Is To Eradicate cancer And To Improve The Quality Of Life Of


Is To Eradicate cancer And To Improve The Quality Of Life Of
The Canadian Cancer Society is a national community-based organization of volunteers whose mission
is to eradicate cancer and to improve the quality of life of people living with cancer.
The Canadian Cancer Society achieves its mission by:
• Funding excellence in research on all types of cancer
• Advocating for healthy public policy and cancer control
• Promoting healthy lifestyles and strategies for reducing cancer risk
• Providing comprehensive information about cancer care and treatment
• Supporting people living with cancer
The Canadian Cancer Society relies on the unwavering commitment of its volunteers and employees, and on the generosity
of its donors from every region of Canada.
It’s about:
• Funding research
• Offering information
• Supporting people living with cancer
• Promoting ways to reduce cancer risks
• Advocating for healthy public policies
• Donating
• Joining our team of volunteers
It’s about:
• Funding behavioural research
• Raising awareness about the most important cause of death in Quebec
• Educating the public about our Seven Steps to Health
• Promoting healthy lifestyle choices
• Ensuring the implementation of public policies encouraging healthy living
• Providing information and support to people who want to quit smoking
It’s about:
• Offering services to people living with cancer and to their loved ones
• Offering the sympathetic ear of a Cancer J’écoute volunteer
• Giving out information about cancer
• Offering a place to stay to patients during treatments
• Providing financial and practical assistance
2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5
$15 million
Total revenue of the Quebec Division
2 million
Number of daffodils sold during Daffodil Days
Number of volunteers who took part in the door-to-door campaign
1 0 0 , 0 0 0 th
Information request processed by the Cancer Information Service
(Montreal call centre)
$3.5 million
Amount allotted to cancer research
$1.4 million
Amount raised at Relay For Life – twice the revenue of 2003
Number of matches made at Cancer J’écoute
$1.7 million
Net revenue of the Daffodil Ball
Number of people having resided at the Lodge
Yo u r c o n t r i b u t i o n h a s m a d e a d i f f e r e n c e
A President who has made a difference
A two-year mandate really flies by, but yet leaves room for much accomplishment. At least when one is as devoted to the
cause as Marc Généreux, our President from 2003 to 2005, has been.
His name might have hinted to the fact that President Généreux would indeed be generous with his time as he truly committed
himself with unfailing availability during these two years of a very full mandate.
As President of the Quebec Division, Marc Généreux was able to revitalize the Canadian Cancer Society and instil in all
of us a profound motivation to outdo ourselves. Volunteers and employees followed this man of resolve in his wildest
dreams. In fact, at the Annual Conference on Revenue Development under the theme Together, let’s aim for $25 million
in 2010, he convinced participants that the simple desire to attain a target made it accessible. Incidentally, the Division
greatly surpassed the 2004-2005’s goal of $15 million that our President had set for himself at the beginning of his twoyear term.
He was also fully engaged at the national level, working on establishing a shared governance model which he has now
convinced the members of the Quebec Division Board of Directors to adopt. This important change in the way that we
do business is being developed with a target completion date of early 2006.
What’s more, our President focused on our priorities and the efforts
required to achieve them. Be it through our role in cancer research,
prevention, information, advocacy and supporting people living
with cancer, the Society is true to its objective to make a difference,
thanks, in great part, to volunteers like Marc Généreux.
As we’ve said, two years is a short time, yet the heritage left
behind by our outgoing President is considerable. Staff and
volunteers join us in thanking him kindly.
Nicole Magnan
Executive Director
Being President of the Quebec Division of the Canadian Cancer Society means being a volunteer in a team made up of
25,000 volunteers, a hundred or so employees and hundreds of thousands of donors. TOGETHER. STRONG.
This team fights against over two hundred types of cancer and progress is made every day.
Over the 2004-2005 fiscal period, thanks to the generosity of our numerous donors and sponsors and the unrelenting
efforts of our volunteers and employees, the Quebec Division increased its financial strength, thereby increasing its
commitment to the fight against cancer. We raised over $15,280,000. Relay For Life’s success (almost doubling last year’s
results), planned gifts and In Memoriam donations, the door-to-door campaign, the Daffodil Ball, gourmet gatherings and
many others are testament to a remarkable team effort.
With these funds, the Quebec Division increased its funding of research allowing us to make strides in the pursuit of one
facet of our mission: the eradication of cancer. For example, in 2004, Dr. Jennifer O’Loughlin discovered that nicotine
addiction is genetic in some teens. This research work conducted on youth for the past six years adds credibility to Societysupported initiatives like the j’Arrête smokers’ helpline and the “Quit to Win! Challenge”. To cite another made-in-Quebec
example, Dr. Eduardo Franco participated in a vast international clinical trial to test a new vaccine which holds promise
in considerably reducing the incidence of cervical cancer. Dr. Franco was awarded the O. Harold Warwick prize by the
National Cancer Institute of Canada for his important contribution to the fight against cancer in Canada.
We also did not neglect another important aim of our mission, that of supporting persons living with cancer. Cancer
J’écoute (CancerConnection), the emotional support service for people living with cancer, was publicly launched. Thanks
to funding from the Fondation Jean Marc Paquette, this peer telephone support programme is now in full swing. The
Division also pursued its offensive in advocacy work through its participation in the Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec.
A first forum on cancer allowed us to become familiar with cancer control management models in other Canadian
provinces. The Cancer Information Service answered thousands of cancer-related questions, while the j’Arrête helpline,
an information and tobacco cessation support service, helped thousands quit smoking. The Society Lodge continued to
welcome people from outside of Montreal in town for cancer treatments. The emotional and material support given to
these people is now recognized throughout Quebec.
The Quebec Division is also an important actor on the international stage, where it was applauded for the quality of its
work on several matters of national importance, not the least of which are its brand image and policy governance.
A word also on our international contributions. Joint action and sharing in a world where cancer knows no boundaries are
essential. The Canada-China programme celebrated its 10th anniversary, marked by presenting a national award to the
programme’s spokesperson, Mark Rowswell, whose character Dashan is familiar to at least 80% of the Chinese population.
There are many stakeholders in the fight against cancer in Quebec and throughout Canada, but there is only one Canadian
Cancer Society: a credible and responsible organization that can boast of leading, day in and day out since 1938, a fierce
fight against cancer on all fronts and throughout the country. It is with great pride that I have presided over the Quebec
Division for two years and that I am part of this team.
Marc Généreux
To g e t h e r . S t r o n g .
By producing quality information in clear and simple terms, we ensure that those who come to us for
information better understand cancer, its treatments and how to prevent it. It then becomes easier to
face the disease or support a loved one.
Cancer Information Service 1 888 939-3333
Quality information in French
The Cancer Information Service is a nation-wide service offered from 4 call centres. Quebec Division houses the only
French-language information centre, a very beneficial association in many regards. As information specialists are from
Quebec, it is easier to ensure a province-wide telephone service of the highest standards in French. In 2004-2005,
the Montreal call centre increased its contribution to the quality of written French at the Canadian Cancer Society by
taking part in the editing process of all Society information documents. They notably ensure consistency between
terminology used by the Quebec health care system and the Society, as well as coherence between documents
intended for the general public and the Canadian Cancer Encyclopedia™, their principal work tool.
A cost-effective synergy
Yet another advantage of an in-house call centre for the Quebec Division: the synergy stemming from proximity. For
example, during the planning and establishment process for the Cancer J’écoute support line, Quebec Division chose
to use the Cancer Information Service’s phone number. In Quebec, the 1 888 939-3333 number thus became a ‘onestop service’ for all cancer information and support. This decision would then have two very positive consequences:
• Continuous interaction between Cancer J’écoute and the Cancer Information Service
• Promoting both services at once: 1 888 939-3333 is the only number needed to reach the Canadian Cancer Society
From telephone to e-mail
Initial and continuing training for information specialists is
essential. They were initially trained to answer calls, but are
now trained to also respond to information requests by
e-mail. As Internet access continues to spread to more and
more households, specialists now respond to an ever
increasing number of information requests sent by e-mail.
When facing cancer, people are eager to learn more about
the disease. They see the Internet as an easily-accessible
source of information from the comfort of home, guaranteeing
anonymity. The Canadian Cancer Society has adapted to this
evolving reality and these changes truly came into effect
during the 2004-2005 period:
• All new information documents are now available on the website
• Several chapters of the Canadian Cancer Encyclopedia™,
the main work tool of information specialists, are now
obtainable on the website
By making our information accessible via Internet, we have
noticed that more and more people confer with our
information specialists, and even their healthcare team, with
information obtained from the Canadian Cancer Society’s
website in hand.
Information 2004-2005 at a gl ance
1 888 939-3333
• The Cancer Information Service responded to its 600,000th information request in January of 2005. The Montreal call
centre received its 100,000th call
• By using the 1 888 939-3333 for Cancer J’écoute, our clientele can access all information and support services in a
single call
• The Canadian Cancer Encyclopedia™, a comprehensive database on cancer information written by the Canadian
Cancer Society to help information specialists respond to inquiries, is now available on line at
• 1.3 million visitors
• is primarily used to obtain cancer information
• The home page of the Quebec Division is among the “top 10” of the most hits on, for every month of
this fiscal year
• The cancer glossary on provides definitions for more than 1,200 words
• The Canadian Cancer Society produces more than 50 brochures in both French and English. Some have now been
translated in other languages
w w w. c a n c e r. c a has proven itself a precious source of information for all who wish to learn more about cancer and the
Canadian Cancer Society, its policies, actions and ways to contribute to its mission. During the 2004-2005 period, more
than 1.3 million visitors with distinct electronic addresses visited the website on one or more occasions.
They consulted nearly 10 million web pages. Quebecers regularly visit the Canadian Cancer Society website, as the
Quebec Division’s home page has consistently been one of the 10 most visited pages of the site each
month between February 2004 and January 2005.
Near you
The Canadian Cancer Society could not meet its information goals without the generous contribution of numerous
volunteers and regional office employees who hand out Canadian Cancer Society publications and give out information
on the services offered by the Society in every region of Quebec. Every year, they send out thousands of copies of Society
documents to hospitals, CLSCs, medical clinics, corporations and schools to inform and educate the public.
By offering the opportunity to talk to a volunteer “who’s been there”, someone who can share their
victory over cancer and their will to live, we bring hope to people facing the disease.
Cancer J’écoute
In September of 2004, the Quebec Division launched its new telephone support service, Cancer J’écoute, with the
generous financial assistance of the Fondation Jean Marc Paquette. A trial period of nearly ten months was sufficient for
the Division to ensure the recruiting and training of a sufficient number of volunteers, the smooth working of the French
databank and the close collaboration between Cancer J’écoute and Cancer Information Service staff.
