April to June - Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel
April to June - Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel
Music Chapel What’s up? 13.06.2015 Garden Party @ Music Chapel © M. Roobaerts April to June 2015 © M. Roobaert Main Sponsors Co-sponsors Sous la Présidence d’Honneur de Sa Majesté la Reine Paola Onder het Erevoorzitterschap van Hare Majesteit Paola Under the Honorary Chairmanship of Her Majesty Queen Paola Music and the training of young are very close to my heart, and I am delighted to see them united here at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel. My dearest wish is that the level of excellence of the Music Chapel will help young talents to give their best and to create an international musical elite beyond borders and cultures. 4 5 La Chapelle Musicale se découvre ! De Muziekkapel onthuld! La Chapelle Musicale Reine Elisabeth a fêté, tout au long de l’année 2014, son 75ème anniversaire, à travers une série de concerts dans tout le pays et avec de nombreux orchestres. De Muziekkapel Koningin Elisabeth heeft gedurende heel 2014 haar 75e verjaardag gevierd, met een reeks concerten in gans het land en met talrijke orkesten. La Chapelle Musicale vient, par ailleurs, d’ouvrir une nouvelle page de son histoire avec l’inauguration, en janvier dernier, d’un tout nouveau bâtiment : l’Aile de Launoit qui permet à l’institution de remplir à sa juste mesure sa mission. Cette mission de « transmission » et son outil, le laboratoire de travail, de vie et de partage, sont plus que jamais l’essence de la Chapelle Musicale. Les maîtres, professeurs, artistes et ensembles invités, artistes associés et jeunes solistes en résidence sont les acteurs de cette mission qui, nous en sommes sûrs, connaîtra, dans les années à venir, un développement considérable. Bovendien is de Muziekkapel net aan een nieuw hoofdstuk in haar geschiedenis begonnen, met de inhuldiging in januari jl. van een splinternieuw gebouw, met name de de Launoit-Vleugel, waardoor de instelling haar missie ten volle kan verwezenlijken. Deze missie van ‘overdracht’ en haar werkinstrument, met name een laboratorium waarin wordt gewerkt, geleefd én gedeeld, vormen nu meer dan ooit de kern van de Muziekkapel. De meesters, docenten, artiesten en gastensembles, partnerartiesten en jonge solisten in residentie zijn de uitvoerders van deze missie, die zich de komende jaren ongetwijfeld nog aanzienlijk zal uitbreiden. Les 60 jeunes artistes en résidence terminent leur saison artistique à la Chapelle ce printemps avec une nouvelle discipline, l’alto, depuis l’arrivée de Miguel da Silva il y a quelques mois, grand altiste et chambriste notamment dans le célèbre quatuor Ysaÿe ces trente dernières années. Le travail de Miguel da Silva est consacré à l’alto bien sûr et aussi à la musique de chambre transversale, celle qui réunit les différentes disciplines en résidence. De zestig jonge artiesten in residentie beëindigen deze lente hun artistieke seizoen aan de Kapel met een nieuwe discipline, de altviool, sinds de komst enkele maanden geleden van Miguel da Silva, gerenommeerd altviolist en tevens kamermuziekspecialist, meer bepaald de afgelopen dertig jaar in het befaamde Quatuor Ysaÿe. Miguel da Silva wijdt zich uiteraard aan de altviool, maar ook aan de overkoepelende kamermuziek, die de verschillende disciplines van de Kapel verenigt. Un nouvel envol, un nouveau bâtiment, dix ans du nouveau programme artistique, plus de 1500 concerts programmés depuis 2004, un projet sans cesse en mouvement ! Een nieuwe koers, een nieuw gebouw, tien jaar van herziening van het artistieke programma, meer dan 1.500 concerten geprogrammeerd sinds 2004, kortom, een project dat voortdurend in beweging is! La programmation initiée par la Chapelle et/ou ses artistes en résidence se poursuit de manière intense. Pointons parmi les projets et concerts proposés en Belgique et à l’étranger : De programmering aangevat door de Kapel en/of haar artiesten in residentie zet zich intens voort. Zo vermelden we onder de projecten en concerten in België en in het buitenland: • Les différentes Master classes ou workshops publics ainsi que les examens de sortie: José Van Dam (4 mai), Maria João Pires (13 mai, 22 juin, 23 juin), Artemis Quartet (29 avril, 9 juin), Augustin Dumay (20 avril, 10 juin), Miguel da Silva (15 avril, 11 juin), Gary Hoffman (27 avril, 17 juin). • De verschillende publieke masterclasses of workshops alsook de eindexamens: José Van Dam (4 mei), Maria João Pires (13 mei, 22 juni, 23 juni), Artemis Quartet (29 april, 9 juni), Augustin Dumay (20 april, 10 juni), Miguel da Silva (15 april, 11 juni), Gary Hoffman (27 april, 17 juni). • La série internationale impressionnante de concerts Partitura avec Maria João Pires et des jeunes pianistes dont plusieurs concerts avec le pianiste belge Julien Libeer ce trimestre. • De indrukwekkende reeks internationale Partitura-concerten met Maria João Pires en jonge pianisten, waaronder verscheidene concerten met de Belgische pianist Julien Libeer dit trimester. • Et bien sûr notre Garden Party le 13 juin prochain sur le site de la Chapelle avec ses nouvelles infra structures à découvrir en famille. • En uiteraard ons Garden Party, op 13 juni a.s., op de Kapel, waar u met het hele gezin haar nieuwe infrastructuur kan ontdekken. Bon printemps, en musique avec la Chapelle Musicale ! Een mooie lente, in toon met de Muziekkapel! Bernard de Launoit, Executive President Bernard de Launoit, Executive President 6 7 The Music Chapel in bloom! Throughout the year 2014, the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel celebrated its 75th birthday with a series of concerts across the country and with many orchestras. Moreover, the Music Chapel has just opened a new page in its history with the inauguration, in January of this year, of a brand-new building, the de Launoit Wing, which will enable the institution to carry out its mission in optimal conditions. This mission of “transmission” and its tool, the laboratory for work, life and sharing, constitute more than ever the essence of the Music Chapel. The masters, professors, guest artists and ensembles, associated artists and young soloists in residence are the actors of this mission which, we are convinced, will undergo considerable development in the coming years. The sixty young artists in residence are completing their artistic season at the Chapel this spring with a new discipline, viola, since the arrival of Miguel da Silva some months ago, a great viola and chamber-music player, among others for thirty years in the celebrated Ysaÿe Quartet. Miguel da Silva’s mission will of course focus on the viola but also on interdisciplinary chamber music, which brings together the different disciplines in residence. A new beginning, a new building, ten years of the new artistic program, over 1500 concerts programed since 2004, a project that is constantly evolving! The program initiated by the Chapel and/or its artists in residence continues intensively. Among the projects and concerts proposed in Belgium and abroad, let’s mention: • The different masterclasses or public workshops as well as the final exams: José van Dam (4 May), Maria João Pires (13 May, 22 June, 23 June), Artemis Quartet (29 April, 9 June), Augustin Dumay (20 April, 10 June), Miguel da Silva (15 April, 11 June), Gary Hoffman (27 April, 17 June). • The impressive international series of Partitura concerts with Maria João Pires and young pianists, inclu ding several concerts with the Belgian pianist Julien Libeer this term. • And of course our Garden Party on 13 June of this year on the site of the Music Chapel, an opportunity to discover its new infrastructure with the entire family. Bernard de Launoit, Executive President 8 © M. Roobaert Spring will be musical at the Music Chapel. Enjoy! 