9.1 Withdrawing from Paxil - The Almost Complete
9.1 Withdrawing from Paxil - The Almost Complete
2 ISBN: 978-0-9731751-1-0 2009 Bloomfield Press Please do not share this e-book by placing it in the public domain. If, by chance, you acquired without actually buying it, be aware that it is the sole method of fundraising for Quitpaxil.org. Proceeds are used to expand the site in order to help more people. You can retroactively pay for it by visiting www.quitpaxil.org and clicking on the help-out tab where you will find a donation button. Thank-you. All contents copyright 2009 by Frank Streicher. All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related files may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the publisher. 3 Table of Content Table of Contents 1. Introduction ............................................................................................... 4 2. Symptoms ............................................................................................... 10 2.1 F REQUENTLY REPORTED S YMPTOMS :….11 2.2 L ESS FREQUENTLY R EPORTED SYMPTOMS…12 3. Voices ..................................................................................................... 14 4. Success ................................................................................................ 113 5. Advice ................................................................................................... 192 5.1 GENERAL T IPS…192 5.2 W ITHDRAWAL G UIDES…193 5.3 V ISITOR’ S T IPS…194 6. Teen Issues .......................................................................................... 225 7. Lighter Side ........................................................................................... 244 8. Medical Literature.................................................................................. 273 9. Addendum ............................................................................................ 285 9.1 W ITHDRAWING FROM P AXIL - T HE ALMOST C OMPLETE G UIDE…285 4 1. Introduction It all started in 1999. Having finished my Masters a few years earlier and having enjoyed a rather bohemian existence for some time, I thought that it might be wise to augment my education, as there was oddly enough, no call for German literature specialists in Halifax . As this was the time of the first internet bubble, the logical step, or so I thought, was to enroll at a specialist college in order to help build the fabled ―information highway‖. The trouble was that it cost the equivalent of the Albanian GDP to enroll and by the time I had realized that the corporate culture which permeated this particular school was anathema to the very essence of my being, it was too late to drop out, lest I was willing to accept bankruptcy. Enter panic attacks, stage left. Now, it was not the first time that anxiety had visited me. The first attack I ever experienced was in a Singapore restaurant some years before. The city-state‘s authoritarian streak was not sitting well with me and for the whole of my stay, I had felt claustrophobic and restricted. The heat and the crowds did not help and along with a family history of anxiety problems. My Grandfather, a famous German athlete, for example, avoided crowds to the point where, after a successful meet, he would get off the train one stop early so 5 as to circumvent the reception that his hometown had in store for him. The heat and crowds I experienced, contributed to a panic attack of such severity, that I found myself in an excellent Singaporean hospital hooked up to wires getting tested for heart problems. In the end, an anxiety problem was diagnosed and treated. As before, I wandered off to my doctor in order to seek help. In the intervening years the treatment for anxiety had changed. Gone were the old tricyclic antidepressants, replaced by the newer, sexier SSRI. Paxil was prescribed and taken. Here I must admit that the drug seemed to do its job, though far from perfectly. The anxiety abated somewhat, though it did not disappear until I was done my course of study. Still, I managed to finish my degree six-months later and quickly decided that Paxil was no longer needed. For the time I was on this drug I was emotionally flat-lining. Nothing particular upset me, and great joy or ecstasy became a thing of the past. My libido too, had taken a severe hit and its absence seemed to have wiped out any need for intimacy, be it emotional or physical. I was not overly concerned about these symptoms as I knew that they were side effects of the drug. Once the need for treatment disappeared, however, these symptoms contributed to my eagerness to get off Paxil as soon as possible. 6 I halved my prescription over a period of a few days, then stopped taking the drug altogether. Though this was a bit faster than my physician had recommended, the worst that could happen, according to him, was that I would suffer a few flu-like symptoms for a week or so. No sweat, I thought. But sweat I got in bucketfuls. The first inkling I received that things were not going to be easy happened a few days after I stopped taking Paxil altogether. Walking to a friend‘s party in the early evening, I noticed that with each step I took, a weird, almost electrical sensation was shooting from my foot into my brain. At first weak, these zaps were getting stronger with each moment. Arriving at the party, I was already far removed from reality as I knew it. An odd sensation of floating away from my body, along with the zaps, quickly drove me into an isolated corner. I was bewildered, frightened, yet did not want to interrupt the proceedings, so I quickly called a cab and went home to bed. Ten years later, the days and weeks that followed the party incident are a bit of a blur. What remained etched into my brain, however, are those symptoms that brought me to the brink of my sanity. Up to this day, I recall some of the nightmares that I had during that period. They were of such vividness that it was at times impossible to tell with any certainty whether I was awake or asleep. The distinction between these two states blurred to such an extent that I spent nights stumbling around my apartment wondering if I had lost 7 my mind completely. As the dreams intensified, I became afraid to close my eyes. Yet wakefulness offered no relief. In a discussion that I recently had with my sister, she reminded me that I would walk around as if stoned, asking her if she could see my feet leaving the ground. This sensation of floating was extremely disconcerting and contributed greatly to my overall state of fear and confusion. I no longer felt that I had any control over my mind. To me, all life had become an unbearable hell, one from which there would or could be no escape. Oddly enough, my physician, to whom I had instantly turned, seemed almost annoyed at my report. He refused to make a firm connection between the Paxil and my symptoms since nothing like it was to be found in the literature. Yet throughout the misery, which not only included a state of near insanity, but also a litany of more tangible symptoms such as sweats, dizziness, nausea, loss of appetite, etc (see symptom section), I was absolutely convinced that everything that was going on had something to do with Paxil . Since I had never experienced any of these symptoms in my life before I had stopped taking the drug, it was only logical to assume that there was a direct and unassailable correlation. In order to find out if others had experienced similar symptoms, I decided to put my newly gained talents to the test and created what was later to become Quitpaxil.org. 8 Three weeks passed and by then most of the symptoms had ameliorated to such a degree that I was able to go back to work. I had almost forgotten about the few pages that I had published up to the web when the first email came in. By the time all the symptoms had dissipated six weeks after my initial withdrawal, my inbox was filled with hundreds of letters, all recounting my exact experience. This was to become the start of a ten year journey, one which has culminated in this book. During this time span I have received and answered thousands upon thousands of email. I have been interviewed by press from all over the world, including the BBC, CBC, Washington Post, and the Globe and Mail, to name but a few of the important ones. At one point, even Oprah‘s people were rumored to be looking for me, though in the end I don‘t think that she ever did a special on Paxil withdrawal. On the medical front, things also changed drastically. What at first was dismissed as the anecdotes of a few patients coming off the drug, was confirmed in research paper after research paper. SSRI discontinuation syndrome became a medically accepted fact. As it turned out Smith Kline Beecham (Now GlaxoSmithKline) had known about problems surrounding their drug all along. Their clinical trials conducted in Yugoslavia in the 1980s had shown that Paxil discontinuation could result in severe withdrawal symptoms which gave the drug an addictive quality. 9 Lawyers too, started to line up outside my ‗edoor‘. Some offered me considerable sums for every lead that I could generate which could be used in a class action suit. At one point I was part of an official complaint against GSK which was to legally force them to change the labeling of the drug and to warn their customers that severe withdrawal was a potential risk. What became of all these law suits never much interested me, as I was too busy answering letters. While writing email after email, one thing had become clear: in order to successfully get through the ordeal of Paxil withdrawal, people needed to read or hear that others had managed to get off the drug. Time and time again I was informed that the mere presence of my website with all its testimonials was enough for most visitors to take heart. Reading about what others had gone through helped them realize that the process, as arduous, terrifying and exhausting as it is, would come to an end. So, my dear reader, if you have made it this far, let me assure you that you will get through this process in one piece. Chances are that during the next few weeks of your life, you will experience things that will make you question your sanity over and over again. Rest assured that you are quite sane. Also be certain of this: the end is closer than you think. Because of the severity of your misfortune, days will seem like weeks, and weeks like months. Yet, if you can muster all your courage, optimism, and humor, if you don‘t despair or give up, you will get through this. Undoubtedly, you will encounter times when there 10 appears to be no option but to give up. Don‘t. Thousands upon thousands of people have suffered as you do right now, and all have made it. This book is a testament to their stubbornness and determination. 2. Symptoms This Section is identical to the website. It has been included here for the reasons of completeness. Note that of the listed symptoms do appear in people who are in the process of reducing their dosage as well as those, whose system has become acclimatized to the drug. The list only deals with withdrawal symptoms. It does not include the side effects that are commonly associated with Paxil, e.g. weight gain, sexual dysfunction, etc.. Note: this section deals only with problematic Paxil withdrawal. Although I have not found accurate numbers, it appears that anywhere from 4% to 10% of users can expect some or all of the listed symptoms. The rest of you should only experience the touted " two to three days of flu-like symptoms". 11 Here you will find a list of symptoms which originated from my personal experience while getting off Paxil. Over time, this list has been augmented by symptoms which have been reported by others going through the process. For a symptom to be included in the 'common' category, it had to appear at least 50 times in the letters which I have received. If you fail to find a particular symptom which you are currently experiencing it can mean that a) Not enough people have reported it to warrant inclusion, or b) That it is unrelated to the withdrawal process. 2.1 Frequently Reported Symptoms: Intense insomnia Extraordinarily vivid dreams Extreme confusion during waking hours Intense fear of losing your sanity Steady feeling of existing outside of reality as you know it (referred to as depersonalization at times) Memory and concentration problems Panic Attacks (even if you never had one before) 12 Severe mood swings, esp. heightened irritability / anger Suicidal thoughts (in extreme cases) An unconventional dizziness/ vertigo The feeling of shocks, similar to mild electric one, running the length of your body An unsteady gait Slurred speech Headaches Profuse sweating, esp. at night Muscle cramps Blurred vision Breaking out in tears. Hypersensitivity to motion, sounds, smells. Decreased appetite Nausea Abdominal cramping, diarrhea Loss of appetite Chills/ hot flashes 2.2 Less Frequently Reported Symptoms Fainting ―Scratching sound" inside one's head 13 Constant white noise in the ears Tingling sensation in cheeks, lips, tongue and surrounding areas. Heart palpitations/ chest pain Swollen and sore eyes Fatigue Extremely localized, bursting headaches Lump in throat Rash / dry, flaky and irritated skin Grinding of teeth Difficulty swallowing Itchiness The duration of the withdrawal process seems to vary from individual to individual. In my own experience, the worst was over after the first two weeks. Still, three weeks into it, I was far from feeling ship-shape in Bristol fashion. It took around six weeks for the symptoms to subside. 14 3. Voices At the heart of this book are the voices of the thousands of people that have written me over the last ten years. It has been my experience that the moment persons suffering from severe Paxil withdrawal realize that they are not imagining things and that they are not alone in their struggles, half the battle is won. The following letters have been selected carefully so as to provide a cross section of people who are going through the process. People who are writing in come from all walks of life. I have corresponded with bricklayers, stay at home mothers, lawyers, doctors, nurses, truck drivers, and even the odd celebrity. Paxil withdrawal is the great equalizer, though the ones suffering the most are those who cannot afford the disabling symptoms. More often than not, they simply cannot afford to go through with the withdrawal as it interferes with their ability to make a living. I have resisted the temptation to edit these letters, safe for correcting some obvious spelling mistakes. It is, in my opinion, important to keep these voices untouched so that they can remain raw, and authentic. By not fitting them into a cookie cutter mold, I hope that every reader can find at least one person with whom they can identify. 15 ―I wanted to write in for the letters section. I think it is quite troubling there is a site devoted to such a topic, but at the same time am sure glad I found it. I am a 30 year old woman and have been on Paxil for a solid decade. I was able to go off of it easily with 2 pregnancies, but following had to go back on it. I think my hormones may have helped, my third pregnancy I was unable to stop taking it. I have found great relief in taking it but do not like that I am hooked on it and have decided to seek more natural alternatives. I have tried to taper and go cold-turkey off the Paxil a handful of times with no luck. I have spent a couple of attempts hanging my head over the toilet vomiting for a full day or more because of such severe withdrawal. I am now trying to taper very slowly off it again. The last three weeks have gone quite well but I feel I am hitting a wall again as I reach my final stage of tapering. I feel feverish, am having severe coughing bursts because my lungs feel tight, sudden bursts of tears for no apparent reason, almost a drunk-like full body dizziness, and I will not even mention the speed at which my moods are fluctuating. I started this medication on a physicians advice following the sudden death of my father. It helped me get through a very hard point in life. I was under the impression it was safe and non-habit forming though. Anyone that says it is not habit forming is full of 16 crap because I have never experienced such hell as I do every time I try to get this medication out of my system. I am starting to think I should check myself into a drug rehab clinic just to get through this once and for all. What a horribly deceitful way for a pharmaceutical company to profit. Good Luck to all trying as I am! We can do it! ― ∞ ―When learned I was a few weeks pregnant, my doctor recommended I stop taking Paxil CR 12.5 mg/day. She mentioned other antidepressants were better suited for pregnant women. She recommended I take one pill every other day for two weeks and then stop taking Paxil altogether. I followed her instructions for four days and then decided to stop altogether. I had stopped taking Paxil a year or so before but never had any problems. Immediately I began to feel like I had a very bad hangover with constant headaches, dizziness, and nausea. Smells began to bother me. The smell of my two golden retrievers, that never bothered me before, now made me sick. And I was unable to articulate many of my thoughts. I found it difficult to concentrate and even watching television was painful. Usually a very tolerant person, I became a grump, a grouch. I was so miserable in my own skin. I wasn‘t comfortable being awake but I wasn‘t able to get to sleep. Once I feel asleep, I was so thankful for six to seven hours of being out of 17 the misery. Then I awoke to the horror all over again. Four days into this, I was still thinking it was morning sickness. With my first pregnancy, I never felt like this. Then I hit what I consider my lowest low. I began thinking horrible thoughts. My husband and I had hoped to become pregnant for more than three years, but if this was how morning sickness was going to feel with this pregnancy, I couldn‘t do it. It was with these thoughts I knew something was definitely wrong. That‘s when I realized maybe it wasn‘t the pregnancy making me feel this way. I went online and am so thankful for your website. I‘m not sure how I‘m going to beat Paxil but I‘m going to find a way, along with my doctor. Our plan is to take one pill every other day for a week and then take half a pill every other day for a week. I should be Paxil free at the end of two weeks. As I laid in bed trying to get to sleep last night and still feeling the horrible "Paxil flu", I had a great (or what I consider a great) thought. I was ready to check myself into the hospital for a few weeks. Just let them feed me, take care of me until I beat this horrible drug. And wake me up when it's over. Had I know about the addiction and the horrible withdrawal symptoms, I never would have begun taking it. Thank you again! ― ∞ 18 ―Hi everybody , i m a 29 years old French guy who´s been on Paxil for about 4 years.(dosage between 20 and 40 mg ) . I‘ve already tried twice to get off the drug without success. I had the very unpleasant zaps , Paxil-flue , anger + come back of depressive feelings . I must say Paxil ( it s called Deroxat in France ) helped me a lot as I first took it , I don t think anything else could have really helped me at that time .so I would probably take it again if i was given the choice . the withdrawal symptoms are apparently the price to pay , unfortunately...Maybe those symptoms make us recall that a complete healing requires a lot of strength and endurance . It‘s so strange : most of the side effects appears by withdrawing and not during the medication .this fact has made me uncomfortable , it gave me more reasons and a bigger motivation to stop . Could such a medication be harmless on the long term? So , I failed twice and now i m on my third attempt to get off Deroxat . I quit too quickly the first times, 20 to 0 mg in 4-6 weeks . a lot too quick for me .Off course this is an individual issue , some people 19 will need more time others less....but anyway be cautious , be patient . My new plan is , one mg drop every week , on Saturday , with the liquid form . i started 6 weeks ago , I m now at 24 mg . It seems to be ok for me . I m 95% symptoms free!! I do a lot of exercise, jogging, fitness , bike...,eat healthy ,rest a lot too. I know it will be on long way till 00 mg but i m pretty sure it will work this time. ― ∞ ―I am in the process of quitting Paxil right now. I took 20 mg for about 2 years, and decided it was time to come off the damn stuff. Like most, I felt like I was living half a life with no real interest in anything. I am a past athlete, and have returned to a fairly regular exercise program a week ago (one day after coming off the drug) and maybe that has something to do with the way I am feeling right now. While I am experiencing many of the intense negative symptoms of withdrawal (the whoosh, nausea, hallucinations, disassociation, exceptionally intense dreams, problems sleeping etc) the weirdest thing is - despite all that - how fabulous I feel. All the physical misery of the withdrawal symptoms just doesn't compare to being able to FEEL again. I can't believe what a wuss I 20 have been over the last two years, and how focused I am right now. I am even enjoying the feelings of intense anger, and the Technicolor dreams. I'm a writer, so maybe this is all grist for my mill. Or maybe I'm some kind of oddball. But wow - I feel like I can do anything. Well, maybe except eat. I found this site thank to the "Seroxat mad forum". I am an Italian girl and been on Seroxat just 3 months and a half because of an episode of strong depression occurred this summer. At the beginning i felt so good that I simply thought Wow! Why didn't I do that before? Finally starting feeling good with other people, not always with that eternal sense of guilty and most important of all I felt detached, as the problems didn't belong to me, as if I could leave them closed in a part of my brain. I stopped crying, I stopped my obsessive thoughts, I felt as if I finally enter in the world of adults, nothing that hurt me before could touch me now. I just felt good. At the beginning. Then I started sleeping too much (10/13 hours) and I realized that my sensitivity was disappearing. I am a writer and sensitivity means all to me and I realized that I didn't have ideas anymore but I didn't feel like I wanted to have: I was doing nothing and simply didn't care than I had bad bulimia attacks that I didn't have from years. Too much I though, I must face my problems, come what may and so I took my decision (after taking information on withdrawal effects) 21 and stopped with Seroxat At the beginning (2 days to be honest!) i took 10mg than just stop. Well dear Frank, I cannot believe what is going on, I cannot believe to all these side effects I feel right now: -Extraordinarily vivid dreams - Extreme confusion - Steady feeling of existing outside of reality -Memory and concentration problems - Extreme dizziness Speech problems / inability to use or find the right word Headaches - Profuse sweating - Chills and hot flashes - Blurred vision - Breaking out in tears -Nausea -Constant white noise in the ears Disruption of menstrual cycle - Tension in the lower jaw Itchiness And another weird thing I don't know if it is because of it but I have many bruises on my legs Isn't that too much? I prefer to face my depression that to poison my body like that don't you think? I hope this will be gone in 2 weeks. I would like to know if you can suggest something that can help (I read of Vitamin B and lecithin) I went to a pharmacy yesterday since I had a very bad sudden nausea and the pharmacist didn't suggest anything at all, he just stated that I felt like that because I had read all the side effects and this influenced me!!! "Vaffanculo" I thought! Cannot believe to how many stupid people are in the world. Anyway this is my story. If you think that my English is quite good and I can be 22 helpful for translations I am available. Thank you for taking the time of reading me ― ∞ ―I made it to down to 0mg (a drop from 7.5mg, which was after six months working down SLOWLY from 40mg) of Paxil last Thursday night. At 0mg your body goes into the worst of its "tantrums" as I call them. As though its dehydrated, depleted of all its necessary liquid and your calves cramp and you sweat buckets and though the physical stuff is containable, there is this looming fear that in the darkest corners of the house madness lurks and it will come on next. The first days my brain fights to find any hint of Paxil dust left to absorb and put to use. This seemingly harmless drug, this first cousin of Prozac, is really a terrible, terrible chemical compound not for what it does but for what can do if you try to stop. I am a member of a major class action suit that began a few years back against GlaxoSmith Kline, the pharmaceutical company that manufactured Paxil initially (now generics are available, too). It has been uncovered that they found in trials that this was a sinister and addictive substance but hid that information away, knowing that this drug would be so lucrative. it would be much the 23 same as the then new and very popular Prozac but one better. Prozac takes days, even weeks to adjust in the system and as long to get out of it. Paxil has a 16-hour half life and is into your system so quickly. But they hid the nasty potential for dangers. Money was to made. Let's keep our priorities straight here. People have had horrific experiences trying to stop taking the drug. My first three tries (I started the drug in 1996) each caused a hypo manic episode. It is frightening to think the FDA lets this stuff float around. People have killed themselves in withdrawal from because it is that unstable. The main objective of our suit is to make them place warnings that their medication is addictive on the labels, in their commercials, etc. We're fighting them as hard as they fight back. All that said, the physical and emotional misery of the last weeks, the insomnia and the cold sweats and the slurred speech and forgetfulness and dizziness and muscle cramps and crying at the drop of a hat...today is day six off of Paxil completely and the electric zap feelings and the compression headaches and the hard time remembering words and the insomnia and the anxiety is here and I am doing my best to write it all down lest I forget this whole thing ever happened (doubtful). Everything smells strangely different, tastes also. Everything is stronger and more alive. I don't know whether this is intensified by the medicine or if the medicine has been repressing 24 my senses for all this time. I think it's probably the first one. You ask how I am. Today was better than yesterday. I spent more time out of bed today than in it. I relish in these little things and remind myself, after all the time I've spent in the past beating myself up for emotional imperfection, "Failure is an event, not a person." -A.‖ ∞ ―It's a pretty sad thing when there's an entire website devoted to this. I had heard from others that Paxil withdrawal is "kinda bad". Talk about an understatement. I'm a 47 year old female, and I've been Paxil free for a week. I figured that no time would be convenient for this, so I'm trucking on with it. Since I'm menopausal I already have the wonderful night sweat thing going on, now it's just in higher gear. I'm focusing on the good that will come of this. I figure anything worthwhile requires effort. I was caring for my daughter who was recuperating from surgery, and I thankfully ran out of the pills with no time to pick up a refill. My symptoms have mostly been vertigo and diarrhea and heart palpitations. When it starts, I just sit and focus on being free of this drug that has in retrospect, made me a walking talking zombie. A fat zombie, too! Anyway, thank you for this wonderful website. Knowledge truly empowers you and can give peace of mind. I guess my best advice is to find your happy place and focus on that. 25 I also learned years ago after the sudden and unexpected death of my mother, that when anything bad happens to me the very first thing I do is look for something good in it. Granted, oftentimes you have to scratch hard to find it but if you're going to spend the mental energy anyway might as well get some positive "bang for your buck". And, I always find something good. ― ∞ ―I just wanted to thank you for having a site such as yours up on the web. I'm actually a resident physician currently going through Paxil withdrawal, and I couldn't find any useful or helpful info in my medical searches. Then I used Yahoo search and got to your site. I finally feel "uncrazy". I've known that such a syndrome existed, but not the severity of it. I too, like many on your site, wondered if I was exaggerating my symptoms, or if I was just plain crazy, because the "zooms" or zaps as a lot of others call them are so bad. If I turn my head too fast, there's the zooms in my ears, and I get dizzy, possibly even losing my balance. I can't sleep, I'm hot, I'm crying all the time. It's gotten so bad, and not getting better, that I was even contemplating getting back on the Paxil- but I know then I'll be back at square one. I thought I was so smart to do my own slow taper, but I obviously didn't taper slow enough, and due to reading other patients letters, perhaps I will try to go slower to alleviate some of the symptoms. 26 It's just so nice and somewhat comforting to know that I'm not the only one to go through this and I will hopefully get through it. I AM going to have a chat with my psychiatry colleagues about this, although it won't be easy to admit how I know so much about it, and push them to educate their patients before they get on the drug. I don't think Paxil would have been my first choice knowing what I know now. Please reconsider taking the site down. It really has made a difference in my life tonight, and in many others, from reading the stories.‖ ∞ ―There's good news and bad news. The good news is that I've stopped taking the Paxil, Lorazepam and all that other fun stuff. The bad news: I'm cranky as a Muther... As some of you may know, last year, I blew a fuse. In general, nothing gets under my skin. Some might say I'm even a little removed or oblivious. However you care to classify it, I'm a generally happy dude--sarcastic, but happy. Last year was a rough year for a lot of people close to me, and a lot 27 took place right at the beginning of the year. Rumor has it I was wearing myself down with school and work. Then I topped that off with some close friends facing major losses, as well as people having health issues close to home. Whatever the case may be, I started having some monster anxiety attacks: hyperventilating, heart jumps the whole deal. When I wasn't in the middle of a panic attack, they seemed like silly nonsense. But, when I was having one, I'd feel like Fred Sanford: "It's the big one Elizabeth, I'm coming to see you!" In reality, these attacks could have had nothing to do with things going on in my life. There are family members that are alleged to have had similar symptoms at the same age. Let's blame them...KIDDING. Regardless of the source, I classify this fuse blowing as a temporary inconvenience. In response to these little episodes, I had a wall of drugs thrown at me. After a month or so, yep, they stopped the panic attacks. I mean, after all, how could you panic when you are probably more legally stoned than Ozzy? If you know me, you know I'm kind of fast paced and hyper (go ahead, give me the sarcastic NO? YOU? HYPER?). So, to say that this drugged fog was cramping my lifestyle would be an understatement. I was constantly in slow motion (for me), for the 28 rest of you, I might have been just about normal. Point being, I'm not a fan of pill popping and the drugs were cramping my style. So, it's time to test the water without them. In December I stopped taking the Lorazepam (Ativan) without any noticeable side effects. Wait, I thought this was supposed to be the addictive one! Nothing so interesting. I quit it without any notice. I keep them around as a safety net, but haven't so much as looked at them since December. So, here I am 6 months later. I've been in the fog for about a year. It's time to take a test drive without the Paxil. In the day, I was up as high as 25mg/day. For most people, probably not a big dose, but it was enough to fog me in. This was cut to 20mg of Paroxetine when Paxil was shut down for selling inconsistently mixed drugs out of Puerto Rico. Anyways, end of June, I talk to the Doc and convince him to roll me off the drugs. The ramp down was a quick one in my opinion, but hey, I'm game! Cut the pills in half for a week then stop all together. So, here I am first full week without Paxil. Now they advertise that their withdrawal symptoms are a few days of flu like symptoms...haha, Liars! Here's what I've observed: Insomnia: Hey, I can deal with it. I think this is largely because I was in low gear for a year and I'm starting to get my energy back. So, I'm both hyper and sleepless--LOOK OUT...haha. 29 Muscle Cramps: Ouch! For about 4-6 days I couldn't move my back. Then it moved to my lower calves. That one was a bitch. I felt like a pirate walking around on two peg legs. Imagine trying to win a beerpong tournament on two peg legs! Those were the two major ones, the rest were just general aches. But, I can tell you, that beyond the muscle cramps in my legs, there's a general sensation in my legs that annoys the crap out of me. It doesn't hurt, but it's there and it's weird. Crazy Dreams: I never remember my dreams. It's probably because they get in the way of my valued sleep time. But, lately I've had some doozies. Funny stuff. I should write them down some time. Zapped: No, not like the movie, but I've got this non-stop ringing in my ears and I get these series of squeezes or some kind of zaps. Nothing major, but they're strange sensations. The only way I can describe them is watching your lights dim when the air conditioning goes on. Nothing goes out, but there's a quick, sudden pull on the system. Dizzy: for just a couple of days I was dizzy. I just figured it was me psyching myself out. But, it's gone now so who cares. Irritability: OOOOOO DOGGY! This is the good one! My wife and friends now call me "Old Cranky Bastard." Funny stuff. I've never 30 been so ready to pounce and give somebody the business! I have to sit back and laugh a little when I hear the things that are coming out of my mouth. If they're aimed at you, I'm sorry. I'm hoping this is a temporary product of uncrossing my wires. But, everybody that knows me knows that this is out of character for me. But, seriously, I'm one cranky Mo'Fo. My fuse is short and I stay mad as a wet hornet. I fully acknowledge it and I see it from a mile away. But, little I can do once I get rolling. Some of it, mostly work related, is like a major dose of truth serum. You ever feel like you see things clearly and want to call a spade a spade. That's how I am right now. I've always had a sarcastic gait, but now it's got barbed wire! I've been known to say "there's a fine line between sarcasm and brutal honesty." In some respects, I've crossed that line over into absolute, unrestrained brutal honesty. Makes me giggle sometimes! Emotional Swings: Yup, got that. Hyper, Happy, Sad, Mad, Letting things pile up on me. Figured that just went with the territory from coming out of the fog. The short of this is that it can't last long. Either I'll get over this or somebody's going to hit me with a bus! In the mean time, please do not poke the caged animals! I bite!‖ 31 ∞ ―I would like to share my story. I started taking Paxil in January to help sleep problems stemmed from anxiety. I was given Paxil and told it was not habit-forming and the side effects would be in the sex area. I started at 10mg and by the second week my doc wanted me to jump to 40mg. I was nervous and stayed at 10 then gradually moved to 20 and then 25mg once daily. At 25mg I was pretty sedated. My sleep was better as I was better rested mentally but it became a joke among my family to not call or visit before 2pm on weekends because I was still in bed asleep and in bed by 9 that night. I had a routine I began in November of working out 5 times per week and had cut my calories to a sensible diet. I was in my best physical shape ever and I began gaining weight 2 mos. after starting Paxil. I cut my fat and calories more, increased working out and continued to gain weight. I even contemplated taking a pregnancy test while on birth control because the weight gain was so rapid. I even pried my sedated butt outta bed earlier and added more to my work out routine... and the weight still came. From January until July I had gained almost 20 pounds on Paxil. 32 So I decided to quit. I bought some great books on cognitive behavior training to help work out my anxiety and bad thinking habits and began to wean. I started by dropping down to 20 mg which went fine but when I dropped to 15 things went bad. I crashed one day and just didn't want to be here anymore. Logically I knew it was the Paxil because I never had not wanted to be part of life even at my worst in anxiety. I fought intruding thoughts and had a night of constant panic attacks and worried I would never feel the same again. I raised my dose to 20mg again and then began to taper very slow. I have been tapering down by small doses weekly... about 2-3 mg a week down. I hate how slow it is BUT I am not having any side effects. I had one day where I had 3 lip zaps... that was a weird sensation but was it as far as side effects! I am down to 7mg and am looking forward to being off this crazy a$$ med for good. A part of me wants to go 5 mg then nothing and be done with it - but I know the smart thing to do is keep babying down the small mg way. I guess I figured when I originally read about SSRI's causing weight gain I thought I could control it with diet and exercise but Paxil is the devil when it comes to weight. I also recommend cognitive therapy as a tool for fighting anxiety and panic. I wish everyone good luck and recommend a very slow taper (2-3mgs) a week for no side effects.‖ ∞ 33 Just thinking about it, scares the living daylights out of me .. I could no longer stand up straight without being ZAPPED to the ground by my own brain within a few seconds .. I haven't really slept since .. I tried but the zaps keep me awake .. On Sunday I did fall asleep (was I simply too tired ? were the zaps less intense ?) .. yet I slept only very briefly since I dreamed I was sleeping and dreaming that I was sleeping and dreaming .. and all of a sudden in the dream in the dream I got scared awake .. it woke me in the dream of the dream, it rippled over to the dream and a fraction of a second I was wide awake. Very very disturbing, but I thought it was just because I was so tired. I should have known better ... A few hours later I -all of a sudden- briefly thought about my one true love, the girl that set off my very first panic attack .. it was just a meaningless memory like you have daily about just about anyone you know or knew .. but this was different .. I heard myself say her name out loud, I saw her perfectly clear before me and BANG all hell broke loose. Full panic attack !!! I started crying uncontrollably.. I crashed .. I wanted to die IMMEDIATELY.. I was shaking, crying, raging, all at once and more intense than ever .. I felt my heart explode .. I was dying right there and then .. I could not control my body, I fell to the ground, I was zapping all over my body now (no longer only the left side) and it was painful and not just annoying and disturbing, In the meanwhile I was screaming not because of the physical pain of the zaps, but of the emotional pain .. I can't live 34 without her .. I love her !!!! .. I felt like a wild animal being murdered and for the very first time I experienced uncontrollable physical aggression .. I had to fight if I still wanted to live in 10 seconds !!! When I calmed down (seconds, minutes, hours later ???) I was on the other side of the room, looking back at the destruction I caused. I am soooooo grateful that nobody was around because I would have killed them .. I don't know why .. I was mortified, petrified .. a panic attack like I never experienced before. I spent the rest of the day crying, zapping, raging, hating, loving .. all the emotions I had lost since I started the treatment. My heart pounding in my chest .. trying to synchronize my breathing in between the zaps. I am doing better now .. I am still zapping (left side only again and usually normal non-painful intensity), I can't sleep, I am constantly eating enormous quantities of food, I am full of sexual lust, I can't focus at work (just had to leave today) but I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo happy !!!! I laughed today .. the tears are running down my cheeks just thinking about it, I can laugh whole heartedly !!! Just laughing because of something funny. I forgot that was possible .. not laughing because you are supposed to, but laughing because you spontaneously laugh. I am not going to work tomorrow, I'll see my doctor and demand a package of Benzos just in case I feel a panic attack coming .. I'll tell him what I experienced with his "safe" SSRI .. I feel like I awoke from a deep coma .. 35 I'd rather know that I am alive and wanting to die, than ever again being in the situation caused by Paroxetine : not having the feeling I want to die, but actually being emotionally dead. If necessary I'll accept the constant zaps, the insomnia, the now constant suicidal thoughts .. I have only one wish .. being capable of an occasional spontaneous laugh or feeling of love. The fear of "when is the next panic attack coming" is sickening .. I will need Benzos or I will die or worse: kill someone else if I ever have one of those again like I had this weekend (after quitting Paroxetine) .. I just know that ... but I choose this over the HELL of this drug. I'll get my life back together .. I will !!! I am scared .. I am unstable .. I am suicidal .. but still I'm alive .. I survived. Nobody should experience the inevitable SSRI Withdrawal Syndrome.‖ ∞ ―I am so glad I found this site. It is heart wrenching to hear story, after story, after story from others that have suffered the side effects of this horrible drug. Let me start by saying that I am writing for my 91 year old Mother-in-law. Her journey began weeks ago when she was admitted into the hospital for "Back Pain". She was prescribed Darvocet and Zanax. After a week of that not easing her pain, the same hospital prescribed Lortab in place of the others. 36 When she made her third trip, the Doctor decided to admit her and take her off the meds to "clean her out". Unknown to us they also took her off all medication, yes, including her Paxil. Soon after she started having wild dreams that blended into her "awake dreams". She could not eat, sleep, speak or walk. On one visit to see her she did not know who I was. When she finally realized her mistake, tears filled her eyes…..she looked at me and whispered…"I think I am losing my mind". With tears in her eyes she asked me to take care of her son and to love him forever. (I can only assume she thought she was going to die) This continued for many days. She could not recall if it was 2005 or 1955. The look of "Extreme Fear" made us wonder if the end, was indeed, here for her. We had never seen her so confused or wild. Her doctor (I use that term loosely) could not tell us where this sudden unset of Dementia could be coming from. He told us to put her into a nursing home and hope for the best. Had we known that he had so casually taken her off Paxil……we could have either stopped him or been better prepared for the sudden change and helped her better cope with it.‖ ∞ ―Dissociation, mental impairment, poor vision and fatigue. These are some of the symptoms of severe SSRI damage and withdrawal. 37 I‘ve been Paroxetine free for just over a year but I‘m still suffering the effects initially started by that first dose of Paroxetine and sequential doses. my day starts waking up in a haze of mental impairment, dissociation(spaced out), exhaustion and confusion. My vision trails, out of focus. Not to mention the muscle cramps and twitches. It‘s been going on like this since coming off the drug. there seems to be a delay in my brain whenever i have to concentrate on something else. I‘ve spoken to some cfs sufferers and they are familiar with the feeling. being spaced out and your brain taking a second to catch up. having a brain that doesn‘t work properly can be quite exhausting. I‘ve managed to acquire employment. Stumble through the interview and maintain the job. its not the most classy job. I work at Burger King. It gives me an income, experience, a place to rehabilitate and get out of the house. most days it takes me most of the day to come out of a miserable mood and self pity to a more sociable and mentally stable person. I‘ve become overly sensitive to everything it plays on my brain all of the time. my head feels completely screwed up. so where do we go from here? Sue? How do you prove it? How do i afford it? Would I want to put myself through it? Accept it and hope one day I‘ll be somewhat "normal" again? I want to be able to feel again I want to be able to feel stable and rational and sane I want to be myself again. I want to be healthy both physically and mentally. 38 This is my life my existence I have to accept it and move on and find some ability within myself to embrace life. ― ∞ Hi Frank....Sometimes it is not comforting to find out that you are not alone, while in dire straits. But there is some value in knowing that you're not nuts when bizarre things start happening to you. It was by an amazing "coincidence" that I took myself off of Paxil. I was like a memory in slow motion when I recalled the nurse walking by me, after my first dose and saying, "Don't stop taking it...whatever you do....." Initially, I told the doctor that I was having severe sleep problems. Without a blink, he put me on Paxil. Paxil made me feel awful! It seems to be a great drug if you want to be immobilized. I didn't feel like doing ANYTHING. Initially, I experienced tremors. But the worst thing besides the utter worthlessness was the worsening of my sleeplessness. I read the literature that the pharmacist gave me and one of the lead indications was restlessness.....exactly what I went to see the doctor about in the first place! Sheesh. I talked to the doctor about this and was "assured" that I needed to take Paxil for 3 to 6 MONTHS before my body got acclimated. I trusted him......I HAD to trust him. 39 Things got worse....I became dysfunctional....all my daily habits got short-circuited. I stopped caring about anything. Then the voice inside of me said that I had to take charge here. I stopped taking it without any knowledge of what was about to occur. The first thing I noticed...how could I help but notice... was that I was limping....my left ankle became numb and my foot was "flopping". At night, my feet were so full of energy that I couldn't sleep. I tried everything...soaking them..massaging them..."cracking" my ankles....nothing worked. It was like they were full of energy. It was horrible! But, of course....the worst was yet to come. I sat down in my chair and picked up the remote control, when a painful bolt of electricity shot through my body...from my head down to my feet. YIKES! What the hell was THAT? Then it came again and again. I was lethargic...my foot was flopping...I had hyperactive feet at night...days became night...nights became days..and now I was getting involuntary shock treatments! I flipped on the TV. There was a young woman, maybe in her 20's in the middle of a sentence....the first words that I heard were about the electric shocks she had been experiencing. It was a show about Paxil! I couldn't believe what I was hearing! It was then that I learned that this will go away, eventually. The electric shocks went away in around 3-4 weeks. The floppy foot soon after. The restless feet at night still come and go. I stopped taking it in June of 2001...nearly 3 years ago. Seems that all I really needed was a girlfriend to cuddle with at night to get some good sleep, but 40 a doctor can't make any money on that..... In the TV commercials they show a Paxil-ed guy at a banquet. The spotlight shines on him and he is smiling and laughing in a crowd of people. Let me reassure you that people do not smile on Paxil. It is a bad addition to one's chemistry and the drug company won't stop making it until doctors stop prescribing it. Thanks for listening‖ ∞ Let me give you a little history about myself and let you know why I am writing to you today. My name is Chris M_______ and I am a survivor of the September 11th terrorist attacks, having worked in the World Trade Center ("WTC"); building two. My wife (three months pregnant at the time) and I were at our offices in the WTC the day of the attacks. Without getting into too much detail, as a result of my experiences on 9/11 I was diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ("PTSD"). In November of 2001 I was given the drug Paxil to combat this disorder. As you know, Glaxo was heavily promoting this drug at the time and was given recent approval to use the drug to treat PTSD. 41 After having seen the many Paxil ads on television I mentioned this drug to my doctor. Without hesitation he put me on the drug. This would prove to be the worst decision of my life. In July of 2002 I decided it was time to go off the drug and face my anxiety. I stopped taking the drug during the early part of a week I had taken off from work. I had planned to spend time with my family. After being off the drug for 48 hours I began to experience all of the withdrawal symptoms (the worst being the electric shocks), but had no clue it was related to the drug. I immediately began searching the Internet for an answer after my wife suggested my symptoms were the result of the drug. No answers could be found, NOTHING, just as you have said. The withdrawal was debilitating and I could not leave my bed. After suffering for four days I went back on the drug and within 24 to 48 hours I was perfectly fine again. I had my answer, but could not believe there was no warning of this anywhere, including the package insert that I looked at over and over again... ... I am currently going through withdrawal for what I hope is a final time. Several months ago I went to a second doctor to get off Paxil once and for all. I explained to this doctor how I wanted to go off slowly, 1 mg a week. He thought that was not necessary and gave me Paxil CR at 25 mg and 12 mg. I slowly went off the drug, but experienced withdrawal symptoms every time I dropped the dose. I have gone off the drug 42 in two week intervals from 25 mg to 18.5 mg to 12 mg to 6.5 mg to 3.5 mg and early this week stopped taking the drug entirely. I cannot believe that going from 3.5 mg to nothing is hitting me this hard. It is simply unbearable. My withdrawal symptoms are almost as bad as they were in July of 2002. Today, I am finally feeling better, but since it seems to come in waves, I don't know if I am actually nearing the end of this hellish experience. September 11th was horrifying, but Paxil has been hell. ― ∞ ―I was crying, then I found your Web site and now I am laughing or was I laughing and now I am crying, I don't remember but anyway I took your test and then I took it again because I was so sure I would score high. I want to laugh again so badly. I am on day four of "no Paxil" and have endured two weeks of slow weaning torture. I had to think a lot about with your question of what would be worse, an evening with Jack the Ripper or Paxil because I think I did spend one night with him recently. That was about as much fun as trying to talk to a car repair guy today when I felt like Linda Blair doing the head trick. He asked if I was ok and I replied that I was fine, and I was, compared to yesterday. 