a spiritual adventure peru 2016


a spiritual adventure peru 2016
A special invitation for a personal journey in a sacred and magical place
14 days / 13 nights
August 13-26, 2016
PERU 2016
Sacred Valley - Machu Picchu - Cusco
Experience body renewal, mind clarity, heart connection and soul expansion
• Connect with Nature and your own Self on a deeper level
• Participate in sacred ceremonies with Q’ero Shamans
• Receive 9 Munay-Ki rites and 3 Andean Karpays
• Get in tune with the daily energies and Tzolkin cycles
• Work with the Medicine Wheel and the 4 directions
• Learn ancient wisdom and Andean traditions
• Plant your seeds in the Sacred Valley
• Make a dreamcatcher, a sacred indigenous object
• Interact with the communities and visit local markets
• Relax and have fun while transforming on all levels!
Embark on a great Adventure
Awaken the Divine within
Expand your Consciousness
14 days / 13 nights
August 13-26, 2016
You will find in this document:
• Itineraryp.4-8
• Budget & Details
• Reservation & Payments
• Miscellaneousp.13
The group size is 10-13 people each; smaller groups may be arranged upon request
A pre-registration fee is necessary to secure your spot
Once you sign up, you will get a printable version of the itinerary with tips and recommendations
If you have any questions, please contact me at: [email protected]
Welcome to Peru!
Arrival in the morning to the colonial city of Cusco. Transfer from the airport
to Paz y Luz in Pisac on the sacred river Urubamba (Willka Mayu, Vilcanota).
Lunch and free time in the afternoon to relax and acclimate to the altitude.
At 4pm, we participate in an Andean ceremony called Despacho (offering to
Pachamama, Mother Earth and Apus, spirits of the mountains) and receive
the Ayni Karpay, a rite performed by a Q’ero shaman to bless our journey.
Fire ceremony at night.
Enjoying Pisac’s Market
After breakfast, we walk to the Pisac Market located in the main square.
This market is open every day and on Sundays farmers from neighboring
communities sell their fruits, vegetables and other regional organic products
to locals, providing a very unique experience. In the afternoon, we go back
to Paz y Luz to work with the Medicine Wheel and share a few activities to
consciously connect with the healing energies of this sacred place and our
personal intentions.
Visiting the Amaru Community
A beautiful day dedicated to learning and enjoying the customs and living
traditions of the Yachaqs at Amaru Community. Enjoy a loving reception
with a nice tea prepared with local aromatic plants. Phunkuy ritual with coca
leaves to thank Pachamama for her blessings and gifts. Interactive experience
with the community members around the Andean weaving process starting
with handpicking the plants from the mountain. Local lunch included. After
the activities, we return to Paz y Luz.
Aligning with the forces of Nature
The Sacred Temple and archeological site of Intihuatana is a place with
amazing energy located above Pisac. This day is dedicated to deepening our
connection with nature and clearing the path for magical experiences to
unfold. After a beautiful hike down the mountain we visit the Botanic Garden
Felipe Marin Moreno in Pisac to enjoy the colorful and aromatic flowers in a
serene environment that invites introspection. After the activities, we return
to Paz y Luz.
Planting our seeds at Maska Community
We experience a relaxing and beautiful day at Kausay Punku (‘A Door to Life’).
The Ccapa family welcomes our group and we share a meditation in their
sacred pyramid. We learn the ancient Inca ways of planting and harvesting.
We enjoy a wonderful lunch with corn, potatoes, rice and other organic
products cultivated in their own community. After lunch, we harvest potatoes
and plant corn and quinoa seeds. After the activities, we move to Urubamba.
Connecting with EARTH, our physical body
Giving our hucha (heavy energy) to Pachamama, asking her to help us
transform what we want to release. In the morning, we visit the temple of
Moray, agricultural experimental laboratory and womb of Pachamama to
connect with Mother Earth. We perform a Despacho (Andean offering) with a
Q’ero shaman and receive the Pampamesayoq rite in its traditional way. In the
afternoon, we visit Salineras Maras and its family owned salt ponds. After the
activities, we return to Amaru Valle.
