Table of Contents Officers and Dates/Locations of Next Year`s
Table of Contents Officers and Dates/Locations of Next Year`s
Table of Contents Statements of Faith Church Covenant Constitution Bylaws Rules of Decorum Standing Rules Resolutions Association Past Meetings, Dates, Locations 3 5 6 8 11 12 15 16 Officers and Dates/Locations of Next Year’s Meetings Officers of Association Officers of Ladies Aid Conference Officers of Presbytery Officers of Sunday School Convention Officers of Women’s Ministries Convention Committees and Boards (alphabetical order) Campground Information 17 18 18 19 19 20 23 Church Directory Information 25 Church Yearly Reports 36 38 Statistical Report 2013 Financial Report 2013 Ministers and Deacons Ordained Ministers (alphabetical order) Licensed Ministers (alphabetical order) Ordained Deacons (alphabetical order by church) 40 45 46 Proceedings of Association 50 Reports (alphabetical order) Association Treasurer Report Audit Committee Budget and Finance Campground Facilitator Children's Camp Board Christian Training Institute Council of Associations Credentials Committee Executive Committee Field Worker Report Home Mission Board Report 2. Mission Statement -1- 58 60 61 62 63 64 65 67 68 70 71 75 63 Children's Camp Board 64 Christian Training Institute 65 Council of Associations 67 Credentials Committee 68 Executive Committee 70 Field Worker Report 71 Home Mission Board Report 75 2. Mission Statement 77 3. New Church Planters Agreement 79 4. Financial Report 82 Ladies Aid Conference 85 Minister’s Retirement & Treasurer’s Report 88 2. Study Guidelines 89 Nominating Committee for C of A 90 Oakland City University 94 Obituary 95 Property Planning Committee 98 Resolution Committee 99 State of Association 100 Sunday School Convention 103 2. Resolutions 103 3. Bylaws 105 4. Delegates, Superintendants & Secretaries 112 of past conven 5. Dates and locations of past conventions 5. Dates and locations 113 6. Statistical & Financial Reports 114 Trustee 114 2. Financial Report 116 Women’s Ministries Convention 120 2. Resolutions 123 3. Past Dates and Locations Portland Association Presbytery 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Proceedings Resolutions Constitutions Bylaws Questions for Licensed or Ordained Procedure for Disciplinary Action Dues Paid -2- 124 130 134 136 138 141 142 Statements of Faith I. GOD We believe there is only one true. living, and eternal God and that the Godhead is revealed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit II. THE BIBLE We believe that the Holy Scriptures are the Old and New Testaments; the inspired and infallible Word God and therein is found the only reliable guide of Christian faith and conduct. III. MAN We believe that God created man in His own image to bring Him honor through obedience, and that when man disobeyed; he became a fallen and sinful creature, unable to save himself. We believe that infants are in the covenant of God’s grace and that all persons become accountable to God when they reach a state moral responsibility. IV. SALVATION We believe that salvation (regeneration, sanctification, justification, and redemption) has been provided for all mankind through the redemptive work (life, death, resurrection, ascension and intercession of Jesus Christ, and that this salvation can be received only through repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. V. ASSURANCE AND ENDURANCE We believe that those who abide in Christ have the assurance of salvation. However, we believe that the Christian retains his freedom of choice; therefore, it is possible for him to turn away from God and be finally lost. VI. CHRISTIAN DUTIES We believe that Christians should live faithfully by serving and through the local church, praying diligently, witnessing earnestly, practicing tolerance, showing loving kindness, giving as God prospers, and conducting themselves in such a way as to bring glory to God. VII. THE CHURCH We believe that the Church Universal is the Body of Christ, the fellowship of all believers, and that its members have been called out from the world to come under the dominion and authority of Christ, its Head. We believe that a local church is a fellowship of Christians, a part of the Body of Christ, voluntarily banded together for worship, nurture and service. VIII. ORDINANCES We believe that baptism and the I,ord’s Supper are ordinances instituted by Christ to be observed by Christians only. We also believe that the biblical mode of Baptism is immersion and that participation in the Lord’s Supper should be open to all Christians. (Note: Several associations and local churches recognize feet washing as an ordinance. We believe that this should be left to the individual and that neither the practice nor the non-practice of it should be any bar to fellowship, either in the church, the local association, the Presbytery, or the General Association. -3- IX. THE LORD’S DAY We believe in the sanctity of the Lord’s Day, the first day of the week, and that this day ought to be observed by worshipping God, witnessing for Christ and ministering to the needs of humanity. We believe that secular work on Sunday should be limited to cases of necessity or mercy. X. LAST THINGS We believe in the personal return of Jesus Christ, and in the bodily resurrection of the dead. We believe that God will judge all mankind by Jesus Christ; that He will reward the righteous with eternal life in heaven and that He will banish the unrighteous to everlasting punishment in hell. -4- Church Covenant Having given ourselves to God, we now give ourselves to His Church and covenant with it and with each other, as also with God. 1. That we will forsake all unrighteousness, even the appearance of evil. We will abstain from all questionable pursuits and pleasures; we will forego all hurtful habits; we will avoid all evil associations. 2. That we will follow earnestly after righteousness and true holiness in the fear and love of God. We will seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, trusting that all needful and helpful things will be added to us; we will seek entire consecration to God; we will live a life of prayer; we will seek the constant abiding of the Divine Life within us; and we will be satisfied only when we have evidence that we please God and are accepted of Him. 3. That we will faithfully improve all the means of grace. We will attend and support the services of the church, the preaching, the social services, the business meetings; we will contribute freely of our means for the advancement of the gospel; and we will cooperate with our brethren in every enterprise having for its end the glory of God and the salvation of men. 4. That we will be Christ like in all our deportment. We will be tender and affectionate toward each other; we will be careful of each other’s reputation, thinking no evil, and backbiting not with our tongues; we will return good for evil; we will be just and honest, truthful, and honorable in all our dealings; we will do unto others as we would be done by; we will be meek, loving and forgiving as we desire and hope to be forgiven. 5. That we will be faithful Christian workers. We will do whatever Christian work comes to hand, shunning no cross, shirking no duty; we will even seek opportunities to do good, glorify God, and save souls; we will study to win our associates, our neighbors, our families, all whom we may influence, to become Christians; we will count it more than our meat and our drink, more than all things else, to do the will of our Father in heaven, to lead souls from sin and death and lead them to God and heaven. 6. That when we remove from this place, we will, as soon as possible, unite with another church where we can continue to live by the spirit of this covenant and the principles of the Bible. -5- Constitution of the Association 1. This association shall be called the Portland Association of General Baptists using as its bylaws the Rules of Decorum set forth by the General Association of General Baptists and these rules shall be read at the opening of each annual meeting. 2. This association, when properly organized, shall have a moderator and clerk, who shall be chosen by the suffrage of the members present. The duty of the moderator shall be to keep the association in order, state questions fairly, and take their minds thereon; to have the liberty of speech as other members, provided his seat is filled; to have no vote unless the association be equally divided, in which case he shall have the deciding vote. The duty of the clerk shall be to keep a fair record of all proceedings of the association. 3. The association shall be composed of such ministers, deacons and messengers as shall be chosen by the different churches composing this association, thought most fit for that purpose and sent with letters testifying to their appointment to represent them in the association, who shall be entitled to seats. 4. In the letter received from the Portland Association churches shall be expressed their respective number of members in fellowship and number received, dismissed, excluded, or died during the calendar year (January 1 through December 31) preceeding the meeting of the association. 5. No query shall be received by this association from any church, unless it has been acted on in said church and cannot be settled, in which case, the association shall take up the same and act upon it. 6. Each church, however small, is entitled to two representatives, of fifty members, three; and for each additional fifty members or fraction thereof, one representative. All ordained ministers and deacons are delegates by virtue of their office. 7. Every motion made and seconded shall be acted upon unless withdrawn by the mover. 8. The Association shall not have the power to lord it over God’s heritage, so as to infringe on any of the internal rights of the churches; nevertheless, we agree that the churches composing this association shall stand in the same relation to each other in the association that individuals do to each other in the churches, that is to say, if a church trespass against a sister church, the church injured shall try to reclaim them by gospel steps; if they cannot be reclaimed, they shall be dropped from the union. 9. We agree to do all business by a majority vote of the members present. 10. Any church may be admitted into this association by letter and delegate. If upon proper examination it is found to be orthodox and orderly, such admission shall be manifested by the moderator giving the right hand of fellowship to the delegates thereof. 11. The association shall have power to sit as an advisory council to give to churches all necessary advice in matters of difficulty, to inquire into the cause why churches neglect to represent themselves in the association; to appoint any member or members, by and with his or their consent, to transact any -6- business they may deem necessary, to invite any brethren in the ministry to a seat with the association; to adjourn the association to any time and place that may be thought necessary; to exclude from his seat any member who shall not conform to the Rules of Decorum and shall report his or their conduct to the church from which he or they were delegates. 12. When by experience, any alteration or amendment may be found necessary in this constitution, it shall be recommended especially to the churches by the association, and if approved by three-fourths of the churches said alteration or amendment shall become a part of this constitution. -7- Bylaws of the Association 1. Anyone or corporation, etc., desiring to give funds or property to this association, the board of trustees are to receive such gifts and hold them for said association until such time the association may call for them to be used in keeping with the donor as far as possible. 2. The incoming moderator must be a member of the association for one year before he can serve. 3. Each church appoint a chairman of its delegates whose duty it shall be to register said delegates of their church on arriving at the association. Each year this association shall elect an associational registrar whose duty shall be to register the delegates and visitors at the next associational setting. 4. The appointment of committees be distributed among all the churches as far as possible for good unity. 5. Be it resolved that all organizations that report in the minutes send their reports to the associational clerk 2 months before the sitting of the association. 6. Twenty delegates shall constitute a quorum provided not less than six (6) churches or twenty-five percent (25%) are represented, but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time. 7. This association shall appoint such committees, as it deems necessary with the moderator stating the duties of each committee appointed. 8. That these bylaws “shall not” be changed without two-thirds (2/3) majority of the voting delegates. 9. All board members be elected for a three-year term including trustees and the reinstating of board members for three years. 10. The vice moderator shall be elected, following the election of the moderator, at each annual session. The vice moderator shall assist and serve with the moderator throughout his term of office. The vice moderator shall become moderator at the end of the moderator’s term or his resignation. 11. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Moderator, Vice Moderator, and Presbytery Moderator, and such members at large as the association deems necessary. The authority of the Executive Committee shall be limited to matters concerning the protection of property, doctrine and any other items assigned or authorized by the association to be carried out between the settings of the association. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to make temporary appointments to fill vacancies on a board or committee until the next session of the association. The Executive Committee or such committee as the association appoints shall be responsible as a trial committee in cases of church disputes. The Scripture teaches us to refrain from going to civil courts and to form councils to settle disputes and establish justice among -8- brethren. (See Acts 15:1-32, Galatians 2:1ff, Corinthians 6:1ff). (A) Investigation: When a church or congregation is engaged in doctrinal, and/or property disputes, the Executive Committee shall upon invitations from member(s) of said church, assemble themselves upon the premises of their local church for the purpose of inquiry, examination, or questioning that peace may be established in an orderly and godly manner. The Executive Committee shall also be empowered to investigate said disputes at its own discretion when information becomes common knowledge. The purpose of this shall be only for investigation only to determine if there are sufficient grounds for further action or the possible filing of charges. (B) Charges: (1) Charges must be filed with the Executive Committee in writing and signed by member (s) of the church together with evidence to support the charges. (2) Charges must be examined by the Executive Committee to determine if they are legitimate (pertaining to matters of doctrine, policy, ethics or morality). Personal grievances disguised as charges are not legitimate. (3) Charges involving the minister should be turned over to the Presbytery. (4) If the Executive Committee determines that the charges are legitimate, the accused is to have a fair and impartial hearing (5) After the Executive Committee has met to investigate a church because of factional disputes or doctrinal and disciplinary infractions and given its decision and recommendations, the church group within the church has the right to appeal to the annual association to determine whether or not the investigation was carried out according to the polity and doctrine of Portland Association of General Baptists. Otherwise the decision of the Executive Committee is final. (6) Member or members of a church who are called upon to assemble themselves for the purpose of aforesaid investigation have a moral responsibility to be cooperative. (C) In cases whereby a church splits, the Executive Committee is assigned the responsibility of determining and identifying the group that is the true, original church, loyal to the polity and doctrine of the Portland Association of General Baptists and General Baptists and the intent and purposes of the organization of the church. In such cases, the group determined to be the true church is entitled to all rights, privileges, real property, assets and records of the church. 12. The Portland Association Presbytery and Association take an open firm stand against homosexuality being accepted in our churches, due to the fact that it is an abomination before God and a disgrace to His Church. The Portland Presbytery will not, for any reason, ordain any man to the office of minister or deacon that is a -9- known homosexual. A minister shall not perform a same sex marriage. Ministers or deacons will not allow same sex marriages to occur within the church that they serve. Pastors, deacons, and churches shall not extend church membership to or allow the ordinances of the church to be administered to a known homosexual. We recommend to each church that if any present member of any church, openly admits to being a homosexual, that member should be dealt with immediately by the church and if reconciliation cannot be made, as instructed by scripture, that the member should be dealt with as an excluded member. Any minister or deacon that knowingly violates this resolution shall have his credentials of standing immediately revoked by this body. -10- Rules of Decorum 1. The association, when convened, shall be opened and closed with singing and prayer. 2. Only one person shall speak at a time, who shall rise to his feet and address the moderator. 3. The person speaking shall adhere to the question and shall in nowise cast personal reflections on any person who may have spoken before him. 4. No person shall speak more than three times on the same subject without leave of the moderator. 5. No query shall be received by this association from any church unless it has been acted on in said church and cannot be settled, in which case, the association shall take up the same and act upon it. 6. No member shall laugh or whisper in time of public speech. 7. The names of the members of this association shall be enrolled and called over as often as the association may think necessary. 8. If any member, in speaking or otherwise, transgress the rules, the moderator shall, or any member may, call order; in which case the member called to order, shall sit down, unless permitted to explain and the association if appealed to decide the case. If there be no appeal, the decision of the moderator shall be submitted to. If the decision of the moderator be in favor of the member called to order, he shall be at liberty to proceed; if otherwise and the case requires it, he shall be dealt with according to the judgment of the association. 9. In the election of officers for the association, a majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to a choice. After the first ballot, the hindmost name shall be dropped and so continued until a choice is made. In fixing a place for the annual meeting, it shall be in order for any person to propose a place; and when all are proposed, a choice shall be made as in the election of officers. It shall be the duty of all members to vote in all elections and upon all questions that may arise. -11- Standing Rules of the Portland Association Rule #1 The church clerks be instructed to complete their church letters fully, including the names of their deceased members, complete addresses, zip codes, phone numbers and that the church letter be read and approved by the church before it is sent to the association. The clerk of the association includes a notation with the church letter encouraging each church to make a contribution to the association, preferably a percentage of the church’s income. The association clerk has the liberty to correct any mistakes that he/she finds in the church letters before they are printed. The names, addresses and phone numbers of the assistant treasurer and the assistant clerk of the association are placed in the minutes each year. If any church fails to send in its annual report to the Portland Association, they will be contacted by the credentials committee. Rule # 2 Statement of Commitment Service in the Portland Association is an important responsibility. Therefore: It is the responsibility of those serving on boards and committees of the association to be qualified and committed to the position for which they are elected to serve. Rules of Membership 1. Board and Committee nominations for members to serve on their respective board or committee shall be given at the conclusion of their report to the setting of the association. Prospective members should be contacted previous to their nomination or appointment concerning their ability and willingness to serve and should be present at the meeting of the association to be elected. 2. While committees and boards may present nominations for members to the annual setting of the association for approval, it is the privilege of any delegate to the association to nominate members to serve on a board or committee providing the nominee has been contacted prior to the meeting and has agreed to serve on the specific board or committee to which their name is placed in nomination. 3. Boards and committees shall attempt to have a membership representative of as many churches in the association as is possible. 4. All board and committee members shall serve three year rotating terms with at least one member going off the board or committee each year. No member shall serve more than two consecutive terms on a board or committee, but may be elected to serve again after an absence of at least one year. 5. No individual shall serve on more than two boards or committees, unless serving by virtue of office or as a representative from another board or committee. 6. Each board and committee shall give a report to the annual meeting of the association. This report shall include the number of meetings held and, if applicable, a financial report and the treasurer's name, address and phone number for printing in the annual report of the association. -12- 7. If an emergency should arise, a board or committee has the authority to substitute members if needed to serve until the next meeting of the annual association. 8. No ex-officio member of a board or committee shall have voting privileges on the board or committee in which they serve in that capacity. 9. No person can serve on a board or committee for which their position in the association requires them to report to that board or committee. 10. Anyone who receives funds from a board or committee is ineligible to serve as a voting member on that board or committee. 11. All boards and committees are to have at least one meeting annually and that meeting should be at least sixty days prior to the association's annual meeting. Specific Board or Committee Rules 1. The Resolutions, Audit, Credentials, Nominating and Budget and Finance Committees are standing committees of the association, and all rules of membership apply to these committees. The members of these committees are appointed by the moderator. They serve three year terms, with one new member being appointed to the committees annually. The member of longevity shall serve as the chairman of the committee unless the committee by vote selects another chairman. a. The Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer of the Association shall serve as exofficio members of the Budget and Finance committee. b. The Budget and Finance Committee shall meet prior to the annual setting of the association to review association funds. c. Any board or committee wishing to receive funds from the associational treasury are to present a copy of their financial statement, along with a statement of intended use of allocated associational monies and the request for funding to the Budget and Finance Committee at least ten days prior to the meeting date of the annual association. 3. The Nominating Committee, made up of former members of the Council of Associations of the General Association, functions to seek out nominees to serve on the C of A either as a delegate or alternate delegate to that body. Members of this committee serve under the same rules of membership as all other committees. 