43 My drug came as a result of a Cancer scare which was caused by Estrogen my GYN shoved in a bag during the discovery that I was Menopausal. She then gave me Paxil to take care of any anxiety I had over her almost killing me with the Estrogen. God, I feel better now, I really do. I cannot look down at my breast scar as it makes me dizzy. My husband can't look at my breast because the thought of sex repulses me. I am not worried about dying anymore because I wish I would. See she knew what she was doing. And so this is what it is like, taking good care of yourself. I have been blessed with all of the side effects of this drugs withdrawal symptoms. My first was actually the funniest, no make that the only funny one. The rest have nearly killed me to be honest. I got up one morning and on the way to the bathroom I saw my face in a mirror. I stood there wondering who it was. I tried to push and pull my face back into shape. It looked like my face was made of rubber and somehow during the night had gotten pulled out of place. It reminded me of 1971 and my first and last experience with Mr. Doobie. I have always been a fan of reality so I never had much interest in drugs. Aging and having a five year old to care for has pushed me into taking better care of my health and that's when my problems began I guess. My first sign was Ms. Putty face in the mirror but my second was the return of night sweats. Then they came fast and furious. I was talking to a co-worker when I felt a "zing" in my head. I ran to my 44 office and closed the door, sure I was having a stroke. I felt it over and over, jolts of electrical currents running through my head. I stayed there all day slumped over my desk till I crawled out after everyone had left and drove home. I crawled into bed at home and endured many more during the night. I called in sick the next day and during the morning I realized I had not taken my vitamins or Paxil in several days. I took two Paxil and in what seemed like an hour, the jolts stopped. I got on the Internet and ran up Paxil withdrawal. I never cry, never. I cried all day. I knew I was in for a ride having been given a small sample. I was scared and I was pissed which makes me laugh now because that was before I met RAGE. Oh how I now know what rage feels like. It is powerful, dark and it lingers just below the surface sometimes emerging just enough to give you a glimpse before it goes back under. It entices you to let it come out and show its power. I have a respect and fear of its power but also a new respect for my determination and willpower as it will not emerge, not on my watch, but I digress. I got information on withdrawal from sites like this. I made a list and I went shopping. I bought Dramamine, Advil Migraine, Vitamin B12 and water. I cut my 20mg into half for three days, then quarters. I had the luxury of going to an office, locking the door and letting the demons loose. I did not "CALL MY DR BEFORE GOING OFF THIS MEDICATION" and that was a good thing, trust me. When I had to go home at nights, I begged my husband to keep our daughter 45 away from me. One of our dogs crossed my path on a bad night. I had a fork in my hand and rage came to visit. I shook, fought and I won but no one should ever have to be put through this. I cry every time I think of my sweet dog who loves me so much and how badly I wanted to hurt him. What are they thinking to give this to us and make us suffer the fires of HELL on Earth. We were hurting and we were given something to make us feel better. We were vulnerable and we were trusting. You look at the Web pages and you see words on every page that describe this as HELL and you know that two weeks into it you are still maybe months away from being out of its grasp. Prior to this I never knew a moment in my life of rage. I have it in me now. For how long I do not know but just knowing that it is there scares me. Anger always came slowly and quietly to me, now rises up in my throat with no warning. My sister just called and told me in a quiet voice that I had been a little "sharp" with her this past Saturday. I have been a full out hating, snarling beast inside and letting out as little as possible. She said I had never used the tone of voice I used with her that day and I know she was hurt. I thought the day was excellent and felt other than my eyes rolling around in my head and the world spinning around me at light speed I had done pretty well. The Dramamine works wonders on the nausea and the headaches are held at bay by the Advil. My leg cramps were less severe last night and for the first time in weeks I woke up without the pain in my jaws from clenching them all night. I read a newspaper today and I talked to 46 my husband. My ears are ringing and the swishing never stops but maybe it will someday soon. I do not know the why or the how of this drug, how it came to be that no one realized what it would do to us. I read your Web page because I want to laugh at this but I cannot. I am a very strong woman who has endured very much adversity in my life. From a childhood of abuse to 16 years in a very unhappy marriage. I pulled myself through all of this and then walked into a DR's office and had my world shattered into rubble by a little pink pill. I want to go to her office tomorrow. I want to rip open that closet full of freebies and I want to throw them away or slip them into her drink every day and then stop. I don't know what I want to do. I want her to know what her little pink pill did to me, to others. If I am strong, if all of us made it to the Web page because we are smart and strong, what happens to the rest ? Who helps the ones who can't help themselves. Are those the ones we read about who "passed suddenly"? Then it is our responsibility to speak out about this atrocity. I will, when the world stops spinning.‖ ∞ ―I was just checking out your site because I just started taking Paxil a short while ago. I admit that at first it seemed like my prayers had been answered. It wasn't long however before I started to 47 experience the side effects. The worst part was I was quite misinformed and thought there was nothing wrong with what I was going through or what I was doing to myself. I even thought the doctor should prescribe me a stronger dosage. I've dealt with a lot of horrible things in my life. Managed to weather some of life‘s hardest battles. Being a former U.S. marine, I was built to deal with stress. Recently life through another curve at me and I was having so much trouble with it I sank into a deep depression and my nerves got so bad that I just had to seek medical help. Enter Paxil. As I said I began to experience quite a few side effects of the drug. But by far the worst was when I would sit there at night and start playing with knives. Then one night I just started cutting myself in the arm. A few nights later I stood in front of a mirror and cut my face. This didn't even seem strange to me. I didn't even question my sanity over this. Over time I got past my problem and was ready to move on with life. Hence the decision to quit taking Paxil. The next night I began crying uncontrollably which progressed into a nervous breakdown. It got so bad that I drank until I passed out in my chair and fell onto the floor. My kids found me the next morning asking me if I was OK. My wife decided to look up information about Paxil on the net and came to me with a load of information I was entirely unaware of about the drug. So I started checking around myself about withdrawal and found this site. Thank you so much giving me such useful knowledge about this. I'm still in 48 withdrawal but now that I know about it. It should make it much easier for me. ― ∞ As I'm writing my story, tears are running down my cheeks. You see, my doctor changed my prescription from Zoloft to Paxil about 9 months ago. I started a treatment with Zoloft and Xanax back in 1997 when a series of panic attacks almost destroy my life. My doctor said that after so many years it was time to change to a nonhabit forming medication (Paxil). I was also tired of taking medications every day especially now that my panic attacks were gone. About a month ago, I decided I was going to stop the Paxil and the Xanax all together, cold turkey (never thought about the consequences). The first week and a half I was fine. I thought to myself "piece of cake". Boy, was I for a big surprise. Two weeks ago, out of the blue, I started feeling dizzy and lightheaded all the time. I was feeling like someone rang the Liberty Bell and the vibration went straight into my head and stayed there. I was having trouble sleeping, I felt disoriented, sad, would cry for everything, etc. I had sore throat; body aches and migraine-like headache. But the funniest thing, if there is something funny about this withdrawal, is that it was only three days ago when it ocurred to 49 me that this could be the withdrawal symptoms from Paxil. That's when I decided to look for more info in the internet. Thank God I found your site. I feel so alleviated. I was beginning to have horrible thoughts about what I was going feeling. Now I know that they will eventually go away. It is just a matter of time. And if I have come this far, I will not going to look back. Thanks again for letting me know that I am not alone in this. Sandra‖ ∞ Greetings! I am a 31 year old female radio anchor and have been taking Paxil since 1995. It was originally prescribed for generalized anxiety and I was familiar with SSRI medications after taking Prozac for five years and quitting without incident. I am convinced there is something seriously wrong with the chemical makeup of Paxil, as each time I try to quit it I am faced with what feels like severe electrical shocks to the back of my head, hot flashes, night sweats and lucid nightmares, hypersensitivity to sound, and fits of crying. I recently tried to switch from 30mg of Paxil per day to the new Controlled Release form of Paxil, called "Paxil CR". If anyone out there has heard of this drug and wondered if it is a solution, let me dissuade you from trying it. I suffered from almost every side affect on this website, and by day seven I was unable to work due to hypersensitivity to wearing headphones and slurred 50 speech. My vocabulary and language usage was also disabled, which affected my ability to write news and even make sense at times. Naturally, I am back on the drug and free of withdrawal symptoms (except for sore spots on either side of the back of my neck), but each time I have an experience like this I have to face the fact that I'm addicted to something the FDA calls "non habit forming." I urge any and all of you to visit fda.gov and report your experience with Paxil withdrawals. The release of this drug without the proper warnings was a mistake, and mistakes like this cannot be rectified unless they are reported. NONE OF YOU ARE ALONE in your suffering. ― ∞ ―Express myself freely? OK... I'm angry. First I get struck down with depression, which is hell enough in & of itself. My life was just ticking along & POW! I had the rug jerked out from under me. I'm a psychology major in college (make that "was" since I'm on medical leave now because of all this BS) so I "knew" there were psychotropics that I could turn to. Paxil... oh, I've read good stuff about Paxil. It addresses a large spectrum of disorders. Sure, let's give it a try. Not only did it NOT alleviate my depression, it made me sicker than a dog. 51 So my MD took me off it (from 20 mg down to 10 & then off altogether). I was bummed about my continuing depression but I was glad to be off the meds since they were making me feel so physically crummy. Little did I know that there would come a day I would beg to merely feel "crummy". As it stands now, I'm more depressed than I was, I'm on medical leave from school & I have 99% of the Paxil withdrawal symptoms listed on this site. Today I had seizures. I'm beginning to wonder what's next, but maybe I'm afraid of that answer. This site is THE only hope I've come across & for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. When my friends are bummed out, I always tell them "Live in hope" & I guess it's time I follow my own advice. While it pains me to no end to know others suffer with this, too, it does at least make me feel better to know I'm not crazy. THANKS for your work in this area!!! ― ∞ ―Bro, You have no idea how much your site has eased my mind. I thought I was dying last night. I was having whacky strong ass dreams. On top of that it almost felt like i had a panic attack in my dream. And every time I would start to fall back to sleep I would get the zaps, and start losing my marbles. It is so true about " thinking 52 your losing your sanity". It was very nerve racking. I am 1 week and 4 days into cold turkey. Hopefully all goes well‖ ∞ ―After many years on Nortryptoline, I was recommended to take Paxil. That was over four years ago. After taking 20mg for four years, I saw a new doctor who just one month ago increased my dosage to 30mg. I also took a 1/2-mg or 1/4-mg of Xanax on a need-be basis. Last week as my supply ran out, I decided that I was not satisfied with the medication, and terminated the drug that same day (last Sunday) with no intermediary process. Let me tell you about my week: 1. I feel as though my brain views the world at shutter speed of an old 1930's movie camera. 2. A new definition to the term Vertigo is definitely required Hitchcock would have enjoyed my perspective. 3. Dissatisfaction was at an all-time high. So much so that I unsolicited told my wife I wanted to move from Hong Kong immediately. In fact, I told her that I was planning to take a twomonth trip just to clear my head. Keep in mind I have a three-yearold boy and a seven-week-old. She wasn't sure if her auditory system was if I had simply lost it. 53 4. Dreams, let's pass on this one, you can't even imagine what my brain has concocted over the past seven nights. 5. Oddly there was an increase in calmness not irritability. Perhaps because I have felt so detached that it is hard for me to lose my temper. 6. Hysterical crying - I could watch a Selfridges commercial and wet my hankie. 7. Appetite - I can't stop eating. 8. Inability to exercise - as a result of the vertigo, up until this afternoon, I could barely walk ten yards with any sort of comfort. The good news, I hope, is that I have made it through the most difficult phase. For the first time since last Sunday, I actually am starting to feel that I am on the up and up. No fear of Panic or anxiety. Just praying that I didn't abuse my brain beyond repair. In short, it was cold turkey at its finest. I felt like Gene Hackman in the French Connection, really. I will gladly keep you updated on this unique case study of mine, me. I am the guinea pig who was so tired of four years of TMJ as a result of the Paxil (yes brutal TMJ can result from the drug for which I have had Botox injections, taken Clonazepam to reduce the pain...). Thanks for hosting this site, I only wish it was available when I first confronted this ailment when I was 29 in 1992. But it's a blessing that its here for both newcomers and veterans like ourselves. Kind regards, Steve‖ 54 ∞ ―Hi. I am a 39-yr old graduate student working on a PhD in Sociology. For most of my adult life, I have been depressed (and untreated), and yet have been pretty high functioning. I have been on Paxil twice in the past six years. I was on 30 mg and weaned myself off very slowly, and I do remember having symptoms like the ones described on your webpage. But before I found the page, I did go and have a CAT scan because all I could describe to my doctor was that I was having these weird dizzy spells. I also had an inner ear exam, but the doctor said my ears were fine, and it was just stress (I was the coordinator for a national public health project). Now I have been on Paxil again for two years (30 mg), and my doctor and I had discussed a "med vacation." I think Paxil has been interfering with my studies because I have developed a very nonchalant attitude towards my work. It is very unlike me, and I fear has affected my reputation at school. I am studying for one of my major exams, and felt that I needed to get my old energy and some helpful anxiety back in my life. So, I did a much more rapid cutback this time (without talking to my doctor, I admit). I went from 30 mg, to six days of 15 mg, and then off. I am on the fourth day of no Paxil, and it is pretty rough. I have the dizziness, the "shocks", and the shoop-shoop noise in my head. I call it the "hula hoop in my head." 55 I am crying at the least provocation, and last night I had my first funky dreams. I can't remember what they were. All I know is that I felt I needed to sleep with the light on. My doctor is on vacation, but we have an appointment in two weeks. I really want to be off Paxil, so I am going to try and tough it out. I am taking comfort in the knowledge that I can put a name to what is happening to me, and I will keep in mind the suggestions others have posted. I am looking forward to posting a success story SOON! Now, off to get another glass of water. Thanks for the forum. Cindy‖ ∞ ―I'm a university professor who was prescribed Paxil for clinical depression two years ago. I stayed on 20mg most of the time and then dropped to 10mg for a few months. To try and get off I cut to 5mg which was initially tough but after a month I got the hang of it. Now I'm in my 7th day post-Paxil wondering when the sloshing in my brain will quit. Your site has been a tremendous help to me. My doctor wanted me to stop cold turkey at 10mg which I might have been foolish enough to try had I not visited the site. I now know that would have been disaster. You're helping many people, so thank you so much ― ∞ 56 ―I am a 23 year old mother of two small children. I was prescribed Paxil after going through post traumatic distress disorder due to the September 11th attacks in NYC. I wish that my doctor would have educated me on the withdrawal symptoms and side effects associated with taking this poorly dispensed drug. I was so depressed after Sept. 11, and have been on short term disability due to the depression, anxiety and panic disorders I have developed .Now, some four months following the attack, I am starting to come out of the fog and trying to return to normalcy. I was taking Paxil 20 mg, and then my MD amped the medication dosage to 30mg. After two weeks on Paxil 30mg, I started to have brain seizures. I then marched to the MD with my two horrified babies, and demanded to be taken off this awful drug. I was weaned off for four days, and now January 24, 2002 is my forth day without the Paxil. I have experienced severe migraines, convulsions, seizures, impulses traveling throughout my body as if I am being electrocuted from head to toe. I have been sleepless, had nightmares if I am able to catch an hour of sleep. I have also had severe hot flashes and cold chills, and I am so irritable!!!! I am so upset because my mood is generally well, but my physical well being suffers, as well as my children. I feel like a very incompetent mother in this stage. I am very optimistic, and I know that I will come out of this a survivor. 57 I thank you so much for your wonderful website, to allow me to understand the symptoms better, as well as provide myself with support and encouragement, at a time when nobody understands unless you've gone through it! ― ∞ ―Hi, I am a school psychologist and have been taking Paxil for about 5 years...I began when depression became so severe I entered the psych ward...another hospitalization when the 30mg seemed to be inadequate...another 10 added, and last year another 10 bringing me to a total of 50mg daily for depression. Two weeks ago, an argument during which I realize I was not rational and I was faced with another increase. My therapist (a genius) suggested I try Wellbutrin, but with the holidays coming and the lack of available mental health workers, my doctor was hesitant for me to face (medication-free) the holidays with my dysfunctional Addams Family-like relatives. He cautioned me not to decrease, but I stubbornly have persisted. All I can say is...wow. What a horrible experience. First I thought I had the flu, then a brian tumor, then MS, and then about every disorder described in the DSM. I have never been one to have attorneys right wrongs, but this really is a difficult drug to! withdraw from...I hope the drug 58 industry takes these accoutns seriously...I am determined to quit...tomorrow I will have decreased to 10 mg...‖ ∞ ―Like others, here, who have experienced the nasty side of Paroxetine, I, too, am taking high-end academic qualifications. I say this only because these activities require a mind that's functioning well. This drug did not help in that respect (confusion.) And I suffered complete loss of libido (erections - non-existent.) These side-effects did eventually lessen. I took the drug for two years (a bad divorce)reducing it to an effective maintenance dose of 5mg/day. The real problems began when I decided one day to abruptly stop it. I felt good but was tired of the lingering sexual dysfunction and other side-effects. I'm aware of the 'weaning off' process but figured the dose was low enough not to matter. Within two days I became extremely irritable. This quickly turned to overt aggression. By the end of the week I was confronting and threatening ordinary folks in my local town (not to mention my family.) Finally, I stole a bottle of wine from a supermarket, in full view of customers. This was an act of sheer provocation, not theft (I couldn't have cared less about the goods.) As expected, I was confronted by the 59 Store Manager. I expected to be violent but, strangely, that didn't happen. I'd not have believed then that I was capable of stopping myself. Yet, prior to this, I've never stolen, nor felt the inclination to steal, in my life. I've never experienced, previously, anything like the feelings of aggression. Odd, isn't it, that this should correspond to dropping Paroxetine (and vanish in due course.) There's no question that the behavior was not caused by the drug..or its sudden absence. Now, thanks to GlaxoSmithKline, an incompetent lawyer, and a ridiculously unaware/unsympathetic judge, I have an embarrassing conviction for minor theft. If I had been violent it would be worse. I believe the effects of these drugs must be urgently re-examined. ― ∞ ―I am an EMT who is currently experiencing Paxil withdrawal symptoms, and since I have experience in monitoring vital signs, I decided to monitor mine. I have noticed that extreme tachycardia is one of my symptoms. My pulse is around 140 bpm at rest during episodes of dizziness &/or depersonalization. I also have the sensation that my heart is beating in my throat, which makes me feel like I need to cough. Pretty weird, huh?‖ ∞ 60 ―Hello! I found your site a few nights ago and am EXTREMELY relieved! Way to go! I wanted to write mostly because I am a 15 year old female withdrawing from Paxil, and I haven't read any accounts from someone around my age. Thought maybe it would help diversify your library of Paxil withdrawal horrors. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety around 7th or 8th grade, and have been on Paxil ever since. I have been on different doses, 10, 20, and 30mg, before being switched to Paxil CR a few months ago. I started out on the 12.5 mg dose, then was upped to 25 after reporting what seemed to be a relapse of depression to my doctor. Little did I know that I was starting to withdraw after failing to faithfully take my medicine for a few days. I don't think I told my doc this, so how could he have known? Lack of communication on my part, but to bring us to where I am today...I decided after my last bottle of Paxil CR was empty, to just quit. I was tired of depending on a medicine, and in all actuality it really wasn't making me feel all too wonderful anymore. Sure, Paxil helped me to climb out of my initial hole, but what was originally supposed to be a 6 month thing turned into a two and a half year ordeal. Again, didn't tell my mother, or my doctor when I quit. About a week later I eventually told mom, after she noticed the changes in my behavior that were due to the beginnings of withdrawal again. I think I just wanted to do it on my own, not make it a big deal, just get it over with. 61 Wrong. I had experienced the "zaps" before when I would fail to take my medicine for a day or two, and then once I got back with it I was fine. Now that I quit cold turkey about a week and a half ago, the zaps are continuous, my stomach is continually off kilter, and my throat is unbearably sore. Not sure if the sore throat has anything to do with stopping the meds, but it's there all the same. Anyway, my withdrawal is not heinously unbearable, but it is uncomfortable. I can't concentrate at work like I should, and I need to rest for short periods and take naps every day to keep myself with it. Also, I am experiencing dizziness. But, I am faithful that this will be over soon. I am already experiencing these cool things called EMOTIONS, that I haven't been with in a while. Missed the things, even though they aren't pretty all of the time. I am crying easier now, and catching up with all of the life events I missed by not being in the moment for a few years. I am extremely happy at the thought of being free of Paxil, and taking care of my body and life more naturally. I have always consumed a lot of water, and now I have upped the amount, and I walk more now in hopes of helping the symptoms of withdrawal. Still haven't talked to the doctor about quitting, but I had asked him about when the time came I decided to stop the meds and what the effects would be, and he mentioned the problems having to doing with the extremely short half life, but nothing about all the terrible side effects that can come with stopping. 62 Oh well, I will talk to him eventually. I am just gonna wait it out. I quit cold turkey, and really I haven't had a thought as to taking another pill yet. I think I can do this. I can't wait to experience the last two years of high school with a clear head, and I just wanna sit with my emotions now that I have them, and try and deal without drugs. We'll see how it goes! This is lengthy, and not really following any format, sorry, but there ya go! ― ∞ ―Dear Frank; Thanks for your website. I have a story that will not shock anyone if they have been through Paxil withdrawal. At 50 years old, my kids grown up, I had been on 30 mg of Paxil for two years. I originally went on it to help me through a rough time in my marriage when our kids were teens. We are a step-family with 5 kids. After all the kids are gone, we settle in, and I lose my sex drive, totally. My husband left me. He left because I was not right. I felt as though I was in an "apathetic state" all the time and couldn't shake it loose. He left for these reasons, he couldn't handle it. Then I go to my doctor. She tells me she can put me on another antidepressant that would help my sex drive. So I start taking the other, while weaning myself off of Paxil at the same time. She also gave me something for my "anxiety". Some kind of tranquilizer. Then I find out that my 63 husband is seeing another woman. SOOOOO, I'm on the drugs, I drink a couple of beers before bed because it was the only way I could sleep. Two beers later, I'm driving up to the woman's house banging on the door for my husband to come out. I was screaming, banging, crying, throwing up and was actually out of my mind for over an hour. I was arrested, charged with DWI, domestic abuse and all of that. I was the manager of a law office and I lost my job because of this. This was so unlike me or anything I had ever done. I was not myself and my husband tells me that I threatened to kill him several times. I shudder to think what might have happened. As it was, I only hurt myself, thank god. I stopped taking the other medication she gave me and started to wean myself off the Paxil. I blame the Paxil for my erratic behavior and thoughts of suicide that night and many other nights after that. I took the 30 mg every other day for a week, then 1/2 tablet for two weeks every other two days, and I have been free for over 4 weeks now. I feel like ME again. I didn't know I had lost myself; no one told me and I thought I was fine. It is true that social interaction while on Paxil is a "chore". Maybe my husband felt that I treated him that way too. I am losing weight too and don't crave junk foods or alcohol. My husband has asked me to go down to Florida with him to find us a place to live and to start our lives over again, together. I am trying to take care of myself again. 64 There is another downside here too. My 29 year old son is on 20 mg now and he says it works for him. I am more than concerned after what happened to me. He wants to stay on it for now and I can't talk him out of it so I can only hope for the best. I hope that someone out there may read about my "out of body experience" and not let this happen to them. I t is more than horrifying to be that out of control and not being able to reign yourself back in. Please don't let this happen to anyone else. Spread the word and thank you for listening and thank you for your help and insight.‖ ∞ ―Wow, I didn't realize other people had the same issues that I did. When I had just turned 21, I started seeing a therapist for antisocial issues that I have had my whole life, and I was looking to change that. She recommended that I take Paxil. So, I made an appointment with my doctor and she gave me a prescription. The first month that I was on it, I was hallucinating, and I had a terrible buzzing feeling in my head. I told both my doctor and my therapist, and they told me to continue taking it because it would eventually level itself out. I listened to them and kept taking it. My boyfriend noticed a big change in my attitude and started distancing himself from me. I 65 cried all the time, wouldn't leave the house, got fired from my job for blowing up at my boss (something I never would've done), and that's when I decided to stop taking the drug. I found out that getting off of Paxil was harder than being on it. I would shake constantly, I couldn't eat, I felt as if I was going through withdrawal off of some other drug. Well, to make a long story short, I went temporarily insane in the 2 week time period that I didn't take Paxil. I slit both my wrists in front of my boyfriend and his brother, smashed my head into a concrete floor, and ended up in a mental hospital for a week. Now, almost 3 years later, I'm a lot better, but I'm never going to be the same person that I was before all of that. I stopped seeing both my doctor and therapist right away, and I refuse to take anymore anti-anxiety drugs. I'm dealing with the fact that I may never be the social butterfly that I want to be. Being on Paxil made my problem worse. I work from home now to avoid social interactions, and I now have panic attacks when surrounded by large groups of people. Before the Paxil, I was just a little shy, only uncomfortable around people I didn't know too well. Now it's really hard for me to leave the house. I would also like to see Paxil taken off the market so other people don't have to deal with the things that I went through.‖ ∞ 66 ―This site has been really helpful, not only to me but to my patients. I am a clinical psychologist and many of my patients have reported withdrawal symptoms from Paxil, as well as from other SSRI's. I have to admit, I was like many of therapists and physicians mentioned on your page, in minimizing the withdrawal process, since it was not well-documented in the clinical trial literature. Let me just say now- "I'm a believer". After being on Paxil myself for about 1 year, I am now weaning myself off. Talk about withdrawal! I have the dizziness and irritability spoken about by other individuals. Today, I knew things were really bad, when at my son's play, a child, "the cow" failed to jump over "the moon" and was upset. I wanted to burst out crying, and could hardly keep from tears welling up in my eyes. At first, as much as I tend to "intellectualize" things regularly, I immediately thought I was going crazy or that the depression was back full force. It was so refreshing to read accounts from others that they have had similar experiences. I've been taking 1 20mg pill every 2 days, then every 3 days, now I'm on every 4 days, but it seems to be getting worse!! ― ―Your information has helped me beyond description. After being on Paxil for 5 years, I asked my physician to prescribe an alternative. So, about a month ago he began decreasing and then eliminating 67 the Paxil completely. The weaning off process lasted about 5 days. Then I started on Serzone. Of course I have the "flu like symptoms", but then about two weeks ago I began this phase that has been like a living hell. I am afraid to fall asleep because I have these overly vivid, bizarre dreams. I've gone from being a very "on top of things" employee to having the most horrendous difficulty with my short term memory. I have been terrified that I would die, or lose my mind in the process. I stumble at times when I walk and I have never had these kind of problems. I am apologizing daily to my co-workers and supervisor for my "dinginess". I do a lot of crying, which is a change, because on Paxil, crying was almost impossible. This is all so embarrassing and frightening. I pray that this will end soon. Every day lately is a fight just to "hold on". Thanks for listening. Kathie ― ∞ ―I was on Paxil for almost two years. About three weeks ago, I decided to wean myself off of Paxil after talking to my Dr. about it. Boy I didn't know what I was in for. As I got to a pill every other day I begin to have the most vivid and horrific nightmares. My husband would have to wake me because I would be screaming and crying. 68 I too had electric type shock sensation in my head. I also experienced Irritability, confusion, a feeling of a swishing sound in my head when I moved my head, imbalance, Insomnia, and violent thoughts. I thought it was just me, until someone told me to look up this sight. The awful thing about this was that my 16 year old son was taking Paxil occasionally for his anger (7 months). He was always so depressed. In July my son took his own life. I'd hate to think it was because of the symptoms of occasionally being off of Paxil. I believe this medication should be taken off the market. I write this in memory of my son hoping that others might realize their not alone. Thank you for your web site S. Crow‖ ∞ ―Hi, I can't believe that there are other people dealing with what I am dealing with. I stopped the Paxil 7 days ago, and I am so moody and depressed. My doctor did not warn me...had I known I would be feeling like this, I would have waited to get off of it. It is December, I am finishing grad school and I have finals, but I don't care about it. I was dating someone wonderful with great potential, and he broke up with me because "one minute I was OK, and the next I wasn't" and "I would get mad at him for no reason." I 69 messed that up and blame myself. I yell at everyone, and I just want to start caring about things again. I can't sleep at night, so that's a lot of fun because I dwell about the things that I have messed up. Lastly, I obsessively worry about everything. I want my sanity back for Christmas. ― ∞ ―I just wanted to add that before this experience with Paxil withdrawal, I had no claims or ill feelings toward pharmaceutical companies. In fact, I always wanted to be a pharmaceutical sales representative. After this, I have changed my outlook on the pharmaceutical industry; I am determined to be a social activist against this type of abuse to patients and consumers. I see clearly now as a nurse that a lot of my hospice patients were on a SSRI like Paxil and including Paxil. I am concerned that because I was not educated on this subject that some of my terminally ill patients suffered due to SmithKline Beecham and other pharmaceutical companies negligence as well as my ignorance. Ninety-nine percent of my patients declined over a period of time prior to death and were unable to swallow their medicines, so they were abruptly taken off of their medicines, as well as Paxil and others like Paxil. 70 I am very concerned that due to being abruptly taken off of these types of medicines, they suffered these withdrawals and couldn't even verbalize it due to being comatose and near death. I could not imagine having these types of withdrawal symptoms while going through the dying process. I am more appalled by this than my own experience. In one day this has become a very heart felt subject with me, especially now that I have experienced it for myself. I am and will be passionate regarding this subject. I will do what is legally, morally, and ethically necessary to see that this type of abuse to our consumers is ceased. This is my chance to do what every nurse and medical professional should do, and that is to be an advocate for the people we take care of and love, as well as ourselves.‖ ―I would like to thank you for your page. I thought I was the only one who is suffering from Paxil withdrawal. I am a Disabled Vietnam Veteran who suffers from severe PTSD. I thought that the dreams and nightmares were bad from that. Not on your life. When I try to back off the Paxil it is horrible. I get Agoraphobia, electric type shocking in my head, twitching feeling, cold sweats, sleep disorder, no sex drive, the list just goes on. I feel as if I am stuck with the Paxil for the rest of my life . ― 71 ―I weaned myself 2 years ago, it was horrible for about 2 months, I could not even drive. But, finally the symptoms went away. The reason for taking Paxil was for panic attacks associated with mitral valve prolapse. I was off Paxil for one year and had a baby, then relapsed and had to get on Paxil again. Now I am trying to get off of Paxil again, I have been on it for 19months. I am once again experiencing the dizziness, nausea, vertigo, etc. But, I am determined to get off of it for good this time. My father also experienced withdrawals from Paxil. The first time doctors did not have a reason for the withdrawal symptoms, I am so thankful this is finally being brought to everyone's attention. This is horrible to go through. Something needs to be done for all of the people going through this. ― ∞ ―After I stopped drinking (I'll have 2 years of sobriety in July), I thought I would try medication again. I was on 20mg of Paxil a day for 2 months before I started experiencing diminishing returns. The doctor (without interviewing me for more than five minutes, this would be the second time I spoke to the psychiatrist, the first interview lasted about ten minutes) upped my dosage to 30mg a day. I took this dosage for a month; the anxiety and depression 72 were almost completely eliminated; however, I was sleeping between 12-16 hours a day. I really don't have that kind of time. I called my doctor again to let him know how badly the side-effects were whipping me, he decreased my dosage. After a couple of days at the lower dosage, I began to feel out of sorts again so, this time, I quit using Paxil altogether. My shrink told me that the side effects would only last a few days and, in a month, he would get me on a different medication. At this time, he made no mention of withdrawal symptoms and, truth be told, neither did the copy of the PDR I consulted. Two days later, the dizzy spells started. Three days later, the dizziness was constant. That night, it was like all of the anxieties, all of inner demons that had been pent up over the four months I was on Paxil (and indeed over the years before) were screaming through my dreams. I did feel as if I were in the grips of an uncontrollable madness. I dreamed the world around me had melted away and that I had been shifted into an alternate reality, were the laws that governed the universe changed moment by moment and each change was worse than the last. While I am awake, my fingers constantly tingle, my heart feels like it wants to claw its way through my chest, I can not focus (this e-mail has been extremely difficult to concentrate on) for more than a few moments at a time, its like being trapped in a bell-tower where manic monks constantly yank unseen bell-cords. 73 I think I understand now where Poe was coming from when he wrote The Bells. Withdrawal from Paxil has colored my world with Lovecraftian paints. It‘s like those monsters that Lovecraft once imagined wandered in the "spaces between" have found a gateway in my cortex and they all want a chance to come through to experience this world. It has been a week and things just keep getting worse. ― ∞ ―I cannot believe that there are others out there with the same symptoms as I have been feeling. I have experienced a feeling like my eyes couldn't keep up to the turning of my head, and extreme sweating and nausea. The worst is probably the rage I feel at absolutely nothing, triggered by anything. I have never had this problem before, and when I began lashing out at my two-year old, I knew there was really a problem. Now I just have to find a solution, as I have tried to get off Paxil four times! ― ∞ 74 ―The first time I went off Paxil, not knowing then what I know now, I lasted one month before starting again. It seemed to me that I had returned back to my usual anxiety/stress symptoms, for which I was prescribed Paxil. All of my symptoms disappeared within the first day of restarting the Paxil. I stayed on Paxil for some time and slowly weaned myself off Paxil the second time around. Nausea, diarrhea, imbalance, electric-type shocks in head and sometimes elsewhere, and vivid dreams reappeared. It was then I realized it wasn't me, but Paxil causing my symptoms. So I went back on Paxil and decided that I'd wean myself more slowly this third time around. I've yet to get the courage to begin the weaning. But, with the information in this website, I'm encouraged that "this too shall pass". I certainly do wish I'd been told about all of this prior to commencing the drug, for I most certainly would have requested something else. I told my doctor that I had taken Xanax years ago and did not want any part of that again. I had no trouble going off that as I was denied a prescription refill one day and got mad and started exercising every day and that helped. That was 10 years ago and I still exercise every day. I do have to admit that Paxil has relieved me of my anxiety/stress symptoms, but makes me slightly sluggish at times and sleepy. I want my old energy back. Thank you for letting me vent and for this website.‖ ∞ 75 ―Thank you so much for this site. I thought I was going crazy, feeling like I was a hypochondriac. I am an RN and couldn't figure out what was going on with me. I even went to the doctor and was diagnosed with idiopathic vertigo, prescribed Antivert and given a brochure on exercises that can be done to eliminate any debris that may be in the inner ear. I never did the exercises but the medication did help with the spells did occur. The spells lasted about three weeks and quickly left just as fast as they had started. Those three weeks were very scary thinking terrible thoughts, eliminating any other causes, I was left thinking I must have a brain tumor. I remember telling my doctor that in a joking manner but it was still in the back of my mind. Something really weird was going on, something unexplained and that was very scary. Thank you so much. ― ∞ Hey man I thank god I found your site. I am 18 year old male I thought I had a serious undiagnosed medical problems which caused me to have extreme anxiety. I have been glancing over it several times especially the withdrawal symptoms. I have all of the symptoms you have listed and it's been 4 months now since I quit 76 Paxil. I tapered too fast off of the damn drug but I wasn't notified by my doctor to taper off. I was on it for a year and quit within 3 weeks! I wanted to notify you of a few more withdrawal symptoms that I have experienced not listed on your site: Music abnormally stuck in my head playing over and over again, viral infection (herpes simplex), weird head twitches, feels like my brain is grinding back and forth (worse when exercising), ‗derealization‘ (don't feel here), jaw grinding. I also have had a rash on my face and really dry skin. After I quit Paxil I was super scared that I had a medical problem because I read somewhere that a rash is a sign of a severe medical problem. Please advise people if you already did not to not believe anything they may think is wrong with them during the months after Paxil. It is the withdrawal!!! Peace . ― ∞ ―This certainly is an evil little pink pill I‘ve been taking for 2 years. I've been taking 20mg for 2 years and quit cold turkey 5 days ago. I experience almost all symptoms mentioned. The "shocks" are frequent, and concentration is almost non-existent. I find myself stumbling on simple words on occasion. I find that I have the most VIVID thoughts/dreams during the short(although feels like an eternity) time between awake and asleep. 