SOGEA - 1998 annual report


SOGEA - 1998 annual report
1998 Annual Report
9, place de l’Europe - BP 320 - 92851 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex - France
Tél. : + 33 1 47 16 40 00 - Fax : + 33 1 47 51 91 01 -
Sogea is company of
Aerocamera Hofmeester, C. Barriquand-Treuille, Ph. Bastin, Y. Blond, R. Brown, L. Delmas, Goodshoot, B. Granier, Ph. Guignard, F. Latreille, M. Pallardy, J.-E. Pasquier/Rapho,
F. Vigouroux, R. Young, Phot0 Alto : I. Rozenbaum/F. Cirou, PhotoDisc, Photothèque Denys, Photothèque Norwest Holst, Photothèque Sogea, DR
Design and production: Plan Créatif
Key Figures 1998
Highlights 1998
Civil Engineering
• Handover in 1998
of the structural work
on the Georges
Pompidou European
Hospital in Paris’s
15th arrondissement.
Hydraulic Engineering
• Roadworks carried
out in the Central
African Republic
between Bangui,
Damara and Sibut.
Car parks
Key locations
• Cast-iron
pipelaying as part
of the reconstruction
of the Avre aqueduct
in Auteuil-le-Roi in the
Ile-de-France region.
• The Méridien Gaité
Montparnasse car park
in Paris is one of the
53 sites which Sogea
manages in 22 French
Sogea’s earnings improved substantially in 1998
in all its business lines despite an ongoing slump
in building and a decline in large civil engineering
projects on the domestic market.
After several difficult years and a major
restructuring effort, Sogea is now back on track
as a high-performance group adapted to
its markets and refocused on its four main business
lines — Building, Civil Engineering, Hydraulic
Engineering and Services. Its strength lies in
its dense network of autonomous and responsive,
quality-oriented and customer-focused specialized
local subsidiaries, all supporting a locally
designed, regionally and nationally coordinated
marketing plan.
When Sogea’s teams commit to projects
on the ground they have the guaranteed backing
of the entire group’s resources: this organization,
geared to operational efficiency, proved itself in
1998 and enabled Sogea to be involved in a large
number of high-profile projects in France.
Notable examples are the T2 and T4 towers at
La Défense, the renovation of Kastler Guitton
high school in La Roche-sur-Yon, the Vernègues
and Tanus viaducts, the headquarters of
the European Parliament in Strasbourg, drainage
and water supply system works for the Montpellier
tramway and carparks at the Lenval clinic in Nice
and the Stade de France in Saint-Denis.
On the international market, where the group
generates 50% of its sales, 1998 was a particularly
good year. Sogea successfully boosted its local
development strategy in Great Britain, Belgium,
the Netherlands, Portugal, Africa, the Indian Ocean
and the French Antilles. This strategy has proved
especially effective in Africa, where the group won
very large contracts for dams, roads and hydraulic
engineering structures, as well as in Madagascar
with the second phase of the GR canal,
in the French Antilles, with the household waste
incineration plant in Fort-de-France and in Belgium
with a number of large pipeline construction
contracts. It was also highly successful in Great
Britain where Norwest Holst, a commercially very
dynamic Sogea subsidiary, should soon be signing
a first large Private Finance Initiative contract.
Sogea intends to build on this momentum in 1999.
Staying ahead of the curve when it comes to our
customers’ expectations; devising the best solutions
to meet their needs; enhancing our focus
on comprehensive offerings and turnkey projects;
accelerating our development in the area of services,
while making the most of the local roots and
involvement which underpin the strong
relationships linking our subsidiaries with
their customers; pursuing indispensable ongoing
individual in-house training programs: these
activities will be our strategic focus in 1999
and will constitute major assets for Sogea
as it expands into new markets and consolidates
its excellent performance.
Xavier Huillard
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Board of Directors
Serge Michel
Honorary Chairman and Director
Xavier Huillard
Chairman of the Board
Gérard Billaud
Michel Cambournac
Bernard Huvelin
Jean Malassigné
Roger Martin
Gérard Mohr
Pierre Parisot
Antoine Zacharias
Executive Committee
Xavier Huillard
Philippe Ratynski
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Deputy General Manager,
Pierre-Michel Chaudru
Deputy General Manager,
Pierre Billon
Jean Rossi
Jérôme Benet
Deputy General Manager,
French Regions
Legal Director
John Stanion
Chief Executive of Norwest Holst Group PLC
Financial Director
Hervé Meller
Human Resources Director
Key Figures 1998
Civil Engineering
Hydraulic Engineering
Turnover by geographic area
Turnover by geographic area
Turnover by geographic area
as percentage, in millions of FF
and millions of Euros
as percentage, in millions of FF
and millions of Euros
as percentage, in millions of FF
and millions of Euros
1,503 229
French Regions
French Regions
703 107
French Regions
1,144 174
2,268 346
1,291 197
United Kingdom
1,229 187
United Kingdom
1,875 286
901 137
United Kingdom
Turnover building
Turnover civil engineering
Turnover hydraulic engineering
in millions of FF
and millions of Euros
in millions of FF
and millions of Euros
in millions of FF
and millions of Euros
5,287 806
3,109 474
3,122 476
6,422 979
3,247 495
2,722 415
6,185 943
3,023 461
2,878 438
Car Parks
Turnover by
line of business
Turnover by geographic area
in millions of FF
and millions of Euros
as percentage, in millions of FF
and millions of Euros
as percentage, in millions of FF
and millions of Euros
1996 11,677 1 780
6,185 943
1997 12,558 1 914
1998 12,263 1 869
3,023 461
Car Parks
2,878 438
Turnover by
geographic area
Turnover car parks
in millions of FF
and millions of Euros
as percentage and number
as percentage, in millions of FF
and millions of Euros
1,863 285
Clerical, Technical
and Supervisory
French Regions
4,229 644
Manual Workers
3,059 466
United Kingdom
3,112 474
Highlights 1998
15 January: inauguration in Mantesla-Jolie of the François-Quesnay
hospital built by Sicra and Sogea
Nord-Ouest. • Sobea Ile-de-France
begins operation of the car parks
at the Stade de France. • Dodin hands
over the deep water port in Bayonne.
The Doukkala agricultural development
office awards the second phase of
its irrigation project to Sogea Maroc.
• In Levallois-Perret, SICRA begins
construction of 57 housing units for
The order for design-and-build
construction of 55 student housing units
in Perpignan goes to Sogea Sud-Ouest
as general contractor. • 6 March:
inauguration of the Flintshire Bridge
in north Wales.
Premier Trophée Sécurité awarded by
Entreprise Solvay to Chanzy-Pardoux,
a subsidiary of Sogea Est. • 12 April:
inauguration by the Prefect of Mayotte
of the Petite-Terre salt water desalination
unit designed, financed and built by
Sogea Mayotte. • 23 April: Sicra’s
teams hand over the Melun courthouse.
Norwest Holst starts construction
of Southampton Magistrates’ Court.
• On Reunion, SBTPC starts
construction of a 46-lot private-sector
housing estate in La Possession
and hands over a traffic intersection
connecting Departmental Roads 6
and 10. • 15 May: Sogea commissions
the first installment of the Frielas
purification plant in Portugal.
• 18 June: the keys to the Cité Judiciaire
courthouse complex in Bordeaux,
built by Gauchoux are handed over.
• 24 June: handover in Lille of Paul
Verlaine middle school, designed and
built by Sogea which has also been
entrusted with its maintenance for
a period of 15 years. • Seven new
certifications for Sogea: six ISO 9001
certifications for the building and civil
engineering activities of Sogea Est and
its subsidiaries Hallé, Chanzy-Pardoux,
Sotram and Sorec; one ISO 9002
certification for the industrial
maintenance activity of SBMI,
a subsidiary of SBTPC. • Martinique:
inauguration of the Trois-Ilets and
Trinité purification plants.
Sogea sells its subsidiary TPI Ile-de-France
to Campenon Bernard SGE and the
latter sells its Alsatian subsidiary, Urban,
to Sogea. In the south-east of France,
Sogea also transfers its building and
civil engineering activities to Campenon
Bernard SGE. • 10 July: partial
handover, two months ahead of
schedule, of Anna-de-Noailles middle
school built by Sogea Nord-Ouest.