4. The Property Planning Committee shall be made up of one member from each of the following boards or committees, Trustee Board, Children's Camp Board, Executive Committee and three at large members who serve three year rotating terms with one going off the committee each year. Members of this committee shall adhere to the rules of membership. The Camp facilitator and the associational clerk/treasurer shall serve as ex-officio members of the Property Planning Committee. Rule #3 The members of the Portland Association of General Baptists feel the name “General Baptist” is synonymous with particular points of doctrine that are necessary to salvation and the Christian life and further believe that the loss of the identity of eliminating the name “General Baptist” from our identification -13- would be of no advantage, but rather detrimental. Rule #4 Any church wishing to join the Portland Association make a request in writing to the clerk at least thirty (30) days prior to the seating of the association and then meet with the Credentials committee for examination. If the credentials committee approves the request and the association votes for approval, the applying church will be placed under the watch-care of the Portland Association for one year (with the exception of a sponsored mission churches under the care of the Portland Home Mission Board). Prior to being granted full pledge membership, the church must present its constitution, bylaws, or governing rules of the church to the credentials committee for examination. Following the one-year watch-care, the credentials committee will then make the recommendation to the association for the granting or denial of full pledge membership. Rule #5 The Association’s regular meeting to be Friday and Saturday of the fourth weekend in June, with the organizational reporting due 2 months before the sitting of the Association. Rule #6 To be the representative for a committee on another board or committee, the represented committee or board is to appoint the member. Rule #7 The C of A members be reimbursed for their Hotel Room and also fuel expenses and that the members carpool when at all possible to help on fuel costs. Rule #8 To help the Trustee Board offset the costs of usage at the campgrounds, any Portland Association Church using the campgrounds give a set donation to the Trustee Board as follows:Single Day Usage $50.00 per day, overnight usage $100.00 per night and any Non-Association Church, Single day usage $75.00 per day and overnight usage $150.00 per night. However, when the requested donation will create a hardship on a Portland Association Church financially, this donation may be waived by the Trustee Board. Rule #9 We highly recommend that any individual or family using the grounds give a donation to the Trustee Board. Rule #10 Be it the annual responsibility of the Associational Clerk to secure someone to do the video recording of the Associational Meetings, using the Host Church if possible. -14- Resolutions of the Portland Association 1. Be it resolved that this body express its gratitude to the Host Church by a rising vote of thanks for its hospitality and good food and to the presiding officers and delegates for their cooperation. Also, that the clerk express by letter our appreciation to the host church for hosting our annual sitting. 2. Be it resolved that each church send its young people to the associational youth camp each year as a part of its support and ministry to its youth. Also, if at all possible, each church pays the cost of camp for its ‘youth. 3. Be it resolved that each church be urged to correspond with the association both by letter and delegation. Each church is also encouraged to cooperate in the communication efforts of the field worker, the council of associations and other committees on an as-needed basis. The Portland Association will continue to correspond by letter and fraternal delegates with the Long Creek and Mt. Union Associations and any other association that may solicit the same. 4. Be it resolved that due to the annual administrative costs of the Portland Association being approximately $200.00 per year per church and also membership dues of .75 cents per member; we ask that each church recommit to supporting the Associational Budget in an amount to at least offset these costs. -15- Association Past Meetings, Dates & Locations 1922 Salmons 1923 Hollis Ch. 1924 Fairview 1925 Halltown 1926 Buntin Ch. 1927 Shiloh 1928 Martha’s C 1929 Mitchellville 1930 Leath C. 1931 State Line 1932 Mt. Pleasant 1933 Fairview 1934 Byram’s Ch. 1935 Cool Sp. 1936 With Mt. Un 1937 Halltown 1938 Buntin Chap 1939 Mitchellville 1940 Shiloh 1941 Hollis Chap 1942 Mt. Pleasant 1943 Byram’s Ch 1944 Buntin Cha 1945 Salmons 1946 Halltown 1947 Macedonia 1948 Mt. Moriah 1949 Fairview 1950 Union Chap 1951 Mt. Pleasant 1952 B. Green 1st 1953 State Line 1954 Mitchellville 1955 Brownsville 1956 Halltown 1957 Byram’s Ch 1958 Portland 1959 Hollis Chap 1960 Shiloh 1961 Salmons 1962 Macedonia 1963 Martha’s Ch 1964 Union Chap 1965 B. Green 1st 1966 Madison Av 1967 Madison,TN 1968 Fairview 1969 Mt. Pleasant 1970 Mitchellville 1971 Halltown 1972 Salmons 1973 Brownsville 1974 Gallatin 1st 1975 Hollis Chap 1976 Portland 1977 Macedonia 1978 Union Chap 1979 Mt. Pleasant 1980 B. Green 1st 1981 Halltown 1982 Salmons 1983 Centerpoint 1984 Shiloh 1985 Asso. Camp 1986 Fairview 1987 Mitchellville 1988 Madison Av 1989 Gallatin 1st 1990 Portland 1991 United 1992 Salmons 1993 Macedonia 1994 Union Chap 1995 Mt. Pleasant 1996 Halltown 1997 Hollis Chap 1998 Portland 1999 Salmons 2000 Mt. Pleasant 2001 Beech Grove 2002 Cornerstone 2003 Salmons 2004 Halltown 2005 White House 2006 Macedonia 2007 Hollis Chap 2008 Salmons 2009 Cornerstone -16- 2010 Mitchellville 2011 Halltown 2012 Mt. Pleasant 2013 White House 2014 Providence Association Officer Information Portland Association of General Baptists 120 Dink Rut Road P.O. Box 158 Portland, TN 37148 (615) 323-9160 office [email protected] 2014 Moderator: Ken Miller, 900 Kenton St., Bowling Green, KY 42101 (270) 842-1143, [email protected] 2015 Moderator: Bryan Borth, 897 Pleasant Grove Church Road, Scottsville, KY 42164, (270) 622-6525, [email protected] 2015 Vice Moderator: Danny Everette, 260 Portland Lake Road, Portland, TN 37148, (615) 456-2079, [email protected] Clerk/Treasurer: Patricia Creasy, P.O. Box 158, Portland, TN 37148, (615) 308-6688 cell Office (615) 323-9160, [email protected] Assistant Clerk/Treasurer: Andy Mathias, 609 Hwy 259, Portland, TN 37148 (615) 478-1973, [email protected] Registrar: Norma Faye Gregory, 836 Clearview Rd., Cottontown, TN 37048 (615) 325-1525, [email protected] Field Worker: Clayton Hall, 3420 Hwy 259, Portland, TN 37148 (615) 888-2239, [email protected] Next year’s setting information: Date: June 26-28, 2015 Times: Friday Night 7:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. Sunday Ordination: 2:30 p.m. Location: Mitchellville G.B. Church 601 Hwy259 Portland, TN 37148 Host Pastor: Andy Mathias (615) 478-1973 [email protected] -17- Ladies Aid Conference Officers President: Kathy White - Hollis Chapel - 130 White Lane Portland TN. 37148, Secretary: Cindy Briley - Mt. Pleasant - 566 New Deal Potts Rd. Cottontown, TN 37048, Treasurer: Amy Rogers – Halltown, 107 New Deals Potts Road, Cottontown, TN 37048, (615) 325-4803 Next Year’s Location: Hollis Chapel G.B.Church 1344 Brandy Hollow Road Portland, TN 37148 May 2-2015 9:00 a.m Presbytery Officers Moderator: Tim Williams, 295 Nubia Rd.Westmoreland, TN 37186, (615) 888-2916 Vice Moderator: Victor Creasy, 142 Ragland Road, Cottontown, TN 37048, (615) 308-5917, [email protected] Clerk/Treasurer: Steve Moore, 491 Clark St., Woodburn, KY 42170, (270) 529-5751, [email protected] Vice Clerk/Treasurer: Mike Brady, 365 Brizendine Rd., Franklin, KY 42134, (615) 478-4453, [email protected] Next Year’s Location: CenterPoint G.B. Church 1002 CenterPoint Road Hendersonville, TN 37075 Friday, June 19, 2015-7:00 p.m. Saturday, June 20, 2015- 9:30 a.m. -18- Sunday School Convention Officers President: David Webster, 2575 Salmon-Blackjack Rd., Franklin, KY 42134 (270) 586-8326 Vice President: Kenny Greer, 757 N. Russell St. Portland, TN. 37148 (615) 325-6108 Secretary/Treasurer: Rebecca Poag, 105 McDowell St., Portland, TN 37148 (615) 325-6147 Assistant Secretary/Treasurer: Nelda Towe, (270) 586-6460 Next year’s Location: Cornerstone G.B. Church 1415 E Broadway Gallatin, TN 37066 April 11, 2015 9:00 a.m. Women’s Ministries Convention Officers President – Faye Poole, 324 Jim Courtney Rd, Portland, TN 37148, (615) 325-4569, [email protected], Mitchellville President President Elect – Beth Pippin, 295 Brandy Hollow Road, Portland, TN 37148, (615) 969-1907, [email protected] Hollis Chapel Sec/Treasurer – Kristi Irish, 2914 Hwy 109 N, Portland, TN 37148,(615) 325-0932, [email protected] , Union Chapel Asst. Sec/Treasurer – Ashley Berry, 113 Kayla Circle, Portland, TN 37148, (615) 473-8984, [email protected] , Mitchellville Portland Home Mission Board representative –Carol Davis, Hollis Chapel Next year’s location: Mitchellville G.B. Church 601 Hwy 259 Portland, TN 37148 April 25, 2015 9:00 am Video Information: For a copy of the Association DVD, please contact Patricia Creasy, clerk at the office (615) 323-9160 Note of interest: All history items are now kept at the Association office located at 120 Dink Rut Road, Portland, TN 37148. To see items or submit items for keeping, please contact clerk, Patricia Creasy (615) 323-9160 -19- Committees and Boards Note: All committees and board positions run from Association setting in June until the following years setting in June. Treasurers of each committee is high-lighted, please send all donations for each committee to the appointed treasurer. Audit Committee Glenn Jenkins (270) 796-6668 Gerald McCormick (615) 859-7985 Lowell Renick (270) 678-4462 2015 2016 2017 Budget and Finance Committee Patricia Creasy (615) 308-6688 ex-officio (treasurer) Andy Mathias (615) 478-1973 ex-officio (asst. treasurer) Linda Pearson (615) 325-2630 2015 Tim Williams (615) 888-2916 2016 Steve Sinclair (270) 782-7562 2017 Children's Camp Board Brent Long (615) 406-2810 Sheila Kelly (615) 452-7772, treasurer 631 Hillcrest, Gallatin, TN 37066 B.J. Barnes (615) 767-2580 David Weatherford (615) 209-8447 Ryan Whiticker (615) 766-4125 Kathy Jo Russell Council of Associations Chris Roberts (615) 451-3037 Andy Mathias (615) 478-1973 Betty Jo Kepley (615) 364-5667 Linda Jenkins (270) 796-6668 Larry Treadway (615) 672-9661 Robert Gilman (615) 969-7544 Alternates: Mike Brady (615) 478-4453 Kathy Trotter (615) 812-6897 Credentials Committee Danny Brown (615) 339-0032 Mike Brady (615) 478-4453 Don Key (615) 644-1282 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017 -20- Executive Committee Moderator: Bryan Borth (270) 622-6525 Vice Moderator: Danny Everette (615) 456-2079 Presbytery Moderator: Tim Williams (615) 888-2916 Larry Hinton (at large) (615) 325-7258 Troy Costellow (at large) (270) 725-7386 David Youngblood (at large) (270) 542-7993 Lowell Renick (at large) (270) 678-4462 Home Mission Board Carol Davis (WMS Rep.) Larry Treadway (615) 672-9661, President Kenny Greer (615) 325-6108 Larry Hinton, (VP) (615) 325-7258 Alan Motley (270) 784-0330 Jimmy Daughtry (615) 325-9353 Juan Tenorio (615) 397-2973 Steve Sinclair (270) 782-7563 Phyllis Lame (615) 325-9732 Minister's Retirement Board Robert Gilman (615) 325-0361 President Steve Moore (270) 529-5751 Danny Brown (615) 339-0032 Andy Mathias (615) 478-1973, treasurer P.O. Box 158, Portland, TN 37148 Chris Roberts (615) 451-3037 Jimmy Daughtry (615) 325-9353 Joe Pearson (615) 325-2360 Tim Williams (615) 888-2916 Patricia Creasy (615) 308-6688 ex-officio 2015 2016 2015 2015 2016 2017 2017 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 Nominating Committee Steve Moore (270) 529-5751 Mike Trotter (615) 812-6897 Clayton Hall (615) 888-2239 2015 2016 2017 Property Planning Committee Tracey Hinton (615) 654-2622 Brent Long (615) 406-2810 (Children’s Camp Board) Bryan Borth (270) 622-6525 (Executive Board) Ray Dean Eidson (615) 325-2975 (Trustee Board) Charles Pitt, Jr. (615) 325-3896 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 -21- Randy Hodges (615) 476-3208 2017 Randy Baker (615) 323-0424 (camp facilitator) ex-officio Patricia Creasy (615) 202-5986 (clerk) ex-officio Resolution Committee John Wesley Kirby (270) 622-1536 David Hobdy (615) 325-4391 Chris Towe (256) 702-3305 2015 2016 2017 Trustees Randy Givens (615) 325-0305 2015 Kenny Greer (615) 325-6108 2015 Ray Dean Eidson (615) 325-2975 2016 Tim Brown (615) 587-5011, Treasurer 2016 P.O. Box 158, Portland, TN 37148 Jake Suttle (615) 337-9455 2017 Randy Baker (615) 202-5986 ex-officio (Camp Facilitator) -22- Campground Information and Guidelines Physical Address Portland Association Campground/Camp Forshee 6206 Stringer Road Portland, TN 37148 Campground Facilitator Randy Baker (615) 202-5986 Campground Activities Coordinator/Reservations Patricia Creasy P.O. Box 158 Portland, TN 37148 (615) 323-9160 office (615) 308-6688 cell [email protected] Campground Rental Guidelines Portland Association Churches or Individuals 1. The Portland Association Children’s Camp Board has first choice of camp reservations. This board is to plan their yearly Calendar and must make their reservations by January 31st of each year to allow for our Association Churches to plan their camps. 2. Any Portland Association Church using the campgrounds, give a set donation to the Trustee Board as follows: Single Day Usage $50.00, Overnight Usage $100.00 per night. However when the requested donation will create a hardship on a Portland Association Church financially, this donation may be waived by the Trustee Board. 3. We highly recommend that any member of the Portland Association who individually or as a family uses the grounds, give a donation to the Trustee Board. 4. Any Portland Association Church wanting to reserve the Campgrounds must reserve by March 1st. After that time, the reservations will be opened to Non-Association Churches. 5. Any Portland Association member, individually or as a family, -23- wishing to reserve the campgrounds, cannot reserve until 6 weeks prior to the date needed. This allows for churches to book for CAMPS, which is the primary purpose of the Campgrounds. Non Association Church, Individual or Non-Profit Organization 1. Any Non-Association Church using the campgrounds give a set donation to the Trustee Board as follows: Single Day Usage $75.00, Overnight Usage $150.00 per night. 2. The Non-Association church must have a Portland Association member to represent them as a responsible party. This responsible person must sign the Hold Harmless Agreement along with the NonAssociation representative. Reservations can be made after March 1st. 3. Any Non Association individual, family or Non-Profit using the campgrounds will fall under the same rules as stated above for the NonAssociation church. The Non-Profit organization must also agree to have a devotional time while at the grounds. The Non-profit or the Non-Association individual cannot reserve the campgrounds until 2 weeks prior to the date needed. This allows for churches to book for CAMPS, which is the primary purpose of the Campgrounds -24- -25- Pastor Gary Pardue 2855 Whitney Rd. Scottsville, KY 42164 (270) 622-6224 311 West 10th St. Bowling Green, KY 42101 Bowling Green 1st Church Randall Hendrick 195 Bratcher Road Bowling Green, KY 42101 (270) 777-3793 Pastor Terry Wilson 3177 Boiling Springs Rd 9561 Kentucky Hwy 185 Bowling Green, KY 42101 Bowling Green, KY 42101 (270) 777-9202 Boiling Springs 1500 Trammel Rd. Scottsville, KY 42164 (270) 622-6224 Beech Grove Joe Boyd 1121 Barber Way 424 Shannon Ct. Bowling Green, KY 42101 Bowling Green, KY 42101 270-780-4801 [email protected] Barber Way Church Associate Pastor Associate Pastor Debbie Hendrick 610 Richardsville Road Bowling Green, KY 42101 270-392-8655 [email protected] Clerk Nelda Wilson 2200 Chalybeate School Rd. Bowling Green, KY 42101 270-597-3485 Home [email protected] Jim Strain 91 Allen Dr. Scottsville, KY 42164 (270) 237-4301 [email protected] Paula Boyd 424 Shannon Court Bowling Green, KY 42101 (270) 784-5200 [email protected] Clerk Church Directory 2014 Preferred mailing in bold Youth Director/Pastor Johnny Creasy 1498 Osborne Rd. Adolphus, KY 42120 (270) 622-4439 [email protected] Connie Paschal 1492 South Goshen Church Rd. Bowling Green, KY 42103 270-779-2651 Youth Director/Pastor -26- Clifton 1800 Clifton Church Rd. Scottsville, KY 42164 Church 1002 Center Point Road Hendersonville, TN 37075 (615) 822-4450 [email protected] Centerpoint 1441 Cave Mill Rd. Bowling Green, KY 42104 (270) 842-1143 [email protected] Cave Mill 311 West 10th St. Bowling Green, KY 42101 Bowling Green 1st Church Lonnie Douglas 150 Mona Cherry Rd. Scottsville, KY 42164 (270) 618-1113 [email protected] Pastor Associate Pastor [email protected] Phila Hinton 210 South 4th St. Scottsville, KY 42164 (270) 237-5009 (270) 622-9257 Clerk Karen Brown P.O. Box 1705 Hendersonville, TN 37077 (615) 338-0038 [email protected] Mike Trotter 2121 Golden Oak Lane Hendersonville, TN 37075 615-812-6897 [email protected] Debbie Hendrick 610 Richardsville Road Bowling Green, KY 42101 270-392-8655 [email protected] Clerk Ann Costellow 130 Barren Bailey Rd. Russellville, KY 42276 (270) 542-6421 [email protected] Ryan Whiticker 1100 Keen Hollow Rd. Westmoreland, TN 37186 (615) 766-4125 Associate Pastor Nelda Wilson 2200 Chalybeate School Rd. Bowling Green, KY 42101 270-597-3485 Home [email protected] Kenneth Miller 900 Kenton St. Bowling Green, KY 42101 (270) 820-7452 [email protected] Randall Hendrick 195 Bratcher Road Bowling Green, KY 42101 (270) 777-3793 Pastor Terry Wilson 3177 Boiling Springs Rd 9561 Kentucky Hwy 185 Bowling Green, KY 42101 Bowling Green, KY 42101 (270) 777-9202 Boiling Springs Shannon Jones 140 Dogwood Drive Scottsville, KY 42164 (270) 239-7265 [email protected] Youth Director/Pastor [email protected] Ryan Whiticker 1100 Keen Hollow Rd. Westmoreland, TN 37186 (615) 766-4125 Youth Director/Pastor -27- Centerpoint 2100 Scott Ave. Nashville, TN 37216 (615) 228-1754 East Nashville 1415 E. Broadway Gallatin, TN 37066 (615) 452-3173 [email protected] Cornerstone 1800 Clifton Church Rd. Scottsville, KY 42164 Clifton Church 1002 Center Point Road Hendersonville, TN 37075 (615) 822-4450 [email protected] Roy L. Copeland, Sr. 2821 Barclay Dr. Nashville, TN 37206 (615) 227-5549 (615) 775-1712 Woody Alderson 150 Follis Road Westmoreland, TN 37186 (615) 670-4121 cell [email protected] Lonnie Douglas 150 Mona Cherry Rd. Scottsville, KY 42164 (270) 618-1113 [email protected] Pastor Mike Trotter 2121 Golden Oak Lane Hendersonville, TN 37075 615-812-6897 [email protected] Danny Everette 260 Portland Lake Rd. Portland, TN 37148 (615) 456-2079 Associate Pastor [email protected] Ryan Whiticker 1100 Keen Hollow Rd. Westmoreland, TN 37186 (615) 766-4125 Judy Wauford 2606 Neldia Court Nashville, TN 37206 615-587-1267 Deanna Belote 324 Tyree Access Rd. Lebanon, TN 37087 (615) 972-2304 Phila Hinton 210 South 4th St. Scottsville, KY 42164 (270) 237-5009 (270) 622-9257 Clerk Karen Brown P.O. Box 1705 Hendersonville, TN 37077 (615) 338-0038 [email protected] Mary Ann McKnight 2101 Jones Circle Nashville, TN 37207 (615) 228-5012 Lance Carter 250 Morton Ave. Gallatin, TN 37066 (615) 480-9786 Shannon Jones 140 Dogwood Drive Scottsville, KY 42164 (270) 239-7265 [email protected] Youth Director/Pastor [email protected] Ryan Whiticker 1100 Keen Hollow Rd. Westmoreland, TN 37186 (615) 766-4125 -28- 439 West Cedar St. Franklin, KY 42134 Liberty Church 2331 Murfreesboro Rd. Nashville TN 37217 Jesus Good Shepherd 1344 Brandy Hollow Rd. Portland, TN 37148 (615) 325-4294 Hollis Chapel 120 Dink Rut Rd. Portland, TN 37148 (615) 325-3768 (Phone) [email protected] Halltown Church Frank Hayes 1440 Greenbrier Rd. Alvaton, KY 42122 (270) 842-2460 Pastor Juan M. Tenorio 1115 Christopher LaVergne, TN 37086 (615) 397-2973 [email protected] Chris Towe 219 Woods Road Portland, TN 37148 256-702-3305 [email protected] Mike Brady 365 Brizendine Rd. Franklin, KY 42134 615-478-4453 [email protected] Pastor Clerk Hollis Pruitt 1442 Macedonia Rd. Franklin, KY 42134 (270) 586-3364 Associate Pastor Martha Moore 717 Sherwood Dr. Franklin, KY 42134 (270) 586-8454 Clerk Andy Perez (615) 554-0375 Judy Bradley 271 South Hillier Lane Portland, TN 37148 (615) 325-4243 [email protected] Victor Creasy Clerk: Leisa Black 142 Ragland Road Secretary: Linda Hunter 120 Dink Rut Rd. Cottontown, TN 37048 (615) 308-5917 Portland, TN 37148 [email protected] Associate Pastor Church Directory 2014 Preferred mailing in bold Youth Director/Pastor Samuel Montoya (615) 861-0372 Youth Council 120 Dink Rut Road Portland, TN 37148 Youth Director/Pastor -29- Jesus Good Shepherd Martha's Chapel Church 1617 Madison Ave. Bowling Green, KY 42101 Madison Ave. 940 Macedonia Road Franklin, KY 42134 (270) 586-7010 Macedonia 439 West Cedar St. Franklin, KY 42134 Liberty Church 2331 Murfreesboro Rd. Nashville TN 37217 Leroy Henson 12234 Woodburn Allen Sp. Rd. Alvaton, KY 42122 (270) 842-0111 Pastor David Hobdy 748 College St. Portland, TN 37148 (615) 325-4391 Home (615) 708-0909 Cell Frank Hayes 1440 Greenbrier Rd. Alvaton, KY 42122 (270) 842-2460 Pastor Juan M. Tenorio 1115 Christopher LaVergne, TN 37086 (615) 397-2973 [email protected] [email protected] Associate Pastor Hollis Pruitt 1442 Macedonia Rd. Franklin, KY 42134 (270) 586-3364 Associate Pastor Linda Rippy 10705 Woodburn Allen Sp. Rd. Alvaton, KY 42122 (270) 202-3380 cell [email protected] Clerk Nancy Scoggins 1222 Hayner Road Bowling Green, KY 42104 270-791-6496 [email protected] Rick Patty P.O. Box 591 Franklin, KY 42134 Martha Moore 717 Sherwood Dr. Franklin, KY 42134 (270) 586-8454 Clerk Andy Perez (615) 554-0375 [email protected] Youth Director/Pastor Judy Hobdy 748 College St. Portland, TN 37148 (615) 325-4391 Steve Sinclair 12424 Woodburn Allen Springs Rd. Alvaton, KY 42122 Youth Director/Pastor Samuel Montoya (615) 861-0372 -30Betty Hodges P.O. Box 880 Portland, TN 37148 615-325-4958 Shane Lame 305 Wilson Road Portland, TN 37148 (615) 478-5193 Mt. Moriah 132 Mt. Moriah Rd P.O. Box 880 Portland, TN 37148 Linda Rippy 10705 Woodburn Allen Sp. Rd. Alvaton, KY 42122 (270) 202-3380 cell [email protected] [email protected] Clerk Freida Jones 1127 Hwy 259 Portland, TN 37148 615-310-1518 [email protected] Associate Pastor Nancy Scoggins 1222 Hayner Road Bowling Green, KY 42104 270-791-6496 [email protected] Andy Mathias 609 Hwy 259 Portland, TN 37148 (615) 478-1973 [email protected] Leroy Henson 12234 Woodburn Allen Sp. Rd. Alvaton, KY 42122 (270) 842-0111 Pastor David Hobdy 748 College St. Portland, TN 37148 (615) 325-4391 Home (615) 708-0909 Cell 601 Hwy 259 Portland, TN 37148 (615) 325-5865 Mitchellville Martha's Chapel Church 1617 Madison Ave. Bowling Green, KY 42101 Madison Ave. Taylor Landers 468 Stovall Road Scottsville, KY 42164 270-622-3924 Youth Director/Pastor Judy Hobdy 748 College St. Portland, TN 37148 (615) 325-4391 -31- 107 W. Market St. Portland, TN 37148 (615) 325-4833 Portland Church 4610 Hwy 431 North Springfield, TN 37172 New Life 4030 Cedar Circle Nashville, TN 37218 (615) 876-8608 Nashville 1st 1085 New Deal Potts Rd. Cottontown, TN 37048 (615) 325-3861 Mt. Pleasant Church Robert Gilman 102 Golfers Circle Portland, TN 37148 615-969-7544 [email protected] Pastor James Allen 330 Pitts Ave. Old Hickory, TN 37138 (615) 847-3623 (615) 582-1748 Chris Roberts 1031 Roger Reese Rd. Gallatin, TN 37066 (615) 451-3037 Pastor Associate Pastor Leroy Canfield 1738 Errel Dowler Rd. Pleasant View, TN 37146 (615) 612-8128 Chad Zimmerle 1415 Craggie Hope Road Kingston Springs, TN 37083 (615) 934-4915 Jon Wesley Kirby 3865 Pope Road Scottsville, KY 42164 270-622-1536 Associate/Youth Pastor Connie Austin 6925 Highland Rd. Portland, TN 37148 (615) 654-2584 home [email protected] Clerk Dora Dickson 6194 Ebenezer Road Greenbrier, TN 37073 (615) 643-7321 (615) 289-0058 cell Youth Director Jane Lamberth 901 Clearview Rd. Cottontown, TN 37048 (615) 325-3317 Dustin Rush 732B Butler Road Portland, TN 37148 (615) 513-9842 [email protected] Youth Director/Pastor Dora Dickson 6194 Ebenezer Road Greenbrier, TN 37073 (615) 643-7321 (615) 289-0058 cell Linda Pryor 107 Gatire Dr. Hendersonville, TN 37075 (615) 403-9569 [email protected] Linda Pearson 157 Jake Link Rd. Cottontown, TN 37048 (615) 325-2630 Clerk Church Directory 2014 Preferred mailing in bold -32- 325 W. Maple St. Gallatin, TN 37066 (615) 452-4764 [email protected] Servant Church Church 4139 Bowling Green Rd. P.O. Box 1004 Franklin, KY 42135 Salmons 1100 Keen Hollow Rd. P.O. Box 993 Westmoreland, TN 37186 (615) 888-2877 Providence 107 W. Market St. Portland, TN 37148 (615) 325-4833 Portland Church 4610 Hwy 431 North Springfield, TN 37172 New Life Steve Brigance Pastor Danny Brown 195 Ranch Road Portland, TN 37148 615-339-0032 [email protected] Tim Williams 295 Nubia Road Westmoreland, TN 37186 (615) 888-2916 (615) 388-5144 [email protected] Robert Gilman 102 Golfers Circle Portland, TN 37148 615-969-7544 [email protected] Pastor (615) 582-1748 Associate Pastor Philip Brown 827 College Street Portland, TN 37148 (615) 388-9157 [email protected] Associate Pastor Leroy Canfield 1738 Errel Dowler Rd. Pleasant View, TN 37146 (615) 612-8128 Tammy Barnes Clerk Bennie Gregory P.O. Box 1004 Franklin, KY 42135 270-586-4861 270-776-5777 cell Betty Jo Kepley P.O. Box 7613 Portland, TN 37148 (615) 364-5667 [email protected] Connie Austin 6925 Highland Rd. Portland, TN 37148 (615) 654-2584 home [email protected] Clerk Dora Dickson 6194 Ebenezer Road Greenbrier, TN 37073 (615) 643-7321 (615) 289-0058 cell Kyle Fann Youth Director/Pastor Brad Ogles 1737 Ben Fugate