Good-bye Class of 2002


Good-bye Class of 2002
Volume 8, Issue 8
May 2002
Vienna High School
Vienna, Illinois
Good-bye Class of 2002
By Shannon Bean
Class Valedictorian Ashley Hill and Class Salutatorians Kalika Miller and Naarah Lindsay
2002 Class Officers: Vice President Kalika Miller, President
Brandon Ingram, and Secretary/Treasurer Ashley Hill
The Vienna High School 2002
graduation will take place in the
VHS gymnasium on May 24 at 7
P.M. The Valedictorian of this
year’s class is Ashley Brooke Hill.
The Salutatorians are Naarah
Lindsay and Kalika Miller.
The class motto is “And in the
end, it’s not the years in your life
that count. It’s the life in your
years.” The class song is “Young”
by Kenny Chesney. The class
flowers are roses, and the colors
are lilac and yellow.
The ministers for the ceremony are Father Jose and Reverend Ed Hoke.
Four year honor students are
Ashley Hill, Naarah Lindsay,
Kalika Miller, Lacey Simmons,
Jacob Stevens, Jared Gurley,
Rebecca Yandell, Theresa
Stachowiak, and Sandra Graves.
Baccalaureate services will
take place at the First United
Methodist Church at 4 P.M. May
Senior Student Council members: Christy Trover, Amanda
Threlkeld, Ashley Trover, and Jake Smith
What’s Inside?
Page 2 .................... Senior Wills
Page 6 ........................ Senior Memo
Page 7 .................... Senior Prophecies
Page 8 .................... Picture Page
Page 9 .................... Guess Who?
Page 10 ................. Then and Now
Four year honor students: Front Row - Sandra Graves, Lacey
Simmons, Rebecca Yandell, Naarah Lindsay. Back Row - Jared Gurley,
Kalika Miller, Ashley Hill, Jacob Stevens. (Not Pictured) Theresa
The Talon
Volume 8, Issue 8
I, Travis Ames, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following to Nathan, Dean,
Roundup, and Pooky those wonderful rides in the Beretta. To
Dean I also leave the I24-32
memory. To the gang, never forget the Metropolis Pizza Hut. To
Cody I leave my ability to play
paper, rock, scissors.
I, Jessica Baity, being of sound
mind an body, bequeath the following: Amanda Daly our family
traits. To Courtney Tanner the
horrible curse, and the ability to
make boys cry. To Josh Horn the
ability to one day be a true man.
To Cody Baity the ability to tell
Mom and Dad really good stories.
To Frankie Towns, my fine driving skills. To Tamara O’Neal, the
ability to smile and go on.
I, Melissa Ballard, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: To Amy Clayton I will my
ability to tell anyone what I think.
To the girls, I will you Evan. To
the Sophomore girls, you will all
turn 18 soon enough. To Brandon
Bundren I will let Evan become
your twin and have a tail. To
Chase Wiggs and Tommy Waters
my ability to stay out of trouble.
To Ray Gurley my ability to graduate next year. To Adam Gurley I
will my J.J. Special and my ability to never get pulled over. To
Keely Cochran I will my ability to
never dress up at school. To the
Junior class I will you all the best
of luck next year. To Megan
Mizell and Vince Steele I will them
both a long-lasting relationship.
To Mr. Green I will you the best
next year with basketball. I will
Sarah McFarlin all the best with
motherhood. And last but not
least, I will Jared and Evan all my
Senior Wills
so he can actually have something
to “mac” in. To Shanna Massey, I
leave my strong arms. To Aaris
Miller I leave my love and my ability to dance. To Dean Betts I leave
the couch. To Kayla White the
ability to pronounce “accessories.” To Amy Clayton I leave my
sheets and the choice to name her
kid Zeus. To Megan Mizell I leave
my wife Diane for a good motherin-law. To Jessica Marshall I leave
my massive pecks. I leave my
power to not being a midget to
Clayton White. I leave my way of
throwing the ball over the back
stop from deep center field to
Malcolm Obourn. To J.T. I leave
my ability to dive for a baseball.
To Mr. Palmer I leave all my hats
cause he is the only one who can
wear them.
I, Rachel Ditterline, being of
sound mind and body, bequeath
the following: My ability to speak
French to Leslie McGinnis. My
studying abilities to Alicia Taylor.
My craziness to Becky Fairless.
My camping abilities to Haven
Hostmeyer. My talkativeness to
Sabrina Browning.
I, Lanesha Dixon, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: My ability to stand up for
myself to Tami Horn. My camping abilities to Shannon Dixon.
My driving skills to Becky
Fairless. My creative sense of
humor to Sabrina Browning. My
self-esteem to Michael Knotts.
My ability to ride four wheelers
to Alicia Taylor. My luck with
guys to Katrina Craig. My people
skills to Jill Karraker. My
blondness to Megan Gerdes. Finally to all the friends, I leave all
the memories and good times we
shared. I will never forget you.
Live your life to the fullest, live
I, Eric Baumann, being of sound for the future cause you can’t
mind and body, bequeath the fol- change the past, no matter how
lowing: I will my classes to Mr. hard you try. No regrets!
Harner. I will my hair to Melody
James. I will my intelligence to
Malcolm Obourn. I will my car I, Angela Eastwood, being of
to Josh Stafford. I will to Andy sound mind and body, bequeath
Baumann my license. I will my the following: My nursing abilitrack athleticism to Paul Colson. ties to Becky Fairless. My creI will my working abilities to ative artistic ability to Alicia TayHeather Russell. I will my sense lor. My ability to stay quiet to
of humor to Jenna Talmage. I will Sabrina Browning. My assistant
the Cardinals and my shoes to Mr. skills in the media center to
Maribeth Dippie. My ability to
always have something to gossip
about to Andrea Trigg.