When the Division chose to use the same number for both the Cancer Information Service and Cancer J’écoute,
1 888 939-3333 became the exclusive phone access for all information and support services, an important competitive
advantage. When calling the Canadian Cancer Society, the caller first speaks with an information specialist who makes
sure to answer all questions about cancer, its treatments, possible side effects and other concerns about the disease. Once
these information needs satisfied, the specialist then suggests a match with a volunteer who has lived through a similar
experience. If it is their wish, a Cancer J’écoute counsellor takes over. By working this way, the Quebec Division ensures a
better customer service. Firstly by ensuring that information needs are met by trained professionals and, secondly, by having
volunteers concentrate their efforts exclusively towards active listening and comfort. This approach reassures health care
professionals who refer their patients and their families to obtain support and information. In 2004, to better introduce
Cancer J’écoute to those health care professionals, the Division produced a video, a brochure and a promotional poster.
Cancer J’écoute (CancerConnection in the rest of Canada) follows strict national standards in manners of operation,
confidentiality, selection, training and guidance for volunteers. In fact, during the 2004-2005 period, the Quebec Division
offered many training sessions:
• 4 2-day basic training sessions
• 6 continuing training teleconferences
The Canadian Cancer Society can offer such a service as Cancer J’écoute, thanks to the generosity of over 100 volunteers,
both men and women, young and young at heart. People who’ve graciously accepted to listen, accompany and share a
bit of their own history with strangers who are struggling with cancer. Their contribution makes a difference in the lives of
those who use the service. They have completed nearly 400 matches, that is to say that they have accompanied
400 persons, on one or more occasions, in 2004-2005.
Lodging, financial and practic al assistance
At the Canadian Cancer Society, support for people living with cancer goes beyond emotional support. In 2004-2005, we
welcomed to our Lodge more than 500 persons from everywhere in the province who had to leave their homes to follow
radiology treatments in Montreal. We also provided financial and practical assistance through the loaning of wigs and by
handing out temporary breast prostheses, dressings and other accessories.
Alone or with others, the Canadian Cancer Society proudly defends the general population, in matters
of health and cancer control. Its commitment makes a difference.
The Canadian Cancer Society is an important player in the fight against cancer. Its thoroughness, credibility and status as
a national organization empower its participation in several important issues at local, provincial, national and
international levels. Its involvement allows for a global outlook on the fight against cancer and for maintaining a vast
network of contacts. The Society is thus an important asset for all the coalitions it has joined.
Canadian Cancer Statistics 2004
The publication of the Canadian Cancer Statistics 2004 1 in April would mark the beginning of an intensive period of
advocacy for the Quebec Division. The Statistics stated that, before 2010, a growing and aging population would make
cancer the first cause of death in Canada. This confirmed an impending cancer crisis in Canada, thereby proving the
urgency of putting in place a concerted national cancer control strategy. The Society’s warning was heard. This campaign
received the best media coverage ever: 45 radio interviews, 23 television appearances and 11 articles in major dailies.
When concerted actions make THE difference
The Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec
The momentum created by the Society would benefit the first cancer forum organized in April 2004 by the Coalition
Priorité Cancer au Québec. This coalition, of which the Quebec Division is an active member, calls for the implementation
of the Programme québécois de lutte contre le cancer 2 and the creation of a central cancer surveillance and cancer control
coordination agency. The forum was aimed at taking stock of cancer control efforts in Quebec, particularly in regards to
the implementation of the Programme, and drawing a comparative balance sheet of the cancer question in Quebec versus
other Canadian provinces.
Minister Philippe Couillard, who had declared cancer a health priority in June 2003, spoke of how this priority had been
expressed through concrete actions. He announced the establishment of a Direction de la lutte contre le cancer, the
pending nomination of its director, and the injection of $10 million worth of credits earmarked for the fight against cancer.
After April, the Society and the Coalition pursued their actions:
• Attentive surveillance of the actions of the Direction de la lutte contre le cancer
• Representation to government authorities throughout the year
• Recruitment of new members into the Coalition, bringing the total number of participating organizations to 20
• Preparation of a second forum on cancer
The Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control and the National Cancer Leadership Forum
The Canadian Cancer Society, a founding member of the Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control, is active within the
Strategy and stays up to date on important issues and questions in Canada. Representatives of the Quebec Division took
part in the Strategy’s second meeting in January 2005.
On the national scene, a very combative lobby group came forward to promote the Strategy and launched an important
campaign in December 2004: the National Cancer Leadership Forum, of which the Society is a member. Negotiations are
under way with the Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec to allow for the Coalition to join their ranks to better orchestrate
offensives in Quebec.
Tobacco control
The Society actively pursued its participation in the fight against tobacco in 2004-2005. It followed the request for a class
action lead by the Conseil québécois sur le tabac et la santé. It also had intervener status against the tobacco manufacturers
who instituted the appeal on the Tobacco Act. It also pursued its work in the Coalition québécoise pour le contrôle du tabac
by preparing a brief on the Quebec Tobacco Act’s reform.
Produced by: The Canadian Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute of Canada, Statistics Canada, et al.
Produced by: Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux, Gouvernement du Québec, 1998
By promoting healthy lifestyle choices, we hope to raise awareness about the importance of taking
health matters into your own hands. We have significantly contributed to the fight against tobacco in
Quebec. We are now taking up the fight against other lifestyle choices that can lead to cancer.
Prevention: a true priority
At a time when all agree on the importance of promoting good health, the 2004-2005 period was a very busy one for all
levels – national, divisional and even regional – of the Canadian Cancer Society in matters of prevention. The
implementation of a national working group on prevention focusing on different issues linked to cancer prevention in
Canada, which the Quebec Division is taking part in, is a sign of the national importance given to prevention.
To b a c c o
In 2004-2005, the Quebec Division maintained its participation in the j’Arrête smoking cessation information and support
line jointly managed with the Conseil québécois sur le tabac et la santé and funded by the Ministère de la Santé et des
Services sociaux du Québec. Our 15 information officers answered 15,530 calls for smoking cessation support and
3,558 calls concerning the “Quit to Win! Challenge”.
In 2004, the 5th anniversary of the “Quit to Win! Challenge” was celebrated. During this edition, a new component was
added: the Smoke-Free Family Objective, an invitation to declare one’s environment smoke-free. As 4,400 families took
part in the Smoke-Free Family Objective, almost 38,000 smokers signed up for the 2004 “Quit to Win! Challenge”,
bringing the five-year registration total to over 150,000!
5 0 % o f c a n c e r s c o u l d b e p r e v e n t e d t h r o u g h h e a lt h y l i v i n g
and policies that protect the public.
In many regions of Quebec, the Sun Squads kept up their sun safety awareness activities intended for children in daycare
centres and day camps. Over 7,000 children were visited by one of our 10 Sun Squads .
Fo o d c h o i c e s , e xe r c i s e a n d m a i n ta i n i n g a h e a lt h y w e i g h t
The Canadian Cancer Society, joined by the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the Association Diabète-Québec, created
the Réseau Action Santé in 2004, a group of Quebec-based organizations involved in preventing chronic diseases. These
organizations can share information, develop concerted strategies to promote health and healthy lifestyle choices and take
a public stand to favour these strategies in an effort to influence policy-makers and the public.
In December 2004, Quebec Division’s Board of Directors decided to join the great adventure that was the Défi Santé 5/30,
a vast mobilization campaign. During 12 weeks, the general population would be invited to eat at least 5 portions of fruit
and vegetables and be active at least 30 minutes, each and every day: a great opportunity for the Canadian Cancer Society
to raise awareness about the obvious link between lifestyle choices and cancer and position itself as a leader in prevention.
Th e C a n a da - Ch i n a M i s s i o n
During this period, Quebec Division continued its mission in China. Once again, representatives from Quebec were
welcomed by thousands of Chinese people in all visited cities. This success was highlighted by the participation of
Dashan, a superstar of Chinese television. Incidentally, in October of 2004, the Canadian Cancer Society recognized Mark
Rowswell, the Canadian comedian known in China as Dashan, by presenting him with a Special Recognition Award for
his volunteering as Society spokesperson for the cancer education mission to China.
Advocating for prevention everyday:
the actions of our volunteers and employees
Promoting health and healthy lifestyle choices could not be done without the tireless work of our prevention volunteers
and our regional offices employees. They are the ones who:
• Develop lasting relationships with numerous regional and provincial partners such as CLSCs, clinics and hospitals, the
business and school communities, diverse community centres and groups, the Programme québécois de dépistage du
cancer du sein
• Host information booths, conferences, information and awareness activities
• Integrate prevention components during diverse Society events
To support all of those people, a Prevention Activities Guide was put together and distributed to all regional offices in
2004. It acts as a true source of inspiration to carry out activities and deliver the Canadian Cancer Society’s messages of
prevention to the population of Quebec.
Bringing together your donations and our researchers has allowed for a formidable expansion of our
knowledge of cancer over the past 20 years. However, our fight is far from over. Many concepts still
need to be resolved and treatments must be improved to ensure a better quality of life for those who
will live through a cancer experience and to reduce everyone’s risk of cancer.
At the beginning of the 2004-2005 fiscal period, the Quebec Division vowed to grant $3.2 million to the National Cancer
Institute of Canada (NCIC), the Canadian Cancer Society’s scientific partner, to sponsor Canada’s most promising cancer
research projects. In the course of the period, in light of the division’s excellent foreseeable fiscal performance, the Board
of Directors consented to grant an extra $300,000 to research. Proof of the dynamic state of research in Quebec,
researchers in our province received more than twice the Quebec Division’s annual financial contribution to the national
research fund.
An implic ation above and beyond simple funding
In matters of cancer research, the Quebec Division’s role exceeds simple funding. It is equally important for us to:
• Promote Quebec researchers funded by the Canadian Cancer Society
• Maintain a relationship with these researchers and the research centres where they work
• Make research and research progress accessible to the general public by promoting clear and simple messages filled
with hope
• Educate our volunteers and employees in order for them to become our ambassadors in matters of research
In 2004, a few volunteers and employees of the Quebec Division were privileged to attend a national meeting – Breaking
Ground –The Power of Research – organized by the NCIC. This meeting aimed at presenting the advancements of research
in several fields funded by the Canadian Cancer Society. Researchers presented their projects, often accompanied by
people who have had cancer and have participated in their research. These people offered powerful testimonials of their
fight against cancer and of their triumph over the disease, thanks to research funded by the Canadian Cancer Society. This
event allowed the Quebec delegation to lay the groundwork for the next annual meeting of volunteers to be held in
November of 2005, focusing on research.
Quebec researchers above the fold
Photo Claudio Calligaris
As is the case every year in April, research grants awarded by the Canadian Cancer
Society were announced. Eighteen projects led by Quebec researchers were
accepted, bringing the total number of ongoing projects funded by the Society in
Quebec for 2004-2005 to 75.
