Holocaust Fake Pics - Exposed!


Holocaust Fake Pics - Exposed!
Holocaust Fake Pics - Exposed!
-By Roadtorevolution
Lies being taught;
There are several photographs showing holocaust of Jews.
The Truth;
The photographs are fakes. Here some samples.
The top Jewish artwork shows flame and smoke belching from the crematoria as victims line
up for their turn to die — it just so happens this a giant lie since crematorias are never, ever
designed for flames to go up the chimney. The overly-imaginative Jews (liars) always
describe these flames in lurid deluding detail like Steven Spielberg did in “Schindler’s List.”
Bottom photo shows the smoke-less crematoria in the background (all existing photos are
like this). Note the “doomed” Jews smiling and waving for the camera.
They didn’t just do this kind of thing for war-time propaganda or for the Nuremberg War
Trials, either. The photo on the right was found up on the Simon Weisenthal Center website
in 1999. To get American sympathies stoked-up (which is the point), they’ve explained that
the smoke in the background is coming from the crematoria at Auschwitz – all the parents
and family of the Jews in the foreground going up. But someone located the original on the
left, clearly showing a later-day air-brushing job (poorly done, too). So busted!
The ridiculous bashed-in holes where Zyklon-B is said to have been poured in on the victim
Jews below. The aerial shot on the left shows the supposed location of the so-called entry
ports. The photo on the right is from where the marks were made on the aerial shots. They
look like they were purposefully bashed-in with a sledgehammer into the remnants of the
crematoria (the last one was conveniently blown-up by the Soviets soon after the war). Note
the steel rebar curled back in. Question: Do you really think the efficient Germans would
have allowed such construction crudity?
This supposed secret shot with a “smuggled camera” is said to show body burning at
Auschwitz, because the numbers of claimed gassing dead were so impossible for the
crematoria (actually used for the day-to-day dead of a 100,000 camp).
It’s really a combination print of at least three photos: One, the window where a Jew Kapo
snapped the shot “secretly” and two, a newspaper negative stolen from a 1912 train wreck
in Dresden, Ohio, showing rescue people, along with a few real dead victims of the accident.
Three, added figures and bodies were spliced in for effect (with obvious retouching — see
the crude “spaghetti woman”). The final montage print itself was then re-shot on a copy
stand to aid in the fakery.
So where’s the naked Jew guy? Famous holocaust shot was accidentally published in New
York Times without starving naked Jew. So how did that happen? Close examination of the
accepted version shows subtle light flashing from darkroom double printing, where
someone dropped in the naked Jew to aid in the “shock value.”
Now do you see why the Jews, internationally, work so hard to prohibit any forensic and
historical research into the Holocaust?
The Holocaust™ has been very, very good for the Jews and they know it. That’s why they
seek to protect the whole gig — truth be damned.
Here’s a shot where they used to say was taken of Jews on the way to death in the gas
chamber, but was later proven to be German refugees in 1946!
1) The big, bad Nazi on the right is obviously pasted in, the lighting is from two directions
and the focal point is off. 2) If you knew anything about rifle ballistics would you be this close
to a wall? 3) This has to be a still from a Soviet propaganda film later pawned off as
holocaust proof. The building in the background has a big star on it — probably the red
Soviet star. Also, the big, clean Stars of David on the Jew work crew is obvious overkill. Since
all the holocaust business occurred in the soon-to-be Soviet territory, what we are really
seeing is the continuous recycling of faked Soviet propaganda by Western Zionist Jews.
German soldiers, who just happen to be sporting WW I era helmets, round up some welldressed Jews. On the right, civilians can be seen having a big guffaw with a German
paratrooper — maybe he landed in their garden dung-heap!
Now that’s some big, damned Jews! These hung Jews would have had to have been 8 foot
tall (hung apparently without rope). And they called Jews “Untermenschen”? Maybe they
were the “Goyem” for a local Rabbi? You little midget Nazis were something else!
Fun with dead bodies. Let’s take photo A and merge it with photo B – viola! Holocaust
Propaganda with a capital “P”! Or is it “H”? And the skinny, emaciated Jews, alive or dead?
