annual report - Clear Path For Veterans


annual report - Clear Path For Veterans
A Lifetime of Service
Merriam-Webster defines a warrior as such:
What does it mean to be a lifelong warrior?
A man or woman engaged or experienced in
warfare; a person who fights in battles and is
known for having courage and skill; a person
engaged in some struggle or conflict.
It’s the philosophy of service after service. It’s
the embodiment of all service members whose
desire to serve does not end when their military
career has concluded. It understands their need
to continue serving their community, and that
continued service must be nurtured in an
environment that recognizes how important
they are to our communities. We are
proud to be a community that offers that
environment and understands and respects
the lifelong needs and value of our
warriors. Being the agency they call upon
is an honor and the trust we’ve earned will
not be broken.
The mission of Clear Path for Veterans is very
well defined ‒ to empower our service members,
veterans and their families through our programs
and services. We remain steadfast in our goal to
create a community that recognizes the bravery
and sacrifice; to foster a spirit of lifelong support
knowing that will only strengthen our local,
national and global community. The ethos of
Clear Path embodies a vision of lifelong support
because our warriors are lifelong as well.
A Lifetime of Giving
This publication serves as recognition of individuals who have financially supported
Clear Path, enabling us to continue offering programs and services identified as
critical needs. If you are named in this publication, we thank you for seeing value in
our mission. Please know the great effort we take to properly steward your gift. Your
generous financial contributions are directed to our programs with only a minimum
allocation made to cover administrative costs.
If you are reading about Clear Path for the first time, we encourage you to learn
more about our programs and services and consider supporting our mission. A
knowledgeable and supportive community ensures a lifetime of results for those
who wear the uniform. Philanthropy in itself is an act of service. Why not take this
opportunity to define your own philanthropic service? Military service changes you for
a lifetime; our philanthropic service is the easiest way we can show we care. Thank
you for supporting Clear Path today; we appreciate your continued support.
Sue Leahey
Sue Leahey,
Chief Development Officer
ecognizing our responsibility to
support those who serve, Clear
Path for Veterans was created in
2011 to bring depth and meaning
to the phrase Support our Troops. Our staff,
board of directors, volunteers, and broader
community understand the importance of
supporting our military for a lifetime. We
do our best to reflect that commitment
through exceptional programming, services
and partnerships that work together in an
environment that shows we care.
Today, less than 1/10th of 1 percent of our
population serves in an all-volunteer military,
and the remaining 99.9 percent continues
identifying its role in supporting those who
wear the uniform. Since its inception, Clear
Path’s team has listened, learned and built a
community of trust and mutual respect.
Our centralized and beautiful location attracts
military members from across the state
and highlights our community assets. Our
programs, services and referrals are delivered
through comprehensive outreach across 23
counties. By addressing the needs of our
military at Fort Drum, and our local Guard &
Reserve units, we are proactively ensuring a
smooth transition between deployments and
separation from the military. Many who live in
or visit our region have commented to us that
they feel our commitment and are comforted
with a sense of home.
Serving as New York’s Veteran resource center,
we provide a hub of customer service to
both military and civilians. As an example
of service to student Veterans, those who
are drawn to the top-notch universities in
the region often find campus culture far
removed from the military culture that they
are accustomed to. Clear Path welcomes these
students and provides support and assistance
in navigating their new community. To our
civilian community we offer educational
workshops to help reduce the chasm between
the military and civilian cultures. Our diverse
staff of military and non-military personnel
brings people together and models an ageold tradition of true community support.
Clear Path’s monthly summit meeting brings
together community, health care and college
resources to identify gaps and alleviate
duplication of programs and services.
The Syracuse VA Medical Center works in
partnership with us to provide wrap around
support beyond the standard needs of health
care. Private funding offers flexibility which
allows Clear Path to respond quickly to the
needs of our Veterans and active duty stations.
Our values are reflected in how we treat our
military members and their families and spills
into good stewardship of donor money.
The realization of our vision would not be
possible without the caring, compassionate
and educated community that is part of who
we are. Together, we have embraced the fact
that healthy Veterans transform communities
and have committed ourselves to a lifetime
of support. Unfortunately, we cannot rely
on government funding to do our work. The
Department of Defense estimates the effects
of the last 15 years of war will have an
unprecedented human and financial cost, not
to mention the growing needs of our WWII,
Korean, and Vietnam War Veterans.
This is where Clear Path’s strength is most
evident, forging partnerships and offering
services to directly meet the needs of those
who are and have served our nation. Clear
Path, the Syracuse VA Medical Center and
Syracuse University have taken the first steps
towards collaboration and have collectively
created innovative programs, health care, and
education which have impact both locally and
As far back as the Revolutionary War, our
community has provided a landing pad where
Veterans lived, recovered, and ultimately
contributed to our region’s economic growth.
But, we’re not without our mistakes; our
Vietnam Veterans felt the pain of our neglect.
George Washington’s famous quote reads:
“The willingness with which our young people
are likely to serve in any war, no matter how
justified, shall be directly proportional to how
they perceive the Veterans of earlier wars were
treated and appreciated by their nation.”
Recovering from war and honoring those who
serve requires a community willing to accept
responsibility for what is asked of the men
and women who defend our freedom. It is not
free, and those who have left their home and
family to guarantee our liberties and safety
know that first hand. Past, present and future
generations of warriors are called to service.
That call does not end when they leave
the military. Clear Path is our community’s
commitment to honoring the life cycle of
a warrior and the trust it is built upon will
never be compromised.
Melissa R. Spicer,
Co-Founder & Executive Director
elcome to our Annual Report. I trust that this report will deepen your insight into
Clear Path for Veterans, and help you to understand the importance of what we do.
Clear Path for Veterans is a private, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to helping military
Veterans and their families recover and reintegrate by offering a variety of support, training,
vocational and recreational programs in a setting of natural beauty. Our mission is to empower
military members, Veterans, and their families through traditional and non-traditional, wellnessenhancing programming all delivered in a safe and family-centered environment. Clear Path
also integrates community-based programs and services into a holistic network of supportive
resources spanning Central and Upstate New York.
We firmly believe that a healthy Veteran population is a strong asset to our community. Veterans,
during their time in our military, have demonstrated a desire to serve. When they return, they
maintain that service mentality and provide what we like to call “service after service.” Our goal
is to support their journey home by supporting Veterans to be warriors for life, not just during
their military time.
As we near the mid-point of 2016, it is with gratitude to our community for sustaining the
worthwhile programs that have helped so many Veterans. None of this would be possible without
the continued financial and volunteer support from you.
Our community has a large military presence including soldiers from Fort Drum, the 174th Attack
Wing, The National Guard and Army, Navy and Marine Reserve, all located within a 60-mile radius
of our facility. After more than a decade of war, it’s estimated that more than 1.5 million service
men and women will transition out of the service; more than 30 percent will have a servicerelated disability. As we go forward, communities will be asked to engage their support for those
who have worn the uniform.
With your support, Clear Path will continue to have the
wherewithal to lead this effort and help those who do
or will reside in Central and Upstate New York.
John Mays
John Mays,
President of the Board of Directors and
U.S. Marine Corps Veteran
2015 C L E A R PAT H I N F O R M AT I O N:
Veterans & military
families in 2015
founded in
active volunteers
General & Administrative
with a
& part-time
of which are
combat Veterans
General Fund
“I didn’t even know that Clear Path
existed, so to learn about all of the
different things that they offered
for the Veterans was eye opening. I
am extremely grateful for everything
they do.”
– Fort Drum soldier
Clear Path Programs
Clear Path for Veterans serves as a single point of contact for Veterans, active
service members and their families to ensure they get connected to what’s
available and what they need.
An agency born from a program that teaches Veterans to train their own service
dog would evolve into an organization that offers a multitude of programs,
services and leadership for the broader community. Clear Path has earned the
trust of our military members and their families and has since grown to a level
that its physical plant can no longer sustain. As a result, we are considering a
campus expansion to accomodate our growing needs. More details about this
endeavor will come in the following months. Its inaugural program, Dogs2Vets,
was a launching pad for what has now become a hub for those looking to
support Veterans and for Veterans themselves. We collaborate with 23 counties
to ensure employment, wellness, social engagement, peer support, family
programming, volunteerism and housing are available and accessible. The
following pages explore in more depth each of those umbrella programs and
their critical need for our military community.
Our inaugural program, Dogs2Vets provides support and training to
Veterans managing symptoms from Post-Traumatic Stress and Military
Sexual Trauma. The three areas of focus are service dog, emotional
support and community dog training. Each option offers veterans the
opportunity to train their own service or family companion. Dogs are
selected from shelters and carefully matched with Veterans based on
specific needs and interest. Veterans entering any one of the three training
tracks are paired with professional trainers and use positive reinforcement
training methods.
The benefits have been incredible. By establishing a reliable and trusted
relationship between veterans and their canine partners, participants
become less isolated and more interactive, less hyper vigilant and more
physically active. We have witnessed their sense of humor reemerging
as their level of anxiety decreases and their trust begins to return. We
have seen their confidence level rise as they witness the success of their
training efforts with their canine partner. They have to problem solve and
make important decisions with respect to their canine partners and this
spills over into decision-making in other aspects of their lives.
Because Dogs2Vets was the inspiration behind Clear Path, this program
means a great deal to all of us. It brings community and Veterans together
in a safe and respectful manner that focuses on training and not a
Don and Sasha
person’s disability.
“Major (the dog) is a calming factor
and the hyper awareness that I
carried around for a long time is
diminished now.”
- Gordon Scofield, Army & Air Force Veteran
Cc Ll EeAaRr PpAaT tHh P p
R Or o
G Rg Ar a
S s
The Wingman Peer Mentoring program reaches Veterans and active duty men and
women exactly where they are. This program provides close, individualized support
for those who need guidance and assistance in getting on track with their personal
“Clear Path
has renewed
my faith
in civilianmilitary
– Fort Drum soldier
goals and objectives. We partner with national and local organizations to create an
all-encompassing network of support for any need that may present itself. Our peer
mentors work to empower Veterans in establishing independent and purpose-driven
The Clear Path for Veterans Wingman Program is created in honor of PFC. Joseph Dwyer.
Dwyer was an Army soldier from New York who enlisted following the terrorist attacks
of Sept. 11, 2001; he took his life after returning home from Iraq in 2008.
Clear Path for Veterans Wingman Program offers support by pairing fellow Veterans
who can provide knowledge and guidance. The goal is to assist our Veterans in being
a warrior for life, not just leave the military. Whether it is alleviating concerns or
questions, understanding healthcare options or finding a job or a place to live, those
who have already navigated their transition are here to help.
Pictured below, from left, are George Reed, Venecia DeRoose and Terry Finley.
Our natural and serene
wellness wing provides
Veterans and their families
a welcoming safe haven
dedicated to restoration. We
develop trust by taking a
non-judgmental approach to
those we serve. Our multifaceted approach includes
integrative medicine and
other educational opportunities that complement traditional medical practices.
