File - John Sisk and Son
File - John Sisk and Son
COMPANY REVIEW 2014 I N C O R P O R AT I N G A N N U A L R E P O R T SICON LTD STRENGTH DIVERSITY EXPERIENCE 1 SISK GROUP HISTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Zero Incidents - Zero Injuries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Aviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Civil Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Commercial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Education and Public Buildings . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Healthcare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Hotels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Industrial, Food and Beverage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Pharmaceutical, ICT and Data Centres . . . . . . . . . 24 Rail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Residential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Retail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Flagship Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 DISTRIBUTION AND PROPERTY . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Origo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Korine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 SUSTAINABILITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY . . . . . . . 44 EXECUTIVE BOARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 FINANCIALS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 LOCATIONS AND CONTACTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 TIMELINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 ze O SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 J O H N G . S I S K ’ S B U S I N E S S VA LU E S “We are vitally interested in giving the best possible service to all our employers.” “This we do by delivering satisfactory work on time.” “Anyone who seeks to work or do business with us is entitled to just courteous treatment.” “We are not greatly interested in size or age of business.” 1 J O H N S I S K FO U N D ER 2 J O H N V. S I S K 3 JOHN G. SISK 4 G E O RG E H . S I S K 2 1 3 4 SISK GROUP HISTORY With over a 155 year history spanning over three centuries, our family business has stayed true to John Sisk’s vision of providing exceptionally high levels of construction expertise and customer service by employing, training and motivating capable staff. By 1937 we had started the first of our many diversification projects, stone quarrying, and the following year John Gerard Sisk, third generation, spearheaded our move to Dublin, wisely establishing the company at the heart of the nation’s future growth. An example of the company’s pre-eminent position in the Irish construction market was when we were honoured to be awarded the contract to erect the Papal Cross for the Pope’s visit in 1979. By 1984, already the clear market leader in Ireland we established our UK subsidiary, now handling a turnover of €500 million with an enviable record of award-winning projects and a reputation for quality and innovation. As the market contracted in Ireland, we travelled abroad, leveraging the expertise of our people in the Middle East and Germany. Sisk family members continue to set the family’s expectations and standards with three, fifth generation members holding executive positions on the Sicon and Subsidiary Boards. GEORGE SISK BEING PRESENTED A LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD AT THE IRISH BUILDING & DE SIG N AWAR DS AT TH E FOU R S E ASON S . L- R: LIAM NAG LE, G EORG E SISK AN D IVAN YATES SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 After an apprenticeship as a plasterer and at the age of 22, John Sisk set up the construction business in 1859. The building firm he founded remains at the core of the now internationally and sectorally diversified group of companies which form the SISK Group. John Sisk built up a substantial regional construction business with an impressive record of work around the province of Munster, building schools, hotels, banks and an astonishing 30 churches. One of the first known projects was the Cork Distillery in 1868. 3 1 ONE COMMERCIAL STREET 1st project with Redrow homes constructed directly above Aldgate East underground station. 1W E M B LE Y H I LTO N , LONDON, UK 2CO N V E NTI O N C E NTR E , DUBLIN, IRL 3AVIVA S TA D I U M , DUBLIN, IRL 2 3 CONSTRUCTION Our focus in 2014 and beyond is to leverage the skills and expertise across all geographies, implementing common processes and best practise to bring greater efficiencies and a unified approach to the delivery of our clients projects. This re-structure supports and facilitates our long term view of investment – developing skills within the organisation and continuing the successful growth of our and your business. OUR FOCUS IN 2014 1. ONE “SINGLE SISK” Construction and Civil engineering business working in domestic markets of Ireland, Northern Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales. 5. CORE MARKETS we will use the knowledge and experience in our businesses to expand across our core markets to serve our clients. 2. RISK MANAGEMENT to provide robust, consistent systems and procedures to ensure reliable identification of risks and the controls necessary to successfully manage our business. 6. BUSINESS MODEL to create a “lean” business model able to move quickly in response to markets and clients. 3. STRATEGIC PARTNERING to be recognised as a partner of choice by our clients supply chain and competitors. 4.HSEQ to drive relentlessly for Zero through our behaviours and processes. O 7. INDUSTRIAL PROCESS to continue the incremental growth across our market while fully understanding the delivery and performance risks. 8.PEOPLE to further focus on our commitment to train and develop our human resources, and to identify through succession planning our future leaders. SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 A unified approach enables us to work together with our customers, professional teams and our supply chain across all geographies to develop innovative and value adding solutions for our clients. To achieve this, we restructured the business forming one ‘single Sisk’ with one common vision and strategy, one point of ownership and accountability. 