• Great Britain: Norwest Holst
Construction starts cladding and air
conditioning work on a building for
IBM in Hursley Park in Winchester.
Belgium: Denys starts construction
of the Outer-Nederhasselt-Aspelare
collector main in Ninove; after an audit
of AIB-Vincotte Inter, Sogea’s Belgian
subsidiary renews its “LSC” safety
certificate for a period of 3 years.
• Cameroon: the Esso road project
exceeded a million hours worked without
a single accident or day of sick leave.
• Béziers: Cavalier, a subsidiary of Sogea
Sud-Ouest, hands over the facades
of the Armand-Thiery store situated in
a historic preservation area in the city
Pantin: completion of work carried out
on the Chocolaterie Zac by Sicra.
• 19 - 20 September: as part of Journées
du Patrimoine (Heritage Days),
Cavalier holds two stonecutting
workshops at its worksites at the
Saint-Pons-de-Thomières cathedral
and the Madeleine church in Béziers.
• Benin: Satom is awarded work
packages A and C of the main road
construction project currently underway
in western Africa, an expressway
between Cotonou and Porto-Novo.
Loc ations
In the Ile-de-France region, Sogea’s current organization
Cité Internationale in Lyons:
completion of structural work on the
Hilton Hotel. • 16 October: Denys,
Sogea’s Belgian subsidiary, celebrates
its 75th anniversary. • Portugal:
inauguration of the Ermesinde water
purification plant.
is based on two subsidiaries: Sicra, specializing in building,
and Sobea Ile-de-France, specializing in hydraulic engineering,
environmental engineering and parking facilities.
In the French regions, Sogea has seven regional divisions
which cover multiple business lines and are themselves
10 November: Sogea Sud-Ouest hands
over the Vincent Badie bridge on the
Montpellier tramway construction
site. • Dodin and SBTPC are awarded
a contract to build two structures on
the Sainte-Marie bypass on Reunion.
• Toulon Naval Dockyard: Dodin
is awarded the contract to widen and
lengthen the wharf which will berth
the Charles-de-Gaulle aircraft carrier.
• 24 November: Sogea Madagascar
signs a contract to develop the Lake
Alaotra agricultural project zone.
structured in highly decentralized local companies.
in the United Kingdom with Norwest Holst and in the
To this must be added Dodin, specializing in civil engineering.
In the Overseas Departments and Territories,
Sogea has been established for the last fifty years,
particularly in the French Antilles and the Indian Ocean.
On the international market, apart from its longstanding
roots in Africa, where it has operated for more than 70 years
in 26 countries, Sogea operates in Europe, particularly
Sogea Est is selected to build the
terminal facilities at Bâle-Mulhouse
Airport as well as the public access
airport buildings at the Vatry
Europort in the Marne region.
• Martinique: in association with SGE
Environnement (SGE Group), CGEAOnyx and CT Environnement, Sogea
Martinique successfully bids for the
design, construction and operation of
a household waste incineration plant.
Benelux countries through its Belgian subsidiary Denys.
The Flintshire Bridge
in north Wales.
The Melun courthouse, the keys of
which were handed over on 23 April 1998.
Overseas departments
and territories
The Trinité purification plant in
Martinique, inaugurated in June 1998.
French regions
The Vernègues viaduct on the future
TGV-Méditerranée rail line.
Despite a difficult situation in the building sector due to reductions
in public financing, the French building market picked up,
in relative terms, in 1998. In this context Sogea set up a decentralized
organizational structure based on a network of autonomous
local contractors.
In the United Kingdom where Sogea operates through Norwest Holst,
business activity is again buoyant thanks
to momentum provided by the private
sector. This trend has, however, started
to slow down in the single-family
housing sector as a result of the recession affecting British industry.
In consequence, Norwest Holst has refocused some of its lines
of business and merged some of its subsidiaries.
Sogea was particularly
active in hospital
construction in 1998.
The company
construction of the
Georges Pompidou
European Hospital
in Paris and began
work on two private
clinics: the Lenval
hospital in Nice
and the Bouchard
clinic in Marseille.
More than half of Sogea’s net sales are generated
in building. The company is today one of the leading
housing construction companies in terms of both
new construction and renovation. In recent years it has
developed its capabilities in renovating occupied premises
with particular emphasis on REX (experimental works)
projects carried out in partnership with the Ministry
in charge of Housing. Sogea has also innovated by
developing LQCM (Controlled Quality, Controlled Cost)
procedures which make it possible to reduce rent
and related charges by 20 %, as well as HQE (High
Environmental Quality) procedures.
In public sector building, particularly in school
construction, Sogea has successfully renewed its offer
through Marchés d’entreprise de travaux publics
(METP) public procurement contracts and through
its subsidiaries specializing in restoration of historic
monuments. In hospital construction, Sogea has
demonstrated its technical capabilities on large projects
such as the Georges Pompidou European Hospital
(Architect: A. Zublena). It has also demonstrated
its ability to innovate in the private sector.
More generally, the company works in close partnership
with private-sector developers and clients for which
it seeks innovative solutions in terms of financing, real
estate searches, design, construction and maintenance.
The company has developed this type of relationship
more particularly in the industrial and service sectors,
where it has a considerable track record: the Smart
plant in the Moselle region; the Renault Technocentre
at Guyancourt; the Rousset 2000 site; the T2 and T4
towers at La Défense; the Ava (Architect: ACAU) and
Rhône-Poulenc office buildings; and the headquarters
of Vivendi and Barbara.
In the United Kingdom, Norwest Holst has also pursued
a strategy based on flexibility and innovation.
Multiple tasks
Development of the Villejust Zac
In 1992, Sicra was selected to perform the architectural, technical, economic, sales, legal,
administrative and financial studies associated with the development of the Villejust Zac.
Following on from this first series of tasks, Sicra and its subsidiary Sogam were awarded a number
of different development contracts (restructuring of the rainwater drainage system, road access,
development of the site as a whole for building, etc.) as well as the land acquisition and developed
zone sale transactions. Today the Zac is home to three restaurants, a mini-drugstore and a home
improvement store and it will soon welcome a mini-storage facility.
This enabled it to benefit from the deregulation process
in the United Kingdom and from the development of
the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) under which public
projects can be entrusted to private sector operators.
In the Ile-de-France, after maintaining a very high
level of activity in previous years, Sicra experienced
a substantial drop in its order book in 1998.
The company thereupon reorganized into businesses
specialized by market segment. Three businesses were
set up to focus on new construction, two on renovation
In new construction
work, in the course
of FY 1998 Sicra
completed the CCIP
headquarters building
in Boulogne-Billancourt
Following the T4 tower which houses the Cegetel
headquarters in La Défense, Sicra is building
the T2 tower in the heart of the Danton Zac.
Sicra restructured 24 housing units in the rue
Augier in Paris’s 16th arrondissement.
Sogea Nord completed the second phase
of the Centre Nausicaa oceanographic museum
in Boulogne-sur-Mer in 1998.
Norwest Holst Construction began work
on a fitting out of Chester Mail Centre.
and one on maintenance, alongside the subsidiaries
specializing in industrial buildings (Sirca) and land
development (Sogam). Meanwhile, Sicra refocused
its new construction activity on private-sector clients
and on the Vivendi Group’s property developers
and it reduced its activity in social housing and public
buildings, where price levels are still low.
(Architect: C. de Portzamparc), several office buildings
in Montrouge (Architects: Sopha Architects and
Arte & Charpentier), the T2 and T4 towers at
La Défense, a shopping center near Marne-la-Vallée
(Architects: Chapman-Taylor Partners), Anatole
France middle school in Puteaux (Architects: Cabinet
Guidicelli) and Baudelaire high school in Evry
Technical feat at Strasbourg Cathedral
Since the 1950’s, Chanzy-Pardoux has been working on the renovation
of Strasbourg Cathedral. After a ten-year break, this Sogea subsidiary
resumed work on the site in 1998 with a major technical achievement.
Before dismantling each of the flying buttresses of the cathedral’s
northern facade, the company had to design and install a support
system to contain the pressure of the nave during refurbishing of
the buttress stones.
(Architect: Luc Martel) under an METP public
procurement contract. In renovation, the principal
projects were the Alcatel headquarters building
in Paris (Architects: Arte & Charpentier) and
In the French regions, 1998 was a year of consolidation
for Sogea’s building activities.
