November 2010


November 2010
Newsletter Publication
November 2010
Welcome to the WIE!
IEEE Women in Engineering
WIE MISSION. Inspire, engage, encourage, and
empower IEEE women worldwide.
WIE VISION. A vibrant community of IEEE women and
men innovating the world of tomorrow.
WiE Got News….
Excerpts from various IEEE Sources for news, information,
and current events.
Don’t Forget…
The Karachi Section e-Newsletter is here! WIE proudly
presents the much awaited issue of the Karachi
Section Newsletter in Pakistan. Find out the latest events
and news for Region 10 at
Pleas e vis it o ur webs ite at
Quote for the Mo nth:
“A s cientis t s tudies what is , an engineer s tudies what
never was .”
November 2010
The Carlton WIE group has been instrumental in
organizing Go Eng Girl, Design Tomorrow’s World and
the IEEE Ottawa Teacher-In-Service-Program (TISP) as
venues for WIE members to share their experience with
young female students.
-- Theodore von Ka rman
For Undergraduates:
Paid Summer 2011 Undergrad Research Placements:
Over 400 programs - REU and Other Summer Research
Opportunities for Undergrads
Registration is now open for the 2010-2011 Real World
Design Challenge. The Challenge is totally free to
For Financial Support in Graduate School Opportunities:
Bridges, GK-12, IGERT and NSF Grad Research
Fellowship programs provide generous stipend and tuition
support for students through the National Science
Foundation: For
Postdoctoral opportunities:
For NASA-supported internships, fellowships and
If you need to add a program to one of the program portals
on the Pathways to Science website or if you find errors in
the listings for any of your programs already included in
one of the portals, please contact Susie Valaitis at the
Institute for Broadening Participation.
Susie Valaitis
Associate Director
Institute for Broadening Participation
PO Box 607
Damariscotta, ME 04543
207-563-5929 phone
207-563-6069 fax
[email protected]
Additionally, if you would like to submit an event to be
highlighted on the Pathways to Science website, you may
do so by completing the event form at
participate in and open to teams of 3-7 high school
students. It is an aviation design competition that uses real
engineering tools. New tools have been added this year,
and each teacher that participates gets more than $1
million in professional engineering software. Teams get
access to mentors, and state winners get an all-expensespaid trip to Washington, DC to compete in the National
Finals. Please check out the new website and sign up and note
contact below:
Carleton’s WIE group has received the annual
international WIE 2009 Student Branch Affinity Group
of the Year award from IEEE. Recognized for its
leadership and collaborative efforts in organizing events,
WIE partnered with the Carleton University Women in
Science and Engineering (WISE) and Carleton Women in
Leadership (WIL) to co-organize events such as IEEE
SPAC, WISE Steps to Success, IEEE Connects, Reason
for Hope and the Monique Frize book launch.
Dr. Ralph K. Coppola
Director, Real World Design Challenge &
Senior Director of Government & Strategic Education
Programs, PTC
11710 Plaza America Drive Suite 2000
Reston, Virginia 20190
Office Phone: 703-871-5176
Cell Phone: 703-298-6630
Fax: 703-871-5111
Email: [email protected]
Pleas e vis it our webs ite at
Page 2
Hats Off to J ennifer Ng Ain Kin, winn er of th e Canadian
Advan ced Tech nolog y Allian ce Wom en In Techno log y
(CATA WIT) Mentor of th e Year Award.
Jennifer Ng Ain Kin, Chair, IEEE WIE Ottawa
Jennifer Ng is the chair of the I-triple-E's Women in Engineering
organization, dedicated to inspiring, engaging, encouraging and
empowering women in engineering
View the announcement and information at and the
press release at: .
IEEE WIE Region 10 proudly announces Dr. Sunita
Chauhan as recipient of the IEEE Asia Pacific WIE
Inspiring Engineer of the
Year Award. The IEEE
Asia Pacific WIE Inspiring
Engineer of the Year
Award is given annually to
one IEEE Women in
Engineering member of
the Asia Pacific Region.
The purpose of the award
is to recognize individuals
for “singular achievement
in the development and
completion of a project(s)
or activity(s) that has
significantly benefited society and increased public
awareness about women’s role in the Engineering
profession and IEEE WIE”.
November 2010
The Region 10 WIE award committee is happy to
announce that the IEEE Asia Pacific WIE Inspiring
Engineer of the Year Award is awarded to Dr. Sunita
Chauhan, Singapore Section. The committee received
five nominations out of which Dr. Sunita Chauhan was
declared the winner on the basis of her inspiring
contributions to the advancement of technology for
humanitarian purposes.
