student guide
student guide
Universidad de Navarra University of Navarra Escuela Superior de Ingenieros School of Engineering BASIC INFORMATION HANDBOOK for International Exchange Students 2012-2013 Academic Year TECHNOLOGICAL CAMPUS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NAVARRA Paseo de Manuel Lardizábal 13. 20018 Donostia-San Sebastián. SPAIN Tel.: (34) 943 219 877 Fax: (34) 943 311 442 [email protected] 1 Contents Page WELCOME TO TECNUN ..................................................................................................................... 3 UNIVERSITY OF NAVARRA................................................................................................................ 4 ABOUT TECNUN................................................................................................................................... 4 1. University Administration ......................................................... 5 2. TECNUN facts and figures ......................................................... 5 3. TECNUN’s Mission Statements .................................................... 6 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS SERVICE ........................................................................................ 7 ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2012-2013 ................................................................................................. 8 STUDYING AT TECNUN ................................................................................................................... 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. o o o 10. o o o o Application ......................................................................... 10 Registration ........................................................................ 10 Health Insurance ................................................................... 10 Residence Permit .................................................................. 12 “Orientation Week” and Welcoming Day ...................................... 13 Degrees.............................................................................. 13 Spanish Courses .................................................................... 13 Mentoring ........................................................................... 14 University Services ................................................................ 14 Study Rooms ........................................................................ 14 University Card .................................................................... 15 Other ................................................................................ 15 University activities ............................................................... 15 Student Clubs and Societies ..................................................... 15 Sports ................................................................................ 15 Sport Card .......................................................................... 16 Campus Sports Centre ............................................................ 16 ACCOMMODATION ............................................................................................................................ 17 o o o Residence Halls in San Sebastián ............................................... 17 Pensions in San Sebastián (while you are looking for a room) ............. 18 Private Accommodation .......................................................... 18 SAN SEBASTIAN .................................................................................................................................. 22 o o How to get around San Sebastián ............................................... 23 Interesting web pages ............................................................ 24 HOW TO GET TO TECNUN ............................................................................................................. 25 ATTACHMENTS ................................................................................................................................... 27 Map of Donostia–San Sebastián .................................................................................................. 27 TECNUN Buildings ............................................................................................................................ 28 TECNUN’s Main Building (Ibaeta) .............................................................................................. 29 CIT Building (Ibaeta) ...................................................................................................................... 30 MIRAMÓN Building ............................................................................................................................ 32 TECNUN access hours ..................................................................................................................... 33 Telephone numbers and useful addresses ............................................................................ 