July 2015.pub - First United Methodist Church
July 2015.pub - First United Methodist Church
First United Methodist Church 28400 Evergreen St. Flat Rock, MI 48134 - 1281 Phone: 734.782.2565 Fax: 734.782.2566 E-mail:[email protected] www.flatrockumc.net 2015 Deadline for August “Reminder” Is July, 15 . NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO.33 The Reminder First United Methodist Church 28400 Evergreen St. Flat Rock, MI 48134 Phone: 734 .782.2565 www.flatrockumc.net ~ [email protected] Office Hours Monday ~ Friday 9:00 a.m.~3:00 p.m. Sunday Schedule Worship Service -10:00 a.m. Bishop DS Rev. Deborah L. Kiesey Rev. Dr. Charles G.S. Boayue Jr. Pastor Rev. Dana R. Strall Organist /Pianist Peggy Remer Choir Director Earilyn Dexter Youth Leaders Ryan Betway Michelle Betway Patrick Miller Pastor Dana Secretary & Newsletter Editor Kim Ruppel Lay Leader John Borso Treasurer Byron Tyndall Financial Secretaries Mary Krentler Steve Bolander Carol Harman UMW President Connie Scheel UMM President Steve Bolander Ad Council Chair Gary Krentler Trustee Chair Randy Ruppel Do you remember Wanda and Winky? They were the two elephants at the Detroit Zoo who were transferred to Ark 2000 elephant sanctuary in California. They went from a cramped area with cold weather during the winter months to a 45 acre meadow with warm weather more suited to elephants. When they arrived, Wanda embraced her freedom. Let outside for the first time to roam, she clearly enjoyed it, swimming in a pond and lying down in the soft grasses to sleep. Most of the other elephants return to the barn at night, but Wanda stayed outside for days. Pat Derby, the founder of Ark 2000 said, “She’s got everything she needs for survival out there, and I think she knows it. Winky, on the other hand, was wary and timid. She ventured out of the barns a short distance into the grassy area, but didn’t join Wanda to freely romp in her new surroundings. But as the days and weeks have gone by she too has embraced her freedom. Freedom: something we all desire. As we enter July, we celebrate Independence Day, when we gained freedom as a nation from Great Britton. Some embraced freedom immediately, others were wary and timid and weren’t sure what to do. There is often a fear of the unknown and a great responsibility that goes along with freedom. We can use freedom and give freedom so that we all can truly enjoy life. But some abuse it to hurt others. They want freedom to do whatever they like regardless of who they hurt. The internet is a marvelous tool. When used correctly, one can find almost anything: food recipes, maps, weather, games, pictures and answers on various topics. But too many use it to hack into websites to steal not only money but identities, social security numbers and to prey on the elderly. We must use the freedoms we have for good not evil. “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery (to sin).” Galatians 5:1 “You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another humbly in love.” Galatians 5:13 As Christians, we must embrace the freedoms we have. In Christ, we are freed from the power of sin and death. In Him, we are forgiven, and given power to live as God wants us to live. For some, this freedom comes naturally. For others they are timid and don’t know what to do with it. But as they grow in the knowledge and grace of God, they too venture out in the green pastures of God’s love and find peace. In His Service, Rev. Dana Strall Date Worship Leader Acolyte Ushers Lock –Up Madddox Robledo Verna & Byron Randy Ruppel July 5 John P Borso July 12 Randy Ruppel Robin Miller Tyndall Don Hunter July 19 Bryan Weise Braiden Betway Mary & Gary Bill Vack July 28 Sheryl Whitwam Emmalin Whitwam Krentler Steve Bolander July 5 July 12 July 19 In Memory of Arlene Levans July 28 Please notice, there are some dates available on the Flower Chart If you would like to order Altar or Organ flowers, please do so my signing the flower chart on the bulletin board in the hall leading to the Fellowship Hall. July 5 - Available If you are interested in hosting Sunday July 12 - Available Fellowship, please sign –up on sheet July 19 - Available located on the ledge outside the office window. July 28 - Seborowski Family Summer Moments Our Chancel Choir began their summer break on June 21st. So we are asking you to share your talents with us. There is a sign-up sheet on the shelf by the office window for anyone interested in bringing the SPECIALS this summer. Remember it doesn't have to be music. Why Do Scrip? Most fundraising programs sell "stuff" and supporters are expected to buy the "stuff" that they may not really want or need. Scrip supporters only buy the gift cards that they will use--there is no selling of random unwanted, overpriced "stuff"! When you buy Scrip cards, you use them instead of cash, check, debit, or credit card for your daily online or in-store shopping, special gifts, etc.