Monmouth County Marine Task Force
Monmouth County Marine Task Force
LITTLE SILVER EMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINES LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. DISPATCH PROTOCOL- PG 3 2. ORGANIZATIONAL PLANPG 4 3. LSEMS WARM WATER SOG’S- PG. 5 4. LSEMS ICE WATER RESCUE SOG’S- PG. 10 5. MARINE TASK FORCE EQUIPMENT LIST- PG. 12 6. M.C. MARINE TASK FORCE RUN CARDS- PG. 13 7. M.C. MARINE TASK FORCE PLAN- PG. 16 -2– 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE DISPATCH PROTOCOL DISPATCH SURFACE WATER RESCUE When a request for Marine 23 is received, Squad 23-21 and Station 23-1 are to be simultaneously dispatched. Squad 23-21 shall be requested for Marine 23 and Station 231 shall be requested for Rescue 2386 and manpower. Sea Bright Fire Department (Marine 43) shall also be requested for all water rescue calls in our jurisdiction. ICE WATER RESCUE When an incident is on the ICE, The following shall be dispatched immediately: SQUAD 23-21 STATION 23-1 DISTRICT 64 (RED BANK) DIVE TEAM STATION 81-1 (ALLENHURST) DIVE TEAM DISTRICT 38 (OCEANPORT), STATION 33-1 (MONMOUTH BEACH) AND STATION 43-1 (SEA BRIGHT) ICE WATER RESCUE TEAM CONFIRMATION OF VICTIM Upon confirmation of a person in the water, additionally notify 1. Monmouth County Police Radio 2. Red Bank & Allenhurst Dive Teams 3. N.J.S.P (Marine Division) & USCG 4. MONOC for ALS (if EMS related Marine Task Force Little Silver EMS is on the Monmouth County Marine Task Force. The MTF has established dispatch protocols and alarm assignments through Monmouth County Police Radio. Depending on the type of, and location of the incident, MCPR will notify different agencies. We may be requested on a FIRST ALARM assignment for any water rescue call SOUTH of the Sea Bright- Rumson Bridge. JURISDICTION: Little Silver (D23) (Oakes Road west to Point Road School. Little Silver Point extending southwest through the Gooseneck Bridge across from the north banks of Fort Monmouth’s “400 Area”) Launching Areas within Sector: Little Silver: Riverview Avenue (Santelle Park, launch ramp) Vehicle/Equipment Staging Areas within Sector, by Town: Little Silver: Riverview Avenue, Santelle Park Little Silver: Seven Bridge Road / LS Point Road, Point Road School -3– 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE 2012 ORGANIZATIONAL PLAN EMS CAPTAIN MICHAEL VERY 23-50 MARINE UNIT CAPTAIN JONATHAN RYAN 23-52 MARINE ENGINEER 1 REISS PFLEGER 23-68 OPERATOR TRAINING REISS PFLEGER 23-68 MARINE ENGINEER 2 JOHN MERRIS JR 23-21-554 MARINE UNIT TRAINING (DRILLS, CLASSES) TBD 23- -4– 2/27/2012 ICE WATER RESCUE/SCUBA (EXPANSION) TBD 23- LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE SURFACE WARM WATER SOG’S THIS GUIDE IS A “WORKING DOCUMENT”. IT MAY BE CHANGED TO IMPROVE OUR WATER RESCUE OPERATIONS AT ANY TIME BASED ON CHANGES IN CAPABILITIES OF TRAINING AND EQUIPMENT PURPOSE: To ensure the health and safety of all emergency responders While attempting to perform a water rescue and administering Pre-hospital care. Possible needs for our boat include Boating/Jet Ski accident Boat/people in distress Bridge Jumper PD assist Flooding Conditions In order to ensure that the boat and equipment are immediately deployable, the following actions shall be followed: 1. When Little Silver EMS is dispatched for a surface water rescue call, either 23-50 or 23-56 shall tow the boat. The keys for the boat shed are on the ignition key rings of each squad vehicle. 2. When Launching the boat, the following must be completed: a. The boat must be unplugged from the charger in the boat shed and the battery covers must be secured b. The light bar rack must be in the down position prior to removing the boat from the shed c. Ensure the plugs are secured in the boat d. After the boat has been removed from the shed, lower the engine, raise the light bar mount and secure, raise the engine for launching e. Let the engine run and warm up prior to disconnecting the boat from the trailer. 3. After removing the boat from the water, the operator is responsible for completing the call sheet/final checklist ensuring the boat is ready to respond to the next call. 4. During the warm weather months, first launching, starting and operating the boat in the water should maintain the boat. This should be done weekly as part of the captain’s duties or a designee. LS Dispatch shall be notified any time the boat is going to be moved including maintenance runs. 5. No Alcohol or illegal drugs shall be on the boat at any time. -5– 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE SURFACE WARM WATER RESCUE SOG’S CONT’D Local Agencies Water Rescue Equipment: Little Silver EMS (Surface Water Rescue) 1 16’ Rescue One Connector Boat (23M1) Oceanport EMS (Surface Water Rescue) 1 16’ Carolina Skiff (hard flat bottom) (38-M2) Oceanport FD (Surface/ICE Water Rescue) 1 kayak Ice Rescue Equipment Oceanport OEM (Support) 1 14’ Carolina Skiff (hard flat bottom) (38-M1) Fair Haven Water Rescue Team (Surface/ICE Water Rescue) 1 20’ Maritime Skiff (hard, center console) (1359) 1 12’ Zodiac (1358) 1 14’ Ice Rescue Boat (1360) Red Bank FD (Surface/Under Water Rescue) 1 hard boat (64M1) 1 Jet Ski boat (w/ fire pump) (64M2) 1 Zodiac DIVE TEAM Underwater Extrication Tools Sea Bright FD (Surface Water Rescue) 1 Zodiac boat with outboard engine. 