34 2 WELCOME TO TECNUN The University of Navarra’s School of Engineering It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to TECNUN San Sebastián. Hopefully this guide will answer some of the important questions you may have and will help you to prepare for your stay and study programme with us. We at the International Relations Service are here to serve you and your needs, so do not hesitate to contact us with any queries you may have. I sincerely hope your stay in San Sebastián and at TECNUN will be exciting, rewarding and enlightening. My team and I hope your time with us will be filled with new friendships and new cultural experiences along with a fruitful and enriching study program. Welcome to the world of TECNUN! Javier Ganuza Canals Director of International Relations Service 3 UNIVERSITY OF NAVARRA The University was founded in 1952 by St Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer. The University of Navarra is a “corporate work” of the apostolate of Opus Dei, a personal prelature of the Catholic Church. The main campus of the University of Navarra is located in Pamplona, the capital of the Foral Community of Navarra. The city is famous for its magnificent parks and gardens and gentle quality of life. San Sebastián plays host to the School of Engineering, TECNUN and the Institute of Secretarial and Administrative Studies, ISSA. It is a spectacular city famed for its amazing food culture, breathtaking beauty and energetic lifestyle—the perfect backdrop for University life! The University of Navarra offers 42 undergraduate degree programs, 35 Master’s programs and 24 PhD Programs in 10 principal Schools, Superior Colleges, the IESE Business School, 2 University Schools, ISSA and other centres and institutions. ABOUT TECNUN The School of Engineering, University of Navarra, aims to contribute to the professional, scientific and human education of all its students. From its inception, the School has strived to strike a balance between teaching, research and service to society; for at its very core lies the belief that all activities compliment each other. The School began academic activities in the spring of 1961, offering a course specialising in the area of Metallurgy. In October of the same year, the academic programme was expanded to include Industrial Engineering. In October 2000, degree courses in Telecommunications were added to the extensive programme of learning offered to students. The university campus at Ibaeta, San Sebastián, includes laboratory buildings (inaugurated in 1967), the main teaching building (finished in 1989), and the multi-purpose facility (built in 1996). Tecnun is currently moving from a 5-year degree to a Bachelor’s / Master’s structure (4+1 years) as per the Bologna Process / European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Research at the School is carried out in collaboration with CEIT, Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Técnicas de Gipuzkoa, a research centre which shares laboratories and a library with the School. In this way, scientific research, which is vital for any university, is supplemented with applied research, as CEIT provides service to industry. 4 1. University Administration • Chancellor of the University of Navarra: Excmo. Sr. D. Javier Echevarría Rodríguez, Prelate Bishop of Opus Dei. • Vice-Chancellor of the University of Navarra: Excmo. Sr. D. Ángel José Gómez Montoro, who presides over the Governing Board. The board is formed by vice-rectors, deans and directors of the various faculties and schools. • The Board of Directors at the School of Engineering of San Sebastián is formed by: · Dean: Dr. Iñigo Puente Urruzmendi · Assistant directors: Dr. Alejo Avello Iturriagagoitia Dr. Joaquín de No Lengaran Dr. Joseba Campos Capelastegui · Director of Development: Dr. Mikel Arcelus Alonso · Undergraduate Tutor: Dra. Paloma Grau Gumbau · Secretary: Dr. Nicolás Serrano Barcena · Assistant Secretary: Dª. Begoña Bengoetxea Kortazar D. José Ramón Arruebarrena Alonso 2. TECNUN facts and figures TECNUN tops the ranking* of private engineering schools in Spain. 46 CLASSES of INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING GRADUATES 7 CLASSES of TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING GRADUATES 3 CLASSES of MASTER'S DEGREE IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING GRADUATES 1,191 UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS 150 STUDENTS IN PhD. PROGRAMMES 180 STUDENTS TAKE PART IN EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES EVERY YEAR 80% OF STUDENTS KNOW A SECOND LANGUAGE 6,019 GRADUATES 437 PhDs 2 CAMPUSES (One specifically for Telecommunications Engineering at Miramón) * Ranking published by the newspaper “El Mundo” on May 2011. 5 TECNUN has been designed to provide ample space for individual study and group meetings: 30 TEACHING LABORATORIES 1,042 COMPUTERS IN 6 COMPUTER LABORATORIES 17 KM OF OPTICAL FIBER 46,739 BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY (regarded as one of the best technical libraries in Spain) 2 STUDY ROOMS TO ACCOMMODATE 437 STUDENTS 12 ROOMS FOR TEAM WORK TECNUN offers a bilingual educational model (Spanish-English) which is thoroughly international, not only because classes and seminars are taught in English, but also because the School is enriched by the presence of students from all over the world. 