I, Blake Curry, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: To all of the baseball team I, Amber Ellison, being of sound
I leave my extra-small helmet. To mind and body, bequeath the folmy Mexican Pedro, I leave my car lowing: my ability to be late to
Kipp Wilson and never get
caught. To Megan Michelle
Gerdes I hereby leave my all my
glitter and my way of dress to the
new glitter girl in the high school.
I leave my ability to make it to everyone that says it’s too hard to
make it through school (you can).
To Amanda Helton, the ability to
make people laugh. To Christina
Bailey my ability to have whatever she wants--even happiness.
I leave my love to Mr. Staples for
being there to help me be able to
graduate. My love to Mrs. Watson
for being my favorite teacher. I
leave my love to all the people that
work in the office. I leave my
ability to be strong and sweet to
Morgan Jeffress.
I, Andy Farmer, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: To Josh Aronson some
advice, “Quit throwing things at
people from moving vehicles.”
Sarah Stanfill, my thanks for bringing me everywhere and putting up
with me. To Adam Felcyn, my
Colorado Avalanche jersey. To
Natalie Farmer, our dance to Will
Smith’s “Just the Two of Us.”
Girl, you dance like the wind. To
Keri Teal, all the food from my
fridge because she’ll eat it anyway.
To Mr. Shumaker, my Altima for
pickin’ up the ladies.
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May 2002
my personality to Shawna
Coleson. I leave my ability to skip
and not get caught to Tom Nelson.
I, Jared Gurley, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: My basketball #44 to
Chase Wiggs. The name Snazz
entirely to Kayla White. My ability to get along with Coach Green
to Chase Wiggs and Tommy Waters. My ability to be made fun of
by Coach Green to Vince Steele.
My ability to “walk the dog” to
Andy Baumann. To Adam Gurley
I will my ability to get along with
just about anyone, and I leave the
ability to get huge every off-season to Vince Steele. I leave my
beautiful lisp to Ray Gurley. To
Jared Thompson, I leave my size.
To Pedro De La Cruz, I leave my
ability to hurt people when I pitch
(Matt Miller). To Nathan Rhymer
I leave my baseball #13. To Bryan
Waters, all my ball handling skills.
To Malcolm Obourn the ability to
throw out runners even if they
don’t fall down. To Keely
Cochran all the fun she can ever
have in math class. To Shannon
Bean the ability to see how people
are before getting involved with
them. To Elvanus I leave some
“king” size sheets. To Coach
Green I leave a stud basketball
player in a few years. To Elvanus
I leave him eight or nine inches.
To Catfish I leave the bullrush. To
Justin Verkamman the ability to
beat up Travis. To Michael Craig
my ability to be at school more
than 2 days a week and my
strength. To Trey Thompson I
leave the ability to stand up
I, Matt Felcyn, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: To Stefan Kubian my solo
at pep band. To Isaac Taylor the
nickname “long-hair” to me by
Mr. Reichert. To Miranda
McMahon, my love for the Dorito
crackers Mr. Stockdale sells me
at lunch. To Leslie McGinnis, my
spot on the table in the band room. I, Robert Havens, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: I would like to give my
I, Chase Gilbert, being of sound Ron Jeremy rookie card to Mr.
mind and body, bequeath the fol- Harner. I would like to leave
lowing: I leave my kind heart to Leslie Turley my dad. I would
Jill Karraker, my wisdom, wit and like to leave Josh Aronson all my
fashion sense to Bobby Fairless, FFA and Ag stuff. I would like to
and my apologies to everybody I leave Kaylyn Adams my 2002
leave out and leave behind.
World Series tickets to see the
Cubs play. I’d like to will Sarah
I, Sandra Graves, being of sound
Stanfill my endless supply of
mind and body, bequeath the folwork ethics to McDonald’s Enterlowing: I leave my ability to get
prise, and last but not least, I’d
good grades to Sarita Faulkner,
like to will Felicia Butler my good
and to always seem to get out of
trouble to Tiffany Graves, and my
ability to always smile no matter I, Jesse Hill, being of sound mind
and body, bequeath the following:
what to Kim Watson.
My half-tooth to Jenna Havens,
I, Augusta Dale Gulley, being of my driving abilities to Kyle
sound mind and body, bequeath Stevens, Ty’s long-bed Ranger to
the following: My love for Mr. Cheezmo, Dean the power to fix
Hight and my way of not backing a proportioning valve, my rolling
down to anyone to Jennifer abilities to Mr. Kovach, my stoReeder. My ability to be a witch I ries to Jean Welch, and Ty’s poleleave to Amanda Helton. I leave dancing ability to Mr. Hight.
The Talon
Volume 8, Issue 8
I, Brandon Ingram, being of
sound mind and body, bequeath
the following: My stone collection
to Jenna Havens, the noodles to
Pork, the name Luther to Leslie
Turley, the hair on my back to
Derek Meyers, the box to Bobbi
Sue, all the memories of Auto to
Jean Welch, my ability to talk
straight to Clayton White, and my
Ford hat to Ashley Goddard.
I, Ashley Hill, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: My freshmen basketball
girls I give you my awesome running techniques of Xena Warrior
Princess, to Brannon the ability to
make my special half-court shots.
