The Perspective - Plymouth Church of Shaker Heights


The Perspective - Plymouth Church of Shaker Heights
The Perspective
Volume 39 Number 2
Our mission is to be a Christ-centered
community led by the Holy Spirit that
supports the spiritual journey of all
who strive to boldly live out their faith
in the world. We are commi&ed to
diversity, spiritual growth, and pu)ng
our faith into ac*on, locally and
throughout the world.
An Open & Affirming Congregaon
Rev. Dr. Shawnthea Monroe
Senior Minister
Rev. Adam Hange
Associate Minister
James P. Riggs
Minister of Music & The Arts
Leslie Szalay
Director of Chris*an Educa*on
David von Behren
Music Intern
Connie Hartley
Director of Finance & Administra*on
Ed Willmo!
Facili*es Manager
February 2016
Upcoming Worship at Plymouth Church
Rev. Dr. Shawnthea Monroe preaching unless otherwise noted.
February 7 ~ Transfigura0on Sunday
Children & Youth Sunday
Worship (Adults & Children) & Communion
Luke 9:28-36; 2 Corinthians 3:14-4:2
ONA Anniversary, Mardi Gras Brunch
February 10 ~ Ash Wednesday
Worship at 7:00 p.m.
Ash Wednesday Dinner at 5:45 p.m.
February 14 ~ First Sunday in Lent
Worship & Sunday School (PreK-8th)
Luke 4:1-13; Deuteronomy 26:1-11
Valen*ne cookie baking (PreK-8th) during worship
Karen Schmauder
Office Administrator
Rachel Gardiner
Administra*ve Assistant
Jean Albrecht
Director of PDO
February 21 ~ Second Sunday in Lent
Worship & Sunday School (PreK-8th)
Luke 13:31-35; Psalm 27
James Lake, Rose Munn
Facili*es Staff
2860 Coventry Road
Shaker Heights, OH 44120
(216) 921-3510
February 28 ~ Third Sunday in Lent
Worship & Sunday School (PreK-8th)
Rev. Adam Hange preaching
Luke 13:1-9; Psalm 63:1-8
•Le&er From Council President Kris*n Sweeney
•Ash Wednesday / Dinners / Lent
•Plymouth Lunch Club / Theology on Tap
•Music & The Arts / Valen*ne Cookie Baking
God is sll speaking
•Did You Know / Centennial Events
•Mardi Gras / ONA/ Souper Bowl of Caring
•Family Promise / Service Projects
•Plymouth Family / Donate By text
•Leadership 2016 / News & Events
•Plymouth Kids & Youth / Confirma*on
Sunday Worship Schedule September 13, 2015 – June 5, 2016
9:15 a.m.: Coffee House 9:30 a.m.: Adult Forum and Childcare
10:30 a.m.: Worship & Sunday School (PreK-8th), and Childcare
11:40 a.m.: Fellowship
___________________Message from our Council President ____________________ 2
Dear Members of Plymouth Church,
It is a pleasure and a privilege to serve as Council President during the 100th anniversary of Plymouth
Church. This is an important moment in the life of this congrega*on, as we celebrate our past and set a
course for our future.
My husband, Peter, and I joined Plymouth in 1994, back when the Candy Circle, the Rummage Sale and the
Couple’s Club were all major ac*vi*es in the church. The ushers wore dark blue suits – and so did most of
the congrega*on. In those days, the music was always classical and the sanctuary always seemed full.
When we joined, we heard stories about the “good old days,” when the ushers wore morning suits and you
had to come early on Sundays to get a seat. I heard a story that the Shaker Schools Superintendent in the
60s and 70s, who was in fact Catholic, was a member of Plymouth because membership in this church was
an important civic marker.
A year aLer joining Plymouth, I became a big buddy to two sisters who lived on E.83rd off Quincy Avenue
with their diabe*c father and younger sister. Their mother struggled with addic*on and mental health
problems and was mostly absent. Although I considered it many *mes, I never brought them to Plymouth
Church. I did not believe they would feel comfortable at Plymouth and frankly, I wasn’t certain how they
would be received. In the mid-90s, I decided that Bronica and Sharetha would not fit in at Plymouth, so I
never brought them to the church I loved.
