

September/October 2015
Volume 1 Issue 2
about us
Spiritual Leaders:
Stew & Hillary Bittman
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 10742
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96158
A Message from Our Spiritual Leaders
by Reverend Hillary
I am feeling soooo excited; 2 things are happening that are near and dear to my heart. The first
is the Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless, of which I am a part, working to create the Warm
Room (see article later in newsletter).
The 2nd thing I am excited about is offering my expertise as a coach and teacher of BePeace/
The Connection Practice out to the public. I have had the honor of sharing its tools with many
of you already and seen what a difference it has made in your lives. It is such a blessing when
we can name our feelings and needs, which helps us cut through hurt and confusion and bring
about healing quicker. It is empowering when we can make a deeper heart/brain connection
which helps our highest intentions to manifest.
Recently I had an intense life moment when the opportunity for growth and healing was
present. I truly believe I was able to go as deep with it as I did, & therefore bring radical
transformation, because of the tools I’ve gained from Marshall Rosenberg & NVC, and Rita
Marie Johnson & BePeace (who incidentally will be at UATL guest speaking while we are on
I had a recent “get down and dirty” with honesty, in other
words, an old pattern reared its ugly head. You know that
instant plunge from calm to madness? I usually move through
schmootz pretty quickly, adding an ‘f’ and creating ‘shift’. This
time I chose to (sort of) consciously stay in my negativity and
use another tool I’ve learned – identify what I was feeling and
needing, and then, as I was taught, go underneath to the
deeper feelings and needs, and then again. So what started out
as impatience and frustration (manifesting as meanness),
seemingly about me perceiving I wasn’t being heard (which
disguised a survival mechanism of wanting to control things), revealed my true issues.
I needed to stay with the self-loathing and misery hidden deep within myself as I acknowledged
the pain I cause to others, and the suffering to myself, whenever I indulge in this old habit
(though I do it in more subtle ways now). Only then was I able to see what I truly needed for my
biggest healing into wholeness was acceptance and compassion. Following in the next steps of
what I’ve been taught, I was able to give myself those gifts…and there was God waiting…I
became the God of my own knowing…and grace was waiting, Love was overflowing and peace
was mine!
Love was overflowing and peace was mine!
Our Sanctuary & Annex
are located at:
1195 Rufus Allen Boulevard
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
Office Hours:
Tuesdays & Wednesdays 10-2
and Friday 11-2
Office Phone: (530) 544-2266
& on facebook
[email protected]
Inside this issue:
The Warm House
Ongoing Events
From the Council
Special UATL Events
Office hours
Non-UATL Events
Thank yous
Faith In Action
UATL Web Site
September/October 2015
Page 2
A Message from Our Spiritual Leaders
So…in addition to one-to-one coaching, I will be offering
part 1 (of 3) of The Connection Process in October in a 2day workshop; so be sure to look for that or get on the list
now. In this powerful work…You will build your social and
emotional intelligence by learning to: • Connect with
others • Speak your honesty without attack • Mediate
conflicts • Fully express appreciation • Empower yourself
to be a peacemaker
(cont. from pag e one)
I am very grateful to be used in this way, mostly because
of the way it helps me. It is true for me that the teacher
teaches what she needs to learn. And I am especially
grateful to all of you for accepting me and allowing me to
learn in this vulnerable way, within the safety of the
container that we have all helped to create here at UATL.
Thanks for Be-ing marvelous you!!!!!!!
The Warm Room:
As mentioned in my Minister’s Letter, I’ve been a part of something lately that has long been sorely lacking in our
community. The Warm Room, South Lake Tahoe’s first wintertime, overnight, warming room for the homeless, is in the
process of being created by the Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless (which formed from a group of concerned Tahoe
locals made up of private individuals and individuals representing many of the social agencies in town, which, in and of
itself, is very exciting).
A night in the Warm Room will provide temporary shelter from the elements and a warm bed (as well as basic toiletries,
hot beverages and simple foods). We’re also hoping to connect homeless individuals to appropriate exiting social
services that can give them the tools to end their housing crisis.
Because everybody matters. This is our slogan and this is the kind of community I want to live in. Although we do not yet
have a facility, we are actively pursuing our options. There will be many ways to help; right now, however, you can make
a tax-deductible donation to the cause. A donation of $18.26 covers a night of shelter for an individual in need. Checks
can be made out to “Live Violence Free -- Warm Room” and mailed to The Tahoe Coalition for the Homeless, PO Box
13514, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96151
We bless all of you who bring food to share. Sometimes folks ask
if it’s OK for anyone to bring food…the answer is a resounding
yes! We remind everyone that Hospitality only happens
through us…if we each brought a “little left-over” that is in the
fridge, we’d have a feast!