9 Music Chapel On stage April to June 2015 Sarah Laulan, mezzo-soprano Philip Richardson, piano Alain Garichot, stage director Music Chapel - February 2015 © M. Roobaert Get on stage. Let your art grow. Break the limits! 11 Music Chapel Gala concert 26.03.15 - 20:00 National Orchestra of Belgium Octopus Symphonic Choir Eivind Aadland, conductor A. Dvorak Legends op. 59 Allegretto non troppo - Allegro con moto - Un poco allegretto Kaito Kobayashi, piano L. van Beethoven Concerto No. 5, in E flat major, “Emperor”, op. 73 Allegro - Adagio un pocco mosso - Rondo: allegro ma non troppo Octopus Symphonic Choir - Sarah Laulan, mezzo-soprano J. Brahms Alto Rhapsody, op. 53 Music Chapel Woo Hyung Kim, violin P. I. Tchaïkovski Concerto in D major, for violin, op. 35 Allegro moderato - Canzonetta: Andante - Allegro: Vivacissimo Gala concert National Orchestra of Belgium Octopus Symphonic Choir Eivind Aadland, conductor Sarah Laulan, mezzo-soprano - Woo Hyung Kim, violin - Kaito Kobayashi, piano 26.03.2015 - 20:00 Bozar, Henry Le Boeuf Hall 12 © M. Cooreman Brahms - Dvorak - Tchaikovsky - L. van Beethoven Center for Fine Arts, Henry Le Boeuf Hall 23 Rue Ravenstein - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 507 82 00 - www.musicchapel.org Tickets: 51€ - 36€ - 21€ - 11€ 13 Series Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek Concert KASK Conservatorium 02.04.15 - 20:00 05.04.15 - 11:00 Zala Kravos, piano L. van Beethoven Sonata No. 3 in C major, for piano, op. 2 No. 3 Pavel Kolesnikov, piano W. A. Mozart Fantasy in C minor, KV. 396 A. Scriabine Sonata No. 4 in F sharp major, op. 30 A. Scriabine Toward the flame, op. 72 R. Schumann Fantaisie in C major, op. 17 Elina Buksha, violin N. Paganini Caprice No. 24 E. Ysaÿe Sonata for solo violin, op. 27 No. 4 Elina Buksha, violin - Christia Hudziy, piano F. Schubert Sonata in A major, for violin and piano, ‘Grand Duo’, op.162, D.574 Kaito Kobayashi, piano F. Chopin Etude in C major, op. 10 No. 1 Etude in A minor, op. 10 No. 2 Etude in B minor, op. 25 No. 10 Nocturne in D major, op. 62 No.2 Ballade No. 4 in F minor, op. 52 Mazurka in A minor, op. No. 4 Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek 33 Rue Edgard Sohie - 1560 Hoeilaart - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 657 96 52 - www.maisondelamusique.be Tickets: Free admission - reservation required 14 MIRY Concertzaal 9 Biezekapelstraat - 9000 Gent - Belgium Info: www.uitbureau.be Tickets: 15€ - 10 € 15 Concert Partitura Music Chapel Public Master class Viola section 14.04.15 - 19:30 15.04.15 - 14:00 London Schools Symphony Orchestra Ainars Rubikis, conductor Maria João Pires, piano Julien Libeer, piano Miguel da Silva, Master in residence Nn, piano Soloists from the Viola section F. Liszt Orpheus W. A. Mozart Concerto No. 10 in E flat major, for two pianos & orchestra, KV. 365 F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Incidental music from “A midsummer night’s dream” Book your lunch now! > see page 72 Barbican Center Silk Street - London EC2Y 8DS - Great Britain Info: +44 (0)20 7638 4141 Tickets: £25 - £8 16 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 12 - [email protected] Tickets: 10€ - free for maecenas 17 Master class Fondation Louis Vuitton Concert Fondation Louis Vuitton 16.04.15 - 12:30 17.04.15 - 20:00 Augustin Dumay, violin Liya Petrova, violin Elina Buksha, violin Alexandra Cooreman, violin Kerson Leong, violin Hyeon Jin Cho, violin Christia Hudziy, piano Augustin Dumay, violin - Pavel Kolesnikov, piano L. van Beethoven Sonata No. 10 in G major, for violin et piano, op. 96 C. Debussy Violin sonata in G minor M. Ravel Tzigane Second part with the soloists of the Master class Fondation Louis Vuitton, Auditorium 8 Avenue du Mahatma Gandhi - 75116 Paris - France Info: +33 (0)1 40 69 96 00 - www.fondationlouisvuitton.fr 18 Fondation Louis Vuitton, Auditorium 8 Avenue du Mahatma Gandhi - 75116 Paris - France Info: +33 (0)1 40 69 96 00 - www.fondationlouisvuitton.fr 19 Master class Fondation Louis Vuitton Workshop enoa 18.04.15 - 11:30 18 > 20.04.15 Augustin Dumay, violin Liya Petrova, violin Elina Buksha, violin Alexandra Cooreman, violin Kerson Leong, violin Hyeon Jin Cho, violin Christia Hudziy, piano Workshop for singers and pianists on German Lied by Ralf Gothóni who has a many-sided career as solo pianist, chamber musician and conductor all over the world. He became well-known for his unconventional way of music-making, not only as a pianist, but as a musician with unusual thinking about music and the wholeness of musicianship. He has been honored with several awards, including the Gilmore Artist Award, which is one of the biggest awards in classical music and the Schubert Medal of the Austrian Ministry of Culture. With the support of This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Fondation Louis Vuitton, Auditorium 8 Avenue du Mahatma Gandhi - 75116 Paris - France Info: +33 (0)1 40 69 96 00 - www.fondationlouisvuitton.fr 20 Fundación Albéniz, Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía Madrid - Spain Info: www.fundacionalbeniz.com 21 Concert Hulencourt Art Project Music Chapel Public Master class Violin section 19.04.15 - 19:00 20.04.15 - 14:00 Quatuor Hermès L. van Beethoven String quartet No. 1 in F major, op. 18 No. 1 L. van Beethoven String quartet No. 2 in G major, op. 18 No. 2 J.A. De Zeegant String quartet “Brasser Carré” Augustin Dumay, Master in residence Christia Hudziy, piano 2 soloists from the Violin section Book your lunch now! > see page 72 Hulencourt Golf club Route de Lillois - 1472 Genappe - Belgium Info: www.arthulencourt.eu Tickets: 25€ - 20€ - 15€ 22 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 12 - [email protected] Tickets: 10€ - free for maecenas 23 Series Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek Lecture Erna Metdepenninghen 21.04.15 - 20:00 23.04.15 - 18:30 Mertol Demirelli, piano L. van Beethoven Sonata No. 7 in D major, for piano, op. 10 No. 3 Richard Strauss and Hugo von Hofmannsthal : an unique collaboration that produced marvellous operas. Ils semblaient être leurs opposés, le compositeur Bavarois et le poète Viennois, mais ils formaient un duo unique comme il n’y en a eu que peu dans l’histoire de l’opéra, après Mozart et Da Ponte. Ensembles, ils ont créé six délicieux opéras, tellement différent les uns des autres, mais tous se retrouvent finalement au grand répertoire. Allant de la tragédie antique avec l’oppressant Elektra dans lequel