New TradiTioNs


New TradiTioNs
Baskets are due today!
Thanks to everyone that took an Easter
basket. Canterbury will be providing
Easter baskets for children and women
at Children’s Harbor, Kings Ranch & the
Avondale STAIR Program. Contact
Lisa Burton for more information at
[email protected].
UMW Tea and Tablescapes fundraiser
for missions—TODAY! - The Tea and Tablescapes
event will start TODAY at 2:00 p.m. with a Silent Auction
and Cash and Carry room. (No ticket required). At 3:15
p.m., guests with tickets will enjoy Tea and Tablescapes
in Canterbury Hall along with a fashion show presented
by Shoefly in Homewood. For more information, go to
The WAY one-year anniversary Is TODAY,
March 6, at 5:00 p.m. in the Chapel.
Special music. Refreshments afterward.
Canterbury’s annual
easter egg hunt
Sunday, April 13, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.,
Canterbury Hall. Family time of crafts, refreshments and
egg hunting. Hunt is open to Walkers - 2nd grade. Donations appreciated. Parents who would like to serve on the
decorating and booth committee, please contact Bronwyne
Chapman at [email protected].
Children’s Ministry…Hey Kids! We need your
hands – don’t forget our Lenten project “Helping Hands of
Faith”. Write the “good deeds” that your hands have done
during the week on a purple handprint and bring them to
the Children’s Library on Sunday mornings. Remember our
goal is to make a chain of hands throughout the Children’s
Attention - Adult van drivers and chaperones needed to
escort a lively group of Canterbury 1st-3rd graders to Day
Camp at United Methodist Camp Sumatanga, June 23-27.
If you can help one day or multiple days, please contact
Allison Litton, 943-0691 or at [email protected].
Children’s Holy Week Service—Palms to
Passion Presented by Members of Club 3456 & Friends.
In Canterbury Chapel Wed., April 16, 6:15 p.m. This service
will include a dramatization of the events from Palm Sunday
through Good Friday. Children in 5K and older are encour-
Easter Lilies
Easter is April 20, 2014. Please fill out the information below to
place an Easter Lily, for $17.50 each, as a memorial or in honor of
Given for ___________________________________________________________
In Memory______
In Honor_______
Given by_____________________________________________________
Make your check payable to Canterbury and return the form and
the check to the church office or Carolyn Davis, no later than
FRIDAY April 11, 2014.
aged to attend with their families. Child care will be provided
for younger children. (No other children’s activities on this
Melinda Rainey Thompson is a humorist and former English Professor at Birmingham-Southern College. She will
have us all laughing out loud with her light and fun, real
deal, Southern Woman Style of entertaining. Melinda is
the author of the best-selling SWAG: Southern Women
Aging Gracefully and The SWAG Life. Tuesday, April 22 in
Canterbury Hall at noon. Please call Gloria for a reservation for lunch at 874-1534.
New Traditions
April 6, 2014
Fifth Sunday in Lent
Preaching — The Reverend Warren Nash
Liturgist — The Reverend Sam Williamson
Organist and Choirmaster — Doctor Lester Seigel
Bill’s Book Club – The last Book Club meeting for
the school year will be on Wed. night, April 30th. The book
for April is Ordinary Grace by William Kent Kreuger. Nominated for the 2014 Edgar Award for Best Novel, it is an
unforgettable story about discovering the terrible price of
wisdom and the enduring grace of God. Anyone who would
like to meet is welcome as Dr. Morgan leads the discussion.
Books are available for purchase in the Adult Resource
Center. For more information, contact Ellen Thomas at
[email protected].
Time to Reserve Rooms for Next
Academic Year - As the school year draws to a close,
it’s time to look ahead to the next academic year’s calendar.
If you would like to reserve a room at Canterbury for a Bible
study, please contact [email protected] or
874-1533. For all other events or meetings, please contact
[email protected] or 874-1561.
Emergency Pantry Needs: peanut butter, fruit, meat dinners.
We thank you for doing what you can to help families in
need. For information on Brown Bag, please contact Susan
Dowdey at 874-1569 or [email protected].
Come join and serve the community with us during the
week (M-Th) or on our next Saturday workday, May 3. All
that is required is a sack lunch and a servant’s heart. Meet
at 8:15 a.m. in the parking deck. To volunteer, please contact Adam Guthrie at [email protected] or
by calling 999-3963.
PLACE - April: Pick up - 11, 18, 25
Pack - 13, 20, 27
Distribute - 7, 14, 21, 28
our sympathy...
• To Lester & Jane Seigel and family in the death
of their daughter-in-law, Hope McInerny.
• To Peggy Rafield in the death of her sister,
Mary Jane Williams, of Birmingham.
Thanksgiving for the life of
Jean Kracke
November 10, 1928 - March 27, 2014
Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.
Order of Morning Worship
*Congregation Please Stand
URWB - Upper Room Worship Book UMH - United Methodist Hymnal
Words in bold type are spoken or sung by the congregation.
* Wesley’s Grace & Doxology
Be present at our table, Lord;
be here and everywhere adored;
Thy creatures bless, and grant that we
may feast in paradise with Thee.
Welcome and Worship Words
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
praise Him, all creatures here below;
praise Him above ye heavenly hosts,
praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
old 100th
The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. And also with you.
* The Peace
* Hymn 298 (UMH)
The Lord be with you. And also with you. Let us pray together.
Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who leads us in the way of righteousness. Apart from
You, we miss the joy You have planned for us. We fail to love our neighbors by what we do and by what
we leave undone. Shape our will to align with Yours, so that all may know the glory of Your love. Through
Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
The Great Thanksgiving 37-40 (URWB)
Silent Confession
Kyrie 412 (URWB)
In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven.
In the name of Jesus Christ, you are forgiven. Glory to God. Amen.
Epistle Lesson * Gradual Hymn 226
Romans 8:6-11
Lead Me, Lord
Lead me, Lord, lead me in thy righteousness;
make thy way plain before my face.
* Gospel Lesson
The Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God.
Lead Me, Lord
* Gradual Hymn 226
John 11:1-45
Rev. Warren Nash
Prayers of the People
Wondrous Love
Agnus Dei
bell agnus
Receiving the Bread and Cup by Intinction and Kneeling All are invited to receive Holy Communion. Ushers will guide you.
Response to the Word 146 (URWB) We Cannot Measure How You Heal
Offertory Anthem
The Lord’s Prayer 454 (URWB, chanted)
Fraction Anthem 413 (URWB)
For it is thou, Lord, thou, Lord, only, that
makest me dwell in safety.
The Memorial Acclamation
Southern hymn, arr. Christiansen
Communion Music (URWB) Please join in singing the hymns as we receive the elements.
Hymn 196
Lord, We come to Ask Your Healing
Hymn 160
Make Us Holy, Make Us Whole
Prayer After Receiving
We thank You, God, for inviting us to Your table where we have known the presence of Christ and have
received Christ’s good gifts. Strengthen our faith, increase our love for one another, and let us show forth
Your praises in our lives; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.
* Blessing and Sending Forth
Want to know more about Following Jesus and Serving Others? To make Canterbury your home church,
Contact Rev. Drew Clayton at 874-1543 or [email protected].