1 19’ hard bottom center console boat (ex AHFD) Atlantic Highlands EMS (Surface/Ice Rescue) 1 1999 18’ Boston whaler center console (85-M1) 1 12’ Zodiac with 40 hp outboard motor (85-M2) Highlands FD (Surface Water Rescue/ Fire Suppression) 1 25’ Rescue/Fire Boat. 500 GPM Pump. (17-M1) Monmouth Beach FD (Surface Water Rescue) 1 Jet Ski 2 Kayaks Long Branch FD (Surface Water Rescue) 1 Jet Ski (25-89) 1 zodiac platoon w/ jet engine (25-M1) Keyport (22-21) BOATS Middletown TWP (ALL 5 SQUADS) DIVE TEAMS BOATS Middletown TWP - Brevent Park 31-2 1 Boston Whaler with fire pump *** Marine Task Force has an additional list -6– 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE SURFACE WARM WATER RESCUE SOG’S CONT’D I. DISPATCH A. All water emergencies to which the Borough is requested to respond to will have both LSEMS and LSFD dispatched Simultaneously. 1. LSEMS is responsible for the rescue/attempt, treatment and transport of all victims. Proper staffing on the emergency vessel(s) for a rescue/attempt shall be Determined by the LSEMS OIC 2. LSFD is responsible for all firematic operations including containment and extinguishment. ** There is an additional Dispatch Protocol B. Incident Command shall be established and the Incident Commander will confirm notification of other agencies as required. 1. LSEMS shall be the Incident Commander for in town calls. 2. LSPD, LSFD and LS OEM should have a representative at the CP. 3. Dispatch of a Monmouth County Field Com upon request of IC. 4. MEDEVAC- LSFD shall coordinate all take off and landing medevac activities. 5. LSEMS shall assist with the medevac medical operations II. RESPONSE A. Confirm the number of reported victims. B. Confirm location. (Position or buoy #) C. Confirm situation (Sail boarder, Swimmer, Jet Skier, Boater, etc.). D. Who made the report? E. Have Police interview witness(s) for more detailed info. F. Confirm appropriate, adequate manpower is dispatched including mutual aid agencies 1. LSEMS 2. LSFD 3. Red Bank & Allenhurst Dive Team 4. MEDEVAC on standby IF needed 5. 16h District Mobilization Coordinator if 3 or more towns or 5 or more EMS agencies are dispatched. G. Set up the Command Post in 23-86 or 23-66/67 until arrival of the fieldcom H. 23-50 or 23-56 will tow Marine 23. I. 23-57 Primary transport ambulance. Mutual Aid Ambulances may be requested for additional transports or Rehab. J. 2386 or 23-99 (Fire Police) shall provide lighting at the launch site during night hours K. The Launch Site shall be at the end of Riverview Ave (Santelle Park) unless otherwise directed by the IC. -7– 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE SURFACE WARM WATER RESCUE SOG’S CONT’D RESPONSE CONT’D L. Communications: LSEMS will follow the Communication protocol set by the Marine Task Force. 1. Command to Monmouth County- Monmouth fire 2 2. On scene communications, boat to boat, boat to command: Monmouth Fire 7. 3. The Marine Units shall also monitor USCG Channel 16. M. Little Silver EMS will have a representative on land during operations. IF MUTUAL AID EMS IS USED; ALL AMBULANCES SHALL USE MONMOUTH EMS 3 OTHER FREQUENCIES SHALL BE UTILIZED AND ASSIGNED BY MCPR, FIELDCOM AND/OR THE I.C.SURFACE WARM WATER RESCUE SOG’S CONT’D III. PREPARATION A. The OIC of LSEMS shall select the qualified Crews for rescue vessel(s). B. The OIC of LSEMS with the assessment of each boat crew shall determine weather and safety conditions and determine whether the mission is a GO / NO GO. AUTOMATIC NO GO DECISION (1 OR MORE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS EXIST.) 1. Weather conditions crew has not trained for; 2. Not properly staffed; 3. Improper equipment; 4. In-water operation at judgment of excessive current. 5. Rescuer Systolic BP > 160 for those wearing Cold-Water Ice Rescue Suit who will be entering the water. C. Personal Protective Equipment. 1. Each rescue crew member shall: Don PFDs properly. 2. Don Dry Suit if necessary. 3. Any member assisting with launching of the boat or on the dock area will wear a PFD. 4. NO FIREFIGHTING/EMS TURNOUT GEAR WILL BE WORN ON OR NEAR THE WATER AT ANY TIME D. Incident Commander initial actions: 1. 23-86 or 23-66/67/50 as initial Command Post 2. The IC shall designate an area for diver and manpower staging. 3. Staging area vehicles at Tennis Court parking for additional responding apparatus to the boat ramp. -8– 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE SURFACE WARM WATER RESCUE SOG’S CONT’D IV. QUALIFICATIONS A. ALL emergency responders will ONLY use/operate equipment they are certified/qualified on, including the vessel(s). 1. All qualifications and certifications of LSEMS members shall be filed in the First Aid office and maintained by EMS 2. All qualifications of LSFD members shall be filed in the Chief’s Office and maintained by the Training Officer. 3. A list of all qualified boat operators shall be maintained posted on the squad bulletin board. EMS will have a copy of a boating safety certificate for all operators on file. B. Rescue Crew and Boat Operators Must have the following minimum qualifications BEFORE boarding the boat: 1. New Jersey State Marine Police boater’s safety course. 2. Have drilled with the boat at least once within the past year. 3. Blood born pathogens requirements 4. CPR certified 5. Small boat handling safety and rescue course is encouraged. 