3. TECNUN’s Mission Statements • To give engineering students a premium education designed to both challenge and steer them towards the clear application of science resulting in concrete technical developments. Furthermore, given that TECNUN is a corporate work of Opus Dei, the education it provides has a wider scope in that it endeavours to create an atmosphere in which students can realise their full human and Christian potential. • To contribute to the progress of technology through study and research. These key areas are a must for the ongoing education of all existing staff on campus and to attract new lecturers and researchers. • To directly promote technical development within society while seeking suitable ways to transfer newly acquired research knowledge to industry. 6 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS SERVICE The International Relations Service is: Mr. JAVIER GANUZA CANALS - Director (Office C-11) [email protected] Ms. ESTIBALIZ OLIVA HERREROS - Administrator (Office D-14) [email protected] To contact the International Relations Service: International Relations Service Universidad de Navarra. Escuela Superior de Ingenieros - TECNUN Paseo de Manuel Lardizábal 13 20.018 San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa) SPAIN Telephone: +34 943 219877 Fax: +34 943 311442 Information: [email protected] Web Page: 7 ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2012-2013 TERM DATES: 3 September 2012 – 29 June 2013 FIRST SEMESTER: • • • • • Welcoming Day for International Students: 31 August 2012. Term: 3 September 2012 — 30 November 2012 (dates inclusive). Exams: 1—22 December 2012 (dates inclusive). Deadline for posting marks: 11 January 2013. Review Period: 15—18 January 2013. SECOND SEMESTER: • • • • • Welcoming Day for International Students: 7 January 2013. Term: 8 January— 30 April 2013 (dates inclusive). Exams: 2 —20 May 2013 (dates inclusive). Deadline for posting marks: 24 May 2013. Review Period: 28 -29 May 2013. EXTRAORDINARY EXAMS: • Exams: 10—29 June 2013 (dates inclusive). • Deadline for posting marks: 8 July 2013. • Review Period: 9-10 July 2013. More info: 8 CALENDAR 2012-2013 SEPTEMBER 2012 L M X J V S D 35 36 37 38 39 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 JANUARY 2013 L M X J V S D 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 1 1 2 2 7 8 9 3 14 15 16 4 21 22 23 5 28 29 30 18 19 20 21 22 6 13 20 27 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 MAY 2013 L M X J V S D 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 2 9 16 23 30 4 11 18 25 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 OCTOBER 2012 L M X J V S D 40 41 42 43 44 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 44 45 46 47 48 FEBRUARY 2013 L M X J V S D 5 6 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 8 18 19 20 9 25 26 27 22 23 24 25 26 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 24 28 JUNE 2013 L M X J V S D 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 1 2 The School is closed Non-instructional period 3 Holiday 4 5 Courses Exams 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 9 9 10 11 12 13 26 27 28 29 30 31 L NOVEMBER 2012 M X J V S D 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 4 11 18 25 L MARCH 2013 M X J V S D 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 L M 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 7 14 21 28 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 JULY 2013 X J V S D 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 DECEMBER 2012 L M X J V S D 48 49 50 51 52 53 13 14 15 16 17 18 31 32 33 34 35 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 APRIL 2013 L M X J V S D 3 10 17 24 31 1 8 15 22 29 4 11 18 25 AUGUST 2013 L M X J V S D 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 7 14 21 28 7 14 21 28 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 6 13 20 27 6 13 20 27 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 5 12 19 26 1 8 15 22 29 5 12 19 26 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 STUDYING AT TECNUN 1. Application Students on exchange programmes should submit the application form (which can be found on our website or by contacting Estíbaliz Oliva) for admission before the deadlines outlined below: ¾ 1st of May for the 1st semester (Fall semester). ¾ 1st of October for the 2nd semester (Spring semester). The application form should be accompanied by the following ¾ Online application printed and signed by applicant and in addition bearing stamp and signature of the International Office of the home university. ¾ An official transcript of records ¾ A copy of your valid passport/identity card ¾ Passport photo (no scanned photo) ¾ Proof of medical insurance that covers the period of your stay in Spain Please note incomplete application forms will not be accepted by the University. All application forms with the attached relevant documentation should be posted to: Ms. Estíbaliz Oliva International Relations Service Universidad de Navarra. Escuela Superior de Ingenieros - TECNUN Paseo de Manuel Lardizábal 13 20018 San Sebastián (Guipúzcoa) SPAIN 2. Registration Registration requires the following documentation: ¾ Registration Form (This will be sent with your acceptance letter) ¾ 1 Photo 3. Health Insurance It is mandatory for all students (including ERASMUS students) to have health insurance. EU/EEA students: All European Union students must have the European Health Insurance Card upon their arrival in Spain and send a copy with the application form. The insurance card can be obtained through local Social Security offices in the country of origin. 