5 ZERO INCIDENTS ZERO INJURIES “I am blessed to have three children, we spend seven days of every week ensuring they are safe and not exposed to any risk. You are all someone’s child; all of our employees and those who work with us is someone’s child. It is unacceptable that we put other people’s children at risk. The only acceptable conclusion you can come to is that we must provide a work environment that delivers Zero Injuries. Zero Incidents”. 6 Liam Nagle, SISK Group Chairman, speaking at the John Sisk & Son Safety Conference, National Convention Centre. SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 Our journey to Zero is not only about safety. Zero is a philosophy to deliver Building Excellence. We define excellence as a project delivered safely to the highest quality, on time, on budget and in an atmosphere of trust, respect, fairness and partnership. We take pride in our relationships as much as our work. ZERO INCIDENTS. ZERO INJURIES We continue to invest in programmes to enable every single member of our site teams to believe passionately in zero and to think and act differently in relation to Health and Safety. We recognise that beliefs, attitudes and expectations can lead to a change in behaviour which is an underlying root cause for many of the accidents, incidents and near misses we now experience. Our MindSafety programme enables our staff to become self-aware of the conscious, sub-conscious and unconscious actions that lead to incidents. By carrying out a 20 second scan at the workface and taking immediate corrective action we are able to address the behaviours as well as the physical conditions that result in accidents and thereby make the workplace safer. Our benchmark for success used to be zero reportable accidents. We have raised the bar to measuring against lost time accidents. The increasing number of projects completing with zero lost time accidents as well as zero reportable accidents is a positive indication that our MindSafety programme is having a real impact. This programme is part of a longer term plan that will extend into our supply chain as part of our journey to zero incidents, zero injuries. ZERO DEFECTS. ZERO SNAGS At John Sisk & Son we believe that a building should be delivered completely free of defects or snags. It is our responsibility to deliver projects of exceptional quality - we do not expect our clients to find fault in our work. To achieve snag free buildings at practical completion we have continuously refined our Quality Control processes and engaged our subcontractors in the journey. Our cycle sets out the key steps to address in procuring and planning for success. In addition it creates a culture and a behaviour that creates a consistent approach and emphasis on a ‘snag as you go’ culture. We frequently benchmark our quality culture and training against our competitors as well as other industries, so as to continuiously improve the tools that help deliver a top quality projects. 1 1 & 2 S ITE S I G N AG E 2 ZERO INCIDENT POLICIES 1. QUALITY START-UP MEETING Contracts Manager meets the project stakeholders and sets out the quality strategy for the project. The meeting will relay the quality plan and how quality will be delivered on the project. 2. THE PROJECT QUALITY PLAN (PQP) The PQP will outline the quality risks that should be managed on the project. The PQP will outline the approach required to achieve excellent quality and total customer satisfaction. 3. SAMPLES & BENCHMARKING The production of samples and benchmarks will ensure that the quality of the finished product is to the desired standard and will be referenced by all concerned. 12. CUSTOMER FEEDBACK & LESSONS LEARNT Package Owners will help select sub-contractors with the capability and resources to deliver snag free packages. 6. INSPECTION & TEST PLAN (ITP) Achievement of Zero defects and Zero snags at PC delivering total client satisfaction. We will prepare a maintenance period management plan which will outline the aftercare proposals. 10. AUDITING Internal and external auditing systems are put in place to ensure that we keep on track in the delivery of the defect free project. The Package Owner will be nominated for each package to ensure that specified requirements are met. The Package Owner will manage their respective snagging and elemental sign-off throughout the project. 5. APPOINTMENT OF SUB-CONTRACTORS Project close out meetings will review customer feedback and our own experiences so we can maintain excellent performance on future projects. 11. PRACTICAL COMPLETION & AFTERCARE 4. THE PACKAGE OWNERS QUALITY CIRCLE 9. ELEMENTAL SIGN OFF/DEFECTS & SNAGGING The project team will implement an Elemental Sign off regime and install a ‘snag as you go’ collaborative culture with the aim of delivering Zero defects at completion. Defect management will be implemented and managed in line with the PQP. 8. NON CONFORMANCES All significant non conformities will be recorded and tracked to ensure closure and suitable corrective action has been considered to avoid a repeat. The commercial team will ensure that non conforming work will not be included in valuations. The Package Owner will liaise directly with consultants and sub-contractors and will research the product and installation method in order to compile appropriate inspection and test plans. 7. INDUCTION ON QUALITY For the sub–contractor team, to ensure that all involved fully understand what is the required quality standard and what is expected of each and everyone involved on the project. AVIATION “I would at this stage just wish to restate that we have been absolutely delighted with our working relationship with Sisk. They have been accommodating to change, hospitable throughout and a pleasure to deal with. Their assistance to our third party fit out contractors has also been greatly appreciated.” 