Connecting with WATER, our emotional body
Flowing in our emotional world and regaining our wellbeing, inner peace and
harmony, we ask the water to help us wash away our worries and concerns. We
visit the sacred site of Unu Urco in Calca, a beautiful and ceremonial place
dedicated to the waters where we connect Hatun Sachamama, the Great
Serpent, guardian of wisdom and mother of the waters. After the activities
we return to Amaru Valle.
Connecting with AIR, our mental body
Connecting with the wisdom of our ancestors, recovering our mental clarity
and freedom to speak our truth, we ask the wind to blow away what is blocking
our personal growth so we can share our true message with the world. We
visit the temple of Pumamarca to consciously connect with Life and our own
breath, followed by a visit to Ollantaytambo, Temple of the Wind (Wayra) and
Temple of the Condor. After the activities, we return to Amaru Valle.
Connecting with FIRE, our spiritual body
Reconnecting with the Source of Life and our own light, we ask the Sun to
burn away what no longer serves us and help us awaken our inner flame
to shine our light into the world. We share a Despacho ceremony and receive
the Altomesayoq Karpay in its traditional form by the Q’ero shamans. This
day of integration is dedicated to open our hearts and shift our frequency to
feel one with the Web of Life. After the activities, we return to Amaru Valle.
Taking the train to Aguas Calientes
Getting ready for a very special visit to Machu Picchu on the next day, we
drive mid-morning to Ollantaytambo. After lunch in the main square, we walk
to the station and take an hour and a half train ride to Aguas Calientes or
Machu Picchu Pueblo. In the afternoon, there is an optional visit to the hot
springs or free time to enjoy the market and relax. We have an early dinner to
have time to rest and start fresh in the morning. Night in Hotel La Cabana.
Magical day in Machu Picchu
We take the bus before sunrise to receive the blessings of Tayta Inti, Father
Sun, in the Crystal City of Light, Machu Picchu. We dedicate the morning to
ceremonies of gratitude and spiritual connection in this magnificent citadel
and sanctuary. We continue with a beautiful walk to Inti Punku (Sun Gate)
and enjoy the amazing view of Machu Picchu and Wayna Picchu. Later in the
afternoon, we return to Aguas Calientes and take the train back to
Ollantaytambo and return to Amaru Valle.
Connecting with Cusco sacred sites
In the morning, we leave from Urubamba to Cusco and visit the Animal
Sanctuary of Ccochahuasi and Awana Kancha where we enjoy condors,
pumas, llamas, alpacas, vicuñas, and others. We continue on to Sacsayhuaman
(Temple of Lightning) and connect with our inner courage and strength to
create the life we want. In the afternoon, we have time to visit Cusco’s main
square, and have dinner in the city. Night in Hotel Siete Ventanas.
A day dedicated to the Colonial City of Cusco
In the morning, we walk around the city and visit the picturesque neighborhood of San Blas, Plaza de Armas, Plaza Regocijo and the central market of
San Pedro, among others. We have lunch at the main Handcrafts Market and
free time in the afternoon to continue exploring and shopping if you so desire.
Optional visit to museums, Cathedral of Cusco and Qoriqancha (Temple of
the Sun or Golden Temple). We celebrate our journey together with a special
dinner and traditional folklore show. Night in Hotel Siete Ventanas.
Transfer to Cusco Airport
And now… a beautiful journey is just about to begin!
Walking a path of
Yachay Wisdom
Munay Love
Llanqay Service
Ayni Reciprocity
• $2,333 pp (in US dollars)
Transfer from Cusco Airport to Paz y Luz, Pisac
Private transportation and professional local guide
Ceremonies, initiations and rites with Andean shamans
Activities and lunch in Amaru Community
Activities and lunch in Maska Community
Breakfast during the 14 days
Fruits, snacks and water bottles in rooms upon arrival
Dinner at Paz y Luz on the first night
Dinner at Amaru Valle on the fifth night
4 box lunches for days when connecting with the elements
4 nights stay in Pisac, Paz y Luz Healing Center
6 nights stay in Urubamba, Amaru Valle Hotel
1 night stay in Aguas Calientes, Hotel La Cabaña
2 nights stay in Cusco, Hotel Siete Ventanas
Entrance tickets to all sacred sites and historic centers in Sacred Valley and Cusco
Entrance ticket to Botanic Garden in Pisac
Entrance ticket to Machu Picchu
Train tickets to Machu Picchu, roundtrip (Inca Rail Executive)
Bus tickets Aguas Calientes/Machu Picchu, roundtrip
Farewell dinner and show in a traditional restaurant
Tzolkin and dreamcatcher materials
Transfer from hotel to Cusco Airport
Airport taxes
Lunches and dinners, unless indicated in the program
Alcoholic beverages
Extras and tips
Traveler’s Insurance (although not mandatory, it is highly recommended)
• Price is based on double occupancy (for a single room, add US$ 25 pp/night = US$325 in total)
• Unless you are traveling with a friend or your partner, shared rooms will be assigned in the order
the registrations are received. In case the final group is an odd number, the last person that signs
up may have to stay in a single room and therefore pay the add-on of US$325.