Have anotha! I leave Shannon my
inability to let go, but we’re still
working on it-just let go! Keep
whinin’! To Bobbi Sue, I bequeath my assistant director chair
and being “The Good Ashley.” To
Dave Hill My “Bubby” I leave
nothing. I love you to death, but
you’re not getting rid of me. To
Kisten I leave my talent for catching big stuffed fish in your basement. I also leave our super secret play. To Megan Mizell, I
leave our song because we are the
true #1 fans. I also leave my
Jimmy Buffett coconut bra and a
cheeseburger in paradise, a few
orange cones, and a twizzler. You
know what to do with it. To both
Kisten and Megan, I leave my ability to spot pterodactyls. To my
cousins, Ryan Davis and Casey
Wilkins, Christmases in
Grandma’s basement. Shmecky,
I leave you the power of the probe,
ability to always be on time and
my videotaping abilities. To
Caryn, Kisten, and Chelsea, I
leave Chad, our practice free
throws, and a seat cushion. To Mr.
Hill, I leave you the ability to pray
before ball games. To Josh
Stafford, my ability to stress out
about everything and take 5 hours
to take a test. Mrs. Clayton, I
leave you the ability to block whoever you want and all the fountain sodas you can drink. Mrs.
JoEllen Reichert, all of our great
HOSA memories, especially of
the 3 inch baby. Your the greatest! Don’t worry, you are not even
close to getting rid of us! I love
you! To my sister Caryn, all of
our great times with our Dad. Last
but not least, my bodyguard,
Tommy I leave you my terrible
driving abilities. Thanks for
working with me.
Senior Wills
great driving ability,(5-speeds of
course) and some advice, don’t
get suspended it’s not cool the second time. To Jenna Havens, some
advice, don’t deny it if the evidence is there, and I will all of our
fun times. Let them keep coming! To Keely Cochran, my looks.
Just kidding! I leave to you all
my little secrets. You’re great! To
Christina Bailey my ability to not
put up with any guy’s bull. To
Clayton White one specific
memory along with several lures.
Keep your truck clean. It comes
in handy. To Kayla White, a
“can.” To Dean Betts, here’s
some advice-- BE BLUNT!! To
Ashley Huckelberry, great memories in Jap, and thanks for the
awesome but weird driving stories in P.E. To Josh Horn, all the
fun times and some french fries
because I share. Ha! Ha! To Cody
Taylor, my ability to see the truth
and give good advice. To Bobbi
Sue and Kellie Howard, my secrets at Veach’s. To Mr. Hight our
great class discussions, 3 times!
To Mr. Harner, Mrs. Watson, Mrs.
Krueter, and Mr. Hamm, and
again Mr. Hight I leave you all my
love! To all my friends have fun
and live it up!
I, Trey Kerley, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: My dashing good looks,
Suave, and scrawnyness, and a
very long paintball belt to Bobby
Fairless. My kindness to anybody
who needs/wants it. My extremely
short temper to Haven Hostmeyer.
My fast metabolism to Holly Gearing. And to Shannon Dixon I
leave my everlasting love! I’ll miss
you all!! To anybody I left out I
leave my apologies. And to everyone I leave behind I’m sorry.
I, Tommy Kimmel, being of
sound mind and body, bequeath
the following: I will to Isaac Taylor my ability to get along with
anybody no matter how annoying they may be, and the ability
to get by without doing anything.
I, Dereck King, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: To Brandon Bundren the
#1 spot on the DRR. To Tom
Waters and Chase Wiggs the ability to put up a good fight. To Dean
Betts the ability to find his way in
the dark. To Clayton White, a ladder to get in his truck.
I, Ashley Johnson, being of
I, Falon Kennedy, being of sound
sound mind and body, bequeath
mind and body, bequeath the folthe following: My pathetically
lowing: To Sheena McCormick,
straight hair to Stefan Kubian. My
my ability to fool the parents, my
creative web design skills to Josh
Stafford. (You know you need
them!) My driving ability to Shannon Dixon. My music ability
to Samantha Richardson. My fear
of clowns and mimes to Elaina
Rentfro and Jenny Lietzau. My
car to Isaac Taylor. (Sell it too,
buy the hearse!) My shopping
ability to Megan Gerdes. My temper to Jill Karraker. And finally, I
leave my love of living for the
moment to the Class of 2003, and
every class after. Your senior year
will fly by. So live for that day,
that moment, and have no regrets!
I, Kenneth Kerley, of sound mind
and body, bequeath the following:
I leave my ability to go mudding
to Cody Taylor. My ability to get
a bunch of tickets and get out of
them to Nathan Rhymer. To get
into wrecks and not be my fault
to Cody Taylor.
I, Dustin King, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: As I leave VHS, I would
like to will the following to my
people... To my good friend
Bundy, you get the top spot on the
DRR and a big case of the mole.
Felicia, I want you to have all of
my love and support... As if you
don’t already! Bobbi Sue you get
to carry on the Camel Toe tradition. Dean Betts, I would like to
leave you the keys to your Jeep....
But that’s OK, I’ll keep ‘em. Oh
ya, and my nose! Chase Wiggs,
keep the ‘gangsta’ alive! My
cousin Kara, the ability to make it
the next three years without me
and Derek. To Kyle Stevens, all
the good times, and the ability to
clean your car the right way! To
Clayton White the ability to pronounce your grandma’s name
right.... ROOF! To Kayla White,
just remember the swift kick everyday. To Alfy, a faster truck!
To Leslie Turley, the ability to shut
your mouth. To Kimmy, all of the
memories. To Brian Romines, the
ability to pass on the “H.B” name
next year and the ability to ride.