77 I take that back. Vivid is an understatement. The dream-like state is comparable to psychedelic drugs. Withdrawal from this drug is insane! I hate it! I took work off today because of it. And were i describe these withdrawal symptoms to my boss, he'd NEVER believe me. I'm so glad others have experienced these horrific symptoms. I thought I was beginning to lose my mind. In closing I would like to say; this is an evil drug! Do not take it! Find an alternative. I wouldn't wish Paxil withdrawal on my worst enemy! ― ∞ ―.I have taken many antidepressants over the years. They all have side effects. I finally ended up on Paxil and it really seemed to help my OCD and depression. I didn't like the sexual side effects, but otherwise it helped. I have been on Paxil for at least 8 years. I tried a few years ago to stop, but the withdrawal was so severe that I simply could not do it. Since it does help with my OCD symptoms, I decided to keep taking it. In fact, I even recommended it to my sister, who also has OCD. I recently had an allergic reaction and I wasn't sure what it was from so I decided to wean myself from the Paxil. I dropped from 10 mg to 5 mg a week ago and for the past 3 days have had insomnia, dizziness, nausea and diarrhea. At first I blamed stress 78 since I'm transferring to new department on Monday (I work in a hospital). Then I thought perhaps I was coming down with the flu or something. I really felt crappy. Today was the worst. I got called in to do a stat EEG and I could barely drive to work, I was so nauseated and dizzy. I felt weak and actually had the shakes like a freaking junkie. I had a hunch it was withdrawal so I took an extra 5 mg before I went in. It wasn't until I started doing an EEG on a patient that I realized it was definitely the Paxil withdrawal. I dry heaved just from the smell of his hair (hypersensitivity to smell) and I am getting those annoying "zaps" that I felt last time I tried to quit. It's been 7 hours and the added dose is just starting to kick in. I am in total fear of stopping this drug, especially with this new job coming up. I know what I went through last time I tried. I really appreciate your factual and informative web site. Most doctors are not even aware this problem exists with Paxil. My family doctor doesn't. Even my psychiatrist will not acknowledge that Paxil is addicting, although he knows it causes withdrawal symptoms in some patients. Well, I may be crazy, but I'm not *that* crazy to be imagining this stuff. This is a real phenomenon. The fact that so many people on this web site have described *exactly* how I am feeling proves to me that this is a problem with the medication. Thanks to your advice, I am going to try the tapering method and hopefully will not suffer as badly as I did the first time. I'm not against anti- 79 depressants. Just Paxil. If I end up having problems again, I will try another brand. I never suffered from the other ones. ∞ I am a 29 year old woman with a Master's Degree in Counseling. I took Paxil for only 2 months. When I mentioned to my Dr. that I wanted to stop taking the medication, he told me that it was important to wean off the medication. He told me what to do. He said that I might experience some mild side effects similar to those I experienced when starting the drug. These initial side effects were sleepiness and mild trembling. Well, I did experience those symptoms while weaning off of the drug. However, 2 days after stopping the drug completely I began to experience a plethora of other effects: hot/cold flashes, extreme night sweats, nausea, upset stomach, and what I refer to as the "eight-ball effect." It is a sort of dizziness in which it feels as if my brain is constantly moving inside my head. I don't really think I will pass out, but at times it feels like I will. I called my DR. about the effects and he said that it was odd that I would experience these effects at this point. He told me that withdrawal effects don't last after the drug is no longer being ingested. I'm so glad I found this website. I know my symptoms are a result of the Paxil and not some other illness. The thing that makes me 80 angry is that if I hadn't found this website I would be going crazy with concern that I had a brain tumor or something. After all, people aren't dizzy for weeks at a time when they are perfectly healthy. I don't want to go back on the Paxil, so I will tough it out, but if I had realized that withdrawal is so common I would probably have opted against the medication in the first place. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAh- it's so frustrating! ― ∞ ―I'm glad I stumbled across this site (well, not stumbled -- it's the first one that came up on a Google search of "Paxil withdrawal). I'm a 46-year-old writer/editor with mild depression that's probably seasonally affected (I live in Alaska; the days get dark in the winter, you know?). I've been on Paxil twice since 1999, the last time for about 18 months. The first time I went off I went cold turkey (I didn't ask my doctor) and found the withdrawal to be a few days of headaches. This time, kaboom! the withdrawal has hit me full force. I had told my doctor I wanted to go off, having felt like life was under control and my depression manageable. She suggested a schedule of seven days at 10mg, half my usual 20mg/daily dose, then every other day for 10 days at 20mg. 81 This worked out fine until I quit, and the past three days have been one strange experience. Of the checklist of symptoms, I'd say I have more than half, including the hula-hoop in the head (great phrase, that), slurred speech, dysphasia, and dizziness. Mind, I'm a writer and editor and stumbling over words and not being able to concentrate is not a good thing. Anyway, thanks for this site. I at least understand what's going on in my head and have some direction to getting off this weird drug. I do wish I'd known before going on how tricky going off would be. Mind you, Paxil works great and has helped me out, but in the long run, the cure just might not be worth going off the cure. We'll see. ― ∞ ―I'm a 16-year-old girl. I have been depressed since I was 12 years old. I was diagnosed and put on Paxil in February 1999 (14 years old) to treat my clinical depression. It helped me through the remainder of 8th grade (February 1999-June 1999). Then in September 1999 I started my freshman year of high school. I was okay at first. But after about a month I started getting depressed. Whenever I'd tell my psychiatrist that I was depressed, he would just increase my dosage of Paxil. Soon I was on 30 mg, which is a lot (as far as I know, the most that they're supposed to put you on is 40 mg outpatient). 82 In January of 2000 I started falling asleep in class. My French teacher called home about it twice. It wasn't a normal in-class sleep ("This is so boring, I'm going to take a nap"). Instead it was a thing where my eyes would roll back into my head and I just couldn't stay awake. I'd try. But...it was impossible. The class I was falling asleep in wasn't that interesting anyway, but I wanted to stay awake so I could pass. Soon I was failing. I couldn't control the sleep...it was terrible. Looking back, I now know that the feeling was kind of a drugged sleep. As they say, hindsight is 20/20. Another one of my teachers called home. He said I was extremely, extremely irritable in class. I was slacking off in my work. It was a health class - a no-brainer as long as you turn the work in. Well, I wasn't turning the work in. I figured the class was so stupid, so why even bother? I'd get so irritable...and I hardly realized it was happening. I didn't realize how much other people noticed. I thought I was like that because the class was stupid. I didn't realize how extreme my irritability was. I started falling asleep in my math class, too - that teacher didn't call home, but I knew it was the same kind of sleep that was happening in my French class. I couldn't control it. I was always so fatigued, no matter how much sleep I got at night. Then there was a big health insurance fiasco. I was still seeing a 83 psychiatrist regularly, but it was a different psychiatrist every time. Nobody saw me two times in a row. I hadn't really made the connection between my symptoms and Paxil yet, so I told the psychiatrists that I felt fine. Then they'd write me a refill of 30 mg of Paxil. I thought I was falling asleep because I was tired and that I was irritable in health class because it was a stupid class. In March, I realized something was wrong with me. Something was seriously wrong. I stopped and thought about it...I hadn't changed my diet, I hadn't changed my routine, but I felt...wrong. Paxil was the only problem I could think of. So I decided to quit it, cold turkey. I'd read the literature on it (I've always read all the literature for my medications) and it didn't say anything about an addiction. I figured I didn't have anything to worry about. So, that night, I didn't take my pill. The next day, I felt great. I was energized. I was happy. I was myself again. I realized that I hadn't been myself for so long...it was like coming home. But then the next day I felt terrible. Not mentally - physically. In first period I almost puked. And I never puke. I was standing in a huge, dense clump of people for a group yearbook picture and I almost puked on the guy in front of me. Luckily, I held it down. 84 Third period I told my teacher about my medication - I'd already figured out it was withdrawal - and she let me go to the bathroom. I was kneeling in front of the toilet all period, trying not to puke (I absolutely hate puking) but kneeling there just in case. During passing period, I had to concentrate to just walk in a straight line. And stairs...I had to go down a long flight of stairs and up another. That was terrible. I had to bow my head completely down and watch my feet reach the next step. We were dancing and singing in fourth period. Couple dancing, thank gah. I had a guy to support me. I couldn't eat. I was so nauseous. I managed to make it through sixth and seventh period, but only barely. That night, I had my mother take me to urgent care at the medical clinic. Because I was 14, I had to go to the pediatric urgent care doctor. I told him my problem: Paxil withdrawal. There was no other possible cause. The doctor didn't know a thing about Paxil except what I told him (that it's an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety) but could tell that something was wrong and wrote me a note to get out of school for three days. He thought I had the flu or something. For the next three days, I couldn't walk. I woke up in the morning on the first day, not sure what to do. Since a person can only sleep so long and reading a book just seemed out of the question, I 85 managed to drag myself downstairs (clinging to the railing) and to the computer. I stayed on the internet all day - it was my therapy. I did the same thing for the next three days. I felt so dizzy and weak. And the nausea...I hardly ate anything. I didn't get the "electric shock" feeling that a lot of people have described. I'm glad I didn't - I would have panicked if I did. All I felt was...well, I could hardly walk. I was dizzy. I was nauseous. I could think pretty clearly, though. I've always been an excellent touchtypist and could operate my hands well. And I could read the computer screen. The internet was what kept me from going crazy from the withdrawal. It was a blessed distraction. While I was on the internet, I researched Paxil as much as I could. I found a prescription drugs site with message boards. On the Paxil message board they kept talking about "Paxil hell." I was glad that I wasn't alone, though people weren't describing the withdrawal that I was suffering. The site said that Paxil takes three weeks to get out of your system. I marked the three-week date on my calendar, anxiously waiting. On the fourth day, I went back to school. I was slowly recovering from the vertigo and nausea. But...it felt like I had a buzzing behind my eyes. I couldn't quite see or hear it, but it was there. And it was like I was looking at the world through a veil. I felt detached. 86 Mentally, I felt okay, though the buzzing and veil feelings annoyed me. The buzzing and veil withdrawal symptoms lasted for three weeks. Then, almost on the exact day of the end of the three weeks, they ended. I don't know if that was because of the placebo effect, because the site was right, or because I have a very fast metabolism. I was just glad that it was over. I felt so much better. In June I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I've had a heck of a ride since then, but nothing like the horror of Paxil withdrawal. I‘ve had some anxiety problems lately and my psychiatrist wanted to put me on Paxil. He was surprised how vehemently I refused. He didn't know about the lawsuit yet. I told him everything I know about it. I hope he doesn't put anyone else on it. I never want to go on it again unless all other options are exhausted. I feel so lucky that I was able to quit Paxil. Even when I was in the depths of the withdrawal, I still didn't ever consider going back on it. It had put me through too much psychiatric pain. When I think about my life since I was diagnosed with depression, the single event that stands out the most in my mind is the Paxil withdrawal - even before I found out about GSK lying about it being addictive. I'm so glad that I wasn't imagining the symptoms like the urgent care pediatrician implied. And I hope I can get a piece of the 87 lawsuit. I want something for my pain and suffering.- Tracie, 16 years old, California ― ―My name is Jeff Kraus (31 years old) and I live in Toronto, Canada. I just found out about this site from watching a report on the Canadian French language channel Radio-Canada. I almost burst into tears watching the report....feeling that there are people out there who have gone through this terrible experience and that they understand. I began taking Paxil in 1993 as I was very depressed. I took the drug for 6 years and decided to discontinue it the spring of 1999. I had terrible withdrawal symptoms....severe dizziness, terrible headaches but worst of all "electric zaps" (terminology borrowed from the TV report.) My "electric zaps" were what I would call "gaps" ....literally my limbs would move...but I couldn't control the movements....I can't even explain in words what I was experiencing....but I definitely knew it was something amiss with my neurological system. I slowly came off the drug...it was an arduous experience. I eventually felt normal again... I thought everything was okay....Things are not okay. Exactly two and a half years after having stopped taking Paxil.... something has happened to me. 88 It happened exactly one year ago, November 2001. I was visiting a friend in Ottawa..and I was walking down a flight of stairs... I became so dizzy that I had to reach out for the wall. Not only that, but the "gaps" returned...my eyes felt like they were moving around when they shouldn't...etc.... I suddenly felt like I had when I was coming off Paxil. I couldn't believe it...two and a half years later! I thought "this can't be.."...but the first thing that came to mind was...."Oh no....Paxil" When this terrible thing occurred last November, the first thing I said to my sister and mother was "I feel exactly like I did when I was having terrible withdrawal symptoms coming off Paxil." I have felt like this almost every single day for the past 12 months but I have not taken Paxil since April 1999... I swear that it has damaged me. Over the past year I've been to my doctor, a neurologist, the dentist, optometrist, and I'm going to a balance specialist next week. Neither my doctor nor the neurologist listened to me when I told them about my theory that this maybe damage from Paxil...they hadn't even heard of such complaints and dismissed this idea completely. None of the tests have shown anything...at one point I was hoping they'd find a tumor on my brain just so I could have an answer and some hope. I really thought that I was going crazy. 89 I don't know if you have any other people who have experienced such symptoms years after having stopped....but I am not a liar...and my life has been a living hell for the past 12 months. At this point I'm not sure what to do. I can still function, I work, I exercise...I even ran a half marathon...but I have constant dizziness and neurological "gaps" (and that's not even a good explanation of what I'm feeling.) I don't know who to go see or what to do. (I probably will after looking at the site in detail..but because I just found out about it... I really needed to write this to you...)‖ ∞ ―Thank God I came across this site. After scouring all info put out about Paxil and not finding anything related to the withdrawal symptoms, I am so glad to see that I am not the only one fighting this demon and thinking that I am crazy in the process. I am currently trying to get off this moving rollercoaster. I was put on Paxil after having panic attacks shortly after leaving the hospital after the birth of my last child 7 months ago. My ob-gyn struck it up to ppd and put me on 10mg. - not much, but I am little. He felt that I had underlying depression and coupled with ppd, was a prime candidate for Paxil. I was not feeling ppd, I was having difficulties 90 with my husband and my parents were out of the country at the time. I went back to the dr. two weeks later and told him I was fine and didn't need the meds, he contradicted me and told me he thought I did. He upped my dose to 20mg. A month later, I told him again I didn't feel better with the meds and he added Wellbutrin to the mix. I finally made the appointment to see my GP who took me off the Paxil in a step down to 10mg for a week then 10mg every other day for a week then off. Well, I went through hell on the second night of my every other night dose. Hallucinations and hysteria followed by comatose feelings that still linger. The doctor's office told my husband to take me to the emergency room for psychiatric help. Thank God, a friend of mine had a friend who had similar withdrawals from Paxil and we knew enough to at least think that the Paxil was the culprit. This website confirms it. I just hope I don't have to go through another month to feel like "me" again. Thank you for letting me share and letting me know I am not alone. ― ∞ ―I have been having these pulsing sensations in my head as well as the vivid nightmares and almost uncontrollable crying. I thought at 91 first it was high blood pressure or problems with a narcotic medication I have to take, and was sure I was crazy. I tapered myself off of Paxil the correct way and then I start feeling like this. I have to admit that when I took the Paxil it did help the problems I had been having. I was at the WTC when it seemed like the whole world exploded and the sleeplessness, mood swings, and anxiety were unbearable, but the doctor never explained that the withdrawal was worse. At least you're website has alleviated my worries somewhat and restored some sanity. I have probably experienced a few of the other symptoms, but those I mentioned earlier are the worst Thank you ― ∞ ―I want to thank you for this site. What a tremendous help for me to read accounts from others going through Paxil withdrawal. I am 45, female, mother of 4 and married for 24 years. 3 years ago, after a series of hard life knocks, I reached a point where I needed help. My doctor prescribed 20 mg of Paxil. For 2 months I slept and rested. It helped the anxiety and let me keep putting one foot after another. But now, after getting in a better life situation, I felt I should try to stop. I had been told not to stop cold turkey. In February, I told the 92 doctor and he said to cut down to 10 mg a day for about 3 -4 weeks. Then to halve the dose again to 5 mg. until I was ready to stop. After three weeks, I went from 10 to 5mg. I had a migraine headache that bothered me on and off for the last 2 weeks at 10 mg. and not realizing the withdrawal had triggered it, I went back to the doctor for migraine medication. I used it and the migraine went away BUT I thought I had a terrible reaction to the medication. I couldn't talk properly, felt and acted drugged, walked into things, had a foggy brain, couldn't drive and had to take off of work for two days. After 3 days I found this website and realized it was all withdrawal from the Paxil. I had dropped to the 5 mg. and WHAMO. 7 days later, I am still struggling to think properly and have to take notes to keep up the short term memory. I am moody, tearful and angry. Still at 5 mg. and will stay here for awhile before dropping off 1 mg at a time. Thank you for letting me know THIS TOO WILL PASS. ― ∞ ―I want the public to be aware of just what this drug can do not only to the person taking it but the family in whole. I not only felt that I was going out of my mind and I might die but my family was very concerned. 93 I am suffering from many of those side effects that are listed on the web site. Which I need to thank-you for having on the Internet. I have more than 4 weeks to go then to feel half way normal. Whatever that maybe. I cannot even think straight enough right now to even tell you just how I feel and what I am going through. I just wanted you to know that I am grateful for your web site. Hopefully, if I survive this mess I can e-mail you and let you know the full extent of this hellish ordeal. Monica P Hi, It's such a relief to know your site exists. I know you've read hundreds of emails like this already, but I was hoping you could add this to your 'voices' section. I don't really know of anyone having my exact symptoms. I'm 16 and I started taking Paxil for social anxiety...after a little more than a year I thought I was ready to go off it, so I was told to lower the dose very slowly. I thought I must have been doing it wrong or maybe my body just wasn't good at adjusting, because withdrawal was absolute hell. I thought I was going to die. Within a day of lowering the dose, I started to feel my heart beating in a way that felt very wrong. I didn't feel any of the 'shock' sensations, but my head was spinning all over the place nonetheless. Lying down didn't make it go away. It got to the point where sometimes I couldn't walk without passing out, and I missed a lot of school. 94 It got horribly worse though. Out of nowhere I would feel my heart start to jump and seize in such a way that I actually believed I was going to have a heart attack at 16 if I continued lowering the dose. I didn't really think it had much to do with withdrawal...after all, why would they prescribe it if it wasn't safe? All I could do was put up with the heart problems and fainting for months until they started going away. It's probably been more than 3 months after getting off Paxil and the dizziness still lingers. Unfortunately, all the reasons why I started taking Paxil in the first place have returned like a bad nightmare, and since i know of no other medication that made them go away, I've been prescribed to it again. I don't want to depend on it, but I feel like right now I have no other choice. Now the only thing i can do is find out as much about the health risks as possible...i think Paxil could very well be addictive. Of course you would never want to stop taking it if it would mean replacing 'feeling okay' with feeling like you're going to die. I don't know why Paxil is still on the market at all if hundreds of people have felt this way. Anyway, if you've read this far, thanks for creating your site...I guess the more people know about it, the sooner it will end. Kudos to you. ― 95 ―As I was completing my freshman year at college in 2000 I was under a great deal of stress. I began having trouble concentrating on daily activities due to strange ideas I couldn‘t get out of my head. It was like a CD skipping in my head that I couldn‘t control. Eventually these thoughts became so unbearable that I began thinking about suicide more and more every day, although I had no plans to go through with it. I went to a counselor my mother recommended, and after our first visit she sent me to the mental ward of the local hospital. Once they made sure I was safe I was released and started seeing a Psychiatrist who diagnosed me with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and prescribed 20 mg of Paxil daily. After being on Paxil for less than a week most of my anxious, obsessive and suicidal thoughts subsided. Although I felt generally tired, gained a little weight and was sweating a bit more, anything was better than the alternative mental anguish. After a few weeks my General Practitioner took over prescribing the Paxil and did not require me to see a counselor of any sort. He also upped the dosage to 30 mg, saying it couldn‘t hurt. About a year later the same doctor asked how my OCD was and I said it was the same, that I had OCD tendencies but no major breakdowns, anxiety attacks or suicidal thoughts. He said that since the OCD wasn‘t getting better he was upping the dosage to 40 mg. This did not help the OCD either, it just made me more tired, I gained more weight, I would sweat profusely, and I was more withdrawn socially. 96 Last year, in 2005, I decided that it was time for me to find a new doctor. I found a brilliant, caring, female doctor who was shocked that I had remained on Paxil for 5 years with no therapy or counseling. I explained to her that I wanted to go off of Paxil because of the weight gain and the sweating. She sent me to a psychiatrist who would help me go off of Paxil. At first this psychiatrist seemed hopeful that everything would go smoothly, that this was a common practice to go off such a medicine. He prescribed me Wellbutrin, which treats my OCD without the side effects of sweating, tiredness and weight gain caused by Paxil. I was advised to take the Wellbutrin in addition to the 40 mg of Paxil for one week, and then decrease my dosage of Paxil by 10 mg each week. The psychiatrist advised that if my OCD/anxiety symptoms returned I should go on the last dosage where I did not have any symptoms and contact him. I asked about side effects and was told that the Paxil side effects should diminish as I decrease its dosage, and he also explained the possible side effects of Wellbutrin. I was given no warning about side effects due to the lack of Paxil in my system. I followed the doctors‘ orders exactly, and as I decreased the Paxil I found that although I started to feel a little more anxious, overall I was feeling incredibly better. I had more energy, I was happier, losing weight, not sweating as much, so the pros of stopping Paxil definitely seemed to be outweighing the cons. I was really looking 97 forward to the 2005 Christmas weekend because it would be my first time completely off Paxil and I figured I‘d feel fantastic. The day before Christmas Eve was my first day completely off of Paxil, and I felt fine. I began to notice something was strange Christmas Eve at night. My mood was fine, but I started getting these strange hard to describe sensations in my head. It felt like a small electric shock zapping my head every couple minutes. I also had really bad diarrhea and stomach cramps, so I thought maybe I was getting sick, and I didn't think too much about it, as part of my treatment is to try and stay calm and not get anxious over small things. Christmas day was my third full day off of Paxil. I woke up feeling okay, but within a few hours the zaps started coming back, but they would happen like every 30 seconds. Anything I ate either made me throw up or have diarrhea. I‘d be really happy one minute then I‘d start crying for no reason the next. It started to get really bad really fast on Christmas day and I felt so incredibly terrible about it because I didn‘t want to ruin my family‘s Christmas. I didn't understand why I was so confused and crying on Christmas when I was with my family. I felt like I was in a constant state of a panic attack. My heart was in my throat and throbbing. But the hardest part was that I had the hardest time explaining what I was feeling. All day I was just trying to explain to my parents what I was feeling but I had a hard time getting words together that made sense. This 98 whole time I didn't know what was happening to me so that made me even more panicky. I just cried and cried and felt terrible for doing it. I hate crying. I also had migraine-type headaches, chills, and on top of all that I couldn't even walk straight! I would lose my balance and topple over just walking around the house slowly. My speech was slurred and I seriously thought I was losing my mind. I was so scared of what was happening that I couldn't form words about my fears. I thought maybe it was the lack of Paxil, maybe it was indigestion, maybe I was sick, and maybe I was just emotional for no reason. I had no clue. Finally in the evening my mom did some online research and found tons of information on Paxil withdrawal. I found out that what I was going through was completely attributed to the Paxil. I can‘t tell you how much of a relief it was to find this website and hear other people with the same strange symptoms that found a similar sense of relief after finding this site. . Most of the websites I read suggested taking 2 weeks off from work when going off Paxil. I am extremely livid that my psychiatrist didn't tell me this; I had no warning. The sole purpose of his treating me was to safely get me off Paxil. The day after Christmas I called my general practitioner since I didn‘t have much faith in the psychiatrist. She told me to take 10mg of Paxil again until we could come up with a different plan. Through this whole ordeal the last thing I wanted was to swallow a Paxil pill. 99 I was so terrified of Paxil at that point. All day Monday (the day after Christmas) after I took the pill I still felt like crap and I was so nervous that I would miss work that week. Tuesday I woke up and felt good enough to go to work but all the side effects haven't gone away. I was still very agitated and anxious and emotional and constantly confused. I returned to the psychiatrist and voiced my concerns. He took no responsibility, said that he told me a month ago to go back on the meds if my symptoms return. I explained that the symptoms of my OCD didn't return, these were new symptoms and I didn't know what caused them. He said he couldn't possibly tell me all possible side effects. I said that he could have at least warned me of their severity. He said that he was sorry but there was nothing he could do. Then he suggested that I go back on the Paxil at 20 mg! My first impulse was to throw each of his diplomas out the window because they obviously did him no good. However, I managed to calm myself down and deal with the situation appropriately. I told him there was no way I was going back on Paxil regularly, that I was going to go off it whether he saw the drug as a problem or not because of the severe withdrawal symptoms. He wouldn‘t allow me to use the word "withdrawal". He kept correcting me saying it was a "discontinuation syndrome", that withdrawal is when you're addicted to something. I said well I tried to stop the meds and I had to go back on, what would you call that besides withdrawal? He said that Paxil is not classified as an addictive drug. I thought to myself, 100 "yeah and there are a handful of lawsuits disputing that". I asked the psychiatrist about alternative ways to go off Paxil, but he didn‘t have any options to offer. I had to ask him about liquid suspension, which he wrote me a script for. When I asked him what increments I should go down in he basically said to do it at my own pace. I became visibly irate and explained that I cannot do this on my own and that it is his job to advise me how to decrease the dosage of this medication. Still, he could not give me a direct answer. I asked him how I could measure such a small dosage of medicine (in one milliliter increments) and he suggested that I take something like a cup‘s worth of liquid Paxil and mix it in with orange juice and then take some of that mixture every day. As with everything else that has to do with this psychiatrist, I came across a more practical idea. I simply purchased a medicine spoon used for medicating babies, which have one milliliter measuring increments. I have been on the liquid Paxil for 2 weeks now, going down 1 milliliter per week, and everything seems fine so far. I needed to voice my story because in addition to the anger I now have toward Paxil and GlaxoSmith-Kline, I am very frustrated that my original GP knew nothing of the harms of Paxil, and I am outraged that my psychiatrist totally left me to fend for myself, with no guidance as to the side effects of Paxil withdrawal. Again, I am truly grateful that this site exists because it was what gave me a sense of normalcy while going through Paxil withdrawal.‖ 101 ―I am currently getting off Paxil (just started) and I was comforted by your site, as I am most definitely experiencing withdrawal symptoms, and had already inadvertently once before. Previously, and utterly by mistake, I went off Paxil cold turkey, with no "slow decrease" period. At that point I experienced the frightening body shocks, lack of balance, general "disassociation," etc. I called my doctor and she said you can't just "go off" Paxil because your prescription ran out. So, I got back on it post haste and the withdrawal symptoms vanished. Now I am committed to getting off it. For one, I am sick of paying for it. For another, I see no proof that it is doing anything positive for me. So, after consulting with a different doctor, I decided to reduce the dosage myself. I went from something like 90 to 60 to 30 (one pill) without experiencing anything negative. But I recently cut from one pill to a half, and just recently, a quarter. I have about four or so quarters to go. And the withdrawal is back with a vengeance. For one, I am getting the "total body shocks" again. I don't know what "mild" is, but these are annoying to the extreme, and happen with great frequency. I also get the dizziness/vertigo. Headaches I've had all along (for a year and a half now), and this is why they put me on the Paxil in the first place, so I cannot credit the withdrawal for those. I have experienced the profuse sweating at night, but I got that once on Paxil, so I associated it as a side effect of being on the 102 Paxil, not necessarily getting off it. I get the unfocused vision a bit, but I see this more as the "depersonalization" you referred to. Also on your list... nausea, occasional diarrhea, rare muscle cramps, rash, some numbness, trembling, and involuntary muscle twitching. Suffice to say that your site helped me. Admittedly, I wasn't pleased to see that I am in for two to six weeks of torture, but at least I can feel confident that I know exactly what is happening to me. Now for the hard part... ― ∞ ―It was in February 2000 that I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Over the previous years I had suffered loss of feeling in various parts of my body but was always misdiagnosed with pinched nerves, mini-strokes, etc... It was a relief to finally know what was wrong with me and much to everyone's surprise I was happy to know that we could now develop a treatment plan instead of taking wild guesses as to what we should try next. The doctor I had selected was a specialist in the field of MS and I had no reason to doubt her when she began prescribing the regimens of medication that were necessary to manage my disease. 103 Paxil 20mg was one of my first medications and my doctor explained that although I didn't feel depressed, depression was a common side-effect of the other medications that were being prescribed, and she further explained that most people newly diagnosed with MS suffered from mild depression following the diagnosis. I had been taking my Paxil 20mg regularly for a year before things started falling apart in my life. Without realizing it, I had become insensitive to my wife and children. I began making decisions that affected us all without first asking their opinion and began fighting frequently with my wife, often going into fits of rage. At the same time I began having episodes of extreme vertigo (which is a common symptom of MS) and was treated with IV cortio-steroids to overcome what they were calling an exacerbation. My doctor finally ordered an MRI and deduced that I had a lesion caused by MS on the temporal lobe of my brain that was causing the rage and vertigo. They prescribed Xanax .10mg to calm me, and Provigil to help me stay awake during daylight hours since the combination of Paxil and Xanax made me extremely drowsy or fatigued (another symptom of MS). With the Paxil and Xanax, the problem with rage seemed to pass but the relationship with my wife and kids was progressively getting worse. Several times my wife threatened to leave me and I could only see her as being unkind and controlling. The kids seemed to be constantly misbehaving and I found myself frustrated and 104 wishing I were single again. Although I loved them immensely, it seemed as if I were becoming a narcissist towards my family and friends. After almost 2 years of fighting, a few separations with my wife, and many hours contemplating suicide since life was so miserable, I was surfing the net and came across your website, www.quitPaxil.org. It was almost as if I were reading my own biography as I skimmed through the e-mails and personal stories. This was about 2 months ago. Since then I have weaned myself off of ALL medication except my daily injection of Copaxone which slows the progression of MS, and my life has returned to the honeymoon stage. My wife and I have never been closer, my kids have begun to respect me again, and I actually have the capacity to once again "feel". I can honestly say that the road rage is gone, the negativity towards life is gone, the feeling of being numb is gone, and the quality of life I enjoy today is better than ever. Quite a contrast from wanting to die. As far as quitting the medications goes, I took about 2 weeks to wean myself off the Xanax since benzodiazepines can be dangerous when one just stops taking the medication. After weaning myself off the Xanax, I quit the Paxil cold turkey. The first week was pure hell and during this time I thought for sure my wife was going to either leave me or shoot me. 105 In fact, my wife thought I was crazy for quitting the medications since she felt that they were the only thing keeping me sane. As it turns out, she now agrees that the problem was NOT me, but instead was the effects of Paxil all of the other medications were simply to treat the symptoms that Paxil was causing. The irony is that I didn't need the Paxil to begin with, and it was the Paxil that led to the many other medications and unexplained symptoms. I had most of the withdrawal symptoms that were posted on this website including electrical shocks throughout my body, extreme headaches, confusion, anger, and at one point stayed home and in bed for two days. I still have MS and will always need to be aware of the various sensations in my body that it causes, but I know now that if I have vertigo it is truly a symptom of MS and not because I'm taking Paxil which in my opinion mimics the symptoms of MS. As an added bonus, my sex life has never been better and I'd thought it was the MS that had robbed me of my manhood. Today my wife has to relearn how to say no to me since my libido has returned with a vengeance... <g> Thanks again for saving my life, my marriage and my family. I will gladly donate as I can and will spread the word (I've already told many) about your wonderful website. You are truly a gift from God...Billy D. ― ∞ 106 ―I am a 35 year old female who has never been too keen on taking medication, so when the stress of losing my job and my husband possibly losing his got to be too much for me, I went to see my doctor. I told him that I don't like to take medicine, but I couldn't seem to get a grip on the stress I was feeling. I asked him if he thought that Paxil would help since I had seen the commercials and it said that it would make you feel like yourself again. That is all I wanted was to feel like myself again! He put me on 10 mg of Paxil. It was ok for a while but then it wasn't working very well anymore, so he upped it to 20 mg. After a couple of months, I started having night sweats and mild dizziness, so I decided that I wanted to stop taking it. I called my doctor and asked if I could just stop taking it and his nurse said sure. After 2 days without it, I was having severe nightmares, night sweats and vertigo. It only got worse from there! I had nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, shocks and I felt angry. I have never felt so terrible in my life! I can't believe that this drug is allowed on the market, and it is supposedly non habit forming! Then why are so many people having serious withdrawals? I feel ashamed that I ever went on it. I would never have taken this if I knew what it would be like!! I feel like a drug addict. I am not a drug user, I hate feeling like one! I am torn between feeling ashamed and wanting to help others so that nobody else ever has to go through this! Why weren't tests done to see that this was going to happen?‖ 107 ―I wanted to thank you for the trouble you went through to post this site. It is of extraordinary comfort to me, as I‘ve been going through it every day. I also want to thank the people that have posted their stories. It is wonderful to know that I am not going crazy, just through withdrawal, and that I am certainly not alone. I have suffered severe panic attacks for many years, since about the age of 14. I have been on many medications, including Zoloft, Prozac, and Xanax. Of course I have been to many specialists, including psychiatrists, and even institutionalized (not a proud moment, but what are doctors and parents to do). I don‘t know how the attacks started, or why, but I suspect they have something to do with my families nomadic life (military), my shyness, and that I was put on display as a clothing model at a young age. No, not my parents fault, I thought I wanted the money, and had the self esteem. I don‘t, and don‘t think I care anymore. At one time, I was afraid to go to school (made myself sick so I didn‘t have to), order a burger, or even answer the phone. Of course alcohol, anger, and ex-felon boyfriends came into the picture. For a long time I wore a heavy jacket, the kind you need in the arctic. It was 90 degrees outside but I‘d put that booger on to cover my disgusting skinny self. Somehow I was able to pick myself up out of my mess. I did this after quitting all my medication. At 20 I was making 17 dollars an 108 hour as a finance worker, and even, get this, proud of myself (Southern California, 17 per hour is pretty good, but not as good as it seems in a lot of the world… rent is 1500 for 700 sq feet, ug). I even replaced my one ton jacket with a bikini. I thought I had beaten my pass. I was still having panic attacks, but considering I use to be known as ―the vegetable‖, I was doing alright. About a year and a half ago, I was blessed with the pregnancy of my first child. Unfortunately, after the birth of my daughter my panic attacks returned in all its ugly force. For the first time, I also got severe depression. I guess I had post partum depression, and emotional trouble dealing with the father. God, who knows what triggers the emotions. I was put on Paxil and, once again, Xanax (my friend). I‘m not sure if it was the Paxil, Xanax, or just me. I honestly think it was just me, but who‘s to say. I made it through. That‘s all that ever matters. Now that she is 10 months old, I am returning to college to finish my degree in computer science and engineering, and wanted to stop Paxil. I felt Paxil hindered my ability to concentrate. I know it did. I already have a easier time learning, and can comprehend things a lot better. But let‘s get to the withdrawals. The insane part. I FEEL AWFUL. I have experienced most of the symptoms on your website and 109 honestly feel like I am dying. If it wasn‘t for my daughter and the knowledge that it will get better, I think I would kill myself. I don‘t think a knife slowly slit down my abdomen could compare. This is terrible, and really not fair. If I would have known about the sideeffects of this drug, I think I would have looked elsewhere, or gone without. I don't ever remember withdrawal being this terrible from my other medications, or even from alcohol. I have had panic attacks that made be feel like Lucifer's toy, but they go away, generally within ten or twenty minutes. This had lasted over a week. I am confused, lightheaded, and actually find some joy in writing this e-mail. I have the strange electrical shock feeling, and cry even when I see a tampon commercial. Unfortunately, I have the less common side effect of the all annoying pre-orgasmic feeling. It‘s not a nice feeling when it doesn‘t go away, and you visit your 60 year old father and still feel it, or when you wipe the crap off of your 10 month old princess‘ butt. Sex doesn‘t help it, it‘s just disgusting, and oh the makeshift dildos or living ones just don‘t work. I never want to have sex again... Damn! And now I‘m dizzy again. Thank goodness the electrical shock feeling that makes me almost faint is still around to wake me back into the nightmare. I am just very thankful that your website offered an answer. When 110 you are someone already suffering psychiatric problems, it makes it extra scary when an outside influence causes you more confusion. As far as panic attacks, what always seems to help me is telling the people around me that I am having a panic attach. These attacks bring on intense paranoia, among other things, and I always thought it best to let the people around me know why I was acting strange. That way, at least I didn't have to be paranoid about what they thought, and it generally made the attacks less intense. For extremely depressed people, even Paxil works. It might even work best for you, just be careful. I think people should be warned that it‘s not just a simple drug. You should take it if it works and your really need it, but if you can do without it, do it. There is no shame in taking a drug to make you feel better, if it does. But there is no shame in doing it on your own, if you can. Diabetics need insulin. You might need help too. ― ∞ ‗Hi... I decided to send in my story because it is a little different than others in that I didn't intentionally decide to quit Paxil. I started taking Paxil about 5 years ago after the birth of my 3rd son. I was 111 having severe anxiety and just couldn't relax, so my doctor prescribed 20 mg. I have never increased my dosage. I was a Paxil fan, as I could say that it had many positive impacts on my life. It allowed me to relax, slow down & enjoy my children & husband. I found myself feeling again and being silly with my kids. I didn't experience the fog that many people speak of. The two negative impacts it did have however were: 1. Severe hangovers if I did drink. 2. Weight gain. My withdrawal story started on Friday morning. I woke up & realized that I was out of Paxil, however being that I am also pregnant, I tend to be a bit scatterbrained. So, I went to work and it never crossed my mind. I suffered no symptoms on Friday. Saturday morning I woke up & had a jam packed schedule. Again, the Paxil never crossed my mind, but I was quite irritable and by mid afternoon had begun feeling nauseous. A few hours later, I began to feel restless and had no appetite, but nothing too serious. Sunday morning I woke up & again the Paxil never crossed my mind. I had to paint one of my kids rooms so I got to work on that, but was extremely nauseous and teary all day. Around 3:00, I began feeling delusional. Around 6:00, I started getting head Whooshes. By 7:00, I was a raging lunatic... screaming at my kids, crying, feeling depressed and out of control. At about 8:30, after laying in bed crying for hours, I realized what it was all attributed to, but it was too late to go to the pharmacy. I had extremely realistic nightmares all night long, but at least I wasn't 112 suffering the head whooshes or nausea. Monday morning (today), I wake up and get my butt to the pharmacy ASAP, although I cried and was dripping sweat the whole way there. Now the wait is on for the meds to work back into my system. The funny thing is that two doctors have told me that there are no withdrawal symptoms from Paxil? I beg to differ. The past 24 hours have been a living hell and there really should be more warnings for patients who are on the drug. At my worst last night, I felt as if my body had been taken over by an evil force. What if I had acted on my emotions? All of this has caused me to reconsider my Paxil usage. As soon as I get stable again, I am going back to the doctor to start the slow tapering down process. I did it once before, and suffered only minor withdrawal symptoms. I never want to feel like this again. ― 113 4. Success Absolutely nothing helps the sufferer from Paxil withdrawal more than reading that there is an end in sight. Going through the process, it is all too easy to lose hope as time seems to crawl along while one is being hit with the brunt of the symptoms. Here, then, is proof that in a few short weeks all will be well again. Let me assure you that as badly as you might be feeling today, there will come a time when everything that you are going through right now will seem like a distant nightmare. It is absolutely vital that you keep this in mind. In order to convince you that severe Paxil withdrawal can, indeed, be overcome, what follows are a selection of letters I received from visitors who have managed to come out on the other side. It has been my experience that eventually everyone makes it, even if it takes two, three, four or sometimes even more attempts to do so. Never, ever give in. Never, ever give up hope. ―When I found out I was pregnant in June, the first thing I did was get on the internet and make sure Paxil was safe for unborn babies. All I could find was that it was a category C drug - which for me wasn't a good enough assurance that my little one would be safe if I 114 stayed on it. Then I came across your website, which that very day had put up a report about the dangers to unborn babies. That night I read all the tips on your website, gathered up all my courage (because I had tried many times, unsuccessfully, to quit Paxil before), and cut my pills in half. It had taken me the entire previous year to go from 20mg to 10mg, but because I was pregnant I did a half dose (5mg) for 3 days and then 2.5 mg for three days, and then that was it. Wow - it was not a fun couple of days - or weeks! My husband thought aliens had taken my body over. I was nauseous, dizzy, I couldn't stop crying, my whole body hurt. When the physical symptoms ended I began having suicidal thoughts. I thank God that I was pregnant at the time because that was really what kept me from doing anything to harm myself. I know I went off Paxil faster than they recommend, but I knew what Paxil had done to me and my life, and I didn't want that happening to my child. After maybe ten days, the bad thoughts went away, the pain and dizziness and zaps stopped. Of course by that point morning sickness was setting in! :o) But surprisingly, even though a lot of my anxiety had to do with an irrational fear of throwing up (I know it's weird), the morning sickness didn't give me panic attacks. I'm noticing that some of those old panic symptoms are returning, but I prefer those to knowing that my baby could 115 have been hurt by Paxil. And I am so grateful to my parents and my husband for their supportiveness, and to your website! Whenever I was discouraged or feeling AWFUL I logged on and read what other people were going through, followed the tips, etc... and it helped every time knowing I wasn't alone ― (anonymous via website) ∞ ―I am 23 years old, and I have been on Paxil for 10 years now. My mother thought I was a handful when I was in 8th grade, and decided that the answer was to put me on medicine like she was (she has several personality disorders and was on a high dose of Paxil, and I have been proven by doctors not to have such disorders). So, she had the doctors put me on it, and for awhile, I did ok. I honestly did not think that I needed it at the time, but I had to go along with what my mother said. Every time I went back for a checkup with the doctor, he recommended that I keep taking it. So…10 years goes by and I stay on the medicine. I have graduated from college with a journalism degree and work for the University of Georgia and am on my own. Paying my own health insurance, paying for everything for the first time in my life, and I decided that I wanted to begin the process of coming off of the medicine. I knew for awhile that I wanted to be off the medication, just wasn‘t sure of the timing of it (parents divorce, trying to find a job, other stresses in life) because I knew that coming off of it would be 116 hard. I wasn‘t sure HOW hard though – no one had ever told me the side effects of getting OFF the medicine! So, as it turns out, a month ago my refills had run out, and I was going back and forth with my doctor because I did not have an opportunity to go in to the doctor just for her to turn around and write me a prescription that they can do over the phone (I mean, I‘ve been on it 10 years, nothing has changed!). In the time of trying to get a prescription written from my doctor, I ran out of pills. Four days went by and I was starting to feel the effects of this medicine. Four days turned into a week, and then I finally broke down and went in to see the doctor. When I got there, she and I decided that it would be best for me to continue being off the medicine, and that if I had come this far, I will be over it soon enough! Well, she was right! It has now been 1 month since I took the last Paxil, and I have had every one of those symptoms listed on your ―symptoms‖ page, except suicide. I have not thought of that, nor will I because I feel SO much better now that I have gotten off the medicine! It was like I was being held back by this medicine and the ―anti-depressant‖ were making me feel depressed and unsure of myself. I am writing to let your readers know what has worked for me: 1) Exercise, Exercise, Exercise. I could not have made it through the last month if I hadn‘t done that. It really is like a supplement for the medicine – I feel great after doing it (I run/walk 5 117 miles a day now) and it helps the zaps and dizziness and everything go away. 2) Take vitamins. I take a multi, Vitamin C, B-150, Vitamin E, and Salmon Oil (Omega-3 fatty acids) every morning. I can tell an immense difference. 