The Filipino Express v27 Issue 25


The Filipino Express v27 Issue 25
Fulop, Jersey City Council Members Inauguration Block Party on July 1 Outside City Hall
Steven Fulop
Rolando Lavarro
Joyce Waterman
Daniel Rivera
Francis Gajewski Khemraj Ramchal Richard Boggiano
Councilman-at-Large Councilwoman-at-Large Councilman-at-Large Ward A Councilman
Ward B Councilman
Ward C Councilman
Michael Yun
Candice Osborne
Diane Coleman
Ward D Councilman Ward E Councilwoman Ward F Councilwoman
VOL. 27 w
NO. 25 w
JUNE 28 - JULY 4, 2013 w
(201) 434-1114 w
(© 2013 Fil Am Extra Exchange)
Photo of Mrs. Annamaria Magno Gana Booking photo of Mrs. Annamaria Gana.
before the murder incident. (FAXX/jGLi (Courtesy of Donna L. Muleady of the
photograb KABC-TV7)
Orange County Sheriff's Department)
Thanu Yakupitiyage
New York Immigration Coalition
N e w Yo r k , N Y – O n
Thursday, June 27, after decades
of advocacy for a fair, just, and
workable immigration system,
S.744, the “Border Security,
Economic Opportunity, and
Immigration Modernization Act”
cleared the Senate with an
overwhelming bipartisan
majority. The bill's passage
brings the country one step
closer to a path to citizenship for
11 million undocumented
The final bill reflected a
heavily-negotiated bipartisan
compromise. Throughout the
negotiation process, a diverse
alliance of immigrant advocates,
labor, business and faith leaders
beat back provisions that would
have gutted the bill -- e.g.,
provisions obstructing or
eliminating the path to
citizenship, and denying hardworking families who pay payroll
taxes of the earned income tax
credit and the child tax credit.
Onerous requirements around
English proficiency and back
taxes were defeated, as was a
proposal to deny health care to
pregnant women and children in
states like New York that
currently provide such access.
Major victories included
the strongest DREAM provisions
CHICAGO (FAXX/jGLi) -Believing that her family would
not be able to survive if she were
to die of cancer, the then 41year-old Filipino American
mother, Annamaria Magno Gana,
decided to shoot and kill her
husband and their two other
children so they would all “go
Mrs. Gana, now 43,
managed to kill her husband,
Antonio Potenciano Gana, 72, a
retired general manager of the
Ninoy Aquino International
Airport, and shot her then 16year-old son, who sustained
injury in the arm and survived.
But her nine-year-old son
managed to wrestle the gun
away from her and escaped
injury during a Mother's Day
afternoon on May 8, 2011. Mrs.
Gana was said to have
undergone double mastectomy,
chemotherapy and radiation
after being diagnosed with
breast cancer.
Mrs. Gana was sentenced
Thursday (June 20) by Judge
Francisco P. Briseno of the
Orange County Superior Court in
Sta. Ana, California to 40 years to
life in state prison for the murder
of her husband and for
attempted murder of her two
children inside their family
home in Tustin, California.
A press statement issued
by Farrah Emami, spokesperson
Page 7
'Sex for fly' scandal tip
of iceberg, says solon
By Charlie V. Manalo
The sex for fly scandal
involving officials in different
diplomatic posts of the country
in the Middle East is just the tip of
the iceberg and must be seen in
the context of the crackdown
being done against
undocumented overseas Filipino
workers (OFWs), particularly in
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
Bayan Muna Rep. Neri
Colmenares said yesterday.
Senator Chuck Schumer
ever; the right to reunite for
certain deported family
members; access to counsel for
unaccompanied minor children,
immigrants with serious mental
disabilities, and other
particularly vulnerable
individuals; and an expansion of
the use of alternatives to
New Yorkers for Real
Immigration Reform, a
campaign coordinated by the
New York Immigration Coalition
with more than 150 member
organizations, is pleased that the
Senate embraced these
significant reforms, but we
cannot endorse several aspects
of the legislation passed by the
Senate this week. We were
“ U n d o c u m e n t e d O F Ws
Tent City: Stranded OFWs in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (Photo Credit: Ellen Tordesillas)
Page 2
Swift Resolution Of 2009 Maguindanao Killing Pressed; Settlement Rejected
Push massacre case - Pnoy
By Genalyn D. Kabiling
Manila --- President
Benigno S. Aquino III has
directed state prosecutors
handling the Maguindanao
massacre case to oppose any
dilatory tactics by the accused,
his Deputy Spokeswoman
Abigail Valte said yesterday.
He issued the order as
Va l t e s t r e s s e d t h a t t h e
government is not inclined to
support any settlement
between the Ampatuan family
members and the relatives of
the victims of the November
2009 massacre and will press
for the swift resolution of the
“Our public prosecutors
will never support a move like
that,” Valte said about the
proposed settlement eyed by
some families of victims with
the accused. “The President's
instructions stand: For our
prosecutors to avoid delay in
trying the case and to object to
dilatory tactics,” she added.
Lawyer Harry Roque had
earlier revealed that 14 families
of the victims have supposedly
agreed to withdraw the case
against the suspects in
Page 9
Page 6
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 2
DFA: Sex-for-fly Labor exec denies operating
allegation vs DOLE embassy sex ring
official confirmed
By Sheila Crisostomo
MANILA — After being
accused of operating a
prostitution ring victimizing
distressed Filipina workers in
Jordan, former labor attaché
Mario Antonio showed up
yesterday to deny the
accusation and made an appeal
that he not be judged.
By Louis Bacani
MANILA --- Department of
Foreign Affairs (DFA) Secretary
Albert Del Rosario said on
Monday that “certain allegations”
o f t h e s ex - fo r - f ly s c h e m e
victimizing distressed Overseas
Filipino Workers (OFWs) have
been “confirmed.”
“Certain allegations were
confirmed and this was
accomplished by the three
witnesses from Riyadh (in Saudi
Arabia) coming forward and
providing us their testimony,” Del
Rosario said at a televised press
briefing on Monday.
He said those confirmed were
allegations of sexual harassment,
molestation, and abuse of
“However, until such time as
other people are able to come
forward, all other allegations will
remain as allegations to be
further investigated,” Del Rosario
While they are “looking at
various alleged offenders,” Del
Rosario said the confirmed
accusations involved an official of
the Department of Labor and
Employment (DOLE) who
reportedly molested a distressed
OFW in exchange of repatriation.
The embattled official has
been recalled as of Monday and
will be investigated once he
arrives in the Philippines. The
DFA is looking at the filing of graft
‘Sex for fly’
scandal tip
of iceberg ...
From page 1
especially in Saudi Arabia are
getting desperate, especially with
the resumption of crackdown
efforts on July 3. Around six
thousand have set up Tent Cities
in Jeddah and Riyadh so that they
can be helped by the embassies
but the opposite is happening,”
Colmenares said.
“Aside from sexual favors,
migrants are being asked to pay
for their own tickets and use the
'back door' procedure,” the solon
“What's needed here is an
independent comprehensive
probe on all the Philippine
missions in the Middle East and
the immediate repatriation of our
countrymen in the Tent Cities.
The Department of Justice (DoJ)
can spearhead the investigation
and migrant groups and
DFA Sec. Albert Del Rosario
and corruption cases against
those proven guilty, according to
Del Rosario.
The official assured that they
will investigate all of those who
have been involved in the
allegations. He also urged other
victims and witnesses to surface.
Last week, Akbayan Party-list
Rep. Walden Bello disclosed that
three labor officials in the Middle
East are allegedly involved in
pimping distressed OFWs in
exchange for a ticket back to the
At least four female OFWs
have since surfaced, claiming that
they were forced to do sexual
activities with labor officers in
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and were
also offered to foreign nationals.
One of the accused, labor
attaché to Jordan Mario Antonio,
has denied the allegations. The
Philippine Star
legislators can be part of the
team,” he said.
Colmenares stressed the
i m m e d i a te re p a t r i a t i o n o f
undocumented migrants is
crucial before the Saudi
government again embarks on a
martial law-style crackdown. “If
the Aquino government cannot
immediately repatriate them then
the least we can do is to ask for an
extension until all of them are
back in the Philippines,” said the
Bayan Muna lawmaker.
“The situation of our
undocumented countrymen in
Saudi is indeed very difficult with
the Saudi government
threatening them with prison and
bodily harm, and the Philippine
embassy trying to disperse the
Te n t C i t i e s by re p o r t e d ly
blockading food and water for
women and children,” said
Colmenares said.
Worse, the solon said “our
own officials are doubly
exploiting our Filipino women.”
“Justice must immediately be
served,” said Colmenares.
The Department of Foreign
Affairs (DFA) said 13 heads of
“I vehemently deny the
accusations being hurled
against me. This has been
gravely affecting me and my
family so I decided to come
here to give my side,” Antonio
told reporters at the Overseas
Wo r k e r s We l f a r e
Administration (OWWA) office
in Pasay City.
“ I ' m a s k i n g f o r yo u r
understanding. I appeal to you
not to judge me and just wait
for the results of the
investigation. I hope that you
will respect my rights,” he said.
O W WA a d m i n i s t r a t o r
Carmelita Dimzon sat next to
Antonio when he issued the
denial. He declined to answer
questions, saying he did not
want to preempt the
He said he would give his
side in greater detail at a
“proper forum.” He excused
himself after delivering his
statement, leaving Dimzon to
answer questions from
Akbayan Rep. Walden
Bellow accused Antonio and
other embassy staff of currying
sexual favors from female
posts based in the Middle East
and North Africa were
“consulted” regarding the sex-forfly scandal involving officials.
Foreign Affairs Secretary
Albert del Rosario said the joint
investigations being held by the
DFA and the Department of Labor
and Employment (DoLE)
centered on allegations of sexual
abuses perpetrated against
distressed overseas Filipino
w o r ke r s ( O F Ws ) b y s o m e
government personnel posted in
Jordan, Kuwait, Syria and Saudi
Del Rosario said consultations
with 13 Heads of Posts (HOPs)
based in the Middle East and
North Africa from June 22 to 23
were held.
The consultations are aimed
at gathering more information on
the alleged inappropriate and
criminal behavior of certain
personnel for the purpose of
validating the allegations which
could lead to the application of
punitive measures as well as to
identify preventive and corrective
measures, Del Rosario said.
“During the discussions, the
Mario Antonio, assistant labor attaché to Jordan, speaking during a press conference
on the OFW sex scandal at the OWWA Center in Pasay City last June 23. Edd Gumban
OFWs or pimping them to
foreigners in exchange for a
return flight to the Philippines.
the welfare and rights of our
fellow Filipinos there,” Antonio
Also named by Bello in the
alleged sex-for-repatriation
anomaly were Blas Marquez, a
contractual employee of the
Philippine Overseas Labor
Office (POLO) in Kuwait, and a
certain Kim who is a member of
the Augmentation Team of the
Department of Foreign Affairs
at the embassy in Damascus,
Syria. According to Antonio, no
complaint has been filed
against him.
“Because of my conviction
to fight for our Filipino workers
abroad, I might have made
some people unhappy with
what I have been doing,” he
“ I h ave b e e n s e r v i n g
truthfully as a welfare officer in
five overseas posts in the past
30 years of my service with
OWWA. In my last posting, I
was assigned as acting labor
attaché of the POLO in Jordan
and during this period I have
been dedicated in protecting
participants shared their
knowledge and insights on
present circumstances leading to
an assessment of the publicized
allegations. This resulted in
several recommendations that
the DFA will take up with other
concerned government agencies,
including identification of
immediate measures such as the
termination of local hires and the
recall of individuals for
investigation,” he said.
In the longer term, the
recommendations will include a
review of the existing rules and
standard operating procedures
governing the overall
management of the Filipino
Wo r k e r s R e s o u r c e C e n t e r
(FWRC), capacity-building for
Fo r e i g n S e r v i c e P o s t s t o
effectively handle sex-related
offenses, improving the capacity
fo r i n t e l l i g e n c e - g a t h e r i n g ,
strengthening and tightening of
inter-agency cooperation and
effective implementation of the
One-Country Team Approach.
A major association of landbased overseas employment
service providers in the country
also strongly reacted to the
Dimzon said Antonio
returned to the Philippines last
June 12 after the end of his tour
of duty in Jordan. She denied
having knowledge about
reports that Antonio had been
declared a persona non grata in
“He is on leave now since he
wanted to take a rest,” she
Dimzon said she had heard
complaints against Antonio but
Page 4
current situation of overseas
Filipino workers who have been
victimized by foreign empoloyers
particularly those who claimed to
be victims of sex for flight.
The victims plight according
to Philippine Association of
Service Exporters Inc. (PASEI) is
regrettable and should be looked
into more deeply by the
concerned government agencies
to prevent its repetition in the
According to Victor
Fernandez their 600 active
recruitment agencies lament and
regret strongly the situation of
anyone especially an OCW in
distress who was peddled in
forced labor or convinced to
render intimate favor or to
perform “sex-for-flight” scheme
in order to liberate oneself from
his/her current predicament
“We commiserate with these
OCWs in distress especially those
who had requested for
government assistance in one
way or another but were not
extended any form of help.”
Page 8
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 3
Sex for fly' victims surface
Riyadh envoy molests,
pimps Filipina OFWs
Source: The Daily Tribune
Alleged victims of the “sex
for fly” scandal rocking Middle
Eastern diplomatic posts of the
country had surfaced to recount
their harrowing ordeals in the
hands of embassy officials
including sexual offenses and
organized white slavery in
exchange for their return trip
Four Filipinas who sought
shelter with the country's
embassies abroad met with
Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert
del Rosario late Friday and
ye s te rd ay a s p a r t o f t h e
Department of Foreign Affairs
(DFA) probe into the national
A local broadcast station
which facilitated the return of
the expatriates also organized
the meeting among the victims,
DFA officials and investigators
from the Department of Labor
and Employment (DoLE).
T h e v i c t i m s te s t i f i e d
against a DoLE official stationed
in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, who was
accused of molesting one of
them and “pimping” another.
She recounted that during
her stay at the Philippine
embassy in Riyadh, she received
a phone call from an officer of the
Philippine Overseas Labor Office
(POLO) who allegedly offered
her a plane ticket in exchange for
“I was interviewed and
asked if I badly wanted to return
home. Of course, I replied yes. I
was then told that I have to meet
a person who would give me
money that I can spend for a
plane ticket,” the victim said.
She supposedly asked what
she is expected to do in exchange
and was told by the official “you
were not born yesterday.”
The victim said she refused
the offer and went instead to a
Christian organization to seek
Aquino's deputy
spokesman Abigail Valte said the
government appreciated the
decision of alleged victims to
surface and help in the probe.
Valte added the labor and
foreign affairs departments will
be conducting a fair
Foreign Affairs Secretary
Albert Del Rosario ensured that
embassy officials found liable
would be recalled and dismissed
based on the testimonies of the
“The objective is to protect
OFWs and to apply the rule of law
to those who will be proven to be
guilty of criminal acts,” he said.
Del Rosario said the identities of
the four victims will be
Akbayan Representative
Walden Bello exposed the
scandal implicating labor and
foreign service officers in the
Congressman Walden Bello exposed the scandal
country's missions in Jordan,
Syria and Kuwait while citing
“unimpeachable sources” from
within the DFA itself as source of
the information.
DFA spokesman Assistant
Secretary Raul Hernandez said
the victims who testified in the
probe were taking shelter at the
Bahay Kalinga in Riyadh, Saudi
Arabia. Bahay Kalinga is a shelter
fo r O F Ws wh i l e awa i t i n g
repatriation to the Philippines.
“We are in the information
gathering stage. With the help of
as many people as possible, we
are trying to get all information
we can so that we can proceed in
dealing with the real problems,”
Del Rosario said.
T h e D FA s a i d t h a t
diplomats including
ambassadors in 11 countries in
the Middle East were asked to
return home for consultations.
Among those recalled were
officials in foreign embassies in
Kuwait, Jordan, Syria and Saudi
Arabia, where alleged cases of
abuse have been reported, and
Qatar, Oman, United Arab
Emirates, Bahrain, Egypt, Libya
and Lebanon.
Valte said the identities will
Page 9
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 4
Villar optimistic on the
passage of OFW bill
MANILA - Outgoing
Senator Manny Villar is
pursuing the passage of his pet
bill creating separate
d e p a r t m e n t fo r ove r s e a s
Filipino workers (OFWs) but it
died a natural death due lack of
support from the House of
Villar, however, expressed
optimism that his proposal will
be passed in the next 16th
Congress with the election of his
wife, Senator-elect Cynthia
Villar and reelection of his son,
Mark as representative of Las
Pinas lone district.
”Senator-elect Cynthia
Villar told me that she will file
this bill along with her first few
bills. I hope it will get support
this time from the Lower House
to hasten its passage,” Villar said.
With the recent expose on
alleged 'sex-for-flight'
controversy, Villar said it is
important to have a separate
department that would look into
the welfare of the OFWs who
have been tagged as 'modern
d a y
h e r o e s ' .
”Of course, I'm not saying
it (OFWs) would solve all
problems but at least such kind
of problems will be addressed
Senator Manny Villar
immediately by the OFW
deparment,” Villar explained.
Villar said their Villar
Fo u n d a t i o n h a s a l re a dy
extended financial assistance to
the three victims of 'sex-forflight' scheme reportedly
involving Riyadh Asst. Labor
Attache Antonio Villafuerte.
Last Wednesday, Senatorelect senator Cynthia Villar
handed to the three victims the
amount covering their traveling
expenses going to their
respective families in the
The foundation, which has
been affording assistance to
OFWs for years, also gave
groceries to the three so they can
start small businesses.
“This is in line with our
livelihood program. They can
put up a sari-sari store with the
groceries. Now, it is up to them to
do their best for their small
business to grow,” Cynthia Villar
The former Las Pinas
congresswoman said the
creation of a department for
OFWs would simplify and
harmonize efforts to look after
them and secure their welfare
and rights.
“We should ensure that
our OFWs are always protected
since they are our 'modern day
heroes', and we draw a lifeline
from the remittances they send
to their families in the country,”
she pointed out.
At present, the problems
of the OFWs are being looked
into by at least three
government agencies
Department of Foreign Affairs,
Overseas Workers Welfare
Administration and Department
of Labor and Employment.
Japan willing to help
PH defend territorial
sea, remote islands
MANILA -- With Philippines
and Japan being close neighbors,
Japanese Defense Minister
Itsunori Onodera on Thursday
expressed his government's
willingness to cooperate in
"defense of remote islands as well
as the defense of territory or
territorial sea."
Onodera made this
statement during his courtesy
call to Department of National
Defense Secretary Voltaire
Gazmin at the DND main building
in Camp Emilio Aguinaldo,
Quezon City Thursday.
The two-day visit, which
started Thursday and will end
Friday, is Onodera's first on the
"We agreed that we will
further cooperate in terms of
defense of remote islands as well
as the defense of territory, or
te r r i to r i a l s e a a s we l l a s
protection of maritime interest
and we also agreed that East
China Sea and South China Sea,
we both common are facing
concerns and that the issues of
those concerns should be solved
based on the rules of law,"
Onodera said through his
He added that as good
neighbors, Japan and the
Philippines, needs to further
defense cooperation.
Onodera also said that
during his talks with Gazmin, the
Japanese Defense Minister
expressed his country concerns
over China's behavior in the
South China Sea.
"I also said that Japan(ese)
side is very concerned that this
kind of situation in South China
Sea (as it) could affect the
situation in East China Sea," he
Page 15
Labor exec denies ...
“intimate act” with a displaced
Filipina worker last Jan. 1.
From page 2
Bello said his DOLE informants
have expressed reservations about
the impartiality of the department
regarding the issue.
not of the nature revealed by Bello.
She did not elaborate.
“No OFW has come to us to give a
statement, affidavit or complaint
even verbal that she was asked for a
sexual favor in exchange for
repatriation,” Dimzon stressed.
She said the issue has affected the
morale of OWWA officials and
She said it is not unusual for
welfare officers to get accused of
misdeeds in doing their jobs.
“Just like what he (Antonio) said,
it is not impossible that when you do
your job, you make some people
unhappy so it is likely that someone
will complain against you,” she said.
She described Antonio as a
“dependable welfare officer who
delivers whatever task is given to
him.” “He follows without complaint
or question. He is not choosy when it
comes to work, he is a very
dependable officer,” she maintained.
