magazine - John Sisk and Son
magazine - John Sisk and Son
Issue no.1 March 2011 The drive towards Zero. The Aviva Experience Volunteering Programme SISK Group Staff Discount Offers magazine Contents 19 A day in the life With Fergus Muldoon, Foreman on Oasis Hospital, Al Ain, Abu Dabi 20 The Aviva Experience There was no such thing as a typical day during the Aviva Build. The working week was punctuated with regular meetings with the John Sisk & Son team, Clients representatives and our specialist contractors. 16 4 Outlook 2011 16 My Haiti experience The MD’s outline their thoughts on the current economic climate and their plans for the future. On the 13th of February 2010, five weeks after the earthquake in Haiti, Martin Bolger left Ireland with the Irish Orthopaedic Haiti Fund Medical Relief Team. 7 The Road to Zero A behavioural approach to working that is driving John Sisk & Son to be the best. 25 23 Volunteering Programme 12 Brainteasers 2010 Together we make a difference Crossword and wordsearch. Solutions on page 27. Bloom, Ireland’s largest gardening, food and family event, gives Origo the opportunity to showcase our brands BOSCH, VIKING and STHL to over 58,000 people. 17 Annual Sustainability Week John Sisk & Son UK’s Scotland team have been taking their expertise into the local community, carrying out free building works at Dogs Trust Glasgow as part of the company’s annual Sustainability Week. 18 London to Brighton Bike Ride On June 20th five Eschmann employees joined the peloton of approximately 27,000 other cyclists for the annual “London to Brighton Bike Ride” in aid of The British Heart Foundation. 2 SISK Group Magazine March 2011 22 SISK Sharks The SISK Tag Rugby team, started in 2006, and has developed from a motley crew of reformed soccer, GAA & ‘retired’ rugby players to become a regular in the mixed social league. 8 News 13 Origo blossoms at Bloom 18 YK CEO opening address 20 24 Pull! Robert Gray on a sporting encounter that lead to a lifetime passion 25 Modular Operating Theatres, Cappagh Hospital Declan Murtagh talks about the collaboration of construction and healthcare in the delivery of Cappagh Hospital modulat theatres. 26 Garden heaven The School of the Holy Spirit garden, Kilkenny, a success story for all involved. 27 Staff Discount Offers Discount offers from Origo, Microsoft, Topaz. Welcome to the first edition of the SISK Group Employee Magazine. This magazine affords all employees an opportunity to share, learn and understand more about the Group activities and to get to know your colleagues from other Group companies. 2010 which is now behind us was very challenging commercially and personally for everyone. The Group has made some difficult decisions, but we have also continued to invest in the business and our people to ensure we remain the Partner of Choice for our customers. Many employees have relocated to new countries as part of our internationalisation and on behalf of the company and our shareholders, I would like to thank everyone. As you know we completed a strategic review and developed a new 5 Year strategy which we shared with all the employees before Christmas. There is a clear opportunity for us all to work together, overcome any challenges and shape the future as we implement our new vision and strategy. We had many successes to be proud of in 2010 across all of our businesses. As we begin a new year, we have to be optimistic and determined for our future. We have very supportive shareholders, extremely committed employees and we have a clear plan. I would like to take this opportunity once again to thank you for your commitment and wish you and your family health and happiness for the year ahead. Many thanks to all who contributed to this edition of the SISK Group employee magazine. If you would like to contribute to the next edition, email us at [email protected] Twelve Companies, One Group SISK Group Magazine March 2011 3 Outlook 2011 Directors of SISK Group companies outline their thoughts on John Sisk & Son Middle East 2010 we won our first project in Al Ain. We currently have offices in Abu Dhabi and Dubai and have also acquired a 49% share in a local construction company, Egyco, which gives us access to the local market and supply chain. We are also working in Saudi Arabia with El Seif Engineering, one of the largest contractors in the Kingdom. At present we have three contracts secured in the UAE: (1) The Oasis Hospital (2) Masfouth Hospital (3) Army HQ Building (with Egyco) We have a staff of 42 in the UAE, including 14 from Ireland and 4 from U.K. In Saudi Arabia, we have eight people from Ireland working on current El Seif Engineering projects and also pricing potential JV opportunities with them. Overall it has been a long process setting up and acquiring the necessary building licenses in the Middle East, but we are in a very strong position now, with the contracts underway, to develop and grow the business. Both Abu Dhabi and Saudi Arabia have tremendous potential for growth from the investments both Governments have committed to spending on infrastructure over the next five years. Paul Hackett John Sisk & Son UK John Sisk & Son in the UK has won a number of major contracts in a variety of sectors in 2010. We have benefited from the significant Group investment to grow the business as well as leverage from the skills, people and experience of the Irish building company. These investments are enabling us to enter the coming year with real energy and confidence. Contracts we have won recently and have been delivering in 2010 / 2011 include: • Wembley W05: a £90m contract to build a 375 room Hilton hotel and a 600 room student accommodation block adjacent to Wembley stadium. • Grosvenor House Apartments, Park Lane: an £85m contract to continue the conversion of Grosvenor House into 133 luxury serviced apartments. • Rathbone Market: a £47m contract to help deliver this significant new development for the London Borough of Newham. 4 SISK Group Magazine March 2011 • Athletes Village: two buildings comprising 401 apartments providing accommodation for the athletes taking part in the 2012 Olympics. • Pembroke Power Station: The £45m Civils contract for a new power station. • Finzels Reach project: a £69m major mixed use development in Bristol City Centre. • Runcorn: a £36m contract for Civils and ancillary works at a new Energy from Waste thermal power station. These wins have put us in a far stronger position than many of our competitors as we enter 2011. We must not however get complacent as there is still a great deal of work to do – delivering these projects on time and to budget, and winning new projects to follow on from them. Health and Safety is of paramount importance at John Sisk & Son and our unwillingness to compromise on this issue has meant that our performance has improved consistently for a number of years and is already amongst the best in the UK. This year we wanted to go even further and have adopted the Zero Incidents; Zero Injuries, Zero Defects; Zero Snags, Zero Delays; Zero Surprises initiative, which we believe will continue to focus our minds on this critical issue. I would like to thank each and every one of you for your efforts to date, and also to thank you for your continued support to John Sisk & Son; making it a fantastic, successful and safe place to work. Paul Wilson John Sisk & Son Ireland “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times” wrote Charles Dickens in ‘A Tale of Two Cities’. While it was indeed the worst of times in 2010 with a big drop in turnover and corresponding reduction in staff, we can also remember 2010 as the best of times. During the year we completed Aviva Stadium, Conference Centre Dublin, Grand Canal Theatre and Offices, Limerick Tunnel, N9 at Kilkenny and Bombardier in Belfast. All of these jobs were delivered safely, skillfully, to the highest standards and with immense pride and passion. Congratulations and thank you most sincerely to all involved. It is a time of immense change in Ireland and also in John Sisk & Son. The Group has invested in the internationalizing of the business over the last 2 years which has generated opportunities for the Company and 120 staff from Ireland in UK, Poland and Middle East. A sincere thank you to all who have had to pack their bags and undertake these challenges on our behalf. This growth outside Ireland combined with the successful efforts of our teams in all regions has resulted in our confident approach to 2011. Staff numbers are now at the right level for our projected turnover of €400m in 2011. the current economic climate and their plans for the future. John Sisk & Son Civils Civils is now as a global business operating in Ireland, UK and Poland. Projected turnover in 2011 is €170m. We have had great success recently in the UK at Crossrail (with Dragados) and Whitelee Wind Farm (with Roadbridge). With the demise of road building opportunities in Ireland, SRB, our