BeRGomsRUNda walk
BeRGomsRUNda walk
Storstabburet Storstabburet is built in 1613, and is the biggest store house in Norway. It stands on its original place, and served as a granary. Inside, you can find an amazing exhibition about the old irrigation culture in the villages of Ottadalen valley. BERGOMSRUNDA WALK 3 – WHERE NATURE MEETS CULTURE Lom Bøvre 6 4 7 Coop Mega 10 Nyt opphaldet ditt i tradisjonsrike Bøverdalen! Enjoy your stay in Bøverdalen! Lom sentrum, Fossbergom, er ein av fem tettstader i Noreg som i 2008 fekk status som nasjonalparklandsby av miljøverndepartementet. Statusen vart tildelt Fossbergom på grunn av dei unike kvalitetane bygdasenteret har som innfallsport til nasjonalparkane Jotunheimen, Breheimen og Reinheimen. sentrum Nasjonalparklandsbyen ligg flott til under mektige Lomseggen. Midt i av renn elva Bøvre kvit og vill utfor Prestfossen. Namnet Fossbergom kjem på båe berga som stikk fram attmed fossen. Her har bygdasenteret vakse fram 1770, sider av elva. Fyrste private aktiviteten i området var eit kvernbruk rundt fyrste landhandelen kom i 1870 der Kiwi held til i dag. I 1894 vart det meste tre av jorda på sørsida av Bøvre seld av staten til private. I dag finn ein dei familiedrivne hotella Fossheim, Fossberg og Nordal sentralt på Fossbergom, 2 1 4 3 GALDHØPIGGEN | GALDHØPIGGEN READY FOR MORE HIKING ROUTES? 55 gnefjellet KLAR FOR FLEIRE TURAR? erdalen, Bø v Surrounded by the highest peaks in Norway, in the heart of Jotunheimen, you find Bøverdalen. Bøverdalen is a community amid the majestic scenery of Jotunheimen, and it has a long tradition of mountain tourism and hospitality. In Bøverdalen you’ll sleep well, eat well and find great hiking routes, as well as other activities. 2 Loar Bygnaden hyser utsal av lokalprodusert handtverk og souvenirar, stavkyrkjemuseum, bibliotek, studiesenter, friviljugsentral og vidaregåande bygd skule. Loar var opphaveleg skulebygnad for hovudkrinsen i Lom, og vart da det opp att etter ein stor brann i 1936. Barneskulen vart flytta herfrå i 1992 vart bygd ny skule på Prestgardsjordet. 3 Steinfjoset dyra Steinfjoset er eineståande i sitt slag. Det trongdest eit skikkeleg fjos til alle med på Prestegarden og rundt 1870 fekk presten Honoratus Halling bygt fjoset gjødselkjellar i stein. I 1869 lånte presten 930 daler til formålet frå «lånefondet år. I ved sal av statens gods». Lånet skulle betalast attende med renter over 25 dag er fjoset den einaste originale bygningen som står att på den opphavelege Prestegarden. Steinfjoset er nytta som gymsal for barneskulen – om sommaren Lom Bygdamuseum – Presthaugen 6 Norsk Fjellmuseum 7 Bakeriet i Lom Her Museet har som mål å syne kva fjellet betyr gjennom spennande utstillingar. Museet kan du mellom anna sjå ein mammut og ein mammut-unge i full storleik. Interaktiv er Nasjonalparksenter for Jotunheimen og Reinheimen nasjonalparkar. informasjon om nasjonalparkar, fotturar i fjellet og norske vassdrag. Det mest kjende bakeriet i landet starta av meisterkokk og bakar Morten Schakenda. Fleire og fleire legg vegen om Lom for å handle steinovnsbakt brødmat. Bakeriet nyttar lokale råvarar, fagkunnskap og god tid. område, med mindre årsnedbør enn i Sahara. 9 Tor Jonsson-steinen Minnestein for den landskjende lyrikaren Tor Jonsson (1916-51), fødd og oppvaksen i Lom. Forfattaren tok sitt eige liv i 1951 og fekk Aukrust «litteraturkritikarprisen» post mortem. Frå Lom kjem og diktaren Olav Hamsun som du kan vitje heimstaden til på garden Nordgard Aukrust, og Knut bodde i Lom i barneåra og vart seinare konfirmert i Lomskyrkja. 