Special task force
Despite Antonio's denial, Bello
said President Aquino should step
into the case by creating a special task
force or commission to conduct an
independent inquiry into the
He made the call after a meeting
at his Batasan office with five officials
of the Department of Labor and
Employment (DOLE) led by acting
Secretary Rebecca Chato.
He later told reporters that he
would resign as member of Congress
“in protest over the inaction of labor
officials” if no criminal charges were
filed against Antonio and Marquez. He
said a third official he identified only
as Mr. Kim was even caught in an
Itsunori Onodera
“They fear there could be a
whitewash. They also feel that
witnesses would be freer to talk
before an independent presidential
task force or commission,” he said.
He said his DFA informants have
no such doubts on the fairness of
their officials investigating Mr. Kim,
whom he also called Kim Guro.
Bello also proposed that a
presidential body expand its inquiry
“historically and geographically” to
include past cases and all acts of
wrongdoing, including extortion, in
other countries such as Qatar, United
Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi
“ I n p a r t i c u l a r, w e h a v e
information that there have been
similar cases in Qatar and UAE, but
these have not been resolved,” he
Ye s t e r d a y, r a d i o d z M M
interviewed a certain “Michelle,”
who claimed to have been asked by a
Philippine labor officer in Saudi to
sleep with him at his home instead of
at the temporary shelter for
distressed workers. She said other
labor officers had explicitly asked to
have sex with her.
She said she was offered to an
Egyptian client who, instead of
taking advantage of her, took pity on
her and bought her a plane ticket to
Bello said he was disappointed
with DOLE officials' claiming no
knowledge of the irregularity before
he made the exposé.
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 5
Debris from PAF plane that crashed found, pilots still missing
MANILA -- The Philippine Air
Force has confirmed that the OV-10
Bronco plane reported missing since
Sunday night has crashed off Puerto
Princesa airport in Palawan province.
PAF spokesman Col. Miguel
Okol said search operations are
ongoing for the two pilots, after teams
from the Navy and Coast Guard found
debris including the OV-10's cargo
bay door at about 9 a.m. Monday.
"What we can confirm (is that
the OV-10) went down already,” Okol
said. “That is something we know for
The plane was one of two
aircraft OV-10 #630 and OV-10 #139
that went on a night proficiency flying
mission Sunday, Okol said.
“At about 7:30PM, OV-1 0 #630
lost contact w/ Palawan Tower and
failed to land back while OV-10 #139
landed safely after 53 minutes,” he
said in a text message to GMA News
Online, citing an official report
received by PAF.
Tracking device
Okol said they have identified
the aircraft's "last known position" as
it was equipped with a tracking
"Actually, alam natin kung saan
'yung last known position ng mishap
aircraft, kasi ang aircraft natin is
equipped with a tracking device so
namo-monitor po ng punong
himpilan at ng area command," he
He said the last known
transmission of the plane was when it
requested for "final approach" at
Runway 27 at the Palawan airport 53
minutes after the first aircraft landed.
He added that though the plane
was also equipped with an ejection
seat, he has yet to verify if there have
been sighting of parachute use in the
"What we have right now are
the debris and the last known position
palang po ang masasabi naminm,"
Okol said.
Search for missing pilots
In the text message, Okol said
“rescue teams from the Philippine
Navy of Naval Forces West and PCG
Vessel 3503 are already at the vicinity
conducting search and rescue
The Coast Guard has already
deployed frogmen to the site off the
eastern coast of Puerto Princesa
where the plane was believed to have
gone down to help search for the
missing pilots, according to PCG
Palawan district head Commodore
Enrico Efren Evangelista, in a report
from radio dzBB's Palawan affiliate
James Viernes
Okol said the recovered debris
appeared to have drifted northward.
N ava l Fo rc e s We s t h e a d
Commodore Joseph Peña said they are
concentrating their efforts in an area
some 11 nautical miles east of the
Puerto Princesa Airport where the
two planes took off.
"We're trying to pinpoint the
crash site," Peña said. Local fishermen
are also helping in the search for the
pilots, Peña said.
Okol said the pilots' relatives
had been notified, but added the PAF
still cannot make the pilots' names
public at this time.
DILG to start relocation of settlers by July
MANILA -- The Department of
the Interior and Local Government on
Wednesday said it is planning to start
the relocation of informal settler
families on waterways as early as next
DILG Undersecretary for Urban
Poor Francisco Fernandez said the
agency will prioritize the relocation
of 3,000-4,000 informal settler
families living in danger zones in
Quezon City, Manila, Malabon and San
Juan. He said this is after relocating
informal settlers near San Juan River
by the end of July.
Fernandez said the national
government will make sure the
informal settlers will no longer return
to the danger zones after the
"We will have a task force, a
police force to see to it that it is not
ganun. Finally, the President has
already quoted a law, that according
to the Urban Development and
Housing Act, this is really the
responsibility of barangay officials,"
he said.
Fernandez said the Department
of Social Welfare and Development
will be in charge of distributing the
P18,000 rental subsidy of informal
settler families that will leave the
waterways but are still waiting for the
relocation sites to be finished.
PAF to ground all OV-10
Bronco attack aircraft
MANILA -- With the downing
of a OV-10 "Bronco" light attack
aircraft now confirmed with the
recovery of some debris, Philippine
Air Force spokesperson Col. Miguel
Ernesto Okol on Monday said that
all OV-10s in PAF service will be
grounded until the exact cause of
the crash is determined.
A PAF OV-10 fixed wing
fighter aircraft had crashed in
Puerto Princesa Bay early Sunday
evening and military authorities
have yet to determinje determine
what happened to the two pilots
manning it.
Around eight to 12 OV-10
"Broncos" are scattered in various
PAF airbases nationwide.
Okol declined to give the
exact number and location of the
aircraft citing security reasons.
The PAF spokesperson added
that the pilots of the downed plane
did not report any difficulty while
in the air.
He also clarified that the
night proficiency flight took place
over the Puerto Princesa airfield
and not near the Philippine-owned
portions of the Spratlys.
"The OV-10 aircraft only flew
a 50 nautical mile radius of Puerto
Princesa and it flew a night
proficiency flight because we need
that capability," he added.
He added that the PAF is now
focusing on its search-and-rescue
mission, for the two pilots, before
forming an accident board to
determine the exact cause of the
The Philippine Coast Guard
will deploy frogmen to the site off
Palawan where a Philippine Air
Force OV-10 plane was believed to
have gone down, to help search for
the downed plane's pilots.
Okol earlier said that the
downed plane, with tail number
630, belongs to the 570th
Composite Tactical Wing which is
based in Puerto Princesa, Palawan.
He added that this aircraft
and another with tail number 139
took off around 6:37 p.m. for a night
flying proficiency.
However, only the aircraft
with tail number 139 safely landed
back after 53 minutes.
Coast Guard spokesperson
Lt. Greaneta Jude told reporters
they have located the nose part of
the ill-fated plane floating in the
waters just one nautical mile off
Puerto Princesa Bay.
Okol said the missing OV-10
"Bronco: ( tail number 630) lost
contact with the Palawan tower
around 7:30 p.m. and failed to
Philippine Coast Guard
Palawan District head Commodore
Enrico Efren Evangelista said that
they are now deploying frogmen to
help look for the missing pilots.
For his part, Naval Forces
West head Commodore Joseph
Peña said they are concentrating
their efforts in an area some five
nautical miles away from the
Puerto Princesa Airport runway.
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 6
Reform clears the
From page 1
deeply concerned that Senator
Hirono's amendments to restore
family visas were not included in
the bill and that young people
known as “little DREAMers” will
be required to wait the full 13
years to achieve citizenship
simply because they are too
young to qualify for DREAM
provisions in the bill, which
would accelerate the path to
citizenship for many young
people. We are also concerned
t h a t b i - n a t i o n a l s a m e - s ex
couples were left out of the
legislation, although since the
Supreme Court's invalidating of
Section 3 of the Defense of
Marriage Act will allow all
couples to be treated equally
within our country's
immigration system.
Lastly, the massive build-up
at the Southern border, without
corresponding oversight and
accountability mechanisms, will
have serious ramifications for
border communities and
American taxpayers. This comes
a t a t i m e wh e n u n l aw f u l
crossings are at historic lows and
border cities in the U.S. are some
of the safest in the nation, and yet
as a result of closed-door
negotiations, provisions were
Labor exec denies ...
From page 4
“These activities are common
knowledge among embassy personnel
in Jordan and Kuwait. Mr. Antonio
faced similar charges in Beirut and
Tokyo, while there is a Commission on
Audit report on the alleged
shortchanging by Mr. Marquez of
Filipino workers paying for their
employment certificates to the tune of
P330,000 per year since 1997,” he said.
He also expressed disbelief over
the officials' statement that they could
not force Marquez to fly home and face
an investigation, since the latter is a
“local hire.”
“They can ask the DFA to cancel his
passport to force him to return home.
They can file charges against him in
Kuwait, if there were laws violated
there,” he said.
Bello said he did not have a copy of
the supposed Jordan government's
request but added that the DFA had
already acknowledged that there was
such communication.
He also admitted not possessing
any of the sworn statements he said
were executed by three witnesses to
the supposed Jan. 1 incident involving
DFA's Mr. Kim.
added to the bill at the 11th hour,
doubling the number of border
patrol agents at the southern
border, adding 350 miles of
border fencing and expanding
the use of drones, Black Hawk
helicopters, and other
surveillance equipment in
b order communit ies. New
Yorkers for Real Immigration
Reform strongly objected to this
deal as it was being developed in
the Senate and we will work
vigorously to change these
provisions before this bill
becomes law.
As momentum for reform
builds, Republicans in the House
u n d e r S p e a ke r B o e h n e r ' s
leadership must realize that the
American people are on the side
of reform and will not tolerate
another session going by without
a resolution to our broken
immigration system. The House
must find a way forward to
protect a pathway to citizenship
for millions, provide for future
flows of newcomers, and reunite
The following are remarks
from leaders from the New Yorkers
for Real Immigration Reform:
"With the Gang of Eight and
Senator Schumer's tenacity and
determination, the Senate has
finally moved reform forward
after years of inaction," said
Steven Choi, executive director of
the New York Immigration
Coalition. "As the legislative
process unfolds in the House in
the weeks to come, we will
continue to fight to protect the
path to citizenship and re-unite
families, and to push back against
policies that sacrifice the safety
of our nation's border residents,
block family reunification, or
compromise the fundamental
freedoms of both native- and
foreign-born Americans alike."
“NMCIR is supportive of an
immigration reform bill that is
fair, just and moral. As the bill
moves to the house NMCIR will
be advocating to ensure that the
bill becomes more inclusive and
protects our communities' civil
and human rights,” said Angela
Fernandez, Esq. Executive
Director of Northern Manhattan
Coalition for Immigrant Rights.
“With today's passage of an
immigration bill in the Senate, we
are now calling on New York's
Congressional delegation to seize
this historic opportunity to
achieve meaningful reform,” said
M i l a n B h a t t , c o - exe c u t ive
director, Worker Justice Center of
NY. “The devil has never been
more in the detailour elected
officials must act now to fix our
broken immigration system in a
way that substitutes core
American values of economic
fairness and humanity for the
fa i l e d “ e n fo rc e m e n t o n ly ”
approach that has ripped apart
family units across the nation.
New York must lead the way.”
“On behalf of our 125,000
members and their families, I
want recognize the Senate for
passing this historic piece of
Ordered home
At the DFA, Secretary Albert del
Ro s a r i o h a s d i re c te d t h e 1 1
Philippine ambassadors in the
Middle East to come home
immediately for consultation as well
as discussion on the controversy.
“ We n e e d t o h ave o u r
ambassadors participate in the factfinding initiatives that the DFA has
started. We need to find ways to
collectively encourage victims and
witnesses to come forward and
submit formal complaints and
testimonies,” DFA spokesperson Raul
Hernandez said yesterday.
Hernandez did not name the 11
diplomats who are expected to arrive
over the weekend.
The Department of Budget and
Management, for its part, said social
welfare attachés would be deployed
in six areas abroad to ensure the
protection of OFWs.
Under the proposal drafted by the
Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD), the six social
welfare attachés will be stationed in
Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Jeddah, Hong Kong,
South Korea and Qatar.
These countries have been
identified as having the largest
concentration of migrant Filipinos,
and where many of them are in crisis
Another party-list Rep.
Luzviminda Ilagan of Gabriela
renewed calls for the immediate
repatriation of distressed OFWs to
keep them from being abused while in
shelters “The prostitution of OFWs in
distress is an offshoot of the
government's long-time neglect of our
Filipino migrant workers,” Ilagan said
in a statement.
“The deployment of social
welfare ambassadors will go a long
way in safeguarding the well-being of
our workers abroad and giving them
immediate aid, even if they're
thousands of miles away from home,”
Budget Secretary Florencio Abad said
in a statement.
Sen. Jinggoy Estrada, meanwhile,
threatened to work for cuts in the
budgets of the DFA and DOLE.
With Jess Diaz, Paolo Romero, Aurea
Calica, Pia Lee-Brago, Jose Rodel Clapano,
Christina Mendez. The Philippine Star
legislation, and Senator Schumer
for his leadership, which will
allow 11 million people to come
out of the shadows,” said Hector
Figueroa, president of 32BJ SEIU.
“While we object to the
unnecessary border security
spending, we believe that this bill
keeps intact the crucial elements
of commonsense immigration
reform. We now turn our
attention to the House where we
will continue the struggle to give
people the ability to work with
dignity and keep their families
“While the Senate vote
represents a step forward for
comprehensive immigration
reform, the MinKwon Center for
Community Action is deeply
disappointed and concerned that
this bill eliminates important
family immigration categories,”
said S.J Jung, board president of
t h e M i n Kw o n C e n t e r f o r
C o m m u n i t y A c t i o n . “A n
immigration system that
promotes family unity is key to
stronger families, a stronger
economy, and the social wellbeing of the United States. Our
nation needs real immigration
re fo r m t h a t p ro t e c t s a n d
strengthens our family-based
immigration system.
“Nowhere are the
contributions of immigrants to
the economic and cultural fabric
of America more apparent than
right here in New York,” said
Mario Cilento, President of the
New York State AFL-CIO. “That's
why our state's Labor Movement
views the passage of a
comprehensive immigration
reform bill in the Senate,
although imperfect, as a
monumental and laudable step in
f i n a l ly g iv i n g m i l l i o n s o f
hardworking men and women
the chance to experience the full
American dream, which includes
a path to citizenship and all the
rights, privileges and pride that
accompanies it . We thank
Senator Schumer for his
leadership throughout this
process. There is still a long way
to go, but we remain committed
to working with our unions, our
allies, and elected officials to
ensure that comprehensive
immigration reform becomes a
reality in 2013 with no further
rollbacks from the Gang of Eight
“The New Sanctuary
Coalition continues to support
immigration reform and now
that the Senate has approved a
bill our leaders, ministers, rabbis,
priests, imams and people of
faith insist the House put aside
their differences and pass a bill
that is even better that the
Senate,” said Ravi Ragbir,
organizer with the New
S a n c t u a r y C o a l i t i o n . “ We
encourage a bipartisan working
re l a t i o n s h i p to c re a te a n
immigration policy so that
everyone can live in dignity.”
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 7
THE WHITE HOUSE, Office of the Press Secretary
June 27, 2013
Statement by President Obama on
Senate Passage of Immigration Reform
Today, with a strong
bipartisan vote, the United
States Senate delivered for the
American people, bringing us a
critical step closer to fixing our
broken immigration system
once and for all.
I thank Majority Leader
Reid, Senator Leahy, Senator
Schumer, and every member of
the 'Gang of Eight' for their
leadership, and I commend all
Senators who worked across
party lines to get this done.
The bipartisan bill that
passed today was a
compromise. By definition,
nobody got everything they
wanted. Not Democrats. Not
Republicans. Not me. But the
Senate bill is consistent with
the key principles for
commonsense reform that I
and many others have
repeatedly laid out.
If enacted, the Senate bill
would establish the most
aggressive border security
plan in our history. It would
offer a pathway to earned
citizenship for the 11 million
individuals who are in this
country illegally a pathway
that includes passing a
Wife gets 40 years to
life ...
boys to start over in the US, but she
never appreciated this. She just
shot him like a dog on the street.”
Jose Benedicto, son-in-law of the
victim, said.
From page 1
of the Orange County District
Attorney's Office, said that before
the sentencing, several family
members presented impact
statements to the court.
The victim's son, identified
only as John Doe #1, told his
mother that he loves her and
misses his father and wishes that
his mother could be there to see
his younger brother grow up.
“Losing a father is inevitable,
but losing him in this manner is
unbearable,” Carmelia Gana,
daughter of the victim, also said.
“My brothers not only lost
their father, they lost everything
they had. A home, a family, and the
life they once had. From here we
can all try to start to move on with
hope for forgiveness, peace, and
love in our hearts.” Jose Gana,
another son of the victim, also said.
“I asked [Antonio] to plan a
trip back to Manila in December
for hunting season. I never
realized that we would never be
going hunting together again. … He
loved [Annamaria] and gave up a
comfortable life for her and his
background check, learning
English, paying taxes and a
penalty, and then going to the
back of the line behind
everyone who's playing by the
rules and trying to come here
legally. It would modernize the
legal immigration system so
that it once again reflects our
va l u e s a s a n a t i o n a n d
addresses the urgent needs of
our time. And it would provide
a big boost to our recovery, by
shrinking our deficits and
growing our economy.
Today, the Senate did its
job. It's now up to the House to
as he turned and attempted to
escape from the bedroom, hitting
him in the arm. He managed to
rush out of the home and called
911 on his cell phone. Her nineyear-old son John Doe #2, who
witnessed the shooting, was able
to wrestle the gun away from her
and took the gun outside.
Mrs. Gana was found guilty
by a jury last April 3, 2013, of one
felony count each of special
circumstances murder by lying in
wait , two felony counts of
attempted murder, and sentencing
enhancements for the personal
discharge of a firearm causing
death and the personal discharge
of a firearm causing great bodily
On Thursday, she was
sentenced of count one for second
degree murder for 15 years to life
with parole; count one for use of
firearm, for 25 years to life without
parole to be served consecutively;
count two for attempted murder
for life without parole to be served
concurrently; count two for use of
firearm for 25 years to life without
parole to be served consecutively;
and count three for attempted
murder for life without parole to
be served concurrently.
Ms. Emami said the Court
also ordered Mrs. Gana to pay
$5,000 for the funeral expenses
do the same.
As this process moves
forward, I urge everyone who
cares about this issue to keep a
watchful eye. Now is the time
when opponents will try their
hardest to pull this bipartisan
effort apart so they can stop
commonsense reform from
becoming a reality. We cannot
let that happen. If you're
among the clear majority of
Americans who support
reform from CEOs to labor
leaders, law enforcement to
clergy reach out to your
Member of Congress. Tell them
Photo of Antonio Potenciano Gana
(FAXX/jGLi Photograb KABC-TV7)
and may later address restitution
for the expenses of the family
It was about 4:30 p.m. on
May 8, 2011, when Mrs. Gana
armed with a firearm fired a shot
into the ceiling of a bedroom in
their home. When her husband,
Antonio Potenciano Gana, and
their 16-year-old son John Doe #1
ran into the bedroom to find out
about the gunshot, she turned the
firearm toward her husband, and
said, “Now,” and shot him point
blank in the chest.
Mrs. Gana later went after
her two sons. She shot John Doe #1
The Orange County Sheriff's
Department, who investigated the
case, arrived at the scene and
arrested Gana. She was brought to
the hospital for treatment for
minor injuries sustained while
shooting the firearm.
The defendant's sons were
placed in the care of a family
During the jury trial, Mrs.
Gana acknowledged pulling the
trigger. But her defense lawyer
argued that she should not be
found guilty because of her mental
state or illness as she did not have
the capacity to plan this type of
“This loss has made me
worried for my two half-brothers,
who have to grow up without both
their father and mother. Questions
flood my mind, like how will they
cope emotionally, psychologically,
spiritually, mentally, physically,
and financially? Who will guide
them? How will they survive? How
to do the right thing. Tell them
to pass commonsense reform
so that our businesses and
workers are all playing by the
same rules and everyone
who's in this country is paying
their fair share in taxes.
We h a v e a u n i q u e
opportunity to fix our broken
system in a way that upholds
our traditions as a nation of
laws and a nation of
immigrants. We just need
Congress to finish the job.
will they cope with the trauma?