In the Nord region, the school construction market held
up well. Caroni, for example, was able, at the beginnning
of the year, to obtain an METP contract for the Guiscard
middle school (Architect: M-F. Manière) and for the
Avesnes-sur-Helpe high school (Architects: H. Guillard L. Simoens) and then, during the summer, contracts for
the Fiegnies middle school (Architect: J. Corbeau) and
the Caudry high school (Architects: Kroll - Nicol - Thelot).
The company also completed the Nausicaa center in
Boulogne-sur-Mer (Architect: J. Rougerie).
Sogea Nord-Ouest was involved primarily in building
housing and office space as well as functional structures:
a 480-unit housing project in Egly in the Essonne
region (Architects: Cabinet Appia - Petitperrin).
Additionally, Sicra continued renovation work
on the Quatre Tours experimental works project
in Blanc-Mesnil.
Maintenance activity continued at a satisfactory
level, particularly at the Rueil 2000 site, the Léonardde-Vinci university complex, the Bibliothèque
de France and the headquarters of Arthur Andersen.
Sicra Maintenance Multi-Services also obtained
the maintenance contract for the Stade de France.
Aristide Briand high school in Evreux (Architects:
J. Berteau - Concept Architectes), Irène-Joliot-Curie
middle school in Le Havre (Architect: Ataub) and the
Bretonneau hospital in Tours (Architect: A. Zublena).
During the fiscal year, Sogea Nord-Ouest also completed
Norwest Holst
Birmingham International Airport
The West Midlands regional office of Norwest Holst, Sogea’s British
subsidiary, has just been awarded a design-and-build contract to erect a new
5,700 m2 building in the heart of Birmingham International Airport.
Holst & Co. had taken part in designing and building the new terminal at
Birmingham International Airport back in 1939.
construction, under an METP contract, of Annade-Noailles middle school (Architects: Cabinet ZAD).
The company also recorded strong private-sector
demand and successfully continued its expansion into
property development in several cities in Normandy.
Its achievements include the Sainte-Catherine
Hill development project in Rouen (Architects:
Artefact - Acau).
In the West, the main contracts of 1998 were for
construction by Sogea Bretagne of a gendarmerie barracks
in Vannes (Architects: Etablissement du génie), structural
renovation of Kastler-Guitton high school in La Rochesur-Yon (Architect: M. Goujon), and the school
complex at Saint-Nazaire (Architects: Cabinet AIA).
Finally, Sogea Est was awarded, as part of a consortium,
two large contracts to build airport facilities at BâleMulhouse Airport and the Vatry Europort.
In the South-West, building activities in the Aquitaine
and Midi-Pyrénées regions were brought together
in Toulouse where Sogea handed over, among other
projects, a hotel trades high school in 1998 (Architects:
Alet, Sassus, Galavielle, Pages). In the Languedoc-
Sogea Ouest began structural renovation of
Kastler-Guitton high school in La Roche-sur-Yon
in December 1997. Work should take 3 years
to complete.
Sogea Sud-Ouest’s Building agency handed
over the Toulouse hotel trades high school
in 1998.
SBTPC, acting as general contractor,
completed construction of the Saint-Pierre IUT
on Reunion.
Chanzy-Pardoux completed construction of
the European Parliament headquarters building
in Strasbourg in 1998.
In the East, Sogea acquired Urban as part of a
reorganization of SGE Group construction and civil
engineering activities in that region. Chanzy-Pardoux
continued construction of the European School
in Luxembourg (Architect: Cabinet Bauer) and
completed restoration work on Meinsberg Castle
(Architect: M. Goutal) as well as the construction
of the headquarters of the European Parliament in
Strasbourg (Architects: Architecture Studio Europe).
Roussillon region, Sogea Sud-Ouest’s activity
remained buoyant, particularly in the housing and
school construction sector.
In the South-East, Sogea transferred its building and
civil engineering activities to Campenon Bernard SGE.
Here, as in the Rhône-Alpes region, Sogea will from
now on be restricting itself to hydraulic engineering
and services.
Experimental works
Participatory planning
and construction site messaging system
In 1998 Sogea Nord-Ouest began construction of
75 housing units at Margny-lès-Compiègne for the
SA HLM Cilova housing authority. This project is part of
an experimental works (REX) project headed by Sogea’s
Marketing and Development, France Department.
The experiment involves “participatory planning” of
the site and includes installation of a construction site
telematics messaging system entirely developed and
managed by Sogea’s Information Technology Department.
In the Indian Ocean, Sogea’s focus was primarily
on housing and public buildings, particularly schools.
Sogea Reunion is building the Rivière des Galets
middle school (Architects: F. Payet - B. Fontaine)
and the Saint-André media library (Architects:
P-J. Bertin-Lebeigle), while SBTPC has been doing
a brisk business in social housing construction.
Activity is also on the rise in Mayotte, with,
in particular, construction of the Pamandzi middle
school (Architect: D. Héricourt).
In the French Antilles, Sogea continued to develop
its building activity, with an emphasis on social
housing. The company built 132 units in
Baie-Mahault and another 148 in Le Lamentin while
continuing construction of the Schoelcher towers
(Architect: Montjoly).
On the international market, activity was sluggish
in Africa with the notable exception of Gabon
where Sogea built the prison in Franceville and
several rural health centers.
In Africa the Group also built thirty schools
in Benin with Japanese financing.
In the United Kingdom, Norwest Holst’s strong
position enabled it to complete the fiscal year in
a satisfactory manner despite the halt in social
housing. Among the main completions of 1998
were: Nuffield Hospital (Architects: Genesis YRM Architects) and the Tudor Court residential
hotel in London (Architects: Llewelyn Davies);
the Crescent Theater in Birmingham (Architects:
Temple Cox Nicholls); the chemistry building at
the University of Southampton (Architects: Hampshire
County Council); a student accommodation in
Manchester (Architects: Cruickshank Seward); a car
park in Derby. Several large new contracts were also
signed in the course of the year, in particular
for construction of a shopping center in Preston,
Sogea’s building agencies recognized
In 1998 Sogea’s building agencies were extensively rewarded for their efforts
regarding quality. Five of their number were certified by the French Association
for Quality Assurance (AFAQ): Sogea Est and three of its subsidiaries (Hallé,
Chanzy-Pardoux and Sorec) received ISO 9001 certification while SBMI, a subsidiary
of SBTPC on Réunion, was awarded ISO 9002 certification.
a design-and-build carpark and a cinema multiplex
in Reading (Architects: Haskoll & Co) and a new
wing of the National Portrait Gallery in London
(Architects: Jeremy Dixon - Edward Jones).
In the Engineering sector, Rosser and Russell,
a subsidiary specialized in building services and in
maintenance, broke even for the first time in five
years. In 1998 it undertook, among other things,
the fitting out of two banks, Daiwa (Architects:
Ove - Arup Partners) and Rabobank.
In the field of process services, Norwest Holst has
concentrated all of its business activities in a single
company, Norwest Holst Engineering Limited.
This new entity now offers a full range of services:
Having successfully completed its local focus strategy,
Sogea now needs to make the most of its role as adviser
to building clients and to communicate its expertise
in project development and its innovative approach.
Developing the Sogea offering means first and foremost
strengthening internal and external synergies.
Networking the competencies and know-how of each
of the entities which make up the Sogea Group
should make it possible to offer clients customized,
innovative solutions.
Sogea is positioned today as more than a building
contractor - it is a partner to public and private sector
clients which is able to offer a comprehensive range
of services, from development to maintenance and
In 1998, Sogea Martinique continued
construction of the Tours Schoelcher student
Sogea Nord-Ouest completed Anna-de-Noailles
High School in 1998.
process control, mechanical electrical and
instrumentation, telemetry, telecommunications,
acoustic engineering, insulation and offshore facilities
as well as long-term maintenance of all these services.
In Cambridge Norwest Holst started
construction of a complex comprising a 2,450 m2
office building and external parking.
from design-and-build construction to the operation
of concessions, analogous to what Norwest Holst
is already providing in the United Kingdom under
private finance initiative operations.
La Chocolaterie Zac in Pantin
Optimization of site logistics
Sicra completed the La Chocolaterie Zac project in Pantin in 1998. This
operation, conducted in two phases, included 171 housing units and
162 parking spaces (Architects: Pierre Granveaud, Pablo Katz and
Georges Peressetchensky). The first phase provided Sicra with an
experimental works (REX) opportunity involving site logistics optimization.