10 Fossheim Hotell Medlem av «De historiske hotell og spisesteder». Fossheim har eit tradisjonsrikt kjøken. Arne Brimi starta sin matfilosofi her. Seinare har Kristoffer Hovland Dei (kokkelandslaget frå 1998 – 2003) og Ståle Johansen vidareutvikla kjøkenet. mat» legg vekt på «det gode måltidet», tufta på lokale råvarer eller «stuttreist 1650. som ein seier i Lom. I tunet på Fossheim finn ein og Gaukstadstugu frå 12 9 12 13 14 Fossheim Steinsenter Geologisk museum med den største utstilinga av norske mineral og Galleri, smykkestein i landet. Møteplass for naturinteresserte frå mange land. smykkeutsal og verkstad der du kan få hjelp til å bestemme stein. Thulitt, «Noregs nasjonalstein», vert utvunne i Lom. 13 Lomseggen klatretårn Lom er staden for å vere i aktivitet og her finn du eit klatretårn og fleire aktivitetsapparat som du kan legge turen innom. 14 Utleggsbrua på Brua vart bygt i samarbeid mellom lokale handtverkarar og tømrarlina dei vidaregåande skule i Lom i 1990-91. Utleggsbrua er ei vidareutvikling av har det eldste brukonstruksjonane vi kjenner- stokkar lagt over ei elv. Tidlegare vore ei utleggsbru på om lag same plass som i dag. Bøvre er ei typisk breelv elv. med stor variasjon i vassføringa og den største masseføringa i nokor norsk Open from mid May to October. This may vary with weather and snow conditions. Phone: (+47) 61 21 17 50 | gjerne nytta til utstillingar. 5 Museet Lom Bygdamuseum ligg i Presthaugen, som også er stemneplass i Lom. gjev eit er bygd som ein gamal Lomsgard, slik gardane var for 150 år sidan, og høyrer godt bilete av byggeskikk og arbeidsliv i det gamle sjølhushaldet. Til museet husmannsplass og seter, båe viktige delar av gardsmiljøet i Lom på 1800-talet. 10 KLIMAPARK2469 | KLIMAPARK2469 Framfor alt ynskjer vi at dykk vil nyte tida i Lom! Velkome som gjest hos oss no og i framtida. Design: Løwehjerte Illustrasjon: Stein Llanos Ruteforklaring: Egil Olav Nyrnes Språkvask: Torill Bye Wilhelmsen Foto: Rita Birkeland, Egil Olav Nyrnes og Terje Rakke/Nordic Life AS/Innovasjon Norge Trykk: Wera AS Tidsaksen I Klimapark2469 kan ein sjølv oppleva klimaendringane som skjer i høgfjellet. Bli med ut i eksotisk norsk høgfjellsnatur, sjå dei etterlatne spora etter vikingtida sine reinsjegerar og opplev den unike istunnelen som går djupt inn i hjarta av Juvfonna. Daglege turar med guide kl. 10.30 frå Juvasshytta frå juni til august. Varer i 3 timar. Lett fottur. (Pris: Vaksen 300 kr, barn 150 kr, familiebillett 700 kr. Gratis for barn under 6 år). For bestilling av eigne gruppeturar eller andre spørsmål, info og bestilling: Telefon: 61 21 16 00 (mån – fre, 08.00 – 16.00) naturen! e-post: [email protected] og Jotunheimen reiseliv AS på e-post: [email protected] 11 Tidsaksen fylgjer delvis Bergomsrunda og gjev deg eit innblikk i jorda si Norsk 4600 millionar år gamle historie. Eiga brosjyre om Tidsaksen får du på Fjellmuseum og Fossheim Steinsenter. GALDHØPIGGEN KLATREPARK GALDHØPIGGEN CLIMBING PARK 8 Klimapark 2469 is a climate park where you can directly experience how nature responds to the climate change in the mountains. The exotic alpine nature, traces of ancient hunting grounds, and the unique ice tunnel deep in the heart of the Juvfonna glacier will make your visit unforgettable. In the climate park you can learn about everything from flora and fauna, to history and geology. Daily guided tours (June – August) starting at 10:30 am from Juvasshytta Tourist Lodge. The duration of the guided tour is approximately three hours. Price: Adults 300,- NOK, children 150,- NOK, family ticket 700,- NOK. Free for kids under 6 years. Group guiding can be booked on [email protected] or (+47) 61 21 16 00 (Mon – Fri, 08.00 – 16.00). For more information, visit: I Lom står miljøtanken sterkt og vi ynskjer å ta vare på mangfoldet i naturen og forvalte ressursane slik at dei kan kome også framtidige generasjonar til gode. Som gjest i Lom kan du ta del i dette arbeidet ved å kjøpe lokalprodusert mat, nytte tilbod om lokale guidar og ta miljøomsyn. Kast ikkje søppel i Vassvaglen Galdhøpiggen klatrepark har i dag 5 løyper og ei barneløype. Vanskegraden er varierande, og ein finn utfordringar for dei fleste i klatreparken. Ein byrjar 1 meter over bakken og kan halde fram opp til dei høgaste utfordringane på 12 meter. Parken har 60 