What will become of their lives? ”
Maria Gana, daughter of the victim,
“He would never forget
birthdays, Valentine's Day, even
Mother's Day. My dad was truly a
man with a big heart.” Rosette
Benedicto, daughter of the victim,
“He gave unconditionally. I
am 100 percent sure he had many
more years to live, and much more
love to share.” Geoffrey Balagtas,
son-in-law of the victim, said.
“I felt safe around him. I
knew that he would protect me. My
friends knew this too, and he was a
father figure to many of them. He
was a shoulder for them to cry on,
and he willingly provided support.
Plainly, he was just someone you
could count on to be there for you,
no matter what.” Maria Balagtas,
daughter of the victim, said.
Senior Deputy District
Attorney Ebrahim Baytieh of the
Homicide Unit prosecuted this
case. Defense lawyer Michael
Kevin Cernvar did not return calls
of this reporter for comment on
the sentence or if was filing an
([email protected])
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 8
Cause of death of three
lawmakers who had stem cell
treatment being verified
M A N I L A - - T h e t h re e
unnamed lawmakers who were
said to have died after
undergoing stem cell therapy
might not have possibly died
because of this breakthrough
treatment, according to a health
official on Tuesday.
Following the deaths of
these lawmakers, doctors from
the Philippine Medical
Association (PMA) were alarmed
as it was reported that there has
been spread of unlicensed clinics
which offer illegal stem cell
treatment in and out of the
Health Secretary Enrique
Ona said in a chance interview
that although the treatment has
not yet been confirmed by the
Department of Health (DOH) as a
standard, these lawmakers were
already “very sick” before they
underwent the treatment.
Ona said that it was “hard to
tell” whether it was the stem cell
therapy treatment that cost the
lawmakers' lives or it was
actually just a matter of their
bodies' giving in from its already
poor condition.
However, he reminded the
public that if people did want to
avail of stem cell therapy, they
must go to licensed clinics that
perform the treatment.
“Clinics that perform stem
cell therapy should have a license
and should be approved by the
Department of Health,” he said.
At present, the deaths of
these lawmakers are still being
investigated to reveal its real
cause, although it was suggested
by the PMA that they might have
been given stem cells sourced
from animals.
Also, the PMA has also
acquired help from the National
Bureau of Investigation (NIB) and
the Philippine National Police
(PNP) to look into the scams done
in hotels.
The DOH has previously
released a set of guidelines for
proper implementation of the
stem cell therapy and has warned
the public of foreign doctors who
give services in hotel rooms
instead of actual licensed clinics.
So far, only autologous (self)
Adult Stem Cells which can be
derived only from the patient's
own blood, bone marrow and fat
are allowed to be used for
treatment as it is the safest
procedure used worldwide.
After P900K stem cell therapy,
PH official feels worse
MANILA -- A government
official on Thursday said he is
no believer in stem cell therapy
after undergoing the procedure
but getting zero health benefits.
Dangerous Drugs Board
chairman Antonio "Bebot"
Villar said he was enticed to try
out the procedure after hearing
from other people about the
near-miraculous effect of stem
cell therapy.
He noted that even former
President Joseph Estrada has
attributed his rejuvenated
health to stem cells.
"Kasi nababalitaan ko
maganda itong stem cell. Ako ay
madalas na [masakit] ang buto
ko. Siguro nanghihina yung
buto ko na at tsaka medyo
mahina ang katawan ko kaya
sinubukan ko ito," he said.
Villar said he paid 16,000
euros or more than P900,000 to
Villamedica for stem cell
therapy to cure aches and pains
in his bones and general body
He said he underwent
treatment with his wife at
Makati Shangri-la hotel, along
with at least a dozen others.
"July 9 may schedule na
stem cell sa Shangri-la EDSA.
Mga dose or kinse kami. Halos
buong floor, yun chairman
doctor kasama assistants na
taga-Thailand," he said.
The DDB chief said he
received several injections on
the buttocks and ordered to stay
in the hotel for a day so doctors
could monitor their blood
pressure. He said the stem cells
were harvested from lambs.
He said that after the
treatment, he tried to see if he
got stronger but only felt worse.
"Ang lakas ng loob ko at
naniniwala ako. Naglakad ako.
Abay, sumakit ang mga paa ko.
Parang wala itong epekto," he
"Medyo nanghina ako.
Dati nakakalakad ako ng
malayo-layo. Ngayon, medyo
maigsi na lang at nagna-numb
ang mga paa ko," he added.
Even worse, he said his
prostate level became elevated
despite being normal before the
stem cell procedure. He said he
had to undergo a biopsy as a
"Nag increase po so
biniopsy ako sa prostate at
nagradiation ako ng ilang araw,
isang buwan ata. Ngayon under
observation pa rin ako ,
‘Sex for fly’
scandal ...
From page 2
Without being judgmental,
PA S E I c a l l s f o r c a l m a n d
discernment in handling this socalled 'sex-for-fly incident.
The group said it is not saying
the claim should be ignored
because the group want it to be
investigated and its perpetrators
However, Fernandez said that
giving too much publicity and
monitoring every 3 months," he
He said his own wife is
also blaming him for feeling
worse after undergoing the
same procedure.
"Si misis diabetic kasi.
Tumataas ang sugar niya e. Halo
halo na ang [tinutusok] niya.
Hindi rin [gumaling]. Ako pa
ang sinisisi. Sabi ko sumama ka
e," he said.
Villar said he no longer
recommends stem cell therapy
to his friends after his own
The Philippine Medical
Association (PMA) earlier said
it is investigating the deaths of 3
politicians who died allegedly
after undergoing stem cell
treatment in Germany.
O n M o n d a y, H o u s e
Speaker Sonny Belmonte
named 2 congressmen who may
have died after having stem cell
therapy overseas -- Rep. Erico
Aumentado and Rep. Pedro
Aumentado's son Aristotle
disputed this, saying his father
died of pneumonia.
He added there is also no
proof that stem cell caused his
father's death.
sensationalism to the issue,
bordering almost on the erotic, is
not doing anyone nor the country
any good and can even cast a label
on the contract workers that all
female OFWs, can or may be
traded for sex.
Without indisputable
evidence on anyone suspected of
perpetuating this so called “sexfor-fly”, PASEI appeals for levelheaded and impartial treatment
of this investigation before
passing immediate
condemnation on anyone and for
the sake of all Female OFWs
worldwide who may be targeted
for indecent proposals. Alvin
Murcia. The Daily Tribune
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 9
Kin of 14 Maguindanao massacre
victims agree to settle with Ampatuans
MANILA -- Families of
some of the victims in the
infamous November 2009
Maguindanao massacre have
reportedly agreed to settle
with members of the
Ampatuan clan, the family
linked to the gruesome
carnage that left 58 people
dead, a private prosecutor
bared Monday.
Laywer Harry Roque of
the Center for International
Law said 14 families of the
victims, four of whom are
represented by his law firm,
signed a written authority
last February for a "close
associate of the Ampatuans"
to negotiate a settlement
with the accused individuals.
"Under this scheme, the
victims were to sign not just a
waiver and quitclaim, but
also an affidavit pinning the
blame for the massacre to
G o v e r n o r
To t o
Mangudadatu," Roque said,
referring to the re-elected
Maguindanao governor who
lost his wife and two sisters
to the massacre.
Roque said the
agreement was made
without his knowledge.
Riyadh envoy
molests, pimps ...
From page 3
remain confidential until such
time that they will be facing
the persons they are accusing.
Bello without naming
t h e o f f i c i a l s wh o we re
subjects in the sex for fly
scandal include a member of
the Augmentation Team of the
Department of Foreign Affairs
staff of the Embassy in
Damascus, Syria, another is a
top ranking member of the
Philippine Overseas Labor
Office in Amman, Jordan
while the third is a local hire
or contractual employee of
the Philippine Overseas
Labor Office (POLO) in
He said the sex for fly
racket is only one of many
illegal activities in the foreign
T h e
p a r a l l e l
investigation will surely show
the truth on the alleged sex
exploitation in the Middle
East and give justice to the
victims, Vice President
Jejomar Binay said Friday.
The 58 victims, majority
of them journalists, were part
of an electoral convoy that
was supposed to file
Mangudadatu's certificate of
candidacy for the 2010
elections when he first ran
for governor. They were
killed allegedly upon the
orders of the Ampatuans, a
known political family in
Mangudadatu, who was
not part of the ill-fated
c o nvoy, wo n t h e 2 0 1 0
gubernatorial race. He was
re-elected in the recently
concluded May 13 elections.
When asked by GMA
News Online, Roque refused
to identify who among the
victims' kin agreed to the
settlement . He said he
learned about the settlement
deal from one of his clients.
Roque also said he
would be visiting his clients
in Mindanao on Wednesday
to gather more information
about the supposed
Roque blames govt
He also said the
agreement has forced his
Binay, the Presidential
Adviser on Overseas Filipino
Workers' Concern said he is
confident that duo process
will unravel results in no time,
saying both agencies have
already intensified their
efforts in addressing the
The vice president said
this is the reason why there is
no need to create another
investigation team from his
office to look into the scandal.
Meanwhile, Binay also
admitted that he, just like DFA
Sec. Albert del Rosario, was
clueless about the sex-for-fly
scheme until having heard it
from the media.
Binay said it could have
been addressed immediately
if the victims have reported
the incident immediately.
Moreover, he stressed that his
office, as well as the DFA and
DOLE will never tolerate such
“ I n my c a p a c i t y a s
presidential adviser on
overseas Filipino workers'
concerns, wala naman pong
napaabot sa amin na hindi
inaksyunan,” he added.
camp to file a communication
with the United Nations
Human Rights Committee to
complain about the
Philippine government's
alleged failure to provide an
"adequate remedy under
domestic law and
c o m p e n s a t i o n" fo r t h e
victims' families.
“Thus far, it's been
almost 4 years and there is
still no end in sight to the
criminal prosecution of the
Ampatuans," said Roque.
The massacre
considered as the worst case
of election-related violence
in the country's history
entered its 43rd month
"In fact, the Philippine
government took almost 4
years just to file the
information for the 58th
victim, Reynaldo Momay.
This should give us a clue on
how long the criminal
proceedings will take,” Roque
Momay, who was from
Midland Review, was the
58th victim of the massacre.
He initially was not
considered a victim in the
Push massacre
case - PNoy
From page 1
exchange for financial
settlement without his
knowledge early this year.
Roque, however, clarified
that such settlement will
not be recognized by the
court since the law
prohibits settlement in
murder cases.
Valte, in a Palace press
briefing, said they don't
agree with Roque's claim
that the government is
m a n d a t e d t o p rov i d e
compensation to the
families of the massacre
victims. She said while the
suspects of the
Maguindanao massacre
were elected officials, the
government is not part of
the crime.
“In any criminal case,
there is an accused and it is
understood that once he is
proven guilty in court, that
will include the civil aspect
of the case,” she said.
Still, she said, the
President has offered
killings, since only Momay's
dentures and not his remains
were recovered at the crime
site at Sitio Masalay in
Barangay Salman in
Ampatuan town.
After an appeal from
M o m ay ' s d a u gh te r, t h e
Department of Justice
conducted a preliminary
investiation on his case and
decided to add him officially
as a victim, bringing to 58
from the original 57 the
number of murder cases
lodged against the suspects.
Roque clarified that the
compensation his clients are
seeking from the government
was separate from the civil
damages they are claiming
from the suspects.
“The compensation that
is due to the victims is
because it is the state itself
that breached its obligation
to protect and promote the
right of the victims to live.
This includes not just
monetary compensation, but
also all that may be required
to restore the emotional and
psychological well being of
assistance to the families of
the victims by ordering the
government lawyers to
hasten the prosecution of
the alleged mastermind of
the massacre.
The President had
earlier expressed hope that
the perpetrators of the
Maguindanao killing would
be convicted before he steps
down from office in 2016.
Meanwhile, Justice
Secretary Leila de Lima
stressed yesterday that the
attempt of the Ampatuan
clan to settle the case with
some of the families of the
victims is a clear indication
of the respondents guilt.
De Lima said this a day
after human rights counsel,
Atty. Harry Roque, bared
that at least 14 of the victims
in the massacre, four of
whom are clients, signed
“the authorities to
negotiate” without his
knowledge in February.
While she urges
families of the victims of the
N ove m b e r 2 0 0 9
Maguindanao massacre to
resist temptations for
monetary settlement, De
the victims," he said.
The lawyer stressed that
until now, Judge Jocelyn
Solis-Reyes of the Quezon
City Regional Trial Court
Branch 221 has yet to grant
his camp's request that the
government be compelled to
p rov i d e " p s yc h o - s o c i a l
support" for the families of
the victims.
"This has not been acted
upon but has strangely, given
rise to a petition filed by the
accused to cite us in
contempt allegedly for
'prejudging' the merits of the
case,” he added.
More than 100 suspects
are already in police custody,
while around 90 remain at
large. It has been three years
and a half since the murder
The suspects include
prominent members of the
Ampatuan clan, including
patriarch Andal Sr., and his
sons Andal Jr, Rizaldy, and
Andal Sr., Andal Jr. and
Rizaldy have pleaded not
guilty in the case.
Lima believes that the
action of the Ampatuans
was an implied admission
of guilt on their part.
“I don't think the case
will weaken if they accept
the monetary settlement.
As a matter of fact, implied
admission yan ng guilt ng
akusado kapag mayroong
settlement. So, hindi kami
nababahala dyan.
Although, hindi
magandang tingnan kasi,”
she told reporters in an
De Lima stressed that
the acceptance of monetary
settlement from those
responsible for the most
heinous crime in Philippine
history is “both legally and
morally wrong.”
She also cautioned the
victims' family from
accepting the any
monetary settlement since
any compromise between
them can only affect the
civil liability of the
re s p o n d e n t s . ( W i t h a
report from Leonard D.
(Manila Bulletin)
Editorial & opinion
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 10
The learning curve
Nearly half of the new members of the House of
Representatives who will assume office on July 22 are
taking up a crash course on legislation at the University of
the PhilippinesNational College of Public Administration
and Governance.
The neophyte lawmakers signed up for the course to
gain a working knowledge of the concepts and dynamics
of legislation, know how to spend their pork barrel and
see their work in the context of development.
Among their trainors are members of the UP faculty
and other lawmakers who share their experience and
One of the highlights of the course was the first-day
agenda on the Priority Development Assistance Fund.
Veteran House member Edcel Lagman reminded the
newcomers that they should spend money on needs
rather than wants, ensure that projects benefit more
people and not just their supporters, and go for programs
that would reach constituents in the farthest-flung areas.
All this is good in theory, and we give credit to those
humble enough to recognize that they have a lot more to
learn about their new job. We wonder what kept the other
half of the batch from joining.
We must remember however that many of these
neophyte lawmakers cannot be deemed strangers to how
Congress words in practice, not in ideology. Relatives of
incumbents or former lawmakers, however, who ran and
won on the mere strength of their family name, would
likely be familiar with the discretionand the
temptationthat comes with the millions of pesos in the
so-called pork.
Outside of the PDAF, there are many things to learn,
as well. Choosing the right legislative staff is key to
conducting an effective office, but one must not rely on
them completely. Being congressman, after all, is hard
work, and the time for waving and smiling and making
promises is over, at least for the meantime.
The newcomers must also learn, even as some may
already know, that legislative work is not merely
agonizing on how laws and resolutions are written and
then arguing proposals well. It is, instead, toeing party
lines, compromising, and, in some instances, horsetrading.
Indeed, if one enters the House idealistic and seized
with a desire to make a difference, it is very easy to lose
steam early on in the game.
All these, no amount of UP-initiated training can
The new batch of lawmakers, who number about 60,
must realize that despite the public's negative perception
of House members in general, their fresh faces make us
hopeful of an even fresher perspective. They must not
just warm their seats but justify their occupancy of them,
every day for the next three years. (Manila Standard)
Founded in 1986
Publisher/Editor-in-Chief: Lito A. Gajilan, Jr.
Columnists: Reuben S. Seguritan, Esq.,
Juan L. Mercado, Jonathan Suarez, Joel Baclit
Correspondent: Contessa Bourbon
The opinions expressed by columnists are their
own and do not reflect the opinion of the paper
nor that of the publisher
Contact us:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 201-434-1114 Fax 201-434-0880
You May Be A U.S. Citizen
Without Knowing It
Most people think that a
person who is born outside of the
United States can only become a
U.S. citizen through
naturalization or by deriving
citizenship through a parent's
naturalization. For many people,
naturalization is a process
fraught with years of waiting and
much expense.
However, a person born
outside the U.S. can become a
citizen through the acquisition of
citizenship from one or both
parents who are citizens.
Sometimes, the parents
themselves do not even know
that they were U.S. citizens.
In order to transmit
citizenship to a child, the citizen
parent generally must have
resided in the United States for a
certain period before the child's
birth. The law in effect on the date
of the child's birth will apply and
dictate what requirements must
be met.
In a recent case, the court
held that an American father
could not transmit his citizenship
to his son because the law in
effect at the time of his son's birth
in 1931 required his father to
have resided in the U.S. The
Nationality Act of 1940
liberalized the residency
requirement by allowing a citizen
parent to have resided in the U.S.
or one of its outlying possessions
such as the Philippines, but the
law could be not be applied
Depending on the
applicable statute, residence in a
possession of the U.S. could be
considered residence in the
United States. Because of this,
knowing the ways by which
citizenship could be acquired is
especially useful for Filipinos
because the Philippines was an
“outlying possession” of the
United States from 1898 to 1946.
If a person is born to
parents who are both U.S.
citizens, the child's acquisition of
citizenship depends on whether
at least one parent resided in the
United States prior to the child's
birth. If the child was born on or
Page 12
The window to ease
impacts of global warming is
closing more rapidly than earlier
estimated, says World Bank in a
study released last Wednesday.
Sea level surges will double as
mountain glaciers melt. They'll
interlock with intense storms
inflicting deaths and damage.
What happens when, in
words of the study, “rainfall
becomes more sporadic and, in
rainy season, even more
intense”? Inquirer's Michael Tan
sketches a graphic answer from
“Emong”, this season's first
“Monday night, I broke my
own record of airport
commuting ordeals, clocking 13
hours to get from the Ninoy
Aquino International Airport to
my home in San Juan . I left Naia at
about 5:30 p.m. in a taxi.” By 8
p.m.,Tan was still stuck in Makati
. At 11pm, he gave up and took a
hotel room. “I finally got home at
6 : 3 0 a . m t h e n e x t d a y.
Hindi ka nagi-isa, political
prisoner Ninoy Aquino used to
say. Thousands were also
stranded. Storm “Fabian” lurks
around the corner..And rainy
season's end is 17 or more
typhoons away.
Among seven cities, Manila
is second most at risk from
climate change, says 2013
Climate Change Vulnerability
Index which covers 197
countries. Others are: Dhaka,
Bangkok, Yangon, Jakarta, Ho Chi
Minh and Kolkata. Rising sea
levels could uproot 13.6 million
Filipinos by 2050, Asian
Development Bank projected in
an earlier study: “Addressing
Climate Change and Migration in
Asia and the Pacific.” Three
typhoons, in as many years,
lashed Mindanao. The island
used to reel from a wayward
storm every 17 years or so.
Wo r l d l e a d e r s a re
committed to curb greenhouse
emissions and tamp down
temperature increases to about
3.6 degrees Fahrenheit, (2
degrees Celsius.) There've been
concerns” that temperatures will
soar to five degrees Celsius over a
century", the 2012 WB study
Page 14
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 11
OPINION When authority is perverse, abuse is rife
By Fr. Shay Cullen
PREDA Foundation
It's all about power and fear.
Several impoverished, abused,
cheated and beaten Filipino
female workers taking shelter in
Middle Eastern Philippine
embassies have been allegedly
sexually assaulted and
prostituted by some corrupt and
depraved embassy officials of the
Department of Foreign Affairs,
according to Walden Bello, the
sociologist turned Congressman
in a press conference in Manila
recently. He named two of the
officials and gave the nick-name
of a third. Yet many more have
been involved in this despicable
and criminal activity and dozens
of young women have been
life worth
Ellen Tordesillas
There are a number of
disturbing things in the aborted
settlement between the
Ampatuans and the relatives of
the 14 victims of the Nov 23,
2 0 0 9 m a s s a c r e t h a t wa s
considered the deadliest day for
journalists (32 of the 58 victims
were members of media.
