Rally Guide 1 - Edition 2012
Rally Guide 1 - Edition 2012
7 Import of vehicles and spare parts Competitors from European Union Countries do not need to make any customs declaration. Competitors from non EU Countries have to report at the customs upon their arrival. For any further information please contact the Italian Customs Information Service in Olbia: Dogana di Olbia, viale Isola Bianca - Customs in Olbia Telephone: +39 078923431 Fax: +39 078923431 E-mail: [email protected] Agencies Fanciulli Filiberto Telephone: +39 078950497 Fax: +39 078951579 E-mail: [email protected] Manzoni Telephone: +39 0789601054 Fax: +39 078951835 E-mail: [email protected] Unimare Telephone: +39 078923524 Fax: +39 078925481 E-mail: [email protected] 8 Helicopters 8.1 Registration procedure/information In order to ensure that air traffic may flow with in the maximum safety conditions and according to the FIA Safety Regulations and the Italian Air Traffic Authority, all helicopters flying over the area related to the Rally Italia Sardegna during the event, must be registered at the Rally Organization Office. Only regularly registered helicopters will be allowed to fly over the Rally area and land in the different helicopters zones or other sites during the competition. 8.2 Registration application form and Procedure Application form has to be sent to the Rally Office by post or by fax +39 079 64 84 33 within Friday 12 october 2012. All the needed documentation and all other information will be given during the Pilots’ Briefing that will take place at Rally HQ on Thursday 18 October 2012. 8.3 Administrative fee Rally Italia Sardegna requires a payment of an administrative fee as refund for all the expenses sustained for the management of the helicopter service, the amount is € 3.025,00 (€ 2.500,00 + € 525,00 VAT 21%). Fee must be paid by Bank Transfer: 13 Bank: Account name: IBAN: BIC - SWIFT code: Unicredit Group ACI Sport S.p.A. IT 66T 02008 05203 000500033900 UNCRITM1704 Copy of the payment receipt must be attached to the registration form. 8.4 Notam The Italian Air Traffic Authority will issue a “NOTAM” for the whole period of the event, due to the proximity of the Olbia Airport. Only helicopters registered with Rally Italia Sardegna will be allowed to fly within the restricted airspace. 8.5 Briefing All helicopters pilots must attend the briefing that will be held on Thrusday, 18 October 2012 at 14.00 hrs, at the Rally HQ. in Porto Cervo. Failing to attend the briefing will comply the exclusion from the registered helicopters and the prohibition to over-fly the rally restricted area. During the briefing all pilots will get three stickers with identification number that must be placed on the bottom and on both sides of the helicopter for the whole duration of the event. 8.6 Refuelling Areas Refuelling point will be located in zones selected by the Rally Organizers and shown in the Helicopter Book. 9. Hotel accommodations Contact for reservation Office: Telephone: Fax: Mobile: Gery Mancini [email protected] Centro Servizi i Girasoli - Via San Basilio, 8 - 07026 Olbia +39 0789 50232 +39 0789 565499 +39 340 48 22 530 10. Media and Accreditation 10.1 Media Contact Details National Press Officer Communications Manager Press Officer Press Officer/Accreditation Manager Official Photographer Luca Bartolini Anna Canata Marco Giordo Nicoletta Russo TBA 10.2 Media Accreditation As a round of the FIA World Rally Championship, Rally Italia Sardegna will strictly follow the guidelines and procedures for media accreditation set out by the FIA. Please carefully follow the instructions below, making sure all the requested information is included and forwarded to the correct organisations and address, as failure to follow the correct procedures will delay the applications’ process. RG1 14 © Rally Italia Sardegna 2012 Rally Italia Sardegna considers the “Media Pass” to be a working tool to be used only by bona fide members of the press. Under no circumstances will advertising, public relations agencies or similar companies and organisation be accredited as media, nor will Rally Italia Sardegna issue any accreditation to representatives (press officers or otherwise) of sponsors, suppliers, teams, drivers, etc. 10.2.1 Accreditation Criteria All accreditation requests will be evaluated and approved by the FIA WRC Media Delegate according to the following principles and procedures: • Respect of the accreditation deadline • Compliance