6. Competent in use of all water related equipment on board. ONLY certified EMTs/First Responders who are also qualified as above shall render patient care during surface water rescue operations. D. Whenever the boat is in operation, there shall be a EMT on board. When the boat is responding on a call, there should be an operator, 2 EMT's, and 2 rescue swimmer's. There should be no more than 6 crew members on the boat. V. EQUIPMENT A. Personal Safety Equipment 1. PFD (donned correctly) 2. Whistle (attached to PFD) 3. Strobe light (attached to PFD) 4. Dry suit (conditions dictate) B. First Aid Kit C. Backboard (flotation capable) D. Throw Bag (75’ braided line) E. All customary minimum required equipment as needed to comply with USCG shall be maintained and furnished as required by the Captain or his designee. VI. SAFETY 1. NO PERSON SHALL BE ALLOWED ON THE BOAT WITHOUT PFD PROPERLY DONNED AT ALL TIMES. 2. ALL EMERGENCY RESPONDERS HAVE THE RIGHT AND THE OBLIGATION TO REFUSE TO PERFORM ANY ACT THEY FEEL IS UNSAFE AND MAY CAUSE INJURY TO THEMSELVES OR OTHERS. 3. The Boat operator must ensure the vessel is cleaned, restocked, refueled and ready for the next response. This includes flushing out the engine, washing off the boat (inside and out), trailer and completing the Marine Unit Call/Check sheet. -9– 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE Ice Water Rescue SOG PURPOSE: To ensure the health and safety of all emergency Responders while attempting to perform a cold water rescue and administering Pre hospital care. Limitations: 1. Little Silver EMS shall not attempt any Ice Water Rescue. Little Silver shall support the Ice Rescue Team. 2. Little Silver EMS shall support the Ice Water Rescue Teams. 3. LSEMS and supporting designated rehab agencies shall perform rehab on all rescuers. 1. Monmouth County EMS a. REHAB Trailer's b. 2 Mass Casualty/REHAB bus's (Neptune & Keyport) 2. Gordon's Corner Fire Co (trailer) 3. Keyport EMS (Ambulance w/ rehab supplies) DISPATCH A. All Cold/ Ice water rescue emergencies that the Borough is requested to Respond to will have LSEMS, LSFD, Red Bank Dive Team and Oceanport Fire Department Cold Water/Ice Rescue Team dispatched immediately. B. LSEMS shall be responsible for treatment and transport of all victims, as well as the REHAB of the rescuers. LSFD shall be utilized to provide manpower, to assist LSEMS, to provide scene security, to assist with MEDEVAC operations, and to implement ICS. C. upon confirmation of a person in the water, HQ shall Dispatch the following: 1. Oceanport Fire Department Surface Ice water Rescue Team 2. Red Bank Fire Department and Allenhurst Dive Teams 3. MONOC ALS D. Incident Command shall be established and the Incident Commander will confirm notification of other agencies as required. 1. LSEMS will be the Incident Commander 2. LSPD should have a representative at the CP. 3. Dispatch of a Monmouth County Field Com upon request of IC. 4. MEDEVAC (LSFD will coordinate all medevac take off and landing activities.) 5. LSEMS shall assist with medevac medical operations. 6. USCG AND NJSP MARINE DIVISION II. RESPONSE A. Confirm the number of reported victims. B. Confirm location. (Position). C. Confirm situation (Sail boarder, Swimmer, Jet Skier, Boater, etc.). D. LSEMS shall also assure that they have adequate rehab equipment (warm blankets, hot packs, rehab kit, warm liquids, coffee) - 10 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE ICE WATER RESCUE SOG’S CONT’D E. Confirm appropriate & adequate manpower is dispatched including mutual aid. 1. LSEMS 2. LSFD 3. Red Bank Fire Department Dive Team 4. MEDEVAC on standby IF needed 5. 16th District Mobilization Coordinator if 3 or more EMS agencies are dispatched. F. Set up the Command Post in 23-86 or 23-66/67 G. 2386 or 23-99 shall provide lighting during dark hours H. 23-86 shall be used as a command/REHAB vehicle I. 23-56’s stretcher and “stat track” shall be removed for REHAB. J. 23-57 is due as primary ambulance for transport. K. Place ambulance safely on scene in such a manner as to Allow rapid exit (make sure NOT to get blocked in by other Arriving apparatus) or as directed by IC L. NO EMS personnel shall be on the Ice at any time. M. All Communications shall be on Monmouth County Fire 4 (Little Silver Local) unless otherwise directed. The Marine Units shall also monitor USCG Channel 16 II. PREPARATION A. Establish command B. Know where to go to assess the scene and stage operations C. Perform rapid scene assessment and identify hazards 1. GO? 2. NO GO? D. Assess number and status of victim(s) E. Establish communications with victim(s) if possible F. Mark spot onshore in front of each victim if possible G. Confirm appropriate agencies are dispatched H. Secure the scene and mark hot, warm and cold zones I. Draw profile map J. Confirm all personnel understand proper hand signals 1. Slack 2. Pull 3. Stop K. Deploy rescue teams and document time in and time out L. Confirm EMS takes baseline vitals of rescuer III. EMS PERSONNEL A. Don PFDs before entering HOT zone B. Keep ambulance, cot and equipment warm C. Prepare to treat hypothermia, CPR, submersion and trauma D. Obtain baseline vitals of all rescuers before they enter water Remember that heat loss is greatest at the head, hands and feet. IV. RESCUE Oceanport Fire Department Ice Rescue Team and/or the Red Bank Fire Department and Allenhurst Dive Teams shall be the rescuing