It was aborted because the
negotiator, identified in the
article of Mylah Reyes-Roque for
VERA Files a Jun Chan was killed
in an ambush in General Santos
city last March 25. The death of
Chan underscores the chilling
reality that four years after
massacre, the killing has not
They are vulnerable, lonely,
isolated in a foreign country, and
victims of physical and sexual
abuse by their foreign employers.
They escaped and ran for help
and shelter to the Philippine
embassies in Jordan, Syria and
Kuwait. These young women,
overseas Filipino workers
(OFWs), are totally dependent on
the Embassy officials when they
take them into the embassy
shelter with promises that the
Philippine Government would
protect and repatriate them.
Instead of being helped,
many of them were subjected to
humiliating and shameful sexual
exploitation by corrupt and
depraved officials themselves.
Not only were they forced to
perform sexual acts with some
officials, but they were sold into
sexual slavery in the city from
which the embassy officials
earned a lot of money.
Representative Walden
Bello told a news conference that
his source is a high official of the
Department of Foreign affairs
and he named names.
The young victims were too
scared and helpless to resist the
power of the government
officials. Just imagine what most
likely went on in the embassy
shelters to coerce and threaten
them into submission and
docility. They likely received
threats of dire punishment if they
told anyone about it.
Imagine it might have
happened like this to a fictional
young woman named Rosa.
and jailed.”
Embassy Official in a closed
embassy room: “Rosa, I will help
you get home to the Philippines,
you can earn some money, just
let's have a little fun first.”
Rosa: “Please sir, don't do
that, I want to go home I have not
seen my family for years, I have
nothing, no money, no job, no
food. I have been cheated, robbed
and raped, please don't cancel my
air ticket”.
Rosa tries to resist: “No, no,
please don't touch me, leave me
alone, that's what the evil
employer did to me; he raped me,
don't, don't.”
She was by now crying and
howling, tears streaming down
her face but the official seemed to
be aroused by her distress and
moved to sexually exploit her.
Official, pulling an angry
stern face: “You are here under
my power, if you don't do as I say, I
will send you back out to your
employer and the authorities,
you will be on the street without
documents or passport, do you
understand? You will be arrested
M o s t o f t h e E m b a s sy
employees had to know about it,
but remained silent or worse,
may have been involved too. Why
did they not blow the whistle and
come to the rescue of the women?
Page 15
Mindboggling, troubling offers for
Maguindanao massacre victims
A month before, Chan met
with relatives of the victims at
least twice in a mosque in
General Santos with a
mindboggling offer: P50 million
for each of the victim in exchange
for their withdrawing the case
against the Ampatuans. The
offer raises another troubling
aspect: the Ampatuans are still
in possession of huge amount of
money not covered by the
government freeze on their
assets. (The Court of Appeals has
ordered a freeze on Ampatuans
assets upon the request of the
families of the victims. There's a
pending forfeiture petition by
the Anti-Money Laundering
Council. AMLAC is opposing the
motion of the victims' families to
intervene in the forfeiture case.)
The VERA Files article said
in the first meeting, families of
the victims were asked by Chan,
who was accompanied by
someone addressed as “Prof”, to
sign a document authorizing him
negotiate a financial settlement
on their behalf in return for 15
percent of the amount.
“We said we would not
entertain any offer lower than
P50 million, and the emissary
said he would talk to his
principal,” according to the
In the second meeting,
Chan told the heirs that his
principal was amenable to the
amount but asked for two
affidavits in return, the source
One would be an affidavit
of desistence. The other would
be an affidavit stating that then
gubernatorial candidate Esmael
“ To t o” M a n g u d a d a t u h a d
p ro m i s e d e a c h j o u r n a l i s t
P30,000 as payment for
accompanying his wife Genalyn
to the Commission on Elections
office in Shariff Aguak to file his
certificate of candidacy (COC).
“Akala namin nung una,
affidavit of desistance lang OK
na, pero sabi nila wala na daw
magiging epekto yun sa kaso
dahil pwede pa ding magprosecute ang gobyerno kahit
bumitaw kami (We initially
thought that they just wanted an
affidavit of desistance, which
was all right with us. But they
said this would have no effect on
the case because government
can still prosecute the case),” the
source said.
The heirs were asked to
state in their affidavit that
Mangudadatu promised to pay
the victims P5,000 as
downpayment and the balance
of P25,000 after the COC had
been filed, the source added.
Page 15
'Walang himala’
At least the traffic, which
President Noynoy Aquino once
said was a sign of robust
economic growth, is as bad as
ever or even worse than before.
But the fact is, the Aquino
administration never mentions
the stock market anymore, now
that it is suffering almost daily
reversals due to developments
overseas that the government in
Manila had nothing whatsoever
to do with.
Yes, the Philippine Stock
Exchange, once the darling of
foreign portfolio investors and
the bellwether of economic
growth under the Aquino
administration (when the index
was going up, anyway),
plummeted again yesterday,
shedding 201.29 points and 3.26
percent and falling through the
6,000 barrier to close at
5,980.88. The local market
followed the downturn in almost
all Asian stock exchanges, a
phenomenon that was traced by
analysts to concerns about
China, this time.
Earlier, pronouncements
by the US Federal Reserve about
the improving American
e c o n o my a n d c h a n g e s i n
monetary policy sent Philippine
stocks tumbling. Taken together
with last June 13's market
“bloodbath,” yesterday's market
reversal debunks with finality
the Aquino government's claim
that the now-forgotten surges in
the stock market were the direct
result of sound economic
policies that it had put into place.
Of course, the upcoming
State of the Nation Address of
Aquino is not expected to
mention any of this, just like his
last two speeches at the opening
of Congress no longer said
anything about his supposed
centerpiece economic scheme,
the Public Private Partnerships
that never left the drawing
board. In fact, the official spin
has already moved on from
macroeconomic stuff like stock
market surges, credit rating
upgrades and GDP increases to
“inclusive growth” that
supposedly targets the poorest
of the poor.
Not that the poor can
reasonably expect any
improvement from this shift in
propaganda focus, any more
than they felt improvement
w h e n “A q u i n o m i c s ” w a s
supposedly transforming the
P h i l i p p i n e s i n to a “ t i g e r
economy.” After all, with poverty
and unemployment still
rampant, the peso falling and the
prices of gasoline, electricity,
water and even mass transport
steadily increasing or about to
shoot up, it would take a lot more
than refocused sloganeering or
even a brace of feel-good, paidfor surveys to uplift the poor.
A s N o ra Au n o r o n c e
declared: “Walang himala.”
Government has not performed
any miracle to improve the lives
of the majority in three years in
office, even if the arrival of its
leader was treated by some like
the second coming of the
Now Aquino has three
years left to prove that he will
not merely leave behind a legacy
of blaming his predecessor,
claiming credit where he did
nothing and doing only slightly
more than eliminating sirens.
Will it be more of the same?
The coming days are not
going to be fun in the Philippines
for the poor, who are going to
bear the brunt of government
moves that will definitely not
ease their daily burdens. So
much for inclusive growth.
The government said
yesterday that it will push
through with the demolition of
Page 14
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 12
Yamaguchi: China Military
Build-Up Risks Accident
By Anthony Fensom
The Diplomat
Inexperienced Chinese naval
officers ran the risk of sparking a
confrontation with Japan in the
East China Sea, a leading Japanese
military academic has warned.
Speaking at the Griffith Asia
Institute in Brisbane, Australia, Lt.
Gen. Noboru Yamaguchi of Japan's
National Defense Academy said
China's rapid build-up could see it
match the United States in military
expenditure by 2030, but the
greater danger was an “accident”
provoking an incident.
“Equipment can be
expanded very rapidly, but navy
captains take 20 years to train and
if that's not the case, then many
young captains and untrained
sailors piloting ships and
submarines may cause quite a
dangerous situation,” he said in his
June 13 speech.
“You have to talk to the
Chinese to avoid any unnecessary
accident which could escalate into
a confrontation.”
The row over the
uninhabited islands known as
Diaoyu in China and the Senkaku
Islands in Japan has seen a number
of incidents involving Chinese and
Japanese vessels, including claims
by Japan that a Chinese frigate
locked weapons-targeting radar
onto a Japanese destroyer and
helicopter on two occasions in
China's Ministry of Defense
denied the reports, accusing Japan
of “creating a tense atmosphere
and wilfully misleading
international public opinion.”
“A Chinese helicopter came
within 90 meters of a Japanese
destroyer this was dangerous for
them, as even our cadets could
shoot them with their own
eyesight,” said Yamaguchi, a
former Ground Self-Defense Force
(GSDF) aviator.
“One of our [Japanese]
helicopters hit the mast of a
Japanese vessel two years ago and
all six crew members were killed.
The only thing that happened to
the ship was some cracked paint.”
Yamaguchi noted that both
the Japanese and Chinese publics
were aware of the row over the
potentially resource-rich islands,
despite claims by Tokyo that their
sovereignty was unquestioned.
H o w e v e r, h e s a i d t h e
Japanese public was misguided if it
considered the United States
would automatically come to the
defense of the disputed isles.
Under the Japan-U.S. mutual
security treaty, Yamaguchi said
there were three conditions to U.S.
intervention: it was in an area
under Japanese administration; it
was a military attack; and it
re q u i re d j o i n t a c t i o n w i t h
Japanese Self-Defense Forces.
The question is often asked,
'Is the U.S. going to defend the
Senkakus?' My short answer is the
question is wrong…If Japan does
not stand up [to a foreign military
incursion] then the U.S. has no
reason to stand up,” he said.
Image credit: Official U.S. Navy Imagery
how much money you've spent
this year, but how much you've
spent in the last 20 to 30 years,” he
said, pointing to the U.S. F-22
Raptor fighter aircraft that took 20
years to develop.
by Australia to host U.S. marines,
saying it would take the pressure
off Japan and help ensure the
“political sustainability” of the U.S.
pivot toward the Asia-Pacific
Yamaguchi said China's military
spending had grown 18 times
larger over the past 20 years,
reaching $198 billion in 2011
compared to just $12 billion in
1991. Japan's spending had barely
grown over the same period, rising
to $60 billion from $33 billion.
“The U.S. has allies and friends so
the question is not necessarily
China versus the U.S., or in the
worst case, China versus U.S. plus
Australia plus Japan plus South
Korea and other European
countries. If we have better
relations with China, we don't have
to compare Chinese military
expenditure with ours,” he added.
While U.S. military spending was
$717 billion in 2011, Yamaguchi
said China would match it by 2030
or 2050 at the latest, “but that does
not necessarily mean the same
military power.”
On June 14, Australia's defense
minister Stephen Smith
announced that 1,150 U.S. Marines
would train in northern Australia
in 2014, with the number to reach
2,500 by 2016.
“If we have another helicopter
accident near Marine Corps Air
Station Futenma in Okinawa, we
will have a very serious problem
with the continued stationing of
U.S. forces in Japan as a whole. So
[Australia's] efforts to
accommodate some Marines helps
to reduce their presence in Japan,
and that makes the U.S. presence
more sustainable,” he said.
“Military strength and
performance is not represented by
Yamaguchi welcomed the decision
U.S. v China?
You may be a
U.S. Citizen
knowing it...
From Page 10
after January 13, 1941,
residence in a U.S. possession is
counted as U.S. residence. The
child is not subject to the
citizenship retention
requirement, meaning that
he/she need not reside in the
U.S. for certain time periods in
order to become a U.S. citizen.
If only one parent is a U.S.
citizen, the child could be a
citizen depending on the date of
birth, whether the parent has
prior U.S. residence, and
whether the child meets the
retention requirements.
A child may be a citizen if
born abroad before May 24,
1934 to a U.S. citizen father or
mother with prior U.S.
residence. The child has no
citizenship retention
If the child was born on or
after May 24, 1934 but before
January 13, 1941, the child's
parent must have resided in the
U.S. and the child must generally
have 2 years of continuous
physical presence in the U.S.
between the ages of 14 and 28.
If born on or after January
13, 1941 but before December
Nevertheless, the Japanese
government advisor said he was
optimistic on China's rise, saying
the two nations had common
interests in securing sea lanes and
in combating regional security
threats such as North Korea.
24, 1952, the citizen parent
must have at least 10 years of
prior U.S. residence, 5 years of
which were after age 16. The
child must also have two years
of continuous physical presence
in the U.S. between the ages of
14 and 28.
If the child was born on or
after December 24, 1952 but
before November 14, 1986, the
citizen parent must have been
physically present in the U.S. for
at least 10 years before the child
was born, 5 years of which were
after age 14.
The prior residence
requirement for the citizen
parent is only 5 years, 2 of which
after age 14, if the child was
born on or after November 14,
In some cases, people did
not realize that they are U.S.
citizens until they were placed
in removal proceedings and
they had the good sense of not
conceding alienage. If you
believe that there is U.S. citizen
among your direct-line
ancestors, it pays to carefully
examine your background
because you may have a claim
for U.S. citizenship after all.
(Editor's Note: REUBEN S.
SEGURITAN has been practicing
law for over 30 years. For more
information, you may log on to
his website at or call
(212) 695-5281).
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 13
Tweaking the dragon? US, PH set Panatag drills
By Victor Reyes (Malaya)
PHILIPPINE and US forces
will hold next week a naval
exercise near Scarborough or
Panatag Shoal, some 124
nautical miles from Zambales,
which is now under virtual
control by China after a standoff
in April last year.
Navy spokesman Lt. Cmdr.
Gregory Gerald Fabic said the
exercise, dubbed Cooperation
Afloat Readiness Training or
CARAT, will commence on June
27 at the former US naval base in
Subic and will last until July 2.
Fabic said the exercise is
projected to enhance the
capabilities of the two navies in
communications, naval surface
operations, counter-terrorism,
maritime security operations,
disaster response and even
humanitarian missions.
“This is meant to increase
the level of interoperability
between Philippine Navy and US
Navy in the conduct of combined
naval operations,” said Fabic of
CARAT, one of several military
trainings that are conducted by
the two countries annually.
Ensign Bernard Sabado,
spokesman of the Naval Forces
Northern Luzon, said the
Philippine Navy has earmarked
a ship and 500 personnel for the
exercise while the US has four
ships and 500 men.
Fabic said the Philippine
and US navies will also be
deploying unspecified number
of aircraft for the exercise.
A l s o , Fa b i c s a i d t h e
Philippine Coast Guard had
been invited to join the actual
training and will be sending a
ship, aircraft and a special
operations team.
He said the sea exercise
will be conducted between
Zambales and Scarborough
Shoal. “It's going to be 60
nautical miles east of
Scarborough Shoal,” said Fabic.
In April last year, the
Philippine Navy ship BRP
Gregorio del Pilar tried to
apprehend several Chinese
fishing boats caught fishing at
the shoal. However, the Navy
ship was prevented by two
Chinese maritime surveillance
ships, leading to a standoff.
The Navy ship withdrew
days after and was replaced by a
Coast Guard ship and a Bureau
of Fisheries and Aquatic
Resources vessel. The Chinese
fishermen escaped as the
standoff dragged on. However,
the two Philippine vessels also
withdrew less than two months
later due to inclement weather,
leaving the Chinese in virtual
control of the shoal which used
to be a rich fishing ground for
Filipino fishermen.
Fabic said the exercise has
nothing to do with the events
that transpired in Scarborough
Shoal, adding that the training
was finalized by Filipino and
American officials as early as
“It's a five-year planned
exercise, this was planned a long
time ago…The exercise was
planned before this
(Scarborough Shoal) issue took
place, since 2011 up to
2015….It's only incidental (to
the incident),” Fabic said.
Last year's CARAT exercise
was held within the area of the
Naval Forces Eastern Mindanao
based in Davao. The CARAT
exercise next year and in 2015
will be held in the area of Naval
Forces West in Palawan and
Naval Forces Central in Cebu,
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 14
From page 11
20,000 squatter shanties
erected along flood-prone
waterways in Metro Manila,
an operation that is expected
to be completed, by
government estimates, at the
end of the year. But the mass
demolitions seem to be yet
another unthought-out
decision, judging from the
P18,000 “rental subsidy” that
the government is offering
each squatter family that will
lose its home in the process.
The subsidies appear to
be a knee-jerk reaction to the
worsening problem of
flooding in the metropolis
simply because the handouts
do not solve the problem of
squatting along waterways
permanently, something that
requires the relocation of the
displaced families. What will
stop these squatter families
from returning to their old
homes by the water, when the
money runs out and they no
longer pay rent assuming that
they used it for that purpose?
And what will stop local
officials from allowing the
squatters' return, in exchange
for their votes in the next
e l e c t i o n ? A f te r a l l , t h e
Department of Public Works
and Highways itself has
admitted that the squatters
were allowed to stay by local
politicians who needed their
votes last monththe same
politicians who are now
expected to turn a blind eye to
the demolitions, now that
they have been elected.
In the meantime, no one
has asked Public Works
Secretary Rogelio Singson to
identify which local officials
asked him not to remove the
squatters before the last
election so that they may
share the blame for the
flooding, the traffic and the
overall misery that consumes
everyone who lives and works
in Metro Manila every rainy
season. I can only surmise that
Malacañang is in no mood to
prosecute these officials
because the administration
benefited, as well, from the
squatter vote, which the local
officials promised they would
deliver for the Senate slate of
Aquino also.
Now, of course, the
squatters are just
b l a m e wo r t hy n u i s a n c e s
again. Apparently, they have
been excluded from inclusive
No Chinese interference as AFP
rotates troops in Ayungin Shoal
By Victor Reyes (Malaya)
THE military has
completed the rotation and
provisioning of its troops at
Ayungin Shoal in the disputed
Spratly Islands without any
interference from China whose
ships continued to stay in the
area, Armed Forces chief Gen.
Emmanuel Bautista said.
“We have rotated (and
delivered supplies). We do that
periodically, including rotation.
We are re-supplying them
(troops) and rotating…We do
that on a regular basis…We just
completed it this month,”
Bautista said.
A Navy ship is usually
utilized in the re-provisioning
and rotation of troops in the
Spratly Islands.
Asked if the military was
blocked by China, Bautista said,
“There's none, there is no
Bautista said at least two
Chinese government ships are
still in the vicinity of the
Philippine-occupied shoal,
which is about 120 nautical miles
from Rizal, Palawan.
Bautista said the military
has no problem with the
continued Chinese presence in
the shoal as long as the Chinese
are not hampering freedom of
navigation. So far, he said, China
has not made any “aggressive
Meanwhile, Manuel
Pangilinan, chairman of Philex
Petroleum, told reporters in
Camp Aguinaldo that talks with
China for joint oil explorations at
R e c t o B a n k i n t h e We s t
Philippine Sea are still in the
“very preliminary” stage.
“How concerned are we? As
far as we are concerned, we are
non-confrontational. As long are
there is no hampering of our
movements, they allow freedom
of navigation, that's not a
problem to us,” he said.
Asked how the territorial
dispute is affecting the
exploration talks, Pangilinan
said, “I think it's fair to state that
we are just dealing with purely
business issues with CNOOC
(China National Offshore Oil
“Ours is to show the flag in
our territory, ours is to protect
our interest,” added Bautista.
Last month, the
Department of Foreign Affairs
filed a diplomatic protest against
China after monitoring 30
Chinese fishing boats, escorted
by a Chinese Navy frigate and
two maritime surveillance ships.
There have been fears that
China would not allow Philippine
troops to be provisioned in
Ayungin Shoal so that they would
be forced to leave and the
Chinese ships could take over the
From page 10
The 2013 study, therefore
narrowed the focus to the next
few years. The heaviest impact
will slam parts of Asia most
prone to flooding and harsh
tropical storms”, it found.
Bangkok could be swamped by
floods in 2030. Hanoi 's just-built
new flood control systems are
obsolete. Rising ocean
temperatures and saltwater
intrusion into rivers could ruin
local fisheries. Fish is a key
source of protein for people
Vietnam, Indonesia and the
Countries must redo earlier
estimates. A 20-centimeter sea
level, rise here "over the next 40
years”, is obsolete. .This threat
still runs “along the Pacific
seaboard: from Samar to eastern
Mindanao,” Wendy Clavano
wrote in “Environmental Science
for Social Change.” Only it is more
The “high risk” provinces
flank Lingayen Gulf, Camotes Sea,
Guimaras Strait, waters along
Sibuyan and central Sulu, plus
bays in Iligan, Lamon and Bislig.
Chances of Manila flooding
yearly rose to 65 percent, and
Davao 's to 90 percent, estimates
Clavano, a Cornell University
PhD..“Rising sea level took a back
seat because increased flooding
had a more immediate effect.”