Dr. Sunita works as an associate professor, Division of
Mechatronics and Design, at Nanyang Technological
University, Singapore, and is a Women in Engineering
Member. Her Minimally Invasive Bio-mechatronic
Approach for Breast Cancer Surgery based on the
objectives of developing minimally-invasive and noninvasive surgery for breast cancer treatment using a
robotic approach provides novel technical advances to
the present state-of-the-art with predictable, precise,
safe and faster procedures. Dr. Sunita holds four
International patents granted on these systems and the
Public Sector Innovation Award by TEC (the Prime
Minister Office, Singapore) Nov 2006. Dr. Sunita serves
on the board of directors of UIA and as an Asian
representative to the association of ultrasound
industries. Congratulations on your achievements Dr.
Sunita Chauhan!
WEP AN TEA Train-th e-Trainer Wo rks hop b ein g h eld in
Midwes t and Bo s ton Lo cation s . Attend a 1-day
professional development workshop designed to help you
get more girls into your summer camps, PLTW courses,
engineering and technology clubs and competitions, and
improve participation in other engineering and technology
events. Come to this extraordinary train-the-trainer event
on Friday, March 4, 2011, at Missouri Southern State
University in Joplin, MO or Saturday, April 2, 2011 at The
Engineering Center in Boston, MA. This hands-on
workshop teaches how to integrate engineering concepts,
technology skills and tools, and mathematical processes to
provide contextual learning opportunities in a STEM
environment. The activities parallel real-world engineering
tasks and problem-solving opportunities as identified by the
event below:
The Mother/Daughter Technology Engineering and
Aptitude (TEA) event was developed and presented by
the Centers of Excellence for Aerospace and Advanced
Materials Manufacturing at Everett Community College and
Marine Manufacturing & Technology at Skagit Valley
College, Whidbey Island Campus along with workshop
leader and biomedical engineer, Celeste Baine of the
Engineering Education Service Center. The day provides
the opportunity for the girls to learn about and experience
first-hand what technical and engineering careers are by
showcasing the creativity and teamwork associated with
these careers. The TEA aligns perfectly with the Science
Pleas e vis it our webs ite at
Page 3
WIE is now on Faceb ook! The WIE is now on
Please join us at our recently launched WIE Facebook
Page at!/pages/IEEEWomen-in-Engineering/150443418299658?ref=ts
Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) and
Manufacturing career and educational clusters used by
Washington state.
By attending this workshop, you will be able to show both
mothers and daughters that engineering is not something
to be afraid of but a realistic way to solve the problems of
everyday life and a very viable career opportunity. The
lessons and activities will teach you how to actively engage
girls in learning about engineering and our technological
world by applying creativity and innovation as they
complete the projects. You will be able to show mothers
that engineering and engineering technology are great
careers for their daughter. In an informal study, 98 percent
of girls that have attended a Mother/Daughter TEA
workshop say they are now considering or intend on
pursuing a career in engineering.
Workshop attendees will become Certified TEA Trainers licensed to hold trainings. Workshop also includes detailed
instructions and a toolkit of materials to hold communitybased workshops. K-12 Educators, Outreach Coordinators,
School District Personnel, Girl Scout Leaders, PLTW
Instructors or Administrators, and two and four year college
science and technology instructors from across the U.S.
are invited to register. Upon completion of the workshop,
participants will receive a certificate of professional
development hours. Additional details and the online
registration form are available on the EESC Web Site at:
For a scholarship application or questions, contact Celeste
Baine ([email protected]). To host a training
event in your area, contact Celeste Baine
([email protected]). For more information
about the Mother Daughter TEA, visit:
Price Reduced! Space is limited - early registration is
Nom in ate a Colleag ue fo r IEEE Fellow. If you are
considering nominating a colleague from industry,
government, or academia for elevation to IEEE Fellow
grade, the opportunity to do so is now. This prestigious 46
November 2010
year old group now numbers over 6000. These Fellows
are the visionaries, the dreamers, the pioneers, and
technology leaders in their field as well influential members
in the international technology community.
IEEE Senior members or IEEE Life Senior members in
good standing, who have completed five years of service in
any grade of IEEE Membership and who have made an
outstanding contribution to the electronic or electrical
engineering profession may be nominated in one of four
categories: application engineer/practitioner, educator,
research engineer/scientist, or technical leader.
The IEEE Fellow web site,, has
all the information you will need including the requirements
for nominee eligibility as well as nomination instructions
and all the necessary forms. The nomination period is
presently open and will continue through March 1, 2011 for
the Class of 2012. You are strongly encouraged to read
the information on “Before You Hit Submit” and then use
the Online Application process which is quick and easy.
