Compass_Oct 2006
Compass_Oct 2006
VALLEY FORGE CHAPTER PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 585 WORCESTER, PA 19490-0585 THE COMPASS Volume 41, Number 2 - October 2006 (Read the COMPASS on-line at MEETING SCHEDULE Oct. 19, 2006 (Thur) Membership Meeting, Drexel University Bossone Center, presentation by Jonathan Spanier on the applications of nanotechnology, followed by tour of the Drexel Nanotechnology Institute. Meeting starts at 6:00 with dinner. Cost: $25 (reduced cost parking available at Drexel parking garage). Please RSVP to Russ Daniels, PE ([email protected]) at 610-692-9836 by Wednesday, September 13, 2006 Oct. 19-21, 2006 NSPE Northeast Regional Meeting & NYSSPE Fall Professional Development Conference, hosted by the New York State Society of Professional Engineers, Inc., at the Saratoga Hotel and Conference Center ( in Saratoga Springs, NY. For more information go to Nov. 7, 2006 (Tue) Board of Directors Meeting, BCM, Plymouth Meeting, PA; 5:30 PM Nov. 30, 2006 (Thur) PSPE Southeast Regional Meeting, hosted by the Chester County Chapter, at The Inn at Chester Springs Hotel Conference Center. Presentation by Harve Hnatiuk, PE, President PSPE. RSVP by November 22, 2006 to Russ Daniels, PE at 610-692-9836, or Frank Stanton, PE at 215-497-1231 or [email protected]. For more information go to Dec. 3, 2006 (Sun) Day at the Races, Philadelphia Park, Bensalem, PA. Further details later. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE By Paul Dugan, P.E., VFC President Welcome to the October issue of the Compass! The following are some highlights of activity since the last Compass: • The VFC-BOD contacted all 200 chapter members with a phone call to insure that communications about meetings and events are reaching every member in one form or another (web site, post cards, email announcements) and encouraged participation in upcoming events. • Members of VFC took a tour of the Montgomery County Emergency Operations Center and 911 Call Center, followed by some good food and spirits at Brother Paul’s Pub & Restaurant in Eagleville. NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS • Frank Stanton, Michael Moore, and I participated in the PSPE-BOD meeting in Altoona in which our PSPE President Harve Hnatiuk unveiled the PSPE Strategic Plan which redefines our focus in response to our recent member survey and planning session/leadership conference held in Carlisle in June (see draft attachment). • Our resident webmasters redesigned our VFC website to improve the appearance and content to better serve our members while simplifying the process by which updates are made (visit The first page of our Compass highlights the programs planned for the remainder of 2006. Please show your support to our chapter and try to participate as much as your schedule allows. I also encourage each of you to reach out to other fellow engineers and invite them to a program or two (no requirement to be a member). Many of the chapter leaders in the Southeast region have collaborated on events and we all share our common interest in promoting joint events across multiple chapters. I have encouraged neighboring chapters to consider our events as an open invitation to help boost participation. We currently have one position vacant as Vice President on the BOD and we are seeking candidates to fill the open seat or candidates to fill a Director slot should one of our current Directors accept the VP position. Once again, we appreciate your contributions of time and energy to our chapter and our profession and look forward to seeing everyone at our upcoming events! PSPE Southeast Regional Meeting November 30, 2006 (Thursday) Hosted by Chester Chapter of PSPE Meeting Location: The Inn at Chester Springs Hotel Conference Center 815 North Pottstown Pike, Exton, Chester County, PA 19341 (Route 100 & Gordon Drive) Phone: 610-363-1100, Fax: 610-524-2329, Toll Free: 888-253-6119 Cocktails (Cash Bar): 6:00-6:30 Dinner: 6:30 – 7:30 (Brandywine Room) Menu Items: Salad, Chef’s Choice (chicken entrée), Dessert Cost $25 Invocation Introductions Engineers Creed Program: 7:30 Chapter Reports 7:30 to 8:00 (Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Philadelphia, Reading, and Valley Forge) PSPE Strategic Plan 8:00 to 9:00 PSPE President Harvey D. Hnatiuk, PE, FNSPE