Veterans and family members are empowered to take charge of their own health and
well-being through exposure to a variety of wellness options within the community
including, but not limited to, polarity, acupuncture, massage, and Reiki. We offer a
unique range of hands-on bodywork and energy medicine techniques. We also offer
instruction in yoga, non-clinical talking circles, meditation and mindfulness. While
some of these practices are lesser known, they are proven to be highly effective
amongst our Veterans and their families.
We currently have approximately 40 certified or licensed volunteer practitioners. We
had more than 1,400 visits to the wellness wing alone in 2015 including Veterans,
active duty, family and staff. Collaborations with places such as Caring Hands, Caring
Hearts, Bryant and Stratton, and the Ceres Program have enabled our wellness
offerings to grow.
“Reiki &
QuantumTouch made my
knees feel great.
They usually
feel tight and
ache when
weather is bad
but - nothing
– 174th Attack Wing
Our Recreation Program is designed to engage Veterans in a variety of physical
activities. Our walking trails, basketball courts, horseshoe pits and scenic overlook
are always open. We collaborate with national organizations to offer trips that
enhance peer support and overall wellness. The flagship component of our
Recreation Program is our Warrior Golf Program.
This program provides professional instruction in a safe and relaxed atmosphere
over the course of six weeks. PGA professionals instruct participants on the rules
of golf, mental approach and proper technique. They act as civilian mentors who
support Veterans in reconnecting and integrating back into their communities.
Veterans take one Warrior Stretching class and one Physical Therapy session during
their time in this program.
Dovetailing with our Wellness Program, these emphasize the importance of selfcare and ensure a well-balanced experience. Those managing symptoms associated
with PTS, traumatic brain injuries or other physical injuries find enjoyment in this
program. Those who successfully complete the six-week program receive a full set of
clubs. The program is open to Veterans of all generations at no cost.
“I heard about
the Warrior Golf
Program from
another Veteran who
was already in the
program. I had never
taken a golf lesson
before. It really
helped me. I am
hitting better shots
more often and having
a lot of fun. Thank
you for the boost
of confidence.”
- Mike Raith, U.S. Army Veteran
Warrior Resets are offered to both groups and individuals. They include a day of
integrative medicine and educational, best practices for self-care. Resets include
acupuncture, meditation, presentations and a nutritious lunch, and finishes with
one-on-one modalities. Group resets are scheduled for active duty, pre- and postdeployment, transitioned, and female Veterans as well as families.
Held each Saturday, Family Resets are modeled around the family and include our
Clear Path Kids program. Group modalities are offered in the morning with the
occasion of one-on-one modalities in the afternoon. A nutritious lunch is served
from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and the Clear Path campus is open for enjoyment
as well. Children ages 2-15 attend Clear Path Kids programing ‒ led by Childhood
and Early Childhood educators ‒ that is fun, educational and full of diversity.
“Clear Path offers Veterans new
techniques on how to eliminate or
reduce stress. Relaxing.”
– Fort Drum soldier
“Polarity works
wonders. The
staff and
facility are
excellent. Lots
of alternatives to
try as opposed
to just taking
– Fort Drum soldier
Clear Path Kids is designed to support children of military families. We
provide a safe, structured, and fun environment for children ages 2-15 run
by childhood and early childhood educators. Military children and families
participate in activities that support and strengthen bonds which promote a
healthy, family-centered lifestyle.
The program runs 30 out of 52 Saturdays per year with an average of 12
children participating weekly. Thanks to the Jim and Juli Boeheim Foundation,
we served approximately 500 children in 2015 with fun and creative on-site
activities creating a sense of home and community.
“I had no idea that such a great
outreach center existed. Being able to
be introduced to such a great facility
helps me realize that there are places to
get help and support.
– Fort Drum soldier
The Culinary Program works with Veterans and their families on every aspect
of food growing, preparing and serving. Learning how to cook for yourself and
your family creates a feeling of accomplishment and is a critical element of
well-rounded self-care.
The Culinary Program offers opportunities to learn farm-to-table agriculture,
knife skills, and basic recipes that prepare participants for a well-fed life at
home or a job in the culinary world. The program dovetails with our Peer
Support and Wingman Program and includes instructors who are Veterans
Inspired by the North Platte “Canteen” offered during World War II in Nebraska,
our Wednesday Canteen is prepared by our culinary team and includes
volunteers from the community. Our Wednesday Canteen provides more than a
healthy lunch, it’s an opportunity for Veterans of all eras to come together and
enjoy a beautiful view and supportive community.
“All great
change in
America begins
at the dinner
– Ronald Reagan, former U.S. president
and U.S. Army Veteran
The Clear Path Employment Program empowers Veterans entering the workforce
by helping them assess and match their skill set to the right job. Equally
important is educating employers on military and warrior culture to help fill
cultural gaps that often exist when transitioning to the civilian work place. This
program provides career service support that customizes and prioritizes an
individual’s needs. Any Veteran seeking a new career or looking to improve their
current workplace can benefit from the services offered in this program.
We consider the whole person and realize there may be barriers to employment,
so we help to identify and reduce those barriers through peer support, education
and training opportunities that are needed to meet individual goals. Veterans
who use this program work closely with our Peer Mentors who help them
navigate, prioritize and overcome circumstances that may be inhibiting their
forward progress. The Employment Program provides a variety of services
including, but not limited to, career counseling, skills assessment, resume
support, job search assistance, and workforce training programs.
We sincerely thank all our volunteers for their
tireless efforts to further our mission!
Suburban Garden Club
Pictured, from left, are Carol
Silverman, Mary Karpinski, Angela
Dambroso, Carolyn Mays, Julie
Flack, Amanda Slisz, Char Marx
(standing) and Sheila Sostrin
“From the first
day I walked
in, I fell in
love. I’m pro
any agency
that promotes
– Ed Rogers, Clear Path volunteer
Clear Path for Veterans Volunteer Program is critical to the
success of every program and volunteerism is at the core of
measuring a healthy Veteran population. On any given day,
there are both military and non-military volunteers working
together and fulfilling the mission this organization has
Clear Path’s in-house programs are supplemented and
embraced: Service above self.
complimented by resources offered throughout the
Each change of the season brings new duties and activities,
a solid network of collaboration and referrals, our monthly
and volunteerism is an opportunity for Veterans and the
summit meeting enables us to partner with those who work
community to come together. Individual volunteers, groups,
in service to our Veterans and their families.
civic organizations, schools, churches and companies give
their time and talent. As with any non-profit organization,
volunteers come and go, but Clear Path is very fortunate to
have a dedicated base of volunteers who enjoy the family
atmosphere and participate regularly both as volunteers and
as guests.
In 2015, Clear Path volunteers donated nearly 13,800 hours
of their valuable time. Hours recorded include:
• 296 volunteers who gave between 1-24 volunteer hours,
• 40 who volunteered 25-49 hours,
• 26 who volunteered 50-99 hours, and
• 50 who gave between 100-500+ hours of their time.
community. To avoid duplication of services and to provide
Those who provide goods, services and council of excellent
quality participate in our monthly summit meetings. With
the support and guidance from Clear Path staff, Veterans and
their families receive the tools and encouragement needed
to feel relevant and comfortable in their communities.
Donor List
With your support, Clear Path for Veterans will have the wherewithal to lead this effort and help those who will
reside in Central and Upstate New York.
$5,000 O R G R E AT E R
$2,000 -$4,999
American Legion Post 88
Booher, Jeffrey & Dorothy
Central NY Ski Racing Foundation - Aquarius Cup
Clark, Carroll
Derrenbacker, Robert & Joan
Dewitt Community Church
Eberhardt LLC DBA Colgate Inn
Estate of Lorraine Deshane
Foster, Joseph
Gillis, Kent & Joy
Henderson-Johnson Co. Community Fund
IBN Financial Services, Inc.
J.M. McDonald Foundation
Jim and Juli Boeheim Foundation, The
Lanzafame-Colbeth, Margey
Lockheed Martin Employees Fed Fund
Luckwaldt, Lawrence & Robin
Marrone, Douglas & Helen
Martin, Philip & Lucy
Miller, Shawn
NYS PFC Joseph Dwyer Program
- Senator John A. DeFrancisco
Onondaga County
Pomfrey, Bob
Pomfrey, Robert & Kellie
Radisson Greens, LLC
Richard Mather Fund
Richard S. Shineman Foundation
Sarkus, Peter
Simpson Parker Golf Tournament
Spicer, David & Melissa
SRC Tec Inc.
St. Joseph The Worker Church
SUNY Oswego
Taurisano, Philip & Barbara
The Allyn Foundation, Inc.
The Harold Lee Fund
The John Ben Snow Foundation
The Ridge Golf LLC
The Sykes Family Fund
Tresness Family Foundation
United Way of Buffalo & Erie County
American Legion Auxiliary - Skaneateles
American Legion Post 858
American Legion Riders Post 787
ASMBASTAR Foundation
Beach, Charles & Elizabeth
Belgrader, Dan
Canteen Donations
Cayuga Community College Student Veterans Club
Chittenango United Methodist Church
CNY Community Foundation
CSEA Local 834
DARCO Manufacturing
Empower Federal Credit Union
Estate of Josephine Morgia
Excellus Health Plan
Fayetteville Manlius Old and Newcomers Club
Federal Executive Assn. CNY
First Presbyterian Church of Cazenovia
Garfield, Douglas
Greenpope, Diane
Hancock Estabrook, LLP
Hancock, Ruth
Harris Beach
Heimes Communications LLC
Illy Caffe North America, Inc.
Kaderli, Kevin & Sherry
Lanzafame, Samuel & Janet
Lester, Richard
Levine, Eric
Lions Club of Chittenango
Mahnke, Scott
MOB CNY Corporation
North Franklin Federal Credit Union
Palmer Food Services
Pennisi, John & Linda
Psi Upsilon Hamilton College
Quilty, Brian
Rhoads, Tim & Jane
Rome Elks Club
Scolaro Perry Law PC
Sgt Edward H Bolen Memorial Fund
Southern Hills Posse MC
Spicer, Melissa
St. James R.C. Church
St. Joseph’s Church On The Hill
Stucker, Glenda
Syracuse Onon-dog-a Hash House Harriers & Harrierettes
Syracuse Orthopedic Specialists
Syracuse Rustproofing
The Diocese Of Central New York
Tri-Lakes Federal Credit Union
Tupper, Benjamin
VFW Post 2152
Vietnam Veterans of America
Welch Allyn, Inc.
Women In Defense
$500 -$999
$1,000 -$1,999
Adesa Syracuse
American Legion Auxiliary - Batavia
American Legion Post 219
American Legion Post 366
American Legion Post 787
American Legion Riders Post 92
Aspen Dental Management Inc
Barrett Paving Materials, Inc.