plattformer og utfordringar, inkludert 13 luftige tyrolertraversar. Det er mogleg å bestille også utanom sumarsesongen. Telefon: 61 21 27 99 | Fotturar So Nasjonalparklandsbyen er den naturlege plassen for informasjon om i og nasjonalparkane, guiding og kjøp av utstyret du treng for naturopplevingar rundt nasjonalparkane. Til Læshø 250 meter 8 førast Skulptur som viser korleis livgjevande vatn ved hjelp av tro-system kunne eller dit det var bruk for det. Ei tro kunne spikrast saman av bord (som her) ressurs, holast ut av furustammer, som var det mest vanlege. Vatn var ein knapp «Gjev det var viktig at minst mogleg gjekk til spille. Eit gamalt ordtak i Lom seier Vårherre oss sol, skal vi sjølve skaffe væte». Lom ligg i eit svært nedbørsfattig Galdhøpiggen Climbing Park has five trails and a children’s trail. The degree of difficulty varies, and you’ll find challenges for everyone. Starting 1 m above the ground, you may eventually end up 12 meters above the ground. In total, the climbing park consists of 60 platforms and challenges. 13 of these are ropeways. Phone: (+47) 61 21 27 99 | nasjonalparklandsby Hent gratis kart over fantastiske turstier med utgangspunkt i Lom sentrum, Fossbergom. Bøvre 6 5 alle med over hundreårig historie. 1 0 GALDHØPIGGEN SOMMARSKISENTER GALDHØPIGGEN SUMMER SKI CENTRE Get free map of great hiking routes on the basis of Lom, Fossbergom. Lom Bøvre Fossberg Storstabburet på sin Storstabburet er frå 1560-åra og er det største stabburet i landet. Det står det idag ei opphavelege plass og var før tidendehus (kornmagasin). I stabburet er flott utstilling om den gamle vatningskulturen i Ottadalsbygdene. Galdhøpiggen Sommarskisenter ligg ved foten av Galdhøpiggen, 1850 m.o.h. Sommarskisenteret er eit topp moderne skianlegg med alle fasilitetar, samt kafeteria med 210 sitjeplassar. Utleige av moderne skiutstyr. Ope frå midten av mai til midten av oktober. Dette kan variere noko med vêr og føreforhold. Telefon: 61 21 17 50 | 15 Nordal Coop Mega Bergomsrunda 4 Kart: Statens kartverk/Nordeca • Foto: Gunnar Vestad og Morten Løwe • Design: Løwehjerte design AS Galdhøpiggen (2469 moh) er Nord-Europas høgaste fjell og eit nasjonalsymbol. Galdhøpiggen ligg i hjarta av Noregs høgalpine miljø i Jotunheimen nasjonalpark. t ta å, O Våg Kiwi Turstig, Læshø og Tronoberget • PANORAMAUTSIKT | PANORAMIC VIEWS ellet nefj Stry Rema 1000 15 Fossheim Prestfossen Lom stavkyrkje frå Lomskyrkja er ei av dei største stavkyrkjene i landet og er datert til å vera 1158-59. Ho vart påbygd og utvida i 1634 og 1663. Kyrkja har ei stor samling av tavler, dei fleste måla av Eggert Munch fyrst på 1700-talet. Korbogen og preikestolen i akantusstil er eineståanda treskjærararbeid av den lokale i Lom. kunstnaren Jakob Sæterdalen. Kyrkja er framleis i bruk som hovudkyrkje Galdhøpiggen Summer Ski Centre is located at the foot of Galdhøpiggen, which is the highest mountain in Northern Europe. The Summer Ski Centre is a modern ski resort with all facilities and a cafeteria with 210 seats. It is possible to rent modern ski equipment. , jåk 4 Olav Aukrust 2 Bergomsrunda - der natur møter kultur 1 Lom kommune og Jotunheimen Reiseliv AS ynskjer attendemeldingar, idear og forslag for å gjere Lom til ein attraktiv stad å vitje også i framtida. Du kan kontakte Lom kommune på KORLEIS KOMA SEG DIT? HOW TO GET THERE? Sk Lom nasjonalparklandsby Til Tronoberget Samfunnshuset Lom ungdomsskule 3 Turstig, Bordvassvegen og Lomseggen Lom er staden der du kan få natur- og kulturopplevingar utanom det vanlege. Det du finn her er ekte og eigenarta. Om lag 90% av kommunen er brear og fjell, med Galdhøpiggen og Glittertind som kjende landemerke. Lom sentrum har namnet Fossbergom og her finn du alt du treng av informasjon, utstyr og guidar for å vitje ein nasjonalpark. Nasjonalparkane Jotunheimen, Reinheimen og Breheimen ligg i Lom kommune. Galdesand, sentrum i Bøverdalen, ligg 15 min frå Lom sentrum med bil retning vest