• If you need to arrive a day early due to flight connections, please let me know and I can help you to
reserve your room at Paz y Luz.
This proposal is designed for group sizes with a maximum of 13 people each in order to be able to share
an intimate and personal experience. A minimum of 10 people is required for the trip to be confirmed
at this price. In case there are less people, everbody that signed up will be contacted to see if there
is an interest to continue with the trip at a slightly higher price per person, which will be based on the
number of people registered at that time.
As many have shown interest in joining, I recommend proceeding with securing your spot asap as no
reservations will be accepted once the 13th reservation is received. If you cannot make it this time, I
look forward to sharing this magical experience with you on the next trip for the soul!
• The Pre-Registration Fee is required in order to confirm your reservation.
• You will be notified as soon as we receive the 10th reservation so you can pay the Deposit at any
time prior to or latest by the dates indicated below.
• The Balance can be paid at any time prior to or latest by the dates indicated below.
TRIP in 2016
August 13 - 26
Pre-registration Fee
of $333
As you sign up
for the trip
Deposit of $1,000
April 29, 2016
Balance of $1,000
June 9, 2016
If the minimum requirement of 10 people is not confirmed latest by April 29, 2016, the pre-registration
fee is fully refundable for all that have indicated not to be interested in joining a smaller group.
Once the trip is confirmed, pre-registration fee and deposit are non-refundable.
If for any reason you need to cancel the trip, the balance will be refundable as follows:
days prior to trip
• 61 days or more: 100%
• 31-60 days: 50%
• 30 days or less: non-refundable
• US Residents only:
Check, Money Order or cash
Bank transfer ($15 bank fee per transaction)
PayPal account or credit card (3% charge)
• Residents of other countries:
Bank transfer ($15 bank fee per transaction)
PayPal account or credit card (4% charge)
• Notes:
All payments to be made in US Dollars
Please advise your preferred method of payment and I will send you the details
I will send you a Registration Form with basic information that I need from you together with the
pre-registration fee. Once confirmed, you will receive a detailed document with tips and
recommendations for the trip.
To sign up, or if you have any questions and need additional information, please contact me by email:
[email protected] or by phone: +1 (832) 454-3113.
MayanKin and its associates highly recommend purchasing Travel Insurance in case you need to
cancel your trip or have any inconvenience while in Peru. You may want to check first with your health
insurance or credit card company to learn about your current international coverage. There are many
that offer this type of insurance. Check with your airline or visit specialized insurance companies like
www.travelexinsurance.com or www.allianztravelinsurance.com.
While we travel as a group and share a wonderful time together, the invitation for this trip is personal.
Everybody has their own paths, rhythms and intentions, so it is a priority to ensure each person feels
comfortable to experience the trip in his or her own way.
As we weave our Dreamcatchers throughout several days, we will have plenty of opportunities to
consciously connect with our personal intentions and what we are ready to heal, attract, transform
and manifest in our lives. And if you are just looking to come to Peru and have a great time as you
experience the local traditions, that’s perfect too!
Each morning we will share the energies of the Tzolkin, the Sacred Mayan Calendar in its modern
interpretation, as a way to get in tune with the cycle. All activities are simple, practical and experiential and require no previous knowledge.
Look forward to seeing you in Peru! In the meantime, I invite you to enjoy the photos on my website.
In Lak’esh & Munay
Ox Lamat - Ch’aska Ñawi