Saturday, April 18, 2015
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Beauty Pageant -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Missy - Miss - Teen Princess 0 months to 19 years -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday, April 18, 2015 Oil City Elementary - Middle Magnet School Oil City, Louisiana -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 Crowns to be awarded; 13 Divisional & 3 People’s Choice -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All Queens will be required to attend the Gusher Days Festival in Oil City on Saturday, May 2, 2015. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Deadline for entry is Friday, April 10th.* Late entries will be accepted by hand at Restor-A-Book in Downtown Oil City with a $20.00 late fee being accessed for each entry after this date. There will be NO entries accepted after 12:00 noon on Tuesday, April 14th. ALL entry form(s) and photogenic photo(s) with payment must be received by this date. DO NOT PUT IN MAIL AFTER FRIDAY, APRIL 10th!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For further information: 318.378.4710 before 8:00 p.m. -OR- [email protected] Gusher Days Beauty Pageant, Missy, 0 – 10 years $45.00 page 2 Miss, 11 – 19 years - RULES – REGULATIONS – REQUIREMENTS - This is a NON-GLITZ Pageant! Age appropriate hair & make-up are allowed in all categories. Missy (0 months to 10 years) will compete in Sunday OR Easter Dress. (Glitzy dresses WILL NOT receive a fashion score.) Miss Contestants (11 to 19 years) will compete in Evening Gown ONLY. You MAY NOT compete if you have ever been married, pregnant, and/or had children. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - AWARDS - Queens will receive a crown, monogrammed banner and trophy. There will be up to 3 (three) Runners-Ups in each age category. Runners-Ups will receive trophies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - $5.00 each - OPTIONAL COMPETITIONS - BEST DRESSED & $5.00 each - PHOTOGENIC There will be 1 BEST DRESSED & 1 PHOTOGENIC winner in each age category. You may enter as many photos for photogenic competition as you like for $5.00 each. (Photos will be judged prior to pageant. Therefore, photos MUST be turned in with entry form.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ON-STAGE MODELING ENTER X1 X2 ENTER from back center; pause @ X1; turn @ X2 & X3; exit right. Group judging will follow individual modeling in Missy & Miss categories. Girls 3 and younger will be allowed to have 1 person assist them on stage. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dressing Room (Gymnasium) opens at 8:15, Auditorium doors open at 9:00. Check-in will begin at 9:00, Teen Princess Interviews at 9:00 & Pageant at 10:00. - Only 1 person per contestant will be allowed back-stage! - - Everyone, with the exception of the contestant, must pay door admission. – * * Get those forms in early! Line-Up is determined by ‘1st paperwork in = last contestant out’ * * Please mail form, pictures & payment by 4/10 to: - OR- Gusher Days Pageant PO Box 551 Vivian, LA 71082 Drop off by NOON on 4/14 at: Restor-A-Book 126 South Land Ave. Downtown Oil City Make *checks/money orders payable to: Gusher Days Pageant * ($30.00 return check fee if returned) Gusher Days Beauty Pageant, *Teen Princess** page 3 $60.00 **Teen Princess* - RULES – REGULATIONS – REQUIREMENTS * Please read carefully! * - Gusher Teen Princess Queens will received paid entry to the 2015 Teen Princess Louisiana Scholarship Pageant! * For more information go to *Contestants must compete as per Teen Princess Louisiana Age Requirements.* - MUST PROVIDE COPY OF BIRTH CERTIFICATE. - - Must be at least eleven (11) years of age and no older than twelve (12) years of age on June 1, 2015 to compete in the Pre-Teen Princess division at State Competition. - Must be at least thirteen (13) years of age and no older than fifteen (15) years of age on June 1, 2015 to compete in the Junior Teen Princess division at State Competition. - Must be at least sixteen (16) years of age and no older than nineteen (19) years of age on June 1, 2015 to compete in the Teen Princess division at State Competition. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Teen Princess Contestants will compete in Interview & Evening Wear. - Interview scores will be combined with Evening Wear scores to determine the winner(s). (Interview 55% + Evening Wear 45%.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Interviews will be 5 minutes in length. - Interviews will be based on Contestant Entry Form and possibly current affairs, pop culture and/or the Gusher Days Festival. - Contestant Roster will be posted in Dressing Room (Gymnasium) prior to interviews with numbers. - Interviews will begin at 9:00 prior to the beginning of the pageant, so please be ready at 9:00. - Please wear attire that is professional and/or appropriate for Interview. - You will model your interview attire on stage at the beginning of the Pageant. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - There will be 1 (one) OVER-ALL Photogenic winner for ALL Teen Princess Contestants. - There will be one (1) Interview & one (1) Evening Wear winner in each age category. These winners will receive medals. - Pre-Teen, Junior Teen & Teen Princess Queens will receive a crown, monogrammed banner, trophy & paid entry to Teen Princess Louisiana Pageant. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ Please see - ON-STAGE MODELING - on page 2 for Evening Wear. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are not eligible to compete if you have ever been pregnant, had children and/or been married OR you currently hold a title that will conflict with your competition in the 2015 Teen Princess Louisiana Scholarship Pageant. All Contestants must be enrolled in Middle School, High School OR College. * All Teen Princess Contestants should be prepared to attend the MANDATORY Teen Princess Louisiana Scholarship Pageant State Meeting on Sunday, April 26, 2015 should they win their division. Gusher Days Beauty Pageant Entry Form, (please check_ √ Missy & Miss Age Categories - $45.00 all that apply) _____ 0 – 18 mo. Baby Missy Gusher _____ 4 yr. Missy Gusher _____ 19 – 36 mo. Missy Driller _____ 5 – 6 yr. Missy Pumper _____ 11 – 12 yr. Junior Miss (please check_ √ page 4 all that apply) _____ 3 yr. Missy Roustabout _____ 7 – 8 yr. Missy Oil Well _____ 13 – 15 yr. Teen Miss _____ 9 – 10 yr. Missy Derrick _____ 16 – 19 yr. Miss - The Pageant Director/Committee reserves the right to combine/re-structure Missy & Miss age categories if deemed necessary - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *Teen Princess Age Categories - $60.00 PLEASE SEE AGE REQUIREMENTS ON page 3 _____ 11 – 12 yr. Pre-Teen Princess PLEASE SEE AGE REQUIREMENTS ON page 3 _____ 13 – 15 yr. Jr. Teen Princess _____ 16 – 19 yr. Teen Princess *MUST PROVIDE COPY OF BIRTH CERTIFICATE* _____ Best Dressed - $5.00 ALL CONTESTANTS _____ Photogenic - $5.00 each pic _____Late Fee - $20.00 (If not received or post-marked by Friday April 10th (Teen Princess Contestants DO NOT enter/pay for BEST DRESSED) - The Pageant Director/Committee reserves the right to accept late entries and/or to refuse to accept any/all applications. - Please TYPE or PRINT CLEARLY: Please TYPE or PRINT CLEARLY: Please TYPE or PRINT CLEARLY: *Contestant Name: ______________________________________________________________ Age: ____________ Parents: _______________________________________________________________ D.O.B:___________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________ Email Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ Daycare/School: _____________________________________________________________Grade: ______________ Hair: _____________________________________________________________ Eyes: ________________________ Three (3) words that describe you: __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Interesting fact: __________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Honors: _________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ambition: _______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sponsor: (if other than parents)____________________________________________________________________________ I have read all of the above included information and hereby give my permission for the *above named contestant to participate in the Gusher Days Beauty Pageant on April 18, 2015. I am aware that should the *above named contestant be named Queen that she will be required to attend the Gusher Days Festival in Oil City on Saturday, May 2, 2015 and if named Gusher Pre-Teen, Junior Teen and/or Teen Princess Queen that she will also be required to represent her title in the 2015 Teen Princess Louisiana Scholarship Pageant to be held in Shreveport June 19-20, 2015. I also understand that failure to do so may/can result in forfeiture of title and return of any/all awards. I agree that I and/or any persons and/or agents representing me, will not hold the Pageant Director/Committee, the Gusher Days Festival Committee, the Historical Society of North Caddo dba Teen Princess Louisiana Scholarship Organization, Oil City Elementary-Middle Magnet School and/or the Caddo Parish School Board liable in the event of loss/theft of articles, any accidents, injuries and/or loss of life while participating in or with the Gusher Days Beauty Pageant. I also understand that refunds will not be given, score sheets will not be shown, and that the decision of the judges & the out-come are final. My signature below indicates that I am the parent/legal guardian of *above named contestant and authorized to give consent/permission. ____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian (please sign using BLUE ink) Date
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