joint venture with Roadbridge, has moved our attention to Poland, where we are building 90km of the A1 motorway with our local partners, PBG and Budbaum. The winter shutdown gives our teams there a well-deserved break. The launch of the ‘ZERO’ initiative is hugely significant for John Sisk & Son. We firmly believe that the best way to win more than our fair share of business is to ‘be the best’ in all areas of service and performance. In this drive for excellence, we have committed to ‘Zero Incidents, Zero Injuries’ in Health and Safety and ‘Zero Defects’ at practical completion of our projects. I ask all staff to fully support this drive to ZERO and communicate it to our Clients, colleagues and sub-contractors. As we look forward with confidence to 2011, I would like to thank all our staff for your commitment, loyalty and hard work. A special thank you this year to those who left the Company during the year having worked on many of the great projects I mentioned earlier. Tom Costello SISK Healthcare “2010 saw on-going success & collaboration across SISK Healthcare & the Group” 2010 was not without its challenges for our customers, our partners and our employees. Budget cuts and price negotiations became a critical element in meeting our customers needs. I would like to acknowledge and thank each of you for the increased efforts and dedication shown over the last year. Each company has continued to deliver despite such challenges and the increased collaboration between MED, Cardiac Services, Tekno Surgical & Synapse Medical was a key success factor. The on-going collaboration between our construction partners saw a number of significant wins in 2010. Such strength as individual companies and as a Group is what differentiates us. We welcomed Eschmann to the Group in early 2010 and are delighted to represent them in the Irish market. We have an exciting year ahead of us which will see our backoffices integrate to one location. Such change will enable us to drive the business forward and deliver another successful year for SISK Healthcare. Our success is attributable to our people and we must continue to excel in our customers expectations to stay ahead of our competitors. Thank you once again for your on-going support and hard work. John Osborne Eschmann 2010 has been a landmark year in the 180 year history of Eschmann. Joining the SISK group of companies has, in many ways, simply enabled the Eschmann “family” of employees and stakeholders (suppliers & key customers) to embark upon the next phase of growth and continuing investment in the business. As one of the UK’s leaders in UK Operating Theatre and Infection Control products and services, Eschmann’s philosophy of providing innovative and technologically advanced solutions continues to be underpinned by a strong team of over 50 EschmannCare engineers. Our engineers are the heartbeat of the organisation helping us to translate often complex customer requirements into profitable new revenue streams, enabling us to expand further and faster. Despite increased pressure on healthcare budgets at home and overseas, we look forward with a high degree of optimism as we continue to develop internationally, expanding into new territories whilst continuing to support the core Middle and Far East markets that we have developed over many years. Philip Kennedy Korine Property Partners Korine is the Group’s investment arm in the U.K. Korine is the Group’s investment arm in the U.K. and has been in the property business for the last ten years or so. Korine has gone through a number of phases since it started in 1999. The initial phase was as a property investment company. Between 1999 and 2004 Korine built an investment property portfolio comprising 10 properties located in Ireland and the UK. It sold this portfolio at a profit in 2005. Korine moved into its next phase in 2006 by acquiring development properties. Korine currently has 4 development properties (all located in the UK). These are 527 Oxford St, Hanworth Trading Estate, R+ in Reading and Javelin Park. Each of these projects has their own challenges and timelines. Critically, despite the recent property difficulties arising from the credit crunch, all of these development projects remain profitable opportunities for the group. The 527 Oxford St opportunity is one of the most interesting projects. This is a 15,000 sq. ft. building on Oxford St which we intend to redevelop in early 2011. The shop is located next door to Primark which is rumoured to be one of the most successful department stores in the world. The refurbishment work will be carried out by John Sisk & Son UK so it can truly be called a “SISK Group Development”! Ciaran McDonnell SISK Group Magazine March 2011 5 Outlook 2011 Origo “Stick to the knitting” As we bid farewell to 2010 and face into the New Year that is 2011, we are satisfied that the strategies we have put in place, are assisting us in taking market share from our competitors, profitably. Our mantra is “stick to the knitting” and this means that we will continue to focus on our core activities by adding value to our premium brands, together with sourcing additional complimentary brands as the opportunities arise. From our sales and marketing activities, including customer relationship management & product category management, to our highly efficient operations & logistical capabilities, we are well positioned to continue to offer a superior service to all our customers. This strategy has resulted in market share gains and growth in most of the sectors in which we operate. Our Lawn & Garden and DIY products are proving to be very resilient with strong market growth over the past 12 months. We have gained market share in our Domestic Appliance division, most notably in our dishwasher and laundry segments. Stihl chainsaws continue to be strong market leaders whilst sales of Viking ride-on lawn mowers have almost doubled year on year. Aftermarket auto parts, particularly wiper blades, spark plugs & batteries are now replaced more frequently as sales of new cars continues to decline and this is reflected in our sales every month. We are delighted with the success of OrigoAccess our SISK Group sales portal with all sorts of special offers for staff. Our new web site was developed in house with the assistance of Sisk Group IT & should be ready for launch during January 2011. Several other IT initiatives are in hand to assist in maintaining our competitive advantage. Thanks to the commitment, expertise & enthusiasm of the Origo team we are in a strong position to continue to build market share profitably throughout 2011 & the years ahead. Joe Cunniam Stone Developments Ltd John Sisk & Son bought their first limestone quarry in 1937 Fortunately or unfortunately I’m long enough around to have experienced commercial life in the ‘70’s, ‘80’s, ‘90’s and ‘00’s and while the sun did not always shine through these decades, nothing can compare with the dramatically changing situation over the past couple 6 SISK Group Magazine March 2011 of years. During the early part of the ‘00’s we found it almost impossible to satisfy our customers’ requirements in Ireland and often having to pass up on export opportunities to satisfy what was then known as the “Celtic Tiger”. This has now all changed and our employment figures have dropped to present day figures of 85 (during this period we also had 200 dedicated sub-contractors) and exports are now accounting for over 80% of our turnover. But it’s not all bad news. Our export markets have stabilised and are already showing signs of growth with export sales showing a marginal increase, albeit from a very low base against our export sales in 2009. This is also reflecting the export sales trend throughout Ireland and we are happy to be contributing to this growth. We have started the process of rebuilding the company but this time round we will be an export company concentrating on producing our own indigenous limestone. Phil Meaney Williaam Cox Challenging Times for all our employees. Williaam Cox is a joint venture between the SISK Group and CRH. The company is a market leader in supplying and installing architectural glazing and cladding systems. With premises in Reading, Belfast and Dublin, our core competencies are centered on design and state of the art production techniques, offering the clients full building envelope solutions. Our employees have delivered a number of complex façade projects such as Kildare Co Council offices, Cork County Hall, Douglas Shopping Centre and the landmark Aviva Stadium. In 2010 Irish construction prospects dropped to their lowest levels since the late 1990s as the recession put a crimp in new commercial and residential building projects. The commercial glazing market has reduced from €350million in 2006 to approximately €75million in 2010. Such market shrinkage has resulted in significant restructuring and refinement of the business over