3) Melatonin. I had a really hard time sleeping (severe insomnia) and that was probably the worst part of coming off the medicine. Melatonin is the natural chemical in the brain that triggers sleep. So it has helped me out immensely.4 4) Water. Drink LOTS of water! This is something that people are supposed to be doing anyways, but it flushed out my system really well and helped muffle some of the side effects I was feeling. 5) Support of family/friends. This was a big deal for me – I had the support of my boyfriend and my entire family (who, other than my mother, did not think I needed to be on the medicine anyways.) Those are just some of the things that have helped me through the last month. I am not completely over the hump yet – most of the physical side effects have subsided, but I am now on the emotional rollercoaster that is really intense. My doctor says it should level out in a few weeks if I keep up with what I am doing. Stopping Paxil cold-turkey does not work on everyone, but I wanted your readers out there who might be on the fence to know what has helped me – someone who has been on this for 10 years. I am 118 feeling great feelings that I never remember feeling before – confidence, control of my life, less fatigued – all of these things that were supposed to be helped BY the Paxil! It is my recommendation that no one go through what myself and many other people on this earth are going through, and the simple way to fix that is to say do not take Paxil to begin with, period. Or at least know what you‘re getting into!‖ ∞ "I had recently come off Paxil, September 15,2000, to be exact. Prior attempts had not gone well, so before I came off it this time, I cut down my dose very gradually, after discussing it with my doctor. I took my regular dosage of 1 pill per day. I then cut it in half and took only a 1/2 pill a day for about 3 weeks. I then took only 1/4 pill a day for several weeks and then on September 15 I stopped taking them all together. On the 17 September, I felt the dizzy spells again, and thought I should take a 1/4 pill, but decided to to let it go, and see how I felt. I now realize that was the best thing. It has been almost 3 weeks now, and the dizzy spells come and go, but are few and far between, and they don't last for very long even when I do get them. I am very pleased that I am finally off them and thought I should share my experience with you, so that you could share it with your readers and that perhaps someone else may have 119 success in the same way. I think that by coming down in my dosage as gradually as I did, it helped my body adjust to the fact that it was no longer getting any. It was far easier this time, that's for sure." ∞ "I had recently come off Paxil, September 15,2000, to be exact. Prior attempts had not gone well, so before I came off it this time, I cut down my dose very gradually, after discussing it with my doctor. I took my regular dosage of 1 pill per day. I then cut it in half and took only a 1/2 pill a day for about 3 weeks. I then took only 1/4 pill a day for several weeks and then on September 15 I stopped taking them all together. On the 17 September, I felt the dizzy spells again, and thought I should take a 1/4 pill, but decided to to let it go, and see how I felt. I now realize that was the best thing. It has been almost 3 weeks now, and the dizzy spells come and go, but are few and far between, and they don't last for very long even when I do get them. I am very pleased that I am finally off them and thought I should share my experience with you, so that you could share it with your readers and that perhaps someone else may have success in the same way. I think that by coming down in my dosage as gradually as I did, it helped my body adjust to the fact that it was no longer getting any. It was far easier this time, that's for sure." 120 ―I know (don't ask how) that the way to get off Any substance, if hospitalization isn't indicated, is to tough it out. Eventually, you get through it. With that knowledge in mind, I steeled myself for a battle, and a battle it was. Three days of feeling worse than seasick, with auditory hallucinations, and vision disturbances: whenever I turned my head left or right, there was a smeared afterimage like the one you get when you pan a camera real fast. I would lose my balance getting up to cross the living room. Daring the subway was difficult: I had to hold my head straight and keep my eyes forward like the guard at Buckingham Palace. The nausea was constant. Another thing---my emotions came back with a roar, good and bad. My libido, ten months dormant, came back to life in two days (that helped ;-). I went on crying jags. I felt suicidal on day four, and wondered why this was the toughest thing I'd ever had to kick. But . . . I noticed that it was ever so slightly better on day five. Then maybe two per cent better on day seven. I'm stubborn, and I really hate to be under anything's thumb, so I was grimly determined to get through. I had moral support from a couple of friends who'd gone through the process, one who had had it much worse. And I realized that anything that kicked me in the head this hard had to be a damned dangerous drug and not one I was willing to go back to. If I did, I knew I would lose all the ground in detoxing that I'd so painfully achieved. It's now three months later, and I am free of it. Not even the auditory buzzes in the night any more. And I tell everyone I know who's taking an antidepressant what happened to 121 me, and urge them to not stay on it any longer than they flat have to, and not go on it unless they are truly clinically depressed..‖ ∞ "Just wanted to let you know how helpful your site has been. I have been Paxil-free for one month and I feel so much better now. I have been switching doctors/shrinks as I changed health care and I was sick of all the double talk I was hearing. My current shrink told me he would not prescribe me anymore Paxil until I was completely a non-drinker. Since that was never going to happen (I don't drink a lot but I do like to go out to bars on weekends, apparently that was unacceptable) I decided to see what would happen if I cut down on drinking and got off the Paxil. I had no idea what those "zaps" were and they were so scary, I thought I had something wrong with my brain. I had them all the time, several a minute and sometimes one every couple seconds. My shrink thought I was more nuts than usual; he had no idea what I was talking about. Fortunately they are very rare now, but unfortunately the dizziness is still a problem after a month. The one advantage to taking the Paxil in! the first place is that my claustrophobia is so much better, because when I was on the Paxil I rode in a lot of elevators, planes, etc with very little anxiety, and I became used to these activities, so even now I rarely have a panic attack in a claustrophobic situation. Anyway, this site is very helpful and reassuring. For people trying to 122 quit, let me say this: if your doctor/shrink is not helping you with the withdrawal process, go to someone else who understands and will help. This is serious business." ∞ ―Hi, My wife found this web site for me. I have been weaning of Paxil now for 5 weeks. I am currently not taking any at all. I started out cold turkey but ended up in the ER. I was so out of control and felt like just ending it all. The doctor in the ER looked Paxil up in the PDR (the big book that list the drugs and side effects). He told me I could not be going thru withdrawal because there was not anything mentioned in the book about it being addictive. He then had the hospital shrink come down to talk to me, all he would say is "maybe you just need to be taking it". I was put on it for stress at work by a regular doctor, not a psychiatrist and since I no longer had the stress at my job I wanted off of it. I ended up going to a mental health center; they are the ones that helped wean me off. The funny thing is the shrink I saw there said he had never met anyone with my withdrawal symptoms. The scratching noise in my head was awful. I described it to them as it sounded like someone was sanding in my head. I have had the strange dreams, night sweats, shocking sensations in my mouth, tongue, and hands, twitching, depression (my wife 123 cannot talk to me without it ending up in an argument) and most of the others listed. I was on Paxil since June of 2001. I never dreamed it would be so hard to get off of. The medical profession needs to be warning people about what is going to happen when they try to quit taking it. I am doing better, still have the tingling, but not as often, the scratching noise is still very prominent, especially if I am walking fast or making sudden movements. All I can say to everyone is HANG IN THERE. IT WILL GET BETTER!" ∞ ―I am a 44 year old female who has been taking Paxil for approximately 5 years. It was initially prescribed for Panic Disorder, (related to my Fibromyalgia). I started at 20 mg. but took only 10 mg. daily, unbeknownst to my Doctor. I, like many others, thought that I could stop and /or wean from this drug. Alas, I began the journey into Hell! After "cutting the dosage" failed, I decided to cut the drug on different days. I began by not taking Paxil on Fridays. This continued for about 2 months. I then cut out Paxil on Wednesdays, again continuing for about 2 months. By this time I was only taking it 5 times a week with little side effects. I too had suffered "electric head" pins & needles in my face and lips, anxiety etc. trying to wean via dosage. I then stopped taking Paxil on Saturdays; thus building to 2 days in a row without 124 the drug. Then Tuesdays, and so on, still maintaining my 10 mg. dosage. If I required a "fix", during a certain day - I simply took one. I suffered very little side effects doing it this way. I, after about a year of this pattern, have now not had a Paxil in 2 weeks. I have had NO side effects other than being a little quiet, so says my husband. I have thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated your site and have sent it to various people that hopefully will benefit. I hope that in the next few weeks I am maintaining my drug-free state with little or no side effects. Anne-Marie‖ ∞ ―Finally. I'm off. My story doesn't compare to most of the people who have posted to this site but they all gave me encouragement and made me realize that I wasn't going crazy with what was going on with me. I started because of post partum depression and was on 20mg for only 4 months - but I guess that was long enough. My MD was smart enough to know that I just couldn't stop. She had me start cutting them in half and was on 10mgs for 4 months again. This is when trouble started. When I forgot to take them I'd hit that magic 3rd day and things would go wacko. Brain zaps: I had what I termed "zings" like an electrical current going through my brain - 125 fast, very fast- and then "towel whackers" which to the best of my ability I described as my brain being thwacked with a kitchen towel. And best of all - total mind/body disassociation and all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and close my eyes. Well, I made it down to 5mgs and after 3 weeks of success on them I started my own schedule. First I started skipping a day in between, then taking it every 3rd day and then every 4th day. I have not had a dose in 10 days and feel fine. I'm thinking this is it but I still have a few morsels stocked away just in case‖ ∞ ―I was put on this hellish drug after I had my daughter 3 years ago. The depression had reached fever point and they were trying to lock me up and take away my baby. Obviously this only heightened the feeling of utter worthlessness. I agreed to go on these pills, told they would help, I gratefully accepted. If I knew then what I know now, I would have run a mile from them. They did dull the depression at the beginning but the side effects became much worse than the depression I was being treated for. Within 6 months I had gained 5 stone, however much I ate I felt hungry. I felt what I can only describe as walking beside myself. I walked into door frames and shop displays. The panic attacks were truly scary, visiting the clinic with my new baby was terrifying. Then came nausea, searing headaches and perhaps the most embarrassing... 126 producing milk from one breast even though I wasn't breastfeeding. After 2 years and feeling like my life was spiraling out of control I! told my doctor I wanted off the pills. He reduced my dose and the withdrawal really kicked in, the dreams were terrifying, I really lived them. My babies cry became amplified and pierced my brain. After 7 days and night of complete torment, and being no closer to being rid of these damned pills I got a babysitter and went complete cold turkey. I won‘t explain what happened in the next few days, I doubt I could. However, I am now off them for 6 months and I‘ve never felt better. I am doing a degree and living life to the max. I do however have Crohn‘s Disease but they won't admit that the Seroxat was responsible, they wouldn't would they. It seems to coincidental that the symptoms began a month after I started taking them. Never mind, I just wanted to say that however bad you feel, and I know bad is an understatement, it does get better. I can see the world clearly, I am a good mother and I can see a future again. Don't give up hope, give up those bloody pills. ― ―Just a short response to the subject. I am a 77 year old woman who has had enough!! Paxil withdrawal produced most of the symptoms that were described by others. I was on Paxil for 5 years, 20 mg a day. I wanted off because of weight gain of 60 pounds and little or no emotional response. I was apathetic and showed no interest in life. I first consulted my internist. He said to decrease the dosage for 2 weeks and then quit. Wow then the anxiety attacks hit 127 so badly that I went back on the drug. I saw a psychiatrist and his advice was that Paxil was a good drug, just stay on it and we'll find out what is causing you to be so anxious!! A therapist that I had been working with recommended that I see a psychiatrist who was an expert in the pharmacology of these drugs. He tapered me off over 8 weeks and I continued in talk therapy during this time. I have been off Paxil for 4 weeks now and feel wonderful. I'm able to cry, laugh and respond like a normal person. I still have hot flashes and chills. I'm seeing an acupuncturist and taking Chinese herbs which have helped. I have started an exercise program and have lost 10 pounds. I have been assured that eventually the hot flashes and chills will go away. In the meantime, I'm angry that I was given this medication. I'd like to prevent others from suffering it's effects.‖ ∞ I just want to share my story and let people know it can be done and tell how I finally did it. I have taken Paxil off and on for about 6 years. I most recently had taken it for about a year and a half for panic/anxiety attacks. I was finally also diagnosed with adult ADD. I started taking Wellbutrin and it worked wonders both for my ADD and for the attacks. My doctor started out weaning from my 40 mg of Paxil to 30 then to 20. I did ok until I went to 10..I had severe 128 brain tremors and hot flashes. I couldn't continue with my withdrawals any longer so I upped my dose to 20. My doctor said it couldn't be that bad and to just maybe try 10 mg for a week. I thought I was going to lose my mind. I couldn't function in my work or home life. I made it through about 10 days and then dropped to 5 mg. Much worse... the brain tremors as I came to call them were just terrible. I then started reading on the internet about similar problems. A nurse suggested to start chipping away at the pills a little bit each day so that you take less and less each day. Why not I thought. I started to chip a tiny piece (maybe 2 mg) and take that dose for 3 days then chip a little more off and take that dose for 3 days. It has taken me about 4 months but I am off of it and have been for a month. When I got down to about 2 mgs left. I was terrified to go completely off so I took it for about 2 weeks and then went cold turkey on a week end. I still had a few brain tremors but nothing like the first time I tried to get off of it. I have been off of it for a month and feel great. The weird thing is that I had taken Paxil about 6 years ago for 3 years and went off of it without any complications. For the first time in a long time I feel in control of my life. I have started exercising and have lots of energy. I have lost 16 pounds in a month and also have lost my HUGE appetite. I always thought that Paxil was responsible. Now I know...... I was on Paxil from April 2001 until November 2001. I did not wean myself off of Paxil, but topped cold turkey. At the time I did not realize what was happening to my body in ref to the withdrawals in which I was going through. It wasn‘t until a friend went on the Internet and looked up 129 Paxil info and discovered what was happening to me was in fact PAXIL withdrawals. I swore I would never, ever again subject myself to a drug having the types of side effects associated with PAXIL. Everything I've read on the Paxil Withdrawal page are experiences I had felt. Well, to those who are suffering from withdrawals and are trying to quit cold turkey or wean themselves off, there is good news. The symptoms eventually cease. I'm sending this on September 11, 2002. I am Paxil free and "anti-depressant" drug free. How did I do it? Determination. I'm in the military, so there are other stressors related there, but I basically made my mind up that I did not ever wish to go through what I'd gone through when I came off Paxil. ― ∞ I have been off Paxil for three months now, after having been on 30 mg. per day for the past five years. I was put on it because of a depression I was in and it did help me at the time. However, in the past couple of years I really wanted to get off this drug because anti-depressants are not meant to be on for life -- they are meant to be short-term, i.e. one year or so. Interestingly enough, the doctor who had put me on this drug was reluctant to take me off, and said that I will probably be on it for life. Thus began my search for a 130 doctor who I found who has helped many men and women off antidepressants, safely and successfully. I knew the withdrawal symptoms would be a rough ride for a bit, but I was prepared to do "whatever it takes" to be Paxil-free. So, last May, my "new" doctor started tapering me from 30 mg. to 20 mg. which I did for four weeks. I experienced some dizziness and "disconnection" with my body -- an unbalanced feeling. In June, I went from 20 mg. to 15, and then 15 to 10 mg. July 1st, I stopped all Paxil. All of a sudden, I felt completely lethargic -- it was as if the life had been sucked out of me. I experienced "electric shock pulses" in my brain for a couple of weeks. And I was completely disconnected from my body and had much trouble with walking and balance. My doctor advised me that while getting off Paxil, I must eat 3 balanced meals a day -- get out for a walk in the fresh air every day. I did not do this, and I think my withdrawal symptoms were worse because I was not looking after myself nutritionally or physically. Anyway, finally in mid-August, I began a 6 kilometer walk every second day -- I started to eat 3 healthy meals a day, and I started feeling stronger with each week that passed. I have continued this regimen, along with taking amino acids, multivitamins and anti-oxidants and I am feeling FANTASTIC! I feel "real" again, and I have feelings/emotions that I can "feel". While on Paxil, I "floated" over everything -- now, my mind is clear and focused, my short-term memory has improved 100%. So, rest assured, the withdrawal symptoms do pass and it is a huge sense of relieve to be Paxil-free. 131 P.S. The doctor who helped me get off Paxil does not like the drug, because of the severe withdrawal effects. He said there are other anti-depressants that are easier to get off. BUT GETTING OFF PAXIL IS WORTH IT AND THE WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS ARE TEMPORARY. YOU CAN DO IT!‖ ∞ I can't thank you enough for organizing this web site. I have only just realized what has been happening in my life.!! I was first prescribed Paxil or Seroxat as it is know in England by my doctor. I was in a pretty depressed state and I agreed to take it.(Reluctantly, as I have never been keen on the idea that a drug was the answer to mental problems. Stiff upper lip and all that.) However it was a pretty desperate time in an otherwise fairly sunny life and I was desperate for help. It was great, I felt like my "old self" and apart from a slight weight gain which wasn't an issue for me, I was really pleased with the results. My doctor advised me to stay on it for at least a year. I did and then I moved to the United States. There have been a few occasions when I have tried to get off Paxil always with real problems. I didn't associate the symptoms with Paxil withdrawal. I am now 52, and always assumed the terror attacks, headaches, anger, sadness etc might be hormonal. I always ended up back on Paxil as it just seemed to make me "o.k." I had absolutely no idea that I could possibly have been suffering from any kind of withdrawal. About 5 132 months ago I stopped again, having decreased the dosage from 20 a day down to 5 a day and then alternate days. I could not possibly have come off this drug more slowly. Fine I had stopped. At first it all seemed fine and for about six weeks I was full of energy and everything seemed fine and then Hell started. This time I was convinced I was going through the most horrendous menopausal symptoms and finally ended up in the offices of a top endocrinologist in Los Angeles. I gave him an account of my past health and mentioned that I had been taking antidepressants on and off for the previous 5 years but was no longer taking anything. We started on a series of extensive blood tests looking at my hormonal panel. I waited a few weeks, convinced I was going mad. Finally I rang him and said, "look I have to go back on Paxil, I have a really important job interview in London and I can't afford to behave like a mad woman." He suggested I did that but go in to see him prior to my London trip. All the tests had arrived back with him, and although it showed I was in perimenopause, things looked pretty good, and nothing in the hormone panel led him to believe what I was suffering from was directly related to menopause!! He then said he was convinced I was suffering from extreme "withdrawal symptoms" from stopping Paxil. At first it just didn't add up or make sense to me. I had stopped a few months before and didn't understand why I was having symptoms so much later on. I now realize that this is not unusual. Needless to say I arrived in London told a friend what he 133 had said, and of course she told me there have been frequent articles in the British press on this topic, all depicting a variety of what had happened to me. A few weeks ago Panorama, a television program in the U.K, much like 60 minutes here in the U.S, had devoted the entire program to what was happening to people who came off Seroxat/Paxil in the U.K. She has taped this for me and I shall look at it when I return to London next week. I am now taking 5 gm a day and will get off this horrific drug with this doctors help. It's been enormously helpful referring to your web site, and if you like I would be happy to let you have the Panorama tape if you would like to see it. I have every intention of taking legal action, not because I want a dime, but because I really believe Glaxo need to act responsibly about this drug, and allow people to know what they might be getting into when they start taking it. I also believe the only thing that they will react to is a lawsuit and potential financial damage. I would never have started it if I had any idea there was any possibility that it might be addictive. I was assured at the time by my doctor in England that this wasn't the case. Thank God I came across this endocrinologist!! and your web site. ― ∞ ―My daughter was prescribed Paxil approximately 3 years ago for an episode of depression. My husband and I interviewed the clinical 134 practitioner at that time to question the decision as we were very concerned about the possibility of any long term effects and whether or not this treatment was in her best interests. We were reassured this was the way forward. For one reason or another, new country of residence, new home, new job - she was advised not to come off it Paxil, but to wait until her life had stabilized to a more normal pace. Well over the past 6 months or so, she has tried to come off Paxil several times with the advice of her family doctor, using a gradually reducing dosage. Even with a very small reduction of the drug she suffered from itchy teeth and nausea, fatigue and headaches, to mention a few. Then she came across your web site with its help, advice and spiritual support and I can't thank you enough with all my heart. You see, she decided to go 'cold turkey' she couldn't stand the thought of the very gradual reduction and the thought of 35 weeks or so with the side effects. As a mother it's one of the most difficult things I have had to do, to witness her pain and suffering, going through episodes of violent mood swings, of desperate anger attacks, of sweating, insomnia hot flashes, cramps - Need I go on… at times she was like a possessed person, but I had to appreciate she was possessed only with Paxil withdrawal. There was one particular episode of several days when I asked (near to pleading) with her to go back on something. All those vivid awful films one has seen of drug withdrawal are exactly right! I was so scared. But she kept going and after about 3 weeks, she started 135 to see some light at the tunnel end and with the support love and friendship from us all, she has quit Paxil for good. Through it all I know you too kept her going and I want to thank you for that and to let other families of those brave people trying to come off, that it is all worth it, hold on, and you WILL come through - just as my lovely brave heroic daughter has, and now she has her future back again as a drug-free individual. A very helpful website I found when I was in need of some words to help her was: http://www.wildestcolts.com/ - it really helped LA of California - this guy talks it straight, there is nothing wrong in having a depression but a drug duped state is not the answer and we all have capabilities within in that may just need tapping into. I wrote this not only as a thanks, but you may be able to encourage other mums, dads, husbands or wives who have to stand back and watch helplessly whilst their loved ones go through withdrawal‖ ∞ ― I have now been living without Paxil for 16 days...and when I say living that is exactly what it has been. I'm sure anyone reading this has also read through others' tales of woe, as well as the list of symptoms, and believe you me, I have gone and am going through 136 just about every single one of those...but they have subsided and will continue to subside. In return, I have felt waves of emotions - good and bad - that I don't ever remember feeling before; it's a trade-off I will take. It feels absolutely wonderful to me to be able to get angry and sad and happy and giddy all in the space of a few minutes. For example, I actually cried watching the news of the Columbia disaster (yeah, that's right, I'm man enough to admit it). A year ago, I might have felt a little bad, but not really cared. It felt really good to feel that bad, if that makes any sense. I think that antidepressants take effect by dulling your emotions, which can be good in some cases, but Paxil took away part of me that made me. I even met a girl AFTER stopping Paxil and am happier in that respect than I have been in awhile (you know she's got to be one of the good ones if she stuck around during the first few bad days). Speaking of that issue, speaking from a guy standpoint, the side effect of, ummm, not being able to get the mail delivered is something I definitely do not miss. But anyway... I took Paxil for about 6 years for longstanding panic disorder, started when I was about 21, and I have to admit that it helped me a good deal. I am not a Paxil-hater; I think that it can do good things for people with many different problems. I think, though, that there is a tendency in the medical community (in which I work, plus am studying to become a physician) to throw pills at patients. While this might work on a purely physical level with problems like 137 hypertension or hyperthyroidism, dealing with the mind involves so much more. If you are thinking about quitting your SSRI of choice, I would urge you to take a look at yourself and where you are at in your life. For me, I began taking Paxil when I was really at a low point of my life. In the past year or two, as I have really actually finally reached adulthood (more or less), I came to the realization that I could do this, that I had learned and grown enough to try "going it on my own", and that being able to handle life without that little blue pill would do more for my psyche than the pill itself. And thus far, it most certainly has. I quit cold turkey, which I knew was inadvisable, but I have never been one to make the right choice. I think, though, that it was right for me. I hope that anyone even thinking about quitting visits this site, for it was the greatest source of strength in that awful first week of vertigo and the damn electric shocks and ear-buzzing thing (what the &*%# is that?), just to know that I was not alone...I think that we all maybe feel that way about our various anxieties and depressions and whatever, that we are the only ones going through this. So thank you everyone for telling me how miserable you were (it's like we've all come back from the war, huh? sharing all our war stories etc.) Anyway, as I said, it's been 2 weeks, and I am able to do little things like sleep without having supremely realistic nightmares and move my eyes quickly without my head crashing in. I am now ready for the rest of my life, free to live and be without having that little pill fog everything over... 138 PS: The one thing I get upset about is no one talking to you about the addiction of these drugs - and they are addicting, if only on a purely physical level; look what happens when you withdraw them. The word needs to be spread, just to inform people of the risks involved.‖ ∞ ―I feel that it is my responsibility to write in and post my experience and comments since this website helped me when I needed it. Everyone's advice and experiences helped me get through my own tough time. As of today, I am (let me think) 11 days free of Paxil. I feel really good too. I don't know if it is just knowing that I am not taking Paxil that makes me feel so good or if it is the fact that I am not taking it and my body loves it. Either way, I feel great, and I wanted to write in to let others out there that are quitting Paxil know that they will feel great too. I quit cold turkey just because that's the type of person I am. I just wanted to be done with it regardless of the side effects. The side effects were bad, not really terrible, but I felt they would be bad no matter how I got off of it. A lot of people recommend weaning yourself off of it, but I think that all depends on the type of person you are. Now, the side effects...they're bad the first week but THEY DO GET BETTER. I PROMISE- JUST HANG IN THERE. 139 Around the fifth or sixth day off, I broke down and started crying. I kept saying, "I can't do this," but I knew in my heart that I could. Going back on Paxil was not an option for me. And even though I was SOBBING, it was like a double-edged sword- I was upset, yet it felt SO GOOD to cry. I was on Paxil for a year and I hadn't cried the whole time. It was so refreshing and it touched me deeply to cry. For about three or four days, it was bad. I couldn't walk straight, which I handled by staring at the ground whenever I walked and also by walking very slowly. I had bad headaches when I moved my eyes too fast, which I took Aleve to handle. The shocks sucked and there was nothing I could do about those. For those in the process of quitting, please hang in there. It's very important to be strong and determined. You can definitely do this and once it's over, you'll think to yourself, Now that wasn't that bad. You'll feel so free and in control of your own life and so proud that you were able to rid yourself of a physically addictive mind-number. Hang in there and be strong.‖ ∞ ―Thank you for this site, it has help me realize I'm not alone and I can judge my progress. I was on 20mg. for 3 years, many times I tried to quit, I finally did it, my reasons for being on it were now gone (i.e.: the divorce was over) I had a sensitivity to any reduction so I had with my doctor planned to step down to 15mg. for as long as it took to get use to that dose. When I dropped down I did it on 140 the weekend Friday mornings to give myself as much time away from people as possible! by Friday night I could feel some withdrawals. so for the next three days I would mood swing like crazy. my poor kids ..I told them and others about the side affects so they could be prepared and to save relationships along the way! it would be about 5 days for me to be able to feel ok, in the beginning I would take Dramamine to stop the motion sickness I found that I was eating a lot to keep my stomach full to rid myself of the motion sickness. this would help but it still makes you feel pretty doped up which when you get to the end of all this you'll see you were! I would step down my doses every two weeks, I still get some brain zaps and when I get stressed I feel like a bit numb but the best I have found for the withdrawals are a combination of b-complex supplement and phosphatidylcholine complex they are at any health food store. another quick fix for the withdrawals was red bull a drink loaded with B's!! Exercise too if you get a bad case of the withdrawals and drink lots of water it‘s the drug leaving your system! I have now been Paxil free for two weeks I feel alive!!!!!!! all my senses are full, I get excited now I feel focused and the stress, well if I ever get stress again. I'll use counseling not drugs! all the best to you all thank you for the site I could be the poster boy...God Bless‖ ∞ 141 ―I am a 35 year old single mother and registered nurse. I began taking Paxil last year for signs of depression and anxiety. When I began Paxil I was working for a large neurosurgical practice, as the only RN for 7 physicians and their patients. Part of my job duties included meeting with drug company reps. The GSK rep came to me with the new Paxil CR and tons of samples and literature touting it as the new wonder drug. My physicians began prescribing the drug, and I myself began taking it. Early this year I began to feel much better, and decided to cease taking the drug. Little did I know I was about to journey into hell. The gastrointestinal symptoms and insomnia hit me first, soon to be followed by far worse side effects. When I could sleep it was briefly, and the dreams/nightmares began, I would wake up, sheets and mattress pad soaked. I began to feel very disoriented, and it felt as though my brain was "sloshing" about. The itching was intense; electric shocks up my left side and my mind took a path of its own. I had bouts of confusion and difficulty thinking straight. At night I began suffering from sheer terror, waking up convinced people were outside my bedroom door scratching on the glass trying to get in to harm me. I kept every single light on and the phone by me at all times just in case I had to call for help. Part of my mind knew it wasn't real, but the terror and vivid nature of the hallucinations won out. I felt that I was losing my sanity. I could not risk working because I was terrified that in my altered mental state I may make a mistake that could harm a patient. I called in sick and eventually resigned 142 my position as a nurse out of fear. I printed out information from this site and gave copies to my physicians; they were horrified and in fact recalled patients complaining of similar symptoms. They also made the decision never to prescribe the drug again. I contacted our GSK rep and left a voicemail and e mail demanding answers to why the withdrawal had never been discussed. I was furious. I found this site on one of my many wakeful nights, at first I was so relieved, I had a reason for my insanity!!! Then I became very angry. It took months for me to return to my pre-Paxil state. This entire thing is a tragedy perpetrated by drug reps who KNOW full well about the withdrawal potential. GSK sent me to hell, in my fantasies I imagine all their high ranking mucky mucks being forced to take their own drug for at least 6 months quit cold turkey and then experience the hell of withdrawal ― ∞ I was diagnosed with Panic Disorder in July of 2002. My shrink prescribed me alprazolam and Paxil CR at 12.5 mg. He was very sure to indicate that the sedative was addictive but the Paxil CR was not. I believed him. I was a biology student in college and studied neurology at the University of Chicago for a time. I questioned him on how they work and felt comfortable about going 143 ahead and taking the pills. My dosage was kicked up in January of 2003 to 37.5 mg. I was worried that I would never respond. I'm not sure that I really did. I think it was more of a case of getting further away from the event that precipitated the problem, that being that my dad passed away suddenly in December of 2001. I was left to be the sole support for the rest of the family. I got extremely anxious. Well, I decided in early June that it was simply time for me to leave the drugs behind. I was unemotional, lacked a sex drive (which hurt my relationship with my girlfriend, although she understood what caused it), and just felt like I was gliding through life instead of living it. Well, I did a quick weaning. Went from 37.5 to 12.5 in less than two weeks. Took my last 12.5 on June 20, 2003. I started to feel the flu-like symptoms the following day. The zaps came on the next day. I got really scared. I didn't even think to blame it on the drug because I fully trusted the word of my doctor. On the third day, the zaps were unbearable and I felt the depersonalization. I didn't feel like a human being but like a machine. Finally, I searched the web for advice and found this fantastic site. I realized what was causing it and gained the will to persevere. The zaps got terrible on the 7th day. I had a job interview the next day so I cut a 20 mg IR pill into 8 pieces and took one of them hoping to simply take the edge off. It worked. So, I decided to keep 144 the little bits around in case I felt really horrible. I took another ~2.5mg piece two days later. That was the end (June 29). I feel a hundred times better, the libido is back and emotions are hitting me that I didn't realize existed. I tried the supplements suggested. They didn't work in the immediate term, but maybe they've helped to shorten the duration of my withdrawal syndrome. Almost all the letters state that it will end. They are right. Don't be afraid. You can do it. Just be positive and take any supplements mentioned that you believe will help. I think if you believe, then they will work. Listen to Frank's message on the symptoms page, it will help you keep your resolve. Today is one of the greatest days of my life. I feel calm, my brain is clear and, most importantly, I have an incredibly positive outlook on the future. No more psychoactive drugs in my life! I just read about a study that gives strong evidence that the SSRI's have a nominal effect in comparison to the placebo and that cognitive therapy has a longerterm effect on depression/anxiety than the drugs. Thanks for hearing me out and good luck!!!! The best days are yet to come.‖ ∞ ―I am a 36 year old women and I have been on Paxil CR for about 2 years. I started having panic attacks after almost being raped and my family doctor put me on Paxil CR. Because of the weight gain, (I 145 started out at 115 pounds. I have always been lucky to be skinny, I have never needed to worry about my weight and now I weigh 160 pounds which is more than I did pregnant with either one of my children), and a few other side effects, I wanted to get off of it. My doctor tried switching me to different medicines but did not realize that the withdrawal symptoms from getting off Paxil would hinder me being able to try anything else. Every time I would try to change I would go through Paxil withdraw and have to go back to Paxil. I would get so nervous and would cry and cry and cry. Finally I decided, I would just get off this medicine instead of trying to change to another, when my weight got to be 160 pounds. My doctor pretty much told me to figure it out on my own. So I have. With the knowledge I got from this web site as well as other places, I decided to slowly wean myself off. My normal dose was 25 mg, I decided to go down in 3 mg increments weekly. I immediately went down 3 mg to 18 mg. and each Friday I would go down 3 mg. I did this by cutting my 25 mg pills in quarters and then I ask my doctor for 12.5 mg pills and did the same to these. When I finally got to 3 mg, I started Prozac (generic) 10 mg for the rest of the week. Then I stopped taking Paxil and Prozac on the same day. I have been extremely lucky. I have not experienced any Paxil withdrawal symptoms. I have been Paxil free for four days and when I have tried getting off of it before it took only two days for extreme symptoms, such as dizziness, crying or anxiety to appear. This method worked great 146 for me and I feel great. This has been the only way that has ever worked for me and I am sooooo glad that I finally did it. Now I have to get this weight off...... ― ∞ ―Please KNOW that it can be done. I quit Paxil Nov 25 of 2006. It took 21 days to start to feel good/normal/ not pukey. 3 weeks seems like an eternity when you come off of Paxil. Buy a calendar and mark off each day. YOU will feel like you are now in a parallel universe. NOTHING but this horror and rage will matter to you. YOU HAVE TO CONSTANTLY REMEMBER WHAT YOU USED TO CARE ABOUT. YOU WILL care again. Drink so much water you feel like you might puke! It helps 1/4! 21 days! 3 weeks! YES.........YOU can do it!‖ ∞ ―I did go to my GP about 2.5 months into the weaning process...was down to 2.5 mg a day...anger...irritability...spins...whose...headaches... nausea...the works. Thankfully not as bad as some people experience. But I did 147 feel it was best to let my doctor know what I was doing...she claimed she was told the drug was "non-habit forming...nonaddictive" ...I am sure she was...but she gave me the impression I have been the only one to have difficulties...at least in her practice. She did encourage me to push forward...not take anymore as even the 2.5 wasn't helping. She screwed up her face and asked me to describe EXACTLY.... the symptoms I was feeling...I leaned forward and said: It is like being on acid!....to which she responded...tentatively...."Well....... that..... doesn't help me". It was quite amusing. Anyway I have got myself in the care of a wonderful Naturopath and massage therapist...who have both dealt with Paxil patients. The Naturopath recommended 5-HTP which enhances sleep and mood. Since I have been taking this natural supplement...I have not had my "problem". So I am thinking I was not sleeping properly...not deep enough...and my bathroom dreams were too real..that they tricked my body into actually going. Anyway...that‘s my theory..until proven wrong I guess. By the way this supplement is an absolute wonder...it doesn't make you tired...but really helps you sleep solidly and doesn't make you tired upon awaking. That along with Omega 3...Coral Calcium...B's.... more organic and healthful diet....and liver cleanse...I feel GREAT! I am finally out of the woods as far as withdrawal goes....and I know I would not have been able to do it without the help of your website. I would have assumed I was "ill ―again and gone back on the drug for god knows 148 how long! Ironically enough... a few years ago, I wrote a book on Bipolar Affective Disorder...in which I even claimed that medication was not addictive...but we now know that is not true in all cases. Maybe there is second book on the way. It's interesting to read these withdrawal stories and compare them to my own. I was on 20 mg Paxil for 8 years and decided to stop due to (1) weight gain and (2) a feeling of "flat affect", i.e. rarely cried or reacted strongly to anything, including sex. I tapered down in one week, which was NOT long enough, and didn't contact my psychiatrist, which I should have done. My symptoms included: the horrible vivid nightmare/hallucinations that just filled me with terror, numbness and tingling, extreme itchiness all over my body, pain and "heaviness" in my legs and feet, insomnia, whooshing sounds when turning my head. No "zaps" or nausea, though my appetite has changed and even when I'm hungry I have a hard time finding anything I actually want to eat. Two weeks post-Paxil, I finally went to see my psychiatrist and he told me that going off Paxil and Effexor can be extremely difficult, worse than any other antidepressant. He suggested taking one 10mg Prozac, which he said would help alleviate the symptoms and would stay in my system for about 6 weeks, then disappear. I did that and it helped a lot, especially with the horrible dreams. I have now been off Paxil for 2 months. I still have occasional insomnia, tingling in extremities and (worst of all) pain and "tiredness" in my legs and feet. Most of the other symptoms no 149 longer bother me. I exercise faithfully 3-4 times a week, which helps my general mood plus is a good thing to do anyway. I have lost 5 pounds without dieting. I feel much more "connected" to the world and feel positive and happy. So far, no panic attacks or depressive episodes, the two reasons I took Paxil in the first place. For those who are considering getting off this drug, I say go for it, but do it slowly and check with your doctor first. Expect some problems, but know that eventually you will be very happy you stopped!