Once you have started the application, it can be held in
Draft status until you have completed the entire form and
are ready to send the information to us. Once you have
submitted the application, the electronic process will
automatically send emails to your references and
endorsers and provide the means for you to track their
Also once you have submitted the nomination, no changes
for whatever reason can be made which is why we
encourage you to put the maximum number of references
on the form and find out if they are willing to help you with
the submission before sending the nomination. The IEEE
Fellow Staff is working to make your nomination process as
trouble free as possible and they are ready to assist with all
phases of the application process. Should you have any
question during the completion process you can email
[email protected] with any questions.
Res earch on Peop le with Eng in eering Deg rees .
Kathleen Buse, an engineer with more than 25 years in
engineering and technical management, is performing a
research study on Engineering careers as part of a doctoral
program in management at Case Western Reserve
University. If you would like to considering taking the
survey, click on the following link:
zsN1EbO. The survey is estimated to take about 5 to 15
minutes and is voluntary and anonymous. Please feel free
to pass the link along to any of your colleagues that may
have engineering degrees as the more responses the
better the research. If you have any questions or would like
to review the survey results, please contact Kathleen at
(440) 220-0247 or [email protected].
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Page 4
WIE are looking for s omeone… Do you
know of an yone in IEEE WIE with a B.S. and /o r M.S. in
Electrical Engineerin g o r s imilar edu cation al
background who left th e EE wo rk fo rce fo r a while d u e
to child care or oth er reas o ns , bu t th en s ucces s fu lly
retu rned to an Engineerin g career after s everal years ?
If s o , p leas e s h are yo ur s tory with oth ers b y con tacting
the WIE at Keyan aTen nan [email protected] o r
pjanu ary@d rs -ds .com .
IEEE e Le a rn in g Lib ra ry (fo rm e rly Exp e rt No w). The
following is a list of tutorials that are now available for
purchase within the IEEE eLearning Library:
• “Fundamentals of LTE Standards and Technologies” by
Peter Chan, sponsored by IEEE Educational Activities
• “Security of Information and Communication Networks
Part 1 & 2” (two tutorials) by Stamatios Kartalopoulos,
sponsored by IEEE Communications Society
• “SRAM Design - Clock Buffer” by Douglas Sheppard,
sponsored by IEEE Educational Activities Department
• “SRAM Design - Control Circuitry” by Douglas
Sheppard, sponsored by IEEE Educational Activities
• “SRAM Design – Sensing and Write Control” by
Douglas Sheppard, sponsored by IEEE Educational
Activities Department
• “Learning to Play Games” by Simon M. Lucas,
sponsored by IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
• “High power variable speed drives: Performance
issues, application guide, and network studies Parts 1 &
2” (two tutorials) by Babak Badrzadeh, sponsored by
IEEE Power Electronics Society
• “Fundamentals and Application Engineering of
Electrochemical Capacitors: Fundamentals” by John
Miller, sponsored by IEEE Power Electronics Society
• “Fundamentals and Application Engineering of
Electrochemical Capacitors: Applications” by John
Miller, sponsored by IEEE Power Electronics Society
November 2010
environmental, technical, safety and consumer issues in
the fields of:
Energy, electrical and electronics engineering
Measurement, instrumentation, automation and
Computer, information and communications
Surveying and geographic information science
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To view all available tutorials in the IEEE eLearning
Library, please visit and login
with your IEEE Web Account.
EE P u b lis h e rs o ffe r On -lin e Me d ia Re s o u rc e . EE
Publishers disseminates, publishes and distributes
information through various media, including print
editions, online HTML editions, online Flash flip-page
editions, mobile editions, email newsletters, blogs, RSS
feeds and podcasts. Subject matter covered
includes political, economic, social, regulatory, business,
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Page 5
We lc o m e to EE Re c ru itm e n t!
Visit EE Recruitment at
which is a website for technical jobs and staff
recruitment services in the electrical, electronics,
lighting, automation, instrumentation, computer,
information, communications, GIS and surveying
IEEE WIE: New TV Series - Cas ting Call. MPH
Entertainment, producers of the Emmy nominated, hit TV
show “Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan,” is now casting its
new reality pilot, “Nerd Girls”. Developed from a professor’s
curriculum and the web site -- both created
by Dr. Karen Panetta, a Professor of Electrical and
Computer Engineering at Tufts University -- the “Nerd Girls”
brand concept builds on Panetta’s original initiative,
encouraging women to change their world through science,
technology, engineering and math, all while embracing their
feminine power.
If you think you have what it takes to tell the world, “Hey,
I’m a Nerd Girl, and it’s awesome!” then submit a video.
