Pototan Campus Annual Procurement Plan 2016
Pototan Campus Annual Procurement Plan 2016
(WEST VISAYAS STATE UNIV. - POTOTAN CAMPUS) Annual Procur€mont Plan for FY 2015 ( FUND Coda Procurement Program/Projecl Mode of Procurem€nt (PAP} Schedulo tor Each Procur€mont Actlvity uler ta/REl 1. Procuremsnt ot Various Otflco Supplle! Public Bidding atlirr, NsTP/RoTc, soE, OlTroa of Adml$rona lnd .^ 4L lubiop.n ol 3ld. \/4/16 Contract Slgnlng 16 4/i)/16 Soufce of Funds F 164 164) page nanaltl Ertimated Budget (PhP) Total MooE 464 645 00 464 645 00 464 645 00 464,645 0o I 1 {bri.f d.!crlpdon ot ProgramrProl.cu CO R.corcb Phnning, Ratelrch & E)danlion SaMcaa, Athlalic & Spoft! Unii Socio€ultuEl unit, Guidrncc Servicrl 1LD6ry SaMcaa, M€dicrl/Dental, OSA Rdourc€ Gcnontion Unit Aaa€$m€nt C€ntar Finlnc€ Oficc SqC Olioe, Ca!hie/3 Olic€ AdminBtrlti\o Oillca & Racord! Olica, Cftlce of the Campus Adminl.kdor Phylicll Plant Offco, SGcunly Mgt Unrt, Supply M€t Ofice SUB.TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD OEFINITION performance basic support 1. PROGRAM (BESFI'- A homogeneous group of activities necessary for the of a major purpose for which a government agency is established, for the mainle;ance ol the agency's aJminigtrative operations or for the provisions of staff to the agency'6 administrative operations or tor the provisions of staff support to the 2. PROJECT (BESFI- Special agency undertakings which are to be carried out within a definite time frame and which are intended to result in some oredetetmined measure of goods and services. Rem.rk Proeram. .nd Foject! lhould bs .llign€d with budgct docum€ntr, .nd e'pecirllv thoG pott€d at th€ Phllc€p!' 3. PMO/End U!€r - Unit as proponent of program or proJect 4. Moda of Procurem€nt - Competitive Bidding and Alternative Methods including: selective bidding, direct contrac'ting, repeat order, shopping, and negotiated procurement. 5. Schodule for Each Procurement Acllvity - Ma.ior procurement activities (advertising/posting; submission and receipUOpening of bids; award of contract; contract signing). 0. Sourc€ ot Funds - Whether GoP, Foreign Assisted or Special Purpose Fund 7. Estlmatod Budget - Agency approved 6timate of project/program 8. Remarks - brief description of program or project costs Bre.kdortn into moo€ and co tor tracking purpose!; alligned with budget documeria Any remark that will help GPPB track program! and proiects (WEST VISAYAS STATE UNIV. - POTOTAN CAMPUSI Annual Procur€ment Plan for FY 2016 ( FUND Coda Procurement Program/Project Schedule for Each Pro€urGmont Activity Mod€ ot Procurement (PAP) lJaer IB/REI SU&TOIAL BROUGHT FORWARD 2. Procur€m€nl ol Other Supplio & Ma!6ri9l! Acad€mlc Aftain, Olllc€ ol the Ocan of Ind.uction, SBM, Public Bidding conllrct tuh/Op.n ot gldr 4/ i/ 16 Source of Fundt Slgnlng '11+/ 16 F 164 164) E.tinated Budget lotal 4€4 645 00 964,837 00 page 2 Ranrrrl. (PhP) MOOE (brl.l d.tcdpton or Proer.n/Prol.ctl CO 464,645 00 964,837 00 20't6 soE. solr, srcr, Oltlcc ol Adml$ion. .nd Record!, Plannlng, Rclcarch & E)den.ion S€rvics., Athl€tic a Spon! Unil, Guidance Sorvicc!,Libnry SeMc.!, M€dicrl/O€nt al, OSA, Retource G€ner.tion Unit, A!