Now, I would bring them here without a second thought.
All churches have a tendency to look backwards and long for the good old days, when the pews were full
and the children were perfectly behaved. I can’t tell you how many *mes I have heard people speak
wisNully of the “old Plymouth.” It’s true: the Plymouth of today is very different from the church I joined
twenty years ago, but can we make comparisons? Which is be&er: a crowded balcony or a diverse Sunday
school? Comparing the church of today with the church of the past doesn’t work. It’s like the rings of a tree
compe*ng with each other. The seed of who we are now was planted one hundred years ago and who we
are now is rooted in who we were then.
More importantly, the purpose of church is not to “succeed” but to come together to worship God, and be
reminded that (in words of Rev. Eugene Peterson) “we are not ourselves by ourselves.” We come to
Plymouth to experience the Transcendent and to worship the Risen Christ. Who is to say if we are doing
that be&er than we did in 1995 or even 1925?
My hope for this year is that we look at our history and celebrate who we were, while apprecia*ng what
has changed for the be&er. We are all part saint and sinner, the beloved children of God. Together, we are
the body of Christ, united by the Spirit and called to serve the world in love. This is true whether we have
been church members for decades or for months. This is true whether we read the New York Times or the
Wall Street Journal. This is true whether we love classical music or gospel or folk. We are all rings in the
same tree that is Plymouth Church.
Plymouth Church is a congrega*on with an excep*onal 100 year history. In this centennial year, may that
history help us understand who we are now and lead us toward a bright and blessed future.
Yours sincerely,
Kris*n Sweeney
Church Council President
Ash Wednesday Worship, February 10
7:00 p.m., Chapel
Together we begin our Lenten Journey. There will be
the tradi*onal imposi*on of ashes.
Childcare (0-age 4) in Nursery
____Ash Wednesday Dinner____
5:45 p.m.
Cost: Adult $5, Child $3 (age 4-11)
Children 3 or younger are free
Family max = $15.
Reserva*ons for dinner required.
Sign up by Monday, February 8
____Dinners & Lenten Program____
February 17 - March 16
Join us for Food and Fellowship on Wednesday nights
during Lent. Dinner will be served in Fellowship Hall
beginning at 5:45 p.m. At 6:45 - 8:00 p.m., there will be
programming for adults and children (PreK-5th), with
child care (0-age 4) in the Nursery. Begins February 17,
sign up in advance.
____Wednesday Dinners: 5:45 p.m.____
Cost: Adult $5,Child $3 (age 4-11)
Children 3 or younger are free. Family max = $15.
Reserva*ons for dinner required. Please sign-up by the
Monday before each meal.
____Lenten Programs____
Please join us for a thought provoking discussion
“Change Through Dialogue”
Facilitated by Bill Braun
Based on the book,
Why are All the Black Kids Si$ng
Together in the Cafeteria
by Beverly Daniel Tatum.
Please pick up your own copy. The book is available at
book stores and through Amazon and Kindle.
Sign up outside the Parlor
Lenten Devotionals
Inspired by hymns from the red Pilgrim
Hymnal, wri&en by Plymouth members and
friends, and compiled by Vicki Werneke and
Mendle Adams, will be available February 14.
______Connect During the Week______
Weekly Bible Study, Mondays, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Room
102. Led By Rev. Dr. Shawnthea Monroe.
Fossil Fuel Coffee & Discussion, February 10 & 24
8:00 - 9:00 a.m., CR. Fossil Fuel is a congenial group of
men (mainly re*red) who gather to discuss a variety of
diverse and current topics with many view points from
the a&endees. Great Coffee. Delicious Pastry. ThoughNul
Women’s Bible Study, Monday, February 1, 1:00 p.m.
in the Parlor. For more informa*on, please contact Susan
Theology on Tap: Faith at the
February 16 (3rd Tuesdays) at 7:00 p.m.
Academy Tavern (12800 Larchmere Blvd)
Topic: The Meaning of Bap)sm
Everyone is welcome.