The methods worked out during the first phase, which was handed over
in June 1997, provided substantial inspiration when the second phase of work
was organized.
Civil Engineering
In 1998, the civil engineering market was hit by a reduction
in public funding and an increase in competition which put
pressure on margins, including those in Sogea’s traditional
operating sectors such as engineering structures, maritime and
river works, car parks and works related to the environment.
Sogea was nevertheless able to hold its own on this market
thanks to its local roots in small-scale
civil engineering and to synergies
established with Dodin in large
engineering structures and maritime
and river works. In FY 1998, civil engineering activity accounted
for some 30% of Sogea’s overall net sales.
In Africa, Sogea was
awarded, through
its subsidiary Satom,
the construction
contracts for two
dams at Dapaong
in Togo and Ziga
in Burkina Faso
in 1998.
These two contracts
complement Sogea’s
order book on the
African continent.
Civil Engineering
Sogea was active in all areas of civil engineering:
structures of all types, underground works, maritime
and river works, construction of waste treatment and
recovery plants, environmentally related civil
engineering and industrial civil engineering.
In partnership with other entities belonging to the
SGE and Vivendi Groups, the company is also involved
in cogeneration, construction of relays for SFR and
the laying of telephone cables. In addition, Sogea carries
out roadworks and earthmoving work in Africa.
Even though its civil engineering activities are largely
performed for public-sector clients, Sogea has also
started to develop a private-sector customer base
on this market, helped by synergies with the SGE and
Vivendi Groups. Sogea’s track record, know-how
and experience enable it to offer all its different
customers innovative technical solutions implemented
by mobile and versatile teams. Sogea’s regional
entities are supported by the technical capabilities
of Dodin, which specializes in large engineering
structures and maritime and river works. Some of these
entities have their own specialized agencies. To serve
telecommunications operator SFR, Sogea Ouest and
Sogea Est have set up dedicated teams responsible for
building the infrastructure needed to expand that
company’s mobile telephone coverage. In the greater
Paris area, the Sobea agency in Massy specializes
in civil engineering related to the environment.
In the West, Sogea has developed synergies with
Vivendi subsidiaries such as Dalkia and Générale
des Eaux. Sogea Sud-Ouest has an agency in
Toulouse which specializes in civil engineering
and whose achievements in 1998 included the
Bergères viaduct on the A89 motorway (Architects:
Atelier 13 - J.P. Loupiac) and work on the future
Montpellier tramway.
Civil engineering also makes up a major portion
of the company’s business in Africa, where Sogea
Underwater earthmoving
In 1998, Sogea Est and Dodin began the fourth and penultimate phase of work on
widening and deepening the Meurthe at Nancy. Using underwater earthmoving
techniques, Sogea and Dodin teams will increase the river’s depth to five meters.
This work will displace 100,000 m3 of earth under water and use 1,000 tons of sheet
piling to protect the banks.
and its subsidiary Satom have been operating for
nearly 70 years and have 26 agencies throughout
the continent. Roadworks and earthmoving
accounted for 50% of the company’s 240 million
Euros (1.6 billion French francs) net sales for the year
The Bergères viaduct on the A89 sets a new
French record for an incrementally launched
bridge with three 65-meter spans.
Sogea Sud-Ouest built several structures
including the Vincent-Badie bridge as part of
the Montpellier tramway construction project.
In mainland France, the main projects headed in 1998
by the Sogea regional divisions and subsidiaries were
the Val de Rennes, the Montpellier tramway,
structures on the RN 114 in the Pyrénées Orientales
region and river works at Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire.
Another highlight in 1998 was the construction of
the Bergères motorway viaduct on the A89 near
Ussel, an incrementally-launched bridge which holds
a French record with three 65-meter spans.
In addition, Sogea started construction of a 28,000 m3
drinking water reservoir in Montpellier and,
in a consortium with Dodin, completed work to widen
and deepen the Meurthe River.
Dodin Ile-de-France carried out the riverbank
works at Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire.
in Africa. In 1998 the company also won large
contracts for the construction of two dams in Burkina
Faso and Togo.
In the United Kingdom, Norwest Holst works
chiefly in the field of roadworks, earthmoving and
environmental engineering.
Bergeres Viaduct
Record set
With the construction of the Bergères
viaduct, Sogea Sud-Ouest has just beaten
a French record held by ... Sogea.
This incrementally launched bridge
on the A89 comprises three 65-meter
spans, greater than the previous record
(62 meters) held by the Vernègues
viaduct built by Sogea Sud-Est and
Civil Engineering
In 1998 Dodin handed over the Tanus road viaduct in
the Viaur Valley (Architect: P. Fraleu) and the Vernègues
TGV viaduct along the route of the future TGVMediterranée high-speed rail line (Architect: Amadeo).
The company also handed over the Saint-Bernard wharf
and the deep water wharf in the Port of Bayonne.
In terms of new business, 1998 was an exceptionally
good year for Dodin with orders for a series of structures
on the A89 (Architects: Lavigne et Montois),
the Villeneuve-sur-Lot locks, the wharf on piles in the
Maritime works
From Bayonne to Toulon
After handing over the extension to the Bayonne
deep water port in January 1998, Dodin began
construction, in that city, of a new 128-meter long
wharf situated on the Saint-Bernard bank. In late 1998
the company also won the performance-related
competitive bidding for the extension, in Toulon,
of the Naval Dockyard wharf where the aircraft carrier
Charles-de-Gaulle will be berthed.
Toulon navalshipyards to berth the Charles-de-Gaulle
aircraft carrier, the Poumas bridge near Mende and
the la Galaube loose-rock dam in the Aude region.
Finally, Dodin will construct the Verrières (Architect:
Mascarelli) and La Rauze viaducts, two structures
which will reach more than 100 meters in height and
have spans of 130 to 144 meters.
In the field of the environment, one of Sogea’s
strengths, the year’s highlights include civil engineering
work on the Ginestoux purification plant near
Toulouse (Architect: T. du Bouetiez), structural work
on the incineration plants of greater Metz (with
a capacity of 90,000 tons per year) and Mulhouse,
civil engineering on the Monthyon composting center
and the construction, as general contractor,
of the Champagne-sur-Oise waste treatment plant.
Finally, the TPI subsidiary was sold to Campenon
Bernard SGE in 1998. This operation is part of the
SGE Group’s concentration of its civil engineering
activities in the Ile-de-France region.
In the Overseas Departments and Territories,
several important orders were placed on Reunion
in the course of the year. These included a series
of bridges with segments cast in place and launched
incrementally on 50-meter high piers, built in BrasPanon by SBTPC (Architect: Lavigne) and two
structures built in a consortium with Dodin on the
Sainte-Marie bypass (Architect: Fraleu).
In Martinique, Sogea, in association with SGE
Environnement and CGEA, won a performancerelated competitive bid for the design, construction
and operation of a household waste treatment plant
in the center of the island.
The Tanus road viaduct in the Viaur Valley,
which is 100 meters high, holds a French span
record at 190 meters.
In 1998 Dodin built a large number of structures on the
A89 motorway which will connect Clermont-Ferrand
and Bordeaux, including the viaduct on the Isles.
Three high-altitude
construction sites
Dodin has been working on one very
high altitude construction site after
another. Having completed the Tanus
viaduct in the Viaur Valley, whose central
pier exceeds 100 meters in height and
which holds a span length record
(190 meters), the company, which
specializes in large engineering
structures, began two similar projects
in 1998. On the A20, Dodin is building
the La Rauze viaduct whose central
spans reach 130 meters, and which has
piers 100 meters high. On the A75
motorway, the company is constructing
the Verrières viaduct near Millau.
This structure, which is 720 meters long,
has a composite deck with a 144-meter
main span; its highest pier reaches
142 meters.
In June 1998, Sogea Est handed over the waste
incineration plant of greater Mulhouse with
a capacity of 172,000 tons.
In 1999, Sogea will complete construction
of the ordinary industrial waste sorting center,
which is the second segment of the overall
urban waste treatment system in the Mulhouse
In January 1998, Sogea Réunion started
construction of the Mon Caprice interchange
on the RN3 at Le Tampon.