|€$msnl Ccntcr, Sch. Pub. Fin.nce Ottice, BAC Otflce, Ca!hic/! Oftic., Record. oftlc!, Oftic4 of the Clmpur AdminiEtr6tor, Sccudty Mgt. Untl, Supply Mgl. Ottice r,429,482.OO SUB.TOTAL CARRIEO FORWARO OEFINITION performance basic support the 1. PROGRAM (AESFF A homogeneous group of ac'tivities necessary for the of a major purpose for which a government agency is established, for the maintenance of the agency's administrative operations or tor the provisiong of statf to the agency's administrative operations or for the provisions of staff support to 2. PROJECT (BESFF Special agency undertakings which are to be carried out within a definite time frame and which are intended to result in some pre{etermined measure of good6 and services. 1,429,482.00 Rom.rkr Pro9r.m! and proj€ctr .hould bc 8lli9n€d with buds't docum€ntt' rnd apcci'llv thore poltcd at the Phllc€pr' 3. PMO/End U3€r - Unit as proponent of program or project 4. Mode of Procur€m€nt - Competitive Bidding and Alternative Methods including: selec'tive bidding, direct contracting, repeat order, shopping, and negotiated procurement. 5. Schodule tor Each Procur€m€nt Actlvlty - Major procurement activities (advertising/postingl submission and receipvopening ol bids, award of contracti contract signing). 6. Source ot Funds - Whether GoP, Foreign Assisted or Special Purpose Fund 7. E3tlmated Eudget - Agency approved estimate of projecvprogram 8. Remarks - brief description of program or project costs Br€akdo\,vn ir{o moo€ and co tor kacking purpoles; allilned with budoet document! Any remark that will help GPPB track programs and prdect6 (WEST VISAYAS STATE UNIV. - POTOTAN CAMPUS) Annual Procurem€nt Plan Procurement Progaam/Projcct Cod€ Mod€ of Procurement (PAPI Schedule for Each Procurcment Activity lJaer E0b/Op.n ot gldt t8/REl IUS.TOTAL BROUOHT FORWARO 3. Procurement of Te(book E ln!tructlonal Material! t SICT, R€.c.rch Ext€nlion Servlce., Socio€lltural Unll SOIT, Sociocutufrl 4. Procurement ol Dental/Medical Labor.tory Supplie. Unlt, Hr.d, Medlcal/E Lab. Suppllcr 5 Cashreis Ollice Procufement ofFuel Oil& Lubicanl8 Alt€matlvo Mod€ ol Procur€m€nt in Alt€rn.tive Modo ot To be ur 7. Procwement of Security Servicea Public Bidding Atternative Mode of o ouartel Sou,cc o, Fund. R.n.rta (!d.l d..cdption ol Pro! nnvProj.ctl Estimat€d Budget (PhP) Tot.l MOOE 1,42',,'|.6 1A2a,agL@ F 164 152,000.00 1s2,000 o0 F 164 166 183 00 166,183 00 F 164 10 000 00 10 000 00 F 164 60 000 00 50 000 00 F 164 600,000 00 600 000 00 F 164 300 000 00 :f te Procut€mcnt Prccurement Planning Oftice .r't' Altem.tlv€ Mode of 6. Procur€m€nt ot Accountable toam3 caslr€13 otice 8. Construction ol Perimeter Fence : Ur Alternative Mode ot Procurem€nt Contract Slg|tlng page 3 for FY 2016 ( FUND 164) n ouatte v ouarte ur Procurement SUB-TOTAL CARRIED FORWARD 2,7 t7 ,665 .OO DEFINITION performance basic support the 1. PROGMM (BESFF A homogeneous group of activities necessary for the of a major purpose lor which a government agency i6 €tabli8hed, for the maintenance ol the agency's administrative operations or for the provisions of staff to the agency's administrative operations or for the provisions ol staff support to 2. PROJECT (BESFF Special agency undertakings which are to be caried out within a definite time frame and which are intended to result in some pre{etermined measure of goods and services. 