This issue is a major
stumbling block to alleviating
Philex was supposed to
conduct oil exploration at the
Recto Bank in October last year
when its ship was harassed by
two Chinese ships. The Chinese
told the oil explorers to leave,
claiming Recto is part of China.
“We're neither authorized
nor qualified to talk about
government issues. We made it
very clear to CNOOC that we are
not authorized to talk about
government issues, so that's why
the talks are very preliminary at
this stage,” said Pangilinan.
global poverty, warned World
Bank President Jim Yong Kim
Progress of the last 20 years,
could be set back if nations must
divert scarce resources to
recover from storms and natural
disasters. Those funds are
needed in health, education and
other services.
The Bank will provide
loans for Asian countries to cope
with inevitable climate shifts. It
prods agri-businesses to focus
“on how major crops can be
altered to live with less water,
hotter temperatures.” Support is
given for crop science and
genetics. Will scientists win the
race to produce droughtresistant varieties of corn and
other plants --- or lose to mass
hunger, say in Sub-Saharan
Africa? A “magic bullet” may
prove elusive.
In a report ,released Friday
in Nairobi, UN Environment
Programme said The private
sector's future will hinge on it's
ability to develop good sand
services that reduce impacts
from water scarcity to emissions
of harmful chemicals.
“GEO-5 for Business:
Impacts of a Changing
Environment on the Corporate
Sector” notes significant
business opportunities for
greener urban construction and
retrofits. These are in cities
where 60 percent of
infrastructure still has to be built.
Markets for organic food and
beverages expanded by 10 to 20
per cent yearly during the last
Page 15
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 15
US envoy's stand seen to boost Phl position
By Aurea Calica
MANILA -- A top US diplomat's
declaration of support for a peaceful
approach to settling territorial disputes
in the West Philippine Sea and South
China Sea is a boost to the Philippines'
position on the issue, Malacañang said
last June 23.
Deputy presidential spokesperson
Abigail Valte said the pronouncement
was in line with the Philippines' efforts to
achieve peace and development in the
“Our position has always been that
there needs to be no coercion when it
comes to resolving maritime disputes,
and our approach has always been to
adopt the rules-based scheme, which is
very evident from the steps that we have
taken in the several disputes that we are
currently involved in,” Valte said over
dzRB radio. Danny Russel, the nominee to
From page 14
decade. Companies certified as
sustainable food producers can
also tap into growing customer
Eight out of ten Filipinos
say they've “personally
experienced” climate change
impacts, over the last three years,
Social Weather Stations found in
a survey conducted March 19-22,
2013 Proportions affected were '
highest in the National Capital
Region (91 percent), Luzon (87
percent), Visayas (84 percent)
and Mindanao (78 percent).
Many survey respondents say
they've to fully understand
climate change's impacts. Thirty
seven percent participated in at
least one effort to reduce risks
resulting from climate change.
(e.g. contacted civil society
the top US diplomatic post in East Asia,
said during his Senate confirmation
hearing that there is no place for
“coercion and bullying” in settling
maritime disputes in the region.
security conference in Brunei later this
month. Valte said the Philippines is
pushing its position through diplomatic
means and in proper venues such as the
ASEAN and the United Nations.
Russel promised to do everything in
his power to “lower the temperature” in
the maritime row and push claimants,
including China, toward diplomacy. Valte
also said the call of Russel for the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations
(ASEAN) to negotiate with China on the
issue as a bloc is consistent with the
Philippine position. China wants to
discuss its maritime disputes with its
neighbors on a bilateral basis.
International Tribunal on the Law of
the Sea (ITLOS) president Shunji Yanai
temporarily replaced Pinto. Yanai
appointed in April the remaining three
members of the five-member UN
Convention on the Law of the Sea
(UNCLOS) Arbitral Tribunal, including
himself, to hear the statement of claim
filed by the Philippines against China.
Russel said it is “unacceptable” for
Chin a to dem a n d on ly b ila tera l
negotiations with the other claimants. He
also voiced strong US support for efforts
by ASEAN to subscribe to a “code of
conduct” in managing maritime disputes
an issue to be taken up at a regional
organizations, gave donations,
etc ). And 63 percent said they did
not do anything.
At a Bonn meeting last
week, Bangladesh said it's cities
plan to adapt to more water. It
allocated $470 million to grow
forests on the coastal belt and
build multistory shelters to
house cyclone victims. Thailand
awarded bids for flood
management. “Solutions to the
problem of rising seas is being
Cebu is the most
ecologically brittle of Philippine
cities. Debate swirls trounced
Rep. Tomas Osmena's running
for barangay captain. That'd
wedge him into the city council and harass re-elected Mayor
Mike Rama.
“We are on the verge of a
g l o b a l t r a n s f o r m a t i o n ,"
billionaire David Rockefeller
said. "All we need is the right
major crisis". Is this it?
“I think the DFA (Department of
Foreign Affairs) expects there will be
movement. The next step, apart from the
formation of the panel, would be that the
panel will be deciding if it has jurisdiction
over the action, and I think that is
supposed to come sometime in July,” Valte
said. Russel is currently White House
senior director for Asian affairs. He is
When ...
From page 11
Their silence can only be understood as
approval, or they were silenced by
threats and fear. A culture of fear of
higher authority can overpower the
moral values of even a strongest and
most spiritual person. Courage and
belief in human dignity and rights and
know how to get help is what is needed.
The young women are silent also, fear
has a paralyzing power to subjugate
and render people unable to resist or
speak against the exploiter or abuser.
Some government authority figures
have an arrogant sense of superiority;
they tend to trivialize sexual crimes.
The worst part of all this is that the
suffering victims are treated as if they
are an enemy, a hostile ungrateful
beneficiary out to hurt the man. We can
imagine an arrogant rapist official
scolding his abused victim.
“You are an ungrateful brat, no
better than a prostitute, you should feel
honored that I, an important official
and your superior, would lower myself
to have sex with the likes of you, an
impoverished non-person. You should
be grateful for the help we have for you
here instead of protesting and
nominated to the post of assistant
secretary for East Asian and Pacific
affairs, replacing Kurt Campbell, who
resigned in February. A 28-year career
diplomat, Russel is considered less
ebullient than Campbell. His long
experience with Asia began in Japan
where he spent three years studying
martial arts. He is also an acknowledged
expert in Korea issues.
Russel has also played a major role in
the Obama administration's strategic
“pivot” to Asia that has witnessed the US
taking a diplomatic position on maritime
issues in the region. Responding to
Beijing's displeasure, the US said it also
has interest in the peaceful resolution of
disputes over the West Philippine Sea.
Aside from the Philippines and China,
four other nations Japan, Taiwan,
Vietnam and Brunei have claims to reefs,
islets, shoals, and atolls in what is
believed to be the resource-rich West
Japan willing
to help PH ...
From page 4
China's movement in the South
China Sea has been aggressive for the
past years and it is constantly feuding
with other states with territories in
said body of water.
This includes its claims over
Panatag (Scarborough) and Ayungin
Shoals which are well within the
Philippines' exclusive economic
While on the Japanese side,
China has been aggressively claiming
the Senkakus Islands which is under
the jurisdiction of Japan.
"I heard Secretary Gazmin
about various activities taken by the
Philippine Armed Forces in this
matter and I have told him that Japan,
we will cooperate with the Philippine
side in this matter and I also learned
about the Philippine efforts for
United Nations arbitration process
(in the matter)," Onodera added.
"Japan is supporting this kind
Philippine Sea. China claims sovereignty
over the entire West Philippine Sea, East
China and South China. While the US itself
is not a claimant, it says it has a stake in
the freedom of navigation in busy
sealanes, which are vital to world trade.
In his Senate appearance, Russel said he
would continue to warn China that the
region in which it would flourish “is a
region of law, a region of order and a
region of respect for neighbors, not one in
which there is space for coercion and
He said President Barack Obama and
Secretary of State John Kerry had raised
the issue of China's behavior with its
leaders, and that they “are in no doubt
that America stands by our allies.”
In the past years, the most incendiary
maritime disputes in the region have
involved China and US treaty allies, the
Philippines and Japan. The Philippine
of efforts to resolve this problem," he
When queried for his side on
the matter, Gazmin said that the
Philippines is very happy with
Japan's expression of support.
"We are very happy to note that
t h e J a p a n e s e g ove r n m e n t i s
supportive of our peaceful resolution
of the case through the arbitration
and we have agreed to continue our
exchanges of information, exchanges
of technology to help each other
come up with a, make the defense
relations stronger," the DND chief
Despite this development,
Onodera clarified that Japan is not
aiming to keep in check as their
stance is to keep their "territorial
space, territorial air, and sea space
well protected according to their
"(But) this should done
according to the rule of law and I
would like to emphasize here that the
current situation should not be
changed with use of force but should
be done through the rule of law and I
think this the concept that is agreed
upon in international communities
these days," he concluded.
troubling offers
for ...
From page 11
Said the source: “Gusto nila
na idiin si Toto, na alam nya na
ipinapain nya ang buhay ng mga
media para makapag-file siya ng
COC (They wanted to implicate
Mangudadatu by showing that
he knew he was putting the
journalists' lives in danger).”
The source also said Chan
repeatedly warned them “not to
talk to anybody about the
negotiations for our own safety.”
Hence their silence when he was
killed a month later.
Harry Roque, who is
counsel for 17 of the victims,
four of whom were part of the 14
who agreed to a settlement, said
even if Chan didn't get killed the
signed settlement will not be
recognized by the court.
“They cannot settle a
murder case, especially now that
they have already submitted
their respective testimonies
before the court,” he said.
November 23, 2009
But what is troubling is the
desperation of families of the
victims. Roque said “Thus far, it's
been almost 4 years and there is
still no end in sight to the
criminal prosecution of the
Ampatuans. In fact, the
Philippine government took
almost 4 years just to file the
information for the 58th victim,
Reynaldo Momay. This should
give us a clue on how long the
criminal proceedings will take.”
Sen. Joker Arroyo once
quipped that with 190 accused,
it would take 200 years for the
The leader of the massacre: Andal Ampatuan, Jr.
cases to be decided.
well-being of the victims. “
Roque scored the
government for failure to extend
support to the victims beyond lip
service. Citing views of the
United Nations Human Rights
Committee, he said the
government is obliged to pay the
victims “because it is the state
itself that breached its obligation
to protect and promote the right
of the victims to live. This
includes not just monetary
compensation, but also all that
may be required to restore the
emotional and psychological
Roque said the Court has
not acted on their motion to
order government agencies to
provide psycho-social support to
the victims.
Strangely, Roque said the
motion earned him a petition
filed by the accused to cite him in
contempt allegedly for
“prejudging” the merits of the
Roque said “Unless the
Philippine government complies
with its duty to pay
compensation, the victims will
continuously be tempted with
schemes that may eventually
cause a miscarriage of justice.”
Deputy presidential
spokesperson Abigail Valte
disagreed with Roque on the
monetary obligation of the
government to the victims. She,
h o w e v e r, r e i t e r a t e d t h e
instruction of President Aquino
to the prosecutors “to avoid
delay in trying the case and to
object to dilatory tactics.”
Page 16
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Philippine American Friendship
Day Celebration in Jersey City
The annual celebration of Philippine
American Friendship Day along West Side
Avenue and Lincoln Park in Jersey City was
held last Sunday, June 23. The event, now on
its 23rd year, was organized by the PhilippineAmerican Friendship Committee, Inc.
(PAFCOM) with the support of the Consulate
General of the Philippines in New York, the
City of Jersey City and the County of Hudson.
“There is a sense of pride in this event,
when you look at the history of the friendship
between the peoples of the Philippines and
the United States and what we, Filipino
Americans, have contributed to this country,”
L-R: Jersey City Mayor-elect Steven Fulop
(PAFCOM Honorary Grand Marshal) and Jersey City
Councilman-at-Large Rolando Lavarro
Edwin Solano, PAFCOM 2013 Overall
Chairperson said.
O ff i c i a l s f ro m t h e P h i l i p p i n e
Government, community leaders from the
tri-state area, as well as government officials
from Jersey City and Hudson County
participated in the event.
Cora Reyes, PAFCOM 2013 Grand
Marshal, stated that she was overwhelmed
with joy to see thousands of Filipinos and
Filipino Americans in this year's festivities .
The whole day event started with a
Holy Mass, followed by the Grand Parade that
showcased the vibrant cultural heritage of
At the ribbon-cutting L-R: NJ Senator Sandra Cunningham, PAFCOM Overall Chair Edwin
Solano, NJ Senator Barbara Buono, Mayor-elect Steven Fulop, PAFCOM Grand Marshal
Cora Reyes, Ambassador Mario De Leon, Jr., Assemblyman Charles Mainor, Councilmanat-Large Rolando Lavarro, and Mrs. Eleanor De Leon
the Philippines. It was highlighted with
colorful floats some featuring Filipino
celebrities and artists, marching bands,
members of various Fil-Am organizations, and
other civic and ethnic groups.
Page 17
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 17
From page 16
A cultural festival showcasing
Philippine culture and tradition was held at
Lincoln Park. On display at the many
exhibitors booths were Philippine products,
crafts and businesses offered discounted
goods. Also available were food booths
hawking the distinctive Filipino barbeque,
pancit (noodles) of all kinds, halo-halo, ukoy
(shrimp and vegetable tempura-style
fritters), the ubiquitous Filipino national dish
adobo, and many, many other truly delicious
Filipino delicacies.
The Cultural Festival featured not only
talents and performers; the show had many
highlights topped by the performance of the
beautiful and talented GMA 7 celebrity
actress and singer Glaiza De Castro.
Major sponsors of the event were
GMA Pinoy TV, GMA Life TV and Hudson
Toyota. Other sponsors were The Filipino
Express, Oscar Printing, Diamond Hut
Jewelers, and GCADA.
The Philippine American
Friendship Committee, Inc, with
Overall Chair Edwin Solano on the
helm, held its 23rd Annual Philippine
American Friendship Day Celebration
on Sunday, June 23rd with the Filipino
Idol Singing Competition as the
highlight of the event. Hector Magno,
Idol coordinator is proud to announce
the winners of the exciting event that
becomes the Festival's main draw since
its conception in 2002.
Eight contestants battled it out
for the title and Brooklyn-resident Fe
Eugenio, was declared the Grand Prize
winner of $500 in cash and a trophy
with her rendition of Regine Velasquez'
“I'll Never Say Goodbye”. A consistent
vocal competition winner in the
Philippines the musically talented
Bulakena also plays the guitar, drums,
keyboard, and the violin.
First runner up Alyssa Algo
wowed the audience with her Olivia
Newton-John's “Hopelessly Devoted to
You”. The 18-yr old charmer from
Flushing, NY is a student of La Guardia
HS of Performing Arts. She earned
$300 for her feat and a trophy.
Jim Diego and Seven Odon tied
for 3rd place and each gets a trophy and
$200 in cash. Jim's interpretation of
Billy Joel's “New York State of Mind'
earned him high marks from judges.
Jim is originally from Kansas who now
works for the city as an
A rc h i t e c t / U r b a n P l a n n e r. T h e
singer/dancer, and founder of Acappella Group of NYC lives in Queens,
Seven Odon, a popular singer
from South Jersey is no stranger to the
stage. He has performed at Madison
Square Garden, Apollo Theater, and
Carnegie Hall prior to joining the Idol
contest singing Etta James “I'd Rather
Go Blind”. He was the opening act at
concerts featuring Andrew E, Sarah
Geronimo, and Leah Salonga.
The remaining finalists were:
Dianne Bautista, Criselda Bernardo,
John Noel Lugtu, and Gilbert Mendoza.
Judges of the competition were: awardwinning composer Dodjie Simon,
soprano and stage actress Lisa
Villamaria-Casia, and former DJ and
record producer Luis Morales.
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 18
Mt. Hamiguitan eyed as new
UNESCO World Heritage Site
By Ben R. Rosario
The Mount Hamiguitan
Range Wildlife Sanctuary has
a chance of being included as
the sixth Philippine site in the
World Heritage List of the
United Nationals Educational,
S c i e n t i f i c a n d C u l t u ra l
Davao Oriental Rep.
Nelson Dayanghirang said the
Unesco decision on whether
or not the 6,834 hectare
wildlife area will be included
as a heritage site is expected
to be known within the week.
The World Heritage
Committee of UNESCO is set
to consider the inscription of
the new sites during its
session from June 16 to 27 in
Dayanghirang, vice
chairman of the House
Committee on Natural
R e s o u r c e s
a n d
Transportation, lauded the
nomination of another
n a t u ra l w o n d e r i n t h e
Philippines in the list of
United Nations-protected
world heritage sites for its
outstanding universal
He said the international
citation for Mt. Hamiguitan is
a recognition that the country
has very important ecological
jewels that may contribute to
human knowledge and
“This recognizes an
urgency to protect these
jewels from deterioration and
neglect as we should to our
environment in general,”
Dayanghirang said.
Mount Hamiguitan
Range Wildlife Sanctuary in
Davao Oriental, one of the
habitats of the rare Philippine
eagle, is among the 32 sites
nominated for inclusion in the
World Heritage List.
According to the
UNESCO website, Mount
Hamiguitan is highly
significant to the Philippines'
status as the 7th of the 17
biologically rich countries of
the world.
The UNESCO website
added that this sanctuary is a
conservation interest at the
national level. At a global
scale, it is known to be a
habitat of globally important
species of plants and animals.
If considered a world
heritage site, Mount
Hamiguitan will bring to six
the total number of UNp ro t e c t e d a re a s i n t h e
The other five are the
Tubbataha Reef, the
Cordillera Rice Terraces, the
Puerto Princesa Underground
River, the town of Vigan, and
local baroque churches.
Aside from the
Philippine eagle, the vast
Mindanao wildlife haven is
also home to endangered
Japanese night heron, spotbilled pelican, Philippine
hawk-eagle, silvery
kingfisher, tarictic hornbill,
grey-hooded sunbird and
giant scoop owl.
Also spotted in the area
are the endangered
Philippine tarsier, Asian palm
civet and the flying fox.
(Maanila Bulletin)
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 19
DoT's ACGTDT tour, a homecoming
By Jacky Lynne A. Oiga
This coming July, hundreds
of Filipino-Americans and
mainstream Americans are
expected to arrive from the United
States for the 8th Ambassadors,
Consuls General and Tourism
Directors Tour (ACGTDT). The
group will visit the country to relax
and enjoy themselves with their
families and friends back home.
Numbering from several
hundreds to almost a thousand
participants each year, the
ACGTDT is a joint project of all
Philippine Foreign Service Posts in
the U.S. located in Agana, Chicago,
Honolulu, Los Angeles, New York,
San Francisco, and Washington,
As in the past tours, this
year's ACGTDT is being
implemented in cooperation with
the Department of Tourism and its
marketing arm, the Tourism
Promotions Board (TPB), and
Rajah Tours Philippines.
The tour program was
organized for Filipino-Americans
and their American friends to
revisit their homeland and
experience the country's tourist
destinations, share precious time
with their families and friends
here as well as explore business
“Through this successful
tour program, we are able to entice
Filipino-Americans as well as their
friends in the US and even in
Canada to visit us and to deepen
their appreciation of the history,
heritage and culture of our
country and the natural warmth of
our people. Aside from being a safe
place to travel, the Philippines is
one of the best places for medical
and wellness tourism as well as a
retirement haven. Moreover, our
comrades abroad can contribute
directly to the socio-economic
development of our country,” said
Chief Operating Officer Domingo
Ramon C. Enerio III of the TPB.
In the past, participants have
graced fashion shows of Pitoy
Moreno and of the Designers
Association of the Philippines,
watched a stand-up comedy act by
Jon Santos, and witnessed a
musical nostalgia show by the
Cultural Center of the Philippines.
Previous tours also brought
these Fil-Ams and even Fil-Cans to
Batangas and Quezon on culinary
tours, Las Casas de Filipinas de
Acuzar in Bagac, Bataan for
heritage tour of centuries-old
restored ancestral houses from
different regions of the
Philippines; among others.