--Use them for buying what you would be buying anyway. With each Scrip card that you purchase the church earns a percent of the cards face value, and it does not cost you anything extra! Examples $100 Amazon.com card (church earns 3%=$3) $10 Bob Evans card (church earns 10%=$1) $100 Speedway card (church earns 4%=$4) $25 Lowe's or Home Depot card (church earns 4%=$1) Questions/Orders Connie Scheel 734-348-0261 June 3, 2015 Royal Family Kids Camp quilt contributors, Thank you so much for your support. The final count is 50 quilts, I did not open them until this last weekend and my count was a little off. On the last weekend in May, we exhibited all the quilts on tables in the Narthex at Holy Spirit Church in Highland, Michigan. My wife spoke for a minute at the end of the Sunday service. She invited the congregation to come and view the quilts, pray for the children receiving the quilts and tie a knot. Several hundred people came to the quilt room. Many came and spent as much time as their heart allowed, some spending 10 minutes or more in the room tying many knots and saying a few prayers over each and every one. Some hearts must have been touched for a few tears were shed. I believe it was a special Holy Spirit moment. Many came forward to tell a story of “when I prayed”… When you complete the quilts for 2016 you may want to have a “church tying send off.” It will bring the camp and the quilt ministry to the forefront of the congregation. Representatives from the Flat Rock United Methodist Church and the Hartland United Methodist Church came. Besides praying over the quilts, they had a “quilt talk session” on how to do things. I hope some of the other churches were able to stop by. Seeing all 50 quilts on display was very impressive. In the next week or so, I will be getting the quilts to the Royal Family Kids Camp coordinators. Once they have a final count on the children I will get back to the churches that offer more if I need them. You are a wonderful group, and so easy to deal with, I hope you will continue to work on quilts for the 2016 camp. If you find you will not be able to, please let me know. Please mention the camp in your “quilting travels”. I have to say that I sent out 10 letters and got 12 churches to respond because churches talked to other churches about the camp. I pray that the work of your hands and the prayers of our hearts will bring special needed graces to each and every child that they are loved by our God and his dear servants… YOU. May God continue to bless your ministry, Dave and Maureen Boyd 4661 Mallards Landing Highland, Michigan 48357 H 248 887 4805 C 248 534 7546 Saturday, July 11th 5:00 –7:00 P.M. ~ Oven Fried Chicken with Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Cole Slaw, Green Beans, Roll, Dessert & Beverage $10.00 Adults, $5 Children 5-10, Children 5 & under are free. ~ London United Methodist Church 11318 Plank Rd. Milan Take Out Available Dear Families of the First United Methodist Church, We appreciate you sponsoring our Pack 568. With much gratitude! Pack 568 Cub Scouts (The card is posted on the Kiosk, it came with $50. ) Thank you to Jeremy & Katelyn for donating the pulled pork, Sally, Barb, Marilyn for bringing in a dish to pass. To Carthy, Linda, and everyone who helped clean up. Marilyn Borso I first want to apologize Dear Church Family, I want to send a Special Thanks to everyone who helped me meet my $350.00 goal for Relay for Life Blessings, Marilyn Borso The 2015 Directories are in! You will be finding them in your church mailbox soon. Just a reminder….there are a couple sign-up sheets on the ledge at the office window. Coffee Fellowship & Summer Moments Please look at your calendar and sign up! Thank you, for your Reminder being late. I promise you it could not be helped. Kim “Now Abide Faith, Hope, Love, These three, But The Greatest Of These Is Love.”(1Corinthians 13:13) I was up at Huroc Park for the Relay for Life walk last month. My wife did the walking, and I stayed by our church tent and helped sell snacks to the walkers. A young woman walked by and she had on a t-shirt that said “Love Is For Losers.” Maybe she thought it was clever or provocative, even funny. Or perhaps she had been hurt by a relationship and pulled away from others rather than risk being hurt again. Either way the Tshirt got me thinking. Is love for losers? The fact is, when we love we take risks. People could very well hurt us, disappoint us, or even leave us. Love can lead to loss. The Bible, though, challenges to higher ground in loving others. In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul describes what it means to live out God’s kind of love. The person who exercises Godly love doesn't do so for personal benefit or gain but rather “Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” (Corinthians 13:7) Why? Because Godly love endures beyond life’s hurts by pulling us