering that there is a supranational body: The United Nations organization, which is responsible for ensuring the protection of the rights of people and especially for children. And it’s mindful of the living situation that the African continent has suffered for decades. It is important to establish what are the policies the UN implements to help and cooperate to reduce the number of people now suffering and determine what are the main causes leading to this situation that has not allowed the development of the states especially in southern Africa. Ángela Esperanza Reyes Reyes International Law English VII ZOONOSIS: RABIES KILLS Zoonosis is a disease transmitted from animals to humans and from humans to animals. It is commonly transmitted by a bite of dog or cat. This disease must be notified immediately, because people suffering from it, can have serious consequences. This is characterized by irritation of the central nervous system, followed by paralysis and death. More common signs and symptoms of rabies •Fever •Discomfort •Headache •Anxiety •Confusion •Agitation •Dysfunction •Delirium Prevention and treatment of the rabies The campaign of dogs and cats vaccination is a basic element in the prevention of this disease. Ana Milena Rodríguez Ramírez Veterinary Medicine English V PANDORA’S BOX WORD SEARCH P M O R P H O L O G Y O A S P E A Y A S T H A T U R Y T F G O O A E T R A N I E O P Y M S P V Q X Z C L I M A T E C I O I D T S L F A R M E R N Ñ O T M D N A M A N L O I G B R L I V E S T O C K O Ñ I A M O I T O E H A G R I C U L T U R E U T L Y Y C L K J I C E R A I N O D M N J E O O G U O O I D P Q R U S T U I X E A S N T N A L P G R E U O Ñ S O I L D V I L A O L O N C D Y S E S O M W V M Z A F O O D N Z I O F A M U D W N I X C O W A N M T T I E C E I B C A A E C Q A Y Z Z D R D S I H A N U E X A T F G I M O U M Y G O L O C E Y Z O L O E X H I R V E G E T A B L E S G I C U D R W Z J K L T A E L M O C S A X A N M A Z S R QUESTIONS 1. Technique used to cultivate the land. 2. Micro filler agent that can be only multiplied in the cells of other organisms. 3. Mineral that does not involve carbon as fundamental. 4. Science that studies living things, environment, distribution, abundance and now these properties are affected by the interaction between organisms and their environment. 5. Biological science which deals with the form and reproductions of organic beings. 6. Surface of the earth or land in which they live or may live plants. 7. Liquid substance, tasteless and colorless in small amount and green or bluish masses, which is formed by combining one volume of oxygen and two hydrogen. 8. Set of atmospheric conditions peculiar to a geographical area. 9. Being organic cells that form tissues, which lives and grows, unable to move, and is able to produce food through photosynthesis. 10. Multicellular living being, usually equipped with range of motion and tendemess, that feeds on other living. 11. Waterfall of clouds in drops. 12. Field or set of fields that are cultivated. 13. Other edible plants grown in the orchards. 14. Cattle breeding. 15. Substance takes or receives a living for their nutrition. 16. Who lives and works in the field. 17. Bryophyte plant without flowers, with stems, leaves, and small roots false that grows on rocks or tree trunks, forming a green, thick and smooth. Zulma Alejandra Silva Agricultural Engineering FIND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE DRAWINGS (TEN) “On Earth, the best friend of man is the tree. When we use the tree with respect and prudence, we have one of the greatest resources of the Earth.” Frank Lloyd Wright. Danna Marcela Castillo Agricultural Engineering English III MOTS CROISÉS VERTICAL 1. Ils sont des ruminants de la famille des bovins, avec des cornes du mâle généralement plus grandes que les femelles et tordu. 2. Organismes vivant dans les milieux aquatiques ou marins et sont caractérisés par les vertébrés qui ne soit vrai que les appendices locomoteurs tétrapodes appartiennent à l’embranchement des chordés, et dans ce cadre, le grand groupe de vertébrés. 