Readings are available at the church.
Ques*ons? Contact Rev. Dr. Shawnthea Monroe,
[email protected]
________Plymouth Lunch Club________
Wednesday, February 17
“Japan, Images, Reflec0ons, Insights ”
Lee Makela , PhD, emeritus
professor of East Asian history at
Cleveland State University, and
long*me member of Plymouth. Lee
shares images and insights from his
most recent trips to Japan, reflec*ng
on the current state of affairs there
in light of more than fiLy years since
he first studied at Interna*onal Chris*an University in
Tokyo as a college junior in the early 1960s.
Cost $6. Please sign up by Monday, February 15.
Give up Snail Mail and Receive
the Perspec0ve electronically.
Karen Schmauder
[email protected]
___________ Music & The Arts ____________
ArtsPlymouth Season 2015-2016 - Where the arts, faith and the
community converge.
Brochures for the en*re season are located in the Literature Racks and
Tuesday, February 2, 7:30 p.m.
Cleveland Chamber Music Society
Stephanie Blythe, mezzo-soprano: Warren Jones, piano
Tickets: or at the door
Friday February 5, 7:30 p.m.
Cleveland Men of Song & Guests
Sunday, February 21, 12:00-12:30 p.m.
Plymouth Kids’ Koncert
A fun and informal program of music by Plymouth’s kids
with child friendly snacks in the choir room! If you would
like to par*cipate, please sign-up in advance outside the
parlor. For more info or ques*ons see Music Intern,
Valentine Cookie
Sunday, February 14
AEer Children’s Message
Kids, PreK - 8th grade, will
gather in the Kitchen and
Fellowship Hall to bake
cookies and decorate
containers, and then, if
possible, deliver cookies to
our homebound members
and friends.
On February 14,
children should
a&end worship,
then proceed to the
kitchen aLer the
Children’s Message.
contact Leslie Szalay,
Director of Chris*an
[email protected]
Thank You:
Connections Group 2
Plymouth Kids’ Koncert, October 25, 2015
Sunday, February 21, 4:00 p.m.
Les Delices, Ar*st in Residence
Folly of Youth: Teresa Wakim, soprano
Tickets: or at the door
Connec*on Group 2, led by
Mary Bright and Janet Wilkens,
served Coffee Hour in January.
The following members
Jim Bright
Hannah & Adam Hange
Saturday, March 5, 3:00 p.m.
Lisa and Hans Hunziker
David von Behren Organ Recital
Plymouth’s excellent music intern plays his junior recital on
the 60 rank Holtkamp/Hemry pipe organ. A recep*on in the
Parlor will follow.
Betsy and Steve Kaufman
Sharon and Jim Moos
Karen Reich
Alice Mae & Tom Suits
Jane & Don Underwood
Planning a Baptism?
Please call Rev. Dr. Shawnthea Monroe
For More Informa*on
Connec0on Groups
Contact Jeannie Clarkson
____________________Plymouth Centennial Events______________________
Come Celebrate With Us!
Heritage Potluck
Sunday, February 28
…that in the 1960’s, Plymouth youth were ac)ve
poli)cally and, with Shaker Heights High students, held
an an)-war “Moratorium Day” prayer service at
…that major volunteer and service ac)vi)es with Hough
House, Se6lement House and Inner City Protestant Parish
grew during the 1960s.
…that music programming expanded with the hiring of
John Herr as organist.
…that Plymouth officially joined the United Church of
Christ in 1961.
Informa*on about all of the events will be available in
the Perspec*ve, weekly email blasts, on the website
(, Facebook page and in
the pew racks.
And you can always talk to the Commi&ee if you have
Chris*ne Bretz, Co-Chair
Janet Neary
Gloria Sturghill, Co-Chair
Carole Phipps
Rev. Dr. Shawnthea Monroe
Dick Pogue
Tom Daniel
Dave Reavis
Pamela Ford
Margaret Reuthinger
Cindy Hill
Pat Schinabeck
Chris Karr
Janet Wilkens
Mark your calendars!