This year, tour participants
will arrive to a VIP reception at the
Ninoy Aquino International
Airport and will be billeted for four
days at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel
in Ortigas Center, Mandaluyong
ACGTDT's basic tour
package consists of an
international roundtrip airfare to
and from Manila via Philippine
Airlines, four days/three nights
hotel accommodation, daily buffet
breakfasts and two lunches,
dinners with cultural shows and
entertainment at the Marriot
According to the TPB, the
participants are also slated to join
the wreath-laying at the historic
Rizal Monument in Luneta, a
museum tour of Malacañang
Palace, Intramuros tour with
dinner and cultural show at
Ilustrado, hosted cocktails at the
new Solaire Resort and Casino
Manila, individual treatments at
accredited spa and beauty salons
and an out-of-town cultural day
tour to Tagaytay. There will also be
a choice of side trips either to the
Rizal Shrine in Calamba, Laguna or
the Aguinaldo Shrine in Kawit,
Meanwhile, Rajah Tour
Philippines, the tour handler for
the past seven ACGTDTs, has
arranged optional out-of-town
tours available for participants
who want to have added travel
experience in other Philippine
destinations like Laoag-Vigan,
C a g aya n d e O ro - C a m i g u i n ,
Southern Luzon Golf Tours, Davao,
Cebu-Bohol, Iloilo-Bacolod,
Kalibo-Boracay, Camarines SurAlbay, and Puerto PrincesaPalawan.
“This is the best time to visit
the Philippines,” said Philippine
Consul General Maria Helen
Barber-de la Vega. “We want all
our kababayans in the U.S. as well
as our American friends to see and
experience the socio-cultural
development and economic
growth happening in our country
According to DoT's most
recent industry performance
report, for the first four months of
2013, visitors from the United
States (Fil-Ams, Americans and
visiting Overseas Filipino
Workers) constituted the second
biggest arrivals for the period,
numbering 246,011 with a share
of 14.91 percent and expanding by
2.51 percent.
“ We e n c o u ra g e o u r
countrymen here to invite their
relatives and friends in the U.S. and
Canada to plan and book for these
tours this year or in the future,”
Enerio enthused.
For more information about
online booking and registration
Tanduay to break
into US market
By James A. Loyola
noting that “with more than 160
years of heritage pleasing rum
lovers around the world,
Tanduay is ready to hit the US
market. This is a brand that US
consumers are going to love,
bring this award winning rum to
Tanduay Distillers, Inc. has
selected Brand Action Team,
Beacon Beverage Imports and
M H W, L t d . t o l e a d t h e
introduction of TANDUAY Asian
Rum to the US market this
summer (June to August).
Brand Action Team is a
marketing consulting company
specializing in helping spirit,
wine and beer brands enter and
grow in the US market.
Established in the
Philippines in 1854, the firm said
its Tanduay Rum stands and is
second only to Bacardi in
worldwide sales volume.
“As we began to lay the
groundwork for making Tanduay
a global brand, it was clear that
the United States was an
important , yet untapped
market,” said Tanduay president
Lucio K. Tan, Jr.
He added that “Brand
Action Team, Beacon, and MHW
bring to the project track records
in successfully launching new
spirit brands, and possess strong
category experience that will
help us quickly establish a U.S
Tanduay Asian Rum will be
introducing Silver Tanduay and
Gold Tanduay offerings to the
U.S. market, both of which
received “best Buy” ratings from
BTI (Beverage Tasting Institure
of Chicago) and scores of 93 from
Tasting Panel Magazine in 2012.
“Tanduay is a true Asian
jewel,” said Brand Action Team
managing partner Steve Raye
In addition to managing the
entire launch and brand strategy,
their direct responsibilities for
Tanduay include advertising,
public and trade relations, and
social media marketing.
The Tanduay US team also
includes HCA/Mindbox
(Creative), Beacon Beverage
Imports, and MHW, Ltd. of
M a n h a s s e t , N Y. B e a c o n
Beverage, led by Dave
Stringfellow, will focus on
distribution and key account
A first for the Philippines DM9, a Smart
project, garners top honors in Cannes Lions
A campaign that used
mobile technology to literally
lighten the load of public school
students won for the
Philippines its first ever Grand
Prix at the Cannes Lions
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Fe s t iva l o f
Creativity, the highest honor
given by what is considered in
the industry as the Oscars of
The initiative called Smart
Txtbks, spearheaded by creative
agency DM9JaymeSyfu and
wireless services leader Smart
Communications, Inc., beat a
hundred other entries in the
mobile category of the 60th
Cannes Lions, which included
submissions from Adidas,
Google, McDonald's, and Nike.
Smart Txtbks involved the
conversion of textbooks and
workbooks into SIM content
that could be read by public
school children using affordable
analog phones. The SIM cards
replaced the voluminous school
books the children had to carry
every day, which caused back
problems and physical
deformities in some of them.
DM9 proposed the idea of
condensing book content to
Smart in late 2012. They
collaborated with book
publishers to load materials
into SIM cards provided by
S m a r t . T h e s e w e re t h e n
distributed to several public
schools all over the Philippines.
The results: In the
participating public schools,
students' bags became lighter
by 50 percent, school
attendance rate was at a high 95
percent, and average test
performance hit 90 percent.
In an interview with online
publication AdAge, Cannes
Lions jury member Xavier
L a o u re u x s a i d wh a t wa s
“interesting about [Smart
Txtbks] is that it's the best way
to show you can have a mobile
idea without pushing the
technology side of it. It was not
using technology as the end.”
Smart Public Affairs Head
Ramon Isberto said Smart
Txtbks shows how mobile
technology, even “low-tech”
analog phones, can help
improve people's lives.
“Smart Txtbks is relevant
in a country where majority of
the people still use feature
phones, and where many
families cannot afford e-book
readers and tablets. We are
happy that our partnership with
DM9 has brought pride to the
country, and has helped make
learning easier for thousands of
Filipino children,” he said.
Merlee Jayme, partner and
c h i e f c r e a t ive o f f i c e r a t
DM9JaymeSyfu, said: “Our
happiness comes from the fact
the country's biggest telco got
the biggest global award. Plus,
you can't help but feel elated
when Rei Inamoto, the chief
creative officer of AKQA and the
Cannes jury president for the
mobile category, said, 'This
Grand Prix may not be the
sexiest and shiniest piece of
work but it surely is the most
beautiful idea I've ever seen.'”
“Winning our second
Cannes Lions award for Smart is
indeed a rewarding
achievement, proof of our
strong partnership,” added Alex
Syfu, partner and chief relations
officer at DM9JaymeSyfu.
In 2011, DM9JaymeSyfu's
“Limestone” billboard for Smart
and the Department of Tourism,
which showed how Philippine
destinations can compete with
the world's best at a fraction of a
cost, won a Bronze Lion in the
outdoor category.
This year's Cannes Lions
received more than 35,000
entries from 92 countries.
Winners were announced
recently in Cannes, France.
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 20
Petroleum Company, and Mr. Roger Bounds of Shell Global LNG, brief the media
on the result on the study of a feasibility study on a Liquified Natural Gas Import
Terminal in the Philippines during a press briefing at Manila Golf and Country
Club in Makati City. (Photo by Tony Pionilla)
Shell commits to construct
first LNG Import Terminal
Shell Philippines has
committed to the Philippine
government that it will move
forward with its planned floating
storage and regassification unit
(FSRU) for imported liquefied
natural gas (LNG) terminal at a site
in Tabangao, Batangas.
This, amid uncertainties on
off-take arrangements and the
timing of the Batangas-Manila
(BatMan) pipeline's
As to the scale of investment
though, no figure has been given
by the Shell executives, although
they indicated that the portfolio
could fuel up to 2,000 megawatts
of power capacity.
“There are no talks on
figures at this point, this is more
like a commitment on the project
that they are going to put up here,”
Energy Secretary Carlos Jericho L.
Petilla has told reporters.
He has given more specific
numbers also of 400 to 600
megawatts as to the targeted
initial capacity for the LNG
The implementation
timeframe could be two to three
years, the energy chief added, but
that will largely hinge on the
implementation of the 105kilometer Batangas-Manila
(BatMan) pipeline.
“They are going ahead with
this even though there are a lot of
questions… the possible off-takers
are basically the gas industry
which is using the BatMan and
power plants near the area in
Batangas,” Petilla stressed.
For now, their preliminary
target is to bring the facility on
stream by 2017, which manifests
that it has been deferred two years
from the 2015 timeline initially
announced during the signing of
the memorandum of
understanding (MOU) with
President Aquino last year.
The pricing for imported
LNG that will feed the country's
power sector and industries,
Petilla admitted, remains a big
“It is a big guess (pricing).
Our only basis is Malampaya at
this point. Shell is willing to take
the risk… even starting with a
smaller investment yet,” Petilla
He emphasized that Shell's
LNG terminal timeline has to be
done alongside the BatMan gas
pipeline project of government,
because the “offtakes are going to
be risky in the sense that you don't
know who's going to take them.”
Shell Philippines country
chairman Edgar O. Chua said their
planned LNG facility will be
designed for the peaking
requirements of distribution
utilities as well as potential backup for intermittent renewable
energy (RE) technologies.
He added that the
prospective off-takers, aside from
power plants, will be the industrial
end-users. Shell earlier inked a
memorandum of understanding
with the power generation
subsidiary of Manila Electric
Company (Meralco) for possible
gas supply deal on the latter's
p ro p o s e d L N G - f i re d p owe r
Chua said the final
investment decision (FID) on the
project will likely be secured in the
next 12 months, qualifying that
such can happen “between now
and the next 12 months.”
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 21
More Japan manufacturing
firms coming to Philippines
By Bernie Cahiles-Magkilat
o n t h e a p p l i c a t i o n s by
J a p a n e s e f i r m s fo r t h e
monetization of their
certificate of tax credits (TCC)
that Japanese firms have
earned for zero-rated
Japanese Ambassador
Toshinao Urabe said that
more Japanese manufacturing
companies are looking at the
Philippines as an investment
destination as he cited the
move of the government to
address Japanese firms'
concerns particularly on the
refund of their certificate of
tax credits.
In an interview with
reporters after his speech
before the Makati Business
Club, cited the increasing
number of Japanese firms that
are locating in the country,
including Canon, Murata,
Bandai and Fuji Film Optical.
The latest investor is
bicycle manufacturer
Shimano, which is set to break
ground next month for its
assembly facility in First
Philippine Industrial Park in
The company will
assemble mountain bikes for
export to the BRIC (Brazil,
Russia, India and China)
countries whose demand for
bikes has been on the rise.
“A lot of whole lists of
companies are coming here.
There are already a lot of
Japanese software companies
installed here. There are also
computer designers with
offices here,” he added.
On the TCC issue, which
the Japanese firms want the
refund in cash, Urabe cited the
move of the Department of
Finance by coming with the
Notice of Payment Schedule to
these tax refund claims.
“It's going to be paid
back in cash and they are
going to give us the schedule
Shimano will set up the factory at the First Philippine Industrial Park in Sto.
Tomas, Batangas. The bikes will be exported to South America and the
BRIC countries, Brazil, Russia, India and China. It will also cater to the rising
demand for mountain bikes in the Philippines.
Japan's bicycle maker, Shimano,
to set up PH assembly plant
Shimano is a manufacturer of
h i gh - e n d b i c yc l e s a n d fo r t h e
Philippines, it intends to assemble
mountain bikes due to the rising
demand for this type of bikes in the
domestic market and even overseas.
“The BIR already issued
notice of payment schedule
for the 390 applications
amounting to P2.057 billion,”
the report said.
Ambassador Toshinao Urabe
of payment. So things are
moving we are in constant
communication with the
Philippine government,” he
The tax refund was
raised by the Japanese side
during the Philippines-Japan
Economic Partnership Subcommittee meeting on
Improvement of Business
Environment for the ongoing
general review of the
country's first bilateral free
trade agreement.
Already, the Bureau of
Internal Revenue has issued
notice of payment amounting
to P2.07 billion to settle VAT
refunds to 390 Japanese
firms' applications as part of
the government's compliance
to the Philippines-Japan
Economic Partnership
Agreement (PJEPA).
The sub-committee on
the improvement of business
environment tackled three
outstanding issues tax
related concerns, electricity
and improvement of country
The BIR has received a
total of 519 applications for
VAT T C C M o n e t i z a t i o n
amounting to P2.39 billion.
With 309 applications being
acted upon, there are only a
total of 119 applications left.
Of the remaining
applications, the report said
that a total of 49 applications
amounting to P60.3 million
were denied due to later filing
or existence of delinquent
amounts. The remaining 80
applications amounting to
P252 million were subject for
review of the BIR.
On the claims of San
Roque Power Corp. for
refunds amounting P114.191
million and Aichi Forging Co.
of Asia for P3.792 million, the
BIR has advised both
claimants to follow up the
requested certifications of “no
pending claim” and
delinquency verification with
the concerned BIR offices.
Shimano is the latest of the
Japanese investors that have invested in
the country.
By Irma Isip
Japan's bicycle maker Shimano
Inc. will put up an assembly facility in
the Philippines for export to emerging
Nobuo Fujii, vice president and
executive director of the Japanese
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of
the Philippines, said Shimano will set
up the factory at the First Philippine
Industrial Park in Sto. Tomas, Batangas
Fujii said the company hopes to
start construction of the plant next
month and would complete it in a year.
Fujii said the factory will export
the output to South America and the
BRIC countries, Brazil, Russia, India and
Japanese Ambassador to the
Philippines Toshinao Urabe said Fuji
Optical will be opening its lens
manufacturing facilities next month
while other manufacturing companies
like Canon (for printers) and Murata
(small condensers in smart phones)
have set up shop in the Philippines.
Urabe said Yokohama Tires and
Toshiba are expanding operations in
the Philippines. “There is a whole list
of manufacturing companies,” he said.
Even in the information
technology business, Urabe said there
are a lot of Japanese software
companies installed here while some
computer designers have set up
Philippine offices Fujii said some
Japanese firms based in China have
made inquiries on plans to relocate f
their operations due to political and
cost issues.
He did not elaborate. (Malaya
Urabe further said that
the areas they want improved
on in the Philippines good
g o v e r n a n c e a n d
“Those aree the areas we
want to see improvement,” he
said.(Manila Bulletin)
The subcommittee
reported on the BIR's action
DTI courts Mindanao
foreign investors
By Bernie Cahiles-Magkilat
The Department of
Trade and Industry (DTI) is
expecting foreign investors in
the various industry clusters
in Mindanao because the
clustering program ensures
the availability of resources
from the local supply chain
completed with common
production facilities.
To attract investors, the
DTI, in partnership with the
Japanese International
Cooperation Agency (JICA), is
organizing an investment
conference on June 25 to 26 at
the SMX Convention Center in
SM Lanang Premier in Davao
City to higher investment
opportunities in Mindanao.
The conference intends
to promote the country as a
viable investment destination
for local and foreign
businesses in the following
sectors: agri-business,
information and
communications technology
(ICT), support to tourism,
health and wellness, and
manufacturing, particularly
fresh and processed tropical
fruits, processed food, rubber,
coconut, aqua-marine, and
poultry. “This will move
forward the collaborative
efforts in developing and
promoting industry clusters
nationwide. Likewise, it
intends to make the most of
the private sector's parallel
initiatives in boosting
investments in the country,
particularly in Mindanao” DTI
Secretary Gregory L.
Dubbed as “Investing in
Priority Industry Clusters for
SMEs: A Conference”, this
conference will be held from
June 25 to 26, 2013 at the SMX
C o nve n t i o n C e n t e r, S M
Lanang Premiere in Davao
Page 22
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 22
Philippines hosts APEC symposium Entertainment City
on international franchising
By Chino S. Leyco
In anticipation of the AsiaPacific Economic Cooperation
(APEC) summit in 2015, the
Philippines will host a
symposium-workshop on
international franchising for
member-economies on July 15 to
16 at the AIM Conference Center
Manila. SWIF SMEs is a project
under the Group on Services
(GOS) of APEC and is organized
by the Philippine Franchise
Association (PFA) with the
support and guidance of the
Office of the Undersecretary for
International Economic
Relations of the Department of
Foreign Affairs (DFA-OUIER) and
the Bureau of International Trade
Relations of the Department of
Trade and Industry (DTI-BITR).
The activity will tackle the theme
“Enhancing the Overseas
Expansion Capabilities of MSME
(Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises) Franchises in the
APEC Region.”
The objectives of SWIF
SMEs are (1) to identify the
constraints or chokepoints in
international expansion
especially for MSME franchises;
(2) to identify best practices in
overseas expansion among
franchise sectors in the AsiaPacific region, including the
strategies undertaken by the
various franchise sectors of APEC
member economies; (3) to draw
up action plans to be taken up by
the participants in their
respective economies. SWIF
SMEs hopes to encourage freer
trade in distribution services
particularly franchising in the
Asia-Pacific and build an enabling
environment for the
international expansion of
The event gathers delegates
and speakers from APEC
member-economies including
Australia, Chile, China, Indonesia,
Japan, Malaysia, Papua New
Guinea, Singapore, Taiwan and
the United States.The Philippine
d e l e ga te s w i l l c o m e f ro m
homegrown franchises with
international operations as well
as those with the potential to go
international. The speakers will
share best practices on
international expansion as well
as capacity-building
presentations on how to enable
SMEs to expand internationally
during the plenary session. The
participants, meanwhile, will be
given the opportunity to share
the challenges met and the
strategies undertaken in their
respective economy's
international expansion efforts
during the breakout sessions.
The international line-up of
experts include Prof. Andrew
Terry of the University of Sydney
(Australia); Mr. Ray Titus, CEO of
United Franchise Group (USA);
Mr. Albert Kong, CEO of Asiawide
Franchise Consultants
(Singapore); Dr. George Manzano
of the University of Asia and the
Pa c i f i c ; Mr. Ro b e rt Tro t a ,
President of Max's Restaurant;
and Mr. Samie Lim, PFA Chairman
SWIF SMEs will be held
back to back with the PFA's
annual Conference and Expo Franchise Asia Philippines 2013 which will be held on July 17 to
21, 2013 at the SMX Convention
MSME franchises that
would like to participate in the
said symposium-workshop may
request for registration forms
from the PFA Secretariat by
emailing [email protected]. Limited
slots available. (Manila Bulletin)
DTI courts
Mindanao ...
From page 21
“ We e x p e c t t h a t t h e
conference will attract actual
sizable investments to the selected
industry clusters. With the various
development efforts done to
support these industry clusters,
we envision the countryside,
particularly Mindanao, to achieve
economic growth through the
expansion of its industries, inflow
of investments and generation of
employment,” DTI Undersecretary
Merly M. Cruz said.
The conference aims to
promote awareness on the
country's cluster-based industrial
development strategy, which was
developed through the National
Industry Cluster Capacity
Enhancement Project (NICCEP).
The NICCEP is a three year
p ro j e c t f u n d e d by J I C A i n
cooperation with DTI and other
government agencies and private
sector organizations to develop
industry clusters nationwide. This
project aims to help increase the
contribution of selected priority
industry clusters to the national
economy, mainly in terms of job
creation, micro, small and medium
enterprise (MSME) development,
investment generation, export
growth, and above all poverty
“Through industry
clustering and provision of shared
service facilities (SSF), we are
d eve l o p i n g a n d m o b i l i z i n g
productive and efficient MSMEs to
be innovative and globally-
State-run Philippine
Amusement and Gaming
Corporation (Pagcor) expects
the 120-hectare reclaimed land
Entertainment City to be next
Bonifacio Global City (BGC) of
Metro Manila.
Cristino L. Naguiat Jr.,
Pagcor chairman and chief
executive said in an interview
with reporters that the price of
land in the Entertainment City in
Pasay City has doubled since the
gaming regulator purchased its
estate in 2008.
Naguiat said Pagcor
bought its more than 50-hectare
property in the gaming complex
in 2008 for P23,000 per square,
already double compared with
Land Bank of the Philippines'
current valuation of P47,000 per
square. The Entertainment City
is a multi-billion-peso integrated
gaming resort that is seen as the
country's answer to Las Vegas,
Macau and Singapore casinos.
Billionaire Enrique Razon
Jr.'s Solaire Resort and Casino
opened last March, and the three
other casino operators, owned
by tycoons Henry Sy and Andrew
Tan, and Japanese billionaire
Kazuo Okada, are scheduled to
open in the next few years.
competitive and significant
contributors to the government's
goal of inclusive growth and
e m p l o y m e n t g e n e r a t i o n ,”
Domingo said. He noted that a
series of capacity building
interventions, promotion of
industry clustering and
formulation of action plans for the
priority industry clusters were
done nationwide through the
NICCEP last year and early this
He added the NICCEP will be
c o m p l e m e n t e d by t h e S S F
program, which intends to provide
800 SSFs within the year. These
SSFs are common service facilities
and production centers that
provide MSMEs access to
necessary equipment and
technology in certain production
“In line with the NICCEP's
first year of implementation, this
conference aims to promote
investment and trade
opportunities in priority industry
clusters to foreign and local
investors and businessmen,”
Domingo said.