Join us on our mission to show the beauty of brains. What
is a Nerd Girl? YOU are. Check us out: Press Release Details:
If you think you have what it takes to tell the world, “Hey,
I’m a Nerd Girl, and it’s awesome!” then submit a video.
Join us on our mission to show the beauty of brains. What
is a Nerd Girl? YOU are. Check us out: Press Release Details:
November 2010
“Being a Nerd Girl is all about embracing who you
are. I’m so glad to be part of a group that allows
me to be myself – a nerd that loves being a part of
the science world that’s treating serious medical
conditions, but also a girl that lives for getting
dressed up for a ladies night on the town.” –
Cristina, Biomedical Engineer (MSBME) &
NerdGirls Facebook Fan Page writer
“I love technology, from sexy gadgets like the
iPhone to social media crazes like Twitter, to the
solar cells that will change the way the world is
powered. As a Nerd Girl, I can embrace my love
for engineering, science and technology, and still
be myself – from my adoration of the art of fashion
to my fascination with Lady Gaga.” – Lauren,
Electrical Engineer (MSEE) & NerdGirls Twitter
Got a question? Want to learn more about the Nerd Girl
Buzz? Follow the Nerd Girls on Twitter @nerdgirls, and join
them on the Facebook NerdGirls fan page!
A Go od Read – Great Articles to Review. Still looking for
a good read? Do you know of any great articles that would
be of interest to WIE members? If so, please let us know so
that others have the opportunity to key in on some very
noteworthy information. Please contact Keyana Tennant at
[email protected] or Paulette January at
[email protected] to share your information and we will
gladly share it with others in the next newsletter issue.
Here’s what some of the Original Nerd Girls have to say
about it:
"Listen, being a Nerd Girl rocks! I love being
associated with a group of smart women who are
just as passionate about their nerdy side as they
are about their life outside of engineering. For me,
it's all about airplanes and Nike's new line of
running shoes." - Danielle – Mechanical Engineer
(MSME) & NerdGirls Facebook Fan Page
WIE Aro u n d Th e Wo rld
• News fro m IEEE WIE Se c tio n
Affin ity Gro u ps
Pleas e vis it our webs ite at
Page 6
November 2010
Women In Engineering Egypt rocks the society in Egypt.
Under the auspices of three Egyptian Ministers, the IEEE
Egypt WIE Affinity Group Second Forum took place as one
of the concurrent events held during Egyptian Engineering
Day 2010 (please visit . The
forum theme was "Social Engineering: For You and Your
Family", where the speakers talked about Egyptian
initiatives where science and technology are used to
develop the Egyptian society, especially in poor areas.
By the end of the day the audience was more than 600 with
an open discussion held with Ambassador H. E. Moushira
Khattab, Egyptian Minister of Family and Population, on
enabling working women. The session was moderated by
Professor Dr. Nevin Darwish, WIE Egypt chair.
The surprise was H.E. Moushira Khattab’s announcement
that Egyptian First Lady Suzan Moubarak was going to
cooperate with WIE Egypt by sponsoring a prize for women
in Science and Technology. The "Best Work-life Balance
Working Environment” competition was confounded and
organized by WIE Egypt under the auspices of H. E. Dr.
Ahmed Darwish, Egyptian Minister of Administrative
Development. Finals were held during the Second Forum.
Six international and local companies working in the field of
Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
competed to win the prize. This year’s winner was
Vodafone Egypt.
The winner was announced during the Egyptian
Engineering Day closing ceremony where the number in
the audience exceeded 1500! The prize was given by H. E.
Moushira Khattab to the Vodafone representative, Ms.
Rania Salah, director of Human Resources in Vodafone
Egypt. The Egyptian media covered the event; Many
people are now looking toward WIE Egypt and the next
steps to be taken. This year, WIE Egypt has taken the first
real step to spread the work-life balance concept among
employees in general, while focusing on women rights who
are working in ICT. 2010-2011 is a long road, full of work as
new programs are going to start.
Ms. Rania Salah, Vodafone Egypt representative
receiving WIE Egypt prize for winning "Best Work-life
Balance Working Environment Competition"
Vodafone representative and Engineers
Women in Engineering Second Forum
H. E. Ambassador Moushira Khattab during the
discussion panel; on her right side Prof. Dr. Nevin
Darwish, WIE Egypt chair, and the other side, Prof. Dr.
