SQBS walkthrough
SQBS walkthrough
Statistics Technician Accuracy Test Welcome to STAT, the Statistics Technician Accuracy Test. To complete this walkthrough tutorial, you should have the <scoresheets.pdf> and <rosters.pdf> files included in this packet. About the Test To complete this test, create an SQBS file using the rosters and scoresheets in <rosters.pdf> and <scoresheets.pdf> and send it to Kristin Strey at <[email protected]>. About <walkthrough.pdf> This walkthrough is divided into the following sections: Setting Up a File..................................................................page 2 Entering Games............................................................................6 QuickPrint Stat Reports..............................................................11 Transitioning to Playoff Rounds..............................................15 Combining Files........................................................................19 Enabling Round Report and Submitting Stats.....................21 About <rosters.pdf> The roster sheets contain the rosters for the six fictional teams whose scoresheets you will be entering for this test. The teams and players are the work of fiction; any similarity to any organization or to person living or dead is purely coincidental. With one exception. About <scoresheets.pdf> This file contains fifteen scoresheets, representing the five morning rounds for one six-team pool of a 24team tournament. These scoresheets attempt to represent a cross-section of typical scoresheets you will encounter. Carla, the scorekeeper in room 402, uses symbols instead of numbers in keeping score, and room 404's McKinley uses letters and dashes to represent bonus parts. There will be addition errors, misaligned bonuses and bouncebacks, and other errors that often appear on scoresheets. Before you begin, <download SQBS> page 1 Statistics Technician Accuracy Test Setting Up a File This section will walk you through setting up your tournament file. To begin using SQBS, open the program and select File>New Tournament (or press Ctrl+N) page 2 Statistics Technician Accuracy Test This is where you control what stats your tournament file will track. IHSSBCA matches use powers (15) and gets (10), but not negs, so uncheck the box next to "-5." If your tournament will use different pools in the morning, check "Use Divisions." Leave the other boxes in the "Stat Tracking" section as they are; you want to track toss-ups heard and power and neg stats, but IHSSBCA matches do not use lightning rounds. IHSSBCA bonuses bounce back, so select "Manual with Bouncebacks" under "Bonus Conversion Tracking." page 3 Statistics Technician Accuracy Test If your tournament uses pools in the morning, you will enter the pool names prior to entering the team names. You would then select each team's starting pool from a drop-down menu in the team roster window. For the purpose of this walkthrough, we will simply advance to the tournament roster entry. Refer to the included file <rosters.pdf> to enter as much information as you can about each of the six teams in this walkthrough. You will be able to make minor adjustments or additions to the rosters later. page 4 Statistics Technician Accuracy Test Once you have entered the teams, put them in alphabetical order with Ordering>Sort Teams. This will make it easier to select teams when entering games. Congratulations! You have set up your tournament! Remember to save your progress. Ctrl+S saves your file, and Ctrl+A opens a menu to save your file with a new name. I STRONGLY recommend keeping multiple copies of your file in case of operator or system error later; it is not fun to find you must re-enter a tournament's morning rounds during lunch due to a corrupted file. page 5 Statistics Technician Accuracy Test Entering Games This section will help you read scoresheets and input their data. page 6 Statistics Technician Accuracy Test This is a filled-out copy of the first scoresheet (ID 0) in your <scoresheets.pdf> file. You'll need all fields on a scoresheet to be complete before you enter your data. If necessary, fill in the total number of powers for each player under "15" and the total number of gets for each player under "10." In the QP column, list the number of questions heard by each player; in this case, the statistician had to ask Carla, the scorekeeper for this room, which player had subbed out for Jimmy in order to fill in this total. Now to the bonus totals. We will call the top row of the bonus total grid cells A and B, and the bottom row cells C and D. A (top left): Total the number of 15s and 10s the team got, and put that total here. B (top right): Add up the total points that the team earned on bonuses and enter that total here. Make sure when totaling that no bouncebacks were accidentally written in the bonus row. C (bottom left): First, multiply the OTHER team's bonus total (cell A) by three to get the number of bonus parts the other team earned. Divide the OTHER team's bonus points (cell B) by 10 to get the number of bonus parts the other team answered. Subtract the number of correct bonus parts (cell B/10) from the number of bonus parts available (cell A*3) to get the number of bonus parts that were available to this team. Enter that number in celll C. D (bottom right): Add up the total points that the team earned on bouncebacks and enter that total here. Make sure when totaling that no regular bonuses were accidentally written in