Strauss allait jusqu’à ses limites selon lui, au Der Rosenkavalier, raffiné, Viennois et populaire, le philosophique Frau ohne Schatten ou encore Arabella, souvent sous-estimé, dans lequel le compositeur souhaite porter honneur à son librettiste décédé entre temps. Lev Solodovnikov, violin N. Paganini Caprice No. 7 N. Paganini Caprice No. 24 N. Paganini Caprice No. 17 Ze leken elkaars tegenpolen: de Beierse componist en de Weense dichter maar ze vormden een uniek duo zoals er na Mozart en da Ponte weinig in de operageschiedenis te vinden zijn. Samen schiepen ze zes heerlijke opera’s die, hoe verschillend ook, nagenoeg alle een vaste plaats in het repertoire veroverden van de beklemmende antieke tragedie van Elektra waarin Strauss, naar eigen zeggen tot het uiterste ging over Der Rosenkvalier, Weens, verfijnd en populair en de indrukwekkende, filosofisch geladen Frau ohne Schatten tot het dikwijls onderschatte Arabella waarin de componist als het ware hulde bracht aan zijn ondertussen overleden librettist. Lev Solodovnikov, violin - Christia Hudziy, piano F. Waxmann Carmen fantasy Leonardo Hilsdorf, piano R. Schumann Grande Humoresque in B flat major, op. 20 Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek 33 Rue Edgard Sohie - 1560 Hoeilaart - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 657 96 52 - www.maisondelamusique.be Tickets: Free admission - reservation required Book your dinner now! > see page 72 24 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 16 - [email protected] Tickets: 10€ - free for maecenas 25 Music Chapel Public Master class Cello section Concert Equinox 25.04.15 24.04.15 - 14:00 Vasilis Lekkas band Atelier Equinox de La Petite Maison, choeur et danses Pau Baiges, chef de choeur et piano Virginia Atala Vivanco, composition et narration Jacques Alphonse de Zeegant, composition Gary Hoffman, Master in residence Dana Protopopescu, piano 2 soloists from the Cello section Concert de solidarité pour les organisations: Chorale Equinox et Sagapo Children Foundation Book your lunch now! > see page 72 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 12 - [email protected] Tickets: 10€ - free for maecenas 26 Abbaye de Maredsous 11 Rue de Maredsous - 5537 Denée - Belgium Info: [email protected] - www.worldchildrenconcert.weebly.com Tickets: 15€ - 30€ - 50€ - 5€ (children) 27 Music Chapel Public Master class Chamber Music section Music Chapel Public Master class Voice section 29.04.15 - 14:00 04.05.15 - 14:00 Artemis Quartet, Masters in residence 2 groups from the Chamber Music section José van Dam, Master in residence Philip Richardson, piano 3 soloists from the Voice section Book your lunch now! > see page 72 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 12 - [email protected] Tickets: 10€ - free for maecenas Book your lunch now! > see page 72 28 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 12 - [email protected] Tickets: 10€ - free for maecenas 29 Series Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek Concert Musical Instruments Museum Les Concerts de Midi/Middag Concerten 05.05.15 - 20:00 08.05.15 - 12:30 Milena Cuk, piano C. Debussy Arabesque No. 1 in E major, L. 66 Arabesque No. 2 in G major, L. 66 H. Villa-Lobos A prole do bebê Nathanael Gouin, piano R. Schumann Fantasiestücke, op. 12 Julie Sévilla-Fraysse, cello - Dana Protopopescu, piano F. Schubert Sonata in A minor, for arpeggione & piano, D. 821 Julia Szproch, soprano - Sarah Théry, mezzo-soprano - Philippe Riga, piano F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Abschiedslied der Zugvögel, op. 63 No. 2 Herbstlied, op. 63 No. 4 R. Schumann Erste Begegnung, op. 74 No. 1 Wenn ich ein Vöglein wär, op. 43 No. 1 Bedeckt mich mit Blumen, op. 138, No. 4 J. Brahms Die Schwestern, op. 61 No. 1 C. Saint-Saëns El desdichado Sarah Laulan, mezzo-soprano - Nathanael Gouin, piano A. Dvorak Zigeunerlieder, op. 55 J. Brahms Vier Gesänge, op. 43 Lidy Blijdorp, cello - Dana Protopopescu, piano M. Ravel Daphnis et Chloe Suite 2 Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek 33 Rue Edgard Sohie - 1560 Hoeilaart - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 657 96 52 - www.maisondelamusique.be Tickets: Free admission - reservation required 30 Musical Instruments Museum Montagne de la Cour 2 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 545 01 30 - www.mim.fgov.be Tickets: free entrance 31 Music Chapel MYchapel Evening MY-new-chapel ! 08.05.15 - 19:00 Your generation, Your passion for music © M. Cooreman Surprise Concert et BBQ Party. Discover the new Wing of the Music Chapel! Young lovers of Classical Music under 35. Become a member & take advantage of many events organised by the Music Chapel during the year. Treat yourself to a MYchapel subscription. More info: mychapel.be Music Chapel MYchapel Evening MY-new-chapel ! Surprise Concert & Party. Discover the new Wing of the Music Chapel! 08.05.15 - 19:00 @ Music Chapel Info & booking: [email protected] Check out our blog: www.mychapel.be #MYchapel32 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 10 - [email protected] - www.mychapel.be Tickets: 20€ - free for members 33 Concert KASK Conservatorium Music Chapel Public Workshop Piano section 10.05.15 - 11:00 13.05.15 - 14:00 Quatuor Hermès H. Dutilleux String quartet “Ainsi la nuit” C. Debussy String quartet in G minor, op. 10 Maria João Pires, Master in residence Soloists from the Piano section Book your lunch now! > see page 72 MIRY Concertzaal 9 Biezekapelstraat - 9000 Gent - Belgium Info: www.uitbureau.be Tickets: 15€ - 10 € 34 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 12 - [email protected] Tickets: 10€ - free for maecenas 35 Series Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek Concert Musical Instruments Museum Les Concerts de Midi/Middag Concerten 21.05.15 - 20:00 26.05.15 - 12:30 Han Bin Yoon, cello - Dana Protopopescu, piano P. I. Tchaïkovski Variations Rococco, op. 33 Mertol Demirelli, piano L. van Beethoven Sonata No. 7 in D major, for piano, op. 10 No. 3 Fanglei Liu, violin - Christia Hudziy, piano P. I. Tchaïkovski Concerto in D major, for violin, op. 35 Kacper Nowak, cello - Dana Protopopescu, piano A. Carlo Piatti Caprice No. 7, op. 25 A. Schnittke Sonata No. 1 for cello & piano Sarah Laulan, mezzo-soprano - Philip Richardson, piano G. Verdi J. Massenet Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek 33 Rue Edgard Sohie - 1560 Hoeilaart - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 657 96 52 - www.maisondelamusique.be Tickets: Free admission - reservation required 36 Musical Instruments Museum Montagne de la Cour 2 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Infos: +32 (0)2 545 01 30 - www.mim.fgov.be Tickets: free entrance 37 Opera studio production IOA Frühlings Erwachen Workshop enoa 04 > 12.06.15 26.05.15 - Hasselt Workshop for singers and corepetiteurs on Rossini’s Il Signor Bruschino by Claudio Desderi and Joao Paulo Santos, focused on recitative, use of rethoric, language, gesture, motion and body language to add dramatic meaning to the performance. Pianists will be advised in how to coach and develop vocal performance. The project will end with a semi-scenic public presentation. 