Civil Engineering
In Africa, the main civil engineering contracts awarded
to Sogea were the Ziga dam in Burkina Faso and
the Dapaong dam in Togo, the Cotonou-Porto Novo
highway in Benin and the Kayes-Yelimané highway
in Mali. These projects bear witness to a recovery
of business activity in West Africa, Sogea’s traditional
area of operations.
Also noteworthy is the start of construction of
the Moulouya bridge in Morocco, a project which
complements Sogea’s traditional focus on hydraulic
engineering in that country.
In eastern Africa, Sogea’s activity is now much reduced.
This is a result, in particular, of the cancellation
by the Ethiopian government of the Mille-Assab road
contract because of the conflict between Ethiopia
and Eritrea. An arbitration proceeding has been
In central Africa, Sogea’s results in 1998 were mixed.
The company completed the Mitzic-Oyem road
in Gabon. Work on the Bangui-Damarat-Sibut road
project in the Central African Republic proceeded full
steam ahead, and promises to be a resounding success
for the company.
On the other hand, a project for the Esso oil group
in Cameroon, expected to generate much business
activity in 1999, was suspended at the end of 1998
at the request of the client. Finally, the deterioration
of the economic situation in Gabon has prompted
Sogea to gradually reduce its activity in that country,
where a portion of its contracts suffered from
a shortfall of local financing.
Doubling the capacity of the Saint-Denis viaduct
The Seine-Saint-Denis DDE (department of infrastructure) has awarded to TPI Ile-de-France and
Dodin the contract to double the capacity of the Saint-Denis viaduct. The second, parallel structure
is 770 meters long and has sixteen spans. It is make up of a metal frame deck, four girders
with spacers and a reinforced concrete slab which is part of the structure.
In the United Kingdom, in 1998, Norwest Holst made
satisfactory progress on the civil engineering market.
A highlight of the year was the opening of
the Flintshire Bridge in north Wales, by Her Majesty
the Queen - a project which was given an award
by the Concrete Society (Architects: Percy Thomas
Partnership). Work continued on a number of rail
and motorway projects such as the A12-M11
interchange near London.
A number of new contracts were also signed in the
course of the year: a sludge treatment facility for
the Severn Trent Water purification plant, a household
waste treatment unit for Hampshire Waste Services,
construction of a large sewer system with OTVB
Satom is performing work packages A and C
of the Cotonou-Porto Novo expressway
in southern Benin.
Satom won the contract for construction of the
Ziga dam in Burkina Faso, thanks to a proposal
based on a compacted rolled cement spillway.
Sogea has embarked on a process of diversifying
its civil engineering activities – in terms of its
customer profile and of the sectors in which it works –
with the development of its environmental, industrial
and telecommunications activities.
In its traditional areas of business, Sogea has
identified many projects – motorways, high speed
rail lines, canals, port facilities, large engineering
structures, etc. – which should, over the next ten
years, generate a fully satisfactory level of activity,
particularly for Dodin.
In the Overseas Departments and Territories,
particularly the French Antilles, Sogea should be able
to capitalize on recent investments in the area of
Norwest Holst handed over the Hampshire
West Services waste treatment and recycling
plant in 1998.
It is the largest plant of its kind in the United
in Birkenhead in Merseyside, construction of
a viaduct in Yorkshire (Architects: Charles Haswell
& Partners). Finally, a design-and-build contract
for a service station and car park at Luton airport.
Norwest Holst completed the 1.5 kilometerlong A12 and M11 motorway junction east
of London.
environmental protection. The numerous purification
plants built by the company in 1998 and the award
of the incineration plant contract in central Martinique
are examples.
On the international market, and particularly in Africa,
Sogea is acquiring a special position as a partner
in large projects financed by international lending
agencies in the area of road infrastructure,
of course, and also in the area of maritime works
with the support of Dodin.
Three new certifications
Sogea Est and its subsidiary Sotram
were awarded ISO 9001 certification on
3 June 1998 for their civil engineering
activity. On Reunion, SBIE, a subsidiary of
SBTPC, obtained ISO 9002 certification on
31 January for its bituminous mix activity.
Hydraulic Engineering
Hydraulic engineering is a traditional business line at Sogea.
In the course of its history going back more than a century,
the company has acquired comprehensive expertise and know-how
in France and on the international market, particularly in Africa
and the Benelux countries where Sogea and Denys are among
the leading companies.
In the United Kingdom, term maintenance
contracts secure repeat business and
the company has also won water purification
plant construction and renovation contracts.
Sogea’s hydraulic engineering activity,
structured on the basis of small agencies, had a good year overall
in FY 1998, the market being made up for the most part of small
contracts generating steady business activity.
Sogea is one of
the specialists when
it comes to laying
In Auteuil-le-Roi
its subsidiary Sobea
Ile-de-France laid
250 meters of
1,800 mm diameter
cast-iron pipes as part
of the reconstruction
of the Avre aqueduct.
Hydraulic Engineering
Sogea does nearly a fourth of its business
in hydraulic engineering, primarily for public-sector
customers. Specializing in the laying of pipelines
and the construction of water treatment plants,
the company is also active in all other areas
of hydraulic engineering: design and management
of drinking water supply systems and rainwater
and waste water drainage systems; supply, laying,
renovation and maintenance of pipelines
and networks for all fluids, in all sizes and materials,
with and without inspection facilities; design
and construction of drinking water plants
and purification plants; construction of pumping
stations, pressurizing stations and salt water
desalination plants; drilling and pipe and pipeline
laying using micro-tunnelling machines.
Sogea is organized as a network of flexible and
responsive agencies operating locally, and this makes
the company a particularly useful partner for local
authorities requiring small maintenance works
and pipe system construction and repair in an urban
environment - operations for which the client’s
primary concern is that the work be completed
The large diameter pipeline specialist
Sobea Ile-de-France, the lead company in the consortium which built the connecting pipe system
for the Meaux purification plant, completed this large project in the summer of 1998. Work included
the laying of 1,000 mm-diameter concrete pipes at a depth of 9 meters with preliminary excavation
and groundwater lowering; the laying, at a depth of 7 meters, of 2,000 mm-diameter concrete pipes
and 1,200 mm-diameter sheetmetal reinforced pipes in linear sheathing; and finally, the laying of
cast iron pipes in diameters ranging from 150 mm to 1,200 mm. During the same period Sobea
began the laying of 250 meters of 1,800 mm-diameter cast iron pipes in Auteuil-le-Roi as part of
the reconstruction of the Avre aqueduct.
quickly with the least possible inconvenience
to residents. Sogea also uses state-of-the-art
technologies to provide innovative solutions in more
complex projects, such as guided horizontal boring.
In the French Antilles and the Indian Ocean,
Sogea has for several years been one of the foremost
providers of design and construction of water
treatment, purification and desalination plants.
The company now has a considerable track record
in this area. It includes the Fort-de-France, Trinité
Sogea Martinique performed the extension
work on the Fort-de-France purification plant.
At the Choisy-le-Roi waterworks Sogea is
currently building a 35,000 m3 drinking water
reservoir. Sobea Ile-de-France is providing
all the hydraulic equipment for the plant.
In mainland France, there was a particularly large
amount of hydraulic engineering work in 1998 and
Sogea’s projects included the Saint-Germain purification
plant in the Aube region, the biological purification
plant in Cucuron for Sivom Durance-Lubéron and
the prototype purification unit for the Achères plant
in the Yvelines; its specialized subsidiaries carried out
a number of projects involving the use of advanced
techniques: a technical drainage tunnel in Bercy (Claisse),
rehabilitation of the port of Ivry-sur-Seine (Dodin
Ile-de-France) and rehabilitation of the L’Haÿ-les-Roses
(Cofex), Ménilmontant and Clichy reservoirs.
Sobea Ile-de-France carried out work to restore
the interior watertightness of the Ménilmontant
reservoir in Paris.
and Trois-Ilets plants in Martinique and the saltwater
desalination plant in Mayotte.
On the international market, in addition to
the company’s extensive activity in Africa, the United
Kingdom with Norwest Holst and the Benelux countries
with Denys, Sogea is currently carrying out a large
number of hydraulic engineering projects: design and
construction of several purification plants in Portugal,
water supply projects in Asia and consultancy,
support and evaluation work in Palestine.
Sobea Ile-de-France completed rehabilitation,
using horizontal drilling, of a sewer collector
main for the Paris Airport at Roissy.