Hadya, El Henawi Dean Ainshams, faculty of
Engineering and WIE Egypt advisory board member
-- Submitted by Marwa Soudi, IEEE WIE Egypt
Pleas e vis it our webs ite at
Page 7
IEEE Day 2010 celebrated by WIE Ottawa Affinity
Group in Canada. To celebrate IEEE Day 2010, on
October 7, 2010, WIE Ottawa Affinity Group sponsored a
cupcake event at the two local university student branches
(Carleton University and Ottawa) with the goal of promoting
awareness about IEEE and WIE. Over 75 mini cupcakes
were given at each location. A local bakery also made a
beautiful fondant piece in the form of the WIE logo for each
university. Pictures of the event were then entered in the
IEEE Day contest and one of them won! Congratulations to
Daphne Ong, IEEE Carleton University Student Branch
WIE chair, for winning a prize for the IEEE Day photo
contest. It was great to be able to participate but most of all,
it was a fun time for all!
November 2010
WIE-PNEC Celebrates its First Anniversary in Karachi,
Pakistan. The IEEE WIE Affinity Group of Pakistan Navy
Engineering College (WIE-PNEC) was established by Ms.
Nimra Kazmi on October 27, 2009. Throughout the year,
WIE-PNEC had been an initiator of many small events and
one mega event. WIE-PNEC celebrated its first anniversary
on October 27, 2010 to officially acclaim themselves as a
rising branch of IEEE and to welcome the newest recruits
to the IEEE community.
WIE-PNEC believes that when the young women of their
university move out in the professional world they would
not only be theoretically and practically sound in the
engineering field, but would also be well-versed in the
service and social sectors that are currently in need of their
attention. Therefore to fill this gap, this affinity group
organized events and seminars that would assist the future
generation of female engineers in coping with the harsher
and surreal realities of life. They choose not to restrict
themselves to one area of interest instead they believe in
broadening their horizons and allowing themselves to
explore their boundaries. Some of the events held by WIEPNEC are identified below.
Shezana Zulfiqar- Chair WIE PNEC and Rabia KhalidVice Chair WIE-PNEC 2010
-- Submitted by Jennifer Ng, WIE Ottawa Affinity Group
• News fro m IEEE WIE S tud e nt
Bra n ch Affinity Gro u ps
WIE- PNEC organized a circuit design competition in which
the participants solved a fun circuit problem. A few
inspirational videos were played and all attendees played
musical chairs. They also played another game called
“Pass the Number”. In the end, a prize distribution
ceremony was held for winners of the games and circuit
design competition. It was a fun-filled event and helped in
boosting the interest of PNEC’s female student body in
IEEE activities.
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Page 8
November 2010
WIE-PNEC conducted a seminar on “Empowering Female
Engineers” on April 30, 2010. The event was composed of
various accomplished female guest speakers, namely Ms.
Safoora Basit, assistant manager, Shell, Ms. Ambreen
Imran, assistant professor, Anatomy, Bahria Medical and
Dental College, and Ms. Samia Farrukh, a congenital
marital psychologist, who not only shared their experiences
and wisdom, but also prepared the young engineers for the
days to come. The seminar aimed at providing awareness
among the females regarding different issues faced by
women in general and working women in particular. The
event turned out to be highly successful due to its
uniqueness as it was the first ever mother-daughter
interactive session on engineering ground. A circuit
designing competition was also held between the mothers
attending the event with their daughters, with the daughters
guiding the mothers with the circuits. It was highly thrilling
for the mothers and guests, and was a moment of laughter
for all engineering students to see their mothers working
with the electronic components.
Another event organized by WIE-PNEC was a community
service program which was held in December 2009. This
was a trip to the Marry-Ville Old Home, where the students
interacted with the elderly, discussing their life at the old
home and their reasons for being there. It was only due to
the efforts and determination of the organizers of WIEPNEC that this event was made possible. WIE-PNEC
celebrated the festival of Christmas with them and the
members brought gifts for them, too. The elderly people
were delighted to have WIE-PNEC there and offered best
wishes and regards for them.
Pleas e vis it our webs ite at
Page 9
November 2010
A slumber party was arranged for the girls in the NUST
Girls Hostel, in which the females participated actively. The
movie shown was “The Blind Side”, which is based on a
true story. The girls had dinner together, played games,
danced, cheered and laughed together, and remained
awake the entire night. This event was organized to
establish strong bonds among all girls, with the objective to
promote the feelings of empathy, sharing and
determination. The out-living and the in-living girls
intermingled with each other and came to know about each
other’s problems and lifestyles.
A beach trip for females of PNEC-NUST was also
organized by the WIE-PNEC Affinity Group so that
hardworking individuals could get a well deserved break
from hectic university life. At Manora Beach, girls tanned
themselves in the sun, played throw ball, football, cricket
and many other exciting games. Camel riding was the most
exciting part of the trip. They sang songs at the top of their
voices all the way back to the university. Their tanned faces
didn’t let them forget the fun they had for weeks.