the past few months which regrettably have seen our workforce reduce significantly. The tough times mean more companies are bidding on fewer public and private-sector jobs, which is driving down costs for clients but means shrinking profit margins for contractors. I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of our employees for their support and dedication during these challenging times. Michael Barnwell Zero Incidents. Zero Injuries. Zero Defects. Zero Snags. Zero Delays. Zero Surprises. The road to Zero A behavioural approach to working that is driving John Sisk & Son to be the best. 2010 saw the introduction of the strategy to all John Sisk and Son companies. Zero is a three part, focussed step change that is designed to raise the bar on construction safety, construction quality and certainty of programme and profit. Working to Zero is the John Sisk & Son fresh approach to the way the Sisk teams and sub contractors engage across three critically important drivers of the business. Safety, quality and certainty of delivery. Zero Incidents. Zero Injuries. Zero Snags. Zero Defects and Zero Surprises A behavioural commitment that is designed to be shared and upheld by all. A way of working, thinking and behaving to be the best in all three areas. A mindset change that requires each and every one of us to confront our own beliefs. In our approach to safety for example, is it really true that whatever we do we’ll never stop accidents? Do we really think that injuring people just to come to work is acceptable? The Zero approach says that to make a real change, you have to confront the possibility of achieving it, do whatever it takes to achieve success. The power of Zero is about transforming, changing attitudes and changing behaviour. Not a replacement for processes, procedures and measurements but the means through which real change can be achieved. An approach that is mirrored in the way we deliver the highest standards in our quality and the certainty of delivery of projects on time on budget. Jim Andrews & Tony Cadman External Consultants, Band SISK Group Magazine March 2011 7 John Sisk & Son News John Sisk & Son Award Winners Ian Hopkinson (left) and Southern Region Director Graham Sturge studying the event programme Three John Sisk & Son UK staff have won leading industry recognition in the same week in October. The 2010 Construction Manager of the year awards were held at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London and are regarded as the premier accolade for management in the built environment. It takes thirty judges six months of meticulous site visits and interviews before the Gold & Silver medal in each category and the overall winner and Construction Manager of the Year can be decided upon. Both Ian Hopkinson and Simon Chapman made it to the final list in their respective categories: • Ian for the Housing / Accommodation Projects Over £12M category for the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital project at Bolsover Street. • Simon was ultimately awarded a Silver Medal for the New Build / Refurbishment Simon Chapman receiving his silver medal from celebrity Denise van Outen 8 SISK Group Magazine March 2011 Projects Over £8M to £14M category for the Weymouth Street Development. The judges commended Simon’s “superb management” and “strong line on risk” in ensuring the successful installation of the bespoke brass facade on this complex project, adding that “it was a brilliant piece of risk and design management that was the key reason for the project completing on time”. They also recognised Ian’s “whole team approach” and the benefits it brought to realising design efficiencies and successfully overcoming the potential issues when a key subcontractor went into receivership midway through their work programme. In the same week, Lee Heywood won the 2010 Writing Award from the UKAPMP – the Association of Proposal Management Eschmann celebrated success at national manufacturing awards for innovative healthcare exports to Iraq Philip Kennedy (centre), MD Eschmann Lee Heywood (left) receiving his award Professionals – for his work on a tender submission that “used industry best practice to align the bid with the client’s business vision” All three richly deserved their rewards and have again demonstrated the calibre of John Sisk & Son employees. Finally, John Sisk & Son was awarded Construction Firm of the Year at the South West Insider Property Awards 2010. John Sisk & Son was recognised for the work it had done on the St. Catherine’s Court office development in Clifton, Bristol as well as its ongoing work at the Finzels Reach mixed use regeneration scheme in Bristol’s city centre. John Sisk & Son has also rebuilt and handed over the landmark Grand Pier at Weston-super-Mare in this region. The inaugural 2010 EEF Future manufacturing awards were established to recognise significant achievement across a number of manufacturing disciplines and, based on successfully winning and delivering a tender in 2009 to supply it’s operating tables to Iraq, Eschmann proudly submitted an entry in the category for Innovative Working Practices. After careful and detailed consideration, the judging panel deemed Eschmann’s submission worthy of being awarded first place, in the process beating competition from the cream of the UK’s manufacturing sector. This important accolade was received as a result of the implementation and adoption of a new and radical approach to many of its core business processes, allowing the fulfilment of a multi-million pound export order for 300 operating tables as part of the rebuilding of Iraq’s healthcare system. As a result of its innovative approach and dedication from all members of the manufacturing and support teams, Eschmann delivered this significant order two months ahead of schedule, fulfilling all of the demanding specification and logistical challenges John Sisk & Son News By innovating across our entire business we have been able to expand the scope of our operations to deliver one of largest contracts in the firm’s history and set a new platform for future growth. This has been an enormous team effort and we are delighted to have received this recognition for our work. The EEF awards recognised excellence and rewarded world-class performance in four categories: innovation, enterprise, environmental responsibility and skills development. According to Chair of the Judging Panel, Prof Stephen Evans, they won the award because “Eschmann not only delivered the order but re-engineered the company along the way. The deal has left an impressive legacy for future growth.” Olympic Village development John Sisk & Son has been appointed as Principal Contractor for the development of Plots N09 and N10 on the Athletes’ Village Project in Stratford, East London. Plots N09 and N10 are 12 and 10 storeys in height respectively, and contain a total of 401 apartments. This first phase of the scheme will be completed in time to provide accommodation for athletes competing during Batt O’Keefe (3rd from left) TD, Irish Minister for Enterprise Trade and Innovation, with members of the John Sisk & Son U.K. the London 2012 Olympic Games. Phase 2 will commence and ODA team at Athlete’s Village site during an official visit in October 2010. in November 2012 and will include kitchen retro-fit works in preparation for handover and sale or lease of the apartments as family housing are a key part of the Olympic legacy. The Health and Safety commitment shown by the John Sisk & Son construction team working at the Athletes Village was recently recognised by the client with John Sisk & Son U.K. receiving the Health & Safety award in October for the whole of the Olympic Village site. John Sisk & Son Ireland win Sustainable George Sisk visits Al Ain Hospital Site Construction Award In the month of October 2010 George Sisk paid a visit to the Oasis Hospital Al Ain, Abu Tony Sheridan (centre), Health & Safety Manager, John Sisk & Son Ireland Over 270 industry professionals attended the inaugural CMG Building & Design Awards 2010 on the 3rd December at the Four Seasons Hotel Dublin. Despite the arctic conditions the large number turned up to see the awards presented by well known TV and radio broadcaster Ivan Yates at the first industry wide awards event of its kind in Ireland. Organised by Commercial Media Group, (CMG) the event celebrated some of the industry’s best projects and designs of 2010. John Sisk & Son Ireland won the Sustainable Construction category award which focussed on planning and managing for the minimisation of waste arising from construction activities. This has resulted in significant reductions to landfill and hence cost over the last few years. Amongst the entrants and projects were some of the larger sites being managed and procured by a diverse range of clients. Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. It was a typically hot and dusty October day with temp in excess of 40 Deg C but nonetheless George was very eager to walk the site and meet the new staff. At the time of the visit we had 5 different nationalities on site whereas now we have 14. The ladies in particular were in awe at the fact one of the Sisk family had come to meet them and were demanding individual photos, to which he graciously complied. After a site walk, tour of the offices and some valuable tips - including the management of direct foreign labour from lessons learned working in Africa, we sat and went through all of the floor plans and structural drawings in great detail, such that George could get a chance to familiarise himself with the job (and of course test out the site team!). A lunch of traditional Arabic food had been Back Row (L-R) Paul Lonappan, Fergus Muldoon, Karlheinz Fichtner, Chrismari Corpuz, Charity Dela Cruz, Naveen Arayamparambil Front Row organised by the (L-R) Phanindra Kommareddy, Alden Maravillas, Paul Watton, George Sisk, hospital Patrick Rouse, Eoin Waldron, Edwin Crinion management during which the hospital CEO David Printy explained the difficulties facing the hospital since its founding 50 years ago when the infant mortality in the area was 50% and the maternal mortality was 33%. We were given a tour of the Majilis ( Traditional mens meeting room) donated by HH Sheikh Zayed Al Nahyan – founder of the UAE, which is set up as a museum dedicated to the history of the hospital, the founders the Kennedys (American couple invited over to the UAE to set up the facility 50 years ago) and the ruling Al Nahyan family (many of whom were born in the hospital). A subsequent site visit and talk with Patrick Rouse, the Area Manager for Dubai / Al Ain on the difficulties tendering in the Middle East ended a 3 to 4 hour site visit. We look forward to welcoming George back for the opening of the new hospital in 2012 to meet the staff again along with the hospital management and the members of Al Nahyan Family who are originally from Al Ain and who are funding the project. SISK Group Magazine March 2011 9 John Sisk & Son News Cardiac Services at the Ulster Hospital The new Critical Care Complex opened recently at the Ulster Hospital in Belfast. Cardiac Services, part of SISK Healthcare supplied over €1 Million of medical equipment and clinical IT systems for the new Complex. Cardiac Services are distribution partners with Philips Healthcare and Olympus. The new facility will utilise Philips patient monitors and clinical IT systems throughout the ICU, Theatre and Recovery areas with the addition of Olympus camera and audio-visual systems in Theatres. Best in class operating tables for the new Complex were supplied by Eschmann also a SISK Group Company. The hospital has invested in some of the best available medical technologies supplied by SISK Healthcare and Eschmann to ensure its patients receive the highest standards of care possible. Oasis Hospital Development, Al Ain Al Ain is known as ‘The Garden City’ and is very much the cultural centre of Abu Dhabi with the Royal family originating from this region. H.E. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan was born in the existing Oasis hospital and remains its main benefactor. Securing the contract for this high profile medical facility was viewed as crucial for launching John Sisk & Son in the UAE. Our involvement began when we submitted a pre-qualification in early October 2009 having received our building licence literally hours before the deadline. Qualification was assisted by an Irishman within the design team who knew of John Sisk & Son from Ireland, a rub of the green as it were! A select tender with UK’s Balfour Beatty, Japan’s Taisei Construction, Korea’s Taeyoung E & C amongst others ensued from March 2010. The bid team worked tirelessly and submitted a very comprehensive proposal. We positioned ourselves well commercially and scored highest in the technical submittal. One should never underestimate the power of a 3-D model!!! Clarifications, meetings & interviews continued over the course of May & early June. Considerable effort was needed to convince the client and particularly the Health Authority, (SEHA) that we could deliver the project, as it would be our first in this region; persuasion was the order of the day. David Printy, CEO of the Oasis Hospital selected John Sisk & Son based on our history, hospital experience and the enthusiasm of the team involved. He commented later that the investment made by SISK Group in the UAE had proved to him that John Sisk & Son were here for the long-term. Contracts were signed in July, the market place was taken by surprise, John Sisk & Son had arrived… 10 SISK Group Magazine March 2011 The project itself is a 30,000sqm new build comprising of medical and surgical wings, theatres, MRI facilities, ICU, a Maternity Unit, and a Neo Natal ICU. The working environment is often harsh, with temperatures reaching 55C. The main workforce comprises of Chinese, Indians, Pakistanis and Afghans whose awareness of personal safety is often non-existent to begin with. This project is obviously business critical as we need to establish our reputation for delivery here on the ground. The effort that the team is exerting is admirable as the project demands constant progress, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In many ways it is pioneering as we as a company have never built before in the Middle East so adaptive creativity is an important skillset. Thus far the team has achieved; • Zero deviation to the critical path • Zero AFR, LTI or even first aid • Zero NCR from either the site inspectorate or the municipality David Printy, CEO Oasis Hospital & Liam Nagle David Printy & Seamus Hennigan, Official signing of Oasis Hospital To achieve these KPI’s in Ireland, the UK or mainland Europe would be considered Building Excellence, but for the team to achieve this on our first project in the UAE is nothing short of outstanding. We consider ourselves very fortunate to have Cure International as our first client as we have found them both professional and courteous. Relationships are very good and it looks increasingly likely that phase 2 will be negotiated on a D&B basis. John Sisk & Son News Completion of Teak House at the National Botanical Gardens, Glasnevin The Teak House at the National Botanic Gardens Glasnevin was completed earlier this year for the Office of Public Works. The project required the careful dismantling of the existing Teak House and removing off site to our Training Centre so that all the new sections matched the original design which dated back to the 1950’s. The painting of the timber members was also carefully managed within a specially constructed spray shop in our Head Office to meet the OPW’s specific requirements. The project also included the refurbishment of the Foreman’s Lodge and the New Rose Garden Bridge. John Sisk & Son Special Projects Division S ’ Try match the WHO OY? childhood photo with TB THA ETITION the headshot picture of P some of our COM management team. To enter the draw to win a prize, please send your answers to [email protected] by 1st May 2011. Prize: 2 Tickets for the GAA All-Ireland Hurling Final in September to be awarded to the winner. A D B E John G Sisk Training Centre/Joinery Works The John G Sisk Training Centre and Joinery Works was established over 40 years ago with the primary objective of providing training for young apprentices in the skills of carpentry and joinery. Young school leavers who can demonstrate their ability and aptitude to become fully fledged craftsmen are selected for our training program and then undertake a challenging four year apprenticeship comprising periods of full time study, practical workshop experience and exposure to the construction site environment. The craftsmanship of our young apprentices has been consistently recognized at a national level with their performances in the National Skills Competition. In 2009, Richard Sutton and Michael Dunne were placed first and second, respectively, in the Joinery section. Many of the Company’s leading Site Agents and Managers have successfully completed their training at the Centre. The Centre is located at Wilton Works, Naas Road, Dublin and supplies a full range of joinery to our construction projects in the Eastern Region including the recently completed National Convention Centre, Aviva Stadium and Grand Canal Theatre. The Centre specializes in the production of high quality bespoke units to architectural specification in addition to doors and frames, fire door sets, screens, panels, stairs and moulded handrails. They also supply a full range of Zero site start-up office furniture and hoarding signage to the new site best practices guide. The Centre is managed by Dave Tracy who possesses an innate passion for wood and wood products –“The oldest yet most enduring building material. No other material possesses the character, warmth and individuality of wood. No