3. Les espèces de mammifères carnivores qui appartiennent à des animaux comme les hyènes 4. Une famille de mammifères placentaires de l’ordre des Carnivores. Ils ont un corps mince, une ouïe fine et une excellente vision. Ils sont furtifs mammifères chasseurs. La plupart des viandes consommées exclusivement et ne tient pas compte tout autre aliment autre qu’une proie vivantes HORIZONTAL 1. Espèces d’animaux qui ont les sabots au lieu de doigts écartés. De nombreux mammifères appartiennent à cet ordre, mais maintenant la plupart d’entre eux se sont éteints, après avoir disparu des milliers d’années. 2. Ruminants espèces de mammifères, avec le cas des cornes lisses, museau queue large et longue nu et avec une touffe à la fin. Ce sont des animaux de grande taille et un grand nombre sont réduits à la domesticité 3. Type de quadrupède avec des jambes courtes et les sabots, un corps lourd, une queue courte, le museau flexible. Dans la nature, ces animaux peuvent vivre jusqu’à quinze ans. C’est un omnivore 4. Mammifère rongeur domestique. Il mesure 30 à 40 cm, les oreilles, tant que la tête, lèvre fendue, fourrure noir ou gris et les pattes arrière plus longues que la précédente. Il est élevé pour la viande et les cheveux. 5. Les espèces de mammifères ruminants domestiques sabots quadrupède, utilisé comme du bétail. Avec sa laine a été produit différents produits, notamment des vêtements. 6. Animaux vertébrés dont les principales caractéristiques sont: la respiration du poumon à sang chaud, le corps couvert de plumes, édentée bec corné et de deux ailes disposées sur le côté de son corps Anggi Ximena Acuña Garzon Médicine Vétérinaire Anglais II CHECK YOUR VET LEXICON 2 1 5 1 4 2 3 4 5 6 3 7 DOWN 1. A small, pear-shaped muscular sac, located under the right lobe of the liver, in which bile secreted by the liver is stored until needed by the body for digestion. 2. Any of the impulse-conducting cells that constitute the brain, spinal column, and nerves, consisting of a nucleated cell body with one or more dendrites and a single axon. 3. A bitter, alkaline, brownish-yellow or greenish-yellow fluid that is secreted by the liver, stored in the gallbladder, and discharged into the duodenum and aids in the emulsification, digestion, and absorption of fats. 4. Any of various hollow-horned, bearded ruminant mammals of the genus Capra, originally of mountainous areas of the old world. 5. A chamber of the heart that receives blood from an atrium and pumps it to the arteries. ACROSS 1. Primary disease of thevilous epithelium of human beings; contrapart have been recognized in dogs. 2. The organ inside the head that controls thought, memory, feelings, and physical activity. 3. A small conical pouch projecting from the upper anterior part of each atrium of the heart. 4. A pathological condition of a part, organ, or system of an organism resulting from various causes, such as infection, genetic defect, or environmental stress, and characterized by an identifiable group of signs or symptoms. 5. Either of two bean-shaped organs at the back of the abdominal cavity, one on each side of the spinal column. They maintain water and electrolyte balance and filter waste products from the blood, which are excreted as urine. 6. A large, reddish-brown, glandular vertebrate organ located in the upper right portion of the abdominal cavity. 7. A baglike organ containing the mammary glands, characteristic of certain female mammals, such as cows, sheep, and goats. SEBASTIÁN CAMILO CARO Veterinary Medicine English VI DID YOU KNOW… The Language Department promotes the teaching and learning of foreign languages in and outside the university campus through: •Courses •Language activities: •Language’s Day. •Eucharist. Fridays at 8.a.m •Intercultural Day. •Academic networks Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/institutodelenguas.juandecastellanos Blog: http://languageinstitutejdc.blogspot.com/ Twitter: @LenguasJDC It is pertinent to emphasize the academic nature of these communities and their implementation to support the teaching-learning of other languages. So, there you’ll find: •Links to support your independent work. •Facts •Language Department news. •Groups created by teachers. •And much more ...