mot Sognefjellet. Om sommaren (ca. 20. juni -20. august) går det rutebuss fleire gonger dagleg frå Lom sentrum til Juvasshytta, Sognefjellet og Spiterstulen. Sjå 4 Til Bordvassvegen og Lomseggen • Velkomen til Lom nasjonalparklandsby Galdesand and Bøverdalen is approximately a 15 minute drive from the village center in Lom, towards Sognefjellet along the National Tourist Route. In the summer time there is also a bus leaving from Lom to Spiterstulen, Juvasshytta and Sognefjellet. Timetables: Dugurdskampen (1445) Geitkampen (1327) Mjefjellsknubban (1247) Loftet (2170) Brennkampen (951) Leirdalen Geithøe (1306) Leirmoen Langhaugen (1135) Galdesanden Bøverdalen Heksete (2105) Storhøi (1777) Eirikhøi (1461) Lom is a place where you can get extraordinary natural and cultural experiences. What you find here, is genuine and unique. Because of its special qualities, Lom was chosen to be one of the five national park villages in Norway by the Ministry of the Environment of Norway in 2008. Lom municipality got also a status of National Park Municipality. About 90 % of the municipality’s area is glaciers and mountains, Galdhøpiggen and Glittertind being the most famous landmarks. Lom center is called Fossbergom and here you can find all information, equipment and guides you need to visit a national park. There are Jotunheimen, Reinheimen and Breheimen National Parks in Lom. Fotturar i Bøverdalen Hiking in Bøverdalen Omkransa av dei høgaste fjella i Noreg, i hjarta av Jotunheimen, ligg Bøverdalen. Ei naturskjøn bygd prega av årelange tradisjonar for fjellturisme og gjestfridom. I Bøverdalen søv du godt, et du godt og ikkje minst finn du unike tur- og aktivitetsmoglegheiter. BØVERDALEN | BØVERDALEN Galdhøpiggen is Northern Europe’s highest mountain, with its 2469 meters above sea level, and it is a national symbol of Norway. Galdhøpiggen is situated in the heart of Norway’s alpine nature and in Jotunheimen National park. Daily guided tours in the summer season from Juvasshytta tourist lodge. Juvasshytta: (+47) 61 21 15 50 | I sommarsesongen er det dagleg guiding frå Juvasshytta. Det er også fleire andre aktivitetsselskap som guidar til Galdhøpiggen på førespurnad. Juvasshytta: 61 21 15 50 | AKTIVITETER | ACTIVITIES Environmental protection is listed as one of the most important tasks on the agenda of Lom municipality, and we wish to preserve the diversity of the nature and manage resources, also for the benefit of future generations. As a guest in Lom, take part in this work by buying locally produced food, using local guides and taking consideration of the environment by reducing littering and resource usage. Above all we wish you to enjoy your time in Lom! Welcome as a guest here now and in the future! Ready for more walks? We also have free maps of hikes in Bøverdalen, fishing in Skim and bicycle routes Ottadalen. Illustrasjon: Stein Llanos • Design: Løwehjerte • Ruteforklaring: Egil Olav Nyrnes • Foto: Morten Løwe, Egil Olav Nyrnes og Terje Rakke/Nordic Life AS/Innovasjon Norge • Trykk: Wera AS Welcome to the National Park Village of Lom 8 1 Fossheim 11 13 The old vicarage in Lom was situated here. To many travellers, it served as a “hotel”, too. For instance, famous Norwegian dramatist Henrik Ibsen stayed here. In 1936 the main building burnt down, and Lom Municipality County decided to restore the original look of exterior with a modern school inside. Today you can find Lom Library, Stave Church Centre, Voluntary Centre, and a souvenir shop with local produce in Loar. 2 The Bøvra River flows from the highest points of Jotunheimen. The volume of water varies throughout the year from 1 m3 to 300 m3/ sec during the biggest floods. There was a sawmill and a mill on Prestfossen Waterfall; and one of the first water power plants in Norway was put into operation in the early 1920s. 6 Nordal 1 15 Bøvre Tor Jonsson memorial Steinfjoset Steinfjoset (a cowshed) is one of its kind, and is the only original building left of the vicarage. Around 1870 priest Honoratus Halling built a cowshed of stone at the vicarage. Steinfjoset is now used as a gym for elementary school and as an exhibition hall in summer. 