Rd. Russellville, KY 42276 (270) 647-1147 [email protected] Toby Richardson 253 Marty Robbins Road Westmoreland, TN 37186 (615) 888-3526 (615) 480-4172 [email protected] Dustin Rush 732B Butler Road Portland, TN 37148 (615) 513-9842 [email protected] Youth Director/Pastor Dora Dickson 6194 Ebenezer Road Greenbrier, TN 37073 (615) 643-7321 (615) 289-0058 cell [email protected] -33- 1740 Rapids Road Portland, TN 37148 State Line Shiloh Church Road Smith's Grove, KY 42171 Shiloh 325 W. Maple St. Gallatin, TN 37066 (615) 452-4764 [email protected] Servant Church Church 4139 Bowling Green Rd. P.O. Box 1004 Franklin, KY 42135 Salmons Bryan Borth 897 Pleasant Grove Church Rd. Scottsville, KY 42164 270-622-6525 [email protected] Steve Brigance Pastor Danny Brown 195 Ranch Road Portland, TN 37148 615-339-0032 [email protected] [email protected] Associate Pastor Debbie Greer 1924 Hwy 259 Portland, TN 37148 (615) 325-9532 Michael Renick 114 Steam Mill Road Smith’s Grove, KY 42171 (270) 670-4320 Tammy Barnes Clerk Bennie Gregory P.O. Box 1004 Franklin, KY 42135 270-586-4861 270-776-5777 cell Kyle Fann Youth Director/Pastor Brad Ogles 1737 Ben Fugate Rd. Russellville, KY 42276 (270) 647-1147 [email protected] [email protected] -34- 4012 Hwy 31W P.O. Box 1485 White House, TN 37188 (615) 672-3530 website: White House 1540 Parkhurst Dr. Bowling Green, KY 42101 Unity 1125 College Street Portland, TN 37148 Union Chapel Church Larry Treadway 4006 Hwy 31W Cottontown, TN 37048 (615) 672-9661 (home) (615) 210-5735 (cell) [email protected] Tony Green 220 Carter Ridge Rd. Westmoreland, TN 37186 615-644-4892 Mark Scott 1127 Pruitt Lane Gallatin, TN 37066 (615) 513-7454 [email protected] Pastor Associate Pastor Linda Pearson 219 W. Biggs Rd. Cottontown, TN 37048 (615) 672-3431 [email protected] Carol Dunn 8255 Barren River Rd. Bowling Green, KY 42101 (270) 843-6265 Julie Hicks 332 spring Valley Dr. Cottontown, TN 37048 (615)218-8895 Clerk Church Directory 2014 Preferred mailing in bold Joshua Legg 2106 Stevens Drive Westmoreland, TN 37186 (615) 644-1241 (615) 557-3841 [email protected] James Covey 139 Irish Oaks Drive Portland, TN 37148 (615) 804-8316 Youth Director/Pastor Notes: -35- -36- DisMissed 0 4 0 Members Received 0 12 5 Church Mt. Moriah Mt. Pleasant Nashville 1st DisMissed 2 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 32 7 12 0 0 0 1 1 Members Church Received Barber Way 0 Beech Grove 12 Boiling Springs 5 Bowling G.1st 7 Cave Mill 0 Centerpoint 13 Clifton 2 Cornerstone 6 East Nashville 13 Halltown 3 Hollis Chapel 10 Jesus Good Shep. 6 Liberty 5 Macedonia 4 Madison Ave. 4 Martha's Chapel 2 Mitchellville 3 Statistical Report 2013 Members Total Total Total Deceased Members Converts Baptisms 0 54 0 0 1 383 2 4 0 25 0 5 Members Total Total Total Deceased Members Converts Baptisms 1 60 3 0 3 323 4 3 1 29 1 1 0 59 0 0 1 44 0 0 6 257 13 13 1 232 3 2 2 81 1 3 1 168 0 6 1 549 8 10 1 440 4 8 0 111 18 7 1 97 0 0 4 310 5 5 2 124 6 7 0 159 0 0 1 306 2 0 Avg. Worship 45 154 20 Avg. Worship 33 121 30 35 30 189 40 68 72 248 90 103 46 90 54 30 132 Avg. S. School 31 73 7 Avg. S. School 20 79 30 17 15 109 32 42 44 167 59 103 30 60 22 25 110 Reporting runs from January to December Avg. Youth Work 0 15 0 6 2 38 15 5 0 37 12 40 1 8 10 0 7 Avg. Youth Work 0 10 2 Avg. Children Work 0 10 0 0 2 45 0 10 0 39 13 14 0 8 0 0 7 Avg. Children Work 0 10 9 Avg. VBS 0 100 0 Avg. VBS 0 102 0 20 0 100 50 50 78 105 0 0 45 125 48 0 90 Avg. Men's Work 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 10 3 8 12 35 12 8 0 0 7 Avg. Men's Work 0 0 0 Avg. Women's Work 0 11 0 0 6 35 0 10 19 21 12 23 18 10 0 0 15 Avg. Women's Work 0 8 0 -37- Servant Church Shiloh State Line Union Chapel Unity White House Totals Average Church Mt. Moriah Mt. Pleasant Nashville 1st New Life Portland Providence Salmons East Nashville Halltown Hollis Chapel Jesus Good Shep. Liberty Macedonia Madison Ave. Martha's Chapel Mitchellville 0 0 0 0 0 10 92 DisMissed 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 Members Received 0 12 5 3 2 9 3 0 0 8 4 0 4 145 6 32 7 12 0 0 0 1 1 13 3 10 6 5 4 4 2 3 168 549 440 111 97 310 124 159 306 0 8 4 18 0 5 6 0 2 6 10 8 7 0 5 7 0 0 0 1 2 4 0 0 43 40 233 41 210 35 291 5667 0 1 2 3 0 10 97 2 1 0 4 0 9 99 Members Total Total Total Deceased Members Converts Baptisms 0 54 0 0 1 383 2 4 0 25 0 5 1 55 0 0 1 237 2 2 2 444 7 6 5 270 2 1 1 1 1 0 1 4 2 0 1 70 102 34 85 30 124 2409 80 Avg. Worship 45 154 20 45 76 113 100 72 248 90 103 46 90 54 30 132 39 78 22 65 20 81 1592 53 Avg. S. School 31 73 7 30 45 67 70 44 167 59 103 30 60 22 25 110 25 0 6 15 0 18 304 10 0 37 12 40 1 8 10 0 7 Avg. Youth Work 0 10 2 0 10 10 12 24 0 6 25 0 8 268 9 0 39 13 14 0 8 0 0 7 Avg. Children Work 0 10 9 0 9 15 14 0 111 25 35 0 0 1212 40 Avg. VBS 0 100 0 0 0 60 68 78 105 0 0 45 125 48 0 90 0 0 0 10 0 10 140 5 3 8 12 35 12 8 0 0 7 Avg. Men's Work 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 14 241 8 19 21 12 23 18 10 0 0 15 Avg. Women's Work 0 8 0 0 11 0 13 -38- Church Barber Way Beech Grove Boiling Springs Bowling G.1st Cave Mill Centerpoint Clifton Cornerstone East Nashville Halltown Hollis Chapel Jesus Good Liberty Macedonia $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,420.00 $ 30,786.73 $ 3,900.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 15,600.00 $ 154,605.71 $ $ $ 2,120.00 $ 4,200.00 Other Salaries Pastor Salary Other Salaries 4,800.00 38,876.00 7,918.75 7,950.00 40,560.00 61,747.00 15,600.00 8,510.00 19,900.00 43,615.32 29,400.00 17,000.00 48,186.00 Pastor Salary Building Grounds $ $ 20,681.65 $ 3,842.84 $ $ 20,395.39 $ 111,882.67 $ 4,818.00 $ 92,785.20 $ $ 36,772.99 $ 2,741.92 $ 31,427.07 $ 3,704.31 $ 15,000.00 Building Grounds 4,569.37 1,743.13 874.71 470.03 13,376.77 1,596.00 186.19 1,765.10 18,700.18 8,607.96 3,862.66 2,899.80 3,500.00 Christ. Education $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Christ. Education $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Church Aux. 607.00 349.50 1,449.62 2,400.97 16,298.76 2,500.00 Church Aux. Unified Giving Out Evang. Mission Giving Assoc. Giving Unified Giving Out Evang. Mission Giving $ $ $ $ $ 1,850.00 $ 300.00 $ 720.00 $ 100.00 $ 25.00 $ $ $ 400.00 $ 150.00 $ $ 3,290.78 $ $ 425.00 $ $ $ 3,010.00 $ 570.75 $ 2,000.00 $ 14,850.51 $ 2,114.00 $ 674.00 $ $ 1,100.00 $ $ 57.75 $ $ $ 3,374.11 $ 833.60 $ 833.60 $ 40.00 $ 1,960.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 2,775.00 $ 3,336.78 $ 6,000.00 $ 2,680.73 $ 539.88 $ 1,314.25 $ 3,421.19 $ 400.00 $ $ 4,787.91 $ $ 273.50 $ $ 1,200.00 $ 500.00 $ 900.00 $ $ 6,050.00 $ 4,400.00 Assoc. Giving Financial Report 2013 Reporting Runs from January to December $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Other Expenses 2,207.95 14,839.31 1,159.68 4,770.38 10,227.99 2,993.00 3,228.40 27,614.93 47,603.89 38,741.00 7,843.62 9,750.72 10,563.00 Other Expenses $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total Expenses 7,007.95 82,543.33 15,089.40 12,265.49 74,400.30 249,006.04 30,681.00 110,941.65 68,547.23 282,195.52 117,961.01 77,721.26 37,448.33 95,299.00 Total Expenses $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total Income 5,281.85 87,256.10 15,837.50 22,382.00 79,245.63 254,994.50 32,455.00 107,632.02 72,615.38 274,199.63 119,604.49 67,890.31 47,811.32 94,036.58 Total Income $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Dues Paid 45.00 242.25 21.75 44.25 33.00 192.75 63.75 126.00 411.75 330.00 83.25 72.75 200.00 Dues Paid -39- $ 23,200.00 $ 51,506.60 $ 44,886.59 $ 27,450.00 $ 11,600.00 $ 21,900.00 $ 7,600.00 $ 24,000.00 $ 684,023.30 Providence Salmons Servant Shiloh State Line Union Chapel Unity White House Totals $ 19,808.19 $ 33,902.74 $ 39,846.53 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,540.00 $ 7,764.35 $ 2,300.00 $ 14,800.00 $ 363,759.25 Other Salaries 2,120.00 4,200.00 No financial report given $ 7,439.00 $ 910.00 $ 44,200.00 $ 10,680.00 $ 19,914.04 $ 2,100.00 $ 56,264.00 $ 6,675.00 $ $ $ $ Church Madison Ave. Martha's Chapel Mitchellville Mt. Moriah Mt. Pleasant Pastor Salary 43,615.32 29,400.00 17,000.00 48,186.00 $ $ $ $ Hollis Chapel Jesus Good Liberty Macedonia Christ. Education $ 32,781.64 $ 42,021.92 $ 16,801.22 $ 6,900.00 $ 7,592.72 $ 5,744.31 $ 2,441.25 $ 74,800.00 $ 583,114.23 $ 3,932.82 $ 5,877.33 $ 2,180.58 $ 2,924.00 $ 1,519.16 $ 4,278.62 $ 410.45 $ 3,000.00 $103,613.52 $ $ $ 2,000.00 $ $ 16,182.68 $ 5,639.25 $ 7,468.51 $ 1,575.18 $ 24,327.94 $ 10,124.23 Building Grounds $ 2,741.92 $ 8,607.96 $ 31,427.07 $ 3,862.66 $ 3,704.31 $ 2,899.80 $ 15,000.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 10,053.64 $ 5,674.64 $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,200.00 $ 59,599.45 $ $ 225.00 $ 11,567.63 $ $ 6,272.69 Church Aux. Assoc. Giving 2,680.73 400.00 273.50 900.00 $ $ $ $ Unified Giving 539.88 - $ $ $ $ Out Evang. 1,314.25 4,787.91 1,200.00 6,050.00 $ 2,227.75 $ 4,359.16 $ $ 4,000.00 $ 200.50 $ 4,973.59 $ $ 1,200.00 $ 53,983.07 $ $ 2,906.12 $ 973.78 $ 788.00 $ $ 1,657.88 $ $ 600.00 $ 16,857.62 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,205.83 1,125.63 3,863.09 3,268.00 1,263.46 5,515.87 5,900.00 87,702.52 $ $ $ $ $ $ 600.00 $ 10,381.02 $ 3,483.36 $ 16,105.95 $ 1,697.40 $ $ 7,345.46 $ 6,103.32 $ $ 2,819.00 $ 16,298.76 $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,500.00 $ Other Expenses $ 350.00 $ 5,198.00 $ 7,944.16 $ 3,686.00 $ 200.00 $ 5,213.09 $ $ 4,000.00 $ 64,330.30 $ 17,973.49 $ 21,657.58 $ 17,258.83 $ 15,138.00 $ $ 27,539.56 $ 4,019.64 $ 1,000.00 $ 363,092.36 $ $ $ $ 415.31 $ 2,220.00 $ 41,259.00 $ 1,750.00 $ 5,068.05 $ 8,489.75 $ 30,219.03 Mission Giving $ 3,421.19 $ 38,741.00 $ $ 7,843.62 $ 500.00 $ 9,750.72 $ 4,400.00 $ 10,563.00 Total Income $ 113,533.36 $ 174,229.72 $ 133,754.78 $ 67,154.00 $ 25,915.84 $ 84,587.27 $ 16,771.34 $ 131,500.00 $ 2,380,075.62 $ 97,035.87 $ 163,410.33 $ 135,836.76 $ 78,114.50 $ 38,567.42 $ 85,818.33 $ 17,655.50 $ 131,500.00 $2,504,487.17 $ $ $ 11,589.31 $ 16,656.75 $ 161,718.89 $ 189,840.99 $ 46,918.64 $ 45,745.61 $ 151,294.96 223.062.80 Total Expenses 93.00 120.00 229.50 40.50 287.25 Dues Paid 330.00 83.25 72.75 200.00 $ 333.00 $ 202.50 $ $ 174.75 $ 30.75 $ 157.50 $ 26.25 $ 218.25 $ 3,779.75 $ $ $ $ $ $ 117,961.01 $ 119,604.49 $ $ 77,721.26 $ 67,890.31 $ $ 37,448.33 $ 47,811.32 $ $ 95,299.00 $ 94,036.58 $ Ordained Ministers Alderson, Woody-150 Follis Road, Westmoreland, TN 37186, (615) 644-2832,Church: Cornerstone (Attended) Anderson, Jimmy –546 W. Garretts Creek Rd., Westmoreland, TN 37186, (615) 644-6005, Church: Mt. Moriah (Attended) Andrews, Randy—1625 Luby Brown Rd., Westmoreland, TN 37186, (615) 888-2320,Church: Providence (Absent) Booker, William-130 Megan Drive., Portland, TN 37148, (615) 3253768, Church: Halltown (Absent) Borth, Bryan-897 Pleasant Grove Church Rd., Scottsville, KY 42164, (270) 622-6525,Church: Macedonia (Absent) Bowers, Keith—348 Penny Morris Rd., Portland, TN 37148, (615) 496-5538; Church: Center Point (Absent) Bowers, Billy—348 Penny Morris Rd., Portland, TN 37148, (615) 3231465, Church: White House (Attended) Boyd, Joe—424 Shannon Ct., Bowling Green, KY 42101, (270) 7804801,Church: BarberWay (Attended) Brady, Mike—365 Brizendine Rd., Franklin, KY 42134, (615) 4784453,Church: Halltown (Attended) Brigance, Steven L.—1117 Earls St., Gallatin, TN 37066, (615) 4521216, Church: Servants Church (Absent) Brown, Danny—195 Ranch Rd., Portland, TN 37148, (615) 339-0032, Church: Salmons (Attended) Brown, Philip—827 College St., Portland, TN 37148, (615) 388-9157, Church: Providence (Absent) Canfield, Leroy-1738 Errel Dowler Rd., Pleasnt View, TN (615) 6128128,Church: New Life (Attended) Carter, Lance—250 Morton Ave., Gallatin, TN 37066, (615) 4809786,Church: Cornerstone (Attended) Carter, Russell—4031 Brown St., Westmoreland, TN 37186, (615) 644-2877,Church: Providence (Attended) Copeland, Roy L.—2821 Barclay Dr., Nashville, TN 37206, (615) 227-5549, Church: East Nashville (Absent) -40- Covey, James—139 Irish Oaks Drive, Portland, TN 37148, (615) 8048316,Church: Union Chapel (Attended) Creasy, Victor—142 Ragland Rd., Cottontown, TN 37048, (615) 3085917, Church: Halltown (Attended) Douglas, Lonnie—150 Mona Cherry Rd., Scottsville, KY 42164, (270) 622-6707, Church: Clifton (Absent) Duffer, Ricky—1000 Shimmering Way, Gallatin, TN 37066, (615) 206-0510, Church: Providence (Absent) Everette, Danny—260 Portland Lake Rd., Portland, TN 37148, (615) 456-2079, Church: East Nashville (Absent) Gilman, Robert—102 Golfers Circle, Portland, TN 37148, (615) 9697544, Church: Portland (Absent) Greer, Jonathan-536-Rockfield Church Rd., Rockfield, KY 42274, (270) 792-9650,Church: Madison Avenue (Absent) Gregory, Kenneth-520 N. Happy Hollow Rd., Portland, TN 37148, (615) 325-9694,Church: Mt. Pleasant (Attended) Hall, Clayton—3720 Hwy.259, Portland, TN 37148, (615) 8882239,Church: Mt. Pleasant (Attended) Harper, David E. — 219 Drakewood Dr., Portland, TN 37148, (615) 325-4706, Church: New Life (Attended) Hayes, Frank—1440 Greenbriar Rd., Alvaton, KY 42122, (270) 8422460, Church: Martha’s Chapel (Attended) Hendrick, William Randall—195 Bratcher Rd., Bowling Green, KY 42101, (270) 777-3793, Church: Bowling Green First (Absent) Herlein, Santiago—312 Lawn Dale Dr., Nashville, TN 37217, (615) 399-8339,Church: Jesus the Good Shepherd (Attended) Hobdy, Harold David—748 College St., Portland, TN 37148, (615) 325-4391,Church: Madison Ave.(Attended) Hodges, James M.—328 Jackson Rd., Portland, TN 37148, (615) 3254958, Church: Mt.Moriah (Attended) Holmes, Mark—206 Lyon Drive, Portland, TN 37148, (615) 3251522,Church: Center Point (Attended) Huff, Gus—1181 Detour Rd., Bowling Green, KY 42101, (270) 8431065, Church: Liberty (Absent) -41- Jaggers, Corlett—175 Chippendale Dr., Hendersonville, TN 37075, (615) 822-4710, Church: Center Point (Absent) Jaggers, H. Dean—12836 Grand Traverse Dr., Dade City, FL 33525, (358) 668-4505, Church: Center Point (Absent) Jenkins, Glenn—3340 Innsbrooke Ave., Bowling Green KY 42104, (270) 796-6668,Church: Cave Mill (Attended) Johnson, Allen—727 College St., Portland, TN 37148, (615) 5195615, Church: Halltown (Absent) Johnson, Hank-3951 Browning Rd., Rockfield, KY 42274, (270) 9044506,Church: Madison Ave. (Absent) Key, Donald-6635 Old Hwy 52E,Westmoreland TN 37186, (615) 6708443,Church: Halltown (Attended) Kirby, Jon Wesley—3865 Pope Road, Scottsville, KY 42164, (270) 622-1536,Church: Mt. Pleasant (Attended) Lame, Shane-305 Wilson Rd., Portland, TN 37148, (615) 478-5193, Church Mt. Moriah (Attended) Landers, Taylor—468 Stovall Road, Scottsville, KY 42164, (270) 622-3924,Church: Mitchellville (Attended) Lawrence, Donnie—5016 Cemetery Rd., Scottsville, KY 42164, (270) 622-7809,Church: Clifton (Absent) Lee, John-Church: 1921 Scott Parker Rd., Gallatin, TN 37066, Nashville First (Attended) (615) 415-8141 Martindale, Larry-307 Nikita Dr., Portland, TN 37148, (615) 8782457,Church: White House (Attended) Mathias, Andy—609 Hwy. 259, Portland, TN 37148, (615) 478-1973, Church: Mitchellville (Attended) Miller, Kenneth-900 Kenton St., Bowling Green, KY 42101, (270) 820-7052,Church: Cave Mill (Attended) Moore, Steve—491 Clark St., Woodburn, KY 42170 (270) 529-5751, Church: Shiloh (Attended) Motley, Alan-1080 Three Forks Rd., Smiths Grove, KY 42171, (270) 784-0330,Church: Shiloh (Attended) Neagle, Ernest—1811 New Deal Potts Rd., Portland, TN 37148, (615) 325-4030, Church: Mitchellville (Absent-Health reasons) -42- Pardue, Gary—2855 Whitney Rd., Scottsville, KY 42164, (270) 6226224, Church: Beech Grove (Attended) Percle, Tommy—2421 Emmet Ave., Nashville, TN 37206, (615) 8387480,Church: East Nashville (Absent) Pruitt, Hollis-1442 Macedonia Rd., Franklin, KY 42134, (270) 5863364,Church: Liberty (Absent) Rector, Craig—558 Rector Ln., Bowling Green, KY 42103, (270) 848-1714,Church: Beech Grove (Attended) Richmond, James-1621 Sharon Drive, Bowling Green, KY 42101, (270) 792-4435,Church: Madison Avenue (Absent) Roberts, Chris—1031 Roger Reese Rd., Gallatin, TN 37066, (615) 451-3037, Church: Mt. Pleasant (Attended) Rodriguez, Milton-1306 Andrea Dr., Portland, TN 37148, (615) 3252684,Church: White House (Absent) Rush, Dustin—732 Butler Rd., Portland, TN 37148, (615) 513-9842, Church: Portland (Absent) Scott, Mark—1127 Pruitt Ln., Gallatin, TN 37066, (615) 513-7454, Church: Union Chapel (Absent) Scott, Mike—706 Hickerson, Drive, White House, TN 37188, (615) 672-6856,Church: White House (Absent) Sims, David—119 April Circle Portland, TN 37148, (615) 325-1699, Church: Hollis Chapel (Absent) Smith, Charles—12648 Old Bowling Green Rd., Smiths Grove, KY 42171, (270) 678-1148, Church: Shiloh (Absent) Stinson, Mike-379 Martin Lane, Cottontown, TN 37048, (615) 6720579,Church: White House (Absent) Stringer, James—2006 Hwy.259, Portland TN 37148, (615) 3253967, Church: State Line Tenario, Juan—1115 Christopher Rd., LaVergne, TN 37086, (615) 394-2973,Church: Jesus the Good Shepherd (Absent) Towe, Chris—219 Woods Rd., Portland, TN 37148, (256) 702-3305, Church: Hollis Chapel (Attended) Treadway, Larry-4016 Hwy. 31W, Cottontown, TN 37048, (615) 672-9661,Church: White House (Attended) -43- Trotter, Mike—2121 Golden Oaks Lane, Madison, TN 37115, (615) 812-6892,Church: Center Point (Attended) Vance, Bobby—385 Morris Duff Rd., Woodburn, KY 42170, (270) 529-9481,Church: Liberty (Absent) Warden, Jeff—106 Peach Tree Lane, Hendersonville, TN 37075, (615) 826-2125,Church: Center Point (Absent) Weatherford, David-102 Ophelia Court, Portland, TN 37148, (615) 209-8447,Church: Cornerstone (Absent) Williams, Timothy L.—295 Nubia Rd., Westmoreland, TN 37186, (615) 388-5144, Church: Providence (Attended) York, Jim—2521 Pennington Bend Rd. #120, Nashville, TN 37214, (615) 712-7511Church: Center Point (Absent) Youngblood, David—6130 Chandlers Rd., Auburn, KY 42206, (270) 542-7993,Church: Macedonia (Attended) -44- Licensed Ministers Holmes, Jonah-206 Lyon Drive, Portland, TN 37148, (615) 325-1522, Church: Center Point (Attended) Kelly, Jay-631 Hillcrest Dr., Gallatin, TN 37066, (615) 499-9902, Church: Cornerstone (Attended) Stephens, Trent-418 Old Hwy. 109, Portland, TN 37148, (615) 7568460, Church: Halltown (Absent) Suttle, Jake-199 Brandy Hollow Rd., Portland, TN 37148, (615) 3379455, Church: Salmons (Attended) Whiticker, Ryan-1001 Dutch Creek Rd., Westmoreland, TN 37186, (615) 766-4125, Church: Providence (Attended) -45- -46- -47- -48- -49- Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Session of the Portland Association of General Baptists “Listen…. the Rain Cometh” “Get Thee up..for there is a sound of abundance of rain…I Kings 18:41 Moderator: Bro. Ken Miller Clerk: Sis. Patricia Creasy Host Church: Providence G.B. Church Friday Night: June 27, 2014: 7:00 p.m. Total in attendance: 101 We began the 93rd Annual Session with a welcome from our Moderator, Bro. Ken Miller. We were blessed to have Bro. Ernest Black as song leader and Sis. Joy Williams ,at the piano, along with their other musicians, for the entire session. They came and led us in congregational singing of “Glory to His Name” and “He Set Me Free.” Bro. Ken then came and gave an introduction to the theme, “Listen…the Rain Cometh”. There are great things in store for the Portland Association in 2014. Our Lord has prepared an abundance of refreshing for our member churches. But we cannot simply sit down and wait for the Lord to bring refreshing to us. We must be about the Father’s business, humbly seeking His face while listening for the approaching “rain.” He followed with prayer. A right hand of fellowship was then shared. Bro. Tim Williams the host pastor came forward and extended a further welcome with prayer to bless the session by Bro. David Youngblood. Providence Choir came and blessed us with 2 songs, “So Much God” and “On the Banks of the Promise Land.” Bro. Bryan Borth, Vice Moderator, introduced our special singer, Sis. Nelda Towe. She sang, “Hill Called Mt. Calvary.” The message was then brought by Bro. Chris Roberts. “Lord Send the Rain”. Scripture was taken from I Kings 18:41. For rain to fall on God’s people there must be: 1. Repentance-we need to repent and transform our minds. 2. Obedience-We need to fulfill the Great commission. We cannot compromise. -50- 3. Prayer-We are afraid of the Holy Spirit…We need all of God. How much time do we spend as a church and individuals in prayer? 4. Faith-this goes hand in hand with prayer. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. With faith the size of a mustard seed, we can be mountain moving Christians. We need a saturation of the Holy Spirit…..are we in the way? Sis. Nelda came and gave the invitation song with needs being met at the altar in prayer. Bro. Tim and the deacons from Providence came forward and we worshipped by taking communion together. It was a time of reverence. We closed the service with the song “Family of God”. No business was conducted. Saturday, June 28, 2014 9:00 a.m. Delegates: Members not delegates: Visitors: Total in Attendance 140 21 10 171 We opened the morning session with a welcome from our Moderator, Bro. Ken Miller. We then joined together in a congregational song of “He Touched Me”. Opening prayer was given by Bro. Gary Pardue. A hand of fellowship was extended to all. We were then given an additional welcome from Host Pastor, Bro. Tim Williams with a response from the Association by Bro. Andy Mathias. We then acted upon resolution # 1 and gave Providence a rising vote of thanks for hosting. Special music was brought by Mark and Carol Scott and Brian Berry. They sang, “Don’t you Wanna Go”?, “We Believe” and “Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone.” The morning message was then brought by Bro. Bryan Borth entitled “Abundance of Blessings.” Jeremiah 29:11. Expectations…We have been given precious gifts from God. A gift is given apart from what someone deserves. 1. Eternal Life…We will experience trials and temptations, but we can overcome and receive eternal life. We know who holds tomorrow. Do we live defeated? 2. Holy Spirit….We are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. Do we -51- live like the Holy Spirit is within us? We need to be a witness that comes through the power of the Holy Spirit. 3. Redemption…We have been redeemed. Do we live like we are redeemed or like we are lost? Sometimes we act like we have no hope. 4. Sanctification…We are called out and set apart. We have a purpose, to be obedient and to teach others. 5. Justification…We have been set free and found guiltless through Christ. 6. Peace…We have that peace that passes all understanding. 