Hydraulic Engineering
Among the main contracts signed in FY 1998 were
a contract for maintenance and rehabilitation of pipe
systems without inspection facilities for the City of
Paris and the water network in the Bois de Boulogne;
three-year contracts for the Bordeaux and Strasbourg
New-generation purification plants
In 1998, Sogea Martinique completed construction
of the Trinité and Trois-Ilets purification plants with
population-equivalent capacities of 10,000 and 15,000
respectively. Improving on the smaller units which
they replaced, the two new plants will make it possible
to streamline the drainage system and provide a
satisfactory solution to the difficult problems of
odor control. Completed as design-and-build projects,
these two purification plants are the most modern in
Martinique in terms of both their technology and their
site-adapted architecture.
municipalities; upgrading to standard, in a consortium
with OTV, of the Maxeville purification plant near
Nancy; construction of a drinking water reservoir and
pipelaying work for Générale des Eaux, in Montpellier;
the construction of gravity collectors and drainage
pipes at the future Seyssinet-Pariset plant in the Isère
region; the diversion of water systems along the route
of the Lyon and Montpellier tramways;
the underground connection between the Ourcq Canal
and the Avenue d’Italie in Paris for Sagep; and lastly
the rehabilitation of the Avre aqueduct.
Apart from this work in its traditional hydraulic
engineering business line, Sogea also expanded into
industrial hydraulic engineering in 1998.
Highlights of the year included: laying of pipeline
systems for several plants belonging to the Lafarge
Group and for the Générale des Eaux plant
in Choisy-le-Roi; the upgrading to current standards
of the waste water network at the Rhône-Poulenc
plant at Villefranche-Limas; the laying of a pipe
system to carry oxygen
and steam for Sollac at
Fos-sur-Mer, and, again
in the Bouches-du-Rhône
region, modernization
works at the BP refinery
at Lavera.
As part of its expansion
in the West of France,
Sogea also acquired the Société bretonne de travaux
publics, a company based in Saint-Nazaire.
In the Benelux, 1998, which marked the company’s
75th anniversary, was a very good year for Denys.
Activity was sustained in drainage systems,
with the laying of a large-diameter collector main
at Ninove for Aquafin, and of the
Dampoort-Zuidpark collector, which involved
drilling under the Escaut River - a technique which
is one of Denys’ specialities.
The subsidiary proved particularly dynamic
in the industrial sector where it signed contracts
with ranking companies including Distrigaz,
Air Liquide and Air Products.
Sogea Rhône-Alpes built the gravity collector
and the drainage pipe system at SeyssinetPariset in the Isère region.
Sogea Sud-Ouest carried out the work
to detour a 500 mm-diameter cast iron pipeline
adjacent to the Place de la Comédie as part
of the construction of the Montpellier tramway.
Diverting the drinking water supply line
to make way for the tramway in Lyon.
Sogea Sud-Est completed the laying
of an oxygen and steam transport pipeline
for the Sollac plant in Fos-sur-Mer.
Innovations in drilling techniques
In drilling, Sobea Ile-de-France has developed two
innovative techniques which are unique in France:
guided horizontal boring and horizontal boring to
destroy and replace pipelines. Two recent projects
demonstrate the efficiency of these technologies.
In Le Bourget Sobea Ile-de-France performed guided
horizontal boring under the RN2 Highway in
400 diameter at 9 meters depth over a length of
36 meters as part of drainage work in connection with
the development of the Parc des Expositions exhibition
grounds. In Pierrefitte, the company performed a
horizontal boring operation over a length of 60 meters
to replace a stoneware with a PVC pipe.
Hydraulic Engineering
Socea, the concrete pipe manufacturing subsidiary,
confirmed its leadership in high-tech products with
the launch of production and assembly of
prefabricated elements for very large diameter wells.
Its know-how was officially recognized with
the award of Vlarem certification, which relates to
environmental protection standards.
In the French Antilles, Sogea sold its water
distribution activity in Guadeloupe to Générale
des Eaux, while continuing its hydraulic engineering
activity (pipelines and water treatment plants),
particularly in Martinique where the Trois-Ilets
and Trinité purification plants were handed over
in 1998.
In Morocco, Sogea enjoyed sustained activity in 1998
with, in particular, the supply and installation
of concrete pipes for the Doukkala irrigation scheme.
This very large contract involving 147 km of
half-shell pipes and 28 km of large diameter pipes
has called for a doubling of production at the pipe
manufacturing plant which the company owns
in Sidi Bouknadel. The scheme, which will make it
possible to irrigate 16,000 hectares, is being partly
financed by OECF.
Sogea’s international development activity,
which is primarily focused on hydraulic engineering,
proceeded very well in FY 1998. Water Management
International, a subsidiary specializing in evaluation
In the Indian Ocean, Sogea Réunion signed a large
number of water supply, pumping station and
reservoir contracts. Sogea Mayotte, which distributes
water on the island, has expanded its business in all
areas of hydraulic engineering and built a salt water
desalination plant (Architect: J-M. Meheut).
Business was also satisfactory in Madagascar where
Sogea built an irrigation canal and an earthen dyke.
and rehabilitation of water networks, continued
its activities in Palestine and Mauritius.
Sogea Portugal, in partnership with the company’s
Water Process department, commissioned
two purification plants in 1998 and continued
construction of a third.
Three plants equipped with the Sogea process
On 15 May 1998, just as Expo 98 was opening in Lisbon, Sogea commissioned
the first phase of the Frielas purification plant with a population-equivalent
capacity of 700,000. In October, the Ermesinde purification plant, with
a population-equivalent waste water treatment capacity of 67,000, was
brought into operation. The Freixo purification plant with a populationequivalent capacity of 170,000 was also built during the year. These plants use
treatment processes developed by Sogea which also provides equipment,
engineering and commissioning.
While consolidating its positions on its traditional
markets and strengthening its partnership relationships
with local authorities, Sogea is focusing its development
prospects on industrial customers. In this sector the
company has recognized capabilities in highly technical
areas and it will be concentrating on these incoming
years. Sogea intends particularly to capitalize on its
expertise in the field of network repair, maintenance
and rehabilitation, where it has developed, and then
validated in large projects, a number of state-of-theart techniques. These innovative solutions provide
Sogea with an asset which benefits its customers.
In the area of land development, Sogea’s hydraulic
engineering activity should benefit from internal
reputation for expertise in the advanced-technology sectors
of drilling and micro-tunnelling, will be expanding its
underground works activities in coming years. In the
United Kingdom, Norwest Holst should experience
similar development in the area of the environment.
In Africa, especially in Morocco and also in Sogea’s other
traditional areas of operation, hydraulic engineering
should maintain a steady level of business. Finally, Sogea’s
international development strategy is already beginning
to pay off and should continue in future, particularly in
Portugal, Palestine, Asia and eastern Europe. WMI, a
subsidiary specializing in hydraulic engineering, and Sogea’s
Water Process department are the main driving forces
here, working in close conjunction with Générale des Eaux.
Denys built the Westerschelde Oost natural
gas pipeline for Gasunie in Ossendrecht.
Sogea commissioned the Ermesinde purification
plant in October 1998.
Denys completed for Distrigas: manufacturing
and laying of natural gas pipelines and
construction of two tunnels under the Albert
Canal and the Meuse River.
The Sidi Bouknadel pipe manufacturing plant
was already supplying the pipes used by Sogea
in the drinking water supply system in Rabat back
in 1931.
synergies with the company’s project development and
building units. Additionally, Sogea will be developing
its partnership strategy with private-sector property
On the international market, the company has a large
number of major assets. In the Benelux, Denys, with a
Three new labels
In 1998 Sogea received three certifications for its civil engineering and
pipe system activities. On 23 April Sogea Nord-Ouest’s Basse-Normandie
agency obtained ISO 9002 certification. On 17 July, Sogea Rhône-Alpes
received the same certification for all of its pipeline activities. Finally,
on 7 August Sogea Nord-Ouest’s Haute-Normandie agency obtained this
label for its civil engineering activities.
C ar Park s
Sogea is today France’s third-largest car park company.
Through its specialized subsidiaries - Effiparc and Gefiparc and its regional agencies, Sogea has more than 40,000 parking
spaces under management at 53 sites in 22 French cities.
The company had a good level of earnings in this activity
in FY 1998, and several new contracts were obtained.