8 Graham Campbell, Eurojet Aviation Limited (Operator of Hangar, Birmingham Airport). SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 John Sisk & Son has extensive experience within the Aviation sector having successfully delivered airport terminal buildings at Dublin, Shannon, Cork and Knock. In addition to working airside and understanding the logistics of working within a live environment with high security requirements, Sisk has also worked for major multi-national organisations based at airport sites including a new 600,000ft wing manufacturing facility on behalf of Bombardier at Belfast International Airport; the extension to an existing engine testing facility on behalf of GE Caledonian at Prestwick Airport; and the construction of a new TNT distribution facility at Liverpool John Lennon Airport. In this year we have completed two major maintenance hangars at Luton Airport for Signature Flight Support and at Birmingham International Airport on behalf of Monarch Airlines. The recent award by Airbus for a bespoke ‘Beluga’ Aircraft Hangar and Runway at their Broughton site in Chester builds further on our specialist capability in this sector. The 5,000m2 hangar will provide a weather proof facility for off-loading and storing wings, along with associated office and welfare space In 2014 we completed an extension to the US Imigration Facility on Level 10 and the North end of Pier 4, Terminal 2 at Dublin Airport for the Dublin Airport Authority. This required the construction of a single storey extension to three sides of the existing building. The development was constructed within a live and fully operational airport. 1S I G N AT U R E F LI G HT S U P P O R T, LU TO N AI R P O R T, UK 2 M O N A R C H H A N G E R , B I R M I N G H A M AI R P O R T, UK 3B E LU GA H A N GA R A N D R U NWAY, CHESTER, UK 1 2 3 1 2 CROSSRAIL, LONDON, UK In London, our Crossrail contract C305 is in year three and is now 80% complete. In June, we achieved structural completion of the north east spur tunnels between Whitechapel and Pudding Mill Lane with tunneling towards Victoria Dock portal ongoing. 1 CROSSRAIL, LONDON, UK 2 A477, ST. CLEARS TO RED ROSES, UK 3 SHANGANAGH WASTE WATER TREATMENT, BRAY, IRL 3 CIVIL ENGINEERING We deliver projects both directly and in Joint Venture formats and over recent years have delivered over 200km of motorway and 300 bridges across Ireland, the UK and Poland. Also in April 2014, we completed Woodhouse Windfarm in Dungarvan, co. Waterford for ESBi, completing all civil engineering works for 8 wind turbines with associated access roads, drainage, site works and accommodation works. Our civil engineering division operates across all client sectors and within specifically tailored contract formats including traditional main contracting, Early Contractor Involvement, Optimised Contractor Involvement, Design & Build, Design, Build, Finance, Operate, and Turnkey arrangements. In May 2014, Sisk, as part of the Direct Route Consortium were successfully appointed by the National Roads Authority to deliver the N17 / N18 Gort to Tuam PPP Scheme, which involves the design and construction of 57km of motorway and 47 principal structures in Galway. Design is ongoing and construction is due to commence in late 2014/ early 2015. In April 2014, Sisk in Joint Venture completed the £43 million A477 St. Clears to Red Roses Improvement Scheme in Wales through an Early Contractor Involvement format. We have been involved in the scheme since 2009, developing it through the planning stages and successfully completed the construction stage in 2014. The project won the Considerate Constructors Silver Award placing it in the top 4% in the UK for all companies registered with the Considerate Constructor Scheme (8,500 companies registered). The project also provided a legacy of positive local benefits with 52% of our labour sourced from the local area and 54% of our capital spend being disbursed through local suppliers. Having completed the construction phase of the Shanganagh Waste Water Treatment Plant in south Dublin in April 2012 we are now in year 2 of our 20 year Operations & Maintenance contract of this plant which is operating successfully in joint venture with our process partner. As a contractor we are able to integrate within a building information modelling environment, and to carry out temporary works designs and make programme option assessment. SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 As a multi-discipline engineering and construction company, John Sisk & Son Civil Engineering division have delivered major infrastructure including rail, wind farms, roads, power stations, harbours, water treatment plants and other landmark projects. 11 1 2 NAM, ILIGENT AUDANDAM 1 CITI BA N K , DUBLIN, IRL 2 T V 3 F IT O U T, DUBLIN, IRL elecum quist labor arit dendae 3 SAP FIT OUT, CITYWEST, DUBLIN, IRL porernatur, sandem repro qui ad 4 S T M A RY A XE , LONDON, UK quos dolo cuptium fugitationse pro 5 CO N F E R E N C E C E NTR E , od es DUBLIN, estium esciurIRL sit, consequis evel intur? Pedi ute velicature derum volupieni cor maxim la simaximus, volorro qui si con recaese rissite minis aut vid excestem. Ximpor re sunt. 1 . P R OJ E C T - LOCATION 1 . P R OJ E C T - LOCATION 1 . P R OJ E C T - LOCATION 3 COMMERCIAL The high standards of our build quality and the strength of our project management skills are hallmarks of the Sisk name and have contributed to our enviable position in this re-emerging sector. With our strong standing and experience in this sector we are well placed to grow our involvement with existing and new Clients alike. The range and diversity of our expertise spans multi-million euro corporate HQ office construction to office fit-out, new build through to intricate structural refurbishment. Current city centre schemes demand skilled project management and close integration with the local community, working in confined space whilst maintaining access or operation to neighbouring sites. Sustainability continues to be a key aspect of the design and build process, with one Central London refurbishment project on track to achieve a BREEAM Outstanding, keeping our teams at the leading edge of current best practice. 4 5 SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 John Sisk & Son’s capability of handling large and complex office projects has been recognised through repeat business with Clients such as The Crown Estate and with new awards with other market leaders including Helical Bar and Google. 