7. Rest…Come unto me all that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. We rejoice in the Lord because He gives us rest. We can never list all of the precious gifts he has given us. What an abundance of blessings! Look at what the hand of the Lord can do!! An invitation song “Just As I am” was given. A prayer around the altar was shared to ask for help with fulfilling God’s purpose through the message given. We then took a short break to transition into the business session. We returned to the business session with singing, “I’d Rather Have Jesus”. There was a call for Peace of the Body by our Moderator, Bro. Ken Miller. Prayer to bless the business session was given by Bro. Victor Creasy. Clerk stated that a quorum was present to conduct business. The business meeting was then called to order. Parliamentarian, Bro. Larry Hinton and Vice Moderator, Bro. Bryan Borth were brought to the stage. Bro. Larry then read the Rules of Decorum. A motion and second was made to allow the moderator to deviate from the program if necessary, motion carries. We then recognized our visitors from other Associations: 1. Sam Ramdial: Semore Association 2. Jim Schemp: International Missions 3. Gary Sullivan: Mt. Union 4. Kenny Sullivan: Mt. Union 5. Jimmy Cushenberry: Mt. Union 6. Dustin Thompson: Landmark Association 7. Jim Pratt: Oakland City University The Clerk, Patricia Creasy read Correspondence. Motion, second and carries to accept. We then asked for volunteer s to represent our Association at the Mt. Union and Long Creek Association meetings. The following -52- volunteered: Mt. Union: Gary Pardue, Tim Williams, Don Key and Billy Bowers. Long Creek: none. We then proceeded with the election of officers. Nominations were taken for Vice Moderator. Bro. Danny Everette was nominated. Motion and second that nomination cease and we proceed to elect. Motion carries. Clerk/Treasurer: Motion and second that we retain Sis. Patricia Creasy. motion carries. Assistant Clerk/Treasurer: Motion and second that we retain Bro. Andy Mathias, motion carries. Registrar: Motion and second that we retain Sis. Norma Faye Gregory, motion carries. The Association Treasurer’s report was given. Motion, second and carries to accept. (see report) The Audit Committee Report was given. Motion, second and carries to accept. (see report) The Executive Committee Report was given. Motion, second and carries to accept the report and act upon the recommendations separately. (see report for all recommendations) Recommendation #1: Motion, second and carries to accept. Recommendation #2: Motion, second to accept. A question was given as to the Clerk position and the secretary position being one in the same. It was stated that this is 2 separate positions. Motion carries. Recommendation #3: Motion, second to accept. Discussion was given and noted that this recommendation was a joint decision between the treasurer and the committee. It was also noted that the audit would be on the Association treasurer account only. The Audit Committee would continue to audit all of the other committees. Recommendations #4, #5, #6: Motion, second and carries on each. Recommendation #7: Motion and second to nominate Bro. David Youngblood for a 3 year term. After no further nominations, motion and second that nomination cease and we elect. Motion carries. Recommendation #8: Motion and second to retain Bro. Lowell Renick for an additional 3 year term. After receiving no further nominations, motion and second that nomination cease. Motion carries. The Credentials committee report: there was no business to report. Motion, second and carries to accept this report. The State of Association report was given. Motion, second and carries to accept. (see report) The Home Mission Board report was given. Motion, second -53- and carries to accept and to act upon the recommendations. (see report) Recommendation #1: Motion and second to give a waiver to Standing Rule # 2 and allow Bro. Juan Tenorio to serve an additional 3 year term on this board. Motion carries. Recommendation # 2: Motion and second to elect Sis. Phyllis Lame for a 3 year term. After no further nominations, motion carries. Recommendation #3: Motion and second to elect Bro. Steve Sinclair for a 3 year term. After no further nominations, motion carries. Recommendation #4: Motion and second to elect Bro. Juan Tenorio for a 3 year term. After no further nominations, motion carries. (see report) The Children’s Camp Board report was given. Motion and second to accept this report and to nominate Ryan Whitiker and Kathy Russell both for 3 year terms. After no further nominations, motion carries with recommendations. Motion, second and carries for Brent Long to be the Children’s Camp Board representative to the Property Planning Committee. (see report) The Field Worker report was given. Motion, second and carries to accept. (see report) The Minster’s Retirement Board report was given. Motion, second and carries to accept and to act upon the recommendations. (see report). Recommendations #1, #2, #3: Motion, second and carries on each person recommended for 3 year terms, with no further nominations. (see report) Recommendation #4: Motion and second to accept. Discussion was given…..Bro. Andy gave our financial status and stated that the monies paid out to retiring qualified ministers would become a standard $200.00 per month to everyone. Bro. Robert commented on the reasons behind this decision. In order for the Minister’s Retirement program to continue, the board had to make these recommendations. Motion carries to accept all changes stated in recommendation #4. (see report) The Women’s Ministries report: Motion, second and carries to accept this report as written in the packet. (see report) Trustee Board Report was given. Motion, second and carries to accept this report and act upon the recommendations. Recommendation #1: Motion and second for Bro. Jake Suttle to serve a 3 year term. After no further nominations, motion carries. Recommendation #2: Bro. Ray Dean Eidson serve as the representative to the Property Planning Committee. It was not -54- necessary for a vote from this body. Recommendation #3: Bro. Tim Brown to serve as the treasurer for the Trustee Board. No vote was necessary from this body. (see report) The Council of Association report was given. Motion, second and carries to accept. (see report) The General Baptist Headquarters report was given by Bro. Jim Schremp. Motion, second and carries to accept. Bro. Sam Ramdial also came and gave an update on our International Missions. Bro. Alan Motley also came and gave comments on his mission trip to India. (a copy of the Headquarters report is available at the office). Bro. David Raiser, guest speaker from ELIC came forward and spoke about mission work in China. Closing remarks for the morning session were given by Bro. Ken. Anyone having any new or changed resolutions should give these to the resolution committee during the lunch hour. No Resolution Committee members present at this session, therefore Bro. Ken appointed, Bro. Victor Creasy, Bro. Barry Rutledge and Bro. Troy Costellow to be on the committee for this setting only. Prayer and blessing over the meal was given by Bro. Glenn Jenkins. Saturday Afternoon Business Session We were welcomed back with congregational singing of “Ill Fly Away.” Prayer to bless the afternoon business was given by Bro. Larry Hinton. It was stated by the clerk that a quorum was present to resume business. The Obituary Report was read by the clerk, Patricia Creasy. Motion, second and carries to accept. (see report). Bro. Craig Rector gave a devotion from 2 Timothy 1:3-5…..We never know the lives we touch. We have a hope of a reunion with those gone on before us. May we all influence others and teach others with what we have been taught. May we have a servant heart. Special music was brought by Kenny and Michelle Sullivan. They sang, “I Believe” and “Room with a View.” Motion and second was made to have Standing Rule #2, concerning having to be present at the Association setting to be elected to a committee, be waived for this 2014 setting and to be reinforced in -55- 2015. Motion carries. The Christian Training Institute report was given. Motion, second and carries to accept. (see report) The Nominating Committee report was given. Motion, second and carries to accept. (see report) The Oakland City University report was given by Bro. Jim Pratt. Motion, second and carries to accept. (see report) The Ladies Aid Report: Motion, second and carries to accept the report as written in the packet. (see report) The Camp Facilitator report was given. Motion, second and carries to accept. (see report) The Property Planning Committee report was given. Motion, second and carries to accept the report and act upon the recommendations. (see report) Recommendation # 1: Motion and second was made to accept the Guidelines for Campground Rental. Motion was made to amend guideline #5 under Portland Association Churches or individuals to read 6 weeks prior to date needed instead of 2 weeks. Motion, second and carries as amended. Recommendation # 2: Motion and second to elect Bro. Randy Hodges for a 3 year term. After no further nominations, motion carries. The Budget and Finance Committee report was given. Motion, second and carries to accept the report and act upon the recommendation. Recommendation #1: Motion, second and carries to accept. (see report) The Resolution Committee report was given with no new changes or additions. Motion, second and carries to accept the report and act upon the second part of #1 and give a rising thanks to the officers and delegates. Old business was called for, receiving none. New business was called for. Motion was made to add the following to the standing rules Be it the annual responsibility of the Associational clerk to secure someone to do the video recording of the Associational meetings, using the host church if possible. Motion second and carries. Petitions and requests: Seeing no church requested next year’s setting on their report, we asked for a volunteer. Mitchellville Church volunteered to host. Motion, second and carries to accept. Closing remarks and thanks were given by our Moderator, -56- Bro. Ken Miller. He then turned the gavel over to our incoming Moderator for 2015, Bro. Bryan Borth. Bro. Bryan asked for prayer for the upcoming year and then appointed the following committee members. Audit: Bro. Lowell Renick Budget and Finance: Bro. Steve Sinclair Credentials: Bro. Don Key Nominating Committee: Bro. Clayton Hall Resolutions Committee: Bro. Chris Towe Announcements and congregational remarks were given. There was a reminder of the Ordination service, tomorrow at 2:30. Motion, second and carries to adjourn. We were dismissed in prayer by Bro. Andy Mathias. -57- Association Income Account Treasurer's Report Barber Way Beech Grove Bowling G.1st Boiling Springs Cave Mill Centerpoint Clifton Cornerstone East Nashville Halltown Hollis Chapel Jesus Good Shepherd Liberty Macedonia Madison Ave. Martha's Chapel Mitchellville Mt. Moriah Mt. Pleasant Nashville 1st New Life Portland Providence Salmons Servant Shiloh State Line Union Chapel Unity White House Total Income from Churches Plus balance forward 01/01/13 Plus Interest Income Less balance to keep acct. open Total to Disburse for budget Income Disbursed as follows: Association Reserve Savings 7% Association Office 32% Children's Camp Board 4% Home Mission Board 42% Minister's Retirement 8% Trustee Board 7% Total Income Disbursed -58- $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 951.75 300.00 677.12 899.20 10,000.00 2,680.73 81.50 10,381.02 600.00 3,000.00 1,200.00 500.00 4,768.75 500.00 5,048.25 1,361.25 42,949.57 7.94 45.31 (7.07) 42,995.75 $3,009.70 $13,758.64 $1,719.83 $18,058.22 $3,439.66 $3,009.70 $42,995.75 Association Office Account Treasurer Report Balance Operating Account 01/01/13 Storm Relief Balance 01/01/13 Total Balance forward 01/01/13 $ $ $ 12,070.16 4,000.00 16,070.16 Income Membership dues Printing of Minutes Income Income from 2012 Budget 32% Storm Relief Income (Philippines) Total Income $ $ $ $ $ 4,009.40 500.00 13,318.34 6,997.75 24,825.49 Expenses Association Meeting Expenses C of A Hotel Expenses C of A Mileage Expense Clerk Salary Corporate Renewal Fee Education Expense General Association Meeting Membership Dues to GA Office Supplies Payroll SS & Medicaid/Clerk Post Office Box Rental Postage Website Total Expenses $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 21.74 224.64 65.78 7,440.00 22.25 200.00 518.07 4,215.75 849.55 284.64 70.00 161.18 239.95 14,313.55 Beginning Balance 01/01/13 Plus Income Received Less Expenses Less Storm Relief Payout to Philippines Total Ending Balance 12/31/13 $ $ $ $ $ 16,070.16 24,825.49 (14,313.55) (10,997.75) 15,584.35 Retreat Savings Balance as of 01/01/13 Interest Income Retreat Offering Less Retreat Expenses Balance as of 12/31/13 $ $ $ $ $ 2,569.97 4.68 754.00 (1,044.03) 2,284.62 Regular Reserve Savings Account Balance as of 01/01/13 Interest Income Budget Allocation Income 5% Balance as of 12/31/13 $ $ $ $ 2,653.05 8.63 2,825.11 5,486.79 -59- Audit Committee The Audit Committee met on March 29, 2014 at Providence General Baptist Church and audited the books for the following: Minister’s Retirement Board Patricia Creasy Association Office Account Association Income Account Association Reserve Savings Account Association Barren River Retreat Account Patricia Creasy Children’s Camp Board Sheila Kelly The Committee met again on June 8, 2014 and audited the books of the following: Trustee Board Betty Stringer Home Mission Board Donna Treadway The Committee found the accounts of each treasurer to be in order and that all the funds were received and disbursed properly. Jackie Leath Glenn Jenkins Gerald McCormick 615-207-5699 270-796-6668 615-859-7985 -60- Budget and Finance Report Budget to be disbursed as follows: Association Reserve Fund 3.50% Association Treasurer 32.00% Children's Camp Board 2.50% Home Mission Board 40.00% Minister's Retirement Board 15.00% Trustee Board 7.00% Patricia Creasy, Treasurer Andy Mathias, Assistant Treasurer Ricky Patty Linda Pearson Tim Williams -61- Campground Facilitator As Camp Facilitator, we have made a few improvements to the grounds this year. All of these improvements will be presented in the Property Planning Committee report. The Campgrounds was used a total of 22 times in 2013 by Association, non-Association churches, as well as individuals and families. We had a total of 5 souls saved and 9 rededications. This makes my job and the efforts that we put forth worth it all. Thank you for allowing me to serve in this position, it is truly a blessing. Randy Baker Camp Facilitator -62- Children’s Camp Board Purpose Statement The purpose of the Portland Association Children’s Camp Board is to bring together the youth of the Portland Association, to minister to them, and to lead them into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Goal To have more of our churches participate in associational youth activities. Past Activities On May we had our Teen Retreat. We had 20 campers and 30 total in attendance. In September we had our children’s camp with 6 campers and 10 people in attendance. In November we had our Hayride with approx. 100 people in attendance. Future Activities Children’s Camp – September 2014 Associational Hayride – November 2014 Recommendations Recommend Bro. Ryan Whiticker for a 3 yr. term Recommend Sis. Kathy Jo Russell for a 3 yr. term Recommend Bro. Brent Long to represent this board on the Property Planning Committee Financial Report Beginning balance checking 01/01/13 Income: Checking interest Allocation from Association Total $ 777.99 .58 1,210.76 $1,211.34 Expenses: Teen Retreat Kids Camp Hayride Postage Total Expenses 619.44 120.53 189.35 40.89 970.21 Ending balance in checking 12/31/13 -63- $1,019.12 Christian Training Institute Inc. Fall Semester 2013 Gallatin Campus 11 Students Bowling Green Campus 14 Student Spring Semester 2014 Gallatin Campus 15 Students Bowling Green Campus 17 Students (10 Credited, 1 Audit) (10 Credited, 4 Audit) (11 Credited, 4 Audits) (13 Credited, 4 Audits) Graduation for CTI was held, April 29, 2014 in Gallatin. The following students received their Pastoral Ministries Diploma: Shelia Kelly, Leland Motley, Eric Downs, Daniel Greer, Charles Rhoads and Chad Penick. Fall Semester 2014 Registration Tuesday, September 2, 2014, 7:00 p.m. Gallatin Location: Cornerstone General Baptist Church Hwy 31 E, 1415 E. Broadway, Gallatin, TN 37066 Bowling Green Location: Cave Mill General Baptist Church 1441 Cave Mill Road, Bowling Green, KY 42104 Classes Held Each Monday Evening Sept. 8—Dec. 1, 2014 Gallatin Location: Classes: Times: Instructors 6:15-7:05, Church History I: Terry Howser 7:10-8:00, How To Study The Bible: Larry Emery 8:20-9:10, Personal Evangelism & Discipleship: David Mitchell 9:15-10:05 Homiletics I: Larry Treadway ************* ** * * * * ***** ** ******* *** **** ********** Bowling Green Location: Classes: Times: Instructors 6:00-6:50, How To Study The Bible: Glenn Jenkins 7:00-7:50, Church History I: Steve Sinclair 8:10-9:00. Personal Evangelism & Discipleship: Donald Key 9:10-10:00 Homiletics I: Kenneth Miller Larry Treadway, President Terry Howser, Registrar -64- Council of Associations Important decisions, discussions, changes, and actions taken over the past year: November of 2013 C of A Meeting 1. Thirty-eight of fifty-four Associations represented and fiftynine of eighty-four C/A representatives were present 2. It was reported that Bro. Don Key had resigned as National Missions Director 3. It was reported that Bro. Sean Warren had resigned as International Missions Director 4. It was announced that Bro. Jim Schremp would serve as Interim International Missions Director 5. It was reported that GBIF is able to offer an interest rate at 2 ½ percent 6. The Evaluation Committee gave a very detailed report (which can be found in the November 2013 C of A minutes) 7. There was a work session in which the following was discussed: The council broke into 6 groups to discuss the work of the Ad-hoc Committee of the Executive Council. There were some concerns with the organization of the missions department. Executive Director Clint Cook gave an explanation of why this committee was created by saying that General Baptists have a unique opportunity with both International and National Missions’ directors leaving. There is some consideration to having one mission’s director with two deputy directors for each International and National Missions. The Ad-hoc Committee will be doing its homework and will report to the Executive Council. This committee cannot make any changes and any final decisions will be made by the General Association. A member of the ad-hoc committee was at each table for discussion. There were just as many pros as cons which means this was a healthy working session. 8. There was some changes made to the C/A by-law specifically related to Institutional Ministries (refer to the minutes to see all the details) May of 2014 C of A Meeting 1. The Minutes for this meeting have still yet to be sent out at the time of this year’s setting of the Portland Association – the following comments are submitted to the best of memory -65- 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. It was reported that a committee consisting of Carl Nichols (chairman), Brandon Petty, and Vince Daniels were appointed by Clint Cook to serve as Interim National Missions Director It was made more clear that Jim and Sue Schremp are serving as co-Interim IM Directors, they have published an organizational flow chart and a detailed handbook for the department There were discussions of the possibility of the combining of the two missions departments but that item has been “tabled” to a future date There was much discussion as of what to do with that Pastoral Ministries department, the conclusion being: The Executive Director will select pastors regionally to connect with the pastors in their assigned area, on person will serve as the “point person” for the group and will have to be approved by the personnel committee. More C/A by-law changes were made in relation to the Basic Ministries The 2015 Budget was approved Again I apologize for the delay of this report not being in your packet or for more of a report from the May meeting, if you would like a copy of the minutes when they become available please contact myself or a C/A representative. For more info or a digital version of the C of A packets contact a council representative or Kelly Copeland at headquarters. Respectfully Submitted, Bro. Andy Mathias -66- Credentials Committee There were no requests for new members to our Association, therefore the Credentials Committee has no business to report. Cody Richardson Danny Brown Mike Brady -67- Executive Committee We the Executive Committee had two meetings this year. We submit the following: Recommendation #1: In conversation with Bro. Clayton Hall, Bro Clayton has reported to us that he has continued to serve as Field Worker for the Portland Association to the best of his ability. He will be glad to continue in that position, if it is the will of this body, and he will continue the ministry of securing appointments for our licensed and newly ordained ministers to preach in our churches. We the Executive Committee recommend that we continue the services of Bro. Clayton Hall as Field Worker for the Portland Association for the coming year. Recommendation #2: We have met with Sister Patricia Creasy and our observation is that this office is functioning well. We recommend that she be retained as a salaried employee of the Association. Recommendation #3 and #4 came from these discussions. Recommendation #3: That a professional audit be made of the finances and presented to the 2015 setting of the Association and every 5 years thereafter. Recommendation #4: That when one time expenditure becomes necessary by Sec/Treasurer office that exceeds $500.00, the Sec/Treasurer will discuss the purchase with the Assistant Sec/Treasurer and then request approval from the Executive Committee (will not apply to normal office supply items, etc.). Recommendation #5: The Executive Committee recommends that a standard criterion be established for and by the Audit Committee, to be used for the Audit process for boards and committees, including but not limited to expenditures, bank balances, and meeting minutes which authorize expenditures and approve the report to the Association. Recommendation #6: We recommend that Bro. Bryan Borth represent the Executive Committee on the Property Planning Committee for a one year term. -68- Recommendation #7: Bro. Jimmy Cook’s term expires with the setting of the Association. The committee would like to express appreciation for his service and place in nomination Bro. David Youngblood for a three year term. Recommendation #8: We recommend that we retain Bro. Lowell Renick for an additional 3 year term. Executive Committee Bro. Larry Hinton, Chairman -69- Field Worker May grace and peace be multiplied upon all of us. We continue with the Young Ministers' Program. We started with six (6) participants; at the present time four (4) are participating. One young man withdrew because he was working with his church, then he went on to pastor one of our churches. The other young man decided not to participate any longer. Fifty-seven (57) appointments were scheduled for this period. The reason for scheduling these young men is not simply to give them an opportunity to preach, but the main purpose of the program is to give exposure to the churches where leadership could be developed when needs arise. The program exposes the young ministers to the churches and the churches to the young ministers. As each of the young men have different personalities, so does each church. I continue to try to serve our retired and/or disabled pastors, along with the widows of our deceased ministers. This is done by sending cards on behalf of the Association and visits, if possible, from time to time. I try to send get well cards to ministers/pastors who might be in the hospital, on behalf of the Association, if I am aware of the situation. (Deacons and Church Clerks, please help me out here) by calling or e-mailing me if your pastor or a minister in your church is ill in the hospital. Christmas cards were sent to missionaries, Bro. Bowers and Bro. Booker on behalf of the Association. I receive calls from individuals, churches and pastors who might have a question or just need to talk to someone. Occasionally I receive a call from a pastor who needs someone to fill his pulpit for some reason. One of the highlights of this year was being able to attend the first service for the Centro Christiano Bilingual Church in Madison, pastored by Bro. Santiago Herlein. As you are aware, we did not schedule a Portland Association Retreat this year, as we had been doing for the past few years. I was just not up to the task of organizing it this year. May God give direction in all areas that His Kingdom, "not ours", be advanced. In His Service Clayton Hall Portland Association Field Worker -70- Home Mission Board The Portland Home Mission Board is presently working with one mission church, “Centro Cristiano Restauracion” in Madison Tennessee. They moved into the Madison location in August. Since that time, average attendance was approximately forty-five people on Sundays plus approximately twelve attending small groups in Gallatin and Nashville area homes. The mission had sixteen conversions since moving. Bro. Santiago Herlein, mission church planter is heading up the Madison work, as well as leading small group studies in Nashville and Gallatin with the Spanish community. The 2013 year was taken up in transitioning the Spanish church congregation from Gallatin to Madison. The organizational meeting was on Sunday, August 18th. We are in the first year of a three year contract with Bro. Santiago and the Madison mission work. Monetary support will diminish over the three year period. Recommendations for board members are 1. 2. 