30.05.15 - Brussels Guy Joosten, artistic director (IOA) SPECTRA Filip Rathé, conductor Benoît Mernier, composer Roel Van Berckelaer with the collaboration of Sarah Théry, mezzo, Music Chapel Frühlings Erwachen est basé sur la pièce de théatre controvertiel éveil de printemps de Frank Wedekind et raconte l’histoire d’un group de jeunes dans la période complexe entre l’enfance et l’adolescence. La pièce est imprégnée de thèmes sombres comme le suicide, enfant-mère, solitude, manque de confiance en un meilleur futur et promet être une représentation actuelle prenante qui inscite à la discussion. Frühlings Erwachen is gebaseerd op Frank Wedekinds controversieel theaterstuk Voorjaarsontwaken en vertelt het verhaal van een groep jongeren in de complexe tijd tussen kind-zijn en volwassenwording. Doordrongen van heftige en donkere thema’s zoals tienerzwangerschap, zelfmoord, eenzaamheid en een ongeloof in een betere toekomst, belooft het stuk een actuele, spannende en tot discussie uitnodigende voorstelling te worden. With the support of This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. CCHA Hasselt - Belgium Info: +32 (0)11 22 99 33 [email protected] Flagey Place Sainte-Croix - 1050 Brussels - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 641 10 20 www.flagey.be 38 Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Lisboa - Portugal Info: www.musica.gulbenkian.pt 39 Concert Partitura Classique à Monty Series Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek 04.06.15 - 20:00 04.06.15 - 20:00 Arensky Trio M. Ravel Trio in A minor, for strings and piano Maria João Pires, piano - Julien Libeer, piano F. Schubert Deutscher Tanz und zwei Ländler, D. 618 F. Schubert Sonata No. 18 in G major, for piano, D. 894 F. Schubert Sonata No. 21 in B flat major, for piano, D. 960 Chapelle de Monty (Centre Hervien d’Animation Culturelle) 18 Place de l’Hôtel de Ville - 4650 Herve - Belgium Info: +32 (0)479 28 18 68 - www.chac.be/musique/classique-a-monty Tickets: 18€ Sarah Théry, mezzo-soprano - Nathanael Gouin, piano A. Dvorak Zigeunerlieder, op. 55 Tony Lee, piano L. van Beethoven Sonata No. 28 in A major, for piano, op. 101 40 Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek 33 Rue Edgard Sohie - 1560 Hoeilaart - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 657 96 52 - www.maisondelamusique.be Tickets: Free admission - reservation required 41 Concert Partitura Series BOZAR MUSIC BOZARSUNDAYS 06.06.15 - 17:00 07.06.15 - 11:00 Maria João Pires, piano - Julien Libeer, piano F. Schubert Deutscher Tanz und zwei Ländler, D. 618 F. Schubert Sonata No. 18 in G major, for piano, D. 894 F. Schubert Sonata No. 21 in B flat major, for piano, D. 960 Sarah Laulan, mezzo-soprano - Nathanael Gouin, piano A. Dvorak Zigeunerlieder, op. 55 J. Brahms Zigeunerlieder, op. 103 M. P. Mussorgsky Songs and Dances of Death Nathanael Gouin, piano L. Janacek Sonata in E flat major, for piano, I.X. 1905 Theatre de la Ville 2 Place du Châtelet - 75004 Paris - France Info: +33 (0)1 42 74 22 77 - www.theatredelaville-paris.com Tickets: 19€ - 16€ -13€ 42 Center for Fine Arts, Henry Le Boeuf Hall 23 Rue Ravenstein - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 507 82 00 - www.bozar.be Tickets: 10€ 43 Concert Partitura Music Chapel Public Exams Chamber Music section 08.06.15 - 20:00 09.06.15 - 14:00 Maria João Pires, piano - Pavel Kolesnikov, piano L. van Beethoven Sonata No. 30 in E major, for piano, op. 109 L. van Beethoven Rondo, op. 51 L. van Beethoven Sieben Bagatellen, op. 33 L. van Beethoven Sonata No. 32 in C minor, voor piano, op. 111 Artemis Quartet, Masters in residence Trio Suyana Quatuor Hermès Arensky Trio The Busch ensemble Quatuor Arod Duo Chilemme - Gouin Book your lunch now! > see page 72 TBA Music Poznan - Poland 44 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 12 - [email protected] Tickets: 10€ - free for maecenas 45 Music Chapel Garden Party Prelude 10.06.15 - 19:00 19:00 Welcome Cocktail & Musical walk in the Gardens 20:00Concert © M. Roobaerts Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie Jean-Jacques Kantorow, conductor Julien Libeer, piano E. Lalo Concerto for piano & orchestra Ori Epstein, cello F. J. Haydn Concerto No. 2 in D major, for cello & orchestra, Hob VIIb/2 Music Chapel 21:00 Garden Party Prelude Walking dinner in de Launoit Wing Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie Jean-Jacques Kantorow, conductor Julien Libeer, piano - Ori Epstein, cello 10.06.15 - 19:00 Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 16 - +32 (0)2 352 10 24 - [email protected] - www.musicchapel.org 46 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 16 - +32 (0)2 352 10 24 - [email protected] Tickets: 175€ - 125€ for maecenas 47 Music Chapel Public Exams Violin section Opera studio production IOA Frühlings Erwachen 10.06.15 - 14:00 10 & 11.06.15 Augustin Dumay, Master in residence Elina Buksha, violin Woo Hyung Kim, violin Fanglei Liu, violin Vladyslava Luchenko, violin Liya Petrova, violin Lev Solodovnikov, violin Olga Volkova, violin Esther Yoo, violin Alexandra Cooreman, violin Yoanna Ruseva, violin Christia Hudziy, piano Guy Joosten, artistic director (IOA) SPECTRA Filip Rathé, conductor Benoît Mernier, composer Roel Van Berckelaer with the collaboration of Sarah Théry, mezzo, Music Chapel Frühlings Erwachen est basé sur la pièce de théatre controvertiel éveil de printemps de Frank Wedekind et raconte l’histoire d’un group de jeunes dans la période complexe entre l’enfance et l’adolescence. La pièce est imprégnée de thèmes sombres comme le suicide, enfant-mère, solitude, manque de confiance en un meilleur futur et promet être une représentation actuelle prenante qui inscite à la discussion. Frühlings Erwachen is gebaseerd op Frank Wedekinds controversieel theaterstuk Voorjaarsontwaken en vertelt het verhaal van een groep jongeren in de complexe tijd tussen kind-zijn en volwassenwording. Doordrongen van heftige en donkere thema’s zoals tienerzwangerschap, zelfmoord, eenzaamheid en een ongeloof in een betere toekomst, belooft het stuk een actuele, spannende en tot discussie uitnodigende voorstelling te worden. Book your lunch now! > see page 72 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 12 - [email protected] Tickets: 10€ - free for maecenas 48 Kunsthuis Opera Vlaanderen Frankrijklei 1 - 2000 Antwerpen - Belgium Info: +32 (0)70 22 02 02 49 Music Chapel Public Exams Viola section Concert Partitura 13.06.15 - 21:00 11.06.15 - 14:00 Maria João Pires, piano - Lilit Grigoryan, piano G. Kurtag Jatekok L. van Beethoven Sonata No. 27 in E minor, for piano, op. 90 L. van Beethoven Sonata No. 28 in A major, for piano, op. 101 L. van Beethoven Sonata No. 31 in A flat major, for piano, op. 110 L. van Beethoven Sonata No. 32 in C minor, for piano, op. 111 Miguel da Silva, Master in residence Marie Chilemme, viola Hélène Desaint, viola Yung-Hsin Chang, viola Nn, piano Book your lunch now! > see page 72 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 12 - [email protected] Tickets: 10€ - free for maecenas 50 Eglise d’Auvers-sur-Oise Place de l’Eglise - 95430 Auvers-sur-Oise - France Info: www.festival-auvers.com Tickets: 40€ - 5€ 51 Music Chapel Garden Party 13.06.15 - 12:30 > 21:00 Waterloo 1815-2015: Discover the Music of Napoleon’s times, with your whole family: Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert, Lalo, Mendelssohn, Hadyn, … © M. Roobaerts • Concerts and recitals of soloists in the park and the studios of the Music Chapel • Green Lunch and refreshments during the whole day on the terrace of the Foyer • Visits of de Launoit Wing and the studios of the musicians in residence • Special concerts and origami workshop for kids • Musical animations (Jeunesses Musicales du Brabant Wallon) for kids in the park • Dance with Beethoven’s Folk Songs • Musique de la Garde Impériale, musique du 1er Regiment des Grenadiers à Pied Music Chapel Garden Party A day full of concerts & fun @ Music Chapel! 