10 The rock is a memorial to the famous Norwegian poet Tor Jonsson (1916 – 1951), who was born and grew up in Lom. Tor Jonsson committed suicide in 1951, and got the Norwegian Critics Prize for Literature post mortem. Several other authors have their roots in Lom. Knut Hamsun spent his childhood in Lom, and was confirmed in Lom Stave Church. Vera Henriksen was born in Oslo, but moved to Lom later. Poet Olav Aukrust is from Lom, too. You can visit his home place on the Nordgard Aukrust farm. On Nordgard Aukrust, there is a shop with a large selection of ecological herbs and spices, own herbary, and an herb room – “urteri”. Fossheim Hotell Vassvaglen – water roost 9 An old proverb in Lom says, “Give us sun, our Lord, and we shall provide ourselves with water”. Water was a scarce resource, hence it was important not to waste it. The water roost illustrates how life-giving water was led down from the mountains with the help of wooden irrigation canals. Canals could either be troughs nailed together (as here) or pine stems hollowed out, the latter being the most common. The roost as well as most of the newer buildings in Lom was designed by architect Torbjørn Fjellstad, and erected by Lom Municipality in 1985. 2 4 Loar 8 15 Kiwi Fossberg Lom Stave Church is one of the largest of its kind in Norway and dates back to 1158-59.In 17th century the church was too small, and was rebuilt into a cross church. Under the restoration in 1973 the archaeologists found many extraordinary artefacts. Among other things – 2000 coins – the biggest amount of coins ever found in a Norwegian church. It is still the main church in Lom. May – September – guiding every day. Guiding outside the season should be booked. Ulstadbrua Bridge 3 1 Lom Stave Church 7 More and more guests visit Lom to enjoy fresh baked pastry. Bakery in Lom was established by master chef and baker Morten Schakenda, and is one of the most famous bakeries in Norway. Other places offering food services are Kuba Ice Cream Bar,Kræmarhuset, Fossberg, Fossheim and Nordal. 5 9 • Norwegian Mountain Museum The museum aims to define mountains through exciting exhibitions. Among other things you can see a full-sized mammoth, Norway’s oldest garment – the tunic from Lendbreen, and other unique artefacts, which have melt out of the ice. The Norwegian Mountain Museum is a National Park Centre for Jotunheimen and Reinheimen National Parks. Information on national parks, hiking in the mountains and national park library are available here. Lom Rural Museum is situated in Presthaugen, which is also a meeting place in Lom. It is an open air museum with 22 protected buildings from the period of 1613 – 1900. The museum is built in the manner farms in Lom were constructed 150 years ago, representing building style and working life in the old household. The museum contains a cottager’s house and a mountain dairy, both being important parts of farming in Lom in 19th century. A marked path goes around Presthaugen. 2 Bakery in Lom In summer Fossbergom swarms with villagers and tourists. We can offer our guests a pleasant atmosphere with open air restaurants, cafes, shops, an accomplished architecture and many great tour options. NATIONAL PARK VILLAGE 5 Lom Camping The National Park Village is situated under the powerful Mountain Lomseggen. White and wild river Bøvra is flowing through the centre into Prestfossen Waterfall. The name of Fossbergje originates from the rock sticking out above the waterfall. The centre of the village has grown on both sides of the river. The first private enterprise here was a mill built around 1770. The first village store came about in 1870, where Kiwi grocery store stands today. WALKS IN Lom Rural Museum – Presthaugen 55 The centre of Lom, Fossbergje, is one of five nationalpark villages in Norway. It is a natural gateway to the national parks Jotunheimen, Reinheimen and Breheimen. 