During the 2004-2005 fiscal period, two of our researchers were put in the spotlight:
• Dr. Jennifer O’Loughlin discovered that nicotine addiction is genetic in certain
teens. Her work, which she has been leading since 1999 on 1,200 Montreal
teens, focuses on the genetic and environmental risk factors of nicotine
addiction in young people. The results published by Dr. O’Loughlin reinforce
the importance of primary prevention efforts for teens, even before they
experiment with their first cigarette. These conclusions will now be used by the
Canadian Cancer Society to implement more efficient tobacco-cessation
programs, adapted to the needs and degree of addiction of each person.
Photo ©BONO
• Dr. Eduardo Franco was awarded the O. Harold Warwick prize by the National
Cancer Institute of Canada for his important contribution to the fight against
cancer in Canada. He participated in a vast international clinical trial to test a
new vaccine that should considerably reduce the incidence of cervical cancer.
2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5
In Canada:
• The Canadian Cancer Society is the largest charitable funder of cancer research in Canada
• $48.7 million granted by the Society to Canadian researchers by the National Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC), the
Canadian Cancer Society’s scientific partner
• A rigorous scientific evaluation process guarantees that only the most promising projects receive funding
• A broad range of research projects on all types of cancer are funded:
. Basic cancer research in the lab
. Clinical research on diagnosis, treatments, managing and preventing cancer
. Psychosocial and behavioural research to enhance the quality of life
. Epidemiological and public health
In Quebec:
• $3.5 million contributed to the national research fund by the Quebec Division
• Quebec researchers shared $7.9 million in new research funding
• A sign of the vitality of research in Quebec, our researchers received more than twice the annual financial contribution
by the Quebec Division to the national research fund
• 75 research projects funded by the Society are underway in Quebec in the following institutions:
. 4 hospitals: Montreal General Hospital, Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital, Royal Victoria Hospital, Sainte-Justine Hospital
. 4 universities: Laval, McGill, Montréal, Sherbrooke
. 4 research institutes: INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier, IRCM-Clinical Research Institute of Montreal, Lady Davis Institute
of the Jewish General Hospital, Montreal Neurological Institute
• 45 clinical trials are underway in Quebec by 176 researchers with 1,260 participants
Without the financial support of our donors and sponsors and the unrelenting efforts of our volunteers
and employees, the Quebec Division could not have met its goal of $15 million set at the beginning of
his mandate by our president.
Together. Strong. The Canadian Cancer Society’s slogan makes sense when we put each of the dollars raised during
different fundraising activities together. Whether it is $2 to buy a daffodil, an important sponsorship for the Daffodil Ball,
a donation made to the memory of a loved one lost to cancer, a sleepless night given to Relay For Life, whatever the
amount and way of contributing, Quebecers are always generous in answering the Canadian Cancer Society’s call.
Because cancer touches one out of every three persons, they feel summoned by our cause and show their confidence.
They know that the Canadian Cancer Society uses funds rigorously and allocates them to one of its 5 priorities – research,
information, support, prevention and advocacy – in order to make a difference. Our fundraising success depends on the
support of our employees and of our 25,000 volunteers devoted to our cause.
Rel ay For Life
In 2004, Relay For Life is the source of revenue that has grown the most. Whereas in 2003 Relay For Life represented 5%
of the Quebec Division’s revenue, it now represents 9% of its revenue for a total of $1.4 million. This signature event of
the Canadian Cancer Society is a wonderful example of mobilization.
In 2004, Relay For Life in Quebec is:
• 26 events
• 6,300 participants in a 12-hour relay, from evening until morning
• 1,700 cancer survivors proudly taking part in the Survivors’ Victory Lap
• 34,000 luminaries lit at dusk, during the Luminary Ceremony
• 1,200 volunteers, led by employees, who organized events and recruited teams and sponsors
• 21,000 donors and sponsors who financially supported participants and events
Daffodil Days
In 2004, revenue generated by the Daffodil Days increased to reach $1.9 million – remarkable revenue considering that
a part of the daffodils intended for the Quebec Division were in poor shape, having been exposed to fluctuating
temperatures during transportation. Loyal supporters of Daffodil Days bought their daffodils or bouquets nonetheless; a
great sign that much more than to the daffodil itself, it is to the cause that they are faithful.
Th e Da f fo d i l B a ll
The majority of fundraising activities organized by the Canadian Cancer Society are designed for the general public. The
Daffodil Ball is the exception and for just cause. It is a unique event with an international reputation designed for the
corporate community, allowing the Canadian Cancer Society to raise over $2 million in a single evening. The Canadian
Cancer Society’s Daffodil Ball is the most important event benefiting cancer in Canada. Corporations from Quebec,
Canada and abroad contribute to the Ball, offering the Canadian Cancer Society substantial financial support that would
be difficult, even impossible, to receive otherwise.
Diverse special events
Several benefits like gastronomic gatherings, exclusive shopping evenings, golf tournaments, bowl-o-thons, Jail-N- Bail,
Cops for Cancer are just a few of the ways to have fun while contributing to the fight against cancer. Revenue through
participation and sponsorship for these events increased in 2004-2005 and accounted for more than $1.7 million in
revenue for the Quebec Division.
In Memoriam donations and pl anned gifts
During important moments of their lives, tens of thousands of Quebecers choose the Canadian Cancer Society. Thus, when
a loved one passes or when comes the time for their financial or estate planning, many people choose to give to the
Society. In 2004-2005, In Memoriam donations accounted for $1.8 million in revenue, while planned gifts represented
$2.3 million.
Fu n d r a i s i n g c a m pa i g n s
The fundraising campaigns include revenue from our door-to-door campaign, direct-mail solicitation, corporate gifts,
monthly giving and employee payroll deductions. Once again, individuals and corporations generously responded to the
Canadian Cancer Society’s volunteers, allowing us to raise more than $2.2 million.
Prorata of the
Other revenue
Fundraising campaigns
Planned gifts
Daffodil Days
In Memoriam donations
Ball and major donations
Special events
Relay For Life
(figures in thousands of dollars)
Q U E B E C D I V I S I O N ’ S
Each dollar is important. By putting them all together, we can make a bigger difference in the lives of
people living with cancer.
The Quebec Division of the Canadian Cancer Society has had an exceptional fiscal performance in 2004-2005, thereby
achieving its goal of $15,000,000 set by the president of the Board of Directors at the beginning of his term and thereby
contributing even more money to the fight against cancer. Such results allow us to make an even greater difference in the
lives of people living with cancer and of their loved ones.
Thanks to our generous donors and the unrelenting work of our volunteers and employees, we have succeeded in accruing
our revenue by diversifying and securing our sources of controllable revenue, that is the sources of revenue that directly
depend on the efforts of our volunteers and employees. In 2004-2005, revenue from planned gifts dropped by 6% after
reaching an unparalleled high in 2003-2004, but revenue from special events like Relay For Life (95% increase), the
Daffodil Ball (8% increase) and other special events (8% increase) largely compensated for this drop in planned gifts. This
revenue greatly influenced this year’s fiscal performance, resulting in a 2% global revenue increase.
In 2004-2005, we have continued to invest in our 5 priorities: research, information, support for people living with cancer,
prevention and advocacy work. The Quebec Division contributed the total amount of $3.5 million to research, even
granting an extra $300,000 at the end of the fiscal year, thanks to its excellent revenue. In matters of information and
prevention, the Division maintained its commitments in 2004-2005. The Board of Directors has, however, decided to
consent more efforts to prevention over the next few years. As at least 50% of cancers can be prevented through healthy
living and policies that protect the public, it is essential that an organization as credible as the Canadian Cancer Society
play a leading role in raising awareness in both the general population and government on the importance of adopting a
healthy lifestyle and instating policies that protect the public. In matters of support for people living with cancer,
2004-2005 saw the launch of Cancer J’écoute (CancerConnection), a telephone support service, and the maintenance of
lodging, transportation and financial and practical assistance. The money devoted to advocacy work does not paint an
accurate picture of the sum of the Quebec Division’s efforts in the matter, as certain Quebec Division employees devote
an important portion of their time to this field of activity and volunteers dedicate countless hours of work to the cause.
It is important to note that one of Quebec Division’s most important assets is the time that is given by its some 25,000 devoted
volunteers. Each of our priorities benefits from their contribution, yet as their services are offered without charge, they do not
appear in financial statements.
The Quebec Division has set up a reserve fund of $2.7M, of which $1.9M has been allocated to protect itself from economic
uncertainty and $800,000 is allocated to prevention, marketing and resource development projects. Additional funds have
been earmarked to guarantee our future commitments regarding priorities chosen by the board of directors.
Concerned with well-equipping its volunteers and employees in matters of fundraising, Quebec Division organised, in
November of 2004, a conference on revenue development to train and inform volunteers and employees working in
fundraising. A privileged opportunity to share best practices, criteria, standards and rigorous norms that govern fundraising
at the Canadian Cancer Society.
The increased contributions of all kinds are an unequivocal testimony to the confidence that Quebecers place in the
Canadian Cancer Society and we are keenly aware of it. That is why we continuously strive to minimize the general cost
of fundraising to ensure that a maximum of money raised is invested in the fight against cancer. We apply efficient internal
controls, as well as procedures allowing us to survey key indicators. We invest in low risk investments and we ensure
sufficient liquidity.
All together, we are creating a world where no one will fear cancer.
Pierre-Alain Rodrigue
Statement of revenue and expenses for the year ended January 31, 2005
(in thousands of dollars)
Fundraising campaigns
Daffodil Days
Daffodil Ball and major donations
Relay For Life
Special events
In Memoriam donations
Planned gifts
Direct fundraising costs
Other revenue
Support to people living with cancer
Indirect fundraising costs
Excess of revenue over expenses
Balance sheet as at January 31, 2005 (in thousands of dollars)
Cash and investments
Capital assets
Other assets
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Other liabilities
Net Assets
The data given above has been extracted from the audited financial statements of the Canadian Cancer Society, Quebec
Division. The audited financial statements as of 31 January 2005 are available on demand at
Volunteers are an invaluable asset to the Canadian Cancer Society. Without their dedication to the fight
against cancer, we could not have engaged in so many activities. Together, we are stronger and we are
making a difference.
Our volunteers in action
Most of our volunteers participate in our fundraising activities. However, some volunteers choose to contribute in other
ways, by:
• Sharing their cancer experience with people living with cancer or their loved ones
• Leading support or discussion groups
• Driving Society Lodge residents to and from their treatment centres
• Welcoming Society Lodge residents and making them feel at home
• Promoting health and sharing our cancer risk reduction messages in schools, businesses, fairs, etc.
• Maintaining close ties with local media
• Becoming expert spokespersons on subjects linked to health and cancer at media events or conferences
• Offering general administrative support (data entry, filing, photocopying, etc.)
• Becoming a member of the board of directors, of an advisory committee or of a unit
• Defending public health interests
We can make a difference, because our volunteers have wholeheartedly embraced our mission. We thank them sincerely.