Ongoing UATL Events
CIRCLE in the Annex. Every Wednesday we sit and
meditate on the presence of Love and hold the high
watch for ourselves and for everyone on our prayer
slips …please join us!
Awakening Wednesdays: RESUMES SEPTEMBER
30th 6:30-8pm in the Annex. We go back to basics with
a book study on Lessons in Truth, the quintessential
primer on Unity metaphysics . Reading the book is
highly recommended (very inexpensive used copies
are available thru Amazon & don’t forget to use the link
from our website to get to Amazon)
An Invitation to
Share Hospitality
Sunday Celebrations
September 13: Special guest speaker/musician and
dear friend to Unity at the Lake, Rev. Kathy Zavada.
Kathy will offer a workshop or concert after the
September 20: Another
special guest speaker, Rev.
Rita Marie Johnson,
founder of BePeace/
Connection Practice (Rev.
Hillary’s mentor in that
September//October 2015
Page 3
From the Council by Keith Williams
Abundance in Action: One of the many blessings of being
a member of Unity at the Lake is seeing abundance in
action. I frequently tell my close friends, "The Universe
provides what we need, when we need it, even when we
don't know what we need".
Of course I usually realize this myself in hindsight. After
the turmoil of feeling a period of lack, or fear of not
knowing what the future is bringing, I find everything
always works out as it should. Being a member of the
"Unity Community" constantly reminds me there is
unlimited abundance available to us all.
The latest lessons for me have been through serving on
the Council of Trustees both as a member and as
Treasurer. I've always
been very impressed by
the stewardship shown by
all members of Unity in
regards to our financial health and in particular by that of
our Council.
After being elected to the position of Treasurer my focus
naturally became "how much do we have?" and "what
about the future?" The answer to both of these questions
came with the guidance of our beloved Stew and Hillary.
We always have enough in the present, and we are
surrounded by abundance for the future. I saw the
Council's visioning of our goals plant the seeds for our
Abundance in the future and the seeds are already
starting to grow.
I am very grateful for the opportunity to serve and be part
of this community. I am very excited to witness our
collective Abundance grow
through the support and giving
of our community.
Special UATL Events & Happenings
Unity World Day of Prayer: Thursday, September 10th.
In solidarity with the rest of the Unity movement, we will be
holding a silent prayer vigil from noon until 2pm in the Martin
Peace Chapel in the Annex. Come sit in the silence for as long
as you like; find that place of peace and love in your heart and
send it out to the world.
Elm Dance, and Prayer Vigil: Thursday, September 24th.
Continuing our month of joining in prayer with others around the
world (the International Day of Prayer for Peace is Sept 21st),
we are inviting the entire Tahoe faith community, and all others,
to join us in this celebration of peace. Prayer Vigil will be held in
the Martin Peace Chapel, 4:30-6:45. Elm Dance 7-7:30pm in
About the Elm Dance: In response to the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster,
Eco-Philosopher Joanna Macy offered workshops to those living in the
areas contaminated by the Chernobyl disaster. Along with those
gatherings she brought with her the Elm Dance. It started as a joining of
hands to begin healing the collective trauma this profound ecological
devastation had on all life energies large and small. The Elm Dance has
since become known, world-wide, as the Dance for Hope, Healing and
the Regeneration of Life. It can also assist in awaking in us our own
sense of conscious awareness and the call to personal responsibility of
self, others and to earth. The song that accompanies the dance
originated from a Latvian song. Symbolized by the Elm Tree, this song
through movement and music has become prayer.
…So it is in the spirit of prayer that we will offer our blessings to
all that needs healing upon this earth
Friday Concert Series: Friday, October 2nd.
Our Friday Concert Series continues with singer/songwriter
Keith Greeninger. We are so blessed to have him here…Keith’s
masterfully crafted tunes have earned him top songwriting
awards at Bluegrass and Folk festivals nationwide, and he has
toured the national Folk and Americana circuit for decades,
sharing stages with dozens of the country’s best-known artists.