3. Motion was made to ask for a waiver for Bro. Juan Torino position on the board. His position was created for a Spanish representation on the board to help with the Spanish work. He is the only Spanish pastor we have in the Portland Association. Motion approved. Motion was made and approved for Sister Phyllis Lame to be elected as a board member for three year term. Board will ask for The Women's Missionary Society to send a new representative. Motion was made and approved for Bro. Steve Sinclair to serve his first three year term. Board Members: Name Expires Larry Treadway (Pres.) Kenny Greer Larry Hinton (V.P.) Phone Term (615) 210-5735 (615) 325-6108 (615) 325-7258 2015 2015 2016 -71- Alan Motley Jimmy Daughtry Juan Tenario Steve Sinclair Phyllis Lame (270) 784-0330 (615) 325-9353 (615) 397-2973 (270) 782-7563 (615) 325-9732 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 Carol Davis (chosen by the WMS)(W.M.S. representatives serving a one year term.) Donna Treadway (615) 426-5735 (secretary/treasurer) for P.H.M.B. Incorporated. All correspondence: 4006 Hwy 31W, Cottontown, TN 37048 Board Request for Funds Attached is our approved budget for 2014 It is our request that the allocation of funds remain at 42%. Funds are needed for the following reasons: (1) Current ongoing expenses. (2) We have no National Mission money allotted to us for this year or next. (3) The Gallatin Spanish Mission (under the direction of Mission Pastor Santiago Herlein) is being sponsored by the P.H.M.B., individuals, and local churches A separate report will be provided as part of the PHMB annual report to the association (4) We are planning for an additional Spanish mission work in the future, most likely in the Portland area. In The Lord’s Service Portland Home Mission Board -72- Home Mission Board Budget for 2014 Income Income $17,757.81 Rental Income 9,600.00 Mission Income 600.00 Total Income $27,957.81 Expenses Expenses $21,900.24 (Santiago Herlein, Taxes and fees) Rental Expense 2,500.00 Taxes & Insurance Mission Expense Total Expenses $24,400.24 Restoration Christian Center Madison Spanish Mission Brothers and Sisters in Christ As leader of Restoration Christian Center, I feel privileged to be able to serve and reach souls for the glory of God My family and I began this missionary work with the General Baptist ministry in the year 1997. Since then, we have congregated in many different places which we rented for certain hours during the weekends. Places such as recreational centers, schools, houses and auto body shops were useful during that time to announce the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thanks to that, many who were lost are now consecrated Christians. On July of 2013, we inaugurated as mission of the Portland Home Mission Board in our first official church building. Due to this, I feel as if the time of pilgrimage through the desert has come to an end since we finally have an established place to grow as a church. We are very happy with the support that you give us and we trust that God will provide the necessary resources that we may need. We also know that God will be adding day by day to his church those who are to -73- be saved (Acts 247) and that he will provide the financial means for any future challenges. During these six months, we have shared the gospel with an average of 50 visitors of whom around 20 made the decision to accept Jesus for the first time and/or rededicate themselves to the Lord. Of those twenty, ten will be getting baptized during the first quarter of 2014. Although some of the people that live in Gallatin have stopped coming due to the distance, others continue to willingly participate and serve here in Madison. We are praying, fasting and evangelizing the areas around here and so far about thirty people have become members of the church. The ministry we have is mostly bilingual with the objective to unite the Latin family. In many Latin families, the parents only speak Spanish while the children only speak English. Therefore, if we build a bridge between the two languages, they will each be able to worship God in the language they are most comfortable in. We are very excited and we trust that God will do miracles and bring many to listen to his word and that they will he blessed in future times. Thank you once again for your support towards all of these Latin families who need Christ as all around the world need him. Let us continue to build the Kingdom of God for glory of the Father, amen. May God bless you………..Pastor Santiago Herlein -74- Home Mission Board Mission Statement Our mission is to assist in establishing new General Baptist churches in the Portland Association area and to strive to assist other churches in our area as the need arises and as requested. Our purpose is the proclaiming of the Gospel, winning the lost and making disciples. Our goal is to: (1) Assist new missions by: a. Cooperating with Church Planting Coordinator (CPC) and National Missions in determining the where, when and how of new missions, as needed. b. Cooperating with CPC and National Missions in locating and employing Church Planter (CP) for new missions, as needed. c. Helping find suitable worship facility, for purchase or rent, in cooperation with National Missions. d. Providing financial assistance as needed, as available and determined feasible. e. Helping secure loan for purchase of property and facility, when feasible, by signing a note on behalf of the Association, with Association’s approval. f. Helping locate suitable furniture and supplies for facility. g. Visiting new mission and CP, by two (2) or more Board Members, with or without CPC, within 30 days after start-up, The purpose is to encourage the people and evaluate by observation and get feed-back. h. Visiting the new mission and CP after 90 days (more often if thought needful by CPC), by two (2) or more board members, to encourage and evaluate by observation and get feed-back. i. Visiting new mission and CP after 180 days (more often if thought needful by CPC) to encourage and evaluate by observation and get feed-back. -75- j. Cooperating with National Missions in evaluating CPC and CP on a schedule annual basis. k. Cooperate with CP and CPC in determining How and when a missions church should organize into a church. (2) Assist new mission churches, starting without prompting from the Home Mission Boards or National Missions, as needful and feasible. (3) Evaluate the Board’s progress on these goals and objectives at least quarterly. -76- Home Mission Board New Church Planters Agreement “General Baptist have a rich and lengthy heritage of preaching and Teaching the Biblical message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Since 1611, (approx. 400 years), Christians known as General Baptists have led multiplied thousands to a saving faith in Jesus Christ! The doctrine of General Baptists is Biblically correct and remains valid and valuable for every day and age. AGREEMENT: Made by those persons involved in any and all ministries under the direction of the Portland Association of General Baptists, Inc. Home Mission Board. (*Indicate agreement by placing your initials on each line) 1. I am knowledgeable of the Doctrine of General Baptists._________ 2. I am in agreement with the Doctrine of General Baptists._________ 3. I am a member of a General Baptist Church._________ 4. If the Portland Association Home Mission Board requires it, I am willing to join a church in the Portland Association.___________ 5. I have read and will abide by the General Baptist Church Covenant.__________ 6. I am knowledgeable of the current Constitution, Bylaws and Resolutions of the Portland Association and Portland Presbytery, and will abide by them.______When there are future changes, additions ordeletions to the Constitution, Bylaws, Resolutions or Board policies, I will abide by such modifications, as directed by the Portland Association Home Mission Board.________ 7. I covenant with the Portland Association of General Baptists, Inc. Home Mission Board that I will serve conscientiously and faithfully under their direction and guidance.________ 8. I will not practice, teach or promote any beliefs which are in disharmony with General Baptist Doctrine.__________ -77- 9. I will practice, teach and promote the faith and beliefs which are identified in the General Baptists Statements of Faith and Church Covenant._________ 10. I will inform the CPC (Church Planting Coordinator), the Portland Home Mission Board President (another officer if not available) and/or at least one Board Member, at any and every time that I feel the need for guidance and direction, or if a problem arises of which the Portland Home Mission Board should be informed._____________ 11. If there is ever a time that I feel I cannot continue to abide by this AGREEMENT, whether in part or in entirety, I will (after consultation during a regular or called meeting of the Portland Home Mission Board), voluntarily resign from any and all positions for which I have been serving the Portland Home Mission Board.________ ___________________________________Signature ___________________________________Signature (Portland Home Mision Board Officer) ___________________________________Date -78- -79- Income Centro Christiano Hollis Chapel Ladies Hollis Chapel WMS Ladies Aid Convention Mitchellville WMS Mitchellville Church Silver Thread WMS Convention Portland Association Interest Totals Expenses Annual Incorp. Fee Checks Salary 941 Taxes Totals $ $ $ $ $ 4,951.26 $ 526.68 $ 5,477.94 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 20.00 16.00 4,808.70 $ 605.88 $ 5,450.58 $ 2nd Quarter $ 200.00 $ 75.00 $ 75.00 $ 200.00 $ 285.00 $ 449.17 $ 150.00 $ 100.00 $ $ 7.87 $ 1,542.04 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4,879.98 $ 605.88 $ 5,485.86 $ 4th Quarter $ 300.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ $ $ 921.26 $ 150.00 $ $ $ 7.94 $ 1,479.20 4,879.98 $ 605.88 $ 5,485.86 $ 75.00 75.00 1,359.10 150.00 7.18 1,666.28 3rd Quarter Home Mission Board Financial Report 1st Quarter $ 200.00 $ 100.00 $ 75.00 $ $ 25.00 $ 964.53 $ 100.00 $ $ 17,757.81 $ 11.93 $ 19,234.27 20.00 16.00 19,519.92 2,344.32 21,900.24 Total Year 700.00 300.00 275.00 200.00 310.00 3,694.06 550.00 100.00 17,757.81 34.92 23,921.79 -80- Rental Dwelling Income One Stop Realty Expenses Repairs of RDP Air/Heat Plumbing DoorRepair Dept of Codes Property Taxes Insurance Totals Mission Church Income Anderson Clark Cash Cave Mill Clayton Hall Hollis Chapel Ladies Aid $ 5,178.67 1,178.67 $ 4,000.00 $ $ 1,944.00 $ $ 200.00 $ $ 385.00 380.00 200.00 $ 100.00 $ $ $ $ 983.25 1,933.25 $ 850.00 100.00 2,622.70 $ $ $ $ $ 1,862.10 $ 200.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 10.00 $ 1,012.36 $ $ 1,022.36 $ 2,070.00 $ 400.00 100.00 200.00 385.00 380.00 4,000.00 850.00 100.00 10.00 2,191.03 983.25 8,134.28 8,498.80 -81200.00 165.30 296.45 661.75 200.00 $ 21,997.15 13 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,000.00 191.10 201.51 983.25 3,375.86 200.00 50.00 200.00 50.00 300.00 1,865.00 Full detail report of each month on file in the office and with Sis. Donna Treadway Balance in Checking acct. 12/31/13 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 165.70 291.75 50.00 507.45 Mission Church Expenses Mission Church Purchase of Bibles Water NES Spurlock Disposal Insurance Totals $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Iglesia Church Silver Thread Steve Sinclair Helen Wagner White House GB Totals $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 3,000.00 710.23 3,710.23 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 200.00 $ $ $ 200.00 $ 600.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 5,200.00 710.23 522.10 789.71 50.00 983.25 8,255.29 400.00 50.00 200.00 250.00 900.00 3,265.00 Ladies Aid Convention The 76th Ladies Aid Conference was held on Saturday May 3rd, 2014 at Mitchellville General Baptist Church. This year’s theme was "When life hands you lemons make lemonade. Scripture reading from James 1:24 "Count it all Joy". Sis Julie Mathias welcomed everyone and opening prayer was given by Bro. Andy Mathias. Congregational song "Take the name of Jesus with you" was led by Sis. Faye Poole, and we had a few minutes of fellowship. Sis Faye led the congregation in “Where could I go." Committees were dismissed to meet and a 15 minute break was taken. Committees returned, Sis. Julie Mathias called meeting to order. Roll call was given, and each aids report was read by an aid member from each church. Sis. Amy Rogers read the Treasurers report. Reports were accepted as read. 6 churches were present with 39 total in attendance. A rising thanks was given to the hosting church. Conference will be held at Hollis Chapel next year on May 2nd 2015. Committee reports were given: Nominating Committee: Introduction of officers for the 2014 - 2015 year are as follows: President: Kathy White - Hollis Chapel - 130 White Lane Portland TN. 37148 Treasurer: Amy Rogers - Halltown - 107 New Deal Potts Rd. Cottontown, TN. 37048 Secretary: Cindy Briley - Mt. Pleasant - 566 New Deal Potts Rd. Cottontown, TN. 37048 After a 5 minute break, Sis. Jenna Britt sang a special. Guest speaker, Sis. Janet Grogan give a wonderful program on the theme. No aid reported any aid members that had passed away this year. A time of testimonies was given and enjoyed. Sis. Faye led in a congregational “Without Him". Dismissal prayer and blessing over meal was given by Bro. Andy Mathias. Finance Committee: Balance from 2013 Dues collected Morning offering Total Expenses President Sec. / Treasurer Guest Speaker 77.65 210.00 188.50 476.15 0 0 25.00 -82- Printing of Minutes Campground Home Mission Board Total Expenses 25.00 100.00 100.00 250.00 Resolution Committee - No changes Resolutions 1. Conference to be held the 1st Saturday in May at 9:00a.m. 2. Report to be sent to each aid one month prior to conference with a map of directions to host church. 3. Each aid to stress importance of sending cards to bereaved families and get well to sick and shut ins. 4. The conference and treasurers reports to remain in the minutes. 5. Any ladies aid member present can serve as a voting delegate. 6. To invite each church of the Portland Association who does not have a ladies aid to come to conference. 7. Omit reading of minutes except for additions and treasurers report. 8. The host church will offer their choice of refreshments during the break or a noon meal. 9. Topic is to be based on the Bible. 10. When the secretary calls churches names, each church aid should be represented by coming forward to give a summary of that aids goals and accomplishments for the year. 11. Each aid sends report and $35.00 due to the secretary two weeks prior to conference date. 12. Host church furnishes song leader and piano player. 13. The President and Vice President to be provided by the host church for that year’s conference. 14. The Conference sitting and date to be printed in the annual association’s minutes for the previous 10 years. 15. Each aid's secretary name and address to be printed in the minutes. 16. The secretary holds letters for three years. 17. The lighting of the candles for memorial service during conference is to recognize deceased aid members of the Portland association. 18. Ladies Aid conference Secretary must have report available for Portland Association minutes and be present to represent Aid at Portland General Baptist Association. 19. Give a rising thanks to host church. 20. A copy of all resolutions to be included in the association minutes each year. 21. The Secretary and Assistant Secretary of Ladies Aid Association will serve a minimum of a 3 year term. -83- Last 10 years 2014 - Mitcheville 2013 - Macedonia 2012 - Halltown 2011 - East Nashville 2010 - Mt. Pleasant 2009 - Hollis Chapel 2008 - Macedonia 2007 - Macedonia 2006 - Mitcheville 2005 - Halltown Ladies Aid Secretaries: East Nashville - Mary Ann McKnight - 2101 Jones Circle, Nashville TN. 37207 - 615-228-5012 Halltown - Teresa George - 1164 W.Hollis Chapel Rd. Portland, Tn. 37148 - 615-325-2697 Hollis Chapel - Janette Stephens - 418 Old Hwy. 109 N. Portland, TN. 37148 Macedonia - Teresa Eades - 311 Stewart Lane, Woodburn Ky. 42170 270-784-2632 Mitcheville - Donna Hinton - 1029 Hwy. 259 Portland, Tn. 37148 615-325-3251 Mt. Pleasant - Cindy Briley - 566 New Deal Potts Rd. Cottontown, Tn. 37048 - 615-325-9565 -84- Minister’s Retirement Board On April 2nd the Ministers Retirement Board met with the following members present: Robert Gilman, Joe Pearson, Jimmy Daughtry, Wayne Lamberth, Danny Brown, Patricia Creasy, and Andy Mathias. The meeting was called to order and pray was offered by chairman Robert Gilman. The treasure report was given with a motion, second and vote to receive the report; motion passed. Much discussion was given for the long term financial planning of the MRB and the decision was made to be prayerful about this and we would meet again to make a recommendation for this year’s Association meeting. During the time between meetings Robert would contact potential pastors that would possibility be eligible to receive benefits in the next few years. Joe Pearson and Jimmy Daughtry were nominated to serve a second term on the MRB and Tim Williams was mentioned to serve a 3 year term to replace the expiring term of Wayne Lamberth with Robert being responsible to contact Tim to see if he would be willing to serve. On April 30th the Ministers Retirement Board met with the following members present: Robert Gilman, Joe Pearson, Jimmy Daughtry, Wayne Lamberth, Danny Brown, Patricia Creasy, and Andy Mathias. The meeting was called to order by chairman Robert Gilman. Joe Pearson led the group in prayer. Robert Gilman reported the finds from the discussion from the various pastors in the Association. It was reported that over the next 5 years 5 pastors could potentially be receiving funds. The following motions were made and accepted: After being contacted Tim Williams was nominated to serve a 3 year term on the MRB, that the board request that the Portland Presbytery increase dues by $5 per member and that be allocated to the MRB, to make changes to the payment of benefits and Guidelines for the Board which are reflected in the recommendations below, and to add Patricia Creasy to the checking accounts of the Ministers Retirement Board. Recommendations to the Portland Association: 1. 2. 3. 4. Nominate Joe Pearson to serve a 2nd 3 year term Nominate Jimmy Daughtry to serve a 2nd 3 year term Nominate Tim Williams to serve a 3 year term Motion to make significant changes to the disbursements of funds which include -85- a. b. Remove the word Study for the title of the MRB Guideline Reword Guideline #1 to say: 1. Eligibility of 20 years of service in the Portland Association as paid pastor, associate pastor, or youth minister with a minimum age of 65 is required to receive benefits. Only time of service in the Portland Association is considered. Time spent, as a missionary as a member of a Portland Association Church would qualify for time spent as a Pastor. c. Reword Guideline #2 to say: 2. Payment of funds will be $200.00 per month after eligibility is met. d. Remove Guidelines #3 and #9 as they are written e. Add Guideline as #3 3. A candidate must contact the Ministers Retirement Board treasurer, complete an application process and be approved by the Ministers Retirement Board before being eligible to receive benefits. No back pay will be issued if candidate fails to complete the application and approval process when the said candidate is eligible to receive funds. f. With this motion taking effect on January 2015 for the disbursement of funds except for the removal of #9 taking immediate effect. If this motion passes we will be contacting the ministers receiving funds to let them know of the upcoming changes. Treasurer Report Balance Forward 01/01/13 Income Income from churches *** Interest Income Income from Presbytery 2012 Budget Allocation Total Income $ 6,407.30 $ $ $ $ $ 16,679.38 8.51 2,502.00 2,421.52 21,611.41 Income from Churches *** Beech Grove $ 300.00 -86- East Nashville Halltown Hollis Chapel Macedonia Mitchellville Mt. Moriah Mt. Pleasant Providence Salmons Shiloh White House Total Income from Churches $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 719.38 6,000.00 1,500.00 700.00 1,200.00 360.00 3,000.00 1,200.00 200.00 1,000.00 500.00 16,679.38 Expenses Money paid out to Pastors *** Total Expenses $ $ 20,460.00 20,460.00 Money Paid out to Ministers *** Billy Bowers Clayton Hall Ernest Neagle Gus Huff H. Dean Jaggers Harry Neagle Roy Copeland Total Paid out to Ministers $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,400.00 3,060.00 4,140.00 2,400.00 3,360.00 2,700.00 2,400.00 20,460.00 $ $ $ $ 6,407.30 21,611.41 (20,460.00) 7,558.71 $ $ $ 12,809.11 19,768.21 32,577.32 Balance Forward 01/01/13 Plus Income Received Less Expenses Paid Ending Balance 12/31/13 Certificates of Deposit GBIF # 2877 GBIF # 3414 Total Certificates -87- Minister’s Retirement Guidelines 1. Eligibility of 20 years of service in the Portland Association as paid pastor, associate pastor, or youth minister with a minimum age of 65 is required to receive benefits. Only time of service in the Portland Association is considered. Time spent, as a missionary as a member of a Portland Association Church would qualify for time spent as a Pastor. 2. Payment of funds will be $200.00 per month after eligibility is met. 3. A candidate must contact the Ministers Retirement Board treasurer, complete an application process and be approved by the Ministers Retirement Board before being eligible to receive benefits. No back pay will be issued if candidate fails to complete the application and approval process when the said candidate is eligible to receive funds. 4. The minister’s retirement board will remain intact to govern the program, with a membership of nine on three-year rotations. 5. The board will ask for a representative from each church to serve in an advisory capacity and to work as a liaison between the board and his own church. 6. Each church will be encouraged to participate with a % of their income or a minimum of $200.00 per year to help with the costs of this fund. 7. The board will encourage ministers to set up their own personal retirement fund and disability program. This fund is only supplemental. 8. Board will disperse monies as long as funds are available. 9. No one receiving funds from the Minister's Retirement Fund can be a board member, due to a possible conflict of interest. -88- Nominating Committee We the nominating committee recommends the following to serve as delegates to the Council of Association: For a three year term: Robert Gilman term expires 2017 Alternates: Mike Brady (615) 478-4453 Kathy Trotter Danny Everette Steve Moore Mike Trotter -89- Oakland City University Transforming the Heartland, the Nation, and the World The young men and women of America's rural heartland who enroll at Oakland City University each fall represent the best of this country. OCU students work hard, value family, and exhibit the strong desire to serve God and others. Each fall, our students enter to learn, study, and grow. Then, each summer, these students go forth to transform the world through quiet lives of devoted service. In between, students uphold a proud tradition, benefiting from an institution that has been practicing academic excellence since 1885. An OCU education is grounded in a Biblical-based context and rooted in a clear Christian mission. In this setting, hearts are renewed as minds are enriched. Transforming the Heartland Drugs and crime were primarily big-city problems not too long ago. Unfortunately, these issues have tragically changed with the rapid rise of cheap methamphetamine, easily made from common materials found op farms and in local stores. Homemade drugs prey upon the rural poor, creating an army of addicts who lose the ability to make good choices. Where addiction exists, crime quickly follows. In the heartland of America, prison populations are swelling and governmental bodies are facing a rapid growing dilemma. Oakland City University has accepted the challenge to serve the state of Indiana in eight correctional facilities with education programs for incarcerated individuals. Our programs offer certifications in: culinary arts, business technology, building maintenance, horticulture, auto body repair, auto maintenance, and cosmetology. Most importantly, as we educate prisoners, we do it in the love of Christ, understanding that only the gospel can truly change human hearts. During the most recent Indiana State evaluations, Oakland City University's correctional education programs received an A+ grade report. More specifically, sixteen academic and ten vocational teachers exceeded expectations for the year and were recognized by the Commissioner of the Indiana Department of Corrections for their outstanding work. Not only is the University doing well, but ex-offenders are also doing well. Inmates who have successfully completed a General Equivalency Diploma (GED) or who receive a high-school diploma are 62.3% less likely to return to jail and inmates with a college degree are 78.8% less likely to return. Just to offer you a perspective, last year in -90- Indiana's prisons there were slightly less than 8,000 marginally illiterate offenders. Through the prison education program offered from July 2012 through August 201 3 there were 4,072 offenders who either received a GED or completed a vocational program. That means. if statistics hold true, there will be over 2,500 offenders who will not be returning to prison but will become productive citizens. Velvet is one shining example of the power of the gospel and Christian higher education through OCU's prison program. She was sentenced to 30 years in the Indiana Department of Corrections after using and dealing methamphetamine. Velvet says: I felt like my life was over. I called my brother and told him that I was going to jump off of the catwalk and kill myself" While serving her sentence. Velvet learned of OCU's prison education program and how it could benefit her life. She says: "I knew Oakland C/iv University, was a Christian college. My life changed. I did not break an)).47cilitv rules. God changed my outdate and I graduated as Valedictorian with my Bachelor's degree in 2010." Today. Velvet is co-owner of Beautiful Beginnings Florist in Marengo. Indiana and she elaborates: 'U feel very blessed. It's a whole new way of life for me." Transforming-- the Nation Oakland City University is where men and women come of age, blossoming from timid high schoolers into confident, self-assured college graduates. equipped and ready to serve Christ wherever they are called. Yet, only a portion of that growth takes place in the classroom. Much growth occurs in residence halls, where lifelong relationships are formed and deepened as students live and study together. In a place like Oakland City, residence