with the requested elements of the procedure • Commitment of coverage devoted to Rally Italia Sardegna • Match with circulation and/or quality criteria Circulation and quality Accreditation decisions are based on the relative ‘media market’ in the applicant’s country. For example, the usual minimum circulation for a national weekly or monthly publication is 20,000 copies. For a national daily the minimum circulation is 50,000 copies. The highest standards of fairness and accuracy are expected as a minimum quality requirement from the printed press. Publications must be available to the general public via retail outlets (trade, club or internal company magazines will normally not be accredited). Media passes can be allocated to general news, specialist, business and lifestyle consumer publications that do not intend to publish conventional rally reports but whose coverage is considered to be of promotional benefit to the sport. As a general rule, however, the FIA will not accredit publications less than one year old. Coverage For a daily newspaper, a substantial amount of coverage for each event is required. For example, an introductory article in the Thursday edition, follow-up articles in Friday, Saturday and, where applicable, Sunday editions, plus an event report in the Monday edition. For a weekly or monthly publication, a substantial amount of coverage for each event is required and a major portion of the overall content should be on the subject of WRC. Freelance journalists must apply for credentials via their own agencies. The onus is on the freelance applicant to prove the supply of regular stories to at least five publications. Photographers Photographers’ applications must follow the same criteria as stated above. In addition publications or agencies applying for single round accreditation must supply evidence of independent coverage of a minimum of 15 pictures per pass issued at each WRC event they have been accredited for in the previous year’s Championship. Please note that according to FIA regulations the number of photographers’ media passes issued for Italian photographers will not exceed the number of 12. Photo agencies must be able to prove that its pictures have been regularly sold to publications matching the FIA criteria and have been paid for at the normal commercial rate. A publication must be able to prove that the pictures published are the original work of the publication’s accredited photographer. 10.3 “Rally by Rally” accreditation – International Media 10.3.1 International printed media (journalists and photographers) and press agencies Representatives of the international media will be accredited directly by the FIA. Please apply following the guidelines of the 2012 FIA World Rally Championship accreditation Principles & Procedure. This document can be found on the FIA website: 15 http://www.fia.com/en-GB/mediacentre/accreditation/wrc_accreditation/Pages/PrinciplesProcedure.aspx The “Rally by Rally” accreditation form is available on the FIA website www.fia.com. Accreditation forms must be sent by registered post, along with the required documents, directly to the FIA at the following address: FIA Communications Department Accreditation Unit (WRC) 8, Place de la Concorde 75008 Paris - France Deadline: Applications for Rally Italia Sardegna must reach the FIA Communications Department by Wednesday 26th September 2012. The FIA will fax or email the result of the application to the publication. If the application is successful, an Accreditation Agreement and Waiver of Liability will be included in the confirmation fax/email. Please make sure that each representative has both documents, signed by the editor of the publication, with them when they arrive at the event to collect their credentials. Please note that NO ACCREDITATION CAN BE COLLECTED WITHOUT THESE DOCUMENTS. 