13.06.15 - 12:30 > 21:00 Info: www.musicchapel.org Special 52 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 16 - www.musicchapel.org Tickets: 10€ - free <12 years - free for maecenas 53 Music Chapel Garden Party Music Chapel Garden Party Studio de la Reine 13.06.15 - 12:30 > 21:00 13.06.15 - 12:30 > 21:00 Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie Jean-Jacques Kantorow, conductor Cécile Lastchenko, soprano Diana Gouglina, soprano Julia Szproch, soprano Sarah Laulan, mezzo-soprano Katarina van Droogenbroek, mezzo-soprano Denzil Delaere, tenor (IOA) Tatiana Samouil, violin Lorenzo Gatto, violin Hrachya Avanesyan, violin Fanglei Liu, violin Yoanna Ruseva, violin Elina Buksha, violin Vladyslava Luchenko, violin Salon Récamier W. A. Mozart Divertimento & opera Mertol Demirelli, piano Ashot Khachatourian, piano Zala Kravos, piano Julien Libeer, piano Julien Brocal, piano Marcin Fleszar, piano Nathanael Gouin, piano Leonardo Hilsdorf, piano Salon Joséphine Romantic opera excerpts Beethoven L. van Beethoven Piano sonatas Busch ensemble Musique de la Garde Imperiale & more Soloists of Music Chapel Hélène Desaint, viola Deborah Pae, cello Lidy Blijdorp, cello Ori Epstein, cello Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 16 - www.musicchapel.org Tickets: 10€ - free <12 years - free for maecenas 54 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 16 - www.musicchapel.org Tickets: 10€ - free <12 years - free for maecenas 55 Music Chapel Garden Party Studio Haas - Teichen Music Chapel Garden Party Park 13.06.15 13.06.15 - 12:30 > 21:00 17:30Rehearsal 12:30 Musique de la Garde Impériale 20:00Concert 13:30 & 15:30 Origami workshop followed by a concert for kids Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie Jean-Jacques Kantorow, conductor 14:00 & 16:00 Jeunesses Musicales du Brabant Wallon “Music & history” special workshop Elina Buksha, violin E. Lalo Concerto russe, op. 29 17:00 Jeunesses Musicales du Brabant Wallon Ball for Kids Concerts on stage Nn, violin E. Lalo Romance Sérénade for violin & orchestra • Violins “calvacade” • Jong talents in the spotlight Lorenzo Gatto, violin E. Lalo Symphonie espagnole for violin & orchestra, op. 21 • The Busch Ensemble plays Shubert’s trio • Mendelssohn’s String octet • Schumann’s Piano quintet Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 16 - www.musicchapel.org Tickets: 10€ - free <12 years - free for maecenas 56 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 16 - www.musicchapel.org Tickets: 10€ - free <12 years - free for maecenas 57 Music Chapel Garden Party Kids Beethoven & Napoleon 13.06.15 12:30 Musique de la Garde Impériale 13:30 Origami workshop : create your own Napoleon’s hat Concert Beethoven & Napoleon “the Story of Beethoven & Napoleon” 14:00 Jeunesses Musicales du Brabant Wallon “Music & history” special workshop 15:30 Origami workshop : create your own Napoleon’s hat Concert Beethoven & Napoleon “the Story of Beethoven & Napoleon” Music Chapel 16:00 Jeunesses Musicales du Brabant Wallon “Music & history” special workshop Garden Party Kids Beethoven & Napoleon 17:00 Jeunesses Musicales du Brabant Wallon Ball for Kids Concert & Origami 13.06.15 - 13:30 & 15:30 Info: www.musicchapel.org 58 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 16 - www.musicchapel.org Tickets: 10€ - free <12 years - free for maecenas 59 Series Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek Concert Partitura 15.06.15 - 20:00 15.06.15 - 20:15 Yoanna Ruseva, violin J. S.Bach Sonata No. 1 in G minor, for violin, BWV 1001 Maria João Pires, piano - Julien Libeer, piano F. Schubert Fantasy in F minor, for piano 4 hands, op. 103, D. 940 F. Schubert Sonata No. 18 in G major, for piano, D. 894 F. Schubert Sonata No. 21 in B flat major, for piano, D. 960 Woo Hyung Kim, violin - Dana Protopopescu, piano E. Lalo Guitare op. 28 Elina Buksha, violin - Dana Protopopescu, piano E. Lalo Concerto russe, op. 29 Kacper Nowak, cello - Dana Protopopescu, piano L. van Beethoven Sonata No. 2 in G minor, for cello, op. 5 No.2 Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek 33 Rue Edgard Sohie - 1560 Hoeilaart - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 657 96 52 - www.maisondelamusique.be Tickets: Free admission - reservation required 60 Vredenburg Leidsche Rijn 100 J.C. Verthorenpad - 3541 MV Utrecht - The Netherlands Info: +31 30 231 4544 - www.vredenburg.nl Tickets: 39€ 61 Workshop enoa Music Chapel Public Exams Cello section 15 > 27.06.15 17.06.15 - 14:00 Workshop for singers and corepetiteurs on Mozart lead by Susanna Eken. Within the Aix-en-Provence Festival, the Académie européenne de musique is one of the key places for cultivating Mozartian interpretation. The Académie provides training for young singers and pianists who seek to perfect their technique and hone their knowledge of Mozart’s repertoire. Training sessions focus on vocal technique, musical interpretation and acting skills will be completed by drama work supervised by either a renowed stage director or choreographer. The residency includes public MC and concerts. Gary Hoffman, Master in residence Lidy Blijdorp, cello Ori Epstein, cello Kacper Nowak, cello Deborah Pae, cello Joona Pulkkinen, cello Julie Sevilla-Fraysse, cello Han Bin Yoon, cello Dana Protopopescu, piano Selected Music Chapel participant: Julia Szproch Book your lunch now! > see page 72 With the support of This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Académie européenne de musique AIX-en-Provence - France Info: www.festival-aix.com 62 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 12 - [email protected] Tickets: 10€ - free for maecenas 63 Concert Partitura Concert Partitura 17.06.15 - 20:15 19.06.15 - 20:15 Maria João Pires, piano - Julien Libeer, piano F. Schubert Fantasy in F minor, for piano 4 hands, op. 103, D. 940 F. Schubert Sonata No. 18 in G major, for piano, D. 894 F. Schubert Sonata No. 21 in B flat major, for piano, D. 960 Maria João Pires, piano - Julien Libeer, piano F. Schubert Fantasy in F minor, for piano 4 hands, op. 103, D. 940 F. Schubert Sonata No. 18 in G major, for piano, D. 894 F. Schubert Sonata No. 21 in B flat major, for piano, D. 960 De Oosterpoort 27 Trompsingel - 9724 DA Groningen - The Netherlands Info: +31 (0)50 368 0 368 - www.de-oosterpoort.nl Muziekgebouw Frits Philips Heuvel - 3 Jan van Lieshoutstraat - 5600 AX Eindhoven - The Netherlands Info: +31 (0)40 265 5600 - www.muziekgebouweindhoven.nl 64 65 Concert Partitura Concert Equinox 21.06.15 - 20:15 21.06.15 - 20:00 Maria João Pires, piano - Julien Libeer, piano F. Schubert Fantasy in F minor, for piano 4 hands, op. 103, D. 940 F. Schubert Sonata No. 18 in G major, for piano, D. 894 F. Schubert Sonata No. 21 in B flat major, for piano, D. 960 Program to be confirmed Concertgebouw Amsterdam 10 Concertgebouwplein - 1071 LN Amsterdam - The Netherlands Info: +31 900 671 8345 - www.concertgebouw.nl Église des Minimes 60 Rue des Minimes - 1000 Bruxelles - Belgium Info: www.chorales-equinox.be - [email protected] L’Église des Minimes fête ses 300 ans en 2015 et invite la Chorale Equinox à présenter un concert le 21 juin à 20h, puisque à 21h il y a un rayon de soleil qui fait un angle spécial et apparait dans un endroit spécifique derrière l’autel. La Chorale Equinox a été invitée à fêter ce moment spécial avec le public. 