Movieoke - The Whistler
Movieoke - The Whistler
Movieoke V. TO PER FO R M A M OVI E S C EN E FO R AN AU DI EN C E , K AR AO KE - ST YLE 1ST M O N DAYS AT TH E W H I STLE R Monday, March 4th 9PM -2AM Long-time Movieoke regular, and the man behind the always entertaining @ChicagoMovieoke Twitter feed, Fard Muhammad shares with us his Top 5 Scenes. THE 100 YEARS SCENE FROM DR. STRANGELOVE A quick mea culpa: I've been performing that scene for almost 20 years — long before Movieoke started. I've always been a fan of quoting movie lines, and I found that I could do a great impression of Peter Sellers' German voice for the titular role. I would end up performing it for friends at school. When it appeared in the Movieoke scene list, it was like riding a bicycle. Vulgar and abrasive, it's probably one of the best motivational speeches ever written and/or performed. While I don't use all the language involved, it's still a delicious scene to play. A MILKSHAKE SCENE FROM THERE WILL BE BLOOD THE BLACK KNIGHT SCENE FROM MONTY PYTHON AND THE HOLY GRAIL This scene has the most amount of physical movement (aside from the glove scenes in Dr. Strangelove). There's a certain rhythm in Daniel Day Lewis' speech and actions that really demonstrates his bubbling rage that culminates in one boisterously pronounced word: "DRAINAGE!" The entire scene is simply well acted, and I try my best to recreate that atmosphere. W H I S T L E R MARCH WED THR SUN MON GENERAL info@ RECORDS billy@ BOOKING booking@ GALLERY gallery@ JAZZ SERIES jazz@ DESIGN hello@ DJ john Simmons COVER/BACKSIDE 'Dizzy' by Plural (9 :3 0 PM) 03 Movieoke SAT 01 02 Last Kind Words ( 6 P M ) 04 05 06 R E L A X AT TA C K JAZZ SERIES: L / S 9 TO 4 Madness of Crowds E WESTERN The Sweats, Basketball FRI 07 Erik Hall, J Fernandez N Maxx Traxx: Boogie & Modern Funk w/ DJ Shred One Chuuuch w/ DJ Cool Hand Luke 08 09 Last Kind Words ( 6 P M ) Brasstax Blunted Beats (9 :3 0 PM) N A @whistlerchicago LO G A N B O U L E VA R D 0 whistlerchicago. t u m b l r.c o m 9 DIVERSEY T H E W PATIO OPEN UNTIL 11PM (12AM FRI & SAT) 21+ / NO COVER CALIFORNIA HOURS M on—Thr 6PM — 2AM Friday 5PM — 2AM Saturday 5PM — 3AM Sunday 5PM — 2AM When this scene was in Movieoke, I could recreate the timing, speech, and screaming with almost pitch-perfect accuracy… without even looking at the captions. TUE A T IL U K E E Ta ke # 74 FULLE RTON BU S or # 56 M I LWA UK E E B U S THE ALWAYS BE CLOSING SPEECH FROM GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS Usually my opening scene of the evening. People who've never been to Movieoke are always surprised to see someone like me roll out the Al Pacino voice. The phrase "The six inches in front of your face" is almost guaranteed to get a couple chuckles. By the end of the scene, I get the entire audience cheering like the football players on screen. M O N T H M 7 73-227-3530 D I R E C T I O N S / C TA Ta ke t h e B LUE LI NE to LOGA N SQ UA R E or C A LI FOR NI A THE INCHES SPEECH FROM ANY GIVEN SUNDAY KEDZIE the WHISTLER 2421 N MI LWAU KEE AV E CHI CAGO I L / 60647 T H I S ✖ FULLERTON 10 11 P L AY I N G FAV O R I T E S : 2 4 2 1 / N M I LW A U K E E AV E CHICAGO / IL / 60647 Monk What, members of The Drastics play Thelonius Monk 17 Le Tour, BIGCOLOUR 7 73-227-3530 24 Silent Drape Runners present Twin Peaks 12 13 14 Ambassadors R E L A X AT TA C K Onyx System, TTTTotally JAZZ SERIES: To Earth, Rainbo Video Dudes Stirrup Mawrcrest 15 16 Last Kind Words ( 6 P M ) Interstellar w/ DJ Marty Mars Atmosphere Strut w/ Kid Color (9 :3 0 PM) 18 G L A D C LO U D AMBIENT MUSIC SERIES: 19 20 R E L A X AT TA C K JAZZ SERIES: Project Film Julie Byrne, CS Luxem, Famous Laughs 26 22 23 28 29 30 Slo ‘Mo: Nathaniel ODD OBSESSION Slow Jams For Braddock FOREIGN FILM Homos (And ( 6 P M ) SERIES (7PM) Their Fans) Cherries Impala Sound Records Pres- Champions ents ( 9 : 3 0 P M ) ( 9 : 3 0 P M ) Brian Labycz, Paul Bedal Group Frank Van Duerm 25 21 27 Third Eye: Crimson DJ Moppy, Glow Juli Wood Trio Raj Mahal, DJ Form R E L A X AT TA C K JAZZ SERIES: DJ Plastic Crimewave Last Kind Words ( 6 P