the bounceback row. page 7 Statistics Technician Accuracy Test Enter the information from the scoresheet in the game entry window. Under "GP" (Games Played), enter the number of games (up to 1) that the player participated in. You can enter partial games as fractions or as deciimals; a player who was present for 10 questions may have their Games Played entered as ".5" or as "1/2." In "BncBks," enter the number of bonus parts that bounced back to this team (what we called cell C on your scoresheet). Enter the number of bounceback points in the related "Pts" box. Under "Bonuses," enter the number of bonuses earned in the "Heard" box, and the number of points earned in the "Pts" box. Enter the total number of tossups used in the game in "Toss-Ups Heard." This will usually be 20. Enter the round number in "Rnd." "Id" is the scoresheet's identification number. This number must be unique for every game, and will increase by 1 automatically as you enter games. It's a good idea to write the assigned ID number on your paper scoresheet so that you can easily find it if you need to make corrections later. ID numbers are further addressed under "Transitioning to Playoff Rounds" section of this walkthrough. page 8 Statistics Technician Accuracy Test IHSSBCA games allow five players per team per game; by default, SQBS allows only four. To fix this, go to Settings>Warnings and uncheck the box next to "Individual Games Played Exceed Four," as shown in the image to the right. page 9 Statistics Technician Accuracy Test This is the entry for the second game in your <scoresheets.pdf> file. When the statsperson clicked "Next" to enter a new game, SQBS warned that there was an error in Lachamp's stats, as shown to the right. A reinspection of the scoresheet revealed the following: The circled 10 (question 12) is a misplaced bounceback, written on the wrong line. The circled totals (questions 3, 4, and 15) mark corrections to the scorekeeper's addition. page 10 Statistics Technician Accuracy Test QuickPrint Stat Reports When you have entered all of your games, or when you want to print a quick report to post for the teams between rounds, take a look at the "Reports" options. From here, you can generate a full web report (a series of HTML files that can be posted online) or pull up a "Quick Print" stat report for teams (Ctrl+T), individuals (Ctrl+I), or the games that have been played, arranged by round (Ctrl+G). This section will explain the use of these reports and the abbreviations you'll find in them. page 11 Statistics Technician Accuracy Test The QuickPrint Teams page (Ctrl+T) shows a list of team standings, arranged by pool. The abbreviations on this page mean: W L Pct PPG Number of wins Number of losses Winning percentage (wins/total games played) Points Per Game. This is an extremely important statistic; PPG is frequenly used by tournament hosts to compare the skill level of games with similar records who have played each other. PAPG Points Against Per Game, the number of points scored against this team on average Mrg The team's margin of victory, the average difference between this team's points and their opponents' 15 Number of powers 10 Noumber of gets TUH Tossups heard by this team (will usually be a multiple of 20) PPTH Points Per Tossup Heard, the average number of points a team will score on a tossup and bonus cycle P/N Points Per Neg (does not apply to IHSSBCA games) G/N Gets Per Neg (does not apply to IHSSBCA games) BH Bonuses Heard, the number of bonuses this team earned BPts Bonus Points, the total number of points earned on bonuses P/B Points Per Bonus, the average points earned on a bonus by the team. This is an extremely important statistic; PPB is frequently used by tournaments hosts to compare the skill level of teams who did not play each other in the tournament. BBH BounceBacks Heard, the number of bounceback parts this team earned BBPt BouceBack Points, the total number of points earned on bouncebacks P/BB Points per bounceback, the average points earned on a bounceback part by this team page 12 Statistics Technician Accuracy Test The QuickPrint Individuals page (Ctrl+I) shows a list of player standings. The abbreviations on this page mean: GP 15 10 TUH PPTH P/N G/N Pts PPG Games Played by this player (a game here means 20 questions) Number of powers Number of gets TossUps Heard by this player Points Per Tossup Heard, the average number of points a player will score on a given tossup. Powers Per Neg (does not apply to IHSSBCA games) Gets Per Neg (does not apply to IHSSBCA games) Total Points earned by this player Points Per Game, the average points the player will score in a game page 13 Statistics Technician Accuracy Test The QuickPrint Games page (Ctrl+G) shows a list of games played arranged by round (if you have entered the round number of each game). The winner of each game is in the left column, and the loser is in the right. page 14 Statistics Technician Accuracy Test Transitioning to Playoff Rounds If your tournament uses preliminary rounds that seed teams into afternoon playoffs, you will need to create a new stat file for the playoff rounds. To begin, make a copy of your preliminary stat file. Do NOT use your original preliminaries file for any step after this one. The copy will become your playoff file. Making a copy of your morning file ensures that any changes you made to the original rosters during the morning rounds will also be in your playoff file, allowing the two