has led the effort to develop a new strategic plan for PSPE. The strategic plan was recently developed with the aid of our recent survey information and our strategic planning consultant. President Hnatiuk will present the survey findings and present the strategy to move PSPE forward as the recognized voice and advocate of all Professional Engineers who are licensed in Pennsylvania. Closing Comments & Adjournment 2006-07 Chapter Officers and Board of Directors President Paul Dugan, PE President-Elect Anthony Dougherty, PE Vice President (Vacant) Treasurer Kurt Leininger, PE Secretary Lindsay Musselman, EIT State Director Mike Moore, PE Past-President Rod Plourde, PhD, PE Chapter Director Karen O’Connell, EIT Chapter Director Mike Fischer, EIT Chapter Director Anthony Handley, EIT Chapter Director S. Rao Chitikela, Ph.D, PE Chapter Director Keith Bergman, PE Chapter Director Layne Blavier, PE SE Region PSPE Vice President Frank Stanton, PE 303 Valley Hunt Dr., Phoenixville, PA 19460 610-220-3820 [email protected] 2500 E. High St., Ste 650, Pottstown, PA 19464 610-326-3100 [email protected] 920 Germantown Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA PO Box 4, WP20-206, West Point, PA 19401 1680 Deerfield Rd. Norristown, PA 19403 425 Commerce Dr, Ft Washington, PA 19034 425 Commerce Dr, Ft Washington, PA 19034 303 Valley Hunt Dr., Phoenixville, PA 19460 303 Valley Hunt Dr., Phoenixville, PA 19460 550 Pinetown Rd, Ft Washington, PA 19034 550 Pinetown Rd, Ft Washington, PA 19034 804 Division Ave, Willow Grove, PA 19090 610-313-3100 610-279-3015 610-539-6251 215-283-9444 215-283-9444 215-205-2130 610-585-5889 215-643-5466 215-641-1114 215-357-5500 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 50 Fir Drive, Richboro PA 18954 215-497-1231 [email protected] 2006-07 VFC Committees Committee Audit Awards By-Laws Engineers Week Ethics Legislative/Gov’t Mathcounts Membership Nominating Programs Publications Scholarship Science Fair VFC Website Primary Contact Frank Stanton, PE Lindsay Musselman, EIT Kurt Leininger, PE Anthony Handley, EIT Paul Dugan, PE Paul Dugan, PE Karen O’Connell, EIT Lindsay Musselman, EIT Rod Plourde, PhD, PE Tony Dougherty, PE Kurt Leininger, PE Lindsey Musselman, EIT Tony Dougherty, PE Mike Fischer, EIT Practice Division PEPP PEC PEG PEI PEE Contact Paul Dugan, PE Keith Bergman, PE Rod Plourde, PhD, PE Lindsay Musselman, EIT Kurt Leininger, PE Secondary Contact Rao Chitikela, PhD, PE Mike Moore, PE Frank Stanton, PE Joe Habboush, PE Layne Blavier, PE Frank Stanton, PE Keith Bergman, PE Mike Fischer, EIT Tony Dougherty, PE Layne Blavier, PE Anthony Handley, EIT Karen O’Connell, EIT Frank Stanton, PE Anthony Handley, EIT (Note – The above committee positions were determined by those who attended the September Board of Directors meeting.) PSPE STRATEGIC PLAN – SEPTEMBER 2006 PSPE is the recognized voice and advocate of all Professional Engineers who are licensed in Pennsylvania. Promote and defend the interests of Pennsylvania’s Professional Engineers. Mission Live and work in concert with The Engineer’s Creed and The Professional Engineer’s Code of Ethics. Values Objectives Increase the stature of the Professional Engineer’s license as it is viewed by the general public, owners and operators of businesses, educators, and non-licensed engineers. Vision Demonstrate and continually improve the value of membership in PSPE. Protect the Professional Engineer’s license and title through careful monitoring of legislation and proactive efforts. Strategies Sustain or improve membership level of September 30, 2006 through the end of the PSPE year (June 2007) Value of the Professional Engineer’s License and Engineering Services: Increase the understanding of what Professional Engineers do and work to ensure that compensation received by Professional Engineers is truly commensurate to the services delivered. Value of PSPE Membership: Deliver value in services to members that elevate their competence and abilities to practice as Professional Engineers. Protect the Professional Engineer’s License: Routinely scan all upcoming legislation for potential infringement and devaluation of the PE license and proactively work to eliminate existing or pending infringements. Priorities Membership: Increase membership base to better serve and represent