Bill Rapp Super Store
Blue Knight New York XXXII
Blue Prints Dog Studio
BPO Elks #271 Of Oswego
Chittenango Rotary Foundation, Inc.
Congel, Robert & Suzanne
Costello, James & Katelyn
Coyne Textile Services
Cpl Kyle Schneider Foundation
Crichton, Robert & Susan
Dart League, Salt City
Daughters Of Columbus
DeRose, Lynel
DeSorbo, Antony & Dina
Dinosaur BBQ
DiRienzo, Albert
Doran, Matthew & Benedicte
Drumm, Timothy
Eleanor & Herbert Howard Foundation
Emmons, Shawn & Shannon
Empire Antique Motorcycle Club
Enterprise Holdings Foundation
Eventbrite Ticket Sales
Exelsior College
Fairbank, Ronald
Fallon, Paul & Maria
Fayetteville Elementary B.E.E. Council
First Presbyterian Church of Chittenango
Fox, Ronald & Dorris
Gambacorto, Doris
Gaughan, Thomas
Germain, Stanley
GHD Consulting Services, Inc.
Gillis, Mark
Good Ole Boys Junior Bassmasters
Grossman, Stuart
Gruender, David & Rhunell
Hanlon, Kevin
Hansen, Janet
Harris, Larry & Ann
Highland Greens Golf Course
Hiza, George & Carolyn
Kinne, Charles & Jane
Lawrence, Leah
Lions Club of Cazenovia
Liverpool Village Animal Hospital
LSS Enterprises LLC
Marine Corps League Greater
Syracuse Detachment
Marx, William & Charlene
Morton, Albert & Mary
Noll Custom Metal, Inc.
Olmstead, Allen & Jill
Parsons & Associates, Inc.
Penner, Ralph & Mary Lou
Piazza, Maryann
Polish American Citizens Club
Quinn, Kevin & Paulette
Red Jacket Central School
Richard, Diane
Right Coast Inc. Dream Machines
Rogers, Brenda
Second Chance Thrift Shoppe
Sons Of The American Legion
Sorrentino, Gregory & Melinda
Staniec, Andria
Support Troops Network
Sykes, Richard
Syracuse BPO Elks Lodge 31
Syracuse Corvette Club, Inc.
Syracuse Rotary Foundation, Inc.
Taylor, John & Monika
Teamster Horsemen
The Hartford Fire Insurance Co.
Tracy, Ed & Joan
Triad Foundation
Tupper, Roxanne
United Veterans Support
USA Dance, Inc.
Vera House, Inc.
Veterinary Medical Center
Vigil, Mark
VP Supply
Webb, Jack
Williams, Margaret
Wilson, Alicia
Youngs, Allen & Rita
Ambrosie, Frank & Susan
American Legion 418
American Legion Post 1287 Auxiliary
American Legion Post 140 Auxiliary
American Legion Post 141
American Legion Post 239
American Legion Post 283
American Legion Post 787 Auxiliary
American Legion Post 88 Auxiliary
Amos, Charles
Anderson, Karl & Marilyn
Anderson, Mary A.
Anthony, Tammy
B.R. Johnson, Inc.
Barbiero, Mark & Carolyn
Barrows, Sarah
Benson, Stephen
Beta Sigma Phi, Kappa Chapter
Blue Camel Water & Pool Service
Bodine, George
Bonner, Hugh & Lynnette
Booher, Gary & Sandra
Bradley, Kevin & Karen
Breakfast For The Brave
Bridgeport VFW #8440
Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Bruening, Kay
Canastota Central School District
Carrick, James & Margaret
Carroll, Glen & Christine
Coleman, Tisha
Combs, Charles
COR Development Company LLC
Corper, Freddie
CSEA Local 615
DeVoist, Donna
Dibble, Robert & Ruth
DL Manufacturing
Dunn Tire
Eastment, Dr. Caroline
Erie Canal Brewing Company LLC
Evans, Christopher J. & Tami
Fairmount Community Church
United Church Of Christ
Fayetteville Manlius Patriot Club
F-M Class of 1965
Fort Orange Claim Service
Freedoms Elite Brotherhood
Galusha, Robert & Caryn
Giordano, Vincent & Kathleen
Give With Liberty Campaign
Gordon, Daniel & Patricia
Graber, Donna
Grand Of NY MOCA
Greece Arcadia School
Hanlon, W. Donald & Jane
Harfosh, William & Margaret
Hass, Leonard & Kathleen
Hawks, Matt & Cindy
Hayman, Douglas & Judy
Heater, Robert & Denise
Hoepner, John & Judith
Hughes, James
Integris Financial Network
Isler, John
Izant, Timothy & Lisa
J & K Auto Gallery
Jerome, Warren & Louise
Jewish Community Foundation of CNY
JGB Enterprises, Inc.
Johnson, Diane
Julian, Mary
Kenwood Homes, Inc.
KeyBank Foundation
Killoren, Jewell
Kirkville United Methodist Women
Knights Of Columbus Bishop Cunningham
Council 10904
Korean War Veterans Association
Aux #1 CNY Chapter
Kruth, Mayer & Marianne
Kutil, David & Dorothy
Landers, Rick
Lemay, Linda
Lerch, Abigail
Lunderman, Timothy & Amy
Maddox, Paul & Gail
Madison County American Legion
Magic City Productions
Marcellus Rotary Club
McEvers, Harry & Constance
McGraw United Methodist Church
McHugh, Gary & Linda
McIntosh, Henry & Donna
Merriam Family Charitable Fund
Merriam, Dr. Walter
Merryweather, Paul
Messineo, Joseph & Ann
MG Car Club of CNY, Inc. EURO Car
Midland Asphalt Materials, Inc.
Miller, Kimberly
Mills, Amalia
Moloff, Lawrence & Nancy
Morgan Stanley
Morocco, Patrick & Peggy
Murphy, William & Anna
Nettle, Thomas
Newman, James & Carole
NY Heart Center
O’Brien, Terry & Pat
OCM BOCES Dental Assisting
Class of 2012
Onondaga Kennel Association
Paddock, John & Sharon
Parsons, Charles
Pascarella, Louis & Maria
Pearce D.D.S., PC, David
Perry, Edward
Petosa, John
Phoenix Memorial Post 5540
Protective Life Foundation
Regan, Paul & Jean
Roberson, Michael & Mary
Roberts Street Elementary School
Rosamond Gifford Charitable Corp
Ross, Elizabeth
Roth, Sandra
Saunders Concrete
Scanlon, Chris & Heather
Schwartz, Stuart & Ruth
Shafer, Scott & Melissa
Shear Forte Hair Design
Short, Dr. Walter & Beverly
Simmons, Harvey & Doreen
Smith, George & Joanne
Smith, Jeff & Lorrie
Society For New Music
Soldier On
Solomon Family Fund
Spalding, Sam & Carolyn
St. Patricks Knight’s of Columbus
Council #10924
Staley, William
Stand Against Suicide
Stevenson, Lisa
SU Student Veterans
Subcontractors Association of CNY
Suburban Garden Club
Syracuse Claims Association
Syracuse Mony, Mony Life Ins. Co.
Syracuse University
The Business Exchange
The Oncenter
Theobald, Edmond
Tops Markets
Trinity Episcopal (Camden)
Tumbridge, Betsy
United Church of DeRuyter
Van Arman, Kate
Vanscoter, Kathryn
Venditti, Jason
Veterans Network Employee
Resource Group
VFW Post 600 Auxiliary
VFW Post 8664
Vincent Riker, Michael & Linda
Volkswagen Car Club
Voss Signs LLC
Walker, Charles & Donna
Weisz, Richard
West Genesee Middle School
Staff & Students
Wilmot, Paul
Wolf, Catherine
Woodworth, James
Ziomek, Ronald & Karen
$100 -$499
5th District Sons of The American Legion
6th District American Legion Auxillary
AAA Northeast
AFC Doctors Express
Aiello, Steven & Lori
Akkoul, Sharon
Aksterowicz, Theodore & Marianne
Alarie, Robert
Albanese, Nicholas & Linda
Albee, David
Albert, William
Albiker, Eleanor
Aldrich, David
American Association of Physician Specialists
Foundation, Inc.
American Legion Auxilary Unit 915
American Legion Auxiliary 6th Dist.
American Legion Auxiliary Onon Cty. Treasurer
American Legion Auxiliary Oswego County
American Legion Post 1102
American Legion Post 1287
American Legion Post 141 Auxiliary
American Legion Post 1619
American Legion Post 188 Auxiliary
American Legion Post 189
Amica Companies Foundation
Amidon, Brian
Anaren Microwave
Anderson, Daniel & Mary Beth
Anderson, Paul
Andrews, Troy
Arbon, Mark
Arena, Sarah
Arguelles, Roger
Army Recruiting Battalion
Arnold, Chris
Arnold, Eileen
Ashenburg, Robert & Alicia
Association of Retired U.S. Air Workers
Atkin, Nelson
B. H. Tracy & Sons Inc.
Baird, Bill
Balman, Karen
Bancheri, Susan
Bandy, Bonnie
Barber, Ronald & Ethel
Barnard, Leonard & Sharon
Barrows, George & Miriam
Basilio, Josephine
Bastable, Jeffrey & Susan
Batdorf, William & Mary
Bauckman, Mark
Baum, Jeffrey & Justin
Beattie, Alexander & Ana
Becker, John
Benoit, Amos & Mary Alice
Berardi-Barletta, C. A.
Berkery, Richard
Bertram, James & Carolyn
Bertram, John & Carolyn
Besaw, Lloyd
Bethmann, Lisa
Bialkowski, John
Binder, Ted & Joy
Bishop, Cheryl
Bishop, Mary
Biviano, Kevin & Kelly
Blackmer, Paul & Pamela
Boland, Deb
Bolivar Road Elementary
Bollinger, Chris & Sara
Bonanno, Richard & Sandra
Bousquet Holstein PLLC
Bowley, Robert & Ellen
Boyea, Bruce & Cheryl
Bozeat, Dawn
Brang, B. J.
Bregman, Randi
Bresette, Tamara
Brisson, Erin
Brodey, Dr. Mitchell & Wynifred
Bronstad, Peter & Brenda
Brookside Veterinary Clinic
Brown, Joann
Brown, Kevin & Kathryn
Brown, Richard & Karen
Brown, Roy & Stephanie
Brust, Nicholas & Carolyn
Bryant & Stratton Student Veteran Org.
Buchanan, Dawn
Buckley, Clyde & Angela
Burdette, Christine
Burdick Hyundai
Burnash, Joseph
Burns, Mark & Catherine
Burns, Sehl
Butkus, Carma
Butler, William & Louise
Byrne Dairy Inc. Employee Community
Byrum, Craig & Kathleen
Calipari, Joe
Campanie, Albert & Marie
Campanino D.D.S., P.C., Vincent
Canaan Realty
Canastota Memorial VFW Post 600
Canastota Overseas Vets Association, Inc.