10.3.2 International radio broadcasters, websites and other electronic media Applications from international radio broadcasters, websites, other electronic media and commercial photographers should be directed to the FIA in accordance with the event deadline dates. FIA Communications Department Accreditation Unit (WRC) 8, Place de la Concorde 75008 Paris - France [email protected] For more information, please contact the FIA World Rally Championship Accreditation Unit : + 33 1 4312 5812 10.3.3 TV broadcasters, and any electronic media broadcasting moving images TV broadcasters, and any electronic media wishing to broadcast moving images, must send their application to: European Broadcasting Union: Tomas Eriksson ([email protected]) Angelique Ernoul ([email protected]) RG1 16 © Rally Italia Sardegna 2012 11. General Information 11.1 Tourist Information Centres Ente Sardo Industrie Turistiche Azienda Autonoma Soggiorno e Turismo (Olbia) Azienda Autonoma Soggiorno e Turismo (Porto Cervo) Consorzio Turistico Olbia Gallura Stazione marittima Isola Bianca (Olbia) Informacittà del Comune (Oristano) Ente provinciale per il turismo (Oristano) +39 070 60231 +39 0789 21453-21672-27968 +39 0789 82464 +39 0789 26673 +39 0789 22482 +39 0783 791306 +39 0783 74191 11.2 Airports Olbia Costa Smeralda Tel.: +39 0789 563444 [email protected] www.geasar.it Alghero Fertilia (km 136 da Olbia) Tel.: +39 079 935011 Fax: +39 079 935043 [email protected] www.aeroportodialghero.com Cagliari Elmas (km 260 da Olbia) Tel.: +39 070 211211 [email protected] www.aeroportodicagliari.com 11.3 Air Companies in Sardinia Olbia Air Alps Air Berlin Air Dolomiti Air Vallée Alpi Eagles Austrian Airlines Group EasyJet Euro Fly Iberia Italyairlines T.a.i. Lufthansa Meridiana My Air SN Brussels Airlines Alghero Air Dolomiti Air Industria Air One Alitalia Alpi Eagles Meridiana Minerva Ryanair Cagliari Air Dolomiti Air Nostrum www.airalps.at www.airberlin.com www.airdolomiti.it www.airvallee.com www.alpieagles.com www.aua.com www.easyjet.com www.eurofly.it www.iberia.com www.italiweb.it www.lufthansa.de www.meridiana.it www.myair.com www.flysn.com www.airdolomiti.it www.skyonline.it www.flyairone.it www.alitalia.it www.alpieagles.com www.meridiana.it www.minerva-airlines.it www.ryanair.com www.airdolomiti.it www.airnostrum.com 17 Air One Air Vallée Alitalia Alpi Eagles British Airways EasyJet Helvetic.com LTU Lufthansa Meridiana Ryanair TUIfly 11.4 Helicopters Eli Charter (Olbia) Segreteria: Area commerciale: Direzione: E-mail: www.flyairone.it www.airvallee.com www.alitalia.it www.alpieagles.com www.britishairways.com www.easyjet.com www.helvetic.com www.ltu.de www.lufthansa.it www.meridiana.it www.ryanair.it www.tuifly.com +39 0789 595094 +39 0789 595070 +39 328 2943943 [email protected] 11.5 Traffic regulations Traffic rules in Italy: • Speed limit in towns: 50Km/h; • Speed limit extra urban roads: 90 Km/h; • Speed limits are usually signposted; • It is forbidden to drive with an alcoholic rate higher than 0.5 g/l; • You have to wear seat belt (front and back); • It is compulsory to have to carry all the driver’s documents (driving licence, insurance and vehicle title of ownership); • It is compulsory for all vehicles and motorcycles to keep always the lights on during the whole day on extra-urban main roads; • Motorcycles’ driver and passenger have to wear homologated helmets; • Circulation of Trucks weighting over 7500 kg is forbidden on Sunday from 07:00 to 24:00. Petrol Stations Fuel service stations generally open from Monday to Saturday from 07:30 to 12:30 and from 15:00 to 19:30. Closed: Generally on Sundays and public holidays. Nearly every service station has a self-service pump you may use introducing banknotes of 5.00-10.00-20.00-50.00 € or credit card. 11.6 Rental car, bus, van, motorbikes AM Service - Aeroporto Costa Smeralda Avis - Aeroporto Costa Smeralda Budget Autonoleggio - Aeroporto Costa Smeralda Europcar - Aeroporto Costa Smeralda Hertz - Aeroporto Costa Smeralda Maggiore - Aeroporto Costa Smeralda RG1 18 +39 0789 68884 +39 0789 69540 +39 0789 68828 +39 0789 69548 +39 0789 66024 +39 0789 646094 © Rally Italia Sardegna 2012 Nicos - viale Aldo Moro Nuragica Tour - viale Aldo Moro On the road bike & co - via Sassari Pinna - Aeroporto Costa Smeralda Sixt - Aeroporto Costa Smeralda +39 0789 50087 +39 0789 57969 +39 0789 206042 +39 0789 69440 +39 0789 66383 11.7 Ports The tourist and commercial Port of Olbia is located close to the City centre and is just 2,5 Km from the Olbia Service Park. The more important Italian Shipping Lines links it to the main Italian ports such as Livorno, Genova and Civitavecchia. 11.8 Sea transports Saremar Corsica Ferries Sardinia Ferries Di Maio Lines Enermar Grandi Navi Veloci Linea dei Golfo - Lloyd Sardegna Medmar Moby Lines SNAV Tirrenia www.saremar.it www.corsicaferries.it www.dimaiolines.it www.enermar.it www.gnv.it www.lineadeigolfi.it www.medmar.it www.moby.it www.snav.it www.tirrenia.it 11. Accrediti Stampa 19
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