test de alcohol, drogas y control de velocidad
test de alcohol, drogas y control de velocidad
CONTROL DE VELOCIDAD CONTROL DE ALCOHOL CONTROL DE DROGAS DETECTOR DE METALES SISTEMAS TERMALES DE VIGILANCIA ALCO-SENSOR ® V Int o x i m e t e r s I n c . CARACTERISTICAS TECNICAS EL INSTRUMENTO El nuevo y moderno equipo Alco-Sensor V es un peque€o equipo de mano manejado por microprocesador de •ltima generacion. El instrumento provee de un metodo simple y exacto para la determinaci‚n de la concentracion de alcohol. Adicionalmente permite realizar analisis rapidos de screening disminuyendo en un 99% el consumo de boquillas. El test pasivo permite realizar analisis en sujetos que no presten colaboracion para realizar la prueba, test en cadaveres y sustancias liquidas. El Alco-Sensor V esta disponibles en 3 configuraciones: 1.- Solo el equipo (sin entrada de datos) con y sin impresora para registrar los test realizados. En esta configuracion el instrumento puede descargar periodicamente lso datos a una impresora o a un computador para analisis estadistico. El resultado impreso incluye un espacion para que el fizcalizador y el sujeto puedan escribir sus datos. 2.- Con perifericos conectados el equipo. En esta configuracion, el Alco-Sensor V a traves de un protocolo y al momento de realizar el test el equipo le dara prioridad al envio de los datos al periferico que este conectado. Dependiendo de lo que este conectado (teclado, lector magnetico, lector de codigo de barras u otro compatible) la informcion puede ser ingresada manualmente. En esta configuracion, mientras un test se esta imprimiendo tambien se almacenara el dato para ser descargado en un computador. Esto permite que una serie de instrumentos se puedan conectar a una estacion de trabajo. 3.- Interface con un computador con un software que recoge los datos del operador y del sujeto. En esta configuracion el software maneja al Alco-Sensor V para llevar a cabo la garbacion de los datos del instrumento. Esta configuracion ofrece el poder de pro cesamiento del pc y la presicion del equipo Alco-Sensor V, esta configuracion ofrece una amplia gama de entrada de datos y los dispositivos de salida que se han desarrollado para el pc. Mientras Intoximeters ofrece un programa para la interfaz del pc con el Alco-Sensor V, Intoximeters ha dise€ado el instrumento de manera que es posible que un tercer proveedor pueda desarrollar otras soluciones. CARACTERISTICAS UNICAS El Alco-Sensor V fue dise€ado pensado en la seguridad del operador. Forma: El Alco-Sensor V y su dise€o simetrico permite al operador controlar desde una posicion segura teniendo control absoluto de la operacion. Puede realizar una prueba con una sola mano y con la otra disponer de su arma o elemento de defensa ante cualquier situacion. Dise€ado para una facil operacion y bajo cualquier condicion de luz: El operador puede insertar la boquilla cuando hay poca luz debido a que la base del equipo se encuentra iluminada. Su pantalla iluminada y frontal permite ver los resultados de manera muy comoda. En la pantalla se encuentra iluminada para que el resultado sea de facil interpretacion. ANALISIS SENSOR Esta celda de combustion electroquimica responde de manera proporcional a la concentracion de aire con alcohol encontrada. EXACTITUD Y PRESICION El Alco-Sensor V cumple y supera las exigencias de la NHTSA de los Estados Unidos para los dispositivos de alcoholemia que realizan sus mediciones a traves del aliento para ser usados en la fiscalizacion de los conductores. ESPECIFICIDAD La celda de combustion electroquimica solo responde especificamente a alcohol. No responde a otras sustancias del cuerpo humano. RANGO DE LA CELDA El Alco-Sensor V detecta con exactitud los niveles a alcohol desde 0.00 a 5.00 gramos de alcohol por litro de sangre. TEMPERATURA DE OPERACION El Alco-Sensor V opera en ragos que van desde 0€C a 50€C CERTIFICACION DE EMSIONES CE El Alco-Sensor V esta dise•ado