other material grows naturally helping to make our home a healthier place and last a lifetime”. Dave is also generous in his acknowledgement of the contribution of his staff – “Our staff and craftsmen are quality and safety driven and seek to combine industry experience with a passion for perfection” C F Traditional style wooden toys The Training Centre is proud of its time honored tradition of manufacturing Christmas toys for distribution to hospitals, schools, homes and orphanages across the country. For most of December the staff and craftsmen at the Centre give generously of their time and energy in the manufacture of over 450 pieces of traditional style wooden toys bringing joy into the lives of those who are most in need at Christmas. For more details and information contact [email protected] or Phone 01 4091 629, Fax 01 409156 SISK Group Magazine March 2011 11 Crossword 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21 20 22 23 24 25 26 28 31 29 30 32 33 34 35 DOWN 1 Live on a certain income or manage (3,2) 2 Brilliant, excellent (6) 3 Friend during a conflict (4) 4 Star Trek captain played by William Shatner (4) 5 Quarrel that ends a relationship (4‑2) 6 Loose Japanese robe with wide sleeves (6) 7 Moving fast on foot (7) 13 Used a spade (3) SISK Group Magazine March 2011 27 Wordsearch P R P Y G S K R U N X P N N G G M K L G P E X R U T N O T ACROSS 1 Respirator against poisonous vapours (3,4) 5 Motorcyclist (5) 8 Written promise to pay (inits)(3) 9 Steady drinker (7) 10 ___ Cowell, The X Factor judge (5) 11 Self‑assembly set (3) 12 Unit of length (4) 15 Large tea dispenser (3) 16 Halting‑place for public transport (3,4) 18 Be in possession of (3) 21 ___ Martin, comedy series about a GP(3) 23 Thrashing (7) 25 Will Smith boxing biopic (3) 26 Heidi ___, German model (4) 28 Bit missing (3) 31 Subject, theme (5) 32 Intervals of eight tones in music (7) 33 ___Widdecombe, 2010 Strictly Come Dancing contestant (3) 34 Adjust (an alarm) (5) 35 Rough estimates (7) 12 14 ___ of Skye, land off Scotland (4) 17 Porridge cereal (4) 19 Device for connecting more than one plug to a socket (7) 20 Fluid for writing (3) 22 Grounds or buildings of a college or university (6) 23 Name given to a lion, tiger or puma (3,3) 24 Gauntlets (6) 27 ___ basket, carrycot (5) 29 Bad smell (4) 30 Eye swelling (4) I U I O S I D R T F B N S R W J A V Y S W B E D U T L A E T T O L I T N O B O O T S R E S I I E P U L I C E Q Y K Q K V A J R A I E K S C V S P M H B K M E Q L A H S M Z S D A C D F O J W E G O Z E C T A S P L U R G O G G L E S L E O O P U J B Z I ALTITUDE APRES‑SKI BLACK RUN BOOTS GLOVES L U M O C F A W O N S L K P V P GOGGLES GONDOLA ICE JACKET JUMP LIFT MAP MOGUL NURSERY SLOPE PISTE Notes Solutions on page 27 Origo blossoms at Bloom Bloom, Ireland’s largest gardening, food and family event, gives Origo the opportunity to showcase our brands BOSCH, VIKING and STHL to over 58,000 people. The BOSCH Summer Kitchen in association with Bord Bia plays host to many of Ireland’s top celebrity chefs over the three day long event. Top Chefs including Neven Maguire, Darina Allen and Catherine Fulvio demonstrated some of their favourite summer recipes using the latest BOSCH cooking appliances including an induction hob and BOSCH ovens. Members of the Origo team where on hand throughout the demonstrations to explain the benefits of the BOSCH appliances to the chefs and ensure the appliances and demonstration ran smoothly! BOSCH Lawn & Garden and STIHL & VIKING had over eight meters of space to display all their latest garden equipment. From BOSCH cordless lawn mowers for urban gardens, to Ride-On Viking mowers for acres of lawn there was something on display for all gardeners. The BOSCH cordless range of hand held Shrub Cutters, Shears and secateurs proved to be very popular and substantiates BOSCH commitment to provide better performance and more convenience for gardeners. We are already planning for next year! Julie-Anne Hanley, Origo SISK Group Magazine March 2011 13 SISK Healthcare is a medical device, service and equipment provider with a full presence in Ireland and the UK. SISK Healthcare is the umbrella structure for M.E.D. Surgical, Cardiac Services, Tekno Surgical and Synapse Medical. M.E.D. Surgical became a member of SISK Group in 2006. The main focus of the company is the distribution of urology products, laparoscopic products and theatre consumables to the Irish market. MED Surgical has also diversified into other areas within in the medical sector by adding numerous other Principal Companies. M.E.D Surgical have dedicated divisions such as General Surgery, Infection Control. Anaesthetics, Ambulatory Aids, Urology, Gynaecology and most recently branching into Ophthalmology. The ophthalmology division was launched in 2009 with the addition Carl Zeiss one of the world’s leading producers of ophthalmic equipment and consumables. Cardiac Services have developed into a leading supplier of Medical diagnostic and therapeutic equipment throughout Ireland and the UK. Cardiac Services are committed to excellence and customer satisfaction through ongoing investment in continuous improvement and development of innovative services for the healthcare industry. Cardiac Services operate out of 5 locations: –their HQ is in Dublin and there are other offices in Belfast, Cork and Manchester.Their business comprises a number of different business units: Pre-Hospital Sales, Hospital, Interventional Sales, Training, Education and customer support. Cardiac Services is at the forefront of supplying and supporting diagnostic and measurement equipment in the Hospitals with specific focus in critical care areas, including ICU, Coronary Care, Theatre and Maternity. TEKNO Surgical is involved in the distribution of specialist medical products, targeting key niche areas: Orthopaedics • Surgical • Aesthetics. The orthopaedics division of Tekno Surgical has the agency for Stryker products, which is one of the top medical device manufacturers in the world. Stryker also manufacture a full range of Trauma and Spinal surgery implants for treating fractures and degenerative spine disorders. Tekno Surgical has a strong presence in the Irish market and Stryker implants are sold into all orthopaedic centres in Ireland. The surgical division comprises a full spectrum of specialities. In neurosurgery TEKNO Surgical focuses on neuro navigation as well as a full array of neuro products. TEKNO Surgical also distribute treatment units, scopes, grommets, middle ear implants, microdebriders, instrument. The Aesthetics Division provides a broad range of equipment & consumables to Medical & Cosmetic Professionals engaged in plastic surgery & dermatology. TEKNO Surgical has recently launched a new device from California, ZELTIQ which is an innovative, non invasive treatment for Fat Removal. Synapse Medical focus on the supply of medical devices for the cardiology, endovascular, radiology and neuroradiology markets. Synapse’ strengths lie in its high quality principals such as GE and Abbott Vascular, and in the relationships that its young dynamic team have with their customers. In an environment of ever increasing price and margin reduction, unrelenting competition, and code of conduct pressure, it is crucial for Synapse to stay professional and knowledgeable while continuing to exceed customer’s service expectations. Enormous opportunities exist in the field they operate such as in structural heart, stroke and oncology. Annual sustainability week John Sisk & Son U.K.’s Scotland team have been taking their expertise into the local community, carrying out free building works at Dogs Trust Glasgow as part of the company’s annual Sustainability Week. 16 SISK Group Magazine March 2011 John Sisk & Son, Jewson and Topek worked together to carry out repairs and maintenance to the kennels at the Hamilton Road Centre. They also installed extra storage required in the feeding rooms, laundry area and in the office space. The work has been part of Sustainability Week at Sisk, an initiative launched last year where staff have engaged in a variety of activities helping the local communities they work within and enhancing the surrounding environment. Contracts Manager, Colin Mercer said: ‘John Sisk & Son is proud to be involved in such a worthwhile and deserving charity and hope to continue to build good relations in the local community through our Sustainability Week. Also, our strong partnership with Jewson and Topek has allowed us to do the work Dogs Trust needed in order that they can continue to provide this remarkable service to the community and we would like to thank them for their generosity and commitment’. Sandra Downie, Dogs Trust Glasgow Centre Manager, added: “The building work has made a real difference to the Rehoming Centre and we’re really grateful to all the companies involved for their efforts. Dogs Trust receives no government funding so we rely on fundraising and community