On Sunday February 28, we
are planning a Heritage
Potluck aLer church in
Fellowship Hall.
Think about your family’s tradi*onal meals,
something you would love to share with others. You
can even share the recipe (or not). This will be a
wonderful way to get to know your fellow members
of the congrega*on. More details will be in the
bulle*n and email blast, but remember to mark the
date and join us!! Sign-up outside the Parlor.
Spring Centennial Progressive Dinner
Well known Plymouth hospitality on a large scale:
Saturday, May 14, 2016. Looking for 10 -15
cooks to prepare their specialty for 8 to 10 fellow
members (count yourself) in their home. Current
plans include an all-group cocktail get-together,
followed by small groups gathering a various
homes (yours?) for the main course, then on to a
big dessert buffet for everyone.
Job descrip*on: Willing to open your home to
hungry guests for dinner on May 14. Describe the
cuisine/food you will serve and be part of the fun
of a “blind” selec*on by guests. Cook a favorite
company or family meal, such as American classic,
ethnic (designate), cook-out, holiday fare, steak
and potatoes, vegetarian, Plymouth cookbook
inspired, seafood, man-in-the-kitchen, barbeque,
gluten free, etc. etc. The commi&ee will match
guests with their favorite cuisine.
Volunteer to Chris*ne Bretz,
[email protected] by February 28.
Mardi Gras Brunch, Sunday, February 7.
Join Plymouth's ONA (Open & Affirming Group) for Mardi Gras Brunch on Sunday,
February 7 in Fellowship Hall following worship.
A hearty breakfast menu will be served family style with "furiously fun" music by Hot
Jazz 7 - Cleveland's premier New Orleans style jazz ensemble. Celebrate Plymouth's 11 year anniversary of ONA
designa*on. Dona*ons will be accepted to cover costs of food and entertainment (Suggested $5/person, $15/family Young children free) Gluten free op*ons will be available.
Sign-up sheet located outside of parlor - Please sign up so we can properly prepare!
______Plymouth Library News_____
If you haven’t stopped by our church library
(room 103) you are in for a surprise. The
library has been given a much-needed faceliL
by Rev. Cynthia Barnard-Sheldon.
Cynthia spent months sor*ng, labeling, and
organizing the books. All you need to do is
stop by, find a *tle that interests you and
check it out. We have current *tles and
Chris*an classics – books for children, teens
and adults.
So stop by the Plymouth Library! You’ll be
glad you did. And a big THANK YOU to Cynthia
Barnard-Sheldon for her outstanding work!
2016 Souper Bowl
of Caring
February 7, aEer worship,
the Plymouth Youth Groups
will be at the doors of the
sanctuary with soup pots to
collect dona*ons for the
Cleveland Food Bank.
In past years we’ve raised
over $600 during the postholidays *me of need. This
year, with your help, our
play call is to “run it all the
way to the goal line” for
Greater Cleveland’s families
in need!
Reminder: The
church is closed
Monday, February 15
in celebra*on of
President’s Day
Next Perspecve
Deadline (March )
is February 21.
Friend us on
___________________Is Plymouth “O&A” OR “ONA”?_____________________
The General Synod of the United Church of Christ adopted a resolu*on in 1985 welcoming persons in regard to sexual
orienta*on (Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual). In 2003, the Synod also called for the inclusion of persons who are
The UCC Coali*on for LGBT Concerns (The Coali*on), has been an essen*al part in helping UCC churches and others
understand what is meant by "Open and Affirming." The Coali*on suggested using the acronym "ONA" (like salt n'
pepper) to differen*ate from other "welcoming" churches. A congrega*on is recognized as ONA if it has adopted a
public statement/covenant specifically welcoming persons who are lesbian, gay and those of all sexual orienta*ons")
into its full life and ministry. Before making this commitment, most churches enter a "process" beginning with a *me
of study, prayer, and much discussion. Plymouth went through this process for about two years before taking the vote
on February 13, 2005. Of the 170 vo*ng members, the vote was 159-11 IN FAVOR of becoming Open and Affirming!
Therefore, we are both O&A and ONA!!