Capani, Andrea
Capra, Martin & Christine
Caputo, Ronald & Joanne
Carbone, William & Constance
Carey, Michele
Carista, Nicole
Carol and Dirk Sonneborn Fund
Carroll, Susan
Case, Thomas & Theresa
Cass, William & Frances
Cassidy, Rose
Catalano, Mary
CATCH Canine Trainers Academy
Cazenovia American Legion 88 Auxiliary
Cazenovia Presbyterian Church
Cellucci, Yolanda
Centra, Dino
Central NY Ad Association, Inc.
Central NYS NLA Region 4
Cerio, Donald
Chamberlin-Macko, Sandra
Chapman, Henry & Jennifer
Chappell, Winthrop & Nancy
Charbonneau, Patricia
Charles, Joseph
Chase, Lorna
Chase, Patricia
Chefs, Cooks and Bakers Association
Chick, Mary
Chirstensen, Josh
Chittenango Class of 1970
Chittenango Garden Club
Cicero Mattydale Lions Club
Cipparone, John & Susan
Citizens For DeFrancisco
Clancy, JR
Clark, Andrew & Judith
Clark, Douglas & Clara
Clark, Susan
Clark, Thomas & Joan
CNY Cars ‘n Coffee
CNY Infusion Services, LLC
Coakley, Thomas & Nellie
Coleman, Herbert
Coleman, Susan
Coli, Arthur & Mary
Combined Federal Campaign
Comfort Tyler NS DAR
Common Fund Mortgage Corp.
Conklin, Thomas
Connelly, Eric
Conover, Patricia
Considine, Katherine
Cooper, Gregg & Mary
Cooper, Jessica
Corbisiero, Mike & Vicki
Coryea, Ian & Stephanie
Cosentino, Tanja
Costa, Alan
Costco Wholesale Executive Match
Costello, Rhea
Cote, Richard Jr. & Lisa
Cox, Robin
Coyne, Martin
Craner, Peter
Crawford Capital Companies
Creamer, Phyllis
Creative Communications, Inc.
Crest Cadillac-Acura
Crisafulli, Mark
CrossFit Syracuse
Crossroads District United Methodist Men
Cusick, John & Beth
Cusick, Patrick & Kim
Cusick, Timothy & Timothy
Dairy Farmers of America Farm Supplies
Damron, Linda
Daoust, Timothy
Darman, Stephen
Darmino, Scott & Jennifer
Dave’s Body Shop
Davidson, Matthew & Suzanne
Davis, Colleen
Day, Helen
Daycind LLC
Dean, Ron & Karen
Debottis, Terri
Defrancisco, A.M. & V.M.
DeFrancisco, Anne
Defrancisco, John & Linda
DelDuchetto, Ernest
DellaContrada, Dave & Carla
Derbyfield Kennel, Inc.
DeStefano, Donald & Patricia
Deugenio, Diane
DiLaura, Peter & Tara Lee
Dillion, David
DiMento, D.M.D., Vincent
Dimon, Ronald
Diniro, David
Dolan, Cody
Dombrowski, Betty
Domenico, Philip & Jane
Donahue, Ryan
Donato, Marietta
Donovan, Kellie
Dorchak, Frank
Downing, Edward & Susan
Driesen, Miranda
Druger, Suzanne
Dubach, Deborah
Duda, James & Sharon
Duffy, Brian & Mary Ann
Durkee, Sean
Durkee, William
Dutt, Emily
Duttweiler, Eileen
Dwyer, Tim & Carol
E V E Emerson Ltd.
East Syracuse American Legion Golf League
East Syracuse Chevrolet
Edward S. Little, Inc.
Edwards, Shawna
Egnoto, Diana Lee
Eiffe, Michael & Christina
Elderwood At Liverpool Resident Council
Ellstrom, Gregory & Linda
Emerald City Marine Corps League
Emerson, John
Empire State Dog Club
Employee Resource Group of Excellus
BlueCross BlueShield
Engbretson, Brenda
Engel & Voelkers Lake Placid Real Estate
Erwin, Kelly Durkee
Evangelical Lutheran Church Of
The Atonement
Everett, Herbert
Evergreen Auto Center, Inc.
Fabius-Pompey Elementary Staff
Fahrner, Deb
Fallico, Anthony & Pauline
Fein, Bruce S.
Fiani, Kristen
Fietta, Peter
Finley, Terry & Teresa
Finocchiaro, Eric
First Niagara Bank of Manlius
Fisher, Joyce
Fitch, Iris
Flaherty, Kathy
Flint, Judith
Florkowski, Meghan
Fohs, Mark
Fontenot, Earl
Foster, Robert & Sharon
Fox Agency
Fox, Carol
Fox, Jonathan
Fox, Lynda
Fox, Lynn
Franklin County American Legion
Fraternal Order Of Police CNY/Lodge 315 Inc.
Fry, Beth
Fucci, Fred
Fullam, David & Lynda
Fullam, Martin & Patricia
Fuller, Mark & Pauline
Furner, Thomas & Sharon
Ganotis, John
Gardner, Elizabeth
Gaudreau, Robert
Geiskopf, Peter & Nancy
Geitter, Gretchen
Georgia, Douglas
Gerhardt, Thomas
Germain & Germain, LLP
Gibson, Lynn
Gilbert, Susan
Giles, Michael & Mary
Gillette Road Middle School Military
Support Group
Giordano, J. & D.J.
Gleeson, Liam
Goettel, Greg
Goldberg, Michael & Jacquelyn
Golub, Peter & Rena
Gorczyca, Mitchell & Loretta
Gould, Gerald & Maureen
Gowen, William
Granito & Sondej PLLC
Green, Thomas
Greene & Reid
Greiner, Robert & Deborah
Grosack, Marc & Nancy
Gross, Evan
Grossman St. Amour
Haggerty, John Jr. & Karen
Haggerty, Susan
Haines, E.C. & T.C.
Haley, Kimberly
Hall, Bruce & Ruth
Hall, Rachael
Hall, Richard & Dorothy
Haller, Diane
Hamilton Dental
Hanlon, Louis
Hanna, Richard
Hannon, Patrick
Hanson, Deborah
Harley, Brian & Stephanie
Harmon, Joseph & Jessica
Harris, Ann & Ann
Hartnett, Kristen
Haynie, James
Heagerty, Patrick & Alfreda
Hebert, Ronald & Irene
Heilman, Joseph & Mary
Hendee, Chuck
Henn, Carolyn
Hennessy, Dennis
Heppeler, William & Valorie
Herlihy, Paul & Alice
Hettler, Mark & Roxanne
Highland Animal Hospital
Hoffmann, Erica
Holt, Elizabeth and Bocinski, Karen
Homik, Daniel
Honis, Kurt & Maria
Hornstein, Madelyn
Horton, Gerald & Linda
Houser, Richard & Ruth
Hudson, Dale & Beth
Hudzina, John & Connie
Hughes, Benjamin & Ann
Hughes, Walter & James
Hungry Trout
Hurley, Charles & Jane
Info Quick Solutions, Inc.
Instride Sports LLC
J. Halko, Inc. (Servpro)
Jackson, Janet
Jackson, William
Jacobs, David & Sandra
Jacobs, Steven & Elaine
Janke, Conrad & Helen
Jansen, Bob
Jaynes, Jerry & Maureen
Jeffery, William & Kimberly
Jeffrey Woodward & Lori Ott
Jim Marshall Farms Foundation
John Venditti Post No. 1 IT/AM War Veterans
Johnson, Catherine
Johnson, Charles
Jones, Eric
Jones, Nancy
Joyce, Julia
JPW Riggers, Inc.
K & A Radiologic Technology Services, Inc.
Kassis, Joseph & Edda
Katko, John & Robin
KBM Management, Inc.
Keilen, Joanne
Kelder, Cynde
Keller Williams Syracuse
Kelso, Richard H. & Linda
Kent, Rodney
Ketchum Agency, Inc., The
Key Bank Syracuse
Kiernan, Thomas & Mary Ann
Kiggins, Kelly
Kimberly, Chris
King, Anne
Kinne, Steve & Ann
Kinsella, John & Mary
Kinsella-Flatt, Natalie
Kirkby Santa LLC Main Line Auto
Kirkensen, Renee
Kiwanis Club of Owasco-Fleming, Inc., The
Klepper, Douglas & Mary
Knight, Alan
Knox, Jeffrey
Kolodziej Living Trust
Konrad Developers, LLC
Konys D.D.S., David
Konys, RA
Kopley, John & Wendy
Korean War Veterans Assocation #105
Kras, Mary Ann
Kratzert, Kristen
Kris-Tech Wire Company Inc
Kruth, Louis
Kunkle, William & Janice
Kunz, David
L & J.G. Stickley, Inc
LaHood, Salem & Glenda
Laidman, Thomas & Marjorie
Lake Placid Sports Medicine
Lance, Scott
Lane, David & Pamela
LaPage, John & Sharon
Lara, John & Anne Marie
Larkin, Vincent & Christine
Lasky, Barbara
LaTray, Kyle & Colleen
Laughlin-Jackson, Rebecca
Lavigne, Lydia
LeClair, Randy
Lee, James
Lemondes, Col. John
Leonhard, Walter
Lester, Max
Lester, Richard & Maria
Letcher, Brian
Lift Safe/Fuel Safe Inc.
Lighthall, Melvin & Nancy
Lincoln, Frank
Lindsay, Richard
Lion’s Club of Cazenovia
Liu, Lei
Liverpool Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary
Lobdell, Jerry & Renee
Loeffler, John
Loeffler, Karen
Logan, Robert
Lorefice, Roseann
Lottermoser, Jacqueline
Lukasik, Ewa
Lynch, Donald & Amy
Lynch, J. Richard
Lynch, Michael & Donna
Lynch, Michael & Margaret
Lynch, Thomas
Lyons, Oren
MacMurray, Orrin & Karen
Madison County Tourism, Inc.
Madison Mutual Insurance Co.
Magdziak, Edward
Maguire, Patrick & Deborah
Malzman, Clifford & Roberta
Mannion, Patrick & Adrienne
Marchetti, Peter
Marek, Laura
Marhewka, Sharon
Marquart, Willard & Kathleen
Marsden, Michael & Linda
Martin, Carolyn
Martin, David & Maralee
Martin, Sarah
Marx, Mary U. Suzie
Marx, Robert & Rebecca
Marzullo, Paula
Masterpole, Nicholas
Mathews, Mary
Matt Moran Memorial Fund
Matt, Mark & Cheryl
Mattson, Michael
Max, Melva
Mays, John
McAuliffe, Kevin & Suzanne
McCann, Jeffrey
McCarthy, Jeannette
McCarthy, Timothy
McClean, Rachel
McCool, Michael & Catherine
McCroskey Law
McCulley, James
McDonald, Erin
McElhannon, James
McKay, D. A.