10 NON-EU students: Students coming from outside EU/EEA countries are required to have adequate medical insurance to cover all health care expenses for the duration of their stay, e.g. coverage to include ambulance fees or treatment at hospital following an accident. Documentation (in English) from the health provider outlining policy details must be sent with the application form. In the case of a medical emergency: - For emergencies call: 112. - Nuestra Señora de Aranzazu (HOSPITAL) Address: Ps. Doctor Begiristain 109 Telephone: 943 00 70 00 - A Medical Centre in the main neighbourhoods of San Sebastián. Centre: ALZA Address: Avda. Larratxo s/n Open Hours: 8 - 15 / 13 – 20 Telephone: 943.35.12.37 Centre: GROS Address: Avda. Navarra, 14 Open Hours: 8 - 15 / 13 – 20 Telephone: 943.00.79.09 Centre: AMARA - BERRI Address: Jose Mª Salaverria, 8 Open Hours: 8 - 15 / 13 – 20 Telephone: 943.00.79.00 Centre: INTXAURRONDO Address: P º Zarategui, 92 Open Hours: 8 - 15 / 13 – 20 Telephone: 943.32.10.00 Centre: AMARA-CENTRO Address: C/ Prim, 61 Open Hours: 8 - 15 / 13 – 20 Telephone: 943.00.69.60 Centre: LOYOLA Address: Pº Antzieta, 15 Open Hours: 8 - 15 / Telephone: 943.45.71.69 11 Centre: BIDEBIETA Address: Pº Julio Urkijo s/n Open Hours: 8 - 15 / 13 – 17 Telephone: 943.39.22.94 Centre: ONDARRETA Address: Zumalakarregui, 24 Open Hours: 8 - 15 / 13 – 20 Telephone: 943.00.66.00 Centre: EGIA Address: Tejeria, 2 - 20012 Open Hours: 8 - 15 / 13 – 20 Telephone: 943.00.66.33 Centre: PARTE VIEJA Address: Esterlines, 12 Open Hours: 8 - 15 / 13 – 20 Telephone: 943.43.19.00 4. Residence Permit Upon arrival in Spain EU students can obtain a Student Resident Card. This entitles the cardholder to full student status for the duration of their stay in Spain. All Students arriving from outside the EU must obtain a Student Visa at the Spanish Embassy of their country of origin prior to their arrival in Spain. (Please note: Students must have their visa stamped at immigration upon arrival in Spain. The visa is invalid without the stamp.) Student Resident Cards are obtained through the Police Department (Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 13:00, at C/ José María Salaverría, 19). The following documents are required: - Passport or Identity Card 3 photos Proof of registration at the University of Navarra Proof of accommodation in San Sebastián. Credit card The documents need to be originals. To schedule an appointment, please call: (+34) 943449817. 12 5. “Orientation Week” and Welcoming Day PAMPLONA: Orientation Week is designed to assist you - as a new international student - in settling into university life at the University of Navarra. During Orientation Week you can: Meet other students and staff Receive important information about your programme of study Familiarise yourself with the Campus, including libraries, study halls, the Sports Centre, Computer Centres, the use of our wireless network and online teaching tools (such as ADI), along with other useful information. • • • Info: TECNUN (San Sebastián): On August 31st, 2012 (1st semester) and January 7th, 2012 (2nd semester), TECNUN organises a Welcoming Day for all International Students, giving them an extensive tour of the School and all its facilities. Info: 6. Degrees There are two types of degrees: 5-year Ms Degrees (old scheme): 4-/1-year Bch/Ms Degrees (new scheme): Next academic year 2011-12 Tecnun will be offering the 5th year of the old previous 5-year degrees (old scheme) and the complete 4 years of Bachelor degrees (new scheme). The student can find information about the academic programmes as well as the timetables for the 2012-13 academic year to see if different courses are compatible at: 7. Spanish Courses During your stay in San Sebastián you can use the opportunity to study Spanish and interact with native speakers. Well & Will, a partner Language School of TECNUN, offers the following programmes: 13 - Intensive Spanish courses in August, before TECNUN courses begin. Spanish courses during the semester, on-campus (TECNUN). If you are interested in one or both programmes, please contact the Language School via the details indicated below. WELL & WILL: Information: Calle Karmelo Etxegarai, 5 – 2º San Sebastián Telephone: +34 943 317 999 [email protected] 8. Mentoring Student mentoring at the University of Navarra is defined as a one-to-one relationship between a student and a lecturer. The lecturer provides consistent support, guidance, and concrete help to a student who is in need of a positive role model. Mentoring is a service that seeks to improve the students' academic performance and to facilitate their participation in college life. The lecturer offers career advice, outlining available options and avenues for further education. Mentors help students to plot cultural and personal goals leading to a more personal and efficient form of education. Mentoring is not merely an occasional activity aimed at meeting a specific need at a given point in time. And it is by no means meaningful only when the student has serious academic needs. It is rather the channel for an ongoing relationship between faculty and students, which benefits