M ) Dystopia (9 :3 0 PM) 31 F E AT U R I N G — CALENDAR F E AT U R E D EVENTS STOREFRONT GALLERY WHISTLER RECORDS MARCH 2013 Darrick Thompson, Sonoi FRIDAY / 01 / 08 / 15 / 29 WEDNESDAY / 06 WEDNESDAY / 13 SUNDAY / 24 LAST KIND WORDS ERIK HALL, J FERNANDEZ ONYX SYSTEM, RAINBO VIDEO SILENT DRAPE RUNNERS PRESENT TWIN PEAKS The mandolin/guitar duo of Kenneth P.W. Rainey and Geoff Farina perform on Fridays in March from 6-8pm. They take their name from Geeshie Wiley’s classic song for her war-bound serviceman, a tune that inspired Rainey and Farina separately before they met in Chicago in 2010. As Wiley’s elegy combined antebellum balladry with hard Delta picking, Rainey and Farina treat songster ballads, string-band classics, and fiddle tunes with Piedmont counterpoint and bluegrass crosspicking, usually on instruments as old as the tunes themselves. Kenneth P.W. Rainey, author of the wildly unpopular American & Country Music Tune Book, is an encyclopedia of pre-WWII American music. Kenneth has been playing western swing, old time, and bluegrass in the Chicago area for many years. He is a member of The Golden Horse Ranch Band, and The Chandelier Swingers, was a member of Chicago’s Tangleweed for 8 years, and has Don’t miss this one. Two of our favorite local musishared the stage with Edward Burch, The Kennett Broth- cians perform at the Whistler tonight: Erik Hall of In ers, and the Viper and His Famous Orchestra. Tall Buildings, Wild Belle, and NOMO; and Justin Fernandez of Thin Hymns, Distractions, and Houtakker. Geoff Farina fronted indie stalwarts Karate and The Secret Stars in the ‘90s, and currently leads the acoustic unit Glorytellers. Farina spent much of the past decade Onyx System is a duo comprised of guitarist Alex Nova crooning his way across the US and Europe, studying the and synth player Jim Lace. They make music in the spirit of music of The Blakes (Norman and Arthur), collecting vinChrome, Ennio Morricone, Silver Apples, Alan Vega, and tage flat-tops, and teaching music theory/history at ColThe Incredible String Band. Rainbo Video utilizes a palette by College, the University of Maine, and DePaul University. of euphoric melodies, crisp electronics, and hip-hop beats to explore the electronic pop universe. With the recent addition of vocals to the mix, Rainbo Video brings a newfound depth to their arrangements and live performance. SATURDAY / 02 CHUUUCH W/ DJ COOL HAND LUK Whether you're a first-time visitor to "Twin Peaks" or a longtime resident, you'll experience something entirely new as Brooklyn-based duo Silent Drape Runners recast the iconic first episode of David Lynch's moody masterpiece with an entirely new soundtrack. Songs you know by heart mash up against things you've never heard before to tell the story of Laura Palmer's death. This is "Twin Peaks" recast without its trademark Angelo Badalamenti score and set adrift in an entirely new sonic landscape. MADNESS OF CROWDS TUESDAY / 12 004 Karl Blau Blue Ribbon Glee Notes & Scratches White Mystery / AM (CD) Club A Cappella Über This Side (7”) Black Apple Alles (7”) (7”) Various Artists In Tall Buildings The Hood Internet The Queen (10”) Year One: The Festival In Tall Buildings & Kid Static (3xLp + Book) (CD, LP) Chi City (7”) 010 011 012 014 Shapers blink. The Architects In Tall Buildings This Is Cinema Virginia Reel (7”) (Cassette, MP3) Warm Rock (7”) Mädchen (7”) WEDNESDAY / 27 016 017 018 019 THIRD EYE: DJ MOPPY, RAJ MAHAL, & DJ FORM Cains & Abels Cains & Abels This is Cinema Various Artists My Life Is Easy (LP) Stay Home Tonight (7") Cycles (LP, Cassette) Glad Cloud Ambient THURSDAY / 14 TTTTOTALLY DUDES Music Series: Vol 1 (Cassette, MP3) WEDNESDAY / 20 PROJECT FILM RELAX ATTACK JAZZ SERIES: STIRRUP Every Tuesday, the Relax Attack Jazz Series presents Chicago's top jazz artists in a lively atmosphere, full of cocktail-shaking and spirited conversation. On March 5th, we present jazz supergroup Madness of Crowds, featuring jazz/indie-rock crossovers Nate Lepine, Joe Adamik, and Matt Lux with Chicago free jazz veterans Post-modern jazz group Stirrup features Fred LonbergBrian Sandstrom and Jim Baker. Collectively representHolm (cello), Charles Rumback (drums), and Nick Macri ing Califone, Cursive, Herculaneum, Iron & Wine, NRG (bass). The trio combines elements of free-improvisation Ensemble, Isotope 217, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and a multi-ethnic melodic sensibility with a funky, rhythand others, this improvising vehicle is comprehensive. mic approach. 