This Month At The Whistler
This Month At The Whistler
This Month At The Whistler W H I S T L E R R E C O R D S F E A T U R E D == J A N U A R Y == R E L E A S E VARIOUS ARTISTS — YEAR ONE: THE FESTIVAL To celebrate this past summer's Milwaukee Avenue Arts Festival, Whistler Records produced this limitededition, 3xLP compilation and 30-page book featuring bands from the inaugural 2009 festival. Two years in the making, Year One: The Festival is a mammoth collection of songs, interviews, and photos of Chicago’s top indie bands such as White Mystery, The Scotland Yard Gospel Choir, In Tall Buildings, Cains & Abels, Mazes, The Blue Ribbon Glee Club, Jim Becker, Judson Claiborne, and others. There’s never been a more thorough document of Chicago’s indie music scene and it also doubles E WESTERN THR FRI SAT /01 /02 /03 /04 /05 /06 /07 Cains & Abels & Friends Movieoke /08 S TO N E F E AT U R I N G — R E L A X AT TA C K JAZZ SERIES F E AT U R E D C O C K TA I L CALENDAR Stirrup is Fred Lonberg-Holm (cello), Nick Macri (bass), and Charles Rumback (drums). The three first played together as “the shimmering rhythm section of the Horse’s Ha,” (Time Out Chicago) and decided to form their own trio in 2009 to explore deep grooves, moody harmonies, and extended structures. A true collective, all three write and arrange for the band with influences as varied as the list of bands and musicians they have worked with, including Ken Vandermark, Wilco, Liz Phair, Anthony Braxton, Mark Eitzel, Via Tania, L’Altra, and Boxhead Ensemble. /29 /16 Glad Cloud Ambient Music Series: The Meme, Ken Zawacki /23 Lawrence Peters’ Country Throw-Down W/ Grit & The Double Knit /30 Contraphonic How To Presents: Dress Well Antephonic’s (Dj set) 4 More Years Of Winter W/ Roommate, Coffin Ships W E S N E S D A Y W E S N E S D A Y T U E S D A Y == 11 == THE CLAUDETTES, MAN IS MAN == 18 == == 24 == RELAX ATTACK JAZZ SERIES: THE ENGINES RITES, LAWNMOVER /17 THE CLAUDETTES Musical theater comes to The Whistler: Ig (from oh my god and Them vs. Them) and Michael Caskey (from Eastern Blok and oh my god) play a wicked piano and drums. Their band The Claudettes are an acid-pianoblues trio with echoes of everyone from Ray Charles and Bobby Timmons to the Meat Puppets and Minutemen. Claudette, the group’s leader, has lost her bar lease and is moving into The Whistler for one night only on Wednesday, January 11th to “sell her Budweisers” and advertise her many unique “food and drink specials”. The Claudettes are her house band, and according to her strict orders, they play at 11pm sharp. Rites are an electronic duo that meld the laid-back cool of Beck with the effortlessly hip sensibility of French pop. Lawnmower is the latest endeavor of Chicago-based musician and artist Ben Kauffman. Mixing organic with electronic, they float ethereal vocals over churning percussion and synthesized sounds. S U N D A Y == 22 == PRETTY MONSTERS, SONOI (SOLO) Rites, Lawnmower /24 /25 The Jason Steele Quartet PRETTY MONSTERS Pretty Monsters drif ts and lurches between doomy songs, noisy improv, and eerie experimental chamber music. With compositions and leadership by bassoonist Katherine Young and featuring Erica Dicker on violin, Tim Daisy on drums/ percussion, and Jeff Parker on guitar, Pretty Monsters casts a constantly shifting shadow, sometimes dark and heavy, and sometimes translucent and vulnerable. Formed in 2010 as an extension of Young’s solo amplifi ed bassoon project, the band’s repertoire has since greatly expanded. Young’s compositions vary in their structures and mechanisms: Some are fully notated forms that underscore the ensemble’s precision playing. Others are wide-open scores utilizing verbal notation and relying heavily on the band’s deep improvisational resources. Most are somewhere in between. THE ARTS OF LIFE Young regularly employs pedals, with which she enhances the bassoon’s acoustic sound, draws out inThe Arts of Life Band is an ongoing collaborative project terior resonances, and creates monolithic soundscapes. between disabled and non-disabled artists in the Chi- A dynamic musical project, Pretty Monsters finds mercago area, based out of