both. Faculty look after students by means of occasional interviews or through scheduled meetings that take place on a regular basis. Regularity is essential if mentoring is to be of any use. Every student has a right to make use of academic mentoring and to ask for a change of mentor through the Undergraduate Tutor’s secretary, Mrs. Roxana Castro, (e-mail: [email protected]) Additionally, a local student, known as a “Buddy”, can be assigned to an international student to help with their needs in whatever circumstance. To ask for a “buddy”, please send an e-mail to Estíbaliz Oliva ([email protected]) 9. University Services o Study Rooms Timetables: • Monday to Friday: from 8:30 to 14:00 h. and from 15:00 to 20:30 h. • Saturdays: from 9:00 to 13:00 h. 14 o University Card At the beginning of term, students receive a University Card that proves they are registered at the University of Navarra. This card is necessary for many school activities, including entering buildings or borrowing books from the Library. o Other Web-Pages (in Spanish) for you to browse: • IT Service: • Library: • Chaplaincy: 10. University activities SERVICE University Card Library IT Photocopy Service Mentoring Chaplaincy o - HEAD Estíbaliz Oliva Marta de Juana Álvaro Elosegui Roberto Martínez Roxana Castro Juan José de Miguel Email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Student Clubs and Societies Theatre Group “Chismarracos” Literature Club “Namaste” NGOs: “Gala” Choir and Chamber Music Mountaineering Club “Katagorri” Film Club Basque Cultural Club EKT Entrepreneurs Club o Sports You can find information at or by sending an email to [email protected]. 15 o Sport Card The “Kirol txartela” is supplied by the San Sebastián Central Sport Authority. This card allows access to all the public sports facilities within the city. There are 16 public facilities offering a wide variety of sports options throughout the city. More information at (Spanish): &idioma=cas&id=A500158644280 o Campus Sports Centre TECNUN’s sports centre is located in the Multiuso building. It is possible to practice a wide variety of sports including basketball, volleyball and tennis. Students must book the facility in advance. The timetable is: Timetable 09:00-20:00 09:00-14:00 Monday to Friday Saturday Keys can be found at the porter’s office in TECNUN’S main building. Students must provide their own sports equipment (basketballs, soccer balls, racquets etc.) 16 ACCOMMODATION The University of Navarra does not offer student accommodation on campus or in the environs of San Sebastián. The International Relations Service can offer support to students trying to find accommodation for their period of study in San Sebastián. For more information: Ms. Eire Iradi: [email protected] o Residence Halls in San Sebastián Colegio Mayor Ayete ADDRESS POSTAL CODE CITY TELEPHONE WEB EMAIL KIND Residencia El Carmelo Paseo Ayete, 25 20009 San Sebastián 943 21 10 00 [email protected] Masculine Illumbe, 8 20001 San Sebastián 943 45 66 00 Feminine Residencia María Inmaculada (Servicio Domestico) ADDRESS POSTAL CODE CITY TELEPHONE KIND Avda. Ategorrieta, 17 20013 San Sebastián 943 28 50 66 Feminine Residencia Compañía de María Camino Alto de San Bartolomé, 24 20009 San Sebastián 943 46 47 95 Feminine Esclavas del Sagrado Corazón ADDRESS POSTAL CODE CITY TELEPHONE KIND Avda. General Zumalakarregi, 11 20008 San Sebastián 943 21 08 00 Feminine ADDRESS POSTAL CODE CITY TELEPHONE KIND Residencia Oria (Centro de estudio y trabajo) Paseo de Ayete 25 20009 San Sebastián 943 21 24 00 Feminine Residencia Villa Alaidi Pº Heriz, 95 20009 San Sebastián 943 21 08 66 Feminine 17 Ángeles Custodiosos Intxaurrondo 12 20015 San Sebastián 943 21 01 82 Feminine o Pensions in San Sebastián (while you are looking for a room) 1.- Pensión Urkia C/ Urbieta, 12 - 3º izda. Tel: +943-42.44.36 2.- Pensión Easo C/ San Bartolomé, 24 Tel: +943-45.39.12 3.- Pensión Artea C/ San Bartolomé, 33 - 1º izda. Tel: +943-45.51.00 o Private Accommodation The International Relations Service recommends the following web sites for those seeking accommodation: / It may also be worth contacting the local flat share agencies: (1) Aldaba c.b. (Tel: +34 943 453409 / e-mail: [email protected] / Fax: +34 943 453436 / Address: C/ Larramendi, 6 1º dcha., 20006 San Sebastián, Spain) (2) Toc Toc (Tel: +34 943 434140 / e-mail: [email protected] / Fax: +34 943 423834 / Address: C/ Easo, 16 1º, 20006 San Sebastián, Spain). The average cost of a flat is between 900€ and 1000€ per month. So, in a flat with 3 students, the average cost of accommodation per month is around 300€ or 350€. Students must factor the cost of utilities, food, laundry, etc. into their monthly expenses. - Neighbourhoods: Altza: The most densely populated neighbourhood in the city. Of rural origin, it experienced tremendous growth in the 60s due to immigration. - Pros: Affordable housing with ample parks, sports areas, and regular connections to different parts of the city. - Cons: Far from downtown and the University and a rugged terrain. Difficult to find parking and far from the beach. Amara Berri: Main residential area of the city, built during an expansion in the 60s. The city’s central bus station is here. In the south end of this district is Anoeta Sports. - Pros: Quiet neighbourhood. Residential area with easy access by foot, bus or bicycle to downtown; regular transportation to the university and several shopping centres. - Cons: Old buildings, rather noisy neighbourhood with a lot of traffic. 