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Page 10
November 2010
WIE EX-COM, cutting the cake at the 1 WIE-PNEC
Last but not the least, to celebrate WIE-PNEC
achievements and the efforts of the student body of IEEEPNEC, a cake cutting ceremony was held on October 27,
2010, the first anniversary of WIE PNEC, in which all IEEEPNEC members were invited. The chair of WIE-PNEC
addressed the attendees and congratulated them for the
success and considerable recognition of WIE-PNEC. The
WIE-PNEC team promised to work with more enthusiasm
for a brighter future of WIE-PNEC in the years to come.
-- Submitted by Hudaisa Afzal Panawala, general
secretary, WIE-PNEC, IEEE Karachi Section
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Page 11
November 2010
WIE “Love” Engineering! Do “You”
Love Engineering, Too? Do Tell….
Do you go to work every day and do what you
love? Do you love what you do? Do tell. WIE
want to hear about it! WIE are excited about
Engineering and the many women that are a part
of WIE! Women, who go to work every day and
do what they love, and love what they do.
You are the essence of the WIE, the heart and
soul of what makes the purpose and mission of
the WIE a reality. WIE delight in your success
and your zest and passion for Engineering. And,
we want to hear your personal stories so that
they might be a means to guide, mentor, and
encourage other women in engineering. In
today’s world, communication is at its peak, and
so are technological advancements. But, behind
all of this and the key to making this a reality are
“people”, and they have a story to tell…. WIE
want to hear about it.
WIE would like to profile your accomplishments
in the monthly publication of the WIE Newsletter.
WIE know that we have members out there who
are doing a great job in the many fields and
faceted disciplines of Engineering, and we want
to recognize you within the WIE Community. If
you or someone you know would like to share
their story, WIE would be delighted to hear from
Please provide the person’s name, job title,
employment information, a picture, a summary of
what the person does, and what the person likes
about Engineering to be included in the monthly
newsletter. WIE would like to profile members
working in all facets of engineering, ranging from
doctors, scientists, educators, engineers,
analysts, technicians, support functions, etc. WIE
will profile one to two individuals monthly. Send
all correspondences to Keyana Tennant at
[email protected] or Paulette January at
[email protected].
Scholarships, Internships, Grants & Awards
For Girls
Informative Publications
Women in Engineering Statistics
Women in Science/Engineering Societies & Groups
Mentoring & Educational Resources
National Engineers Week/EWeek Activities
More Interesting Links
Electronics & Electrical Engineering Laboratory (NIST)
Science and Technology Resources
Engineer Your Life
Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering
IEEE Quick Facts.
The IEEE has:
more than 375,000 members including nearly 80,000
student members in more than 160 countries.
• 324 sections in ten geographic regions worldwide.
• 1,784 chapters that unite local members with similar
technical interests.
• 1,616 student branches and 452 student branch
chapters at colleges and universities in 80 countries.
38 societies and 7 technical councils representing the
wide range of technical interests.
• 390 affinity groups consisting of Consultants’ Network,
Graduates of the Last Decade (GOLD), Women in
Engineering (WIE), and Life Members (LM).
DID YOU KNOW? ……… WIE Affin ity
Gro u p s . There are two types of WIE Affinity Groups: IEEE
Section Affinity Groups and Student Branch Affinity Groups. Find
one in your local area below. If there is not a WIE Affinity Group in
your local area, consider forming one. Affinity groups provide the
opportunity for members to network at a local level. Activities
may include guest speakers, workshops and seminars. All
members are encouraged to join and participate in their local
group activities to promote growth within the WIE. Currently,
there are over 150 WIE Affinity Groups worldwide.
Region 1 – Northeastern USA
Region 2 – Eastern USA
Region 3 – Southeastern USA
Region 4 - Central USA
Region 5 – Southwestern USA
Region 6 – Western USA
Region 7 – Canada
Region 8 – Europe, Middle Eastern &
Region 9 – Latin America
Region 10 – Asia & Pacific
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Page 12
November 2010
IEEE WIE Committee. The IEEE Women in
Engineering Committee (WIEC) consists of 10 voting members
appointed by the Board of Directors. The WIEC is responsible
for facilitating the development of programs and activities that
promote the entry into and the retention of women in
engineering programs, enhance the career advancement of
women in the profession, and promote IEEE membership and
retention of IEEE women members.