To Dustin Vinson, I will you my
marble. Mr. Harner, I will you the
C-Town love and a big bottle of
Rogaine. Mrs. Watson... I don’t
even have to say it. And to anybody I forgot... Oh well, make the
best of it; it goes by fast! To all
of my people, you have much love
from The Frog!!
I, Beth Ann Kreuter, being of
sound mind and body, bequeath
the following: My tan to Amy
Clayton. My cheerleading skills
to Keely Cochran and all those fun
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May 2002
times on the sidelines singing “You
Spin Me Right Round...” To the
Bean girls, all the good times at
Panama City Beach. Shannon, I
love your laugh, babe. To the
2002-2003 dance squad, I will you
all my ability to move and do the
perculator, also the “tip toe” walk,
ha ha. I will my cell phone to
Jenna Havens. To all the new
drivers out there, my ability to not
only stop at the Stop sign, but go
ahead and take it down. I wish
all of V.H.S. good luck and have
fun while it lasts. Mrs. Dehoet,
always remember me and my fantastic classroom behavior. To all
the teachers I have had... Well...
to most of the teachers I have had
I will always remember you.
Keep up the good work mom, I
love you and stay strong... Only
a few more years.
I, Naarah Lindsay, being of
sound mind and body, bequeath
the following: To Kelly Howard,
my ability to play the french horn.
To Amy Clayton and Keely
Cochran, I leave all the relaxation
and fun of a senior year without
cheerleading - have fun girls! To
Melody James, I leave my incredible ability to speak the Spanish
language. To Corey Huckleberry,
I leave the ability to do his own
math homework... ha ha ha. To
Grayson Summers, I leave the
ability to always smile and to eat
as much of anything as you want
to! To all the future nursing girls,
I leave 30 minutes of every class
devoted to learning (yeah right),
“just teach.” To Natalie Farmer
and Keri Teal, I leave a summer
of cruising the Marion strip. To
Jessica Marshall, I leave my
cheerleading abilities. To all the
boys on next year’s basketball
team, I leave the ability to put up
with my brother. To Shannon
Bean, I leave the ability to not use
the bathroom for four straight
hours at next year’s Business
Skills Competition and the ability to make the best layouts in
The Talon
Volume 8, Issue 8
I, Chris McBride, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: My DQ skills to Aaron
Odum. My computer skills to
Alex Stockdale. May car to Zack
I, Amanda McCoy, being of
sound mind and body, bequeath
the following: To the 2002-2003
dance squad, I will my ability to
make the best out of any situation.
I love you girls and good luck. To
Aaris Miller my ability to lighten
up basketball practice and make
Mr. Hill smile. To Brannon
Brumley, my favorite assistant
basketball coach, an unlimited
supply of CDs to burn. To the new
baseball scorebook keeper, I will
my ability to dodge foul balls, hold
personal belongings such as wallets, sunglasses, and car keys, and
gas for several trips to Veach’s for
sunflower seeds and drinks. - Take
care of those boys! To next year’s
nursing class, I will my strong
stomach and to Mrs. Reichert I
will my “healthy appetite.” “Did
somebody say McDonald’s?” To
any girls who think they can step
up and fill mine and Amanda T’s
shoes, I will you all of our wild
times. And last, but most important to my boyfriend Malcolm
Obourn I leave a year of wonderful memories... To name a few:
sunkists, rolos, yahoo caps, after
game adventures, Chad’s pond,
the lockeroom, prom and “after
prom.” You have managed to
make my senior year a blast, and
for that I am in great debt to you.
So I am willing you my promise
that I will try and make yours just
as memorable. I am going to miss
I, Sarah McFarlin, being of
sound mind and body, bequeath
the following: To Kim Welch I
leave the ability to always know
where your at in Paducah and always keep the doors locked. To
Ashley Huckleberry I leave the
ability to fool your parents and not
get caught in anything. To Sheena
McCormick I leave the ability to
one day be a good driver. (ha) To
Josh Horn I leave my ability to
take long showers (ha). To Jenna
Havens I leave my ability to be
honest to other people ( you know
what I mean)!
I, Brian McHugh, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: I will my abilities to have
block parties to Tommy Waters.
Senior Wills
To Andy Baumann, it’s ok to have
a great system in a not so perfect
car. And last, I will my excellent
dancing abilities to the VHS dance
the following: The GBT to Adam
Waddel; the nicest car in Marion
to Kyle Stevens; A merry-goround and a ferris wheel to Mr.
Hook; the bench to Ryan Davis,
and to Leslie Mcginnis all the
great memories we have shared,
I, Kalika Miller, being of sound those yet to come, and two more
mind and body, bequeath the fol- great years of high school.
lowing: My incontinent bladder
to Becky Eddleman, may you alI, Megan Powell, being of sound
ways have better luck when it
mind and body, bequeath the folcomes to finding a convenient
lowing: My mirror to Melissa
place to relieve yourself. To JesFord. So she can check her hair
sica Marshall I leave you every
after lunch. Kayla White I leave
ounce of patience I have and also
the ability to never let a stunt hit
Tina’s phone number, Good Luck
the floor. To Amanda Adamson,
Girl! To all the other VHS cheerKeely Cochran, Kelly Clayton,
leaders you can have my
and Kayla White our awesome
cheerleading, stunting, jumping,
lib. To Caryn Hill my sense of
and tumbling skills if you can find
direction. To Shannon Bean my
them. I think I lost them right afathletic ability..... To Amy
ter the Cairo Game. To Aaris
Clayton and Keely Cochran I
Miller I leave my deepest sympaleave an awesome senior year and
thies. To Zeb my dear brother, I
summer without cheerleading and
leave you enough charm to pass
less stress. To Amy I leave my
high school. I’m gonna need the
car. To Keely I also leave our
rest for college. I leave my “stink”
stunt group. To Jessica Marshall
to Nathan Rhymer, I think you’re
the ability to deal with everything.