66 67 Music Chapel Public Exams Piano section Music Chapel Public Exams Piano section 22.06.15 - 14:00 > 16:00 22.06.15 - 20:00 > 22:00 23.06.15 - 14:00 > 16:00 23.06.15 - 20:00 > 22:00 Maria João Pires, Master in residence Julien Brocal, piano Mertol Demirelli, piano Marcin Fleszar, piano Madoka Fukami, piano Lilit Grigoryan, piano Leonardo Hilsdorf, piano Ashot Khachatourian, piano Kaito Kobayashi, piano Pavel Kolesnikov, piano Tony Lee, piano Julien Libeer, piano Milena Cuk, piano Zala Kravo, piano Rafael Kyrychenko, piano Maria João Pires, Master in residence Julien Brocal, piano Mertol Demirelli, piano Marcin Fleszar, piano Madoka Fukami, piano Lilit Grigoryan, piano Leonardo Hilsdorf, piano Ashot Khachatourian, piano Kaito Kobayashi, piano Pavel Kolesnikov, piano Tony Lee, piano Julien Libeer, piano Milena Cuk, piano Zala Kravo, piano Rafael Kyrychenko, piano Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 12 - [email protected] Tickets: 10€ - free for maecenas Book your lunch or dinner now! > see page 72 68 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel 445 Chaussée de Tervuren - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 352 01 12 - [email protected] Tickets: 10€ - free for maecenas Book your lunch or dinner now! > see page 72 69 Concert Partitura Concert Korean Cultural Center 25.06.15 - 20:15 26.06.15 - 20:00 Maria João Pires, piano - Lorenzo Gatto, violin - Alexandra Cooreman, violin Ori Epstein, cello - Milena Cuk, piano W. A. Mozart Sonata in G major for violin and piano, KV. 301 L. van Beethoven Sonata No. 3 in A major, for cello and piano, op. 69 L. van Beethoven Trio No. 5, in D major, “Ghost”, for piano, violin and cello, op. 70 No. 1 Quatuor Arod F. J. Haydn String quartet in G major, op. 76 No. 1 M. Ravel String quartet in F major, op. 35 Auditorio Nacional de Música 146 Calle del Príncipe de Vergara - 28002 Madrid - Spain Info: +34 913 37 01 40 - www.auditorionacional.mcu.es Korean Cultural Center Regentschapsstraat 4 Rue de la Régence - 1000 Brussels - Belgium Info: +32 (0)2 274 2980 - [email protected] - www.brussels.korean-culture.org Tickets: Free admission - reservation required Deborah Pae, cello Program tbc 70 71 Music Chapel Green Lunch Déjeunez “au vert” à la Chapelle Musicale Lunch in “het groen” aan de Muziekkapel Master class : 15.04 - 20.04 - 24.04 - 29.04 - 04.05 Workshop : 13.05 Exams : 09.06 - 10.06 - 11.06 - 17.06 - 22.06 - 23.06 Lecture : 23.04 Lors des Master class et examens publics, l’équipe du Foyer vous accueille (sur réservation) pour le déjeuner de 12h30 à 14h. Une petite carte légère (printemps/été) aux saveurs simples et variées ou le lunch du jour sont disponibles. Le nombre de couverts est limité afin de respecter l’intimité du lieu. Tijdens de publieke masterclasses en examens ontvangt het team van de Foyer u van 12.30 tot 14 uur (mits voorafgaande reservatie). Een kleine lichte kaart(lente/zomer) met eenvoudige en gevarieerde gerechten of de dagschotel zijn beschikbaar. Het aantal personen is beperkt om het intieme karakter van de locatie te behouden. 72 © M. Cooreman Reservation at last the day before: [email protected] - 02 352 01 11 Payment by card only 73 Music Chapel Artists in residence 2014-15 74 Paule Van Thillo Studio © M. Roobaert You’re always on the run, catching a plane, giving a concert, moving from one hotel to the next, dragging your luggage around… We know all about it, the rush, the constraints, the noise ... Take a break from the world and come home. 75 Artemis Quartet, Chamber Music Augustin Dumay, violin Chair granted by InBev-Baillet Latour “Guider l’approche du questionnement et des réponses qui en découlent jusqu’à l’indépendance artistique.” Eckart Runge Duo Guillaume CHILEMME Nathanael GOUIN Trio Suyana David CASTRO-BALBI 1993France violin Alexandre CASTRO-BALBI 1991 France cello Thibaud Epp 1987 France piano Quatuor Arod Haas-Teichen scholarship Jordan VICTORIA 1992France Nam Alexandre VU CONG1991 France Corentin APPARAILLY 1995France Samy RACHID 1993France violin violin viola cello Quatuor Hermes InBev-Baillet Latour scholarship Arensky Trio Omer BOUCHEZ Elise LIU Yung-Hsin CHANG Anthony KONDO 1989 1987 1985 1985 violin violin viola cello Claire DASSESSE Aurore DASSESSE Stephanie PROOT 1989 Belgium violin 1991 Belgiumcello 1987 Belgium piano Busch Ensemble Mathieu van Bellen Scholarship by Ori Epstein Mr. & Mrs. Marnix Galle Omri Epstein 1987 1988 1988 1993 1986 France France France France Taiwan France violin piano Elina BUKSHA Scholarship by Fondation Guttman 1990Latvia Woo Hyung KIM Scholarship by Mr. & Mrs. Leopold Van Hool 1991 South Korea Fanglei LIU 1991 China Vladyslava LUCHENKO Scholarship by Borgerhoff Fund 1988 Ukraine Liya PETROVA InBev-Baillet Latour scholarship 1990 Bulgaria Lev SOLODOVNIKOV Scholarship by ACV International 1987 Russia Olga VOLKOVA Haas-Teichen scholarship 1991 Russia Esther YOO 1994 United States Alexandra COOREMAN Scholarship by Mr. & Mrs. Ludo Van Thillo 2003 Belgium Yoanna RUSEVA InBev-Baillet Latour scholarship 1998 Bulgaria Young artists Netherlands violin UK-Germany cello UK-Germany piano 76 77 Gary Hoffman, cello Maria João Pires, piano Scholarship granted by Mr. & Mrs. Eric Le Jeune Chair granted by Fondation Futur21 “Aider et soutenir les jeunes musiciens à maximiser leur potentiel tout en respectant l’intégrité, l’humilité, et les bonnes valeurs dans la musique ainsi que la vie.” Gary Hoffman Julien BROCAL 1987 France Mertol DEMIRELLI Scholarship by Mr. Bernard & Mrs Valerie Van Hool 1996 Turkey Marcin FLESZAR 1985 Poland Madoka FUKAMI 1988 Japan Nathanael GOUIN 1988 France Lidy BLIJDORP 1986 The Netherlands Ori EPSTEIN Scholarship by Mrs. Catherine Lagrange 1993 United Kingdom Kacper NOWAK Haas-Teichen scholarship 1987 Poland Lilit GRIGORYAN InBev-Baillet Latour scholarship 1985 Armenia Deborah PAE 1988 US/Korea Leonardo HILSDORF 1987 Brazil/Italy Joona PULKKINEN InBev-Baillet Latour scholarship 1990Finland Ashot KHACHATOURIAN Haas-Teichen scholarship 1984 Armenia Julie SEVILLA-FRAYSSE 1988 France 1995 Japan Han Bin YOON 1988 South Korea Kaito KOBAYASHI