Administrative Structure 2004-2005
Members of the Board
Michel Blackburn
Hans Fluehler
Micheline Vachon
Suzanne Brillant-Fluehler
May Flynn
Carol Walker
Edmond Côté
Pauline Harvey-Beaulieu
Advisory Committees
Jacqueline McDonald
Irène Lapierre-Dubuc
La Sarre
Louise Labrie
Jean-Pierre Lapointe
Dr. Marc David
Medical Counsel
Arnold Ouellet
(since May 2004)
Marcel Girard
(until April 2004)
Community Services
Dr. Gilles Pineau
Fernand Brillant
Mont St-Hilaire
Bernard Gourdeau
Carol Walker
Revenue Development
Executive Committee
Marc Généreux
Yvan Naud
Past President
Linda Facchin
Legal Counsel
Bernard Gourdeau
Honorary Treasurer
Lucette Boudreau
Rita L. Côté
Madeleine Croft
Dr. Marc David
Medical Counsel
Denyse Mackey
Diane Maillé
Île Bizard
Hugo Morissette
Arnold Ouellet
Stéphane Ranger
Louise Labrie
Communications and
Jean-Pierre Lapointe
Volunteer Development
Yvan Naud
2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 5
The Canadian Cancer Society wishes to thank all its donors and sponsors – individuals, corporations, institutions, and
foundations – who contributed so generously to the fight against cancer in 2004-2005.
A special thank you to our volunteers and our employees involved in canvassing, fundraising and information across the
Together, we can make a difference.
• Corporate gifts and sponsorships over $25,000 • Individual gifts over $10,000
Abitibi Consolidated Inc.
Alcan Inc.
AstraZeneca Canada Inc.
Aventis Pharma Inc.
Bell Canada
Bell Canada Enterprises
BMO Financial Group
Bombardier Inc.
CIBC World Markets
Ernst & Young
Fondation Jean Marc Paquette
GlaxoSmithKline Inc.
Johnson & Johnson Inc.
Le Groupe S.M. International Inc.
Le Groupe Verdier Inc.
Les Encres Flint Ink
Les Entreprises Nautilus Plus
Merck Frosst Canada Ltd.
Merrill Lynch Canada Inc.
Molson Inc.
Montreal Warehouse
National Bank
Norampac Inc.
Paradis, Martine
Pfizer Canada
Power Corporation of Canada
Pratt & Whitney Canada
Provigo / Loblaw Companies
Quebecor World Inc.
RBC Capital Markets
RBC Financial Group
Saputo Inc.
TD Securities
The Blairmore Foundation
The Great-West and London
TSX Group
• Corporate gifts and sponsorships from $15,000 to $24,999 • Individual gifts from $5,000 to $9,999
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Blanchette, Pierre
BMO Fountain of Hope
Caouette, Patrice
Business Development Bank
of Canada
Caisse centrale Desjardins
Caisse de bienfaisance
des employés et retraités
du CN (La)
Canadian Pacific Railway
Cascades Tissue Group
Centria Inc.
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Holt Renfrew
Interinvest Consulting
Corporation of Canada
Landry, Michel
Lapierre, Michel
Magasin Laura (P.V.) Inc.
McKesson Canada
MPG Canada Inc.
Ogilvy Renault
Radio Nord Communications
Rogers Publishing
Sears Employees' Charitable
• Corporate gifts and sponsorships from $5,000 to $14,999 • Individual gifts from $2,000 to $4,999
AGF Private Investment
Air Liquide Canada Inc.
Alcoa Foundation
ALTANA Pharma Inc.
American Iron & Metal
Company Inc.
Arcand, Roger
Arrondissement de Greenfield
Baie d’Urfé Charitable
Campaign Agency (The)
Beaudoin, Gilles
Bélanger, François
Bench & Table/Celebrations
Bleuetières 2000 Inc.
Bourbeau, Marie-Hélène
Bourgie, Marc
Brouillette, Geneviève
Caisse de dépôt et placement
du Québec
Caisse populaire Desjardins
Caisse populaire Desjardins
Chaudière Nord
Caisse populaire Desjardins
des Verts Sommets
Caisse populaire Desjardins du
Champoux, June
CHC Helicopter Corporation
Citigroup Global Markets
Canada Inc.
Cogeco Inc.
Conception Rachel-Julien
Concordia University
CR Ménard Construction Inc.
Desjardins Group
Dundee Wealth Management Inc.
Edgecombe Inc.
Eli Lilly Canada Inc.
Execaire Aviation
Fishburne, Laurence
Fletcher, William
Fondation Denis-Chartier
Fondation Émilie Jauron
Fondation J. Arthur Desjardins
Fondation Jacques et Michel
Fondation Paul A. Fournier
Fondation Serge Regnaud
Fonds de Charité des
employés et retraités
de la CUM
Fraternité des policiers et
policières de Montréal
Gaz Métro
Graphic Innovators, Inc.
Groupe Hébert Inc.
Heidelberg Canada
Héroux Devtek Inc.
Hewitt Equipment Ltd.
IBM Canada Ltd.
IMS Health Canada
Industrial Alliance
Ivanhoe Cambridge
J.D. Irving, Limited
Kimberly-Clark Inc.
Labopharm Inc.
Labrie, Hélène
Labtronix Inc.
Laferrière, Pierre and
Vandal, Lina
Laurentian Bank
Laurin, Jean
Le Groupe Jean Coutu (PJC) inc.
Les Laboratoires Æterna Inc.
Les Produits Franco Ltée
Little, James
Maçonnerie Rainville
& Frères Inc.
Manulife Financial
Maple Leaf Food Inc.
Marsh Canada Limited
McCarthy Tétrault LLP
McGill Cancer Society
Mercer, Consultation en
ressources humaines
Merck Frosst/Schering
Ministère de la Santé et des
Services sociaux
Montréal Autoprix
Montrusco Bolton
Mulvihill Capital
Management Inc.
National Bank Financial
Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Canada Inc.
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
Patenaude, Jacques
Peel Industriel
Pharmascience Inc.
Procter & Gamble Inc.
Quad Corporation
Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton
RBC Royal Bank
Richter, Usher & Vineberg
SAP Canada Inc.
Savard, Raymond
SLX Management Inc.
Smith, Linda and Terry
Société des Alcools du Québec
Stephen R. Bronfman Foundation
Stikeman Elliott LLP
The Cummings and Gold
The Gazette
The Redbourne Group
TNG Corporation
Touchette, Charles
Towers Perrin
Transcontinental Inc.
Tremblay, Richard
Trust of Jerome and Irene
TVA Group Inc.
Vachon, Louis
Vermette, Marc O.
Ville de Hudson
Ville de Longueuil
Wirth Steal
Wyeth Consumer Healthcare
Yellow Pages Group
Alcan Packaging - Baie d'Urfe
Alex Coulombe ltée
Alexandre Maître Traiteur
Alexandre, Josiane
Alfred Dallaire
Algar, Frances
Algorithme Pharma Inc.
Alison Silcoff Events
Alter, Miryam
Amcor PET Packaging
Canada Inc.
Amend, Karen
Amend, Wendy
Amerispa Inc.
Amex Canada Inc.
Amgen Canadan Inc.
Amis Éternels
Amsted Canada Inc.
Anapharm Inc.
Andrews & Associés
Anglo-Eastern Ship
Management Limited
Annabelle's Caps
Araujo, Antonio
Arborite, Division of ITW
Archambault, Georges
Archambault, Patrice
Archambault, Yves
Argento, Dale
Arrondissement du VieuxLongueuil
Arthur, Michael D.
Arts and Science Federation of
Association des caisses
populaires du secteur
Association des membres de
la Police Montée du Québec
Association des policiers et
policières de Sherbrooke
Association Élect. du
Saguenay-Lac Saint-Jean
Association paritaire pour la
santé et la sécurité du
travail, secteur « affaires
municipales »
Association Pompiers
Volontaires Saint-Adolphe
Association Unie, Local 499
Assurances Daigneault,
Provost, Joly, Lebrun
AssurExpert Desgroseilliers Inc.
Astral Media Outdoor
Astral Télé Réseaux
Atelier Yvon Lanthier
Audet, Jean-Marie
Audet, Pierre
Audren, Marie
Auger, Bernard
Auger, Éric
Auger, Jacques
Aune, J. Brian
Authier, Jacques
Aux Mille et Une Merveilles
Avaya Canada
Aviva Canada Inc.
Ayotte, François
Gifts and sponsorships over $250
152245 Canada Inc.
2842-1535 Québec Inc.
3M Canada
9015-6738 Québec Inc.
9062-9726 Québec Inc.
9082-9342 Québec Inc.
9087-9131 Québec Inc.
9117-9010 Québec Inc.
A. De La Chevrotière ltée
A. Lassonde Inc.
A.B. Usinage
A.P.C.H.Q. Joliette
Abbott Laboratories, Limited
Acier AGF Inc.
Acier Leroux, division de
Métaux Russel Inc.
Acier Nova Ltée
Acklands-Grainger Inc.
Acura Optima
AD OPT Technologies Inc.
Adam, Alain
Addona, Michela
AFEAS Mont Saint-Hilaire
AG International
Agence Braque
Agence de développement de
réseaux locaux de services
de santé et de services
sociaux de l'Outaouais
Agora Communication Inc.
Agosto, Teresa
Agrégat R-N Inc.
Air Canada - Centre Dorval
Alacchi, Pietro Roberto
B.F. Lorenzetti & Associés Inc.
Balg, Frédéric
Barone, Fabiola
Baronet Inc.
Barsalou, Élaine
Bastarache, Alain
Bath Fitter Distribution Inc.
Baynton, Brenda
BCP Ltd.
BDO Dunwoody LLP
Beatty, Garry D.
Beaudet, Francine
Beaudoin, Jean-Marc
Beaudoin, Louiselle
Beaudry, Bertrand
Beaulieu, Louis
Beaulieu, Louise
Beaumont-Courcelles, Lucie
Bédard, François
Bélanger, Anne
Bélanger, Claudel
Bélanger, Gérald
Bélanger, Marc-André
Bélanger, Rollande
Bélanger, Thérèse
Bellai Frères Construction
Belleau Lapointe S.E.N.C.
Bello, Maria E.
Berger Blanc
Bergeron, Marcel
Bergeron, Mariette
Berkhoff, Thea
Berlex Canada
Berthiaume, Sylvie
Berti, Liberto
Bertrand, Gisèle
Bertrand, Philippe
Bérubé, Reynald
Béton Amix ltée
Béton Brunet ltée
Béton Grilli Inc.
Beydoun, Fayçal
Bijouterie Lavigueur
Bingo Publicité
Bini, Lilliane
Biogénie S.R.D.C. Inc.
Birks, Ann
Bisaillon, Roger
Bisante, Sabatino
Biscuits Leclerc Ltd
Bissonnette, France
Bissonnette, Nathalie
Blair, Stephen
Blais, Marie-Claude
Blanchette, Guy
BMO Bank of Montreal
BMW Canbec Inc.
Boc Gaz Division of Boc
Canada Limited
Bochnovic, John
Boeckh Investments Inc.
Boisjoli Sabbag C.A.