the stinky one anyway! To Bran(you know what I mean) I’m aldon Bundren I will sunscreen! I’ve
ways here for you. Kelly Clayton
seen too many layers of skin peel
I leave our “cheerleading hello’s”
off your back! To everyone, I
To all the cheerleaders I leave the
leave my fondest memories of
ability to stand up for what you
VHS. To Mr. Reichert, use me as
believe in. Don’t let anyone tell
the example of the perfect WYSE
you you were wrong. I also leave
girl. To Mr. Hight I leave car
you the ability to cope with stress
troubles, and really humiliating
that comes with cheerleading. To
pictures of you in the Everglades.
Kyle Stevens I leave Caryn. Take
To David Hill, I leave a paternity
care of her. And to everyone else
test--You’re not my dad! To Mr.
enjoy your years here. It goes by
Harner, I leave gravel from my
faster than what you think. To
road, especially the pink rocks
Mrs. Reichert I leave all the good
because of the pen you gave me.
times and trips. Thank you for
To Mrs. Reichert, Mrs. Kreuter,
Mrs. Clayton and Mrs. Watson,
my greatest thanks for being the
funniest, sweetest, and best teach- I, Tricia Pruemer, being of sound
ers ever. To Mrs. Clayton, I leave mind and body, bequeath the folmy MSN. You said you wanted lowing: The ability to always get
something, and you know how in trouble for everything I do
much MSN means to me. To the wrong to Morgan Jeffress. And
class of 2003, I leave you the abil- my ability to smart-off to the
ity to stop, look around, enjoy life, wrong people to Sarita Faulkner
and not do anything too stupid just because she is too sweet.
cause it’s your senior year.
I, Tabitha Pyle, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: My ability to be late and
never get caught to Amanda
I, Josh Morris, being of sound Helton. My ability to do little but
mind and body, bequeath the fol- achieve much to Lindsay
lowing: I leave my basketball Morrisette. My ability to not get
skills to Mr. Harner, for he can’t gum in my hair and tolerate little
win a game. I leave my driving girls to Leslie Turley. To Mr.
ability to Kyle Stevens. I leave my Hight I leave memories of when I
knowledge of a bad coil to Dean was your assistant.
Betts. I leave Ty’s pole dancing
ability to Mr. Fairless.
I, Robbie Reeder, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: Laughter and head job of
I, Clayton Penrod, being of the Os- Coastto Anthony
sound mind and body, bequeath Steinmetz. I also want to leave
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May 2002
behind and pass on something special to the ball team not yet knowing what that is. I also will my
heart to Sarita Faulkner but she
already has it so I shall leave a kiss
for my queen.
I, Brian Rushing, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: My good personality to
Jerrah Stafford. I also leave my
great friendship to Shannon
I, Lacey Simmons, being of
sound mind and body, bequeath
the following: To Jenna Havens
my ability to understand slurred
speech (On my thumbs) and always come prepared. To Sheena
McCormick I leave my ability to
fool my parents and my driving
skills. She can use them. To
Ashley Huckelberry I leave my
ability to talk in code around certain people and always find out
the truth. To Frank Towns I leave
the ability to watch for reverse
lights and keep out of the way
when Jess is driving. To everyone else I leave whatever is left
that anyone would want. Good
luck and always remember to
have fun.
I, Jake Smith, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: To Mr. Harner a year’s
supply of Rogaine. To Bethany
Belcher some dogs so she will finally be able to go coon hunting.
I wanted to give someone my rainbow connection but I decided no
one is as curved as me so I thought
I would keep it forever. Rainbow
I, Nina Spurlock, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: My ability to tolerate certain people who I care not to take
the time to name to Amanda
Helton. To Tom Nelson my ability to pass class and graduate. My
love for Mr. Hight I leave to
Shawna Coleson. My ability to
keep my man in line I leave to
Lindsay Morrisette. My loving
nature I leave to everyone not
named. Stay out of trouble and
have a good life. I’m out.
The Talon
Volume 8, Issue 8
I, Aly Steele, being of sound mind
and body, bequeath the following:
To Amy Clayton my ability to put
up with many people’s crap, and
still have a great senior year and
my hooters; to Kayla White the
ability to eat as many times a day
as possible; to Megan Mizell the
ability to keep Vince in line and
watch out for him; to Brandon
Bundren a pony tail holder to keep
that tail out of your face, and the
ability to eat more and recover
from that case of anorexia (ha ha,
love ya); Tommy Waters all the
fun times together and to sometimes be harsh and my man shoulders (soldier); to Richard Wiggs
the ability to someday make lots
of money to pay for T’s food supply; to Mrs. Jo Ellen Reichert, all
of the great times we had, you’ll
never forget us but don’t worry
we’ll visit all the time (mom);
Bobbi Sue, all the rotten turkey
sandwiches from Veaches; and
Vince Steele the ability to have an
awesome time while in high
school and to be nice to almost
everyone; and Andy Baumann to
someday find an actual real girl.
I, Jacob Stevens, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: To my mom and dad my
guitar; to my sister, Misty, my gocart; to my bubby, Wade, my dirt
bike, games TV, wrestling tapes
and bed; But most of all to each
one I leave my love!