Scholarship by Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel van Innis Pavel KOLESNIKOV 1989 Russia Tony LEE 1991Australia Julien LIBEER 1987 Belgium Milena CUK 2002 Poland Zala KRAVOS Scholarship by ACV International 2002Slovenia Rafael KYRYCHENKO Scholarship by Mr. Patrick Baillieux 1996Portugal Miguel da Silva, viola Young artists Marie Chilemme Haas-Teichen scholarship 1988 France Hélène Desaint 1984 France Yung Hsin Chang 1985 Taiwan 78 79 José van Dam, voice Chair granted by an anonymous donor Amalia AVILAN, soprano 1986 Colombia Denzil DELAERE, tenor (IOA) 1988 Belgium Bertrand DUBY, bass 1986 France Diana GOUGLINA, soprano 1990 Bulgaria Cécile LASTCHENKO, soprano Scholarship by an anonymous donor 1989 Belgium Sarah LAULAN, mezzo-soprano Scholarship by Mr. & Mrs. Michel Peterbroeck 1985 France Julia SZPROCH, soprano InBev-Baillet Latour scholarship 1990Poland Sarah THéRY, mezzo-soprano Scholarship by Baron & Barones Bertrand 1987 France Katarina VAN DROOGENBROECK, mezzo-soprano 1983 Belgium Esther Yoo, violin Christia Hudziy, piano Haas-Teichen Studio - de Launoit Wing Opening Ceremony 27.01.15 © M. Cooreman “Créer l’instrument unique que représente chaque élève grâce à la technique vocale qui lui est enseignée.” José van Dam Soutenez nos jeunes artistes! Rejoignez nos mécènes Parrains, Patrons et Amis. Steun onze jonge artiesten! Word Peter, Patron of Vriend. 60 artists in residence 8 Belgians - 52 students from all over the world aged from 10 years old. 22 different nationalities (Armenia, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, China, Colombia, Finland, France, The Netherlands, Japan, Latvia, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States). 80 Membership & Funding Departement [email protected] +32 (0)2 352 01 16 www.musicchapel.org 81 Esther Yoo Maria Milstein Lorenzo Gatto Nikita Boriso-Glebsky Hrachya Avanesyan Yossif Ivanov Julien Libeer Milos Popovic Plamena Mangova Charles Dekeyser Shadi Torbey Sébastien Parotte Anneke Luyten Dorine Mortelmans Yu Shao Pau Codina Adam Krzeszowiec violin1994 violin 1986 violin 1986 violin 1985 violin 1986 violin 1986 piano 1987 piano 1985 piano 1981 bass 1986 bass 1976 bass & baritone 1984 soprano 1983 soprano 1984 tenor 1986 cello 1988 cello 1987 Woo Hyung Kim, violin Les Musicales de Beloeil 06.09.14 An Associated Artist is an artist who, having obtained an Artist Diploma, wishes to remain in close contact with the Music Chapel. Pursuing an active career, the Associated Artist can benefit occasionally from the advice of the Masters in residence or invited artists, from the support of the Chapel. At the request of the institution, he or she can also take part in artistic projects. © M. Cooreman Associated Artists Léguez une partie de vos biens ou faites un don à la Chapelle Musicale et soutenez la formation de qualité d‘un jeune talent. Via een schenking of een legaat draagt u bij aan de opleiding van uitmuntende jongeren. En collaboration avec/In samenwerking met Testament.be Membership & Funding Departement 82 [email protected] +32 (0)2 352 01 16 83 “Friend” of the Music Chapel “Sponsor” of the Music Chapel from € 125/year* • scholarship € 12.500/year* (private) • full scholarship € 25.000/year** (corporate) Become a “Friend of the Music Chapel” and support our young artists. You will thus enable the institution to provide, under optimal conditions, a high quality artistic program for young talents. Your returns: • Friends concert • Free entrance to Master classes • Free entrance to public exams • Your name will be included in the concert programs • Your name will be included on our website • Your donation is tax deductible Become a “Sponsor” of a young talent and be a partner of the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel. Because you wish to get directly involved in the life of our institution, and follow the development of one of our young artists step by step throughout the artistic season. Your returns: Patron package + • Special invitations to certain concerts • Possibility of attending privately one of your godchild’s lessons • Your sponsorship is included in the biography of the young artist • From € 12.500: one special evening is reserved for you: a private concert, for you and your friends, by “your” young artist • From € 25.000: a private concert + a private evening at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel (not including reception) • Your donation is tax deductible *including a non-tax deductible amount of € 12,50/person “Patron” of the Music Chapel *including a non-tax deductible amount of € 2.500 **including a non-tax deductible amount of € 2.500 from € 1.250/year* Become a “Patron” and get involved in the project of the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel. Because you are convinced of the need to support the advancement of Belgian musical life and our artists of tomorrow. Your returns: Friends package + • You will also be given priority to organize your own nocturnes at the Music Chapel • Furthermore, we will provide seats for you during: - Patrons concert (season opening concert) - Gala concert - “Prelude” concert - Garden Party • Your donation is tax deductible Do you prefer a customized approach (a gift, a bequest or a partnership)? Your choice will be ours! Support and accompany these young talents to achieve their dream and together let’s help them to build their future and their career! Membership & Funding Department Laurence Godfraind - Christine Reyntjens - Johanna Filée [email protected] Tel.: +32 (0)2 352 01 16 - Fax: +32 (0)2 351 10 24 * including a non-tax deductible amount of € 100/person 84 Gifts to the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel are to be paid into the account of the foundation (gifts from € 40 are tax deductible) IBAN: BE20 3101 2393 3956 - BIC: BBRUBEBB 85 Anne-Lise Parotte, Head of Artistic Department Christian Renard Arie Van Lysebeth, Artistic Director Emeritus Board of Directors Ambassadors Comittee Vincent Pardoen, Chairman Sylvia Goldschmidt, Chairman Werner Van Lembergen, Vice-Chairman Axel Miller Willem Van de Voorde Bernard de Launoit*, Executive President Géry Daeninck*, Executive Director Julien De Wilde* Peter de Caluwe Philippe Delaunois Yvan de Launoit Paul Dujardin Bernard Foccroulle Sylvia Goldschmidt Viviane Reding Leonard Schrank Robert Tollet Frans van Daele *Member of the Executive Committee Honorary Chairmen Jean-Jacques de Launoit Jean-Pierre de Bandt Team Membership & Funding Department Cultural Department Laurence Godfraind, coordination Christine Reyntjens, public relations Johanna Filée, assistant Bénédicte Bruynseels, cultural & production coordination - Artists Village mediator Florence Leeman, project manager Kyung-sook Langley, production assistant Music Chapel, social-purpose corporation Communication Department Sophie van der Stegen, communication, marketing & press relations Muriel Anslot, external publications & social media coordinator Auriane de Fauconval, publications Paul Borschette, Library Mélanie Druez, trainee Margarita Philippova, trainee Alexandra De Roovere, trainee Marie Holemans, trainee Board of Directors