agency for any ice water rescue within the borough. LSEMS will support those agencies as well as the LSFD. V. EQUIPMENT ALL LSEMS COLD WATER RESPONDERS SHALL WEAR WARM CLOTHING of a material, such as wool, worn in layers - 11 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE MARINE TASK FORCE EQUIPMENT LIST Agency Name: LITTLE SILVER EMS POC: JONATHAN RYAN (732) 804-7421 Agency Address: 543 PROSPECT AVE. LITTLE SILVER, NJ 07739 Phone: (732)747-5900 (EMERGENCY) Team Leader: JONATHAN RYAN Phone: 732-804-7421 Radio I.D. Number:_______________ E-Mail Contact Information: [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marine units: (Boat) Radio I.D. Number MARINE 23 Does your boat have a Fire/EMS radio? (MOBILE) Does your boat have a Marine VHF radio? NO What County channels does it have? (circle each one) Fire 1, Fire 2, Fire 3, Fire 4, Fire 5, Fire 7, Fire 8, EMS 1, EMS 2, EMS 3, SPEN-1, SPEN-2, SPEN-3, SPEN 4 Other: MARINE 13, 16, 17, 22A, 83 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Size: 16'3" (total length) Type: ALUMINUM Draft: 6" Inboard/Outboard: OUTBOARD HP: 40 HP Fuel Type: GASOLINE Personnel Capacity: 6 Propulsion Type: PROPELLER Shallow Water: YES (1”-12” yes/no) Deep Water: YES (13”- above yes/no) Salt Water: YES Fresh Water: YES Ocean: NO River(s): YES Lake(s): YES Flooded Land Areas: YES --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Equipment on your Marine Unit: Fire Pump: NO GPM: N/A Foam: N/A Gallons: N/A ***** LSFD has portable pump with hoses on utility truck that can be used on M23 if Station 23-1 is requested for it. Hose(s) (size and feet): N/A Extinguishing Agent(s)______________________________ Hooks, Axes, etc: NONE Dewatering Equipment: NONE Wildland Equipment: NONE Search & Rescue Equipment: THROW BAGS, LIFE RING, RESCUE CAN, LIGHTS ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Search/Scene Lighting: YES, 2 MOUNTED SCENE LIGHTS AS WELL AS HANDHELD SPOT AND FLASHLIGHTS Vessel can support Dive/Rescue Operations: CAN HOLD AND TRANSPORT PERSONELL AND EQUIPMENT EMS Equipment: YES List EMS Equipment: BACKBOARD AND C-SPINE EQUIPMENT, JUMP BAG WITH OXYGEN, BVM, BASIC EMS SUPPLIES. Hazmat Spill Response Equipment: NONE Other specialized or unusual marine water rescue equipment: 2 STEARNS COLD WATER RESCUE SUITS, 1 MARSARS HYPOTHERMIC STABILIZAR BODY WARMER, STOKES BASKET, HELMETS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Location of the Marine Equipment: Name and street address: SANTELLE BOAT RAMP IN SHED AT END IF RIVERVIEW AVE. Docked in the water: NO Duration: N/A Transported on land: YES Duration: 365 DAYS Available in the winter months: YES Duration: 365 DAYS Do you have a boat launch ramp available for use: YES Location: END OF RIVERVIEW AVE, WHERE BOAT IS KEPT --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Specialized Water Rescue Teams: Dive Team/Underwater Search and Recovery: NO Ocean Surf Rescue Team (specialized): NO Swift Water Rescue Team: NO Ice/Cold Water Rescue Team: NO How many members are on the team: 0 How many members are on the team: 0 How many members are on the team: 0 How many members are on the team: 0 - 12 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE MTF SHREWSBURY RIVER RUN CARD COUNTY OF MONMOUTH OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL MUTUAL AID RESPONSE PLAN MARINE TASK FORCE SHREWSBURY RIVER SECTOR Submitted by: David Parker, Marine Task Force Coordinator Date: October 1, 2011 Alarm Type 1st Alarm 2nd Alarm Fire D43 (Marine 43) D17 (Marine 17) ***North of SB/Rum Bridge: D13 (Marine 13) ***South of SB/Rum Bridge: SQ23-21 (Marine 23) NJSP Marine Bureau D85 (Marine 85) 31-2 (Marine 31-2) *** If not on 1st Alarm detail: D13 (Marine 13) SQ23-21 (Marine 23) SQ85-21 (85-M1) EMS D43 (Marine 43) D17 (Marine 17) ***North of SB/Rum Bridge: D13 (Marine 13) ***South of SB/Rum Bridge: SQ23-21 (Marine 23) and SQ38-21 (38-M2) NJSP Marine Bureau U.S. Coast Guard *** If not on 1st Alarm detail: D13 (Marine 13) SQ23-21 (Marine 23) and SQ38-21 (38-M2) D85 (Marine 85) SQ85-21 (85-M1) 31-2 (Marine 31-2) D64 (Marine 64-1, 64-2) SQ31-24 (31-4-M1) SQ31-21 (31-1-M1) D31 Dive Team Search & Rescue / SCUBA D31 (Dive Team) D43 (Marine 43) ***North of SB/Rum Bridge: D17 (Marine 17) ***South of SB/Rum Bridge: SQ23-21 (Marine 23) and SQ38-21 (38-M2) NJSP Marine Bureau U.S. Coast Guard D64 (Dive Team) D81 (Dive Team) *** If not on 1st Alarm detail: D17 (Marine 17) SQ23-21 (Marine 23) and SQ38-21 (38-M2) D13 (Marine 13, 13-M1) D85 (Marine 85) SQ85-21 (85-M1) NJSP-TEAMS Unit D22 (Dive Team) Specialized Equipment (Upon Special Request) Wave Runners: D33 D25 D43 D85 D81 Ice Rescue: D33 D31 D38 D13 D85 Aviation Units: NJSP U.S. Coast Guard Monmouth County NYC PD 1 1 3rd Alarm D64 (Marine 64-1, 64-2) SQ31-24 (31-4-M1) EMS Alarms: 1st Alarm (1-2 patients), 2nd Alarm (3-4 patients, 3rd Alarm (over 5 patients - mass casualty). Communications: Command to Dispatch: Monmouth Fire 2 Boat to Command: Monmouth Fire 7 - 13 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE MTF NAVESINK RIVER RUN CARD COUNTY OF MONMOUTH OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL MUTUAL AID RESPONSE PLAN MARINE TASK FORCE NAVESINK RIVER SECTOR Submitted by: David Parker, Marine Task Force Coordinator rd Alarm Type 1st Alarm 2nd Alarm 3 Alarm Fire D64 (Marine 64-1, 64-2) D13 (Marine 13) D17 (Marine 17) NJSP Marine