I, Melissa Strawhacker, being of
sound mind and body, bequeath
the following: My ability to show
up to school and my ability to
keep my man in line to Lindsey
Morrisette; I leave my ability to
stand up to people to Jennifer
Reeder; I also leave my ability
not to give up to Jennifer Reeder;
I leave my sweet and caring personality to Amanda Helton. To
Sarita Faulkner I leave my ability
to be noble and smart off as much
as humanly possible; I leave my
brutally honest opinions to Brittany Johnson.
I, Jenny Swier, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: To Mr. Evans I leave a pillow when his students make him
go to sleep like he did us; Leave
all the preps a kick in the butt to
remind you that you bite; Mr.
Harner some hair for his head; To
all my friends the memory of
meeting me and all the fun we had
together. To Holly Gearing I
leave you my friendship that will
Senior Wills
last forever and my ability to be
here and hardly ever sleep in class;
To Jessie Graves my thankfulness
for you to talk to me the first part
of the year.
I, Bradley Taylor, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: A third arm to Leslie
Turley and Dean Betts. Golfing
ability to David Hill and Mark
Palmer. My cousin Jim to Ashley
Huckelberry. The gold rim to
Jenna Havens. To hate the Cubs
to Mrs. Kreuter. My ability to
make people mad to Anthony
Steinmetz. My pants to Grayson
Summers and the ability to be
friends with Russ to Dean Betts.
I, Amanda Threlkeld, being of
sound mind and body, bequeath
the following: To Kayla White my
knowledge of how to do things at
prom. To Shannon “Wilma” Bean
I leave a walker, and my ability to
move on to better things. To
Tommy Waters I leave a notebook
and a pen so you can always write
it down. To Brandon Bundren I
leave my speedy running abilities
because I’m so “Tiny!” To Amy
“Babybutt” Clayton I leave my
stick shift (because you are the
best) and you have “what it takes”
hahahaha. To Megan Mizell I
leave a set of bowling pins to go
along with the bowling and my
ability to get the flex schedule
mixed up. To Mr. Hight I leave
my dancing ability since you’ve
finally seen it. To Natalie and Keri
I leave you guys my eyes so you
can watch Chase. Make me proud
girls. To Mr. Reichert I leave my
wonderful assisting skills. To Mrs.
Reichert I leave all of our good
times. I love you and I will miss
you. And finally to Chase Wiggs
I leave all the books in the book
room, glow in the dark bubbles,
and my acorn cheeks. And remember, I love you. You are my
favorite Rich. And to the rest of
the school, I hope you have as
much fun in high school as I have.
I, Ashley Trover, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: To Kayla White, my twin,
our selective hearing ability. To
Shannon Bean, even though I
don’t have it, the ability to pick a
better prom date for her senior
year and Margaritaville. Also, all
my Lane Bryant clothes and the
brakes on the big yellow bus. To
Megan Mizell I leave the ability
to hide and take on new identities
at Veach’s. I leave Megan all the
big orange cones in the world and
our favorite song “Ain’t no Mountain High Enough.” Also, all the
memories on the tennis courts and
the ability to lie to Kayla White
daily. To Keri Teal and Natalie
Farmer, my computer and t-ping
skills. To Caryn Hill, Chelsea
Blankenship, and Kisten Martin
the ability to break it down on the
way home from Future Swings.
Also, to the Future Swings girls,
the Tropical Snow factory. To
Dean Betts, I leave the good times
in the Beetle. To Bobbie Sue
Meyers, I leave the “Special
Room” in the video store. To
Brian Romines, A.K.A. H.B. I
leave the great times in 3rd hour.
To Melody James I leave a pool
table and all the good fights at the
park at 4 PM. To Leslie Turley
my ability to be strong!! To Brandon Bundren I leave all my thanks
for prom and just to let you know
I loved the tail!! To the VHS softball team I leave Hancocks and a
big BAAMM!!! To Mrs. Clayton
another first place in Microsoft
Word Processing, the ability to be
on time daily, and my Volkswagon
T-shirt. To everyone I leave behind and my classmates, thanks
for a great 4 years and I wish everyone the best.
I, Christy Trover, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: I leave the ability to lie to
our parents to Sheena
McCormick. To Jenna Havens I
leave the ability to love what you
got, (hint hint the “A”). To Ashley
Huckelberry I leave all of our secrets (because we have a lot).
Angie Funk I leave the family
traits. To Michael Craig I leave
my ability to forget about everyone else and think about yourself.
Joey Funk, just remember the watermelon craw. To Josh Horn I
leave all the memories that we
have shared throughout the past
I, Drew Wilkins, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: My planner to Mr. Harner,
all my Cub jokes to every Cardinal fan in Vienna High School, my
pre-wrap and athletic tape to
Jamie Kerley, my ability to never
get caught until the last week of
my Senior year to my brother. To
Kayla White I leave my “crossover” (or lack of). I leave my
notebook of special reports to
Mrs. Clayton. My mint condition
Tony Gwynn card to Ashley
Huckelberry. To Kaylyn Adams,
I leave my Gary Coleman shirt. A
pitcher’s mound rake to Mr.
Palmer. My sliding ability to
Page 5
May 2002
Nathan Rhymer. My handshake
to Nathan Rhymer. My ice to
Nathan Rhymer. To Malcolm
Obourn a big blanket. To the baseball team I leave the “senior stick.”
May yours be as powerful as ours.