work such as this to help us care for thousands of abandoned and unwanted dogs every year.” Dogs Trust Glasgow cares for around 90 dogs at any one time. It usually takes six weeks for a canine resident to find a new home but the charity’s nondestruction policy means the Rehoming Centre looks after each dog for as long as it takes to find a perfect new home. Dogs Trust is the UK’s largest dog welfare charity and cares for 16,000 dogs a year through its network of 17 rehoming centres across the country. Dogs Trust Glasgow opened in 2006. If you are interested in finding out more about their work please visit Yvonne Grant, John Sisk & Son U.K. Modular operating theatres This project consists of the design, supply and installation of three modular operating theatres at Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospital in Finglas, Dublin. This unique and challenging project presented an opportunity for the SISK Group to further develop its portfolio within the Healthcare sector and demonstrates the mutual benefits that can be derived from closer co-operation between the construction and healthcare divisions of the SISK Group. This project consists of the Design, Supply and Installation of three Modular Operating Theatres at Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospital in Finglas, Dublin and represents a new departure for the delivery of such a facility in Ireland. While the concept of a Modular Operating Theatre has been used in the UK this is the first such project of its kind in Ireland. Critics of this form of construction would highlight the limitations imposed by Modular build with regards to internal layouts as opposed to more traditional onsite construction methods. However, our design team headed by O’Connell Mahon Architects have developed a unique design incorporating the full requirements of a modern orthopaedic theatre into a Modular build format. In conjunction with our Modular building provider Extraspace, the team developed a design which subdivided the building into thirteen individual modules. These modules were then manufactured at Extra space manufacturing facility in Clondalkin while the required site preparation works were being completed at Cappagh Hospital. The units were delivered and installed on-site in December 2010 with testing and commissioning due to be completed by the end of January 2011, less than 4 months from award of the contract. The shortened contract duration and significant reduction in onsite construction activity derived from Modular Build were key considerations for the Client for this project. The three new operating theatres were installed adjacent to the existing theatres which were kept fully operational during the project. The project also includes the supply and installation of group one specialist medical equipment to the theatres. This equipment will be supplied, installed and commissioned by Tekno Surgical, a member of the SISK healthcare division. This is significant in that it will be SISK healthcare’s first complete Theatre installation in Ireland and will afford Tekno Surgical the opportunity to showcase their product in the country’s leading Orthopaedic Hospital. The delivery of such a complex facility in such a short period represents a commendable effort by all involved. The project has helped strengthen relations between our construction and healthcare divisions and has enabled both parties to develop a better understanding of each other’s core business. This project also enhances our growing reputation within the Healthcare sector, which will be of benefit, as we strive to increase our market share within this sector. Declan Murtagh, John Sisk & Son, Ireland SISK Group Magazine March 2011 17 London to Brighton Bike Ride On June 20th five Eschmann employees joined the peloton of approximately 27,000 other cyclists for the annual “London to Brighton Bike Ride” in aid of The British Heart Foundation. 18 SISK Group Magazine March 2011 Jonathan Corb, Simon Armstrong, James Hare, Martin Oakley and Dave Power took the opportunity to follow in the tyre tracks of Eschmann’s London To Brighton veteran, Philip Kennedy, to tackle the gruelling route that carved through the Surrey and Sussex downs. In the months leading up to the event, the team could be spotted cycling around the countryside near to Eschmann’s offices, putting in the training miles required to allow them to undertake the 54 mile bike ride, with what they hoped, would be relative ease come the hour. As a result, all members of the team completed the challenge, with times varying from James and Simon’s three and a half hours to Dave’s six and three quarters hours. In the process they proudly raised over £1000 for The British Heart Foundation. Dave Power, commenting at the finish line made mention of the infamous Ditchling Beacon, “without doubt the hardest part of the route, as expected, was the dreaded Beacon but, knowing that it had been conquered with ease by the MD only three years before, really added to the pressure”. The “Beacon” which rises from just 90 metres above sea level to 248 metres in just a mile, is the highest point on the route and is made even more difficult as the riders had already covered nearly fifty miles of hilly roads before they got to the climb. All five though made it with the added benefit of then being able to enjoy the descent from the summit to Madeira Drive by the pier on Brighton’s seafront, where thousands of well wishers had gathered to cheer the 27,000 cyclists over the finish line. To a cyclist, all taking part agreed that it was a brilliant day out in aid of a worthy cause and that in light of the recent instigation within Eschmann of a cycle to work scheme that enables employees to buy a new bike at half the normal price, even more members of the Eschmann team would be taking part in 2011. Dave Gibson, Eschmann Oasis Hospital 2012 and right Oasis Hospital 2010. A day in the life Fergus Muldoon, John Sisk & Son, Middle East 5.30am Sunday morning wake up in Dubaianother hot sunny day, still can’t get used to working on Sundays though. 7.30am Arrive on site, after crossing 150km of desert, to the garden city of Al Ain. 7.45am Have a coffee with the site team – Irish, English, Indian, Pakistani, Egyptian, Pilipino, African. 8.15am Turn back another piece of plant at the gate for being below standard. Our young Indian engineers are catching on to the standards of plant we need and are turning them away themselves. 9.00am Wind picks up blowing the fine sand/dust. Time to water down the site again - It’s a losing battle. 10.00am Tool box talk with the labourers and charge hands. 12 noon Heating up, now about 40degC..... its a lot better than the 51degC we had in August. 1.00pm Take a break out of the heat, replenish the fluids to prevent dehydration. 2.00pm 20 chippies on the formwork and 10 fixers on the rebar. We could do this with 6 chippies and 3 fixers back home. 3.00pm Concrete order finalised for the evening pour with plenty of shredded ice to keep the temperature down, too hot to pour during the day. 4.00pm Refused entry to the pump driver at the gate for wearing flip flops. Second operator this week. 5.00pm Concrete arrives, just waiting for the concrete gang to return from the mosque. 6.00pm Water tanker arrives late for the concrete curing through the night and the next morning. Their permit for transport was blocked by the police for a few hours. No reason given. 7.00pm Great sense of achievement getting the concrete poured in the end. The small things we take for granted back home can be tough going here but we get through them. 9.00pm Arrive home, might watch the 2nd half of the premiership match or might just fall asleep on the couch as usual after being in the sun!!! SISK Group Magazine March 2011 19 The Aviva Experience There was no such thing as a typical day during the Aviva Build. The working week was punctuated with regular meetings with the John Sisk & Son team, Clients representatives and our specialist contractors. Sean Stagg, John Sisk & Son, Ireland 20 SISK Group Magazine March 2011 We built up a dedicated and focused team of sixty five John Sisk & Son staff and my aim was not to over manage but to help them with the management and delivery of the various packages. We placed thirty work packages to build the shell and core and forty six to complete the fit out. The value of some of the larger packages approached the €30m mark. There were a number of key meetings every week. Monday was mainly spent preparing for the Tuesday morning ‘Main contractor weekly meeting’ chaired by the Project managers PM. These meetings were also attended by the client and design team. The key focus of every meeting was to identify and work to solve any issue that had the potential to develop into a big problem. The other meetings I made sure to attend were the weekly Logistics and Safety meetings. The main aim of the logistics planning was to provide a