4 11 Member of “The Historic Hotels and Restaurants”, Fossheim has a cuisine where the food is cooked of ingredients from local farms, rivers, lakes, and mountains. It was here the famous Norwegian cook Arne Brimi got inspired to create Nature’s Kitchen, and found inspiration for his own cooking philosophy. The old cottage Gaukstadstugu, build in 1650, is a part of Fossheim. Fossheim Hotel, Fossberg Hotel, and Nordal Tourist Centre are all family businesses with more than 100 years of history, run by the same families all this time. Time Axis 12 The Time Axis follows Bergomsrunda walk (marked with a white stipple line), and gives you an insight into Earth’s 4600 million years old history. You can get a separate brochure about the Time Axis at the Norwegian Mountain Museum and at the Fossheim Stone Centre. 12 3 14 Fossheim Stone Centre Rema 1000 The Geological Museum has the biggest private exhibition of Norwegian gemstones and minerals in Norway. The Centre includes gallery, jewellery shop and workshop, where you can get help in choosing a gem. Thulite is the national stone of Norway. In Lom, it can be found in Lia, which is a nice day’s outing. For placing and permission, contact Fossheim Stone Centre. 13 Lomseggen climbing tower Lom is a place for active people. Here you can find a climbing tower, and several free activity devices. If you want to use the tower, ask staff at Sport 1. About 3 km from Lom centre there is Tronoberget climbing field. Climbing there is at your own risk. A climbing guide is developed for Tronoberget. 14 Utleggsbrua log bridge The bridge is constructed as a log bridge from 18th century. It is a modernised version of the oldest bridge constructions we know of – logs laid across a river. The bridge was built in cooperation between “Stokk og Stein” company and carpentry students from Lom High School. It was open in 1993. Before, there was a log bridge on approximately the same place as today. Bøvra is a typical flood river draining 850 km2 of central Jotunheimen and Bøverdalen valley. The name “Bøvra” comes from “bivre” and means “quiver”, referring to the play of light in the water. 15 Lomseggen Tronoberget See Rondane in the east, Dovrefjell and Reinheimen in the north, Breheimen in the west and Jotunheimen in the south. You can also see Galdhøpiggen if you take a detour to Læshø! During this trip you walk in the Breheimen National Park. View to the national parks Jotunheimen, Reinheimen and Rondane opens over the tree line. Bøverdalen valley cuts in between the highest summits of Norway and you get a nice view towards the highest of them all – Galdhøpiggen (2469 m.a.s.l.). This is a tour close to Reinheimen National Park with a stunning view towards Lom center and over to Lomseggen with its summits Eggjapiken (1524 m.a.s.l.) and Storivilen (2064 m.a.s.l.). From the top of Tronoberget you can see parts of Finndalen Valley Landscape Conservation Area and Reinheimen National Park. red tagging Skardstinden (2373) m.a.s.l. 1070 400 Myrskardet Flåklypa Veslhøi 5 Skutlan 4 5 hour From Skutlan, where the path forks, you can take route 1b and proceed to Læshø or route 1c against Myrskardet (see section further down). The path 1a towards Soleggen runs in the eastern direction, south of the summit itself, to the summer farm Stymme. Follow the farm road further to Soleggen. In about 10 min one can reach a place where the trail splits again and leads through the rugged terrain and sparse birch forest to the east. Gentle slope down to the dam at the lake Ausa. Go around the lake on the right side and up a hill until the path bifurcates again and leads you to Læshø (route 1b). Via Ferrata til Lomseggen Bøverdalen Soleggen Læshø (1204) 55 Andvord Nissegården Hytter og Aktiviteter