18 Antiguo: This neighbourhood was the first human settlement in the city. Initially inhabited by workmen, it now serves residents and tourists. - Pros: The University is in this neighbourhood. This residential area is very close to the beach. Good connection to the city centre on foot or by bus. - Cons: A bit far from downtown, few parks and walking areas. Rather noisy neighbourhood with plenty of traffic. Añorga: Located on the outskirts of San Sebastian, it is one of the smallest neighbourhoods in the city. - Pros: Quiet, small and very green mountainous area. Connected to the city centre by bus or train; affordable housing. - Cons: A bit far from the University and downtown. This neighbourhood is near the national highway N-1, with traffic at all hours. Ategorrieta-Ulia: Born in the 60s with the first single-family and multifamily homes for wealthy people, it is one of the most eclectic neighbourhoods in the city. - Pros: Quiet neighbourhood. Stunning views of the city from almost any part of Ulia Mountain and Ategorrieta is very near Zurriola beach. It has good train and bus connections to various parts of the city. - Cons: This is a hilly area, so it can be difficult to take the pedestrian path from the city centre. It is on the opposite side of town from the university, though there is a direct connection by bus. Ayete - Aiete: A predominantly residential neighbourhood, making it a vast area that is less densely populated than other neighbourhoods. In recent years, new roads and houses have changed the surroundings of this neighbourhood quite a bit. - Pros: Quiet and extensive neighbourhood dominated by single family homes. A lot of vegetation due to the parks and gardens, including Ayete Park, with its famous Palace, and Arbaizenea park, with a palace belonging to an important family from Alba. - Cons: It’s difficult to access some areas of the city by public transport, and the neighbourhood is a little expensive. Centro: City Centre. Construction began in 1863. Its buildings are old but of good quality, built with stone and in the French style. A typical downtown area. - Pros: Downtown. Full of life, with shops and other establishments, including supermarkets. Close to beaches. Easy to get to the University by bike or bus. - Cons: Expensive, noisy neighbourhood, difficult for pedestrians and vehicles to move in, and parking is very difficult. Egia: One of the oldest neighbourhoods of San Sebastian, it has its own personality. - Pros: Quiet neighbourhood with young people and a beautiful park called Cristina Enea Park. Close to the city centre and the main train station. Plenty of neighbourhood life. - Cons: This is a hilly area with old buildings and is close to the city cemetery (in an area called Polloe). Gros: Its origin dates back to the nineteenth century when the sandy area was converted to land suitable for construction; the neighbourhood is named after one of the architects, Thomas Gros. - Pros: Young neighbourhood bordering Zurriola beach and close to downtown 19 - Cons: expensive area, few parks and walking areas. Rather noisy neighbourhood with lots of traffic. Ibaeta: It is one of the oldest neighbourhoods in San Sebastian. It’s a growing mixed-use area with residences, shops, and industrial and other companies. - Pros: Tecnun is located in this neighbourhood. The residential area is near Ondarreta beach. Good connections to the city centre by bicycle or bus. - Cons: A bit far from downtown, few parks and walking areas. Rather noisy neighbourhood with quite a lot of traffic coming from the motorway. Igeldo: One of the neighbourhoods that best preserves the character of rural settlement, although in recent decades numerous houses have been built. A number of restaurants and the camp site are in this area. - Pros: Green neighbourhood with an amusement park built in the early twentieth century. At the top of the hill you can find the most famous and complete view of the bay of San Sebastian. - Cons: Just outside the village but a regular bus connects it to the city centre. The neighbourhood is on the top of the mountain that has the same name. Intxaurrondo: Characterized by the presence of a young, middle-class people, it is divided into old and new (south and north) parts. Much of the population of San Sebastian is concentrated here. - Pros: Quiet neighbourhood, very green with good urban planning and a significant number of local shops and other commercial activity. It is quite cheap compared to other urban centres. - Cons: A bit far from downtown, and situated on a small hill; it used to belong to the municipality of Alza. Loyola: This small neighbourhood houses the military headquarters, and is in the process of urban change. - Pros: Good connections by car, train (Euskotren) or bicycle. A quiet neighbourhood located on the banks of the Urumea river, with affordable housing. - Cons: Far from the city centre. A new, planned neighbourhood, so much of the neighbourhood is still under construction. Martutene: The jail is located here. This neighbourhood is undergoing renovations and improvements, so it is