Plymouth became ONA church #531. There are now over 1300 ONA churches (or about 25% of our total UCC
churches). The UCC Coali*on, which is celebra*ng its 31st Anniversary Year, is ul*mately striving for 100% inclusion...
We s*ll have much work to do!
Approved by vote of the members on February 13, 2005
Plymouth Church is an Open and Affirming congrega)on. We celebrate and find strength in
our diversity and view it as a way to understand the inclusiveness of God. We welcome
persons of any age, color, ability, or sexual orienta)on. We embrace those of varying
theological and poli)cal beliefs, and differing ethnic, socio-economic, and educa)onal
backgrounds. Our congrega)on joyfully welcomes all to join in worship, ministry,
fellowship, leadership, sacraments and blessings. With God's guidance, Jesus' example and
the Spirit's inspira)on, we commit ourselves to ongoing study, prayer, conversa)on and
ac)on, so that it may truly be said of Plymouth Church, "My house is a house of prayer for
ALL people." (Isaiah 56:7)
Join us February 7 for a Special ONA 11th Anniversary Coffee Hour Celebra0on
Fresh Start for Family Promise
For many years Plymouth, along with many other
churches in Cleveland, hosted homeless families from
the Family Promise organiza*on at their churches. For
two weeks each year church members cooked dinners,
set-up living spaces, and created programs and
ac*vi*es for the families that were without homes.
Almost two years ago, Family Promise decided to offer
a different model of service to homeless families,
housing them in permanent loca*ons, giving the
families with young children a more stable living
experience un*l they were able to obtain housing.
The Shaker Heights Hunger Center Needs You
The Shaker Hunger Center is open to clients during the 3rd
and 4th weeks of each month, on Monday and Wednesday
mornings, and it is staffed by volunteers from Shaker
Heights Community Church (20120 Lomond Blvd., where it
is housed), and Plymouth Church.
Each volunteer works for 1 to 1.5 hours on one of these
days, filling bags and boxes with nonperishable foods and/
or stocking the shelves in the storage room. Please consider
dona*ng 1 hour of your *me once each month.
Next volunteer opportuni*es: January 25 and 27 and
February 15, 17, 22 and 24.
Contact Charlene Nevans, [email protected]
Churches are s*ll an important component of the
Family Promise organiza*on. Plymouth has decided to
support Family Promise by selec*ng two weeks each
year that we will assist the program in any way that is
needed - preparing meals and delivering them to the
two housing sites, and conduc*ng drives to collect
items needed by the families (clothing, diapers, food,
etc.). We might also travel to the Family Promise
loca*ons to offer programs and provide child care
while parents a&end mee*ngs. We will also create an
email distribu*on list of Plymouth members who are
interested in being informed when volunteers are
needed outside of the two service weeks.
We will work closely with the Family Promise
Coordinator to discern the needs of the families during
those weeks and recruit Plymouth members to fill
those needs.
We have selected to serve the families during the
weeks of: April 10-16 and October 16-22, 2016.
Please mark your calendars now for those dates. We
will be contac*ng you and informing you of ways you
can help for the April service week in mid-March.
If you have any ques*ons don't hesitate to speak with
Gloria Sturghill and Merce Robinson, Co-Coordinators
of Plymouth Family Promise.
Sugar Plum Workshop
A huge thank you to the 45 volunteers that gave up their
Saturday morning on December 5 to make another hugely
successful Sugar Plum Workshop.
In 2.5 hours 118 kids made 1036 giLs!
We are already planning for next year and are
collec*ng 8-12 oz jars with lids and Christmas ribbon,
preferably grosgrain ribbon. The ribbon can be solid,
striped, plaid, etc.
Please bring to the office.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry knits and/or
crochets warm shawls for friends in need
of comfort, baby blankets, and hats &
scarves. They meet the first Wednesday
of each month, 12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m., room 102.
No experience necessary. Supplies are available or you can
bring your own. Contact Alice-Mae Suits.