13 1 2 1 U C D SCI E N C E B LO C K , DUBLIN, IRL 2 D UN LAOGHAIRE LIBRARY, DUBLIN, IRL 3E R B I , A S TO N U N IVE R S IT Y, BIRMINGHAM, UK 4 3 WA L SA LL H O U S I N G , DUBLIN, IRL EDUCATION AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS Since building the very first public buildings of the Irish state to the iconic American Air Museum in the UK, Sisk has an extensive portfolio of public buildings that still serve their purpose to this day. PUBLIC BUILDINGS One sector which has been constantly in our workload for over 150 years has been education. Whether primary, post-primary or third level buildings John Sisk & Son have delivered leading-edge educational facilities for young people preparing for their future lives. In recent years many of these buildings have become more than just a place to learn, but are now part of the learning experience whereby some act as interactive laboratories for students to learn about areas of education such as building life cycle and sustainability. Public buildings, almost by definition, see very high levels of wear and tear, but the building quality which Sisk applies has stood the test of time and can be seen every day in major conference centres, schools, public authority offices, courts and police stations. Indeed such has been the extent of public buildings delivered over our 154 years in business that it is possible there are people who have been born in a Sisk-built hospital, educated in a Sisk-built school or college, and working today in a Sisk-built office or industrial facility. 4 SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 EDUCATION 15 ENERGY “Sisk are a well-managed, client focused organisation that delivers on commitments and are capable of managing multi-discipline tasks – delivering a high quality product and service in a very safe manner, whilst exceeding their original schedule commitments.” 16 Rolf Zurkirchen, Global Head of Civil, Alstom. SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 The Energy market is recognised as the most significant growth area for construction in the decade to 2020 with planned and funded growth identified across the Regions where John Sisk & Son is already established in - Ireland, UK, Poland, and the Middle East. Conventional energy schemes dominated in the early years, but Sisk has moved to meet market demands and now has wide experience in renewable energy – wind farms, biomass and waste to energy – as well as supply grid infrastructure. John Sisk & Son has already built up an enviable portfolio of projects in Power Generation, Biomass, Wind and Sustainable Buildings, and no doubt will continue to do so in the years ahead. The unique skill set which John Sisk & Son has built up in both civil engineering and construction management are key differentiators that enable us to provide added value on each project, ensure the highest standards of delivery and a 100% commitment to safe working. RUNCORN Our design management worked within a BIM environment to co-ordinate process equipment within the building fabric and services. We are currently working with Siemens on 3D modelling on the Flintshire Bridge project. 1G RE AT ISL AN D CCGT, CO. WEXFORD, IRL 2R U N CO R N , CHESHIRE, UK 3 FLINTSHIRE BRIDGE , NORTH WALES 1 2 3 1S H A R JA H M I LITA RY H OS P ITA L , MIDDLE EAST 2OA S I S H OS P ITA L , AL AIN, MIDDLE EAST 3 G R A N G E G O R M A N , DUBLIN, IRL 4M ATE R A D U LT H OS P ITA L , DUBLIN, IRL 1 2 3 HEALTHCARE Progress in healthcare sciences is having a profound impact on society, leading to longer life spans and greater quality of life for many citizens. is placing greater demands on contractors to ensure flawless delivery and start-up, while in many cases, maintaining all existing facilities in operation without interruption. John Sisk & Son’s continual improvement in training and procedures has enabled the firm to manage the convergence of construction, high technology, patient care, sustainability and environmental concerns simultaneously and without compromise. 4 SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 The delivery of modern affordable healthcare facilities is a challenge which John Sisk & Son has risen to over the past decade having delivered close to 600 beds across our primary, secondary and acute hospital facilities in Ireland and the UK. Over the past 3 years, John Sisk & Son has further delivered a number of hospital projects in the Middle East, demonstrating the strength of our sectorial expertise in healthcare across all geographies. The integration of high technology into these buildings 19 HOTELS 1 20 A wide variety of hotel clients including brands, owners and developers; Project orders worth in excess of €1.1billion over 25 years; 12,000+ rooms constructed; Budget to luxury capability and with new build, refurbishment and fit-out expertise. SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 With a wealth of experience in the hotels sector, whether at the premium end, a boutique hotel or for hotel groups with multiple sites, John Sisk & Son can bring relevant experience to bear on almost any project. John Sisk & Son has the skills and expertise to realise the visions of brand owners and developers and can provide the highest standard of accommodation for guests. Equally accomplished in new build or refurbishment, we understand the need for on-time completion and phased hand-overs, just as we recognise the challenges associated with listed buildings or environmental constraints. John Sisk & Son can also offer experience in all traditional building methods plus modular build concepts from simple bathroom pods to bedrooms that are fully manufactured and fitted-out in a dedicated factory prior to on-site assembly. The standards of our build quality and the strength of our project management skills are hallmarks of the John Sisk & Son name and have contributed to our enviable position within this competitive sector. 1G R OSV E N O R H OTE L , LONDON, UK 2 TH E M A R K E R H OTE L , DUBLIN, IRL 3 H I LTO N H OTE L , LONDON, UK 4TH E A M P E R SA N D H OTE L , LONDON, UK 2 3 4 1 2 1 CO C A CO L A , EDMUNTON, UK 2D IAG E O, DUBLIN, IRL 3N E S TLE , UK INDUSTRIAL, FOOD AND BEVERAGE Helping clients achieve a clear competitive advantage, through cost effective, and timely construction of technically complex buildings is the benchmark of John Sisk & Son’s track record. FOOD AND BEVERAGE Industrial output has proven to be the main engine of the economy as we try to deliver growth once more. The treadmill of technological progress brings new challenges to how goods are manufactured and brought to market forcing all players in the supply chain to change and innovate their contribution. John Sisk & Son has worked with world-leading companies in the construction of their advanced manufacturing facilities. Integration of utilities, specialty materials, cleanrooms together with laboratories, logistics and administration requirements is where John Sisk & Son has proven its leadership over the years. Getting to market safely, efficiently and at a cost competitive price is our goal when working with clients in sectors such as aerospace and medical devices. Constructing technically complex buildings is where our star has shone brightest. These projects demand a degree of knowledge and understanding beyond the norm and rely on experience to weave together the many strands of the construction process. The food and drink sector has presented many projects of this nature including multinational drinks companies who have come to John Sisk & Son in Ireland and UK due to our competence in meeting, and sometimes exceeding, predetermined targets. We expect this sector to continue to grow, but also the bar will be raised on construction performance to enable our clients retain their competitive advantage. 