bajo la norma EMC de emisiones y requerimientos de inmunidad. CALIBRACION El Alco-Sensor V es un equipo que por sus caracteristicas y dise•o necesitan solo de una comprobacion de calibracion cada un a•o. En el cado de que la comprobacion entregue un resultado distinto usted debera solicitar una calibracion. SITEMA DE TOMA DE MUESTRA ALTERNATIVAS El Alco-Sensor V esta dise•ado para tomar la ultima porcion de aire de la profundidad de los pulmones del sujeto, una muestra pasiva del sujeto, una muestra automatica o a sustancias. Puede tomar de modo directo pruebas evidenciales o de screening ahorrando miles de boquillas al a•o. COLECTOR DE MUESTRA El Alco-Sensor V puede realizar dos tipos de test con el sistema de colector siendo ellas manuales o automaticas utilizando el mismo colector miles de veces. BOQUILLA DESECHABLE El Alco-Sensor V tambien puede realizar dos tipos de test de manera directa manual o automatica con una boquilla desechable especialmente dise•ada para pruebas 100% evidenciales. Cada vez que obtenga un resultado positivo con el colector de muestra usted debe realizar una muestra con boquilla desechable. SITEMA DE TOMA DE MUESTRA BOQUILLA DESECHABLE Utiliza 4 pilas AA, estas alcanzan para mas de 1000 test Tambien puede utilizar pilas recargables PESO / TAMA€O / CONSTRUCCION CARACTERISTICAS FISICAS El analizador pesa solo 453 gramos. Dimensiones 10 X 3.8 X 20 cm MATERIAL Policarbonato ABS de alta resistencia a los impactos MEMORIA / COMUNICACIONES ALMACENAMIENTO DE DATOS Memoria para mas de 5000 test PANTALLA Pantalla de LCD iluminada de alta visibilidad INTERFACE Conexion mediante RS-232 ALMACENAMIENTO DE DATOS Compatible con todos los formatos permitidos por Windows OPCIONALES - Corrector barmetrico para trabajaos en altura - Comunicacion inalambrica - Cd interactivo de entrenamiento INTOXIMETERS INC ALCOSENSOR V EQUIPOS DE CONTROL DE ALCOHOL CON MEMORIA PARA MÁS DE 5.000 REGISTROS CONEXION A LA IMPRESORA POR BLUETOOTH PARA TRANSFERENCIA DE DATOS • 2 Copas para Control Pasivo • 1 Rollo de papel termico • 20 Boquillas • Maletín de alta resistencia • Certificado de calibración Considerable Ahorro en el consumo de boquillas, sistema cualitativo y cuantitativo del sujeto. FABRICACION: EE.UU. TruCamTM Bienvenido al futuro de la fotografía y videos digitales para el control de velocidad El equipo todo en uno más avanzado y compacto: fotografía, video e información, un radar laser con cámara, nunca antes diseñado. El equipo TRUCAM no es un radar común. TRUCAM permite al fiscalizador realizar el control e identificación de forma segura, el video y fotografía son indiscutiblemente la mejor prueba al momento de enfrentar a un conductor desconfiado. Olvídese de los equipos comunes. Tarjeta SD Velocidad y distancia en menos de un segundo TruSpeed ™ Core DBC/TBC (Distancia y tiempo entre autos) Puerto USB 2.0 Gatillo Video clip y captura de imagen Batería y cargador de 7.4V Li-ion Video sobre 35 cuadros por segundo 2048 x1536 (3.1M) cada foto 128 bit encriptado Larga vida de la Batería 7.4V 2600mAH Litio-ion polímero batería recargable (8 a 15 horas de operación) Uso fácil - conexión rápida – memoria 2.7" Pantalla táctil USB 2.0 Software disponible en distintos lenguajes Sistema operativo en Linux Memoria SD Lente de Cámara de 75mm Pantalla LCD y Pantalla Táctil de 2.7” QVGA. Puerto Serial (RS-232) Opcional - Sincronización del flash en la noche - Alimentación externa - Serial RS-232 - Disparador remoto - Funciones del Supervisor Botones de función con código de colores: Rojo, Verde, Azul y Amarillo Botón para cancelar Botón de encendido (2 segundos o +) Botón de encendido (10 segundos o + para apagar el Linux *) TruCamTM TruCam También Sobre un Trípode Reproducción de Vídeo y Captura de Imagen en Movimiento Test de drogas en Saliva 1 2 3 El examinado inserta la lengüeta de paño en su boca y la humedece con saliva, coloca su lengua encima y abajo del paño, y repite