Bureau D85 (Marine 85) SQ85-21 (85-M1) D43 (Marine 43) 31-2 (Marine 31-2) SQ31-24 (31-4-M1) EMS D13 (Marine 13) D31 EMS/Dive Teams ***West of Oceanic Bridge: D64 (Marine 64-1, 64-2) ***East of Oceanic Bridge: D43 (Marine 43) NJSP Marine Bureau *** If not on 1st Alarm detail: D64 (Marine 64-1, 64-2) D43 (Marine 43) SQ85-21 (85-M1) D17 (Marine 17) U.S. Coast Guard 31-2 (Marine 31-2) SQ23-21 (Marine 23) SQ38-21 (38-M2) Search & Rescue / SCUBA D31 (Dive Team) D64 (Dive Team) D13 (Marine 13, 13-M1) D17 (Marine 17) D43 (Marine 43) NJSP Marine Bureau U.S. Coast Guard D81 (Dive Team) D22 (Dive Team) D85 (Marine 85) SQ85-21 (85-M1) NJSP-TEAMS Unit SQ23-21 (Marine 23) SQ38-21 (38-M2) Specialized Equipment (Upon Special Request) Wave Runners: D43 D85 D33 D25 D81 Ice Rescue: D13 D31 D85 D38 D33 Aviation Units: NJSP U.S. Coast Guard Monmouth County NYC PD 1 1 Date: October 1, 2011 EMS Alarms: 1st Alarm (1-2 patients), 2nd Alarm (3-4 patients, 3rd Alarm (over 5 patients - mass casualty). Communications: Command to Dispatch: Monmouth Fire 2 Boat to Command: Monmouth Fire 7 - 14 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE MTF SANDY HOOK BAY RUN CARD COUNTY OF MONMOUTH OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL MUTUAL AID RESPONSE PLAN MARINE TASK FORCE SANDY HOOK BAY SECTOR Submitted by: David Parker, Marine Task Force Coordinator Alarm Type 1st Alarm 2nd Alarm 3rd Alarm Fire D85 (Marine 85) D17 (Marine 17) 31-2 (Marine 31-2) SQ85-21 (85-M1) NJSP Marine Bureau U.S. Coast Guard D43 (Marine 43) SQ31-24 (31-4-M1) D74 (Marine 74-1, 74-2) D64 (Marine 64-1, 64-2) D13 (Marine 13) EMS SQ 85-21 (85-M1) SQ31-24 (31-4-M1) D85 (Marine 85) D17 (Marine 17) NJSP Marine Bureau U.S. Coast Guard 31-2 (Marine 31-2) D74 (Marine 74-1, 74-2) D43 (Marine 43) D13 (Marine13) D64 (Marine 64-1) SQ31-21 (31-1-M1) SQ23-21 (Marine 23) SQ38-21 (38-M2) D31 Dive Team Search & Rescue / SCUBA D31 (Dive Team) D64 (Dive Team) D74 (Marine 74-1, 74-2) NJSP Marine Bureau U.S. Coast Guard D81 (Dive Team) D22 (Dive Team) NJSP - TEAMS Unit Specialized Equipment (Upon Special Request) Wave Runners: D85 D43 D33 D25 D81 Ice Rescue: D22 D31 D85 D13 D29 1 1 Date: October 1, 2011 Aviation Units: NJSP U.S. Coast Guard Monmouth County NYC PD EMS Alarms: 1st Alarm (1-2 patients), 2nd Alarm (3-4 patients, 3rd Alarm (over 5 patients - mass casualty). Communications: Command to Dispatch: Monmouth Fire 2 Boat to Command: Monmouth Fire 7 - 15 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE M.C. MARINE TASK FORCE PLAN Monmouth County Marine Task Force Navesink River Marine Response Plan Response Sector (see Attached Navigational Chart NOAA #12325): Entire Navesink River, beginning at entrance buoys #1 & #2, proceeding to Hubbard’s Bridge at Red Bank-Middletown Twp. (River Plaza) border. Entire Swimming River, beginning at Hubbard’s Bridge at Red Bank-Middletown Twp. (River Plaza) border, proceeding to Normandy Road at Tinton FallsMiddletown Twp. border. Jurisdictions within Sector: Middletown Twp. (D31) (north banks from buoy #2 entrance to and including Swimming River to Normandy Road) Rumson (D42) (south banks from buoy #1 entrance to buoy #18) Fair Haven (D13) (south banks from buoy #18 to buoy #22) Red Bank (D64) (south banks from buoy #22 to and including Swimming River to Newman Springs Road) Tinton Falls (D36) (south banks of Swimming River from Newman Springs Road to Normandy Road) Agency Equipment within Sector: Fair Haven (D13) o EMS-Rescue/Support (“Marine 13” and Zodiac “13-M1”) o Ice Rescue Team & Boat “13-M2” Middletown Twp. (D31) o EMS-Rescue/Support (Leonardo FAS Boat “31-4-M1”) o EMS-Rescue/Support (Middletown FAS Boat “31-1-M1”) o Fire (Brevent Park Fire “Marine 31-2”) o Dive Team (Multiple Squad Dive Teams & Boats) o Law Enforcement Boats Red Bank (D64) o Fire (“Marine 64-1 and 64-2”) o Dive Team Rumson (D42) o No Active Marine Unit Tinton Falls (D36) o No Active Marine Unit NJ State Police o Law Enforcement Boats o Aviation Unit US Coast Guard o Rescue/Law Enforcement Boats o Aviation Unit - 16 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE NAVESINK RIVER RESPONSE PLAN CONT’D Response Plan/Type: Fire (includes boat, marina, shoreland and waterfront structure) 1st Alarm o D64 Fire Boats “Marine 64-1 & 64-2” o D13 EMS/Support “Marine 13” o D17 Fire “Marine 17” o NJSP Marine Bureau nd 2 Alarm o D85 Fire Boat “Marine 85” o S85-21 (Atl Highlands) EMS/Support Boat “85-M1” o D43 Fire/Support “Marine 43” rd 3 Alarm o D31-2 (Brevent Park) Fire/Support “Marine 31-2” o S31-24 (Leonardo) EMS/Support “31-4-M1” EMS 1st Alarm (1 - 2 patients) o D13 EMS “Marine 13” o D31 EMS/Dive Teams o D64 Rescue “Marine 64-1 & 64-2” (west of Oceanic Bridge) o D43 Rescue “Marine 43” (east of Oceanic Bridge) o NJSP Marine Bureau nd 2 Alarm (3 - 4 patients) o D64 (If not detailed on 1st alarm) o D43 (If not detailed on 1st alarm) o S85-21 (Atl Highlands) EMS “85-M1” o D17 Rescue “Marine 17” o USCG – Station Sandy Hook rd 3 Alarm (over 5 patients - Mass Casualty) o D31 Fire/Support “Marine 31-2” o S23-21 Rescue “Marine 23” o S38-21 Rescue “38-M2” Dive Assignment - Search & Rescue / Recovery 1st Alarm o D64 Dive Team o D31 Dive Team o D13 Support “Marine 13 and 13-M1” o D17 Support “Marine 17” o D43 Support “Marine 43” o NJSP Marine Bureau o USCG – Station Sandy Hook nd 2 Alarm o NJSP – TEAMS Unit o D81 Dive Team o D22 Dive Team o D85 