3 SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 INDUSTRIAL 23 PHARMACEUTICAL, ICT AND DATA CENTRES 24 Sisk Pharma has delivered €1.5 billion in construction since 2000. SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 PHARMACEUTICAL ICT AND DATA CENTRES For over 40 years John Sisk & Son have been leaders in the construction of pharmaceutical facilities. We have delivered projects from all ends of the spectrum including API, Biopharma, Secondary and Laboratories. Recognising the need to retain specialist skills we have assembled a dedicated division who only work in the pharma sector. This team bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to every project and maximise potential for success. Mission critical facilities can only be entrusted to contractors with a reputation for delivery. Hence John Sisk & Son have been awarded many major projects in the areas or microelectronics fabrication, assembly and data centre exities of delivering these projects the Sisk team have been appointed by world-leading firms confident in the knowledge that their facility will be managed with flawless execution. Having delivered CSA (civil, structural and architectural) for many years we now have the capability to provide full ‘Construction Management’ including commission and validation. This together with the ability to provide cost certainty is a unique offering in the industry. Integration of intensive mechanical, electrical and process systems into the overall building fabric requires a clear understanding of sequencing, commissioning and hand over. John Sisk & Son’s building services department is a key differentiator in that regard coordinating procurement and construction of equipment and subcontractors to ensure a troublefree project. 4 1N I B R T, DUBLIN, IRL 2G E N Z Y M E , WATERFORD, IRL 3 DATA C E NTR E , DUBLIN, IRL 4 P I R B R I G HT I N S TIT U TE , SURREY, UK 1 2 3 1 RAIL 2 “A fantastic display of ingenuity, commitment and determination by all involved to ensure we opened the railway 56 days after disaster struck and indeed on the date we told the nation we would do it.” 26 Regional Director, Robbie Burns, Network Rail. SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 SISK Rail have completed major projects for Network Rail, Irish Rail and a wide range of train operating companies. Our experience in this sector ranges from high profile, signature design transport interchange buildings and facilities, to award winning refurbishment of London Underground stations. We have developed an expertise as one of the leading term maintenance contractors carrying out Structural Remediation, Building Refurbishment, Mechanical and Electrical Planned Maintenance, Litter Clearance, Earthworks, Fencing, Drainage Clearance and repairs. Our maintenance service business delivers an on time and completed service record of 99.2%. Our strength lies in our unique blend of size, professionalism and traditional style family ownership. This dictates a strong commitment for performance, quality, teamwork and hands-on management to ensure client satisfaction. We are particularly proud this year to have supported the local community of Dawlish following the extensive damage to the station and line caused by the exceptional winter storms. Rapid repairs and refurbishment of Dawlish, Star Cross and Teignmouth stations were undertaken by our Exeter Depot team over an intensive and successful eight week programme. SISK Rail is a patron of Link Up V2 and holds a full Principal Contractor’s Licence. 3 Prime Minister David Cameron, visits Dawlish Station following the extensive damage to the station and line caused by exceptional winter storms. 1C A S TLE BA R PA R K , SOUTH LONDON, UK 2DAW LI S H S TATI O N , DEVON, UK 3BATH S PA , BATH AND NORTH EAST SOMERSET, UK 4T Y N Y C W M FO OTB R I D G E , CARDIFF, UK 4 1 RESIDENTIAL “I am delighted with the way our two companies have worked and grown together over the years of the Wembley development and I see this relationship continuing and flourishing in the future.” 28 Matt Voyce, Quintain. SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 Sisk continues strong growth in this core sector as a result of a consistent delivery of high quality homes for our existing clients together with new work for established housing providers. We are delighted to be supporting Muse and Quintain with regeneration of works in Lewisham, Canning Town and Wembley as well other prestigious projects with Redrow Homes. We have secured major new housing estate regeneration projects with Registered Providers and Local Authorities including Peabody Estates and London Borough of Camden, where our Community Liaison Officers focus on encouraging dialogue with the local community affected by our works. We have further housing developments under construction for Taylor Wimpey (London) and Legal & General. Our construction teams understand the challenges of multi-storey residential tower construction, and we have transferred many of the skills of hotel construction into the Prime Market Developments, where high levels of occupier engagement and expectations are essential to ensure success for our clients. 