el movimiento luego de retirar la lengua hacia el fondo de la boca. Coloque la tapa sobre la lengüeta de paño y deje el casete sobre una superficie plana. Espera de 8 minutos para leer el resultado. Líneas rojas de cualquier intensidad frente a los nombres de las drogas, indican un resultado negativo ( ausencia de droga) A la primera mancha rosada que aparezca en la ventana del casette, retire el casette de la boca del examinado. La línea roja frente a “C” (control) será la primera en aparecer, confirmando que el test funciona correctamente. Si no aparece la línea de control, el test es inválido y debe ser desechado. 4 La ventana del tes mostrado en el número 4, corresponde a un ejemplo con 2 resultados negativos ( marihuana y cocaína) y 2 resultados positivos (opiáceas y amfetaminas). ORAL-VIEW Saliva Multi-Drug of Abuse Test One Step Assay Rapid Visual Results For Qualitative In Vitro Diagnostic Use antibody binding sites between the drug in the sample and a drug-protein conjugate immobilized on a porous membrane support. During a test, the oral fluid migrates to the testing area of the membrane by capillary action, mobilizing the colored antibody conjugates. Then the antibody conjugates move along the membrane to the testing area. In the absence of the drug or if the drug concentration is below the cutoff limit in the oral fluid, the colored conjugates attach to the respective drug antigen immobilized in the test line region, forming a burgundy-colored band (T line). When the drug is present in the oral fluid, the drug compete for the limited antibody binding sites. If the drug concentration is at or above the cutoff limit, the drug will saturate all the binding sites of the antibody, preventing the attachment of the colored conjugates to the antigen in the test line area of the membrane. Therefore the colored line will not form. INTENDED USE The ORAL-VIEW Saliva Multi-Drug of Abuse Test is a one-step rapid qualitative immunoassay for screening potential abuse of one or more drugs in human oral fluid at the following concentrations. Abbreviation AMP BZD COC OPI THC Test Amphetamine Benzodiazepines Cocaine Morphine Marijuana/Hashish Cutoff 50 ng/ml 20 ng/ml 20 ng/ml 40 ng/ml 12 ng/ml Detection Time 10 min 72 hours 10 min 72 hours 10 min 24 hours 1 hour 72 hours 1 hour 14 hours The control line (C line) serves as an internal quality control of the system. It should always appear as a burgundy-colored band regardless of the presence of the drug. This test provides only a preliminary result. A more specific alternate chemical method must be used in order to obtain a confirmed analytical result. Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) or High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is the preferred confirmatory method. Clinical consideration and professional judgment should be applied to any drug of abuse test result, particularly when preliminary positive results are obtained. REAGENTS AND MATERIALS SUPPLIED 1 Individually pouched multi-drug of abuse test device with cap 1 Package insert (Instructions for Use) SUMMARY MATERIALS REQUIRED BUT NOT PROVIDED Amphetamine (AMP) Timer External positive and negative controls Amphetamines are central nervous system stimulating drugs. They may induce alertness, wakefulness, increased energy, reduced hunger and overall feeling of well being. Overdose and extended usage of amphetamines may lead to substance abuse, which may cause severe and/or permanent damage to the human nervous system. PRECAUTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Benzodiazepines (BZD) Benzodiazepines, including Alprazolam, Diazepam, Lorazepam, Triazolam, Chlordiazepoxide, Flurazepam and Temazepam are sedative, hypnotic and antianxiety drugs commonly being used as oral tranquilizers. Benzodiazepines have a low potential for physical or psychological dependence. However, as with other central nervous system stimulating drugs, they