McKinney, LeeAnn
McMaster, Roxanne
McNerney, Mike
Melfi, Dr. Renee
Meloling, Lawrence
Menter, Anne
Menter, Jim
Merante, Jennifer
Merante, Matthew
Metro Fence
Michaud Residential Health
Mick, Marcia
Mick, Shawn
Miller, David & Lisa
Miller, Laura
Miller, Richard & Olga
Mills, Rick
Millus, Theresa
Mizgala, Stephen & Florence
Modern Woodman
Modesti, Julian & Jennifer
Mohawk Harvest Cooperative Market
Money Federal Credit Union
Monk, Timothy & Frances
Monson, John
Moore, Mary Kay
Morford, William
Morris, Karen
Morrisville Community Church
Morse, Joanna
Morse, Randald
Moschetti, Lea
Mosley, Patricia
Mott, John & Ann
Mueller, Dr. Steven & Karen
Mueller, Janet
Muldoon, James & M. Kathleen
Mullarney’s Garden Center
Mullin, Craig
Murphy, Angela
Murray, Judy
Murray, Suzanne
Mystic Stamp Company
Nash’s Picture Framing & Fine Arts Supplies
Nathan, Stephen & MaryJane
National Grid
National Tractor Trailer School
Navy Seabee Veterans, Island X-19
Nethercott, Andy & Cass
Network For Good
New York Spine and Wellness Center
Newberry, Bob
Newfield United Methodist Church
Newman, James & Susan
Nguyen, Dr. Vanlinh Tien
Niederbuhl Bros, LLC
Ninestein, Eugene & Andrea
Nitzke, Michael & Amy
Nocera, Louis J.
NOCO Energy Corp
Noll, Kurt
Norlander, Dorothy
Norton, Patrick
NYS Public Employees Federation Div 320
Ohman, Frederick & Karen
O’Leary, Robert
Oliva, Anthony
Oliver, Donald & Leslie
Olmsted, Allen & Jill
Ommen, Dr. Ron
Oneida Baptist Church
Oneida Heathcare Center, ECF Resident
Council Fund
Onondaga County Kennel Association
Onondaga County Law Dept.
Onondaga Elementary/Middle School Staff
Onondaga Kennel Association 622
Onondaga Star Chapter 144
Orioli, Jeanne
Osrud, Rachel
Page, Quinn
Paintings By Rhea
Palm, Cathy L.
Palmer, John
Panasci, David
Pardee, Steven
Park, Tricia
Pascale, Chuck
Paterson, Jennifer
Patrick, William & Deborah
Patruno Electric
Paul, Charles & Mary Jo
Paul, Richard & Marie
Pavone, Salvatore & Sherene
Pechacek, Joseph & Kristen
Pellenz, John
Peppino’s Restaurant & Catering
Perez, Simon & Amy
Perry, Dr. Joseph
Pettit, Eric & Lauri
Pettit, Eric O.
Pfaff, George & Joan
Pfohl, Warren & Brenda
Phelps, Brian & Lisa
Phillippi, Kirt
Phillips, Armand & Pamela
Pierson, John & Janice
Pietrafesa, Kathleen
Pink Pug, The
Pinnacle Family Of Companies
Pinneo, John
Pippi’s Healing Garden
Polhemus, David & Gwenneth
Politi, Robert
Ponte Improvement Consultation LLC
Powell, Doug & Kathy
Powell, Patricia
Powers, Colette
Price, Walter & Margaret
Proseus, Charles
Pugliese, Anthony
Purcell, Sharon
Purtell, Adam & Jennifer
Quint, George
Rabideau Corp
Rainieri, Helen
Rakestraw, William & Rachael
Rapp, Cherie
Rathgeber, Bradford
Ready, Douglas & Sally
Recker-Hughes, Carol
Reeves, Joan
Regan, Jayne
Reidy, Robert & Mary
Repak, John & Stephanie
Retirement Income Analysts LLC
Richer, Tonia
Riches Apiary
Riley Ford
Ringwood, Michael
Rittenhouse, Kenneth & Hazel
Rizzo, Dorothy
Robert Baker & Lorraine Mott
Robert Tiso & Kathleen Ward
Roberts, Jan
Robinson, Timothy & Sharon
Robison, Edward & Christine
Rockacres Veterinary Hospital
Rogers Pharmacy
Rogers, James
Roman, Angelie
Romano, David & Tracy
Romero, Diana
Romero, Frank & Jutta
Rose, John
Rotary Club Of Onondaga North Foundation
Rothschild, Alan
Rouleau, Richard & Mikyong
Rucynski, John & Kathryn
Russell, Kristen
Russell, Mark & Sherry
Russell, Richard & Laurie
Ryan, John & Renee
Ryan, William & Kathleen
Sabach, Anne
Salmonsen, Thomas & Karla
Santoferrara, Gerald
Santos, Arthur & Carol
Sarkus, George
Satter, Mimi
Sayre, Myron & Barbara
Schaefer, Michael & Christin
Schaefer, William & Elizabeth
Schmitz, Thomas
Schneckenburger, David & Candace
Schoellner, Teresa
Schofield, James & Kathlyn
Schofield, Paul
Schuster, Eric
Scott, David & Martha
Scullin, Frederick
Sega, Greg
Selkirk, James & Cathleen
Semel, Constance
Shaheen, Gary & Mary
Shanley, Mary
Sharon, John
Shaw, Carl
Shea, Joseph
Sheahan, Paul
Shepardson, Robyn
Sherman, Kurt
Shone, Kevin & Alanna
Shutts, Richard
Signature Crest Builders
Sigona, Michael
Singer, Timothy
Six Nations Pontiac Oakland Club
Skiff, Marshall
Slisz, Gregory & Amanda
Smith, Marian
Smith, Mary
Smith, Mike & Ann
Smith, Nelson & Maureen
Sno Top Ltd.
Snyder, Jennifer
Social Science Consulting
Solvay-Geddes Lions Club
Sons Of American Legion Cleveland
Sons Of American Legion Oswego County
Sons Of Sam MC
Sons Of The American Legion Squad 418
Sostrin, Mark & Sheila
South Bay Chapel
Speedy Medical Transport
Spicer, William & Leah
Spina, Vincent
Spitzmueller, Matthew and Smith, Yvonne
Spitzner, Lori
Spoor, Daniel & Doreen
Spurr, Randy & Vicki
St. Augustines Church
St. Joseph’s Imaging Associates
St. Leger, Michael & Patricia
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church of Chittenango
Stanley Law Offices
Stansell, Kathie
Staub, Andy & Melanie
Stauffer, Terry & Tracy
Stearn, Jeffery
Stearns, Margaret
Stedman, Lyle & Esther
Steele, Elizabeth
Steigerwald, Louis & Mary
Steigerwald, Mark & Elizabeth
Stevens, David & Marjorie
Stevenson, Kyle Ann
Stoeckel, Richard & Kathleen
Storrier, William
Strada Mia
Streeter, Jeffery
Strickland, Nan
Stuhlmiller, Lary & Bonita
Suchy, Michal & Lydia
Sullivan, Karen
Summit Automotive
Summons, Terry & Bernie
Sun Auto Warehouse
Sun Chevrolet
Sweeney, Carlton & Suzanne
Sweet, C.A.
Sweet, D.M.D, P.C., Joseph A.
Syracuse Sounds Of Music Association
Syracuse University Club Quidditch
Syracuse VA
Tallman, Therese
Talty, Steven & Karen
Tansey, Joan
Taylor, David & Marjorie
Taylor, James Brian & Patricia
Taylor, Joseph & Kathryn
Tedford, Douglas
Tester, Daniel & Sherry
Theobald, Shirley
Thomasmeyer, Mary Lou
Thompson, Mary
Tifft, James & Deborah
Tindall, David
Tinelli, Eugene
Todd, Collette
Tolley, Marian
Tonini’s LLC
Tormey, James & Susan
Town of Manlius PBA
Town of Sullivan Business Women Group
Town of Sullivan General Fund
Treasure Hut, Inc.
Trespasz, Theodore & Leonora
Trinity Episcopal Church
Trombino, Ryan
Truett, Brett & Michelle
Tupper, Marcia
Turner, Ruben & Virginia
Tuttle, Dale
United Methodist Church of Fayetteville
United Union of Roofers Waterproofers
and Allied Workers
United Way of Massachusetts Bay and
Merrimack Valley
University Hill Realty
Updike, Christopher
U.S. Military Vets MC, Inc.
VanArsdale, Terry & Kimberly
VanStry, Donald
Vantine Imaging
Varden, Thomas
Vella Enterprises
Vellas Market
Venditti, David & Julie
Venditti, Julie Ann
Vesling, Nancy
Veteran Lawn Care Services LLC
Veterans Of Vietnam
Vetter, Daniel
VFW Post 10334
VFW Post 153
VFW Post 1975 Auxiliary
VFW Post 3873 Auxiliary
VFW Post 6001 Ladies Auxiliary
VFW Post 6105
VFW Post 7325
VFW Post 9594 Auxiliary
VFW Post 9596
Vickery, Constance
Viggiano, Marc & Susan
Village Dental Group of Central Square
Voorheesville Village Quilters
Walker, Richard & Nancy
Walsh, Jim
Walter Conley Auxiliary Post 1107
Walters, Kevin & Becky
Walus, Cynthia
Warguleski, Robert
Warne/McKenna Advertising
Warner, John & Elizabeth
Wasteneys, Colin & Carol
Waters, Eric & Nancy
Waybright, Charles F.
Webb, Cal & Janet
Webb, Richard & Diana
Wehbe, Mary
Weichard Real Estate
Weichert Realtors
Weil, Brent
Weiss, Barry & Kathy
Welch Allyn Inc. Matching Gift Program
Wells, Matthew
West Rome Riders
Wheaton Electrical Service, Inc.
Wheeler, Patricia
Whitaker, Robert & Jennifer
Wiel, Brent
Wilburn, Edward
Wilcox, Lynn
Wilson & Binder, Barb and Faith
Wilson, Barbara
Winkler, Peter B. & Christine
Winter, Jennifer
Wisbey, Dwayne P. & Sharon H.
Wolff, Steffen
Wondrack, Robert & Mae
Wong, Nelson
Wood, Carol
Woodard, Lee & Patti
Woodworth, Robin
Yeomans, William & Monica
Yinger, John
Young Life
Young, John & Cheryl
G I F T S U P T O $99
Adelman, Naomi
Adler, John & Ellen
Adsitt, William & Marguerite
Agemy, Daniel & Nancy
Ahner, Susan & Benjamin
Aiken, Andrew
Aksterowicz, Amber
Albanese, Augustine
Albanese, Vincent
Alice Edwards Circle, The
Allen, Robert
Allred, J. B.