300 000 00 2,477,665.OO 300,000.00 R.mrrk! Prosr.m. .nd proicct! rhoutd be alllgn€d wlih bud!€t docum€ntt, Qpcciallv tho'€ p@t€d th€'nd Philc€p! 't 3. PMO/End User - Unit as proponent of program or projec{ 4. Mode ot Procur€ment - Competitive Bidding and Alternative Methods including: selective bidding, direct contracting, rep€at order, shopping, and negotiated procurement. 5. Sch€dule for Each Procurem€nt Actlvity - Major procurement activities (advertising/posting; submission and receipVOp€ning of bids; award of contract; contract signing). 6. Sourc€ of Fund! - Whether GoP, Foreign Assisted or Special Purpose Fund 7. Estlmated Budget - Agency approved estimate of projecvprogram 8. Remarks - brief description of program or pro.iect costs ar€akdown ir{o mooe and co tor trackint purpole.; alligned with budget document8 Any remark that will help GPPB track pro€ram8 and projects page 4 (WEST VISAYAS STATE UNIV. - POTOTAN CAMPUS) Annual Procurement Plan for FY 20'16 ( FUND 164) Code Procuremenl Program/Project Sch€dul6 to. Each Procurcrnent Activity Mode of Procur€ment (PAPI UAGI ta/REl tub/Opan ot Bldr contracl Source of Fundr Totsl Procurement of Office Eouioment 10. Procurem€nt ol M€dlcd Equlpmcr{ 11. Procurement ol Military, Police/Security Equipment 2,717,L5.00 Phnnrng Ofiic€, OSA Alternative Mode of Procurement Altern.tive Mode of Medical/Dental Unit Procurement Security ManaC€ment Altemallv€ Mod€ ot Pr@urement Unit .t I (bri.fddcrlpton M@E CO 2,417,4€3.00 300,m0.00 Slgnlng SUA.TOTAL SROUOHT FORWARD L Ranan(. or FrograrvProj.dl Ertlmat€d Budget (PhP) ua :o be ur rte F 164 43 810 00 43 810 00 F 164 49 200 00 49 200 00 F 164 32.000 00 32 000 00 123,000 00 907,270 00 123 000 00 907 270 00 500 000 00 500,000 00 1.. Sch. Of lnd Tech. 12 Procurerfiont of o|har Mrchinaria & Altcrn.tlvc Mod. of Eq!ipmeni Procur€mgnt Public Bidding 13. Procurement ol ICT Equipm€nt 14. Procurem€nt of ICT Equipment and Software for the Automation of Ollic. olthc O.!n ol Indruction, SBM SOE, SOIT, SICT R..each E)(t€nllon, Sporb Unil, Socrccultur.l Unlt, ]. F 164 t la la 9/.to-t?/ F 164 Otllce ol Adml$lonr Alt€mrtiv€ Mode ol and Recorda Procurement 'u Record6 rre F 164 SUA.TOTAL CARR]ED FORWARD 4 DEFINITION performance basic support the PROGRAM (BESFF A homogeneous group of activities necessary for the of a major purpGe for which a government agency is e3tabli6hed, for the mainte;ance ot the agency'6 administrative operations or tor the provisions of staft to the agency's administrative operations or forthe provisions of statf support to 2. PROJECT {BESFF Special agency undertakings which are to be carried out within a definite time frame and which are intended to result in some ore{etermined measure ol goods and seNic$. '1. ,37 2,945 .OO 2,477,665.OO 1,955,280.00 R€mrrkt Prog.rmr .nd projcctr thould br.lllen€d wlth bud9.t documer !, tnd opcclallv thoc po'ted Phllcrp! 'tthc 3. PMO/End Urer - Unit as proponent of program or project 4. Modo of P?ocurement - Competitive Bidding and Alternative Methods including: selective bidding, direct contracting, repeat order, shopping, and negotiated procurement. 