003 Matt Ulery’s Loom Julie Byrne kicks off a tour in support of a new 7”, her first release on Owen Ashworth's (Casiotone for the Painfully Alone, Advance Base) label, Ordinal Records. On Faster or Greener Than Now, Byrne shows what an immense talent she is as a songwriter, vocalist, and musician. RELAX ATTACK JAZZ SERIES: 002 009 JULIE BYRNE, CS LUXEM, FAMOUS LAUGHS TUESDAY / 05 001 008 PLAYING FAVORITES: Huffington Post named TTTTotally Dudes as one of Chicago’s Best Dance Parties: “While hipsters love to claim they liked it before it was cool, the TTTTotally Dudes bring the hipster set something that they can all agree to love equally: ‘90s music. This throwback dance party takes place at The Whistler and features a DJ duo spinning the hip-hop, R&B and pop hits from the ‘90s that take you straight back to middle school dances of yore. Sip on $2 cans of PBR or a classy cocktail from the bar while grooving to Ace of Base, Snoop and the like.” All of th e se title s are available for p urch a se at th ewhi s tler. bi gcar tel . com 006 MONDAY / 25 At the Whistler's Playing Favorites series, musicians pay homage to the music that resonates most with them, Chuuuch is a meditation on the emancipating power of whether it’s a collection of songs from one artist or an music. It’s a celebration of spiritual enrichment that’s entire album. Monk What is the project of guitarist Brian nurtured by an eclectic amalgamation of sonic soul. It’s a Citro of Chicago dub all-stars The Drastics. The group celebration of the cross fader as a limitless artistic crosswas formed to reinterpret the music of Thelonious Monk roads. It’s a renouncement of narrow and tired parathrough Jamaican, African, and American bass music digms of what is good or soulful music. It’s a renouncerhythms. Monk What focuses on many of Monk’s lesserment of hegemonic social restrictions and standards. known tunes, including early pieces like "Humph", "Off MiChuuuch: 1st Saturdays at the Whistler. nor", and "Hornin’ In". Steppers’, one-drop and rock-steady beats lay foundations for Monk’s music. Drummer Anthony Abbinanti and bassist Chris Merrill, also from The Drastics, take a stylistically accurate but open approach to these and other rhythms. Tenor saxophonist Nate Lepine and trumpeter Shane Jonas complete the group, with fresh looks at Monk’s melodic and harmonic structures. Whistler Records Catalog 005 SUNDAY / 10 MONK WHAT, MEMBERS OF THE DRASTICS PLAY THELONIUS MONK R E C O R D S Moppy and Raj Mahal let their “Third Eye” (DJ Form) decide what to play and how to play it. By combining an eclectic mix of DJing, live beats, and live instrumentation, the trio will create a warm and gooey vibe that just might melt your soul. SUNDAY / 31 DARRICK THOMPSON, SONOI Local dream-pop outfit Project Film will fill the Whistler with breezy melodies that you can nod your head to. Darrick Thompson is a seasoned storyteller and polished tenor whose music pays tribute to the canon of pop, folk, and soul. Sonoi is a little more difficult to describe, but that's precisely what makes them so appealing. Front man Adam Busch is best known locally for his art-pop group Manishevitz, however many fans are familiar with his backing work with artists such as Edith Frost, Andrew Bird, and Smog. G A L L E R Y Whistler Storefront Gallery The focus of the gallery is on three-dimensional works by Chicago a r t i s t s . If yo u’r e i n te r e s te d i n s u b m i t t i n g a project for consideration, please email us at [email protected] Parts of Being Wholly by Rebecca Hamlin Green Nylon, beeswax, and oil paint
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