Ausa Tronoberget (886) The path continues to the west and descends slowly towards the tree line. At the next bifurcation, take to the left. The trail goes slowly down through the forest and passes a tree cutting field. After a while you will come to a forest road and another bifurcation towards Nonshaug (route 1d). Route 1a keeps going down the forest road (Hansvegen). Cross the Læsa brook and take to the left until you come to the old farm Skjæsar. Follow that waterway to the bifurcation at the start of the route. You can vary 1a with several options: 15 Nonshaug 3 From roundabout in the center, go 150 meters east along highway 15. Before you reach Fossheim Tourist Hotel, take to the right and go up the Ullstadvegen Str. In the middle of a U-swing the path turns to the field. The path goes then straight up the field and to the fenced pasture. Turn right in the path fork to follow route 1a (in the next path fork you can take a short route 1d towards Nonshaug.) The path runs steeply up through the spruce forest and goes by a water post with drinking water. The path passes the tree line and goes further to Skutlan. Now you are at the highest point of the route (1070 m.a.s.l). Storhø Stymme 2 1b: Lom – Skutlan – Læshø (1204) – Lom. The view towards Galdhøpiggen (2469), Bøverdalen, Loftet (2170), Lomseggen and Storivilen (2068) is spectacular! Estimated time: 4,5 hours Skim Kusletta Bøvre 1c: Lom – Skutlan – Myrskardet – Lom. Great view towards Flåklypa and the farms in Bøverdalen. Estimated time: 4 hours Hansvegen 1d: Lom – Nonshaug – Lom. From Nonshaug, you get a bird’s-eye view over the National Park Village of Lom. Estimated time: 4 hours 1200 800 600 400 1 2 3 15 Åsjo naturreservat • All routes are marked with red or yellow tags. Nevertheless, we recommend you to take a map with you (the map can be bought in the bookstore and at the Tourist Office). • No special equipment is required. Remember water and good shoes. For advice on hiking equipment contact the Tourist Office. • All tours can be taken in both directions but the description follows the signs. • Telephone for the Tourist Information Office: 61 21 29 90 Legend: Trail to Lomseggen Bordvassvegen is a cultural path where you follow an old waterway and get to know with history and traditions around irrigation culture in Lom. The trip goes on the sunny side of the gentle slopes and is a nice walk even if the weather is not at its best. Ottaelva Grjotheim Trail to Bordvassveggen, Læshø and Tronoberget Tractor road/gravel road (unmarked) Time used (in hours) Good panorama Highest point of trail 1,5 hour 886 800 4 5 hour From the roundabout in Lom center you cross the bridge over the Bøvra River. Leaving the Norwegian Mountain Museum on your left side, you go up the road and pass by Storstabburet (the Big Barn). Go straight forward until you come out to the asphalted Solsidevegen road. 200 meters after the elegant Sygard Andvord farm, the trail turns to the right. There are signs to Lomseggen, Bordvassvegen and Tor Jonsson’s House. After about 300 m, Bordvassvegen trail (red tagging) and route to Lomseggen (yellow tagging) split. The trail to Lomseggen goes right above the fenced pasture on Nordgard Andvord and proceeds to a forest road through a sharp right turn. The path soon takes a “shortcut” and comes quickly up to the upper forest road – follow this road almost to the end. The trail now splits from the forest road. Up on the crag, the route turns to the west and crosses a creek with good drinking water. Now you are inside the Breheimen National Park. The route passes by Smithbua stone hut at 1150 m.a.s.l. and goes into a big bow up to the front point of Lomseggen mountain. 