the interests of Professional Engineers in Pennsylvania. • Establish a Public Relations Committee within one (1) month of approval of the September Board of Directors Meeting. Actively publicize PSPE’s involvement in Mathcounts beginning no later than October 31, 2006. • Build membership committees in each PSPE Chapter by December 31, 2006. • Re-organize the Title Pursuit Task Force by October 31, 2006. • Re-organize the Legislative Committee by October 31, 2006 to address all issues regarding legislation related to licensure and to proactively push for qualifications based selection (QBS) for private, municipal and state engineering contracts. • Meet with owners and managers of engineering firms, industries and government to determine what types of programs within PSPE can specifically aid in their employees’ development. Complete six (6) such meetings by November 30, 2006. • Resume awards programs in all practice divisions and maximize the number of PSPE members nominated for Fellow status in NSPE. Develop awards criteria for all new 2006-07 awards by November 30, 2006. The Debate: Examination Before Experience? NSPE State Watch 9/22/06 In the October PE, Todd Kenner and David James defend Nevada's new law allowing candidates to take the PE exam before completing four years of experience. The biggest misconception about Nevada’s new law, the authors say, is that it lowered the criteria for professional licensure. In fact, the law did not change any of the three elements for licensure: education, examination, and experience. The law, introduced as Senate Bill 59, simply provides flexibility for state residents to sit for the PE exam any time (1) after graduating with an accredited engineering degree, and (2) after passing the Fundamentals of Engineering examination. Applicants for professional registration in Nevada who have an accredited B.S. degree and have passed the PE exam still must demonstrate four years of qualifying experience and successfully complete an ethics examination before earning a PE license. Also, the option of taking the early PE exam is open only to Nevada residents with accredited four-year degrees. This was done to prevent applicants from crossing state lines to take the PE exam in Nevada. Since June 2005, when S.B. 59 became law, the Nevada board has administered two PE examination cycles. After two exam cycles, October 2005 and April 2006, first-time early examinees from all disciplines are passing the PE exam at a rate similar to first-time examinees with at least four years’ experience. First-time early examinees with less than four years’ experience showed a 51% pass rate (95 of 186). First-time takers with at least four years’ experience had a 49% pass rate (49 of 100). Repeat examinees showed a 32% pass rate (46 of 142). The combined pass-rate for all those taking the October 2005 and April 2006 PE exams in Nevada was 44% (190 of 428). Kenner served on the Nevada State Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors from 1997 to 2006 and was chair of the board from 2004 to 2005. James is 2006-07 president of the Southern Nevada Chapter of NSPE. He represents NSPE on the Nevada State Board of Engineers and Land Surveyors’ Professional Association Liaisons Council. Legal Q&A: Government Contracting NSPE State Watch 9/22/06 Question: I have a medium-sized engineering firm, and I am considering entering into a contract to perform some design work for the federal government. I have been told that when doing business with the federal government, there is a provision requiring the engineer to design within funding limits. How does this provision operate? (Wisconsin) Answer: Under the Federal Acquisition Regulations Section 36.609-1, the federal government may contractually require the engineer to design the project so that construction costs will not exceed a contractually specified dollar limit (funding limitation), which is established during negotiations between the engineer and the federal government. If the price of construction proposed in response to a government solicitation exceeds the construction funding limitation in the engineer contract, the engineering firm will be responsible for redesigning the project within the funding limitation. These additional services will be performed at no increase in the price of