1 C R OW N E S TATE S , ALBANY, UK 2 VICAR AGE GATE HOUSE , LONDON, UK 3ON E COM M E RCIAL STRE ET, REDROW, LONDON, UK 4 A LTO V E TR O, DUBLIN, IRL 2 3 4 1LO N D O N D E S I G N E R O U TLE T, LONDON, UK 2P R I M A R K , HANNOVER, GERMANY 3 D U N D R U M S .C . , DUBLIN, IRL 4B R OW N TH O M A S , DUBLIN, IRL 1 2 3 RETAIL London Designer Outlet adjacent to Wembley Stadium is our sixth major development in Quintain’s Wembley Park’s transformation that now includes the Capital’s only designer shopping outlet. It’s no coincidence that many past clients appoint John Sisk & Son again and again for their projects based on the quality of work, strength of working relationships and an unrelenting focus on delivery. Dundrum Town Centre is the largest ever commercial development in Ireland and one of the most comprehensive suburban regeneration schemes ever undertaken in either Ireland or the UK. The town centre went on to win the prestigious award of International Shopping Centre of the Year. Sisk continue our last standing relationship with Primark, (or Penneys as they are known in Ireland) on the European stage. We have completed four stores in Germany and Austria with further stores in progress in Holland, Belgium and Germany. Most of these projects are completed in new or existing shopping centres where Primark are a very welcome tenant and Sisk are able to demonstrate strong retail collaboration skills. 4 SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 John Sisk & Son’s clients can benefit from our experience in delivering high end retail stores and leisure complexes in major cities, individual stores for major retail clients, and out of town and brown-field retail developments. Many of the retail projects John Sisk & Son has completed are part of larger mixed development schemes where Sisk’s wide range experience of delivering complex projects can be critical to success. 31 FLAGSHIP PROJECTS 32 The skyline of our cities has undergone dramatic change resulting in significant physical, economic and social transformation through the delivery of flagship projects over the past decade. Such projects bring enormous benefit to our cities and the local communities and play an important part in delivering on jobs and economic prosperity for our cities. SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 1 3 2 1 CO N V E NTI O N C E NTR E , DUBLIN, IRL 2 D IAG E O, DUBLIN, IRL 3 O N E CO M M E R CIA L S TR E E T, LONDON, UK FLAGSHIP PROJECTS Many of the flagship projects we have delivered over the last number of years have achieved iconic status – either because they are a tangible testament to the client’s economic success, or because of the beneficial visual impact within their context. The extent to which the projects span so many sectors effectively demonstrates the cumulative skills and experience acquired over the last 150 years in Ireland and within the UK over the last 30 years. John Sisk & Son is proud of its involvement in these projects – which are the result of successful collaborations with innovative design teams and visionary clients. 34 SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 1 2 1 A477, ST. CLEARS TO RED ROSES, UK 2 ATH LE TE S VI LL AG E , STRATFORD, LONDON, UK 3 B O R D GAI S TH E ATR E , DUBLIN, IRL 4R ATH B O N E M A R K E T, LONDON, UK 3 4 The Group has a strong history of diversification, building shareholder value and creating a diverse business portfolio. DISTRIBUTION AND PROPERTY Our diversification strategy has seen SISK Group build a substantial distribution and property businesses with operations in Ireland, the UK and across Europe. These have led SISK Group’s diversification into the distribution of hand tools, garden equipment, home entertainment systems and property development. With over 50 years of experience these companies continue to grow with many exciting projects involving market leading clients, while maintaining our group values of Quality, Service and Partner of Choice for the manufacturers we represent and our customers. SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 This business consists of the two companies: Origo Distribution and Korine Property Partners. 37 ORIGO 38 Origo, meaning “source” in Latin, is the partner of choice in Ireland for premium brands. SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 As the ‘Partner of choice’ Origo distributes premium branded consumer goods to the Irish market. Origo is committed to growing profitability its brands Bosch, STIHL, and VIKING market share in Ireland. This is achieved through excelling in our core business functions of Marketing, Business Development, Operations, Customer support and procurement. Our key competitive advantage is our ability to add value to all our brands. Our operational excellence, creative marketing, category management and e-commerce support ensure that Origo continues to add value to our brands and retailers as business models change and develop in response to the changing retail landscape. Our purpose built facility which includes a 36,000 sq. ft. warehouse ensures Origo remains agile in our ability to respond to Irish Market changes and provides capacity to allow for further growth and expansion of our business. ze O 1 3 1 B LO O M E XH I B ITI O N , DUBLIN, IRL 2 O R I G O O F F I C E S , DUBLIN, IRL 3 I M OW M 1 555 2 1 2 1H A NWO R TH , LONDON, UK 2 A LDW YC H H O U S E , READING, UK 3 G R E YS TO N E S M A R I N A , CO. WICKLOW, IRL KORINE Korine Property Partners are the property investment and development subsidiary of the SISK Group. We have an experienced management team that gives great advantages to landowners and businesses looking to further their property positions. Viewed as the “partner of choice” we have an excellent track record of value creation as joint venture business partners. Korine currently has a number of live projects in the UK: an industrial trade park in Hanworth London, the R+ office development in Reading and Javelin Park, a logistics park in Gloucester. 3 SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 With a diverse history of development across Ireland and the UK: offices, retail units, restaurants, ancillary accommodation and even trade park development, we have worked with a range of partners. 