Next gathering: February 3
Hats & Scarves Project For
Miles Park School
As an outreach project, we knit or crochet or sew out
of fleece hats and scarves. With 520 students at Miles
Park School, this is an all-year produc*on. We have
some donated yarn for you to use if you are
interested. Bring items to church as you finish them.
The Ministry has storage space in the church.
______Our Plymouth Family______
Celebra0ng “Four Score Plus”
Toby Perry
February 3
Ry Snow
February 7
Lydene Ru&er
February 11
Sally Menges
February 18
Pearl Crain
February 29
Deepest Sympathies to:
Kathy Murray and Tim Conway and their families
mourning the death of their uncle, Gerald Conway,
on Wednesday, January 6, 2016.
Church Office Volunteers Needed
for Sundays
Are you are available to occasionally volunteer in the
office on Sunday during Adult Forum and worship? Du*es
include answering the phone, possibly making copies,
and assis*ng any members or visitors who come into the
office. No experience necessary. Free coffee!
Once worship begins, you can lock the office and a9end
the service. Just return to the office during the closing
hymn or you can remain in the office and listen to the
worship service.
Call Karen Schmauder, 216.921.3510 or
[email protected]
______Christmas Eve Offering______
A BIG THANK YOU to all Plymouth members and
friends who so generously contributed $1,624 to
FrontLine Service, A Crisis Center through our
Christmas Eve offering!
Special Accomplishments?
We want to hear from you!
In a few sentences, tell us about
your special recogni*on and we
will post it in the Perspec*ve (space available).
Provide Flowers for
Sunday Worship
Join the Flower Delivery Ministry
______Donate by Text______
You can now make a contribu*on to Plymouth Church of
Shaker Heights with a quick text message!
Simply send a text to 216.446.7611 with the amount you
would like to contribute. Make sure to include the dollar
sign before the amount. Example: $25. Within a few
minutes, you’ll be sent a text with a link to register. Click
on the link and enter your cardholder name and credit or
debit card informa*on. Once your registra*on is
complete, you will receive text verifica*on and a receipt
via email.
For future giving, simply send a text with the amount you
wish to give, and it will process automa*cally!
Give By Text Quick Guides can be found in the Literature
Contact Juanita Faulx,
[email protected]
Argentine Tango
Fundamentals Dance Class
____Donate Online & Make Payments____
These are introductory classes,
teaching basic Tango movements.
Plymouth Church accepts online dona*ons and payments!
The process is quick and easy. Just go to our website,, and click on
the “Donate Online” link.
Wear comfortable clothes and bring either leather
soled shoes or heavy socks that will slide on the
floor. No partner necessary.
You can donate through your
checking account or with a credit
Saturdays, 10:30 a.m. – Noon. Fellowship Hall.
Cost: $5 per class, which is donated to Plymouth
Church. Contact Ann Dobyns, 303.229.9931.
Recurring dona*ons or one *me
dona*ons can be set up. Ques*ons, call Connie Hartley,
216.921.3510 ext. 24.
Pay Online
____________________News & Events____________________
________The Plymouth Church Library & Book Exchange_________
Long, cold winter days
(and nights) are coming.
Curl up with a good book
and read the chills away.
For Faith Reading visit the Church Library (Room 103).
Books are shelved alphabe*cally by the author’s last name. Sign
the card in the back, put it in the box on the desk. Books may be
kept for 3 weeks.
You are invited to browse both collec*ons frequently. The Church Library (103) is usually
available when the church is open, but especially on Sunday Mornings from 9:15 a.m. before
worship. The Book Exchange (FH) is most easily accessible during Coffee Hour aLer worship.
No sugges*ons this month—you can choose and enjoy!
For Fun Reading, the Book Exchange in Fellowship Hall has a wide
variety of fic*on and non-fic*on available (no cards to sign—just
take and enjoy). Dona*ons are always welcome.
Volunteer at
The Plymouth
February 17
6:00-8:00 p.m.,
followed by
dinner at a
Paul Qua.