Tickets on sale, $15. Call for more info or visit
4th Annual Tahoe Improv Players: Saturday, October 10th
Benefit for UATL! The laughs will be plentiful as the Players
return to tickle our funny bones and feather our nest with one
awesome evening of entertainment! 7:30pm, tickets are $10 with
all proceeds going to UATL
Harvesting our Dreams: Friday, November 13th (mark your
calendars!) Our annual fun(d)raiser, will be a simple and fun
gathering in our Sanctuary, with a potluck, a concert by
OneVoice, a silent auction and the announcement of the winner
of the ever popular Hawaii raffle. Raffle tickets will be on sale at
the end of September.
September/October 2015
Page 4
Modified Office Hours
for September
Office closed: Wednesday September 9th-Tuesday September 22nd
(the Bittmans are on vacation)
Wednesday noon Prayer Circle IS happening on Sept. 9th but not
Sept. 16th
“PLEASE USE US…WE ARE HERE FOR YOU”: Revs. Hillary & Stew are
always very happy to make an appointment and meet with you at a
different time and day if our office hours don’t work for you. We are
available for prayer, spiritual counseling, energy work, life coaching
or just to chat.
Non-UATL Events
Tai Chi*Qigong: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 11-Noon in the Annex, (11-12
focuses on Qigong while 12-1 focuses on Ta Chi) all levels welcome, no
experience necessary. Instructor Freedom Journeyhawk, Love Offering.
Sound Healing and Sacred Chants/Indian Music Therapy Workshop:
Sunday, October 18th. This workshop will be followed by Kirtan Singing
and Healing Music Concert with Dr. Muthuswami Hariharan, who lives in
Pondicherry, India. Dr. Hariharan is a Music Therapist and Healer, a
Concert Performing Artist and Vedic Astrologer. He is the chairman of
the Indian Music Research & Development Dept. as well as of the
Society for Music Education, Therapy and Research in Pondicherry
Schedule Times
His schedule will be as follows (there might be a slight change in the times)…
Sunday, Oct 18 after Celebration:
Monday, Oct 19: From 10am-6pm, Dr. Hariharan will conduct one-to-one
private one-hour sessions for EITHER a Vedic Astrology Birth Chart Reading
OR a Music Healing Session (reservations required)
More information will be forthcoming…visit
September/October 2015
Page 5
We’ve just had our carpets cleaned and ask
that if you should ever spill anything other than
water, that you notify us immediately. Although
we appreciate the thought, we would prefer
that you
don’t clean it
Janice Eastburn for stringing our
Welcome necklaces
Lynn Spiker & Joe O’Hara for raking &
sprucing up our grounds
To all who donated so we could have liquid
refreshment for our upcoming events
Faith In Action
Please note you can use a credit card to make any
kind of donations and we can automatically charge
your credit card monthly if you choose. You can
also choose to have your bank send an automatic
monthly donation
We joyfully affirmed and celebrated our
abundance thru tithing to the following during
June/July 2015:
*Unity in the Community *Jack Long *Mother
Emanuel Church Hope Fund *Silent Unity *Sierra
Sanctuary, AKA the Warm Room *West Central
Region, Unity Worldwide Ministries *Nepal
Quake-Manasarovar School Community
Total of outgoing tithes for this period was
$1472.73. Thank you, God!
As of 8-23-15, our bank balances are as follows:
Bank of the West Checking: $2112.43 (covers
everyday spending and bills)
Bank of the West Savings (2015 Hands and Hearts
for Christmas fund): $45.66
Everbank Checking (general reserve fund):
RECYCLING! We have a recycling tub outside of the
Sanctuary, when we’re there, for you to drop off your
glass, jars and cans. Or just leave your bag on the
deck. Especially preferred are glass that is a
“moneymaker” such as beer bottles and soda cans
(California CRV). We would appreciate that these are
deposited in the bins empty and clean.
AMAZON: Before shopping at, go to our
website first! There is a link to on our
website, (on the left sidebar of
each page right under our phone #). We will receive
credit for any purchases you make from Amazon when
you go through our website first! And, if you sign up for
September/October 2015
Page 6
Check out our web site:
Our Sunday talks are available on our website,
beginning shortly after each Sunday
Celebration. The archives go back several
years. Tell your friends! This is a wonderful
way to introduce other folks to the Unity
You can also use the website to make
donations (for listening to talks online, regular
tithes, building fund, Minister’s Fund and
Sept./Oct. 2015
Hands and Hearts) and to purchase all of
OneVoice’s CDs, Stew and Hillary’s meditation
CD Journeys to the Heart, plus CDs of Sunday
celebration services, via PayPal or credit card.