the federal government-engineer contract. However, if the cost of the proposed construction is affected by events beyond the firm’s reasonable control such as an increase in material costs that could not have been anticipated or an undue delay by the federal government in issuing a construction solicitation), the engineer shall not be obligated to redesign at no cost to the federal government. If the engineer’s design fails to meet the contractual limitation on construction cost and the federal government determines that the firm should not redesign the project, a written statement of the reasons for that determination must be placed in the federal government’s contract file. Responses are based on questions posed to NSPE Deputy Executive Director and Legal Counsel Arthur Schwartz. These questions and answers do not, in any way, constitute legal advice. Always consult your own attorney before reaching any conclusions or acting upon any information presented in this forum. Also note that legal precedents change. An answer based on a case from several years ago may have a new perspective today. Send your legal questions Arthur Schwartz, 1420 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314-2794; fax: 703-836-4875. Hub Tunnel Woes - Crisis Deepens as Callahan, Sumner Ceilings Crumbling Down By Casey Ross, Boston Herald Reporter, 9/27/06 Big Dig inspectors have uncovered advanced deterioration of ceilings in the Callahan and Sumner tunnels that could have caused another fatal collapse because of long-delayed maintenance, officials said yesterday. Gov. Mitt Romney said the tunnels are plagued with crumbling concrete ceilings and slipping bolts that were not fully repaired during rehabilitation projects in the 1990s. He said the tunnels will require a vigorous system of inspection and maintenance that “has not been entirely in place, to say the least.” “We see the same kind of bolt slippage” that was found in the Interstate 90 Seaport Connector tunnel where Milena Del Valle was killed, Romney said. “Had there not been inspections and remediation (after the collapse), you can fully anticipate there would have been a real safety failure.” In the days after the I-90 tunnel collapse, more than 400 bolts were found to be slipping out of the Callahan’s ceilings. The discovery of deterioration in the Callahan and Sumner tunnels, which were inspected during a stemto-stern audit, dramatically expands the scope and cost of repairs to Boston’s beleagured highway network. Meanwhile, Romney said officials have found a fourth category of defect in the I-90 system: bent steel ceiling supports that are causing bolts to pop loose. The governor said the repairs needed in the Sumner Tunnel, opened in 1934, are particulary extensive because 30 percent of the ceiling is rotting away. Stephen Pritchard, who stepped down as Romney’s environmental chief to lead the audit, said engineers have not been able to find inspection records other than reviews planned every three years. Those reviews are not highly detailed, he added. Romney expressed exasperation that the Callahan and Sumner ceilings were rehabilitated, but not fully repaired, by the Turnpike Authority in the 1990s. “It reminds me of someone who took the siding off their house, saw the structural members rotting, and said, ‘We’d better put up new siding quick,’ ” he said. Engineers in the Sumner tunnel are continuing to work overnight to chip away damaged concrete at locations considered particularly dangerous because they are directly over the roadway. Romney said the tunnels will require extensive repairs, but they will have to be put off until after the reopening of the shuttered I-90 system. He said officials expect to reopen by November a critical ramp connecting the Ted Williams Tunnel westbound to Interstate 93. ( Visit To National Building Museum In D.C. By Kurt V. Leininger,P.E., VFC Treasurer 10/12/2006 I recently enjoyed a couple hours in the National Building Museum in Washington, DC, and highly recommend it to anyone visiting the city. It's of particular interest to engineers and architects, but of general interest to anyone. There are 3 or 4 separate rooms which each take about a half hour to see. One is devoted to the building history of Washington, another to "cityscapes Revealed" which represents