the Tournament Brochure
the Tournament Brochure
IIHF WORLD youthHockey Tournament May 1st to 4th, 2008 ia, Canada Halifax, Nova Scot l Teams Internationa Queb ec Cit y, Que b ec, Ca nada International teams Tournament details The IIHF is creating two world class tournaments for Pee Wee AAA and Bantam AAA teams from all around the world. Hockey Canada in partnership with the IIHF and its member federations is hosting for the 1st time, a World Youth Hockey Tournament in both Quebec City and Halifax. Teams will have the option of attending either the Halifax or Quebec City tournament which will take place May 1st-4th 2008. This will not only be a first class event, but it will be in conjunction with the 100th Anniversary of the IIHF, as well as being held during the IIHF World Championship. Hockey Canada is proud to act as the host of the Men's World Championship as well as the inaugural IIHF World Youth Hockey Tournament. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada 40 teams (Only teams registered with their national association will be permitted to participate) Pee Wee AAA Boys (16 teams) (11-12 year old) Pee Wee AAA Girls (4 teams) (11-12 year old) Bantam AAA Boys (16 teams) (13-14 year old) Bantam AAA Girls (4 teams) (13-14 year old) $2000.00 CND Entry fee (Approximately 1 400 EUR) 1 exhibition game prior or after the tournament Minimum of 3 tournament games (60% of the teams will pass to quarter final) Every team (Players and coaches) will receive tickets for two IIHF World Championship games (We guarantee at least 1 game of your local federation) A unique chance to play against teams from all around the world Travel packages are available including on-site transportation, hotels and meals by contacting: Carl Lavigne (514) 672-2072 All teams must be registered under their respective national federation. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada 40 teams (Only teams registered with their national association will be permitted to participate) Pee Wee AAA Boys (16 teams) (11-12 year old) Pee Wee AAA Girls (4 teams) (11-12 year old) Bantam AAA Boys (16 teams) (13-14 year old) Bantam AAA Girls (4 teams) (13-14 year old) $2000.00 CND Entry fee (Approximately 1 400 EUR) 1 exhibition game prior or after the tournament Minimum of 3 tournament games (60% of the teams will pass to quarter final) Every team (Players and coaches) will receive tickets for two IIHF World Championship games (We guarantee at least 1 game of your local federation) A unique chance to play against teams from all around the world Travel packages are available including on-site transportation, hotels and meals by contacting: Carl Lavigne (514) 672-2072 All teams must be registered under their respective national federation. Special hotel rates for tournament participants are available for all participating teams. Special hotel rates for tournament participants are available for all participating teams. *All teams must be registered under their respected International Ice Hockey Federation. In order to secure a spot, please complete the following form. Registrations will be accepted on a first come first served basis. January 15th 2008 is the deadline for registration. *All teams must be registered under their respected International Ice Hockey Federation. In order to secure a spot, please complete the following form. Registrations will be accepted on a first come first served basis. January 15th 2008 is the deadline for registration. IIHF World Youth Hockey Tournament Tournoi Mondial de Hockey mineur de l'IIHF Hockey Canada 40 Bay Street, Suite 400 Toronto, ON M5J 2X2 For service in English : Darryl Boynton , Tel : (416) 815-5486 Emaill: [email protected] Service en français : Sacha Vaillancourt, Tel : (514) 925-2240 Courriel : [email protected] APPLICATION FORM TO BE COMPLETED BY ALL TEAMS (PLEASE TYPEWRITE ALL FIELDS) NAME OF THE TEAM CLASSIFICATION NAME OF THE LEAGUE IN WHICH THIS TEAM PLAYS DURING THE 2007-08 SEASON WEB SITE OF THE LEAGUE WHICH TOURNAMENT LOCATION WOULD YOU LIKE TO ATTEND, HALIFAX OR QUEBEC CITY? ALL PLAYERS RESIDE IN THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPALITIES ALL CORRESPONDENCE WILL HAVE TO BE ADRESSED TO LAST NAME : PHONES FIRST NAME COMPLETE ADRESS BUSINESS POSTAL CODE : : HOME E-MAIL: CELL METHOD OF PAYMENT - $1250 CDN TEAMS, $2000 INTERNATIONAL TEAMS CHEQUE ATTACHED PAYABLE TO HOCKEY CANADA OR CREDIT CARD # WOULD YOU LIKE TO RECEIVE TRAVEL INFORMATION FROM HOCKEY CANADA’S TRAVEL AGENCY : Yes No CC EXPIRY DATE: IMPORTANT - : TO BE COMPLETE BY TEAMS FROM OUTSIDE THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC OR NOVA SCOTIA IMPORTANT - PERMISSION FROM AUTHORIZED ASSOCIATION I THE UNDERSIGNED, AUTHORIZED OFFICER AFFILIATED TO THE GRANT TO THE PEE-WEE/BANTAM HOCKEY TEAM PERMISSION TO PARTICIPATE IN 2008 IIHF WORLD YOUTH HOCKEY TOURNAMENT DATE : ADDRESS SIGNATURE : ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ : SUBMITTING THIS APPLICATION FORM DOES NOT GUARANTEE PARTICIPATION IN THIS EVENT. HOCKEY CANADA WILL CONFIRM ALL TEAM’S PARTICIPATION IN THIS TOURNAMENT. PLEASE EMAIL THIS COMPLETED FORM WITH PAYMENT INFO TO DARRYL BOYNTON OF HOCKEY CANADA - [email protected] HOCKEY CANADA WILL CONTACT EACH TEAM’S MANAGER ON RECEIPT OF THIS APPLICATION FORM TEAMS MUST RETURN THE APPLICATION FORM WITH THE TOURNAMENT FEES AND THE TRAVEL PERMIT IN ORDER TO BE CONSIDERED. ALL GAMES IN QUEBEC WILL BE PLAYED UNDER HOCKEY QUEBEC PLAYING RULES, THE RULES OF HOCKEY NOVA SCOTIA WILL APPLY FOR ALL GAMES PLAYED IN NOVA SCOTIA. THIS FORM MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE TEAM MANAGER. DEADLINE FOR RETURNING THIS FORM IS JANUARY 15, 2008. AS SOON AS YOUR TEAM’S REGISTRATION HAS BEEN CONFIRMED YOUR TEAM WILL BE ABLE TO BEGIN MAKING TRAVEL RESERVATIONS. THE TOURNAMENT SCHEDULE WILL BE FINALIZED AND POSTED ON HOCKEY CANADA’S WEBSITE IN THE MIDDLE OF FEBRUARY, 2008.