In 2012, investments of
foreign and Filipino nationals
approved by the investment
promotion agencies (IPAs) in
2012 totalled P697.6 billion,
a c c o rd i n g t o t h e N a t i o n a l
Statistical Coordination Board
(NSCB) data. Investment pledges
from Filipino nationals stood at
P408.56 billion which accounted
for 58.6 percent of the total
approved investments in 2012.
To t a l a p p r o v e d f o r e i g n
investments for 2012 reached
P289.1 billion worth of
Pa g c o r ' s p r o p e r t y i s
currently being leased by the
Razon and Tan's groups.
Naguiat related
Entertainment City's potentials
with the 215-hectare Fort
Bonifacio Global City property in
Taguig City when the former
military camp was purchased by
Manuel V. Pangilinan for P33,000
per square even the valuation
was only at a little more than
P2,000 per square meter in
1 9 9 5 .“ M r. Pa n g i l i n a n b i d
P33,000 for the Fort even the
price was P2,000 something,
everyone was laughing at him
because his bid was well too
high. But now, per square in Fort
is at P115,000,” Naguiat said.
However, the partnership
between the state-owned Bases
Conversion Development
Authority (BCDA) and the Metro
Pacific Corporation collapsed
after a sharp downturn in the
real estate market following the
1997 Asian crisis and eventually
the Ayala group took control of
Pangilinan's stake in BGC.
“Prices in Entertainment
City will continue to appreciate
definitely, but the property value
will not rise without the casinos.
If we will rely solely on hotels, its
potentials will not be completely
realized,” Naguiat said.
investment pledges or 12 percent
higher than the previous year's
record level of P 258.2 billion.
For 2012, IPA-approved
foreign and local ventures are
anticipated to create 146,616
jobs. Out of these expected jobs,
111,087 jobs or 75.8 percent
would come from projects with
foreign interest, according to
NSCB data.
In 2012, manufacturing
remained the top industry to gain
P203.8 billion worth of
investment pledges or 29.2
percent, according to the National
Statistical Coordination (NSCB)
data. Manufacturing is followed
by electricity, gas, steam and air
conditioning supply and real
estate activities with investment
pledges amounting to P156.8
billion and P120 billion
contributing to 22.5 and 17.2
percent of total approved
investments, respectively. “In
showcasing the country's
investment and business
opportunities in these sectors, we
are optimistic to pursue viable
p ro j e c t s t h ro u gh st ra te g i c
alliances among government
agencies and units, potential
investors and business partners,
and other development partners
to accelerate growth of
businesses in the countryside,”
Cruz said. She added that the
conference will be held in Davao
as a strategic effort to capitalize
on the synergy and convergence
of the various stakeholders in the
area and contribute to economic
growth nationwide, with focus on
Mindanao. (BCM) (Manila
18th French Film Festival rolls
out the red carpet in Manila
By Marbee Go
The French Film Festival
rolled out the red carpet on its
opening night earlier this month
at The Gallery, Greenbelt 5 to
bring the prestige and glamour
of the Cannes Film Festival to
M a n i l a . T h e eve n i n g wa s
likewise a homecoming party for
Filipino directors and actors
whose films were presented in
the Un Certain Regard selection
and in the Directors' Fortnight at
the Cannes Film Festival.
On its 18th year, the French
Film Festival offered a selection
of high quality films that told
stories of love, family, and
relationships in contemporary
French society, in ways unique to
modern day French filmmakers.
What's in a Name? (Le Prénom)
opened the festival to give the
audience a taste of French
humor, tension, and drama with
a touch of history and literature.
Meanwhile, Film
Development Council of the
Philippines (FDCP) Chairman
Briccio Santos was quoted in
saying that “as our films graced
the shores of Cannes, we openly
welcome in return the very best
o f Fre n c h C i n e m a i n o u r
theatres,” adding that Filipinos
“will again marvel at lives in a
distant shore while also finding
comfort in our commonality.”
The public screenings of 5
French films from June 7 to 9 at
the Greenbelt 3 cinemas were
attended by more people than
the cinemas could
accommodate, everyone
aspiring to catch at least one of
the screenings of the festival.
The success of the festival is
not without the support of
partners Ayala Center, Greenbelt,
and the Ayala Malls Cinemas, as
well as French brands Peugeot,
Eurobrands Distributors Inc.,
L'Oréal, Total (Philippines)
Corporation, Le Cellier, Airfrance
KLM, and Marithé François
Robin excited to film MMFF
entry '10,000 Hours’
MANILA - Action star Robin
Padilla feels honored that his
movie, “10,000 Hours,” was
chosen to be an entry to this year's
Metro Manila Film Festival.
In the said movie, Padilla will
be portraying the role of a
politician who went into hiding
for months to evade the
accusations made against him.
Padilla explained how elated
he is to headline an action movie
“Sampung libong oras akong
nagtago. Ako'y isang senador dito
at napagbintangan siya. Yung
10,000 hours, 'yun 'yung mga oras
na siya'y nagtago, hinabol at
nakabalik,” he said.
Padilla added: “Matindi ito.
Habulan ito sa Europe. Siguro
ngayon pa lang magkakaroon ng
ganitong klaseng pelikula at ang
punta ho namin sa Amsterdam, sa
Eastern Europe. Matindi ito. Ang
mga kaupakan ko dito mga puti.”
According to the 43-year-old
actor, this movie will also be a
reunion project of sorts with
director Joyce Bernal.
“May lihim na pag-ibig sa
isa't isa ni Bb. Joyce. Matagal na
naming pangarap ito. Naguumpisa pa lang kami sa Viva
noong araw, gusto na naming
gumawa ng ganung action.
P i n a g p a l a n a m a n ka m i n g
Panginoon na matuloy ito,” he
Meanwhile, the actor denied
that he chose this movie over
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 23
Unforgettable Family Drama
In 'Four Sisters & A Wedding'
By Crispina Martinez-Belen
For its 20th anniversary
kickoff treat, Star Cinema is
presenting a family drama that
assembles some of the biggest
Kapamilya stars Angel Locsin,
Bea Alonzo, Shaina Magdayao,
Toni Gonzaga and Enchong
Titled “Four Sisters and a
Wedding,” it's about sibling
relationship, according to its
director Cathy Garcia-Molina
whose credit includes some of
the highest grossing Filipino
movies of all time like “A Very
Special Love,” “You Changed
My Life” and most recently, “It
Takes A Man and a Woman.”
Cathy said “I wanted to do a
family drama, but not focusing
on mother/father and child
conflicts but on sibling
relationship.” She added that
she had a great time directing
the movie, what with its
wonderful cast of talented,
professional actors.
“Four Sisters and a
Wedding” tells the story of the
Salazar siblings namely Teddie
(Toni), the eldest who works as
a teacher in Spain; Bobbie
(Bea) who is now successful in
New York; Alex (Angel) the
third child who is a Manilabased independent film
assistant director; Gabbie
(Shaina), a school teacher who
lives at home with their
mother; and CJ (Enchong), the
youngest who puts all his
sisters in shock when he
announced that he is going to
marry his girlfriend of three
months, Princess.
After a few years of not
being together as a family,
THE CAST of 'Four Sisters & A Wedding:' Angel Locsin, Bea Alonzo, Toni Gonzaga,
Shaina Magdayao, and Enchong Dee with Cathy Garcia-Molina
Teddie, Bobbie, Alex and
Gabbie come home for the
wedding but have agreed to
dissuade their baby brother
from marrying his fiancée. But
as they interact with each
other for the wedding, the
Salazar siblings also face the
feelings and issues they've
tried to keep for the longest
are Coney Reyes, Angeline
Q u i n t o a n d S a m M i l b y.
Completing the cast are Carmi
Martin, Boboy Garovillo,
Bernard Palanca and Janus del
“Four Sisters and a
Wedding,” which is also about
unconditional love, opens
today in cinemas nationwide.
Also starring in the movie
Anne Curtis wants
to do more concerts
another project titled “Sa Ngalan
ng Ama, Ina at Mga Anak,” which
will be produced by his own
brother, Rommel.
"Sa Ngalan ng Ama, Ina at
Mga Anak" was among the film
submissions that failed to earn a
slot as an official entry to the 39th
“Hindi [koi to mas pinili].
Isusumpa ako ni utol kasi si Kuya
Rommel ang producer noon eh.
Ako'y naghugas ng kamay dito.
Nung ipinasa ang script ng 'Sa
Ngalan ng Ama,' nagdasal lang ako
na kung sinong matatanggap,
'yung ang sa palagay ko sa kanya
pinagpala,” he said.
Anne Curtis
MANILA -- More than a
year since she staged her
successful "Annebisyosa"
concert at the Araneta
Coliseum, actress Anne
Curtis continues to tour the
show, which has is also called
"No Other Concert."
Just recently, Curtis
presented the concert in the
US and she said she hopes to
do more concerts in the
"Hopefully more
concerts to come," Curtis said
after the success of her US
show, adding that it is still her
dream to perform with
i n te r n a t i o n a l p o p s t a r
Curtis admitted that she
was initially nervous about
performing for her
kababayans abroad.
"it's different being in a
far away country and being
able to perform for our
kababayans. It just got me
nervous all over again. But
after the first couple of songs
finally I was at ease," she said.
Before the year ends,
Curtis is expected to return to
US to promote the
independent movie "Blood
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 24
Emotional Mother Lily, Marian Rivera in public reconciliation
MANILA -- Veteran film
producer Lily Monteverde and
actress Marian Rivera swiftly
patched things up Thursday, after
the Regal Films matriarch blamed
her ward for the film outfit's
absence from the 39th Metro
Manila Film Festival.
Monteverde, who is fondly
called "Mother Lily" in showbiz,
bared her hurt over Regal Films'
failure to submit an entry to the
annual film festival during a press
conference for "My Lady Boss."
Rivera co-stars with actor
Richard Gutierrez in the romanticcomedy movie, which is a coproduction between Regal Films
and GMA Films.
The 73-year-old Monteverde
addressed the media as well as
Rivera, who was present at the
press conference, as she related her
"depression" over the recent turn of
On Wednesday, Monteverde
said the reason Regal Films was
unable to submit an official entry to
the 2013 MMFF was due to Rivera's
alleged demand to be given a solostarrer, instead of the film
producer's original plan to field a
project co-starring the 28-year-old
actress and Kapamilya star Judy
Ann Santos.
The film outfit's annual
"Shake, Rattle & Roll" installment,
which has been part of the MMFF
since 2005, is notably absent from
the eight competing entries this
Beginning her speech on
Thursday, Monteverde said, "I'm a
movie fan, at mahal na mahal ko ang
i n d u s t r y, e s p e c i a l l y t h e
entertainment press, sobrang
mahal na mahal ko kayo. Even
Marian, all my stars."
"This is a journey that I went
through and, of course, there are
ups and downs. Parang it's like a
round-the-clock, going up going
down," she said.
She continued: "But for me,
sometimes I feel, 'What am I doing
here?' Parang feeling ko I have to do
something because my life... I don't
know when will I end my life. That's
why also I want to have peace of
mind, to be with everybody."
Early this year, Monteverde
underwent an operation to remove
a nodule in her lungs, which
triggered concern for her wellbeing among her friends and
colleagues in the film industry.
Following the operation's success,
Monteverde in April happily
resumed work, but said she has
been cautious to avoid stress.
Turning to Rivera, who was
standing a few steps behind her
during her speech, Monteverde
said, "Of course, Marian, I just got
hurt, but you are my daughter.
Mahal ko kayong lahat. Hindi
naman ako... I don't take this
opportunity to hurt people."
"This is only just... this is
something I feel in my heart, na
mahal na mahal ko kayo," the film
producer said.
Kris puts an end to 'secret
relationship' rumors
Kris Aquino
MANILA -- Host-actress
Kris Aquino made it clear that
she is not in any "secret
relationship," putting an end
to rumors that she is dating a
Brazilian model and a doctor.
Reacting to rumors that
she is secretly dating Daniel
Matsunaga, her co-star in the
Metro Manila Film Festival
entry "Sisterakas," Aquino
said she has not seen the
Brazilian model for months.
"Maybe because they
have a teleserye coming out,"
the "Kris TV" host said,
referring to what she thinks
is the reason why the rumor
continues to spread. "But the
thing is, after the 'Sisterakas'
premiere, I've never seen
Aquino also denied that
she is dating a doctor, as
rumors say.
"Kung doctor, gusto ko
'yon. Gusto ko talaga doctor.
Pero no, it's not true, wala,"
she said.
Last month, tabloid
papers reported that Aquino
and Matsunaga are already
an item, and that they are just
keeping their relationship a
secret from the public.
L a s t y e a r, A q u i n o
denied dating Matsunaga,
stressing that she wants to
have an older man as her next
In January, Matsunaga
thanked Aquino for the latest
strides he has made in his
He considered Aquino
as a blessing coming off his
recent successes.
"Kris gave me a huge
opportunity, she's really
mabait, she's really nice to
me, and I really appreciate it.
God really uses people...
especially in my life here
right now, that's why I'm
really thankful," he said.
This year, Regal Films will be
co-producing with Star Cinema and
Skylight Films a horror movie titled
" Pa g p a g ," s t a r r i n g K a t h r y n
Bernardo and Daniel Padilla.
Turning emotional,
Monteverde said she was deeply
saddened that she couldn't join this
year's MMFF.
Unlike in previous editions of
the film festival, where Regal Films
had exclusive entries, it will be coproducing this year with Star
Cinema and Skylight Films a horror
movie titled "Pagpag," which stars
Kathryn Bernardo and Daniel
"A l l t h e s e t h i n g s t h a t
happened, to this festival, siyempre
masyado akong nasaktan. I feel so
depressed and I feel so sad that
something... All the writers, they
were calling me [to ask], 'Mother,
ba't wala ka sa festival?' So I was so
depressed and I was so emotional
na I must answer and reveal and tell
the truth," she said.
Monteverde added: "I want to
survive, that's why sometimes I
issue post-dated checks! I'm a great
pretender, I pretend that I'm rich,
but it's because I love the industry,
mahal na mahal ko kayo."
Once again turning to face
Rivera, the showbiz veteran said,
"A l l t h i s s e r i e s o f
[misunderstanding] I have with
you, Marian... You are my daughter, I
don't want to rock the boat, past is
past. Let's be together and let's
work harmoniously."
Marian Rivera
The actress then proceeded
to embrace Monteverde.
O n T h u r s d a y, S a n t o s '
manager, Alfie Lorenzo, likewise
addressed Rivera's alleged refusal
to share a film with Santos, saying it
was in fact the latter who passed up
the project. The 35-year-old
actress, according to Lorenzo, did
not receive the script she had
requested ahead of time.
Speaking with reporters
shortly after Monteverde's speech,
Rivera said she feels relieved that
the situation has been clarified.
“Siguro wala na lang akong
sasabihin kasi maayos naman nang
nasabi, naging malinaw na ang
lahat. At masayang-masaya ako na
naliwanagan 'yung side ko, kasi
siyempre mahirap para sa akin,
hindi ko alam kung saan
magsisimula," she said.
"At least hindi na rin sa akin
nanggaling. Nanggaling na rin kay
M o t h e r, k a y M s . R o s e l l e
(Monteverde), tapos kay Tito Alfie,
at least maayos na ang lahat at
masaya ako," Rivera said.
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 25
Ruffa on singlehood: 'I'm
very happy on my own’
MANILA -- Beauty queen
and single mom Ruffa
Gutierrez nowadays finds
herself concerned with
"bettering herself," than being
on the lookout for a new man
to come into her life.
Speaking with reporters
at the sidelines of her early
birthday celebration
Thursday, Gutierrez expressed
contentment with the current
state of her life and career,
saying she couldn't wish for
anything more.
"I just want all the
blessings to continue, peace of
mind, happiness, 'yun lang.
Wala naman talaga [akong
hiling pa]. I think I'm very
happy, very fulfilled with my
life right now," said the actresshost, who will turn 39 on June
Although she is not
closing her doors to romance,
Gutierrez said she feels no
need to actively find a partner,
pointing to her two daughters
with former husband Ylmaz
Bektas -- Lorin, 9, and Venice, 8
-- as her source of happiness.
"Kung dumating naman
si Mr. Right, eh wala namang
Ruffa Gutierrez with her daughters Lorin (left) and Venice
problema na i-accept ko
na kung anuman ang
dumating, especially when it
comes to love. I haven't had a
boyfriend in two years, so
kung dumating man 'yon this
year, iwi-welcome ko 'yon.
"But I'm not going to
settle, I'm very happy with
myself, just being with my
kids. There's really no need to
look for a man. I'm very happy
on my own," she said.
Ai Ai on Jed's other
woman: Hayaan na lang
MANILA - Comedienne
Ai Ai delas Alas is no longer
bothered even after photos
of her husband Jed Salang
with another woman went
viral on the Internet.
In an interview before
she left for the United States
on Wednesday, delas Alas
said it is not her business
anymore if Salang wants to
be with another woman.
“Actually hindi ko kilala
'yung babae and hindi rin
naman natin alam kung ano
niya iyon, baka kamag-anak
niya or pinsan niya or
something. Hindi natin alam.
Ayaw ko naman mag-judge
sa kanila. Hayaan na lang
kung doon siya masaya,” she
According to delas
Alas, she still cries at night
whenever she recalls what
she had gone through when
she and Salang were still
“Sa gabi minsan. Sabi
n g a n i d i re k We n n
(Deramas), ang pain walang
shortcut. Talagang it's a
process hanggang sa
makasanayan mo na,” she
Ai Ai delas Alas
Saying she is letting
time heal all wounds, the
comedienne said: “Ayaw ko
na magalit. Noon pa na
sinabi ko, I trust the Lord.
Siya na lang bahala.”
Delas Alas said part of
her “moving on process” is
spending more time with
her children.
The actress is currently
in the United States for a
one-month vacation.
“Matagal akong
magbabakasyon. Maganda
namang pangyayari kasi
ngayon, magbobonding
kami. Iba pa rin ang suporta
ng mga bata sa akin,” she
However, she refused
to comment if she plans to
file for divorce in the US.
Delas Alas and Salang
tied the knot last April 3 in
Las Vegas.
Shaina Magdayao is in no
rush to find a boyfriend
MANILA -- Actress Shaina
Magdayao said she doesn't feel
pressured to find a new boyfriend
right away.
In the latest Star Cinema
m ov i e " Fo u r S i s t e r s a n d a
Wedding," among the members of
the cast it's only Shaina who is
currently single, as Toni Gonzaga,
Bea Alonzo and Angel Locsin are
now happy with their respective
Shaina said that she's just
taking her time.
"Nabigyan naman na tayo ng
chance na ma-inlove, nagkaroon
din naman ako ng time. So ngayon,
hintay hintay lang. Dadating din
naman yung tamang lalaki sa
tamang time," she said.
The actress added that her
current schedule is not healthy for
any relationship. She said that it's
not the right time yet for her to be in
a relationship.
Aside from the movie, she's
also taping regularly for "Juan dela
Cruz" with Coco Martin and doing
"ASAP" during the weekends.
But the actress said she's
"meeting friends" sometimes.
"Open naman tayo doon,
hindi naman natin sinasarado yun.
One thing is for sure, yung mga
nagiging friends ko ngayon, they're
very decent men. Masarap sila
kausap and mabuti silang tao," she
Shaina clarified that she's not
exclusively dating anyone right
now and she prefers someone who
is not from show biz.
Shaina Magdayao
“Na appreciate ko (yung time
nila, pero) right now ayoko muna.
With how things are going now in
my life, pinagdadasal ko na sa wag
nga muna dumating yun kasi gusto
ko muna yakapin lahat ng blessings
na dumadating sa buhay ko."
When asked about what she
learned from her past
relationships, Shaina said that good
intentions will bring good karma in
the end.
"Kung malinis ang intention
mo, wala ka naman gustong saktan,
magiging maayos ang buhay mo.
Yun ang pinagdadasal ko and so far
naging okay naman ang buhay ko,"
she said.
She added: "Life happens. You
just have to cope with it, deal with
"Four Sisters and a Wedding"
will grace the big screens starting
June 26.