under construction. It is characterized by working population and industrial areas. - Pros: Cheap area with a lot of green spaces. Good connections to the city centre by bus and bicycle. - Cons: Far from the city centre. A working-class neighbourhood, with homes generally of poor quality. Mirakruz-Bidebieta: This is one of the newest neighbourhoods of the city. It is undergoing various structural reforms to improve the quality of life and services. - Pros: Affordable housing and green areas. Direct access to the highway. Good connection to the centre by bus or train. - Cons: Area with some degree of social exclusion, poor housing quality, far from downtown and located on a mountain. Miramon-Zorroaga: Bordering the town of Hernani, in this neighbourhood you can find the San Sebastian Technology Park. 20 - Pros: New construction of single family homes and gardens. A very quiet neighbourhood with a small population. - Cons: Far from the city centre. It sits on top of a hill. Poor social life and quite a lot noise from vehicles. Amara Zaharra: This areas emerged in the late nineteenth century when the railway construction began. The residents of this neighbourhood are of a higher than average age. - Pros: Near the city centre, very good connections by foot, bike or bus. This neighbourhood has a great many services, including the city’s bus station. - Cons: Old buildings and rent is very high. Miraconcha: Built in the late nineteenth century, this is a luxury residential area along the Bay of La Concha. In this area is the Municipal Palace of Miramar, a former royal palace. - Pros: Occupied mostly by palaces surrounded by green spaces. High quality buildings formerly occupied by the noble classes. Close to downtown. - Cons: Very expensive. Parte Vieja: One of the oldest neighbourhoods in the city. The fishing port is here. From this area you have access to Urgull mountain. - Pros: The hub of the city’s social and cultural life is here. This central neighbourhood is fairly inexpensive and has very good connections by bus to other neighbourhoods. - Cons: Very old buildings and noisy streets. Closed to vehicular traffic. Riberas de Loyola: This is the newest neighbourhood in the city and is still under construction. - Pros: Young and pretty quiet neighbourhood with direct access to the highway. Affordable housing and good connections to downtown. Close to Maria Cristina Park. - Cons: A bit far to walk to downtown. A lot of traffic due to highway access. 21 SAN SEBASTIAN San Sebastián (also called Donostia in the Basque language), with a population of 180,000 inhabitants, is the cultural capital of the Spanish Basque Country. Donostia is located on the Cantabrian Coast some 20 kilometres from the French border and enjoys a mild mid-Atlantic climate. The city has greatly benefited from strict local government legislation which prohibits the establishment of industries or factories within city limits; hence, it is one of Europe’s cleanest cities, with low levels of urban pollution. Visitors from all around the world are astounded by the beauty of La Concha Bay, looking out onto the island of Santa Clara which sits in the middle of the bay. La Concha Bay is framed by the hill tops of Mount Urgull and Mount Igueldo, from which magnificent panoramic views of the entire Metropolitan Area can be enjoyed. San Sebastián is an exciting, energetic city that offers visitors an array of interesting and amazing sights to enjoy. The city also offers fine examples of beautiful Belle Époque architecture dating back to the reign of Queen Maria Cristina. She holidayed in San Sebastián during her reign and set a trend of holidaying in this beautiful city among the wealthy families of Europe. The trend has stood the test of time as each year San Sebastián plays hosts to some of Hollywood’s leading men and women and the crème de la crème of European society. Iconic buildings such as the Miramar Palace (former summer residence of the Queen), the neo-Gothic Buen Pastor Cathedral, the Basilica of Santa María del Coro (in the Baroque style) and the Victoria Eugenia Theatre are among some of the wonderful examples of period buildings to be enjoyed in San Sebastián. From a sporting perspective, the city has much to offer. National and international competitions (rugby, cycling, soccer, basketball) are frequently held in the Velodrome and at Anoeta stadium. And for those who enjoy horse racing, Lasarte offers a full racing card most weekends during the season. For students who enjoy the outdoors, many enjoy the Sierra de Aralara. This mountain range of great ecological value offers you the opportunity to view monuments dating from the Bronze Age and roads built by the Romans some two thousand years ago. This Sierra has many peaks which make it an excellent winter resort for hiking and cross-country skiing. San Sebastián is also within easy reach of the Pyrenees with its famous mountains, passes and ski resorts. San Sebastián has many mountaineering clubs, which promote the mountain-climbing tradition typical of the Basque Country. Various Basque expeditions have climbed the world’s highest peaks in recent years, including Mount Everest. Another Basque tradition is music. There are many choirs of international renown, the most prestigious being El Orfeón Donostiarra. 