41 1 1 CO N S TR U C TI O N E XC E LLE N C E AWA R DS 2 014 2 S U S TAI N A B I LIT Y AWA R DS 2 014 (S I LV E R M E DA L) 2 SUSTAINABILITY As a diversified family business established in 1859, John Sisk & Son Ltd. is committed to the principle of sustainability. John Sisk & Son Ltd. recognises that active engagement in social progress, environmental protection and economic balance is necessary for long term development. Sisk are currently supporting Clients to win LEED, BREEAM, CEEQUAL and CfSH awards over a number of projects: ECONOMICALLY WE CONCENTRATE ON: Responsible business practice, Engage our supply chain, Support local businesses and Promote sustainable solutions. BREEAM Outstanding - Project Phoenix and Air Street. SOCIALLY WE STRIVE TO: Ensure the safety and wellbeing of workforce, families and communities, Provide benefit to the community, Be a considerate neighbour, Communicate effectively with all stakeholders and Adopt a policy of equality and diversity into our business practices. We continue to educate our workforce so that they are poised to recognise and adopt sustainable solutions across our business. The 2014 Irish Overall Green Award was awarded to our Client Diageo’s Project Phoenix, for which our contribution was recognised by Diageo. Our Environmental & Sustainability management are supporting Diageo efforts to ensure that Project Phoenix is the 1st Industrial Building in the world to achieve both LEED Platinum and BREEAM Outstanding awards. While final assessment is ongoing the project is on track to secure both LEED and BREEAM target awards. LEED Gold - Analog and Eaton House. BREEAM Excellent - Pirbright Institute, Glasshouse Street, Vauxhall Bridge Road, Old Street and Victoria Street. BREEAM Very Good - Droitwich and Caledonian Road. CEEQUAL Excellent - A477 St. Clears to Red Roses and Crossrail C305. CfSH 4 - Rathbone Market Plot 2, Lewisham Gateway and Wapping Wharf. Sisk continue to perform well under the Considerate Constructor Scheme, scooping four awards in 2014: Silver - Crossrail C305, Multifuel Energy Project and the A477 St. Clears to Red Roses. Bronze - Rathbone Market Plot 2. Our focus for continuous improvement in Sustainability includes the Integration of Sustainability across all business functions, Engagement of the Supply Chain, Guidance Development and overall Performance Improvement. SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 ENVIRONMENTALLY WE FOCUS ON: Efficient use of resources, preserving heritage and biodiversity, minimising nuisance, educating our staff and preventing pollution. 43 For many years the SISK Group has played an important, but low profile, role on matters of social responsibility. 1 P R E S E NTATI O N O F C H E Q U E TO TH E CU I S LE C A N C E R S U P P O R T C E NTR E FO R TH E C H A R IT Y C YC LE I N M E M O RY O F E M P LOY E E PAT LE N N O N, I R E 2 C R OS S R AI L DS J V – N E W P L AYG R O U N D FO R M A R I O N R I C H A R DSO N SC H O O L , LO N D O N , U K 1 2 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY “Your commitment to deliver economic benefits for local people has been encouraging in particular, recruitment through Workplace, apprenticeship opportunities and the graduate placement you have provided” Margaret Almond, London Borough of Newham. Sisk fully support the Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS), and with an average score of 39.2, a significantly higher standard than the industry average, this demonstrates our demanding standards and real commitment to minimising our impact on local communities affected by our works. Young people need a start in their careers, an opportunity to gain experience and develop their skills further. This is why we offer summer internships and a robust graduate programme which we call, ‘Excelerate’. This programme helps put young people on a path to chartership and long term employment. In addition to Excelerate we are developing our extremely successful apprenticeship scheme into the UK. These investments in young people will place us in the best position to address the future skill shortages we foresee ensuring our long term commitment to Building Excellence. John G Sisk’s business value states that “Anyone who seeks to work or do business with us is entitled to just courteous treatment.” This approach can be amply demonstrated on many Sisk projects but was recognised this year by Constructing Excellence in Wales (CEW). CEW promotes excellence in the built environment through collaborative working, and they awarded the A477 St. Clears to Red Roses Project the Integration & Collaborative Working Award. They recognised the behavioural and cultural benefits demonstrated through early and collaborative relationships across all stakeholders from the Client through our supply chain and to local farmers and community. Many of the partnerships that were chosen as part of the Community Volunteering Program during the Group’s 150th Anniversary celebrations in 2009 are still in place, such as our work with the disadvantaged schools Business in The Community Programme. Our on-going commitment to support Children’s Charities and good causes continues. Sisk apprentices have been making Wooden Toys for the past 40 years in the Sisk Joinery Workshops and Training Centre. Work on the toys commences in mid-November and takes 4-5 weeks to complete. These toys are unique and extremely well hand crafted. In 2014, the toys were donated to 57 separate organisations/charities throughout the UK and Ireland. SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 The Group continues to commit to Corporate Social Responsibility projects that can make a lasting difference to communities and individuals. We take a low-profile role, partnering with organisations within the community with specific social missions. There are many individual CSR projects at site and office level and we encourage our staff to contribute to the achievement of values and objectives that are important to them and to the communities in which we operate. 