life is absolutely vital. It is the on-campus home of Bible study. prayer and community life. Student housing is a home away from home for our students. Unlike a lot of other colleges and universities, our dorms are segregated by gender. Male students will not find female students next door or on the floor above. Oakland City University remains committed to provide housing which upholds our Christian values and beliefs. An OCU Sophomore student from Cincinnati, Ohio recognizes the impact student housing has made on her life. She says: "I was not raised in a Christian home. I lived my life as a non-Christian. I don't know why but I started going to church with some of my friends on campus. I started chasing after Jesus! I got baptized on campus and Oakland City was a huge part of my experience. Student life is great. Student housing is a gateway for friendships. You make connections in student housing. I have real friends now and I am accepted and loved for who I am. Spiritual development is hard to get away from in the -91- student housing. Bible studies are happening everywhere. Jam really happy here. I love the people at OCU" She is one student of the countless students who have had a life-changing experience with Jesus Christ on the campus of Oakland City University and student housing has played an important role in her spiritual formation. Transforming the World Psalm 96 begins with an exhortation: "Oh sing unto the Lord a new song; sing unto the Lord, all the earth!" The implication in Scripture is that music and worship are universal languages, ones that unite the church around the world. To ensure we do not miss the point, similar language pops up throughout the Bible, culminating in a Revelation vision of every tribe and nation gathered at the heavenly throne to sing Christ's praise. Oakland City University is proud of our rich tradition in Southern Gospel music. Our trademark in Southern Gospel continues, but we also wanted to offer alternative worship styles to meet the needs of the changing world. This past fall, OCU started a new program in Worship Arts. Courses in this field of study include graphic design, songwriting, recording technology.., and even digital arranging... on top of a core that includes Bible, doctrine and ministry courses. Along with the program itself, we have also launched a new contemporary praise and worship band, The Great Command. Like Earthlight, this group will serve as an outreach to churches and to the community, but with a different style of music. Over the past year, Oakland City University students have served across the globe through missions trips and service learning experiences. The impact through our students going forth to serve has been immense. Consider the following statement from one of our students: "Although we had diverse team with different interests and backgrounds, we had one goal that week—love on the people of Honduras. God used me to changes lives in Central America. I knew that as we said goodbye that I would never be the same again." This area remains a vital focus of our mission and vision as we continue providing multi-cultural service opportunities in places such as: China, Honduras, Jamaica and the Philippines. In closing, The Bible says that while man looks at the outward appearance, God looks at the heart. In the nation's best-known academic institutions, minds are filled with knowledge, yet led away from the Truth. In the nation's leading cultural cities, relativism rules the day. We believe an academic institution, in a small agricultural town, quietly holds the key to transforming the heartland, the nation, and the world. That key is service, rooted in the example of Jesus, -92- empowered by His grace, and informed by the timeless Truth of the Bible. Oakland City University stands as a beacon of hope in the heartland. Each year, as a new class of graduates goes forth to serve, we are filled with the quiet assurance of having been faithful to our calling. Each day, we are more deeply aware of how vital you are to this God-given mission and how much the Lord still has in store for our General Baptist university. Grace and Peace, Ray G. Barber, D. Min. President "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." —Matthew5: 14-16 -93- -94- Barber Way Beech Grove Boiling Springs Bowling G.1st Cave Mill Centerpoint Clifton Cornerstone East Nashville Halltown Hollis Chapel Jesus Good Shep. Liberty Macedonia Madison Ave. Martha's Chapel Mitchellville Mt. Moriah Mt. Pleasant Nashville 1st New Life Portland Providence Salmons Servant Church Shiloh State Line Union Chapel Unity White House Totals Essie Phelps Janice Keen L.G. Bryant None Jack Harrison Jean Milliken Jenny Brown Elwood Durham George Glasgow Wanda Briley Jimmy Adcock None Robert Gregory Doma Stewart Susie Basham None Christy Farrough None Myrtle Denney None Lucy Morgan Donald Gene Johnson Kaye Emerson Glen Gomer None Frances Galloway Charles Ward Mary Lane None None Judy Brown Virginia Alderson Skippy Groves Lilly Groves Marjorie Crafton Howard Harmon William Harold McCormick Fannie Mann Frank Stagner Rita Roberts Debbie Thurman Julian McEven Jamie Wingfield Johnny Davis Virgil Shoulders Avery Wicker Charlie Hargett Carol Dixon Delmer McElroy Obituary Report 2013 Ben Brigance Joe Allen 1 3 1 0 1 6 1 2 1 1 1 0 1 4 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 2 5 0 1 2 4 0 0 43 Property Planning Committee The Property Planning Committee held 3 meetings over the past year, plus 2 cleanup days at the campgrounds. We submit the following: Committee Responsibilities: 1. Makes Long term plans for the campgrounds 2. Approve and supervise any projects on campground property. 3. Assist Camp Facilitator in any area he needs. Camp Improvements: 1. Painted the inside of the bath house. 2. Completed the new volleyball court. This includes new sand, net, timbers. (donated) 3. Replaced all of the chains on the swing set. (donated) Update on New Worship Center: 1. Monies donated as of 05/27/14 $46,398.00 2. Donations continue to come in to fund the new building. A Commercial Architect has been secured and is working on the plans. We will proceed with building when this is completed. Recommendations: 1. Guidelines for Campground Rental: We as a Committee felt it necessary to compile Guidelines to be used in the Renting of the Campgrounds. After much discussion, we submit the following: Guidelines for Campground Rental Portland Association Churches or Individuals 1. The Portland Association Children’s Camp Board has first choice of camp reservations. This board is to plan their yearly Calendar and must make their reservations by January 31st of each year to allow for our Association Churches to plan their camps. 2. Any Portland Association Church using the campgrounds, give a set donation to the Trustee Board as follows: Single Day Usage $50.00, -95- Overnight Usage $100.00 per night. However when the requested donation will create a hardship on a Portland Association Church financially, this donation may be waived by the Trustee Board. 3. We highly recommend that any member of the Portland Association who individually or as a family uses the grounds, give a donation to the Trustee Board. 4. Any Portland Association Church wanting to reserve the Campgrounds must reserve by March 1st. After that time, the reservations will be opened to Non-Association Churches. 5. Any Portland Association member, individually or as a family, wishing to reserve the campgrounds, cannot reserve until 2 weeks prior to the date needed. This allows for churches to book for CAMPS, which is the primary purpose of the Campgrounds. Non Association Church, Individual or Non-Profit Organization 1. Any Non-Association Church using the campgrounds give a set donation to the Trustee Board as follows: Single Day Usage $75.00, Overnight Usage $150.00 per night. 2. The Non-Association church must have a Portland Association member to represent them as a responsible party. This responsible person must sign the Hold Harmless Agreement along with the NonAssociation representative. Reservations can be made after March 1st. 3. Any Non Association individual, family or Non-Profit using the campgrounds will fall under the same rules as stated above for the NonAssociation church. The Non-Profit organization must also agree to have a devotional time while at the grounds. The Non-profit or the Non-Association individual cannot reserve the campgrounds until 2 weeks prior to the date needed. This allows for churches to book for CAMPS, which is the primary purpose of the Campgrounds -96- Recommendation # 2 We have 1 at large member coming off the Board. the following. 1. Randy Hodges 3 year term We recommend 2017 We also have 1 member from each of the following boards coming off. These will be appointed by those individual boards. a. Trustee Board b. Children’s Camp Board c. Executive Board Randy Baker, Facilitator Patricia Creasy, Activities Coordinator Charles Pitt, Jr. (at large) Randy Hodges (at large) David Youngblood, Children’s Camp Board Bryan Borth, Executive Committee Trustee Board -97- Resolution Committee Report No changes or new resolutions were presented. -98- State of Association Report Members Received 145 Members Dismissed 92 Members Deceased 43 Total Conversions 97 Total Baptisms 99 Average Worship Attendance 80.3 Avg. Total Average Sunday School Attendance 2409 53 Avg. Total 1592 Total Number of Churches 30 Total Number of Churches Reporting 30 Total Number of Churches Not Reporting Total Membership 0 5,667 Patricia Creasy, Clerk -99- Sunday School Convention Proceedings The 81st annual Sunday School Convention of the Portland Association was held on Saturday April 12, 2014 at Halltown General Baptist Church in Portland, Tn. The theme chosen for the convention was “Empowering Spiritual Champions For Christ” with the Bible verse being Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled” Bro. David Webster, convention President, from Salmons Church opened the proceedings with a welcome and comments on the theme. Bro. Mike Brady, pastor of Halltown church welcomed everyone to the convention. The opening prayer was led by Bro. Jake Suttle from Salmons. Bro. Jake also gave a devotion from Acts 26:9-18. This years’ Workshop, presented by Sis. Mary June Suttle, from Salmons Church, was titled “Journey Through the Bible.” Sis Mary June shared with us many ways she uses in her classes to teach and hold the interest of her students. Sis Mary June told us in 1997 Bro Donald Key brought in his own book called “Journey Through the Bible” and since then she has kept her own notebook to use each year to teach from. It’s a journey from Genesis to Revelations. We also learned several aspects on the story of Jesus bringing Lazarus back to life (John11) such as obedience; faith; instruction; compassion; remorse; salvation; gratitude and praise. And death, to die with integrity, knowing that you have done the right thing because death is a sure thing. Wouldn’t you rather be known as the one that followed Jesus? There are three things that once gone, never come back; Time, Words and Opportunity. And all three of these things can be wasted. Our Youth in Action portion of the convention was presented by the Halltown youth. They did a fantastic puppet show about Prayer Partners and a song that had everyone on their feet. We all appreciated the effort those young people put into the program. The order of the meeting was changed to business and the reports were given. The expense report was read. A motion was made and seconded to accept the report as read. The State Of Convention, Finance, Resolutions and Nominating committee reports were all read, approved and acted upon as necessary. Nominating Committee nominated the following officers for the year -100- 2014: President: Bro David Webster - Salmons Vice President: Bro Kenny Greer - State Line Secretary/Treasurer: Sis Rebecca Poag - Union Chapel Asst Secretary: Sis Nelda Towe - Macedonia Lyda Groves Committee Chair - Providence Lowell Renick - Shiloh, Bobby McMurry - White House We did not get a volunteer for the workshop for next year. Please be in prayer for this position Bro Webster appointed the following committees for 2015: Nominating Committee Salmons Macedonia Halltown Planning Committee Barber Way Cornerstone Salmons New Business The seating for next years convention is Cornerstone Church 1415 E Broadway Gallatin, TN. 37066. Finance committee report: Beginning balance $ 137.34 Postage -19.60 Printing -36.06 Balance $ 81.68 Checks deposited Bal. in account $600.00 $681.68 Association for Printing of Minutes -Camp Forshee President Secretary Visiting Speaker Donald Key $160.00 160.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 Total This leaves a balance of $570.00 $111.68 -101- Gus Huff - Committee chair Liberty Kenny Greer - State Line Debra Wolffersdorff - Mt Moriah Resolutions Committee The Resolutions Committee voted to change resolution # 8 to read “We give a rising vote of thanks to Halltown Church for their hospitality and to the officers for a fine program.” Tracy Hinton Committee Chair - Mitchellville Vicki Guy - Clifton Clara Staggs - East Nashville State of Convention We, the State of Convention Committee, find 25 of 30 Sunday Schools sent in reports. There are 52 registered delegates and 83 registered visitors present here today. We find a Spirit of Unity, Dedication, and Worship present. Helen Civils Committee Chair - Hollis Chapel Our Special singing was performed by Stephanie Gregory of Salmons. Stephanie did a wonderful job of “A Day Such As This” and “Alive.” Power of the Word was presented by Bro Donald Key. 2Timothy 2:2 “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” Christian education is useful for every age group. To be able to pass on the word of God we must learn ourselves. When we stop learning we stop growing, we become stagnant. Be prepared, study to know the lesson. Be prepared spiritually to show what God has laid on our hearts. Different age groups learn differently so it is important to use age appropriate learning tools such as videos. Share in a way that speaks to the age group we are teaching and keep them engaged and interested. The task of every Christian is to share the Word of God with someone who will share the Word of God with someone else! We must be faithful to teach the Word. We then had a song of invitation, a United Alter Prayer and a Blessing on the noon meal. The ladies of Halltown prepared a delicious meal that was shared and appreciated by all. -102- Sunday School Convention Resolutions 1. The President appoints a committee of three with one being from the host church to assist in preparing the program. 2. The names, addresses and phone numbers of Convention Officers, Superintendents and Secretaries of each Sunday School to be printed in the minutes and that all correspondence is sent to the proper officer’s address. This correspondence should also include the name and address of the church location for the next year’s convention. 3. The second Saturday in April to be the annual date of the Sunday School Convention to begin at 9:00 A.M. 4. The former meeting places are printed in the minutes. 5. The Nominating Committee to be appointed a year in advance. 6. A donation is to be made by the convention to the Christian Education Board each time a representative of the board comes to our convention. The amount is to be decided by the Finance Committee. 7. The Secretary of Convention appoint the various committees in advance and mail notice to each Sunday School of the selection with the report. Each Sunday School to select a delegate from their delegation to serve and meet with the committee at 9:00 A.M. on the Saturday of the Convention. 8. We give a rising vote of thanks to Halltown General Baptist Church for their hospitality and to the officers for a fine program. 9. Be it resolved that the Sunday School Convention allow the Planning Committee to have a Saturday afternoon session, if deemed necessary. 10. The Convention Secretary mails a program to each church, six weeks before the convention date. 11. The Statistical and Finance reporting period for the convention shall be the calendar Year (Jan. thru Dec.) instead of convention to convention. Sunday School Convention Bylaws 1. This Convention shall be known as the Sunday School Convention of the Portland Association of General Baptists. 2. Its objective is to encourage Sunday School work and get a uniform way of presenting Sunday School work and learn the best way to get the best results from the Sunday School work. 3. Its’ officers shall consist of the President to preside at all public -103- meetings of the Convention. President must state all questions clearly and take the vote of the Convention.. 4. The President shall not be allowed to vote except in the case of a tie. The Vice-President shall act in the absence of the President. 5. The duties of the Secretary shall be to keep a correct record of the proceedings of the Convention and answer all correspondence. 6. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all money and pay out the money on the order of the Convention. 7. Ten delegates shall constitute a quorum provided not less than three Sunday Schools are represented thereby, but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time. 8. Each Sunday School group shall pay the minimum dues of $25.00 to the Convention Treasury. 9. The delegates present shall determine the location of the next Convention. 10. There shall be one Convention held each year. 11. All officers shall be elected annually. 12. All delegates, officers, and teachers shall be eligible to vote in the Convention. 13. The Convention, when convened, shall be opened with singing and prayer. 14. Only one person shall speak at a time, which shall rise at the point of order and address the Moderator. 15. The person speaking shall adhere to the question and shall in no wise cast reflections on any Person who may have spoken before him. 16. The person thus speaking shall not be interrupted in the speech by the Moderator, until he/she has finished, nor shall the Moderator interrupt him/her unless they break order. 17. No person shall speak more than three times on the same subject more than three times on the same subject without leave of the Convention. 18. Members shall address each other by the appellation of Brother, Brethren or Sister. 19. No member shall laugh or whisper in time of public speech. 20. No member shall absent himself or herself when the Convention is sitting in conference without leave of the Moderator. 21. The names of the members of the Convention shall be enrolled and called over as often as the Convention may deem necessary. 22. This Convention shall appoint such committees as it deems necessary with President stating the duties of each committee appointed. -104- 23. That By-Laws shall be published annually in minutes. 24. Each church, however small, is entitled to two representatives; of fifty members – three; and for each additional fifty members or fraction thereof, one representative. 25. The reading of the Sunday School letters be eliminated and that a special sheet be prepared by the Secretary by April 1. 26. That these By-Laws shall not be changed without 75 percent majority of the voting delegates. Sunday School Convention Superintendents, Secretaries and Delegates Barber Way General Baptist Superintendent - Billy Riddle 550 Morris Duff Rd. Woodburn, KY. 42170 (270)529-3711 SS Secretary - Connie Paschal 1492 South Goshen Ch.Rd. Bowling Green, KY. 42103 (270)779-2651 Mail goes to: Barber Way General Baptist Church, 1121 Barber Way, Bowling Green, KY. 42103 Delegates - Sis. Connie Paschal, Bro. Kenneth Pedigo, Bro Neil Boyd Bro. Joe Boyd, Sis. Paula Boyd, Bro. Billy Riddle, Sis. Faye Riddle, Pamela Boyd, Shirley Boyd Beech Grove General Baptist Superintendent - Marcus Landers 1328 Old Glasgow Rd. Scottsville, KY. 42164 (270)239-8690 c (270)622-0612 SS Secretary - Janet York 1055 Carter Church Rd. Adolphus, KY. 42120 (270)622-6807 c (270)622-1294 Delegates - Eutra Graves, Larry Howell, Marcus Landers, Jimmy Landers, Bro Gary Pardue, Debbie Cowles, Steve Cowles, M. Lado Boiling Springs General Baptist Superintendent - Leslie Lamastus 3725 Boiling Springs Rd. Bowling Green, Ky.42101 (270)597-3891 SS Secretary - Rhonda Wilson 2200 Chalybeate School Rd. Bowling Green,Ky 42101 (270)791-2838 Delegates - Brandy Crews, Elizabeth Crews, Brittan Crews -105- Bowling Green First General Baptist Superintendent - Mike Matthews 1351 Plum Springs Rd. Bowling Green, KY. 42101 (270)781-6734 SS Secretary -Debbie Cowles 1218 Carla Dr. Bowling Green, KY. 42101 (270)843-8007 Mail goes to: Bowling Green First General Baptist Church 311 W. 10th Street Bowling Green, KY. 42101 Delegates - Janice Hendrick, Linda Motley, Carroll Haynes, Debbie Haynes, Jeannie Hendrick, Randall Hendrick Cave Mill General Baptist Superintendent - Troy Costellow 130 Barren Bailey Rd. Russellville, KY. 42270 (270)542-6421 SS Secretary - Doris Glass 1580 Oxford Way Bowling Green, KY. 42103-4711 (270)842-5183 Delegates - Troy Costellow Center Point General Baptist Superintendent- Gerald and Martha McCormick 147 Caldwell Dr. Hendersonville, TN. (615)859-7985 37075 SS Secretary - Billie Watkins and Shelley Vantrease 112 Elissa Dr. Hendersonville, TN. 37075 (615)824-0483 Delegates - J.W. Forshee, Minnie Forshee, Gerald McCormick, Martha McCormick Mail goes to: Center Point General Baptist Church P.O. Box 1705 Hendersonville, TN. 37075 Clifton General Baptist Superintendent - Tim Wheat 1056 Brownsford Rd. Scottsville, KY. 42164 (270)622-5150 SS Secretary -Brenda Bright 4506 Jefferson School Rd. Scottsville, Ky. 42164 (270) 622-5080 Delegates - Vicki Guy, Shannon Jones, Tim Wheat, Chrissy Barnett, Louie Douglas Cornerstone General Baptist Superintendent - Louis Williams 115 Alexander Ln. Bethpage, TN. 37022 -106- SS Secretary - Beverly Copeland 224 Mark Circle Gallatin, TN. 37066 (615)804-2197 Delegates - Bro. Lance Carter, Louis Williams, Deanna DeBow, Anglina Vickory, Darla Alderson, David Weatherford, Jimmy Pearson, Tara Pearson, Beverly Copeland, Marsha Fletcher, Marlene Bates, Woody Alderson East Nashville General Baptist Superintendent - Tommy Percle 2421 Emmett Ave. Nashville, Tn. 37206 (615) 838-7480 or (615) 512-2987 SS Secretary - Debbie Turner 2609 Flamingo Dr. Nashville, TN. 37207 (615)227-0713 Delegates - Clara Staggs Halltown General Baptist Superintendent - Misty Brown 909 College Street Portland, TN. 37148 (615)604-6138 SS Secretary - Connie Briley 829 Halltown Rd. Portland, TN. 37148 (615)325-9317 Mail goes to: Halltown GBC 120 Dink Rut Rd. Portland, TN. 37148 Delegates - B.J. Barnes, Tonya Barnes, Tim Brown, Misty Brown, Bro. Mike Brady, Patricia Creasy, Bro. Victor Creasy Hollis Chapel General Baptist Superintendent - David Sims 119 April Cr Portland, TN. 37148 (615)325-1699 SS Secretary - Sandi Whitacker 286 Old Dobbins Pike Gallatin, TN. 37066 (615)263-0451 Delegates - Helen Civils, Charles Stephens, Phyllis Lame, Doug Cook Jesus the Good Shepherd No Report Liberty General Baptist Superintendent - Jonathan Wilson 1816 Macedonia Rd. Franklin, KY. 42134 (270)586-1452 -107- SS Secretary - Melissa Franklin 2607 Morgantown Rd. Franklin, KY. 42134 (270)586-7318 Delegates- Bro Frank Hayes, Bro Hollis Pruitt, Bro Neal Huff, Bobby Moore, Martha Moore, Danny Cook, Carol Cook, Guss Huff Macedonia General Baptist Superintendent - Matthew Law 4491 Gold City Rd. Franklin, Ky. 42134 (270)647-1204 SS Secretary - Ruth Ann Dillard 337 Dinwiddie Rd. Franklin, Ky. 42134 (270) 586-3980 Delegates - Wallace Dillard, Ruth Ann Dillard, Harry Laur, Pat Harlow, Adina Harlow, Courtney Eades, Bob Gephart, Carol Gephart, LeAnn Law, Bro. David Youngblood, Teresa Eades, Jamie Simpson Madison Avenue Superintendent - Stan Currens 109 Plain Ave. Bowling Green, KY. 42101, (270)791-4170 SS Secretary - Nancy Scoggins 1222 Hayner Rd. Bowling Green, Ky. 42104, (270)791-6496 Mail goes to: Bro. David Hobdy 748 College Street Portland, Tn. 37148 (615)325-4391 Delegates - Mike Thomas, Richard Childers, David Hobdy, Jordan Russell Martha’s Chapel Superintendent - Danny Grimes 334 Whitlock Rd. Alvaton, KY. 42122, (270)782-7331 SS Secretary - Shelia Hester 2725 Garrett Dr. Bowling Green, KY. 42104, (270)843-9335 Delegates - none reported Mitchellville General Baptist Superintendent - Tracey Hinton 6845 Highland Rd. Portland, TN. 37148 (615)633-1325 SS Secretary -Letricia King 134 Short Rd. Portland, TN. 37148 (615)714-9454 Delegates - Tracy Hinton, Taylor Landers -108- Mt. Moriah General Baptist Superintendent - Richard Rogers, Portland, TN. 37148 (615)325-4328 SS Secretary - Debra Wolffersdorff 1000 Phillip Dr. Portland, TN 37148, (615)323-1654 Delegates - Debra Wolffersdorff, Bro. Shane Lame Mt. Pleasant General Baptist Superintendent - Kevin Edison 158 Jake Link Rd Cottontown, TN.37048, (615)325-5502 SS Secretary - Cecilia White 227 Riggs Ave. Portland, TN. 37148 (615 )325-3816 Delegates - Linda Pearson, Cecilia White, Wayne Lamberth, Patricia Hughes, Lisa Reichart, Teresa Ring, Delorse McGill, Ray Dean Edison Nashville First General Baptist Church Delegates: Tayden Roy, Linda Motley, Anthony Armer No Other Report New Life General Baptist Church No Report Portland General Baptist Superintendent - Brent Long 111 Briley Ln. Portland, TN. 37148 (615)406-2810 SS Secretary - Rachel Long 111 Briley Ln. Portland, TN. 37148 (615)406-1355 Delegates - none reported Providence General Baptist Superintendent - James (Webb) Bell 714 S. Oak Forrest Rd. Adolphus, KY. 42120 SS Secretary - Barbara Prock 1031 Haskel Akins Rd. Bethpage, TN. 37022 (615)888-2648 Delegates - Lyda Groves, Bonnie Minor, Barbara Prock, Bro. Tim Williams Salmons General Baptist -109- Superintendent - David Webster 2575 Salmons-Blackjack Rd. Franklin, KY. 42134, (270) 586-8326 SS Secretary - Matt Warren 1009 Tracey Lane Portland, TN. 37148 (615)206-8150 Delegates - Jake Suttle, Ann Webster, John Gregory, Stephanie Gregory, Emily Warren, Bro. Danny Brown, June Suttle Servant Church No Report Shiloh General Baptist Superintendent - Jesse Craddock 328 N. Gassaway Rd. Glasgow, Ky. 42141 (270) 678-6326 SS Secretary - Lowell Rennick 10885 Old Bowling Green Rd. Smiths Grove, KY 42171 (270) 678-2397 Delegates - Jewell Lindsey, Priscilla Webb, Frances Whitley, Kathy Littrell, Kenny Littrell, Maybell Mansfield, Lowell Renick, Michael Renick, Eva Renick, Prescilla Webb, Jewell Lindsey, Jesse Craddock, Glenn Jenkins, Leland Motley State Line General Baptist Superintendent - Kenny Greer 757 N. Russell St. Portland, TN. 37148, (615)325-6108 SS Secretary - Connie Freeman 1924 Hwy 259 Portland, TN. 37148 (615)325-9532 Delegates - Kenny Greer, Debbie Greer, Fred Greer, Larry Freeman, Pat Greer Union Chapel General Baptist Superintendent - Hunter Hicks 332 Spring Valley Dr. Cottontown, TN. 37048 (615) 379-1354 SS Secretary - Krisit Irish 2914 Academy Rd Portland, TN. 37148 (615)325-0932 Delegates - Hunter Hicks, Julie Hicks, Jerry Cline, Jeanette Cline, Rebecca Poag Unity General Baptist Superintendent - Truman Muse 1404 Parkhurst Dr Green, KY. 42101 (270) 904-2648 -110- Bowling SS Secretary - Thelma Menroe 1305 Melrose St Bowling Green, KY. 42101 (270) 842-0971 Delegates - Nell Borders, Carol Dunn, Thelma Menroe Mail goes to: Unity General Baptist Church c/o Carol Dunn 8255 Barren River Rd. Bowling Green, KY. 42101 White House General Baptist Superintendent - Bobby McMurtry 5013 Williams Rd. Cross Plains, TN. 37049, (615) 739-2106 SS Secretary - Pat Bain Mail go to: P. O. Box 1485 White House, TN. 37188 Delegates - Bobby McMurtry -111- Dates and Places of Past Conventions 1. 