22 o How to get around San Sebastián BY BUS ( [English] or [Spanish]) There is an extensive and well-maintained local public transportation system in San Sebastián. A special bus pass (bono-bus) can be purchased at a reduced student price. For further information: BY CAR A variety of car hire operators are based in San Sebastián. Rates and conditions vary from company to company. In general they all require: - A driving licence. - An identity card for EU citizens or a passport for non-EU citizens. - A credit card. These are some of the local companies: ATESA Gregorio Ordoñez 10 Tel.:943.46.30.13 Avis (Saturdays open) Triunfo 2 Tel.: 943.46.15.27 Budget (Saturday open) Alcalde José Elosegui 112 Tel.: 943.39.29.45 Europcar Estación Renfe - Pº Francia s/n Tel.: 943.32.23.04 Hertz Centro Comercial Garbera. Travesia de Garbera, 1 Tel.: 943.39.22.23 ON BICYCLE Sixt Rent A Car (Saturdays open) Amezketa,4 Tel.: 943.44.43.29 San Sebastián supports this green form of transport, and cycle paths criss-cross the city. Some places to rent or buy a bicycle in San Sebastián: SHOP Cash converters (Bicycle and second hand items) Forum (all kind of sports) D Bizi Amara Bike Miner Address Telephone Secundino Esnaola, 27 943 275500 Centro Comercial Garbera Travesía Garbera, 1 943 394895 Ijentea, 1 943-481000 Plaza Estudios, 2 Bajo 943 457367 Ronda, 3 943 270447 23 BY TRAIN RENFE and EUSKOTREN are the rail operators in Guipúzcoa. For more information: BY TAXI Taxi Donosti: Telephone: 943 46 46 46 Web page: Vallina Teletaxi: Telephone: 943 40 40 40 Web page: o Interesting web pages • Living in San Sebastián: • Tourism Office: • • • • City Hall web page: About the Basque Country: [English] Cultural offerings in San Sebastián: San Sebastián International Film Festival: 24 HOW TO GET TO TECNUN Public Transport to TECNUN Public Transport to the Ibaeta campus • By bus (CTSS) From the city centre: 5 25 Benta Berri Benta Berri - Añorga From Gros: 24 Altza – Gros – Antiguo From Egia: 27 Altza – Intxaurrondo – Antiguo From Amara: 24 27 Altza – Gros – Antiguo Altza – Intxaurrondo - Antiguo 25 • By Euskotren (train): From the city centre (Plaza Easo, in Amara), take the Lasarte-Oria line, and get off at the Lugaritz stop. Timetable: Public Transport to Miramón campus • From the city centre (CTSS): 28 Amara – Ciudad Sanitaria (only some of the buses go to Miramón). • From Ibaeta (CTSS): 35 Antiguo – Hospitales • From the city centre G1: “San Sebastián – Hernani” (Lurraldebus) Departs from C/San Bartolomé, stops near “Inasmet”, and the building is 500 metres away. To return, catch the bus at the same place. Timetable to Miramón: from Monday through Saturday, the first bus is at 7:00, the second is at 7:30, and then every 15 minutes until 22:30. Timetable from Miramón: from Monday through Saturday, the first bus departs from Hernani at 6:30, the second at 7:00, and then every 15 minutes until 22:00. 26 27 TECNUN (Ibaeta) TECNUN (Miramón) C.M. AYETE ISSA ATTACHMENTS Map of Donostia–San Sebastián TECNUN Buildings Ibaeta Multiuso Building Main Building CEIT CIT Building Miramón 28 TECNUN’s Main Building (Ibaeta) 0 Floor: Entrance Lecture Room 2 Lecture Room 1 SEMINAR ROOM AULA DE GRADOS AUDITORIUM Administration Office PORTER DIRECTOR’s OFFICE -1 Floor: 1 Floor: International Relations Service 29 2 Floor: ‘C’ Computer Room Director of Studies Comunication and Press OFFICES I-24 to I-26 English Lab MASTER Lecture Room ‘A’ Computer Room OFFICES C-21 to C-22 ‘D’ Computer Room MAIN LIBRARY ‘B’ Computer Room CIT Building (Ibaeta) 0 Floor: Entrance OFFICES E-01 to E-03 -1 Floor: 30 IT SERVICE 1 Floor: 2 Floor: Multiuso Building (Ibaeta) OFFICES M-05 to M-08 0 Floor: Entrance OFFICES M-01 to M-04 1 Floor: 31 1 Entrance 32 MANUFACTURING AREA MANUFACTURING Lab. MECHANICAL WORKSHOP MANUFACTURING Lab. MATERIALS Lab. FLUID MECHANICS Lab. AUTOMOTIVE Lab. OFFICES M-09 to M-12 PNEUMATICS and OLEOHYDRAULICS Lab. -2 Floor: EXPERIMENTAL MECHANIC Lab. OFFICES M-13 to M-15 -1 Floor: MIRAMÓN Building Floor: 2 Floor: OFFICES 218, 219 and 220 SEMINAR ROOM OFFICES 214 and 215 RADIOCOMMUNICATION Lab. REST ROOM ELECTRONIC DESIGN Lab. 0 Floor: TECNUN access hours Main Building (Ibaeta) Monday to Friday: 7:45 h. to 21:00 h. Saturdays: 9:00 h. to 13:30 h. CIT Building (Ibaeta) Monday to Friday: 8:00 h. to 20:00 h. Multiuso Building (Ibaeta) Monday to Friday: 9:00 h. to 14:00 h. 15:00 h. to 20:00 h. Miramón Building Monday to Friday: 8:00 h. to 19:45 h. 33 Telephone numbers and useful addresses Tecnun Ibaeta: Paseo de Manuel Lardizabal, Nº 13 20018 (+34) 943 219877 Donostia - San Sebastián Fax:(+34) 943 311442 Miramón: Parque Tecnológico de San Sebastián Paseo Mikeletegi, Nº 48 20009, Donostia - San Sebastián (+34) 943 219877 Fax: (+34) 943 311442 Hospital: Nuestra Señora de Aranzazu 943 007 000 Pº del Doctor Beguiristain, 111 Donostia - San Sebastián Fire Department: 943 455 580 Calle Easo, 43 Donostia - San Sebastián Basque Police (ERTZAINTZA): 943 538 606 Calle Infanta Cristina, 28 Donostia -San Sebastián Tourism Center (C.A.T.): Reina Regente, 3 943 481166 Donostia - San Sebastián Fax: 943 481172 [email protected] Emergency: 112 (fire, accident, etc.) Ambulance DYA 944 101010 Red Cross 902 222 292 Fire Department 080 Basque Police (Ertzaintza) 112 Guardia civil 062 From Outside the Basque Country 34