may induce drowsiness and muscle relaxation. Chronic abuse of benzodiazepines may result in intoxication, similar to drunken behavior. Overdose and extended usage of benzodiazepines may lead to coma and possibly death. The members of the Benzodiazepine family are absorbed at different rates and their effects may vary with the absorption rate. The instructions must be followed exactly to obtain accurate results. Do not open the sealed pouch, unless ready to conduct the assay. Do not use expired devices. Do not moisten nitrocellulose membrane with samples. Dispose of used device according to federal, state and local regulations. STORAGE AND STABILITY Store the product in the sealed pouch at room temperature 15-30 C (59 86°F). Each device may be used until the expiration date printed on the label if it remains sealed in its foil pouch. Do not freeze and / or expose this kit to temperatures over 30 C (86°F). SPECIMEN COLLECTION AND TESTING Cocaine (COC) Cocaine is a nervous system stimulant that can be addictive. Physical effects of cocaine use include constricted peripheral blood vessels, dilated pupils, and increased body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. Some cocaine users report feelings of restlessness, irritability, and anxiety, both while using and between periods of use. High doses of cocaine and/or prolonged use can trigger paranoia. Smoking crack cocaine can produce particularly aggressive paranoid behavior in users (long-term effects). Prolonged cocaine snorting can result in ulceration of the mucous membrane of the nose and can damage the nasal septum enough to cause it to collapse. Cocaine-related deaths are often a result of cardiac arrest or seizures followed by respiratory arrest. Do not freeze and/or expose the kit 30°C to temperatures over 30 C (86°F). 1. 2. 3. Morphine (OPI) 15°C Remove the test device from the sealed pouch and use it as soon as possible. Insert the collection pad end of the cassette into the subjects mouth holding the result window end of the cassette down. Instruct the subject to move the collection pad from top to bottom of the tongue and back again filling the collection pad with saliva. Do not pull on or chew the collection pad. When migration of saliva or any pink/burgundy color appears in the test window, remove the cassette from the subject’s mouth immediately and cover the collection pad end with the cap. Lay the device flat. Total time from the start of the test to the appearance of the C line depends on the saliva production and the viscosity of the saliva of the individual. Read results 5 to 7 minutes after the C line appears. Morphine is a popular marketed drug (Serax) for treatment of moderate to severe pain. It is also a common metabolite of opiates [morphine, codeine (methyl-morphine), and heroin (semi-synthetic derivatives of morphine)]. The opiates are administered by smoking, intravenous injection, intramuscular injection or oral ingestion. Adverse or toxic effects of opiates usage include pupillary constriction, constipation, urinary retention, nausea, vomiting, hypothermia, drowsiness, dizziness, apathy, confusion, respiratory depression, hypotension, cold and clammy skin, coma, and pulmonary edema. Death may occur following an over-dosage. 4. Marijuana (THC) IMPORTANT: Do not read test results after seven (7) minutes following appearance of C line. The T Line should always be interpreted independently of the C Line. Do not compare color intensity of one test line to another. 