comprehensive Safety Strategy on site to deal with large plant movements, just in time deliveries, space for essential materials storage and to avoid site traffic gridlock on site. A formal approach was adopted with weekly ‘logistics’ meetings held with the key players with an obvious safety emphasis. Overlaying the plans on site photographs (both aerial and ground) was the main tool used to communicate the message across the participants. The logistics planning was an ongoing process built around cross-functional teams (e.g. roof steel, in-situ concrete frame, delivery of seating units, hoist and vertical movement of components etc.) The initial planning was built around a series of ’ ‘storyboards’ projecting large crane interfaces, sequence, durations at each workface, and machinery requirements. The storyboards were fine tuned on a weekly basis to deal with all aspects of logistics. Space on site was tight so it was very important that it was utilised and managed to its full potential. Good open lines of communication was vital among the subcontractors on site. Copy of a storey board from the weekly logistics meeting At any one time during the course of the week there would be several contractors design workshops / progress meetings. You can’t be everywhere but you need to keep your finger on the pulse and know where the real problems that need solving are arising. The key to this is again clear lines of communication with the members of the team. We used weekly team meetings where the package managers would report on their packages and identify to the rest of the team any key issue they had with the potential to delay progress of their works. Once identified we could focus on solving The Aviva Team the problem as quickly as possible. During the build it was obvious to all of us that the eyes of the country were looking at us. We also gave countless ‘Site tours’ to all manner of professional bodies, Universities and Colleges. This brought a motivation which helped focus the team on the one clear goal of completion by the end of April 2010. As the months passed away we continued to meet and celebrate the various milestones e.g. topping out the concrete frame, starting and finishing the roof and sowing the pitch. All through this time you could sense the pride building in the team on the achievements to date and confidence in achieving our completion date. An Taoiseach, Mr Brian Cowen, TD, officially opened the new Aviva Stadium at Lansdowne Road, Dublin on Friday 14 May 2010. The stadium is now the new home for Ireland's international rugby and soccer teams. Speaking at the official opening, Mr Cowen paid tribute to all involved in the project and congratulating everyone involved on delivering the stadium within the budgeted figure and on time in less than three years. In all some 4 million man hours went into the project with up to 1,300 people being on site at the busiest of times. It was the people involved that made the project the success it was. I want to thank all the members of the John Sisk & Son team who worked hard to simply make things happen. It was without a doubt the best project I have worked on. SISK Group Magazine March 2011 21 SISK SharksTag Rugby 2010 The SISK Tag Rugby team, started in 2006, and has developed from a motley crew of reformed soccer, GAA & ‘retired’ rugby players to become a regular in the mixed social league. Eileen Mooney, SISK Healthcare ‘SISK Sharks’ have been promoted from the relative safety of the beginners’ league all the way to the heady heights of the C League – that said, the competition is strong, with plenty of competitive ringers masquerading as part timers, which always ensures the games are very competitive, end to end and usually played at full tilt! Tag rugby is a non-contact (!) team game in which each player wears shorts that have two Velcro tags attached to them. Teams are 7 a side, with at least 3 girls required on the pitch at all times. The method of play is more similar to rugby league with phases of play being dictated by the number of tags. Attacking players attempt to score tries while defenders attempt to prevent scoring by pulling the tag from the ball carrier. Sounds easy? Then come join us! SISK Sharks have played in St Mary’s RFC since 2006 originally under the rules of, and now under the IRFU who took over the venue in 2010. We welcomed a number of new players in 2010, with some much needed women and our squad swelled to 21 players. The IRFU summer league is held over 9 weeks and comprises 10 teams. We 22 SISK Group Magazine March 2011 got off to a flying start with three wins on the trot, testament to the weekly training sessions, however, the euphoria was short lived. Our next two matches ended in defeat, to the two teams that would eventually top the table. Both were very close games, which with a little bit of luck, some different refereeing decisions, the matches could easily have gone the other way. Over the last 4 matches, we rallied strongly with three wins, to finish a respectable 3rd place in the league. Big thanks to our captain Aubrey Tuffy, for leading us each week both on and off the pitch. The summer league kicks off in May each year, and new players are most welcome. If you are interested and would like to give it a go for 2011, then please contact [email protected]. Volunteering Programme 2010 Together we make a difference School and Business Partnership programme Through the School and Business Partnership programme, SISK Group partnered with 5 schools to support the transition from education to employment in disadvantaged areas including St. Kevins College in Crumlin (John Sisk & Son), Scoil Bhride, Clondalkin (Sisk Healthcare), St Josephs in Kildare Town (Origo), Coláiste Mhuire in Kilkenny and Comeragh College in Tipperary (Stone Developments). Through volunteers, these schools received a variety of support including; site visits, ‘A Day in the Life’ talks, CV workshops, mock interviews, company overviews and interview skill techniques. Stella Maris Garden Project The official launch of the De Paul Ireland Stella Maris Garden Project took place on Friday 28th May 2010 in Belfast. This project involved the installation of a permanent garden shelter and garden furniture as well as a variety of new plants and shrubs by Group volunteers. Barretstown boardwalk In July of this year, SISK Group provided a wooden access boardwalk to a boat called the Beal Linn which was relocated to the centre of a man-made lake. This enables the children of Barretstown to access the boat from the boardwalk and bring the whole fishing experience to life for the campers Daragh Byrne, John Sisk & Son, Ireland Wicklow 200 On the 13th June, 27 volunteers took part in the Wicklow 100/200km cycle to raise monies for Barretstown and Friends of St. Patricks. Barretstown is a specially designed camp, providing a programme of adventure, activities and fun - backed by the medical world - which helps children with serious illness regain their confidence and selfesteem. Barretstown improves the lives of children and their families affected by childhood cancer and other serious illness, rebuilding their confidence, trust, selfesteem through therapeutic recreation. Friends of St.Patricks are an organisation which focuses on support for young people in crisis. All money raised is used to provide facilities and services for the assessment, treatment and aftercare of people experiencing mental illness. SISK Group Magazine March 2011 23 Pull! Robert Gray on a sporting encounter that led to a lifetime passion Like a lot of youngsters, I first tried Clay Pigeon shooting at a “Have a Go” stand at a Country Fair many years ago. I fired a whole box of 25 cartridges and hit only 6 clay pigeons, my shoulder was bruised and my ears were ringing for a week afterwards, but I was hooked, and some years later I set up my own little club on a local farm. I then started to enter local competitions, and much to my amazement won my very first event, a fund raising charity shoot near High Wycombe, I was chuffed to bits, particularly as I was using a borrowed gun on the day...!! Other more serious events followed, I first won the Hertfordshire County Championship in 1985, (and have won it a further 8 times since, I’m still the current Champion), and in 1987 was picked to represent England at the Home International event held that year in Scotland. The highlight of my career was being appointed Captain of the England Team in 1994, and leading the Team to victory at the Home International event in Wales, I also won the “Captains Cup”, being the highest scoring team Captain on the day. I now shoot regular events on the International circuit, and have shot this year in France, Portugal and Spain, with further events planned next year in Italy, France and possibly Estonia. Robert Gray, John Sisk & Son U.K. Robert Gray on cover of Pull! (1994) and now. 24 SISK Group Magazine March 2011 On the 13th of