files to combine properly later. page 15 Statistics Technician Accuracy Test Open the "Divisions Entry" window and enter the new pool names for the afternoon. Press "Enter." Scroll through the teams in the "Team Rosters" window and reassign each to its playoff pool. page 16 Statistics Technician Accuracy Test Carryover Games You won't always need to keep track of carryover games (ask your tournament director if you're not sure), but here is an example of when you might need to: A fictional 18-team tournament splits the teams into three sixteam pools for the preliminary rounds. After five games (a round robin in each pool), the teams are rebracketed into three pools of six. The top playoff pool consists of the top two teams from each of the three morning preliminary pools. This means that each team in the pool has already played one other team in the pool. In many formats, that preliminary game will carry over into the playoffs, meaning that the stats from that game will be treated as if the game had been played in the afternoon. This allows the tournament director to avoid forcing the same teams to play over and over again, and ensures that the tournament will finish slightly earlier. Directions: Find the games between the teams in each playoff pool that were already played in the morning and mark them on your tournament schedule (this will help you find the games as you move through the rounds). Keeping your eye on the team names, go through your playoff stat file, deleting all games that do not carry over. BE CAREFUL! You cannot undo deletions! If you accidentally delete a game that you need, you will have to re-enter it. page 17 Statistics Technician Accuracy Test Change the round number on each carryover game to 0. Make a note of the ID number of the last game you entered in the preliminary rounds. Begin manually numbering your playoff games with the next number. When you make a combined stat file later, games with the same ID number can cause problems for the program, so be careful to enter a new ID number for every game in the playoffs. Because entering statistics involves keeping so many numbers in the air at any time, you may find it useful to make a list of each round's ID numbers on your tournament schedule before the afternoon starts as a reminder to you throughout the playoffs. If we were to continue to enter games for the enclosed sample tournament, we would use the following ID numbers in round 6-10: Round 6 Round 7 Round 8 Round 9 Round 10 15-17 18-20 21-23 24-26 27-29 page 18 Statistics Technician Accuracy Test Combining Files Once you have finished entering the playoff games, make a copy of your playoff stat file (Ctrl+A). Save the copy as "[tournament name] complete." If your tournament used carryover games, delete them from this copy. Save your file. In another window, open your morning stat file and save a copy (I like to call it "morning to combine" or something else eye-catching that distinguishes it from the regular morning file). In the new copy of your morning stats, change the names of the pools to match the pools in your playoff stat file, and assign the teams to the playoff pools in which they ended up (as shown below). Both the "morning to combine" file and the "[tournament] complete" file should now have identical team roster windows. Save this file and close this window. page 19 Statistics Technician Accuracy Test With your "complete" file open, select File>Merge Files. This will open a menu for you to choose a file to merge with the file you already have open. Select the "morning to combine" file. The program will automatically merge these files into one complete stat file. Check to make sure it is accurate, and save it. Things that often go wrong with combining files: 1 If more than one game has the same ID number, the file may become corrupted. 2. If a player name in the "morning for combine" stat file is different from one in the playoff "complete" stat file, even by a character, the different names will count as different players. Make sure that, if you change a name in the playoffs, you go back to edit your morning file as well. 3. If carryover games are not deleted from the playoff file prior to merging, games will count double and may cause other issues. To avoid these problems, save multiple copies of every stat file you make. That way, if you find that a file has not merged correctly or has other problems, you can start again with clean data. page 20 Statistics Technician Accuracy Test Enabling Round Report and Submitting Stats Once you have successfully completed entering your tournament, you will likely have the following files: 1. 2. 3. a complete morning stat file, a complete playoff stat file (which may include carryover games from the morning), and a complete tournament stat file, containing one copy of each game from the morning and playoff rounds. In each of these files, go to Settings>Reports to open the Reports menu. Click the box next to "Include Round Reports." This will tell SQBS to recognize the round numbers that you entered for each game, which is extremely useful to teams looking over the stats later. For IHSSBCA tournaments, send your complete stats files to your tournament coordinator immediately. For other tournaments, you can go to Reports>Full Web Report (Ctrl+W) in each file to generate a series of HTML pages for each stat report. You can upload these pages to the online tournament database at <hsquizbowl.org/db>. page 21