There is much to blame on the insane allied bombing campaigns that totally destroyed
Germany. In fact, after the war 5 million Germans starved to death (only recently admitted
to) – far more than any Jews in concentration camps (but the Germans had it coming,
1) You can see the background behind the “victim” being blended-in crudely with a real-life
airbrush – not the tool in modern-day PhotoShop. Look around his head.
2) He didn’t do a good job with the boot, as you can see the cut-line.
3) Check out the smiling, totally evil Nazi — you go, Fritzie!
Another hard day at the office for the 'Evil' Nazi Man! How so many people are still able to
believe so many of the blatantly fake photos being pawned-off as proof is beyond me?
People just don’t hang with their legs like this (finally admitted in 1996 to be a East German
communist fraud created in 1958).
To make matters even worse however, this particular photo was just recently published as
being real (more evil Nazi brainwashing), in a National Geographic documentary on
crucifixions shown to American guy during the 2014 Easter holidays.
Photo 2a has been repeatedly presented as proof of inhumane deportations of Jews into
ghettos and extermination camps, and has also been broadcast as such on German
television. The photo archives of the Federal Railway Administration in Hamburg, however,
reveal what this picture really shows.
It is a freight train crowded with German refugees bound for the Ruhr region, standing in the
Hamburg train station in 1946. The untouched original photo, illustration 2b, hangs in the
Hamburg Main Station. This photo shows, on the left, double decker passenger carriages on
their way to Lübeck, and on the right, parts of the Main Station buildings. Both of these
elements would have allowed for the photo location to be identified as the Hamburg Main
Station, and both these elements were retouched or cut out from original to make up the
doctored version.
See how the two pics been combined above into fake one to show Nazi cruelty towards
1997: The Wehrmacht exposition shows this extract with the caption: ‘Jews being executed’,
as proof in the section of the exposition entitled ‘Wehrmacht and Holocaust.
(Note: in the original photograph, the man to the left of the man covering his genitals is very
clearly wearing a bathing suit, as is the man with his back to the camera at the left. This has
all been blacked out, apparently with a paint brush, in the extract shown in the exposition.
(279) The US weekly magazine Life (21/05/1945, page 36), comments: ‘The bodies of almost
3,000 slave laborers being buried by US soldiers. These dead worked in underground
factories in the manufacture of V1 and V2 rockets.
In actual fact, these dead were the victims of the US terror attack on Nordhausen on 4 April
1945. Although the war was almost over, German cities continued to be bombed. Thus, the
city of Nordhausen was bombed and almost totally destroyed on 4 April (2 days before the
evacuation of the camp to Bergen-Belsen), also destroying the Boelke barracks in which the
inmates were being housed. (From the series of publications from the Vierteljahreshefte für
Zeitgeschichte, number 21, Stuttgart page 194, Prof. Martin Broszat).
(280) (281) Photos from the National Archives of the October Revolution and the National
Photographic and Film Archives in Krasnogorsk. The photos are supposed to have been
found on German soldiers and are said to illustrate the mass execution of Russians.
However The Fact;
‘The staff of the Supreme Commander hereby issues the following order:
All settlements in which German troops are located are to be destroyed and burnt to a
depth of 40 – 60 kilometers from the main front line and 20 – 30 kilometers to the right and
the left of all roads. The destruction of the settlements to the above indicated radius is to be
carried out by the air force and artillery using grenade launchers, over large surface areas, as
well as by political education squads, ski troops and partisan divisions, equipped with bottles
of inflammable liquids.
(282) Same origin as in photos 280 and 281. The commentary of the Dutch weekly Vim
Nederlands (29/06/1991) reads: ‘The crematoria of Majdanek camp. Zyklon B containers lie
around nearby.’ In reality, these containers are funereal urns for the ashes of cremated
Hungarian Jews are gently forcing an elderly woman towards the entrance to Krema V,
where they will all be gassed and cremated together.
None of them is wearing a camp uniform; it could have been photographed in a public park
for all we know. Perhaps she is ill; perhaps she has just received news of the death of a loved
one; or, more likely, perhaps she has just been caught stealing, picking pockets, or swindling
on the black market.
Fun Facts