Building Closing Procedures
Plymouth Church Leadership 2016
Council President
Kris*n Sweeney
Council Vice-President
Chris Karr
Heidi Makela
Gloria Sturghill
Assistant Treasurer
Robin Johnson
Adult Faith & Life - Chair
Amy Clum Holbrook
Building & Grounds (B&G) - Chair
Ben Beckman
Caring - Chair
Juanita Faulx
Children & Youth (C&Y) - Chair
Donna Dickinson
Evangelism & Growth (E&G) - Chair
Rick Johnson
Giving - Co-Chairs
Kendalle Cobb
Suzanne Hamilton
Partnership & Service (P&S) - Chair
Vicki Werneke
Worship - Chair
Brian Smith
Personnel Chair
Peter Sweeney
If severe weather requires that the
building be closed, you can call the
church’s main voice mail to hear details
(216.921.3510). In addi*on, no*ces will
be posted on:
Plymouth Face Book Page
TV Channels: Channel 3 WKYC
Radio sta*ons: WTAM 1100 AM, WMVX,
90.3 WCPN, WCRF 103.3 FM,
WCLV 104.9 FM
It’s Important Where You Park
Founda*on Chair
Council Memb@Lrg
Dee Burt
Council Memb@Lrg
Lynne Slater
Council Memb@Lrg
Pat Schinabeck
Council Youth Member
Darby Grant
Council Youth Member
Ren Mueller
During inclement weather, if you are
able, please park further away from
the entrances, leaving
the closer spaces for
those who cannot walk
as well through the
snow, ice and cold.
Cards &
You may bring
new note cards
or gree*ng cards
with envelopes to
the office.
They will be given
to residents at
Care Facili*es
who will enjoy
sending them to
Bring to the
Church Office.
Sponsored by the
Mayfield Heights
Lions Club and
the Lions Eye
Clinic located at
St. Vincent
Charity Hospital.
Ash Wednesday and Lent
On February 10, come to Ash Wednesday dinner (5:45 p.m.) then begin your Lenten journey with your children at Ash
Wednesday worship (7:00 p.m.), with the tradi*onal imposi*on of ashes. Child care for kids 0-age 4 is available in the
nursery. Every Wednesday during Lent, February 17 through March 16, there will be special programing available for
kids Prek – 5th grade . We will start with dinner in Fellowship Hall beginning at 5:45 p.m., then the kids will meet in
room 206 from 6:45 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. for learning and fun. Child Care (0-age 4) is available 6:30-8:00 in the nursery.
February Events
February 1 - C & Y mee*ng 7pm - all are welcome
February 5 - Parents Night Out
February 7 - No Sunday School / Children and Youth
Sunday / Kids sing with choir
February 10 - Ash Wednesday / dinner / child care
February 14 - No Sunday School / Valen*nes Cookie
February 17 - Dinner and children's Lent programing /
child care available
February 21 - Sunday School / Kids Koncert 12pm choir
February 24 - Dinner and children's Lent programing /
child care available
February 28 - Sunday School
Children and Youth Sunday
Sunday, February 7. The service will be led by the
children and youth! We need your par*cipa*on to
make this a fun and successful event. This is a great
opportunity for the children to be on the other side of
the church service and learn about the importance of
everyone doing their part to make a community of
faith work together. Look for sign-up opportuni*es
and talk to Adam Hange or Leslie Szalay to see how
you and your child can par*cipate!
Parent’s Night Out
Friday, February 5, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m., FH. PNO theme
is a Valen)nes Party! We will provide dinner, have
craLs and play games. Leave the kids with us and
have some *me for yourselves!
Please register for planning purposes!
For ages 3-10 / $5 per child / $10 family max
Contact Leslie Szalay, Director of Children’s Educa*on,
[email protected]
or 216.921.3510, ext. 27.
Mission Projects
Thank you for dona*ng to our first Mission Project,
Heifer Interna*onal. The Sunday School collec*ons
combined with money donated for Heifer Honor cards
through the Alterna*ve Giving Market gives us a grand
total is $798.11! With this money Plymouth Church
will be purchasing: one water buffalo ~ one goat ~ one
sheep ~ two hives of honeybees ~ twelve flocks of
chickens. We pray these giLs will help to bring
prosperity and good health to the recipients.