Alsid, Michael & Erin
Amberge, Eric
American Legion Post 1065/141
American Legion Post 1276
American Truck Historical Society,
CNY Chapter
Ames, Eric
Ames, Renee
Amico, Jane
Andrukat, Dennis
Anklin, Christopher & Mary
Anklin, Jim
Anne, Pardee
Arroway, Mary Anna
Arteria, Hannah
Austin, Sheila
Ayoub, David & Karen
Bacheldor, John & Patricia
Badaway, Ahmro
Badgely, Amanda
Bailey, Jennifer
Bailey, Timothy & Margaret
Bailhe, Sharon
Bajek, Richard & Sue
Baker, Beverly
Baker, Patti
Bamann, Nancy
Bamerick, William & Susan
Bangs, Daniel
Barbano, David
Barbis, Andrea
Barilla, Joseph
Barlow, William & Catherine
Barnard, Alison
Barnes, Terry & Joyce
Barrett, Joan
Barrett, Kenneth & Helen
Barry, Frances
Barry, Susan
Bartlett, Christine
Bartlett, Daryn & Elizabeth
Bartnick, Sheldon
Bartos-Martin, Dr. Elizabeth
Bauer, Richard
Beach, Jessica
Beach, Patricia
Bear Paw Printing
Beattie, Marilyn
Beaubiah, Gary
Beck, Martha
Becker, Lucas & Lucas
Beeman, David & Noella
Belge, Robert & Diane
Bellotti, Geraldine
Bender, James
Benn, Kenneth & Jeanne
Bennett, William
Berman, Leo & Diane
Bernat, Angela
Berrier, Tommy
Bersani, Kitty
Berti, Donald & Suzanne
Beseth, David & Karen
Besio, Francis & Elizabeth
Betsy Baldwin Chapter NSDAR
Betts, Ann
Beyer, Frank
Beyer, Richard & Suzanne
Bielicki, Patricia
Bielicki, Patricia Jo
Biese, Robert & Christine
Biggs, Linda
Birchard, Lisa
Bird, Jeremy
Bird, Joyce
Bishop, Peter & Marion
Biviano, Jamie
Blachaniec, Jill
Black, Eric & Lou Ann
Blackwell, Lisa
Blakeman, Charles & Leah
Blaski, Todd
Bloss, Dale & Nancy
BNY Mellon Community Partnership
Bocketti, Michael & Donna
Boenning, Peter & Melinda
Bohrer, Patricia
Bolen, Michael & Helen
Bolton, Stacey
Bombard, Kathleen
Boswell, Rachel
Bottega, Lou
Bouachard, Ric
Bourke, Margot
Bova, Edward & Carolyn
Boyce, Kenneth & Deborah
Boyle, Patricia
Bradley, Andrea
Branagan, Lynn
Brasco and Sons
Brennen, Richard & Duwana
Briggs, John
Bristow, Jimmy & Elizabeth
Brooks, Glenn
Brophy, Eileen
Brown, Betty
Brown, Gerald & Theresa
Bruno, John
Bryant, James
Bryant, Joseph & Rochelle
Bryant, Tom
Buckley, Leon
Buckley, Toni
Burgess, Ruth
Burke, John
Burke, Robert
Burns, Joseph Jr. & Johanne
Burns, Mark
Burns, Rick
Burns, Scott
Burrstone Animal Hospital
Burton, Elizabeth
Bury, Amanda
Bush-Scanlon, Timothy & Jane
Bustamante, Sonia
Butterfield, Charles & Jacqueline
Button, Jim & Caroline
Button, John & Sandra
Buyea, Barbara
Buyea, Brian & Barbara
Buyea, William & Carol
Byrne, Garin
Cadin, Mike
Cagwin, Lee & Jane
Cahoon, Richard & Marguerite
Cain, Beth
Callahan, Edward & Shelly
Callahan, Flanagan & Smith
Orthodontics, P.C.
Calnan, Gisela
Cangemi, Theresa
Cannizzaro, John & Nancy
Cappon, Kathy
Cappuccilli, Peter & Grace
Capria, Leo
Carlesco, Rick
Carmella, Caitlin
Carncross, James & Susan
Carpenter, Kenneth & Gertrude
Carr, David
Carr, Eleanor
Carroll, John & Pamela
Carthage Lions Club
Caryl Orthodontics
Casey, Ronald & Elizabeth
Cass, Brady & Jennifer
Casselman, Jason
Castle, Christina
Catania, D.D.S., P.C., Joseph A.
Catanzarita, John & Megan
Cavallo, John
Cayea, Lisa
Cazenovia Area Senior Association
Cazenovia Bone Builders
Central NY Developmental Services
Ceravolo, Dr. Peter
Chamberlin, Robert & Regina
Champagne, Norman & Marilynn
Chandler, Roger & Nancy
Charles Roberts & Sons
Charney, Mel
Chase, Sandra
Chayka, Shelly
Chittenango Child Care Center
Chmielewicz, Leonard & Virginia
Chrissley, Jeffrey & Nancy
Cifaratta, John & Cynthia
Clancy, Colleen
Clark, Bruce & Valerie
Clarke, Richard & Sena
Cody, Lois
Colby, Rhett
Cole, Bill
Cole, Ellen
Coleman, Barbara
Coleman, Nicole
Coles, Michael & Martha
Collela, Carol
Collins, R.
Collura, Julie Anne
Collura, Sarafina
Coman, Dan & Ioana
Compassionate Care Vet Hospital
Computer and Source Microfilming
Connelly, Martin
Connors & Connors LLP
Conole, Patricia
Conrad, Keith
Cook, Kelly
Cooper, Terri
Coppola, Mark & Jennifer
Corbett, Brian
Corcoran High School Retirees
Corona, Barbara
Corona, Katherine
Coughenour, Anne
Coughlin, Dr. Edmund & Margaret
Courtwright, Ronald & Carol
Couse, Lynne
Crain, Carol
Craner, Joanne
Crannell Dwyer, Brenda
Creeden, Judith
Cromp, John III & Susan
Cronin, Kathryn
Cronin, Mike
Cross, William
Crossett, Donald
Crowley, Mary Lou
Croyle, Dora Mae
Cuculich, David
Cudworth, J. Robert
Cummings, Thomas & Christine
Cummiskey, Colleen
Cumulus Media
Cusick, James & Charlotte
Cusyk, John
Cutler, Barth
Dacey, Richard & Ellen
Dagostino, James & Stephanie
Daino, Diana
Daly, Donald
Damico, Peter
D’Angelo, Carol
Dantoni, Jane
Dardzinski, Jerome & Judith
Darmody, Bill & Marilyn
Darrow, Berwin & Paula
Davala, Tom
Daves, John & Cynthia
David Gardam and Mary McCarthy
David Hyde & Carol McNeil
Davies, Loren
Davis, Jonathan A.
Davis, Stacey
Dawson, Richard & Jennie
Dayton, Eric
DBA Phil’s Garage
Dean, James
Decker, Carla
Decroce, Alex & Brenda
Deegan, Marie
DeFrancisco, John
Deline, Kathleen
Demari, Susan
Dennehy, Micheal & Gail
Denny, Norman & Shirley
DeSantis, Jean
Detor, Charles & Nancy
Detota, Brian
Dettmer, Paul & Sharon
Diel, Linda
Difant, Janice & Janice
DiFrancisco, Joseph & Linda
Dineen, Sharon
Diringer, Edward & Mary
Disotelle, Dora
Dominick Falcone Agency, Inc.
Donaghey, Saladine
Donato, James & Donna
Donnelly, Robert
Dora, John
Dorman, Richard & Ella
Dougherty, Joseph
Doupe, James & Marlene
Downtown Dental Syracuse PC
Doyle, Peter
Drs. Greene and Miller
Dudley, Ernest
Dumond, Leslie
Dunbar, Jessie
Dunne, Michael
Durant, Mark & Christine
Dwyer, John
Earl, Don
Edmond Theobald Financial Services
Eggleston, Robert
Ehrhart, Mike
Eimas, Leslie
Eklund, R. James
Elliot, Stephen & Sarah
Elmcrest Childrens Center
Encore Images, Inc.
Ende, John & Tara
Enders Road Faculty Association
Enders, Janet
Eppler, Marilyn
Epstein, Mary
Ernest, Steven & Lily
Evans, Earl & Rosemarie
Evans, Gregg & Amy
Evans, Monica
Evans, Steven
Ewing, Philip
Ezzo, Francis
Fabiano, Tamelo
Fahey, Joseph
Fahsel, Dawn
Farchione, Donna
Farnham, James
Farritor, Bret
Faulkner, Stephanie
Fayetteville Elementary Faculty Fund
Fayetteville Manlius Class of 2015
Fayetteville Senior Center
Fazio, John & Sally
Fee, Susan
Felt, Kenneth
Fetterman, Jennifer
Fibiger, Rhonda
Fielding, Michael & Linda
Fiello, Charles
Filey, Lyle Jr. & Leidene
Firman, Rebecca
Fisher, Harry & Cheryl
Fitzpatrick, William & Diane
Flihan D.D.S. MD, Donald
Foley, Edward
Foley, Edward & Susan
Forger, Richard & Agnes
Foringer, Richard & Pamela
Forstadt, Clifford
Fowler, Maureen Bagge
Frame, Kristy
Franz, David
Frederick, Barbara
Freid, Claudette
Fries, Steven & Pamela
Fruscello, Nick
Fullam, Joseph
Fuller, Frank & Helen
Fuller, Hans & Jennifer
Fuller, Mark
Furman, Laurel & John
Gabor, Linda
Gallagher, Pauline
Gallauresi, Jeri
Gallinger, David
Gambocarto, Mark
Ganley, Kim
Ganotis, Chris
Gardner, Fred & Patricia Higgins
Garner-Richards, Peter & Patricia
Garwood, Thirza
Gasapo, Michael
Gasapo, Michael & Sara Lynn
Gaulin, Daniel & Elizabeth
Gay, A. Edward III & Margaret
Gay, Dick & Andrea
Gelb, Julia
Gentry, Kathleen
Gerber, Richard & Christine
Gestwick, Harold & Joanne
Gettis, Jeannine
Giannino, Albert & Karen
Gianuzzi, Susan
Gibbons, Colleen
Giberti, Richard & Elaine
Gibson, Charles
Gingold, Elaine
Giunta, Paul & Pamela
Glenn, William
Goeler, Ron
Goins, Michael
Golembieski, Stanley
Golub, Jimmy & Janine
Gonzalez, Michael
Goodchild, Jack & Vicky
Goodfellow, John & Susan
Graham, Amy
Graham, Eleanor
Granozio, Richard
Gratien, Wendy
Graves, Janice
Green, Karen
Greene, Don
Greenky, Seth & Lisa
Gregg, Joy
Gridley, Carol
Griffin, Carlton
Grifo, Peter & Patrice
Grimm, Eileen
Groat, Chris
Grossman, Nancy
Grosso, Maggie
Guignard, Gregory & Kimberly
Hajduk, Jeffrey & Elaina
Hall, James & Deborah
Hall, Mathew & Patricia
Hall, Robert & Faith
Hall, Thomas & Sally
Haman, Donald & Mary
Hamblet, George
Hamilton, Donald & Nancy
Hamilton, Donna
Hamilton, Wayne
Hamm, Lynee
Hampson, Roberta
Hanifin, Edward & Ann
Hanna, Richard
Hannon, Kathleen
Hanover, George & Susan
Hanson, Steven & Carolyn
Harding, Chris
Harman, Shirley
Harris, Anne Marie & Isabelle
Harris, Christopher & Diane
Harris, Susanne
Harris, William
Harrison, Doris
Hart, Patrick
Hartman-Souder, Brenda
Harvey, Janice
Havenhand, Lucinda
Haws, Charles
Haynes, Mark
Haywood, Brian & Dawn
Health With Ed
Hebert, Rene
Heilman, Thomas & Cindy
Henderson, Robert & Loretta
Hennessy, Michael & Cynthia
Hensley, Suzann
Hepp, William & Kathleen
Herres, Don
Herring, David & Jacqueline
Hewitt, Peter
Higgins, Thomas & Jennie
Higuchi, Joy
Hills, Mark
Hirsh, Jennifer
Hnatko, Robert
Hoag, Thomas & Donna
Hobbs, Charles & Doneen
Holgate, Bob & Claudia
Holmes, Carolyn
Holmes, Melody
Holtz, Heidi
Hopkins, David & Ann
Hopkins, G. Paul
Hopper, Robert
Horridge, Malcolm
Hosey, Kevin & Yvonne
Hosey, Patrick & Nancy
Hourigan, Chris
Houston, Patricia
Howard, Clint & Melanie
Howard, Guy & Patricia
Huffman & Carter, L. & P.