5. INTERPRETATION OF RESULTS Tetrahydrocannabinols (THC, -9-THC) are the most active of the principle constituents, as well as the major metabolites, of cannabinoids such as marijuana and hashish. Cannabinoids have been used as central nervous system depressants. Overdose and extended usage of cannabinoids may lead to substance abuse, which may cause severe and/or permanent damage to the human nervous system. PRINCIPLE OF THE PROCEDURE The ORAL-VIEW Saliva Multi-Drug of Abuse Test is a one-step lateral flow chromatographic immunoassay based on the principle of competition for limited 33-4210 REV A 090808 C T C T Page 1 C T (+ ) (-) PRELIMINARY POSITIVE NEGATIVE C T INVALID ORAL-VIEW Saliva Multi-Drug of Abuse Test Preliminary Positive: COC If a colored line appears in the control line region (C), but there is no line in the test line region (T), the test indicates a positive result for that drug. Note: Samples with preliminary positive results should be confirmed with a more specific method before a positive determination is made. Negative (<50%) 50%-- cutoff Cutoff-150% Positive (>150%) Total HPLC/MS (ng/ml) Negative: OPI A colored line in the control line region (C) and another line in the test line region (T) indicate the corresponding drug is not present or the drug concentration in the oral fluid specimen is below the designated cut-off level for that specific drug. Note: A very faint T line should be considered negative. HPLC/MS (ng/ml) Invalid: Negative (<50%) 50%-- cutoff Cutoff-150% Positive (>150%) Total THC If no C line develops, the test is invalid. Insufficient specimen volume or incorrect procedural techniques are the most likely reasons for control line failure. Review the procedure and repeat the test using a new test device. If the problem persists, stop the test and contact your distributor. HPLC/MS (ng/ml) QUALITY CONTROL Negative (<50%) 50%-- cutoff Cutoff-150% Positive (>150%) Total Cutoff: 20ng/ml Positive Negative 0 30 0 10 8 2* 40 0 48 42 Cutoff: 40ng/ml Positive Negative 0 30 0 10 10 0 40 0 50 40 Cutoff: 12 ng/ml Positive Negative 0 30 0 10 8 2* 40 0 48 42 Total 30 10 10 40 90 Total 30 10 10 40 90 Total 30 10 10 40 90 Agreement 100% 100% 80% 100% 97.7% Agreement 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Agreement 100% 100% 80% 100% 97.7% * indicates discrepancy. Built-in Control Features: This test contains a built-in control feature, the C line. The presence of the C line indicates that an adequate sample volume was used and that the reagents migrated properly. If a C line does not form, the test is considered invalid. In this case, review the whole procedure and repeat the testing with a new device. Reproducibility: Reproducibility of each test was determined by replicate assays of three product development lots with four levels of samples: negative, 50% cutoff, 150% cutoff, positive. A total of two hundred and sixteen devices were tested for three consecutive days, six replicates per day. The results indicate over 97% agreement with the replicates within each lot and for inter-lot variation. External Quality Control: It is recommended that positive and negative controls be tested as a good laboratory practice to confirm the test procedure and to verify proper test performance. Users should always follow the appropriate federal, state, and local guidelines concerning the running of external quality controls. Cross Reactivity: The cross reactivity of the test was evaluated by spiking drug free samples with structurally related compounds. Compounds producing positive response are listed below: LIMITATIONS Drugs AMP This kit is for professional in vitro diagnostic use only. Results obtained by this device provide only a preliminary qualitative analytical test result. A more specific chemical method must be used in order to obtain a confirmed analytical result. This product is designed for testing human oral fluid only. A negative result may not necessarily indicate a drug-free specimen. Drug may be present in the specimen below the cut-off level of the test. BZD EXPECTED VALUES This test is capable of detecting the specific drug and/or drug metabolite in human oral fluid at or above its specific cutoff concentration indicated in the intended use section on page 1. COC PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS OPI Accuracy A comparison study was