February 2010, five weeks after the earthquake in Haiti Martin Bolger left Ireland with the Irish Orthopaedic Haiti Fund Medical Relief Team. My Haiti experience The team included Orthopaedic surgeons, anaesthetists, nurses, physiotherapists and logistics crew, all representing hospitals from, Crumlin, St.Vincents, Tallaght, Mt.Carmel, Cappagh, Mater, and Santry. I was asked to travel because of my casting and splinting expertise which I acquired when I worked as a nurse at Cappagh and St. Vincents. Because of infrastructural damage in Port du Prince, the epicentre of the quake, our journey took us via New York, Dominican Republic and the final leg by dirt road from the Dominican Republic to Cange Hospital, our final destination, in just over two days. Cange Hospital was to be our place of work for the next two weeks and its memory will stay with me forever. The 120 bed hospital is supported by the American foundation Partners in Health and is situated in the hills about 70km from Port du Prince and prior to the quake catered for General, Paediatric and Gynaecological surgery. Because Cange Hospital promises free medical aid to all its citizens, hundreds of casualties made the three hour journey there by dirt road with horrific injuries, in cars, trucks and motorbikes. Indeed many died on the way, not fortunate enough to reach medical help at Cange. So many casualties arrived at Cange that the local church was used to cater for up to 200 casualties and by the time we arrived it was down to around 100 all lying on mattresses on the floor side by side. A small store room was also turned into a ward and was affectionately called the Dungeon and it was here that I spent a lot of my time in general nursing care, cleaning wounds and preparing patients for plastic and orthopaedic reconstructive surgery carried out by our brilliant theatre team from Ireland assisting the local medical and nursing staff. A typical day at Cange started at sun up, between 5 and 6am. It was often earlier due to the crowing cockerels that seemed to have no sense of time. We showered most mornings if water was available otherwise it was a bird bath and baby wipes. Breakfast was served at 7am at the ‘Friendship House’ where we met on a daily basis to plan our days work. Breakfast often included spicy Creole spaghetti, local coffee and peanuts and most days the food from local produce was superb. Our working day averaged ten to twelve hours and finished with a group meeting to prepare for the next day. For ten working days I gained some insight into the suffering and pain the people of Haiti endured and despite this showed and continued to show great resilience in spite of the terrible tragedy that occurred in January 2010. Martin Bolger, Tekno Surgical, Sisk Healthcare We would also like to acknowledge the efforts of Shelley Padley & Lorna Fenton, Tekno Surgical who travelled to Haiti Spring 2010 and 2011to assist with surgeries. Recipes for Disaster Haiti celebrity cookbook goes on sale The Irish Orthopaedic Haiti Fund (IOHF) has launched a recipe book called Recipe for Disaster aimed at raising funds for the work of Irish healthcare teams in Haiti. This book is made up of recipes from healthcare professionals who travelled to Haiti, well-known Irish personalities and a selection of Haitian recipes. Contributors include golfer Padraig Harrington; Irish rugby stars Brian O'Driscoll and Paul O'Connell; broadcasters Ian Dempsey and Sharon Ní Bheoláin; and well-known cooks Rachel Allen and Jenny Bristow among others. Any money raised from the sale of this recipe book “Recipe for Disaster” will be used directly to support the ongoing efforts of the IOHF. It can be ordered online at and cost €15 Jonathan Sexton and Luke Fitzgerald with Physiotherapist Aisling Brennan at the Launch of celebrity recipe book Recipe for Disaster SISK Group Magazine March 2011 25 Garden heaven The School of the Holy Spirit garden, Kilkenny, a success story for all involved. The management and staff of the School of the Holy Spirit performed minor miracles when they worked from a very cramped and overcrowded premises in the heart of Kilkenny city and it was to their absolute total joy that they were granted a brand new state of the art school on a greenfield site just outside of the city. The school caters for students who are diagnosed with ASD, Aspergers Syndrom, ADD, ADHD and other special needs from the age of 4 to 18 years of age. An integral part of the children’s development is by sensory experience. The school had been promised the development of a sensory garden in the initial plans but this got dropped as things progressed and it was by chance that Brendan Costello, Operations Director in Stone Developments, heard about this and felt the company could help out in some way as part of the Sisk 150th celebrations. It is suffice to say that with the help of a 26 SISK Group Magazine March 2011 small team initially and world renowned landscape designer Martin Hallinan that a simple plan became a work of art. As the project took shape it became clear that a significant mobilisation of skills was needed to deliver this unique garden and the entire Sisk organisation supplied the required expertise. As the project unfolded a very diverse range of employees volunteered their efforts willingly and without question. In addition to the voluntary work days a huge amount of equipment was donated by Group companies and by suppliers. The result was the construction of a sensory garden beyond belief. The big winners in this project are the children who attend the school. Within a very short space of time the garden provided a range of different stimulants that enabled the children to progress beyond what was previously thought possible and this continues each and every week since it opened. To all involved this was a labour of love and it is a living testimony to the heroic endeavours of the employees of Stone Developments and the SISK Group. Martin Fitzpatrick, Stone Developments Staff discount offers Sisk Group is giving you the opportunity to purchase Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010 for your home computer for only €12.95! This is one of the Staff Benefits of the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement that SISK Group signed this year. • To Purchase MS Office Professional Plus 2010 please access the HUP Store (click on link from group email sent) • Enter your work email address and the following Program Code: AEC731DD46 • Follow the normal check-out procedure. You are eligible to use this software whilst you are an employee of SISK Group, should you no longer be an employee Microsoft requests that you remove HUP Software from you home computer. Please note: • This is a process between the Staff Member and Microsoft • The SISK Group IT Department does not provide any support in the purchase, installation or on-going maintenance of this software. • You will need to assess your home PC’s capability to run this software – i.e. Memory, Space, Processor etc.. • As this is for home use – please download the software on the PC you wish to install it on. To all SISK Group employees We just wanted to remind you that, as a SISK Group employee, you are entitled to a vast array of exclusive product offers and discounts via Origo Access. Whether you need something for your home, your garden, your vehicle or, most importantly, yourself, our huge portfolio of products will have something we think you’ll love. Don’t miss out, join up today. Crossword Solutions from page 12 GA SMA S E U L T I P P L E B E Y Y ARD I BU S S A G L DOC B E A A L I P M GA T OP I C O U AN R E S E T P N N B E N U R K C A L B R G O N D O L A M D S E Z P G T S U B I I E F P O I Y M I R T O C E Q O L O A G K U W I O E K L J U P W S L I J T T Q S A W R U O K B I OU R S K I T U T OP A A T I S P S OC T N Y GU E I K E R I U I MON O N RN I OWN I G NG K L UM O O A V E S E E S S E S K G O A L S Y C H E G J N N X D S T S K P Z Z G M K R P S V A R K V S G O L S U E I Y E E Q S M O G U L X R R W T I V M S E L O P P U T B O E A H D C E C V N T F I L P J B A T S F P TOPAZ/SISK GROUP EMPLOYEE FUEL CARD SISK Group has teamed up with Topaz to offer employees the opportunity to avail of a TOPAZ/SISK Group employee fuel card. This entitles all SISK Group employees to avail of a special price structure on all Topaz fuel purchases. This price structure mirrors the structure that the group currently avails of. Valid for all petrol and diesel purchases, the card will guarantee a fixed price on your fuel at all Topaz stations nationwide. The card does not attract government tax. The card comes with many benefits which can be found at . There is no application fee and comes with 4 weeks interest free credit on all your purchases. The card operates on a direct debit arrangement between Topaz and the employee. SISK Group Magazine March 2011 27 Building a Business
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