Huffman, Joseph E. & Mary Jane
Hughes, Sharon
Hughes, Steve
Hulbert, James & Kimberly
Hulbert, Ron
Hummel’s Office Plus
Iauco, Joseph & Irene
Ineich, J. & Barbara
Ingraham, Mary Beth
Ingram, Margaret
Injajigian, Jack
Irwin, Robert & Mary McGuire
Jablonka, Thomas & Paula
Jackson, Johaun
James, Drew & Karel
James, Nancy
Janes, Freddy & Diane
JDMS Nicole Christian
Jeffery, Kim
Johnson, Brandy
Johnson, David
Johnson, Mark
Joncas, Bethany
Jowett, F. Maureen
JP Mulligans
Kalish, Randy & Elizabeth
Kalska, Paul
Kash, Erin
Keane, Barbara
Keilty, Karen
Keller, Karen
Kelley, Andrew
Kelley, Norma
Kerr, Aimee
Ketchum, Willard & Barbara
Keville, Mick
Keyes, Wade & Jacklyn
Khouri, Diane
Kiggins, CW or JG
Kiggins, Russell & Donna
Killorin, Kevin
Kimball, Timothy & Karen
Kimpel and Company
Kinane, Thomas
Kingsley, Dan
Kinne, Ann
Kinne, Charles
Klein, Ira
Klick, William
Klock, Paul & Tamara
Knapp, Robert & Annette
Knapp, Sonia
Koh, Theodore & Jane Yao
Kolseth, Richard & Joan
Koory, Susan
Kosecki, James
Kowalczyk, Suzanne
Kowbel, Paul & Linda
Koziol, Joseph
Kreplin, Charles & Sandra
Krul, Francis
Krupka, Michael & Eileen
Kyser Beach Assoc.
Labarge, Eugene & Julianna
Ladd, Karen
Laidlaw, John & Mary Ann
Lally, Martin & Irene
LaMarca, Kenneth
Lane, George
Latino, Tiffany
Laurie, Robert & Lauren
Lavigne, Edward & Barbara
Law, Don
Lawitts D.D.S., Karen
Lawrence, Eva
Lear, Elizabeth
Leblanc, Cory & Janine
Leblanc, Diane
LeBlanc, Michael
Lee, Bill & Margie
Lee, David & Mary
Lee, Joseph & Angela
Leeson, Donna
Lepoutre, Dominique
Lerch, Kenneth & Jill
LeRoux, Philip
Lester, Robert & Debbie
LeVan, Lynette
Levendusky, Brian
Lewis, Bruce & Stephanie
Lewis, Jennifer
Leworthy, Lorie
Liberatore, Carla
Liberty Mutual Foundation Match
Limpert, Susan
Lin, Kay
Lindsley, Brigid
Linnemeyer D.D.S., William
Lippert, Douglas & Alicia
Lisi, Michael & Carol
Little, Paul & Laura
Litty, Christine
Lloyd, Vernon J.
Locker, Dennis
Loeffler, Martha
Loeffler, Susan
Loftus, Lisa
Logsdon, Diana
Long, Kirk & Jeanne
Longden, Jerry
Longden, Robert & Josephine
Lopez, Belinda
Lorraine, Eric & Janet
Lougee, Randy
Louis Farah & Bonnie Green
Love, Andrea
Lowe, Steven & Linda
Lowney, Patricia
Lozepone, Joanne M.
Luber, Michael & Mary
Ludwig, Gordon & Sally
Luhowy, Elvira
Lukenbill, Felix & Marcia
Luteran, Camille
Lynch, Jennie
Lytle, Audrey
MacDonald, Thomas & Eileen
MacDougall, Susan
Macka, Brian
Mackintosh, David & Mary
Madonna, Anthony & Elizabeth
Magnan, Joyce
Mahan, Heidi
Mahardy, Scott
Malcolm Taylor American Legion
Post 1572
Malenfant, Tim
Mallon, Marie
Maloney, Barbara
Manlius Veterinary Hospital
Mann, Raymond & Helene
Manning, Eric & Tricia
Manzano, Linda
Marathon Financial Advisors
Margetin, Amy
Marion, Toni
Marnell, Patrick
Martens, Thomas & Barbara
Martin, Maureen
Marzola, Nicholas & Patricia
Mathews, Amy
Mathews, Richard & Karen
Mathias, Amy
Matyshak, Bernard & Marlene
Mayers, Robert & Verileau
Mays, John & Carolyn
McBride, Bill
McCarthy, Martha
McCormack, Shirley
McCrady, Margaret
McCrum, Richard
McDermott, Barbara
McDonald, Sean
McDonougil, Maria
McDougall, Frances
McGean, Karen
McGee, Shawn & Missy
McGinley, Karen
McGowan, William
McGowen, Norm
McGroary, Francis
McKeon, Maureen
McLaughlin, Michael & Lisa
McNamara, John & Maureen
McNamara, Susan
McNeill, Carol
Mele, Antonio
Melfi, Michael & Keri
Mengel, Michelle
Mersereau, Bradford
Messer, Brandon & Suzanne
Messina, Deborah
Meyer, Arthur & Christine
Meyer, Steve & Susan
Michaud, Ellen
Midlam, Richard & Barbara
Milioto, Laura
Milioto, Mary
Miller, Daniel
Miller, Deborah
Miller, Donald & Patsy
Miller, Jacob & Jacob
Miller, Nicole
Miller, Stephen & Pamela
Mills, Martha
Miner, JoAnne
Miner, Marlene
Mitchell, Dale & Nancy
Mitchell, Jeff & Suzanne
Mitchell, Joseph & Joanne
Mobley, Todd & Mary
Molanare, Karen
Moleski, Jesse
Molinari, Ron
Moller, Jacqueline
Monell Enterprises, Inc.
Montressor, Dale & Kelly
Moore, Ken
Moran, James
Moran, Susan
Morano, Karen
Morgan, Kevin & Maureen
Morgan, Susan
Morgan, Terry & Nancy
Morris, Michael & Mary
Moskal, Susan
Mowers, Carol
Moyer, Jennifer
Mula, Donald & Donna
Mullane, Martin & Lisa
Mullett, Therese
Mulvaney, Beverly
Murdock, Edson & Virginia
Murfitt, Robert
Muscatiello, Neil & Maureen
Myllymaki, William
Nalewski, John
Napier, Donald & Linda
Naughter, Mary
Nemitz, Larry & Sharlene
Nesher, Marny
Neuberger, John & Lynn
Neumann, Justin & Lynette
Nicholas, Scott & Stephanie
Nicholson, William & Joan
Nickal, William
Nitzberg, Leonard & Mary
Nosovitch, Dr. John & Julia
Nottingham Resident Forum
O’Brien, Dennis & Anne
Ochs, Garrold
O’Connor, Patrick & Ellen
O’Connor, Thomas
Odin, Marc
Odom, Rick & Pat
O’Donnell, Diane
OHara, Thomas & Carolyn
O’Kane, William
Okazaki, Mark
O’Leary, Daniel
Olivadoti, M. & C.
Ondocin, Patricia
Ondrako, Christina
One Commonwealth Associates LLC
O’Neil, Scott
Oppedisano, Bailey
Oristian, Jeffrey
Orta, Veronica
O’Shea, Deborah
Ostrowski, Robert & Carol
P. Gard Lorey/Sean Smith D.D.S.
Paddock, Suzanne
Page, John & Bonita
Pagoda, Amy
Palmer Elementary School
Palmer, James & Carol
Palmer, Peggy Ann
Palmiero, Vincent & Gloria
Panto, Carmen
Paola Kay LLC
Paolozzi, Nancy
Pappalardo, Dan
Paris, Donald & Theresa
Parker, Briana
Parks, Marieta
Pascale, Lynne
Pasquale, Stephanie
Pateras, Cris K.
Paul, Margaret
Pearlman, Jeni
Peck, Nancy
Pedersen, Alan & Nancy
Pelko, Barbara
Pergolizzi, James John & Cynthia
Perkins, Jeff
Peterson, Daniel
Petragnani, Nicholas & Christina
Philipp, Marcia
Phillips, Deanna
Phillips, Diane
Phillips, Rolland
Pierz, Dr. Joseph & Ann
Piet, John & Judith
Pinegar, Donald & Edith
Pinnacle Dental Group PC
Piraino, Eileen & Karen
Place, Jacqueline
Polinsky, William
Pompey Communtiy Church
Pond, Timothy
Porceng, Alescia
Powers, Frederick & Joan
Practice Resources LLC
Pratt, Loren
Pratt, Mercena
Pratt, Nancy Birt
Prawl, Garold & Jean
Price, John
Provo, M.