architecture across urban America since the 1880s (including sculpture, facades, tiles, and other decorative trends), and another to "Green" design which I unfortunately didn't have time to see. The building itself is quite fascinating, being the original U.S. Pension Building built in the late 19th century for Civil War veterans. You haven't seen a grand hall with massive columns and skylights until you see this. Admission is free; hours are 10 to 5 Mon-Sat, and 11 to 5 Sun. It's located at 401 F St. NW, just a few blocks north of the National Gallery of Art. FOR THE GOOD… VFC member Layne Blavier would like to invite all to come out and see his band, The Non-Prophets, at any of the band’s upcoming appearances: Oct 14 Oct 21 Oct 27 Nov 10 Nov 18 Dec 8 Dec 23 Finney's JD McGillicuddy's Stephanie's Big Head's Street Rd Stephanie's Finney's Stephanie's Doylestown, PA Drexel Hill, PA Doylestown, PA Warminster, PA Doylestown, PA Doylestown, PA Doylestown, PA *All shows start at 9:30 except the Hatboro Fall Festival, which is a family carnival type event. More venues and dates may be added. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING MINUTES Meeting Date ¾ October 9, 2006 Those in Attendance: Mike Moore, P.E. Paul Dugan, P.E. Mike Fischer, E.I.T. Lindsay Musselman, E.I.T. Rod Plourde, P.E. S. Rao Chitikela, P.E. Anthony Handley, E.I.T. Kurt Leininger, P.E. Tony Dougherty, P.E. Frank Stanton, P.E. Keith Bergman, P.E. Meeting Called to Order ¾ 6:07 PM Minutes from May Meeting ¾ Accepted. Reports of Officers President’s report: ¾ New website format, same webhost. President-Elect’s report: ¾ PEPP Professional Seminars being offered – Ft. Washington, Nov 7 – PennDOT Permitting. Vice President’s report: ¾ Not present. Treasure’s report: ¾ Proposed budget submitted – accepted. Secretary’s Report: ¾ Nothing to report. State Director’s Report: ¾ Report from PSPE State Board Meeting to be written. Will include responses from PSPE survey, education initiatives, PSPE Strategic Plan. Will be included in subsequent issue of the Compass. SE Regional VP: ¾ Attended NJSPE State Board Meeting. Reorganization of NJSPE. CPCs proposed. ¾ Info on SE Regional Meeting posted on PSPE website (Nov 30). ¾ Day at the Races – Bucks Chapter will make joint event, inviting new PEs (18), Buck to pay for lunches. ¾ PEF Scholarship Award has been doubled to $2000. Committee Reports: ¾ Communications Compass: Draft by Wednesday, distribution by end of week. Notifications: Postcards were sent announcing September and October meetings. Webmaster: Site upgraded. Photos will be added. MathCounts: ¾ No update. Membership: ¾ No update. Programs: ¾ Chester Chapter suggestion for January – Historic Preservation/Green Building. ¾ NSPE NE Regional Meeting in Saratoga Springs. Unfinished Business: ¾ Handley will take over Compass distribution. ¾ Website upgrading is complete. New Business: ¾ New director nominees o Bergman approved via email to fill one vacancy. o One open seat remains. A.O.B ¾ Reimbursement for President expenses at State meetings – at discretion of board (State pays for State Director only). ¾ Apply for NY PDH certification for January Meeting? AIA may approve. ¾ Reading will host PSPE conference in May. ¾ PSPE Nominating Committee needs nominees for State Board. Adjournment: ¾ 7:21 PM Next meeting November 7, 5:30pm, BCM. VALLEY FORGE CHAPTER PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 585 WORCESTER, PA 19490-0585 NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS VALLEY FORGE CHAPTER PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 585 WORCESTER, PA 19490-0585 NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS VALLEY FORGE CHAPTER PENNSYLVANIA SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS P.O. BOX 585 WORCESTER, PA 19490-0585 BRYAN J MINNER, CPA 22 Village Center Drive, Suite C4 Reading, PA 19607 610-603-0500 Small Businesses & Individuals Welcome Accounting & Tax Services QuickBooks® Support Mutual Funds IRAs Securities offered through Waterstone Financial Group Member NASD/SIPC 500 Park Blvd., Suite 800, Itasca, IL 60143 630-250-7000 Minner & Company, P.C. and Waterstone Financial Group are independently owned and operated. NATIONAL SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS
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