400 1 2 3 4 Tour information: • Until the middle of June there can be a lot of snow on the north side of the route. Ask about the conditions at the Tourist Information Office at the Norwegian Mountain Museum/ National Park Center. • Tor Jonsson’s House is open for guided tours on request. More information at the Tourist Office. • Smithbua at 1150 m.a.s.l. is a stone hut built for a German artist in 1890. He found inspiration here in Lom. 5 hour From the roundabout in the center of Lom, you cross the bridge over the Bøvra River at the waterfall. Turn right and down to the river and go over the Log Bridge (Utleggsbru which is a part of the Bergomsrunda Walk). Go along Bøvra to Tronooden Bridge (the Bøvra River flows into the Otta River before the bridge). The path goes up at the end of the bridge on the north side of the river. The route meanders in the terrain in a sparse spruce forest through small crags, sometimes a little steep. The path turns first to the right and later to the northwest ridge. The tour to the top is a small detour (150 m) from the marked path bifurcation down to Grjotheim. The route from Grjotheim is not as steep as the one you take from Tronooden. In the eastern direction, the route follows a waterway in the terrain becoming somewhat steeper along a brook. The trail comes soon to an old cart track which leads you through two big swings all the way down to the road. The road back to Tronooden has little traffic and is easy to go on. red tagging From Lomseggen you can go the same way back or follow the route further to the east. The route goes down the ridge, somewhat steep at the tree line. The trail crosses a forest road before it turns to the right. Follow the forest road a couple hundred meters before the route continues on a steep path down through the forest. When you are almost down, go through a gate, cross a residential road, go straight down the Opphovsvegen Str and take to the left when you come to Solsidevegen Str. Follow it in 200 meters and turn to the right on the asphalted way in the direction of Lom center. 1 hour m.a.s.l. 600 400 0,5 1 hour Tronooden to Staurustberget, follow route 4a to Tronooden. The route goes along the river northwest of the bridge end. Easy walk well sheltered from the northern wind. Tour information: • Do you want to take a shorter route? There is a parking place at the starting point for the routes on Tronooden on the north side of the Otta River. • The route is located on the southern slopes in a dry terrain and is navigable from early spring. Climbing route to Lomseggen From Nissegården Lodge and Activities you can take a climbing route «Via Ferrata» to Lomseggen. Movie, tickets and safety equipment are required, and can be rented at Nissegården. Cultural Path Bordvassvegen Tronoberget klatrefelt 1000 3 hour 600 Tronoodden Practical information red tagging 1200 1000 1 1289 m.a.s.l. Smithbue Smithbua 1,5 timer Lomseggen 600 5 hour m.a.s.l. Geittopphøe yellow tagging 800 Tronoberget Klimapark2469 1,5 hour Ausa 1000 Lomseggen (1289) Soleggen 1200 Eggjapiken (1524) Stymme Storivilen (Lomseggen) (2068) Loftet (2170) Sommerskisenter 5 hour Skutlan Lom municipality has no organizer or operational responsibility for facilities or hikes. Galdhøpiggen (2469) Cultural Path Soleggen red tagging 3 hour m.a.s.l. 800 600 400 1 2 3 hour The cultural path has its own brochure and an information board behind the Tourist Information Office at the Norwegian Mountain Museum/ National Park Center. The route to Bordvassvegen is very well tagged with red tags. You can follow the route description for the route to Lomseggen (yellow tagging) until Lomseggen and Bordvassvegen trails split. Then you can follow the red tagging in order to go along Bordvassvegen. Tour information: • Bordvassvegen goes through Andvord farm and there can be cattle grazing in fenced pastures in summer. If you want to avoid grazing animals follow the yellow tagging above the farm until you see the first forest road. Go down the road to the left and you will see the Bordvassvegen again only a few meters down the hill.berre nokre meter ned i bakken.
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