2010 WIE Committee Members
Irena Atov, Chair 2010
Susan Murphy (GOLD)
Karen Panetta, Past Chair,
WIE Magazine Editor
Sule Ozev
Holly Cyrus
Wanda Reder (TAB)
Wenli Huang (MGAB)
Jacquelin Speck
Susan Kathy Land
Dannie Wang (EAB)
Ramalatha Marimuthu
WIE Liaisons, Regional Coordinators, and Society
Coordinators, and Newsletter Editor for 2010
Bashayer Al Awwad, R8
Kathleen McDevitt, R2
Allan Johnston, NPS
Lisa Edge, RS
Anu A. Gokhale, R4
Lynne Slivovsky, Education Society
Bashayer Al Awwad, R8
Malgorzata Chrzanowska-Jeske, CAS
Behnaz Ghoraani, R7
Maria Pia Fanti, SMCS
Bozenna Pasik-Duncan, CSS
Maryam Al Thani, P E S
Camerla Cozzo, VTS
Miholo Otake, RAS
Christina Fragouli, ITS
Nazanin Bassiri-Gharb, UFFC
Christine DiLapi, BTS
Pamela Hurst, OE
Daniece Carpenter, PSES
Parveen Wahid, R3 & AP Society
Darlene Rivera, R1
Paulette January, WIE Newsletter
Elizabeth Chang, IES
Ramalatha Marimuthu, R10
Eve Riskin, SPS
Ruth Dyer, IM
Fahmida Chowdhury, CIS
Semehat Demir, EMB
Ferdinanda Ponci, PELS
Shana Fliginger, IEEE USA
Hatice Altug, Photonics
Stephanie White, Computer Society
Janet Flores, IAS
Tayfun Akgul, PSPB
Jie Xue, CPMT
Usha Varshney, EDS
Jieda Li, R5
Claudia Villar, R6
Marsha Abramo, RS
Sharron Tang, ITS
MGA - Region Meetings Calendar
What did the horse say when it finished eating the last
bale of hay?
Answer: That’s the last straw.
(Compliments of Riddles & More)
How is a telephone like arithmetic?
(Tune in next month for credits and the answer.)
Wh a t Eve ry En g in e e r Ne e d s to Kn o w Ab o u t
Le a d e rs hip a n d Ma n a g e m e n t. Landing the
perfect engineering job often means being able to
showcase key leadership and management skills,
according to an article from IEEE-USA Today’s
Engineer. Most engineering positions will
require engineers to negotiate, plan, influence, direct,
estimate and resolve conflicts – all important
management skills. The technical skills that an
engineer’s job requires are often only a small percentage
of the competencies that are needed to be successful.
As engineers advance, leadership and management
competencies become more important, regardless of
whether or not they are on the “management” track.
Learn more Excerpt from What’s New @IEEE
IEEE. Join the World's
Largest Technical
Professional Association.
Pleas e vis it our webs ite at
Join IEEE today and get
all the
benefits of IEEE
Page 13
November 2010
yo u wan t yo u to h a ve s o m e
fu n ……..
Maeling Tapp
Materials Engineer
Monique Frize
View more information on Engineer Girl.
We lc o m e t o Ne r d G ir ls
R e a lit y Te le v is io n !
Th e y' r e " B e a u t y a n d t h e G e e k " a ll in o n e p a c k a g e !
Me e t t h e N E R D G IR L S - a n i m p r e s s i v e t e a m o f f e m a l e
e n g in e e r in g s t u d e n t s , ju s t o n e ye a r a w a y fr o m la n d in g
t o p jo b s w it h $ 7 0 , 0 0 0 s a la r ie s . Th e y t u r n h e a d s w h e n
t h e y e n t e r a r o o m – t h e y' r e s t ylis h , s e lf-p o s s e s s e d ,
a m b it io u s a n d c o n fid e n t . Wh e t h e r b u ild in g a s o la r
c a r o r h a rn e s s in g w in d p o w e r o n a r e m o te is la n d ,
t h e s e g ir ls fu lly in t e n d to c h a n g e t h e p la n e t w it h t h e ir
o w n i n g e n u i t y a n d h a r d w o r k . N E R D G IR L S i s c o m i n g
t o r e a lit y t e le v is io n a n d w ill b e a m u lt i-p la t fo r m
b r o a d c a s t i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s a n d a b r o a d . Vi s i t N e r d
G ir ls .
These engineers work
every day to solve
problems and make the
world a better, cleaner,
safer place. These women
are also actively involved
in their communities,
raising families, and
enjoying all
Turn imagination
into reality with a
future in
engineering! You'll
have the power to
make a difference!
By becoming an
engineer, you can help
solve problems that are
important to society.
You could be
controlling and
preventing pollution,
developing new medicines, creating advanced
technologies, even exploring new worlds. You'll have
money and job security! You'll be working with other
talented people!
You'll have lots of options!
You'll get to do cool
stuff! Engineers will
be involved in making
all the wonders of the
future a reality.
Interested? Visit the
website below for
kinds of sports and hobbies.