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 26
Solenn Heussaff puts on
new hat as composer
Jason Mraz-Philippines fans club spearheaded a tree-planting
Pinoy fans take 'green'
action for Jason Mraz
By Michael Joe T. Delizo
American singersongwriter Jason Mraz is elated
over the unique birthday greeting
of his Filipino fans on his 36th
On June 23, members of the
Jason Mraz-Philippines fans club
organized a tree-planting activity
at the Luneta Park in Manila as a
birthday gift to the
environmentalist and treeplanting advocate.
The “I'm Yours” singer took
to his social networking account
to express his gratitude, attached
with a photo of his fans whom he
referred to as “earthlings.”
“OMG, Salamat Po to these
amazing earthlings for the 36
trees they planted today. I love
you. I thank you,” the caption read.
The Grammy-award
winning artist has been in Manila
several times. His last visit was
last May 14 for his concert held at
Smart Araneta Coliseum.
Recall that in August 2012,
Jason spearheaded a tree-planting
campaign dubbed “Tree Is A Four
L e t t e r Wo r d ” t o s u p p o r t
environmental organizations and
inspire fans to take action. This
two-month tour was held across
North America.
Jason is not alone in his
green campaign. Local celebrities
who participate in environmental
campaigns are Earth Hour
ambassadors Mikee CojuangcoJaworski, Marc Nelson and
Rovilson Fernandez, who are all
promoting the preservation of
genetic species and ecosystems
diversity, ensuring that the use of
renewable natural resources is
sustainable, and reducing
pollution and wasteful
consumption of resources and
Early this year, teen star Bea
Binene was named Plan
International ambassadress to
promote climate change
awareness program. Her coKapuso star Richard Gutierrez, on
the other hand, joined the
environmental group Greenpeace
in 2007. (Manila Bulletin)
Jericho no regrets about
'Huwag Ka Lang Mawawala’
MANILA – Actor Jericho
Rosales has no regrets as he
praised the successful debut of the
new ABS-CBN series “Huwag Ka
Lang Mawawala.”
Rosales was supposed to be
part of the series but dropped out
due to conflicts of schedule. Actor
John Estrada was tapped to replace
Rosales said he is very happy
that viewers would get to enjoy yet
another riveting “teleserye.”
“Alam ko pinaghirapan nila
'yun. Maganda ang lumabas na
p ro d u k to . S i J o h n E s t ra d a ,
magaling 'yun na actor. I don't want
to look at it na anything negative.
I'm proud of the team. Alam kong
magaling 'yung team behind it,” he
While he does not regret
losing the role, Rosales said it was
just unfortunate that he could not
do the series when it was initially
offered to him.
“May mga roles na dadating
sa 'yo, may mga desisyon na
dadating sa 'yo. At the end of the
day, it's the project. It's not about
you, it's about the project,” he said.
“Huwag Ka Lang Mawawal”
Jericho Rosales
aired its pilot episode on Monday,
seizing the No. 1 spot in the series'
time slot.
According to data from
multi-national market research
group Kantar Media, the
Primetime Bida offering garnered
27.1% in national TV ratings, while
its closest competing program,
"Mundo Mo'y Akin," registered
The series is topbilled by
Judy Ann Santos, who is dubbed as
the country's "Queen of Soap
MANILA -- Solenn
Heussaff is adding
"composer" to her long list of
credentials as one of local
showbiz's most visible
For her sophomore
record set to be released in
July under MCA Music, the
27-year-old model-singer
said she composed songs for
the first time.
Heussaff said the first
song she composed talks
about "overconfident men,"
while the second tackles
societal pressures on
"I might change the
title, but 'yung isang song is
about a guy na akala niya he's
the sh*t. I'm making fun of
that kind of male specie," she
Asked where she drew
inspiration to write a song on
the subject, Heussaff
candidly shared, "Marami
akong guys na kilala na
For the second song,
which Heussaff said is "about
Solenn Heussaff
a girl who feels rejected from seven of which are new songs
society," the former VJ took from different composers.
inspiration from having met
The tracks, the actress
several women who deal added, will span different
with the issue.
genres, including dance,
"Naka-meet na ako ng house and reggae.
maraming girls, I've
Her collaborations with
interviewed a lot of women Original Filipino Music
who don't feel comfortable (OPM) icon Ely Buendia,
within themselves dahil sa Callalily frontman Kean
ibang tao, hindi dahil sa sarili Cipriano, and acoustic singer
nila," she said.
Miguel Escueta will also be
In addition to her two among those featured in the
compositions, Heussaff said record.
her second album will
feature nine other tracks,
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 27
Enchong: No problem
if Enrique woos Julia
Toni Gonzaga
Toni on numerous projects:
'Pana-panahon lang’
MANILA --- Actress-host
Toni Gonzaga shrugged off talks
that she is one of the most favored
artists in the Kapamilya network.
Gonzaga's reaction came
after several people noticed that
she seems to have numerous
projects on ABS-CBN just six
months into 2013.
“Hindi naman. Ganun
naman talaga ang buhay ng
artista. Panapanahon lang.
Minsan nagkakapatong patong
ang proyekto, minsan naman
madalang,” she said.
Gonzaga currently appears
on the musical variety show
”ASAP.” She also hosts the talent
reality search “The Voice of the
Philippines” and the showbizoriented show “The Buzz.”
On top of these, Gonzaga
will also launch her own cooking
show very soon -- "Kuwentong
Buhay, Kuwentong Kusina," which
will feature inspiring stories from
featured letter senders.
She is also among the lead
stars of the movie “Four Sisters
and a Wedding,” featuring Angel
Locsin, Shaina Magdayao, Bea
Alonzo and Enchong Dee.
Gonzaga said it just so
happened that her shows and
movie are being released at the
same time.
"Ngayon lang siguro
nagkasabay-sabay. We started
this (cooking show) earlier this
year. Nagkataon lang na June
pinalabas at sumabay sa 'The
Voice,'" she said.
MANILA - Actor Enchong
Dee shrugged off reports on the
supposed brewing romance
between his former special
someone Julia Montes and good
friend Enrique Gil.
Stressing there is no bad
blood between him and Gil, Dee
said he would definitely be
happy for the actor if ever he
actually pursues Montes.
“Hindi ko alam about it.
There's nothing wrong with it if
ever that happens,” he said.
Dee, Montes and Gil are
part of the upcoming ABS-CBN
series “Muling Buksan Ang
Puso,” which will also feature
Susan Roces, Dante Rivero,
Dominic Ochoa, Daniel
Fernando, Malou Crisologo and
In a past interview, Dee
said he is happy that he and
Montes were able to settle their
differences after they
reportedly broke up in
November even if they never
admitted to be in a relationship.
“I'm really, really happy
kasi isa sa mga dahilan kung
bakit kami ganito na ulit ngayon
Enchong Dee, Julia Montes and Enrique Gil
is because of 'Muling Buksan
ang Puso.' I'm thankful kasi
masaya na ulit kami ni Julia.
Kung ano 'yung gap, 'yung space
na nagkaroon sa amin, wala na
iyon,” he said.
Dee said he and Montes
continue to maintain a good
working relationship and
people should not be worried
about them sharing scenes
to g e t h e r a ga i n fo r t h e i r
upcoming series.
“Sabi ko nga sobra akong
thankful kasi bago namin
simulan lahat, naging maayos.
Nakapag-usap kami. We are
very much okay,” he said.
Kris' son Bimby to
make movie debut
MANILA --- Kris Aquino is
thrilled over her son's debut
film "Torky and My Little
Bossing," which is among the 8
official entries to this year's
Metro Manila Film Festival
She said the lead stars of
the film are her son, James
"Bimby" Yap, Jr., child star Ryzza
Mae Dizon, and comedian-TV
host Vic Sotto. The film is billed
to star Aquino in the lead role.
"Si Bimb ang bida, hindi
ako ang bida. Nandoon ako pero
hindi ako ang [bida]," the
actress said. Aquino said that
before accepting the project,
she made sure her son will be
given a lead role.
"Si Tory is Victor, so it's
Vic Sotto, si 'little bossing' is
Bimb, so kilig-kilig ang nanay,"
she said.
Asked if her son will be
"paired" with Dizon, Aquino
said, "Parang ganoon, parang
'Pido Dida' 2013. Hindi ba cute?
That's how noong pinresent sa
akin, na 'Pida Dida' ito na 2013
na si Bimb daw, so okay, go!"
The "Kris TV" host said,
however, that Bimby has yet to
meet Dizon. "Para ma-preserve
na may ilangan sila, natural.
Kasi with kids you have to be as
natural as possible," she said.
She added that Bimby
knows Dizon through her TV
show: "Yes, pinapapanood ko sa
kanya, in-explain ko sa kanya."
James Yap Jr. and Kris Aquino
Aquino also said it was
also her son's decision to accept
the Joyce Bernal-directed
movie. “Of course, before I
made the decision, I asked him
noong tumawag pa lang si Boss
Orly at pinanood ko si Ryzza
Mae, I asked Bimb, 'Do you like
to do it?' Tapos sinabi niya, 'Am I
the star?' Sabi ko, 'Of course you
are the star!' So sabi niya,
'Okay,'" Aquino said.
The actress added that
she will have her share in
producing her son's debut film.
"Torky and My Little
Bossing" is a co-production of
OctoArts, MZET, APT and the
actress' own Kris Aquino
"Nag-share ako sa
'Sisterakas' pero ito 'yung first
time na nakapangalan at nakaregister na," she said.
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 28
Marbury plans to
help liver patients
By Waylon Galvez
Two-time NBA All-Star
Stephon Marbury, who found new
basketball life as a star import in
the Chinese basketball
professional league, will introduce
his line of clothes and sneakers
under the brand name “Starbury”
in the Philippines and part of the
proceeds will be donated to people
with liver sickness.
M a r b u r y, w h o h a d a
tumultuous NBA career moving
from one team to another before
going to China, arrived June 24 and
said this was the first time he will
do some charity work outside of
“This is the first time, other
than China, that I'll be doing this,”
he said yesterday during a press
conference at the National Press
Club building. “This not just about
basketball, but it's about life.”
Marbury, 36, said: “It is
something that I want to do. Sport
is a great avenue to reach people
who are in need.”
Marbury, who played 13
seasons in the NBA, is currently
w i t h t h e re i g n i n g C h i n e s e
Basketball Association (CBA)
champion Beijing Ducks. His
charity work is expected to help
some 30-plus children with liverrelated sickness also known as
biliary atresia.
“To be able to come here, to
be able to use sports, use my brand
to help, it's given me great joy,” he
Marbury is partnering with
sports agent Sheryl Reyes, who
broached the idea to him a long
time ago.
To achieve his purpose,
Marbury is hoping to bring his
shoes and clothing line and plans
to meet with local businessmen to
discuss the possibility of a
Marbury's brand has several
outlets in China, and is also selling
through online.
Once the local shop of
'Starbury' is open, 10 percent of
Basketball team to
SEAG certain POC
By Nick Giongco
Basketball will always
have a special place in the
delegation that the Philippine
Olympic Committee (POC) will
send to compete in the 2013
Southeast Asian Games this
December, according to a highranking official tasked to
supervise the formation of the
contingent in Myanmar.
Myanmar SEAG chief of
mission Jeff Tamayo said “there
is no rush” in forcing the
Samahang Basketbol ng
Pilipinas (SBP) to submit its full
roster for the Dec. 11 to 22
“I have reserved a spot for
basketball,” said Tamayo amidst
calls from the POC and the
Philippine Sports Commission
(PSC) to send the Gilas-Pilipinas
to Myanmar instead of the SBP's
cadet squad.
A maximum of 200
athletes will represent the
country in the SEAG and Tamayo
also prefers that the SBP field
the Gilas-Pilipinas to guarantee
a gold medal finish.
“Baka malasin pa tayo eh,”
said Tamayo, noting that while
the cadet squad is very much
capable of dominating the
tournament, there remains a
possibility that the youngsters
get ambushed along the way.
Still, Tamayo is confident
that the SBP will come up with a
solid lineup in time for the
submission of entry-by-names
by October.
POC president Jose
'Peping' Cojuangco is also aware
of the competence level of the
cadet team but wants to make
sure a smooth sailing all the way.
“What if the cadet team
loses? Definitely, we're going to
be blamed,” said Cojuangco.
PSC chairman Richie
Garcia is also echoing the POC's
stand, saying he doesn't see
anything wrong by sending the
Gilas-Pilipinas instead of the
But the Gilas-Pilipinas will
be disbanded immediately after
the Fiba-Asia championships in
August and by the time the SEAG
takes place in December, the
Gilas players would already be
seeing action for their mother
clubs in the Philippine
Basketball Association.
PBA Commissioner Chito
Salud said it is time for the young
players to suit up for the
national team in the SEAG.
(Manila Bulletin)
items sold including the sneakers
which is about $15 (approximately
P700 per pair) will go directly to
the NPC partner Ayon Pamilyang
Lansangan Foundation Inc.
“The prices are affordable.
My line isn't to compete to anyone,
we just to create something that
they can afford. I've been part in
designing the shoes and I know
how they will come out. My input is
viable,” said Marbury.
A former two-time NBA AllStar and a one-time Olympian
(2004 Athens), Marbury had
career averages of 19.3 points and
five assists. He joined the CBA in
2010 when he signed with the
Shanxi Zhongyu Brave Dragons
and then he played for the Foshan
In 2011, he signed with the
Beijing Ducks, which he helped
win the title last year. He signed a
fresh three-year deal with the
As for the press club, NPC
president Benny Antiporda said
that Marbury's help came as a
Stephon Marbury
surprise as they are having a hard
time looking for sponsors to
continue their goal in supporting
the children who needs to have
liver transplant.
“There's a big impact for us,
with him coming in. We really
appreciate it,” said Anitporda.
The 6-foot-2 Marbury was
o r i g i n a l ly s e l e c t e d b y t h e
Milwaukee Bucks as the No. 4
overall pick during the 1996 NBA
Rookie Draft but was traded
immediately to the Minnesota
Timberwolves for Ray Allen (the
fifth overall pick).
After playing three seasons
with the Wolves where he teamed
up with Kevin Garnett, he was
traded to the New Jersey Nets
(now Brooklyn Nets). In 2001, he
was shipped to the Phoenix Suns in
a blockbuster deal for Jason Kidd.
He also had stops with the
New York Knicks and the Boston
Celtics, the last team he played for
in the NBA back in 2009.
A former two-time NBA AllStar and a one-time Olympian
(2004 Athens), Marbury had
career averages of 19.3 points and
five assists. He joined the CBA in
2010 when he signed with the
Shanxi Zhongyu Brave Dragons
and then he played for the Foshan
In 2011, he signed with the
Beijing Ducks, which he helped
win the title last year. He signed a
fresh three-year deal with the
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 29
Can P-Noy do a Spoelstra?
By Boo Chanco (The Philippine
I hope P-Noy and his cabinet
members have been watching the
NBA finals. I know they are having too
much fun already with the
bureaucratic games they play but
watching the NBA finals should teach
them a few lessons on the value of
It was horrible to watch officials
on TV Patrol the other evening
blaming each other's office for that
blood pressure raising flood and
monumental traffic jam last Monday
evening. DPWH says MMDA is to
blame. MMDA says DPWH's failure
caused the problems.
As a taxpaying citizen, I say: a
curse on both of you. You are
supposed to be playing for the same
team but it is obvious you don't
coordinate much and there's a lot of
contempt for each other. Next
question… what does the Coach say, as
in what does P-Noy have to say about
this mess?
When Miami Heat lost one of
the games badly to the Spurs, its
Filipino-American coach Erik
Spoeltstra admitted the other team
had better team work. Indeed, the
Spurs also had less superstar egos.
They may yet win Game 7. But
Spoelstra must have made some
changes because they came back
recharged and won their next game.
That is what P-Noy must do now
in the second half of his term. He
needs to have a heart-to-heart talk
with some of his cabinet members and
impress upon them that those who
have a superstar complex can leave.
Indeed, some cabinet members
think P-Noy can't do without them. As
a result, major infrastructure projects
have been stalled as they show their
importance by objecting or insisting
in their interpretation of terms after
other cabinet members have agreed.
That's why projects that could
have been launched during P-Noy's
first year remain entangled in the
approval process. Take that urgently
needed NLEX-SLEX connector road
project. I am beginning to lose hope
these will ever break ground before
It was tough in the beginning
because there were two competing
proposals. One proposal, San Miguel's,
had to go through DOJ vetting on its
vested right to do the project. It passed
that one but the problems were just
The other proposal was MVP's,
a BOT proposal. It wants to build
above the PNR tracks in Metro Manila
but PNR mortgaged its air rights to
raise funds in the past and lost it for
Luckily, the air rights ended up
with a government-owned
corporation, a housing agency under
VP Jojo Binay. In the spirit of
teamwork, Binay readily agreed to
cede control of the air rights to DOTC
then under Mar.
One problem solved. But then
DOTC Sec Mar Roxas wanted to use the
same air rights to run the fast train
from Clark. Eventually, this was ironed
out too.
In the meantime, there was this
additional kink when DPWH tried to
move heaven and earth to take control
of the project from the Toll Regulatory
Board. This senseless bureaucratic
turf war reached all the way to
Malacanang which decided eventually
that TRB keeps control.
Last hurdle is what to do with
the two offers. P-Noy made the
Solomonic decision: let both of them
build their connector roads. A good
decision because it removed a
potential legal scuffle. Anyway, sooner
or later the traffic volume will require
both roads. And it is private sector risk
capital so there is no exposure for the
The two proponents then
fought over how to handle the
common alignment or the portion
where the two alignments end up
using the same right-of-way. After
much negotiation, that too was
But groundbreaking is far from
assured. At this late hour, the project is
stalled because the Secretary of
Finance wants PNCC, a corporation
majority but not totally controlled by
government, taken out of the picture.
PNCC is asserting its rights under an
old Marcos Decree but DOF is saying
its franchise has expired.
The issue is now with the DOJ to
rule upon. So, the San Miguel
alignment cannot break ground. The
MVP alignment has to go through
Swiss challenge yet. The PNCC issue
hangs over both. DOJ has been delayed
in issuing its ruling. In the meantime,
people have to suffer horrendous
HOW TO PLAY: Place a number from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each
row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers from 1 to 9
Solution to Issue 24 Sudoku
traffic jams and street floods that
should have been addressed by even
one of the alignments.
I think P-Noy should lock up the
Secretaries of Finance, Justice,
Transportation, Public Works and
NEDA together with the Solicitor
General in one room with a threat that
they will remain locked in until they
come up with an agreement. Food and
water will not be served and the air
conditioning curtailed. If that doesn't
get them talking and being
reasonable, nothing else will.
P-Noy can do the same for all
the stalled projects of DOTC because
all of these involve one department or
another imposing some objection
that's taking forever to resolve. Of
course it would also help if some
experienced engineers rescued the
embattled undersecretaries at DOTC,
all lawyers, who are literally over their
heads with the papers awaiting their
Indeed they have given up on
the big ticket DOTC projects. Secretary
Abaya is now saying their only goal is
to award the projects before 2016, not
even to break ground on them. Isn't
that sad?
I am told that P-Noy is antsy
about getting the big projects going
but he is not doing enough to get that
message through to his team
members. If he did, there would be
more discernible sense of urgency to
shoot all those balls and score some
for the people.
I hate to say this but P-Noy is
now also to blame for this standstill
and colossal failure. If P-Noy was
Miami Heat Coach Erik Spoelstra
coaching a team in the NBA, he would
have failed to reach even the semifinals and most likely fired at the end
of the season.
Lucky for P-Noy he has a fixed
term as President and cannot be fired
except through impeachment. But the
failure to deliver infrastructure
impacts badly on getting the real
economy going, the one beyond the
GDP numbers and the credit rating
upgrades. It impacts on our ability to
cut the poverty rate through increased
economic activities and job creation.
Now the ball is in the hands of
Coach P-Noy at half time. How will he
redeploy his team? Will he change the
players on the floor? How will he deal
with the superstars with outsized
egos? Will he exhort them to play as a
team, threaten to fire them otherwise
because losing the game is not an
Can P-Noy do a Spoelstra?
Ooopps! From one of my doctor friends.
Anne has sued a hospital, saying that after
her husband was treated there, he had lost
all interest in sex. A hospital spokesman
replied, “Your husband was actually
admitted into Ophthalmology - all we did
was correct his eyesight…”
Solution to Issue 24 Crossword
Help Wanted
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 30
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June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 31
June 28 - July 4, 2013
Page 32