‖ ∞ ―I have taken Paxil for over four years now, I also decided to quit. I started taking it for anxiety. I was a stay at home mom with a very active 4 year old son, i was always anxious and never felt in control. I must say that Paxil helped me for a long time. Recently I felt like I was having short term memory problems. So I decided to try quitting. I had the full support of my husband who was feeling that I had somehow become too passive and easy on my children-and that I just didn't feel for things strongly anymore. I totally agreed. I could almost never cry, I never had high highs or low lows. I decided I missed my feelings. About a month ago I started to take only one half of my 20mg dose for about a week. then 10mg every two days. I have not taken it now for about 17 days. I never had any headaches, but did have light flashes- no nausea- weird zapping in my head- a little freaky 150 feeling when running on the treadmill. I also had very little patience for my children. I would walk around muttering under my breath, swearing to myself- you do start to feel a little on the crazy side. Today though I have had my first really great day, no symptoms at all. I started run/walking everyday, 33 days ago at the YMCA and I believe this has helped me incredibly. Good luck to all! Be strong! ― ∞ ―I have taken Paxil for the past 6 years. It was your website that gave me the courage and the confidence to quit. I've been Paxil free for 5 days now! I will not believe that some people need to be on antidepressants forever due to chemical imbalance. I will take charge of my life and my emotions-good and sad-and will Be a stronger person because of it. My plan was to wean off it over a 5 week period. It worked nicely, but I still noticed withdrawals that included sweating, dizziness, extreme irritability the first Day of cutting the dose, increased appetite, and headaches. I have lost 4 pounds already and feel great. Many thanks to everyone who has written and told their story. We are not alone. We can support and encourage others by talking about it. I've never been happier! ― ∞ 151 ―Okay, here is my story and I hope someone else can benefit from it. I'm a 29 year old female who was placed on Paxil 2yrs ago for depression by a Psychiatrist. He started me out at 20mgs and eventually I ended up on 75mgs. Before Paxil, I was going through a hard time and became depressed, after Paxil I found myself numb, which made me feel more depressed, what a vicious cycle. So, up and up on the Paxil he went. I never really did feel that much better from the Paxil even at my highest amount, just incredibly numb. I did however start to notice these "shock" feelings in my head. I would tell my co-workers about them and they just looked at me like I was a psycho, but hey I thought I was too at 75mgs of Paxil. So, I threw the shock feelings to the side. Then one day I had a Grand Mal Seizure out of the blue, no personal or family history. I had all the testing you can have done, even a week long video EEG, everything was normal. I noticed after the seizure that I kept having these "shock" feelings and they were becoming more frequent. I didn't know what the deal was, I even thought they were mini seizures. I told my two different Neurologists and my Psychiatrist about these feelings. All the doctors just gave me that head tilted look and would say Hmmmm. I felt even crazier at this point!!! The seizure scared me badly and I re-evaluated my life. I decided I wanted to get off the Paxil (since it didn't help much anyway) to see how I felt without being drugged. I told my doctor I felt great and wanted to decrease the medication, as a nurse a knew this was a no-no, but I was determined to get off 152 this medication. My Dr. decreased my Paxil in one day by 20mgs. Holy smokes, was I in for a ride. I felt awful: palpitations, chills, sweats, diarrhea, headaches, confusion, unsteady gait, mood swings, insomnia, restlessness....and more. The big thing I really noticed was the head shocks got so much worse. Then a few weeks after I decreased, Whamo, I had another seizure! HMMMMMM.....can anyone say Paxil??????? Again, all of my tests were normal. My red alarm went off and I started to research Paxil. I read that if you have a seizure and you are on Paxil, then you should stop taking it, but neither of my two Neurologists nor my Psychiatrist mentioned this to me. Thank God I found this website! I felt as though I found my lifesaver. I was shocked at all the things I read. My depression turned to anger, but I also had a new sense of hope. I slowly began to decrease my Paxil 5-10mgs per week, just depended on how many head shocks I was having. I took my last Paxil two weeks ago and I feel alive and happy. I'm still having some withdrawal feelings, but the head shocks are virtually gone! I followed the advice of the others who had gone through this and drank lots of water, got lots of rest and started to exercise almost every day. I tell myself that my exercise is my "happy pill" and it works. For those going through this withdrawal right now, stay focused, don't panic (you will be okay and you are not dying...lol) and exercise. As for my seizures, I hope I have 153 found the reason and stay seizure free, only time will tell. Happy healing to all!!!‖ ∞ I had been on Paxil for about 4 years. I was prescribed Paxil for severe stomach pains which my doctor felt was coming from anxiety. Although the Paxil did completely stop my stomach from hurting, little did I realize what it was doing to the rest of my body and my life!! First of all, the weight gain was terrible. I went from 119lbs to 154lbs while on Paxil. It didn't matter how hard I exercised or what kind of diet I went on - nothing helped. I was extremely tired all the time and had no sex drive whatsoever! I didn't care about anything anymore. I lost a lot of good friends because of my new "kiss my butt" attitude. I even quit my job one day (thankfully they took me back when I explained that it was the Paxil talking). I finally decided that I had to come off this wicked drug. I thought I could quit cold turkey - BIG MISTAKE!! After missing just two doses I could not even walk straight. I had horrible zapping feeling all throughout my body and buzzing noises in my head. My arms and legs were numb, my vision was blurred, my speech was impaired. I couldn't work or even drive my car. Once I realized that I couldn't do this cold turkey, I decided to try to skip a day in 154 between doses - this didn't work well for me either. I still had the same symptoms, just not as severe. I finally decided that I would start cutting my pills in half. This seem to work the best for me. I continued to do this at two week intervals until I was literally just licking some powder that would fall off the side of a pill that had been cut into 6 pieces. I know this sounds dramatic, but it was the only thing that worked for me. I am completely Paxil free and have lost almost all of the weight that I gained while on Paxil. I still have some anxiety problems which effect my stomach now and then but I'm learning to deal with it. There is a light at the end of this tunnel. You just have to experiment until you find what works best for you. ― ∞ ―Follow EVERY suggestion that makes sense, WITH the advice and help of a doctor. Prepare yourself for possible butt kicking of your life. Hopefully not. Prepare mentally for several weeks aheadcontinuously. Use your resources (friends, telephone calls to friends help alot, let them know what may be upcoming with your moods or illnesses.) If you have a weapon, entrust it to a friend before you begin. Your thinking logic WILL change and you may not realize it. Tapering or quitting may cause seizures which may cause heart attack or many other life endangering situations. Tapering, even gradual nearly killed me, grand mal seizures and running blood pressure up to 178/95, and I didn‘t like the 155 ambulance ride or ER either. It is like any other addictive drug(can even be like a street drug withdrawal). Not to harp, but call your doctor beforehand-and stay away from alcohol-it compounds the overall agony. Trust me-I learned in the worst way - the ICU unit ― ∞ ―I was on Paxil for 7.5 years. When I tried splitting up pills to taper down my 20mg daily dosage, I had the common terrible withdrawal effects. Then I asked my doctor to prescribe the liquid version (which I had read about on your site). He didn't even know it existed and I had to special order it through a pharmacy in town because none here carried it in the liquid form. My doctor said to taper down 5 mgs at a time. I didn't agree with that as it was too much for me and caused the withdrawal effects. So I tapered down 1 to 2 mgs at a time. It's so easy to do with the liquid form. I would go 4-6 days and then drop down a little. It took me about 5 months to get entirely off it, but it worked with very little negative effects. ― ∞ 156 ―On the morning of June 15th I woke up with the expectation of enjoying my day off with my husband. It is rare that we both are free on the same day. A few days earlier I had stopped taking my Paxil due to the side effects that would not subside. The insomnia kept me up nightly and my lack of sexual desire did not promote a healthy, well-balanced relationship. A couple years prior I had been prescribed Celexa while I was in the service. Upon separating and thus running out of medication I had barely if any serious consequences. I have also stopped taking Paxil for a brief period of time as well without unbearable withdrawal. So the experience I then proceeded to have did come as quite a shock. I just did not know. Like I said I had stopped taking Paxil in hopes of regaining my life and possibly trying something new. The first couple days I noticed I was a little more edgy and maybe moody. But it was day 3 that I came to realize there was a problem. The previous night I had the oddest sleep I had ever experienced. I could not tell most of the time if I was awake or asleep and the dreams were very vivid to the point if something fell in my "dream" my heart would begin to beat fast. Iwasalsodrippinginsweat at certain points of the night. At the start of my day as I began to get ready, I began to hyperventilate and anxiety just shot right thru me like never before. I was able to regain my composure and go out to breakfast with my husband. Afterwards we went shopping at the bookstore. As I sat at a table 157 skimming a book, anxiety once again came over me, this time it was uncontrollable. I frantically looked about for my husband and when I couldn't find him fear took over my entire being as tears began to whelm up in my eyes. Nausea came quickly and I was forced to run to the stores bathroom. Eventually I was able to locate him and he got the car and helped me in. At home I laid down only to have more of those "dreams" and rest to where I was unable to know if I was awake or asleep. When I got up Justus was playing with my bass guitar and decided to "quiz" me on the chords. I rambled " E, A,...uh uh" and then uncontrollable tears came forth. I could not stop crying, which caused me to hyperventilate and then came the nausea and vomiting. A bit later we decided that we could go pick up something at Wal-Mart and grab a bite to eat. A crowded Wal-Mart is not the place for someone going through any kind of withdrawal. Midway through our shopping quickly became the end of our shopping I managed to find my way to a bench to sit on as he checked out. The whole time wanting to just crawl underneath the bench and die. Again I was sweating and sweating and then moments later needed a blanket for the chills. I gripped my arm so tightly as my arms were crossed that my dull fingernail marks could still be seen hours later. 158 We went home and this time I knew that I absolutely must stay there. The intensity of the pain I felt is beyond words. Whenever an attack would come on me all I could manage to say is "make it stop, make it stop". I think about and remember all the emotional lows I have had and even the most traumatizing events that I have lived through cannot even compare to the magnitude of the feelings of sadness, anxiety, fear, confusion and physical discomfort I was experiencing. Most of the evening became a blur. I remember lying down on my living room floor as if to say I give up while I lay there crying and shaking. I crawled to the bathroom cause I knew that I would be sick. And then I could not move from the little ball I had crawled into, laying on the cold bathroom floor sweating and coughing. At about 1am, I went and lie in my bed, simply for the fact that I knew my husband wouldn't go to bed with me still up. We had looked on line and found information regarding Paxil withdrawal which stated it was generally safe to take Tylenol pm in order to help with muscle tension and sleeping issues. I would not take it, I have taken it many times before but just the mere thought of it, made me break out in a panic attack. I was angry and wanted to throw everything in sight. Fear gripped me. I was scared and I didn't even know what of. I was scared to sleep, I was scared of any medicine, I was scared to go lay on the couch. No logical reason for these things but it was just as a little child is afraid if they step out of their bed the monster will grab their leg, I 159 was now consumed with the same kind of irrational fear. I could hear everything, the fan, Justus scratching his forehead, the wind outside. It all seemed so loud. So I cried out to God in my mind cause I just knew I could take no more. All I said was I need to hear you. And then as I lay there I didn't hear or feel any comforting words but I became a little less scared to take the medicine that would help me sleep so I did that. And I also realized that yes this was too way much and I need to rewind the process, I then took a Paxil. Not with the intentions of keeping on this life sucking drug but understanding that even though it only took one day to start, it would take many more to stop. This realization did not suddenly make everything better. I did continue to hear an audible noise that did not exist to which I woke myself with my own voice asking "what" in response to what I believed was Justus taking care of the "noise". I then looked over to find him sleeping. So as I begin this journey of being free from Paxil I can only think "I wish I would have known.".. It has been about 2 months since I wrote that piece above, since then I have been able to tamper off Paxil and have been Paxil free for about 3 weeks. I still have an edge but at least I am a functioning human being once again.‖ ∞ 160 ―First of all, I was on 25mg Paxil for about 4 and a half months. And like most people on this web site I was not told beforehand about the possibility of horrible side effects if I ever decided to discontinue use of the drug. And to be completely honest I did not refer to my doctor before I stopped taking the pills, and I did it cold turkey. I would not recommend that. My main reason for stopping was the expense and the pills really didn't do much for me except to make me feel tired and lazy all of the time, even if I took them at night. Also, I didn't like the idea of having to take pills for the rest of my life, which is something my doctor told me I was going to have to do to reap the so-called benefits of the pill. But at the time I was searching for something/anything to help me with social anxiety which had begun interfering with my career and had forced me to quit several jobs over the last couple of years. I stopped taking the pills on Tuesday and on Friday the side effects kicked in. The first thing I felt were the electrical zaps. I immediately started researching sites to get more information and found that I wasn't alone. The next thing I experienced was intense nausea every time I ate and an overall feeling of just being sick and unhappy. I was miserable for the next two days but then I made a conscious decision that I would get through this and I did. It's been exactly one week since the withdrawals kicked in and I am feeling much better. The electrical zaps have almost disappeared completely and I get 161 stomach pains once in a while but not as often as before. The weird thing is that I feel better than I did before I started taking the pills. I'm still unemployed and almost completely broke because of it but I am motivated and have made more progress in the last week than I have in the last four and a half months in terms of my job search. I just want to encourage others to hang in there because the symptoms do go away. Also stay busy, walking really does help even if you feel sick or the zaps are frequent, you can do it. Drink lots of water or herbal teas with no sugar, eat healthy and in small amounts all day long and read (even on my worst day when I was using my brain I wouldn't get those zaps) and write out your feelings in a journal. Another thing, and maybe the most important is to think positively and know that this won't last forever and when it does you will be grateful for your new found appreciation of being Paxil free. Also prayer and a belief in something higher than yourself (God or whatever you'd like to call it) will make all of the difference in the world. I'll just suggest the book that helped me get through it and is changing my life as we speak. It's called The Essential Ernest Holmes. He founded the science of mind school of thought (not scientology) which basically says that we are all responsible for how we choose to respond to situations in our lives, good and/or bad. And that it is very important to know that we are all products of a higher being and that because of that we are special no matter 162 what anyone else has done or said to us, people who know this will always react to things differently and more positively than others, we tend to call them arrogant. It‘s not about thinking you're better than others its about knowing that no one is more worthy than you. It's really a good book. I like it because it's practical, it makes sense, there are no judgments or rules to follow and it has helped me a great deal and will continue to for the rest of my life. But do whatever you can to get closer to that higher place no matter what you believe in, we are all the same, some of us are just more in tuned with our higher selves than others. But we are all capable if we change the way we think, which changes the things we say and do, which changes our lives. Think negative and your life is negative, thinking positive has the same effect. I'm doing my best to work on that now and forever, old habits do die hard but I know I can do it.‖ ―I was prescribed 40 mg of Paxil daily for Panic disorder about a year ago. Then I was laid off and my benefits ran out. What a blessing! I weaned myself off the evil drug by cutting it in halves and then quarters. Although I didn't really suffer from the brain "zaps", I did have extreme nausea, loss of appetite, dizziness, tingling in my face and extremities, chills, sweating... the list goes on, you know the drill. Reading your website helped immensely. 163 I felt like I wasn't alone, like I wasn't going crazy or just imagining the symptoms. Exercise helps tremendously. I felt at my worst in the morning - that's when I hauled myself out of bed and jogged. It works. The symptoms get better. The strangest thing is - suddenly my anxiety is actually better. I thought it would worsen. When I watch a movie now, the sound is much clearer, the colors brighter. I can FEEL again, something I forgot how to do.‖ ∞ ―I am 32 and was on Paxil for 3 months for anxiety attacks and had to stop cold turkey because of the bad reaction I had to Paxil. Like most of everyone else, I have been through hell as well. I have been off Paxil now for 4 weeks and am doing much better. I still have the tingling sensations in my head, face and extremities, occasional dizzy spells, and feel drunk most of the time. But, I don't feel like I did!!!! :) I am currently taking SaM-E and B stress complex and have not had 1 anxiety attack. As much as I hate to admit this, I seriously wanted to die when I first got off Paxil. I was so ill, thought I was going nuts, to the point of suicidal thoughts. I have read a lot of the stories and pray for each one of you all..Just know that IT WILL get better. I know for a fact that one of the main reasons I have gotten through this as well 164 as I have is from your web site. Thank you all again for sharing your stories and you for your site..God Bless ― ∞ ―I am a 31 year-old woman. I was prescribed Paxil (10mg) by my family Dr. two years ago after complaining of general anxiety. I have always been a "keyed-up" person, but that year, there were several other contributing factors including my wedding, family problems, ect... The Paxil took a few weeks to alleviate the symptoms, but once it kicked in, I felt great. I was calm, cool and collected. I didn't take my husband‘s head off at the slightest provocation and things just didn't seem to get to me anymore. After two years, like anything else that must be done daily, being on Paxil began to lose its appeal. I had taken up yoga and loved the idea of relieving stress naturally. My doctor had not once in those two years discussed when I should stop, so I decided that the next time I saw my Dr., I would approach him. One Thursday evening (11 days ago to be exact) I realized that I had taken the last Paxil I had. Friday morning I called my Dr's office for a refill. When I went to the drug store that evening, it turned out that they had never called in the refill. Since I knew there was no way I'd reach my Dr. until Monday, I decided to quit then and there. 165 I was in no way prepared for what was to come. The first few day were fine. I wasn't until Sunday afternoon, while hiking with my husband, that I realized something was very wrong. I began to feel very nauseous and dizzy. I thought that maybe I was just hungry, so we went to grab a pizza after our hike. I wound up eating just about the whole thing. That evening the dizziness continues and I began to hear a swooshing noise in my head. This "swooshing" would happen every time I moved my eyes and was very disconcerting. I woke up several time during the night bathed in sweat. It was awful. The next day at work, I could barely function. I was so light headed that I was afraid to leave my chair. I would break into tears for no apparent reason and two minutes later be laughing myself silly. I ate more food that you can imagine. I just couldn't stop myself. On Tuesday, things got even worse. I was unable to keep any food down and the "swooshes" were getting more and more frequent. I finally decided to call my doctor and see if he had any advice as to how to alleviate these symptoms. To my shock and disgust, my doctor told me that he had never heard of anyone complaining of these symptoms having quit Paxil. He reiterated that the drug was "non-habit forming" and then had the nerve to tell me that I may have an inner ear infection. I couldn't believe it. When I got home that night, I got online and found this site. Even though my symptoms were not subsiding, at least I knew that I wasn't crazy and that I was not alone. It's been 11 days now 166 and I'm beginning to feel a bit better. I wound up taking the rest of last week off from work to try to just ride out the symptoms at home. I went back to yoga yesterday. I just want to tell everyone that it does get better. I still hear the swooshes in my head and feel perpetually "out of it", but I was able to work today and the nausea has subsided. I hope that going forward I will be able to control my stress and anxiety on my own. I know that I will never take this drug again. If anyone had told me that this could happen, I wouldn't have taken it to begin with. It's just not worth it.‖ ∞ ―My doctor weaned me off a 40 milligram dose in four weeks (30 milligrams daily for one week, 20 milligrams daily for one week and 10 milligrams daily for two weeks). He mentioned I might have "vivid dreams." The withdrawal (the flu) symptoms began in week three of the above regime. I started having most of the rest of your list about the time I ran out of pills. But I was determined to be off the drug. I survived knowing others had kicked the Paxil habit, exercise (walking on a treadmill) and chocolate. Oh yes, and WATER, WATER, WATER. I usually drank around 64 ounces of water a day, but I soon was chugging at least 100 ounces a day. When I wasn't drinking water, I was in the bathroom. 167 I have already dropped 15 of the 40+ pounds I gained while on Paxil. I was nauseated most of the time, so I wasn't eating much (brown rice and steamed veggies). What I did eat went straight through me (the water might have helped). The weight loss was another thing that kept me going. After years of watching the scale go up and up, it was wonderful seeing my clothes get looser and looser. It has been some six weeks since my last dose, I am mostly over the physiological symptoms. In the past week or two, I have noticed my mood swings have dipped lower than before (while on Paxil), which is to be expected. They seem to be fairly short lived, and chocolate helps. So does exercise. I would also like to mention that I quit caffeine cold turkey because the thought of coffee made me sick to my stomach. I have only been able to enjoy my morning cup of java in the last week or so, as long as it's not too strong.‖ ∞ ―Hi Frank! Friday I couldn't take it anymore so I took the day off work and went to the beach. I spent all day walking on the beach. Walking, walking, walking. I became obsessed with collecting beach glass (I guess it was something to focus on). I didn't sleep too well that night, but listening to the ocean was nice. (I splurged on an Oceanside room at a B&B). 168 Saturday, back to the beach, looking for beach glass. I must have walked 10 miles of beach. Finally drove back home Saturday evening with a sunburn and aching legs and enough beach glass to fill a rather large jar. Then around 9 pm Saturday night it hit me. It was like someone hit a switch. All of a sudden, I felt sleepy. Really, really sleepy. I slept for something like 36 hours (with a couple 2-3 hour breaks where I got up and sat in a chair for awhile). Now it's Monday, I'm at work and although I feel a bit spacey, otherwise I'm fine! I did it, I beat Paxil. The jar of beach glass is going to be my souvenir. Rebecca. P.s. I have some tips you might want to add to your tips list: For me, the dizziness and "zaps" only lasted a few days. After that, my worst symptom was agitation, including a pounding heart beat, horrible insomnia, sweating, shaking, and a sense of terrible restlessness. This lasted about 2 weeks during which time I could not sleep for more than 2 or 3 hours a night. My advice for these kinds of symptoms: — Keep yourself as cool as possible. Run the air conditioner (or turn down the heat, depending on the season). Drink lots of ice water. Take cool showers. Go swimming. — You probably won't be hungry very often, but when you do get hungry, restrict yourself to very , very light meals, e.g., a little soup and soda crackers. Digestion will crank up your autonomic nervous system, which is already running in high gear. So you may end up 169 feeling much worse after eating. However, drink lots of water so you don't get dehydrated. — Get as much exercise as possible. Even if you normally hate to exercise, you may find that going for long walks has a calming effect. — Avoid alcohol like the plague. — If you are a caffeine addict, cut back on coffee/tea/cola as much as possible. Watch out for non-cola soft drinks that have caffeine in them (read the labels). Avoid herbal remedies that say they will give you "energy" or "stimulate the mind" or improve "mental clarity" etc. because these may contain stimulants like Ephedra. Also avoid any over-the-counter drugs that can stimulate the nervous system. Many cold, allergy, and asthma medicines contain stimulants such as ephedrine or pseudoephedrine (Sudafed). Of course, if you have asthma, talk to your doctor before changing any of your medications or inhalers. — Find a hobby or project that you can work on obsessively during those late nights when you can't sleep. — Keep reminding yourself that this isn't going to last forever! ― ∞ Took Paxil for 6 years. As of Jan. 16th 2003 am Paxil free. PLEASE try this. Tapered from 20mg to 10mg, Buy a "pill cutter" immediately!! Cut 10 mg into quarters. Take for several weeks. 170 Then was prescribed 12.5mg CONTROLLED RELEASE TABLETS and cut those pills into quarters with the pill cutter. Would take 1/4 then wait 2 days (that was all I could stand) Then after a few weeks, take 1/4 pill and would wait 3 to 4 days, (all I could stand), then it started to get better. Could handle the withdrawal symptoms as they became more slight and I could live with them. Stayed on 1/4 pill every 4 to 6 days for a week or two. Symptoms began to subside. Have not taken a Paxil since Jan. 16, 2003 !!!! Still have slight "electrical shocks" every now and then, but can handle that. No night horrors, still have terrible night sweats, thinking much clearer, can now experience emotions, and I can now cry when something truly moves me, and LADIES ---- this may be more than you want to know but I can now have an orgasm in less than a minute (it it wonderful) ---- Please keep trying, it is worth it! Take your time. (I still have my Paxil on hand in the horror that symptoms return) I will pray for each of you and keep me in your prayers also. There was a point and time that I thought this would be impossible to write. But I am FREE!!!!. It took me 3 months of Paxil withdrawal HELL. I am a Certified Medical Assistant and will always suggest to any of the patients that I come into contact with that they discuss with their Doctor about coming off Paxil ASAP. Thanks for listening. ― ∞ 171 ―I knew the withdrawal symptoms would be a rough ride for a bit, but I was prepared to do "whatever it takes" to be Paxil-free. So, last May, my "new" doctor started tapering me from 30 mg. to 20 mg. which I did for four weeks. I experienced some dizziness and "disconnection" with my body -- an unbalanced feeling. In June, I went from 20 mg. to 15, and then 15 to 10 mg. July 1st, I stopped all Paxil. All of a sudden, I felt completely lethargic -- it was as if the life had been sucked out of me. I experienced "electric shock pulses" in my brain for a couple of weeks. And I was completely disconnected from my body and had much trouble with walking and balance. My doctor advised me that while getting off Paxil, I must eat 3 balanced meals a day -- get out for a walk in the fresh air every day. I did not do this, and I think my withdrawal symptoms were worse because I was not looking after myself nutritionally or physically. Anyway, finally in mid-August, I began a 6 kilometer walk every second day - I started to eat 3 healthy meals a day, and I started feeling stronger with each week that passed. I have continued this regimen, along with taking amino acids, multivitamins and anti-oxidants and I am feeling FANTASTIC! I feel "real" again, and I have feelings/emotions that I can "feel". While on Paxil, I "floated" over everything -- now, my mind is clear and focused, my short-term memory has improved 100%. So, rest assured, the withdrawal symptoms do pass and it is a huge sense of relieve to be Paxil-free. 172 P.S. The doctor who helped me get off Paxil does not like the drug, because of the severe withdrawal effects. He said there are other anti-depressants that are easier to get off. BUT GETTING OFF PAXIL IS WORTH IT AND THE WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS ARE TEMPORARY. YOU CAN DO IT‖ ∞ ―I am writing this to all of you who are either A) contemplating the discontinuance of Paxil B) going through bad withdrawal symptoms or C) reading about Paxil and realizing that it is not a very good drug to be on. Before I embark on sharing my story with all of you, I first want to acknowledge that it IS possible to QUIT Paxil. Some of you may be skeptical of this comment, believe me, I certainly was at one point in my life after I had tried and failed numerous times to get myself off of the drug. Honestly, if it had not been for all of the ―success‖ stories posted throughout this wonderful web site, I probably would have not had the courage to discontinue Paxil. Therefore, I am indebted to each and every individual who has shared his or her story on this web site. Through reading the stories, I gained knowledge, strength, and courage to brave one of the most difficult battles I have ever faced in my life. With that being said, I shall begin my tale of Paxil withdrawal. 173 I had been on Paxil for the past seven years to treat my social anxiety disorder. I had tried numerous times throughout the past two years to quit cold turkey from my 20/mg a day dosage but did not have success. With the encouragement of a very good friend of mine I started to taper my dosage. I decided to cut my daily intake from 20 mg to 10 mg. A few days after I made the 10 mg decrease, I began to experience a wide array of symptoms; most noticeably, the ―electric shock‖ sensations that so many other users have reported. In addition, I developed flu-like symptoms for about a week after I quit. I stayed on 10 mg for another two weeks and then decided to cut my dosage to 5 mg a day. This decision was made because my body had habituated to the decrease and the withdrawal symptoms had subsided completely. When I made the decrease from 10 mg to 5 mg the side effects were not as noticeable. I did not develop any ―flu-like‖ symptoms and there was the absence of the ―electric shock‖ phenomena. Once again, I stayed on this 5 mg a day regimen for about three weeks. I was very excited about the progress that I had made, but I was also very hesitant and worried about discontinuing Paxil altogether. I had read all of the horror stories on the net about the hells associated with serotonin withdrawal syndrome and how getting off 174 of Paxil is far more difficult than quitting any of the other SSRI‘s (read Prozac, Zoloft, etc.) because of the drugs half-life. I had also heard that quitting Paxil altogether was synonymous to an alcoholic ceasing to drink (cold-turkey). With that knowledge in hand, I decided to stop taking Paxil altogether. Within three days, my body was craving the drug. On day three I started the horrible withdrawal as described by many on this web-site. I began experiencing nightmares that seemed incredibly real, I suffered a terrible headache throughout the course of the day that would not let up no matter how much aspirin I took, the muscles in my back severely ached, I was extremely irritable, my sense of equilibrium and balance was impaired, I had intense insomnia as it was difficult to get to sleep at night and I felt an exhaustion which I would compare to infectious mononucleosis. In addition, a few times in a day for no apparent reason I would begin to panic for 30 seconds or so and then I would be fine. All of the aforementioned symptoms grew in intensity from day 3 of my discontinuance and peaked at approximately day 18. I have now been Paxil free for 28 days. The majority of my withdrawal symptoms are behind me as the only ones that my body is now exhibiting are mild muscle aches (only in the morning), headaches, a slight feeling of fatigue and off and on nightmares. 175 Conversely, I can honestly say that I now feel the best that I have in seven years. It is strange, as I feel as if I now have more energy than I have ever had before. In addition, my mind is more alert and sharp than it ever has been and I feel as if everything is incredibly clear. It feels as if a heavy fog has been lifted from my life and the sun is finally shining through. When I listen to music, it sounds clearer and seems to flow better, and, it sounds better than it ever has before. I feel as if I am actually living now and I feel as if I can experience emotions again. I can feel and experience extreme elation or happiness. I actually feel more emotionally stable than I ever have and my sense of self-confidence has greatly increased! In addition, I have noticed that my appetite has increased (luckily I am not gaining any weight, in fact I think I might be losing some weight), my vision seems to be clearer, I seem to be able to recall things more quickly and with more ease, and my encounters with other people now seem to be actual interactions instead of chores. Basically, I am happy, full of energy and vitality, and I feel full of life. A good quote to describe how I am feeling is ―my cup runneth over‖. I now feel emotionally strong and I feel as if I am ready to take-on and handle the world. I experience a sense of peace and fulfillment that I haven‘t felt in a very long time. I seem much more interested in the things that I 176 used to love and I feel as if I am now actually living. In conclusion, it should be known that I do not despise the makers of Paxil. Paxil helped to give me some of the tools that I needed to get over my social anxiety disorder. In the same breadth, I find it very unfair that SKB manufactured the drug without disclosing to the public that people do experience withdrawal symptoms upon discontinuance. Would I recommend this drug to any of my family or friends suffering from depression or anxiety disorders? Certainly not! Lastly, an excellent tool that helped me when I was experiencing withdrawal symptoms was to just tell myself that each day that I was off of Paxil was another day closer to being ―Paxil-Free‖. I also convinced myself that I did not need drugs to help me cope with day-to-day life. Getting off of Paxil has been one of the most difficult things that I have ever experienced in my 23 year old life thus far, but, the feeling of being able to conquer such a feat only gives me that much more confidence. Thus, if you are reading this and experiencing withdrawal symptoms, don‘t give up, hang in there, it is tough, but trust me, in the end, you will thank yourself that you are ―Paxil-Free‖. ― ∞ 177 ―For everyone out there who is wondering whether they can get out of the Paxil withdrawal hell....I am here to say it is possible! I did it cold turkey. I don't suggest doing it that way but my health insurance ran out and I had no choice. In the end it was the best thing that ever happened. I was scared at first but I just told myself I had no choice. Once I realized I could do that....I had the strength to beat my panic attacks...on my own...drug free! That was a good feeling. That was two years ago. I am better than ever. The electric shocks and the dizziness will go away....I was scared that they wouldn't but they do. Good Luck. ― ∞ ―I was on Paxil for 7 months when I attempted to stop taking the drug. While taking it I experienced tremors, restless sleep, decreased sexual sensitivity, headaches and night sweats. When I tried to quit I experienced severe dizziness which kept me from doing many activities of everyday life. I lost all hope and was brought to tears with the thought that I would never get off this drug without spending months being dizzy and unable to sleep. 178 Then my boyfriend stepped in and tried to find some advice online where I discovered a lot of people with my exact same symptoms. What I finally did to help me quit Paxil without overwhelming dizziness was to very slowly decrease my dosage while increasing days in between of not taking it. I started taking half a pill each day (10 mg), then half every other day, then every 2 days, then a quarter (5 mg) every other day, then every 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, and so on. I would go as long as I could until I started feeling dizzy, then take as little as possible to feel normal again. Eventually I was able to go 4-5 days with as little as 5 mg and then quit altogether without dizziness. This entire process took about 2 months. I'd spend at least a week on each step down the ladder. All my symptoms have since disappeared and I feel normal once again. You can do it too! ― ∞ ―I took an accelerated approach to weaning myself off. First, I cut from 20mg to 10 mg. Two weeks later, went down to 5 mg. Two weeks later went to2.5 mg. When I ran out of pills, that was it. Let me tell you that I felt horrible. Nausea, dizzy, sweats, shocks. 179 All the symptoms described. After about a month and a half, the nausea went away. I'm back to my grumpy self but feeling better. No more shocks and spins either. Try lots of water, sweat it out. When you're feeling sick try a cold, sweet drink. Maybe only a placebo but seemed to work ― ∞ ―Thank you for your Web site. I decided to quit taking my 20mg/day Paxil dosage after two years of being on the drug. My husband and I had been discussing pregnancy, and it had been so long since I'd had counseling for depression, I thought it was time to get back to a drug-free life. I quit cold-turkey nine days ago. The symptoms were exactly as they'd been described on your Web site -- nausea, dizziness, "brain sloshing" -- and vivid, epic dreams. I warned my co-workers that any sudden illness was brought on by my withdrawal from prescription medication and that I'd be fine after two weeks or so. I still get daily headaches, the dull, pounding, pressurized skull kind. I hear odd sloshy noises in my head, but can mostly tune them out 180 now. But last night I felt a sense of clarity I hadn't felt in years, even before being on Paxil. My brain felt clean, fresh, as if someone had dusted it off or rubbed off the tarnish. Conversations with my husband became interactions, not altercations, and I felt like I could actually comprehend the things he said to me, not just react to them. There is a light. Many advised going off the drug slowly, and I won't go against their advice, but my experience was quick, dirty and worth it. I hope others feel that sense of return to consciousness once this extremely strong, brain-numbing drug is out of their systems. Anti-depressants are not evil, but they are so new, and so misused. With hope, the future will bring greater knowledge about the awful circumstances that cause us to require "synapse lubricators" so that we may feel relief from anxiety, fear and sadness. ― ∞ ―Hello ... I would like to relate to you how I successfully withdrew, cold turkey, from a 40m per day dose of Paxil, that I had been taking for 6 years. It was, as many people on this site have related, a living hell, in every sense of the word. I am a 42 year old single mother of four children, ages 14, 12, 8 & 7, and I am also a breast 181 cancer survivor. I couldn't take 2 weeks off of work, or send my kids off to camp while I went through the withdrawal, but I knew that going cold turkey was the ONLY way for me ... to just DO IT and get it over with, not draw it out into this big, long process. I had EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS listed on the "symptoms" part of this site. The night terrors/insomnia were the absolute worst ... to be so exhausted that all you want to do is sleep ... finally I would drift off, only to be awakened moments later with a feeling of sheer terror, with vivid, frightening images so real that I think I was actually hallucinating. But somehow I got through. I slept with the light on, took Valerian ( I was coming cold turkey off Ativan & Neurontin, too) Root to help me sleep, and tried as much as I could to pamper myself. I am a classical musician, so I tried to immerse myself as much as possible in the music I loved. I took 4 showers a day to deal with the unbelievable sweating, and just walked around VERY slowly are carefully to deal with the vertigo. And I lay in bed as much as I could, reminding myself that for every day I could just hang in there and not go back on the Paxil, I was one day closer to having the drug OUT of my system. A few close friends that knew what I was going through came over and helped out with the kids a little (hint: Paxil withdrawal & 6 year olds having tantrums do not mix real well, it kind of had the effect of nails being raked across my brain). 182 My Mom came over -- I handed her a printed-out list of all the withdrawal symptoms, she read them, and promptly did some of my dishes and laundry. My hint to other Moms, especially single Moms, who are quitting Paxil cold turkey. Forget about cooking fancy dishes for a few weeks. Buy paper cups, paper plates, paper bowls & plastic silverware, stock up on the Fruit Loops, Cocoa puffs, bread, peanut butter & milk, and don't worry, your kids will survive without their broccoli while you are experiencing the worst of your withdrawal. They might even enjoy themselves and wish Mommy would let them eat Pop-tarts for dinner ALL the time (-: And let me tell you, those %$#@*%* electric shocks. I really could have done without those, thank you very much. Well, I could go on and on, but let me suffice it to say that I am now doing quite well. It has been four weeks since my last Paxil tablet, and I no longer fall asleep before the children at night. I have my old energy back, as well as a some of my old anxieties, but am in general feeling wonderful. I used to drink 6 - 8 cups of coffee a day just to stay awake ...the Paxil made me so drowsy! ... I now have only one cup of caffeinated coffee in the morning, something I thought I could NEVER manage to do!! I am drinking green tea (both hot and iced!), eating better, doing slow meditative breathing exercises, and making sure I take a walk every day. When I originally went on Paxil, I gained 40 lb., and couldn't lose it, no matter WHAT I did. Since going off the Paxil, I have lost 10 lb. without even trying. My entire system seems to be functioning 183 much better. Well, life is not all a bowl of cherries, of course, but at least now I feel like I have a chance of trying to get through it without being hopelessly addicted to a drug that, YES, did help me immensely at one point in time, but was no longer needed. This Paxil site helped immensely as I was going through the worst of things. Just to know that I wasn't alone, and wasn't losing my mind, was such a blessings. When I first saw the complete list of withdrawal symptoms, I cried tears of joy, to simply know that what I was experiencing was NOT all in my head, and that there was light at the end of the tunnel. So there is my story. I hope that some part of it will help someone, somewhere, who is trying to get off of Paxil cold turkey. Hang in there. It gets better. I'm doing well, and I am PAXIL-FREE!!!! ― ∞ ―Hello, I started on Paxil in March of 1999 after a severe mental and physical breakdown. After about 5 months of being on 20mg a day, I decide I was feeling fine and that I was going to wean myself off in a period of 2 weeks. About 3-4 days after I stopped taking Paxil, the severe symptoms began-- extreme dizziness, extreme nausea, headaches, crying, sweating, depression, electric shock feelings all through my body, and that very annoying "swish-swish" in my head 184 as I would move my eyes around (would occur with eyes open OR shut). I, with the advice of my doctor, went back on Paxil. The symptoms were terrible and 5 months was not enough. It's now July 2001, and I am 2 weeks off of Paxil after taking a FULL YEAR to wean myself off. Paxil is a very powerful drug that can definitely help a person when they truly need it. But, you must be prepared for the side-effects while on the drug, as well as the withdrawal symptoms when you are ready to come off it. When I went on Paxil I weighed 125lbs., at 5' 7". I have been thin my whole life. While on the Paxil, I steadily gained weight and have topped off at 160lbs. That's a lot of weight to gain. Other people that I know on Paxil have also gained a good bit of weight. The final dose that I was on was only 5mg (split 20mg pill in quarters). And because I had taken a full year to wean myself down to 5mg, I, along with my doctor did not think that I would experience the side-effects again. WE WERE WRONG!!!! The past week and a half have been just horrible. I had all the same withdrawal symptoms again. I could not be in a vertical position very long, the dizziness and nausea were that bad. But I have toughed it out, although the swish-swish feeling in my eyes is still there. This will disappear eventually. 