Engineer Girl at:
Pleas e vis it our webs ite at
Page 14
November 2010
Pleas e vis it our webs ite at
Page 15
November 2010
WIE Magazine Receives APEX Award 2010. Six nominations were s ubmitted on behalf of WIE for
the 2010 APEX Awards (Awards for Publication Excellence), with more than 3,700 entries total. 100 Grand
Awards were pres ented to honor outs tanding work in 11 major categories . WIE has won one of the Grand
Awards for the NERD Girls Video.
The IEEE WIE-NUCES Chronicles of Lahore, Pakistan newsletter is available.
Enjoy viewing the newsletter at
Powering the Electrical Revolution: Women and Technology.
Meet the exceptional women who overcame social barriers to make
achievements in the fields of math and science and the ordinary women who
made contributions to the telegraph, telephone, industrial manufacturing, and
computing industries.
Engineer Yo ur Life “Dream big. Love what you do.”
Do you want to help give engineering a better image? Do you want to let people know how exciting and rewarding
an engineering career can be? Then change the way you talk about engineering! Take the Engineer’s Pledge. For
more information on the Engineer’s Pledge, please visit Facebook at:!/pages/The-Engineers-Pledge/139865679358530?v=info&ref=ts.
Awards, Scholarships and Competitions
IEEE offers a variety of awards, competitions, contests, scholarships and fellowships.
Many are offered to IEEE student members, such as the Regional Student Paper
Contests and the Student Enterprise Award. You will find contact information for each
award listed when you click on the link. Two Student Branch awards to get you more
involved include the Darrel Chong Student Activity Award and the IEEEXtreme 24
hour Programming Challenge.
2010 Engineers Week
Welcome to the National Engineers Week Foundation Online.
More E-Week News at
Pleas e vis it o ur webs ite at
November 2010
The IEEE and IBM have created a new Web site that combines information on
engineering careers with interactive activities. Intended for pre-university students,
parents, teachers, school counselors, and the general public, lets
visitors explore how to prepare for an engineering career, ask experts engineeringrelated questions, play interactive games, and more. Visit
Through resources provided by the IEEE Education Partners Program (IEEE
EPP), IEEE members can take continuing education, certificate and graduate
degree courses from quality providers at up to a 10% discount. Learn more.
Career and Employment Resources
The IEEE offers a range of opportunities for members and others interested in advancing their careers or finding
employment. If you don't find what you're looking for here at, be sure to visit the IEEE Education
section or IEEE-USA for additional resources to support your professional journey. IS YOUR SALARY ON TARGET?
Check out the IEEE-USA Salary Service ... Click on this link to take the IEEE-USA Salary Survey.
Call for Articles
View Premiere Issue of IEEE Women in
Engineering Magazine
IEEE Women in Engineering Magazine includes topics that show the cross-cutting and interdisciplinary nature
of engineering, containing articles that integrate engineering with current issues facing society such as Careers,
Health Care, Medicine, Law, Governance, as well as international women’s issues. For advertising, visit and scroll down to the WIE Cover.
IEEE memberNet - The IEEE Member Directory Online
IEEE memberNet is an online search and networking tool that allows
members to connect with technical and engineering experts worldwide.
This tool can be utilized by members seeking peers who share a common
technical interest, membership, or affinity. Visit the website at
Pleas e vis it o ur webs ite at
November 2010
2010 Glob al Maratho n
For, By and Ab out Wom en in Eng in eering an d Techn olog y
The 2010 theme was "Launching Tomorrow". For more information on the Global
Marathon, visit
IEEE Exp e rt No w o ffe rs o ve r 70 o n lin e c o n tin u in g e d u c a tio n c o u rs e s
c o ve rin g a va rie ty o f to p ic s o n c u ttin g e d g e tre n d s a n d e m e rg in g
te c h n o lo g ie s in a wid e a rra y o f d is c ip lin e s . Learn more
The J un e 2010 Is s u e of IEEE WIE Mag azin e availab le.
Paulette J anu ary
Ed ito r, p jan uary@drs -d s .com
+1 850 302-3383
DRS Tech nologies , In c.
DRS Training & Contro l Sys tem s
645 An c h o rs S tre e t
Fo rt Wa lto n Be a c h , FL 32548
Ke ya n a N. Te n n a n t, MP A
As s ociate Edito r, keyan a.tenn [email protected] rg
+1 732 981-3423
Wo men in En gin eering
IEEE Edu cation al Activities Dep artm ent
445 Ho e s La n e
P is c a ta wa y, NJ 08854
Dr. Ire n a Ato v
IEEE Wo m e n in En g in e e rin g Co m m itte e Ch a ir
Pleas e vis it o ur webs ite at