Przybylowicz, Joan
Quagliozzi, Joseph & Janice
Quay, Sara
Quiggle, Patricia
Quinn-Cole, Karen
Rai, Anurodh & Jagraj
Rains, Karen
Ranalli, Mark & Terry
Rand, Gun & Jay
Rath, Wayne
Ready, John
Redmore, Kelly
Reed, Thomas
Reeder, Samuel III
Rees, Arthur
Rees, Martin
Reilly, Kathryn
Rhodes, Thomas
Rice, Emory
Rice, Kapua & Tate
Richardson, Lawrence & Mary
Richardson, Perry & Wendy
Riley, Robin
Riley, William & Candace
Robbins, Michele
Robison, Rusty
Rockoff, Gloria
Roder, Louis & Karen
Rodormer, Robert & Nanette
Rollinson, David & Patricia
Romano’s Family Dentistry
Rosanne Relfe & Daniel Johnson
Rose, Amy
Rose, Harriet
Rose, Kenneth & Deborah
Rossi, Eugene
Rotary Club of Onondaga North
Rothschild, Barbara
Rubin, Roslynn
Rugh, Katherine
Russell, Kathie
Russell, Sherry
Russo, Richard
Ryan, Patrick H. & Mary
Sabine, Keith
Sadlon, J. Richard & Elizabeth
Sadowski, Alexander & Barbara
Sager, Ronald & Janice
St. Charles Borromeo Church
Sallee, Damon & Margaret
Salt City Vans
Salvetti, Erin
Sama, Stephen
Sargent, Marilyn
Sarno, Suzanne
Saroney, Joanne
Saunders, Dorothy
Saunders, Linda
Sauve, Christine
Scandale, Joanne
Scanlin, Terri
Scanlon, Timothy & Jane
Scavone, Ava
Schaefer, Bill
Schapper, Carolyn
Scheele, John
Scheirer, Gary & Rita
Schermerhorn, Thomas & Donna
Schiedo, Mike
Schmidtka, Laura
Schnall, David & Mona
Schnitzler, Karl & Sandra
Schofield, David
Schoonmaker, Peter & Christine
Schreiber, Christine
Schreiner, Patricia
Schreiner, Stacy
Schultz, Donald & Barbara
Scibilia, Dorris F.
Scott, Robert & Heather
Scott, Sarah
Seamans, James & Bernadette
Seamons, James & Lois
Searles, Donna
Selden, Gene
Selover, Douglass & Anne
Setrella, Donna
Seymour, Alvah & Mary
Sgroi, Thomas & Susan
Shannon Family, The
Shapero D.M.D., P.C., Suzanne D.
Sharp, Michele
Shayler, Mary
Shea, Melissa
Shear, Barry & Sheila
Sherman, Mary
Shifrin, Jonathan
Shukla, Naqulinie
Sicilia, Carman & Marie
Siddall, Justin
Siebert, Samuel
Sigona, Michael & Carol
Simply Surgicals
Sims, Donna
Skiliuski, John
Skinner, Karen
Sklavos, Jesse & Judie
Sleeper, Roy & Mary
Sloan, Mark
Smales, Beverly
Smith, Ann
Smith, Celinda
Smith, Jo Ann
Smith, Martin
Smith, Michelle
Smullen, Bill
Snavely, Melissa
Snogles, Jeffrey & Maureen
Snyder, David & Mary
Snyder, Tina
Solak, Laurene
Songer, Teresa & Len Joseph
Sorbello, Eleanor
Sorensen, Pet & Gussie
Soule, Gary & Janis
South Valley Presbyterian Church
Southern, Joseph A. & Linda
Spear, Jeanne
Spetrino, Anthony & Carol
Spicer, Craig & Catherine
Spicer, Ellen
Spink, Kenneth & Susan
Spring, Wallace & Judith
Spuches, Cindy & Cindy
St. Germain, M. Frances
Staab, Joel & Kimberly
Stafford, Philomena
Stanton, Joel & Rex
Stanton, Joseph
Stanwix, Theresa
Stearns, Sandy & Lynn
Steele, Betty
Stein, Nadene
Stephenson, John
Sterns, Margaret
Stevens, Naomi
Stevenson, Susan
Stewart, Tammy
Stinziano, Jordan
Stone, James
Stone, James & Arlene
Stoner, George & Donna
Strack-Reid, Melissa
Stratton, Barbara
Stratton, J. Ronald
Straub, Matthew
Straub, Phyllis
Streeter, Terry
Strong, David
Stumpf, Scott & Aileen
Sullivan, Alberta
Sullivan, Richard
Summa, Martha
Summit Church Operating Account
Sunderlin, Colleen
Sutter, John
Sweet, Judith
Sykas, Jacqueline
Syracuse Chiefs Charitable
Syracuse Hockey Ownership Team LP
Syracuse Obedience Training Club
Syracuse Scottish Pipe Band
Taber, Theresa
Taber, Timothy & Pamela
Tangoren, Tracy
Tarasevitch, Amanda
Taylor, Gerald & Mary Ellen
Taylor, W. L.
Teeter, Zachery
Temes, Sanford & Delia
Teplitsky, Ronald
Tesoro, Mary Kay
Theis, Sarah
Therre, Genevieve
Thines, Terrance & Sheramis
Thomas, Josephine
Thompson, John & Celestine
Thompson, Robert & Christina
Thygesen, Emelia
Tobak, Julianna
Tomeny, William & Maureen
Trapp, Joseph
Trasolini, Nicholas & Karen
Treatman, Scott
Tucci, Sebastian
Turbee, Janet
Turkovic, Teresa
Turner, Sonya
Twichell, Mary
Twichell, Thomas & Karen
United Wire Technologies
Usborne, Barbara
Usher, Richard
USW CNY Dist Educ and Conf Fund
Vaccarello, Lenore
Van Der Jagt, Mary Ann
Van Derzee, Kevin
VanLaningham, John
Varga, Christine
Varley, Patrick & Christine
Vaughan, Timothy
Vecchio, Stella
Vents, Dorothy
Vergith, Robert
Vespo, Joseph & Ellen
VFW Auxiliary #4915
VFW Post 153 Auxiliary
Village Veterinary Hospital PC
Vitale, Antonio & Mary
Vitticore, Marc
Vizard, Paul
Volinsky, Steven & Frances
Voytovich, Ed
W. J. Hinman Jewelers
Wade, J. J. & A. S.
Wahner, Russ
Wake, John & Antoinette
Walicki, Joseph
Walker, Mike & Christina
Walters, Ray & Rebecca
Wandrack, Robert & Mae
Wantz, Steven & Alexis
Ward, Timothy & Pamela
Warmuth, Eric & Jacqueline
Warner-Sora, Pat
Wasilewski, John & Mary
Waterman, Steven & Leanne
Watkins, Judy
WCNY Station Activities Comm.
Webb, Betty
Webb, Elizabeth
Webber, Robert & Debra
Weber, Ralph & Kathleen
Weeks, Scott & Cheryl
Welker, Daniel & Christine
Welling, Emily
Wellman, John & Kathryn
Wells, Carol
Welton, Donald
Welton, Ronald
Wendel, Inger-Marie
Whalen, Mark & Gretchen
Wheeler-Vickery, Danielle
Wickert, Marcia
Wilkey, Tony & Janet
Willbrandt, Doris
Willette, Mary
Williams, Bob
Williamson, Curtis & Kathleen
Wilson, Jay
Wilson, Luanne
Wilson, Mary
Winters, Ronald
Winters, Theresa
Wolthausen, Robert & Mary
Wood, Craig
Woodard, Steven
Wright, Douglas & Linda
Wright, James & Anne
Wyle, Heidi
Yaple, Gary & Cindy
Yonteff, Mark & Linda
Yorton, William & Barbara
Young, Andrew
Young, Christine
Young, Douglas & Elizabeth
Youngstrom, Nels
Zebrowski, Rita
Zehr, Gordon & Lynn
Zinn, Jennifer
Zlomek, F. Mathew
Central New York Community
Foundation, Inc.
Dale Carnegie of CNY
Fairways for Freedom
Jim & Juli Boeheim Foundation, The
Jon Ben Snow Foundation
NYS PFC Joseph Dwyer Program
- Senator John A. DeFranciso
Onondaga County
Senator John A. DeFrancisco
Soldier On
Warrior Scholar Project
Victory for Vets
B. R. Johnson
Bellevue Country Club
Bill Rapp Superstore
Blanding Plumbing
Bunkers in Baghdad
Burdick Hyundai
Busch Products
Butternut Creek Golf Course
Cavalry Club
Camillus Country Club
Cazenovia Golf Club
Chittenango Lumber
Chittenango Rotary Club #4834
Crest Cadillac-Acura
Daycind LLC
Deli Boy
Delta Sonic
Deployed Resources
Dimon Construction
Dinosaur BBQ
Doherty Masonry
Doug’s Electric
DR Cornue Woodworks
Drumm Construction
E. L. Chase Construction
East Syracuse Chevrolet
Edible Arrangements
Erie Materials, Inc.
Excellus Community Fund
F. W. Webb
Ferguson Plumbing
First Niagara Bank
Fox Agency
Granito & Sondej PLLC
Green Lakes State Park Golf Club
Greene & Reid
Patruno Electric
Harris Beach
Pearce D.D.S., PC, David
Hehl Construction
Penoyer Builders
Henderson/Johnson Construction
Pinnacle Family of Companies
Highland Greens Golf Course
Quality Lighting Systems
Holbrook Construction
Reisman Foundation
Home for the Brave
RES-COM Heating & A/C
Hummel’s Office Plus
RLT Electric
IBN Financial Services, Inc.
Rogues Roost
Info Quick Solutions, Inc.
Roma Tile
J & K Auto Gallery
S & B Construction
J. S. Hagan Architecture
Schaeffer Construction
Jim Joseph
Scolaro Perry Law PC
Kasper Homes
Sno Top Ltd.
KBM Management Inc., Brooks Wright
SRC Tec, Inc.
Keller Williams Syracuse
Standard Insulation
Key Bank Syracuse
Summit Automotive
Kitty Hoynes
Sun Chevrolet
Kris-Tech Wire Company, Inc.
Syracuse Auto Dealers’ Association
Lake Placid Sports Medicine
Syracuse Energy
Leonard Riedle General Construction
Syracuse University
LoMar Carpets
Team Depot
Lyndon Golf Course
T.H. Kinsella Inc.
Martin Custom Homes
The Links at Erie Village
McClurg Construction
The Pompey Club
McDougal & Sons
The Ridge Golf, LLC
McKean Building & Remodeling
Tops Markets
MJS Construction
TRIAD Foundation
Modern Kitchens
Uniformed Services University
National Tractor Trailer School
Vellas Market
New York Spine and Wellness Center
Voss Signs, LLC
Noll Custom Metal, Inc.
Warne/McKenna Advertiisng
Northeast Natural Homes
Weichert Real Estate
Clear Path For Veterans
Old Oaks Golf Club
Whitney Construction
Salt Springs Road, Chittenango, NY 13037
Onondaga Cty. Dept. of Mental Health
Womens Fund of CNY
(315) 687-3300
Woodcrest Golf Club
- Joseph Dwyer
Our Cause