Support “Marine 85” o S85-21 Support “85-M1” - 17 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE NAVESINK RIVER RESPONSE PLAN CONT’D Out-of-Area Marine Resources Available: NJSP – Aviation Unit, TEAMS USCG – Aviation Station NYPD – Harbor Patrol/Aviation Middletown Twp. FAS Marine Unit Union Beach Marine Unit Keyport Marine Unit Allenhurst Marine Unit Laurence Harbor Marine Unit Hazards within Sector: Rock pile at entrance to Navesink on port side, from buoy #1 to buoy #5 Various islands and shallow water along southern Rumson shoreline Low, fixed bridge connecting Barley Point Island to Rumson shore. Boats with wheelhouses, bridges, arches cannot pass. Various sandbars on either side of channel from buoys #6 to #15 Extended sandbar from Rumson shore out to buoy #17 Extended sandbar from Fair Haven shore out to buoy #19 Low water and mooring field across from Marine Park (Red Bank) to Middletown Twp. Shoreline Narrow train bridge between Red Bank and Middletown Twp. Low, fixed bridge (Hubbard’s Bridge) between Red Bank and Middletown Twp. (River Plaza). Boats with wheelhouses, bridges, arches cannot pass. Launching Areas within Sector: FAIR HAVEN MUNICIPAL RAMP FAIR HAVEN YACHT WORKS RUMSON MUNICIPAL LAUNCHING RAMP OCEANIC MARINA IRWIN'S MARINA RED BANK MARINA CHRIS’ RIVER PLAZA MARINA 748 River Road Fair Haven, NJ 07704 75 De Normandie Ave Fair Haven, NJ 07704 Ramp Avenue of Two Rivers Rumson, NJ 07760 8 Washington St Rumson, NJ 07760 One Marine Park Red Bank, NJ 07701 261 West Front Street Red Bank, NJ 07757 Ramp 483 West Front Street Ramp Concrete ramp that may not have adequate water depth at low tide. Lift Concrete ramp with adequate water depth at low tide. Lift Lift Ramp Lift Red Bank, NJ 07701 - 18 – 2/27/2012 Concrete ramp with adequate water depth at low tide. Restrictions due to low bridge clearance. Deli on site. LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE NAVESINK RIVER RESPONSE PLAN CONT’D Vehicle/Equipment Staging Areas within Sector, by Town: Rumson (Borough Launching Ramp): Borough Hall/DPW Garage parking lot off E. River Rd. Rumson (Oceanic Bridge Vicinity): U.S. Post Office & Salt Creek Grill parking lots on Bingham Ave. Rumson (Barnacle Bill’s Vicinity): Barnacle Bill’s Upper/Lower parking lots or Bank of America parking lot off W. River Rd. Fair Haven (East Side): Borough Hall parking lot off River Rd. or Sickles School street parking lot on Willow St. Fair Haven (Central/Western Side): Firehouse parking lot or Acme Shopping Center rear parking lot off River Rd. Red Bank (East Side): Eastside Park on Harrison Ave. Red Bank (Marine Park): Marine Park parking lot off E. Front St. Red Bank (West Side): Galleria parking lot on W. Front St. Middletown (River Plaza): Chris’ Marina parking lot on W. Front St. Red Bank (Newman Springs Rd. Vicinity): Chapin Hill Nursing Home parking lot on Chapin Ave. Middletown (Newman Springs Rd. Vicinity): One River Center Office Complex on Newman Springs Rd. near GSP Exit 109 Tinton Falls (North Side): Tinton Falls Reformed Church parking lot on Hance Ave. Charts: - 19 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE - 20 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE - 21 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE Monmouth County Marine Task Force Shrewsbury River Marine Response Plan Response Sector (see Attached Navigational Chart NOAA #12325): Entire Shrewsbury River beginning at the Sea Bright / Highlands Bridge extending south along the Rumson / Sea Bright shore line and west into Oceanport and Little Silver. Jurisdictions within Sector: Highlands (D17) (west banks from the Sea Bright / Highlands Bridge south to the entrance of the Navesink River) Sea Bright (D43) (east banks from the Sea Bright / Highlands Bridge south to the Monmouth Beach border) Rumson (D42) (west banks from Navesink River entrance extending south then west to the Little Silver border at Oakes Road) Little Silver (D23) (Oakes Road west to Point Road School. Little Silver Point extending southwest through the Gooseneck Bridge across from the north banks of Fort Monmouth’s “400 Area”) Oceanport (D38) (From the point at the tip of Port Au Peck Avenue proceeding south around Sommers Park through the Pleasure Bay bridge and into Troutman’s Creek south to the Branchport Avenue Bridge. From the point at the tip of Port Au Peck Avenue proceeding west around Gooseneck Point and Horseneck Point into Fort Monmouth’s “400 Area”) Fort Monmouth (D75) (Beginning at the “400 Area” on Horseneck Point extending west into the main post including the Fort Monmouth Marina) Long Branch (D25) (From the Patten Avenue bridge west and south around the point extending through the Pleasure Bay bridge into Troutmans Creek southwest to the Branchport Avenue bridge) Monmouth Beach (D33) (From the Sea Bright / Monmouth Beach border extending south then west around Raccoon Island then south and east to the Patten Avenue Bridge proceeding due east from the bridge) - 22 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE SHREWSBURY RIVER MARINE RESPONSE PLAN CONT’D Agency Equipment within Sector: Highlands (D17) o Fire / Rescue Boat (Marine 17) Sea Bright (D43) o Fire / Rescue Boat (Marine 43) o Wave Runner Rumson (D42) o No Active Marine Unit Little Silver EMS (S23) o EMS / Rescue Boat (Marine 23) Oceanport (D38) o Surface Water Rescue Boat (38-M2) o