the Arts of Life community of curial contexts for Young’s personal approach to her artists. The Arts of Life Band is one of our staff’s favorite instrument, exploring visceral timbres, improvisational groups: Come and see why! virtuosity, and heavy-hitting tunes. M O N D A Y Glad Cloud is a monthly series that celebrates the rich landscape of Chicago musicians working with ambient music. Curated by Benjamin Mjolsness, the series provides an opportunity for ambient artists to color the air, walls, and liquids of the Whistler in a deliberately nonintrusive manner. Visitors can enjoy their cocktails and companions while the music envelops the room around them. January headliners, The Meme, is a Chicagobased collaborative project of Joshua Tuttle and Milan Bobysud. Their sounds—sourced from analog synthesizers and drum machines—wander the shadowy territory between ambient music and motorik space-drone. Projections of repurposed and manipulated open-source visuals accompany The Meme’s improvised live sets. Desert Soap, Any Kind RELAX AT TA C K JAZZ SERIES: The Engines /31 RELAX AT TA C K JAZZ SERIES: Dj Plastic Crimewave Whistler Tips (9:30) /13 Geoff Farina (6 PM) /14 Reckless Night No Room For Squares (9:30) /19 /20 Slo ‘Mo: Slow Jams For Homos (And Their Fans) Geoff Farina Freckle Face /27 /28 (9:30) /26 Shits & Giggles: A Queer Cabaret & Dance Party /21 This Is Chicago! W/ Dj Elia Einhorn (6 PM) Geoff Farina (9:30) Odd Obsession Foreign Film Series W/ Impala Sound Djs DESIGN hello@ (6 PM) The Modern Room GENERAL info@ BOOKING booking@ GALLERY gallery@ C O C K TA I LS paul@ JAZZ SERIES jazz@ PR & SPECIAL EVENTS shelby@ RECORDS billy@ Caroline Davis /Mike Allemanna Quartet Coming Soon 2/1/12 BOOK CLUB 2/8/12 OCCIDENTAL BROTHERS DANCE BAND INTERNATIONAL 2/2/12 MAXX TRAXX THE ENGINES The Engines is a collaborative quartet founded in the spring of 2005. The group began as a trio, featuring several mainstays of the Chicago improvised music scene: Dave Rempis on saxophones, Nate McBride on bass, and Tim Daisy on drums. In the spring of 2006, trombonist Jeb Bishop was added to the group for one concert. The dynamic of this lineup worked so well that Bishop immediately became a regular member of the band. == 27 == THE MODERN ROOM Meaty Ogre and Cherries Records serve you a night of upscale and rare dance jams, steppers, early house music, mellow electro, ‘80s funk and boogie, disco, and modern soul. From thousand-dollar 45s to dollar bin LPs, expect nothing but choice vinyl selections, cool vibes, and dance floor movers to get your weekend started with some special magic. T U E S D A Y == 31 == RELAX ATTACK JAZZ SERIES: THE CAROLINE DAVIS / MIKE ALLEMANNA QUARTET 2/26 YOU, ME, THEM, EVERYBODY 2/27/12 LAWRENCE PETERS’ COUNTRY THROW-DOWN 2/13/12 CHIRP NIGHT 2/6/12 MOVIEOKE 2/7/12 RELAX ATTACK JAZZ SERIES: KEEFE JACKSON 2/25/12 ODD OBSESSION FOREIGN FILM SERIES 2/12/12 EROTIC FICTION CONTEST 2/5/12 PANORAMIC & TRUE, MATT JONES & THE RECONSTRUCTION 2/16/12 SLO ‘MO 3/4/12 SUMMER GIRLFRIENDS, LE TOUR 2/18/12 KID COLOR 2/20/12 GLAD CLOUD AMBIENT MUSIC SERIES—MALE 3/25-3/28/12 EXPLODING STAR ORCHESTRA Whistler Records Catalog F R I D A Y S U N D A Y == 15 == ANIMAL CITY, THE ARTS OF LIFE BAND /18 RELAX AT TA C K JAZZ SERIES: RITES == 16 == GLAD CLOUD AMBIENT MUSIC SERIES: THE MEME, KEN ZAWACKI LO N G B E R G - H O L M F E AT U R E D EVENTS == 10 == RELAX ATTACK JAZZ SERIES: STIRRUP STOREFRONT GALLERY T U E S D A Y WHISTLER RECORDS CHIRP Radio is a non-profit, volunteer-run, music-, arts-, and culture-focused radio station transmitting live 365 days a year at This monthly fundraising concert features a rotating cast of CHIRP DJs and live musical performances by local dream-poppers Thin Hymns and Quicksails. Stirrup (6 PM) Crimson Glow: A Celebration Of The Fiercest Ladies In Music E JANUARY 2012 THIN HYMS The Claudettes, Man Is Man RELAX AT TA C K JAZZ SERIES: Geoff Farina /12 K t he W H I S T L E R == 9 == CHIRP NIGHT W/ THIN HYMNS, QUICKSAILS /11 U Pretty Monsters, Sonoi (Solo) M O N D A Y Chirp Night W/ Thin Hymns, Quicksails A 7 73-227-3530 /22 The Relax Attack Jazz Series showcases The Whistler’s vision for