We are kicking off our next mission project, collec*ng
items for “Blessing Bags.” We are asking for the
following dona*ons that the children will put together
into easy to pass out bags:
• Socks
• Travel size tooth paste
• Travel size tooth brush
• Baby wipes
• Non-perishable food item (individually wrapped)
• Gallon sized zip-lock bags
Look for the collec*on baskets and please help us to
give to those in need. Thank you for helping to make a
difference in the lives of others!
Valentines Cookie Baking
On Sunday, February 14 Plymouth Kids will meet in
FH aLer the Children’s Message to make cookies and
valen*nes cards for homebound friends and
neighbors. We need a few volunteers to help
the children and also to make deliveries. See Adam
Hange or Leslie Szalay if you can help, or if you know
someone who would appreciate a sweet treat and
cards made by Plymouth Kids.
Plymouth Kids Epiphany Art Show
Thanks to everyone who par*cipated in the Plymouth
Kids Epiphany Art Show! It was wonderful to see
some of our kids share their ar*s*c side with us.
Artwork may be picked up from Leslie Szalay aLer
February 14th. We hope you enjoyed the show!
9th-12th Grade
6th-8th Grade
Sunday, February 7 – 10:30 a.m. C&Y Sunday
Sunday, 7th – 10:30 a.m. - C&Y Sunday
Thursday, February 11- Monday, February 15 – Fun,
Faith, and Learning Trip to Chicago (CANCELLED)
Sunday, Feb 14, 3-5 p.m.
Friday, February 26 – 7-9 p.m. – Krumbine Room
Sunday, Feb 28 Ukranian Egg Decora*ng at Plymouth
(Confirmed/Final cost TBD)
Friday, March 11 - 7-9 p.m. – Krumbine Room
Sunday, March 13 – 3-5 p.m.
Friday, April 8 – Krumbine Room
Sunday, April 10 – 3-5 p.m.
Sunday, 24 – Doan Brook Stream Sweep
Sunday, April 24 – 12- 3 p.m. – Doan Brook Stream
Friday, May 5-May 6 – Confirma*on Retreat
Friday, May 13 – Krumbine Room
Sunday, May 8 – 3-5 p.m.
Friday, May 27 – Krumbine Room
Sunday, May 22 – 3-5 p.m.
9th9th-12th Grade Youth Group - Get Your Passports NOW for Service Trip!
e 12—18,
e: Nor
When: Jun
$350 Wor
Near The Algonq
$150 deposit due by April 1
uin Provincial Pa
Half-Scholarships Available
9th Grade Confirma0on Calendar 2015 - 2016
Sunday Gatherings
Sunday, February 7
Sunday, February 21
Sunday, February 28
Sunday, March 6
Sunday, March 13
Sunday, March 20
Sunday, April 3
Sunday, April 10
Sunday, April 17
Sunday, April 24
Class 3
Class 4
Class 5
Class 6
Class 7
Class 8
Class 9
Class 10
Class 11
Service Project w/ Mentors
Krumbine Room
Krumbine Room
Krumbine Room
Krumbine Room
Krumbine Room
Krumbine Room
Krumbine Room
Krumbine Room
Krumbine Room
(To Be Confirmed)
us on
for the latest
news about
Special Dates:
Service Project – Sunday, April 24, Doan Brook Stream Sweep – 12-3 p.m. w/ Mentors
Closing Retreat – Friday, May 6, 4:30 p.m. – Saturday, May 7, 1 p.m., w/ Family & Mentors welcome
to join for bonfire and dinner on Saturday 6-9 p.m., @ Sunset Shores Retreat Center in Vermilion, OH
Confirmaon Sunday – Sunday, May 15, 10:30 a.m. in Worship w/ Family and Mentors - MANDATORY
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© 2012 - 2016 Plymouth Church of Shaker Heights
Celebration of Sky Arsinchuck’s Retirement as Facilities Manager, 2004 - 2016
Celebration at Worship, January 10
Coffee Hour
January 10
Dewey’s Coffee Shop Hosted a “Sky Day”
With Special Brews
Farewell Sky!