Nonfiction Article-Magazine Format
Nonfiction Article-Magazine Format
By Iris Lee Life In the Iditarod March 20, 2014"eries/outdoor-adventure/athletes/ The-2014-Iditarod-Loren-Holmes- In the 2014 Iditarod, Aliy Zirkle arrives at Puntilla Lake at dawn. Much more than just a sled dog race IDITAROD ITEM #1 The breeds mostly used in the Iditarod are Siberian or Alaskan huskies, and also Alaskan malamutes, although other breeds are used. The listed types are all black or brown with white in color rather similar to an Oreo cookie, but Siberian huskies are considered purebred whereas Alaskan huskies are not. Siberian husky (right) and Alaskan husky (left) The musher seated at the front of the sled has a wild and intense look in his eyes as he grips the reins and yells commands at the dogs. The hounds respond, barking but focused, as they leap across the ice. Every minute of training, both man and dog, has led down to this very moment. The spectators lean forward, for the sled is getting rather close to the finish line... and the sled is swept into the journey's end! The crowd's noise is deafening. The musher has just won the most popular sporting event in Alaska and one of the hardest races on Earth- the Iditarod (eye-DID-er-rod) Trail Sled Dog Race. It's more than just a few mutts pulling sleds, as you will find out as you read on. http:// m/ huskyalaskansiberian.h tm Dallas Seavey is driving into the Rainy Pass checkpoint on Puntilla Lake in the 2014 Iditarod. Driver and Dog, United The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race is a race between teams of one musher (the person who drives the sled) and 12 to 16 dogs each. The dogs, any breed they might be (see Iditarod Item #1), pull the sled while the musher drives it, and follow the Iditarod Trail from start to finish. Time-wise, the Iditarod starts on the first Saturday in March every year. The Iditarod Trail's whereabouts are from Anchorage to Nome, Alaska. There is actually a northern and southern route of the Iditarod, the northern trail used on even years and the southern trail on odd years. The routes are both more than a thousand miles- 1150 miles, to be exact. Yet the mushers are still eager to participate and enjoy the treacherous but exciting path. athletes/The-2014-Iditarod-Loren-Holmes-Photography.html !1 March 20, 2014 IDITAROD RECORDS Old Times of ye Iditarod If the Iditarod Trail wasn't present back in 1925, many lives would have been lost. The Iditarod began as a mail and supply route for sled dogs. It became valuable when a deadly disease called diphtheria attacked Alaska in 1925. Some symptoms of diphtheria, for instance, are grayishwhite membrane-in comparison to the color of gray hair-that covers the throat and respiratory (breathing) difficulties. It can also cause foul breath and smell "sickly" sweet. Sometimes diphtheria can be fatal. The trail started being used to deliver medicine to Nome, Alaska; therefore, mushers and sled dogs became vital for transporting the remedy. Called the Father and the Mother of the Iditarod, Joe Redington Sr. and Dorothy Page organized the race because they wanted to preserve the trail that had been so important and had saved many lives when the sickness swept the state. The first Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race was in 1973. IDITAROD ITEM #2 MUSHER YEAR Dallas Seavey 2014 8 days, Fastest 13 hrs, winning 4 min, time 19 secs Lance Mackey 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 4 times Most consecu tive wins Rick Swenson 1977, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1991 5 times Most times won Libby Riddles 1985 18 First days, 2 woman min, 3 to win secs sports/10957953-95/iditarodsled-dog-race-gets-under-way-in- The word Iditarod means “clear water” or “distant place”. It is unclear which one it really is. alaska A Tremendous Task The dogs of Canadian musher Karen Ramstead are crossing the bridge to Goose Lake in the 2014 Iditarod. IDITAROD ITEM #3 http:// 2010/03/the-party-isofficially-over-allmushers-finished/ The Red Lantern RECORD RECORD The Red Lantern (on the left) is awarded to the last place musher because it is immensely difficult to complete the Iditarod, even if it's in last place. The Iditarod lives on. Today, lots of mushers and dogs come to compete and show who's best. Despite that they know the adventure about to be undertaken takes sheer pluck and ardor, they’re willing to run the race. Like said before, the Iditarod is much more than it seems. The teams dash across frozen rivers, bleak tundra, and towering mountains. It's even called the Last Great Race on Earth because of the challenge the teams take on! Even the Red Lantern winners (see Iditarod Item #3) have completed something that is grueling and difficult. The mushers need determination and bravery in order to compete in the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, and we can learn from these people to keep an open mind and try, even if it's the hardest thing you have !2 ever encountered. Credits to