To Ryan Davis the #7. To Christina Bailey a baby picture. A 42
oz. coke to Jenna Havens, maybe
you can find as many purposes for
it as your brother. A golf cart to
Ms. Massey. A duty chart to Mr.
Hook. I will Sara Stanfill my body.
The ability to “Set it Up” to Chase
Wiggs. The “Take” sign to David
Hill. A water fountain to Mrs.
Kreuter. A cooler hacky sack to
Andria Davis. I also leave Andria
a Nicoderm patch. I leave a $500
gift certificate to McDonalds’ to
Josh Aronson. The ability to not
freak out to my Spanish II class.
I also leave to Josh Aronson a box
of Kleenex when he doesn’t get
his seat in Spanish. I leave a hammer to Jeremy Page. A muzzle
and dethronement to Princess
Kelly Greer. Bees’ Wax to Derek
Meyer. My “banish Spanish” slogan to Melody James. A five gallon gas jug to Mr. Staples. A video
camera to Mr. Kovach. An absentee slip to Amber Hartline. A
vacation to Gloria Henard. I leave
Mrs. Watson me. The ability to
keep English IV “G” rated to Mr.
Mescher. My Mariachi ability to
Mrs. Jones. To Amanda Adamson
I leave a sane dog and G baby. I
also leave Amanda my phrase,
“Baby do it.” A sweet band to
Mr. Evans. A pillow to Catfish so
he can rest easy in Ag class. My
baseball ability to Mrs. Reichert
so she can give it accordingly to
her son as he matures and ages.
NBC power to the upcoming
NBC members. To Mr. Hight I
leave his girlfriend and what
ebonics he has taught me. I leave
Pedro my sombrero. My ability
to use his glove instead of his face
to Jared Thompson. Everyone’s
fat ears to anyone who is willing
to play with them and to everyone I’ve left off: a hrrrrnt, a
skwank, and a “ya do?”
I, Joe Wright, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: My facial hair to Pork.
My driving ability to Kyle Stevens.
My muscles to Mr. Harner so he
can win an arm wrestler match.
My mechanic ability to Cheezmo.
The Talon
Volume 8, Issue 8
Class of 2002
Page 6
May 2002
Senior Wills
Senior Memories
I, Sara Workman, being of sound
mind and body, bequeath the following: The ability to stay out of
trouble to Kayla White, my speed
to Shannon Bean, my driver’s license to Andria Davis. To Audrey
Hinton my catching position. My
logical thinking to Megan Mizell.
Kisten Martin, my seat on the bus.
My strength and aggressiveness to
Katie Ochs.
To Chelsea
Blankenship my truck. Food and
laziness to the whole softball team.
My height to Jerrah “Midget”
Stafford. To Ashley Masters the
ability to eat anything and as much
as you want at the lunch table.
We asked some Seniors to share their favorite moment or memory from their high school
years. Here are some of the responses:
Sandra Graves: My favorite memory is when the Seniors won the lip sync this year and
I was part of it.
Thomas Reid: Going to all the FFA contests and hanging out with friends and meeting
new people.
Brandon Ingram: My freshman year, for lip sync. I danced around in my diapers in front
of everybody.
Jake Smith: My two most favorite moments would have to be my senior prom. It was
great having one last night together with all my friends. My other favorite moment was
when Trash, McCoy, Blake, Kyle Bohannon, and Megan got stuck out at Bowman’s Bottoms for 2 hours and were finally helped out by some guys from Carbondale.
Jessica Baity: Going on TP adventures with Lacey, Christy and Falon and Lacey and I
borrowing yard ornaments.
Melissa Ballard: It was when Travis V. was selling fish at Marion Wal-Mart, and also the
birth of Evan.
Dusty Jones: Kyle jumping in the lake at Shawnee College.
Drew Wilkins: The day Kyle Bohannon jumped in the lake! All the baseball days and
going to Marion with Blake and watching him try to hurl in the bank parking lot.
Clayton Penrod: I most enjoyed Senior Prom. It was the best because I had all my
friends around me and Leslie beside me.
Jacob Stevens: My favorite memory is when Darren Obourn and I went to Special Olympics and won medals.
Brian Rushing: When JILG went to Camp Ondesonk on the challenge course. And
Chase and Trey climb up he zip line like it was nothing, and Chase slipped off the step
while Ashley had trouble standing on the pole. But the funny things about that is she came
back and started hitting Chase and Trey.
Beth Kreuter: My most memorable moment was performing our last dance routine at
Senior Night against Goreville.
Lacey Simmons: My favorite memory would be all the TP-ing adventures with Christy,
Jess, Falon, and Jessica Baity smashing her had in the Driver’s Ed car and running into a
trash can.
Amber Ellison: My most favorite moment was my freshman year when I met the man of
my dreams Christian. My favorite memory is when I went to my first Prom.
Melissa Strawhacker: My favorite moment was meeting Jerry my Sophomore year. My
favorite memory was when my Senior class won the lip sync and I was part of it.
Robbie Reeder: When Sarita kissed me for the first time in Freshman hall in front of Mr.
Reichert’s classroom.
Travis Verkamman: I don’t really have a favorite memory but my favorite part of high
school would be my Senior year basketball team and all the memories that cam along with
it and all the new and great friends I’ve made.
Matt Felcyn: When I made a drum in Woods class and mounted it onto my drum set and
played with it on Senior Night. I also loved my Freshman year when we had an open
campus for lunch.