Boivin, Denis
Bolduc, André
Bolduc, Évariste
Bolger, P. Jeremy
Bonbon Mignon
Bonhomme, Sylvie
Borsellino, Giuseppe
Bossy, Mike
Bouchard, Céline
Boucher, Michel
Boudreau, Johanne
Boudreau, Lanctôt, Christian
Boudreault, Michel
Boulangerie Première Moisson
Boulerice, Daniel
Boulons Jumax Inc.
Bourassa, Boyer, Comptables
Bourgault, Jeanne
Bouthillier, Gilles
Boutin, Pierre
Boutique Guylen & Charlie
Bovet, Yves
Bowl-O Drome
Brascan Énergie Marketing Inc.
Brault, Hélène-Louise
Brault, Micheline
Brissette, Kevin
Brisson, Pauline
Brodeur, André
Brogan Inc.
Bronfman, Marjorie
Brossard, Paul
Brown, Peggy Marie Louise
Brunelle, Micheline
Brunet, Benoît
Brunet, Chantal
Brunet, Guy
Brunet, Robert
Brunner, Robert
Bryce, David P.
BSL Entrepreneur général
BTI Canada
Buffet Royale
Buma, David
Bureau du Comté de La
Bureau du Comté de Laporte
Bureau du Comté de Taillon
Bureau, Jean-François
Buroplan Inc.
Cabinet Conseil Pierre
Bastien Inc.
Cadeaux Tendance
Café Brossard
Café Divercité
Café Good Fellas
Café Napoléon Inc.
Caisse populaire Desjardins
Centre Nouvelle Beauce
Caisse populaire Desjardins
Caisse populaire Desjardins de
Caisse populaire Desjardins de
Caisse populaire Desjardins de
Caisse populaire Desjardins
des Berges de Roussillon
Caisse populaire Desjardins
des Plateaux
Caisse populaire Desjardins du
Bassin de Chambly
Caisse populaire Desjardins
les Salines
Caisse populaire Desjardins
Caisse populaire Desjardins
Pierre Boucher
Caisse populaire Desjardins
Caisse populaire Desjardins
Caisse populaire Desjardins
Caisse populaire Desjardins
Calgon Carbon Corporation
Calien, Jeanne
Camera Expert
Canada Life
Canadian Cable
Canadian Tire
Canavan, Alan S.
Canderel Management Inc.
Canlyte Inc.
Cantin, Odette R.
Cardoso, Helsia
Cargill Foods
Carole Ouellette COCO
Caron, Catherine
Caron, Louis
Carpentier, Normand
Carquest Canada ltée
Carrier, Steve
Cartier, Johanne
Cartier, Michel
Cartier, Micheline
Casey, Jerry
Cassidy, Gisèle
Catalogna, Giuseppina
Cazes, Isabelle
CCH Canadian Ltd.
Cedarlane Laboratories Ltd.
Centre Canin International
Centre de formation
professionnelle Jacques
Centre de la Petite Enfance Le
Centre de Langues
Internationales Charpentier
Centre Dentaire Limbour
Centre Electrique Mauricien Inc.
Centre financier aux entreprises
Desjardins de l'Estrie
Centre financier aux
entreprises Desjardins
Centre financier aux
entreprises Desjardins Laval
Centre financier aux entreprises
Desjardins Nord-Ouest
Centre financier aux entreprises
Desjardins Rive-Sud
Centre financier SFL LévisAppalaches
Centre Option Avenir Inc.
Centre Vision Place
Sainte-Foy enr.
Ceravolo, Nick
Cercueils Magog (1994) Inc.
Cerundolo & Maiorino
Cestra, Bruno
Chamberland, Doris
Champagne, Gilles
Champagne, Jacques
Champagne, Luc
Chapter One Sportswear
Charest Expert Inc.
Charlebois, Normand
Charles Lapierre Inc.
Charpentier, Yvon
Charrette Transport
Chartrand, Marc
Chartray Réfrigération Inc.
Château Bonne Entente
Chaussures Bo-Pieds Inc.
Chenail Fruits et Légumes
Chevrette, Julie
Chiasson Gauvreau
CHSLD de Longueuil
CHSLD St-Michel
Chubb Insurance Co. of
Church & Dwight Canada
Churd, George L.
Clarington Funds Inc.
CLD Gatineau
CLD Longueuil
Clermont Ltée
Cleyn & Tinker
Clinique Chirurgie Plastique et
Esthétique de l'Estrie Inc.
Clinique de Physiothérapie de
Clinique de Physiothérapie de
Clinique de physiothérapie de
Clinique Dentaire Coteau du
Clinique du Parc
Clinique Optométrique SaintLambert
Clôtures Fleurimont Inc.
Cloutier, Johanne
CLSC-CHSLD Pointe-auxTrembles Est
Club d'âge d'or St-Laurent
Club Kinsmen de RouynNoranda Inc. (Bingo)
Club Lions de Repentigny Inc.
Club Lions Saint-Adolphed'Howard Inc.
Club Optimiste
Club Social de Montréal
Club Social Sodisclub
CM Investment
CMC Électronique Inc.
CMP Produits Métalliques Ltée
CMR Progiciels
Coast Paper Limited
Cogestec 494 Inc.
Colby, Monet, Demers, Delage
& Crevier
Collection Gouad
Collège Édouard-Montpetit
Collège international Marie de
Commission des transports
Compagnie Cep
Comptoir du Partage
Computershare Trust Company
of Canada
Congrégation des Soeurs StJoseph de St-Vallier
Conroy, Kevin
Conseillers de la ville de
Conseillers Financiers T.E. Ltée
Constantineau, Yvon
Construction Benvas Inc.
Construction Frank Catania &
Associés Inc.
Construction Morin et
Luneau inc.
Construction Vergo Inc.
Conti, Joni
Contrans inc.
Conval Québec
Copie Technique
Corporate Express
Corporation de développement
économique Ville de
Corporation des
concessionnaires de l'Estrie
Corporation Embassy Row
Corporation Financière
Brome Inc.
Corrado-Tommasino, Maria
Corriveau, Alma
Corriveau, Pierre
Corus S.E.C.
Côté, Noëlla
Côté, Pascal
Cottingham, David
Courrier Laval
Creamer, Johanne
Creamer, Pierre
Croix Bleue du Québec
Croteau, Jacqueline
CSQ Fonds général
CTBR BioRecherches Ltée
CTV Inc.
Cuir et Fourrure Ranger Enr.
Culver, Mary and David
Cuthbert, Verna E.
Cy Plus Canada Inc.
Dagenais, Jean
Daigle, Yvon
Daigneault, Nancy
Dale-Parizeau LM
D'Amico, Maria Teresa
Dancon Inc.
Dandurand, Patrick
Daoust, Carmen
Dare Foods Limited
Datamark Systems Inc.
Datsun Zomm Club
David Bradley Fashions Inc.
Davies Ward Phillips &
Vineberg LLP
Davignon, Jean
DCYSM Architecture & Design
De Gagné, Clément, Barkovich
De Grandpré Chait, Lawyers
De la Durantaye, David
De Lauri, Anna-Maria
De Matteis, Rosina
De Palo, Stefano
Decarie Motors Inc.
Declos, Manon
DeGrandpré, Suzanne
Del Laboratories (Canada) Inc.
Délicana Nord-Ouest Inc.
Delisle, Laurent
Della Rocca, Jason
Delorme, Le Bel, Bureau
Deluxe Produit Papier Inc.
(Club Social)
Demers Zajac Vena-Insurance
Adjusters Inc.
Depelteau, Stéphane
Deragon Leasing
Desautels, Pierre
Descarries, Guy
Deschênes & Fils Ltée
Deschênes, Marcel
Desharnais service
de pneu Inc.
Desjardins Asset Management
Desjardins Financial Security
Desjardins General
Insurance inc.
Desjardins Laforest, Rita
Desjardins Private
Desjardins Securities
Desjardins Trust
Desjardins Venture Capital
Desjardins, Louise
Deslauriers, Pierre
Desmarais, Marie
Desmarais, Robert
Després Laporte Inc.
Dessau-Soprin, Inc.
Desua, Vince
Désy, Karl W.
Développement Économique
Devimco Inc.
Di Paola, Filippe
Di Pasquale Russoniello, Zina
Di Schiavi, Peter
Diack, Sybil
Diageo Approvisionnement
Dion, Carole
Direction Agence 30
Disepola, Domenico
Distribution Jean Blanchard
Dobrin, Mitzi and Mel
Domfoam International Inc.
Domtar Inc.
Doner Canada
Downey, Bruce R.
Draft Mondial, Québec Inc.
Dragados FCC Canada Inc
Droulis, Claire
Droulis, Davis
Droulis, Steven
Dubé, Cécile
Duchaine, Serge
Ducharme, André
Ducharme, Luc
Duclos, Patrick
Dudkiewicz, Aaron
Dufour, Éric
Dufour, Vincent
Dufresne, Lyne
Dumontier, Louis R.
Dundee Bancorp Inc.
Dunn, Jane H.
Dunton Rainville
Dupéré, Paul
Dupré, Caroline
Durand, Claire
Durodyne Canada Inc.
Dynamic Mutual Funds Ltd.
Dziuba, Alexandra
Eaterna Zentaris
Ébénisterie Marcel Doucet
et Fils
Echenberg, Penny and Gordon
École Henri-Julien
École Polytechnique de
École Primaire Socrates
Edwards, Alfred B.
Eid, Joseph
Eldee Foundation
Electrolux Home Products
Ellegance Wigs
Ellen Stacey Fashion
Elmau & Assoc. Ltée
Emco matériaux de
construction, Cie
Emploi Solidarité Social et
Famille Québec
EMS Technologies Canada Ltd.
Enfouissement J.M.
Langlois Inc.
Engineering & Computer
Science Association
Entreprise Robert Thibert
Entreprises Allard Ménard Inc.
Enveloppe Concept Inc.
Enveloppe Innova
Équipement Boni Inc.
Essilor Canada Ltée
Euro-Pro Operating LLC
Exel Global Logistics Inc.
Expro Tec
F.E. International Apparel
Development Canada Corp.
Fabiello, Carmine
Fadda, Nancy Grace
Fairmont Hotels & Resorts
Fanucchi, Robert
Faubert, Marcel
Fédération des caisses
Desjardins du Québec
Fednav Limited
Fee, John H.
Fempro Inc.
Ferraillage G.P. Inc.
Fetherstonhaugh L.P.
Fidelity Investments Canada
Fiducie de la Famille de Sam
Filiatrault, Alain
Fillingham, Robin A.
Fisher & Ludlow
Fisher, Ronda
Fleury, Etienne
Fluehler, Hans and Brillant
Fluehler, Suzanne
Flueler, Edward
Fondation Communautaire
Canadienne-Italienne du
Québec Inc.
Fondation de l'Hôpital
Fondation Edward Assh
Fondation Jean Marc Paquette
Fondation Marcel Deslauriers
Fondation Marcel Lacroix Inc.