185 My advice to anyone wanting to get off of Paxil is not to rush it!!! If you can take a full year and wean yourself off---DO IT. When the time comes to finally get off, take two weeks off from work (you'll need it), and be prepared to spend a lot of time in bed. All the feelings and physical symptoms that you will feel are normal, we have all felt them. You're not going crazy. It's drug withdrawal. Once you begin to feel better, slowly begin an exercise routine, even if it's just walking. Exercise is wonderful for combating depression and anxiety!!!!! It, along with good nutrition, bring the body into balance. Drink a lot of water! When the Fall arrives, consider buying the special lights to treat SAD (seasonal affective disorder). This is especially important if you live in the north like I do (Buffalo). Good Luck. You can get off of Paxil when the time is right! Elizabeth ― ∞ ―My name is Jan I am a 42 year old man from Denmark. I write you because I want you to know that your site has been my ―bible‖ as I went off Paroxetine 2 1/2 weeks ago… It is a very impressive site … good stuff. My physician did not mention any of the withdrawal symptoms at all. So if it hadn‘t been for your site, I would have been very scared, as symptoms were very heavy. I had electric impulses jogging around in my body. Could not move my 186 eyes, without feeling as if my breast/heart jumped around. (very unpleasant). And many more of the symptoms you write about. I am going to show your site to my physician in order to show her what not only I have been through but many others. I had moments where I had to go to bed just crying because I felt like if I had a stroke or something even worse. I still suffer from some minor spasms in my right hand and problems in the middle of the day with concentration. But overall I am fine again … And very tired ― ∞ "I feel it is so important to share my victory with everyone. I too felt as though I was a prisoner to this drug. Several attempts to wean myself were unsuccessful. To make matters worse, every time I spoke with my doctor or his nurse, they would say "oh really, we just have not heard of anyone having so much difficulty getting off of this drug." Truly, I thought I was going insane. It was so eyeopening to learn that I was not nuts and that many people have gone through the horrible side effects. Well, it took 9 long months, but I was determined. The slow progression was the success story. I went from 20 mg to 15 mg switching dsg. every other day for 3 months. Then 15mg to 10mg switching dsg. every other day for 3 months. Then finally 10mg to 5 mg switching dsg. every other day for 3 months. When I 187 got down to five mg. I maintained that for about 3 weeks. Went to 5 mg. every other day for 2 weeks. Finally stopped. I held onto that bottle for one month before I had the guts to flush the Paxil I had left. Even after being off. I have challenges, but I am not going back on. I will find something else. You see, I have Multiple Sclerosis. The chances of me needing to be on an antidepressant are great. However, I don't ever want to go through this type of torment again. Good luck to everyone. God Bless." ∞ ―I went going off of Paxil the wrong way! I live an hour and a half from my parents, and while visiting them last weekend, I forgot my pills there. This week has been hell on wheels for my husband and I. I went on the drug three years ago to help with anxiety and panic while getting my Masters Degree and getting over a horrible auto accident that left me incapacitated for nearly a year. I met my husband two years ago, and got married last fall. We've talked about children, and while nothing can be reported about HUMAN pregnancies when the mother is on Paxil, according to many reports, animal testing has shown birth defects and low birth weight. So, knowing that my "handy helper" was an hour and a half away, I decided to stop taking it all together, and to stay off of it. 188 In the past I would forget for a day or two, have the constant body aches, and zapping throughout my body, my mouth and tongue would also go numb!! I've been off of it for nearly a week now, and the zapping, numbing in the mouth, and having to lean on furniture to get around the room without falling is constant. I do have a piece of advice though - think about your future children!! If you're a woman, you are NOT doing yourself or your baby any good by being pregnant on Paxil. Good luck to you all out there, I'm only a week into it, but going strong and going to beat the drug that supposedly "saved my sanity" three years ago. We can all do it together - my last piece of advice before hopping off of my soapbox, is smoking while quitting intensifies the zapping, vertigo, and confusion. Good luck!! We all need to kick this drug, and we can do it...!!‖ ∞ ―I've been on SSRI's intermittently for the past 15 years of my life. I'm now 29 yrs old and just tired of the same old M.D. response to life's problems, "oh, you don't feel quite right? Just pop some of these." It's a real pity that these "therapists" see a patient as little more than a chemical receptacle and not a person with issues. I guess when you‘re getting commission to sell (read push) drugs on people you have some incentive. Guess we are losing the drug war after all. Well, now that I've gotten that off my chest I'd just like 189 to discuss my current state of Paxil withdrawal. I decided a couple of days ago to kick this silly habit for good. Aside from my distaste of making pharmaceutical companies rich, I don't care for my body being polluted. I'm also beginning to miss my old self. Sure I had my bad times, but at least I had the good ones to. I could appreciate beauty, satisfaction, joy and a myriad of other rich emotions. This Paxil has dulled the senses and dragged me into a painless limbo. I think I prefer life instead. I'm happy to report that I've only suffered mild withdrawal from Paxil (Paxil CR to be specific) with the exception of a pretty bad case of insomnia. I'm currently writing this due to my sleeplessness. At any rate, I can only suggest to anyone going through their time of peril to stay focused on their decision to give up the happy pill, communicate with the doctor, take vitamins and exercise. Don't run away from life, immerse yourself in it. ― ∞ ―I am in my 19th day without Paxil! I started taking Paxil 2 ½ years ago because of anxiety and depression. My doctor told me that Paxil was not an addictive drug. He didn‘t tell me about the sleepiness or the weight gain. I could have dealt with the weight 190 gain, but was a ―married single mother‖ of two young children and wasn‘t prepared to be basically unconscious for 3 days in the beginning. However, after getting past that, I was so glad to be on the Paxil. It was wonderful. The suicidal thoughts went away for me. I could finally eat without being sick. The panic attacks that kept me awake for days at a time vanished. I quit being angry all the time and quit yelling at my children. Nothing seemed to bother me anymore. Messy house? No problem. Kids acting like hooligans in public? No problem. Cereal and popcorn three days in a row for dinner? Yipee! I thought it was great. Fast forward 2 years. My doctor decided it was time for me to stop taking it. My dad was dying and I asked if I could stay on until he passed and then come off. The doctor said ok. Three weeks before my six month appointment I ran out of pills. I decided to come off on my own, that way, if I ‗‖couldn‘t‖, I could tell the doctor at my appointment that I had tried to come off and needed to stay on. I was thinking that the reasons I went on the drug in the first place would come back. I didn‘t know there was a withdrawal process. I thought I was catching the flu. I was totally worn out, had a headache, my eyes hurt, I was dizzy, nauseated, had diarrhea and just didn‘t feel good. This went on for about 4 days. I never once thought it had anything to do with the Paxil. Those symptoms continued and I began having panic attacks again. I also had this awful swooshing in my head. I was also angrier than I had ever been in my life. 191 Everything made me mad. I physically attacked my husband more than once and gave my neighbors quite a show when I threw my patio furniture off the deck, walked down the stairs, put it back, got pissed off about it, and threw the furniture down again. I looked on the internet under ―Paxil withdrawal‖ and found your website. BINGO! By the time I had been off the pills for 7 days I couldn‘t stand myself and neither could anyone else. But I knew I would never take another Paxil if I lived through this. I thought I was going crazy. I thought I would die and wanted to. The thoughts of suicide came rushing back. Only this time, I wanted to take my children with me. I was no longer numb and had to deal with the loss of my dad. I thought I was doing so well after his funeral because I didn‘t cry. I didn‘t realize that I couldn‘t cry. Well, I have now made up for it. I have been very emotional since going off the Paxil, but I guess that is better than being numb. I drank a lot of water, tried the chocolate thing (didn‘t really work but didn‘t hurt either), went to bed when I put the kids to bed, and basically tried not to lose my job because of the awful, uncontrolled, ridiculous things that came out of my mouth. I am doing much better now. I still have a bit of the dizziness and diarrhea but am feeling much better. My advice for anyone wanting to come off Paxil is once you quit taking them, don‘t start again. Who wants to go through that hell more than once?! You can make it, you aren‘t going crazy, and as they say, this too shall pass!‖ 192 5. Advice What follows are some guidelines that will help you with severe withdrawal. The general tips come out of my own experience with the process. The guides are on-line resources written people with at least some expertise in the field. The section on visitor‘s advice was put together from the hundreds of letters I received on the subject. Please keep in mind that they must be viewed with great skepticism as often the writers will have absolutely no medical knowledge at all. I have included them as an instance of evoking the ― wisdom of the masses‖. Undoubtedly, some of the tips will help. Others however might be instances of coincidence, misinterpretation, placebo effect or a combination thereof. I have inserted comments where necessary. 5.1 GENERAL TIPS Decrease your dosage slowly (check with your physician) If possible, book a couple of weeks off from work and send the kids to camp. Don‘t be afraid to inform your friends and family if you find that the symptoms are noticeable to others. Eliminate as many possible stressors in your life as you can, (e.g. finances, duties, chores) before starting withdrawal. 193 Find some kind of pleasant memory or thought which you can call upon in the darkest moment. This helps to provide context and hope to the struggle when it is most needed. Surround yourself with means to distract yourself from the symptoms, e.g. books, films, games etc. If possible, engage in some physical activity (golf appears to be an efficient aid according to at least one visitor) Stay away from recreational drugs, including alcohol. Realize that there is an end to it. be in touch with your physician, if only for reassurance To help you objectify the experience keep a written account of your process. 5.2 Withdrawal Guides Protocol for the withdrawal of SSRI Antidepressants - Dr. Healy Practical Tips for Tapering Off - SSRI withdrawal guide- from About.com "J.B.'s" Guide to Paxil Withdrawal - sent in anonymously (see appendix) SSRI Withdrawal procedure - Guide for acupuncturists 194 Please note, that I am not a physician and have, therefore, no way to check if these methods for their medic 5.3 Visitor’s Tips ―What can I say about Paxil? I think your site covers off just about everything regarding withdrawal symptoms. And that's exactly what it is, serotonin withdrawal. People have to remember that there are good doctors and bad doctors. Bad doctors don't do their research on drugs and good doctors do, unfortunately my doctor fits into the former, at least in the case of prescribing me Paxil. I will say this though; Paxil has the astonishingly non-unique effect of destroying your life while making you believe that your life is fine. Sounds like what you read about alcohol or marijuana? That's because it is. I came off Paxil cold turkey two weeks ago, and it's a good thing I did before I took another withdrawal on my credit line, or fully convinced myself that my friends and family aren't really that important to me. Now I'm piecing my life back together, trying to figure out what I've irreparably damaged, and what can be salvaged. When quitting, I would highly recommend a cold turkey or fast-taper approach (despite what my MD brother and sister-in-law say) as opposed to the tapered approach. For people like me it works great anyway. I'm the kind that if I'm 3 hours behind on my daily dosage of Paxil, I start feeling withdrawal. If the onset of withdrawal is this fast for you, then think of it like a band-aid. Pull it off fast or you'll 195 just be putting yourself through hell for months. It'll hurt like hell and you're going to hate yourself and everyone around you, but get it over with and quit. These are my tips though: CHOOSE A GOOD TIME. If you live in Canada, January is not a good time. Wait until May when the sun's out. GET IN SHAPE FIRST. You don't have to be running triathlons, but make sure you have the stamina to go for walks and light bike rides every day. You'll need to do this if you want to stay sane. STAY AWAY FROM STRESSFUL SITUATIONS. This cannot be emphasized enough. I'm extremely passive-submissive by nature, and even I nearly destroyed my life because of the anger that comes with withdrawal The first time I tried to come off Paxil, I made the mistake of thinking that I could continue like normal. I thought it would be like Celexa, so no problem. Bit of a headache, some dizziness, but on the whole, no big deal. Then, after about 4 days off the stuff and at the height of withdrawal, I put myself in the worst possible position. I reffed a high school basketball game between two of the best teams in the city. I was partnered with the worst ref in the league, and the game went into double-OT. Packed gym, people screaming, coaches yelling. Big mistake. The things that people say that normally roll off you, hit you like daggers when you're in withdrawal. The losing coach (who I'm surprised is allowed to work with kids) wouldn't let it go and kept 196 at us long after the final buzzer. I'm a big enough guy to have ripped this coach in two. It took every ounce of determination I had to turn and walk away from that guy. I'm not a tough guy, but had I turned on him, I'm sure I would have killed him. I was that frayed. I went home and trashed my bedroom. I laugh at it now because it was my only opportunity to act like a 70s rock star with a valid excuse. I had to go back on the drugs before I hurt someone. STAY AWAY FROM ALCOHOL AND DRUGS. This is surprisingly easy to do, especially once you're deep into withdrawal and a) you don't want to feel any worse, and b) you discover that it's the Paxil that allowed you to abuse yourself the way you did while you were on it. The stuff makes you feel good no matter what. There's that one woman's story of how she dipped pretty hard into the cocaine while she was on Paxil. Well, that's a bit extreme, but I bet it never would've happened if it weren't for the Paxil. Booze took my money while I was on this stuff. It's hard to explain, but when you're on Paxil, you can drink four nights a week and somehow consider that to be normal. REMEMBER ONE THING SOMEONE SAID AND HOW SPECIAL IT WAS TO YOU. Of course, for someone on Paxil this is a pipedream because nothing means anything to you except your next fun experience, but try to think of something anyway. Write it down, so you can pull it out and read it to yourself.. I laughed when I first heard this suggestion too. My experience on Paxil withdrawal went from heavy physical symptoms (and agitation) to mild physical 197 symptoms to depression. Remember, it's normal to feel depression when you're coming off a drug and you realize how you've screwed up your life while you were on it. You're in rehab, and there's a lot more to it than just the chemical dependency. Look forward and consider how you're going to make your life great again. Learn to hope again, call your mom, do whatever you have to do. By this point, you'll be able to FEEL again. Grasp that and remember how beautiful it is, even if you only feel pain. And cry your eyes out and then take a nap. You'll feel better when you wake up. EXERCISE. Sorry, but the only thing that will kill that headache is cardiovascular exercise. It doesn't have to be intense, in fact, less intense is better. After a day of hell, you can sit on a stationary bike at the gym for two hours lightly pedaling and you won't want to stop, just because it feels so damn good to not feel like shit. Also, you'll want to get those endorphins running in your bloodstream. Nothing like a bit of natural drugs to counteract the removal of the artificial ones. Also, the exercise will help you feel better about the bingeeating. DON'T WRITE OFF ALL SSRIs. You might need them. None of us are perfect. Finally, HOLD ON, you're in for the ride of your life. You know that scene in Trainspotting when the baby is crawling along the ceiling? Yeah. Don't be surprised if you hallucinate. Just grab something real and focus on it. 198 So after two weeks off, I still get the occasional zap, my concentration still sucks, but I'm back being myself again. My bank balance sucks, and I somehow blew off the greatest girl I've ever met, but hey, I was an addict. Maybe I can straighten things out with the girl . . . if not, there'll be another.‖ Generally Sound Advice. Please note, however, that the cold turkey method is not for the weak of heart. Generally, tapering is recommended by doctors. ∞ ―I just wanted to tell everybody that I was able to get rid of my Paxil withdrawal induced nausea with crystallized ginger. After a month and a half of nausea, I'm so angry I didn't try this sooner. It's more effective than Dramamine, easier to keep down then a pill and has no known side effects . ― ∞ ―I've been going through withdrawal from Paxil and have some good advice that has really helped me with the dizziness associated with withdrawal. The way to get rid of the dizziness is to go running. It's amazing how well this works... if I have a headache 199 and feel dizzy due to Paxil withdrawal, I run 3 miles, and the rest of the day, the withdrawal effects are completely gone! ― ―I want to encourage everyone to stay optimistic and positive. I took the advice those who contributed to the website and I added my own strategy as well. Nausea: Crystallize Ginger Works Dizziness: the Dramamine helped the dizziness, but not the jolting electric head "zaps" 2-week Vegetarian Raw Food & Liquid Diet Plan: To flush out toxins, I believed it helped me to recover in 6 days as opposed to 14 days. Humor: Watched funny videos on YouTube and Watch comedies as much as possible. Excessive smiling helps. Listening to soothing or uplifting music: I listened to music of my faith more often. Walking: Really helped! Bitching Session or Two: I found a (very) good, understanding friend, who allowed me to vent my frustrations. Warning: Don't do this excessively. Omega 3 Fatty Acid: I did some internet research, and I decided to purchase OmegaBrite, and my head "zaps" went away (walking helped too). ― Exercise, if not too strenuous , is always recommended. Very good advice in general. ∞ 200 ―Here's where I would like to add some advice, if I may. I have found exercise to be extremely beneficial. I wake up every morning feeling sick and cranky, so I force myself to the gym, and I feel 1000% better afterwards. The body aches and nausea disappear. I still have moments of dizziness and sensitivity to too much sensory stimulation, but it is much easier to handle if I feel physically better. So, my tip is exercise! The endorphins help lessen the withdrawal symptoms.‖ ∞ ―I am a 31 year old teacher who has been on Paxil for 2 years to treat my panic attacks. I tried to get off Paxil 4 times and always experienced horrible side-effects that caused me to go back on my 30 mg daily dose of Paxil. After gaining 60 pounds and getting rid of several doctors, I lucked out. I found a great doctor who, working with her psychiatrist friend, helped me get off Paxil in just 9 days. Here's the plan: Days 1-3: 30 mg Paxil/ 10mg Prozac Day 4: 20mg Paxil/ 20mg Prozac Day 5: 10mg Paxil/ 20mg Prozac Days 6-9: 0mg Paxil/ 20mg Prozac I then stopped taking Prozac. 201 I never thought this would work. I thought my doctor was being naive and I'd be back in there in 2 days telling her to find another plan. I'd tried slow weaning before and was too sick to get out of bed at 25mg a day. I'm not saying this was easy, but it was nothing like I'd gone through any other time I tried quitting. I had no panic and almost no head zaps. I did spend a lot of time asleep and I didn't drive for a couple of weeks (my choice not to due to lack of need and attention span.) I have been off Paxil for 22 days and am now experiencing some panic and insomnia, but I also went off 2 allergy medications and birth control at the same time I did this so my body is a little unhappy right now for many reasons. If you have tried other ways to get off Paxil and have been unsuccessful, go to your doctor and try this! Good Luck! ― Make sure to check with your physician before trying the above tapering method. ∞ ‖How I quit: Organic diet for the first week. Vegetarian only. Week two organic meat introduced. Only fluid was water or chamomile tea. Chamomile tea bothered my stomach so relied solely on water. 202 After week one nicotine craves decreased 80% (I quit smoking when I quit Paxil - both cold turkey). I also take 1 tablet Stress Formula B supplement with 100mg vitamin C and 1 capsule Vitamin A to help with energy and toxin cleanse. Use organic diet for as long as you can to help remove the toxin build up in the body. It is amazing how good the body feels when there is a reduction of processed crap when you are trying to recover from this drug. Water, water, water. Keep hydrated. Stay in air-conditioning during summer. Avoid direct sunlight to prevent dizziness, palpitations, and skin rash. Talk to anyone and everyone about what you are experiencing. It helps. Believe in yourself. This is not you. It is the drug. Acupuncture works very well to balance the body. Breathe slowly and enjoy every breath. You will make it. My husband wonders why I was ever on the drug in the first place. He says I am better now than I have been in two years. I believe he is right. Hang in there and don't give up. You will make it.‖ ∞ ―I'm a primary care doc. I‘ve had a few of my patients who are discontinuing SSRI's tell me that they've felt remarkably better 203 immediately after eating some chocolate. Though I usually give folks who are stopping a short-acting SSRI like Paxil some Prozac for a couple of days (the Prozac‘s long half-life minimizes symptoms) chocolate might be worth considering, since there's some evidence that chocolate may affect neurotransmitter levels. ― Advice from a doctor: the chocolate cure. Can‘t do any harm, I say. ∞ ―I am a 25 year old medical student, and I have been on Paxil 20 mg for approximately 9 months for anxiety. I wanted to get off the Paxil because of the sexual side effects (no libido, un-orgasmic) that were wreaking havoc on my marriage of 6 months. I knew Paxil could cause withdrawal, so with my psychiatrist's consent, I tapered my dose over 2 weeks: I week at 10 mg, an 1 at 5 mg. This was supposed to prevent withdrawal, but it didn't. When I went down to the 5 mg, the withdrawal began. I had incredible migraines almost every day, incapacitating nausea, dizziness, lethargy, hot flashes and chills, blurred vision, a strange noise in my ears when I turned my head, nightmares, etc. I eventually ended up in the ER due to the migraines and although the doctors didn't know my symptoms where due to Paxil withdrawal, even though I told them I had just stopped taking it. But 204 the ER doc gave my Phenergan, which is basically an antihistamine that works on motion sickness. It is the ONLY thing that has helped me get through these last 2 weeks. It eliminated the nausea, decreased the blurred vision and sounds in my ears, and stabilizes the dizziness. I am not a doctor, so I am not advocating that this is for everyone, but it really helped me with my symptoms. I think anyone with similar side effects to me should discuss taking Phenergan or another antiemetic (anti nausea/vomiting med) with their doctor. I'm at two weeks post-Paxil, and it gets better every day. KF ― Note: you must check with your MD before trying this one. ∞ ―Another way to at least feel better and feel like you are doing something to help yourself is to try sublingual Vitamin B12 (sublingual means administered under the tongue.) It's NOT regular B12; the package will actually say "sublingual." I couldn't find it at the regular drug store-type chains, so I found it at my local GNC store. I'm suggesting sublingual instead of vitamin tablets because sublingual administration is supposed to be as effective as getting the B12 shot but cheaper and more pleasant. FYI - B12 is used for nervous system regeneration, for added stamina, for aiding in proper blood formation, and often used to help handle stress. 205 I also have been drinking at least 64 oz. of water each day to help me feel like I am flushing the toxins from my body. Good luck to you all! ― Note that Folic acid may (and I mean may) increase cancer risk according to some 2009 studies. Water, on the other hand is still safe. ∞ ―I now have been off of the Paxil for only 2 weeks total the St. John‘s Wort Hypericin I only took for two days and I have no withdrawal symptoms at all!!!! I think I am through it and very happy!!! So I definitely recommend the Hypericin to help other withdrawers to find their strength to get off the Paxil!! ―again [drinking] lots and lots of water does help. ― ―1. The more gently, the better. 2. Pill cutters are fab-u-lous! Less than $3.00 @ the pharmacy, they allow for the accurate halving o' those pesky pills. 3. Paxil exists in liquid form! Tell the neighbors! Wake the kids! If a 5 mg-dosage drop is too harsh on your system, the oral suspension liquid goo (orange-flavored, no less!) allows you to taper as little as one mg. at a time. 4. You're not going crazy." 206 St John‘s Wort has been used to treat depression by German doctors for decades now. It can interact with other medications, so do check with your MD first. ∞ ―The reason I am writing is to briefly tell you what has helped me throughout the last year in hopes you will pass this on. After I quit Paxil my anxiety soon came back and I was "back to my old mind storm patterns". Out of curiosity I took a meditation class that my university offered. To say the least it has changed my life. I know it, and everyone around me knows I have changed as well. I am not the edgy, worried, anxiety ridden guy that I used to be. I am much more relaxed, calm, peaceful and happy. Meditation works, but you have to allow it to work, and you have to put in a lot of effort, but the payoff is priceless. It allows you to see the typical thought patterns that create anxiety, stress, depression and you see them for what they really are which is nothing. The best advice I can give is go straight to the source of the problem, go straight into your mind, discover the fear, the stress, the anxiety, the depression and truly understand it. If this is done you can be freed. This technique can only be done through meditation. ― Great and safe advice 207 ―10 years. An entire decade I've spent on 20mg Paxil and have made several unsuccessful attempts at quitting over the years; the brain zaps always did me in and drove me insane. The nausea, the sweats, the vertigo, the rebound depression, and the intense rage were horrendous, but endless days of zapping always ended my struggle to get off, because taking the pill ended the zaps within an hour. Until now. Finally I'm clear. I will never know if I found an answer that can help others, but for me the only change this time was that I quit drinking prior to tapering off the drug. Virtually no zaps, and only vague symptoms of withdrawal. No word of a lie. No alcohol, and the nightmare of withdrawal gone. Now I'm attempting to deal with the return of strong emotion, because for a decade it's been locked away in a closet. Good news. I'm 30 pounds lighter and my sex drive has returned. I'm not constipated and I don't need 9 hours a night of sleep. I feel and look better than I have in years. Yeah, I just wish I could have those years back. And the money that went to GSK in return for a chemical straitjacket. ― ∞ ―Please advise your readers to try acupuncture and Chinese herbs to help them deal with their withdrawal symptoms. I have done so 208 and it is very helpful. Any reputable acupuncturist will know how to treat you and what herbs to give you for this problem ― ∞ ―I started my own formula for the withdrawal process: Tylenol for the headaches, Dramamine for the motion sickness and dizziness. I eliminated all alcohol, pop, and caffeine. To get to sleep i would meditate and do breathing exercises. I also took Tylenol pm to cause drowsiness. i began taking in large amounts of water. And prayed. Hope this helps someone!!‖ ∞ ―I wrote you a while ago about my withdrawing off of Paxil using Valerian and Skullcap. Just to update you. As of today, I am taking 1/4 a pill and will be completely off the Paxil by Saturday. I am doing GREAT! Aside from some very short lived symptoms of light headedness and headaches, I did super! For the symptoms, I popped an extra Valerian root. This would take the dizziness away and allow me to calm down. To boot, I was on my period during the bulk of the withdrawal. I am impressed with the success of the natural herbal way to get off the drug. As for the night terrors that brought me to the Paxil in the first place... I have 209 tried to get a couple of them, but with meditation I was able to quickly pass through them and go back to sleep. There is a way out of the drug and I am here at the other end and hey.. It's pretty neat! ― If you would like to try this, be aware that valerian can augment depression as it is a tranquilizer. Generally, however it is a safe herb. ∞ ―Life is cool ...I'm off Paxil and all other SSRIs! How? Yoga, Tai Chi, Acupuncture during the withdrawal. also a twice a day cocktail of 5HTP, Saint John's Wort, SAME, Vitamins, Flax oil, and pet therapy( my dogs)....good luck to all. Try the natural route It works! ― ∞ ―...If anyone else that is writing to you is having trouble with massive night sweats I have a suggestion of trying to drink plenty of water during the day. It seems to have been helping me.‖ 210 ―I was able to get off 10-15mg of Paxil/day with little withdrawal by fasting. The third day I was extremely tired, (could have been caffeine withdrawal). Fasting is great to ward-off depression. I realize fasting is not for everyone but in my case it was the best way I ever got off Paxil, (it was a 10 day fast) ― ∞ ―I am a "lay" counselor at the church I attend and have just helped someone come out of "Paxil hell" and have found Dr. Ann Blake Tracy's book a tremendous help . I had the honor of speaking to her by phone for over an hour because I was doing research on "bipolar" diagnosis. Plus, I had ordered her book and tape on coming off of SSRIs' back in January to help my friend. She specifically recommended a special-ordered Noni juice. When I talked to her by phone 2 weeks ago, she again reiterated the effectiveness of Noni juice, not just for SSRI withdrawal, but also for people who are in their "manic" phase in depression. (We're talking serious delusions!!!) She has seen incredible results with this Noni juice. She believes that it has a particular digestive enzyme that dissolves excess serotonin in the body. But, don't buy the kind in health food stores-it's not processed properly.‖ 211 This one falls under the iffy category, Please do some research before trying it. ∞ ―Good luck to all of you that are trying really hard to get off this drug. You can do it. Here are a few suggestions: . 1) Believe in yourself. Control your mind and thoughts. Throw away negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations. 2) Drink lots of water all throughout the day. I don't mean the minimum amount of water (64oz) I mean at least 100 oz each day. It keeps your body flushed. It will also give you lots of energy. 3) Take a high potency multivitamin with herbs 4) Walk at least 30 minutes a day, 7 days a week to your favorite music. 5) Journal each day about how you are feeling and goals that you are setting for that particular day. 6) Eat healthy- It will make you feel better overall plus it will get off all the extra weight you gained on Paxil! (smile) 7) Get professional counseling and read lots of self help books. Try to stay with one author that you can relate to because they all have different methods and philosophies.8) Enjoy your wonderful life after Paxil ! ― ∞ 212 ―I did find that taking a Vitamin B supplement or a Multivitamin with B has dramatically increased these symptoms. Vitamin B is also useful in abating some of the side effects of the medication. ― ―I read 2 accounts of people who took 5-HTP while withdrawing from Paxil, both of them reported tremendous success. I tried this as well, and the results are astounding. I wake up with the zaps, dizziness, everything. Two hours after taking 150mg of 5-HTP, it's as if there was no withdrawal to begin with.‖ 5-HTP keeps coming up in letters. Please note that not enough studies have been done in clinical settings to ascertain how safe this supplement is, especially as it relates to interactions with other drugs. ―Well, I am amazed, but this worked. I reduced my dosage to 5mg per day after being on 10mg for weeks. I was on the 5mg's for a week or so before quitting. I don't think that there is a true tapering off of this medication. Anyway, I have been having all of the dizziness and the "electrical shock" sensations as well. I tried the Dramamine and Sudafed and IT WORKED! This is the first time in 5 days that I have not been almost incapacitated by the sensations. I took Bonine which is Meclazine. It is the non-drowsy formula of Dramamine. I also simply took Sudafed since I am a little more sensitive to large doses of pseudoephedrine. I took 60 mgs of Sudafed rather than the 120 213 mg's that are in the Aleve pills. Thanks so much for offering a solution to this miserable problem.‖ Check with your doctor first please ∞ ―I quit Paxil by only taking the dosage that I was prescribed when I would begin to feel the symptoms which made it unbearable. In other words I would go as long as I could w/o it until I would feel symptoms. This began at 36 hours, increased to 48, then 3 days etc.... until I was off it I found taking Benadryl helped me to sleep. It also helped to mellow me out. Be aware though that when you stop taking Benadryl that the symptoms come back but it is a good aspirin. Best of luck to all the victims of this drug...The withdrawals do go away eventually.‖ ∞ ―Also, I found that popping a Dramamine helped loads with the dizziness and vertigo, and figured I should mention it. ― ∞ 214 ―I suffered severe withdrawal from Paxil that hit me like a ton of bricks; I got dizzy, felt detached from reality, had the bad "electric shocks" and felt suicidal. I smoked some cannabis (marijuana), to try and ease the pain, and found that all side effects immediately and totally disappeared, but returned once the pot wore off. Smoked pot for three days, and was never bothered by side effects again.‖ Right. This one is a bit tricky. Dozens of visitors wrote in extolling the virtues of pot. Be forewarned, however, that pot , apart from being illegal in most places, can also increase anxiety . I would not go this route, personally. ∞ ―I recently quit taking Paxil cold-turkey a week ago. The first two days were the worst, but it is slowly getting better. Here are some tips that I have found helpful: * Take 2 Amino Acid vitamins with each meal * Kava Kava herbal supplements also work really well for any anxiety you may be feeling at this time * Drink LOTS of water---it'll help ward off a lot of your dizziness(or in my case, feelings of fainting), and it'll also help flush the Paxil out of your system * Chew on a piece of ice if you are feeling jittery or anxious (Hey, it 215 works for me!) * EXERCISE!!!!!!! * Taking a Niacin vitamin every other day will also help get the Paxil out of your system, therefore decreasing your withdrawal period‖ ∞ ―My story is a long one. But I will keep it short. About 4 years ago I suffered a serious snowmobile accident. Chronic pain, PTSD, and major depression have been with me ever since. The standard course of action for meds are pain meds narcotics.(Oxycontin), Paxil 40mg, and Neurontin. After taking all of the above for about 2 yrs., My continued complaints of chronic fatigue led my dr. to take me off of something. He started with the Neurontin. Bad move. Within the week all of the described Paxil side effects kicked in. The side effects peaked with 3 of the worst and DARKEST days of my life. Feeling near death again (the first was the accident) I finally got a hold of a Psychiatrist who would see me immediately. He went right to his Rx pad and wrote one for Neurontin 300mg. We then decided to start the Paxil tapper. He also is having me use Benadryl to help curb the INTENSE restless leg (and everything else) syndrome. I take about a half to 1 teaspoon of children's liquid Benadryl. The combination seems to really help. I am also tapering off of the narcotics at the same time. 216 I'm a little shaky, but doing O.K. I'm hoping to completely free of both in the next 2 - 3 weeks, God willing! My advice for Paxil suffers = ask your Dr. about the Neurontin. And definitely use the Benadryl. 0.5 tsp every few hours throughout the day, with a little extra to help sleep at night. Good Luck!!!!!!‖ ∞ ― Anyway, one thing I've also been doing is supplementing with Glutathione; I read about this supplement and how Paxil depletes it from your system. I tried to quit Paxil a few months ago, and experienced all the horrible withdrawal symptoms, but this time, I don't know whether or not it's because of the Prozac or the supplement, but I feel fantastic. Could also be that I've added running back into my life. ― ∞ ―Hi. I just wanted to let everyone know that caffeine seems to make the withdrawal effects from the Paxil weaning worse. So go without the caffeine if you can. I felt terrible the past two days and today I left off the caffeine and I can honestly say I feel 100 percent better 217 than I did yesterday. I have been on 1/2 dose of my usual 30mg dose for 13 days. No dizziness, just mild aches and pains and changes in my appetite and taste. So, no caffeine for me until this is past. thanks for a great site. S.M.W ― ∞ ―...I found that the intense dizziness that I get may not have anything to do with my panic attacks, but possibly the withdrawals from the Paxil. I took the last one on Sunday, 10-20-02. The dizziness started last night, Wednesday, 10-23-02. I thought that I was going to have to take it again today. I work for a chiropractic doctor/acupuncturist/ herbologist and today I came to work and told him what was happening. He took my pulse and said it was extremely weak and he looked up some stuff on the different herbs and supplements he had. He gave me one called Sheng Mai San which is a ginseng & ophiopogon formula. I took three of them about 11:00, another three at 4:00, and am supposed to take another three tonight. It is 4:37 now and my dizziness is almost gone. I know this is a long story, but thought this might help someone else. The herb is made by Treasure of the East and again, it is called Sheng Mai San. I still have not had a Paxil since Sunday and am going to continue to take this to see if it works.‖ ∞ 218 ―My suggestion is to see a chiropractor. He helped me through all of the headaches, brain zaps, and body aches. (Klonopin also helped with the anxiety & terrible insomnia.)Also exercise- I feel that working out helped a lot!‖ ∞ ―For insomnia and restless legs from SSRI withdrawal, I highly recommend valerian for relaxation and an essential oil spray called ―O24‖ to soothe/numb legs that are feeling restless and creepy/crawly. I bought the spray at a pharmacy. It‘s expensive but works great. This is my third time trying to get off the meds, but the first time I can sleep! ― ―My suggestion :For singles : surround yourself with one or two loved ones and enlist them as help mates. To watch over you. Talk to you in the middle of the night when your nightmare is preventing you from going back to sleep. To encourage you to eat, even when your nausea and/or acid stomach gives you the reflex not to. To FORCE you to go to the gym (perhaps it is good for them also?). Different sweat - better sleep after. ― ∞ 219 ―It was here that I first heard about liquid Paxil and I can't tell you what a miracle it has been for me. I have spent, literally, years trying to get off this drug, only to resume taking it when the sideeffects of withdrawal have become too great. I began taking Paxil for panic attacks. I know now that I should have gone the counseling route first, but I was scared of the attacks and wanted a quick fix. Let me tell you how I've gotten off without getting sick: - I began weekly counseling sessions. Don't underestimate how much they can help. -I lowered the Paxil amount by one-half mg. every fourth day. If you'd like, you can do it more slowly. This is not a race. The idea is to feel good. -I kept a journal. It gave me somewhere to vent at the company, and reminded me of when it was time to lower the dosage. - I worked out for at least 30 minutes every day, regardless of how busy I thought I was. I found that after so many failed attempts to get off Paxil, I was a little anxious about getting sick again. The exercise kept my mind off my worry, and flooded me with endorphins. - I drank plenty of water. Many thanks to whomever recommended water on this site. It really has kept me feeling good. ― ∞ 220 ―I decided to try to force Paxil out of my system ASAP so I took a bunch of vitamins, drank a lot of water, bought Dramamine, got angry at Paxil, and warned my friends and family that if I acted like an asshole to them they shouldn't take it personally. And then the other thing I did was force myself to take long walks around my neighborhood. At first it sucked. I was dizzy and nauseous and everything looked like I was in the twilight zone and that i'd keel over at any moment. But I didn't keel over. I didn't faint. I made it all around my neighborhood for hours. And it helped a lot. My boyfriend suggested that maybe my brain needed stimulation to force it to get back into pre-Paxil gear and I think that my superwalks helped to do that. The other thing that I did was eat all sorts of ethnic foods, like middle eastern and Indian. I figured a lot of spices might help and that besides, self indulgence would be a very good thing while quitting Paxil, which it was. Furthermore, since your senses are heightened when you withdraw from Paxil, I burned candles that I really liked and this helped. So maybe instead of avoiding sensual overload, get the kind that you really like. ― I think the idea of stimulating your brain is very sound advice. It is all about distracting yourself from the process of withdrawal. ―I have found that wearing a sea band has helped tremendously with the nausea. It works by applying pressure to acupressure points on the wrist, which helps curb nausea and vomiting. Yoga 221 has also been beneficial, and next week I'm trying acupuncture to help in the detox process. I also try to get at least 10 minutes of sunlight every day, and allow myself chocolate. Certain carbohydrates like baked potatoes, wheat crackers, and bread are also supposed to increase serotonin levels. Listening to classical music is also supposed to be a serotonin booster. Good luck to you all!‖ ∞ ―I've been taking 60 MG a day of Paxil for about a year now, and am not able to quit because it is the only medication that actually helps me. I have had to go without the Paxil on several occasions though. Once was to have a test for narcolepsy done, and a couple of times because I got my meds late (I get my meds from the V.A. Hospital via mail). This may sound crazy, but I discovered a way to not get as many "zaps". I noticed during my "3rd withdrawal" that the "zaps" only occurred when I used my peripheral vision (looked left or right), and that the farther left or right I looked the more intense the "shock". For those that are really bothered by this symptom, try looking straight ahead most of the time, and moving your entire head to look to the left or right until you are weaned off the drug. I know this sounds crazy, but try it. ― ∞ 222 ―1. Acupuncture - treats the physical & mental withdrawal symptoms and coming off a drug - excellent. 2. Liquid suspension - sometimes the last 1mg is the hardest - I was supplied with a syringe that went down to 0.1ml increments really helped on the final stretch. 3. Fish Oils I took 2 x 1000mg per day (total EPA = 660mg, total DHA = 420mg), take WITH vitamin C (500-100mg) and vitamin E (200-400 IU) - these protect the fatty acids from a reaction in the body called oxidation (which would make them useless). 4. Be as open and honest as you can with friends, family AND work - most people will surprise you and be really supportive - and it takes away the stress of lying. 5. Drink lots of water, exercise, have a healthy diet. 6. Take Vitamin B 7. Avoid alcohol and, where possible, stressful situations ― ―I stopped Paxil cold turkey on March 21st/05. Withdrawal hit hard on the 23rd. I stumbled onto this website and its helping me keep the faith that I will survive the effects of this terrible drug. I can't stress enough, to keep yourself out of emotional situations because (for myself at any rate) it‘s impossible to deal rationally with stress while coming off Paxil. I find that meditation is a great help. I also use a sleep mask while meditating, it keeps me centered. the anger is the worst for me because I‘m not an angry person. I have to keep telling myself this 223 anger is the drug not me and will eventually subside. To all have given advice and testimonies, thank you. It really helps to know I‘m not alone and there is an end to this dark frightening tunnel... ― ―Get liquid Paxil. This was the only way I was able to quit. Luckily, I found a doctor who told me about the liquid, or else I never would have known! This way, you can reduce your dosage by very, very small increments, such as a quarter milligram. It is impossible to try and do this by cutting a tiny piece of the pill. I don't know if liquid forms of other S.S.R.I's exist, but for Paxil, I found this to be the least traumatic way. ― ―A word of advice: habitual marijuana smokers, quit pot a few days before going cold turkey from Paxil. If you have it in the house, you will be unable to resist the urge to self-medicate, even though it exacerbates Paxil withdrawal symptoms like zaps, insomnia, confusion, fatigue and depression. The water, vitamin, organic diet and exercise route is far preferable to the bender, which is what you'll be on when you're awake until 5 a.m. every night smoking pot and cigarettes because you can't stop, and you can't stand the idea of giving or throwing the shit away even though you're falling over from the zaps and shuffling around like somebody out of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. 224 I realize we're not all addictive personalities, so I'm speaking from my own experience and advising those who are compulsive, addictive, and/or regular substance users to cut yourself a huge break and keep the temptations to self-medicate out of your environment while quitting or tapering off Paxil. I repeat: Contrary to what you may want to think, pot does NOT help.‖ ∞ ―Support can help tremendously. Someone that will listen to you and spend time with you. Family (if not a cause of your depression) can help. Possibly friends as well. (Although, both friends and family can possibly hinder in some circumstances...) At some hospitals, you may be able to take part in a program that will put you in touch with professionals who can help you get back onto the right track. Or, in touch with others that have already dealt with symptoms similar to your own. Either way, explore your support options if you intend to quit -- it can help tremendously. ― ∞ ―I have been going through Paxil withdrawal (under the guidance of my doctor) and have experienced a lot of the physical symptoms. I 225 have found something that seems to help a lot. It's a "detox" powered mix that I get at a local organic food store. It's known as a "green drink" which I understand to mean that it's made from green vegetables. It doesn't taste that great, but it seems to be helping. ― Please find out the ingredients of any remedy before you take it. 6. Teen Issues Throughout the years, I was unpleasantly surprised at the sheer number of teenagers, even children, who wrote to me. After receiving multiple requests to create a section just for them (see letter number 2), I did just that. It is worthwhile to note, that some of the most interesting and insightful letters that I ever received were from younger visitors. Teenagers face a special dilemma: though they question authority at every turn, many do not have the wherewithal and confidence to argue with doctors or their parents about their medical treatment. ―HATE PAXIL! that stupid pink pill has basically been ruining my life for about 8 months now. and i have been off of it for 3 days and it‘s a living hell. i can‘t do anything, I‘m too dizzy and sick feeling all the time and i get so pissed off and everyone and everything and my heart races like it‘s going to jump out of my chest and i CRY ALL the time. this better go away fast or i don‘t know what i am going to 226 do! I‘m going out of my mind though and i need help. but i refuse to go to my doctor because they fucking don‘t know what they're doing putting teenagers or actually anyone on pills.