Sara Workman: My freshman year at the Pinkneyville Tournament when we got the bus
stuck and the whole team had to push it out. Mud was everywhere. I fell face first in the
The Talon
Volume 8, Issue 8
Class of 2002
Page 7
May 2002
Senior Prophecies
Travis Ames - Mr. Stockdale 2
Dusty Jones - Ostrich Farmer
Robbie Reeder - MLB Player
Jessica Baity - Tanning Bed Technician
Falon Kennedy - Bartender at “Coyote Ugly”
Thomas Reid - Owner of Newt’s II
Brian Rushing - Wal-Mart Greeter
Melissa Ballard - Mother of Thousands of Little Jared’s
Kenneth “Pudge” Kerley - Barber
Trey Kerley - Housewife
Lacey Simmons - Hair Stylist to the
Ty Kerley - Owner of DQ (reconciled
Jake Smith - Fight Promoter (for his
special kinds of fights)
Tommy Kimmel - Member of Harley
Biker Gang
Lauri Snider - Winner Illinois State
Allen Carrel - World Famous Farmer
Dereck King - World Class Sprint Car
Nina Spurlock - Happiest Person in
the World
Blake Curry - Model for Plus Sized
Dustin King - Owner of KIA Car Dealership
Rachel Ditterline - Cop
Beth Ann Kreuter - Founder and CEO
of Beth Ann Cosmetics
Eric Baumann - Olympic Gold Medalist
Kyle Bohannon - Professional Diver
James Carlson - President of the
Sonic Restaurant
Lanesha Dixon - Owner of Ned’s
Naarah Lindsay - Mrs. Mize’s Replacement & SIDEZ President
James Dunlap - Captain of a Boat
Angela Eastwood -Talk Show Therapist
Chris McBride - Dippin’ Dots Head
Ernie Stapleton - Marlboro Man
Aly Steele - Miss America
Jake Stevens - WWE Superstar
Michael Stewart - Colgate Smile
Melissa Strawhacker - Nurse
Jenny Swier - Day-Care Provider
Amber Ellison - TV Physic
Kyle McCann - Vienna City Park Supervisor
Shane Taylor - PGA Caddy
Andy Farmer -Living in Paducah in
a Giant X-Box with John and Danny
Amanda McCoy - Vegas Dancer
Amanda Threlkeld - Founder of the
Baby Sitters Club
Matt Felcyn - Drummer at the Grand
‘Ol Opry!
Eric Fox - Brain Surgeon
Chase Gilbert - Drill Sergeant
Sandra Graves - Oceanographer for
the Southern Illinoisan
Tyler McCuan - Owner of the Ozark
General Store
Sarah McFarlin - Owner of Happy
Days Day-Care Center
Brent McHugh - Head Chef at Mickey
Brian McHugh - The Next Michael
Augusta Gulley - Trapeze Artist
Kalika Miller - Kenny Chesney Roadie
Jared Gurley - Founder of the “Tooth
Club for Men.”
Josh Morris - Mustang Collector
Robert Havens - Invent of a 42 oz.
Coke that “weighs less, flies farther,
and hits harder”
Jay Omohundro - Weight-lifter
Ashley Hill - Laker Girl Cheerleading
Phillip Penrod - Demolition Derby
Jesse Hill - Car Featured in Hotrod
Megan Powell - Rat Keeper
Brandon Ingram - Master Mechanic
Tricia Pruemer - Women’s Boxing
Ashley Johnson - Night Manager at
Tabitha Pyle - Calendar Girl
Clayton Penrod - Chemist
Ashley Trover - Forest Ranger at
Ferne Clyffe
Travis Verkamman - State cop
Nathan Warren - Music Critic
Sonny Warren - Head Nurse at St.
Terra Wasylenki - Vienna High
School Teacher
Drew Wilkins - Special Reporter for
the New York Times
Emily Winanas - Special Reporter for
the New York Times
Sara Workman - Takes over for Kay
Ross and becomes professional body
Joe Wright - Winner of the Indy 500
(in his mustang)
Rebecca Yandell - President of the
Present Farmers of America
The Talon
Volume 8, Issue 8
Senior Pictures
By Christina Bailey
Class Of
Goodbye Seniors!
Page 8
May 2002
The Talon
Volume 8, Issue 8
By Christina Bailey
Page 9
May 2002
Picture 3
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 5
Guess Who ?
Picture 4
Picture 9
Picture 6
Picture 10
Picture 7
Then & Now
The Talon
Volume 8, Issue 8
By Christina Bailey
What a difference 4 years can make!
Joe Wright
Tyler McCuan
Rebecca Yandell
Jake Smith
Page 10
May 2002
Lanesha Dixon
Brian Rushing
Robert Havens
Guess Who Answers from Page 9:
Picture 1Picture 2Picture 3Picture 4Picture 5Picture 6-
Melissa Ballard
Amber Ellison
Bethann Kreuter
Brent McHugh
Brian McHugh
Amanda Threlkeld
Picture 7- Rebecca Yandell
Picture 8- Jessica Baity
Picture 9- Megan Powell
Picture 10- Lacey Simmons
Picture 11- Christy Trover
Picture12-Kalika Miller
Brian Rushing
Brian & Julie Bailey
Brent Williams
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The Talon
Volume 8, Issue 8
Page 11
May 2002
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The Talon
Volume 8, Issue 8
Page 12
May 2002
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The Talon
Volume 8, Issue 8
Page 13
May 2002
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The Talon
Volume 8, Issue 8
Page 14
May 2002
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The Talon
Volume 8, Issue 8
Page 15
May 2002
Illinois South Communications
108 South 4th Street
Vienna, IL 62995
Mike Price
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The Talon
Volume 8, Issue 8
Page 16
May 2002
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