Fondation Michel Cadrin
Fondation RBC
Fondrouge, Michel
Fonds d'aide F.E.C. Frères des
Écoles chrétiennes
Fonds pour don charitable
Employés Stadacona (Les)
Fontaine, Panneton Associés
Forage Bigras Drilling
Force Financière Excel
Ford Electric Supply Ltd.
Forget, Amy
Forgues, Normand
Formedic Communications, Ltd.
Fortin, Hélène
Foster, Brian
Fournitures de bureau
Denis Inc.
Frail, Deborah
François Blais inc.
Fraser Furniture Inc.
Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP
Fraternité des policiers et
policières de la régionale
Deux-Montagnes Inc.
Fraternité des policiers et
policières de Bromont
Fraternité des Policiers et
Policières de Longueuil
Fréchette, Pierre
Freed & Freed International Ltd.
Frères Paiva Brothers Inc. (Les)
Fruiterie Atwater Inc.
Fruits & Passion
Fuji Photo Film Canada Inc.
Funaro, Frank
Fusion Énergie
Future Electronics
Gagnon, François
Gajalakshmi-Nayar, P.K.
Gallop, W.J.
Gamache, Colette
Gämmerler Corporation
Garaga Inc.
Garage Bélisle
Gariepy, Louise M.
Garneau, Jean-Marie
Gasco Goodhue
Gasparrini, Joe
Gattuso Industries Ltd.
Gaudreault, Jonathan
Gaulin, Andrée and Jean
Gaulin, Jean
Gauthier, Claude
Gauthier, Francine
Gauthier, Sonia
Gauvreau Top Soil
Gauvreau, Jean-Guy
Gavita, Stéphanie
Gecko Électronique inc.
Gemin X Biotechnologies Inc.
Gendron, Claude
Gendron, Yves
Généreux, Marc
Genivar Inc.
Gérin, Dupuis et Viens Inc.
Gervais, Laurette
Gervais, Pascale
Gestion Caro Inc.
Gestion Corriveau, Gougeon Inc.
Gestion Financière Lehoux
Boivin Inc.
Gestion GeneChem Inc.
Gestion Langocha (1992) Inc.
Gestion Melias 9115-0334
Québec Inc.
Gestion Michel Aubry Inc.
Gestion Stéphane Morin Inc.
Gestions Taïza Inc.
GFD Proaction
GFI - Div. of Thomas & Betts
Ghattas, P.
Giant Tiger MBO
Gibbens, Dominique
Gignac, Jean Paul
Giguère, Céline
Gilbert , Linda
Gilbert Séguin Brossard,
Gilles Mercille Inc.
Gillespie, Christopher J.
Girard Fer et Métaux Inc.
Girard, Robert Y.
Giroux, Carole and René
Giroux, Ménard et Associés
Glass Shield Peinture
Glenen, Ruth
Globe Electric Company Inc.
Godin, Benoit
Godin-Séguin, Yolande
Goldmon, Stuart
Gonzalez, Gonzalo
Goodfellow, David A.
Goodfellow, J.W.
Goodfellow, John W.
Goodfellow, Robert S.
Goodfellow, Viola M.
Goodwin, Ross
Goody Canada
Goodyear Canada Inc.
Gouvernement du Québec
Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP
Goyette, Francine
Grandchamp, Cécile
Grant Ross
Gravel Pontiac Buick
Gravel, Josée
Grégoire, Pierre-Étienne
Greiche, Sarah and Raouf
Grenier de Grand-maman
Grenier, Dany
Grenier, Gérald
Grimmel, Karl
Grist, George
Groupe Caron Murdoch
Vocelle Inc.
Groupe Carpentier
Groupe CFC Inc.
Groupe Cirtech
Groupe Desgagnés Inc.
Groupe Direct
Groupe Dynamis Inc.
Groupe FBL
Groupe Financier Birar
Groupe Fonds des
Groupe Hôtelier Grand
Château Inc.
Groupe Immobilier R.
Gareau Inc.
Groupe Maritime Verreault Inc.
Groupe Mondo
Groupe Park Avenue Inc.
Groupe Permacon
Groupe Petra Ltd.
Groupe Rodican Inc.
Groupe Savard Martin Inc.
Groupe Stavibel
Groupe Tecnic
Groupe Voyages Québec
Gruen, Mats
Guérette, Grégoire
Guilbault, Lise
Guillevin International Co.
Guilmain, Karine
Guimond, Rolande C.
Guy Cloutier Communications
Guzzo Cinemas
Habitations Nouvelle
Hagen, Horst
Hagen, Rolf
Hanlon, Michael
Hanna, Sonia and George
Hardoon, Mark
Hardy Goyette & Associés,
Hardy Normand Associés
Comptables Agréés
Harel, Drouin GestionConseils, S.E.N.C.
Hargrove, Peter
Harland Pontiac Buick Inc.
Harling Marketing Inc.
Harlington, Louise and David
Harper, Christine
Harris, Stephen
Hassani, Ferri
HB Group Insurance
Hbc Foundation
Healthcare Information
Technologies Inc.
Heenan Blaikie LLP
Henri, Jean-Claude
Hewitt, Harry
Hewlett-Packard (Canada) Co.
Hill & Knowlton Canada
Hilton Montreal Bonaventure
Hinse, Richard
Hi-Q Hi-Tech Solutions
Hitachi Data System
Hofer, Paul Robert
Honda Boucherville
Honda Canada Inc.
Hôpital Sainte-Anne - Comité
des Bénéficiaires
Hôtel La Sapinière
Houle, Solange
Howard, David
Howard, Joan
HSBC Bank Canada
Hudson's Bay Company (Hbc)
Huot, Michel
Iacono, Maria
IBM Employees' Charitable
IGA Jean XXIII 9045-9827 Inc.
Immeubles Norcar Inc.
Imperial Pants Co. Ltd.
Importations Manon Boutin Inc.
Imprimerie HLN
Industrie Norbord Inc.
Industries de Moules &
Plastiques V I F Ltée (Les)
Industries Perron
Industries Rehau Inc.
Ines Valentin, Maria
ING Canada
Innovitech Inc.
Institut de Recherches
Intercom, Services Immobiliers
International Longshoremen's
Ass. Checkers & Cargo
Iron Mountain
ISPAT Sidbec Inc.
J. E. Mondou
J.B. Laverdure Inc.
J.E. Fortin
J.E. Hanger de Montréal
J.G. Rive-Sud
J.L. Priest Contractors
J.P. Metal America Inc.
J.T. Ross Associates Ltd.
Jacques, Clément
Janor Imports Inc.
Jean-Paul Fortin (1997) Inc.
Jesswood Packaging Inc.
Jolicoeur, Manon
Joly Riendeau & Duke
Joseph Élie Ltée
Journal de Montréal
Journal La Frontière
Journal L’Écho de la Vallée
de l'Or
Journal Le Citoyen
Jovaco Solutions
Julius Baer Investment
Advisory (Canada) Ltd.
Junger, Philippe
Kadora Investments Ltd.
Kalcyon Inc.
Karatzas, C.
Kasper Partnership G.P.
Kegaska Dart League
Kendrick, David
Kennedy, Michael
Kerrigan Turner
Keyfacts Canada
Kezber I Solution Inc.
Knights of Columbus
Kilgour, Margaret
King, Joel
Kingsmill, Tim
Kingston Byers Inc.
Klym, Renata
Kocisko, Joseph
Kodak Canada Inc.
Kolber, Leo
Kolbus America Inc.
Kom International Inc.
Kovac MFG Inc. Alabama
Kracauer Family Foundation
Kruger Wayagamack Inc.
L.A. Hébert, Ltée
La Capitale Assurances
MFQ Inc.
La Compagnie d'assurances
La Fondation de bienfaisance
T.A. St-Germain
La Fondation de la Maison
La Fondation Fernand R.
La Fondation Luigi Liberatore
La Giorgia, Rocco
La Maison Darche
La Presse
La Société canadienne de sel,
La Tribune
La Verrerie Walker Glass
Co. Ltée
Labatt Brewing Company Ltd.
Labelle, Paul
Laberge, Jean-Claude
Labonté, Michel
Laboratoire Médical Biron
Laboratoires Riva Inc.
Labrecque, Serge
Labrosse, Johanne
Lacasse, Guy
Lacroix, Diane
Lacroix, Ginette and Robert
Lacroix, Hubert T.
Ladores, Mafila
Lafleur, Cécile
Lafleur, Marie-Claude
Lafond, Gilles
Lafortune, Sylvain
Laframboise, Yves
Lafrenière, François
Lahaie, Pauline
Lakeshore Broker's
Lalancette, Jeannette
Laliberté, Euclide
Lamanque, Gisèle
Lambert, Jean
Lambert, Joseph
Lamontagne, Louise
Lamothe, Marie
Langevin, Gaétan
Langevin, Sylvie
Langis, Serge
Langlois, Rémy
Langlois Kronström Desjardins
Langlois, Daniel
Laparé, Jacques
Laperle, Jean-Pierre
Laperrière, Marcel
Laramée, Geneviève
Larose, Sylvain
Larouche, Jean-Robert
L'Atelier Usinage
Latulippe, Nancy
Laurendeau, Jacques
Laurier, Danielle
Laurier, W. Robert
Laurin, Claire
Laurin, Jean Pierre
Lauzon, Robert
Lavage de Citernes Topsall Inc.
Laval, Audet
Lavaute, Françoise
Lavery de Billy
Lavigne, Denis
Lavigueur, Richard
Lavina-Fuller, Carmela
Le Chrysanthème
Le Groupe Canam Manac Inc.
Le Groupe Gordian
Le Groupe Montoni Division
Le Groupe Reda Inc.
Le Réseau des sports
Inc. (RDS)
Leber & Fils Canada Inc.
Leblanc, Carole
Leblanc, Robert
Léchaire, Jean-Marc
Leclerc Ltd.
Leclerc, Jacques L.
Leclerc, Martin
Leclerc, Michel
L'Écuyer, Christian
Leduc, Claude
Leduc, Richard
Leemans, Denise
Lefaive, Deb
Lefebvre, Gilles
Lefrançois, Marcel
Léger, Marc
Legrand, André
Leibovitch, Ron Earl
Lemay, Dany
Lemay, Maryse
Lemieux Bédard
Communications Inc.
Lemieux, Robert
Leonard Ellen Family
LePage International Inc.
LeRoyer, Lise
Les accessoires de Piscine
Compétition Inc.
Les Aliments Da Vinci
Products Ltée
Les Aliments Roma Ltée
Les Alouettes de Montréal
Les Artisans D'Aujourd'hui Inc.
Les Associé(e)s de la RCN
Les Automobiles Julien inc.
Les Constructions Gaétan
Rouillard inc.
Les Constructions Infrabec inc.
Les Distributions Amiel Ltée
Les Emballages Lacroix Inc.
Les Entreprises Bérubé Inc.