presenting Chicago’s top jazz artists in a lively atmosphere, full of cocktail-shaking and spirited conversation. On January 3rd, we welcome The James Davis Trio which features three of our favorite local performers: Davis (trumpet), Matt Ulery (bass), and Jon Deitemyer (drums). After collaborating in many different jazz ensembles over the years, this trio formed to present some unique compositions by each member. The historically under-explored trumpet/bass/drums format lends itself incredibly well to these fine young jazz performer/ composers. /09 W 2 4 2 1 / N M I LW A U K E E AV E CHICAGO / IL / 60647 Animal City, The Arts Of Life Band == 3 == RELAX ATTACK JAZZ SERIES: THE JAMES DAVIS TRIO /10 Maxx Traxx: Boogie & Modern Funk with Dj Shred One FULLERTON /15 T U E S D A Y Closed ✖ N Featured Events RELAX AT TA C K JAZZ SERIES: James Davis Trio L 4 LO G A N B O U L E VA R D @whistlerchicago 9 whistlerchicago. t u m b l r.c o m WED IL PATIO OPEN UNTIL 11PM (12AM FRI & SAT) DIVERSEY TUE Grandeurs, Color Card 21+ / NO COVER / 2AM 2AM 3AM 2AM 0 — — — — 9 6PM 5PM 5PM 5PM MON M Ta ke # 74 FULLE RTON BU S or # 56 M I LWA UK E E B U S HOURS M on—Thr Friday Saturday Sunday CALIFORNIA 7 73-227-3530 D I R E C T I O N S / C TA Ta ke t h e B LUE LI NE to LOGA N SQ UA R E or C A LI FOR NI A KEDZIE the WHISTLER 2421 N MI LWAU KEE AV E CHI CAGO I L / 60647 as a snapshop of the wonderfully diverse scene that’s sprung up at The Whistler. All of the bands featured on this compilation are regulars at the venue and, as such, were invited to perform at The Whistler-curated 2009 festival. This landmark collection is limited to only 500 copies and it includes MP3 downloads of all 23 tracks. Ask for Year One: The Festival at Reckless Records, Saki, Logan Hardware, or your favorite local record store—or order it online at for the special low price of $15.00 SUN 002 003 004 Karl Blau AM (CD) Blue Ribbon Glee Club A Cappella Über Alles (7”) Notes & Scratches This Side (7”) White Mystery / Black Apple Split (7”) 005 008 009 010 Matt Ulery’s Loom The Queen (10”) In Tall Buildings In Tall Buildings (CD, LP) The Hood Internet & Kid Static Chi City (7”) Shapers Virginia Reel (7”) 011 012 014 006 blink. The Architects (Cassette, Digital) In Tall Buildings Warm Rock (7”) This Is Cinema Mädchen (7”) Various Artists Year One: The Festival (3Lp + Book) 001 M O N D A Y == 23 == LAWRENCE PETERS’ COUNTRY THROW-DOWN W/ GRIT & THE DOUBLE KNIT Singer, songwriter, drummer, and renowned country C A R O L I N E D AV I S music afi cionado Lawrence Peters has recorded and performed with dozens of bands, including Magno- Featuring Caroline Davis (saxophone), Mike Allemanna lia Electric Company, The Golden Horse Ranch Band, (guitar), Matt Ferguson (bass), and Jeremy Cunningham Plastic Crimewave Sound, The Velcro Lewis Group, Ei- (drums), this collective was formed as a bridge between ren Caffall, Mar Caribe, and Tijuana Hercules. Once- two generations in the Chicago jazz community. Late a-month he puts down his drumsticks and invites his night sessions at the New Apartment Lounge with Von favorite country bands to perform at The Whistler, after Freeman inspired conversations that eventually led to which he spins from his collection of vintage country 45s, a unique combination of original compositions by Carothrowing down a mix of honky-tonk, bluegrass, outlaw, line and Mike. The music is an exploration of odd time string band, countrypolitan, and rockabilly. This month signatures and bluesy melodies that encourage conhe’s joined by local four-piece, Grit and the Double Knit. stant dialogue and defy expectations. Whistler Storefront Gallery To s u b m i t a p r o j e c t f o r c o n s i d e r a t i o n : g a l l e r y @ w h i s t l e r c h i c a g o . c o m CARDBOARD, CORK, AND LIGHT BY ROBERT BRENNER 12/16/11 — 2/16/12 F J U N E S S M T W T F M A R C H A U G U S T M A Y F E B R U A R Y J A N U A R Y A P R I L J U L Y S E P T E M B E R N O V E M B E R O C T O B E R D E C E M B E R S S M T F T W O W T W T A N D M T H O U S A N D S Y E A R S L U N A R T S S M T W E L V E F T W T F S S M T W T F S
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