‖ ∞ ―Over the past 2 months, your site has been a great help to me. Paxil is hell. I was wondering if you could forward me some success stories from teenagers or maybe make a teens section. I've been on Paxil since I was 15 and I'm trying to quit now at 19 and the emotional effects are devastating. Most of the stories I see are from people (mostly women) in their 40s. I am curious about the effects on teenagers. Hopefully I will have a story for your success section soon, but right now, I feel like this hell will never end. ― ∞ ―For the good part of a year, I had lived life so differently from how I grew up. I was so up, up to the point that I was talking loudly, and living life as if I was racing down a highway in the fast lane and nothing was stopping me. I was FINALLY living a life where I could wake up in the morning and not have the first feeling I felt be the 227 one known as depression. This was something that never became a part of my daily life feelings until Paxil. I had not realized how shifty I had become not being on my medication. "...Woah.." I thought to myself recently after talking to my family and friends about the difference they had noticed since mid-summer with the withdrawal symptoms. The frustration from my body craving it, and having these feelings back that I had not been exposed to continuously for months was like being reborn. Paxil eventually controls and manipulates the way that you think. It's a drug to help things such as anxiety disorders, depression and OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). When you go from living down for years and you're introduced to a pink pill that helps the chemical imbalance in your brain, you think to yourself, "This is what it's like being alive and happy? I really was missing out." You become so optimistically pleased with things around you that you are completely oblivious that you are taking something for granted. You're not leading your own life, Paxil is, but you're tasting something that you've always wanted to experience. I lived like a black and white TV until I came off Paxil. Think of the TV being low maintenance, because that's pretty much the way I always have been. In a way, adding in some new channels (Paxil) was new and exciting. You're joyful, ecstatic, and the feeling is awesome when you get something new is it not? Paxil didn't just give me new channels(happiness), but it started becoming the 228 power source that ran my "TV" (my life), and it powered me until I decided to try living without it. The reception became fuzzier (withdrawal) and the channels were becoming worse as the power source controlling everything was slowly being cut off. My "TV" was losing it's abilities. You get mad when channels get fuzzy and things don't work well with a real TV right? In my case I was getting frustrated because I wasn't working the same anymore either. Did I recognize what was happening? In all honesty, no. Finally, I took my last pill. So I guess you could say that the "TV" was now turned off because the Paxil that acted as the power supply to controlling how I worked was completely gone. It was no longer a part of "Me", and I was different without it. It was like a new year revolution starting, taking steps to improving something for yourself, something that I was doing so great at, so I thought. Paxil gave me something that acted like tree bark because I felt protected, and nothing could harm me, but things changed coming off of Paxil. Once I had finally gotten off of my meds, I had shrunk in size to a feeble twig on that tree. And you never realize when twigs/branches can "snap" do you? I was unaware of my size, because I thought everything was fine. My sensitivity to people trying to talk to me had become shamefully weak, even irritating, and I have snapped from my tree. 229 It was like storms were coming in on me all the time and a new "TV" was thrown at me and turned on in color. Everything was new, and it scared me to the point that I've cried, shaken and have had nightmares. You've heard of heroin addicts, or chronic marijuana users getting back to a life without drugs and how they need to readjust. It feels pretty much the same, except my drug was legal. 20mg doesn't sound like a lot but if I didn't take it every day, I felt dizzy from not taking it(everyone has different body chemistry too). How's that for personal addiction? When something would bother me after being completely off of my medication, it would feel like an atomic bomb was being dropped on me. Some people don't understand what severe anxiety attacks feel like, so I tell them this scenario: Take those ecstatic feelings you used to get when you were waiting for Santa on Christmas Eve when you were six years old. Were you not so excited that you could not sleep? That excitement caused your blood to flow faster and faster into your pulsating heart did it not? Pretty intense if you stop and think of how that rush felt flowing through your body eh? You were that restless you didn't know what to do with yourself did you? You want to know what a abrupt severe anxiety attack feels like after not being used to such a feeling anymore until it hits you? Take the six year olds subjectivity (mental set) on Christmas Eve and flip it. Was I that tense and shaky that I could not sleep?... Did it cause the blood to flow faster and faster into my pulsating heart?... It's pretty intense if I stop to think about it, 230 that anxious rush flowing through my body. I was that distressed that I didn't know what to do with myself did I? No, I didn't. Take the way I got used to living and erase it. Take the 6 year old scenario and blow it up. Add in regret and sadness when it gets out of control because you're not used to this and you end up with a really flustered, emotional person who may vent to the point of no return with being frustrated with themselves, not knowing how to react or what to do. Equations have different outcomes, but my answer is not returning to Paxil. (Not to mention how addictive drugs are). I came down on myself a few times so hard that I ran to Loch Lomond road and balled and I've lost numerous hours of sleep. Unfortunately at the time I couldn't tell anyone what was going on because I couldn't even see it for myself and that's the part that sucks the most. So I'm not getting counseling for being a heroin addict, so I've never done recreational drugs, so I wasn't smoking 10 joints a day. A drug's a drug and when you're on it for a period of time, it takes time getting everything back into perspective for yourself. Is my story too dramatic? Perhaps to some. Do I need to get over it? I did, after having to dig for the last 4 months working with my counselor at school, my doctor, psychology profs at school, talking to other people about their experiences with Paxil, and conducting my own research online and with books. I did this all on my own, FOR me, not for a class. I'm starting at my old high school to talk to 231 the older students about depression as well, on my own time, for them. Not to put down anti-depressants because I cannot generalize something like this. My going in to talk to the students is to help them with feeling better, maybe without a drug. I turn 19 in 13 days, today being November 20, 2004.‖ ∞ ―I'm not going to deny it now that I've come to accept it; I've repressed my self-esteem problem over the years. It's like I didn't want to acknowledge that there was something that could have been fixed before. I tried Paxil alone starting in the fall of last year, and before that I tried seeing counselors alone starting in grade seven. I can see how the combination could be the best (for me). Two friends from school, Kristiana and Chelsea directly came to me and said that they think my digging to find answers, to get out and say something through presentations, and writing these emails is therapeutic. I really believe in that. Chelsea said she thinks that it will boost my self-esteem, and Kristie thinks that I'm really brave because she does her own presentations. I didn't see how badly my repression was actually affecting me, and I did it with everything in my life. My level of self-esteem was actually that low that I repressed anything and everything so that I 232 wouldn't break; inevitably everything caught up with me. I remember now looking back the expression "no need to cry over spilled milk"... I've actually done that before, literally, over spilled milk. Why? I guess I'm just like a few others I know, highly sensitive. I would internally throw a rage at myself because I couldn't control it, and that would just make things worse. With me, anytime that I was nervous, down, or uneasy I would either A) Take someone out and treat them and I would feel better about myself because I was making was making someone happy, B) Act silly as a cover up(yes even loud, and preferred looking like a moron to being sad. One with or without the other aren't good), C) Write something down, or D) completely say nothing and walk away. It's not abnormal; I know others that do it. Lots of people see right through me that I wasn't taking care of Number #1, and put everyone else ahead of me with anything I would get myself into. My ex Aaron was the one that really made me see how much I neglected myself. When I was on Paxil I didn't feel like I was going to cry so suddenly, and it was rather frustrating without it to stop me from crying. I have a few doctors that I see now, and they think I shouldn't have come off my medications. I also have to start seeing an endocrinologist in March(earliest to get in) to balance out my hormones, so that's something else hurting me. It's just a big mess, but on the plus side 233 I don't have hypothyroidism. Whenever I'd do a painting, I'd be a little down if someone didn't take to it. Sure, not everyone cares but the reason I do art is because it's my time to be creative from thinking so much. Sometimes it shows my mood; other times I just like the picture I see. Either way, I did so much of it because it became a confidence builder. Hearing comments about a talent helped me in some ways feel good about myself. To do Art feels annoying now cause I beat it to death, and I guess the email technique for therapy took over. Most famous artists became famous because it was their therapy, and did so much of it. Picasso's "Blue Period" where he did everything in blues when his wife died, and I believe it was either him or Van Gogh who had Bipolar disorder. I think that is why I took to effective speaking so much as well, to help me develop skills to become more confident. I had a thing with listening to other people, in good ways an in bad. I felt dependent on words.‖ ∞ ―I'm a 16-year-old girl. I have been depressed since I was 12 years old. I was diagnosed and put on Paxil in February 1999 (14 years old) to treat my clinical depression. It helped me through the remainder of 8th grade (February 1999-June 1999). Then in 234 September 1999 I started my freshman year of high school. I was okay at first. But after about a month I started getting depressed. Whenever I'd tell my psychiatrist that I was depressed, he would just increase my dosage of Paxil. Soon I was on 30 mg, which is a lot (as far as I know, the most that they're supposed to put you on is 40 mg outpatient). In January of 2000 I started falling asleep in class. My French teacher called home about it twice. It wasn't a normal in-class sleep ("This is so boring, I'm going to take a nap"). Instead it was a thing where my eyes would roll back into my head and I just couldn't stay awake. I'd try. But...it was impossible. The class I was falling asleep in wasn't that interesting anyway, but I wanted to stay awake so I could pass. Soon I was failing. I couldn't control the sleep...it was terrible. Looking back, I now know that the feeling was kind of a drugged sleep. As they say, hindsight is 20/20. Another one of my teachers called home. He said I was extremely, extremely irritable in class. I was slacking off in my work. It was a health class - a no-brainer as long as you turn the work in. Well, I wasn't turning the work in. I figured the class was so stupid, so why even bother? I'd get so irritable...and I hardly realized it was happening. I didn't realize how much other people noticed. I thought I was like that because the class was stupid. I didn't realize how extreme my irritability was. 235 I started falling asleep in my math class, too - that teacher didn't call home, but I knew it was the same kind of sleep that was happening in my French class. I couldn't control it. I was always so fatigued, no matter how much sleep I got at night. Then there was a big health insurance fiasco. I was still seeing a psychiatrist regularly, but it was a different psychiatrist every time. Nobody saw me two times in a row. I hadn't really made the connection between my symptoms and Paxil yet, so I told the psychiatrists that I felt fine. Then they'd write me a refill of 30 mg of Paxil. I thought I was falling asleep because I was tired and that I was irritable in health class because it was a stupid class. In March, I realized something was wrong with me. Something was seriously wrong. I stopped and thought about it...I hadn't changed my diet, I hadn't changed my routine, but I felt...wrong. Paxil was the only problem I could think of. So I decided to quit it, cold turkey. I'd read the literature on it (I've always read all the literature for my medications) and it didn't say anything about an addiction. I figured I didn't have anything to worry about. So, that night, I didn't take my pill. The next day, I felt great. I was energized. I was happy. I was myself again. I realized that I hadn't been myself for so long...it was like coming home. 236 But then the next day I felt terrible. Not mentally - physically. In first period I almost puked. And I never puke. I was standing in a huge, dense clump of people for a group yearbook picture and I almost puked on the guy in front of me. Luckily, I held it down. Third period I told my teacher about my medication - I'd already figured out it was withdrawal - and she let me go to the bathroom. I was kneeling in front of the toilet all period, trying not to puke (I absolutely hate puking) but kneeling there just in case. During passing period, I had to concentrate to just walk in a straight line. And stairs...I had to go down a long flight of stairs and up another. That was terrible. I had to bow my head completely down and watch my feet reach the next step. We were dancing and singing in fourth period. Couple dancing, thank gah. I had a guy to support me. I couldn't eat. I was so nauseous. I managed to make it through sixth and seventh period, but only barely. That night, I had my mother take me to urgent care at the medical clinic. Because I was 14, I had to go to the pediatric urgent care doctor. I told him my problem: Paxil withdrawal. There was no other possible cause. The doctor didn't know a thing about Paxil except what I told him (that it's an anti-depressant/anti-anxiety) but could tell that something was wrong and wrote me a note to get out of school for three days. He thought I had the flu or something. 237 For the next three days, I couldn't walk. I woke up in the morning on the first day, not sure what to do. Since a person can only sleep so long and reading a book just seemed out of the question, I managed to drag myself downstairs (clinging to the railing) and to the computer. I stayed on the internet all day - it was my therapy. I did the same thing for the next three days. I felt so dizzy and weak. And the nausea...I hardly ate anything. I didn't get the "electric shock" feeling that a lot of people have described. I'm glad I didn't - I would have panicked if I did. All I felt was...well, I could hardly walk. I was dizzy. I was nauseous. I could think pretty clearly, though. I've always been an excellent touchtypist and could operate my hands well. And I could read the computer screen. The internet was what kept me from going crazy from the withdrawal. It was a blessed distraction. While I was on the internet, I researched Paxil as much as I could. I found a prescription drugs site with message boards. On the Paxil message board they kept talking about "Paxil hell." I was glad that I wasn't alone, though people weren't describing the withdrawal that I was suffering. The site said that Paxil takes three weeks to get out of your system. I marked the three-week date on my calendar, anxiously waiting. On the fourth day, I went back to school. I was slowly recovering 238 from the vertigo and nausea. But...it felt like I had a buzzing behind my eyes. I couldn't quite see or hear it, but it was there. And it was like I was looking at the world through a veil. I felt detached. Mentally, I felt okay, though the buzzing and veil feelings annoyed me. The buzzing and veil withdrawal symptoms lasted for three weeks. Then, almost on the exact day of the end of the three weeks, they ended. I don't know if that was because of the placebo effect, because the site was right, or because I have a very fast metabolism. I was just glad that it was over. I felt so much better. In June I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I've had a heck of a ride since then, but nothing like the horror of Paxil withdrawal. I've had some anxiety problems lately and my psychiatrist wanted to put me on Paxil. He was surprised how vehemently I refused. He didn't know about the lawsuit yet. I told him everything I know about it. I hope he doesn't put anyone else on it. I never want to go on it again unless all other options are exhausted. I feel so lucky that I was able to quit Paxil. Even when I was in the depths of the withdrawal, I still didn't ever consider going back on it. It had put me through too much psychiatric pain. 239 When I think about my life since I was diagnosed with depression, the single event that stands out the most in my mind is the Paxil withdrawal - even before I found out about GSK lying about it being addictive. I'm so glad that I wasn't imagining the symptoms like the urgent care pediatrician implied. And I hope I can get a piece of the lawsuit. I want something for my pain and suffering.‖- Tracie, 16 years old, California ∞ ―HI, i am 16 years old and for the past 2 years have been going through severe depression i have been in the hospital twice, on the medical ward for over dose I took 30 acetaminophen, because I didn't know how to deal, and psychiatric after cutting my wrist and throat, these past years have been horrible, and when my doctor, and shrink mentioned Paxil an anti depressant i thought wow! this may be great with a little help I‘ll feel like a happy go lucky teen again and return to the girl with the big smile the cheerleader, the person that made everyone smile, that was the biggest lie i ever told myself, although the pill did make it easier for other people to deal with me it was not easy for myself. i hated taking those pills everyday i was on a 30mg dose, and hated, I felt like i was pathetic that i had to depend on a pill for sanity i only wanted to be naturally happy. so last week taking in 240 upon myself I through my Paxil in the garbage, and I received THE worst withdrawal symptoms ever, NAUSEA, I still feel like shit I am a zombie, I've wanted to throw up for the past 5 days, I have a lump in my throat that feels it will never go away I cannot sleep I'm crooked as hell and its seems that every little noise is in my ears, I can't watch TV because it hurt, unless I stare at something for a long time it feels like I'm going to throw up I can't hear anything and it takes me about 2 minutes before I realize that someone is talking to me I HATE PAXIL. How could they give this to me? Everything pisses me off., and all this because of a stupid blue pill that i have to take in the mornings, i curse on the doctors that said it would help me! i wouldn't recommend Paxil to a dog! i wouldn't recommend Paxil to the devil, and certainly not to a teenager. sorry so long. *Pissed witch* all the stories that have been shared are wonderful, I am not a good one to tell you how I feel but if I could it would not be nice, for your stupid pill have ruined my life. Don't you feel like a completely normal person when you‘re sitting in the cafeteria eating quite tasty fries and start to cry for no reason, this week I have thought that I have and STD, from not remaining a virgin which I curse myself for, I have thought that I am breaking down, that I was dying, that I was pregnant, that I had the flu, tonsillitis, strap throat, and god I don't know what else, but instead, it was my back stabbing friend PAXIL. ― 241 ―...the little pill we commonly refer to as Paxil wakes up each morning and prances around the bottle...."I am here to take you to a place where minds are numb, food is fake and there are no tears! Heck, you won‘t laugh either. So pop me in your disgusted mouth and swallow me with water! I taste even better with breakfast! " So you listen to the little pill, and like a robot, you put the pill in your mouth, feel it as it slides down your dry throat and start your Paxil Day! Ah let‘s see...what situation shall the pill manipulate first? Perhaps going to school with the pill dissolving in your tummy is a grand idea. Then you can sit there with your glazed eyes, monotone voice and sudden desire to participate and enjoy the benefits of 20 mg a day of the Happy Pill....well we know better, don‘t we? So one day you wake up, and avoid taking your pills. Suddenly its all so clear...You have become a Paxil Person. And you don‘t want this. So no more pill popping for this independent human. So, feeling free again, you march off to school, thinking that everything will be ok. You wake up from a dream in which people are dying, murderers run free, and the people you love hate you. You go to the bathroom but end up on the floor. You feel dizzy. My oh my what could be the cause of this sudden vertigo??? Thinking you might have the flu, you hop back into bed, only to be awakened by another vivid dream. Wondering if perhaps the fact that you quit Paxil might be the reason for this hell, you go online, and sure enough, your Happy 242 Pill has backfired and left you tortured. After reading over the various horror stories suffered by others going through Paxil withdrawal, you march into your bathroom. Shedding light on the sleeping Paxil Pills, you open the medicine cabinet. Snatching frantically at the bottle, you take two pills. You are safe. In the "safety" of your medication. You sigh, thinking to yourself, "Ah...I am home again." And this friends, is the vicious cycle of medication. Enjoy!‖ ∞ ― I'm a 19 year old college student and was put on Paxil when I was 16 to treat my panic attacks. After a couple of weeks the panic attacks did subside. However, I began to notice if I didn't take my medication within a couple hours of the time I did the day before or if I missed a dose altogether, I developed many disturbing symptoms. They became so bad that I had to call off work and stay home from school: it was hard to even lift my head off of the pillow. I felt nauseous, weak, shaky, and my head felt like a ton along with the reoccurring "electrical zaps". Also, my relationships began to go downhill. Everyone was frustrated with me because I simply didn't care anymore. 243 My boyfriend and I broke up, my mom and I fought: everything seemed to be going downhill. When I finally realized that what I was feeling were withdrawal symptoms I called the doctor. When I went in she told me I was having a "breakthrough" in the medication and up'd my dosage. Doctor's know best, right? Wrong! My symptoms became worse. My body needed these drugs. Eventually, after doing my research online and seeing that my assumptions were correct, I decided I was going to get myself out of this hell. I began to cut my pills to lower the dosage and gradually weaned off of it. Again I missed more school and work (which eventually caused me to quit before I was fired for calling off too many days). It wasn't easy, and as I got down to about 5 mg and tried to take less, my body couldn't handle it. I continued with the 5 mg for a couple weeks longer and tried again, with success. I've now been Paxil free for almost a year. :-) For everyone out there currently trying to get off of this drug, don't give up! Be persistent! If your fortunate to have a doctor that's informed of the withdrawal symptoms keep in contact with him/her. Exercise.. it helped me‖ 244 7. Lighter Side It quickly struck me that very many of the letter writers to quitpaxil.org were extremely creative people. A small percentage, on the other hand, were mad as hatters. Both provided me with hours of entertaining reading. Here is a small sample of their missives. “This is a diary of my attempt to get off of Paxil. I have taken 20mg a day for 6 years. I am a retired professor and now work as a comedian and actor. I apologize in advance for any attempts at humor contained in the following… March 22, 2007 Had enough of weird feelings, physical and mental… tired of not caring about anything almost… spent 4 hours researching Paxil, side effects, and withdrawal… I‘ve been on 20mg/day for 6 years… generalized anxiety syndrome… worry ran my life… Paxil worked… it was a miracle… but I‘ve learned a lot since and hope that I can deal with worry on my own… I feel dull, beige, emotionless… LAST DAILY PAXIL today 245 March 23, 2007 No Paxil today… no effects… very exciting entry, if I do say so myself… March 24, 2007 Took Paxil today… think I will go primarily cold turkey… no symptoms… March 25, 2007 No Paxil… no symptoms… had some red wine… hit me rather hard… no more alcohol for the duration… a comic without booze is like an infection without ooze… March 26, 2007 No Paxil today… called Dr for appointment to discuss getting off Paxil… tomorrow at 2… after sitting in the spa and laying down for a few minutes, had a whooshing sound in head… dependant on movement… went away in about 30 minutes… might be first symptom, what some describe as a scratching sound in the head… only 1 cup of coffee today… feeling a little jittery, as though I have more surface energy… head sound happened again when I got up after sitting for a while… not bad… a little pressure in the head… all in all, a fine day… March 27, 2007 Great night sleep… interesting but not bad dreams… woke up with more energy that in a long time… no p yet… will see Dr this afternoon… 1 cup of coffee… off to do a kid‘s show at 9AM… Doc 246 concurs… worth a try… we supports my desire to cold turkey… he said, since p resides in the spinal fluid, it will take at least 3 weeks to clear it out… that doesn‘t mean the withdrawal will end then since Paxil works on the brain… tapering off will delay the end result… if I am willing to suffer the effects, then go cold… my pharmacist agrees… I have lorazapam to help when withdrawal is too strong… and antihistamine for vertigo… still need crystallized ginger for nausea… I am pretty excited about doing this… 226 lbs at the doc‘s today… lots of ―head whooshing… it is better when I am still… March 28, 2007 ―Woke up this morning, my head was so bad… the worst hangover I ever had.‖ With apologies to Dick Holler and the Holidays. That‘s what I expect, but I‘ve actually awaken bright eyed and bushy-tailed the last 2 days…. Scratching sound in the head continues today… feeling a little jittery – but a good jittery… got a lot done… then took a 4 mile hike… felt great… actually felt a couple of ―happy twinges in the shorts!‖, if you know what I mean… picked up some ginger candy and ginger in case of nausea… March 29 DAY 7… Last night I had a couple of those brain zaps (not brain farts) that people report… not terrible… I think that they are more intense and quicker ―scratching noises‖… those noises seem to be activated by rapid eye movements… weird dreams – not 247 nightmares… seemed to go all night… brain zaps more numerous this AM… feel pretty good… a little giddy… just got a HUGE audition on April 2… I mean HUGE… I‘m going, but I will not go back on p… I WILL NOT go back… still haven‘t taken any lorazapam… the vivid dreams a actually entertaining… better than most movies… beats the crap out of American Idol… March 30. 2007 DAY 8… a real turn around today… far fewer ZAPS… a very physical day for me… physically tired by evening but wanted to keep going… Wow!... I feel very accomplished today… I think I‘m winning the battle… March 31, 2007 DAY 9… today started out okay and got better as it went… today was not a physical day for me so quick eye movements were done… and so were the ZAPS… maybe only a couple dozen today… had a small headache at bedtime… Tylenol took care of it… April 1, 2007 DAY 10… Feel terrible… weak everywhere… green spots before my eyes… APRIL FOOLS!... Really – had a decent night… still a lot of wake-ups… many dreams… woke up with another small headache… took Tylenol… had a cup of coffee… big gig tonight… headlining and need to do about 45 minutes… should be no problemo… show went well… even more energy on stage than usual… 248 April 2, 2007 DAY 11… left for LA at 3AM… very few shocks… no headache all day… audition went well but I think I had maybe TOO much energy… I realize that this will ebb as the Paxil goes away fully… stayed awake and driving for 24 hours… April 3, 2007 DAY 12… slept 3 hours in car at rest stop… woke up feeling okay… a little sleepy on and off… home… slept for 4 hours… very refreshed… few zaps… in all – symptoms are lessening… April 4, 2007 DAY 13… interesting number… last night I had more vivid dreams but this time, 2 or 3 bad ones… not nightmares with monsters and all, but dreams where bad crap happened to loved ones… I was however, fully aware that they were dreams… therefore, I wasn‘t freaked out… they were just uncomfortable to watch… kind of like when I watched WATERWORLD… I seem to be able to eat more when I eat… but I don‘t want to eat all the time… food tastes BETTER… how am I going to lose that 20-40 lbs?... very productive day… a little anxious about going to sleep… going to watch a movie or 2… get real tired… felt queasy for a couple of hours… maybe too much pizza… April 5, 2007 Day 14… woke up okay… vivid dreams last night, but no bad ones… put in 10 hours of physical labor… felt good… brain zaps not noticeable when working… ate well today… 249 April 6, 2007 THIS IS DAY 15!... woke up fairly early… cause I wanted to… sore from yesterday, but feel great… a few zaps… had an N/A beer with lunch… and I got a little buzz!... just a tingling in the jowls… what a wimp!... no symptoms seem to be heightened… don‘t think ill have another until after the p is completely gone and I am withdrawal symptom free… maybe not even then!... PS – ―DAY 15‖ means absolutely nothing… pretty excellent day… April 7, 2007 Day 16… a little aside… all of us involved with Paxil know of its potential to play havoc with one‘s libido… it did with mine, although still able to function, the ED issue increased steadily during my 6 years on the drug… during week 1 of the cold turkey, I tried out the old ―love machine‖… 1. senses were more sensitive than ever 2. the old horny feelings seemed to be reappearing 3. the captain came a‘callin‘ pretty quickly (I wasn‘t even sure he had swabbed the deck – but he had)… last night gave is a go again… all the above true again, but I was informed afterwards (yeh, I was not alone) the mast hadn‘t been that tall in many a moon… I assume that it will continue to improve as I continue to ―hoist me bow‖… I plan to fly the Jolly Roger more often… the winds be finally blowing that way again… OK, OK, enough of the cheesy nautical idioms… but you get my drift (sorry)… stuff is making my boat float (again, sorry) that has not affected me emotionally for years… all I can say is RRRR matey (evidently as hard to kick as Paxil) – I‘m back!... 250 had a beer today with lunch… relaxed my a little… no buzz… no heightened withdrawal symptoms… tasted real good… April 7, 2007 Day 16… a little aside… all of us involved with Paxil know of its potential to play havoc with one‘s libido… it did with mine, although still able to function, the ED issue increased steadily during my 6 years on the drug… during week 1 of the cold turkey, I tried out the old ―love machine‖… 1. senses were more sensitive than ever 2. the old horny feelings seemed to be reappearing 3. the captain came a‘callin‘ pretty quickly (I wasn‘t even sure he had swabbed the deck – but he had)… last night gave is a go again… all the above true again, but I was informed afterwards (yeh, I was not alone) the mast hadn‘t been that tall in many a moon… I assume that it will continue to improve as I continue to ―hoist me bow‖… I plan to fly the Jolly Roger more often… the winds be finally blowing that way again… OK, OK, enough of the cheesy nautical idioms… but you get my drift (sorry)… stuff is making my boat float (again, sorry) that has not affected me emotionally for years… all I can say is RRRR matey (evidently as hard to kick as Paxil) – I‘m back!... had a beer today with lunch… relaxed my a little… no buzz… no heightened withdrawal symptoms… tasted real good… in an effort to see if I could ejaculate and feel it (without the intense sensations involved in sex), I took matters into my own hand… it worked!... and pretty darn well, if I do say so myself… good days lie ahead… I 251 coulod have never said and believed this while I was taking Paxil… I can only assume (and hope) that things will continue to improve for the next 15 to 45 days… April 8, 2007 EASTER… & DAY 17… I am certainly being more opinionated… I have to watch myself so I don‘t seem harsh or obnoxious… I fells great… no more middle of the road crap… my comedy should become more edgy… when I was previously having ED issues, the doctor tested me for testosterone levels… it showed I was very low… I used it for 3 months and nothing – except for the incredible desire to watch THE TERMINATOR… now I know that the symptoms of ED, constant tiredness, apathy… were from the Paxil… Viagra didn‘t work at all… and if I tried it know The Amazing Johnson might actually explode… April 9, 2007 DAY 18… woke up feeling queezy… went away after 45 minutes. Then went on to have a very good and physical day… not much else to report so I will fill with a joke … this guy walks into a bar in Arkansas and orders a white wine. Everybody sitting around the bar looks up, surprised, and the bartender looks around and says: "You ain't from around here, are ya....... where ya from, boy?" The guy says, "I'm from Iowa." The 252 bartender asks, "What th' hell you do in Iowa?" The guy responds, "I'm a taxidermist." The bartender asks, "A taxidermist... now just what th' hell is a taxidermist?" The guy says "I mount animals." The bartender grins and shouts out to the whole bar, "It's OK boys, he's one of us!" April 10, 2007 DAY 19… woke up at 6:22 MA and ready to go… got more dome before 10 than most folks (haven‘t I heard that somewhere before?)… only a couple of zaps… a great day… not much more to say… don‘t worry, no bad joke tonight… April 11, 2007 DAY 20… I do not even remember any brain zaps today… virtually symptom free today… I‘ll get back to you if/when I have something new to report… April 22, 2007 DAY 30… one month!... recently, I‘ve had a few (3 in 5 days) severe headaches (starting over my right eye)… Tylenol doesn‘t touch them… Advil Migraine works… not sure if these are a withdrawal symptom… I have only had a handful of migraines in the past… I also had a week of very stressful situations, including the hospitalization of my son and traveling to gigs… old anxiety troubles just peeking up, not in any way near what they were prior to taking Paxil the first time… other than that, doing very well… from all info, the Paxil should now be out of my spinal fluid COMPLETELY… it will never return, I can guarantee you that!... 253 April 29, 2007 DAY 37… I‘ve spent the week surfing the emotional waves… anger, self-doubt, everybody against me, etc… this sucks… took 3 Lorazapam‘s… made me tired… stayed that way for 3 days… that sucks… I‘m assuming that these are withdrawal symptoms… I was not any of those things pre-Paxil… going to hang in there… as for avoiding stress – son in hospital for 5 days – then daughter in for 4hour surgery… avoiding stress sucks… May 2, 2007 DAY 40?... all day – felt worthless, out of control, no light at the end of the tunnel… 2mg Lorazapam… got over it… a couple of hours later, still dopey and typing this entry… took about 6 minutes! And that‘s with 13 spelling errors and 4 grammar suggestions… I Never listen to them... all is slowed down (including my mind)… all is much better now… May 4, 2007 Day 42… avoid stress??? Tonight I was mugged at butcher knife point… no kidding… thanks to the fact that I have been off Paxil for 6 weeks, I gave a crap and ran my ass off… the attacker did not pursue (he might have been taking Paxil [or meth])… I‘m fine… STILL didn‘t want to return to the dreaded Paxil mouse wheel… PS… I guess I‘m basically over the Paxil withdrawals… no more brain zaps, emotions pretty level… I am beginning to see a few of the old anxiety things (for which I was originally prescribed Paxil 6 254 years ago), but they are far less intense and I have been able to overcome them ON MY OWN… So….. don‘t give up… even through family illness, surgeries, and muggings – it was worth it to be Paxil free… now I care, I feel, I cry, I laugh, I smell the roses, I enjoy… not the mention that the little general stands up and salutes at will… PEACE WITHOUT PAXIL, TP‖ ∞ ― What Do I Need To Know About Stopping Paxil CR? Don't stop taking Paxil CR before talking to your doctor, although talking to your doctor really won't help, as he has not been fully educated by the pharmaceutical rep about the side effects since it would severely reduce sales of the drug. He'll most likely put you back on the medication, which is why we don't tell them anything. And since symptoms may, in fact most likely will, result from stopping the medication or from your original condition we're going to play down those effects on this website to make sure we can make our quarterly numbers. Some, actually a pretty high percentage, of our victims, er I mean, patients experienced the following symptoms on stopping Paxil CR (particularly when abrupt): extreme dizziness and vertigo, like 255 you're on of those people movers in the airport all the time. (We at GXC were actually thinking about calling this a "recreational withdrawal feature" instead of a symptom) , sensory disturbances (including electric shock sensations that range anywhere from mild tingles to having a cattle prod shoved up your butt), abnormal dreams that range in length from 2 to 4 hours and involve the kind of twisted stuff that Edgar Allen Poe used to throw out as "too edgy" for the opium crowd, agitation that somehow greedy corporate interests, incompetent government regulators, and doctors who either just don't have time to fully research what they prescribe or just really like the cash flow can come up with great way to get millions strung out on something so profitable , anxiety that because you have fried your brain using something recommended to you by your doctor that you will never be normal again, nausea and occasional projectile vomiting, sweating like a Japanese Sumo wrestler hiking through a tropical jungle in a wetsuit, mood fluctuations that make Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde look like Regis Philbin and Kelly Ripa, headache (Actually more than one headache. Actually, it's a lot of headaches. OK, really they're more like migraines or severe caffeine withdrawal headaches. But we'll just call it "headache" for simplicity's sake, fatigue which in many cases is actually a blessing since you'll be flat on your back at home experiencing the rest of the symptoms instead of at work, nervousness like a hamster in a cage without a wheel and sleep 256 disturbances which is also kind of a blessing as it gives you a break from the awful dreams. ― ∞ ―Hi fellow ―nofeelingwhatsover‖ OR ―verge of puking‖ friends! Today is my 5th day totally off Paxil, prescribed for anxiety with assurance from my Doc of 10 years that it has―….little to no side effects when coming off of it‖…... Well either he didn't know, or he did, frankly, I can't decide which is scarier? 5 months ―in‖ didn't feel like I needed the ―numbing don't give a shit about anything kinda like the lead character in Office Space‖ drug any longer, so I stopped cold turkey. After really bad flu like symptoms, and not really getting the correlation, I went back on it. A few days back ―in‖ I then read up on it, and thought, Holy Shit, Honey, lock up the 9mil, and um, maybe you should take the guy trip you have been putting off! And so it began, I started weaning my self off, 20mg to 10mg to 5 mg to less than 1/4 tablet for over a week. I figured I would be the drug warnings typical supposed 80% and have little problems; after all I am pretty darn typical, just like most all of you who are reading this. Well after 5 days I feel like hell. NAUSEA is constant, whether I eat or not, any kind of motion, car, plane, and oh my Lord in the back of a large van, RALPH!! 257 Headaches, sweating, fatigue, crying, diarrhea, huge insomnia, and the ―zaps‖ Ah yes the ever popular zaps, figured they would never happen to me, and then they did. Hard to describe these babies, sort of sounds like tuning in an AM radio station on a little battery powered radio or a cartoon electricity sound, all deliciously accompanied with a massive head rush and whoa, let me get my footing feeling. Remember now, I started this crap to help my anxiety! If you care about someone plead with them to take another route even if you have to smack them, and if your Doc says no side effects, tell em' BULLSHIT, and ask when the last time he prescribed it to someone he loves...bet you will get a long....................pause. I have never blogged anything, but if I can prevent one person from starting‖ Pax-Hell‖, my 10 minutes is invaluable. Read up sanity seekers Google, Yahoo or Hot search it first, you will find plenty. The path on Paxil is well traveled, only because it is back and forth!!! Meditate, exercise, eat chocolate, smoke a little pot, maybe some valerian tea, but I am telling you, don‘t go here. I am here, and I would pay a decade‘s worth of salary to go back to just ―high anxiety‖. 258 I don‘t promote any kind of drug use, but I was a little wild when I was younger, dabbled with some things, but I ain,t never been through anything like this after a party girl weekend. If you are having some depression or maybe some anxiety, start with changing your environment, spouse, job, see a shrink. Trust me; this is not an easy way out! If for one second you trust the big drug companies, check out whom their latest new hire lobbyists are, Elected POLITICIANS. Oh yeah, I have been a pretty conservative Republican for 20 years for all of you who think I am just some bored lefty, sorry. OK, will not go there with the Politics, or you lefties and righties know we will be here for days! (Besides, I feel like my small dinner may need to escape it sounds angry! :0( If nothing else, I know I have made you laugh! Please know this was written with sincerity and love, promise. XOXO” ∞ ―Paxil in L.A. This drug makes you feel awful....clue in. I started taking Paxil about six months ago. I 'd recently relocated to San Diego from Los Angeles. About a week after I started taking it (for depression and acute anxiety), I began to fixate on substance. This is how it went: 259 2:30, wake up with my boyfriend (too much substance the night before), stumble to the freezer, pull out the vodka, make a cocktail and then breathe. After that, we'd go out to eat (drink), get too hammered then put in the call for the cocaine delivery boy. Note: I've never had an affinity for cocaine in my lifetime. So right, do that, then go through copious amounts of blow throughout the evening and neatly swallow two milligrams of Valium and/or Xanax...whatever...to go to sleep. Then we woke up at 2:30 again.....you know the drill. The funny thing is, I didn't get suspicious of the Paxil yet because the cocaine and the alcohol balanced my head. I didn't even stop to question WHY I had taken up these habits. I didn't notice. All I knew was these substances were what I needed to maintain. I got off the Paxil...(lazy, hung over, high, didn't go to the doctor) because I ran out. We all know what happened then; if not, scroll up. I went back to my doctor and got six months worth of free samples along with an application for home delivery from SmithKline Beecham of ninety pills every three months. Every three months. And there I am...I wake up, I take my pill, I head to the freezer. If I was lucky enough to have any energy, I would soon start making the 'fuck you' and 'I love you' phone calls. I descended into extreme affection with turns of extreme antagonism. I would dream about drugs, alcohol. The scariest thing is when I started to dream about wanting things I couldn't name, let alone ask for. I woke up gritting my teeth. At this 260 point I was at 1.75 litres of vodka a day...no job, all naps. In fact I'd lost my job because of calling in sick too much and being all too clear about what was wrong with the company. That's just it....I maintained my wits, I just projected them in a way too manic and frontal fashion. I could think clearly but couldn't control my mouth. At this point, I was in a very bad living situation. So, despite what I would normally do to save my soul and sanity (movement), I laid in bed and drank. And smoked way too much. I fell down, I knocked the ashtrays over, and I woke from my reverie before the ice cubes could even melt and, yes, made another drink. My cat box (serving four cats, all rescues, and beautiful), went for two weeks or so before I would think to pick up some litter at the liquor store. Vodka and cat litter, only, natch. Well, and tonic. I was so horribly miserable I couldn't even get up to pack my clothes (hung on the floor) and get the fuck out of there. My best friend came to get me. She packed my clothes, fed me (imagine that, food) and brought me back to LA. I stopped Paxil seven days after I got here...and on the sixth day after I quit, I almost killed myself in her kitchen. Another note: I've never been suicidal in my lifetime, or self abusive (physically). All I could do for an hour and a half was stare at the knives in the knife block and jones for the pain. I called a friend at the last minute because I knew that's what you have to do before you commit such a selfish crime. She talked me down out of the tree and in the morning I couldn't believe where I'd been. This is confusion. Oh yes, and 261 confusion....I couldn't decipher between waking and dreaming state. Nice. One morning I couldn't pull out of a dream....there was this woman in my face...she looked nice but felt awful. She wouldn't go away and she kept getting closer, so I reached out and grabbed her head, and broke her neck. At the very same moment (as I was twisting her neck), I woke up and realized that it was my sweet, favored black Burmese cat who's head was in my hand. I didn't hurt her, but I cried for hours over how it could have been. She's sitting on me now. This is all true. Fucking real. Should you wish to contact me or view me, my address is [email protected], and my website is www.vanillacream.com. Please don't take this shit. Bad, bad bad bad bad bad. I've kicked it, but still drinking, although not as much. Cheers, and may the muses kiss all of your heads. ― ∞ ―You would think I had learned by now...but I'm startin' to believe that you can‘t tell this girl nothin'. Paxil. That damn pill. It started innocently enough. I had gone in to the Drs because I was losin' my mind with panic attacks and anxiety. Without question I took the little demon home and ate him. That is when the problems began. I was told that it may take 2-3 months until I felt better. So I foolishly assumed that the HEIGHTENED anxiety and panic was just natural 262 (but never mind all that -as my wonderful Dr. even had a pill for those issues -Clonazepam and Xanax..)So I waited it out. 4 months into it, I decide It would be a great idea to go to the mall and get my children clothing to cover their ass. BAD IDEA -Do you know what it‘s like to lose your mind at the mall ? I just barley stepped foot in the door and had to locate a pay phone Called my husband and spent the better part of 20 minutes cowering at the phone.‖Tell me it‘s going to be ok ,honey ","I DO NOT want to be here, can‘t you just take the bus and come and get me? (YES I'm aware at how inconvenient this would have been..) ,"This is FUCKING unreal ! I'm not DOING ANYTHING !! I just want to get clothing for the kids !!Honey can‘t you just come and get me out of here? ",I have got to get it together ,I have got to get myself out of this mall .FUCK JUNE GET IT TOGETHER !!!!! PEOPLE ARE GOING TO START STARING AND THINK YOUR CRAZY!!!".........and on it went. Fuckin' Paxil. So a few days later I start to get the most hideous of headaches .That was it. I quit taking them cold turkey. My bad....5 days later and I have EVERY symptom know to man. The worst in my opinion? The electrical shocks. Never mind the bursting into tears (my kid's think I'm nuts..), The fact that I'm all the sudden REAL DUMB (Now this IS bad, as I teach my children at home...lately they are grade levels above me...FANTASTICO). The list is endless, truly I could go on. I went to the pharmacy last night (took back- up with me via my 17 year old son) to pick up some Benydril for this constant itch I now have. You know what the pharmacist said when I told him my symptoms? Says ,"Oh ya, 263 defiantly. I hear that an awful lot with Paxil". WHAT THE FUCK?! My pharmacist seems to know and get it, and yet my Dr. NEVER said a thing....It's a damn conspiracy I tell ya, a damn conspiracy. Loosin' my mind in Washington.....