Les entreprises Claude
Potvin Inc.
Les Équipements Denis
Les Équipements Ferroviaires
du Nord Inc.
Les Estimateurs Professionnels
Leroux, Beaudry, Picard &
Associés Inc.
Les fantaisies du blé
Les Habitations Nouvelle Ère
Les Habits Saint-Eustache
Les Impressions au Point Inc.
Les Industries Halrai Inc.
Les Industries Tridents Inc.
Les Laboratoires Blanchard
Les oeufs Bec-O Inc.
Les Placements Claude R.
Gagnon Inc.
Les placements Jacques Félix
Les Placements L.L.C. Inc.
Les Productions Déments
Les Pros de la Photo
Les Soeurs de la Charité de
Les Soeurs de la Charité de
Les Sœurs de la Présentation
Les Spécialistes de
Les Traductions Botexte
Les Ursulines
Les ventes Prestige Sales Inc.
Les vergers Leahy Inc.
Les Vêtements Adorable
Junior Garments Inc.
L'Espérance, André
Lessard, Lise
Lessard, Pierre
Letendre, Roger
Letko, Brosseau & Assoc. Inc.
Létourneau, Claude
Lévesque, Julie
Lévesque, Michèle
Lévesque, Steve
Levy Pilotte
Lewis, Laurent
LGS Group Inc.
Lissoir, Luc
Livre Babar Books
Location Orléans Inc.
Location Park Avenue
Loewen, Ondaatje,
McCutcheon Limited
Logiciels Xceed Inc.
Logistec Corporation
Loisirs Assomption Inc.
Lolachers Catering Portage
Longpré, Robert
Longtin, R.
Longueuil Photo
Lord, Norman
Lorenzen, Andrée
Lorenzetti, Barry F.
Louis Garneau Sport
Lowson, Johanne
Lucaro Transports Inc.
Ludgate, Peter J.
Lumas Inc.
Lussier, Anne
Lussier, Doris and Marcel
Lutfy, Bruce
Lydiatt, Sara
M. Busque Consultant Inc.
M.A. Stewart & Sons Ltd.
M.G.A. Électrique Inc.
MAC Closures Inc.
MacDonald, Albert
MacLean, Eleonor
Maclean, John
Maçonnerie Jose da Costa et
Frères Inc.
Madigan, Tracey
Magna International Inc.
Magnan, Nicole
Magnier, Vickie
Magra Multi Média
Magu Ltd.
Mainville, Daniel
Mainville, Nadine
Maisons usinées Côté Inc.
Malo, Pierre
MAN Roland Inc.
Maniatis, Thomas
Mannella, Susan
Manoir Rouville-Campbell
Mappin, Judith
Marché Major Enr.
Marchi, Sandra
Marsolais, Sylvie
Martel & Villemure
Martellino, Bob
Martial, Odile
Martin, Danielle
Martin, Samuel
Martirené, Marie-Noël
Martoni, Cyr et associés Inc.
Massicotte, Claire V.
Massothérapie Érika Oostveen
Matelas Lampron
Mathewson, James W.
Maurice Clermont
Maytag Québec Inc.
McKay, Richard
McKellar, Agnes
McLean, Janet
McNamara, Peter
McNeil Consumer Healthcare
Mead Westvaco Packaging
Systems LP
Medical Education Network
(Canada) Inc.
Medicum Patient Assistance
Program Inc.
Medisys Health Group Inc.
Megelas, Margaret
Melimax Inc.
Melric Ltée
Ménard, Ghyslaine
Ménard, Jacqueline
Mercure, Françoise
Merlo, Christine
Metalium Inc.
Metcalfe, Yvon
Metro Inc.
METSO Minerals Canada Inc.
Metso Shared Services Ltd.
Meubles Busch
Meubles Contact Design Inc.
Michael Goodman Executive
Microcell Solutions Inc.
Microcell Télécommunications
Microsoft Canada Co.
Milotte, Pascal
Ministère de la Sécurité
Mira Amusement
Misischia, Roberto
ML AIR inc.
Mobel Electronics
Mobilier L'accès-cible
Moda Folio International Inc.
Moisan, Alain
Moisson Dorée
Molino, Giambattista
Molino, Pietro
Monaco, David
Montcalm, Peter
Montebello Packaging
Montgrain Mc Clure Gibeau,
Montship Inc.
Moreau Électrique
Moreau, Yves
Mori, Paul
Morin, Jean-Pierre
Morin, Suzanne
Motard, Jean-Pierre
Moussette, Normand
Multi-Prêt Hypothèques
Municipalité de La Visitationde-Yamaska
Municipalité de SaintAdolphe-d'Howard
Musique Mignault
Mythos Restaurant
N. Sani Cie Ltée
N.C.R. Associates
Nadeau, Daniel
National Analysts
NATIONAL Public Relations
(Canada) Inc.
Naud, Yvan
Nazzari, Franco
Nehoc Industries Ltd.
Neilson, Gail A.
Nexen Chemicals Canada Ltd.
Nexia Biotechnologies Inc.
Nexio Technologies
NFOE et associés architectes
Ngwai, Lam Nook Chin
Nicola Guarna Fashions Inc.
Nikidis, Spiro
Niquette, Yollande
Norshield Asset Management
Nortel Network
North American Cerutti
North Safety Products
Oberfeld Snowcap Inc.
Oblicas Inc.
Ogilvy, John A.
Ogilvy, Louis
Ogilvy, Richard
OKI Bering Canada Inc.
Oliver, Bruce Dr.
Oliver, Howard T. Dr.
Oliver, Thomas, Dr.
Olymel S.E.C.
Omnia Technologies Inc.
O'Neill, Frank A.
Optimum Général Inc.
Ordre des technologues en
radiologie du Québec
Oryschuk, Yuri
OSL Marketing Communication
Outils Gladu Inc.
Paiement, Daniel
Paiement, Maurice
Palmer, Allan
Pamel, Peter
Pampena, Antonietta
Panagiotis, Samarsa
Paolino, Lucia
Papier Vision
Paquette, Dominic
Paquin, Jacques
Paquin, Yvan
Parent, Charles
Parker, June
Paroisse de Sainte-Anne-deBellevue
Passeport Helico
Pastene Inc.
Pâtisserie La Châteauguoise
Pâtisserie Rolland
Patterson Dentaire Canada Inc.
Paul, Serge
Pavage Intercite
PCJA Architectes (HSA)
Peacock Inc.
Pearson, Bryan R.
Pega Precision Inc.
Peize, Lauma
Pellegrino, Joseph
Pelletier, André
Pelletier, Benoit
Pelletier, Luc
Pépin, Monique
Pepsi-Cola Canada Ltd.
Perceptech Inc.
Perfect Dyeing Canada Inc.
Perreault, A.
Perreault, Pierrette
Perron, Marcel
Pharmacie de la Cité Inc.
Pharmacie Francine Robert
Pharmacie Sylvie Lussier &
François Maltais
Pharmaprix Claude Meilleur
Philip, Pierre
Phillips, Roger
Piaceneini, Adolfo
Picard, Jean
Pichette, Michel
Pierre Fabre DermoCosmétique Canada Inc.
Pigeon, Roger
Pilote, Desneiges
Pioneer Petroleums
Piperni, Pasquale
Pixel Communications
Pizz' Ancora Laval Inc.
Placements Auchebel Ltée
Placements Borsa Inc.
Placements Martin Couture inc.
Plamondon, Raymond
Plamondon, Richard
Plaques Express RCM Inc.
Plateau de la capitale
Pluri-Capital (PCI) Inc.
PMP Repro Média Inc.
Poirier, Bertrand
Poly-Toitures Inc.
Poninska, Agnieszka
Porter, Dave
Pouliot Mercure, Avocats
PPG Canada Inc.
Primeau Métal Inc.
Productions ACTE II
Productions et Animations
Gilles Guindon
Produits chimiques
Magnus Ltée
Produits IDC Inc.
Produits Shell Canada
Proman Consultants Ltd.
ProMetic Sciences
de la Vie inc.
Promotion France Morin Inc.
Promutuelle l'Abitibienne
Protech Chimie Ltée
Protection V.A.G. Inc.
Proulx, Richard
Provost, Carmen
Prud'homme, Georges
PSC (Montréal) Inc.
Publication Rousseau et Ass.
Purcell, François
Purdue Pharma
Pyrotek Inc.
Quantz, Shirley and Edward
Quebec Produce Marketing
Quintiles Canada Inc.
R3D Information et
Technologie Inc.
Rae, John
Raenden, Leslie
Raguseo, Carolina
Ranger, Jean-René
Raschkowan, Norman
RBC Dominion Securities Inc.
RCR International Inc.
Reardon, Suzanne
Reber Graphics
Récupération de métaux
Recyclage Hanna
Redbourne Inc.
Régulvar Inc.
Reinhardt, Roger
Reitman, Cyril and Dorothy
Reitmans (Canada) Limited
Rekunyk, Dany
Relizon Canada Inc.
Renaud, Richard J.
Rencontre Châteauguoise
René Inc.
Réseau Admission Inc.
Réseau de Transport de
Résidence funéraire Charron
& fils
Ressources Breakwater
Restaurant et Taverne Magnan
Revay et Associés Limitée
Richard-Olivier, Celine
Richelieu Hardware Ltd.
Rinoval Inc.
Roberge, Marc
Roberge, Nathalie
Roberts Fire Protection Ltd.
Robic S.E.N.C.
Robitaille, Martin
Rocheleau, Carlos
Rochon, Michel
Rodimax Inc.
Rodrigue, Pierre
Roger Lachapelle Pontiac
Buick GMC
Rogers Group of Companies
Rohani, Aram
Roland Marquis Ltée
Roman, Muriel
Rona Le Régional
Ronald, Ian
Rosco Group
Rosenthal, Darrin
Ross, Colin
Rothwell, William
Rouillard Inc.
Roy, Élizabeth
Roy, François R.
Roy, Jean-Denis
Roy, Yolande
Royal Window Coverings
Canada Inc.
Russo, Tino
Ryan, John
Sabbah, Éric
Sabbah, Robert
Sabetta, Jacques
Sablières Mercier Inc.
Sabourin, Luc
Safilo Canada Inc.
Saillant, Claude
Saillant, Dominick
Saine Marketing
Sajelex Inc.
Samson Bélair Deloitte &
Samson, Pierre
Samuel Strapping
Sanders (Mount Brydges) Inc.
Sandman Hôtel
Santerre, Edwidge
Santoianni, Mike
Santoire, Aurèle
Sappi Fine Paper North America
Saucier, Michel
Sauvageau, Guy
Sauvé, Jacques
Sc & Co
Scali, Salvadore
Scalia, Giuseppe
Schering Canada, Inc.
Schlesinger Newman Goldman
Schneider Foods
Schwartz, Debbie and Barry
Scierie Carrière Ltée
Scotia Capital
Scotiabank - Private Banking
Scotiabank Employees
Volunteer Program
Screnci, Tony
Sears Canada Inc.