relentlessly toward the never diminishing care of the Father. So perhaps love is for losers— for it is in times of loss and disappointment that we need God the most. Even in our struggles we know that “Love never fails.” and God’s love never fails. Fifty more or Less will meet again on September 28th. Watch the bulletin & newsletter for more information. Susie is working on planning more events for this group. You can help it grow, invite a friend or neighbor! John P. Borso Meet Our Zone Captains Opening & Closing ~ Sheryl W. Crafts ~ Katie B. Science ~ Karen V. This group met on Sunday, Michelle B. June 28th and will meet Music ~ Recreation ~ Tom S. Story Time ~ Barb G. Snack Time ~ Marilyn B. Advertising ~ Crystal B. Registration ~ John P. B. again on July 26th. We are looking for G-Force 100 Paper Plates , Small Bowls Our Youth Group is not meeting this month. They will be sharing their time and talents with the children of Flat Rock at 500 Napkins 10 Loaves Bread The G– Force VBS! Group Guides, Adult & Student. Large jar Peanut Butter Lg. Jar Jelly Money Donations always needed. Summer is here! UMW will not meet in July due to holiday, but we will be helping the UMM with the Rockwood Men's Home picnic set for July 12th after worship service (Watch for further info when it gets closer.). There is a Missionu Study opportunity on July 18th in Milan at Marble UMC if anyone is interested in attending. There are scholarships available to help cover the $30 cost ($35 after July 1st ), and we can carpool. It is a " sample day" with info about all three studies related to Latin Am., Disabilities, and Spiritual growth. (A registration and scholarship application packet is on the ledge by the Reading Program materials or you can contact Connie Scheel, 734 -348-0261.) The next monthly meeting will be on Monday, August 3rd at 7:00 P.M. focusing on being good stewards of God's abundant gifts --Learn about Welcoming a Sustainable " Future"and developing environmentally sound practices --watch for further information as it gets closer to August 3rd. Summer is here! UMM will not meet at our home church for breakfast on July 4th. We are hosting our annual picnic at the Rockwood Men’s Home 21511 N. Huron River Drive Rockwood, MI 48173 on July 12th immediately following our worship service. The Prayers & Squares Group Will meet once a month for the summer. If you or a loved one needs a quilt, you may request one by filling out a request form, located on the Prayers & Squares bulletin board and dropping it in the offering plate, putting it the secretary’s mail box, anyway to get it to the office and will be passed on to our wonderful quilters. Dear Church family, It is time for an official spring/ summ er "chur ch cleaning" time. Why?...because we will be reviewed for decluttering in the near future. The library is being de-cluttered, the hall ladder moved; however, the Christmon tree has not yet found a storage place. We, the Trustees are requesting that each committee clean/ organize their own "stuff"....and tag or mark (very important) what you would like to keep. This is to be completed by JULY 7th. The Trustees, will then go through the church and do the final cleaning/ organization...discarding anything not tagged/marked. Thank you for your cooperation....we want to present our church in a positive manner. Fran Hampson Trustee Let's Invite Our Community To A Cookout Roy Griffith 3 Lara Dupras 6 Sandy Strall 6 Jerry Ward 7 Michelle Betway 9 Janice Cameron 14 Loretta Kraus 14 Maddox Robledo 14 Marilyn Hagood 16 Austin Pollard 19 Julia service 20 Victoria Jastrabek 22 Timothy Suemnick 24 Elenore Nieman 25 Warren Matthews 26 Brian Winsjansen 26 Jordan Pollard 28 Marilyn Borso 29 Wayne Phelps 30 We need every one to invite their neighbors, friends, and others to a cookout starting at 6:30 pm on July 31st. The Praise Band will be playing, we will have games for all ages (6:30 to 8:30), and welcoming fellowship with all those attending. From 6:30 to 7:30 we will serve hot dogs and hamburgers from the grill. Meat will be provided by the Evangelism Committee. Chips, popcorn, lemonade, fruit punch and cookies will round out the food offerings. Our goal is to celebrate a great Vacation Bible School week, greet parents who cannot attend the VBS closing at noon, and help our community to know First United Methodist Church as open and welcoming. We should be our community's church. Helping them know us as loving, caring and serving people is a great start. The evening will end about 8:45 with a vesper service conducted by our Boy Scout Troop. We need all of you to spread the work, be there to help, celebrate our discipleship with all those around us. Please plan to attend and become active in our spreading God's love to all. Tom Seborowski 30 Your Evangelism Committee Mel & Kathleen Brillowsky 14 Larry & Diana Edmondson 19 John Roger & Krista Borso 22 Dave & Pat Nichols 24