5. Scheduls tof Each Procurement Actlvlty - Major procurement activities (advertising/posting; 6ubmission and receipuopening of bids; award of contract; contract signing). 6. Sourco of Funds - Whether GoP, Foreign Assisted or Special Purpose Fund 7. Eltlmat€d Budget - Agency approved estimate of projecvprogram 8. Remarks - brief description of program or project costs Breakdo$rn into mooe .nd co for tracking purpo.eri alligned with budget document! Any rem.,k lhat will help GPPB track program! and projecl6 (WEST VISAYAS STATE UNIV. -POTOTAN CAMPUS)Annual Procurement Procuremen! Program/Proicct Schedul. for Each Procurem€nt Activit, Mode of Procur€ment (PAP) ua€r Sub/Op.n ot Sldr t3/REl Contracl 3lgnlng Tot.l 4,3t2,946.00 Oftice ofSOE SiCl, Public Bidding PDO R€!€rrch, 6-1: E)dcn8ion Sporto unt, Soc@Cultunl Unit c15 MOOE 2,L7,CC6.OO 5 Banfftr Elllmatod Budg.t (PhP) Souace ol Fundr SUS.TOTAL BROUOHT FORWARO 15. Procurement ol lT Suppliea page PlanforFY 2016 ( FUND 164) (bri.td.rcnp{on olP.otnmrPrq.ctl CO 448 125 AO 1.965.280.00 448,125 00 F 164 100 000 00 100,000 00 F 164 5 000 00 Ouidlnoe, Librury Medicll/Ocntll OSA, A!3 Cenier, Finence, BAC, Clahi€r, Admin , C€mpu3 Adnin , Phy6lcll Planl, Supply '16 Procorement of 8ook8 17. Repair! & Mainlenance - ICT Equipment Library SeMceg F 164 Aftematlve Mode ot Procuremori ro Alt€rnatlv€ Mode of Procuromenl stcT GRANO TOTAL 4,925,O7O.0O 5,000 00 2,422,669.@ 2,503,40s.00 DEFINITION '1. PROGRAM Remalka Program. .nd project. lhould b€ .lli9n6d wlth budod (BESFI- A homogeneous group of activities necessary for the performance of a major purpose for which a government agency is established, for the basic maintenance of the agency's administrative operations or for the provisions of staff support to the agency's administrative operations or for the provisions of statf support to the 2. PROJECT (8ESFF Special agency undertakings which are to be carried out within a definile time frame and which are intended to result in some pre-determined measure of good6 and services. docum€r{!, and etp.cially tho!€ po.t€d at the Philc€p.. 3. PMO/End User - Unit as proponent of program or project 4. Mod€ of Procur€ment - Competitive Bidding and Alternative Methods including: selective bidding, direct contracting, repeat order, shopping, and negotiated procurement. 5. Schedule for Each Procurement Actlvlty - Maior procurement ac'tivities (advertising/posting; submission and receipvopening of bids; award of contracti contract signing). 6. Source of Funds - Whelher GoP, Foreign Assisted or Special Purpose Fund 7. EBtimated Budget - Agency approved estimate of projecvprogram costs Breakdolw1 into mooe and co lor tracking purpo!€!; alligned with budget document. Any r€mark that will help GPPB track program! and projectr 8. q|rmark! - brief description of program or prolect PREPARED BY] CERTIFIED CORRECT: ALLOTIVENT AVAILABLE Ros+fuo c. ADoRABLE MA. JANE BAC/Secretariat Chairman Adm Officdf ll fBudget Office ff{proo NDING APPROVAL E, Ph. D. Campus Administrator APPROVEDT LUIS M. SO LLA, Jr., Ph. D., CSEE SL/C President lV
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