Sécurité Huskies
Serero, André
Service d'ascenseur régional
Services Comptables
Mauricien Inc.
Services de consultants
CGM Inc.
Services de salariés de S.N.C.
Services d'Entretien
Seshadri, Vanamamalai
Setarcos Investments Inc.
Shaanan, Gad
Shah Trading Company
Sherrard, Catherine Anne
Shilldev Real Estate Inc.
Shire BioChem
Shoppers Drug Mart
Sico Inc.
Siemens Canada
Silva & St-Pierre Ltée
Simard, Fabien
Simard, Jackie and Léon
Simonneau, Pierre
Sintra Inc.
Siomos, Chris
Siroishka, Victor
SM Marketing
SND Consultants
SNELL Medical
Communication Inc.
Snow-Taylor, Carole
Société des Casinos du
Québec Inc.
Société Immobilière
Landmark Inc.
Société Immobilière W. & D.
Société Pierre Boucher
Société Radio-Canada
Sodexho MS Canada Ltd.
Solarcan Isothermique
Sonorisation Ranger
Souque, Jean-Pascal
Sparling's Propane Co. Ltd.
Spesinvest Inc.
SR Telecom Inc.
St-Amour-Leznoff, Aline
Standard Life
Stantec Inc.
St-Boniface German-Speaking
R.C. Ladies Association Inc.
St-Clair Entertainment
St-Denis, Émile
Stedfast Inc.
Steinberg, Robert
Stevenson, D.J.
Stewart, Ian
St-Germain Chev. Olds
(1992) Ltée
St-Jacques, Suzanne
STO - Société de transport de
Stora Enso North America
StorageTek Canada, Inc.
St-Paul's Catholic Community
St-Pierre, Carol
Strath, Evelyn
Street Chemicals & Co.
Stuart Packaging Cie
Sudler & Hennessey
Sun Life du Canada
Super C - Vaudreuil
Sûreté du Québec - MRC
Sutton plumbing & heating
supplies ltd.
Sylviculture Exploitation
Forestière JMJ
Symcor Inc.
Syndicat des Métallos local
Système Fibrass
Tabet, Nabil
Tadounsky, Claudette
Tan-Phat, La
Tardif, Murray & Associés Inc.
Task Micro-Electronics Inc.
Taylor, A. Scott
TD Canada Trust
Technicolor Canada Inc.
Techraft MFG Inc.
Télésystème Ltée
Tembec Paperboard Group
Tessier, Yvan
Testa, Marc
Tétreault, Éric
Thales Avionics
The CanWest Global
The Chastell Foundation
The Guarantee Company of
North America
The John and Rosemary Reilly
The Lakeshore Swimming
The Medicine Group Ltd.
The Nathan Steinberg Family
The Reader's Digest
Association (Canada) Ltd.
The residents of Mutton Bay
The Strategic Counsel
The Syntax Foundation
The Tauben Family Foundation
Themens, Pierre A.
Thibault, Maurice
Thomas, Jean
Thomas, Nancy
Thompson, Sharyl
Thomson, David M.P.
Timsons Inc.
Tiru (Canada) Inc.
Tommy Hilfiger Canada Inc.
Ton Of Bricks
Topor, Ben
Torchia Communications
Touch Tunes Digital
Jukebox Inc.
Toys "R" Us Canada Ltd.
Trail Con Sales Inc.
Trak, Ada
Transat A.T. Inc.
Transbec Inc.
Transport Bourassa
Transport et excavation
Mascouche Inc.
Transport Nord-Ouest
Transport Robert
Tremblay, Brosseau, Fleury,
Tremblay, Daniel
Tremblay, Marc
Tremblay, Nancy
Tremblay, Raynold
Trendex Home Design Inc.
Trépanier, Pierre
Triax Inc.
Tripar Inc.
Trottier, Michèle
Trudeau Corporation
Trudeau, Joanne
Trudeau, Michel
Trudel, Suzanne
T-S SACHS International Inc.
Turcotte, Michel
Turmel, Jean
Turner, William and Nancy
Ultramar Ltd.
Unilever Canada
Union United Church
Uni-Select Inc.
Unisource Canada Inc.
United Parcel Service
Canada Ltd.
Universal Studio Canada Inc.
Université de Montréal
Université Laval PEPS
UNIVESTA Ass. & Serv.
financiers Inc.
UPM North America
Upton, Charles Earl
Vachon, Diane
Vadeboncoeur, Ghislaine
Vadeboncoeur, Roger
Vaillancourt, Diane
Vaillancourt, Lynda
Valade, Tifanie
Valenti, Anna
Vallières, Claude
Van Mierlo, Ann
Vanagas, John V.
Vanakoulias, Kosta
Van-Smith Marketing
Vapor Rail Inc.
Vente D'Autos H Grégoire
Verrier, Paquin, Hébert
Versailles Home Fashions Inc.
Vetrone, Rosella
Vézina, Daniel, Notaire
Via Rail Canada
Viau Foods Inc.
Viel, Carl
Vihuber, Lars
Ville de Châteauguay
Ville de Lery
Ville de Montréal
Ville de Rouyn-Noranda
Ville de Val d'Or
Villeneuve Bergeron, Micheline
Vimont Lexus Toyota
Vincelli, Christina
Vincor (Québec) Inc.
Violo, Antoinette
Vision Service Marketing Inc.
Vitoeuf Inc.
Volaille Giannone Inc.
Von Huene, Bernhard
Walker iso 9002
Walker, Carol
Walker, Caroline
Walker, John W.
Walker, Rita
Wal-Mart Canada
Wand, Debbie
Watson Poitevin Turcot Prévost
Watters, John
Wave Resto-Bar
Webtronics Electrical and
Mechanical Services Ltd.
Weir, Duncan
Western District Council of the
Newspaper Guild
Whirlpool Canada Inc.
Wilco Inc.
Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale
and Doff
Winterstern, Cathy and Henry
Witkowski, Julia
Woussen, Gérard
Wubbolts, Paul
Wyeth Canada
X-Pert-X Inc.
XRM Services Financiers
Yermus, Joseph
Yull, Tandy
Yvon Cousineau, Groupe
Zagalski, Cezar
Zalcman, Harvey
Zalzal, Patrick
Zervoudakis, S.
Zoum Communication
Marketing Inc.
Senior Executives
Executive Director
Nicole Magnan, B.Com., MAP
Assistant Executive Director
Jean Pierre Laurin, CA, MAP
Director, Western Region
Maryse Beaulieu (since September 2004)
Manon Durocher (until July 2004)
Director, Cancer Information Service
and j’Arrête hotline
Robert Desmarais, MBA
Director, Revenue Development
Robert Devroede (since September 2004)
Francine Bourdeau (until August 2004)
Director, Community Services
Suzanne Lemire
Director, Central and Eastern Region
Steve Lévesque
Director, Human Resources
Linda Young. MBA, C.R.H.A.
Director, Communications and Marketing
Marie-Claude Lafleur
Our Offices in Quebec
Quebec Division
5151 de l’Assomption Blvd., Montreal, Quebec H1T 4A9
Telephone: (514) 255-5151 • Fax: (514) 255-2808
Abitibi-Témiscamingue/Jamésie (10 units)
152 Murdoch Avenue, Suite 101
Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec J9X 1E2
Telephone: (819) 762-6707 • Fax: (819) 762-6708
Regional Development Officer: Jacqueline Kingsbury
Bas Saint-Laurent/Gaspésie/Îles-de-la-Madeleine (17 units)
300 St-Germain Street East, Rimouski, Quebec G5L 1B9
Telephone: (418) 723-5116 • Fax: (418) 723-1221
Regional Development Officer: Alain Raymond
Centre-du-Québec (8 units)
207-A Dorion Street, Drummondville, Quebec J2C 1T8
Telephone: (819) 478-3261 • Fax: (819) 478-0479
Regional Development Officer: Michèle Trottier
Eastern Townships (13 units)
3330 King Street West, Suite 130, Sherbrooke, Quebec J1L 1C9
Telephone: (819) 562-8869 • Fax: (819) 562-5870
Regional Development Officer: Josée Loignon
Laurentides (22 units)
72 de la Gare Street, St-Jérôme, Quebec J7Z 2B8
Telephone: (450) 436-2691• Fax: (450) 436-3801
Regional Development Officer: Marise Perrier
Laval/Lanaudière (21 units)
2598 Le Corbusier Blvd., Laval, Quebec H7S 2K8
Telephone: (450) 973-6668 • Fax: (450) 973-3399
Regional Coordinator: Louise Guilmain
Acting Regional Development Officer:
Julie Daigneault
Mauricie (8 units)
1259 Hart Street, Trois-Rivières, Quebec G9A 4S4
Telephone : (819) 374-6744 • Fax : (819) 373-4337
Regional Coordinator: Monique Tremblay
Regional Development Officer: Joanne Tremblay
Montreal (27 units)
5151 de l’Assomption Blvd., Montreal, Quebec H1T 4A9
Telephone: (514) 255-5151 • Fax: (514) 255-2808
Regional Coordinator: Josianne Béliveau
Outaouais (15 units)
50C St-Raymond Blvd., Suite 207, Gatineau, Quebec J8Y 1R7
Telephone: (819) 777-4428 • Fax: (819) 777-7164
Regional Coordinator : France Brillant
Quebec/Chaudière/Appalaches (39 units)
1040 Belvédère Avenue, Suite 214, Quebec, Quebec G1S 3G3
Telephone: (418) 683-8666 • Fax: (418) 683-4617
Regional Coordinator: Réjean Daigneault
Richelieu/Yamaska (8 units)
446 St-Joseph Street, P.O. Box 426, St-Hyacinthe, Quebec J2S 7B8
Telephone: (450) 773-1003 • Fax: (450) 773-2220
Regional Coordinator: Louise Lamothe
Rive-Sud (6 units)
450 Chemin Chambly, Suite 100, Longueuil, Quebec J4H 3L7
Telephone: (450) 442-9430 • Fax: (450) 442-0592
Regional Development Officer: Nicole Champagne
Saguenay–Lac-St-Jean/Chibougamau/Chapais/Côte-Nord (18 units)
930 Jacques-Cartier Street East, Local B-210
Chicoutimi, Quebec G7H 7K9
Telephone: (418) 543-2222 • Fax: (418) 543-5912
Regional Coordinator:
Martine Paradis
Sud-Ouest (17 units)
67 St-Jean-Baptiste Blvd., Suite 201
Châteauguay, Quebec J6J 3H6
Telephone: (450) 692-5110 • Fax: (450) 692-5688
Regional Development Officer: Paul Bonneau
Published by the Communications and Marketing Department, Canadian Cancer Society, Quebec Division
5151 De l’Assomption Blvd., Montreal, Quebec H1T 4A9 Telephone: (514) 255-5151
Graphic Design: Prétexte Communications Printing: Au Point-Reprotech
Together. Strong.