The company already has a good
customer base among local authorities
and is now developing the privatesector market. More generally,
Sogea’s goal is to make car park management a fourth fullyfledged business line alongside building, civil engineering and
hydraulic engineering.
With 40,000 spaces
under management
at 53 sites in 22 cities,
Sogea is today
the third largest car
park company in
France. New contracts
won by the company
in 1998 include
of the 6,000 parking
spaces at the
Stade de France
in Saint Denis.
Car Parks
Sogea’s experience in design, construction, renovation
and operation of car parks makes it possible for
the company to offer its customers a comprehensive
range of services, as demonstrated by the new contracts
which were added to its existing portfolio of activities
in this field in 1998. This comprehensive capability
also makes it possible for the company to optimize
management of the car parks which it operates.
As part of its overall process of optimizing its car
park activity, Sogea recently developed several
ancillary services which set it apart. For example,
in a number of car parks the company offers a car
wash service, bicycle rental and charging facilities
for electric vehicles.
This approach is part of an overall strategy based
on security, customer service, accessibility and
parking convenience - a strategy which focuses car
park design and arrangement on the user.
In FY 1998 Sogea managed 53 car parks which are
essentially concentrated in three geographic zones:
the Ile-de-France, where the company manages
more than 20,000 spaces in Paris, Lagny-sur-Marne,
Meaux, Montgeron, Orsay, Palaiseau, Persan,
Verneuil, Aubergenville, Mantes, Chatou and
Saint-Denis; the West, where it operates more than
5,000 spaces in Nantes, Saumur, Tours, Vannes
and Rouen; and the South where Sogea has more
than 12,000 parking spaces in Béziers, Montpellier,
Toulouse, Avignon and Marseille under management.
With regard to new contracts won by Sogea in 1998,
Sobea Ile-de-France is the lead company in
the consortium which has been managing the car
At the request of the city of Béziers, Sogea Sud-Ouest
signed a rider to the management contract for
the Jean-Jaurès car park with a capacity of more than
1,000 spaces. This new contract, which includes major
renovation work and provides for the modernization
In the Ile-de-France region, Sogea manages more
than 23,000 spaces through its three subsidiaries:
Sobea Ile-de-France, Effiparc and Gefiparc.
Built in 1978, the Heurteloup automated car
park in Tours remains one of the most modern
in France.
Sogea won the contract to manage the car
park at the Méridien-Etoile Hotel in Paris
a year ago.
parks at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis since
the beginning of the year. In late 1998 the company
was also awarded a contract to manage 340 spaces
in Mantes-la-Ville.
Sogea manages many parking spaces
in parking lots and along streets, in particular
in Saumur.
A first which is still unmatched
The Heurteloup (Marconnet) car park managed
by Sogea Centre in Tours opened in 1978. Fully
mechanized and automated, this car park was
unprecedented in France when it was designed.
Consisting of 226 spaces spread over seven levels,
it has two elevator/handling machines which can
perform up to 115 entry-exit operations per hour.
Car Parks
of all the interior fittings and installations,
is a good illustration of Sogea’s ability to optimize
the management of car parks which it operates.
Sogea sold to SAP the company which holds
the concession for the Saint-Arigle car park in Nevers
and aquired from SAE the Sorepar company which
operates the concession of the Trait-d’Union car park
in Vannes. These transfers made it possible for Sogea
and SAP to rationalize their locations in these two
cities and thus enhance their efficiency.
Again in the South-West, Sogea was awarded
a design-and-build contract, under a call for tender
issued by the city of Bayonne, for the construction
of a 420-space car park.
In the South-East, Sogea’s recognized comprehensive
capability won it two large contracts for the design,
construction and operation of the car parks at the
Lenval clinic in Nice (Architect: C-J. Schmeltz) and
the Bouchard clinic in Marseille (Architect: M. Dossetti).
Lastly, it should be pointed out that during the year
New Contract
6,000 spaces operated at the Stade de France
As part of a consortium in which it is the lead company, Sobea Ile-de-France has
won the contract to manage the car parks at the Stade de France. The contract covers
the 6,000 parking spaces at the great stadium in Saint-Denis. The contract started
on 19 January 1998 and runs until 1 January 2000.
Local authorities are a focus of Sogea’s car park
activity. They will remain so, particularly since a large
number of car park management contracts will soon
be up for renewal, which means that there will be
opportunities for Sogea to increase the number
of spaces it manages and even improve its position
With this in mind Sogea undertook a broad effort
in 1998, involving communication and marketing tools,
the goal being to create a true identity for Sogea’s car
park activity and, ultimately, to establish a uniform
services strategy.
Within the Société toulousaine de
stationnement (STS), Sogea manages 10 sites
in Toulouse comprising nearly 6,000 spaces.
Sogea will operate the 6,000 parking spaces
at the Stade de France until 2000.
In Avignon, Sogea manages the railway
station and Oratoire car parks.
Sogea provides a full range of parking-related
services: design, construction, renovation and
Sogea was awarded the contract to design,
build and manage the Lenval Clinic car park
in Nice.
compared to its competitors. The private sector is
another major avenue for future development based
on the company’s recent success in this area.
In view of these prospects, Sogea’s renovationoperation capabilities are an asset which should
enable the company to develop synergies between
the car park activity and its subsidiaries specializing
in civil engineering.
The expansion of ancillary services, which have
already undergone trials at several sites, will become
an even greater strategic focus in future.
This service policy, shared by all the car park teams,
aims to make Sogea car parks into real “business areas”
by focusing as much on the ancillary services
as on security and convenience.
9, place de l’Europe - BP 320
92851 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex, France
Tel.: + 33 1 47 16 40 00
Fax: + 33 1 47 51 91 01 -
36, rue du Séminaire - Centra 307
Chevilly-Larue - 94586 Rungis Cedex, France
Tel.: + 33 1 49 78 51 00 - Fax : + 33 1 45 60 90 42
301, av. Bollée - BP 229
72005 Le Mans Cedex, France
Tel.: + 33 2 43 40 28 28 - Fax : + 33 2 43 40 28 29
Sogea Sud-Ouest
381, av. du Mas-d’Argelliers
34966 Montpellier Cedex 2, France
Tel.: + 33 4 67 69 72 00 - Fax : + 33 4 67 69 72 99