Jean-Pierre de Launoit, Chairman Bernard de Launoit, Executive Director Bernard Boon Falleur Pierre Boucher Géry Daeninck Philippe de Buck van Overstraeten Yvan de Launoit Philippe de Spoelberch Gabrielle du Chastel de la Howarderie Paul Dujardin Denis Solvay Finance & Administration Quentin Bogaerts, coordination Tica Cabral, volunteer Johanna Filée, student & mediation support Logistics Department Karine Vilain, logistic & housing Alain Canivet, logistic & housing Lami Tchabebou Aurore Somme Events & Catering Department Aurélie Collet, coordination Nicolas De Baut, chef Artistic Department Muriel Vanderbauwhede, artistic coordination (voice) & enoa contact Tomoko Taguchi, artistic coordination (piano, violin, cello, chamber music) & auditions Artistic Committee Bernard Foccroulle, Chairman Peter de Caluwe Bernard de Launoit Gilles Ledure Ulrich Hauschild Sophie Gosselin, General Secretary Anne-Lise Parotte, Head Artistic Equinox, Solidarity Music Department 86 Joana Noeth, coordination Emmanuelle Weeger, assistant Design: www.griffe.be Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel, public utility foundation 87 Your Music Agenda: APRIL to JUNE 2015 JUNE 2015 APRIL 2015 02.04 Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek - Brussels P.14 05.04 KASK Conservatorium - Gent P.15 14.04 Partitura Concert - Great Britain P.16 15.04 Public Master class - Viola section - Waterloo P.17 16.04 Master class - Fondation Louis Vuitton - France P.18 17.04 Concert - Fondation Louis Vuitton - France P.19 18.04 Master class - Fondation Louis Vuitton - France P.20 18.04 >20.04 enoa Worshop P.21 19.04 Hulencourt Art Project P.22 20.04 Public Master class - Violin section - Waterloo P.23 21.04 Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek - Brussels P.24 23.04 Lecture - Erna Metdepenninghen - Waterloo P.25 24.04 Public Master class - Cello section - Waterloo P.26 25.04 Equinox concert - Denée P.27 29.04 Public Master class - Chamber Music section - Waterloo P.28 MAY 2015 04.06 >12.06 enoa Worshop P.39 04.06 Partitura Concert - Herve P.40 04.06 Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek - Brussels P.41 06.06 Partitura Concert - France P.42 07.06 BOZARSUNDAYS - Brussels P.43 08.06 Partitura Concert - Poland P.44 09.06 Public Exams - Chamber Music section - Waterloo P.45 10.06 Garden Party Prelude - Waterloo P.47 10.06 Public Exams - Violin section - Waterloo P.48 10.06 >11.06 IOA - Opera studio production - Antwerp P.49 11.06 Public Exams - Viola section - Waterloo P.50 13.06 Partitura Concert - France P.51 13.06 Garden Party - Waterloo P.53 13.06 Garden Party - Waterloo P.54 13.06 Garden Party - Waterloo P.55 13.06 Garden Party - Waterloo P.56 13.06 Garden Party - Waterloo P.57 13.06 Garden Party - Waterloo P.59 15.06 Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek - Brussels P.60 15.06 Partitura Concert - The Netherlands P.61 04.05 Public Master class - Voice section - Waterloo P.29 15.06 >27.06 enoa Worshop P.62 05.05 Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek - Brussels P.30 17.06 Public Exams - Cello section - Waterloo P.63 08.05 Musical Instruments Museum - Brussels P.31 17.06 Partitura Concert - The Netherlands P.64 08.05 MYchapel Evening - Waterloo P.33 19.06 Partitura Concert - The Netherlands P.65 10.05 KASK Conservatorium - Gent P.34 21.06 Partitura Concert - The Netherlands P.66 13.05 Public Workshop - Piano section - Waterloo P.35 21.06 Equinox concert - Brussels P.67 21.05 Maison de la Musique/Huis van de Muziek - Brussels P.36 22.06 Public Exams - Piano section - Waterloo P.68 26.05 Musical Instruments Museum - Brussels P.37 23.06 Public Exams - Piano section - Waterloo P.69 26.05 IOA - Opera studio production - Hasselt P.38 25.06 Partitura Concert - Spain P.70 30.05 IOA - Opera studio production - Brussels P.38 26.06 Korean Cultural Center - Brussels P.71 88 Special program for the Mæcenas [email protected] Special program for young lovers of classical music under 35 [email protected] www.mychapel.be Special activities for kids Special program to develop an active residency Special program for the Mæcenas Friends [email protected] Equinox, Children’s choir [email protected] www.choralesequinox.be European network of opera academies [email protected] www.enoa-community.com Partitura, career development [email protected] 89 EQUINOX CHILDREN’S CHOIRS ► Equinox project is dedicated to the creation and the development of children’s choirs under the artistic direction of Maria João Pires. It’s goal is simple: to share the artistic excellence of the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel through the auspices of its teachers and young musicians with members of society that would not normally have access to it, for example children from deprived neighbourhoods. The work is profound and continuous; it aims to implant the practice of music in areas which until now have been completely barren. If we consider that music enhances our sense of well-being, then surely we must wish to make it accessible to all. PEDAGOGICAL TEAM Miloš Popović, Brussels (Belgium), choir director Eulalie Hupin, Brussels (Belgium), multidisciplinary workshop director Pau Baiges, Chastre (Belgium), choir director Julien Libeer, Brussels (Belgium), accompanying pianist Dismas Niyonkuru, Bujumbura (Burundi), choir director Adeline Ntakarutimana, Bujumbura (Burundi), accompanying pianist Heïdie Fortin, Paris (France), choir director Joël Soichez, Paris (France), accompanying pianist Fondation guttman ARTISTIC DIRECTOR Maria João Pires COORDINATION Joana Nöth, coordination Emmanuelle Weeger, production Hélène Schmit, coordination (Paris) IOA With the support of Chaussée de Tervuren, 445 1410, Waterloo, Belgique +32 (0)498 57 63 72 www.chorales-equinox.be [email protected] Art Mentor IBAN: BE93310148728267 SWIFT: BBRUBEBB100 © equinox 2014 Partners: Maison d’Enfants Reine Marie-Henriette, Athénée Royal Victor Horta, Les Amis du Grain de Sel, SOS Villages d’Enfants en Belgique, SOS Villages d’Enfants au Burundi, La Petite Maison, Prison de Leuze, Cité de la Musique Paris, Flagey 90 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Highlights Music Chapel Public Master class 15.04.15 - Viola section 20.04.15 - Violin section 24.04.15 - Cello section 29.04.15 - Chamber Music section 04.05.15 - Voice section 13.05.15 - Piano section Music Chapel Public Exams 09.06.15 - Chamber Music section 10.06.15 - Violin section 11.06.15 - Viola section 17.06.15 - Cello section 22 & 23.06.15 - Piano section Music Chapel Garden Party 10 & 13.06.15 Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel, public interest foundation Under the Honorary Chairmanship of Her Majesty Queen Paola Correspondence: Chaussée de Tervuren 445 - 1410 Waterloo - Belgium Corporate address: Rue Brederode 14, B-1000 Bruxelles - BCE 459 245 906 Tel: +32 (0)2 352 01 10 - Fax: +32 (0)2 351 10 24 [email protected] - www.musicchapel.org 92 Publisher : B. de Launoit – Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel – Chaussée de Tervuren, 445 – 1410 Waterloo – Belgium Music Chapel Public Workshop
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