1933 Buntin's Chapel 2. 1934 - Buntin's Chapel 3. 1935 - No Record 4. 1936 - No Record 5. 1937 - No Record 6. 1938 - Byrum's Chapel 7. 1939 - Halltown 8. 1940 - Shiloh 9. 1941 - Mt. Pleasant 1. 1933 Buntin's Chapel 2. 1934 - Buntin's Chapel 3. 1935 - No Record 4. 1936 - No Record 5. 1937 - No Record 6. 1938 - Byrum's Chapel 7. 1939 - Halltown 8. 1940 - Shiloh 9. 1941 - Mt. Pleasant 10. 1942 - Hollis Chapel 11. 1943 - Buntin's Chapel 12. 1944 - Bowling Green 13. 1945 - No Record 14. 1946 - Halltown 15. 1947 - Hollis Chapel 16. 1948 - Mitchellville 17. 1949 - Salmons 18. 1950 - Byrams Chapel 19. 1951 - Shiloh 20. 1952 - Brownsville 21. 1953 - Boiling Springs 22. 1954 - Madison Ave 23. 1955 - Macedonia 24. 1956 - Portland 25. 1957 - Union Chapel 26. 1958 - Mt. Pleasant 27. 1959 - Nashville Second 28. 1960 - First Bowling Green 29. 1961 - Halltown 30. 1962 - Hollis Chapel 31. 1963 - Salmons 32. 1964 - Brownsville 33. 1965 - Portland 34. 1966 - Union Chapel 35. 1967 - First Bowling Green 36. 1968 - Macedonia 39. 1971 - Union Chapel 40. 1972 - Portland 41. 1973 - Madison 42. 1975 - Halltown 43. 1976 - Mt. Pleasant 44. 1977 - Fairview 45. 1978 - Center Point 46. 1979 - Union Chapel 47. 1980 - Cave Mill 48. 1981 - Shiloh 49. 1982 - Hollis Chapel 50. 1983 - Nashville First 51. 1984 - Portland 52. 1985 - Cave Mill 53. 1986 - Salmons 54. 1987 - Mt. Pleasant 55. 1988 - Clifton 56. 1989 - Fairview 57. 1990 - Halltown 58. 1991 - Creekmont 59. 1992 - Union Chapel 60. 1993 - Hollis Chapel 61. 1994 - Madison 62. 1995 - Portland 63. 1996 - Mt. Pleasant 64. 1997 - Madison Ave 65. 1998 - Mt. Pleasant 66. 1999 - Shiloh 67. 2000 - Fairview 68. 2001 - Faith 69. 2002 - Halltown 70. 2003 - Hollis Chapel 71. 2004 - Cave Mill 72. 2005 - Mitchellville 73. 2006 - Salmons 74. 2007 - Portland 75. 2008 - Union Chapel 76. 2009-Mt. Pleasant 77. 2010-Cornerstone 78. 2011- Salmons 79. 2012-Hollis Chapel 80. 2013-Providence 81. 2014-Halltown -112- -113- 192 49 56 Center Point Clifton Cornerstone 70 Hollis Chapel 130 Mt. Pleasant 58 214 100 Portland General Providence Salmons 37 110 20 130 State Line Union Chapel Unity White House 78 12 57 21 72 72 74 53 22 81 8 4 9 3 7 11 4 8 4 9 3 11 4 5 8 3 9 13 6 5 14 2 4 3 12 3 Classes 11 4 15 5 18 17 8 11 6 16 3 12 6 7 13 7 20 24 14 6 41 6 4 5 14 3 Teachers LT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 Attend *Madison Ave Sunday School money not kept separate **Martha's Chapel gave $2285.25 to church and flower fund 101 Shiloh Servant Church 52 New Life Nashville 1st 50 27 112 127 Mt. Moriah 30 Mitchellville 52 Madison Ave 68 33 58 167 40 40 98 17 20 13 81 19 25 98 Macedonia Avg. Attend Martha's Chapel 98 Liberty Jesus the Good Shephard 205 Halltown East Nashville 25 20 20 Bowling Green 1st Boiling Springs 118 Beech Grove Cave Mill 25 Barber Way Enrolled $1,540.00 $624.00 $1,522.21 $2,388.96 $7,052.36 $1,452.05 $1,997.93 $1,147.73 $1,125.00 $4,572.55 $2,732.65 $3,457.11 $4,208.20 * $15175.02 $10,263.00 $5,692.47 $2,335.85 $3,292.59 $2,028 $1,872.00 $1,040 $835.00 $2,345.00 $502.14 Offerings $2,542.00 $400.00 $3,096.04 $644.92 $3,187.36 $1,931 $2,667.95 1172.79 0 $4,338.08 $3,423.13 $6,433.08 $1,933.72 * $11,880.02 $6,896.27 $4,116.39 $1,706.02 $1,232.24 $4,436.39 $533.15 $68,008 $769.00 $2,422.94 $371.82 Expenses Sunday School Statistical & Financial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ** 0 0 0 $300.00 0 0 $1,328 0 0 $0.00 0 0 LT $ Total $ $2,542.00 $400.00 $3,752.64 $1,110.12 $5,351.23 $4,503.76 $3,923.21 $1,935.62 $1,125.00 $6,914.02 $3,905.36 $8,133.08 $1,933.72 * $14,981.84 $7,820.50 $5,421.04 $1,706.02 $1,652.24 $7,251.59 $533.15 $680.08 $2,054 $2,422.94 $371.82 Paid $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 Trustee Board The Trustee Board met on Thursday, June 12, 2014. Members present: Ray Dean Eidson Tim Brown Randy Givens Kenny Greer Randy Baker ex-officio Not present: Rick Patty Discussion included filling Bro. James Stringer’s position on the board. Results as follows: Chairman Ray Dean Eidson Treasurer Tim Brown Discussion was made on recommendation of new members to replace members whose terms are finished. It was noted that Bro. Ray Dean Eidson will be the representative to the Property Planning Committee. Recommendation: Jake Suttle 3 year term 2017 Trustee Board Treasurer's Report Balance in Treasure 01-01-13 $ INCOME Portland Association $ 2,825.11 Donations to General Fund $ 2,809.25 Rent on Campground $ 3,077.00 Donations for Mowing $ 1,375.00 Interest $ 58.86 -114- 44,809.80 Donations for New Tabernacle $ 7,372.00 Donation for Mattress Covers $ 1,000.00 Total Income Balance $ $ 18,517.22 63,327.02 EXPENSES Mowing $ 2,875.00 Tennessee Dept. of Health $ 150.00 Insurance $ 1,966.50 Application for Permit $ 420.00 Steve Artz sight plan $ 1,000.00 Supplies $ 414.26 Repair on Fuse Box $ 148.03 Water Heater $ 500.00 Basket Ball Pad and Goals $ 218.48 C.E.M.C. $ 2,584.17 Portland Utilities $ 1,009.96 Mattress Covers $ 875.74 Total Expenses $ 12,162.14 Balance 12/31/13 Designated for Worship Building $ $ 51,164.88 (43,198.00) Operating Funds $ 7,966.88 Worship Building Funds/included in above totals Donations 2012 $ 37,246.00 Donations 2013 $ 7,372.00 Expenses 2013/Permit & Sight Plan $ (1,420.00) Balance as of 12/31/13 $ 43,198.00 -115- Women’s Ministries Convention The sixty-second setting of the Portland One-Day Women’s Ministries Convention convened April 26, 2014 at 9:00 am, hosted by Hollis Chapel General Baptist Church in Portland, TN. Opening and Call to Worship was given by President Martha McCormick. Hollis Chapel led a congregational “The Glory Land Way”. The welcome & opening prayer was given by Beth Pippin from Hollis Chapel. There were 30 members and 1 minister registered. Theme Scripture and Presidents comments given by Martha McCormick from Psalm 90:17 & Luke 6:38. The 2014 theme is The Year of Stewardship; Reflecting the Beauty of the Lord. We check our reflection in the mirror a lot and hopefully we are reflecting the right things. Our clothes tell who we are and what we are planning. God’s calling on our lives makes us who we truly are. God doesn’t make us all alike; we all have special talents to reach the world for Christ. We must be ready for the daily opportunities that God provides for us. Luke 18:18 speaks about where we are spending our time and money in the story of the rich young ruler. What is number one in your life? Martha McCormick led in prayer. Hollis Chapel led another congregational, “To God Be the Glory”. Women’s Board Report read by Faye Poole. She spoke of the people that had influenced her life over the years. Some were present in the meeting today and others from churches within the groups present. She challenged each group to work on the Love Gift fund this year and how important it was. Phyllis Lame gave Home Missions Board Report. She spoke of Brother Santiago and the new Madison church. She spoke of the many things they do in the community and said how wonderful it would be if all churches took up some of those same habits. She read their goals and that once they become fully funded they would plant a new Hispanic church in the Portland area. She asked for prayer about this new church plant. She thanked everyone for giving her the privilege to serve and be on the board. Memorial Service was held by Elizabeth Webb from Union Chapel for Carol Dixon, a member of Center Point. Elizabeth knew her personally. She said that she reflected the beauty of the Lord. Many years she was active in WMS and was a Sunday school teacher. She had cancer for 13 years but that didn’t stop her. She witnessed to -116- people the whole time while she was taking Chemo. She cooked dinners on Wednesday nights at the church. He never had a bad word to say about anyone and how wonderful it would be if more people were like her. Wayside Witness Inductees were asked for. There were none. Special singing was done by Carol Davis from Hollis Chapel “Footprints in the Sand”. Martha introduced guest speaker Jennifer Trotter. She is Brother Mike and Kathy Trotter’s daughter and a member at Center Point. She works with the Children’s Ministries, Youth, Drama, and Praise team. She is an elementary teacher at Beech and has taken several mission trips including Honduras, India, and Dominican Republic. She talked about how she had her students compare two stories and how we can all get wrapped up in a story. She said that we need to be stewards of our story. God is at work in our lives every day and we should be sharing our stories. We should live our lives in a way that we are remembered for how we impacted lives for God after we are gone. She spoke about living her life being driven by fear. God put her on a journey to help release her fears and trust him in full. She was asked to go on a mission trip last minute that was already paid for, except she would have to go without work for a week and she needed the money. She couldn’t decide what to do because she is single and needed to be working that week to provide for herself. She prayed and asked God to show her what He would have her do. She heard a song about starting out on her knees, so she began to pray. Then she found some scripture she had put on a note in her phone Isaiah 61 “The Year of the Lords Favor”. And when she read it, she understood she was supposed to submit and go to on the trip and God would provide the finances she needed. Her family had a 30th birthday celebration for her just before she was to leave on her trip and she received monetary gifts in excess of what she needed to cover her expenses for being out of work for a week as well as items she needed for her trip. God provided everything she needed. We have to learn to listen to the little nudges He gives us and to be obedient or we are the ones that miss out on the blessings He is trying to provide to us. She reiterated to be a steward of our stories. We had a short break. CenterPoint led fun time. They gave out a handout that had 16 books of the bible in it to find. They were scrambled between words in paragraphs. They drew names and gave out gifts. Business was called to order. -117- Martha asked for anyone that would like to become new members to stand. There were no new members. Kristi Irish conducted roll call for all groups in attendance and visitors. Hollis Chapel; 11 members. Union Chapel; 6 members. Centerpoint; 7 members. Mitchellville; 6 members. Visitors; 0, Pastors; 1. Martha asked for Old Business. There was none. Committee reports were called for: RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE: No changes or additions proposed for Resolutions. Motion was made and passed to accept report as read. FINANCE COMMITTEE: we recommend the following: printing of the minutes $25.00; Guest Jennifer Trotter $100.00; Portland Home Missions; $100.00, WMS Love Gift; $100; Faith Home; $100. Report of the finance committee was motioned and passed. NOMINATING COMMITTEE: We recommend the following officers for the coming year: President – Faye Poole, 324 Jim Courtney Rd, Portland, TN 37148, (615) 325-4569, [email protected] from Mitchellville President Elect – Beth Pippin, 295 Brandy Hollow Road, Portland, TN 37148, (615) 969-1907, [email protected] from Hollis Chapel Sec/Treasurer – Kristi Irish, 2914 Hwy 109 N, Portland, TN 37148, (615) 325-0932, [email protected] from Union Chapel Asst. Sec/Treasurer – Ashley Berry, 113 Kayla Circle, Portland, TN 37148, (615) 473-8984, [email protected] from Union Chapel Portland Home Mission Board representative – Carol Davis, Hollis Chapel Recommendations were passed and elected as nominated. NEW BUSINESS: Mitchellville invited the Convention to meet with them next year. Accepted and passed. We were adjourned from Business. Recognition was given to Hollis Point for hosting this year. The officers for the 2014 convention were installed by Mitchellville. The ladies held up letters spelling SPRING and talked about it was an exciting time. S stands for Sensitivity, P stands for Patience, R stands for Responsibility, I stands for Integrity, N stands for Nice, G stands for Genuine. She installed speaking of each ones -118- responsibility and gave a flower to the offers for the coming year. Martha Presented the Gavel to Faye. Business adjourned. Faye called for a standing ovation for Martha’s service the last two years. Faye asked for Prayer and Guidance. Brother Mike Trotter led dismissal prayer and for the lunch provided by Hollis Chapel. ONE DAY CONVENTION TREASURES’S REPORT 2014 INCOME Balance brought forward Dues TOTAL INCOME $ 297.81 $ 328.00 $ 625.81 EXPENSES Postage Printing of minutes Guest Speaker Faith Home WMS Love Gift Portland Home Missions TOTAL EXPENSES (donated) $ 25.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 100.00 $ 425.00 2014 BALANCE $ 200.81 RESOLUTION # 17 That our Society Report to include the amount spent on local missions, Women’s Ministries, National and International Missions. TOTAL FROM ALL REPORTING SOCIETIES Missions Women’s Ministries International Missions National Missions $3,994.33 $4,894.85 $4,667.00 $ 250.00 Total $13,806.18 -119- 2014 RESOLUTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. We give the Officers and host Society a rising vote of thanks. The host Society has the option of having a noon meal, and registering the delegates and visitors, and preparing the banner. Each Society pay $2.00 per member fee along with the $60.00 Convention dues and no offering be taken on Convention day. When available, the sponsors of children’s groups should be members of Women’s Ministries or Guilds. The President and Secretary of the One Day Convention be on the Organizational Committee. A Society Report and program will be sent to each church and any other churches that have a Women’s Ministries by March 15th and the report must be returned to the One Day Convention Secretary by April 15th each year. Report will include a request for each society to ask for candidates within their society for officers to pass on to nomination committee for the One Day Convention. The President, President-Elect, Secretary/Treasurer and the President of the host Society be responsible for planning the program. All committees be appointed each year. The places, dates, names, phone numbers, and email addresses of the Officers of the One Day Convention be printed in the Associational minutes. The names, addresses and phone numbers of the Organizational Committee, President and Secretary of each Society be printed in the Associational minutes. The Convention to be a half day on the last Saturday of April with registration and committee meetings to begin at 8:30 a.m. and the convention to start at 9:00 a.m. The amount of money for a guest speaker be determined by the Financial Committee. All Pastors, Pastors wives, Deacons, and Deacons wives be challenged and encouraged to be supportive and active in all mission work of the local church, the Association, and the Denomination (i.e. Women’s Ministries, Guild groups, Children’s groups and other mission groups). The President-Elect move into the President’s position upon completion of the President’s term of office which shall not exceed (2) years; if we do not have a President-Elect, the President can be considered to fill another term. -120- 15. The convention Secretary is to be notified if there are any changes in a President or Secretary’s address or telephone number in any Society. 16. The Organizational Committee be responsible to send a representative to the Portland Association to encourage any church without existing mission groups to consider organizing and becoming involved in said work. 17. That our Society Report includes the amount spent on local missions, Women’s Ministries (Love Gift), and National and International Missions. 18. We elect for a (1) year term a representative to serve on the Home Mission Board. -121- Society Information CENTER POINT President: Martha McCormick HOLLIS CHAPEL President: Beth Pippin 147 Caldwell Drive 295 Brandy Hollow Road Hendersonville, TN 37075 Portland, TN 37148 (615) 859-7985 (615) 969-1907 [email protected] [email protected] Secretary: Betty Willis Secretary: Helen Civils 401 Wyoming Dr. 529 West Market St White House, TN 37188 Portland, TN 37148 (615) 672-2478 (615) 325-6800 ext. 271 [email protected] [email protected] Members: 8 Members: 13 New Members: 0 New Members: 1 MITCHELLVILLE President: Faye Poole UNION CHAPEL President: Chrissy Mathias 324 Jim Courtney Rd. 7021 Highland Road Portland, TN 37148 Portland, TN 37148 (615)325-4569 (615) 479-9672 [email protected] [email protected] Secretary: Casey Black Secretary: Denise Baker 443B Briley Lane 1012 Washington Dr. Portland, TN 37148 Cottontown, TN 37048 (615) 414-0212 (615) 979-9138 [email protected] [email protected] Members: 13 Members: 10 New Members: 0 New Members: 3 -122- Places and Dates of Past Conventions 1953 1955 1957 1959 1961 1963 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 Hollis Chapel Mitchellville Brownsville Portland Mitchellville State Street Gallatin First Brownsville Hollis Chapel Glasgow Madison Avenue Madison Portland Mitchellville Gallatin First Salmons State Street Nashville First Hollis Chapel Union Chapel Madison 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Madison Ave Mitchellville Hollis Chapel Glasgow Union Chapel Madison Portland Mitchellville Center Point Hollis Chapel Cave Mill Union Chapel Center Point Glasgow Portland Madison Hollis Chapel Salmons Mitchellville Mt Pleasant Union Chapel -123- 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Hollis Chapel Salmons Hollis Chapel Mitchellville Union Chapel Salmons Center Point Hollis Chapel PORTLAND ASSOCIATION OF GENERAL BAPTISTS PRESBYTERY NOTE: THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PRESBYTERY WILL BE HELD ON JUNE 20, 2015, AT CENTER POINT GENERAL BAPTIST CHURCH AT 9:00 A.M. THE VARIOUS COMMITTEES FOR EXAMINING PROSPECTIVE CANDIDATES FOR ORDINATION, LICENSING, OR TRANSFERRING INTO THE PRESBYTERY WILL MEET ON FRIDAY NIGHT JUNE 19, 2015, AT 7:00 P.M. The Portland Association of General Baptists Presbytery met on June 21, 2014 at Mt. Pleasant General Baptist Church. Br. Mike Trotter served as moderator for the 2014 session. There were a total of 72 registered members in attendance with 22 churches represented. We began by singing, “Because He Lives” and “He Is Lord.” Br. Hank Brown led us in our singing. Br. Brown also sang “Family Bible” for our special singing to open up the presbytery. We were led in an opening prayer by Br. Donald Key. Br. Chris Roberts, pastor of Mt. Pleasant Church gave a welcome and instructions to the members of the presbytery. Br. Chris Towe gave the response from the presbytery. Br. Towe then gave a short devotion using scripture from 2 Peter 3:11-14. He spoke briefly upon the thought of “Our Belief Determines Our Behavior.” Br. Towe as Chairman of the Credentials Committee also reported that a quorum was present to conduct the business of the presbytery. Br. Tim Williams was seated as our Vice Moderator. Br. Billy Bowers was seated as our Parliamentarian. Br. Bowers then read the Rules of Decorum. The financial report was called for and was given by the Clerk/Treasurer of the presbytery Br. Steve Moore. Balance brought forward Expenses Printing of Minutes Ministers Retirement Fund Halltown Church (Flowers Br. James Stringer) -124- $8262.89 300.00 2502.00 65.00 Beech Grove (Reimbursement for dues) 50.00 White House (Reimbursement for due 25.00 Bank Fee 27.00 Total Expenses 2969.00 Balance 5293.89 Deposit (Church Dues) 3725.00 Ending Balance (6-21-201 9018.89 Motion and second to accept the financial report. This motion was approved by the presbytery. A letter of correspondence was read from Oak Grove Church confirming the ordination of Woody Alderson by Oak Grove Church. The following men were elected to their respective offices to serve for the following year: Moderator: Br. Tim Williams Vice Moderator: Br. Victor Creasy Clerk/Treasurer: Br. Steve Moore Vice Clerk/Treasurer: Br. Mike Brady The Moderator then appointed for next year the standing committees of the Portland Presbytery. MINISTERS ORDINATION EXAMING COMMITTEE Br. Billy Bowers, Chairman Br. Andy Mathias Br. Woody Alderson MINISTERS LICENSING EXAMINING COMMITTEE Br. Ken Miller, Chairman Br. Gary Pardue Br. Santiago Herlien DEACONS ORDINATION EXAMINING COMMITTEE Br. Sam Dixon, Chairman Br. Gerald McCormack Br. Bryan Berry CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE Br. Bobby McMurtry, Chairman Br. Victor Creasy Br. Mark Holmes -125- RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE Br. Tim Williams, Chairman Br. Danny Brown Br. J.W. Forshee Br. Clayton Hall, Field Worker for the Portland Association gave his report. This report can be found in the Portland Association minutes book. Motion and second to accept the Field Worker’s report. This motion was approved by the presbytery. There was not a report from the Ministers Ordination Committee because no ministers were sent to be examined for ordination this year. The Ministers Licensing Examining Committee gave their report and made the following recommendations: Br. Trent Stephens (Halltown) renew license as a minister. Br. Jay Kelly (Cornerstone) to be licensed as a minister. Br. Jonah Holmes (Center Point) to be licensed as a minister. Br. Jake Suttle (Salmons) to be licensed as a minister Br. Ryan Whiticker (Providence) to be licensed as a minister. Motions and seconds to accept this report and approve the recommendations. These motions were approved by the presbytery. The Deacons Ordination Examining Committee gave their report and recommended that the following men be ordained as deacons by the presbytery: Br. Mike Rogers (Salmons) Br. Mike Thomas (Madison Ave.) Motions and seconds to accept this report and approve the recommendations. These motions were approved by the presbytery. The Credentials Committee gave their report and made the following recommendations. Br. Woody Alderson (Cornerstone) to be granted full membership into this presbytery having fulfilled a one year watch care period and provided a letter of good standing from Oak Grove General Baptist Church. Motion and second to grant full membership into Portland Presbytery. This motion was approved by the presbytery. Br. John Lee (Nashville First) credentials reinstated as minister and serve a one year probationary period. Motion and second to reinstate with one year probationary period. This motion was approved by the presbytery. -126- Br. Kenneth Gregory (Mt. Pleasant) to be reinstated as a minister in Portland Presbytery. Motion and second to reinstate as a minister. This motion was approved by the presbytery. Report that Br. Richard Roberts has surrendered his credentials