45 The SISK Group continues to evolve but maintains its founding principles. George Sisk, the fourth generation Group Chairman retired from his position in February 2014 after 50 years exceptional service. Recent strengthening to the Sicon Board led by Liam Nagle has been achieved by the appointment of two new NonExecutive Directors, Ken Reid and Mike Peasland. Between them they have over 70 years’ of construction experience in business. Garry Crabtree heads up the construction business as Managing Director of John Sisk & Son. LEFT TO RIGHT: GA R RY C R A BTR E E A N D LIA M N AG LE . BOARD OF DIRECTORS LIAM NAGLE C H AI R M A N 47 BERNARD POWER GER PENNY MD JOHN SISK & SO N CO M PA N Y S EC R E TA RY D I R EC TO R JP SISK OWEN SISK RICHARD SISK D I R EC TO R D I R EC TO R D I R EC TO R DECLAN DOYLE KEN REID MIKE PEASLAND N O N E X EC U TIV E D I R EC TO R N O N E X EC U TIV E D I R EC TO R N O N E X EC U TIV E D I R EC TO R SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 GARY CRABTREE SICON LIMITED - SISK GROUP CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Results for year/period ended 31 December 2013 €m 2012* €m 2011** €m Turnover including share of joint ventures and associate undertakings 783.4 851.9 1,306.1 Less share of joint ventures and associate undertakings (15.0) (27.3) (171.0) Turnover 768.4 824.6 1,135.1 7.9 2.5 (105.0) (8.3) 11.9 (49.1) Net interest (payable)/receivable 1.0 (0.1) 0.2 Net other finance (expense)/income 0.9 (0.3) 0.3 Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation 1.5 14.0 (153.6) Taxation 3.5 (5.5) (1.2) Profit/(loss) after taxation 5.0 8.5 (154.8) 48 SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 Group operating profit/(loss) Net (loss)/profit on disposal of assets The financial information has been extracted from the Group’s audited financial statements. * 11 Month period ** 13 Month period SICON LIMITED - SISK GROUP CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET Position as at 31 December 2012 2013 €m €m €m €m 2011 €m €m - - 0.5 Tangible assets 60.2 76.8 106.7 Joint ventures and associate undertakings 10.8 12.3 17.3 Financial assets 2.2 73.2 2.8 91.9 19.6 144.1 Current assets Stocks Debtors Cash 2.3 4.2 5.4 188.0 219.9 199.1 61.6 93.5 76.0 251.9 317.6 280.5 Creditors – due within one year Borrowings Other creditors (3.1) (2.3) (3.7) (241.2) (303.8) (329.3) (244.3) (306.1) (333.0) Net current assets/(liabilities) Total assets less current liabilities 7.6 11.5 (52.5) 80.8 103.4 91.6 Creditors – due after one year Borrowings (12.0) Other creditors (16.2) Provisions for liabilities and charges (18.5) (28.2) (13.3) (31.8) (31.8) (5.0) (36.8) (2.3) (18.6) (13.3) 50.3 53.0 41.5 Capital and reserves Share capital 19.0 15.6 0.6 Reserves 31.3 37.4 40.9 Shareholders’ funds 50.3 53.0 41.5 SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 Fixed assets Intangible assets 49 LOCATIONS AND CONTACTS 50 SISK GROUP SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 Wilton Works, Naas Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22, Ireland. t: +353 (0)1 409 1600 f: +353 (0)1 409 1611 e: [email protected] w: JOHN SISK & SON IRELAND OFFICE Wilton Works, Naas Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22, Ireland. t: +353 (0)1 409 1500 f: +353 (0)1 409 1550 e: [email protected] w: UK OFFICE 1, Curo Park, Frogmore, St. Albans, Herts, AL2 2DD, UK. t: +44 (0)1727 875 551 f: +44 (0)1727 875 642 e: [email protected] w: UAE OFFICE Floor 1502, NBK Building, W 15/2 C 12, Airport Road, PO Box 48325, Abu Dhabi, UAE t: +971 2493 0333 f: +971 2658 4767 e: [email protected] w: ORIGO DISTRIBUTION Magna Drive, Magna Business Park, Citywest, Dublin 24, Ireland. t: +353 (0)1 466 6700 f: +353 (0)1 466 6706 e: [email protected] w: KORINE PROPERTY PARTNERS Wilton Works, Naas Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22, Ireland. t: +353 (0)1 409 1600 f: +353 (0)1 409 1611 e: [email protected] w: DUBAI ABU DHABI BELFAST SLIGO DUBLIN MANCHESTER BIRMINGHAM CORK ST ALBANS BRISTOL 51 JOHN SISK & SON REGIONAL OFFICES 1760 Solihull Parkway, Birmingham Business Park, Birmingham, B37 7YD, United Kingdom t: +44 121 3290600 f: +44 121 3290606 e: [email protected] w: MANCHESTER OFFICE 2nd Floor, Maclaren House, Talbot Road, Old Trafford, Manchester, M32 OFP, United Kingdom t: +44 161 8883400 f: +44 161 8883401 e: [email protected] w: BRISTOL OFFICE Jubilee House, Jubilee Way, Avonmouth, Bristol, BS11 9HU, United Kingdom t: +44 117 9163800 f: +44 117 9163801 e: [email protected] w: CORK OFFICE Capwell Works, P.O. Box 602, Kinsale Road, Cork, Ireland t: +353 (0)21 4961211 f: +353 (0)21 4317143 e: [email protected] w: SLIGO OFFICE Suite 10, Quayside Shopping Centre, Wine Street, Sligo, Ireland t: +353 (0)71 9154364 f: +353 (0)71 9154388 e: [email protected] w: BELFAST OFFICE Suite 3, 10 Cromac Place, The Gasworks, Belfast, BT7 2JD, United Kingdom t: +44 289 0244144 f: +44 289 0237898 e: [email protected] w: SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 BIRMINGHAM OFFICE TIMELINE 1837 Founder – John Sisk, born 30 September 1837. 1845 Start of great famine - during which time John’s father Patrick died. 1859 Establishment of business. 1912 Ancestor of AIB. Munster & Leinster Bank Cork, symbolic of the banking sector in the early 20th century. 52 SISK GROUP - SICON LTD COMPANY REVIEW 2014 1914 World War 1 breaks out. 1931 John Gerard Sisk - joins the company after receiving a degree in engineering. 1936 The company is incorporated. 1937 Sisk sets up Stone Developments - to ensure good quality stone is supplied to the firm. 1938 Sisk move to Dublin to set up office. 1946 Sisk Logo is designed by one of Britain’s leading designer Reynolds Stone who was responsible for the design of the postwar £5 and £10 notes for Bank of England. 1948 First £1m contract – Galway Sanatorium. 1953 Edmund Hilary & Norkey Tenzing first to climb Mount Everest. 1954 Sisk appointed distributor of Bosch powertools in Ireland. 1965 Irelands Tallest Building - Sisk finishes work on Irelands Tallest Building, Liberty Hall. 1966 George H. Sisk 4th Generation - to join the business and eventually lead the business. 1978 Central Bank - Sisk build the Central Bank, Dublin. 1984 UK office - Sisk open office in UK due to a tough economic period. 1993 The firm re-enters the Civil Engineering market. 2002 Euro notes - and coins are introduced. 2006/07 Healthcare is established acquiring M.E.D. Surgical, Cardiac Services and Tekno Surgical. 2009 Established our Middle East office. 2010 ompletion of major projects, AVIVA Stadium, Convention Centre, C Grand Canal Theatre and Wembley 04. Completed Eschmann acquisition. 2011 The Group is de-merged into two clearly defined businesses owned by the same. 2012 ohn Sisk & Son adopts a unified approach across our core J markets forming a ‘single Sisk’ with one common vision and strategy, one point of ownership & accountability focused on delivering to our Clients. 2014 George H. Sisk retires after 52 years service. BUILDING A BUSINESS W W W. S I S KG R O U P. C O M SISK GROUP - SICON LTD W W W. J O H N S I S K A N D S O N .C O M WILTO N WO RK S, NAAS R OAD, CLO NDAL K IN, D UB L I N 22, I R E L A N D. SISK GROUP - SICON LTD CO MPA NY R E VI E W 2014 BUILDING EXCELLENCE
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