‖ ∞ ― Hiya! I just visited your site and noticed that you have a "Paxil Humor" section that could use some chuckles. Well, I remember a Paxil Moment I had a couple of months ago that still makes me chuckle. Maybe I just have a weird sense of humor; but if it makes someone else smile, I'd be proud. =) So...I should start by telling you the background, I guess. I am unemployed, and was not yet approved for the state medical coverage which I now receive. That meant that I got my Punchy Paxil (nicknamed for the shaky, hyper, abnormally giddy feeling it occasionally causes me to feel) through the inpatient pharmacy at the local hospital (they have a free sample program for outpatients w/no insurance.) Until the month in question, they'd been giving me my goodies in a plain prescription bottle, only the insurance label was blank, and "$0.00" was written on the company line. I was on 30mgs. of the stuff, and had been taking a pill and a half of pink 20mg. pills to see if 30mgs. was a high enough dose. Well, it wasn't, and my doctor upped it to 40mgs. the next month. That 264 month, I went to the pharmacy to get my latest shipment. To my horror, the pharmacist handed me one month of double doses of 20s, instead of one-shot 40s! I. Completely. Freaked! Worse yet, they came in half-used packets of leftover samples! They were the PINK pills, not the GREEN ones I WANTED! And they were in PACKAGES THAT SOME PHARMACIST TOUCHED BEFORE! And they were in a GREAT BIG ZIPLOC BAGGIE for the whole damn world to see! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! A couple of hours and some soothing herbal tea later, I was able to laugh at the experience. How sorry is it to freak out and start obsessing over the color and packaging of the stuff that's supposed to treat my OCD? I'd hate to be across the table from me if I were ever served Vanilla Coke; or, worse yet, that purple Heinz ketchup! :P Anyway; hope that brings at least a chuckle. If you can laugh at mental illness, you can beat it! ∞ Twinkie is my 7 year old 16lb Main Coon cat who has depression and is aggressive toward the other cats. He was on Elevil for a while but that made him a very weird zombie and if anything he became more vicious. Then he was put on Paxil. He has always been pretty good about 265 letting me give him pills. He fought the Paxil hard. He absolutely hated it. After two weeks Twinkie became extremely dangerous and for the first time I considered putting him to death (not going to sugar coat it) because I was afraid of him. I abruptly stopped the Paxil and put him on Azmira Pet Aggression Formula, a homeopathic aggression medicine. He is doing much better now. If anyone saw what Paxil did to my cat, they would realize this needs to taken off the market for good. He stopped cuddling with me, he growled a lot, I mean he just sat there and growled, he ate too much and slept too much. This drug did nothing positive to change his behavior. Please don‘t take Paxil or prescribe Paxil. I wonder, did they do any animal tests on Paxil? ― ∞ ― Hello, I don't take Paxil on prescription, but I took 80 mgs to feel weird for pleasure. Now im shaking! It‘s been 6 days now, do you know how long it takes to go away?‖ To all you people who posted what you went through, thank you, it would be hard to imagine dealing with this without the benefit of you 266 sharing our experiences. Paxil "withdrawal" blindsided me the first two times, kicked me down hard in an alley, stuffed me into the trunk of a car and took me across the River Below to the "dark side" and back. Intense insomnia;, incredibly vivid, gory, horrific dreams; debilitating dizziness and mild hallucinations - that's just a sampler. Both times, I was off it just two or three days, by accident. After the second time, I went to the Internet to find out what the h** had just happened. So this is for the ones who are yet to approach this: I am looking at my desk where there is a pool of tears now drying on the wood, and I have no idea what I was crying about. I don't even feel upset, but the water is on my face too. I touch a finger to the pool of moisture, almost dried since I started this graph, in the morning sun. A faint salty taste. I'm trying today to put some things down, for the rest of you to come. It's a struggle, though usually to write a graph costs me nothing. Now it's so hard. It's day six already and every day I try to do this. It comes in waves, that shut me down. Put me in a chair from standing. My head in my hands. Dizzy. Stop, stop it. I say to whatever it is. And the thing happens with my ears. The pressure drop. On and off on and off. Quit it, stop. Please. It's like a bad airplane ride in a too small craft. Now the surging, the nausea. And what they call "agitation?" I'm pounding my feet on the floor like a kid at a basketball game. Now I'm out of the chair, now back. What to do with crazy energy. Pacing. Shaking. I have lost seven pounds since starting this. 267 Chronic nausea and manic pacing -- the perfect "eat less, exercise more" combination. Then again when I look at the scale my feet are so far away. Twenty feet away. Whose feet are they? Cause I am above the room somewhere, looking down at someone else.. Here it is okay, waves, zapping. Bad, so bad this morning. Stop it, leave me alone! Feel like a punching bag, a scarecrow being hit by gusts of wind. You guys called it zapping, in your posts. I didn't know what you meant by now I do. The word to me is more like 'fritzing,' or 'surging.' It's bad wiring, surges, drop-outs. If I were a lamp I'd be buzzing and turning on and off. This is so exhausting. I will dry again later. Now the beating of wings. Huge, heavy wings, like a pterodactyl or a giant bat. Shoop shoop. Shoop shoop. The first time, on maybe day 3, I said to my husband: Do you hear that? No. 30 seconds later. There, there! Do you hear that? No. As if there are these wings so heavy that they displace air and cause a pressure drop. As if my ears are popping and unpopping, in bursts, and constantly. Stop it! The thing with the face and head is raging today - squeezing, pressure on the sides of my head, Sometimes I burst outside, to distract myself, walk quickly, walk away from it. It finds me again, though. Yesterday the last light was beautiful and we went for a peaceful, easy walk. Ten minutes from home I'm suddenly exhausted, shutting down. Not like, "I need to sit down," but like, "I need to collapse." What are you going to do, lie down on the ground? I walked back as fast as I 268 could make it, went straight up to bed and had a dire, down-therabbit-hole 'nap' full of desperate, unpleasant sensations, like the kind you have with a bad fever. For a couple of hours. Usually I walk for 30 minutes, no problem, and could easily do more if I had time. Usually I skate around here, three or four loops to use up my energy, but for several weeks now I'm too dizzy to use my skates. Haven't driven in a week - no way ! or been "allowed" to use the stove. Because I can't remember what I start. But Sunday morning early I feel good and go for a drive, to the beach, mostly a straight shot down Jefferson, I think, and no one on the road yet. I want to go to the Chinese massage place at Venice Beach and let them smooth out the cramps that have me sleeping like a twisted root since this began. I want to take a long walk against the blank white sky. I miss a turn somewhere and never make it. Wind up confused and fighting to stay focused behind the wheel because I'm suddenly exhausted. But it's your car and you have to get it home so you do somehow. That was on day five and now this is day seven. I could go on but you can read other people's stories, and you should. I'm tired now but I have some questions about Paxil, and I'm not going to quit until I put them down. Why isn't there a whole lot more on the label about this? All it said was 'do not stop taking suddenly.' Well, when I say 'day seven,' I mean Day Seven from stopping completely. But I staged out of this thing - discussed it with 269 a doctor first, and went from 40 mg to 30 mg, to 20 mg, to 10 mg, to 0 - in increments of around 10 days each. After the first drop down, the 'symptoms' began. But not even like this. I did this the right way, you m**f**s at the company. And still look at what I get to endure. One last note - for those few who think that people who are trying to get off Paxil are 'crazy or depressed anyway.' I have no history of depression - I was prescribed Paxil for a different reason. As for crazy, well, I wasn't before.. The reason why I determined to get OFF Paxil was because despite the brief upside - a significant reduction in debilitating hot flashes related to estrogen suppression therapy, plus giddy, unreasonable happiness, and a kind of chemical shield from any bad feelings I might have had about a cancer diagnosis - before long it turned me halfway to stone, turning off my motivation, energy, drive, joy in physical exercise, and all the things that make it possible to strive for a life that transcends mere survival. Also, because when I discovered how 'trapped' I was in taking this drug - the harsh and immediate consequences of stopping for even two days in a row - I was appalled. When I expressed apprehension about the hurdles to stopping the drug, three different doctors, two of them physicians, one a psychiatrist, said to me, in all sincerity: Well, why would you get off it? Why not just stay on it? For...ever? I thought. The psychiatrist even insisted that I switch to Prozac instead. I never saw him again. ― 270 ―Paxil is one cruel reminder that what is gifted with the power to give us life also has the power to take it back. These little pink pills reneged on our deal. They told me they would change my life and fight for me the battle with the pain of my existence, hurt and betrayal. They told me they would not only fight for me, but would win the battle and chase away my pain to the barren depths of obscurity. In return, I agreed to help them achieve eternal life; to avoid their greatest fear - extinction - by allowing them to inundate my blood and alter my brain. I would refer them to my friends and shout their praise. I would attest to how they changed my life for the better, and people would see me blossom into the person I should have been born as - the person I was destined to become. I kept my end of the bargain, and now I must live with the guilt that people I care for may have walked into the valley that past users have rightfully termed "Pax-hell". Whoever said the color black was evil's dark façade, Never went against the color pink - these pills believe they're God. They offer you a life renewed with all that pleases you. Their deception is a brutal one - they spit and then they chew. Paxil is an abusive lover. It makes you believe you need it to survive in a world so full of hurt and hate. It's disciples are walking this earth disguised as the doctors we trust our life with. It's drug lords are our pharmacists, who we run to with our money when we 271 need a 'fix'. Not only does this drug control your mind, it controls your body, taking away your ability to experience pleasure from the human lover in your life. Paxil is a selfish, controlling lover who doesn't want to share and won't stand for any physical pleasure to be given by another. Like an abusive partner, these pills overtake your heart, mind and soul, but what scares me most is that I have allowed them to become a part of my blood. Does it ever really leave, or does it hide in undiscovered crevices of my brain, lying in wait until society has determined that it has left my body, for then any acts I may perform against myself can no longer be blamed on those unholy pills? Paxil played the role of my savior, and I believed it had saved me. And maybe, for awhile, it really did. Now, as I try to thank it for it's help and bid it farewell, it won't let me go. It tests me - making me question all that I believe in and all that I hold dear. Every time I say goodbye, it takes me to the dark side of addiction and withdrawal and forces me to come back for more. It has become my cruel life's partner who would rather send me to my demise than allow me to be with another. It makes it's victims feel hopeless, for if we are strong enough to fight the battle with this drug, the only reward for winning is to return to the life of pain we were running from in the first place. So, where is the hope? Where does it end? How can I fight these pills when they have become my only strength? And at the end of the battle, after all the casualties have been counted, did either of us really win?? 272 No.‖ ∞ ―Almost Quit Aropax (Australian name) entirely. Here is a brief interlude I had with myself in the mirror this morning. And no, I am not insane: Hello Jo, yes, I remember you. You're about 5"2 petite, maybe 55 Kilos? Hang on... wait. What happened to you? Oh Ok, so your still 5"2... why are you more like 90Kilos? hmmm. Anyway, aside from that, you look good. Your eyes are bright, I certainly haven't seen that for a while. Wow, you've gotten older. You look tired, but you look refreshed. I don't understand. Awake, yes, that's what it is. Like you've awoken from a slumber. Well, we both (mirror and I) know it's an Aropax haze. Don't look too bad considering I have been a hard core druggie for a little over a year (time on Aropax). Well, it's early, might go cuddle up to my husband before I get ready for work *wink wink* Oh my god. She is thinking about sex. She feels like sex. Oh thank you god! Only 5 mg to go now. Look out world. I don't know whether this is a lighter side or a sadder side. But thank you for your web site. It really gave me the courage to get this far.‖ 273 8. Medical Literature Should your Doctor still not be familiar with Paroxetine (Paxil) withdrawal, or worse, doubt that it is a real phenomenon, show her/him these pages. Tint A, Haddad PM, Anderson IM. The effect of rate of antidepressant tapering on the incidence of discontinuation symptoms: a randomised study. J Psychopharmacol. 2008 May;22(3):330-2. PubMed PMID: 18515448. Kotzalidis GD, de Pisa E, Patrizi B, Savoja V, Ruberto G, Girardi P. Similardiscontinuation symptoms for withdrawal from medium-dose paroxetine and venlafaxine after nine years in the same patient. J Psychopharmacol. 2008 Jul;22(5):581-4. Epub 2008 Jan 21. PubMed PMID: 18208915. Lader M. Pharmacotherapy of mood disorders and treatment discontinuation.Drugs. 2007;67(12):1657-63. PubMed PMID: 17683167. Ahmed M, Parameshwaran A, Swamy P. Neonatal convulsions secondary to paroxetine withdrawal. J Pak Med Assoc. 2007 Mar;57(3):162. PubMed PMID:17432029. Fava GA, Bernardi M, Tomba E, Rafanelli C. Effects of gradual discontinuation of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in panic disorder with agoraphobia.Int J 274 Neuropsychopharmacol. 2007 Dec;10(6):835-8. Epub 2007 Jan 16. PubMed PMID: 17224089. Himei A, Okamura T. Discontinuation syndrome associated with paroxetine indepressed patients: a retrospective analysis of factors involved in the occurrence of the syndrome. CNS Drugs. 2006;20(8):665-72. PubMed PMID: 16863271. Taylor D, Stewart S, Connolly A. Antidepressant withdrawal symptoms-telephone calls to a national medication helpline. J Affect Disord. 2006 Oct;95(1-3):129-33. Epub 2006 Jun 22. PubMed PMID: 16797080. Einarson A. Abrupt discontinuation of psychotropic drugs following confirmation of pregnancy: a risky practice. J Obstet Gynaecol Can. 2005 Nov;27(11):1019-22. PubMed PMID: 16529668. Bhanji NH, Chouinard G, Kolivakis T, Margolese HC. Persistent tardive rebound panic disorder, rebound anxiety and insomnia following paroxetine withdrawal: a review of reboundwithdrawal phenomena. Can J Clin Pharmacol. 2006 Winter;13(1):e69-74. Epub 2006 Jan 23. Review. PubMed PMID: 16456219. Baldwin DS, Montgomery SA, Nil R, Lader M. Discontinuation symptoms in depression and anxiety disorders. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2007 Feb;10(1):73-84. Epub 2005 Dec 19. Review. PubMed PMID: 16359583. van Geffen EC, Hugtenburg JG, Heerdink ER, van Hulten RP, Egberts AC. Discontinuation symptoms in users of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in clinical practice: tapering versus abrupt discontinuation. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2005 Jun;61(4):303-7. Epub 2005 May 20. PubMed PMID: 15906018. 275 Montgomery SA, Kennedy SH, Burrows GD, Lejoyeux M, Hindmarch I. Absence of discontinuation symptoms with agomelatine and occurrence of discontinuation symptoms with paroxetine: a randomized, doubleblind, placebo-controlled discontinuation study. Int Clin Psychopharmacol. 2004 Sep;19(5):271-80. PMID: 15289700 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Haddad PM, Dursun SM. Re: Depression, stroke diagnosis, and SSRI discontinuation syndrome. Can J Psychiatry. 2004 May;49(5):343-4; author reply 345-6. No abstract available. PMID: 15198473 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Jessel N, Stiskal JA. Neonatal encephalopathy after antidepressant exposure during pregnancy. Herbst F, Gortner L. Paroxetine withdrawal syndrome as differential diagnosis of acute neonatal encephalophathy? Z Geburtsh Neonatol 2003; 207: 232234. Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol. 2004 Apr;208(2):75-6; author reply 76. English, German. No abstract available. PMID: 15112141 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Mazzatenta C, Peonia G, Martini P. Pruritus induced by interruption of paroxetine therapy. Br J Dermatol. 2004 Apr;150(4):787. No abstract available. PMID: 15099390 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Hayakawa Y, Sekine A, Shimizu T. Delirium induced by abrupt discontinuation of paroxetine. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2004 Winter;16(1):119-20. No abstract 276 available. PMID: 14990771 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Herbst F, Gortner L. [Paroxetine withdrawal syndrome as differential diagnosis of acute neonatal encephalopathy?] Z Geburtshilfe Neonatol. 2003 Nov-Dec;207(6):232-4. German. PMID: 14689334 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Antai-Otong D. Antidepressant discontinuation syndrome. Perspect Psychiatr Care. 2003 Jul-Sep;39(3):127-8. No abstract available. PMID: 14606234 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Kaufman MJ, Henry ME, Frederick B, Hennen J, Villafuerte RA, Stoddard EP, Schmidt ME, Cohen BM, Renshaw PF. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor discontinuation syndrome is associated with a rostral anterior cingulate choline metabolite decrease: a proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging study. Biol Psychiatry. 2003 Sep 1;54(5):534-9. PMID: 12946882 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] [No authors listed] Paroxetine withdrawal syndrome. Prescrire Int. 2003 Aug;12(66):141. No abstract available. PMID: 12908493 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Ramasubbu R. Minor strokes related to paroxetine discontinuation in an elderly subject: emergent adverse events. Can J Psychiatry. 2003 May;48(4):281-2. No abstract available. PMID: 12776398 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 277 Ali S, Milev R. Switch to mania upon discontinuation of antidepressants in patients with mood disorders: a review of the literature. Can J Psychiatry. 2003 May;48(4):258-64. Review. PMID: 12776393 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Salvia-Roiges MD, Garcia L, Gonce-Mellgren A, Esque-Ruiz MT, Figueras-Aloy J, Carbonell-Estrany X. 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PMID: 12138595 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 278 Shoenberger D. Discontinuing paroxetine: a personal account. Psychother Psychosom. 2002 Jul-Aug;71(4):237-8. No abstract available. PMID: 12097790 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Terao T. Palinopsia and paroxetine withdrawal. J Clin Psychiatry. 2002 Apr;63(4):368. No abstract available. PMID: 12000213 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Bogetto F, Bellino S, Revello RB, Patria L. Discontinuation syndrome in dysthymic patients treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: a clinical investigation. CNS Drugs. 2002;16(4):273-83. PMID: 11945110 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Tonks A. Withdrawal from paroxetine can be severe, warns FDA. BMJ. 2002 Feb 2;324(7332):260. No abstract available. PMID: 11823353 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Isbister GK, Dawson A, Whyte IM, Prior FH, Clancy C, Smith AJ. Neonatal paroxetine withdrawal syndrome or actually serotonin syndrome? Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2001 Sep;85(2):F147-8. 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Abrupt and brief discontinuation of antidepressant treatment: effects on cognitive function and psychomotor performance. Int Clin Psychopharmacol. 2000 Nov;15(6):305-18. PMID: 11110006 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Diler RS, Tamam L, Avci A. Withdrawal symptoms associated with paroxetine discontinuation in a nine-year-old boy. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2000 Oct;20(5):586-7. No abstract available. PMID: 11001250 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Kirsch MA, Louie AK. Paroxetine and irritable bowel syndrome. Am J Psychiatry. 2000 Sep;157(9):1523-4. No abstract available. PMID: 10964877 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Black K, Shea C, Dursun S, Kutcher S. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor discontinuation syndrome: proposed diagnostic criteria. 280 J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2000 May;25(3):255-61. Review. PMID: 10863885 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Belloeuf L, Le Jeunne C, Hugues FC. [Paroxetine withdrawal syndrome] Ann Med Interne (Paris). 2000 Apr;151 Suppl A:A52-3. French. PMID: 10855379 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Michelson D, Fava M, Amsterdam J, Apter J, Londborg P, Tamura R, Tepner RG. Interruption of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment. Double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Br J Psychiatry. 2000 Apr;176:363-8. PMID: 10827885 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Fagan M. [Withdrawal syndrome after the use of serotonin reuptake inhibitors] Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2000 Mar 20;120(8):913-4. Norwegian. PMID: 10795494 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Nuss S, Kincaid CR. Serotonin discontinuation syndrome: does it really exist? W V Med J. 2000 Mar-Apr;96(2):405-7. PMID: 10771628 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Strickland GM, Hough DW. Unilateral facial numbness and visual blurring associated with paroxetine discontinuation. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2000 Apr;20(2):271-2. No abstract available. PMID: 10770473 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Peeters FP, Zandbergen J. [Severe withdrawal symptoms with fever during paroxetine tapering off] Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 1999 Jul 3;143(27):1429-31. Dutch. PMID: 10422558 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 281 Gram LF. [Withdrawal symptoms in connection with the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI)] Ugeskr Laeger. 1998 Dec 7;160(50):7291-3. Danish. No abstract available. PMID: 9859737 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Thompson C. Discontinuation of antidepressant therapy: emerging complications and their relevance. J Clin Psychiatry. 1998 Oct;59(10):541-8. No abstract available. PMID: 9818638 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Pollock BG. Discontinuation symptoms and SSRIs. J Clin Psychiatry. 1998 Oct;59(10):535-7. No abstract available. PMID: 9818635 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Wincor MZ. Withdrawal syndrome associated with abrupt discontinuation of SSRIs. J Am Pharm Assoc (Wash). 1998 Jul-Aug;38(4):500-1. No abstract available. PMID: 9707961 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Rosenbaum JF, Fava M, Hoog SL, Ascroft RC, Krebs WB. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor discontinuation syndrome: a randomized clinical trial. Biol Psychiatry. 1998 Jul 15;44(2):77-87. PMID: 9646889 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Bryois C, Rubin C, Zbinden JD, Baumann P. [Withdrawal syndrome caused by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: apropos of a case] Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax. 1998 Mar 4;87(10):345-8. Review. 282 French. PMID: 9545842 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Stahl MM, Lindquist M, Pettersson M, Edwards IR, Sanderson JH, Taylor NF, Fletcher AP, Schou JS. Withdrawal reactions with selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors as reported to the WHO system. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 1997;53(3-4):163-9. PMID: 9476026 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Zajecka J, Tracy KA, Mitchell S. Discontinuation symptoms after treatment with serotonin reuptake inhibitors: a literature review. J Clin Psychiatry. 1997 Jul;58(7):291-7. Review. PMID: 9269249 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Walker-Kinnear M, McNaughton S. Paroxetine discontinuation syndrome in association with sertindole therapy. Br J Psychiatry. 1997 Apr;170:389. No abstract available. PMID: 9246265 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Young AH, Currie A, Ashton CH. Antidepressant withdrawal syndrome. Br J Psychiatry. 1997 Mar;170:288. No abstract available. PMID: 9229040 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Landry P, Roy L. Withdrawal hypomania associated with paroxetine. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 1997 Feb;17(1):60-1. No abstract available. PMID: 9004064 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Rosenbaum JF, Zajecka J. Clinical management of antidepressant discontinuation. 283 J Clin Psychiatry. 1997;58 Suppl 7:37-40. Review. PMID: 9219493 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Haddad P. Newer antidepressants and the discontinuation syndrome. J Clin Psychiatry. 1997;58 Suppl 7:17-21; discussion 22. Review. PMID: 9219489 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Lejoyeux M, Ades J. Antidepressant discontinuation: a review of the literature. J Clin Psychiatry. 1997;58 Suppl 7:11-5; discussion 16. Review. PMID: 9219488 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Arya DK. Withdrawal after discontinuation of paroxetine. Aust N Z J Psychiatry. 1996 Oct;30(5):702. No abstract available. PMID: 8902183 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Coupland NJ, Bell CJ, Potokar JP. Serotonin reuptake inhibitor withdrawal. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 1996 Oct;16(5):356-62. PMID: 8889907 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Pacheco L, Malo P, Aragues E, Etxebeste M. More cases of paroxetine withdrawal syndrome. Br J Psychiatry. 1996 Sep;169(3):384. No abstract available. PMID: 8879736 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Mareth TR, Brown TM. SSRI withdrawal. J Clin Psychiatry. 1996 Jul;57(7):310. No abstract available. PMID: 8666577 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Lazowick AL, Levin GM. Potential withdrawal syndrome associated with SSRI discontinuation. Ann Pharmacother. 1995 Dec;29(12):1284-85. No abstract available. PMID: 8672834 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 284 Dominguez RA, Goodnick PJ. Adverse events after the abrupt discontinuation of paroxetine. Pharmacotherapy. 1995 Nov-Dec;15(6):778-80. PMID: 8602387 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Fava GA, Grandi S. Withdrawal syndromes after paroxetine and sertraline discontinuation. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 1995 Oct;15(5):374-5. No abstract available. PMID: 8830071 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Rafieian-Kopaei M, Gray AM, Spencer PS, Sewell RD. Contrasting actions of acute or chronic paroxetine and fluvoxamine on morphine withdrawal-induced place conditioning. Eur J Pharmacol. 1995 Mar 6;275(2):185-9. PMID: 7796854 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Pyke RE. Paroxetine withdrawal syndrome. Am J Psychiatry. 1995 Jan;152(1):149-50. No abstract available. PMID: 7802108 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] 285 9. Addendum 9.1 Withdrawing from Paxil - The Almost Complete Guide The only complete information about withdrawing from Paxil, from beginning to end, has been piecing together message board postings from those folks who have actually done it. There has been a big need for this information in one source - not just bits and pieces. I've tried to gather as much as I could from former Paxil patient's experiences (including my own) to share with those attempting to quit Paxil. Now there can be a source to direct people to for all of this information ; instead of having to post it over and over again. Feel free to print, share, and give links to this document. When withdrawing from Paxil, you have to decide which method is right for you. Everyone is different, so experiment. Tapering the dosage down over a period of time seems to be the preferred way to stop - versus quitting Paxil "cold turkey". The withdrawal symptoms during tapering are generally much less intense than cold turkey quitting. Although some people can quit Paxil and suffer no withdrawal repercussions, countless numbers of folks have quit or tapered and have suffered nausea, dizziness, electric shock sensations known as "the zaps", headache, flu-like symptoms, balance problems, anxiety, sleep problems, gastro-intestinal problems, sweats, vivid dreaming, sensitivity to light and/or sound, etc. The list goes on and on…..Withdrawal from Paxil is happening in much greater numbers than the manufacturer has reported to the FDA. 286 Withdrawal can be miserable, so it's important to figure out what works BEST for you and puts you in the least, if any, discomfort. Plus, it really helps to plan. *Sadly, a lot of doctors/psychiatrists don't know about the withdrawal effects of Paxil. Some even will deny that they happen. In a perfect world, you should have been told about the potential for withdrawals from Paxil at the time it was prescribed for you! Most folks aren't. Withdrawal from Paxil and SSRI drugs is a documented fact and I will provide a list of medical journal articles later that you can copy and take to your doctor if he/she is an "unbeliever". *The most important thing is to make sure your doctor is aware of the withdrawals from Paxil and understands the tapering method. How you decide to taper is up to you, because some doctors will taper a patient too quickly. Tapering has to be individualized. One size does not fit all - and don't let any doctor tell you otherwise. *The Vicious Circle of Paxil: Quite often, Paxil patients, who are unaware of withdrawal, go to doctors who are also unaware of the withdrawal - and the ignorant doctor diagnoses the withdrawal symptoms as depression or anxiety "relapse". The doctor will then try to actually INCREASE the patients Paxil dosage! When you withdraw from Paxil, it's not always pleasant - but have some judgment here, especially if your doctor tries to increase your dosage and starts talking about 'relapse' returning. This mistake of doctors diagnosing 'withdrawal' as being 'relapse' has been noted and journaled in several medical publications. Make sure your doctor knows about and ACCEPTS the fact of withdrawals from this drug! If not, find a new doctor that does! Okay, so you're ready to quit Paxil? Before you begin…..Withdrawal effects usually start between 2 to 3 days after reducing or stopping the dosage - but they can start as soon as 1 day or take as long as 7 days. Generally, by day 287 three….you should start to know. If you taper too fast, believe me, you'll know.*When decreasing your dosage, be aware of how you act & react emotionally to situations with others- after all, this is a psychological drug. Be prepared for mood swings. It's also best to try this when you have days off from work. It's not fun to get nauseous, dizzy, anxious, etc. at work - and then have to drive home? In other words, if you have Sat./Sun. off, try tapering your dose on Friday - you should start know something by Sunday in most cases. Be sure to keep that little 10 mg. piece (explained below) of Paxil with you. Don't leave home without it, and don't go away for the weekend without your normal dosage with you. I don't suggest experimenting with tapering on a "weekend getaway" trip either. Do it in your normal surroundings. *Plan a schedule for tapering in advance. By learning what to expect and informing yourself, you will save yourself a lot of unnecessary worrying. Tapering down method -If you are taking 30 mg. and above, you can start by dropping down 10 milligrams lower than your normal dose and see if you start to experience any withdrawal effects. Save the 10 mg. piece and take it with you. -If you are taking 20 mg. or lower, start with a 5 mg. decrease. The example below refers to the 10 mg. drop. Follow the directions with 5 mg. drop instead of 10. Save the 5 mg. piece and take it with you. -If you DON'T have noticeable withdrawal effects from this decrease remember; give it 3 to 7 days for withdrawal effects to start. Stay at this minus 10 mg. dosage until you've determined you're out of the woods. Decide how long your body needs to adjust to this decrease before lowering dose again. 1 week? 1 month? Longer? You have to decide this, based on how you feel physically and psychologically. -Once you eventually taper down to taking only 10 mg. a day, then go to 5mg. for a while, then 2.5mg., and then try zero. The last 10 mg. has been the most difficult drop for some. And some people don't develop withdrawals until 288 the last 10 mg. -If you DO HAVE noticeable, unbearable withdrawal effects from this decrease - STOP. Take the 10 mg. piece to finish out your regular daily dosage. If you start to have unbearable withdrawal symptoms, a 10 mg. drop is too much for you. Start taking your regular full dose again tomorrow and wait a few days to start this process over with a 5 mg. decrease. Most withdrawal effects subside after taking the regular dose again. The next step now is to try decreasing Paxil by 5mg., and if the withdrawal effects start with this decrease, repeat the above steps with the 5 mg. piece that you saved and hopefully have with you. You may have to decrease dosage in 2.5 mg. increments if the withdrawal effects from a 5 mg. drop become intolerable. *This is the point where you have to figure out if you are one of the lucky ones and can taper off Paxil with ease - or if this is going to be a long and tedious process - or if you're somewhere in the middle. Some people can come off Paxil with no problems. Others, on the extreme, have found it necessary to drop in increments as low as 2.5 mgs. for months and then taper the last few milligrams with the Paxil liquid. You have to find what works for you. And if you do develop some withdrawal symptoms, you must decide just how much withdrawal you can tolerate before having to return to your normal dose and start tapering in a smaller increment. Cutting pills….. and Paxil liquid (suspension) Any pharmacy can sell you an inexpensive pill cutter. With a pill cutter, you can cut a pill in half (and a half pill in half). People have also used razors, Exacto knives, and nail clippers to make really small doses. Eventually, get your pharmacist to refill your prescription with the 10 mg. pills - it will be much easier to cut these into smaller doses once you've tapered below 10 mg. Another great alternative to cutting or shaving pills is to get the liquid form of Paxil. The orange flavored Paxil liquid is good for accurate, small tapering doses as small as 1 mg.! Any pharmacy has it or can get it for you. Some pharmacists have never even heard of the Paxil liquid form - so don't let them 289 tell you it doesn't exist! Here's the info in case they do: Paxil Oral Suspension (liquid): Orange-colored, orange-flavored, 10mg/5 ml, in 250 ml white bottles. NDC 0029-3215-48 Take this NDC # with you to the pharmacy. Your Paxil reduction schedule As stated, tapering down Paxil is an individualized process. By having patience and sticking to a reduction schedule, you might not develop withdrawals. Below is Jeff's example of a reduction schedule and his comments. "Here's the approximate schedule that worked for me. From 60mg to 40mg in 10mg steps. From 40mg to 30mg in 5mg steps. From 30mg to 20mg in 2.5mg steps. From 20mg to 0mg in 1mg steps. Down to 20mg, I was chopping up tablets to control the dosage. From 20mg down, I used the liquid Paxil. Every change in step size indicates a point where the withdrawal symptoms hit. When this happened, I went back to my previous dose for a few days, then started again with smaller steps. I was decreasing my dose about every 4 days. This made sense to me because if the withdrawal symptoms were going to hit, it always seemed to happen in the 2nd or 3rd day after a dosage decrease. I was stuck for a long time at 20mg. Fortunately I changed doctors and the new one told me about the liquid Paxil. From there on it was pretty smooth sailing in 1mg steps all the way to 0mg unless I missed a dose or got impatient and tried to go faster." 290 Cold Turkey Quitting - Zero I quit Paxil cold turkey. For me, it was Hell and completely incapacitating for more than a week. By Day 3 with no Paxil, I knew something was really wrong - but it took 3 days for the withdrawal to even begin. Having no prior knowledge of withdrawals, and not being told by my doctor or pharmacist that this may occur - I was in for quite a ride. I now wish that I had known about the tapering method before I decided to cold turkey off Paxil. Days 4 through 8 were the absolute worst. I had a low-grade fever, night sweats, headache, nausea, balance problems, sleep disturbances, upset stomach, and the zaps like you wouldn't believe! At one point, I was up to 14 zaps per minute - yes, I actually timed them! It took a total of 3 weeks for these symptoms to gradually subside. For most, cold turkey is not the way to go. What are "The Zaps"? The zaps are little shock-like sensations, which occur during Paxil withdrawal. More annoying than painful, the sensation would start in my mouth and head and 'shoot out' towards my extremities for a split second - like a low voltage shock. If you were ever dared as a kid to touch a 9-volt battery to your tongue, then that's the best way I can describe a zap. They can happen with head and eye movement, or even while sitting perfectly still. After a while, you can begin to hear the zaps happening in your head - like a 'swoosh' sound. The Switching method Although I don't suggest switching drugs - one SSRI drug for another - some people have used this method to taper themselves off Paxil. Even if you decide to switch drugs, withdrawal from Paxil can still happen using this method. Prozac, Celexa, Zoloft, Luvox, and the others SSRI's also have their own, very similar problems as well. If you switch drugs, in a lot of cases, you're right back having to taper yourself off the new SSRI drug too. Some 291 people have switched SSRI's with ease - others haven't. This method can start a merry-go-round of SSRI related problems. Some suggestions during withdrawal As far as alleviating the withdrawal symptoms, it seems folks have tried everything available, both over-the-counter and herbal remedies. You must make sure to read the product information for anything you try for potential interactions - especially if you take some other drug in addition to Paxil! Here are some suggestions to help ease withdrawal: -Drink large amounts of water! It really helps to keep your system flushed. -A multi-vitamin and B vitamin complex are good. -Try to keep something on your stomach. If you have to, eat several small meals a day, rather than large ones. -For nausea: crystallized ginger, ginger chews, ginger tabs, ginger ale (From the health food store) -For nausea/dizziness: Bonine, Dramamine, (also know as Antivert) in the US, Meclizine in the UK (From the drug store) -For headache: Whatever over-the-counter 'headache drug' that you can normally tolerate is okay. Some have suggested the drowsy "P.M. formulas" at bedtime of Tylenol, Excedrin, etc., to help with sleep disorders, but again read the label! Some have tried cold formula remedies, but cold formulas sometimes have an ingredient which can 1.) cause anxiety, and 2.) interact with Paxil - in a bad way! It would be best to stay away from cold medications. -For anxiety/nervousness: Kava Kava capsules and tea (From the health food store) links for more information: http://www.kcweb.com/herb/kavakava.htm 292 http://www.tnp.com/propages.asp?ID=30 http://www.herba-medica.com/reports/kava.htm Valerian (From the health food store) Links: http://www.theherbsplace.com/valerian.html http://www.tnp.com/substance.asp?ID=94 http://www.nutramedix.com/text/Piu/thirdparty/valerian.htm Inositol (From the health food store) Links: http://www.tnp.com/substance.asp?ID=141 http://www.healthhelper.com/vitamins/vitamins/inositol.htm *Dangerous combinations - Serotonin Syndrome There are many herbal and natural remedies available as alternatives to taking prescription drugs. They should not be taken with Paxil (or any SSRI drug), or while tapering from Paxil. Serotonin syndrome can occur - and it is potentially fatal! Serotonin syndrome is basically 'serotonin overload' to your system. Paxil affects serotonin and so do many herbal and natural remedies! Do not mix Paxil and any drug/herb that also affects serotonin. It can be a terrible experience, if not deadly. A link to Serotonin Syndrome: http://rxweb.nlu.edu/ldpic/tempweb/Poison%20PearlsSerotonin%20Syndrome.html Post Paxil If you are completely off Paxil - for no less than three weeks, you can think about taking an alternative herbal/natural. The side effects of herbals/naturals are usually much less harsh than taking a prescription SSRI drug. But, not all 293 people tolerate herbs/naturals. Side effects with these can occur in some cases, but they are generally tolerated much better than prescription drugs. Some of these herbal/natural products claim to be just as effective as the prescription drugs for the treatment of depression. The suggestions below are not to be taken in conjunction with Paxil. St. John's wort Warning! St. John's wort should not be combined with MAO inhibitors, SSRIs, other antidepressants, meperidine (Demerol), or dextromethorphan for fear of serotonin syndrome. When switching a patient from an SSRI to St. John's wort, a 3-week drug-free period should be observed, because some SSRI agents have a long half-life. http://www.tnp.com/substance.asp?ID=89 http://www.hypericum.com/ http://www.kcweb.com/herb/stjohn.htm SAMe SAMe appears to raise levels of dopamine, an important neurotransmitter in mood regulation, and higher SAMe levels in the brain are associated with successful drug treatment of depression. SAMe possesses anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and tissue-healing properties that may help protect the health of joints. http://www.smart-drugs.net/depression-SAMe.htm http://www.healthyplace.com/Communities/Depression/ect/selfhelp/same.htm l http://www.impakt.com/webArticles/same_shows_promise_for_depressio.htm http://www.tnp.com/substance.asp?ID=212 5-HTP 5-HTP may increase serotonin synthesis, and thus researchers are studying the possibility that 5-HTP might help people with depression. http://www.tnp.com/substance.asp?ID=127 http://www.mqrx.com/5-htp.asp 294 http://www.thehormoneshop.com/5-htplibrary.htm http://www.raysahelian.com/5-htp.html Good vitamin/herbal overview links regarding depression and anxiety: http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/learning/healthguide/healthguide_topic_list.jht ml?dept=concern&letter=D (Click on "Depression") http://www.tnp.com/topic.asp?ID=110 http://www.naturalhealthconsult.com/depression.html http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/learning/healthguide/healthguide_topic_list.jht ml?dept=concern&letter=A (Click on "Anxiety") Withdrawal syndrome documented in medical journals Evidence of Paxil (paroxetine) withdrawal syndrome has been documented since the time that Paxil was first prescribed to the general public in 1993. It is a wonder why more doctors don't know about it. With so many drugs on the market, most doctors rely on the information from the pharmaceutical representative about new drugs, instead of informing themselves with outside, unbiased sources. -Why would a pharmaceutical rep. risk hurting sales by telling a doctor about nasty side effects & withdrawals? -How would a doctor know about a drug's side effects & withdrawals if his/her only information source was from the drug company representative? Some doctors will not believe a patient's claims of withdrawal. They don't see message board postings and support sites as having credibility. The only valid sources that these doctors will believe are from well-known published medical journals. The list below is a collection of published medical journal articles and studies on SSRI withdrawal syndrome from 1993 to present. It's a shame that so many doctors have never seen any of these articles. If your physician is one who needs highly credible medical journal sources, print out the list below and take it to them! 295 Independent Reports: 1993 Is there a serotonergic withdrawal syndrome? Biol Psychiatry 1993;33:851-2. Mallya, White, Gunderson. Paroxetine (Paxil) "We have received 78 reports of symptoms occurring on withdrawal of paroxetine, including dizziness, sweating, nausea, insomnia, tremor and confusion. Such reactions have been reported more often with paroxetine than with other SSRIs. Reactions tended to start 1-4 days after stopping paroxetine and in several patients resolved on re-instating treatment. Paroxetine should not normally be discontinued abruptly". 1993 Committee on Safety of Medicines & Medicines Control Agency (Great Britain) 1995 Withdrawal syndromes after paroxetine and seatrain discontinuation. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 1995 Oct;15(5):374-5 Fava GA, Grandi S. A possible paroxetine withdrawal syndrome. Am J Psychiatry. 1995 Apr;152(4):645-6. Phillips. Paroxetine withdrawal syndrome. Am J Psychiatry. 1995 Jan;152(1):149-50 Pyke. Potential withdrawal syndrome associated with SSRI discontinuation. Ann Pharmacother. 1995;29:1284-1285. Lazowick, Levin. 1996 More cases of paroxetine withdrawal syndrome. Br J Psychiatry. 1996 Sep;169(3):384. Pacheco, Malo, Aragues, Etxebeste. 296 Antidepressant withdrawal syndrome. CNS Drugs. 1996;5:278-292. Lejoyeux, Adès, Mourad, Solomon, Dilsaver. 1997 Paroxetine withdrawal syndrome in a neonate. Br J Psychiatry. 1997 Oct;171:391-2 Dahl, Olhager, Ahlner. Paroxetine discontinuation syndrome in association with sertindole therapy. Br J Psychiatry. 1997 Apr;170:389 Walker-Kinnear, McNaughton. Antidepressant withdrawal syndrome. Br J Psychiatry. 1997 Mar;170:288 Young, Currie, Ashton. Newer antidepressants and the discontinuation syndrome. J Clin Psychiatry. 1997;58(suppl 7):17-22. Haddad Possible biological mechanisms of the serotonin reuptake inhibitor discontinuation syndrome. J Clin Psychiatry. 1997;58(suppl 7):23-27. Schatzberg, Haddad, Kaplan, Lejoyeux, Rosenbaum, Young, et al. SSRI Withdrawal Syndrome 1997, American Society of Consultant Pharmacists, Inc. Skaehill, Welch 1998 Treatment of disequilibrium and nausea in the SRI discontinuation syndrome. J Clin Psychiatry. 1998 Aug;59(8):431-2 Schechter. Withdrawal syndrome associated with abrupt discontinuation of SSRIs. J Am Pharm Assoc (Wash). 1998 Jul-Aug;38(4):500-1 Wincor. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor discontinuation syndrome: a 297 randomized clinical trial. Biol Psychiatry. 1998 Jul 15;44(2):77-87 Rosenbaum, Fava, Hoog, Ascroft, Krebs. Withdrawal syndrome caused by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax. 1998;87:345-348 Bryois, Rubin, Zbinden, Baumann. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor discontinuation syndrome: putative mechanisms and prevention strategies. Can J Psychiatry. 1998 Jun;43(5):523-4. Rojas-Fernandez, Gordon. 1999 Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor discontinuation syndrome: putative mechanisms and prevention strategies. Can J Psychiatry. 1999 Feb;44(1):95-6. Benazzi. 2000 Withdrawal syndrome after the use of serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2000 Mar 20;120(8):913-4. Fagan. Serotonin discontinuation syndrome: does it really exist? W V Med J. 2000 Mar-Apr;96(2):405-7. Nuss, Kincaid. Paroxetine withdrawal syndrome. Ann Med Interne (Paris). 2000 Apr;151 Suppl A:A52-3. Belloeuf, Le Jeunne, Hugues. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor discontinuation syndrome: proposed diagnostic criteria. J Psychiatry Neurosci. 2000 May;25(3):255-61. Black, Shea, Dursun, Kutcher. 298 The information provided here is not intended to replace that of your doctor. Having a doctor that knows and understands the withdrawals that occur from SSRI drugs like Paxil is of utmost importance.