as minister due to his moving out of the area. The Credentials Committee recommends to accept the surrender of his credentials as minister. Motion and second to accept the surrender of Br. Richard Roberts credentials. This motion was approved by the presbytery. The Resolutions Committee gave their report and made the following recommendations: Recommend that all resolutions except resolution 19 stay the same and act on resolution 14 and give a standing vote of thanks to the host church. Motion and second to accept this reccommendation. This motion was approved. Recommend that resolution 19 by changed to read as follows: Be it resolved that Presbytery dues by $30.00 and that $23.00 of that be designated for the Ministers Retirement Fund. Motion and second to change resolution 19. This motion was approved by the presbytery. Center Point Church made a request for next year’s setting of the presbytery. Motion and second to accept request and go to Center Point for 2015 setting of the Presbytery. This motion was approved by the Presbytery. Br. Danny Brown was elected to preach the ordination sermon. Br. David Hobdy was elected to pray the ordination prayer. Br. Dustin Thompson then shared about a new church plant in the Cookeville, Tennessee area Clayton Hall shared some scripture from 2 Corinthians 6:1-2. Motion and second to adjourn until June 29, 2014 for ordination service at Providence Church. This motion was approved and after prayer we dismissed for a short break before entering our worship service. Presbytery Worship Service June 21, 2014 After a short break from our business session we then entered into the presbytery worship service. We were led in singing by Br. Hank Brown. We were led in singing, “I Stand Amazed in the Presence.” Br. Brown gave the special music in singing, “Amazing -127- Grace (My Chains are Gone),” and “In the Morning.” Our hearts were then prepared for the moderator’s message. Br. Trotter, using scripture from 2 Chronicles 35:2, and I Corinthians chapter 3, preached upon the thought of “Before encouragement there must be conviction.” He spoke of the need for pastors and leaders in the church to examine our ministries. There were 4 things we must do as leaders. (1) Speak the hard truth (2) Give your heart away (3) Forge the trail (4) Share biblical wisdom. We were challenged to not make excuses anymore. That we should examine our ministry and what we are doing for God. That we need to welcome God’s conviction into our lives so that we can be better leaders for the Lord. For our altar call we were led in singing “I Surrender All.” After the altar call some testimonies were given. Br. Chris Roberts then gave us final instructions before lunch. We were then dismissed in prayer and a blessing was given for our food. Ordination Service Providence General Baptist Church June 29 2014 The Portland Association of General Baptists Presbytery met at Providence General Baptist Church on June 29, 2014 at 2:30 P.M. with Br. Mike Trotter serving as moderator for the purpose of ordaining two men into office as deacons. Special singing was brought by Sis. Debbie Suddath singing, “Sinner Saved By Grace.” Br. Danny Brown, pastor of Salmons Church, brought the ordination sermon using scripture found in Acts 6:1-7. Br. Brown began by reminded the candidates of the work that will be expected of them and that they should be willing to accept the task. He stated that churches needed to be more serious about the things of God. He reminded the two men that because they were going to be deacons that didn’t mean they were the boss of the church. Br. Brown told them simply that the role of a deacon was to be a servant of the church. He brought three points in his message. (1) Deacons should be men of character. They should have a good reputation, full of the Holy Ghost , and full of wisdom. (2) Deacons should know their role. Also the deacons wives should know their role. He is a soldier servant. When you are attacked stay strong and stand with the church. Be mature in faith, you shouldn’t need a pacifier to make you happy. Grow up in the Lord. Deacons are also to assist the pastor. Help visit, make -128- phone calls, or whatever is needed to aid in the ministry. (3) Deacons are representatives. Remember that we are ambassadors for Christ. If we could grasp of what and who we are representing we will see vs. 7 take place meaning the word of God will be spread and disciples will multiply. After the message a charge was given by Br. Brown. Br. David Hobdy, then prayed the ordination prayer. This was followed by the laying on of hands by the ordained authority of Portland Presbytery. Br. Mike Trotter then turned the gavel of moderator over to Br. Tim Williams. After some brief remarks by the incoming moderator we were dismissed in prayer. -129- Resolutions of the Presbytery (Resolution 1)-Be it resolved that this Presbytery requests the churches of this association set December 31 as the closing date of the association year, and that the Presbytery of the Portland Association meet on the third Saturday in June. (Resolution 2)-Be it resolved that Petitions and Request Committee consist of the clerk and vice clerk of this Presbytery. (Resolution 3)-Be it resolved that all committee meetings be open to all members of the Presbytery. (Resolution 4)-Be it resolved that each church place deacons under the watch care of the church at least six (6) months prior to the sitting of the Presbytery. (Resolution 5)-Be it resolved that all deacons and ministers to be ordained or licensed be examined on Friday night at 7:00 p.m. before the Saturday’s regular sitting at the same place of the sitting of the Presbytery and the moderator to appoint the Examining Comm-ittees one (1) year in advance at the sitting of the Presbytery. (Resolution 6)-Be it resolved that anyone requesting membership in this Presbytery must be a member of a church in the Portland Association of General Baptists. (Resolution 7)-Be it resolved that all candidates be introduced to the Presbytery by the chairman of their respective committee. (Resolution 8)-Be it resolved that all members of the Presbytery come to the regular meeting and register to receive their certificate of license instead of having it mailed to them, if possible. (Resolution 9)-Be it resolved that the church report to the Presbytery be sent to the churches THREE (3) months before the sitting of the Presbytery and returned to the CLERK OF THE PRESBYTERY NO LATER THAN ONE (1) MONTH BEFORE the sitting of the -130- Presbytery enclosing all deacons’ and ministers’ dues and ministers’ reports. The cards to be given to a representative of the church at the sitting of the Presbytery. (Resolution 10)-Be it resolved that the Presbytery pay the registration fee for each minister who would participate in the LAMP program offered by Pastoral Ministries. Each minister shall furnish his own books. (Resolution 11)-Be it resolved that the Portland Presbytery by unanimous vote believe in the healing ministry as expressed by James 5:13-16 and that the anointing with oil will not be a regular part of the church service. The only time anointing with oil will be acceptable is at the request of the sick person and then only involving the elders (ordained) of the church. (Resolution 12)-Be it resolved that the Presbytery send flowers to the wives of members of this Presbytery upon their death and the church of which they are members be responsible for seeing that this is done. (Resolution 13)-Be it resolved that no member of this Presbytery will indulge in the practice of “tongues,” no member will allow in the church which he has leadership responsibility, the practice of “tongues.” We believe that according to the Word of God and the practice of the early church, public worship and prayer should be in a language of the people. It is clear that the Apostle Paul placed the strongest emphasis upon rational and intelligible language in worship. We cannot endorse practices that plainly violate these scriptural principles. Any person seeking membership in this body will be questioned relative to this issue and if that person holds to the belief of “tongues”, he will be denied membership. Be it further resolved that it be clear in all the minds that this body has acted to adopt this resolution for sole purpose of eliminating a cause of controversy and all activity relative to this matter be handled with love and humbleness, with the ultimate goal to bring praise to our Lord and the salvation of souls. (Resolution 14)-Be it resolved that we give a standing vote of thanks to the host church for its kindness shown each of us and the fine lunch it prepared and that the clerk respond by letter to the host church. -131- (Resolution 15)-Be it resolved that when someone comes on credit of letter, said letter to be read at the next year’s sitting of the Presbytery. (Resolution 16)-Be it resolved that each church sending a candidate to be licensed as a minister, ordained as a deacon, or ordained as a minister present that candidate with a copy of the General Baptist Doctrine and Usage at least three (3) months prior to being examined by the proper committee. We also resolve that a member of that church (pre-ferably the pastor) assist the candidate in attaining a working knowledge of our DOCTRINE and ARTICLES OF FAITH. (Resolution 17)-Be it resolved that if rumor of violations by a member of this Presbytery reaches the magnitude that it becomes common knowledge, the Credentials Committee will investigate to determine substance and take appropriate action based on its findings. It shall be the responsibility of each member to report rumors of magnitude to the Credentials Committee or an officer of this Presbytery. (Resolution 18)-Be it resolved that any church calling for pastor a member of another Presbytery; strongly encourage that pastor to join the church and the Presbytery. It is our belief than any minister called to pastor a Portland Association church should be willing to submit to the guidelines of the Portland Association Presbytery. (Resolution 19)-Be it resolved that Presbytery dues be $30.00 and that $23.00 of that be designated for the Minister’s Retirement Fund. (Resolution 20)-Be it resolved that if a church in the Portland Association desires to ordain a deacon in the local church, the prospective deacon must be brought before the Presbytery examining committee for ordaining deacons, and be recommended by said committee to the Presbytery. If the local church desires to ordain the prospective deacon prior to the sitting of the Presbytery, they may do so; however, the prospect must be re-commended and received by the Presbytery at the regular sitting of the Presbytery. Local churches are encouraged to ordain its deacons at the annual ordination service of the Presbytery and then have installation services for them in the local church. -132- (Resolution 21)-Be it resolved that all licentiates carry a license and be in good standing with this body or other duly recognized General Baptist Presbytery for TWO (2) years prior to ordination as a minister, unless exceptions can be made for early ordination as described in 2012 minutes book page 103. (Resolution 22)-Be it resolved that the Credentials Committee be expanded to five (5) members during times of investigation to include the chairman of the ministers’ ordination committee and the chairman of the deacons’ ordination committee. (Resolution 23)-Be it resolved that the Portland Association Presbytery and Association take an openly firm stand against homosexuality being accepted in our churches, due to the fact that it is an abomination before God and a disgrace to His Church. Be it furthermore resolved that the Portland Presbytery will not, for any reason, ordain any man to the office of minister or deacon that is a known homosexual. Be it furthermore resolved that a minister shall not perform a same sex marriage. Be it furthermore resolved that ministers or deacons will not allow same sex marriages to occur within the church that they serve. Be it furthermore resolved that pastors, deacons, and churches shall not extend church membership to or allow the ordinances of the church to be administered to a known homosexual. Be it furthermore resolved that we recommend to each church that if any present member of any church that openly admits to being a homosexual, that member should be dealt with immediately by the church and if reconciliation cannot be made that member should be dealt with as an excluded member. Be it finally resolved that any minister or deacon that knowingly violates this resolution shall have his credentials of standing immediately revoked by this body. (Resolution 24)-Be it resolved that the attendance of ministers to the Presbytery be listed in the minutes running five years. -133- Constitution of the Portland Presbytery (Statement 1)-The name of this body shall be the Presbytery of the Portland Association of General Baptists. (Statement 2)-The objectives of this Presbytery shall be to promote efficiency of ministers and deacons, to protect them from hostile influence, and to encourage unity, fellow-ship, and cooperation among its members. (Statement 3)-This Presbytery shall consist of all ordained ministers, deacons, and licentiates belonging to the Portland Association of General Baptists. (Statement 4)-The officers of this Presbytery shall consist of a moderator, vice moderator, clerk/treasurer, assistant clerk/treasurer, and Parliamentarian, whose duties shall be those prescribed by the “General Baptists Doctrine and Usage” and this body. (Statement 5)-A quorum shall consist of ten percent (10%) of the membership with at least one-fourth being ordained ministers. (Statement 6)-Ministers’ and deacons’ ordination shall be by order of this body in conjunction with the regular session. However, it is possible for deacons to be ordained in their home church by the pastor and deacons. (Statement 7)-There shall be a regular session of this Presbytery each year in conjunction with the annual session of the Association. The moderator shall have authority to call a meeting, giving ample time by written notice to all active members. (Statement 8)-This body shall have authority to revoke the credentials of any member for unchristian conduct or for violation of this constitution or the bylaws of this body. (Statement 9)-This Presbytery shall have absolute jurisdiction over all licensed or ordained ministers and all ordained deacons of this -134- Association, but the churches may recommend any of their members to this body. (Statement 10)-All charges against any member of this body shall be made to the moderator in full writing, who shall at once communicate the charges to the Credentials Committee. The Credentials Committee will then proceed to inquire with intent to restore the accused according to Galatians 6:1, Timothy 5:19, and other related Scripture. (Statement 11)-When all efforts to restore the accused fail, then the “Procedure for Disciplinary Action of the Presbytery” as outlined in the annual Association minutes will be followed. (Statement 12)-This Presbytery shall meet in closed session and none but ordained ministers, licentiates, and ordained deacons of the General Baptist denomination shall be admitted without special action of this body. (Statement 13)-The standing committees of the Presbytery shall be: a Credentials Committee, a Resolution Committee, and three Examining Committees which shall be appointed annually, and whose duties shall be prescribed by this Presbytery. (Statement 14)-This Constitution can be changed only by a two-thirds majority vote of all members present. -135- Bylaws of the Portland Presbytery (Bylaw 1)-Any member of this Presbytery holding credentials (license or certificate of ordination) who fails or refuses to exercise them, shall be subject to reprimand from this body. Such credentials may be rendered null and void by a vote of this Presbytery. (Bylaw 2)-Members of this Presbytery shall not invite into the pulpit any person who has had his credentials revoked. (Bylaw 3)-Members of this Presbytery shall not support or encourage any heretical sect or denomination. (Bylaw 4)-Any member of this Presbytery who shall sanction the violation of any ordinance or covenant of the General Baptist denomination shall be deemed out of order and shall be dealt with by this body. (Bylaw 5)-This Presbytery shall not renew the credentials of any member who is not recommended by his church in its annual report to this Presbytery. (Bylaw 6)-Ministers or deacons from another General Baptist Presbytery may be admitted only with a letter of good standing and after such examination concerning doctrine and loyalty as deemed necessary. (Bylaw 7)-Any minister or deacon from another denomination who seeks membership in this body must meet the following criteria. (1) Be a member in good standing and recommended by a church in Portland Association. (2) Meet first with the Credentials Committee and then be referred to the Proper Committee for Examination. (3) Be recommended by the proper Examining Committee and approved by this body -136- (4) Must show certification of ordination or be ordained by this body. When the criteria are met, a one year probationary membership is granted. (Bylaw 8)-Rumors shall not be heard in this Presbytery, but all charges shall be in writing, and any member who shall spread or make public any slanderous report, which he cannot support, shall be deemed out of order and shall be dealt with by this body. (Bylaw 9)-Members of this Presbytery shall not indulge to any extent in any intoxicants or profanity. Members found guilty of such unchristian acts shall be dealt with by this body. (Bylaw 10)-No man shall be licensed or ordained who has two living wives nor whose wife has two living husbands. (Bylaw 11)-Bylaws may be adopted or repealed only at the annual session of the Presbytery and that by two-thirds majority vote of the members present. -137- QUESTIONS FOR MINISTERS AND DEACONS TO BE LICENSED OR ORDAINED BIBLICAL (Question 1)-What does the Bible mean to you and who wrote it? (Question 2)-Who does the Godhead consist of and what does it mean to you? (Question 3)-What is your opinion of the Virgin Birth of Jesus? (Question 4)-Tell us something about the boyhood and early life of Jesus? (Question 5)-Tell how Jesus’ earthly ministry began? (Question 6)-What is the gospel? (Question 7)-What are the four main events brought out in the gospel? (Question 8)-To you, why are there four books of the Gospels? (Question 9)-Name the church’s foremost missionary. (Question 10)-Name some of the writings of the Apostle Paul? (Question 11)-What book in the Bible reveals the past, present, and future state of man? USAGE AND DOCTRINE (Question 1)-Are you familiar with and do you believe in all of the Articles of Faith set forth by General Baptists? (Question 2)-Will you teach, preach, and practice these Articles of Faith? (Question 3)-How do you feel about the charismatic movement such as speaking in tongues or receiving the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues? (Question 4)-Do you believe that a second and third work of grace is essential to salvation? (Question 5)-Do you believe that the essentials of salvation are set forth in the General Baptists Articles of Faith? (Question 6)-What is the true mode of baptism and what is its purpose? (Question 7)-Do you believe that it is possible for a Christian to backslide and finally be lost? (Question 8)-Do you believe that the atonement of Jesus Christ is brought about only through repentance and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ? (Question 9)-How should we observe the Lord’s Day? -138- (Question 10)-Do you believe there are eternal rewards for the righteous in heaven and eternal damnation and punishment for the wicked? MORAL AND SOCIAL CHARACTER (Question 1)-Since honesty is a virtue, do you feel that a man should pay his debts? (Question 2)-Do you believe in social drinking or the use of alcoholic beverages? (Question 3)-Do you use tobacco in any form? (Question 4)-Do you have more than one living wife, or does your wife have more than one living husband? (Question 5)-Do you feel that premarital sex relations is a sin? (Question 6)-Do you feel that practicing homosexuals should be ordained? (Question 7)-Do you feel that the home reflects our Christianity the same as the church? (Question 8)-What is your responsibility to your neighbor? (Question 9)-What is your Christian responsibility to society? (Question 10)-What is your responsibility to your family? (Question 11)-If your moral character ever ceases to reflect the Christian image, will you as a man voluntarily turn your credentials in to the Presbytery of which you belong, or would they have to call for them? (Question 12)-Do you know that you have received the Divine Call of God into the ministry? MINISTRY OF DEACONS (Question 1)-What do you feel you have to offer to the church? (Question 2)-What is your responsibility to the church? To the community? (Question 3)-How do you see your role in the local church? (Question 4)-What is your perception of the role of the pastor? (Question 5)-What is the ultimate purpose of the existence of the church? REQUIREMENTS FOR LICENTIATES (Requirement 1)-Licensee be a Christian. (Requirement 2)-Licensee be God called. -139- (Requirement 3)-Licensee be a member of a General Baptist church in the Portland Presbytery. (Requirement 4)*-Once a minister has been called to preach, the church where he is a member should recommend him for license from this body. Once properly examined and licensed, the presbytery assumes the responsibility for the minister until he is ordained. The presbytery will accept the responsibility of scheduling and providing preaching opportunities for the licensed minister for two years of holding license. The minister is also encouraged to find additional speaking opportunities other than those scheduled by the presbytery. When the licensed minister goes to fill his appointments, the pastor of the hosting church (or other ordained authority) will complete and evaluation form to evaluate the ministry, presentation, and appearance of the licensed minister. The form will be mailed to the presbytery clerk who will pass them on to the appropriate committee. (Requirement 5)-Licensee has a solid knowledge of General Baptist Doctrine and Usage. (Requirement 6)*-Licensee must complete two years (four semesters/sixteen courses) of classes at Christian Training Institute, or the LAMP Program Levels 1 and 2, or comparable college religious studies prior to ordination. If candidate has not completed the educational but is called to pastor a congregation, exceptions can be made for early ordination with a probation status based upon the promise to satisfy these requirements within two years. *Requirements 4 and 6 become effective with prospective licentiates in 2013. -140- PROCEDURE FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION OF PRESBYTERY (Step 1)-The person desiring an investigation will submit this request in writing to the moderator of the Presbytery. (Step 2)-The moderator will, upon receipt of request, promptly, call a meeting of the Credentials Committee and the officers of the Presbytery to inform them of the upcoming investigation. (Step 3)-Credentials Committee will promptly proceed with the investigation in the following order: (A) Meet with person requesting the investigation. (B) Meet with person being investigated. (C) Meet with officers to report findings. The investigation will basically result in one of three conclusions: (1) The charges will have no merit and further proceedings are not necessary. (2) The charges have merit, but the person involved will make restitution and correction to the satisfaction of the committee, the person requesting the investigation and the officers, and no further proceedings are necessary. (3) The charges have merit and cannot be resolved and will be brought to the full body. If #3 is the situation, the Credentials Committee will prepare the case for presentation to the full body and the moderator will notify the accused by registered mail of the proceedings to allow him opportunity to prepare his defense. In no case will the officers or the Credentials Committee have the prerogative to ignore the request for investigation or delay the investigation. If any of the persons involved are not satisfied with the investigation or the conclusion, they have the option to bring the matter before the whole body. -141- Portland Association Presbytery Dues Paid in 2014 Barber Way Beech Grove Boiling Springs Bowling Green First Cave Mill Center Point Clifton Cornerstone East Nashville Gallatin (Servants Church) Halltown Hollis Chapel Jesus the Good Shepherd Liberty Macedonia Madison Avenue Martha’s Chapel Mitchellville Mt. Moriah Mt. Pleasant Nashville First New Life Portland Providence Salmons Shiloh State Line Union Chapel Unity White House $50.00 $200.00 $$25.00 $150.00 $350.00 $150.00 $100.00 $150.00 $$325.00 $100.00 $50.00 $75.00 $125.00 $125.00 $25.00 $225.00 $75.00 $250.00 $$50.00 $100.00 $225.00 $225.00 $175.00 $25.00 $175.00 $$200.00 -142-