performed at an Academy of Science. Ninety (90) samples were blind labeled and tested for each analyte (drug or drug metabolite). Each sample was tested with the multi-drug of abuse saliva device and compared to HPLC/MS results. The test results are grouped into: below 50% cutoff (Negative), between 50% cutoff and cutoff, between cutoff and 150% cutoff and above 150% cutoff (Positive). Seven (7) discrepancies were observed at the level between cutoff and 150% cutoff. THC Related compounds d-Amphetamine d-l-Amphetamine p-hydroxymethamphetamine L-methamphetamine 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) Diazepam Oxazepam Nitrazepam Flurazepam Clobazam Bromazepam Alprazolam Lormetazepam Cocaine Benzoylecgonine hydrate Codeine Morphine 3- -D-glucuronide Hydromorphine Oxycodone hydrocodon Diacetylmorphine (Heroin) (-)-11-nor-9-Carboxy-delta-9-THC 11-hydroxy-D-9-THC 11-nor-D-8-THC-9-COOH Concentration (ng/ml) 50 100 20,000 50,000 100 20 20 20 5,000 30 20 20 20 20 30 40 100 180 3,000 100 100 12 300 12 Interference: Overall, this device agrees with the results from the selected analytical method at more than 95% for each analyte. The test results are tabulated as follows: AMP HPLC/MS (ng/ml) Negative (<50%) 50%-- cutoff Cutoff-150% Positive (>150%) Total BZD HPLC/MS (ng/ml) Negative (<50%) 50%-- cutoff Cutoff-150% Positive (>150%) Total 33-4210 REV A 090808 Cutoff: 50ng/ml Positive Negative 0 30 0 10 8 2* 40 0 48 42 Cutoff: 20ng/ml Positive Negative 0 30 0 10 9 1* 40 0 49 41 Total 30 10 10 40 90 Total 30 10 10 40 90 Each of the following commonly used analytes was evaluated in both drug free saliva pools and pools spiked with the cutoff level of each analyte. The tables below list the concentrations at which the common substances and analytes do not interfere with the test results: Agreement Substances Acetaminophen Acetylsalicylic acid Amitriptylin Amobarbital Ampicillin Aspirine Benzoic acid Buprenorphine Butabarbital Butabital Caffeine Cortisone 100% 100% 80% 100% 97.7% Agreement 100% 100% 90% 100% 98.8% Page 2 Concentration 100 g/ml 100 g/ml 100 g/ml 100 g/ml 100 g/ml 100 g/ml 100 g/ml 100 g/ml 100 g/ml 100 g/ml 100 g/ml 100 g/ml Substances Isoxsuprine MBDB MDEA MDMA Meperidine Methadone Methadol Methanol Penicillin-G Phenothiazine Salicylic acid EDDP Concentration 100 g/ml 100 g/ml 10 g/ml 1 g/ml 1 g/ml 1000 g/ml 100 g/ml 100 g/ml 100 g/ml 100 g/ml 100 g/ml 100 g/ml ORAL-VIEW Substances Ethanol Hydroxy butyric acid Concentration 100 g/ml 1000 g/ml Imipramine 1 g/ml Biological Analytes Albumin Bilirubin Creatine Glucose Concentration 2,000 g/ml 100 g/ml 100 g/ml 200 g/ml Saliva Multi-Drug of Abuse Test Substances Gentisic Acid Ecgonine Methyl Easter Concentration 100 g/ml 10 g/ml Biological Analytes Hemoglobin Uric acid Vitamin C (L-Ascorbic acid) Concentration 100 g/ml 100 g/ml 100 g/ml REFERENCES A. Jenkins, B. Goldberger, On-Site Drug Testing, Humana Press, 2002 Baselt, R.C. Disposition of Toxic Drugs and Chemicals in Man, 4th ED., Biomedical Publ., Davis, CA; p713-715, 1995. Department of Health and Human Services, Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs, Fed. Register. (69): 11970 (1988). Wilson, John, Abused Drugs II, a Laboratory Pocket Guide., AACC Press. Washington, DC; 1994. Gilman AG, Rall TW, Nies AS, Taylor P eds., Goodman and Gilmans the Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics, 8th ed., New York, Pergamon Press, 1990. Temperature limitation Use by YYYY-MM Batch/Lot code In vitro diagnostic medical device Manufacturer Catalog number Contains sufficient for < n > tests Consult instructions for use For IVD performance evaluation only Do not reuse Caution, consult accompanying documents CE Mark EC REP ALFA SCIENTIFIC DESIGNS INC. POWAY, CA 92064 – USA MADE IN USA REF 4210 33-4210 REV A 090808 Obelis s.a Avenue de Tervueren, 34, Bte 44 B-1040 Brussels Tel.: +32.2.732.59.54 Fax: +32.2.732.60.03 Email: [email protected] Page 3