Ice Rescue Long Branch (D25) o Wave Runner Monmouth Beach (D33) o Wave Runner o Surface Water Rescue o Ice Rescue NJSP Marine Bureau o Law Enforcement Boats Response Plan/Type: Fire (includes boat, marina, shoreland and waterfront structure) 1st Alarm o D43 Fire / Rescue “Marine 43” o D17 Fire / Rescue “Marine 17” o D13 EMS “Marine 13” (North of SB / RM Bridge) o S23-21 EMS “Marine 23” (South of SB / RM Bridge) o NJSP Marine Bureau nd 2 Alarm o D85 Fire / Rescue “Marine 85” o D31 Fire / Rescue “Marine 31-2” o D13 EMS “Marine 13” (If not detailed on 1st Alarm) o S23-21 EMS “Marine 23” (If not detailed on 1st Alarm) o S85-21 EMS/Support Boat “85-M1” rd 3 Alarm o D64 Fire / Rescue “Marine 64-1 / 64-2” o S31-24 (Leonardo) EMS/Support “31-4-M1” - 23 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE SHREWSBURY RIVER MARINE RESPONSE PLAN CONT’D EMS / Rescue 1st Alarm (1 - 2 patients) o D43 Fire / Rescue “Marine 43” o D17 Fire / Rescue “Marine 17” o D13 EMS “Marine 13” (North of SB / RM Bridge) o D23 EMS “Marine 23” (South of SB / RM Bridge) o S38 EMS “38-M2” (South of SB / RM Bridge) o NJSP Marine Bureau o USCG – Station Sandy Hook nd 2 Alarm (3 - 4 patients) o D13 EMS “Marine 13” (If not detailed on 1st Alarm) o S23-21 EMS “Marine 23” (If not detailed on 1st Alarm) o S38-21 EMS “38-M2” (If not detailed on 1st Alarm) o D85 Fire / Rescue “Marine 85” o S85-21 EMS “85-M1” rd 3 Alarm (over 5 patients - Mass Casualty) o D31 Fire / Rescue “Marine 31-2” o D64 Fire / Rescue “Marine 64-1 / 64-2” o S31-24 (Leonardo) EMS “31-4-M1” o S31-21 (Middletown) EMS “31-1-M1” o D31 Dive Team Dive Assignment - Search & Rescue / Recovery 1st Alarm o D31 Dive Team o D43 “Marine 43” Support o D17 “Marine 17” Support (North of SB / RM Bridge) o D23 “Marine 23” Support (South of SB / RM Bridge) o S38-21 “38-M2” Support (South of SB / RM Bridge) o NJSP Marine Bureau o USCG – Station Sandy Hook nd 2 Alarm o D64 Dive Team o D81 Dive Team o D17 “Marine 17” Support (If not detailed on 1st Alarm) o S23-21 “Marine 23” Support (If not detailed on 1st Alarm) o S38-21 “38-M2” Support (If not detailed on 1st Alarm) o D13 “Marine 13” Support o D85 “Marine 85” Support Out-of-Area Marine Resources Available: NJSP – Aviation Unit, TEAMS USCG – Aviation Station NYPD – Harbor Patrol/Aviation Middletown Twp. FAS Marine Unit - 24 – 2/27/2012 Union Beach Marine Unit Keyport Marine Unit Allenhurst Marine Unit Laurence Harbor Marine Unit LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE SHREWSBURY RIVER MARINE RESPONSE PLAN CONT’D Hazards within Sector: Rock pile at entrance to Navesink River from buoy #1 to buoy #5 Various islands and shallow water between Sea Bright and Rumson (Sedge Island, Gunning Island) Numerous stick channels entering the small streams on Rumson’s south shore. Large sand bar north of Raccoon Island in Monmouth Beach. Extends southeast towards the Channel Club Low, fixed bridge along with shallow waters in the back bays of Long Branch / Monmouth Beach including Patten Avenue and Florence Avenue bridges. Stick channels in the back bays around Little Silver with train trestle obstructions. Launching Areas within Sector: Rumson: Avenue of Two Rivers & Meadowbrook Ave. (Ramp behind Boro Hall/DPW Garage) Rumson: Rumson Country Club Marina (Multiple boat ramps) Sea Bright: Numerous marinas with Fork / Travel Lifts (Business hours only) Monmouth Beach: West Street / Channel Drive (Ramp next to Sally T’s) Monmouth Beach: 46 West Street (Monmouth Sailing Center, Fork / Travel Lifts (Business hours only) Monmouth Beach: 33 West Street (Channel Club Marina, Fork / Travel Lifts (Business hours only) Oceanport: Port Au Peck Avenue / Horicon Avenue (Blackberry Bay Park, launch ramp with large parking area) Oceanport: Onieda Avenue (Shrewsbury Sailing / Yacht Works) Oceanport: Seawaneka Avenue (Beach launch site for smaller boats) Oceanport: 157 Comanche Drive (Pleasure Bay Yacht Basin, Forks / Travel Lift) Oceanport: 417 River Street (Oceanport Landing, Forks / Travel Lift) Long Branch: Renwick Place (Long Branch Yacht Club) Long Branch: 16 Renwick Place (Bakers Landing) Long Branch: Atlantic Avenue / Branchport Avenue (Branchport Park, launch ramp) Little Silver: Riverview Avenue (Santell Park, launch ramp) Fort Monmouth: Riverside Avenue (Fort Monmouth Marina, launch ramp) Vehicle/Equipment Staging Areas within Sector, by Town: Highlands: Bay Avenue / Shore Drive Rumson: Avenue Two Rivers / DPW Yard Rumson: Rumson Country Club Marina Sea Bright: 1410 Ocean Avenue Navesink Marina Monmouth Beach: Channel Drive / West Street Long Branch: Renwick Place / Marine Place Long Branch: Atlantic Avenue / Branchport Avenue (Branchport Park) Oceanport: Port Au Peck Avenue / Horicon Avenue, Blackberry Bay Park Oceanport: Comanche Drive / Horicon Avenue Oceanport: Seawaneka Place Little Silver: Riverview Avenue, Santell Park Little Silver: Seven Bridge Road / LS Point Road, Point Road School - 25 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE SHREWSBURY RIVER MARINE RESPONSE PLAN CONT’D Charts: - 26 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE - 27 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE - 28 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE - 29 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE - 30 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE - 31 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE - 32 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE - 33 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE - 34 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE - 35 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE - 36 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE Monmouth County Marine Task Force Sandy Hook Bay Marine Response Plan Response Sector (see Attached Navigational Charts NOAA #12325 and 12401): Entire Sandy Hook Bay beginning at Lower Rocky Point (buoy #1), South of the Highlands Bridge to the Keansburg/Middletown Township border to the North. Jurisdictions within Sector: Middletown Twp. (D31) Atlantic Highlands (D85) Highlands (D17) U.S.C.G. Sector New York, Group Sandy Hook N.P.S. Sandy Hook N.W.S. Earle Agency Equipment within Sector: Middletown Twp. (D31) o EMS-Rescue/Support (Leonardo FAS Boat “31-4-M1”) o EMS-Rescue/Support (Middletown FAS Boat “31-1-M1”) o Fire/Rescue (Brevent Park & Leonardo Fire Company “Marine 31-2”) o Dive Team (Multiple Squad Dive Teams & Boats) o Law Enforcement Boats Atlantic Highlands (D85) o Fire/Rescue (Marine 85) o Surf/Shallow Water Rescue/Support Jet Skis (Marine 85 PWC-1, PWC-2) o EMS-Rescue/Support (85-M1) Highlands (D17) o Fire/Rescue (Marine 17) o Fire/Support (O.E.M. 17-M1) N.W.S. Earle (D94) o No Active Marine Unit N.P.S. Sandy Hook (D74) o Marine/Surf Rescue (Marine 74-1, Marine 74-2) U.S.C.G. Group Sandy Hook o Law Enforcement Boats o Marine Rescue - 37 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE SANDY HOOK BAY MARINE RESPONSE PLAN CONT’D Response Plan/Type: Fire (includes boat, marina, shore lands and waterfront structures) 1st Alarm o D 85 Fire Boat “Marine 85 o D 17 Fire “Marine 17, 17-M1” o D 31 Fire Boat “Marine 31- 2” o S 85-21 EMS-Rescue/Support “85-M1” o NJSP Marine Bureau o U.S.C.G. Group Sandy Hook nd 2 Alarm o S 31-24 EMS-Rescue/Support (Leonardo FAS) “31-4-M1” o D 74 Marine/Surf Rescue “Marine 74-1, 74-2” o D 43 Fire/Support “Marine 43” rd 3 Alarm o D 13 EMS/Support “Marine 13” o D 64 Fire/Rescue “Marine 64-1 & 64-2” E.M.S 1st Alarm (1 - 2 patients) o S 85-21 EMS/Rescue “85-M1” o S 31-24 EMS/Rescue (Leonardo FAS) “31-4-M1” o D 85 Fire Boat “Marine 85” o D 17 “Marine 17, 17-M1” o NJSP Marine Bureau o USCG – Station Sandy Hook nd 2 Alarm (3 - 4 patients) o D 31 Fire/Support “Marine 31-2” o D 13 EMS/Rescue “Marine 13” o D 74 Fire/Surf Rescue “Marine 74-1, 74-2” o D 64 Fire Boats “Marine 64-1, 64-2” o D 43 Fire/Support “Marine 43” rd 3 Alarm (over 5 patients - Mass Casualty) o S 31-21 EMS/Rescue (Middletown FAS) “31-1-M1” o S 23-21 Rescue “Marine 23” o S 38-21 Rescue “38-M2” o D 31 Dive Team Dive Assignment - Search & Rescue / Recovery 1st Alarm o D 31 Dive Team o D 64 Dive Team o NPS Sandy Hook “Marine 74-1, 74-2” o NJSP Marine Bureau o USCG – Station Sandy Hook nd 2 Alarm o D 81 Dive Team o D 22 Dive Team o NJSP TEAMS Unit - 38 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE SANDY HOOK BAY MARINE RESPONSE PLAN CONT’D Additional Resources In Response Area: Seatow Towboat U.S. Seastreak U.S.A. (Passenger Ferry) N.Y. Waterway (Passenger Ferry) Out-of-Area Marine Resources Available: NJSP – Aviation Unit, TEAMS N.J. Forest Fire Service Aviation Units Monmouth County Sheriff’s Department Aviation Unit USCG – Aviation Station NYPD – Harbor Patrol/Aviation N.Y.F.D. Marine/Harbor Division Perth Amboy F.D. Marine Division Newark F.D. Marine Division Jersey City F.D. Marine Division North Hudson Regional F.D. Marine Division Allenhurst Marine Unit Laurence Harbor Marine Unit Hazards within Sector: Various submerged pilings along shore line: noted on Navigational Charts Shoals And sandbars, entire Sandy Hook Bay: noted on Navigational Charts Leonardo Section: NWS Earl Security Zone, must call for clearance Atlantic Highlands Marina: Mooring Field, North of channel Launching Areas within Sector: Atlantic Highlands Marina: 2 Simon Lake Drive Atlantic Highlands Leonardo: Wagner’s Marine, Leonardo State Marina Highlands: End of Valley Avenue at the River USCG: Station Sandy Hook Monmouth Cove Marina 200 Port Monmouth Road Port Monmouth, NJ, 07758 Lift BELFORD HARBOR LEONARDO STATE MARINA ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS MUNICIPAL MARINA Sandy Hook Bay Marina Baker's Marina on the Bay TWIN LIGHTS MARINA GATEWAY MARINA Bahrs Landing Restaurant & Marina No Launch ability 102 Concord Avenue Leonardo, NJ 07737-1000 Ramp Concrete ramp that may not have adequate water depth at low tide. 2 Simon Lake Drive Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716 One Willow Street Highlands, NJ 07732 1 Marina Bay Court Highlands, NJ 07732 52 Shrewsbury Ave Highlands, NJ 07732 34 Bay Ave Highlands, NJ 07732 Ramp Concrete ramp with adequate water depth at low tide. 2 Bay Ave Lift Lift Lift Lift Lift - 39 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE SANDY HOOK BAY MARINE RESPONSE PLAN CONT’D Vehicle/Equipment Staging Areas within Sector, by Town: Atlantic Highlands: Atlantic Highlands Marina Leonardo: Leonardo State Marina Highlands: T.B.D. according to incident Charts: - 40 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE - 41 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE - 42 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE - 43 – 2/27/2012 LSEMS MARINE UNIT STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINE - 44 – 2/27/2012