3, rue Gaspard-Monge
ZAC de Pessac-Canéjan - BP 160
33606 Pessac Cedex, France
Sobea Ile-de-France
54, av. Victor Hugo - BP 234
92504 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex, France
Tel.: + 33 5 56 46 68 22 - Fax : + 33 5 56 36 75 75
Tel.: + 33 1 55 94 02 00 - Fax : + 33 1 55 94 01 90
Tel.: + 33 5 62 11 10 01 - Fax : + 33 5 62 11 10 34
French Regions
60, bd de Thibaud - BP 1788
31084 Toulouse Cedex 1, France
Indian Ocean
Sogea Reunion
1, bd du Chaudron - BP 21
97491 Sainte-Clotilde Cedex, France
Tel.: (0 262) 48 39 00 - Fax: (0 262) 28 13 12
28, rue Jules-Verne - BP 2013
97824 Le Port Cedex, France
Tel.: (0 262) 42 45 00 - Fax: (0 262) 43 49 80
Sogea Mayotte
ZI de Kawéni - BP 22
97600 Mamoudzou, France
Tel.: (0 269) 61 15 30 - Fax: (0 269) 61 13 77
Sogea Madagascar
Anosizato Est - BP 517 - Antananarivo 101
Tel.: (261) 20 22 695 95
Fax: (261) 20 22 353 40
ZI Les Ports
82800 Nègrepelisse, France
Tel.: + 33 5 63 64 21 21 - Fax : + 33 5 63 30 80 65
Sogea Est
ZA Lesmenils - BP 69
54703 Pont-à-Mousson Cedex, France
19220 Saint-Privat, France
Tel.: + 33 3 83 80 83 80 - Fax : + 33 3 83 81 29 89
Tel.: + 33 5 55 28 26 05 - Fax : + 33 5 55 28 41 32
Rue Costes-et-Bellonte - 57157 Marly, France
South-East and Rhône-Alpes
Burkina Faso
Sogea Sud-Est
Lotissement Plein Soleil
13097 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 2, France
ZI Goughin - 01 BP 571 - Ouagadougou 01
Tel.: (226) 30 20 72 - Fax : (226) 30 28 48
Tel.: + 33 3 87 62 89 27 - Fax : + 33 3 87 65 39 48
19, route d’Eschau
67400 Illkirch-Graffenstaden, France
Tel.: + 33 3 88 40 56 10 - Fax : + 33 3 88 67 26 70
Sogea Nord
274, bd Clemenceau - BP 3019
59703 Marcq-en-Barœul Cedex, France
Tel.: + 33 3 20 99 25 50 - Fax : + 33 3 20 99 78 00
Caroni Construction
274, bd Clemenceau - BP 1029
59701 Marcq-en-Barœul Cedex, France
Tel.: + 33 3 20 99 78 78 - Fax : + 33 3 20 99 78 00
Tel.: + 33 4 42 16 07 00 - Fax : + 33 4 42 24 00 52
Sogea Rhône-Alpes
12/14, route de Vienne - BP 7007
69343 Lyon Cedex 07, France
Tel.: + 33 4 72 80 12 80 - Fax : + 33 4 78 61 94 60
Specialized subsidiary
26, chemin de la Flambère - BP 3128
31026 Toulouse Cedex, France
Tel.: + 33 5 62 74 80 40 - Fax : + 33 5 61 49 20 87
Tel.: + 33 2 32 11 46 79 - Fax : + 33 2 32 11 46 00
Sogea Atlantique
213, route de Rennes - BP 39
44701 Orvault Cedex, France
Tel.: + 33 2 51 83 34 30 - Fax : + 33 2 51 83 34 49
Sogea Bretagne
ZI du Prat - Av. Paul-Duplex
CP 3724 - 56037 Vannes Cedex, France
Tel.: + 33 2 97 47 70 91 - Fax : + 33 2 97 68 84 56
BP 2190 - Quartier Akpakpa
Rue de l’Hôtel Aledjo PLM - Cotonou
Tel.: (229) 33 00 94 - Fax : (229) 33 08 55
Boulevard des Nations-Unies - BP 283 - Douala
Tel.: (237) 37 92 28 - Fax : (237) 37 85 11
Central African Republic
Sogea Nord-Ouest
335, rue du Rouvray - BP 43
76650 Petit-Couronne, France
Overseas Departments
and Territories
French Antilles
Sogea Martinique
206, av. Maurice-Bishop - BP 485
97241 Fort-de-France Cedex, France
Tel.: (0 596) 73 19 00 - Fax: (0 596) 60 69 55
Dodin Guadeloupe
Impasse Émile-Dessout - ZI de Jarry - BP 2284
97198 Jarry Cedex, France
Tel.: (0 590) 26 84 85 - Fax: (0 590) 26 87 92
Av. de l’Indépendance
BP 1368 - Bangui
Tel.: (236) 61 79 34 - Fax : (236) 61 79 38
Route de Farcha - BP 14 - N’Djamena
Tel.: (235) 52 20 67 - Fax : (235) 52 20 69
SGE Congo
120/121, boulevard Lyautey - BP 212
Tel.: (242) 94 75 10 - Fax : (242) 94 75 11
Equatorial Guinea
Chez Sogea Gabon
BP 3936 - Boulevard Rémi Issembé
ZI D’Oloumi - Libreville
Tel.: (241) 76 61 19 - Fax : (241) 76 08 15
Bole Area - Woreda 17, Kebele 23
House Number 2417 - Addis Abeba
Tel.: (251) 1 61 13 78 - Fax: (251) 1 61 25 81
ZI Route des Brasseries - BP 139 - Niamey
Tel.: (227) 74 27 78 - Fax : (227) 74 26 90
Sogea/Satom / Sobea
BP 3936 - Boulevard Rémi-Issembé
ZI D’Oloumi - Libreville
Tel.: (241) 76 61 19 - Fax : (241) 76 08 15
PO Box 2230 - Serrekunda - Banjul
Tel.: (220) 49 74 87 - Fax : (220) 49 57 66
Sogea/Satom Ghana Branch
Airport Residential Area - Houses n° 3 and 5
Ambassadorial Estate Extension
PO Box C 754 Cantonments Roman
Tel.: (233) 21 77 56 62
Fax: (233) 21 76 35 44
63, allée Ro - 408/82 Kaporo - BP 862
Tel.: (224) 42 12 88 - Fax : (224) 46 31 21
Ivory Coast
Immeuble Longchamp - Avenue Marchand
BP 1876 - Abidjan 01 Plateau
Tel.: (225) 21 92 09 - Fax : (225) 22 60 72
Royal Ngao House - Hospital Road
PO Box 39367 - Nairobi
Tel.: (254) 2 71 09 43
Fax: (254) 2 71 10 59
Route des Abattoirs - BP 77 - Bamako
Tel.: (223) 21 85 57 - Fax : (223) 21 37 01
BP 5573 - Îlot A n° 0076 Tevragh Zeina
Tel.: (222) 2 546 83
Fax: (222) 2 546 84
165, av. Allal Ben Abdallah - BP 121 - Rabat
Tel.: (212) 7 70 07 12
Fax: (212) 7 70 34 69
São Tomé and Príncipe
BP 285 - São Tomé
United Kingdom
Norwest Holst
Astral House, Imperial Way - Watford
Hertfordshire WD2 4YX - Great Britain
Tel.: (44) 192 323 34 33
Fax: (44) 192 325 64 81
Tel.: (221) 820 63 22
Fax: (221) 820 63 24
South Africa
Southern Pipeline Contractors
PO Box 61 - 1836 Kliprivier (Transval)
Tel.: (27) 11 903 84 54
Fax: (27) 11 903 88 00
Norwest Holst Construction Ltd
Astral House, Imperial Way
Watford Hertfordshire WD2 4YX
Great Britain
Tel.: (44) 192 323 34 33
Fax: (44) 192 325 64 81
Norwest Holst Utilities
Wakefield Road
Bootle-Merseyside L30 6TP
Tel.: (44) 151 524 49 00
Fax: (44) 151 525 31 39
Sogea Tanzania Branch
Chole Road - Plot n° 1401 E
Massani Peninsula - Dar es-Salaam
Tel.: (255) 51 601 158
Fax: (255) 51 601 159
John Jones (Excavation) Ltd
Norjon House, Newby Road
Hazel Grove, Stockport - Chershire SK7 5DU
Tel.: (44) 1 614 83 93 16
Fax: (44) 1 614 83 80 06
Norwest Holst Soil Engineering Ltd
Parkside Lane, Dewsbury Road
Leeds LS11 5SX
Tel.: (44) 113 271 11 11
Fax: (44) 113 276 04 72
BP 35 - Lomé
Tel.: (228) 21 41 88 - Fax : (228) 21 74 10
Tagore Crescent - Plot n° 11
PO Box 6942 - Kampala
Tel.: (256) 41 54 39 14
Fax: (256) 41 53 27 99
Sogea Portugal
Edificio Montevideo
Avenida Montevideo, 236 - 4150 Porto
Industrieweg 124
B-9032 Wondelgem Gent
Tel.: (32) 9 254 01 11
Fax: (32) 9 226 77 71
Vaartstraat 126
B-2520 Oelegem / Ranst
Tel.: (32) 3 475 00 08
Fax: (32) 3 485 78 77
Rosser & Russell
Building Services Ltd
Orbit House, 1-6 Ritz Parade
London W5 3RD
Tel.: (44) 1 819 82 22 22
Fax: (44) 1 819 82 22 10
Norwest Holst Engineering Ltd
Astral House, Imperial Way
Watford Hertfordshire WD2 4YX
Great Britain
Tel.: (44) 192 323 34 33
Fax: (44) 192 347 02 64
N+H Acoustics Ltd
38 Station Road - Wokingham
Berks RG40 2AE
Tel.: (44) 118 978 52 65
Fax: (44) 118 978 52 90
Conren Ltd
Redwither Works, Wrexham
Clwyd LL13 9RD
Tel.: (44) 1 978 66 19 91
Fax: (44) 1 978 66 11 20
1998 Annual Report
9, place de l’Europe - BP 320 - 92851 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex - France
Tél. : + 33 1 47 16 40 00 - Fax : + 33 1 47 51 91 01 -
Sogea is company of
1998 Annual Report
9, place de l’Europe - BP 320 - 92851 Rueil-Malmaison Cedex - France
Tél. : + 33 1 47 16 40 00 - Fax : + 33 1 47 51 91 01 -
Sogea is company of